Tuesday, January 11, 2022


any black rappers not yet murdered by black apes?


Second BLACK suspect indicted in murder of Memphis rapper Young Dolph




BLACK Suspects wanted in Young Dolph murder captured




4 BLACKS nabbed in shooting after 16-year-old boy found with head wound in Rocky Mount, police say



MPD: Burger King BLACK robbery / MURDER suspect arrested | FOX6 News Milwaukee





BLACK Woman wanted in deadly Oak Court mall shooting






Memphis BLACK man charged with 33 counts of attempted murder






No bond for BLACK Florida couple accused of fatally shooting 89-year-old woman





Illinois cop pleaded for her life before BLACK suspect fatally shot her with her own gun: prosecutors





BLACK Man suspected of shooting Bradley officers appears in court





Guilt By Accusation

How Democrats use the tactics of Stalin’s prosecutors.

March 5, 2020 

Bruce Hendry


Editors' note: Below is Part 3 of a new essay written by Bruce Hendry: Democrats, Progressives and Socialists. Stay tuned for the ensuing chapters. [See links to previous chapters below this article].



Police: South Florida BLACK Couple Kidnap, Torture Man For Three Days




Prosecutors: Tampa man driven by jealous rage to murder ex-girlfriend


No wonder, according to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Statistics report, African American men between the ages of 19-35 who constitute 1.3% of the US population committed 50% of the violent crimes in 2015.  Juveniles, ages 13-18 are not included in these figures, so the actual exact number, which I don’t have, is probably worse. 

These facts are easily verified on the FBI’s Uniform Crime statistics, which breaks out violent crime by race.  Because of the pc censorship one cannot refer to these realities without being blasted as a racist and excluded from the discussion about race and racial equality. 

The “race card” is regularly deployed by Democrats and their supporters to silence their opposition. Whites are accused of being “racist” and yet 97% of African-Americans will vote for a black person like Obama who had virtually no credentials for any job, much less President of the United States. Can you imagine a white man, the same age, with exactly the same credentials and work experience being elected President of the United States? Of course not. Who then is actually racist? 

I don’t think most white Americans are racist in terms of judging a person based on the color of their skin. I do think white Americans judge the black community, as a whole, based on their dysfunctional culture of violence, being on welfare and having the majority of their children out of wedlock. This, of course, produces dysfunctional children who create many of our social and criminal problems. It’s not about the color of a persons skin. It’s about culture.  Inner city black culture is different from the middle class culture of whites, Asians and other minorities, and while political correctness enforces silence on these issues, most people are aware of them.

The politically correct claim that women earn less money than men for the same work and skill sets. One can’t say that pay for women is lower than men’s pay for a reason, which is that women get pregnant, raise children and seek jobs with more flex time for less pay. Because of the training needed for most executive level jobs, women have less long term potential for a firm than an equally qualified male. When experience and the time at the job are factored in, women actually make slightly more than men.

If one dares to mention these facts, he (or she) will be labeled a sexist. Consequently, no discussion occurs on this subject and so the fiction that there is a grave social injustice being perpetrated on women can become a centerpiece of the Democrat Party’s platform. 

If it was true that women make less than men for the same job, then a profit minded manager would fire all of the men and replace them with lower cost women. That doesn’t happen, of course, because it isn’t true.

Hate Speech. Progressives have invented a new category of speech which they call “hate speech,” which they say falls outside of the protection of the First Amendment. Of course, they get to decide what “hate speech” is. Google and Facebook have taken it upon themselves to remove “hate speech” from their services, which in many cases is just mainstream conservative thought based on the facts just discussed, which are politically incorrect. This illustrates the problem of controlling “hate speech,” as it gives the persons or groups the authority to shut down ideas that they don’t like, and hide facts that are inconvenient.

The Amerian Civil Liberties Union used to be a protector of free speech, no matter how abhorrent it was to the listener, but recently two hundred ACLU employees signed a letter complaining that the group’s “broader mission” was being undermined by a “rigid stance” on free speech. Even Alan Dershowitz, the former President of the ACLU, has come to the conclusion that the ACLU has dropped their free speech mandate in order to assist Democrats.

Democrats represent the groups that benefit financially from the government. Raising taxes is a good thing for them as it gives them the ability to buy more votes. Raising taxes at the State level to a point that taxpayers leave the State in order to escape those taxes would seem like a bad bargain for that state, and indeed it is, but it also gets rid of those citizens that have the financial ability to oppose Democrats. 

This kind of tax policy is bad for the State. It’s bad for those who feel they have to leave the State, and it’s bad for those who stay because they lose good citizens and they lose the taxes they used to pay. But it’s politically good for for Democrats. It’s the ultimate censorship: getting rid of those that would vote against you. Remember, for the progressive left it isn’t about helping people; it’s about using people to get what you really want: power. Throughout history, from Alexander the Great until today, it’s about power.

Without freedom of speech, we are not free. Lots of places have market economies and democratic forms of government. Only the United States has the guarantee of free expression. It’s what sets America apart. Freedom of speech doesn’t exist for the sake of those in power, it exists to safeguard the rights of the unpopular and those out of step. There is nothing more infuriating to a ruling class than contrary opinions. But free speech becomes a meaningless concept in a world where there is only one permissible set of political views, as in our colleges and – increasingly – K-12 schools. 

Anyone  brave enough to challenge the core beliefs of the Left with facts logic or common sense is met with personal attacks on them and their family. Both Maxine Waters, a prominent Democrat and Hillary Clinton are advising Democrats to “ get into the face of Republicans, follow them into restaurants, theaters and their places of business and harass them”. Hillary says that we can’t respect Republicans because of their wicked philosophy.

Mis-led by such leaders, many Americans under the age of thirty don’t believe in unfettered free speech. According to a recent Pew survey, 40% of millennials think the government should have the power to ban statements that might be offensive to minority groups. This is an ominous sign for America’s future.

Bruce Hendry is a retired businessman who began from humble origins to become a highly successful investor and captain of industry. He embodies the American dream having earned his way to becoming the president and chairman of the Erie Lackawanna Railroad and Kaiser Steel. He is one of the leaders of the economic revolution that has made America the envy of the world, and also the target of resentful and spiteful leftists who want to destroy it.




Shocking video captures BLACK woman startling shoppers in Venice with pickaxe



BLACK Man violently strikes a small child at a Walgreens in Miami




Two BLACK men arrested, two detained in chop shop takedown



Jenkintown Police Chief Credits Tips, Work by Detectives For Finding Two Suspects In Road Rage Assau


A Chicago man shot and killed the mother of his children while on bond for being a felon in possession of a weapon in April and then fled to Texas, prosecutors said Tuesday. The murder of Jessica Johnson, 30, came just a few months after Edward Roscoe, 29, allegedly dropped their 4-month-old daughter, killing her.


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