Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Biden’s Defense Dept Put Racist in Charge of Educating 60K Military Kids It's the old Marxist strategy. And it's working.

WHAT HAPPENED TO THE DEMOCRAT PARTY? I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue and stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms, are hostile to people of faith and spirituality, demonize the police and protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, dragging us ever closer to nuclear war.                         TULSI GABBARD

White Lives Matter, Obviously

Why the Left hates Kanye's message.


The Black Lives Matter movement is a sham, based wholly on lies surrounding the tragic death of George Floyd. Like so many other deaths, Floyd’s was trivialized and profaned by Marxist radicals masquerading as “social justice warriors.” People of his own ethnic extraction commoditized his flesh and blood, exhumed his bones, and wielded them as weapons in a dirty little political war.

Democrat party leadership, breathless with excitement, knelt in solidarity with the forces of anarchy and destabilization — the fellow travelers, foot soldiers, and shock troops of global Marxist power. Social justice is a trojan horse for the asymmetric espionage cadres of today’s Axis of Evil — Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea. BLM is just another tool in the totalitarian arsenal, aimed at corroding liberty by corrupting the social, moral, and cultural ties that bind us.

Ye (formerly known as Kanye West) and Candace Owens know all this and have trolled BLM hucksters, Democrat party lickspittles, and their propagandists in the legacy media by dropping a fashion hand grenade. During the Yeezy show at Paris Fashion week, Candace and Ye strolled into the spotlight sporting shirts printed with the revolutionary slogan — White Lives Matter.

The reaction from the establishment were hysterics and rage rivaling the intensity of the Spanish Inquisition. No wonder, since the same animating evil runs through the veins of every tyrant including those wearing tailored suits who even now haunt the halls of the White House and Capitol Hill.

The statement, “Black Lives Matter” is banal, it’s like saying, “the sky is blue.” The statements, white lives matter, blue lives matter, all lives matter are axiomatic. Only perpetual propagandizing from a Democrat party rotten with compromised Marxist sympathizers could produce an atmosphere so divisive across lines of pigmentation.

The left perpetually atomizes people, or corrals them into groups and then agitates based on immutable differences and/or manufactured economic class. This is the diabolical modus operandi of every swamp creature desperate to accumulate power, driven mad by an occult furor, and eternally lashed by insatiable greed.

The moral bankruptcy of the BLM hierarchy has been revealed in a swell of reporting on BLM finances. Approximately 90 million dollars has been grifted, much of it funneled into the coffers of BLM leadership. But, that is to be expected of an organization led by self-avowed Marxists.

As history has shown, every collectivist movement is, in reality, a totalitarian movement, which accretes power to those who control the means of production and are always corrupted by avarice. So, it should not be a surprise when BLM Marxists lavish themselves with multi-million dollar homes and luxury cars.

BLM continues to feed on the bile of ignorance and hate mongering.

Those who threaten the hypnotic mantra of the race-baiting left are marked for cancellation and personal destruction. Fortunately, people of means and independence of mind, like Ye and Owens, are rattling the cages.

White Lives Matter is the new Attica! Attica! Only now, brutality and oppression characterize big tech, the legacy media, the Democrat party, and its mechanisms of power — a weaponized DOJ, FBI, and IRS.

Ye and Owens rang their tin cups against the bars Democrats have forged just by wearing t-shirts imprinted with an obvious statement of fact. Despite the hysterics from the left, stating a fact isn’t racist. But the left, the Marxists among us, and Democrats (a trio of synonyms) are hell-bent on preserving their chattel-hold on the black intellect.

Their hold is slipping because of people like Ye and Owens. They’re panicked and it shows in their mad race to import a new chattel constituency via a flood of illegal immigration. Democrats know people are drowning, children are being trafficked and sexually abused, and fentanyl is poisoning tens of thousands of Americans daily. The shocking truth is — Democrats don’t give a damn. It’s in the nature of Marxists to discount human life, because the god-state is worthy of its human sacrifices.

But, facts are meager things in the face of ideology.

For Marxists, the religious impetus inherent in everyone is expressed in a devotion to an ideological golden calf that springs from the fires of the infernal Hegelian dialectic. What value does a human life have if the universe is merely eternal matter directed by mechanistic laws?

This is at the heart of why Democrats and statist Republicans can be so cruel. And, we are now reaping what we have sown by relinquishing our public education systems to the monsters of materialism. If you teach a child that he or she is merely an animal, don’t be surprised when he or she acts like one.

Ye and Owens have struck a chord, and moved the liberal hate machine to madness. Now many more see them for who they are. The left hates White Lives Matter, not because it’s racist, but because we’re all — as our founding fathers envisioned — equal before the law. Democrats, in particular, cannot abide the thought that they aren’t better than the rest of us.

WHAT HAPPENED TO THE DEMOCRAT PARTY? I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue and stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms, are hostile to people of faith and spirituality, demonize the police and protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, dragging us ever closer to nuclear war.                         TULSI GABBARD

White Lives Matter, Obviously

Why the Left hates Kanye's message.


The Black Lives Matter movement is a sham, based wholly on lies surrounding the tragic death of George Floyd. Like so many other deaths, Floyd’s was trivialized and profaned by Marxist radicals masquerading as “social justice warriors.” People of his own ethnic extraction commoditized his flesh and blood, exhumed his bones, and wielded them as weapons in a dirty little political war.

Democrat party leadership, breathless with excitement, knelt in solidarity with the forces of anarchy and destabilization — the fellow travelers, foot soldiers, and shock troops of global Marxist power. Social justice is a trojan horse for the asymmetric espionage cadres of today’s Axis of Evil — Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea. BLM is just another tool in the totalitarian arsenal, aimed at corroding liberty by corrupting the social, moral, and cultural ties that bind us.

Ye (formerly known as Kanye West) and Candace Owens know all this and have trolled BLM hucksters, Democrat party lickspittles, and their propagandists in the legacy media by dropping a fashion hand grenade. During the Yeezy show at Paris Fashion week, Candace and Ye strolled into the spotlight sporting shirts printed with the revolutionary slogan — White Lives Matter.

The reaction from the establishment were hysterics and rage rivaling the intensity of the Spanish Inquisition. No wonder, since the same animating evil runs through the veins of every tyrant including those wearing tailored suits who even now haunt the halls of the White House and Capitol Hill.

The statement, “Black Lives Matter” is banal, it’s like saying, “the sky is blue.” The statements, white lives matter, blue lives matter, all lives matter are axiomatic. Only perpetual propagandizing from a Democrat party rotten with compromised Marxist sympathizers could produce an atmosphere so divisive across lines of pigmentation.

The left perpetually atomizes people, or corrals them into groups and then agitates based on immutable differences and/or manufactured economic class. This is the diabolical modus operandi of every swamp creature desperate to accumulate power, driven mad by an occult furor, and eternally lashed by insatiable greed.

The moral bankruptcy of the BLM hierarchy has been revealed in a swell of reporting on BLM finances. Approximately 90 million dollars has been grifted, much of it funneled into the coffers of BLM leadership. But, that is to be expected of an organization led by self-avowed Marxists.

As history has shown, every collectivist movement is, in reality, a totalitarian movement, which accretes power to those who control the means of production and are always corrupted by avarice. So, it should not be a surprise when BLM Marxists lavish themselves with multi-million dollar homes and luxury cars.

BLM continues to feed on the bile of ignorance and hate mongering.

Those who threaten the hypnotic mantra of the race-baiting left are marked for cancellation and personal destruction. Fortunately, people of means and independence of mind, like Ye and Owens, are rattling the cages.

White Lives Matter is the new Attica! Attica! Only now, brutality and oppression characterize big tech, the legacy media, the Democrat party, and its mechanisms of power — a weaponized DOJ, FBI, and IRS.

Ye and Owens rang their tin cups against the bars Democrats have forged just by wearing t-shirts imprinted with an obvious statement of fact. Despite the hysterics from the left, stating a fact isn’t racist. But the left, the Marxists among us, and Democrats (a trio of synonyms) are hell-bent on preserving their chattel-hold on the black intellect.

Their hold is slipping because of people like Ye and Owens. They’re panicked and it shows in their mad race to import a new chattel constituency via a flood of illegal immigration. Democrats know people are drowning, children are being trafficked and sexually abused, and fentanyl is poisoning tens of thousands of Americans daily. The shocking truth is — Democrats don’t give a damn. It’s in the nature of Marxists to discount human life, because the god-state is worthy of its human sacrifices.

But, facts are meager things in the face of ideology.

For Marxists, the religious impetus inherent in everyone is expressed in a devotion to an ideological golden calf that springs from the fires of the infernal Hegelian dialectic. What value does a human life have if the universe is merely eternal matter directed by mechanistic laws?

This is at the heart of why Democrats and statist Republicans can be so cruel. And, we are now reaping what we have sown by relinquishing our public education systems to the monsters of materialism. If you teach a child that he or she is merely an animal, don’t be surprised when he or she acts like one.

Ye and Owens have struck a chord, and moved the liberal hate machine to madness. Now many more see them for who they are. The left hates White Lives Matter, not because it’s racist, but because we’re all — as our founding fathers envisioned — equal before the law. Democrats, in particular, cannot abide the thought that they aren’t better than the rest of us.

WHAT HAPPENED TO THE DEMOCRAT PARTY? I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue and stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms, are hostile to people of faith and spirituality, demonize the police and protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, dragging us ever closer to nuclear war.                         TULSI GABBARD

Biden’s Defense Dept Put Racist in Charge of Educating 60K Military Kids

It's the old Marxist strategy. And it's working.

The investigation by Adam Andrzejewski of Open the Books into Kelisa Wing who made headlines for her racist tweets about white people shines a light into how yet another arm of the Defense Department is being twisted by the Biden administration into radical indoctrination.

The investigation uncovers the expected diversity grift in which DEI officials also “build their own brand”. They’re all ‘coaches’ and ‘speakers’ and ‘authors’ with their books and ways to book them for sessions and seminars no matter where they’re working. And they also often have some sort of side-hustle as musicians, actors or dancers they’re also promoting. Not to mention efforts at rolling in an academic gig. So it’s good to be in the DEI business.

But beyond that, Wing was in a powerful position to define education for children of servicemembers.

The children of our servicemembers are educated in K-12 public schools run by a Defense Department sub agency known as Education Activity (DoDEA). Over 60,000 children attend these schools funded by a $3.1 billion budget.

Today, “every aspect” of DoDEA “from the curriculum and assessment to hiring and professional development” is overseen by the agency’s chief diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) officer.

The Chief DEI position was a completely new position within the agency.

This has become routine under Biden. It’s part of revamping every agency to focus on equity. An important point that a lot of conservatives have overlooked in the grand master plan.

And there’s a lot of abuses that come from it.

Wing’s book, Promises and Possibilities, is just one of 21 books she authored or co-authored. Two more are forthcoming. The books are mostly concerned with topics of racial justice and black history. Remarkably, 18 of those books were released just in the past year and a half.

Here are just three examples from her 18-part “Racial Justice in America” short-graphic series:

·  What is White Privilege?

·  What is the Black Lives Matter Movement?

·  What Does It Mean to Defund the Police?

Books in this series are about 32 pages long with many pictures. The titles are targeted towards children aged 10-13 and are seemingly meant for a classroom setting, as they include school activities and projects.

It’s certainly convenient when you suddenly have a pole position in an educational system with a huge captive audience of kids.

In December 2020, while she was working at DoDEA, she published a blog exhorting readers to create a “School-to-Activism Pipeline.”

That’s what the folks behind the Biden administration are after when it comes to education.

It’s the old Marxist strategy. And it’s working.

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Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

WHAT HAPPENED TO THE DEMOCRAT PARTY? I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue and stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms, are hostile to people of faith and spirituality, demonize the police and protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, dragging us ever closer to nuclear war.                         TULSI GABBARD

Biden Administration Establishes New Racial Equity Committee

Can you guess what its mission will be?

Biden’s January 6 Anniversary Speech - and His Big Lies

Just days after Vice President Kamala Harris suggested “giving resources based on equity” in providing hurricane relief, the Biden administration doubled down on its woke obsession with “equity.” The Biden Treasury Department announced the establishment of a new Treasury Advisory Committee on Racial Equity. Its mission will be to “identify, monitor and review aspects of the domestic economy that have directly and indirectly resulted in unfavorable conditions for Black, Latino, and Indigenous and Native American persons, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and other persons of color.”

It is no surprise that the committee is stacked with left-wing social justice progressives.

Michael Nutter, the David N. Dinkins Professor of Professional Practice in Urban and Public Affairs at Columbia University and former mayor of Philadelphia, is the committee’s Chair. In June 2020, shortly after the killing of George Floyd, Mr. Nutter castigated the entire nation as racist. Mr. Nutter posed a whole series of accusations in the form of loaded questions, which were based on the premise that America is systemically racist and has never stopped trying to keep the black population down. Here are some samples.

“When, America, will you get tired of kneeling on the necks of the Black people you captured and brought here for your slave labor?”

“When will you tire of the daily effort to hold Black people back from ‘Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness’?”

“When will be the right time to talk about what you have done to Black people, how you made our lives hell, why you did what you did, and what you think can be done to fix what you have done?

“Aren’t you tired yet from holding your knee or foot on our collective necks for 400 years?”

At the end of his harangue, Mr. Nutter warned America that “we will…make you uncomfortable until you not only listen, but actually start hearing us and changing your behavior and systems.” (Emphasis in the original) Now he will have the chance to pose these questions and demand radical solutions as Chair of the Treasury Department’s new equity committee.

The Vice Chair of the new racial equity committee, Felicia Wong, is more radical than Michael Nutter, who at least at times has shown some support for the police and has acknowledged the severe problem of black-on-black crime plaguing major urban centers.

Vice Chair Felicia Wong sees the police as the enemy. She advocated for defunding the police in a report she co-authored for the Roosevelt Institute back in 2016, which charged that racial bias leads to “police brutality.” The report recommended that police budgets should be “reduced.”

Ms. Wong is the president and CEO of the Roosevelt Institute, a far-left organization that wants to “reimagine” capitalism. The Roosevelt Institute rejects what it calls “neoliberalism” and “racial liberalism” because supposedly they have “upheld a racial capitalism that subjugated people of color with racist rules while ignoring and revising history—promoting race-neutrality while exacerbating existing inequalities.”

In November 2021, Ms. Wong co-authored a report for the Roosevelt Institute entitled “A New Paradigm For Justice And Democracy.” Its subtitle is “Moving beyond the Twin Failures of Neoliberalism and Racial Liberalism.”

The report stated that “the demands of today’s racial justice movement stem from several core values,” which it listed:

“freedom and liberation: a vision for individual and collective self- determination, free from systemic oppression; repair and redress: an honest reckoning of America’s legacy of white supremacy and violence, followed by concrete, reparative action to redress those harms; and material equity: an equitable distribution of resources, decision-making power, and material outcomes.”

The report co-authored by Ms. Wong used the term “equity” forty times and defined it.

True equity means equity of outcome,” the report stated, “and not accepting the promise of ‘opportunity’ within a system that continues to systematically exclude.” (Emphasis added)

Elaborating on this theme, Ms. Wong and her co-author wrote: “Equity goes beyond equal access and opportunity. It means equitable material outcomes, closing gaps—in wealth, income, health, criminal justice, education, and more—that have persisted for generations and worsened over the last half-century. It is about a distribution of resources and of decision-making power, with an emphasis not only on individual equity but on equity for communities that have historically been excluded.”

This is the old wine of socialism in a new bottle branded as “racial equity.”

Others among the twenty-five committee members are not much better. Here are six examples who have displayed racial equity wokeness in action.

One of the members, Nicole Armand, described policing as “a profession that is built on a set of values, training programmes, reward systems that incentivise and motivate…racist actions.”

Another committee member, Georgetown Law Professor Dorothy Brown, has embraced critical race theory. Her 2021 book is entitled “The Whiteness of Wealth : How the Tax System Impoverishes Black Americans – and how we can fix it.” She also has written “Critical Race Theory: Cases, Materials and Problems.” One of her current projects is a book on reparations.

Lorella Praeli is the Co-President of Community Change and Community Change Action, whose “strategy is to create the conditions for transformational change that moves us in the direction of justice, equity, and an inclusive democracy and economy.”  She was formerly ACLU’s deputy national political director and director of immigration policy and campaigns, which focused on expanding immigrants’ rights, including illegal immigrants.

Ms. Praeli has also supported the defund the police movement. “#DefundThePolice isn’t just a hashtag. It’s a mandate to divest from racist policing, which disproportionately kills Black people and Latinos and feeds the deportation pipeline, and instead invest in a #caringeconomy that prioritizes working families and serves us all,” she tweeted in 2021.

Amanda Renteria is the CEO of Code for America, which emphasizes the need to “address deep inequities threaded into our country’s history and work toward more equitable outcomes for the people we serve.” (Emphasis added)

Darrick Hamilton is a university professor and founding director of the Institute on Race, Power and Political Economy at The New School. He served as a national surrogate in Senator Bernie Sanders’ 2020 presidential campaign and played a key role in advising Senator Sanders on some of his more left-wing “economic justice” policies, including housing, student debt, and education. Professor Hamilton is a proponent of what is known as stratification economics, which a 2022 article that he co-authored said was aligned  “with the critical race theory concept of ‘the property rights in Whiteness.’”

The Treasury Advisory Committee on Racial Equity will waste taxpayers’ money producing predictable woke pronouncements by its ideologues on how America needs to be fundamentally transformed to remedy the so-called continuing evils of systemic racism. It is another pitiful example of the Biden administration’s deference to the left-wing progressive base of the Democrat Party.

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Joseph Klein

Joseph Klein is a Harvard-trained lawyer, and the author of Global Deception: The UN’s Stealth Assault on America’s Freedom and Lethal Engagement: Barack Hussein Obama, The United Nations & Radical Islam.

WHAT HAPPENED TO THE DEMOCRAT PARTY? I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue and stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms, are hostile to people of faith and spirituality, demonize the police and protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, dragging us ever closer to nuclear war.                         TULSI GABBARD

Racist Mayor: Mondale Robinson

“They would have you believe that some white people aren’t racist”.

Editor’s note: This is the 15th part in Frontpage Mag’s series on Racist Mayors. (See previous parts below this article). Stay tuned for more installments.

Mayor Mondale Robinson claims that “white supremacy made me this person” and vowed to fight “this infection that we call white supremacy” in Enfield, North Carolina: an 85% black town.

Somehow the 11% of white people in a town with a black mayor are still oppressing everyone.

“They would have you believe that some white people aren’t racist,” he complained.

Despite a population of only around 1,800 people, it has a murder rate on par with one of those English villages where eccentric PBS detectives try to figure out why everyone is dying.

At one point it had a murder rate higher than 90% of the nation’s cities.

The fallout from the quadruple murder of two elderly couples who were killed while playing cards in a nearby area is still playing out with little progress after three of the suspects were released. August saw a fatal park shooting and in July, another Enfield man broke into another elderly woman’s home and sexually assaulted her. But that is just how things play out in Enfield.

While Mayor Mondale Robinson has shown limited interest in violent assaults against other town residents, especially white ones, he demanded that the governor declare a “state of emergency” and save him from what he called “domestic terror threats”.

These “domestic terror threats” appear to consist of nasty letters.

People in Enfield are being assaulted with no recourse, but when Robinson gets a letter, he demands that the state governor declare a state of emergency.

Local station WRAL TV reported that Enfield is a “town without police officers” with no police working on weekdays. An official bulletin warned that the town would have no police officers working for the rest of September’s weekends. This was helpful news for the criminals in a town where there are an estimated 85 crimes per square mile.

In response, Robinson claimed that not having a police department wasn’t unusual, accused the news station of “trying to create discourse and chaos” and warned that in the town “folk done read books”. In another attack on the news station, he claimed that it was “continuing this narrative that I am the angry black man”.

The activist mayor is as engaged with his own sense of fragility as he is disengaged from the safety and welfare of the rest of the people living in Enfield. And while he complains about what he alleges is a racist justice and police system, his concern over his own wellbeing teeters into authoritarian fascist rhetoric about states of emergency and security.

When Will Michaels, a white hipster public radio reporter, came down to interview him, Robinson claimed that he was being threatened by the KKK and warned that “My team definitely ran the papers on Will Michaels before he came to Enfield”.

From anyone else this would be considered intimidating the press, but the media just keeps cheering the founder of the Black Male Voter Project. And ignoring his crazy racist tirades.

As the former political director for Howard Dean’s Democracy for America whose Black Male Voter Project was backed by the Hive Fund, itself backed by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, and the Rural Democracy Initiative, backed by Soros, the perennial victim had his path to power lubricated by billionaires.

These connections ensure that Robinson continues to receive fawning media quotes, including in a recent New York Times column by Charles Blow which describes him only for his Black Male Voter Project work. The paper doesn’t seem to know Robinson is a mayor and sometimes he doesn’t seem to know it either. He hasn’t even updated his Facebook page.

After the Rittenhouse verdict, Robinson attacked “white America” and falsely claimed that “Justice systems is only designed to preserve whiteness”. Everyone in the Rittenhouse case was white. The justice system in Enfield, after its police chief left in protest over Robinson’s lawless actions, seems to exist to preserve a state of lawlessness.

The worst murder spree in Enfield, that of James and Janice Harris, and James and Peggy Whitley, all white, remains unpunished after three of the black suspects in the case were freed.

James Harris, the oldest, was 88 years old. His wife Janice was 72. Their friends, James and Peggy, were 76 and 67 years old.

James’ granddaughter described  “coming up those steps to seeing the door open about a foot, glass busted out everywhere, chairs turned over, and their lifeless bodies scattered on the floor.”

Bloody handprints were left on the cards they were holding when they were murdered.

But Mayor Robinson is still hunting for racism everywhere except inside his own head.

“Asking for a resume or cover letter is not only outdated, but it’s also rooted in racism,” he alleges. He rants that “I served and survived Paris Island Marine Corps basic training and was brave enough to tell them it was racist”.

Interspersed with that are the badly misspelled leftist Twitter rants that connect to white people.

Mayor Robinson ranted that Bill Maher “is not called racist or islamophobia (sic)” because of “America’s whiteness”.

He complains that “Republicans want a sis-gendered (sic) heavily gunned society which over police black people”. And even when Will Smith slapped Chris Rock, Mayor Robinson objected that the LAPD hadn’t questioned the movie star. “Black men are f____ people too.”

Were James and Janice Harris, and James and Peggy Whitley people to Mayor Robinson?

Some sites calculate the chances of becoming a victim of violent crime in Enfield as 1 in 57. The town has a murder rate of 1 per 1,000 people and an assault rate of 14 per 1,000 people. At least no one is being “overpoliced” in Enfield, though it hasn’t stopped Robinson from claiming that the police aren’t doing enough to protect him from the phantom empire of the KKK.

For the head of a town government, Robinson’s social media feed is refreshingly free of town business. Instead he dedicates it to rants about national politics and victimhood tirades. Not to mention attacking anyone who questions him on Facebook or asks him to stop his tantrums. He even complains of being ‘blocked’ or prevented from posting on local Facebook groups.

While Robinson finds the time to complain about ordering a coffee table from Pottery Barn and his ugly ruined wallpaper, he doesn’t seem particularly engaged with actually fixing his broken town. Like other celebrity black nationalist activist mayors of broken hellholes, including Mayor

Khalid Kamau of South Fulton, GA and Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba of Jackson, MI, he seems much more intent on booking lefty media to talk about the evils of whiteness.

Meanwhile, Enfield’s population appears to be declining.

And when his black constituents complain, Robinson denounces them as agents of white people. “Some of y’all would sell out your own mother if you thought it would get you closer to being accepted by whiteness” and “If you quit a job because someone confronts white supremacy then you too may be an actor of oppression, regardless of your race.”

Enfield’s disastrous state isn’t slowing Mayor Mondale Robinson down.

“When you come at the system be prepared to be ignored until they cant. Prepare to be made the butt of jokes until no one laughs. Prepare to be demonized and made to be unstable until ur sanity is proven. Prepare to be attacked &cut off by all those who agree with white supremacy,” he posted.

No one in Enfield is laughing. There’s nothing funny about living under Mondale’s rule.

Other Parts of the Series:

Part I: Chicago’s Lori Lightfoot.

Part 2: LA’s Eric Garcetti.

Part 3: DC’s Muriel Bowser.

Part 4: KC’s Quinton Lucas.

Part 5: SF’s London Breed.

Part 6: Philly’s Jim Kenney.

Part 7: St. Louis’ Tishaura Jones.

Part 9: Seattle’s Jenny Durkan.

Part 10: Minneapolis’s Jacob Frey.

Part 11: Charlottesville’s Nikuyah Walker.

Part 12: Portland’s Ted Wheeler.

Part 13: Atlanta’s Keisha Lance Bottoms.

Part 14: NYC’s Bill de Blasio.


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Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

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