Thursday, July 14, 2022



Joe Biden’s embarrassing first day in Israel

Catching Joe Biden’s gaffes, blunders, dementia, and lies can be amusing but, mostly, it’s extremely disturbing that the man at the head of the American government is a demented liar who gets worse every day. The first day of his trip to Israel was no exception. Biden was confused, he shuffled around, he seriously misspoke about the Holocaust and, of course, because this is Joe Biden, he offered a grotesque lie about Trump’s role in the Middle East.

Biden is at a stage in his decline that’s sadly familiar to me. My mother spent her last decade in a very lovely retirement community but the sad fact is that people left that community only one way (feet first, as they said). What was unnerving is that, if you were there as often as I was over the years, you could tell whose feet were beginning to point to that door. Biden’s feet are pointing as the disabilities of his old age (which is creeping up on him like the Picture of Dorian Grey asserting itself) are beginning to overwhelm his public appearances.

First, there’s that brittle, shuffling gait (and did you catch his surprised start when the trumpet salute played?):

But physical well-being is just one factor. Biden’s suggests that his body is aging badly but that doesn’t mean he’s mentally impaired. What suggests mental impairment is his inability to avoid gaffes. For example, there’s just no way to dress up referring to the “truth and honor of the Holocaust.” I assume Biden misread the phrase “true horror of the Holocaust” but, if his brain functioned, he’d never have made such a deeply offensive mistake:

Also, remember that Biden is working hard to reinstate the Iran Deal, ensuring that Iran becomes a fully armed nuclear state—and a state, moreover, that is openly committed to Israel’s genocidal destruction. For Biden then to talk about his commitment to avoiding a Holocaust is such a sneering insult that, really, there are no words. But Biden wasn’t done yet. During a sit-down interview with an Israeli journalist, Biden had several bizarre points to make and one disgracefully dishonest one. One of the more disturbing things he said is that America could be supporting Ukraine for years—and then, when the interviewer, surprised, repeated that, he accused her of putting words in his mouth:

That was a twofer, both because the thought of sending taxpayer money to Ukraine’s corrupt government for years is appalling and because the interaction showed that Biden’s brain isn’t tracking information from one second to the next. Biden did, however, very nicely refer to the Republican party as the “Mega party.” I can see a lot of people wanting to back a “Mega party,” rather than a Democrat party that is destroying the U.S. economy and waging a vicious war against cultural norms going back to prehistoric times (men are men and women are women; vive la diffĂ©rence!):

And then there was the big lie. Trump did two extraordinarily important things in the Middle East. The first was to curb the Palestinians’ outrageous demands. All past administrations, whenever the Palestinians said “no” to a good offer, sweetened the pot, encouraging Palestinians to continue saying “no.” Trump did something different. When the Palestinians said “no,” he started withdrawing things from the pot. If he’d had more time (i.e., his second term), he probably could have brought them to heel. Second, Trump initiated the Abraham Accords, from which Israel and her neighbors are continuing to reap benefits. This, too, withdrew things from the Palestinians. Trump essentially told the Arab nations that Israel was a more useful ally than the fractious, violent Palestinians. Thus, the Arab nations could do one-on-one trade and travel agreements with a functional nation rather than a terrorist state. Biden, instead of honoring Trump’s accomplishments and promising to build on them, outright lied because that’s what Biden does:

Trump was a salesman who engaged in obvious puffery, promising that everything he did was the best and most wonderful. Anyone over five understands that puffery is opinion. Biden, however, is a stone-cold liar, making manifestly and substantively false assertions, a habit reflecting a combination of his personality and his declining mental wattage.

Every time Biden opens his mouth, America’s enemies (and there are many) must lick their chops, while America’s allies (and there are a diminishing number) must shake in their boots. It is to be hoped that a successful midterm election, giving Republicans such a decisive hold on Congress that even RINOs listen to American voters, will rein in Biden’s more dangerous behaviors, whether in matters of policy or speech.

Image: Biden in Israel. YouTube screen grab.


Sen Johnson: Biden’s Trip to Saudi Arabia is ‘Not Appropriate’

By Micky Wootten | July 13, 2022 | 12:11pm EDT


Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.)  (Getty Images)
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) (Getty Images)

(CNS News) - As President Joe Biden travels to Saudi Arabia this week to meet with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) expressed disdain for the president’s actions when asked whether the trip was appropriate.

A U.S. intelligence report found Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) approved a plan to “capture or kill” a Washington Post writer, Jamal Khashoggi, in 2018.

At the Capitol on July 12, CNS News asked Senator Johnson, “Is it appropriate for President Biden to travel to Saudi Arabia and meet with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman?”

“Well, it’s not appropriate for him to be begging for oil when we could be producing it here,” said Johnson.

President Biden defended his decision to meet with the Saudi Prince in an commentary published in the Washington Post. According to Biden, his trip to the oil-abundant country “will advance important American interests.”

Saudi Arabia’s “energy resources are vital for mitigating the impact on global supplies of Russia’s war in Ukraine,” said Biden.

“The Middle East I’ll be visiting is more stable and secure than the one my administration inherited 18 months ago,” the president assured Americans

Critics of Biden’s decision to travel to Saudi Arabia to meet with MBS accuse Biden of sacrificing America’s moral values to resolve its current energy crisis.

President Joe Biden.  (Getty Images)
President Joe Biden. (Getty Images)

In a separate commentary by Post CEO Fred Ryan, entitled “Biden’s trip to Saudi Arabia erodes our moral authority,” the executive calls out the president’s inability to fulfill his campaign promise of increased pressure on the Saudi Crown:

“When seeking votes, Biden vowed to make Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman a ‘pariah’ for his role in murdering Washington Post contributing columnist Jamal Khashoggi, the world had every reason to think he meant it.”

Some critics predict that Biden’s trip will only serve to benefit MBS. Carolyn Kissane wrote in Barron’s that “the trip is unlikely to produce much in the way of extra oil.” Kissane describes Biden’s trip as being a “victory lap” for Mohammed bin Salman, as a public meet and greet between him and the president of the United States would “solidify MBS, as the crown prince is known, as the true leader of Saudi Arabia, now and in the future.”

Sen. Daines: Biden Should Be Talking First With U.S. Oil Producers, Not With Saudi Crown Prince

By Lucy Collins | July 13, 2022 | 10:39am EDT


Sen. Steve Daines (R-Mont.)  (Getty Images)
Sen. Steve Daines (R-Mont.) (Getty Images)

(CNS News) -- Sen. Steve Daines (R-Mont.) disapproves of President Joe Biden’s trip to Saudi Arabia this week in an attempt to combat inflated gas prices, asserting that Biden first needs to meet with U.S. oil producers to discuss “how we can increase production and to restore the Keystone Pipeline.”

At the U.S. Capitol on Monday, CNS News asked Senator Daines, “Is it appropriate for President Biden to travel to Saudi Arabia to meet with Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman?”

Daines replied, “The first meetings President Biden should have—should’ve had—are with U.S. oil producers talking about how we can increase production and to restore the Keystone pipeline.  He should be staying home, talking to U.S. producers.”

Biden is expected to meet with Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman on Friday, in a trip many suspect is to secure oil because domestic gasoline prices are very high.

When was campaigning for office in 2020 he said, “I guarantee you, we’re going to end fossil fuels.” Soon after taking office, Biden took action to reduce domestic production of oil, including revoking the permit for the controversial Keystone XL Pipeline, which was expected to carry 830,000 barrels per day of Alberta oil sands crude to Nebraska, according to CNBC.

President Joe Biden.  (Getty Images)
President Joe Biden. (Getty Images)

Biden claims that oil is not the purpose of this week’s trip. “The commitments from the Saudis don’t relate to anything having to do with energy,” he said. “It happens to be a larger meeting taking place in Saudi Arabia. That’s the reason I’m going. And it has to do with national security for them — for Israelis.”

In March 2022, it was reported that the crown princes of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates refused to take calls from Biden that likely had to do with securing allies against Russia and ensuring continued access to oil. The crown princes denied these calls due to “unhappiness about Biden’s policies in the region,” reported the Times of Israel.

On July 10, Biden wrote an op-ed for the Washington Post defending his trip. “When I meet with Saudi leaders on Friday, my aim will be to strengthen a strategic partnership going forward that’s based on mutual interests and responsibilities, while also holding true to fundamental American values,” he said.

The president also wrote, “My views on human rights are clear and long-standing, and fundamental freedoms are always on the agenda when I travel abroad.”

A response-commentary was published in The Post on Monday, saying, “A grip-and-grin photograph with MBS [Mohammed bin Salman] signals to autocrats everywhere that you can quite literally get away with murdering a journalist as long as you possess a natural resource the United States wants badly enough.”

Opposition to Biden’s trip stems in part from the belief that the Saudi Crown Prince was connected to the 2018 murder of Washington Post journalist and political opponent Jamal Khashoggi.

House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) tweeted, “Why would President Biden plead for more Saudi Arabian oil when we could be producing more domestic energy right here in America? Our country should be producing more oil by Americans, for Americans.”



The Democrats are now officially the party of Jew-hatred. This is largely due to the disastrous presidency of Barack Hussein Obama. PAMELA GELLER

Abunimah’s piece -- and Obama’s numerous anti-Semitic associations -- got little attention. Throughout his life Barack Obama has been close friends with numerous virulent anti-Semites: Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, Khalid al-Mansour, Rashid Khalidi and others.  PAMELA GELLER 

 “Of course, one of the main reasons the nation is now “divided, resentful and angry” is because race-baiting, Islamist, class warrior Barack Hussein Obama was president for eight long years." MATTHEW VADUM



OBAMA AND HIS SAUDIS PAYMASTERS… Did he serve them well?

Malia, Michelle, Barack and the College Admissions Scandal 


Michelle was the next to attend Harvard, in her case Harvard Law School. “Told by counselors that her SAT scores and her grades weren’t good enough for an Ivy League school,” writes Christopher Andersen in Barack and Michelle, “Michelle applied to Princeton and Harvard anyway.”




Barack Obama’s back door, however, was unique to him. Before prosecutors send some of the dimmer Hollywood stars to the slammer for their dimness, they might want to ask just how much influence a Saudi billionaire peddled to get Obama into Harvard.


“Of course, one of the main reasons the nation is now “divided, resentful and angry” is because race-baiting, Islamist, class warrior Barack Hussein Obama was president for eight long years." MATTHEW VADUM


"But the Obamas are the center of the most delusional cult of personality that the media has yet spawned. And so we get bizarre pieces like these."


The mullahs rolled in cash as a result of rolling Obama and his gullible team over the deal, knowing that Obama was desperate for some sort of legacy.  MONICA SHOWALTER







“Of course, one of the main reasons the nation is now “divided, resentful and angry” is because race-baiting, Islamist, class warrior Barack Hussein Obama was president for eight long years." MATTHEW VADUM


"But the Obamas are the center of the most delusional cult of personality that the media has yet spawned. And so we get bizarre pieces like these." MONICA SHOWALTER


"Along with Obama, Pelosi and Schumer are responsible for incalculable damage done to this country over the eight years of that administration." PATRICIA McCARTHY




“Along with Obama, Biden, Pelosi and Schumer are responsible for incalculable damage done to this country over the eight years of that administration." PATRICIA McCARTHY

BARACK OBAMA and his SAUDIS PAYMASTERS: Did they build his Muslim tower in Chicago?

Barack Obama’s plot for a third term for life  

A Muslim dictatorship like his crony paymasters, the 9-11 invading Saudis who have financed him for decades.


“Obama has the totalitarian impulse. After all, he went around saying he didn't have Constitutional authority to legalize the illegals, and then he tried anyway. The courts stopped him.”

What was Obama’s motive? Simple, he knew if he did that for Hillary, he’d own the next President of the United States, and could blackmail her with the truth till the end of time. It literally would have given him a 3rd and 4th term.

Barack Obama’s plot for a third term for life  

A Muslim dictatorship like his crony paymasters, the 9-11 invading Saudis who have financed him for decades.


“Obama has the totalitarian impulse. After all, he went around saying he didn't have Constitutional authority to legalize the illegals, and then he tried anyway. The courts stopped him.”

What was Obama’s motive? Simple, he knew if he did that for Hillary, he’d own the next President of the United States, and could blackmail her with the truth till the end of time. It literally would have given him a 3rd and 4th term


Anti-Semitic, open borders for cheaper labor and funded by criminal banksters… and these pols are making vast fortunes sucking the blood of America!


We must not let them cheat their way to power over the rest of us.  Their ongoing vote fraud must be stopped and the Democrats need to take a look at themselves and at what they have become. It's not a pretty picture.  What they have become threatens to destroy the greatest nation on the planet and they are doing it on purpose.  They have nothing but contempt for the US as founded and for those of us who love this country. PATRICIA McCARTHY – AMERICAN THINKER


“Then we suffered the rattling election of Barack Obama, whose active membership in a white-, Jewish-, and America-hating church was well known to the electorate.  His close personal relationship with the likes of his adored Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrakhan was no secret.  Obama was open about his goals.  He told us he was out to "fundamentally transform America" and the world.”  ALAN BERGSTEIN

“There is a deep racist and anti-Semitic disease in the leadership of the Democrats. As Senator Cory Booker brings his hatred for the Jewish State to the Senate, he should be asked whether he agrees with his hero, “The only good Zionist is a dead Zionist we must take a lesson from Hitler”. DANIEL GREENFIELD

Video: Revealed - Obama’s Betrayal of SEAL Team Six


The new startling revelations.

Mon Oct 19, 2020




Subscribe to the Glazov Gang‘s YouTube Channel and follow us on Instagram: @JamieGlazov, Parler: @JamieGlazov and Twitter: @JamieGlazov.

With the new startling revelations now surfacing about the true fate of SEAL Team Six, Frontpage Mag editors have deemed it vital to run the special Glazov Gang episode in which Clare Lopez discusses Revealed: Obama’s Betrayal of SEAL Team Six.

Don’t miss it!

And make sure to watch our 3-Part-Special with Clare on Osama’s Post-9/11 Safe Haven in Iran, how 9/11 Came From Riyadh & Tehran and Helping Saudis Slip Away.

[I] Osama’s Post-9/11 Safe Haven in Iran.

[2] 9/11 Came From Riyadh & Tehran.

[3] Helping Saudis Slip Away.

Subscribe to the Glazov Gang‘s YouTube Channel and follow us on Instagram: @JamieGlazov, Parler: @JamieGlazov and Twitter: @JamieGlazov.


Biden’s Saudi trip and the fraud of human rights imperialism

On Friday, President Joe Biden will meet with Mohammed bin Salman, the crown prince of the theocratic dictatorship of Saudi Arabia. It is less than four years since bin Salman masterminded the cold-blooded murder of Jamal Khashoggi, an American citizen and columnist for the Washington Post, one of the most widely read newspapers in the US.

Khashoggi’s murder was an act of monumental criminality, sparking an international outcry. There was universal recognition that he was butchered in cold blood by the Saudi monarchy.

FILE - In this Dec. 15, 2014, file photo, Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi speaks during a press conference in Manama, Bahrain. The Washington Post columnist, who wrote critically about the Saudi crown prince, was killed inside the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul in October 2018. (AP Photo/Hasan Jamali, File)

Bin Salman is, by the Biden administration’s own admission, a murderer. He is a man who would be arrested on sight in any country with the slightest commitment to the rule of law. Even the most intransigent opponents of capital punishment might make an exception for him.

And yet, disregarding the pleas of the murdered man’s fiancĂ©e and family, Biden now publicly embraces Khashoggi’s murderer. When he returns to the White House, he will track in on his shoes traces of Khashoggi’s blood.

Biden’s announcement has been met with no public outcry in the US media. Last month, the Washington Post editorial board called rumors of the trip “disappointing,” but did not demand it be called off. It has since kept its mouth shut.

In February of 2021, the Biden administration issued a report concluding that bin Salman personally “approved” the 2018 murder of Khashoggi. Khashoggi was lured to the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, Turkey to obtain documents related to his upcoming marriage. Once inside, he was killed by a group of assassins. A recording subsequently released by the Turkish government appeared to document his body being dismembered with a saw.

At a Democratic presidential debate in November 2019, Biden was categorical that were he elected president, his administration would stop selling weapons to Saudi Arabia for use in its war against Yemen, and he would “punish” the Saudi officials who killed Khashoggi.

Biden was asked, “President Trump has not punished senior Saudi leaders. Would you?”

Biden replied:

Yes, and I said it at the time. Khashoggi was, in fact, murdered and dismembered, and, I believe, on the order of the crown prince. And I would make it very clear we were not going to, in fact, sell more weapons to them, we were going to, in fact, make them pay the price and make them, in fact, the pariah that they are …

And I would also, as pointed out, I would end—end subsidies that we have, end the sale of materiel to the Saudis, where they’re going in and murdering children, and they’re murdering innocent people. And so they have to be held accountable.

In addition to the murder of Khashoggi, Biden was referring to the Saudi-led war in Yemen, in which the Saudi monarchy has deliberately targeted the civilian population, including through mass starvation. As one United Nations official concluded, “Civilians in Yemen are not starving, they are being starved.” The official called for Saudi Arabia to be referred to the International Criminal Court.

According to the US State Department, the “significant human rights issues” in Saudi Arabia include:

unlawful killings; executions for nonviolent offenses; forced disappearances; torture … substantial interference with the freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of association … inability of citizens to choose their government peacefully through free and fair elections; violence and discrimination against women … criminalization of consensual same-sex sexual activity; and restrictions on workers’ freedom of association, including prohibition of trade unions and collective bargaining.

This past March, just four months before Biden’s trip, Saudi Arabia executed 81 people on a single day, the most in the kingdom’s modern history.

Despite his election promises, upon taking office Biden expanded US arms shipments to Saudi Arabia to aid its war against the civilian population of Yemen, selling a further $650 million in missiles to the kingdom in 2021.

Biden’s meeting with bin Salman and continued backing for the homicidal war in Yemen is of a piece with his repudiation of his campaign pledge to “close this period of relentless war.”

Even as Biden was making his empty statements about Saudi Arabia, far-reaching plans were being mapped out to systematically arm Ukraine in preparation for the current US-led proxy war with Russia.

Biden has invoked this war to justify the abandonment of any pretense of distancing himself from Saudi Arabia’s mass murder in Yemen and its killing of Khashoggi.

On Saturday, Biden published an op-ed in the Washington Post, Khashoggi’s former newspaper, titled, “Why I’m going to Saudi Arabia.” In it, Biden largely dismisses any discussion of human rights and dispenses with the pretense that US foreign policy is altruistic. Instead, he defines Washington’s policy goals in the Middle East entirely from the standpoint of “American interests.”

The words “human rights” and “Khashoggi” appear only once in the piece. Instead, Biden justifies the trip, including the face-to-face with bin Salman, as being critical to the advancement of US mercantile and military interests—in Biden’s words, “important American interests.”

Biden explains, right off the bat, that he is traveling to the Middle East because, “Its waterways are essential to global trade and the supply chains we rely on. Its energy resources are vital for mitigating the impact on global supplies of Russia’s war in Ukraine.”

He adds that while his “views on human rights are clear and long-standing,” military and economic imperatives take precedence. He writes:

As president, it is my job to keep our country strong and secure. We have to counter Russia’s aggression, put ourselves in the best possible position to outcompete China, and work for greater stability in a consequential region of the world. To do these things, we have to engage directly with countries that can impact those outcomes. Saudi Arabia is one of them, and when I meet with Saudi leaders on Friday, my aim will be to strengthen a strategic partnership going forward that’s based on mutual interests and responsibilities.

In an op-ed published last month, Hatice Cengiz, Khashoggi’s fiancĂ©e, issued an appeal to Biden to “cancel your trip and uphold your promise to pursue justice for Jamal.” She said the trip “will significantly compound our grief and hopelessness.”

She wrote, “[Y]ou condemn Russia for persecuting dissidents and committing war crimes in Ukraine.” Why then, she asked, was the Saudi royal family “being given a pass?”

“Is that the price of oil?”

Clearly, it is.

The US media has packaged the US war against Russia in Ukraine as being driven purely by altruistic motives. The United States, according to the media narrative, is willing, from sheer benevolence, to expend limitless resources in the prosecution of a just war in defense of “democracy.”

To those gullible enough to believe that the US war against Russia has anything to do with “human rights” and opposing war crimes, Biden’s trip to Saudi Arabia should open their eyes. This episode makes clear, once again, that humanitarian concerns are not a factor in US foreign policy. They are mere packaging for public relations.

US geostrategic policy is motivated by Washington’s drive for global hegemony, central to which is the focus on destroying and subjugating Russia, itself the prelude to a military conflict with China.

Why, to quote his op-ed, is Biden “going to Saudi Arabia?”

Because he is a shameless hypocrite. Because he is capable of any crime.

In the name of oil, of money, of profits for his paymasters in the American oligarchy and the US arms industry, so they can fight a war with Russia, Biden is legitimizing the murder of Jamal Khashoggi and extending a carte blanche to his killers.

Report: Joe Biden Considers Selling Offensive Weapons to Saudi Arabia Again

Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal (2nd R) welcomes US Vice President Joe Biden (C) at the Riyadh airbase on October 27, 2011, upon his arrival in the Saudi capital with a US official delegation to offer condolences to the King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz following the death of his …
AFP via Getty Images

The news agency Reuters, citing anonymous sources, reported on Tuesday leftist President Joe Biden is considering resuming offensive weapons sales to Saudi Arabia in anticipation of his visit to the country, scheduled for Friday.

The weapons would likely be used in some capacity related to the nearly eight-year-old civil war in Yemen, where Saudi Arabia has intervened on behalf of the legitimate government against the Iran-backed Houthi terrorist organization that continues to control the capital, Sanaa.

As a presidential candidate, Biden was a loud critic of the Saudi government, promising to turn one of America’s most critical allies in the region into a “pariah” and condemning both Riyadh’s actions in Yemen and the brutal killing at the hands of Saudi officials of Jamal Khashoggi, an Islamist former Washington Post contributor.

Both Biden and the Democrats generally have largely stopped discussing the Khashoggi killing – once the focus of widespread left-wing condemnation of President Donald Trump, who was in office when it happened – and reports for weeks have indicated that Biden may ask Saudi leaders to expand their oil capacity to help America offset global oil market shortages caused by sanctions on Russia. Biden has steadfastly refused to allow American companies to expand their oil and gas capacity instead, despite America being home to the world’s largest known oil and gas reserves.

The White House has offered little clarity regarding what Biden could offer the Saudis – currently enjoying a thriving economy as oil prices soar – in exchange for increasing oil capacity, as Biden has repeatedly insisted that resolving the oil crisis is not why he is visiting the country. The Reuters report indicates aiding Saudi Arabia with weapons sales could be on the table.

Reuters’ anonymous sources claimed Biden administration officials are engaging in “informal” considerations to allow offensives weapons sales to Saudi Arabia after Saudi officials pressured Washington to reconsider blocking the sales.

“Among the biggest-ticket items the Saudis would likely seek are precision-guided munitions (PGM) such as those approved under former President Donald Trump in the face of objections from members of Congress,” Reuters observed in its report. “But the Biden administration is expected to move cautiously as it discusses which systems might be offered, two sources said.”

The anonymous sources claimed that Biden would demand some “progress” in resolving the Yemen civil war before resuming the weapons sales.

Reuters noted Biden only blocked “offensive” weapons sales and the United States has been open to selling defensive weapons throughout Biden’s tenure, going as far as to support selling Riyadh an advanced “Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system” like the one South Korea agreed to purchase from the United States in 2016 to protect from North Korean attacks.

North Korea and South Korea – and their allies, China and America, respectively – remain in a technical state of war despite the Korean War’s active hostilities period ending in 1953.

U.S. military personnel stand by a M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) during Saudi Arabias first World Defense Show, north of the capital Riyadh, on March 6, 2022. (FAYEZ NURELDINE/AFP via Getty Images)

Biden is scheduled to arrive in the Middle East on Wednesday, visiting Israel first and flying from Israel to Saudi Arabia on Friday.

According to the United Arab Emirates’ (UAE) The National, Biden is scheduled to meet with both Saudi King Salman and the nation’s crown prince and de-facto ruler, Mohammed Bin Salman, commonly referred to by his initials, MBS.

Given the strained relations between America and Saudi Arabia under Biden and skyrocketing gas prices at home, the announcement that Biden would abandon his quest to turn Saudi Arabia into a “pariah” state internationally and meet with its leaders was largely interpreted as a ploy to buy more Saudi oil or convince the country to produce more for the international market, driving down prices.

Outside of news reports and analysis, French President Emmanuel Macron appeared to attempt to dissuade Biden from trying to convince Gulf states to produce more oil in a conversation in June caught on television.

“I had a call with MBZ,” Macron said, referring to UAE President Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, during a conversation with Biden at June’s G7 summit. “He told me two things. One, I’m at a maximum, maximum what he claims. Second, according to MBZ, the Saudis can increase a little bit, by 150 (thousand gallons) or a little bit more, but they don’t have huge capacities at least before six months’ time.”

Biden has since repeatedly insisted he is not going to Saudi Arabia to request more oil production, but has struggled to explain what other reason he would have for the dramatic shift in tone from his stance on the country as a presidential candidate.

“No, I’m not going to ask them,” Biden insisted days after the Macron conversation, referring to the Saudis and oil production. “I hope we see them, in their own interest, concluding that makes sense to do.”

In an opinion column published in the Washington Post – Khashoggi’s former publication – titled “Why I’m Going to Saudi Arabia,” Biden failed to offer a concrete reason why he was going to Saudi Arabia, making the claim that visiting Riyadh would somehow help Ukraine fight off an ongoing Russian invasion that began eight years ago but only captured the international imagination in February.

“I know that there are many who disagree with my decision to travel to Saudi Arabia. My views on human rights are clear and long-standing,” Biden wrote in his article, “and fundamental freedoms are always on the agenda when I travel abroad, as they will be during this trip, just as they will be in Israel and the West Bank.”

“We have to counter Russia’s aggression, put ourselves in the best possible position to outcompete China,” the article continued, “when I meet with Saudi leaders on Friday, my aim will be to strengthen a strategic partnership going forward that’s based on mutual interests and responsibilities, while also holding true to fundamental American values.”

Biden also boasted that he would take a historic flight from Israel to Saudi Arabia – possible thanks to President Trump’s diplomacy thawing relations between Israel and its Muslim neighbors – and claimed that he sought to “reorient  – but not rupture –” ties to Saudi Arabia.

“I would make it very clear we were not going to, in fact, sell more weapons to them, we were going to, in fact, make them pay the price and make them, in fact, the pariah that they are,” candidate Joe Biden said during a Democrat primary debate in 2019. “There’s very little social redeeming value in the present government in Saudi Arabia.”

Follow Frances Martel on Facebook and Twitter.


Biden Tries to Cut a Deal to Spare 9/11 Mastermind the Death Penalty

19 years later, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed has yet to face justice.

Thu Mar 17, 2022 

Daniel Greenfield






Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

Biden recently released Mohammed al-Qahtani, the 20th 9/11 hijacker, and Zuhail al-Sharabi, another hijacker for an expanded version of the 9/11 attacks from Guantanamo Bay, so it's only fitting that he's trying to cut a plea deal with the mastermind of the attacks.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the architect of the September 11 attacks, not to mention multiple other plots and acts of terror including the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center and the brutal murder of Daniel Pearl, was captured in March 2003.

19 years later the trial has yet to go anywhere.

In 2008, the process of charging Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four others began.

Unfortunately a year later, the pro-terrorist administration of Barack Hussein Obama took office.

Attorney General Eric Holder announced that he wanted to bring Mohammed to a civilian court in New York. The backlash, especially from the families of 9/11 victims, was tremendous and the Obama administration overruled Holder. However Holder injected a poison pill into the system by going after the use of material gained through the terrorist leader's interrogations and even from a “Clean Team” that independently obtained a confession from Mohammed.

“It’s a statement about what this Administration is about,” Holder boasted.

As if anyone needed further reminding of what the Obama administration was really about.

After that everyone settled in for a decade of lawfare by Mohammed’s lawyers who carefully sabotaged any effort to move the case forward by demanding classified information involving the system set up to stop, capture and interrogate Islamic terrorists. And their client and his legal allies followed the Al Qaeda lawfare playbook by making all sorts of frivolous complaints, such as objecting to the presence of female personnel, to drag out the case.

Their game plan was to get the government to settle. And they almost made it once before.

A previous effort to cut a plea deal with Mohammed was thrown out when Attorney General Jeff Sessions demanded that military prosecutors cut out any such nonsense. But now it’s back.

The trial of Mohammed and other terrorists involved in the 9/11 attacks finally began in 2021 and after a series of hearings was shut down again due to the pandemic before being restarted.

The Biden administration has been aggressively pressuring the Department of Defense to shut down Guantanamo Bay and free all the terrorists. Mohammed and his legal allies understand that, like Obama, Biden wants to empty Gitmo. The 9/11 mastermind has effectively used that in the past by demanding that he serve out his sentence in Gitmo instead of in Colorado.

Mohammed and his legal defenders claimed that Gitmo was a better place for Muslims.

Even though Mohammed had confessed several times already, a plea deal would have the terror boss trade a guilty plea in exchange for prosecutors dropping the death penalty.

Attorney General Eric Holder had promised that Mohammed would receive the death penalty. Numerous politicians, both Democrats and Republicans, assured 9/11 families he would. But Mohammed understood that, like his Taliban allies, all he had to do was wait out America.

Americans would care less about the September 11 attacks with every year that passed. The families of those who were killed in the Islamic terrorist attacks would grow old or die. The political and military systems would grow tired of jumping through legal hoops and surrender.

And that is exactly what’s happening.

The Obama administration warped the morale and patriotic fiber of portions of the military. Court officials who were once disgusted to even be dealing with Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Al Qaeda terrorists have been replaced by those who now ferociously advocate for them.

At the Gitmo trial of an Al Qaeda terrorist last year, military officials serving as a jury sent a shameful letter whining that the terrorist's interrogation was a "stain on the moral fiber of America" and "a source of shame.” The only stain here was in their treasonous cowardly letter and the only source of shame is that those who wrote it are still employed by the military.

The Biden administration is betting that it can cut a plea deal and clear the Mohammed case.

But in 2009, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his fellow terrorists had already entered their "Islamic" response to the charges against them which declared that "killing you and fighting you, destroying you and terrorizing you" are "considered to be great legitimate duty in our religion."

Terrorism, the Islamic response explained, was an "offering" to Allah. It described the "blessed 11 September operation" as "our military attack".

That’s an official confession without any duress whatsoever.

The Islamic response also admitted that even without any of the named pretexts, "it would have been the greatest religious duty to fight you over your infidelity."

This infidelity was defined as “your statement that Allah had a son and your trinity beliefs.”

Al Qaeda would have been at war with America simply because it’s a Christian country.

“Our prophet was victorious because of fear," the response boasted. "Our religion is a religion of fear and terror to the enemies of Allah: the Jews, Christians, and pagans. With Allah's wiling, we are terrorists to the bone."

It concluded by declaring, "Your end is very near and your fall will be just as the fall of the towers on the blessed 9/11 day."

A country that still had any dignity left would have responded by stringing Mohammed and all the rest of them up. Instead another decade of legal wrangling and lawfare followed as military prosecutors and judges continue to insist that they have no idea how to try and convict him.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed had confessed his crimes multiple times.

In 1942, with the war underway, Nazi saboteurs brought here by submarine were arrested by the FBI. They were caught in June, tried in July, and sent to the electric chair in August.

And that was for enemy operatives who had not even managed to kill a single American.

Meanwhile after 19 years of having the mastermind of the murder of thousands of Americans in custody, he has yet to be convicted and is unlikely now to pay the price for his crimes.

The military court system, which was meant to expedite the trials and convictions of terrorists as enemy insurgents during wartime, not criminal defendants protected by the Constitution, has been corrupted and broken. It needs to be replaced. But that is not likely to happen until the next phase of the war against Islamic terrorism is underway.

Meanwhile the political and cultural allies of the Islamists are running our government.

Obama sabotaged the process of bringing Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to justice and now, just as with the Taliban and Iran, Biden is finishing the criminal betrayal that his boss began.


The Democrats are now officially the party of Jew-hatred. This is largely due to the disastrous presidency of Barack Hussein Obama. PAMELA GELLER

Abunimah’s piece -- and Obama’s numerous anti-Semitic associations -- got little attention. Throughout his life Barack Obama has been close friends with numerous virulent anti-Semites: Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, Khalid al-Mansour, Rashid Khalidi and others.  PAMELA GELLER 


Jesse Watters: The Clintons' crooked connections



“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton (LAWYERS-2) Foundation and the (LAWYERS-2) Obama book and television deals. Then there is the Biden (LAWYERS-3) family corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the (LAWYER) Warren and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (YOU CAN ADD LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS AND LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER TO THE PATHEION OF DEMOCRAT BRIBES SUCKING CORRUPT LAWYER POLITICIANS!).          BRIAN C JOONDEPH


One topic that Hillary is quick to criticize President Trump on is his relationship with Saudia Arabia. It’s ironic given the Clinton Foundation’s refusal to state that they will no longer accept financial donations from The Kingdom as others have.


But the Clinton Foundation, to which donations declined dramatically after Clinton’s 2016 defeat, has taken multi-million dollar contributions from Saudi Arabia in the past and isn’t ruling out continuing to accept them.


The Clinton Foundation accepted between $10 and $25 million from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, with donations coming as late as 2014. A now-defunct group named “Friends of Saudi Arabia,” which was reportedly co-founded by a Saudi Prince and often worked as a PR front for the kingdom, also donated between $1 and $5 million.

Qatar's longstanding efforts to buy influence in the United States have, quite unsurprisingly, included substantial donations to the Clinton Foundation. In 2011, for example, the foundation accepted a $1 million gift from Qatar in honor of former president Bill Clinton's 65th birthday. Hillary was serving as secretary of state at the time, but failed to disclose the massive donation to the State Department despite her pledge to keep the agency apprised of the foundation's foreign donors.

As in 2016, Democrats advance a corrupt ruling-class candidate. Like the dead man Gary Ernst, Democrats want people to vote for Joe Biden  (LAWYER) so they can swap him out for Kamala Harris (LAWYER), already a beneficiary of voter fraud and with the exception of Xavier Becerra (LAWYER) possibly the worst attorney general in California history.


"But the Obamas are the center of the most delusional cult of personality that the media has yet spawned. And so we get bizarre pieces like these."


The mullahs rolled in cash as a result of rolling Obama and his gullible team over the deal, knowing that Obama was desperate for some sort of legacy.   

                                                                        MONICA SHOWALTER



BARACK OBAMA and his SAUDIS PAYMASTERS: Did they build his Muslim tower in Chicago?


The Democrats are now officially the party of Jew-hatred. This is largely due to the disastrous presidency of Barack Hussein Obama. PAMELA GELLER

Abunimah’s piece -- and Obama’s numerous anti-Semitic associations -- got little attention. Throughout his life Barack Obama has been close friends with numerous virulent anti-Semites: Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, Khalid al-Mansour, Rashid Khalidi and others.  PAMELA GELLER 

Joe Biden Defends Backflip Ahead of Visit to ‘Pariah’ Saudi Arabia

US President Joe Biden leaves St. Edmunds Catholic Church after attending Mass in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, on July 9, 2022. (Photo by Nicholas Kamm / AFP) (Photo by NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP via Getty Images)

President Joe Biden has defended plans to meet with Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman (MBS) during his visit to Saudi Arabia this week, happily acknowledging the oil-rich kingdom he pledged to punish as a Democratic candidate for the White House.

The Middle East diplomatic foray comes after Biden vowed during his presidential campaign to treat Saudi Arabia as a “pariah” in response to the murder and dismembering of journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the direction of the Saudis in 2018.

During a Democrat primary debate in November 2019, Biden boasted he was “going to, in fact, make them pay the price, and make them in fact the pariah that they are.”

He added there was “very little social redeeming value in the present government in Saudi Arabia.”

Now critics say Biden is going cap-in-hand to the same country to plead for them to increase oil production even after last month seeking to distance himself from the upcoming encounter, stressing to reporters he was going to meet with King Salman and his team.

But the White House confirmed earlier this week that he will meet MBS as part of that larger delegation during the trip.

AP reports in the article posted online Saturday night by Post, Biden pointed to developments in the Middle East as being more stable more stable and secure than when the Trump administration ended, among them intense diplomacy as well as military action against state-sponsored attacks.

But his framing of the Saudi relationship in particular appeared defensive, especially with some in the U.S. demanding that he not lend legitimacy to the government with a visit, AP set out in its report.

Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman waves as he is welcomed to Turkey during an official ceremony at the Presidential Complex in Ankara, on June 22, 2022. (ADEM ALTAN/AFP via Getty)

A street sign for Jamal Khashoggi Way is unveiled outside the Embassy of Saudi Arabia as guests listen to speakers in Washington, DC, on June 15, 2022. Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is accused by U.S. intelligence of ordering the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi who was dismembered by Saudi agents in the kingdom’s Istanbul consulate in 2018. ( MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty)

Biden linked U.S. strength and security to countering Russian aggression and competition from China, then argued that engaging directly with countries like Saudi Arabia could help promote those efforts.

The president said he aimed to strengthen a U.S.-Saudi partnership “going forward that’s based on mutual interests and responsibilities, while also holding true to fundamental American values.” Biden wrote:

I know that there are many who disagree with my decision to travel to Saudi Arabia. My views on human rights are clear and long-standing, and fundamental freedoms are always on the agenda when I travel abroad, as they will be during this trip, just as they will be in Israel and the West Bank.

Sky-high gas prices have been cited as one of the main reasons for a presidential visit, as the Biden administration has pleaded in vain for OPEC to lift their production caps on foreign oil.

Human rights advocates and some Democratic allies previously cautioned Biden about visiting the kingdom, saying such a visit without first getting human rights commitments would send a message to Saudi leaders that there are no consequences for egregious rights violations.

Biden will visit Saudi Arabia, which has long been accused of using mass arrests, executions and violence to strangle dissent, at the tail end of a July 13-16 Middle East trip that includes stops in Israel and the West Bank,

Afghanistan, Islamic Militants in Nigeria and Ayatollah Khamenei Named Persecutors of the Year

By Ben Kelley | July 1, 2022 | 12:32pm EDT


A victim of ethnic clashes between the northern Fulani and southern Yoruba traders, speaks of burnt valuables at Shasha Market in Ibadan, Nigeria, Feb. 15, 2021. (Photo by Pius Utomi Ekpei/AFP via Getty Images)
A victim of ethnic clashes between the northern Fulani and southern Yoruba traders, speaks of burnt valuables at Shasha Market in Ibadan, Nigeria, Feb. 15, 2021. (Photo by Pius Utomi Ekpei/AFP via Getty Images)

( - Afghanistan, Islamic militants in Nigeria, and Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s Supreme Leader, were named 2022’s Persecutors of the Year by International Christian Concern (ICC).

At a ceremony in Washington D.C. on Wednesday, ICC unveiled this year’s “Dis-Honorees” in recognition of their role in persecuting Christians. At their annual award ceremony (which began in 2021), the group names a nation, an entity, and a person as the persecutors of the year.

This year, the nation that inflicted the most pain on Christians was Afghanistan. The ICC described the Taliban government as putting a “death sentence on Christians.” The group describes the Taliban government as “The Embodiment of Persecution.”

According to the ICC report, the Taliban has employed intimidation and harassment tactics in order to push Christians into hiding. These measures have limited Christians’ access to food and medical supplies, and have led to arrests and torture. The Taliban has also rolled back human rights in the region, particularly for women.

Societal and employment discrimination has deprived minorities--especially Christians--of necessities. Some families have taken measures as desperate as selling their daughters into marriages with older men.

The Taliban took control of the Afghan government on August 15, 2021 amid the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. The United States officially completed the withdrawal on August 30, 2021.

In 2020, the Trump administration agreed to withdraw from Afghanistan before May 1, 2021. President Biden moved that deadline to September 11 of that year less than two months after entering office.

Nigeria’s Fulani militants were deemed by the ICC to be the entity that posed the greatest threat to Christians in the past year. According to ICC: “Fulani militias have killed tens of thousands of Christians and left countless homeless in a 20-year genocide.”

The Fulani people are a nomadic culture in the Sahel, the dry region south of the Sahara. Desertification and the expansion of the Sahara have pushed the Fulani farther south into Nigeria, where the Muslim north is increasingly confrontational with the Christian south.

Over the past year, a radicalized, fundamentalist Islamic sect of the Fulani people has terrorized Christians throughout Nigeria. Their tactics include kidnapping, raping, dismembering, and burning their victims. The situation has produced a refugee crisis among Christians.

Last week, two Catholic priests were murdered in Southwestern Nigeria. Dozens of Christians were massacred in Nigeria during Pentecost early in June. ICC claims that the government of Nigeria has a complacent attitude towards this persecution and refuses to acknowledge the ethnic nature of the conflict, instead describing it as “farmer-herder” clashes. The organization draws a parallel between this response and the initial response to ethnic violence in Rwanda that culminated in the 1994 genocide.

The ICC gave Grand Ayatollah Khamenei, Iran’s Supreme Leader, its Individual Award for persecution in the last year.

Khamenei controls the security and judicial branches of the nation’s government, which are largely responsible for the intense persecution of Christians within Iran. Although the state claims to allow the free practice of religion, only certain established ethnic groups, such as Armenians and Assyrians, are permitted to practice Christianity.

The Ayatollah has led a campaign of arrests and church closures against Iranian Christians that has driven believers underground. He has described house-churches as “national security threats” and uses the power of the state to vigorously track them down. His attacks on religious freedom have led to the State Department to designate Iran as a Country of Particular Concern for its severe violations of religious freedom.

Khamenei’s government has jailed Christians at the notorious Evin Prison. Evin Prison is notable for its miserable conditions, lack of medical care, and the frequent, severe torture inflicted on prisoners by the guards. Although Iranian officials have long denied accusations of abuse at Evin Prison, when footage of conditions in the facility leaked in 2021, even the head of the Iranian prison system admitted that the prison conditions there were “unacceptable.”


Meanwhile, fifty people on the terror watch list have been apprehended at the Southern border so far this year, and there is no telling how many got across without being caught. Welcome to Old Joe Biden’s America.


Denmark: provoking the limits of tolerance


Terror-Linked Muslim Umbrella Group Brings Hundreds to DC to Lobby Congress

US Council of Muslim Organizations delegates included individual who joked about threatening to blow up school.


Joe Kaufman is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center and the Chairman of the Joe Kaufman Security Initiative. He was the 2014, 2016 and 2018 Republican Nominee for U.S. House of Representatives (Florida-CD23).

Armed with an extremist agenda, hundreds of Islamists from around the nation representing the US Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO) descended upon the US Capitol building, from June 13-14, to lobby members of Congress. USCMO has major terrorist ties, and some of the individuals acting as the organization’s delegates are just as radical. One, Syed Ammar Ahmed, an official from the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), once even joked about threatening to blow up a school. Unless he/she thinks their fanatical talking points are valid, why would any sitting Congressman wish to give this group of zealots any of his/her time?

USCMO was founded, in March 2014, to provide mainstream American Islamist groups a bigger voice and influence in politics. These groups include: the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), the South Asian terror-related ICNA, the Muslim Brotherhood-associated Muslim American Society (MAS), and more. The groups sponsoring this year’s event, ‘The 7th Annual Muslim Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill,’ included ICNA and Islamic Relief (IR), an organization that has been banned by a number of nations due to its many ties to terrorist financing.

Sitting on the board of USCMO are Mazen Mokhtar, the former admin for the now-defunct al-Qaeda recruitment/financing site, who has referred to suicide bombings as “an effective method of attacking the enemy”; Siraj Wahhaj, a Brooklyn imam who was named a party to the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and who has been linked to the bomb maker of the attack, Clement Rodney Hampton-El; and AMP Executive Director Osama Abuirshaid, who threatened, in January 2020, “Palestinians, if they don’t take what they want willingly, they will take it forcefully… [W]e’re going to liberate our land… whether they like it or they don’t like it.”

Some of those representing USCMO as delegates at Muslim Advocacy Day seem to be just as radical as the USCMO leadership, itself. One delegate, who was photographed posing with others outside the office of US Representative Carlos Gimenez, was the Government Affairs Coordinator at ICNA’s social services division, ICNA Relief USA, and Hugo Chavez fanboy, Syed Ammar Ahmed. In February 2010, following a debate he participated in at a school, Ahmed commented, “I hate white people,” called himself a “terrorist,” and at the suggestion of an acquaintance, joked that he “should have threatened to blow up the school.”

Another was CAIR-California CEO and apologist for al-Qaeda operatives held in Guantanamo Bay, Hussam Ayloush. This past May, Ayloush called for Israel’s destruction, writing, “It is our moral responsibility and focus to make sure that the racist apartheid structure is dismantled…” He clicked ‘like’ for a photo posted on his Facebook page containing the message, “We pray for the near dissolution of the Zionist state.” He wrote that Palestinians have a “legal right to resist” (i.e. commit terrorist acts) against Israelis. He posted that “American Jews” who support Israel are “animals” and said that relocating Jews to Israel was part of a conspiratorial “Zionist plan.”

Yet another delegate was CAIR-San Francisco Executive Director Zahraa Billoo. In September 2019, Women’s March, a left wing activist group, removed Billoo from its board for anti-Semitic remarks about Israel. In December 2008, she posted on her blog that she considered starting a website to recruit volunteers to attack Israel. In March 2008, she labeled US troops “scum.” In September 2007, she wrote, “Apartheid Israel is not a country” and questioned if anyone had the right to be upset at those calling for its destruction. In January 2007, she wrote that she had thoughts of committing suicide, after she noticed a pro-Israel poster on a San Francisco train.

The terrorist-friendly agenda items (“legislative measures”) USCMO delegates were told to lobby members of Congress about easily reflect the terrorist relations of the individuals and groups that make up USCMO. One issue dealt with the Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention (TVTP) grant program, which provides funding to governmental and non-governmental entities, with the goal of preventing and countering violence. Because the program is seen by USCMO and its affiliates as primarily targeting Islamic militants, the delegates were instructed to lobby in favor of resolutions that would severely weaken it.

A second issue dealt with lobbying for citizenship for evacuees from Afghanistan. It has been reported that a number of Afghans evacuated, during and after the Biden Administration’s 2021 pullout, had “potentially significant security concerns.” Other reports reveal that several Afghans applying for asylum in the US have associations with the Taliban. However, USCMO, whose member organizations officially assist in the resettlement of aforesaid refugees – a conflict of interest – instructed its delegates to lobby members of Congress to “allow the tens of thousands of Afghan evacuees to apply to become lawful permanent residents one year after arrival.”

A third issue concerned the subject of ‘Islamophobia,’ a term often used to silence critics of Islamist terror. USCMO delegates were instructed to urge members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to adopt the International Combating Islamophobia Act, legislation that was introduced by USCMO ally Congresswoman Ilhan Omar and, according to USCMO, “would establish a special envoy office… to monitor and combat international Islamophobia.” Given its very nature, the act would be used to stifle speech and protect groups, like USCMO, who would wish harm upon our nation and effectively label any criticism of radical Islam as “hate speech.”

USCMO is a conglomerate of various Muslim extremist outfits, and its Islamist agenda is a dangerous one. All freedom loving Americans should be deeply concerned that USCMO, each year, is sending hundreds of its followers and affiliates to roam the halls of Congress and to agitate for their insidious, anti-democratic, pro-sharia initiatives, initiatives that threaten to undermine America and by extension Western civilization.

USCMO’s 7th Annual Muslim Advocacy Day should be its last.

Beila Rabinowitz, Director of Militant Islam Monitor, contributed to this report.



What could possibly go wrong? Border Report reported Monday that “a shelter for Muslim migrants opened over the weekend in Tijuana, the first of its kind in all of Mexico.” This is no small-time effort: “The Latino Muslim Foundation, based in San Diego and Tijuana, raised half a million dollars to make the facility a reality.” Meanwhile, fifty people on the terror watch list have been apprehended at the Southern border so far this year, and there is no telling how many got across without being caught. Welcome to Old Joe Biden’s America.

CAIR Takes Aim

Can you guess whom the terror-tied group is targeting now?


In a June 14, 2022 op-ed in the Washington Post, Corey Saylor, the Director of Research and Advocacy at the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), issued a demand to the administration of newly-elected Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin and Lieutenant Governor Winsome Earle-Sears. CAIR, which was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the 2008 Holy Land Foundation terror funding trial, wants the Youngkin administration to “reject [Brigitte] Gabriel and ACT for America.” A May 20, 2022 photo posted on @ACTBrigitte’s Twitter page showed Lieutenant Governor Sears posing with Gabriel. Displaying that photo, CAIR issued a May 27, 2022 press release calling Gabriel  a “[n]otorious racist and anti-Muslim bigot” and calling on Sears to “repudiate her alleged ties with a notorious anti-Muslim hate group leader.” CAIR’s more recent Washington Post article then made reference to that photo of Gabriel with Sears and claimed that ACT for America is an “anti-Islam extremist group” whose leadership should be ostracized and rejected.

It would seem a bit rich that an organization such as CAIR, which itself has been named specifically in the legal documents of a terror financing trial, should be providing advice on professional associations to anyone, much less the Government of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Ronald Weich, Assistant Attorney General of the United States Department of Justice, wrote a letter to then-U.S. Congresswoman Sue Myrick dated February 12, 2010, in which he responded to her about how CAIR came to be named an unindicted co-conspirator of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development in the United States v. Holy Land Foundation et al. (CR. No. 3:04-240-P N.D.TX.) case. In that letter, Assistant Attorney General Weich provided official trial testimony and other evidence introduced in that trial “which demonstrated a relationship among CAIR, individual CAIR founders, and the Palestine Committee. Evidence was also introduced that demonstrated a relationship between the Palestine Committee and HAMAS, which was designated as a terrorist organization in 1995.”

To be clear, this was not mere guilt by association, a scenario that Saylor attempts to portray for Gabriel and ACT for America in his Washington Post piece, in which he cites alleged statements of various individuals who may have been present at an ACT event sometime in the past. Citing the Southern Poverty Law Center doesn’t help his case, either.

It may be noted that this would not be the first time that CAIR has attempted to insert itself into the associations, business, and presentations of others it accuses of “anti-Muslim bigotry.” In 2015, Brandeis University withdrew plans to bestow an honorary degree on Ayaan Hirsi Ali (a Somali-born apostate from Islam), just a day after protests from groups that included CAIR. In August 2019, the Norwich Bulletin attacked E. Miles Prentice, the owner of the Connecticut Tigers (farm team of the Detroit Tigers Major League Baseball team), citing criticism of the Center for Security Policy (CSP), a Washington, DC think tank by Ibrahim Hooper, CAIR’s communications director. At the time, Prentice served as CSP’s Board Chairman. Prentice reportedly wound up losing the team. The Pentagon itself has been intimidated by CAIR regarding anti-terror training reportedly termed “anti-Islamic.” And in 2020, a student at Scottsdale Community College was joined by CAIR’s Arizona chapter in filing suit against Professor Nicholas Damask over some quiz questions they alleged condemned Islam for justifying terrorism. Initially, the college chastised Professor Damask, but later apologized to him and cleared him of any wrongdoing. The lawsuit itself was thrown out of court, and the Scottsdale Community College agreed to pay a $155,000 settlement to Professor Damask.

This list could go on, but you get the idea. As for CAIR, though, asked to condemn Hamas by name, well, not so much.

At its official website, ACT for America – which is a non-profit grassroots movement – declares that its mission is “to educate, engage, train, and mobilize citizens to ensure the safety and security of Americans against all threats foreign and domestic while preserving civil liberties guaranteed by the US Constitution.” ACT for America works especially in the public policy arena to provide informative input for bills introduced at the state and federal levels, with an emphasis on preserving civil liberties protected by the U.S. Constitution.

For their part, during the 2020 campaign as well as in the months since taking office, both Governor Youngkin and Lieutenant Governor Sears have made a point of emphasizing their commitment to championing the civil rights and welfare of all Virginians, in policy areas including antisemitism, criminal justice, the economy and job creation, education, and health.

CAIR, on the other hand, apparently would rather forget all about the Holy Land Foundation trial and focus instead on disparaging a 20-year friendship with mean-spirited barbs about the Virginia Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and an American citizen of immigrant background who leads one of the largest and most patriotic-minded organizations in the country. Expect Governor Youngkin, Lieutenant Governor Sears, and most Virginians to see straight through that.

Clare M. Lopez is the Founder/President of Lopez Liberty LLC.

Muslims Attack Christians for ‘Sin’ of Opening a Church

Another day in Egypt.


Raymond Ibrahim is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.  This article first appeared on Coptic Solidarity.

On the evening of June 23, 2022, Muslim mobs attacked the homes of Coptic Christians, including by hurling stones through their windows, in al-Hilla, a village in Luxor governate, Upper Egypt.

The occasion of this latest Muslim mob attack on Egypt’s indigenous Christian minority was the legalization of the Church of Michael the Archangel.  Although the church was originally built in 2003, it only received formal recognition last week.  After waiting for 17 years, as soon as the decree (signed by the prime-minister) was issued to legalize and open the church —and in anticipation of expected, fanatical Muslim ire—the responsible committee dispatched a security force to protect, and set up barriers around, the church.

On learning that the church that had been built nearly two decades ago was finally going to start functioning as a church, Muslims throughout the village “rejected the matter,” says one report, “and the process of charging and inflaming the people’s feelings began,” as Muslims cried out that the building or renovation of a church contradicts shari‘a, or Islamic, law (as well captured by the Conditions of Omar, a document purportedly drawn up by Caliph Omar I, which, among several other severe stipulations placed on Christians, holds that new churches can never be built, and preexisting but dilapidated churches can never be repaired).

Before long, the angry mobs, which were augmented by Muslims from neighboring villages, had grown very large and, “amidst hostile chants”—which no doubt included Islam’s jihadist war-cry, “Allahu Akbar!”—began hurling stones through the windows of Coptic homes.  According to the report, “the security force charged with protecting the church tried to rebuff them, but the number of assailants was too large.”

Before peace could be regained, many Christian homes had been damaged; several vehicles and motorcycles parked in front of Coptic homes were also “smashed” or set aflame,  including the village priest’s vehicle.

On the following day, Friday, Luxor police forces reinforced their presence in the village in anticipation of more Muslim anger following Friday mosque prayers—when imams habitually whip the faithful into a frenzy concerning the alleged sins of the “infidels” who need to be punished.  Armed security and national forces—including several armored vehicles—were also deployed all throughout the region, especially around the Church of Michael the Archangel, Christian homes, and surrounding mosques.

Meanwhile, and as the report notes, the traumatized Copts maintain that their “only sin” was to have “obtained an official decision to legalize the church.”

It is worth noting that the above scenario has played out countless times in Egypt: whenever a church is built, legalized, or repaired—or is merely rumored to be built, legalized, or repaired—local Muslims riot and attack the Copts.  Authorities frequently respond by appeasing the rioters and rescinding the church’s legal status, effectively shutting it down.

Time will tell if the law will, once again, collapse before Muslim mob rule, or if justice will prevail for the Church of Michael the Archangel in Egypt.

Muslim Man Tries to Slaughter Coptic Christian Woman with a Sickle

Another day in the life of Egypt’s “infidel” population.


Raymond Ibrahim is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.  This article first appeared on Coptic Solidarity.

A Muslim man attempted to slaughter a Coptic Christian woman with a sickle in the village of Sharona, Minya governorate, Egypt.

According to a June 15 report, Qassim Falah Muhammad attacked Mona Wafdi Marzouk, 35, as she was walking to her family farm early in the morning to assist her sick and ailing father.  Muhammad crept up behind her and began to strangle her; then, according to the report, “he grabbed a sickle [a sharp tool used for cutting weeds] and tried to slaughter her with it.”  Luckily, the sickle had dulled over the years and did not fully slice though the arteries of her neck.

Muhammad then fled the scene, as reported by Mona’s cousin, Makari, who saw the incident from a distance and ran to the butchered woman’s aid.  He and other family members instantly transferred her to the nearest medical center, where she received seven stitches to her neck.

Although she survived, “Mona lives in a state of terror and panic after the harsh experience of this extremist person.”

While it is unclear why Muhammad targeted Mona, it is clear and well established that he hates Christians and has targeted them before.  In fact, the day before he tried to slaughter Mona, he invaded the home of another Copt in the same village and robbed him of his money and other possessions.

In response to a police investigation, Muhammad’s family instantly produced a certificate indicating that he is “mentally ill”—a tactic on regular display in Egypt whenever a Muslim is caught after attacking a Christian, to get him the most lenient sentencing. But as the report notes,

“If he is mentally ill, why does he exclusively target Copts? Is it sensible to promote the ‘psychopath’ narrative in every single incident against the Copts—as if the mentally ill only see and try to kill Copts?”

This is hardly the first time a fanaticized Muslim man ambushes a Coptic Christian woman in Egypt.  In an earlier, and eerily reminiscent, incident from 2020, a Muslim man crept up behind a Coptic woman walking home with groceries, pulled her head back with a hand full of hair, and slit her throat with a knife in his other hand.  In this instance, Catherine Ramzi, who was also rushed to a nearby medical center, received 63 stitches to her throat; doctors told her she came within an inch of dying.  It is believed that her Muslim would-be murderer—who was, incidentally, also portrayed by Egyptian media as “mentally ill”—may have identified her as a Christian for not wearing a hijab around her hair or for having a cross tattoo on her wrist.

Also, in April, 2021, a Muslim man butchered a Coptic woman and her toddler son with a machete—“as if he were slaughtering chickens,” said eyewitnesses.  He also tried to slaughter the Christian woman’s young daughter, who managed to flee.


So Many Muslims Are Crossing the Border

And now, a shelter for Muslim migrants has opened in Tijuana.


What could possibly go wrong? Border Report notes that “a shelter for Muslim migrants opened over the weekend in Tijuana, the first of its kind in all of Mexico.” This is no small-time effort: “The Latino Muslim Foundation, based in San Diego and Tijuana, raised half a million dollars to make the facility a reality.” Meanwhile, fifty people on the terror watch list have been apprehended at the Southern border so far this year, and there is no telling how many got across without being caught. Welcome to Old Joe Biden’s America.

The shelter is, of course, a humanitarian effort. Sonia Tinico, the president of the Latino Muslim Foundation, explained: “Being on one of the largest borders in the world, this is a source of pride that we’re here able to help people arriving at the border. We’ll be able to provide shelter for Muslims who are seeking to get to the U.S. or Canada.” The shelter will provide “housing, medical care, meals and legal services inside the 8,000-square-foot facility.”

Tinico added that the Muslim migrants on their way to the U.S. “can pray here and have halal meals that don’t have pork since we don’t eat pork. We’ll have separate areas for women and men.” Not only that, but the migrants “will be offered psychological and dental assistance along with workshops to help asylum-seekers get familiar with North American culture and customs.”

How wonderful. But will any effort be made there to determine if any of the migrants are listed on the Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB), or should be? Probably not — that would be “Islamophobic.”

As if that weren’t enough, Iran International English reported late Friday that “the Biden admin has decided to lift a controversial ban on the entry into US of Iranian men who’d been conscripted into IRGC, a Foreign Terrorist Organization, as part of their compulsory military service, as they don’t ‘pose a national security or public safety risk.’” The IRGC is Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, which the Trump administration designated a terrorist organization in 2019. Here again, what could possibly go wrong?

The terror risk involved in the open border has long been known. U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported back on Feb. 3, 2021, that “Yuma Sector Border Patrol agents arrested a group of 11 Iranian citizens who illegally crossed the border into the United States. … Yuma Sector agents apprehended eight Iranian nationals in FY2020, compared to just 14 from all other border patrol sectors combined. So far in FY2021, Yuma Sector agents have apprehend [sic] 14 nationals from Iran.”

Rep. John Katko (R-N.Y.) asserted in March 2021 that “individuals that they have on the watchlist for terrorism are now starting to exploit the southern border. We need to wake up.” Then in August 2021, former Border Patrol chief Rodney Scott warned that the Southern border was “a national security crisis,” with “TSDBs at a level we have never seen before. That’s a real threat.” In October, he said on Fox News that “we have terrorist threats we can’t get into in this type of a forum but they are real.”

Yes, they are, and they’re entirely Biden’s fault. Former CBP Commissioner Mark Morgan said Monday that border agents are “demoralized” with the border “wide open.” He added that “every aspect of our public health, safety, national security is being jeopardized.” Over 7,000 migrants cross the border every day as it is, and once Title 42, a Trump administration attempt to control the wave of migrants, is ended as Biden’s handlers plan to do next month, that number is expected to jump to 18,000 per day.

Morgan observed that one group taking advantage of this is the drug cartels. “They know, because of this administration, our borders are wide open,” Morgan said. “We literally handed over operational control to the cartels. It’s way beyond the millions that have been smuggled in this country.” Not just terrorists, but drug cartels as well. The nightmare never ends.

And it has all been done on purpose. The Biden administration, Morgan added, “opened our borders and intentionally created and facilitated a catastrophic crisis on the southwest border that we’ve never seen in our lifetime.” Why would they do such a thing? You know the answer. Morgan explained: “Their priorities [are] to get as many illegal aliens in this country because – it’s disgusting – but because they see a perceived political benefit.”

It’s insane. The Left seems intent on destroying the country in pursuit of unchallenged political power. What kind of a country they’ll be ruling over once it is overrun with migrants and its economic power entirely outsourced or outpaced doesn’t seem to be a question that ever crosses their minds. How they’ll be able to pay for all their new welfare recipients once the American middle class is entirely taxed out of existence is also not a priority consideration for them. The only thing that matters is gaining and securing political power indefinitely. But this might easily become a pyrrhic victory.

Shelter Opens in Tijuana for Muslims Entering the U.S.

A large influx must be expected.


What could possibly go wrong? Border Report reported Monday that “a shelter for Muslim migrants opened over the weekend in Tijuana, the first of its kind in all of Mexico.” This is no small-time effort: “The Latino Muslim Foundation, based in San Diego and Tijuana, raised half a million dollars to make the facility a reality.” Meanwhile, fifty people on the terror watch list have been apprehended at the Southern border so far this year, and there is no telling how many got across without being caught. Welcome to Old Joe Biden’s America.

The shelter is, of course, a humanitarian effort. Sonia Tinico, the president of the Latino Muslim Foundation (pictured above), explained: “Being on one of the largest borders in the world, this is a source of pride that we’re here able to help people arriving at the border. We’ll be able to provide shelter for Muslims who are seeking to get to the U.S. or Canada.” The shelter will provide “housing, medical care, meals and legal services inside the 8,000-square-foot facility.”

Tinico added that the Muslim migrants on their way to the U.S. “can pray here and have halal meals that don’t have pork since we don’t eat pork. We’ll have separate areas for women and men.” Not only that, but the migrants “will be offered psychological and dental assistance along with workshops to help asylum-seekers get familiar with North American culture and customs.”

How wonderful. But will any effort be made there to determine if any of the migrants are listed on the Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB), or should be? Of course not. That would be “Islamophobic.”

As if that weren’t enough, Iran International English reported late Friday that “the Biden admin has decided to lift a controversial ban on the entry into US of Iranian men who’d been conscripted into IRGC, a Foreign Terrorist Organization, as part of their compulsory military service, as they don’t ‘pose a national security or public safety risk.’” The IRGC is Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, which the Trump administration designated a terrorist organization in 2019. Here again, what could possibly go wrong?

The terror risk involved in the open border has long been known. U.S. Customs and Border Protection reported back on Feb. 3, 2021 that “Yuma Sector Border Patrol agents arrested a group of 11 Iranian citizens who illegally crossed the border into the United States….Yuma Sector agents apprehended eight Iranian nationals in FY2020, compared to just 14 from all other border patrol sectors combined. So far in FY2021, Yuma Sector agents have apprehend [sic] 14 nationals from Iran.”

Rep. John Katko (R-N.Y.) asserted in March 2021 that “individuals that they have on the watchlist for terrorism are now starting to exploit the southern border. We need to wake up.” Then in August 2021, former Border Patrol chief Rodney Scott warned that the Southern border was “a national security crisis,” with “TSDBs at a level we have never seen before. That’s a real threat.” In October, he said on Fox News that “we have terrorist threats we can’t get into in this type of a forum but they are real.”

Yes, they are, and they’re entirely Biden’s fault. Former Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Mark Morgan said Monday that border agents are “demoralized” with the border “wide open.” He added that “every aspect of our public health, safety, national security is being jeopardized.” Over 7,000 migrants cross the border every day as it is, and once Title 42, a Trump administration attempt to control the wave of migrants, is ended as Biden’s handlers plan to do next month, that number is expected to jump to 18,000 per day.

Morgan observed that one group that is taking advantage of this is the drug cartels. “They know, because of this administration, our borders are wide open,” Morgan said. “We literally handed over operational control to the cartels. It’s way beyond the millions that have been smuggled in this country.” Not just terrorists, but drug cartels as well. The nightmare never ends.

And it has all been done on purpose. The Biden administration, Morgan added, “opened our borders and intentionally created and facilitated a catastrophic crisis on the southwest border that we’ve never seen in our lifetime.” Why would they do such a thing? You know the answer. Morgan explained: “Their priorities [are] to get as many illegal aliens in this country because – it’s disgusting – but because they see a perceived political benefit.”

It’s insane. The Left seems intent on destroying the country in pursuit of unchallenged political power in it. What kind of a country they’ll be ruling over once it is overrun with migrants and its economic power entirely outsourced or outpaced doesn’t seem to be a question that ever crosses their minds. How they’ll be able to pay for all their new welfare recipients once the American middle class is entirely taxed out of existence is also not a priority consideration for them. The only thing that matters is gaining and securing political power indefinitely. But this might easily become a pyrrhic victory.

Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 23 books including many bestsellers, such as The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)The Truth About Muhammad and The History of Jihad. His latest book is The Critical Qur’an. Follow him on Twitter here. Like him on Facebook here.


Denmark: provoking the limits of tolerance


‘Extreme Islamist Terror Attack’– Oslo Gay Bar Shooting Leaves Two Dead, 10 Injured, Iranian National Arrested

Police secure the area after a shooting in Oslo on June 25, 2022. - Two people were killed and several others seriously wounded in a shooting in central Oslo, Norwegian police said on June 25. - Norway OUT (Photo by Javad PARSA / NTB / AFP) / Norway OUT (Photo …
JAVAD PARSA/NTB/AFP via Getty Images

OSLO, Norway (AP) – A gunman opened fire in Oslo’s night-life district early Saturday, killing two people and leaving 10 seriously wounded in what police are investigating as a possible terrorist attack during the Norwegian capital’s annual Pride festival.

Update 1400: The Norwegian security service PST has raised its terror alert to the highest level after a mass shooting left 2 people dead and many wounded during Pride week in Oslo. Acting PST chief Roger Berg called the shootings an “extreme Islamist terror act.” He said the gunman, who was arrested shortly after the shootings, had a “long history of violence and threats.”

Investigators said the suspect, identified as a 42-year-old Norwegian citizen originally from Iran, was arrested after opening fire at three locations in downtown Oslo.

While the motive was unclear, organizers of Oslo Pride canceled a parade that was set for Saturday as the highlight of a weeklong festival. One of the shootings happened outside the London Pub, a bar popular with the city’s LGBTQ community, just hours before the parade was set to begin.

Police attorney Christian Hatlo said the suspect was being held on suspicion of murder, attempted murder and terrorism, based on the number of people targeted at multiple locations.

“Our overall assessment is that there are grounds to believe that he wanted to cause grave fear in the population,” Hatlo said.

Hatlo said the suspect´s mental health was also being investigated.

“We need to go through his medical history, if he has any. It´s not something that we´re aware of now,” he said.

The shootings happened around 1 a.m. local time, sending panicked revelers fleeing into the streets or trying to hide from the gunman.

Olav Roenneberg, a journalist from Norwegian public broadcaster NRK, said he witnessed the shooting.

“I saw a man arrive at the site with a bag. He picked up a weapon and started shooting,” Roenneberg told NRK. “First I thought it was an air gun. Then the glass of the bar next door was shattered and I understood I had to run for cover.”

Police secure the area after a shooting in Oslo on June 25, 2022. - Two people were killed and several others seriously wounded in a shooting in central Oslo, Norwegian police said on June 25. - Norway OUT (Photo by Javad PARSA / NTB / AFP) / Norway OUT (Photo by JAVAD PARSA/NTB/AFP via Getty Images)

Police secure the area after a shooting in Oslo on June 25, 2022. – Two people were killed and several others seriously wounded in a shooting in central Oslo, Norwegian police said on June 25. – Norway OUT (Photo by Javad PARSA / NTB / AFP) / Norway OUT (Photo by JAVAD PARSA/NTB/AFP via Getty Images)
Police secure the area after a shooting in Oslo on June 25, 2022. – Two people were killed and several others seriously wounded in a shooting in central Oslo, Norwegian police said on June 25. – Norway OUT (Photo by Javad PARSA / NTB / AFP) / Norway OUT (Photo by JAVAD PARSA/NTB/AFP via Getty Images)

Police inspector Tore Soldal said two of the shooting victims died and 10 people were being treated for serious injuries, but none of them was believed to be life-threatening.

Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Stoere said in a Facebook post that “the shooting outside London Pub in Oslo tonight was a cruel and deeply shocking attack on innocent people.”

He said that while the motive was unclear, the shooting had caused fear and grief in the LGBTQ community.

“We all stand by you,” Gahr Stoere wrote.

Christian Bredeli, who was at the bar, told Norwegian newspaper VG that he hid on the fourth floor with a group of about 10 people until he was told it was safe to come out.

“Many were fearing for their lives,” he said. “On our way out we saw several injured people, so we understood that something serious had happened.”

Norwegian broadcaster TV2 showed footage of people running down Oslo streets in panic as shots rang out in the background.

Investigators said the suspect was known to police, as well as to Norway’s security police, but not for any major violent crimes. His criminal record included a narcotics offense and a weapons offense for carrying a knife, Hatlo said.

Hatlo said police seized two weapons after the attack: a handgun and an automatic weapon, both of which he described as “not modern” without giving details.

He said the suspect had not made any statement to the police and was in contact with a defense lawyer.

Hatlo said it was too early to say whether the gunman specifically targeted members of the LGBTQ community.

“We have to look closer at that, we don’t know yet,” he said.

Still, police advised organizers of the Pride festival to cancel the parade Saturday.

“Oslo Pride therefore urges everyone who planned to participate or watch the parade to not show up. All events in connection with Oslo Prides are canceled,” organizers said on the official Facebook page of the event.

Norway has a relatively low crime rate but has experienced violent attacks by right-wing extremists, including one of the worst mass shootings in Europe in 2011, when a gunman killed 69 people on the island of Utoya after setting off a bomb in Oslo that left eight dead.

In 2019, another right-wing extremist killed his stepsister and then opened fire in a mosque but was overpowered before anyone there was injured.

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Pictures: 18 Dead as 2,000 African Migrants Storm Spanish Enclave

Riot police officers cordon off the area after migrants arrive on Spanish soil and crossing the fences separating the Spanish enclave of Melilla from Morocco in Melilla, Spain, Friday, June 24, 2022. Dozens of migrants stormed the border crossing between Morocco and the Spanish enclave city of Melilla on Friday …
AP Photo/Javier Bernardo

(AFP) — The Spanish prime minister on Saturday described a deadly migrant rush on the enclave of Melilla from Morocco as an attack on Spain’s “territorial integrity”, as human rights activists demanded an investigation.

At least 18 African migrants died in the latest drama on the doors of the European Union, when around 2,000 mostly sub-Saharan African migrants approached the Moroccan border with the tiny territory at dawn on Friday.

More than 500 managed to enter a border control area after cutting a fence with shears, Melilla authorities said in a statement.

Moroccan officials said late Friday that 13 migrants had died of injuries sustained in the incursion, in addition to five confirmed dead earlier in the day.

“Some fell from the top of the barrier” separating the two sides, a Moroccan official said.

Migrants climb the fences separating the Spanish enclave of Melilla from Morocco in Melilla, Spain, Friday, June 24, 2022. Dozens of migrants stormed the border crossing between Morocco and the Spanish enclave city of Melilla on Friday in what is the first such incursion since Spain and Morocco mended diplomatic relations last month. (AP Photo/Javier Bernardo)

Migrants climb the fences separating the Spanish enclave of Melilla from Morocco in Melilla, Spain, Friday, June 24, 2022. Dozens of migrants stormed the border crossing between Morocco and the Spanish enclave city of Melilla on Friday in what is the first such incursion since Spain and Morocco mended diplomatic relations last month. (AP Photo/Javier Bernardo)

Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez told journalists in Madrid that “if anyone is responsible for everything that happened at the border, it is the mafias that traffic in human beings.”

But Morocco’s AMDH human rights group said it was “a true catastrophe that shows the consequences of the latest Moroccan-Spanish entente”, just weeks after the two sides resolved a year-long diplomatic rift.

On Saturday, calm returned to the border area, with Moroccan security forces lightly deployed along the frontier.

In a forested area where migrants have been camping out for years, none were to be seen.

Mohamed Amine Abidar of the AMDH said migrants, who are often rounded up by authorities and taken to cities further south, had “probably moved away for fear of being displaced”.

Migrants run on Spanish soil after crossing the fences separating the Spanish enclave of Melilla from Morocco in Melilla, Spain, Friday, June 24, 2022. Dozens of migrants stormed the border crossing between Morocco and the Spanish enclave city of Melilla on Friday in what is the first such incursion since Spain and Morocco mended diplomatic relations last month. (AP Photo/Javier Bernardo)

Migrants run on Spanish soil after crossing the fences separating the Spanish enclave of Melilla from Morocco in Melilla, Spain, Friday, June 24, 2022. Dozens of migrants stormed the border crossing between Morocco and the Spanish enclave city of Melilla on Friday in what is the first such incursion since Spain and Morocco mended diplomatic relations last month. (AP Photo/Javier Bernardo)

Images on Spanish media on Friday showed exhausted migrants lying on the pavement in Melilla, some with bloodied hands and torn clothes.

The AMDH demanded a “comprehensive, quick and serious enquiry to determine responsibilities and shortcomings”, and warned against burying the migrants’ bodies until their deaths had been properly investigated.

Residents of the Barrio Chino neighbourhood on the Moroccan side of the barrier said they were in shock.

“This is the most violent attempt to cross into Melilla that I’ve ever seen,” said Rachid Nejjari, a waiter in a cafe near the heavily fortified border fence.

“I saw migrants armed with sticks and iron bars… I was afraid of being attacked.”

A migrant runs on Spanish soil after crossing the fences separating the Spanish enclave of Melilla from Morocco in Melilla, Spain, Friday, June 24, 2022. Dozens of migrants stormed the border crossing between Morocco and the Spanish enclave city of Melilla on Friday in what is the first such incursion since Spain and Morocco mended diplomatic relations last month. (AP Photo/Javier Bernardo)

A migrant runs on Spanish soil after crossing the fences separating the Spanish enclave of Melilla from Morocco in Melilla, Spain, Friday, June 24, 2022. Dozens of migrants stormed the border crossing between Morocco and the Spanish enclave city of Melilla on Friday in what is the first such incursion since Spain and Morocco mended diplomatic relations last month. (AP Photo/Javier Bernardo)

Melilla and Ceuta, Spain’s other North African enclave, have the European Union’s only land borders on the African continent, making them a magnet for migrants.

Friday’s was the first such mass incursion since Spain mended a year-long rift by backing Morocco’s autonomy plan for the disputed Western Sahara region, scrapping its decades-long stance of neutrality.

Sanchez then visited Rabat, and the two governments hailed a “new stage” in relations.

The row had begun when Madrid allowed Brahim Ghali, leader of Western Sahara’s pro-independence Polisario Front, to be treated for Covid-19 in a Spanish hospital in April 2021.

A month later, some 10,000 migrants surged across the Moroccan border into Spain’s Ceuta enclave as border guards looked the other way, in what was widely seen as a punitive gesture by Rabat.

Rabat wants Western Sahara to have autonomous status under Moroccan sovereignty but the Polisario Front insists on a UN-supervised referendum on self-determination as agreed in a 1991 ceasefire deal.

In the days just before Morocco and Spain patched up their ties, there were several attempted mass crossings of migrants into Melilla, including one involving 2,500 people, the largest such attempt on record. Nearly 500 made it across.

Migrants run on Spanish soil after crossing the fences separating the Spanish enclave of Melilla from Morocco in Melilla, Spain, Friday, June 24, 2022. Dozens of migrants stormed the border crossing between Morocco and the Spanish enclave city of Melilla on Friday in what is the first such incursion since Spain and Morocco mended diplomatic relations last month. (AP Photo/Javier Bernardo)

Migrants run on Spanish soil after crossing the fences separating the Spanish enclave of Melilla from Morocco in Melilla, Spain, Friday, June 24, 2022. Dozens of migrants stormed the border crossing between Morocco and the Spanish enclave city of Melilla on Friday in what is the first such incursion since Spain and Morocco mended diplomatic relations last month. (AP Photo/Javier Bernardo)

The mending of ties has meant a drop in migrant arrivals in Spain, notably in the Canary Islands.

The number of migrants who reached the Canary Islands in April was 70 percent lower than in February, government figures show.

Sanchez warned earlier this month that “Spain will not tolerate any use of the tragedy of illegal immigration as a means of pressure”.

Spain will seek to have “irregular migration” listed as one of the security threats on the NATO’s southern flank when the alliance gathers for a summit in Madrid on June 29-30.

Over the years, thousands of migrants have attempted to gain entry to the Spanish enclaves by climbing the barriers, swimming along the coast or hiding in vehicles.

The two territories are protected by fences fortified with barbed wire, video cameras and watchtowers.

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Over Six in Ten French Say Country has Seen Too Much muslim Immigration

Asylum seekers line up with their belongings next to tents during the evacuation of a camp of migrants, mainly from Afghanistan, by police forces in Pantin, northeastern suburbs of Paris, on May 11, 2022. (Photo by JULIEN DE ROSA / AFP) (Photo by JULIEN DE ROSA/AFP via Getty Images)
JULIEN DE ROSA/AFP via Getty Images

A poll released this week has revealed that 65 per cent of the French public believe that the country has seen too much immigration, with older French far more concerned with the issue.

The poll, which was conducted by the CSA Institute, revealed that 65 per cent of French people overall say that the country has seen too much immigration with a small minority claiming that France has not seen enough immigration.

When broken down by age, only those in the 18 to 24-year-old demographic thought France had not seen enough immigration at 60 per cent, while 72 per cent of people 50 to 64 think France has seen too much immigration, broadcaster CNews, which sponsored the survey, reports.

Politically, those on the right are far more concerned about immigration than left-wing parties, however, among supporters of the far-left La France Insoumise party, just 51 per cent said that there had not been enough immigration into France, while the number was much higher among other left-wing parties.

Concerns over immigration may have played a role in the massive gains seen by Marine Le Pen’s National Rally (RN) at the parliamentary elections last weekend as Ms Le Pen campaigned on the issue and had previously promised a referendum on immigration during her campaign for the French presidency.

The RN election performance, which turned eight seats won in 2017 into 89 seats last Sunday, has made Le Pen’s party into a major player in the French parliament as President Emmanuel Macron’s bloc was unable to secure a majority.

Le Pen has since announced she will step down as the president of her party to focus on leading her group in parliament, likely to be the largest after the Macron bloc as the leftist NUPES coalition has so far refused to form a single bloc in parliament.

Speaking after the election result, Le Pen highlighted immigration saying, “It is true that we were pleasantly surprised by the mobilisation of our compatriots and by this wish that immigration, insecurity, the fight against Islamism do not disappear from the National Assembly.”

French Jews Fear For Their Safety the Most in Europe: Survey

Getty Images

A study of the Jewish populations in twelve European countries found that Jews living in France were the most fearful for their own safety, mostly due to anti-semitic terrorist attacks in recent years.

The European Jewish Association (EJA) released the data earlier this week, which compiled a “Jewish Quality of Life” index using data gathered by the Institute for Jewish Policy Research in London and the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights regarding key issues for Jews in Europe.

According to the index, French Jews claim they feel the least safe in their country. In contrast, Jews in Denmark felt the safest, with Daniel Staetsky, the author of the index, citing anti-semitic terrorist attacks in France as a possible reason for the feelings of insecurity, broadcaster CNews reports.

France, which has the largest population of Jews in the European Union, ranked 10th out of 12 in the index overall, which covered security of Jews, government attitude toward Jews, freedom of worship and other issues relating to the security of religious sites.

Italy was ranked first in the index with a score of 79 out of a hundred, while Hungary came in second place, despite the country being ranked first on anti-semitism.

Insecurity among the Jewish community in France is a trend that has been reported on for years as members of France’s Jewish community have fled areas like the suburbs of Paris due to high levels of anti-semitism.

Rabbi Moshe Lewin commented on the situation for Jewish people in the Paris suburbs of Seine-Saint-Denis in 2017 saying, “What upsets me is that in some areas of France, Jews can no longer live peacefully, and that just five minutes from my home, some are forced to hide their kippas (skullcaps) or their Star of David.”

Earlier this year, a survey commissioned by the American Jewish Committee and the Foundation for Policy Innovation found that nearly half of the Jews in France instruct their children to hide their Jewish faith to avoid insults and possible violence as at least 60 per cent of Jewish parents reported their children had been subjected to anti-semitism in school.

Last year, a Lund University study revealed that a majority of those convicted for rape in Sweden were either migrants or from migrant backgrounds, with nearly half of the convicts being people born outside of Sweden.

Of those convicted rapitsts born outside of Sweden, 34.5 per cent came from either North Africa or the Middle East and 19.1 per cent were individuals from sub-Saharan Africa.

Swedish Action Movie Legend Dolph Lundgren Decries Sweden’s Rape Rates

Dolph Lundgren. (Photo by Pool ARNAL/URLI/GARCIA/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images)
Pool ARNAL/URLI/GARCIA/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images

Swedish action film star Dolph Lundgren has decried the number of rapes taking place in his home country, claiming the country cannot protect women from being raped.

1980’s action film legend Lundgren made his comments this week on his Instagram page saying, “Sadly, my home country Sweden still cannot protect their women from rape.”

“In the past week three men were sentenced for gang-raping a handicapped girl – one assailant got 4 years the other two 2 years prison term. Another man was sentenced to 4 years for repeatedly raping his daughter,” he said and contrasted the cases with another man who was sentenced to eleven years in prison for selling drugs on the internet.

“Sweden has the highest rate of rape per capita in Europe and one of the highest in the world,” Lundgren added.

According to a 2019 report, Sweden saw a 33 per cent increase in the number of rape cases reported to authorities in a ten-year period, although some of the increases have been attributed to changes in Swedish law in 2018 when the government approved a law classifying sex without consent as rape.

In 2020, the number of reported rapes increased again but according to the National Council for Crime Prevention (BrĂĄ), the number of rapes of adult women remained largely the same as the year prior but the number of reported acts of sexual abuse toward children had increased by 16 per cent, with 3,950 rapes against children reported in 2020.

Last year, a Lund University study revealed that a majority of those convicted for rape in Sweden were either migrants or from migrant backgrounds, with nearly half of the convicts being people born outside of Sweden.

Of those convicted rapitsts born outside of Sweden, 34.5 per cent came from either North Africa or the Middle East and 19.1 per cent were individuals from sub-Saharan Africa.

“Our findings are of particular importance for crime preventive efforts. Very little, however, is known about the association between rape and different contextual factors among immigrants in Sweden,” the authors of the Lund University report wrote.

Follow Chris Tomlinson on Twitter at @TomlinsonCJ or email at ctomlinson(at)

Quran (9:29) - "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge
the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book [Jews and Christians], until they pay the Jizya [the tax for being a Jew or Christian] with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued."


Outcry over Louis Farrakhan Rant Calling Prominent Jews Including Alan Dershowitz ‘Satan’



Notorious antisemite and Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan live-streamed a three-hour Independence Day rant on YouTube where he calls prominent Jewish Americans, including Jonathan Greenblatt and Alan Dershowitz, “Satan,” as well as repeating the lie Israel was behind  George Floyd’s killing.

The Combat Anti-Semitism Movement (CAM) on Wednesday called on YouTube to remove the video, saying it was “in clear contravention of YouTube’s own policies on hate speech.”

Farrakhan’s Fourth of July address also aired Saturday on Revolt TV, a cable channel owned by Sean “Diddy” Combs. Combs encouraged his 15.6 million Twitter followers to watch the video, tweeting “Everyone can watch…Just not the scared ones.”

Everyone can watch… Just not the scared ones.

— Diddy (@Diddy) July 4, 2020

In the address, the 87-year-old Nation of Islam leader called the head of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), Jonathan Greenblatt, “Satan.”

“Mr. Greenblatt, you are Satan. Those of you that say that you’re Jews, I will not even give you the honor of calling you a Jew. You are not a Jew… you are Satan and it is my job now to pull the cover off of Satan so that every Muslim when he sees Satan, pick up a stone, as we do in Mecca,” Farrakhan said.

“When you know who Satan is, you don’t have to kill him [but] the stone of truth, that’s what you throw. We cast truth at falsehood till we knock out its brains,” he continued.

He also called Jewish renowned defense lawyer Alan Dershowitz  “a skillful deceiver” and “Satan masquerading as a lawyer.”

Farrakhan also implicated Israel in the death of George Floyd and in police violence in general.

“That’s why you gotta come at us like a coward,” he said. “Like snakes trying to wrap yourself around us so you could give us the treatment that you were taught in Israel. You may, as you gonna stop your police from going to Israel to learn how to kill better.”

“Your days of killing us without consequence are over,” he added.

Greenblatt took to Twitter to respond to Farrakhan’s “trademark antisemitism.”

“This is routine for Farrakhan- give him a platform, he never fails to espouse hatred,” Greenblatt said.

CAM Director Sacha Roytman-Dratwa wrote in a letter addressed to Matt Halprin, YouTube’s vice president of global trust and safety:

Louis Farrakhan has a long history of antisemitism, incorporating it into the very legitimate, important fight for civil rights and equality. His perversion of these values by promoting hatred and dehumanization of Jews is quite simply unacceptable.

According to CAM, by allowing the video, which has garnered nearly 900,000 views in three days, to remain on its site, “YouTube is allowing him to hijack the worthy cause of racial justice and use the video sharing site as a platform for anti-Semitism.”

“[Farrakhan] even suggested the Jewish community seeks to kill him, saying, ‘If you [Jews] make that move, I can guarantee your destruction,'” the letter reads.

In his address, Farrakhan bizarrely attempted to disavow accusations of antisemitism.

“They tell lies to make you think I am a bigot or antisemite, so that you won’t listen to what I’m saying. So far they’ve been pretty successful,” he said.

“If you really think I hate the Jewish people, you don’t know me at all. [I’ve never] uttered the words of death to the Jewish people,” he went on.

In the past his rancorous antisemitic rants have included calling Jews members of the “Synagogue of Satan” and claiming Jesus called the Jews “the children of the devil.”

Rabbi Abraham Cooper, associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, said he was not surprised by Farrakhan’s remarks.

“At this stage of history, no one can be surprised by the rants of America’s Godfather of antisemitism,” he told The Algemeiner.

Cooper also condemned Farrakhan’s “lurid antisemitic conspiracy linking the Jewish state to the death of George Floyd.”




The new Fox ‘Soul’ network has announced that it will air Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan’s “Message to America” on a special July 4th program, despite his history of racism, antisemitism, and homophobia.

Fox ‘Soul’ Network to Air Nation of Islam’s Louis Farrakhan July 4

Scott Olson/Getty


28 Jun 20205,435


The new Fox ‘Soul’ network has announced that it will air Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan’s “Message to America” on a special July 4th program, despite his history of racism, antisemitism, and homophobia.



For More information visit and tune into FOX or Download the FOX SOUL APP

— foxsoultv (@foxsoultv) June 26, 2020

Farrakhan’s history of hateful rhetoric is well-documented. In 2018, he compared Jews to termites. That same year, he drew criticism for defending the use of the phrase “death to America” during a conversation with students in Iran.

The main FOX network launched Fox Soul in January in an effort to reach African American audiences — and to reach beyond the conservative branding of Fox News. Fox Soul offers four hours of streaming programing daily.

Former New York State Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D), founder of Americans Against Antisemitism, made an impassioned plea on Twitter on Sunday for Fox Soul to cancel the program.

.@AmericansAA calls upon @FOXTV to immediately cancel the planned JULY 4 broadcast of Dishonorable Minister of Hate @LouisFarrakhan on @foxsoultv@splcenter considers the Nation of Islam to be an extremist hate group. So why amplify this hateful voice?!

— Dov Hikind (@HikindDov) June 28, 2020


The advertisement (above) for Fox Soul’s special Farrakhan broadcast includes a link to the Nation of Islam’s website.

The website (link not provided) is billing Farrakhan’s appearance as The Criterion: Announcement to the World. The website also includes links to purchase the Nation of Islam’s antisemitic trilogy, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews.

The Nation of Islam has had controversial relationships with the anti-Trump “Women’s March,” and provided security for the recent funeral of George Floyd.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). His new book, RED NOVEMBER, is available for pre-order. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.

Black Lives Matter: Not Just Communist, But Viciously Anti-Semitic Too

No matter the color of their skin, Jews are going to be labeled “white.”

June 29, 2020 

Clare M. Lopez


By the time violent rioters tore through the heavily Jewish neighborhood of Fairfax, Los Angeles on the night of Saturday May 30, 2020, it was too late. The vicious antisemitic, anti-Israel language of the M4BL and Black Lives Matter’s demands that included accusations against Israel of “apartheid” and “genocide” had been brushed aside. Black Lives Matter (BLM) delegations had traveled to the Middle East to endorse Palestinian terrorists in Gaza, Judea, and Samaria and pose for photo ops with the Palestinian flag. Statements from delegation leaders spoke of “occupation, ethnic cleansing and brutality” that Israel supposedly has perpetrated against the region’s Arab-Muslim population.

Even when city after city across America went up in flames after the May 25, 2020 killing of African-American George Floyd in Minneapolis by a white police officer, with BLM ‘protesters’ assaulting private businesses, their owners, and law enforcement officers alike, smashing store fronts, setting fires, and destroying property, some among America’s Jewish leadership could hardly get their statements of support out fast enough. Jewish American organizations, the Reform Movement, rabbinical leadership figures, progressive and Zionist activists, even the Hasidic Community of Crown Heights, Brooklyn in New York City all practically fell over one another in their haste to endorse the BLM movement.

The Jewish Federation of Santa Barbara was no different. On June 13, 2020, the group – including, among others, the Jewish Federation of Greater Santa Barbara, ADL Santa Barbara Tri-Counties, Santa Barbara Congregation of B’nai B’rith and Santa Barbara Hillel – issued a statement to condemn “racism” and “institutional biases.” The Focus Project, whose online website is remarkably empty, disseminated a set of talking points on June 16, 2020 that appear to date from September 2019. An increasingly popular trope is included among them that distorts the ancient Jewish term ‘Tikkun Olam’ in a way to make it seem like some kind of modern-day social justice program. In fact, ‘Tikkun Olam’ is a Kabbalist term that made its way into Judaism by way of the Aleinu prayer that is specific to Rosh Hashanah. ‘Tikkun Olam’ is not from the Torah (md’oraita) in origin at all – and therefore not one of the 613 obligatory commandments (mitzvot) nor anywhere to be found in the normative rabbinical literature concerning the praxises of Jewish Law (Halacha). Rather, as a kind of companion bit of moral guidance, ‘Tikkun Olam’ urges Jews to repair one’s individual relationship to the Almighty by way of observance of the actual ‘mitzvot’, or obligatory commandments that lead to perfecting personal behavior.

Now, just as ‘perfecting of one’s personal behavior before the Almighty’ has nothing to do with the social justice narrative per se, neither does it have anything to do with supporting a communist/Marxist, pro-Maoist organization, one of whose BLM co-founders’ declaration of the group’s Marxist ideology was featured on Twitter just days ago. Yes, the BLM movement was founded by three African-American women with longtime Marxist backgrounds: Alicia Garza, Opal I. Tometi, and Patrisse M. Cullors. Its original Platform (issued in August 2016, but scrubbed up a bit in its more recent iteration) called for collective ownership of all resources, the breaking up of banks, redistribution of wealth by way of confiscatory taxes on ‘high earners,’ free health care, and free education. Truly, Karl Marx would have blushed.

But back to the question of how BLM rioters came to be rampaging through Jewish neighborhoods of Los Angeles, CA, reportedly shouting “F___Jews”, and spray painting “F___Israel” and “Free Palestine” on the walls of the Congregation Beth Israel and at least four other synagogues. How did Jews come to be collectivized into the enemy “white privilege proletariat” class by these BLM Marxists?

That original BLM Platform also explicitly supports the BDS (Boycott, Divest, and Sanction) movement. Another indicator comes from Cullors (who organized the 30 May pogrom in LA): she reportedly told a New York Times reporter, “Let’s go into the heart of what is symbolically white in Los Angeles, which is Beverly Hills…These people need to hear our pain and our grief. We wanted to bring this to communities who often aren’t dealing with police violence.” No matter the color of their skin, therefore, Jews are going to be labeled “white”—as a pejorative from which it is always going to be impossible to escape. It goes back farther than that, however. By 2015, BLM representatives traveled to the Middle East to make common cause with Palestinians in Gaza, Judea and Samaria. Fast forward to late May 2020, shortly after the death of George Floyd, and the Democratic Socialists of America’s BDS national working group blatantly tried to link that killing to Israel, by claiming that U.S. police forces learned riot control techniques from Israeli police. Then, on June 1, Al-Awda, the Palestinian Right of Return Coalition, published a hideous cartoon at its website showing an Israeli soldier with his knee on the neck of a keffiyeh’ed Palestinian, arm-in-arm with an American police officer with his knee on the neck of a black man. The article it accompanied was entitled “Al-Awda PRRC statement of solidarity for Black lives and Black struggle.”

The BLM’s Marxist agenda is on full display across America today. Exploitation of the insurrectionist riots in which it plays a leading role to demonize Jews and Israel is, too. 

Raymond Ibrahim Interview: Truth About Islam Must Be Acknowledged

How an ideology's teachings are antithetical to Western values.

Fri Sep 11, 2020




Note: Journalist Niram Ferretti interviews Raymond Ibrahim, a Shillman Fellow at the Freedom Center, for the Italian publication, L’Informale (original here).  Pasted below are excerpts from the English version.

Question: How much is the concept of jihad intended as holy war, central to the way Islam has interpreted itself during the centuries?

The concept of jihad was central from the start—at least according to the earliest Muslim historians who often portray the first warriors of Allah as being zealously motivated by the notion of jihad.

Question: The last time that Islam tried to penetrate Europe through war was on the 12th of September 1683 at Kalhenberg, near Vienna, where 65.000 thousand Christians fought against 200,000 Ottoman Turks. For how long after that date did jihad against the West stopped and when and why was it resumed?

Raids continued for some time, particularly by sea, and well into the late 1700s, meaning for about a century after the successful defense of Vienna.  Even as the Ottoman Empire was beginning its slow retreat from eastern Europe, the Muslim slavers of the so-called Barbary States of North Africa wreaked havoc all along the coasts of Europe—even as far as Iceland.  The United States of America’s first war—which it fought before it could even elect its first president—was against these Islamic slavers.  When Thomas Jefferson and John Adams asked Barbary’s ambassador why his countrymen were enslaving American sailors, the “ambassador answered us that it was founded on the laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that … it was their right and duty to make war upon them [non-Muslims] wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners….”

Question: In his seminal book of 1996, Samuel P. Huntington wrote about Islam and the West the following sentence, “Kto? Kovo? Who is to rule? Who is to be ruled? The central issue of politics defined by Lenin is the root of the contest between Islam and the West”. Do you agree?

Yes, inasmuch as that Muslims must always work to make Islam rule over non-Muslims, based on their sharia, which while allowing for truces and times of peace—particularly when Islam is weak vis-Ă -vis infidels—also sees the spread of Muslim rule as the culmination of the Islamic mission that began in the early 630s.

Question: Let us now talk about your new book, Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the West. What has brought you to write a book focused specifically on the battles which have occurred along the centuries between Islam and the West?

Yes, as indicated by the title, the book is a military history between Islam and the West, narrated around their eight most decisive clashes, the first and last of which occurred more than a millennium apart.  But while the eight battles/sieges form the centerpieces of the book’s eight chapters, the bulk of the narrative chronologically traces and tells the general, but much forgotten story of Islam and the West, most of which of course revolved around warfare—with all the attendant death, destruction, slavery, and geopolitical demarcations and map rearrangements. We can say I began working on portions of this book some twenty years ago—since around 1998-99, when I first started doing academic research for what became my MA thesis in History: a close examination, including through the original Arabic and Greek sources, of the battle of Yarmuk—the first major military encounter between Islam and the Eastern Roman Empire in 636, highlighted in Chapter 1 of the Sword and Scimitar.

Question: To what extent is the Islamic terrorism that we are facing today a continuation of the battles between Islam and the West that you describe in Sword and Scimitar?   

To a very great extent.  Both the motivation and the pattern of terrorist acts are very much mirror reflections of past Islamic motivations and patterns.  In other words, from the start to finish, the book pages are full of all the ugly words and deeds committed by modern groups such as the Islamic State—ordering Europeans to convert to Islam or face the sword; the willful destruction of churches; the mass slaughter—including by beheading, crucifixion, or burning—of Christian defenders, and the mass enslavement and rape of Christian women and children—all of these permeate the pages of my book.

Question: Islam is a way of life. It is a complete set of ideas and rules which differs deeply from our Western values. Is there any chance of an accommodation between Islam and Western societies or this is just wishful thinking?

Can water and oil mix?  In the same manner, pure Islamic teachings and pure Western values are often antithetical to one another.  For example, the West believes in freedom of religion, whereas in Islam those who seek to apostatize are penalized, including by death; the West believes in freedom of speech, whereas in Islam any critical talk concerning Muhammad can get one killed.   One can go on and on but the point should be clear.  Of course, a nominal/secular Muslim may be able to assimilate in a Western society, but that is not a reflection of Islam, which is hardly nominal but rather a full way of life based on sharia.

Question: According to you what are the ways in which Europe on one side and the United States on the other should face the reality of Islam in such a manner that could be helpful both for Westerners and Muslims? What are the false assumptions that must be rejected?

First, the truth must be acknowledged—including for example the truth that, for well over a millennium, Muslims invaded European/Christian territory on the same logic that Islamic terror groups cite—that it is their right to invade, conquer, butcher, and enslave infidels for no less a reason that because they are non-Muslims.  If this is how Muslims have been behaving for centuries, is there really any need to find “reasons” why some of them are behaving so now?  Are grievances, territorial disputes, etc., necessary to explain this unwavering hostility?  Once these facts are embraced, the rest, including policy—for instance, the question of Muslim immigration—should become self-evident.

Question: How inbred is religious violence in Islam and how it differs from the way in which it is presented in the Bible and has accompanied Christianity in the course of its history?

Many apologist for Islam like to claim that the Bible, especially the Jewish scriptures (or the Old Testament), is just as if not more bloody and violent than the Koran—so why do we insist that Muslim violence is rooted to Muslim scriptures? The problem with comparing violence in the Bible — both Old and New Testaments — with violence in the Koran is that it conflates history with doctrine. The majority of violence in the Bible is recorded as history; a description of events. Conversely, the overwhelming majority of violence in the Koran is doctrinally significant. The Koran uses open-ended language to call on believers to commit acts of violence against non-Muslims. See “Are Judaism and Christianity as Violent as Islam?” for my most comprehensive and documented treatment of this tired apologia.




Obama sabotaged the process of bringing Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to justice and now, just as with the Taliban and Iran, Biden is finishing the criminal betrayal that his boss began.


Hayward: Susan Rice’s Abandonment of Democrats’ Khashoggi Crusade Frames Biden Saudi Trip

66JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images


4 Jul 20220


Democrats have become quite muted in their criticism of Saudi Arabia, particularly over the death of political activist and writer Jamal Khashoggi, as President Joe Biden prepares to visit Riyadh in July and beg for oil from the kingdom he once promised to excommunicate from the civilized world. Obama Administration veteran Susan Rice, a major force in the Biden White House, seems to have lost her previously fervent interest in “punishing” the Saudis.

Human rights activists are grumbling about the sudden silence from Biden and his party. When Biden’s visit to Saudi Arabia was announced, Amnesty International Secretary General Agnes Callamard called it a “betrayal for Jamal Khashoggi, for Yemen, and a betrayal of what the Democratic party stood for over the last three years.”

“I have absolutely no doubt that Joe Biden will get nothing in terms of human rights protections and the visit will be seen as a full victory and endorsement of Saudi Arabia,” Callamard predicted.

These complaints are muted compared to the excoriation former President Donald Trump received for supporting the Saudi government after the murder of Khashoggi, who was lured into the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, Turkey in October 2018, violently executed by a team of Saudi agents, and dismembered. 


Jamal Khashoggi’s fiance appears before his death was confirmed in Turkey in 2018 (Photo: Associated Press)

The Saudis have portrayed the killing as a rogue operation and prosecuted several alleged perpetrators. Many human rights groups dismissed those claims and accused Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), the de facto chief executive of Saudi Arabia, of ordering the murder.

Those groups believed the Saudi government deserved to be condemned and ostracized for the killing, atop their grievances against the Saudis for hitting civilian targets during their intervention against the Iran-backed Houthi insurgents of Yemen, as Callmard indicated.

Joe Biden promised to do exactly that during the 2020 presidential campaign, most famously during the Democratic primary debate in 2019. Asked if he would “punish” senior Saudi leaders for Khashoggi’s death, Biden replied:

Yes, and I said it at the time. Khashoggi was, in fact, murdered and dismembered, and I believe on the order of the crown prince. And I would make it very clear we were not going to, in fact, sell more weapons to them, we were going to, in fact, make them pay the price and make them, in fact, the pariah that they are. There’s very little social redeeming value in the present government in Saudi Arabia.

And I would also, as pointed out, I would end subsidies that we have, end the sale of material to the Saudis where they’re going in and murdering children, and they’re murdering innocent people. And so they have to be held accountable.


One of the biggest players in the Biden administration is Susan Rice, who was national security adviser to President Barack Obama when Joe Biden was vice president. Rice was a big part of the Obama administration’s bizarre obsession with turning away from the Gulf Arab states and embracing ultra-hostile Iran as America’s key partner in the Middle East, and she was a very loud critic of the Saudi government and President Trump after the Khashoggi murder.

Rice went directly after MBS in an October 2018 op-ed for the New York Timescalling him out for “extreme recklessness and immorality” that made him “a dangerous and unreliable partner for the United States.” 

Rice heckled Americans “from Silicon Valley to the editorial pages of our leading papers” for getting suckered by “the crown prince’s promises of reform and the deft marketing of his leadership,” but said his true character had been exposed by “numerous impulsive and vicious actions” – from the war in Yemen to Khashoggi’s killing, from the repression of dissidents to his brutal seizure of power and money from other royals.

“If we fail to punish him directly and target only those around him, the crown prince will be further emboldened to take extreme actions,” Rice urged, going right up to the line of regime change.

“The United States was wrong to hitch our wagon to Prince Mohammed, but we would be even more foolish to continue to do so,” she declared.

That was then, and this is now, with President Biden’s approval ratings tumbling into the abyss because of skyrocketing inflation and gas prices, and Democrats looking at a midterm election bloodbath.


Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal (2nd R) welcomes US Vice President Joe Biden (C) at the Riyadh airbase on October 27, 2011, upon his arrival in the Saudi capital with a US official delegation to offer condolences to the King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz following the death of his brother, Crown Prince Sultan. (AFP via Getty Images)

The Obama-Biden administration supported the Saudi intervention in Yemen when it began, but in a 2019 interview with the Huffington PostSusan Rice absolved both Obama and Biden of having to address their old policies or speak up on the death of Khashoggi – an event she airily dismissed as “over a year old” at the time. The Huffington Post was very unsatisfied this answer, presaging today’s left-wing grumbles about Biden attempting to repair his relationship with the Saudis.

The Obama brain trust’s pivot to Iran lies in shambles, wiped out by the hostility and intransigence of the aspiring nuclear power in Tehran. The Iranians certainly are not going to rescue the Democrats from the electoral consequences of Joe Biden’s malicious energy policies.

The Saudis won’t either, in part because they remember Biden and Rice’s insults, and because their own geopolitical agenda does not include surging oil production to bring prices down. French President Emmanuel Macron took the remarkable step on Monday of warning Biden not to waste his time in Riyadh in front of press camerasvery much aware that his “personal comments” to Biden would be heard around the globe.

Macron told Biden that the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is at maximum oil production capacity now, and the Saudis could only increase their output by 150,000 barrels per day, “maybe a little bit more.”

The Emiratis quickly confirmed Macron’s statement was accurate and the world price of oil promptly went upthe exact opposite of what Biden was hoping for.

According to Politico this month, some Democrats are quietly fuming at Biden for dropping his tough campaign talk when nothing in Saudi Arabia has changed much. Some of them had ideas for little snubs Biden might deliver during his July trip to show the Saudis that his administration remains displeased, without antagonizing them too much – a pathetic walkback from a party that once vowed to isolate Saudi Arabia the way Russia was isolated after invading Ukraine.


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (L) meets with U.S. President Joe Biden in the Oval Office at the White House on September 01, 2021 in Washington, DC. This was the two leaders’ first face-to-face meeting and the first by a Ukrainian leader in more than four years. (Photo by Doug Mills-Pool/Getty Images)

Of course, Biden’s isolation of Russia has been bungled as badly as the rest of his presidency – Moscow is raking in more petrodollars than ever, while the U.S. president is reduced to mewling that Russian leader Vladimir Putin is responsible for the lousy Biden economy. In other words, Biden is saying he picked a financial brawl with an economy one-fifteenth the size of America’s and lost. 

With an election just months away and the American people giving him record-low approval ratings, Biden is not about to start a fight with the world’s pivotal oil producer. Even the Iran-centric loons Biden inherited from the Obama administration will think twice about pushing Saudi Arabia and its OPEC partners further into Russia’s – and China’s – orbit.

Biden needs to come back from Riyadh with some kind of win, and MBS can be counted on to negotiate a high price for it. Talk of making the Saudis into global outlaws for murdering Jamal Khashoggi will be long forgotten.

 Biden Tries to Cut a Deal to Spare 9/11 Mastermind the Death Penalty

19 years later, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed has yet to face justice.

Thu Mar 17, 2022 

Daniel Greenfield






Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

Biden recently released Mohammed al-Qahtani, the 20th 9/11 hijacker, and Zuhail al-Sharabi, another hijacker for an expanded version of the 9/11 attacks from Guantanamo Bay, so it's only fitting that he's trying to cut a plea deal with the mastermind of the attacks.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the architect of the September 11 attacks, not to mention multiple other plots and acts of terror including the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center and the brutal murder of Daniel Pearl, was captured in March 2003.

19 years later the trial has yet to go anywhere.

In 2008, the process of charging Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four others began.

Unfortunately a year later, the pro-terrorist administration of Barack Hussein Obama took office.

Attorney General Eric Holder announced that he wanted to bring Mohammed to a civilian court in New York. The backlash, especially from the families of 9/11 victims, was tremendous and the Obama administration overruled Holder. However Holder injected a poison pill into the system by going after the use of material gained through the terrorist leader's interrogations and even from a “Clean Team” that independently obtained a confession from Mohammed.

“It’s a statement about what this Administration is about,” Holder boasted.

As if anyone needed further reminding of what the Obama administration was really about.

After that everyone settled in for a decade of lawfare by Mohammed’s lawyers who carefully sabotaged any effort to move the case forward by demanding classified information involving the system set up to stop, capture and interrogate Islamic terrorists. And their client and his legal allies followed the Al Qaeda lawfare playbook by making all sorts of frivolous complaints, such as objecting to the presence of female personnel, to drag out the case.

Their game plan was to get the government to settle. And they almost made it once before.

A previous effort to cut a plea deal with Mohammed was thrown out when Attorney General Jeff Sessions demanded that military prosecutors cut out any such nonsense. But now it’s back.

The trial of Mohammed and other terrorists involved in the 9/11 attacks finally began in 2021 and after a series of hearings was shut down again due to the pandemic before being restarted.

The Biden administration has been aggressively pressuring the Department of Defense to shut down Guantanamo Bay and free all the terrorists. Mohammed and his legal allies understand that, like Obama, Biden wants to empty Gitmo. The 9/11 mastermind has effectively used that in the past by demanding that he serve out his sentence in Gitmo instead of in Colorado.

Mohammed and his legal defenders claimed that Gitmo was a better place for Muslims.

Even though Mohammed had confessed several times already, a plea deal would have the terror boss trade a guilty plea in exchange for prosecutors dropping the death penalty.

Attorney General Eric Holder had promised that Mohammed would receive the death penalty. Numerous politicians, both Democrats and Republicans, assured 9/11 families he would. But Mohammed understood that, like his Taliban allies, all he had to do was wait out America.

Americans would care less about the September 11 attacks with every year that passed. The families of those who were killed in the Islamic terrorist attacks would grow old or die. The political and military systems would grow tired of jumping through legal hoops and surrender.

And that is exactly what’s happening.

The Obama administration warped the morale and patriotic fiber of portions of the military. Court officials who were once disgusted to even be dealing with Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Al Qaeda terrorists have been replaced by those who now ferociously advocate for them.

At the Gitmo trial of an Al Qaeda terrorist last year, military officials serving as a jury sent a shameful letter whining that the terrorist's interrogation was a "stain on the moral fiber of America" and "a source of shame.” The only stain here was in their treasonous cowardly letter and the only source of shame is that those who wrote it are still employed by the military.

The Biden administration is betting that it can cut a plea deal and clear the Mohammed case.

But in 2009, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his fellow terrorists had already entered their "Islamic" response to the charges against them which declared that "killing you and fighting you, destroying you and terrorizing you" are "considered to be great legitimate duty in our religion."

Terrorism, the Islamic response explained, was an "offering" to Allah. It described the "blessed 11 September operation" as "our military attack".

That’s an official confession without any duress whatsoever.

The Islamic response also admitted that even without any of the named pretexts, "it would have been the greatest religious duty to fight you over your infidelity."

This infidelity was defined as “your statement that Allah had a son and your trinity beliefs.”

Al Qaeda would have been at war with America simply because it’s a Christian country.

“Our prophet was victorious because of fear," the response boasted. "Our religion is a religion of fear and terror to the enemies of Allah: the Jews, Christians, and pagans. With Allah's wiling, we are terrorists to the bone."

It concluded by declaring, "Your end is very near and your fall will be just as the fall of the towers on the blessed 9/11 day."

A country that still had any dignity left would have responded by stringing Mohammed and all the rest of them up. Instead another decade of legal wrangling and lawfare followed as military prosecutors and judges continue to insist that they have no idea how to try and convict him.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed had confessed his crimes multiple times.

In 1942, with the war underway, Nazi saboteurs brought here by submarine were arrested by the FBI. They were caught in June, tried in July, and sent to the electric chair in August.

And that was for enemy operatives who had not even managed to kill a single American.

Meanwhile after 19 years of having the mastermind of the murder of thousands of Americans in custody, he has yet to be convicted and is unlikely now to pay the price for his crimes.

The military court system, which was meant to expedite the trials and convictions of terrorists as enemy insurgents during wartime, not criminal defendants protected by the Constitution, has been corrupted and broken. It needs to be replaced. But that is not likely to happen until the next phase of the war against Islamic terrorism is underway.

Meanwhile the political and cultural allies of the Islamists are running our government.

Obama sabotaged the process of bringing Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to justice and now, just as with the Taliban and Iran, Biden is finishing the criminal betrayal that his boss began.

Barack Obama’s plot for a third term for life  

A Muslim dictatorship like his crony paymasters, the 9-11 invading Saudis who have financed him for decades.


“Obama has the totalitarian impulse. After all, he went around saying he didn't have Constitutional authority to legalize the illegals, and then he tried anyway. The courts stopped him.”

What was Obama’s motive? Simple, he knew if he did that for Hillary, he’d own the next President of the United States, and could blackmail her with the truth till the end of time. It literally would have given him a 3rd and 4th term.

BARACK OBAMA and his SAUDIS PAYMASTERS: Did they build his Muslim tower in Chicago?

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