Saturday, July 23, 2022




He’s done

Chris Hedges | REVOLUTION is Coming

Fishing for a Biden Successor

Provided the Democrats don’t meddle with the mail-in ballots, drop boxes, or cover their hijinks with a doomsday variant, congressional gavels will change hands in November.  If Joe Biden seeks re-election after this drubbing, it will be against the will of the voting majority, including several Democrat bigwigs, and in the face of a media in retreat. As a withering octogenarian, his doddering gait and stumbling faculties will be a sad feature on prime time television.  As patience now wears thin over his lack of leadership and unforced errors, Biden is increasingly party deadweight, a first-term lame duck headed for forced retirement at the hands of his own political allies.   

The usual bluebloods -- Klobuchar, Booker, Warren, etc. -- stand ready for an encore primary performance, although the Democrat stock of late is diminished by an electorate-at-large who see them as holding the common welfare hostage to economy-killing climate hysterics while leaving supersized carbon footprints and getting rich off fail-safe stock investments.  After consistently being shot down by party turncoats and high court decisions, progressives view the presidential aspirations of many upper and lower House Democrats as dead in the water by their failure to hijack state elections, disarm the populace, and consummate the green raw deal.

To find the new darlings of the party, Democrats are turning to blue-state strongholds where governors levy burdensome taxes, host sanctuary cities, bankroll illegals, and infuse wokeness and equity throughout every corner of state government.  Instead of being dragged down by Beltway politics, risky party line votes, and failed negotiations, these extremists of the gubernatorial ranks continue to push through leftist policies by executive fiat.  Their high-handed approach on issues of gun control, illegal migration, and advocating for full-term abortions in a post-Dobbs era are tyrannical and supported by a collective fantasy that any SCOTUS decision tied to a conservative majority is illegitimate and can be reversed in their states by decree.

Here's some examples.

Over the last three months, the hibernating conservative majority on the U.S. Supreme Court awoke late-term to hand down successive landmark decisions in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health OrganizationWest Virginia v. EPA, and New York Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen that sent abortion back to the states, slapped down the overreach of the federal administrative state through its regulatory authorities, and eliminated the New York State standard of self-defense to carry a concealed weapon, respectively. The  impact to the progressive agenda and narrative of the Democratic party was seismic and filled the newsrooms of the liberal media outlets with the smell of burning hair.    

These SCOTUS rulings have also brought about the comeuppance of a handful of governors jockeying for pole position in a likely 2024 Democrat primary for president.  They include the less-than-telegenic and lesser-known chief executives of Illinois and Colorado, whose recent exploratory junkets about the country to stump for local Democrat candidates have raised the eyebrows of prospective donors and political odds makers.

More favorable to progressives are a duo of like-minded but rivalrous prospects from California and New Jersey.  Both hold impeccable credentials that tack Far Left and come from states that are choked by interminable Democratic legislatures and a rabidly woke model of governance.  They throw millions in taxpayer monies at progressive causes cèlébre while their middle-classes flee in droves to more affordable locales and leave behind a prospering underclass of whiny, illegal residents that reap more benefits than citizens. As Joe Biden loses ground, their stars are ascendant, and a gambit of one-upmanship has ignited among them.

Gavin Newsom believes he can throw a wet blanket over California’s out-of-control home, gas, and food prices, street crime and mob-lifting, and rampant and aggressive homelessness by keeping a stiff upper lip on gun control, climate activism, and funding benefits for the state’s future Democrat constituency of illegal immigrants.  His scalding critiques of his own party in the face of Republican victories and televised home ground attacks against Ron DeSantis are a false flag operation to attract moderates and independents.  A recent visit to the White House, swaggering to the back door while the chief executive was abroad, conferring with Dr. Jill and other West Wingers actually pulling the levers of power, took more chutzpah than his pandemic restaurant faux pas and tickled the national media.

Phil Murphy has been California dreaming ever since he took office, in fulfillment of a campaign promise to turn the Garden State into the Golden State of the East.  Minus the Pat Riley pompadour and Colgate smile, Murphy is a Newsom clone in a tug-of-war to see who can inflict the most pain through progressive policies and practices.  He has leveraged the pandemic to bring New Jerseyans to heel, overregulated their lives on every front, and sent businesses running for the exits after telling them they should look elsewhere if they’re concerned about taxes.

Murphy’s bromance-turned-rivalry with Newsom took center stage after the forced departure of disgraced New York governor Andrew Cuomo.  Always a few headlines behind, Murphy had closely followed Cuomo’s lead as COVID ravished the two states, with carbon-copy executive orders that sent sick seniors from hospitals back into nursing homes where thousands died in close quarters.  More concern was shown to the thousands of so-called nonviolent inmates who were released back to the streets over fears of viral spread.  Several of those spared from serving out their sentences went on to commit multiple homicides.

After the Bruen decision was handed down, a defiant Phil Murphy ascended the bully pulpit to announce intentions to ban concealed weapons in government buildings, schools, hospitals and mass transit and to put pressure on private businesses to invoke similar policies on their property. He signed seven bills requiring background checks for ammo purchases, a costly training course for anyone applying for a gun permit, and opened the sluice to legal actions against gun dealers and manufacturers.  If Murphy could not reverse the SCOTUS decision, he would make the fundamental right to bear arms as onerous a process as possible and raise public fears over personal information kept in State Police databases.

Murphy’s own words have made light of the Bill of Rights, but the policies of both governors show a clear intent to undermine those sacred amendments with an activist revisionism intended to  further their political ambitions.  Such was the case during the pandemic and continues on with gun control by drawing a moral equivalence between legal gun owners and criminals.  Nowhere in their gun regulations can be found a remedy for urban gang gunplay, addressing the out-of-state trafficking of guns that get into the hands of street thugs, or funding law enforcement in ways that enhances their weapons-trafficking investigations.  Solutions to those systemic problems are not in the best interests of a radicalized party that seeks to remake society from the ashes of social chaos.

Fishing for a Democrat successor in 2024, progressives will demand much more than an archetype of Joe Biden without the dementia and incontinence, or a cabinet full of appointees that come from the shallow end of the gene pool. They want to find themselves at the finish line of a country thoroughly devoid of its exceptionalism and beholden to its enemies, with its middle class disarmed and waving a white flag in submission to the administrative state and beholden to a future where every landscape is scarred by wind farms and household electricity rationed to power up EVs.  No matter the future course of their political lives, Phil Murphy and Gavin Newsom will remain aloof to these realities, eventually to find pasture in gated villas far removed from the urban visuals of homelessness and gunplay.  

Image Picryl\

What is the Shelf Life of a Useful Idiot?

“President” Biden is often described as a useful idiot. The term originated during the Cold War and is defined as a person perceived as propagandizing for a cause without fully comprehending the cause's goals, and who is cynically used by the cause's leaders. The phrase has since broadened from non-communists being manipulated to do PR bidding by communists to mean anyone who is being unwittingly duped into furthering a cause of which he has no big-picture comprehension.

Biden is the dictionary definition of the current meaning of useful idiot: someone who has no clue that he’s being used to promote an extremist agenda that he doesn’t actually understand. When Joe Biden was in his prime as a senator -- such as that ever was -- he at least had some general idea of the major issues of the day and their implications. He took sides based on their potential political and personal payoff, but at least he did it intentionally. In a singularly undistinguished Senate career that began in 1972, Joe Biden has consistently made the choices that redounded to his maximum personal benefit. At a bare minimum, he had the awareness to put himself first. 

That is no longer true. Biden has no awareness or understanding of complex issues. He reads what he’s told to read. He walks -- stiffly and unsteadily -- where he’s told to walk. His cognitive impairment is so blatantly obvious and advanced that there’s no need to even recount all the examples here.

None of this is a surprise to Democratic operatives. Everyone knew this all along, but the “get Trump out” movement was so strong that Biden’s dementia just didn’t matter at all. The Democratic machine, taking full advantage of the so-called COVID “emergency” (you know, the disease with the 99.7% survival rate for those under 70 without severe comorbidities), illegally changed battleground state voting regulations so they could fabricate a fraudulent, easily manipulated mail-in voting scheme to rig the election for Biden.

It worked. The Republicans were outmaneuvered. The courts, showing amazing cowardice and displaying an astonishing aversion to rocking the legal/structural boat, refused to hear cases of voter fraud in spite of mountains of tangible evidence. Biden was “elected.”

Having their empty figurehead in place, the behind-the-scenes operatives (Ron Klain? Susan Rice? Valerie Jarrett? Obama himself?) went to work. They immediately dismantled everything Trump had done regarding border security, promoting domestic energy production, and maintaining a strong military and law enforcement. Then they went further, and actively installed and formalized the woke policies of CRT in schools and gender fluidity and are now trying to claim emergency powers in order to ram home the Green New Deal. Along the way, they intentionally printed billions of worthless dollars and injected those into the money supply, knowing full well it would devalue the dollar, cause generationally horrific inflation and wreck the domestic economy.

All these moves were well-considered and premeditated. These decisions were not unfortunate moves by an ill-informed, inexperienced administration. Quite the contrary -- every measure was designed to weaken the population’s individuality and autonomy and make them more beholden to the government for their very existence and sustenance. The Democrats’ aim is to perpetuate their hold on power by subjugating the population to economic, domestic and employment hardship and then promising to dole out -- at their whim -- small snippets of relief in the form of tax-funded “benefits.”

Does Biden realize this? Is he aware of the full scope of what is happening around him? No. He is a useful idiot. Actually, he is an imbecile, in the formal psychological definition of the word (an adult with the mental capacity of a seven- or eight-year-old child), not the pejorative colloquial usage of the word.

However, the point at which Biden’s political liability and damage to the Democratic brand exceeds his value as an easily exploited dupe is rapidly approaching. Biden is now spoiled, curdled milk. The Democrats can’t count on him dying or voluntarily resigning, so they will probably have to invoke some angle of the 25th Amendment and have him removed from office because of a health matter. They have already raised the cancer issue and the Dems would certainly prefer to have some sympathy-inducing public reason for Biden stepping down, rather than having to acknowledge their complicity in installing a doddering, senile old man as President.

So, the Democrats are searching for their next useful idiot. Who it is isn’t important to them, since that person will merely be their new dupe, their latest puppet. What they need is someone who won’t damage their image, who gives the appearance of at least minimum coherence and competence, and who will not exceed their “sell by” date before the Democrats can come up with a plausible candidate for 2024.

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