Sunday, October 23, 2022



Levin: If Democrats Win, We’re Going to Have a Depression, 5 Million Illegal Aliens


Thursday, during an appearance on FNC’s “Hannity,” conservative talker and Fox News Channel Sunday host Mark Levin warned Democrats winning reelection on November 8 would have consequences for the country.

According to Levin, renewed Democrat leadership on Capitol Hill would mean a “depression” and an increase in illegal immigration.

Transcript as follows:

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST, HANNITY: I cannot convey my urgency in words how crucial these midterm elections really are and just what is at stake. Remember, never take any election for granted. You got to act as though, to use a football analogy, you got two minutes left, you have no timeouts. You’re on your own 20. You got to march down the field, 80 yards, you got to cross the plane, you got to kick the extra point to win.

If you — if you have that level of urgency, guess what? You’ll win.

Here with reaction, I call him the great one, the host of the number one show on weekends here on FOX, “Life, Liberty, and Levin”, nationally syndicated radio host, the great one — thank me. God bless us. How am I?

MARK LEVIN, FOX NEWS HOST, LIFE, LIBERTY AND LEVIN: Sean, I’m going to do something now that’s never been done I don’t believe in the history of cable. I don’t need all the time you gave me to tell the American people what’s at stake here.

First of all, the idea that they’re bringing in Barack Obama, people forget, under Barack Obama, two terms as president, the Democrats lost 1,030 Democrat seats in the state legislatures, federal, governors.

So I say if Barack Obama wasn’t coming and the RNC should pay him to come in. He’s a disaster when it comes to elections.

Joe Biden is the Herbert Hoover of our time, except that Herbert Hoover had compassion and he had a heart. Joe Biden does not, neither do the Democrats. They deny there is inflation. They deny there’s recession.

They are obsessively focused on partial birth abortion. That’s sick. You wake up every morning thinking about that.

Meanwhile, they don’t support law and order. They don’t support the cops who protect women’s bodies. Rape is going through the roof and so forth.

Here’s the problem and let me say this to you, Democrats. We don’t want your socialist crap. We don’t want your centralized power. We don’t want bureaucrats making our health care decisions. We don’t want you destroying our economic system.

We’re not buying off on this climate change that’s destroying our energy independence. Keep your damn hands off our children. Keep your pornography out of our elementary school libraries. You can stick your critical race theory where it doesn’t shine. We’re not interested in any of it.

We don’t want an open border where foreigners come across here like they own the country and so many of them. We don’t know the number. We don’t know who they are and we do know some are bringing fentanyl and killing the people in this country, 18 to 49 years old in record numbers. Keep that border secure.

Joe Biden is completely lacking in compassion. You have all kinds of sex trading going on down there. Little kids being molested down there. Joe Biden’s sort of shuffling around going from one point of the country to the other. The one place he won’t go to is the southern border.

In fact, I don’t know of any Democrat who wants to go to the southern border because they don’t want to see what they’ve done to the country. This country was rolling along. The economy was expanding.

People had jobs. Gasoline was affordable. We had no inflation. The border was secure under Trump. All these things were going well.

And the Democrat Party comes in with a wrecking ball, his name’s Joe Biden, and he’s got a Congress that marches right behind him. I hear this said that they’re moderate Democrats out there.

There’s no moderate Democrat out there. Every damn one of them voted for socialism. Every damn one of them voted for inflation. Every damn one of them voted to drive up energy costs in this country. Not one of them except a few on the border have fought his open border policies, not one.

Not one of them has taken any serious stance for law and order period. We have mayhem in the streets. Most of the streets where the mayhem is occurring are controlled by the Democrats.

We have lousy education system in this country because the teachers unions are too political and they bought and paid for the Democrat Party. And so our teaching scores are — excuse me — our student scores are in the toilet. Now, if you want more of this, America, it’s there for you. It’s only been less than two years. You want four years of this, you want five million illegal aliens coming across the border because the Democrat party is a disaster.

Now, I’ve got two minutes left and I’m giving it back to you. If you don’t vote in 19 days, you’re going to lose your country. It’s that simple.

HANNITY: Mark, let me add one thing and that is — and we really don’t talk a lot about it. If the Democrats did win, what does that mean for the country? As bad — as bad as things are now, all the issues you touched on, all the issues I’m touching on, think about this. Then we get the elimination of the legislative filibuster, then we get court packing, then we get D.C. statehood, then we get Puerto Rico statehood, then we get the authoritarianism of the Democratic Party and they will forever alter the greatest system of governance ever created for man.

That’s how deep. That’s how profound this will be on this country and I don’t know if we get to the point where we could never recover at that point.

LEVIN: Now, we won’t. Let me tell you what we’ll get, a depression, because these fools believe the more you spend, the more you control inflation. If they win, they will consider themselves being empowered and having a mandate. If they win, we’re going to have a depression. If they win, we’re going to have 5 million illegal aliens.

If they win, your children have no hope in our public schools. If they win, the police state that they’ve put together with the FBI, and the Department of Justice will not only focus on parents and focus on pro-life groups and so forth, they will continue their assault on Republicans, Donald Trump and other potential candidates. It’s completely out of control.

What else if they win? Mayhem in the streets will continue. It’s just incredible. It’s like the Democrat Party has done more, listen to this, hold on now, the Democrat Party has done more to damage our country, to damage our country economically, in terms of law enforcement and crime, in terms of the border than communist China and Russia could do together on their best day.

We’re being destroyed from within right now and that includes the military. That’s how bad this is.

HANNITY: When you look at the polls and it’s 44-44 in Georgia for the Senate, and it’s 46-46 in Pennsylvania for the Senate, and then you look in Nevada and Adam Laxalt up by one, and you look at Arizona, Blake Masters down by one, why do you think it’s so close or do you not believe these polls?

LEVIN: I don’t care about the polls. I don’t know if it’s close or not, whether it’s politics or military operations, you act like you’re behind. You act like the enemies on the offense.

We can enjoy the polls afterwards and all the rest. At this point, these polls to me are deleterious. You act like you’re 10 points behind in every one of these races.

And I have a comment for Mitch McConnell — two months ago as the Republican leader, you criticized our candidates. Let me tell you something, we have great candidates. We have citizen candidates, people with all kinds of backgrounds. Just because they don’t come out of Washington and the establishment, you don’t condemn them.

So I think these candidates are doing a great job and, America, it’s up to you. That’s it.

HANNITY: I’m done. You’re supposed to say, you forgot the “I’m done” part. Where’s the — I’m done. Where’s that part?

LEVIN: I was done two minutes ago.

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor

Everything that matters is in peril

The Democrat party is no longer a place for a sane person, as Tulsi Gabbard recently affirmed. Democrats, from Biden and Obama on down, have often spoken in recent years about unity and bipartisanship. They have denounced “mean-spiritedness” and “the politics of personal destruction.”

And yet they now claim that:

If you believe skin color doesn’t matter, you are a racist.

 If you believe in the existence of two sexes and the sanctity of females, you are a bigot, and possibly a misogynist.

If you believe in protecting the lives of the unborn, you are against women’s health care—and probably a murderer. (Pro-abortion folks will vehemently inform you, “It’s my body, my choice, so don’t tell me what to do.”)

If, however, you decline to accept an unvetted experimental mRNA vaccine into your own body, you are no better than a mass murderer.

 If you believe in protecting gender-confused youngsters from being mutilated and sterilized, you are a monster.

If you are a parent involved in your kids’ lives and you want to make sure they get a good education, you are a domestic terrorist.

If you are concerned about drug and sex trafficking across our southern border, you are a xenophobe.

If you believe the climate has always been changing, sometimes quickly and dramatically as historically evidenced by repeated ice ages and warming periods, and that man-caused global warming won’t lead to the incineration of the planet within the next 10-12 years, you are a “denier.”

If you don’t believe the 2020 presidential election was “the most secure in history,” and think that Trump might have actually won sans all the chicanery (which was proudly chronicled in a Time Magazine article), you are also a “denier.” In fact, you are a purveyor of “the big lie.”

If you don’t believe that Hillary won in 2016, however, and that the Russians clearly interfered in that election in favor of Trump, you are probably part of the “vast right-wing conspiracy” and the “basket of deplorables.”

If you didn’t vote for Obama, you are racist. If you didn’t vote for Hillary, you hate women. If you approve of Justice Thomas, you are racist. If you would vote for Kristi Noem or Kari Lake, you hate women—or are stupid. Or both.

If you are a MAGA Republican, you are a “threat to our democracy.”

If you believe in the Bible, you are naïve and backward. If you believe in an unlimited number of genders and people’s ability to identify as the opposite sex—or a different species -- you are following “the science.”

If you can’t define what a woman is, but can give a detailed definition of “microaggressions,” you just might be okay.

 In sum, if you deign to tell the truth, you are guilty of spreading misinformation, lies, and fake news. (You see, they and only they get to have their “own truth.”)

So what?

If we wish to preserve some semblance of our freedoms, we must refuse to be gaslit. We must not be afraid to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous vitriol and projection. In fact, it should be a badge of honor to be disliked by liars, hypocrites and evildoers of such magnitude as are prominent in today’s Democratic Party…and other leftist enclaves.

Ol’ Man River is Not Rolling Along

If you think the price of energy and food has reached the limit, I have bad news for you: All signs are it’s going to be much worse. Hot Air described the coming supply chain wreck.. Water levels on the Mississippi are tied with an all-time low. And that portends a bitter winter for consumers:

Just under half (47%) of all grain is moved by barge, according to the USDA. Approximately 5.4 million barrels of crude and 35% of thermal coal are moved on the Mississippi.

That’s just a small amount of Mississippi traffic, A great deal more than grain and coal normally is shipped by barge on the Mississippi.

That domestic decline in shipping is compounded by the mess in those ports bringing in foreign products. To avoid the snarl in California’s ports (compounded by California’s labor laws and air-quality regulations), ships are being diverted and unloaded in New York and New Jersey.  Those ports offer far less unloading capacity than those in Los Angeles and Long Beach.

But transferring cargo to East Coast ports has also caused its own set of problems. The ports themselves are smaller in scale than either Long Beach or LA, and can’t hold as many ships or get them offloaded and cleared for the next cargo to come in. That is causing significant delays in on-time reliability. In other words, there’s a pretty decent chance that what you ordered may not get to the United States anywhere near the date they quoted you for its arrival. Once your container does arrive, it may sit in the boat for a while.

Even the next-tier port in Savannah is overwhelmed with more traffic than it can service, and once those ships are unloaded there’s insufficient storage and labor to move the products out to retailers and ultimately consumers.

The supply chain problem is likely to get even worse because the threatened railroad workers strike has not been settled but simply postponed to November 19.

Logistics managers are dusting off their plans for a possible railroad strike in November that could wreak havoc on the supply chain and cost the U.S. economy up to $2 billion a day. 

Do you imagine our economy is so strong we can afford another $2 billion loss per day? I don’t think so. Inflation is already destroying the poor and middle class. You’ve probably noticed this yourself, but Don Surber details the food price horror story: 

Vegetables up 40.2%

Grains up 30.4%

Eggs up 97.3%

Baked goods up 14%

Pasta up 34.1%

Dairy products up 18.2%

Fresh fruit up 20.7%

Turkey up 38.2%

Each delay -- especially of perishable products -- will lead to even higher costs and more product loss and scarcity. Stock up on essentials as best you can.

Neither the President nor the Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg seem to have the ability to deal with these disruptions. Indeed, Buttigieg’s focus seems to be directed to ripping up Interstate 375 that runs through Detroit at a cost of $104.6 million in federal funds under some lunatic notion of racial justice. Also high on his list of priorities is handing out big federal checks for “infrastructure” before the midterms:

Buttigieg’s blitz to sell one of Biden’s signature domestic victories comes just 10 weeks before the midterm election. In a stroke of fortuitous timing, Buttigieg’s department doled out some $2.2 billion last week alone to 166 transportation projects.

The oversized checks and new signage that should appear on 5,300 construction projects over the next 30 days or so will be a visible sign to Americans that the administration is making progress on its agenda despite the challenges of working with a closely divided Congress, he said.

“The point is not to chase after the percentage of people who know that a certain piece of legislation moved in a certain way,” Buttigieg said in an interview inside Berlin’s City Hall, not far from where he once had a campaign office in this North Country town. “The important thing is for people to know that this administration, with support from leaders in Congress who’ve worked together to get this done, is now delivering for that and getting those numbers to leap off the page, turning it into real tangible benefits. That’s a story that I think we do need to do more work to tell, because it doesn’t tell itself.”

There is no evidence that either Biden or Buttigieg have the skill or will to deal with these critical supply chain disruptions. I doubt this tsunami of cash to the Democrats before the midterms will impress anyone before November 8. The administration could not be worse at performing its executive functions. The only bright spot in a broader sense that I can see is that there seems to be a strong and strengthening likelihood that on November 8 we will elect a new Congress and Senate with some chance of impeaching Buttigieg, tying up our demented President’s hands and refocusing the federal government on matters of national interest, instead of payoffs and partisan warfare. Of course, his own party may force him out immediately after the midterms and then the new Congress will be tying the hands of his likely successor, the word-salad queen Vice President Kamala Harris, who was selected for this spot on the ticket upon the same diversity over competence basis as Buttigieg was.

I’m not alone on the notion of butting Biden out of the White House. You may have noticed the mainstream media is suddenly reporting the President’s apparent befuddlement, something they’ve been hiding for two years. They’re bailing on him. Not, unfortunately, because he’s so obviously corrupt and incompetent, but because the media is in synch with the party’s left-wing base and the base is unhappy with him.

The Democratic activist base and the media want bold, loud, concrete action. Whether that means abolishing the filibuster to codify Roe, adding additional Supreme Court justices, or even impeaching them, as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) has called for, they want action. Failing that, Joe has to go. The media were always going to hold Biden accountable from the Left flank on the issues they care about, such as climate change and abortion. They see a tired, part-time president and sinking poll numbers, not to mention the terrifying possibility of a Ron DeSantis presidency or the return of Donald Trump, and have hit the panic button.

All polling points to Biden’s majorities in the House and Senate being wiped out come the November midterm elections. When that happens, and I mean the very next day, these innuendos and grumblings for Biden to step aside will become full-bore primal screams, and he won’t be able to survive them. 

Prepare for a wild few weeks politically and a difficult winter to come.

The Great Disconnect: Will This Be the Death of America?

When I was a kid in suburban Pittsburgh in the 1950’s, we still weren’t that far from the America of the mid-to-late 1700’s when our country was founded. Even as pre-teenagers, we felt a direct emotional connection to the events of the Revolutionary War and the founding of our country. Many students could recite the opening paragraph of the Declaration of Independence.

Just as nearly 200 years earlier, the printed word was still the primary news and information vehicle for most Americans that commonly shaped our opinions and attitudes. Individually, we communicated the same way our ancestors did, with correspondence written in cursive. Penmanship was an important course in early curricula. We could still read our country’s founding documents although there were rough spots where some letters had evolved from the S that looked like an F and a capital A that looked more like an H. The fact that those founding documents, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, had been signed exclusively by white men was totally understood and acceptable.

We recited the Pledge of Allegiance and the Lord’s Prayer at the start of each school day. Most people went to church on Sunday. The image of George Washington praying for guidance while kneeling in the snow beside his horse was both plausible and widely admired.

Almost everyone was related to someone or knew someone who was in or had served in the military. Gold Star families dating back to WWII were common in the community.

We felt a deep connection to the events that occurred nearly two centuries earlier. In many ways we could directly relate to what happened. Those of us who walked to school in the snow could relate to the suffering and sacrifice at Valley Forge and the brilliance of Washington crossing the Delaware at Christmas time to surprise the British. This helped keep the founding of our country relevant and understandable with ordinary citizens.

Today I fear that critical connection is hanging by a thread and will shortly be lost.

For starters, young people today do not read much that is printed and share few if any common news and information channels. Outside of school, my 16-year-old granddaughter’s primary information source appears to be Instagram or possibly Tik Tok. There are literally thousands of electronic communication, entertainment and information sources battling for her attention every day. Everyone has their own chaotic and diverse set of information channels that affect their political direction and daily lives. The value of commonly shared information sources that shape ideas and politics in a cohesive manner is gone. Diversity is the overriding theme of the day.

We live in a world of computerized electric vehicles, joy rides into space for billionaires and celebrities, air travel almost as common as bus rides and kids getting personal cars at age 16. Cell phones and tablets are at the core of modern life and essential to it. None of that was imaginable in 1776 and could only be imagined by a few futurists by 1955.

My granddaughter can read or write some cursive. (She had training in a Montessori school in her initial school years.)  But few if any of her schoolmates can. If she must put word to paper, she prints the letters. I have never tested her, but I suspect she would have extreme difficulty reading any of our country’s original founding documents. When citizens of a country cannot read the founding documents, that ultimately can only further weaken their connection with our political roots.

In conservative Florida where I live, many families go to church. However, no prayers are recited in schools except on a few athletic fields. There is no Pledge of Allegiance although the Star-Spangled Banner is sung at the beginning of major sports events at the high schools.

Great and powerful countries are largely defined by their militaries. My granddaughter has a cousin she rarely sees who serves in the Army. But I don’t think she knows anyone else associated with the military other than her grandfather who is a veteran, a now deceased great-grandfather who survived the battle of Iwo Jima and some other distant members of the family. For her, the notion of the military is quite distant and in no way relevant to her life or lifestyle. She has never seen a military parade and probably would not think of going to one. She does not know what a Gold Star family is.

It is more than disturbing that only one in four Americans are qualified to serve in the military.  The Army is unable to meet its recruitment goals. The reasons for this are too complex and numerous for this article, but they are highly distressing and are yet another disturbing sign of the growing disconnect our society has with the values of its founding.

My granddaughter is not a revolutionary. She openly regards herself as a conservative reflecting the ideals and standards of the family and the general community around her. But in her daily life, the Constitution and the sacrifices of our founders have little if any meaning. The disconnect between her and the founding fathers is profound. It is increasingly difficult if not impossible for her generation to relate to those distant intellectual and visionary giants who wore funny clothes and shoes with buckles.

The fact that these historic documents were signed exclusively by white men now seems to some in our rapidly evolving society to be sadly out of date. Questions are being raised. Can an American Constitution not signed by a black, a female, a gay or, gasp, even a transgender, be legitimate? Are the ideas formalized in those documents therefore out of date?  What about the fact that the signers of the Constitution owned slaves? This is already a talking point for some on the radical left.

“The Constitution is a political blueprint for a time when white people owned black people, the average life span was 35 years old, and news was spread through people yelling on the street . . . . . I can't relate to 1789, a time when our leaders owned human beings and wore powdered wigs and had wooden teeth. Can you? It was a different country back then. It was a lesser country. . . . . .  Things have changed “

Yes, it is about change, which in fact is accelerating and with it the psychological, educational and political distance for ordinary Americans from the events of America’s birth. Illegal immigrants who have no knowledge or interest in what happened in 1776 are flooding the country from third world countries, further diluting our connection with our historic and invaluable past.

Frankly, I hate those cringe-worthy street TV interviews where young people cannot identify what country the Queen of England is from, what state Utah is in or identify the vice president of the United States. But they reflect the deepening alienation of ordinary Americans from the knowledge, issues and values essential to a successful democracy. These are citizens of a country now competing against the relentless surging strength of highly focused China.

Our politicians are pledged to defend and protect the Constitution of the United States, but voters have other more immediate issues in mind such as gas prices, inflation, jobs, crime and abortion. And, after all the rhetoric, one has the feeling many politicians are more concerned with raising enough cash for their next campaign. One feels their pledges are little more than required lip service.

This represents a vast disruption of our emotional and intellectual connections with the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution that put into play the grandest and most effective political concepts in history.

There is no evidence this can be easily repaired. Without widespread and enthusiastic support for the Constitution, the fundamental factor that defines and unites us as a country, what can we expect from the future?  

Winston Churchill saw it this way: ““A nation that forgets its past has no future.” 

Frank Hawkins is a former U.S. Army intelligence officer, Associated Press foreign correspondent, international businessman, senior newspaper company executive, founder and owner of several marketing companies, and published novelist.

Everything that matters is in peril

The Democrat party is no longer a place for a sane person, as Tulsi Gabbard recently affirmed. Democrats, from Biden and Obama on down, have often spoken in recent years about unity and bipartisanship. They have denounced “mean-spiritedness” and “the politics of personal destruction.”

And yet they now claim that:

If you believe skin color doesn’t matter, you are a racist.

 If you believe in the existence of two sexes and the sanctity of females, you are a bigot, and possibly a misogynist.

If you believe in protecting the lives of the unborn, you are against women’s health care—and probably a murderer. (Pro-abortion folks will vehemently inform you, “It’s my body, my choice, so don’t tell me what to do.”)

If, however, you decline to accept an unvetted experimental mRNA vaccine into your own body, you are no better than a mass murderer.

 If you believe in protecting gender-confused youngsters from being mutilated and sterilized, you are a monster.

If you are a parent involved in your kids’ lives and you want to make sure they get a good education, you are a domestic terrorist.

If you are concerned about drug and sex trafficking across our southern border, you are a xenophobe.

If you believe the climate has always been changing, sometimes quickly and dramatically as historically evidenced by repeated ice ages and warming periods, and that man-caused global warming won’t lead to the incineration of the planet within the next 10-12 years, you are a “denier.”

If you don’t believe the 2020 presidential election was “the most secure in history,” and think that Trump might have actually won sans all the chicanery (which was proudly chronicled in a Time Magazine article), you are also a “denier.” In fact, you are a purveyor of “the big lie.”

If you don’t believe that Hillary won in 2016, however, and that the Russians clearly interfered in that election in favor of Trump, you are probably part of the “vast right-wing conspiracy” and the “basket of deplorables.”

If you didn’t vote for Obama, you are racist. If you didn’t vote for Hillary, you hate women. If you approve of Justice Thomas, you are racist. If you would vote for Kristi Noem or Kari Lake, you hate women—or are stupid. Or both.

If you are a MAGA Republican, you are a “threat to our democracy.”

If you believe in the Bible, you are naïve and backward. If you believe in an unlimited number of genders and people’s ability to identify as the opposite sex—or a different species -- you are following “the science.”

If you can’t define what a woman is, but can give a detailed definition of “microaggressions,” you just might be okay.

 In sum, if you deign to tell the truth, you are guilty of spreading misinformation, lies, and fake news. (You see, they and only they get to have their “own truth.”)

So what?

If we wish to preserve some semblance of our freedoms, we must refuse to be gaslit. We must not be afraid to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous vitriol and projection. In fact, it should be a badge of honor to be disliked by liars, hypocrites and evildoers of such magnitude as are prominent in today’s Democratic Party…and other leftist enclaves.

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