Sunday, January 30, 2022



How Obama SCAMMED Us

A Black Female SCOTUS Judge Won’t Do a Darn Thing to Help Blacks

When Joe Biden’s earpiece expresses, through his mouth, its firm intention to nominate a black female Supreme Court candidate, critics will say that race and sex shouldn’t matter in such things. Well, don’t worry — they won’t.

Whoever Justice X ends up being, she’ll almost assuredly vote in lockstep with white Elena Kagan and Hispanic Sonya Sotomayor. She’ll almost definitely vote just the way white ACLU baby Ruth Bader Ginsburg did. This just underlines, too, how superficially made any “diversity” choice would be.

Biden’s earpiece’s SCOTUS pick could be a white man. He could be Asian-descent. The nominee could be purple with pink polka dots, a “transgender” primordial dwarf, an acromegaly sufferer with a watermelon-size head or an extraterrestrial who looks like Alf. It wouldn’t matter. He, she, ze ,or 'it' would vote as today’s Democrat picks generally do: as a rubber stamp for the leftist agenda.

It’s much as with Invasion of the Body Snatchers: Leftist judges look different — they reflect the “Rainbow Coalition” as Jesse Jackson might say. But they all act as members of a hive mind, and their “opinions” are mere rationalizations designed to justify the collective’s will.

This is why it’s so funny when commentators, black female ones included, of course, proclaim that with a black female SCOTUS justice black women’s interests “will finally be represented.” Funnier still is that some thus opining actually believe it.

It has been said and is true that while black Americans largely support Democrats, they hold many “conservative” positions. For example, California’s Proposition 8, which sought to define marriage as what it is (the union of a man and woman), wouldn’t have passed in 2008 if blacks had voted as other groups did. But while 51 percent of Golden State whites opposed the measure, 70 percent of blacks supported it.

(This didn’t escape leftist sexual devolutionary activists’ notice, as some at the time threw hissy fits that included the n-word. Because, of course, liberals are never, ever “racist” except when they want to be.)

What’s more, a December Rasmussen poll found that black Americans reject the MUSS (Made-up Sexual Status, a.k.a. “transgender”) claim that there are more than two sexes by a 10 to 1 margin. Most blacks also don’t consider prenatal infanticide morally acceptable (though the margin on this issue is quite slim).

If you think Biden’s earpiece will choose a black female SCOTUS candidate reflecting these views, well, then I have some stock in Kamala Harris’s political future to sell you. Instead, Justice X will represent what all left-wing jurists do: the primarily (though not completely) white pseudo-elite. She’ll dish their swill and vote their will.

In fact, the SCOTUS pick will just be another example of a rather disgusting phenomenon. As race-obsessed black leftist Pascal Robert himself recently lamented, all the equity talk and consequent policies merely “serve the class interests of a narrow section of the Black elite, a fact that is obscured through talk of a shared Black political agenda and a race-first political posture.”

“A typical example is a discussion sponsored by the African-American Alumni Association of the Harvard Business School called ‘Bridging the Racial Wealth Gap by Serving on Federal Reserve Boards,’” Robert later writes. “How a program targeting Black Harvard Business School graduates is going to change the lives of poor and working-class Black Americans is not entirely obvious.”

It won’t, of course, not any more than will further elevating an already privileged black female jurist (who almost assuredly benefied from affirmative action to begin with). It’s all a con. Justice X sure will help fellow liberal pseudo-elites, though: Her selection is meant to placate the Democrats’ most loyal constituency, black women, and ensure they continue to help empower today’s political plantation owners.

Some may now say that Justice X will be a Role Model™. That’s a laugh. Prominent black Americans have long been plentiful and highly visible; we have black entrepreneurs, politicians, athletes, entertainers, billionaires, scientists, doctors, lawyers, judges, professors, journalists, intellectuals (and pseudo-intellectuals), diplomats, generals, a (billed as) black vice president and even have had a (billed as) black commander in chief.

The problem isn’t a dearth of role models that black kids can see across the room on TV, but a lack of role models across the kitchen table. That is, approximately 73 percent of black children are born out of wedlock, and almost 58 percent live without their biological fathers according to the Census Bureau.

In fact, examining social indicators — crime rates, drug use, teen pregnancy, joblessness, etc. — informs that American blacks were faring better culturally and socially back when they had few prominent role models. This isn’t to say this correlation implies causation (it doesn’t), but that elevating one more black, pseudo-elite role model is only going to improve one black family’s prospects: his own.

In reality, any Biden earpiece pick would be the worst of role models because he’d be a “living document” judge; meaning, someone who tramples the Constitution and thus violates his oath. And undermining the very legal foundation of our republic harms all Americans, no matter their color.

Oh, this doesn’t mean Justice X wouldn’t have her pluses. Sure, she’d almost certainly not reflect black women’s views, not help blacks or anyone else, not be a good role model, and not abide by the Constitution. But consider other quota-filling figures. There’s Sotomayor, who called herself an “affirmative action baby” and proved it recently by claiming there were 100,000 American children hospitalized due to COVID (in reality, only about 3,700 were hospitalized with the disease and precious few because of it).

Then there was Bill Clinton’s first surgeon general, Joycelyn Elders, who specialized in saying stupid things stupidly and was possibly American history’s most buffoonish public official. If this affirmative-action-appointee track record is any guide, Justice X could provide substantial comic relief.

All this said, there is a tiny, ever-so-slight, outside chance that Justice X could break the Democrat nominee mold. What if she, having reached the pinnacle of her field and thus freed from career concerns, and perhaps enduring a nagging conscience and recollecting grandma’s moral instruction, bucks the wokesters on matters such as the MUSS agenda and prenatal infanticide? This isn’t to say she could be a Clarence Thomas (by far the best SCOTUS justice of the last many decades). But what if she becomes a swing vote, the Left’s John Roberts?

Some basic profiling informs that if any Democrat nominee would thus surprise, it would be a member of the group that voted 70 percent yea on Proposition 8 and, though supporting the men-in-dresses party, knows there are only two sexes. And then Justice X actually would, at least a bit, be helping black women.

I know, I dream. The Democrats don’t tolerate ideological diversity in candidates, and the left-wing spirit of the age militates against insanity-to-sanity, pseudo-elite transition. But, boy, it sure would be a real kick in the earpiece, wouldn’t it?

Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on MeWe or Parler, or log on to

Biden's SC Nomination Reveals Democrat Contempt for Black Americans

If anyone doubted the contempt White Democrats, Black Democrats, and the mainstream media hold for Black Americans, I would refer you to President Bidens’ announcement regarding his Supreme Court nominee and their giddy reaction.

Every president before Biden had proudly professed that each of their nominees for the Court was the most qualified jurist available in America.  With his declaration that his next nominee to the Supreme Court will be a Black woman chosen because of her race and gender, not her qualifications, President Joe Biden reinforced a 220-year Democrat Party message to everyone in the world: Do not be confused -- Black people remain inferior. They cannot achieve because of merit. I, your benevolent master, gave this to you. Black people, I don’t owe you a damn thing. You owe me.

As expected, instead of confronting Biden for tainting what should be a historic occasion with racism, paternalism, and disrespect toward a Black woman who obviously deserves respect, the mainstream media verified their complicity in this plantation line of thinking by celebrating the process.

To say, “I am going to nominate the most qualified candidate was too easy.” Even if it was propaganda. Proclaiming that a Black woman had “earned” this nomination would have made this a truly joyous occasion. But no. The President had to make a point. Joe Biden is an almost eighty-year-old politician from a slaveholding state. This was old plantation White master talk.  He had to let it be known that, in his opinion, no Black woman would ever be qualified for this position.  

Also, there is a danger in Democrats allowing it to be perceived that any Black person could “earn” a position on the Supreme Court.  This danger was compounded by making the nominee a Black woman. There could be unintended consequences. Black Americans might see the truth and start to believe that America had finally transcended into a post-racial society where one can succeed based on merit instead of Democrat Party handouts and cronyism.  This line of thinking is contrary to everything the Democrat Party believes. This type of arrogance and rebellion cannot be allowed among Blacks. At all costs, Democrats must retain Black subservience. Blacks must understand that this nomination cannot be merit-based. Sadly, Biden believes this.  Why does he believe it?  The Black Democrats told him so.

Because the Black Caucus believes to the core of its marrow in the lie of Black inferiority, they see everything through the prism of race.  Stressing the condition of their constituents in the Black community as evidence, it is easy to conclude none of their careers have flourished through merit.  Like the old plantation slave, they owe everything they have to the benevolence of their White masters in the Democrat Party and sadly believe that no other path is possible. Their constant justification of affirmative action, quotas, and set-asides confirm their unwavering belief in the twin lies of Black inferiority and White Supremacy. 

Since the 1800s, it has been understood if the Democrats have any hope of maintaining power in the United States, this condescending line of thinking must be reinforced in the Black community.  The Black community must be made to believe that they can have nothing, achieve nothing, and do nothing without the grace and mercy of the White Democrat demi-gods. Because of this plantation mentality, Black Americans who are unfortunate enough to fall under the control of the Democrat Party remain at the bottom of every socioeconomic statistic in the western world.  Only the dregs at the bottom of the Black community, chosen by White Democrats to control the ghettos for them, have a chance at advancement.

It is a sad fact that for Black people to believe in White supremacy, they must also believe in Black inferiority. Biden’s insult is the true celebration of that relic from slavery; the artificial Democrat Party construct of “White Supremacy.”  Why do I call it an artificial construct?  Because as a Black American heir of Jesus Christ, it is impossible for me to be a victim, and no White man or any man can be superior to me. If a superior man does exist, please bring him to me, and we will put that theory to the test. Like leprechauns and ghosts, White Supremacy only exists in the minds of people that believe in it.  Sadly, most Democrats believe in this fairy tale.  To me, it as silly as saying the Sun rises in the West.

I believe in brotherhood and fraternity, not the Democrat Party and a Communist concept of equality.  I do not seek to be equal to anyone.  To seek equality, I must compare myself to and compete with others.  This exercise is futile and only exacerbates the Democrat Party practice of envy, jealousy, and hatred.  I only compete with myself, never my fellow man. As Ernest Hemingway wrote, “There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.”

Because all these Black Democrats were not chosen on merit, none of the thousands of Black Democrat elected officials feel insulted or slighted at President Bidens plantation master talk toward them and the Black community.  They are confused when others are insulted.  They are not embarrassed that the president of the United States intentionally said to the world that he could not find one Black woman worthy of the Supreme Court based solely on merit. Black Democrats would have been upset had he said otherwise.  To keep the Blacks from getting too uppity, it had to be acknowledged that this great office had to be “given” to her as an example of Biden’s grace and benevolence.  Like children acknowledging the master’s supreme power and their inferiority, the self-proclaimed unworthy Black Democrat celebrates.

This is not new for Biden.   Kamala Harris was nominated as Vice-President only after one hundred inferior-minded Democrat Black men threatened Biden with  loss of support if he did not choose a Black woman.  The result has been catastrophic.  For every other position, it was acknowledged that the person was nominated because of their qualifications, but like the salvation of Christ, it must be known and acknowledged the choice of the Black woman was the result of Biden’s unearned favor and grace, not merit.

Democrats don’t “give” these nominations to many Black people.  After the nomination of Thurgood Marshall in 1967 by Democrat President Lyndon Johnson, it took fifty-five years for that stalwart supporter of Black Americans to nominate its second Black Supreme Court justice.  And they did it with an insult.  This isn’t new.  Democrats insult the Black community daily. Centuries ago, Democrats created this dysfunctional part of the Black community to satisfy only their needs. Biden is carrying on the tradition. Democrats will continue until Black Americans demand that they stop.

Presidential biographer Doris Kearns Goodwin quoted Air Force One steward Robert MacMillan on Democrat President Lyndon B. Johnson’s attitude toward Black Americans.  While explaining his support for the 1964 Civil Rights Act to a group of prominent Democrats, Macmillan heard him say:

“These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days… Now we’ve got to do something about this; we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference… I’ll have then ni@#ers voting Democrat for the next two hundred years.”

Like LBJ, we are required to remember the little something Biden “gave” to Black Americans to quiet them down and keep them voting Democrat for the next two hundred years. Because, according to President Biden, Black Americans have never “earned” anything, it seems, except his contempt.

Image: Todd Martin

Biden Filibustered a Black Woman Judge’s Nomination for Two Years

President Joe Biden speaks during a meeting with private sector CEOs about the economy in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington, Wednesday, Jan. 26, 2022. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)
AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

President Joe Biden has pledged to nominate the first black woman to the Supreme Court, but he seems to have forgotten about the time he filibustered a black woman judge’s nomination to America’s second-highest court for two years.

Way back in 2003 through 2005, when Joe Biden was still a Democrat senator from Delaware, President George W. Bush nominated Janice Rogers Brown to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, but due to her conservative views, Joe Biden and the Democrats filibustered her nomination, blocking a final vote on her confirmation. Bush nominated Brown for the District of Columbia Circuit in 2003 after she served as a justice on the California Supreme Court since 1996; she did not get confirmed until June 8, 2005. Newsweek provided more background on her conservative legal views:

Brown was born to Alabama sharecroppers and grew up in the segregated South. During her college years, Brown was a single mother with views so left-wing that she later said they were almost Maoist.

Her views grew decidedly more conservative over the years, and she has defended using electric stun guns on criminals who act inappropriately in courtrooms. Brown also wrote opinions that opposed affirmative action and supported a state law that required girls younger than 18 to notify their parents before getting an abortion.

Janice Rogers Brown was reportedly considered as the possible replacement for Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, but that ultimately went to Samuel Alito. Beyond Joe Biden, her nomination to the circuit court was also opposed by then-Sen. Barack Obama, who said her political views bar her from being an independent jurist.

“Unfortunately, as has been stated repeatedly on this floor, in almost every legal decision that she has made and every political speech that she has given, Justice Brown has shown she is not simply a judge with very strong political views, she is a political activist who happens to be a judge,” Obama said in 2005.

Brown retired from her position on the circuit court in 2017.

Conservatives have since pointed out the hypocrisy of President Biden pledging to nominate a black woman to the Supreme Court after working so hard to oppose Brown.

“He voted three times against confirming her just to be a U.S. circuit judge. I mean, this wasn’t even to the Supreme Court. So, race and gender, they only count if you’re thought to be a committed judicial activist, judicial leftist,” Fox News host Laura Ingraham said last Wednesday.

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