Tuesday, November 16, 2021

WHY JOE BIDEN'S ILLEGALS KEEP COMING - THE BILLION-DOLLAR PAYOUT TO DEM VOTING ILLEGALS - Joe Biden is on record that illegals are “already Americans,” and under Alejandro Mayorkas, the Biden Department of Homeland Security is effectively the Department of Human Trafficking.





Joe Biden is on record that illegals are “already Americans,” and under Alejandro Mayorkas, the Biden Department of Homeland Security is effectively the Department of Human Trafficking. John Fonte of the Hudson Institute makes a strong case that “operational control of the border is no longer in American hands,” and under the control of Mexican cartels. These are criminal organizations but behind the scenes, a more powerful dynamic is in play. Lloyd Billingsley

“Even if the immigration law is executed with perfection, there will be parents separated from their children.” That was Cecilia Muñoz, White House Director of Intergovernmental Affairs, in an October 18, 2011 interview with Gretchen Gavett of PBS. The problem, according to Muñoz, was “a broken system of laws, and the answer to that problem is reforming the law.” In the meantime, “even broken laws have to be enforced.” Therefore, parents who broke the law would be separated from their children. Lloyd Billingsley

"This is country belongs to Mexico" is said by the Mexican Militant. This is a common teaching that the U.S. is really AZTLAN, belonging to Mexicans, which is taught to Mexican kids in Arizona and California through a LA Raza educational program funded by American Tax Payers via President Obama, when he gave LA RAZA $800,000.00 in March of 2009!

With increasing homelessness, a soft approach to criminal prosecution, and the ongoing embracing of illegal immigration, violent crimes are increasing after having seen a reduction the past few years.” P.F. WHALEN

Undeterred, on September 2, state lawmakers sent a budget to Governor Newsom calling for $600 million in spending increases and a reduction in state revenue with the extension of earned income tax credits for immigrants and illegal aliens.  Balance sheet be damned, California must cater to illegal aliens. P.F. WHALEN

"The American Southwest seems to be slowly returning to the jurisdiction of Mexico without firing a single shot."  --- Excelsior, the national newspaper of Mexico

“The radicals seek nothing less than secession from the United States whether to form their own sovereign state or to reunify with Mexico. Those who desire reunification with Mexico are irredentists who seek to reclaim Mexico's "lost" territories in the American Southwest.” Maria Hsia Chang Professor of Political Science, University of Nevada Reno


Biden's Billion-Dollar Payout to Illegals

Americans come last.



“Even if the immigration law is executed with perfection, there will be parents separated from their children.” That was Cecilia Muñoz, White House Director of Intergovernmental Affairs, in an October 18, 2011 interview with Gretchen Gavett of PBS. The problem, according to Muñoz, was “a broken system of laws, and the answer to that problem is reforming the law.” In the meantime, “even broken laws have to be enforced.” Therefore, parents who broke the law would be separated from their children.

As Muñoz confirmed, agents of the federal government were separating parents from their families long before the people elected Donald Trump president of the United States, but there’s more to it. As Muñoz explained, reentering the USA after deportation is a felony, and it is customary to separate convicted felons from their children. For example, when Illinois governor Rod Blagoyevich broke the law and went to prison, his children Amy and Anne didn’t go to prison with him.

Joe Biden is calling “garbage” the Wall Street Journal report that his DOJ wants to pay $450,000 to every illegal separated from their family under the Trump administration. Back in 2011, under the composite character David Garrow described in Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama, a different sort of payout was going on.

Before her White House gig, Cecilia Muñoz was vice president of the National Council of La Raza. Two of her La Raza colleagues, Juan Sanchez and Anselmo Villareal, established Southwest Key, a charitable organization with a difference. Under Obama, Southwest Key took in roughly $1 billion in federal contracts, including some $500 million for housing illegal immigrant children.

According to CNN, Juan Sanchez was bagging $1.47 million a year, “which makes him one of the highest paid charity CEOs in the country.” Southwest Key housed males ages 10-17 at a massive former Walmart in Brownsville, Texas, and also housed illegals in Arizona and California. In 2018, KXAN of Austin reported that Southwest Key had received $995 million in federal funds since 2015. For the NCLR comrades of Cecilia Muñoz, housing illegals separated from their families is a lucrative trade. Under the Biden Junta, the big money is all in transport.

Joe Biden is on record that illegals are “already Americans,” and under Alejandro Mayorkas, the Biden Department of Homeland Security is effectively the Department of Human Trafficking. John Fonte of the Hudson Institute makes a strong case that “operational control of the border is no longer in American hands,” and under the control of Mexican cartels. These are criminal organizations but behind the scenes, a more powerful dynamic is in play.

The National Council of La Raza got its name from La Raza Cósmica (The Cosmic Race), by Mexican education minister and presidential candidate Jose Vasconcelos. During World War II, Vasconcelos served as a Nazi propagandist, editor of the pro-Axis Timon magazine. As Vasconcelos, prophecied, the Ibero-American race is destined to replace all others.

Slated to fade away is the Black race, “eager for sensual joy, intoxicated with dances and unbridled lust.” Indians are an “inferior species” and the “Mongol” with his slanted eyes, “lacks the necessary boldness for new enterprises.” These too will pass away, along with the yankee “Anglos.” As the cosmic racist explains, the descendants of the English, Dutch and Scandinavians are “slow, almost dull, compared with the mestizo children from the south.” And so on.

As Mexican-American Communist Bert Corona recognized, this was the same brand of superior race theory supported by Hitler. Even so, in 1979, the Chicano Studies department at Cal State Los Angeles republished La Raza Cósmica, the core curriculum of Chicano Studies, now folded into “ethnic studies” for K-12 and a prime exhibit of institutional racism. In 2017, the National Council of La Raza conveniently changed its name to UnidosUS, but under Joe Biden the razaistas are now in full triumphal mode.

The Biden Junta has effectively eliminated the border and the massive caravans are marching north. Mayorkas tells Congress the border is “closed,” as he works three shifts to bring in illegals and ship them around the country. Here the Biden Junta has an example to follow.

During the Nazi-Soviet pact of 1939-1941, Stalin invaded the Baltic states and moved in Russian nationals to help lock down the conquest. In similar style, the razaistas believe they have won and are moving in their people, with full collaboration from the Biden Junta.

According to The Wall Street Journal, the $450,000 payments to illegals are “per person,” close to $1 million per family, and the total payout could amount to $1 billion. Under this boondoggle, violators of U.S. immigration law could receive more than families of Americans killed in action with the U.S. military.

A ballpark figure for the amount given to legal immigrants is zero. Razaista rule is “America last” on full display.

Democrats bet the future of their party on his assurances...and now he tells them they've blown it

By Thomas Lifson

There is a good argument to be made that the most influential figure in the Democrat party for the last three decades is political scientist named Ruy Teixeira.  Teixeira co-authored a 2002 book, The Emerging Democrat Majority, that told Democrats that the demographic rise of Hispanics and the decline of whites (as if many Hispanics were not Caucasian) all but guaranteed one-party power.  Because his co-author was a DAWM — a Dreaded Anglo White Male, Teixeira got most of the attention and power out of the prognostication, because, after all, white males are out of favor with the Dems.

More than anything else, this dream of political power on the backs of Hispanic immigrants — and illegal aliens — is responsible for the open borders that characterize this country right now, and whenever a Democrat is in the White House.

But it turns out — much to the shock and dismay of Democrats — that people who speak Spanish have brains that function, and human agency — the ability to make up their own minds and act on the basis of conclusions they reach.  This sort of behavior may be frowned on by the Democrats, whose party chief after all declared, "You ain't black" if you don't vote for him.  But it turns out that Hispanics refuse to fall in line with Democrats' prescription of mindlessness.

Fuzzy Slippers of Legal Insurrection draws our attention to Teixeira's warning to the Dems that Hispanics are not behaving as he predicted, and as his party bet they would:

Ruy Teixeira, the political scientist behind the much-lauded (and much-maligned) leftist mantra that "demographics is destiny," has some bad news for today's Democrats: not only do they still need white, particularly working class, voters, but their radical leftist socio-cultural and economic agenda is turning off too many Latino and Hispanic voters for their 'demographic destiny' to manifest. (snip)

Teixeira has watched it all, and he's been watching voting trends among the demographics the Democrats believe they own (after all, if you don't vote for Biden, you ain't black, right?). This casual racism is one of the problems that Teixeira is now pointing out as problematic for the Democrat party and its (dashed) dream of an emerging demographic-based Democratic majority.

Teixeira writes at his substack:

The latest data release from the 2020 Census, which will be used to guide decennial redistricting, has been greeted rather breathlessly by the nation's media and has been absolute catnip for commentators and observers who lean toward the Democrats. Consider some of these headlines:

"America's White Population Shrank for the First Time";

"Vast Stretches of America Are Shrinking. Almost All of Them Voted for Trump".

"Census release shows America is more diverse and more multiracial than ever"

None of this is necessarily wrong, though it's worth noting that these findings are consistent with trends of long-standing rather than something qualitatively new. What is questionable however is the political gloss that tends to put on these results. Leftist filmmaker Michael Moore called the announcement "the best day ever in US history", which, while over the top, fairly represents the delight among most progressives that a presumably conservative white population is in precipitous decline while a presumably liberal nonwhite population keeps growing, the harbinger of a diverse, progressive future America. (snip)

As the Census documents, the biggest single driver of the increased nonwhite population is the growth of the Hispanic population. They are by far the largest group within the Census-designated nonwhite population (19 percent vs. 12 percent for blacks). While their representation among voters considerably lags their representation in the overall population, it is fair to say that voting trends among this group will decisively shape voting trends among nonwhites in the future since their share of voters will continue to increase while black voter share is expected to remain roughly constant.

And these Hispanic voting trends have not been favorable for the Democrats. According to Catalist, in 2020 Latinos had an amazingly large 16 point margin shift toward Trump. Among Latinos, Cubans did have the largest shifts toward Trump (26 points), but those of Mexican origin also had a 12 point shift and even Puerto Ricans moved toward Trump by 18 points. Moreover, Latino shifts toward Trump were widely dispersed geographically. Hispanic shifts toward Trump were not confined to Florida (28 points) and Texas (18 points) but also included states like Nevada (16 points), Pennsylvania (12 points), Arizona (10 points) and Georgia (8 points).

These reduced margins are why, despite Hispanics' increased vote share in 2020, their contribution to Democrats' improved national margin in this election was actually negative — that is, they made a negative one point contribution to Biden's vote margin relative to Clinton's in 2016. The same pattern can be seen in key swing states.

The real, underlying problem is that people who speak Spanish as their native language want the opportunities for personal advancement that hard work and persistence bring in a free society.  Moreover, just like Italian immigrants of a century or more ago, who were regarded as "nonwhite" and perpetual Democrats, Hispanic people rise in status and accomplishment after immigrating.  Even worse (from the Democrats' standpoint), they tend to be socially conservative, value family, and do not want to be addressed as "Latinx."  They, in fact, resent many of the demands of P.C. culture.

Today, Hispanic voters in California are believed to hold the key to the future of Governor Gavin Newsom, who faces a recall election.  His lockdowns did not hurt people who work from home via computer, but they did hurt people who work with their hands, in many cases.  The social agenda of the California Democrats, with transgender concerns high on the list, does not hold a lot of appeal, either.

Donald Trump did a tremendous job making inroads on the Hispanic vote (the black vote as well, albeit less so).  Now that the author of the strategy is alerting Dems of their folly, will they retreat?

Not bloody likely.  They're not going to close the border.  They are not going to tell AOC to sit down and shut up.  Too many people have an interest in keeping on keeping on with the Hispanic strategy.

The GOP needs to press home the Democrats' extreme social agenda, their commitment to lockdowns, and their elitism, especially the default of letting radical teachers' unions convert schools into indoctrination centers.

As for Teixeira, he could take his motto from Animal House:





are by Mex gangs, and 93% of murders in La Raza-Occupied Los Angeles are by






“In Mexico, a recent Zogby poll declared that the vast majority of Mexican citizens hate Americans. [22.2] Mexico is a country saturated with racism, yet in denial, having never endured the social development of a Civil Rights movement like in the US--Blacks are harshly treated while foreign Whites are often seen as the enemy. [22.3] In fact, racism as workplace discrimination can be seen across the US anywhere the illegal alien Latino works--the vast majority of the workforce is usually strictly Latino, excluding Blacks, Whites, Asians, and others.”


Previous generations of immigrants did not believe they were racially superior to Americans. That is the view of La Raza Cosmica, by Jose Vasconcelos, Mexico’s former education minister and a presidential candidate. According to this book, republished in 1979 by the Department of Chicano Studies at Cal State LA, students of Scandinavian, Dutch and English background are dullards, blacks are ugly and inferior, and those “Mongols” with the slanted eyes lack enterprise. The superior new “cosmic” race of Spaniards and Indians is replacing them, and all Yankee “Anglos.” LLOYD BILLINGSLEY/ FRONTPAGE mag


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