Wednesday, October 26, 2022



Tim Ryan Won’t Say Whether He Thinks Illegal Immigrants Should Be Able To Vote in Ohio

Ohio Dem also undecided on stricter oversight for judges who release suspected violent criminals

 • October 25, 2022 8:30 pm


Rep. Tim Ryan (D., Ohio) says he's still undecided on two major Ohio ballot initiatives, including one on whether illegal immigrants should vote in Ohio elections.

Less than two weeks out from Election Day, Ryan says he doesn't know where he stands on Ohio's two ballot initiatives. The first initiative asks whether judges should be required to consider public safety risks when setting bail for suspected criminals. The second would amend the Ohio state constitution to bar illegal immigrants from voting in state and local elections. Ryan said on Tuesday that he hasn't "read them" and intends to "dig into them before I make a decision."

His failure to take a side sets him apart from every major political candidate in the state. His Republican opponent JD Vance said he'll vote "yes" on both ballot initiatives, calling them "common sense." The initiatives have also been endorsed by Republican governor Mike DeWine and his Democratic challenger Nan Whaley. Every state Democratic senator voted in favor of placing the two issues on the ballot.

Ryan is attempting to paint himself as a moderate in a state that overwhelmingly voted for former president Donald Trump twice. But Ryan's shifting policy positions and left-wing voting record is a major source of attacks by Vance, who is endorsed by virtually every Republican in the state including the retiring Sen. Rob Portman (R.).

Conservative activists in the state say the ballot initiatives are an attempt to protect Ohio from the problems facing dark-blue cities such as New York and San Francisco. Local governments in the liberal cities voted to allow non-citizens to vote in local elections, although a New York state judge blocked the city's law from taking effect in June. Both those cities are also facing a spike in crime. Critics allege left-wing judges releasing suspected criminals without bail is a contributing factor.


Jesse Watters: The people responsible won’t talk

The main objective of “political animals” like Obama and the Clintons is to get elected; it’s not to fix a broken America, nor to protect her. There are people who govern and there are people who campaign; Obama and the Clintons are the latter. Just look at the huge Republican electoral gains under Obama and the Clintons. It’s amazing that Democrats who still care about their party still support the very people who have brought it down.

Many Democrats understand that the welfare checks for foreign children will encourage more illegal immigration, he said:

They know what’s going on. But they know that they can’t say what their true goal is, which is actual open borders with open, uncontrolled migration both ways. And this is a step toward getting rid of borders.

“It’s a globalist mindset and it welcomes anything that moves toward open borders,” he concluded. NEIL MUNRO

Zuckerberg’s goal was to massively increase voter turnout in Democrat-dominated jurisdictions by maximizing fraud-breeding practices like ballot harvesting, the use of unmonitored ballot drop boxes, and mail-in voting without strict signature-matching requirements. To achieve his political ends, Zuckerberg poured hundreds of millions of dollars into the coffers of a pair of politically partisan, tax-exempt nonprofit organizations that were more than willing to do his dirty work and secure the presidency for a doddering contempt-for-the-law-and-the-truth Alzheimer’s case.

THE DEMOCRAT PARTY’S BILLIONAIRES’ GLOBALIST EMPIRE requires someone as ruthlessly dishonest as Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama to be puppet dictators.

Globalism: Google VP Kent Walker insists that despite its repeated rejection by electorates around the world, “globalization” is an “incredible force for good.”


Hillary Clinton’s Democratic party: An executive nearly broke down crying because of the candidate’s loss. Not a single executive expressed anything but dismay at her defeat. 


Immigration: Maintaining liberal immigration in the U.S is the policy that Google’s executives discussed the most. 


 Jesse Watters: The Clintons' crooked connections

All criminal roads lead back to Hillary Clinton: Former US attorney


Tucker: Trump was right about this

Victorious Democrats would also end congressional investigations into the Hillary-Deep State-DNC-Russian-Clinton Foundation collusion and corruption. All the players in these massive, sordid affairs will be deemed “too big to jail” – and too closely tied to the Democratic Party to be investigated further. 

Clinton Foundation Exposed | Over 14 Billion Confiscated!

 “Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation and the Obama book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption.                              BRIAN C JOONDEPH


Big Tech using their power like they did in 2020: Sen. Blackburn

Big media and Big Tech colluded to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop scandal.  A poll showed that nearly four of five Americans believe that “truthful” coverage would have changed the outcome of that election.

Mark Zuckerberg spent $419 million, which enabled far-left activists to target specific key districts in swing states, redesign ballots to their advantage, overrule local elected officials on how elections were to be run, and even infiltrate sacrosanct electoral infrastructure.


Those are the subliterate, low-skill, non-English-speaking indigents whose own societies are unable or unwilling to usefully educate and employ them. Bring these people here and they not only need a lot of services, they are putty in the hands of leftist demogogues as Hugo Chavez demonstrated - and they are very useful as leftist voters who will support the Soros agenda.

Hillary Clinton pops out of the woodwork, warning that Republicans will 'literally steal' the coming elections

As midterms approach, and a shellacking ensues, things are getting mighty paranoid over on the donkey side of the political equation.

This brings us to Hillary Clinton, who's come out of the woods to make a video to rally the Democrat faithful:

"Right wing extremists already have a plan to literally steal the next presidential election," she intoned in that flat, hectoring voice of hers, splitting her infinitive.

It's not an original thought on her.  She's been making this claim for years, even as her own party steals elections, as a warning to the Democrat faithful that this is an election they are entitled to win.

Not a word about Democrat failures — from inflation to crime to open borders to Critical Race Theory, not a word about the huge swing seen among Latinos, and lesser swings among young people, Blacks, Asians, suburban women, and others who are now casting votes for Republicans for the first time. 

For all her blather about Republicans "literally" stealing elections, she offers not one scintilla of proof that GOP cheating is actually about to go down, based on what's heard on her video.

None of that matters to Hillary, because in her mind, elections aren't free, nor fair, unless the Democrat wins.  Democrats alone are entitled to win.

This is what lost her the election to Donald Trump back in 2016, and to her discredit, she didn't stop plotting.  For someone so imbued with the entitlement mentality, it stung her ego.  So she so badly wanted her loss to Trump to have been a matter of a stolen election and not a problem with her history of corruption, her tendency to fall down, her very bad socialist ideas, her stilted and hectoring delivery, or her insistence that half the electorate are "deplorables."

A lot of entitled Democrats are going with this argument — MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace has called for foreign election observers to judge our elections, so the talking points have gone out.

The paranoia is on.

The "we was robbed" argument she is making now on behalf of some big-money political organization is the exact same one she made in 2016.  She hasn't changed a bit.  She's still stewing after all these years and almost desperately wants the problems in her party to be a matter of theft, not behavior and policy.

Her act is old now, her claims are tired, and she hasn't learned a thing.

Image: Twitter screen shot.


Big Tech using their power like they did in 2020: Sen. Blackburn

Big media and Big Tech colluded to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop scandal.  A poll showed that nearly four of five Americans believe that “truthful” coverage would have changed the outcome of that election.

Mark Zuckerberg spent $419 million, which enabled far-left activists to target specific key districts in swing states, redesign ballots to their advantage, overrule local elected officials on how elections were to be run, and even infiltrate sacrosanct electoral infrastructure.

Is the Biden administration meddling with the midterm elections?

Just yesterday, Shawn Fleetwood of The Federalist reported that Joe Biden's Department of Justice is delaying its handover of records relating to Biden's executive order from March 2021. The records were requested by a federal court. 

Biden's Executive Order 14019 asked all 600 federal agencies to “consider ways to expand citizens’ opportunities to register to vote and to obtain information about, and participate in, the electoral process.”

The Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway has carried reports about this.

Was Biden misusing the federal government to conduct an unconstitutional “get out the vote” effort or was something more ominous afoot?

Many groups, including GOP groups, demanded more details about the scope of Biden’s order, but those demands fell on deaf ears.

Some state officials demanded that the Executive Order be summarily rescinded.

The Foundation for Government Accountability (FGA) filed several Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests relating to the order. The FGA sued the DOJ back in April after its officials failed to respond. Finally, the DOJ handed over some of its records to FGA just last month

As expected, the documents were heavily redacted. This is a standard ploy when governments want to conceal information from the public. Also absent was the DOJ’s 15-page “strategic plan” on how the agency intends to comply with Biden’s executive order.

In response to the court order, the DOJ filed a motion for summary judgment with the U.S. Middle District Court of Florida in an attempt to conceal communication records related to Executive Order 14019.

In their legal filing, Biden’s DOJ argued that they had “submitted a reasonably specific declaration” in response to FGA’s request.

The DOJ claimed documents related to their strategic plan was “within the scope of the presidential communications privilege” so they had to withhold and redact.

Another ludicrous excuse was that disclosure would reveal “a full range of options, plans, or propositions for future potential actions” and could cause "public confusion” because "it contains many proposed actions that the public might construe as future commitments, past actions, or provisions already in place.”

What a picture this is.

First, they redact and withhold, then they claim “presidential communications privilege,” and when all flimsy excuses are exhausted, they blame the citizens for being too vacuous to understand their documents.

Going down the road of absurdity, they could even claim that KGB agents are interfering with the midterm elections so their secrecy is essential. 

The question is whom among the electorate will the government target to ‘expand citizens’ opportunities to register to vote’?

What if they conduct registration drives for only those groups that are likely to vote Democrat?

What if they begin registering pro-Democrat non-citizens? 

What if voter identification is made optional?  

What if there is subliminal pro-Democrat messaging during the registration drives – banners and talk about climate change, abortion, BLM, etc.?

What if the government collaborates with private organizations to facilitate transportation to the polling booth or ballot-harvesters to the home, on election day? They could claim it is for select impoverished areas and only for the elderly and the disabled. But who decides which areas apply?

What if the government engages in door-to-door visits to ‘obtain information’ and verify election documents on certain groups of voters? Once the verification is complete, the citizens are paid visits by activists who engage in campaign talk.

What if the government targets those Democrat voters who are disgusted by Biden’s misgovernance and hence decide to abstain from voting?

In a democracy, voting is a right, a right doesn’t always have to be exercised. A voter can register a protest by not voting. The question is will Biden officials hound these people and compel them to vote?

Will mail-in votes still be allowed and will federal agents or 'activists' "assist" people in filling in their mail-in ballots?

The Biden administration can answer all questions by being transparent about the Executive Order.

But instead they are engaging in obfuscation and delay tactics.

People have a right to be concerned.

People know that when matters go against the Democrats' wishes, Democrats alter sacrosanct rules that have existed for ages.

When Trump won the election in 2016, instead of accepting the results and introspecting, they rejected the results and claimed Trump won by colluding with Russia.

Next, they managed the appointment of a Special Counsel despite the GOP being in control of the Senate, the House, and the White House. The probe proceeded for around two years and hung like a sword over the Trump administration. It probably cost the GOP the House in 2019. They also blamed low-information or bigoted MAGA voters for their losses when they happened.

When the Democrats lost twice to George W. Bush, they talked about abolishing the Electoral College. These talk revived after their 2016 defeat when Hillary Clinton ran for president.

The Democrats have abused their power in the executive and legislative branch to hound and persecute President Trump because he could win back the White House in 2024. Never before has a former president been targeted in such a manner.

When social media platforms provided a forum for citizens to express themselves freely, Democrats decided that could affect the 2016 elections, so they colluded with Big Tech to suppress all dissenting views in 2020 and during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The list of systemic changes the Democrats have either accomplished or are attempting is endless.

The mainstream news media functions like the PR wing for the Democrats while government agencies have been politized. Hence they know that nobody will call them out and challenge their abuse of power and corruption.

The Democrats know that retaining power in the legislative branch is the only way to prevent Trump from running in 2024 and to prevent investigations regarding Biden's scandals and misgovernance, Dr. Anthony Fauci and his pandemic profiteering, and numerous instances of Democrat abuses of power and corruption.

The poll numbers and the mood of the nation show that the Democrats are on track to receive a routing during the midterms. The only way the Democrats can retain power is to meddle with the rules and play foul behind the scenes.

They managed this during previous election, i.e., the 2020 presidential election, on many levels.

Big media and Big Tech colluded to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop scandal.  A poll showed that nearly four of five Americans believe that “truthful” coverage would have changed the outcome of that election.

Mark Zuckerberg spent $419 million, which enabled far-left activists to target specific key districts in swing states, redesign ballots to their advantage, overrule local elected officials on how elections were to be run, and even infiltrate sacrosanct electoral infrastructure.

Many states altered their voting procedures mere months prior to the election, citing the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse. Mass ballot-harvesting and widespread vote-by-mail resulted in many accounts of misplaced, displaced, duplicate and fraudulent ballots cast.

In the end, an unprecedented 69% of voters cast their votes either by mail and/or before Election Day.

Recent polling from ABC/Ipsos shows that an astounding 41 percent of Americans, across party lines, are not confident about the integrity of the country’s elections. 

If that number grows, there will come a day when a majority of citizens wont trust any elections within America. That will lead to anarchy.

Image: Screen shot from a camera aimed at a live television broadcast, processed with FotoSketcher.


Senate GOP Gives Victory to Kamala Harris, Her Big Tech Donors with Green Card Giveaway…. WITH KAMALA, JUST FOLLOW HER LONG HISTORY OF BRIBES SUCKING!


Big Tech is facilitating the border crisis: Rep. Cammack


Obama Funds the Mexican Fascist Party of LA RAZA “The Race”… now calling itself UNIDOSus.


Unidos US, for those who are not familiar, is the current incarnation of the "National Council of La Raza", which bills itself as "the nation's largest Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization". Hardly a MAGA front group.



by Michelle Malkin

Only in America could critics of a group called "The Race" be labeled racists. Such is the triumph of left-wing identity chauvinists, whose aggressive activists and supine abettors have succeeded in redefining all opposition as "hate."

Both Barack Obama and John McCain will speak this week in San Diego at the annual conference of the National Council of La Raza, the Latino organization whose name is Spanish for, yes, "The Race." Can you imagine Obama and McCain paying homage to a group of white people who called themselves that? No matter. The presidential candidates and the media have legitimized "The Race" as a mainstream ethnic lobbying group and marginalized its critics as intolerant bigots. The unvarnished truth is that the group is a radical ethnic nationalist outfit that abuses your tax dollars and milks PC politics to undermine our sovereignty (MORE BELOW).

Democrat Joe Biden has chosen Ronald Klain to be his chief of

staff should he enter the White House in January. Klain

worked on behalf of Silicon Valley executives and their

interests, which include providing tech corporations with an

endless supply of H-1B foreign visa workers (THROUGH

TOTAL AMNESTY)   and more free trade. 

                                JOHN BINDER (MORE BELOW)

Zuckerberg’s goal was to massively increase voter

turnout in Democrat-dominated jurisdictions by

maximizing fraud-breeding practices like ballot

harvesting, the use of unmonitored ballot drop boxes, and

mail-in voting without strict signature-matching

requirements. To achieve his political ends, Zuckerberg

poured hundreds of millions of dollars into the coffers of

a pair of politically partisan, tax-exempt nonprofit

organizations that were more than willing to do his dirty

work and secure the presidency for a doddering

contempt-for-the-law-and-the-truth Alzheimer’s case.

In sum, while the I.R.S. authorities turned a blind eye

 towards his illegal activities Mark Zuckerberg used his

 enormous wealth to help fix the 2020 presidential election

 for Joe Biden — and the January 2021 Senate runoff

 races for Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff, all the while

 reducing his own tax bill. Zuckerberg did this on the

 pretext that he was simply seeking to help ordinary

 Americans find a way to participate safely in the electoral

 process during the deadly COVID-19 pandemic. Nothing

 could have been further from the truth.

                  DAVID HOROWITZ  & JOHN PERAZZO

Big Tech Joins Chamber of Commerce Lawsuit to Import Foreign Workers While 26M Americans Jobless (MORE BELOW)


Time to Panic. Wall Street CEOs Planning MASS LAYOFFS.

Analysis conducted last year reveal that 71 percent of tech workers in Silicon Valley are foreign-born (DATED FIGURES), while the tech industry in the San Francisco, Oakland, and Hayward area is made up of 50 percent foreign-born tech workers.

Despite his Wall Street, big business, Big Tech, and billionaire donations, Biden has attempted to portray himself as a small-town fighter from Scranton, Pennsylvania. 

By failures of border security, a lack of the enforcement of our immigration laws from within  the interior of the United States and huge numbers of visas for high tech workers, the lives and livelihoods of Americans and their children, are being stolen by America’s corrupt political elite who are doing the bidding of those who provide them with huge “Campaign Contributions” (Orwellian euphemism for bribes) pursue legislation that is diametrically opposed to the best interests of America and Americans.

                                                       MICHAEL CUTLER

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