Monday, April 18, 2022



BOMBSHELL: Rep Jim Jordan DESTROY Pelosi and Biden for committing Serious acts of Treason

Kamala Harris Retreats to Hollywood for Democratic Fundraiser as Popularity Tanks to New Lows

LOS ANGELES, CA - JANUARY 14: Attorney General of California Kamala Harris speaks onstage at the Cinema For Peace event benefitting J/P Haitian Relief Organization in Los Angeles held at Montage Hotel on January 14, 2012 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images For J/P Haitian Relief …
Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images For J/P Haitian Relief Organization and Cinema For Peace

As her popularity reaches new lows, Vice President Kamala Harris is retreating to one of the few places she knows she’ll get a warm reception — Hollywood.

Harris and her husband, Douglas Emhoff, are scheduled to participate in a Democratic fundraiser on Monday evening in Los Angeles, according to multiple reports. Deadline said Walt Disney Television head Dana Walden is hosting the event along with her husband, Matt Walden.

Proceeds from the fundraiser will go to the Democratic Grassroots Victory Fund, with money allocated to the Democratic National Committee and state party committees, Deadline reported.

(AP Photo/Scott Sonner)

The vice president’s trip to Los Angeles comes as her popularity continues to tank, even in her home state of California.

As Breitbart News reported, only 35 percent of surveyed California voters approve of Harris’s performance, while 45 percent disapprove, according to a Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies poll released earlier this month. That’s down from the last Berkeley poll two months ago showing 38 percent approval of the vice president.

Nationwide, Harris remains deeply unpopular among voters of all stripes. Just 36 percent approved of how she has handled her job in her first year, while 43 percent disapproved, according to a recent poll from Redfield & Wilton Strategies.

A recent Rasmussen Reports survey showed even higher levels of disapproval, with 56 percent of respondents saying they viewed the vice president unfavorably.

In her role as vice president, Harris has never visited the U.S.-Mexico border despite being tasked by the White House to handle the border crisis.

The Biden-Harris administration has released more than 750,000 border crossers and illegal aliens —  a foreign population larger than the population of Boston, Massachusetts — into the U.S. since taking office last year, Breitbart News reported.

Follow David Ng on Twitter @HeyItsDavidNg. Have a tip? Contact me at

In Kamala’s America, killing and dismembering unborn babies and marketing their body parts is perfectly acceptable. Reporting on the practice is criminal. If that is not fascistic, I am not sure I know what is.

Jack Cashill’s new book, Unmasking Obama: The Fight to Tell the True Story of a Failed Presidency, is widely available. See also

How Bright is Kamala?

And who is responsible for the dismantling of her image?


The Oracle of Oakland has done it again. Asked about anger at the Biden administration over inflation, putative Vice President Kamala Harris answered Wednesday: “Well, first of all, I acknowledge one must acknowledge, um, that prices are going up. And that people are working hard. And in many cases are worried about whether they can get through the end of the month and make it all work.” Indeed, one must acknowledge these things, just as one must acknowledge that there is a sun in the sky and that water can tend to be wet. It seems as if every time she opens her mouth, the ostensible vice president proves that she is not remotely suited for the job she holds or for the job she will hold if the people in charge finally decide that Old Joe has outlived his usefulness.

The contrast couldn’t be more stark to the hype that surrounded Harris when she first started being touted as presidential timber. Back in 2017, the UK’s far-Left Guardian claimed that Harris “offers an interesting solution to the problem facing the party.” The first solution, as far as the Left was concerned both then and now, was that she ticked off the right identity politics boxes: “She is a leader whose success inspires young women of colour.” Not only that, but she fooled some people into thinking she wasn’t really as far to the left of Karl Marx as she turned out to be: “At the same time, Harris’s rhetoric and positions are often scrupulously centrist.” She was — don’t laugh! — the intelligent alternative: “She likes to talk about how her civil rights activist family were appalled when she decided to become a prosecutor. Rather than try to challenge America’s love of law-and-order politics, Harris is trying to reshape that instinct, pivoting from ‘tough on crime’ to ‘smart on crime’, the title of her 2009 book.”

Five years later, it’s hard to believe that anyone ever thought Kamala Harris was smart on anything. Questions about inflation seem to be her particular bĂȘte noire (no, that is not a racial expression). Last November, she offered these immortal pearls of wisdom about skyrocketing inflation rates: “Prices have gone up. And families and individuals are dealing with the realities of that bread costs more, that gas costs more.” Well, yeah, really, you can’t argue with that. In a similar vein, she said this in January about the Biden administration’s approach to the COVID hysteria: “It is time for us to do what we have been doing. And that time is every day. Every day it is time for us to agree that there are things and tools that are available to us to slow this thing down.” Yes, she really did.

There are so many more. She said this of the Russian invasion of Ukraine: “So, Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So basically, that’s wrong.” She also said this, but about what is still unclear: “The significance of the passage of time, right? The significance of the passage of time. So when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time … there is such great significance to the passage of time.”

The Twenty-Fifth Amendment deals only with the incapacity of the president; it says nothing about what to do if the vice president is unable to perform his or her duties, and it certainly is also silent about what to do if the president is suffering from dementia and the vice president is, well, stupid. The Founding Fathers envisioned executive officers being chosen judiciously on the basis of their manifest qualifications; even by the time the 25th Amendment was ratified in February 1967, nobody saw the likes of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in America’s future. The only thing Americans can do is hope that neither of them is able to do significantly more damage to the country before the 2024 election rolls around and that those who benefit in various ways from their presence despite their manifest incompetence will not be able to put them over on us again.

In the meantime, Kamala Harris is a standout on the American political scene in at least one way. Just a few years ago she had a reputation, largely media-driven to be sure, of being sharp, tough, and competent. No one thinks that about her anymore outside the most hardcore circles of Democrat diehards, and no one is responsible for the dismantling of her image except Kamala Harris herself.

Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 23 books including many bestsellers, such as The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)The Truth About Muhammad and The History of Jihad. His latest book is The Critical Qur’an. Follow him on Twitter here. Like him on Facebook here.

The Decline and Fall of Kamala Harris

She thought she was a queen, but she was only a pawn.


Daniel Greenfield


Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

The end of the Obama era renewed the civil war between the Democrat establishment and the Socialist insurgents. Hillary Clinton, the establishment woman whose loss to Obama had inaugurated 8 years of insurgent rule, faced down a new challenge from the Sanders insurgency.

The next round of the fight in 2020 was a virtual draw with black voters choosing Biden and white lefties backing Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. The Biden administration was a compromise between both wings of the party. Its senior members are establishment while many of their juniors are Warren allies or linked to the Congressional Black Caucus.


Biden was a useful compromise candidate because his age and mental condition made him a “one-and-done” politician whose administration would take the hit by implementing radical policies and coping with the political fallout from the pandemic and runaway inflation.

Except that Biden, who keeps promising to run again, doesn’t seem to know it.

The only member of his administration who is even more clueless than Joe is Kamala. The compromise that put her in the White House was the most misguided one of them all.

Biden had promised the Congressional Black Caucus a black female veep. The CBC wanted one of its own, particularly Rep. Karen Bass, but considering her Castro sympathies and general leftist radicalism, that would have meant writing off Florida and the rest of America.

Instead, Biden, in his only clever move, picked Kamala, a failed primary opponent, not because she was popular, but because she was unpopular. Rather than an affirmation, Biden went over the protests of his own people to select a political human shield. The party of identity politics would never pressure him to step down to make way for this particular “black woman”.

On the political chessboard, Kamala functioned as Biden’s incompetent queen. Her unpopularity protected Biden from any political pressure to step down, but also blocked potential opponents from trying to replace him. When Buttigieg’s efforts to build a platform for a presidential run inside the White House became too public, Kamala brought out the race card.

Kamala was too unpopular to run and too rich with identity politics to be cut out of the race.

Picking Kamala was a brilliant move for Biden. Not so much for Kamala. The mediocre political hack, rapidly elevated to the Senate and then the Veepdom, has little experience in D.C., few political skills, and is incapable of even running any kind of basic organization. The same qualities that wrecked her presidential campaign also devastated her vice presidency.


After her campaign collapsed into feuding between her staff and her sister, history is repeating itself. And once again Kamala can’t decide if she wants to be a radical or a moderate, and is trying to be all things to all people. Like her campaign flip-flopping on socialized medicine, she veers between open borders and immigration enforcement rhetoric, between demonizing Israel and conducting outreach to Jews, without being able to pick a platform and stick with it.


Kamala Harris is far from the only Washington D.C. politician who doesn’t believe in anything, but it’s her inconsistency that makes her appear phony and insincere even to her own people. Her opportunism has always been too blatant to conceal under fake idealism, even more transparently artificial identity politics, or a truly implausible “ordinary woman” facade.


That’s the Hillary problem. And the establishment already made two bad bets on Hillary.

In a party deeply divided between radicals and establishment types, Kamala tried and failed to win the support of both, but is coming away with the support of neither. No one likes her and no one trusts her. And the campaign to undermine her is being waged subtly, but effectively.

Kamala’s top people are leaving because everyone in D.C. understands that she doesn’t have a future. Staffers work for politicians whom they expect will be able to advance their careers. It’s become obvious even among the third and fourth tier people around Kamala that she isn’t going anywhere. And no one with any ambition is likely to stick around and follow her off to the exit.

No longer a senator and a veep no one wants to see in the big chair, she has nowhere to go.

2024 Democrat candidates are making it plain that they don’t see either Biden or Kamala as political threats. In what other administration could a cabinet member like Buttigieg keep his own PAC going for a potential future presidential run against his own boss and Kamala?

This isn’t just palace intrigue, it’s a palace coup.

Buttigieg isn’t the only Democrat aiming at 2024. Senator Cory Booker is going to New Hampshire. Senator Bernie Sanders says that there’s only a “slim” chance he’ll run, but Nina Turner, his campaign co-chair, declared that, “If President Joe Biden does not seek reelection for whatever reason, that makes this a totally open seat. Period,”

As a black woman, Turner is immune to Kamala’s race card even while warning that the Sanders camp will not respect any kind of incumbency by Kamala. That’s not a coincidence.


Both sides expect 2024 to reopen the Democrat civil war. Buttigieg is positioning himself as the establishment candidate and even if the Sanders camp doesn’t run their figurehead, they will likely turn up another candidate to build a completely unearned cult of personality around.

Where does that leave Kamala? Just like in the primaries, nowhere.

Too clueless to realize that her plum job was really a put-up job, Kamala has finally reached the pinnacle of her profession only to discover that it’s really a dead end. If the country continues to be an economic and medical mess, the last thing anyone will want is Biden or his political prop.

Instead, Democrats are likely to embrace a radical change candidate and run against themselves. In an age where the establishment Democrats are just a more moderate breed of radical, the difference between the establishment and the socialists is only skin deep.

But skin deep differences are how voters get scammed by the same political hacks.

Kamala’s problem is that her scam was uninspiring, her invocations of victimhood unconvincing, and her brand was inauthentic. Leftists hate her because she’s phony and the establishment doesn’t want another Hillary. The Congressional Black Caucus resents her because of her covert campaign against Rep. Karen Bass. Her only allies in D.C. are on her payroll.

And that’s not a good place to be.

Kamala thought she was boarding an elevator to the White House, but instead she’s a puppet in the middle of a civil war that she is uniquely incapable of participating in, let alone winning.

Kamala Harris thought she was a queen, now she’s realizing that she’s only a pawn.

The Decline and Fall of Kamala Harris

She thought she was a queen, but she was only a pawn.

Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

The end of the Obama era renewed the civil war between the Democrat establishment and the Socialist insurgents. Hillary Clinton, the establishment woman whose loss to Obama had inaugurated 8 years of insurgent rule, faced down a new challenge from the Sanders insurgency.

The next round of the fight in 2020 was a virtual draw with black voters choosing Biden and white lefties backing Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. The Biden administration was a compromise between both wings of the party. Its senior members are establishment while many of their juniors are Warren allies or linked to the Congressional Black Caucus.

Biden was a useful compromise candidate because his age and mental condition made him a “one-and-done” politician whose administration would take the hit by implementing radical policies and coping with the political fallout from the pandemic and runaway inflation.

Except that Biden, who keeps promising to run again, doesn’t seem to know it.

The only member of his administration who is even more clueless than Joe is Kamala. The compromise that put her in the White House was the most misguided one of them all.

Biden had promised the Congressional Black Caucus a black female veep. The CBC wanted one of its own, particularly Rep. Karen Bass, but considering her Castro sympathies and general leftist radicalism, that would have meant writing off Florida and the rest of America.

Instead, Biden, in his only clever move, picked Kamala, a failed primary opponent, not because she was popular, but because she was unpopular. Rather than an affirmation, Biden went over the protests of his own people to select a political human shield. The party of identity politics would never pressure him to step down to make way for this particular “black woman”.

On the political chessboard, Kamala functioned as Biden’s incompetent queen. Her unpopularity protected Biden from any political pressure to step down, but also blocked potential opponents from trying to replace him. When Buttigieg’s efforts to build a platform for a presidential run inside the White House became too public, Kamala brought out the race card.

Kamala was too unpopular to run and too rich with identity politics to be cut out of the race.

Picking Kamala was a brilliant move for Biden. Not so much for Kamala. The mediocre political hack, rapidly elevated to the Senate and then the Veepdom, has little experience in D.C., few political skills, and is incapable of even running any kind of basic organization. The same qualities that wrecked her presidential campaign also devastated her vice presidency.

After her campaign collapsed into feuding between her staff and her sister, history is repeating itself. And once again Kamala can’t decide if she wants to be a radical or a moderate, and is trying to be all things to all people. Like her campaign flip-flopping on socialized medicine, she veers between open borders and immigration enforcement rhetoric, between demonizing Israel and conducting outreach to Jews, without being able to pick a platform and stick with it.

Kamala Harris is far from the only Washington D.C. politician who doesn’t believe in anything, but it’s her inconsistency that makes her appear phony and insincere even to her own people. Her opportunism has always been too blatant to conceal under fake idealism, even more transparently artificial identity politics, or a truly implausible “ordinary woman” facade.

That’s the Hillary problem. And the establishment already made two bad bets on Hillary.

In a party deeply divided between radicals and establishment types, Kamala tried and failed to win the support of both, but is coming away with the support of neither. No one likes her and no one trusts her. And the campaign to undermine her is being waged subtly, but effectively.

Kamala’s top people are leaving because everyone in D.C. understands that she doesn’t have a future. Staffers work for politicians whom they expect will be able to advance their careers. It’s become obvious even among the third and fourth tier people around Kamala that she isn’t going anywhere. And no one with any ambition is likely to stick around and follow her off to the exit.

No longer a senator and a veep no one wants to see in the big chair, she has nowhere to go.

2024 Democrat candidates are making it plain that they don’t see either Biden or Kamala as political threats. In what other administration could a cabinet member like Buttigieg keep his own PAC going for a potential future presidential run against his own boss and Kamala?

This isn’t just palace intrigue, it’s a palace coup.

Buttigieg isn’t the only Democrat aiming at 2024. Senator Cory Booker is going to New Hampshire. Senator Bernie Sanders says that there’s only a “slim” chance he’ll run, but Nina Turner, his campaign co-chair, declared that, “If President Joe Biden does not seek reelection for whatever reason, that makes this a totally open seat. Period,”

As a black woman, Turner is immune to Kamala’s race card even while warning that the Sanders camp will not respect any kind of incumbency by Kamala. That’s not a coincidence.

Both sides expect 2024 to reopen the Democrat civil war. Buttigieg is positioning himself as the establishment candidate and even if the Sanders camp doesn’t run their figurehead, they will likely turn up another candidate to build a completely unearned cult of personality around.

Where does that leave Kamala? Just like in the primaries, nowhere.

Too clueless to realize that her plum job was really a put-up job, Kamala has finally reached the pinnacle of her profession only to discover that it’s really a dead end. If the country continues to be an economic and medical mess, the last thing anyone will want is Biden or his political prop.

Instead, Democrats are likely to embrace a radical change candidate and run against themselves. In an age where the establishment Democrats are just a more moderate breed of radical, the difference between the establishment and the socialists is only skin deep.

But skin deep differences are how voters get scammed by the same political hacks.

Kamala’s problem is that her scam was uninspiring, her invocations of victimhood unconvincing, and her brand was inauthentic. Leftists hate her because she’s phony and the establishment doesn’t want another Hillary. The Congressional Black Caucus resents her because of her covert campaign against Rep. Karen Bass. Her only allies in D.C. are on her payroll.

And that’s not a good place to be.

Kamala thought she was boarding an elevator to the White House, but instead she’s a puppet in the middle of a civil war that she is uniquely incapable of participating in, let alone winning.

Kamala Harris thought she was a queen, now she’s realizing that she’s only a pawn.



In Kamala’s America, killing and dismembering unborn babies and marketing their body parts is perfectly acceptable. Reporting on the practice is criminal. If that is not fascistic, I am not sure I know what is. JOHN CASHILL

Kamala Harris -- Planned Parenthood's Choice

By Daniel John Sobieski

Kamala Harris, who slept her way into political power riding former California General Assembly leader Willie Brown’s, er, coattails, is a political dominatrix willing to inflict supreme pain and damage to our Constitution, our civil liberties, and the unborn   

It is the handmaidens working for Planned Parenthood who have joked about selling aborted baby body parts.  And it was Kamala Harris, when she was A.G. of California, who viciously prosecuted the young man who exposed that scandal, after she had received a hefty donation from Planned Parenthood.

Kamala Harris: ‘We Must Protect the Constitutional Right…Under Roe v. Wade by Codifying It Into Law’

By Staff | December 13, 2021 | 11:16am EST






(Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

( - Vice President Kamala Harris issued a statement on Saturday responding to the Supreme Court’s opinion issued on Friday that allows a Texas law that bans abortion after an unborn child has a heartbeat to remain in force while it is being challenged by a lawsuit.

"We must protect the constitutional right recognized under Roe v. Wade by codifying it into law,” said Harris.

“We must pass the Women’s Health Protection Act,” she said. “And we must continue to do everything in our power to defend women’s reproductive rights.”

Here is the full text of Harris’s statement:

“In the United States of America, the right of women to make decisions about their own bodies is non-negotiable. For nearly 50 years, this right has been protected. Yesterday’s Supreme Court decision allows SB8, which threatens women’s health and rights, to remain in effect. The ban on abortion after six weeks of pregnancy remains. The cash incentives for vigilantes remain. And the harm to women remains. We must protect the constitutional right recognized under Roe v. Wade by codifying it into law. We must pass the Women’s Health Protection Act. And we must continue to do everything in our power to defend women’s reproductive rights."


Handmaid's Tale? Leftist handmaidens destroyed the USA

By Diana Mary Sitek

Many rational people who attempted to read Margaret Atwood's dystopian The Handmaid's Tale (1985) found it a big yawn.  But the left loved it.  So Hulu (a Disney company partly owned by Comcast), naturally made a mini-series of it.

Now we have the left opining, on September 21, that people like Amy Barrett were the inspiration for that totalitarian nightmare.  "Amy Coney Barrett, a favorite to be President Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee to replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, is affiliated with a type of Christian religious group that served as inspiration for Margaret Atwood's dystopian novel, The Handmaid's Tale."

I suggest that the boot is on the other foot!  It has been the women of the left who are first and foremost the handmaidens responsible for the appalling state of the nation and its totalitarian, "woke" culture — and their narcissist soy boys like former President Obama, Trudeau of Canada, Newsom of California, et al.  Looked at in this light, Joe Biden is the perfect Democrat candidate!  As a white, ineffectual, imbecilic male, ready to drop off the perch, he is exactly what Democrat women love — and why they detest his opposite, Donald Trump.

Women now have enormous political power through sheer numbers.  Although there has been no female president as yet, women are heavily represented at all levels of the political, legal, bureaucratic, educational, health, H.R., and local county sectors.  Women are a determinative voting segment, and younger women have been educated to identify with the left.  Therefore, it is their policies, and their values alone, that have been enacted, including claiming the murder of their unborn children as their natural right.

It is the handmaiden founders of Black Lives Matter who have denigrated women's traditional role (part of the "oppressive patriarchy") and who have encouraged street violence.

It is the handmaidens working for Planned Parenthood who have joked about selling aborted baby body parts.  And it was Kamala Harris, when she was A.G. of California, who viciously prosecuted the young man who exposed that scandal, after she had received a hefty donation from Planned Parenthood.

So what area of the dystopian, censored "woke" society we now find ourselves in are women not responsible for?  The Deep State?  Oh, no!  We have the corruption of HRC — and scandal after scandal involving female politicians and officeholders, day after day.  The latest is handmaid Ilhan Omar's treacherous ballot-harvesting in Minneapolis. 

Professor Janice Fiamengo's YouTube "Fiamengo Files" (now very heavily censored) give witness to the diabolical hatred of men that characterizes these feminist handmaidens.  And we have Jane Fonda telling us why women are at the forefront of the unscientific climate change hoax, where men are accused of raping Gaia!  Nancy Pelosi, in an attempt to distract attention from her hairdo hissy fit and the left's mismanagement of forest areas, has told us Mother Nature is angry.  Nor can we overlook that handmaiden of Gaia, the squinty-eyed Greta Thunberg.  As for globalism, the U.N. says women are key to that supra-nationalist organization's sustainable development goals.  Translate: New World Order.

Teenage handmaidens are at the forefront of the LGBT+ gender revolution, as revealed by Abigail Shrier in her book Irreversible Damage:  The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters.  The health industry is on board and immediately affirms the young handmaidens' self-diagnosis, frequently entailing drastic surgery and hormonal intervention.

One can only ask what else remains for these handmaidens to destroy.  Virtually nothing.  Traditional hearth and home demolished.  Constitutional law shredded.  Civil war lit.  Gender confusion.  A.I.-human interface planned.  They have, with the help of their male enablers and those who do not see themselves as the beneficiaries of dead, white males, chopped out, erased, expunged, and revoked the Western heritage, root and branch.  Yet, having accomplished all of this, they are unhappy.  It's not enough.  There are still those who dare to protest against them, like the illustrious signatories of the recent Philadelphia Statement, courteously requesting a return to freedom of speech in the cause of liberal democracy.  They will be canceled out because the Amazon handmaids have debauched the language as well, using the terminology of liberal democracy to mean its opposite (exactly as their buddies, the Chinese, do).

But there is hope.  We know from history that moral decay eventually leads to societal collapse — and the opportunity to rebuild anew.  I believe we may be witnessing not the beginning of a new nightmare, but the final death agonies of the feminist dystopia, paralleled in the fate of Joe Biden.

Intrinsic to the human psyche is a foundational desire to adore the Eternal Good — which many call "God."  When that is replaced by the lust for power, as Faust testified, hell enters.  In making that Faustian bargain, by exchanging womanly graces for vengeful power, the handmaids sowed the seeds of their own destruction.  That is the chaos we now behold. 


Kamala Harris -- Planned Parenthood's Choice

By Daniel John Sobieski

Kamala Harris has been nominated by the Democratic Party to be a heartbeat away from the presidency, and judging from presidential nominee Joe Biden’s physical and mental condition these days, that might not amount to a whole lot of heartbeats. Her ascension would bring to power someone who has made war on the unborn, someone who has already used that power to shred the Constitution’s guarantee of the freedom of the press and persecute an investigative reporter who exposed Planned Parenthood’s efforts to harvest and sell aborted fetal body parts.  

David Daleiden heads the Center for Medical Progress, the group that unveiled what really goes on behind the curtain at Planned Parenthood, exposing the ghoulishness of the organization that profits off the destruction of human life and detailing past and future atrocities perpetrated by that organization in a series of revealing and damning videos.

Daleiden’s pro-life investigative reporting did not sit well with then California Attorney General Kamala Harris, who made it her mission to cancel Daleiden and his group, raiding his house, seizing his videos, video equipment, and notes, all with the purpose of ending his livelihood, his career, and his freedom. She prosecuted Daleiden under an obscure, rarely used, and arguably unconstitutional state law. As reports:

Planned Parenthood relied heavily on its political allies to suppress the First Amendment rights of pro-life investigators David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt after the pair uncovered the corporation’s illegal trafficking of aborted body parts. Former California General Kamala Harris and current California Attorney General Xavier Becerra both pursued charges against the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) journalists instead of prosecuting Planned Parenthood for its criminal activities.

The federal civil rights lawsuit Daleiden filed in response has exposed how far Planned Parenthood’s political contacts will go to defend the organization’s reputation.

A recent update from Daleiden revealed that Planned Parenthood, Harris, and Becerra have all responded to the lawsuit filed against them, adding that all parties named in the suit have admitted the only reason Daleiden is being prosecuted is because the content of what he has said is something Planned Parenthood considers objectionable. The footage from Daleiden’s undercover investigation showed Planned Parenthood staff members coldly discussing the harvesting of fetal organs and negotiating the price of these “specimens.”

The Harris-managed vendetta against Daleiden, including a raid reminiscent of the deep-state raids on the homes of Roger Stone and Paul Manafort, is detailed by Madeline Osburn over at the Federalist:

Sen. Kamala Harris accepted the Democratic nomination for vice president Wednesday night, exactly three weeks after journalist and pro-life activist David Daleiden appeared in a San Francisco Superior Court, once again fighting the criminal charges Harris brought against him at the behest of her political donors four years prior. As Harris joins a campaign fighting for the “soul of our nation,” Daleiden continues a years-long battle for countless unborn souls and the First Amendment, both of which Harris has a record of fighting against.

In March 2016, as the California attorney general, Harris met with six Planned Parenthood officials in her Los Angeles office. Email records between Harris’s office and Planned Parenthood officials show the two were corresponding on orchestrating public responses, filing police reports, and even drafting legislation targeting Daleiden for his undercover videos exposing the abortion giant’s illegal practices…

Two weeks following that Los Angeles meeting, on April 5, 2016, Harris ordered state law enforcement agents to raid Daleiden’s home, tasking them with seizing his camera equipment, documents, and unreleased video footage. Daleiden’s attorneys argued Harris’s search warrant should have never been issued according to California’s shield law, which explicitly protects citizen journalists’ unpublished materials…

How blatant was Harris’s targeting of Daleiden and her disregard for a journalist’s First Amendment rights? For starters, Daleiden is the first person to ever be prosecuted for undercover video reporting in California. Her own deputy prosecutor later admitted in court that Daleiden was targeted solely because of the content his videos...

The appalling transcript of one disturbing video provided by the Center for Medical Progress has made clear that the alleged noble crusade against unwanted children is a fraud, and that Planned Parenthood’s interest in abortion is a financial one -- that human life is just a commodity to be bought and sold on the open market.

The video shows Planned Parenthood director of medical services Deborah Nucatola negotiating with two actors posing as agents of a fetal tissue procurement company discussing the body parts of aborted babies as if she was a butcher at the local meat market, as reports:

“We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part,” Nucatola coldly explains. “I’m gonna basically crush [the unborn child] below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact… And for that reason, most providers will do this case under ultrasound guidance, so they’ll know where they’re putting their forceps.”

Nucatola also goes into great detail to explain how Planned Parenthood is able to use its loose affiliates as a way to protect the parent company from potential legal fallout…

Nucatola explains to the undercover reporters that the butchered body parts (hearts, livers, “lower extremities -- probably for the muscle”) sell for $30 to $100  apiece.

Indeed, immature or improperly dismembered baby parts could dramatically impact Planned Parenthood’s and the abortion industry’s bottom line. The use of aborted fetuses and their tissue is justified by abortionists as the key to medical research, as was using embryos for stem cell research. Planned Parenthood’s operation strays perilously close to the territory of Dr. Joseph Mengele, the Nazi “doctor” who justified his ghastly practices in the name of research.

Planned Parenthood and its supporters got caught with their forceps down, so anything they can do to cloud the issue and cast doubt on the integrity of their accusers is in their interest. Planned Parenthood has already tried to discredit the videos, saying they were carefully edited and that the admissions of Planned Parenthood officials of conducting a for-profit baby body part flea market was taken out of context. It is hard to imagine in what “context” the discussion of the price of a fetal head versus the price of a new Lamborghini is okay. As comments:

The video of the Houston Planned Parenthood makes it appear the Planned Parenthood abortion business may be selling the “fully intact” bodies of unborn babies purposefully born alive and left to die. The video shows the Director of Research for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, Melissa Farrell, advertising the Texas Planned Parenthood branch’s track record of fetal tissue sales, including its ability to deliver fully intact aborted babies…

Planned Parenthood could be breaking the federal law known as the Born Alive Infants Protection Act that requires abortion clinics, hospitals and other places that do abortions to provide appropriate medical care for a baby born alive after a failed abortion or purposefully birthed to “let die.” That would be one of the potential ways Planned Parenthood could produce a “fully intact” baby to sell to StemExpress for research. Most “crunchy” abortion methods would do damage to the baby’s body.

Kamala Harris decided that Daleiden must be punished for exposing the ghastly activities of her patron Planned Parenthood. A similar fate awaits the rest of us should she grab the reins of power. Tucker Carlson of Fox News has rightly called Kamala Harris a corrupt and dangerous fraud who sees laws and powers only as means to punish her enemies, pursue her agenda, and get elected:

Carlson, who called Biden's vice presidential pick the "most consequential" choice in U.S. history, disputed Sen. Kamala Harris's authenticity on her progressive positions, saying the "front-runner" only stands by issues she knows will get her ahead in the polls. He cited the California Democrat's low polling numbers at the time that she ended her own bid for the presidency and dropped out of the Democratic primary race.

"The wrap on Harris in exit polls is that she’s a fraud," Carlson said. "She doesn’t really believe in anything, she'll say whatever it takes. Of course, that is also Harris’s primary strength."

Carlson also brought up an incident in which anti-abortion activist David Daleiden filed a lawsuit against Harris, alleging she and California Attorney General Xavier Becerra conspired with Planned Parenthood to terminate an investigation he was conducting into the fetal-tissue business. Daleiden accused Harris and Becerra of violating his First Amendment rights and abusing the state's two-party recording law to silence "disfavored speech."

Kamala Harris, like Biden, supports Planned Parenthood’s crimes against the unborn and takes money and endorsements from the abortion industry. One remembers her bitter and vitriolic participation in the Supreme Court confirmation hearing for Justice Brett Kavanaugh, her resorting to lies, falsehoods, and innuendo in an attempt to get what she wants and to keep this pro-life Catholic off the Supreme Court.

Kamala Harris, who slept her way into political power riding former California General Assembly leader Willie Brown’s, er, coattails, is a political dominatrix willing to inflict supreme pain and damage to our Constitution, our civil liberties, and the unborn     

Daniel John Sobieski is a former editorial writer for Investor’s Business Daily and freelance writer whose pieces have appeared in Human EventsReason Magazine, and the Chicago Sun-Times among other publications.     

Image: Michael Steeben       

The Fascist America That Kamala Promises

By Jack Cashill

I do not use the term “fascist” lightly, but when even the liberal Los Angeles Times opens an article with a paragraph like the one that follows, I think fascist is apt:

“California Atty. Gen. Kamala Harris is drawing fire from supporters of an anti-abortion activist whose undercover videos and identity cards were seized by the state Department of Justice this week after Harris’ political campaign sought to drum up support for Planned Parenthood.”

The activist is David Daleiden, 27 at the time of the April 2016 raid on his Huntington Beach apartment. In 2016, Harris was running for California’s open U.S. Senate seat. At the time of the raid, Harris’s campaign website was asking supporters “to take a stand and join Kamala in defending Planned Parenthood.”

In the course of Planned Parenthood’s history, no one had presented a greater threat to the organization’s federal funding than the young journalist whose apartment Harris’s agents had just raided.

In the way of background, Daleiden and his partner Sandra Merritt had gone undercover for two years posing as the brokers in the fetal tissue market.

In July 2015 Daleiden started dropping the undercover videos the pair had shot at Planned Parenthood clinics in several states, including California.

The combination of callow words and cruel images, repeated in one video after another, rocked Washington. The timing was good. The 2016 presidential campaigns were revving up, and many Republicans spoke out about what they saw.

“The out-of-sight, out-of-mind mantra that propelled the pro-choice movement for decades is forever gone,” Kellyanne Conway, then a Republican pollster, told the New York Times. Reeling from the blow, even the Times had to wonder whether “the new offensive will succeed in crippling Planned Parenthood.”

Obama, the first president to speak at Planned Parenthood’s national convention, kept his distance from the hubbub. An indifferent media got no closer to the president than his press secretary, Josh Earnest.

On July 30, 2015, a young reporter asked Earnest if Obama had seen the video that was released on that day. The video in question begins with interview footage of harried Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards insisting, “It’s not a fee. It’s not a fee. It’s just the cost of trans- mitting this material.” The undercover footage that follows undercuts everything Richards said.

A doctor at a Planned Parenthood megaclinic in Colorado is seen explaining the clinic’s traffic in body parts. Aware that it is illegal to transfer “human fetal tissue” for “valuable consideration,” the doctor plays semantic games with the would-be purchasers.

“We don’t want to get called on, you know, selling fetal parts across states,” she jokes, unaware she is being recorded. This interview is followed by an on-site review of actual body parts with the doctor and a clinician.

What is impressive is how well Daleiden and Merritt play their roles as buyers. What is unnerving is how casually the doctor and clinician pick through trays of baby parts -- a heart, a brain, a lung -- while talking about the commercial viability of the “fetal cadaver.”

Running for president at the time, Hillary Clinton could not afford to be so dismissive. Although her first instinct was to attack the video producers, Clinton herself began to waver as each new video dropped.

“I have seen pictures from [the videos] and obviously find them dis- turbing,” Clinton told the New Hampshire Union Leader late that July. No one knew better than Clinton, however, what overwhelming force Planned Parenthood and its allies in the Democratic-media complex could bring to bear against a pair of citizen journalists.

For immediate assistance, Planned Parenthood turned to the well-connected fixers at -- where else? -- Fusion GPS. The beleaguered organization contracted with Fusion to review the unedited footage Daleiden had posted online.

Armed with a ten-page report from Fusion, Richards went on the offensive. Convincing people they did not see what they saw would not be easy, but the networks made the task possible by refusing to show the actual videos.

As to the newspapers and online journals, they did their bit by leaving the assessment of the videos to Fusion GPS. Faced with real journalists doing real work, the Obama courtiers reflexively turned stenographer. They welcomed this “forensic study” as heartily as they would Fusion GPS’s notorious “Steele dossier” a year later.

To complete the rout, the ambitious Harris had her agents seize Daleiden’s multiple computers and hard drives as well as the materials he had gathered from Planned Parenthood conferences.

Alexandra Snyder, the director of the Life Legal Defense Foundation, told the Los Angeles Times that Harris’s “loyalty to Planned Parenthood” required “her to turn a blind eye to the organization’s criminal activities.” Harris did more than turn a blind eye. “Instead,” said Snyder, “she has launched an inquisition into David Daleiden.”

In 2017, Harris’s successor as attorney general, Xavier Becerra, filed 15 felony charges against Daleiden and Merritt and has tied them up in court ever since.

In May 2020, Daleiden filed suit against Becerra and Harris, claiming Harris violated his civil rights by conspiring with Planned Parenthood to silence him.

In Kamala’s America, killing and dismembering unborn babies and marketing their body parts is perfectly acceptable. Reporting on the practice is criminal. If that is not fascistic, I am not sure I know what is.

Jack Cashill’s new book, Unmasking Obama: The Fight to Tell the True Story of a Failed Presidency, is widely available. See also


Kamala Harris Retreats to Hollywood for Democratic Fundraiser as Popularity Tanks to New Lows

LOS ANGELES, CA - JANUARY 14: Attorney General of California Kamala Harris speaks onstage at the Cinema For Peace event benefitting J/P Haitian Relief Organization in Los Angeles held at Montage Hotel on January 14, 2012 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images For J/P Haitian Relief …
Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images For J/P Haitian Relief Organization and Cinema For Peace

As her popularity reaches new lows, Vice President Kamala Harris is retreating to one of the few places she knows she’ll get a warm reception — Hollywood.

Harris and her husband, Douglas Emhoff, are scheduled to participate in a Democratic fundraiser on Monday evening in Los Angeles, according to multiple reports. Deadline said Walt Disney Television head Dana Walden is hosting the event along with her husband, Matt Walden.

Proceeds from the fundraiser will go to the Democratic Grassroots Victory Fund, with money allocated to the Democratic National Committee and state party committees, Deadline reported.

(AP Photo/Scott Sonner)

The vice president’s trip to Los Angeles comes as her popularity continues to tank, even in her home state of California.

As Breitbart News reported, only 35 percent of surveyed California voters approve of Harris’s performance, while 45 percent disapprove, according to a Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies poll released earlier this month. That’s down from the last Berkeley poll two months ago showing 38 percent approval of the vice president.

Nationwide, Harris remains deeply unpopular among voters of all stripes. Just 36 percent approved of how she has handled her job in her first year, while 43 percent disapproved, according to a recent poll from Redfield & Wilton Strategies.

A recent Rasmussen Reports survey showed even higher levels of disapproval, with 56 percent of respondents saying they viewed the vice president unfavorably.

In her role as vice president, Harris has never visited the U.S.-Mexico border despite being tasked by the White House to handle the border crisis.

The Biden-Harris administration has released more than 750,000 border crossers and illegal aliens —  a foreign population larger than the population of Boston, Massachusetts — into the U.S. since taking office last year, Breitbart News reported.

Follow David Ng on Twitter @HeyItsDavidNg. Have a tip? Contact me at

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