Thursday, September 1, 2022



Newt Gingrich: 'The level of dishonesty is astonishing'

Biden Calls on the Mob

The Dems decided they needed a little presidential revival before the midterms to fire up their base -- which isn’t looking very motivated at the moment. They gave President Gremlin a few days of vacation to rest up, a couple of shots of Adderall to switch on long-dormant brain cells, and a few hits of oxygen so he could walk out onto the stage without collapsing.

They trotted Biden out to a friendly audience in a suburb of Washington, D.C., and he gave a real barn-burner of a speech. He was angrier than an old coot screaming at the neighborhood kids to get off of his yard. Apparently, the Democrats think that is a good look for them. I wonder if they’ve considered that this speech may come to define the Biden presidency?

The speech was about those that voted for Donald Trump, but it revealed a great deal more about our presidential sock-puppet himself. We learned that Joe has an advanced case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. He said:

We’re seeing now either the beginning or the death knell of an extreme MAGA agenda. It’s not just Trump… It’s almost semi-fascism.

Our uniter in chief believes anyone who could be counted among the MAGA movement is a fascist -- sorry, semi-fascist, if that makes any difference. He doesn’t just hate Donald Trump. He hates anyone who doesn’t hate Donald Trump. And the Democrats endorse this attitude because they’re no longer in the business of winning the competition of ideas. They’re in the business of amassing and applying raw governmental power.

Our “return to normalcy” president is clearly comfortable fomenting hatred towards others. Those others would be anyone who is part of the opposition party -- all 74 million of them who voted for Trump. Is there any other possible outcome he could be trying to achieve? By calling anyone with a red baseball cap a fascist, he’s using the same dehumanizing language that tyrants have used throughout history to incite the masses against their enemies. Our President is telling half the country that the other half is a danger to them. Never once did he mention in his address to the crowd that the greatest danger to himself is the danger of competing ideas.

Biden followed that up with this whopper:

Trump and the extreme MAGA Republicans have made their choice -- to go backwards full of anger, violence, hate and division, while Democrats have chosen to be a nation of unity and hope.

Let me repeat that. He really said that Democrats have chosen "hope and unity," as he called everybody that voted Republican a fascist –- sorry, semi-fascist.

In the name of hope and unity he then proceeded to tell the crowd how despicable the MAGA movement is, and that it must be crushed. He didn’t encourage the mob to engage Republicans in debate. He didn’t suggest that they attempt to understand the opposition. He most certainly didn’t recommend addressing any of the grievances of the conservative movement. He incited the crowd to hatred so that MAGA could be crushed -- all 74 million (and growing) of them -- in the name of unity.

Note what Joe didn’t say in his address to the mob. He didn’t condemn the assassination attempt on a Supreme Court justice. He didn’t share his views about a Democrat that tried to murder an entire Republican softball team. He didn’t even comment about his colleague, Missouri State Democratic senator Maria Chappelle-Nidal who said, “I hope Trump is assassinated.” Those all sound like the hopeful actions of a unifying movement, don’t they? Why no mention of them?

His omissions give great insight into what he means by “unity.” Destroy the opposition, and then declare the survivors to be unified. As for the “hope” part of his speech, he hopes to accomplish the above before he has to face Trump on the debate stage again.

The Democrats got their presidential revival all right. It came in the form of a speech dripping with hatred for almost half of all American citizens. But as with all things Biden, the Dems should have given some thought to the possible unintended consequences. I’m sure Joe fired up his base of radicals, lunatics, and criminals. But he probably fired up the Republican base even more. After all, who’s more likely to be motivated to action: a bunch of strung-out delinquents encouraged to embrace their Call of Duty bloodlust, or those whose very existence is being threatened? That is not hyperbole. Given the violence that we’ve seen from Biden’s “base” in the last seven years, it’s highly likely that some will take his call to action as a call to do something other than vote in the midterms.

How will his speech be remembered in 2024 if one of his deranged followers actually does murder a prominent conservative? Have the Democrats considered that sometimes it’s better to turn down the temperature than to crank it up? Of course not. Once the omelet is done, the broken eggs are of no consequence.

Joe wrapped up his address by saying:

It’s not hyperbole now you need to vote to literally save democracy.

He’s right about that. Our republic is under attack, by Joe Biden, his entire cabinet, his media enablers, and his misguided followers.

Looking at the trajectory of our country over the past 14 years shows that we are approaching a fork in the road. The mob that Joe Biden represents has:

These things would have been unthinkable in America prior to 2008. Now they are part of our political fabric. Joe Biden, via what he does and doesn’t say, is calling for more of it. It is not hyperbole to say the obvious -- we are nearing our last chance for patriotic Americans to stand up, be heard, and stop this nonsense.

The malaise speech signified the end of Jimmy Carter’s presidency. Here’s to hoping that Joe Biden’s hate speech marks the end of his.

John Green is a political refugee from Minnesota, now residing in Idaho. He has written for American ThinkerAmerican Free News Network, and The Blue State Conservative.  He can be followed on Facebook or reached at

Image: Orozco

oe Biden and the Ides of August

William Shakespeare, in his play Julius Caesar, wrote of a soothsayer warning Caesar of his impending demise during the Ides of March.   But when it comes to his political demise fueled by catastrophic decisions, Joe Biden, as president, faces the Ides of August.

On the 14th of August 2020, Politico Magazine, in a lengthy article, revealed for the first time Barack Obama’s true opinion of Joe Biden together with his warning to the people of America.  During the 2020 primary Obama told a fellow Democrat: “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up.”  In light of August 2021 and 2022, were these revelations published during the Ides of August in 2020 just a coincidence or a foretelling?

Obama is Back to Undermining Biden


I know it's a popular myth in conservative circles that Obama put Biden in the White House. Actually some of the same leftist backers put both men in the White House. They're surrounded by a lot of the same people because of that. But Obama kept Biden from running in 2016 and repeatedly undermined him and refused to endorse him in 2020.

Instead, Obama tried to kickstart a humiliatingly failed bid by Deval Patrick, seeing him as a mini-Obama. That helped kill his party standing.

And Obama is back to undermining Biden as yet another political book suggests he even wanted to dump him in 2012.

Barack Obama and Joe Biden had such a "fraught relationship" that Obama wanted to drop Biden from the 2012 Democratic ticket, according to excerpts from a new book obtained by the Daily Mail.

Obama considered replacing his vice president with Hillary Clinton, leaving Biden "distraught," according to The Long Alliance by Gabriel Debenedetti. Obama eventually stuck with Biden, though he was furious at his veep's decision to blurt out the administration's support for gay marriage, an announcement Obama wanted to make.

Biden's actions were "tantamount to betrayal" and "an example of Biden trying to position himself in front of the president," the book says, with staffers saying that "we can't trust [Biden] to say his lines."

For his part, Biden said he was "not going to grovel to this guy," referring to Obama. "My manhood is not negotiable."

Some of this isn't new, some of it is. It's plausible that Obama might have wanted to create a smooth transition for Hillary. He kept Biden from running in 2016, but having Hillary as VP might have given her more of a leg up and rigged the primaries further. Obama might have thought that Biden would be dead weight in a challenging campaign.

The real question though is why tell us this now? 

The book is being put out by Henry Holt and Gabriel Debenedetti has spent a while covering Obama. The book wouldn't exist without Obama inner circle people talking to him. And they would choose what to say. Putting out a damaging narrative like this is a deliberate kneecapping effort. Obama has been Biden's biggest asset, but it's been a one-sided relationship. Biden begged for his endorsement in the 2020 primaries and didn't get it. Now Obama seems to be joining in the effort to bring him down. 

Elon Musk Exposed: How Joe Biden Made His Millions!


US Presidents' NET WORTH Before And After Presidency


‘Shoot. Me. Now.’: Obama Wanted To Drop ‘Condescending’ Biden, New Book Says

 • August 31, 2022 1:45 pm


Barack Obama and Joe Biden had such a "fraught relationship" that Obama wanted to drop Biden from the 2012 Democratic ticket, according to excerpts from a new book obtained by the Daily Mail.

Obama considered replacing his vice president with Hillary Clinton, leaving Biden "distraught," according to The Long Alliance by Gabriel Debenedetti. Obama eventually stuck with Biden, though he was furious at his veep's decision to blurt out the administration's support for gay marriage, an announcement Obama wanted to make.

Biden's actions were "tantamount to betrayal" and "an example of Biden trying to position himself in front of the president," the book says, with staffers saying that "we can't trust [Biden] to say his lines."

For his part, Biden said he was "not going to grovel to this guy," referring to Obama. "My manhood is not negotiable."

While mainstream media said for years that Obama and Biden had a "bromance," with NBC News describing them as "lifelong friends," this is far from the first indication that the two men did not like each other.

"Don't underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up," Obama told a fellow Democrat during the 2020 presidential primary. He also urged Biden not to run in the 2016 election, again expressing support for Clinton.

While rumors about Obama dropping Biden were swirling in 2012, many media sources pooh-poohed the notion, with then-NPR political editor Ken Rudin dismissing it as a story that is "not grounded in reality" and "makes us look silly."

The bad blood between Biden and Obama dates back to when the two first met, the book says.

As a senator, Obama thought Biden was "condescending" and bemoaned his future vice president's tendency to "ramble, clearly loving every minute of it."

"Shoot. Me. Now," Obama wrote to a staffer when Biden started to speak.

When Biden ran for president in 2020, Obama worried that his former veep wasn't up to the job.

Obama thought Biden seemed "tired," the book recounts, and worried that a Biden run would be "unthinkably painful."

The Democrat playbook is always the same

As the media and other Democrats say they want to unite the country, we see a rather unique way of achieving that "unity."

(GAMER LAWYER) Obama said we cling to our religion and guns.

(GAMER LAWYER) Biden and others compared Tea Party members who wanted smaller government and lower taxes to domestic terrorists.

(GAMER LAWYER) Hillary called us deplorable, xenophobes, homophobes, and whatever other phobe she could think of.

Parents who dared to have a say in their children's education were compared to domestic terrorists.

We are frequently referred to as "right-wing extremists."

Republicans who question an election where many states broke their laws, where there was ballot-harvesting, and where the media, the FBI, intelligence officials, and other Democrats buried the truth about Biden family corruption are called election deniers and election liars.

Biden said that Blacks who don't vote for him "ain't Black."  Who knew that all Blacks were supposed to think alike?

People who tell the truth that the climate has always changed cyclically and naturally are called climate change deniers and anti-science.

Liz Cheney calls us sick.

If you challenged the unscientific rhetoric and dictatorial edicts — including the vaccine — on COVID, you were said to want people to die.

Biden called us semi-fascists.  (My guess is he has no idea what that definition would be.)

And of course we are consistently called "racists" and "really stupid[.]"

Democrats sure as heck don't want to campaign on their extreme policy objectives, so they resort to name-calling.  Here is a partial list of their radically unpopular policies:

Higher taxes.  The government is already collecting record revenue from the taxpayers, so it is detrimental to raise rates.

More regulations.  Trump's policies were lifting all boats — we had energy independence, poverty hit record lows, and we had low inflation.  Democrats clearly don't care about the non-elites, or they would emulate Trump's policies instead of reversing them.

Destruction of the oil, natural gas, and coal industries.  Democrats want to force the poor and middle class to buy expensive electric cars powered by flammable pollutants, but they put no limits on private jets, yachts, or the number and size of mansions the rich own.  It is all for show and control.  They don't care about carbon footprints if you're an elite.

No right-to-work states telling voters they shouldn't have the freedom to be non-union, and point out that it's simply the prevailing wage laws that have been on the books for ninety years.  At least be transparent and tell the public that the "prevailing wage laws" were passed to prevent Blacks from competing in a White marketplace:

A relic of an era when laws were passed to prevent blacks from competing for economic opportunities, the Davis-Bacon Act has racist origins [emphasis added] and continues today to have a devastating impact on economic outsiders.

Open borders.  Brag that you don't enforce immigration laws and that your policies have made the cartels very rich with human- and drug-smuggling.

Soft-on-crime D.A.s.  Make sure the voters know that you support no-bail laws to allow career criminals to roam the streets, terrorizing cities.

Sanctuary cities and states.  Tell the voters that politicians in cities and states should be able to ignore federal immigration laws.

Forgiving student loans.  Tell the poor and middle class why it is so important to forgive loans for college graduates who make more than they do.

Abortion on demand with no limits.  Instead of telling the public they support abortion at any time and withholding care for newborns, they use the euphemism "reproductive choice."

They should be forthright about disproportionately targeting Black and Brown babies for abortion and tell the voters why that is good for minorities.

Maybe Liz Cheney should be asked if she thinks Democrats who support the withholding of health care from viable children are "sick."

Restricting gun ownership, and infringing on the right that "shall not be infringed."

Supreme Court liberals.  Tell the voters that you support courts and regulators being able to make laws, instead of confining laws to the legislative bodies like the Constitution requires.


Federal control of elections.  No photo IDs to vote, and pro-ballot-harvesting.

Men competing with women in sports and men sharing locker rooms with little girls.  Tell the voters that you support Biden's dictatorial actions to withhold school lunch money from schools that don't comply.  That you don't care if it violates girls' privacy rights.

Building up Iran.  Explain why it is a good idea to help Iran when the mullahs pledge death to America and Israel and sponsor terrorism around the world.

No school choice for poor and minority kids, no matter how much it helps them.

Obamacare.  Tell everyone that he should not have a choice as to what type of insurance to buy.

My body, my choice?  Tell women that you don't believe they have a right to refuse a vaccine, and termination is reasonable if they choose to exercise bodily autonomy.  Explain to them why that doesn't violate Democrat talking points that women can do whatever they want with "their" bodies.

Democrats support the most unaccepted policies and disparage all people with opposing thoughts.

Democrats are allowed to take kickbacks from foreign countries and abuse as many women as they want.  All that matters to the media and other Democrats is political power at any cost.

Trump worked hard to return power, money, and freedom back to the people, and the Democrats worked hard to falsely label him as a dictator and fascist.

Biden and other Democrats seek to move the power and money toward the few political elites, to make more people dependent on the government — yet they pretend they are for freedom.  They are the authoritarian party.

Image: Office of Nancy Pelosi, public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.


During Obama’s presidency, everyone joked that he selected Biden for VP because Biden’s incompetency insured that Obama would never be impeached. Yes, Obama was bad, but Biden would be worse. Now that Biden’s the president, that joke was 100% correct. Sadly, he’s multiple times worse than anyone imagined. Biden has more failures in one year than most presidents have in a lifetime – the Afghanistan debacle and surrender, huge crime spikes due to Democrat “defund the police” insanity, actively working to destroy the petroleum industry while supporting Russia’s, soaring inflation, open support and deference to China, and his weakness being directly responsible for Putin’s invasion of Ukraine -- to name just a few epic failures. As bad as Biden is as president, it’s obvious he selected Harris for the same reason that Obama selected him -- to insure he’s never removed from office. If you think things can’t possibly get worse, just look at Harris and you instantly realize – yes, they can. She would be multiple times worse than Joe.


“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton (LAWYERS-2) Foundation and the (LAWYERS-2) Obama book and television deals. Then there is the Biden (LAWYERS-3) family corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the (LAWYER) Warren and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (YOU CAN ADD LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS AND LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER TO THE PATHEION OF DEMOCRAT BRIBES SUCKING CORRUPT LAWYER POLITICIANS!).          BRIAN C JOONDEPH

The FBI: A Campaign Arm of the Democrat Party

“Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity” is the FBI motto. According to the FBI website, this motto, “Succinctly describes the motivating force behind the men and women of the FBI.”

The motto may have been accurate in the 1965-1974 TV series, “The FBI”, where Efrem Zimbalist Jr epitomized those words every Sunday night on prime-time television. But today the FBI has morphed into a campaign arm of the Democrat Party, attempting to influence elections in favor of their preferred candidates, acting more like the East German Stasi or Soviet KGB rather than the premier law enforcement agency in the world.

Perhaps a new motto of “Funny Business Incorporated” or “Friendly to Biden Interests” would be more appropriate to their apparent new mission. When did the FBI, the largest and most heavily armed law enforcement agency in America, now inserting itself unconstitutionally into American politics, pivot from fidelity and integrity to partisanship and dishonesty?

Start with the 2016 presidential election. Many are already familiar with Spygate. According to Jeff Carlson:

Efforts by high-ranking officials in the CIA, FBI, Department of Justice (DOJ), and State Department to portray President Donald Trump as having colluded with Russia were the culmination of years of bias and politicization under the Obama administration.

The weaponization of the intelligence community and other government agencies created an environment that allowed for obstruction in the investigation into Hillary Clinton and the relentless pursuit of a manufactured collusion narrative against Trump.

A willing and complicit media spread unsubstantiated leaks as facts in an effort to promote the Russia-collusion narrative.

The Spygate scandal also raises a bigger question: Was the 2016 election a one-time aberration, or was it symptomatic of decades of institutional political corruption?

The FBI was in the middle of this true insurrection, meant to derail a presidential campaign, election, transition, and administration with fabricated claims of collusion, lying to Congress and the American people, and then attempting to cover everything up via the Muller/Weissman investigation, including a recent raid on Mar-a-Lago to possibly confiscate incriminating Spygate documents in President Trump’s possession.

Other Obama administration agencies and officials were also involved but the FBI was in the thick of it, with Director James Comey and Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. Other familiar names include Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence Peter Strzok and his girlfriend FBI attorney Lisa Page.

Don’t forget another FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith who knowingly lied on a FISA warrant application about Carter Page’s work for the CIA. Despite pleading guilty to a felony false statement charge, Clinesmith is once again free to practice law. Are any of the January 6 detainees recipients of such judicial largess?

There has been little or no reckoning for these Spygate players and rather than being punished for their criminal and seditious activity, they have been rewarded with university teaching gigs, book deals, and frequent appearances on left-wing cable news shows. Perhaps Special Counsel John Durham will eventually hold the FBI bad actors to account, but Spygate is now six years in the past and it is looking increasingly likely that the FBI will skate.

Jeff Carlson raised the interesting question of whether Spygate was a one-off event or part of a larger and more systemic corruption of the FBI and other three-letter agencies. Despite not derailing candidate or President Donald Trump in 2016, they certainly tried again in 2020, this time succeeding. And they are already working on 2024, before a single candidate has announced his or her candidacy.

The FBI obtained Hunter Biden’s laptop in December 2019, a full year before the presidential election. Rather than investigating and reporting on what they found, they slow rolled the laptop as it revealed knowledge of and involvement in foreign business deals with candidate Joe “Big Guy” Biden and his son Hunter, in a manner that could be construed as a quid pro quo of selling the office of the president to foreign interests.

letter from Senator Ron Johnson to Justice Department Inspector Michael Horowitz spelled out the FBI’s role in again “campaigning” for the Democrat candidate. Senator Johnson asserted the following,

Whistleblowers have come forward to Congress alleging that FBI officials intentionally undermined efforts to investigate Hunter Biden.

After the FBI obtained the Hunter Biden laptop from the Wilmington, DE computer shop, these whistleblowers stated that local FBI leadership told employees, “You will not look at that Hunter Biden laptop” and that the FBI is “not going to change the outcome of the election again.” Further, these whistleblowers allege that the FBI did not begin to examine the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop until after the 2020 presidential election -- potentially a year after the FBI obtained the laptop in December 2019.

And influence an election they did. Media Research Center conducted a poll of 1,750 voters in seven swing states and learned that, “One of every six Biden voters (17%) said they would not have voted for him had they known the facts about several of the news stories the national media refused to investigate thoroughly because they might have hurt his candidacy.”

Jesse Watters noted that the 2020 presidential election was decided by 44,000 votes in Georgia, Wisconsin, and Arizona. The FBI suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop story would have been more than enough to account for this margin if the above survey was reflective of voter sentiment, demonstrating how the FBI interfered with and likely altered the outcome the election.

Not only did the FBI interfere directly, they also urged social media to do the same, the government suppressing the right to free speech by proxy. Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg explained to Joe Rogan recently,

Speaking on an episode of The Joe Rogan Experience, Zuckerberg explained, "The FBI, I think, basically came to us -- some folks on our team -- and was like, 'Hey, just so you know, like, you should be on high alert…  We thought that there was a lot of Russian propaganda in the 2016 election. We have it on notice that, basically, there's about to be some kind of dump of that's similar to that. So just be vigilant.’"

Zuckerberg acknowledged that "the distribution on Facebook was decreased" of the New York Post’s story about Hunter Biden's laptop, noting, "fewer people saw it than would've otherwise."

The FBI had the laptop for almost a year and right before the election conveniently declared it Russian propaganda, a falsehood parroted by “51 former intelligence officials.” The FBI, and Big Tech under FBI encouragement, fabricated and spread Russian propaganda in 2016 when it could hurt the Republican candidate and suppressed and censored a real story in 2020 it when it could hurt the Democrat candidate. That certainly sounds like election interference.

The Mar-a-Lago raid is a shot across the bow for any GOP presidential candidates for 2024, Trump being the presumptive nominee at this point. Will the FBI ask the DoJ to indict Trump on nonsensical declassification accusations? While they gave candidate Hillary Clinton a pass despite her using an unsecured server and personal email account to traffic highly classified emails? The FBI is delivering a warning to Trump. Will Governor Ron DeSantis be the next one to have his home raided by the FBI?

We expect this type of behavior from the corporate media, academia, Hollywood, big finance, big pharma, big tech, and other Democrat party constituent groups, but not the FBI and other government agencies.

This is a true insurrection, not the nonsense “soon to be former” representatives Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger are bloviating over. And where are congressional Republicans? Most are voicing support for the FBI, ignoring this blatant subversion of democracy and the Constitution.

Perhaps most Republicans support the new FBI mission -- stopping Donald Trump at all costs, ignoring the weaponization of the federal government against political enemies. Will voters reward milquetoast Republicans, most of whom are no better than their Democrat colleagues across the aisle, or will many say “why vote Republican,” throwing up their hands on election day, not wasting time on meaningless elections? Such a strategy may not lead to an expected red wave.

Is a weaponized national police force something the Founding Fathers wrote into the Constitution? Or just another example of America sliding from a representative republic into a totalitarian state?

Brian C Joondeph, MD, is a physician and writer.

Follow me on Twitter @retinaldoctor

Truth Social @BrianJoondeph

LinkedIn @Brian Joondeph

Image: FBI


It happened

IT HAPPENED! Donald Trump accuses Barack Obama of being 'Most CORRUPT President in US history’


There it is.  That's the issue.  To begin, you have the corrupt family Biden.  They've been scamming us and our system well for almost fifty years.  The man is supposedly worth over 250 million dollars.  How is this possible on his salary?  It's not.  So where did his wealth come from?  Not from being a brilliant businessman. DAVID PRENTICE

Jim Jordan: Americans must know this about Hunter Biden


Biden lied when he denied knowledge of Hunter’s businesses deals: Devine


Naïve American people had no idea what they were getting with Biden: A senile, corrupt, debauched old man with a son who was a conduit for his dirty dealings and who has a personal life so disgusting it’s hard to write about it. That’s what the American media and the tech tyrants have done to America. ANDREA WIDBURG

FBI whistleblowers: In 2019, local leaders told FBI agents, 'You will not look at that Hunter Biden laptop'

Senator Ron Johnson has disclosed some of what multiple FBI whistleblowers have told him about the Bureau's suppression of investigation into the laptop computer abandoned by Hunter Biden at a Wilmington computer repair shop, in a letter sent to DOJ inspector general Michael Horowitz, Jerry Dunleavy of the Washington Examiner has the story and quotes Senator Johnson:

"Whistleblowers have recently contacted my office to share serious concerns about the FBI's handling of Hunter Biden's laptop," Johnson told Horowitz, telling the watchdog that after the FBI obtained the laptop from a Delaware computer shop in late 2019, local FBI leadership told bureau employees that "you will not look at that Hunter Biden laptop" and that the FBI is "not going to change the outcome of the election again," the whistleblowers said.

Johnson said the new whistleblower claims "allege that the FBI did not begin to examine the contents of Hunter Biden's laptop until after the 2020 presidential election — potentially a year after the FBI obtained the laptop in Dec. 2019."  (snip)

"It is clear to me based on numerous credible whistleblower disclosures that the FBI cannot be trusted with the handling of Hunter Biden's laptop," Johnson told Horowitz this week. "I call on you to immediately investigate the FBI's handling of Hunter Biden's laptop and begin by obtaining the history of the investigative actions taken by the FBI on Hunter Biden's laptop which should be available on the FBI's case management system, Sentinel."

This is, of course, in addition to the FBI wrongly claiming that the laptop was Russian "disinformation."

The worries about changing the outcome of an election are ironic, given that the laptop came into its possession long before the 2020 presidential election, and given that the Bureau had no problem raiding Mar-a-Lago less than three months before the midterms.

Let's hope that more whistleblowers come forward and that they have plenty of documentary evidence.

As a senator, Biden vigorously voted for several similar bills. In short, based on his voting record, Joe Biden is not (and never was) a champion of disadvantaged Americans, unless you consider multi-billion-dollar credit card corporations and millionaires “disadvantaged.” Chris Talgo

“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation and the Obama book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption.   

Report– Joe Biden Warned (GAMER LAWYER) Brother Frank: ‘For Christ’s Sake, Watch Yourself’

AP Photo/Evan Vucci


President Joe Biden cautioned his brother Frank about potential business dealings during his campaign for president, according to a report.

“For Christ’s sake, watch yourself,” Biden said according to a report in Politico. “Don’t get sucked into something that would, first of all, hurt you.”

Politico cited a “person with knowledge of the conversation” in its report and said that Biden was “jocular and serious” in his comment to his brother.

Biden’s intention, Politico reports, was to protect his brother from “being hurt and vilified” because of his connections to the president.

Since Biden’s inauguration, questions about members of his family have been raised regarding their business dealings, especially after Republicans questioned his son Hunter Biden’s business deals with foreign countries during the campaign.

Frank Biden’s law firm, The Berman Law Group, promoted his relationship to President Biden in an advertisement on Inauguration Day.

“The two Biden brothers have long held a commitment to pushing environmental issues to the forefront; the president-elect has vowed to rejoin the Paris Agreement and wants to set ambitious greenhouse gas reduction targets, for example,” the ad read.

A White House official responded to the story by warning that Joe Biden’s name should not be used in any commercial advertisement.

“It is this White House’s policy that the President’s name should not be used in connection with any commercial activities to suggest, or in any way that could reasonably understood to imply, his endorsement or support,” the official told CNBC in January.

Exclusive—Poster Released for Feature Film ‘My Son Hunter’: ‘As if Hunter Biden’s Laptop Exploded’

Courtesy of

The official poster for My Son Hunter has arrived, and as director Robert Davi (Licensed to Kill, Die Hard, The Goonies) explained to Breitbart News, “I describe this movie as if Hunter’s laptop exploded onto the screen, and this poster reflects that in an amazing way.” Utilizing bold shades of red and green, the poster’s main image seems to be the filmmakers’ reference to Hunter’s recently video release—from his infamous stay at a detox center in 2019. Around the central image, it’s not hard to see what Davi is talking about. Images upon images from the controversial life of Hunter Biden provide a unique framing where one can witness everything from drug use to his promiscuous lifestyle, partying with strippers, corrupt business dealings, Ukrainian oligarchs, CCP emissaries, as well as his seemingly close relationship with his father, now President of the United States.

My Son Hunter—Breitbart News’ foray into film distribution—was crowdfunded by producers Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinney of the Unreported Story Society.

“We crowdfunded My Son Hunter because this was a story that big tech and big media want to cover up,” Ann McElhinney told Breitbart. “They didn’t want the truth to ever see the light of day. But there is a hunger for truth out there. Hollywood would never make this movie. It doesn’t fit their narrative, so that’s why we had to get the American public to fund it.”

The feature length film is available for PRE-ORDER NOW and will be available for streaming and downloading on September 7 at

Courtesy of


Starring Laurence Fox (Victoria, Inspector Lewis, The Professor and the Madman) as Hunter Biden, My Son Hunter is a farcically hilarious and devastatingly factual look into the drug use, prostitution, and partying that consumed the future first son’s debauched life, as well as the shady international business deals—from Ukraine to China—that Hunter leveraged his father’s massive political power to land.

Behind the Scenes of “My Son Hunter” with Laurence Fox and co-star Emma Gojkovic.

The movie also stars former MMA megastar Gina Carano (The Mandalorian, Dead Pool, Heist) as a Secret Service agent; John James as Joe Biden; and Emma Gojkovic as a sex worker that Hunter befriends.

Gina Carano plays a Secret Service Agent.

Actor John James plays Joe Biden.

“Working with Breitbart on this project made perfect sense to me. They’ve always been the first ones through the door, taking on the media and waging the culture war,” Davi said. “Given my friendship with Andrew, it’s a poignant moment for me to have this film represent Breitbart’s entry into the world of cinema, especially since the establishment media covered up the story of Hunter Biden in the most cynical of ways.”

“My Son Hunter” director Robert Davi.

You can PRE-ORDER your copy of My Son Hunter RIGHT NOW at

Courtesy of

Follow David Ng on Twitter @HeyItsDavidNg. Have a tip? Contact me at

As a senator, Biden vigorously voted for several similar bills. In short, based on his voting record, Joe Biden is not (and never was) a champion of disadvantaged Americans, unless you consider multi-billion-dollar credit card corporations and millionaires “disadvantaged.” Chris Talgo

Stopping Biden After November

As November looms, Republicans remain giddy about the probability of victory in both chambers of Congress.  Unfortunately, without a two-thirds majority needed to overturn regular and pocket vetoes by the president, a politically divisive America is likely to gridlock until the 2024 presidential election.  A modest Republican House majority could pull back hard on the reins, shaving or cutting off the lifeline to Democrat spendthrifts, but Biden will continue to rule unconstitutionally by pen and phone as his critics seek relief through court challenges that lack momentum.  Meanwhile, the border will remain open, every attempt to innervate the energy sector will be shot down, and we’ll continue along the course of a recession reinvented by the White House as normal and permanent.

Given the past inclination of Republicans to fight amongst themselves on the sidelines, it is an inconvenient truth that a slim congressional majority would not be enough to save them from their own party intrigues and petty rivalries.  Former Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan, who held himself up as the morally superior conscience of the Republican Party, saw Donald Trump as more an intruder than a president. He tolerated the White House agenda and held his nose as he gave them legislative victories -- rewriting the tax code and rebuilding the military -- before retiring with a smile and surrendering the gavel to Nancy Pelosi.

Then there are the blue-stained Republicans:  Mitt Romney, who voted to impeach Trump in 2020 but not to re-elect him as president, as well as Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski, both moderates given to head fakes when it comes to party loyalty.  There would be no tolerance for such infidelity in the Democrat enclave, where unanimity, vis-à-vis antagonists Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema, is enforced through donor class pressures and backroom deals.

Minority Leader Mitch McConnell all but put his chips down on the Democrats in taking an offhand shot at Trump and blaming a prospective midterm loss in the Senate on the quality of Republican candidates.  That begs curiosity over why hopefuls Mehmet Oz in Pennsylvania, Herschel Walker in North Carolina, and Blake Masters in Arizona, are all trailing in the polls before a visibly impaired stroke victim who thinks hoodies are business casual, a military-hater who has talked up Louis Farrakhan and played paddy fingers with campaign funds, and a former astronaut who retreats to inner space between elections, respectively.

Democrats always believe they have the upper hand in elections because they are running against Republicans.  They understand that the GOP lacks the type of cohesiveness and lockstep discipline that has become the trademark of the Democrat caucus.  If they can keep the party vote disparity to a minimum in the House, they retain the ability to draw away the more cantankerous members of the Republican party.  To neutralize the apostates within their own ranks, Republicans need more than an arm’s length victory in November.

Even before Joe Biden had a chance to change the knick-knacks in the Oval Office, Democrats of the newly-minted 117th Congress charged the Republican trenches with a call for an ethics investigation of any member who questioned the outcome of the 2020 election, the second impeachment of Donald Trump for high crimes and misdemeanors, creation of a January 6th Commission,  and a federal takeover of state elections. That was the opening engagement of a progressive broadside on the GOP and America writ large.

Few Republican legislative proposals have made it past the will of Nancy Pelosi, and the well of the House of Representatives that better serves as a graveyard for the bills and amendments submitted by the minority.  The House speaker trampled on the authority of the minority leader by repudiating his recommendations and cherry-picking the only two Republican representatives who voted for the January 6th committee to be rewarded with seats upon it.  For all her blustering about reaching across the aisle, bipartisanship in the 117th Congress has been little more than a gimmick wherein the lioness of the House separates one or two sheep from the Republican herd as window dressing on the title pages of Democrat legislation. 

A Republican midterm victory will cause an adversarial media to shore up the battle lines.  There is a strong belief on the Left, obediently pushed by media propaganda, that the ill-defined MAGA, now advertised as a mass movement without a colorful chapeau, comprises the entire Republican base of Trump voters.  They are branded as white, blue-collar males with ideologies similar to the Ku Klux Klan and the John Birch Society, hopelessly irredeemable racists, sexists, and nativists who can barely conceal their biases against blacks, immigrants, and women.  We know this because the Washington Post said as much two months after the Biden inauguration, using a fishy survey of purported MAGA followers to set the stage for the progressive Left to initiate an economic and social fatwa to disarm and destroy the middle class.

Heir apparent House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has already promised investigations and hearings on Hunter Biden, the Trump-Russia hoax, the Afghan retreat, FBI abuses, and getting the backstory of January 6th.  There will be efforts to impeach Biden cabinet officials for malfeasance in their duties.  The Democrats will do everything in their power to obstruct these proceedings through social media censorship, a blitzkrieg of misinformation, and false allegations.

Cracks are already appearing in the Republican strategy.  McCarthy has already dropped a well-earned Biden impeachment from the 2023 to-do list and cautions against committee vendettas for political purposes, apparently abdicating those hijinks to the Democrats.  Generic congressional ballots are now slowly swinging back in the Democrats favor, going as far as to give them a four-point edge to hold onto power in the House.

As Democrats continue to hawk snake oil over Republican threats to democracy, the GOP leadership continues to pull their punches by not continually harping upon the obvious policy missteps and flagrant felonies of the ruling party.  Nor are they using the summer doldrums to put forth a plan that would anchor a Republican pledge of a better life for all Americans.  You cannot find a more troubled political landscape in which to offer such an alternative: Biden’s polling is the worst of any president in modern history, only Harris’s numbers are worse, and with few exceptions every congressional Democrat has voted in lockstep to advance partisan legislation clearly at odds with the economic well-being of the citizenry and their protection from harm both here and abroad.

Republicans need not build castles in the air or keep their powder dry until the next presidential election.  There is considerable prima facie evidence to convene proceedings against the Biden administration’s policies, departments, agencies, cabinet heads, and West Wing babysitters of Joe Biden.  As Chuck Schumer and Pelosi have done on so many occasions, McCarthy and McConnell need to ascend the pulpit in partnership to unveil a New Contract with America.  From bow to stern and athwartship, the ship of the republic needs to be brought to drydock for an overhaul.  The GOP will not be forgiven for missed opportunities.

Democrats will not go gently into that good night.  Dark Brandon will follow the script and frustrate all attempts by a Republican majority to secure the border, regain energy independence, improve the supply chain, stop the academic brainwashing of our children, or curb inflation.  Their agenda can be slowly rolled back so long as we can keep a new Republican majority from doing unto itself and their voters that which they consider too punitive to do to the other side of the aisle.

Image: David Lacasse

Joe Biden and the Ides of August

William Shakespeare, in his play Julius Caesar, wrote of a soothsayer warning Caesar of his impending demise during the Ides of March.   But when it comes to his political demise fueled by catastrophic decisions, Joe Biden, as president, faces the Ides of August.

On the 14th of August 2020, Politico Magazine, in a lengthy article, revealed for the first time Barack Obama’s true opinion of Joe Biden together with his warning to the people of America.  During the 2020 primary Obama told a fellow Democrat: “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up.”  In light of August 2021 and 2022, were these revelations published during the Ides of August in 2020 just a coincidence or a foretelling?

On the 15th of August 2021, Biden unleashed a deadly and unfathomably haphazard de facto surrender in Afghanistan.  He heartlessly and deliberately left behind over a thousand American citizens as well as untold thousands of Afghan allies.  He abandoned, in usable form, over $7 billion dollars in military equipment for the Taliban to create one of the best equipped militaries in the world, thus, reconstituting an avowed terrorist state.  His approval numbers and that of the Democrat party immediately cratered and have not recovered nor will they ever recover as long as Biden occupies the Oval Office.

On the 8th of August 2022, the Justice Department, responding to Biden’s edict to prosecute Donald Trump using any pretext possible, raided the former president’s home at Mar-a-Lago, using the guise of recovering highly classified papers.  This unprecedented, anti-democratic and extra-judicial process has cast a permanent and irreversible shadow of corruption, ineptitude and malevolent authoritarianism on Joe Biden and the Democrat party that will eventuate in overwhelming political losses for the Party and the demise of the Biden presidency.

Before or around the 15th of August 2023, Joe Biden will be forced to resign.   In a last-ditch effort to avoid a potentially devastating 2024 election and facing either Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis or Ted Cruz, the Democrat party hierarchy and the ruling class will abandon a feckless and grossly inept Joe Biden by forcing his resignation and thus his ultimate political demise.

Biden shakes hands with an invisible person after finishing a speech in April this year

(YouTube screengrab, cropped)

The disaster that was the withdrawal from Afghanistan coupled with the spectacle of a choreographed raid, with guns drawn, of a former president’s private residence as well as all the other innumerable economic and foreign debacles that Joe Biden has precipitated in just 19 months should not come as a surprise to anyone who has paid attention to his 50-year career as a politician. 

It is a career littered with failures due to unforced errors, countless flip-flops, plagiarism, cupidity, mendacity and demagoguery, all brought about by overweening egocentrism and an inbred inability to admit he is wrong about anything.  He has always been an arrogant, self-important demagogue with a short fuse who will slander and defame not only his political opponents but their supporters in the most hateful and over-the-top manner imaginable.

There is little doubt that Biden is suffering from progressive cognitive decline brought about by the aging process, but that should not be an excuse for his lifelong character flaws which have become more pronounced and exaggerated in old age, and in the case of a senescent president of the United States, exponentially more dangerous.  

Nor should his cognitive decline be used as a cover to assume that he is willingly manipulated by those around him.  That he is merely a puppet signing and regurgitating anything that is put in front of him.  He is not a manipulated puppet as he refuses to acknowledge his receding mental capacity due to his implacable lifelong belief that he is always the smartest man in the room.  As such he will always adamantly insist that he has the final say in any major decision that emanates from the Oval Office.

On foreign affairs, he sincerely believes he is infallible and will dismiss any and all contradictory opinions or analyses he does not agree with.  Thus, it was he who insisted upon and unleashed the humiliating and haphazard surrender in Afghanistan.  His arrogance extended to his unwavering belief that he could successfully negotiate with and trust the Taliban, whom he was certain would evolve to be who they are not. 

The Afghanistan debacle, which was the catalyst for Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and the increasing belligerence of Communist China,  has dramatically increased the possibility of a global conflict, empowered a terrorist state, emboldened Iran, and together with open borders exponentially increased the likelihood of massive terror attacks within the United States.  All of which is solely due to the unbridled hubris of an exceedingly stupid and imperious man put in office by the ruling class.   

The same is true of the decision to unleash Biden’s personal Gestapo, the FBI, against his predecessor and potential future opponent.  The lack of foresight, the impetuousness, the deviousness, and most importantly the obliviousness to the potential fallout are the hallmarks of virtually all of Joe Biden’s major decisions over his 50-year career in politics.   Thus, there can be little doubt that he either overtly or tacitly ordered the raid and that a spineless Merrick Garland, knowing there was no legitimate legal basis or precedent to justify a military-style raid of the private home of Donald Trump, meekly acquiesced.

By this inexplicable action, Biden has permanently changed the public’s perception of federal law enforcement,  revealed to previously indifferent citizens the unbridled power of the federal government, exposed a Democrat party determined to institute a quasi-police state, massively animated Republican and independent voters to vote in November, and irrevocably changed the political landscape.  The Democrat party, as presently constituted, is doomed to eventual oblivion.

Thus, the ruling class and it’s enforcers, the radical left-controlled Democrat Party, can no longer allow Joe Biden to remain in power.  Biden has effectively empowered the America First movement to potentially become dominant and for Donald Trump to be more influential in American politics than at any time in his pre, post or actual presidency regardless of whether he runs for president in 2024.   In 44 B.C. a soothsayer warned Julius Caesar to beware of the Ides of March, unfortunately in 2020 there was no one to warn America to beware of the Ides of August.


Jesse Watters: The people responsible won’t talk

The main objective of “political animals” like Obama and the Clintons is to get elected; it’s not to fix a broken America, nor to protect her. There are people who govern and there are people who campaign; Obama and the Clintons are the latter. Just look at the huge Republican electoral gains under Obama and the Clintons. It’s amazing that Democrats who still care about their party still support the very people who have brought it down.


Schiff: Trump First Person ‘Without Character’ in the Oval Office

0 seconds of 3 minutes, 40 secondsVolume 90%

Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) said Monday on MSNBC’s “Deadline” that former President Donald Trump was the first president of the United States “without character.”

Schiff said, “We have seen a pattern with Donald Trump, and that is when he’s not held accountable. He goes on to commit worse misconduct. He wasn’t held accountable for his Russia misconduct that led to Ukraine. He wasn’t held accountable for the worst misconduct in Ukraine that led to a literal attack on our democracy on January 6.”

He continued, “If he’s not held accountable and ever given an opportunity to exercise power again, we can expect things that are worst still. We are forewarned about this man.”

He added, “We always knew the importance of character in the Oval Office, but we didn’t really know until we had someone without character occupy that office. So, I have to think that whatever motivation brought those documents to Mar-a-Lago had nothing to do with the president wanting to do his homework or the national security needs of the country. There’s only one thing that’s ever been important to Donald Trump, and that is Donald Trump. And that’s just — ought to be an utter disqualification from office.”

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN


How politicians get filthy rich (by rigging the system)

the confessions of an inside trader: nancy pelosi

What did she just say?

Peter Schweizer: Americans Have Gone to Jail for Doing Far Less Than What Hunter Biden Has Done

“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation and the Obama book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption.  

Worst. President. Ever.

Derek Hunter

Try to imagine a President doing a worse job than Joe Biden. Think about how that would even be possible. Would they have to set the White House on fire while vomiting on Boris Johnson? Maybe a President in a Nyquil-induced stupor trying to start a nuclear war with Canada? Jimmy Carter on his worst day couldn’t hold a candle Joe Biden on his best, provided Biden ends up having a best day.

Remember this one: “I’m gonna ask the public for 100 days to mask, just 100 days to mask. Not forever, 100 days. And I think we’ll see a significant reduction if we occur that, if, if, if, if that occurs with vaccinations and masking to drive down the numbers considerably, considerably”? That was Joe Biden 1 year ago Friday, part of his “plan” he swore he had to “shutdown the virus.” How’d that work out again?

Has there ever been a bigger disconnect between what a candidate for President promised and what they delivered? It’s not even that Biden tried and failed, it’s that the entire premise of his campaign was a lie. He had no plan, he had no clue. All he had was an objective and handlers determined to get him there, for their own reasons.

It’s unclear to me that Joe Biden ever wanted anything more than the trappings that go with being President of the United States – the house, the being waited on hand and foot, and most importantly to a career politician with wild insecurity and unrivaled narcissism like Joe, the guarantee of being remembered. Senators are forgotten, quickly, Presidents are remembered forever. Someone who loves themselves as much as Joe does, who desperately needs others to love him just as much, that matters.

There’s also the added bonus that former Democratic Party Presidents are showered with money after their term, often times by the industries they pretended to “fight” when they were running. And Joe Biden loves money. He made a bunch after his stint as Vice President on the prospect that he would run in 2020 (leftists hedge their bets and spread their money around). That’s, of course, in addition to the millions his family raked in through Hunter’s string of jobs and contracts for which he was wildly unqualified. Joe pretends he isn’t, but he’s all about the money.

But to get to the rewards of being a former Democrat President, those Presidents tend to want to accomplish some things; they usually believe in things. Joe Biden believes in nothing. His biggest, and really only accomplishment in the Senate was the 1994 crime bill and he had to denounce it because Democrats had gone from being against crime and supporting police to supporting criminals and wanting to defund police.

On abortion, Biden changed his tune completely as well. There isn’t a person serving his administration, either in the White House or the media, who won’t insist Joe labored between running for President or becoming Pope, such a devout Catholic is he. And in his time in the Senate he used to pretend to be personally against abortion, but refused to allow his religious beliefs to dictate his policy positions. It was and is BS, but many politicians play this game (looking at you, Nancy Pelosi).

Now, he’s no longer pretending. The party of “safe, legal, and rare” abortions is now the party of abortions for everyone, on demand, with no restrictions on when. It won’t be long, maybe 5 years, before they start advocating post-birth abortions, taxpayer funded, of course. That’s where Democrats are now, so that’s where Joe Biden is now. Biden is such a weathervane on everything, and always has been, that he’d perform abortions in the White House if that’s what the fringe of his party demanded.

With no moral code, no center, nothing matters. You just read what’s in the teleprompter and hit the sack by 7:00 while your degenerate son collects piles of cash for the family until you’re free to do it on your own. All you have to do is what you’re told, your handlers and the media will take care of the rest.

That Joe Biden hasn’t come close to fulfilling any campaign promises, or even that those promises were made, is a testament to what he was willing to do to get the job. Just imagine what he’s willing to do to keep it. Even scarier, just imagine how much worse things have the potential of getting as he works to do just that.


Derek Hunter is the host of a free daily podcast (subscribe!), host of a daily radio show on WCBM in Maryland, and author of the book, Outrage, INC., which exposes how liberals use fear and hatred to manipulate the masses. Follow him on Twitter at @DerekAHunter.


Schweizer: ‘It’s Going to Be Business as Usual’ for Hunter’s Dealings

Joe Biden, the corrupt, unaccomplished 47-year career politician, with a reputation of having been a proud segregationist, an unabashed plagiarist and liar, a resolute tale-teller, and a serial flip-flopper, is pretending to head up a radical social-democratic ticket for President of the United States that includes as his running mate the ambitious, disagreeable junior senator from California: Kamala Harris. 


“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation and the Obama book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption.                              BRIAN C JOONDEPH

What’s really baffling is Hunter’s success with women. Despite being a total loser with a terrible drug habit and some weird sexual perversions, Hunter managed to seduce his brother’s widow, her sister, a stripper, and the woman he married, all over the course of four years. It’s enough to make one think that Hunter’s charm had less to do with the man himself and more with the benefits flowing from the Biden family cartel. ANDREA WIDBERG


As a senator, Biden vigorously voted for several similar bills. In short, based on his voting record, Joe Biden is not (and never was) a champion of disadvantaged Americans, unless you consider multi-billion-dollar credit card corporations and millionaires “disadvantaged.” Chris Talgo

Biden lied about his undergraduate degree and his majors, lied about his rank in law school, lied aboutscholarships and educational aid he had  received, lied about his stance toward the Vietnam  war while in college, lied about his plagiarism of  other politician's writings and speeches, lied about  the circumstances around his first wife's fatal  accident, lied about how he met his second and  current wife, and lied about the affair they were having when they were both married. MARK CHRISTIAN

Most recently and dramatically, Biden lied about his knowledge of his son's shady dealings,  lied about his own involvement in corruption and ribery, and lied about his current presidential agenda and what he wants to implement in regards to energy, fracking, court-packing, health care, education, and COVID among other issues.



American people deserve to know what China was up to with Joe Biden, especially when Beijing had already shelled out millions of dollars to Biden family members — including millions in set-asides for “the big guy.” What else is on that infamous Hunter Biden laptop? The conflicted Biden Justice Department cannot be trusted to engage in any meaningful oversight on this issue. We need a special counsel now.   

                                     TOM FITTON - JUDICIAL WATCH

“Our entire crony capitalist system, Democrat and Republican alike, has become a kleptocracy approaching par with third-world hell-holes.  This is the way a great country is raided by its elite.” ---- Karen McQuillan  AMERICAN

There it is.  That's the issue.  To begin, you have the corrupt family Biden.  They've been scamming us and our system well for almost fifty years.  The man is supposedly worth over 250 million dollars.  How is this possible on his salary?  It's not.  So where did his wealth come from?  Not from being a brilliant businessman. DAVID PRENTICE

Jim Jordan: Americans must know this about Hunter Biden


Biden lied when he denied knowledge of Hunter’s businesses deals: Devine


Naïve American people had no idea what they were getting with Biden: A senile, corrupt, debauched old man with a son who was a conduit for his dirty dealings and who has a personal life so disgusting it’s hard to write about it. That’s what the American media and the tech tyrants have done to America. ANDREA WIDBURG

New Hunter Biden revelation undermines president's comments: Turley

Bidens of all sorts are under federal investigation for tax evasion, money-laundering, and unregistered agent foreign ties, as this Politico report citing Hunter notes.

Biden lied when he denied knowledge of Hunter’s businesses deals: Devine

Joe Concha blasts media over Hunter Biden diamond scandal: 'He is untouchable'

New details further link Hunter Biden to China’s payroll

I'm Going To Highlight A New Hunter Biden Record...': Grassley Goes After POTUS Son On Senate Floor

This is Biden's biggest problem: Steve Moore


Hunter Biden will be a top priority for Republicans: Rep. Comer'

'The Five' knock Biden for reassuring Dems he's running for reelection

America sees two weak leaders in the White House: Mercedes Schlapp

Naïve American people had no idea what they were getting with Biden: A senile, corrupt, debauched old man with a son who was a conduit for his dirty dealings and who has a personal life so disgusting it’s hard to write about it. That’s what the American media and the tech tyrants have done to America. ANDREA WIDBURG

New Hunter Biden revelation undermines president's comments: Turley

Bidens of all sorts are under federal investigation for tax evasion, money-laundering, and unregistered agent foreign ties, as this Politico report citing Hunter notes.


RIDING THE DRAGON: The Bidens' Chinese Secrets (Full Documentary)


Chris Hedges: How Republicans, Democrats, and the Media Have Weakened US Democracy


Schweizer: ‘It’s Going to Be Business as Usual’ for Hunter’s Dealings

Corrupti-looza: Biden family wastes no time profiting from public office

By Monica Showalter

In one-party states such as the old PRI-ruled Mexico, the stealing tended to start late. Before a Mexican president was escorted out for the next, he and his would sweep the presidential palace for everything not nailed down -- the lightbulbs, the toilet seats, the doorknobs and more. There were exceptions, but it was generally the known narrative. In more than one Latin American country, the last-minute asset grab on the way out actually had a name -- "La Pinata." After all, as former PRI mayor of Mexico City, Carlos Hank Gonzalez, used to say: "A politician who's poor is a poor politician." 

Which brings us to Joe Biden, and his family's unusually fast scramble to profit from his public office right out the gate.

Son Hunter still has his 10% China equity fund stake, contrary to what had been reported, and a new art gig just perfect for bringing in money from non-transparent sources, as the New York Post, in this excellent report notes, all because his blow-pipe 'art' done as his personal art therapy is somehow so very valuable. 

Brother Frank, meanwhile, is advertising his connections to old Joe for Florida law firm he's connected with, using Joe's name in a bid to drum up business. As New York Post columnist Michael Goodwin reported:

The latest sordid example involves one of Joe’s younger brothers, Frank Biden, appearing in a Florida law firm’s ad — on Inauguration Day no less. The ad used the president’s name to draw attention to the Berman Law Group’s class-action suit against sugar cane growers.

“The two Biden brothers have long held a commitment to pushing environmental issues to the forefront,” says the ad. “The president-elect has vowed to rejoin the Paris Agreement and wants to set ambitious greenhouse gas reduction targets.”

The ad, first reported by CNBC, appeared in the Daily Business Review and carried a picture of Frank Biden and quotes him saying, “My brother is a model for how to go about doing this work.”

How touching. And shameless. 

Brother James hasn't changed any, still under federal investigation for a hospital company that feds say isn't being run properly. 

Bidens of all sorts are under federal investigation for tax evasion, money-laundering, and unregistered agent foreign ties, as this Politico report citing Hunter notes.

And it seems to be having a knock-on effect as Vice President Kamala Harris's stepdaughter, Ella Emhoff, an art student (which generally isn't the most employable of professions), has suddenly gotten a fancy modeling contract, to be a 'style icon,' which hadn't been her forte until the establishment noticed she was close to power. Now they're gushing about her, selling her as stylish as emperor's new clothes. Kamala Harris, meanwhile, might just owe someone a favor. 

It's happening, Goodwin observes, because the Bidens have been doing it for decades, and never with any consequences. Now that Joe's 'the big guy' and not a mere vice president, for them it's all the better.

Which is true enough as far as it goes, but still doesn't entirely explain the speed of the influence-peddling and pocket-lining -- why, contrary to the Mexican and Latin American model -- did the rush to grab money start on day one? 

With these questionable acts starting early -- despite Joe's call to brother Frank to 'watch yourself,' what seems a distinct possibility is that the family members think the gig is not going to last so the time to act is now.

Maybe they're betting Joe isn't going to last for one reason or another. That might explain why they are rushing to scarf up all they can without covering their tracks. They're like fund managers divesting a stock  --- quickly, and all at once. Fund managers buy stocks quietly and gradually on expectations the price will go up, but when they think it's heading down, they don't play around, they dump it all at once and don't care who's watching.

That kind of desperation seems to be evident in House Biden's quick bid to cash in all at once, too. Do they know something we don't? Do they expect their window of opportunity will be short? How is it they can jump up so fast to cash in, even against warnings from Joe, who after all, assured the voters last fall with this malarkey:  

“My son, my family will not be involved in any business, any enterprise that is in conflict with or appears to be in conflict, with inappropriate distance from the presidency and government,” he said.

Even with the spotlight on, for them, it's as if the walls are closing in and Gotterdammerung is beckoning. If that's not a vote of low confidence in the durability of Joe and his presidency, what really is?

Image: Screen shot from a camera aimed at a television set, processed with FotoSketcher.

Report– Joe Biden Warned (GAMER LAWYER) Brother Frank: ‘For Christ’s Sake, Watch Yourself’

AP Photo/Evan Vucci


President Joe Biden cautioned his brother Frank about potential business dealings during his campaign for president, according to a report.

“For Christ’s sake, watch yourself,” Biden said according to a report in Politico. “Don’t get sucked into something that would, first of all, hurt you.”

Politico cited a “person with knowledge of the conversation” in its report and said that Biden was “jocular and serious” in his comment to his brother.

Biden’s intention, Politico reports, was to protect his brother from “being hurt and vilified” because of his connections to the president.

Since Biden’s inauguration, questions about members of his family have been raised regarding their business dealings, especially after Republicans questioned his son Hunter Biden’s business deals with foreign countries during the campaign.

Frank Biden’s law firm, The Berman Law Group, promoted his relationship to President Biden in an advertisement on Inauguration Day.

“The two Biden brothers have long held a commitment to pushing environmental issues to the forefront; the president-elect has vowed to rejoin the Paris Agreement and wants to set ambitious greenhouse gas reduction targets, for example,” the ad read.

A White House official responded to the story by warning that Joe Biden’s name should not be used in any commercial advertisement.

“It is this White House’s policy that the President’s name should not be used in connection with any commercial activities to suggest, or in any way that could reasonably understood to imply, his endorsement or support,” the official told CNBC in January.


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