Wednesday, November 30, 2022





How Cartels Successfully Take Over Northern California | Jorge Ventura

It’s time to reprise a 2003 (DATED! HOW DID THINGS TURN OUT???) warning by Democratic former Colorado governor Dick Lamm about a “secret plan” that is destroying our country through the combined effects of unchecked immigration, the “diversity” agenda and abandoning our national principle of “out of many, one.” This lunacy must end..... BUT THE NAFTA DEMS FOR ENDLESS HORDES OF 'CHEAP' LABOR WILL MAKE SURE IT DOES NOT!

Jose Angel Gutierrez, professor, University of Texas, Arlington and founder of La Raza UnidosUS political party screams at rallies: "We have an aging white America. They are dying. They are shitting in their pants with fear! I love it! We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him!"


"The American Southwest seems to be slowly returning to the jurisdiction of Mexico without firing a single shot."  --- Excelsior, the national newspaper of Mexico


“The watchdogs at Judicial Watch discovered documents that reveal how the Obama administration's close coordination with the Mexican government entices Mexicans to hop over the fence and on to the American dole.” Washington Times  

“Make no mistake about it: the Latino community holds this election in your hands. Some of the closest contests this November will be in states like Florida, Colorado, Nevada and New Mexico -- states with large Latino populations.”                                    PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE BARACK OBAMA  

“I know how powerful this community is. Just think how powerful you could be on November 4th if you translate your numbers into votes.”          PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE BARACK OBAMA  

Citizenship and Intervening in Elections

With the ongoing invasion over the last two years by millions of foreigners at our southern border, America has a much bigger election integrity problem than before Joe Biden became president. So, just how did California, Arizona, New Mexico and other states with large enclaves of illegal aliens ensure that the recent invaders (as well as the millions of previous invaders from decades past) didn’t vote in the November 8 federal elections?

You see, noncitizen voting in federal elections is illegal. But Democrats seem to see nothing wrong with the invasion. Indeed, the Left wants illegal aliens to be able to vote in America’s elections; see “Why Non-Citizens Should Be Allowed to Vote” by Ron Hayduk at Jacobin. (Americans who believe in the ideal of citizenship won’t approve of Mr. Hayduk.)

However, if anyone can vote in America’s elections, then just what is the value of American citizenship? Given all the freebies the feds are handing out to the invaders, some citizens may see the invaders as having more rights than they have. Did citizens approve of this largesse?

But voting in federal elections by illegal aliens is just one of many types of election crime, and many of such crimes are simply undetectable using safeguards currently in use. Surely there should be methods to detect election crime. Congress needs to intervene in State elections for federal offices.

Clause 1, Section 4, of Article I of the Constitution gives the authority to enact laws that govern electing members of Congress (i.e. the federal legislature) to the legislatures of the States. This provision was trampled on in the 2020 election, when the courts in Pennsylvania saw fit to rewrite election law. (That the judges are still at large is disappointing.) But there’s more, so here’s Clause 1 in its entirety (italics added):

The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing [i.e. choosing] Senators.

It would seem, then, that Congress has the power to impose upon the several States its own laws concerning elections of members of Congress. Not only that, but Section 5 of Article I stipulates that (italics added): “Each House [of Congress] shall be the Judge of the Elections… of its own Members.”

So, Congress can reject States’ elections of federal officials, and refuse to seat their electees. One wonders if the U.S. Senate shall judge the 2022 midterm elections, and especially if it will judge the fitness of one John Fetterman from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. There might be a furor if the Senate refused to seat Fetterman, but we’re talking about the “greatest deliberative body in the world.” How could Fetterman possibly make the cut? Imagine an entire Senate made up of Fettermans.

The point here is that Congress could do something about the unfit people we’re getting in our federal offices. But judging Fetterman to be unfit would likely offend Democrat members’ idea of “democracy,” (and we can’t have that). If one is appalled by some of the characters in Congress, blame the entire body for allowing it.

Besides having the power to reject a State’s congressional elections and not seat their electees, Congress also has the prerogative to object to the Electoral College’s certificates for president. That’s a lot of what the January 6 “insurrection” was all about. That the “insurrectionists" brought no firearms to the party doesn’t seem to matter much to the Party of Government.

In any event, the Dems seem to think that they are the only ones who have the right to object. Click to watch the entire Joint Session of Jan. 6, 2017, and note the year.

It would be quite healthy for the state of the union if there were a single law for the elections of federal officials to which all the States were subject. Perhaps Congress should require that the States prove that their vote counts for federal offices are correct. How could the States do that?

Here’s a very simple requirement of the States that would make it possible to get much closer to the truth about who are the victors in our federal elections. And that is for Congress to require that each State put an additional datum on ballots that is not currently required -- the SSN.

Some might object to this requirement, citing the need for a secret ballot. The term “secret ballot,” however, does not appear in the Constitution. (One supposes that a secret ballot would be a nice thing to have in labor union elections, especially if one wants to avoid a kneecapping.) In order to demonstrate who won the various races, just what would be done with the SSNs?

Well, vote counters would use the SSNs on the ballots to access federal databases to validate the voter. Some ballots would be rejected immediately, such as the ballot of a noncitizen using a phony SSN. Other rejected ballots would need to be “cured,” such as ballots from another State. A record would be made of all rejected ballots which would list the reason for its rejection.

On the morning of Nov. 29, three weeks after Election Day, we still didn’t know what the final makeup of Congress will be. Too many of the States have shown that they’re not up to the task of vote counting. Congress could relieve State vote counters of having to make judgments about signatures and chads and lord knows what else if they just required the SSN to vote.

The centrality of citizenship (terrific two-minute video) and the sanctity of the vote is at the heart of the Left’s efforts to change America forever. The invasion of “new Americans” that Democrats are allowing to happen is far more dangerous to our once great democracy than anything the Russians did on FaceBook. Wake up, America.

Jon N. Hall of ULTRACON OPINION is a programmer from Kansas City.

Image: Erik (HASH) Hersman

The Uniparty, FTX, and Electoral Fraud

Our country may be nearing the conclusion of the most dangerous game of political “chicken” in history.

We have just experienced the second great election steal in two years. Will the Uni-Party of Democrats and RINOs succeed in evaporating the Red Wave?

RINO politicians and media are complaining that conservatives were too lazy to vote in November, but Republicans, independents and even Democrats turned out in such huge numbers that the cheating had to be so blatant that it is now impossible to overlook. The “big four” shows on FOX, normally famous for exposing Democrat stupidity and corruption, could have focused on the fraud in a different city or state for each segment since the election, but instead have prattled on about every shiny object except 2022 fraud.

Will corrupt legislators, governors, and politicians succeed in quashing the protests and legal challenges?

A series of developments is providing hope that the entire web of deceit, manipulation, and corruption may soon be unraveled. People all over the world are figuring out what is going on with tainted elections and are protesting.

In Brazil, fraud using the exact same techniques, including unsecured voting machines, has been discovered in their recent presidential election, where the socialist candidate, who had been charged with illegalities, was exonerated by Brazil’s corrupt Supreme Court and allowed to run for office. There have been massive protests and strikes throughout the country.

In Mexico, hundreds of thousands protested far-left President López Obrador’s plan to eliminate Voter ID and remove election safeguards.

The news about the fraud in the November 8th elections continues to leak out on a few fearless websites including video evidence on and Thousands have reported voting irregularities that have yielded results that are mathematically impossible without rampant cheating. Democrats themselves have stated repeatedly that our voting machines are easily hacked and manipulated.

The wheels on the bus may be coming off -- four Arizona counties delayed their election certifications, which means Arizona can’t certify the election until their issues are resolved and voting machines are inspected.

Duffle bags of uncounted votes were removed in Arizona. Gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake has shared videos of the fraud and promises to fight for voting justice. Arizona attorney general nominee Abe Hamadeh just filed a lawsuit contesting the rigged election in Arizona.

In Pennsylvania’s Delaware County, election “officials took a detour on election night with the county’s ballots and v-drives into a closed building for six hours.  Poll watchers were prevented from entering the building at the time.” Legal complaints have been filed.


8. "The Race" bitterly protested common-sense voter ID provisions as an "absolute disgrace."

In California, the non-partisan Election Integrity Project has been granted “standing” to file their lawsuit alleging that years of election law changes in the state have led to voter disenfranchisement.

But the tilting of the scales against conservative candidates isn’t limited to just the Democrats. The RNC is accused of distributing a flawed database to volunteers in Wisconsin and other states with information that was so out of date it was worse than useless.

The GOP Senate and congressional campaign committees are supposed to remain strictly neutral in primaries, but Anthony Sabatini writes in Chronicles, “To the surprise of few, it was recently revealed that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell spent a considerable portion of his $180 million war chest to help establishment Republicans defeat America First candidates in the GOP primary elections.”

When his candidates lost, McConnell withheld funding for the winners.

Kevin McCarthy, the presumed new Speaker of the House of Representatives, is speaking very strongly for some sorts of conservative issues, but Sabatini continues, “According to the Washington Postthe political machine around McCarthy directed millions to be spent against Republican candidates in GOP primaries associated with the America First movement.”

It is possible that the true conservative Republicans in the House will refuse to elect him as speaker in January, and insist on a different candidate, perhaps one who will begin serious investigations into 2022 and even 2020 voter fraud.

But the most damning issue that may challenge the plans of the Uni-Party to eliminate our freedoms and turn the United States over to the globalists and Red Chinese is the scandal involving the crypto-currency FTX. This is turning out to have been a gigantic scheme to defraud investors into buying shares of a practically nonexistent company.

Details are emerging that the weird founder of FTX, a guy named Sam Bankman-Fried, used the money he collected for whatever he wanted. Just before declaring bankruptcy to the amount of $3.7 billion, he is reported to have taken out a loan for $1 billion. $300,000 seems to have been donated to the very Congressional committee members who were investigating him. And now the list of debtors in the bankruptcy has been hidden.

Political Moonshine, an open-sourced investigative website, reported extensively on the complex relationship between billions of U.S. tax dollars, Ukraine, FTX, Biden and the Democrats, and RINO Republicans.

They claim “Tens of billions of U.S. dollars have been funneled to Ukraine, laundered through FTX, and the laundered money now in the form of FTX cryptocurrency was funneled back to Democrats and the Bidens… FTX gave at least $40 million to Democrats in advance of the 2022 midterms and funded congressional campaigns for members overseeing the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC),” which was investigating FTX.

Bankman-Fried was the #2 donor to the Democrat party.

The money laundering circle was: Democrats vote to send funds to Ukraine, Ukraine invests in FTX, FTX cryptocurrency was funneled back to the same Democrats.

To tie everything together, it appears that Kevin McCarthy used money from FTX to take out MAGA candidates, including Madison Cawthorn in North Carolina.

And now we are hearing that Tether, a “stablecoin,” is in just as bad shape as FTX was, and is tied closely to FTX, “US government-backed rebels in Myanmar, along with al-Qaeda-affiliated Sunni rebel groups of Syria, drug cartels, which, according to some journalists, are deeply intertwined with U.S. three-letter agencies, including the CIA.” has reported extensively on the whole confusing mess.

If any of this is true, our leaders and institutions may be more corrupt than we can imagine. A cabal of globalists, Communist Chinese, and drug cartels may be manipulating our elections and suppressing the evidence of fraud in order to weaken the United States where we will be completely controlled without our people knowing it, at which point they will be so thoroughly entrenched that nothing can stop it.

Which side will win this game of “chicken?” The cabal, with their money, power, and deceptions, or a few brave patriots willing to risk everything to expose the corruption and restore fairness to our elections?

Image: FTX

Jose Angel Gutierrez, professor, University of Texas, Arlington and founder of La Raza UnidosUS political party screams at rallies: "We have an aging white America. They are dying. They are shitting in their pants with fear! I love it! We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him!"


"The American Southwest seems to be slowly returning to the jurisdiction of Mexico without firing a single shot."  --- Excelsior, the national newspaper of Mexico

“The watchdogs at Judicial Watch discovered documents that reveal how the Obama administration's close coordination with the Mexican government entices Mexicans to hop over the fence and on to the American dole.” Washington Times  

“Make no mistake about it: the Latino community holds this election in your hands. Some of the closest contests this November will be in states like Florida, Colorado, Nevada and New Mexico -- states with large Latino populations.”   PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE BARACK OBAMA  

“I know how powerful this community is. Just think how powerful you could be on November 4th if you translate your numbers into votes.”    PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE BARACK OBAMA  

Obama Funds the Mexican Fascist Party of LA RAZA “The Race”


by Michelle Malkin

Only in America could critics of a group called "The Race" be labeled racists. Such is the triumph of left-wing identity chauvinists, whose aggressive activists and supine abettors have succeeded in redefining all opposition as "hate."

Both Barack Obama and John McCain will speak this week in San Diego at the annual conference of the National Council of La Raza, the Latino organization whose name is Spanish for, yes, "The Race." Can you imagine Obama and McCain paying homage to a group of white people who called themselves that? No matter. The presidential candidates and the media have legitimized "The Race" as a mainstream ethnic lobbying group and marginalized its critics as intolerant bigots. The unvarnished truth is that the group is a radical ethnic nationalist outfit that abuses your tax dollars and milks PC politics to undermine our sovereignty.

Here are 15 things you should know about "The Race":

15. "The Race" supports driver's licenses for illegal aliens.

14."The Race" demands in-state tuition discounts for illegal alien students that are not available to law-abiding U.S. citizens and law-abiding legal immigrants.

13. "The Race" vehemently opposes cooperative immigration enforcement efforts between local, state and federal authorities.

12. "The Race" opposes a secure fence on the southern border.

11. "The Race" joined the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee in a failed lawsuit attempt to prevent the feds from entering immigration information into a key national crime database -- and to prevent local police officers from accessing the data.

10. "The Race" opposed the state of Oklahoma's tough immigration-enforcement-first laws, which cut off welfare to illegal aliens, put teeth in employer sanctions and strengthened local-federal cooperation and information sharing.

9. "The Race" joined other open-borders, anti-assimilationists and sued to prevent Proposition 227, California's bilingual education reform ballot initiative, from becoming law.

8. "The Race" bitterly protested common-sense voter ID provisions as an "absolute disgrace."

7. "The Race" has consistently opposed post-9/11 national security measures at every turn.

6. Former "Race" president Raul Yzaguirre, Hillary Clinton's Hispanic outreach adviser, said this: "U.S. English is to Hispanics as the Ku Klux Klan is to blacks." He was referring to U.S. English, the nation's oldest, largest citizens' action group dedicated to preserving the unifying role of the English language in the United States. "The Race" also pioneered Orwellian open-borders Newspeak and advised the Mexican government on how to lobby for illegal alien amnesty while avoiding the terms "illegal" and "amnesty."

5. "The Race" gives mainstream cover to a poisonous subset of ideological satellites, led by Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan, or Chicano Student Movement of Aztlan (MEChA). The late GOP Rep. Charlie Norwood rightly characterized the organization as "a radical racist group … one of the most anti-American groups in the country, which has permeated U.S. campuses since the 1960s, and continues its push to carve a racist nation out of the American West."

4. "The Race" is currently leading a smear campaign against staunch immigration enforcement leaders and has called for TV and cable news networks to keep immigration enforcement proponents off the airwaves -- in addition to pushing for Fairness Doctrine policies to shut up their foes. The New York Times reported that current "Race" president Janet Murguia believes "hate speech" should "not be tolerated, even if such censorship were a violation of First Amendment rights."

3. "The Race" sponsors militant ethnic nationalist charter schools subsidized by your public tax dollars (at least $8 million in federal education grants). The schools include Aztlan Academy in Tucson, Ariz., the Mexicayotl Academy in Nogales, Ariz., Academia Cesar Chavez Charter School in St. Paul, Minn., and La Academia Semillas del Pueblo in Los Angeles, whose principal inveighed: "We don't want to drink from a White water fountain, we have our own wells and our natural reservoirs and our way of collecting rain in our aqueducts. We don't need a White water fountain … ultimately the White way, the American way, the neo liberal, capitalist way of life will eventually lead to our own destruction."

2. "The Race" has perfected the art of the PC shakedown at taxpayer expense, pushing relentlessly to lower home loan standards for Hispanic borrowers, reaping millions in federal "mortgage counseling" grants, seeking special multimillion-dollar earmarks and partnering with banks that do business with illegal aliens.

1. "The Race" thrives on ethnic supremacy -- and the elite sheeple's unwillingness to call it what it is. As historian Victor Davis Hanson observes: "[The] organization's very nomenclature 'The National Council of La Raza' is hate speech to the core. Despite all the contortions of the group, Raza (as its Latin cognate suggests) reflects the meaning of 'race' in Spanish, not 'the people' -- and that's precisely why we don't hear of something like 'The National Council of the People,' which would not confer the buzz notion of ethnic, racial and tribal chauvinism."

The fringe is the center. The center is the fringe. Viva La Raza.


“The radicals seek nothing less than secession from the United States whether to form their own sovereign state or to reunify with Mexico. Those who desire reunification with Mexico are irredentists who seek to reclaim Mexico's "lost" territories in the American Southwest.”


By Maria Hsia Chang Professor of Political Science, University of Nevada Reno

One of the standard arguments invoked by those in favor of massive immigration into the United States is that our country is founded on immigrants who have always been successfully assimilated into America's mainstream culture and society. As one commentator put it, "Assimilation evokes the misty past of Ellis Island, through which millions entered, eventually seeing their descendants become as American as George Washington."1 Nothing more vividly testifies against that romantic faith in America's ability to continuously assimilate new members than the events of October 16, 1994 in Los Angeles. On that day, 70,000 people marched beneath "a sea of Mexican flags" protesting Proposition 187, a referendum measure that would deny many state benefits to illegal immigrants and their children. Two weeks later, more protestors marched down the street, this time carrying an American flag upside down. Both protests point to a disturbing and rising phenomenon of Chicano separatism in the United States — the product of a complex of forces, among which are multiculturalism and a generous immigration policy combined with a lax border control. The Problem Chicanos refer to "people of Mexican descent in the United States" or "Mexican Americans in general." Today, there are reasons to believe that Chicanos as a group are unlike previous immigrants in that they are more likely to remain unassimilated and unintegrated, whether by choice or circumstance — resulting in the formation of a separate quasi-nation within the United States. More than that, there are Chicano political activists who intend to marry cultural separateness with territorial and political self-determination. The more moderate among them aspire to the cultural and political autonomy of "home rule". The radicals seek nothing less than secession from the United States whether to form their own sovereign state or to reunify with Mexico. Those who desire reunification with Mexico are irredentists who seek to reclaim Mexico's "lost" territories in the American Southwest.

Whatever their goals, what animates all of them is the dream of Aztlan. According to legend, Aztlan was the ancestral homeland of the Aztecs which they left in journeying southward to found Tenochtitlan, the center of their new civilization, which is today's Mexico City. Today, the "Nation of Aztlan" refers to the American southwestern states of California, Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, portions of Nevada, Utah, Colorado, which Chicano nationalists claim were stolen by the United States and must be reconquered (Reconquista) and reclaimed for Mexico. The myth of Aztlan was revived by Chicano political activists in the 1960s as a central symbol of Chicano nationalist ideology. In 1969, at the Chicano National Liberation Youth Conference in Denver, Rodolfo "Corky" Gonzales put forth a political document entitled El Plan de Aztlan (Spiritual Plan of Aztlan). The Plan is a clarion call to Mexican-Americans to form a separate Chicano nation: In the spirit of a new people that is conscious not only of its proud historial heritage, but also of the brutal "gringo" invasion of our territories, we, the Chicano inhabitants and civilizers of the nothern land of Aztlan from whence came our forefathers ...declare that the call of our blood is...our inevitable destiny.... Aztlan belongs to those who plant the seeds, water the fields, and gather the crops, and not to the foreign Europeans. We do not recognize capricious frontiers on the bronze continent.... Brotherhood unites us, and love for our brothers makes us a people whose time has come .... With our heart in our hands and our hands in the soil, we declare the independence of our mestizo nation. We are a bronze people with a bronze culture. Before the world, before all of North America, before all our brothers in the bronze continent, we are a nation, we are a union of free pueblos, we are Aztlan.

How Chicanos are Unlike Previous Immigrants Brent A. Nelson, writing in 1994, observed that in the 1980s America's Southwest had begun to be transformed into "a de facto nation" with its own culture, history, myth, geography, religion, education, and language. Whatever evidence there is indicates that Chicanos, as a group, are unlike previous waves of immigrants into the United States. In the first place, many Chicanos do not consider themselves immigrants at all because their people "have been here for 450 years" before the English, French, or Dutch. Before California and the Southwest were seized by the United States, they were the lands of Spain and Mexico. As late as 1780 the Spanish crown laid claim to territories from Florida to California, and on the far side of the Mississippi up to the Great Lakes and the Rockies. Mexico held title to much of Spanish possessions in the United States until the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ended the Mexican-American war in 1848. As a consequence, Mexicans "never accepted the borders drawn up by the 1848 treaty."

That history has created among Chicanos a feeling of resentment for being "a conquered people," made part of the United States against their will and by the force of arms. Their resentment is amply expressed by Voz Fronteriza, a Chicano student publication,

which referred to Border Patrol officers killed in the line of duty as "pigs (migra)" trying to defend "the false frontier."

Chicanos are also distinct from other immigrant groups because of the geographic proximity of their native country. Their physical proximity to Mexico gives Chicanos "the option of life in both Americas, in two places and in two cultures, something earlier immigrants never had." Geographic proximity and ease of transportation are augmented by the media. Radio and television keep the spoken language alive and current so that Spanish, unlike the native languages of previous immigrants into the United States, "shows no sign of fading."

A result of all that is the failure by Chicanos to be fully assimilated into the larger American society and culture. As Earl Shorris, author of Latinos: A Biography of the People, observed: "Latinos have been more resistant to the melting pot than any other group. Their entry en masse into the United States will test the limits of the American experiment...." The continuous influx of Mexican immigrants into the United States serve to continuously renew Chicano culture so that their sense of separateness will probably continue "far into the future...." There are other reasons for the failure of Chicano assimilation. Historically, a powerful force for assimilation was upward social mobility: Immigrants into the United States became assimilated as they rose in educational achievement and income. But today's post-industrial American economy, with its narrower paths to upward mobility, is making it more difficult for certain groups to improve their socioeconomic circumstances. Unionized factory jobs, which once provided a step up for the second generation of past waves of immigrants, have been disappearing for decades. Instead of the diamond-shaped economy of industrial America, the modern American economy is shaped like an hourglass. There is a good number of jobs for unskilled people at the bottom, a fair number of jobs for the highly educated at the top, but comparatively few jobs for those in the middle without a college education or special skills. To illustrate, a RAND Corporation study forecasts that 85 percent of California's new jobs will require post-secondary education. For a variety of reasons, the nationwide high-school dropout rate for Hispanics (the majority of whom are Chicano) is 30 percent — three times the rate for whites and twice the rate for blacks. Paradoxically, the dropout rate for Hispanics born in the United States is even higher than for young immigrants. Among Chicanos, high-school dropout rates actually rise between the second and third generations. Their low educational achievement accounts for why Chicanos as a group are poor despite being hardworking. In 1996, for the first time, Hispanic poverty rate began to exceed that of American blacks. In 1995, household income rose for every ethnic group except Hispanics, for whom it dropped 5 percent. Latinos now make up a quarter of the nation's poor people, and are more than three times as likely to be impoverished than whites. This decline in income has taken place despite high rates of labor-force participation by Latino men, and despite an emerging Latino middle class. In California, where Latinos now approach one-third of the population, their education levels are far lower than those of other immigrants, and they earn about half of what native-born Californians earn. This means that, for the first time in the history of American immigration, hard work is not leading to economic advancement because immigrants in service jobs face unrelenting labor-market pressure from more recently arrived immigrants who are eager to work for less. The narrowing of the pathways of upward mobility has implications for the children of recent Mexican immigrants. Their ascent into the middle-class mainstream will likely be blocked and they will join children of earlier black and Puerto Rican migrants as part of an expanded multiethnic underclass. Whereas first generation immigrants compare their circumstances to the Mexico that they left — and thereby feel immeasurably better off — their children and grandchildren will compare themelves to other U.S. groups. Given their lower educational achievement and income, that comparison will only lead to feelings of relative deprivation and resentment. They are unlikely to be content as maids, gardeners, or fruit pickers. Many young Latinos in the second and third generations see themselves as locked in irremediable conflict with white society, and are quick to deride successful Chicano students as "wannabes." For them, to study hard is to "act white" and exhibit group disloyalty. That attitude is part of the Chicano culture of resistance — a culture that actively resists assimilation into mainstream America. That culture is created, reinforced, and maintained by radical Chicano intellectuals, politicians, and the many Chicano Studies programs in U.S. colleges and universities. As examples, according to its editor, Elizabeth Martinez, the purpose of Five Hundred Years of Chicano History, a book used in over 300 schools throughout the West, is to "celebrate our resistance to being colonized and absorbed by racist empire builders." The book calls the INS and the Border Patrol "the Gestapo for Mexicans."

For Rodolfo Acuna, author of Occupied America: The Chicano's Struggle Toward Liberation, probably the most widely assigned text in U.S. Chicano Studies programs, the Anglo-American invasion of Mexico was "as vicious as that of Hitler's invasion of Poland and other Central European nations...." The book also includes a map showing "the Mexican republic" in 1822 reaching up into Kansas and Oklahoma, and including within it Utah, Nevada, and everything west and south of there

"This is country belongs to Mexico" is said by the Mexican Militant. This is a common teaching that the U.S. is really AZTLAN, belonging to Mexicans, which is taught to Mexican kids in Arizona and California through a LA Raza educational program funded by American Tax Payers via President Obama, when he gave LA RAZA $800,000.00 in March of 2009!

‘Diversity,’ Illegal Immigration and Destroying America

By Frank Gaffney, Jr.


Center for Security Policy, February 20, 2018


Now that official Washington’s political oxygen is being consumed by the latest school shooting, it’s easy to forget abiding disagreements about immigration policy. Yet, until supplanted by the current children’s crusade for gun control, it was the so-called “DACA kids” who had to be accommodated with a massive amnesty.

Just as we seem determined to ignore factors in mass murders like the pop culture’s role in inculcating a lust for violence – the more, the better, what passes for debate about illegal aliens is increasingly unmoored from any discussion of their impact on American society.

It’s time to reprise a 2003 warning by Democratic former Colorado governor Dick Lamm about a “secret plan” that is destroying our country through the combined effects of unchecked immigration, the “diversity” agenda and abandoning our national principle of “out of many, one.” This lunacy must end.

. . .



10K Migrants Apprehended in Texas Border Sector over One Week

Eagle Pass North Station Border Patrol agents apprehend a large group of migrants. (U.S. Border Patrol/Del Rio Sector)
U.S. Border Patrol/Del Rio Sector

Del Rio Sector Border Patrol agents apprehended more than 10,000 migrants during the past week. Another estimated 6,000 migrants got away without being apprehended.

Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior news contributor for the Breitbart Texas-Border team. He is an original member of the Breitbart Texas team. Price is a regular panelist on Fox 26 Houston’s What’s Your Point? Sunday-morning talk show. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX and Facebook.

Biden Funds Covert Parole Pipeline for Illegals to Reach U.S. Jobs, Housing

illegal immigration
E. McGregor, P. Ratje, Y. Iwamura, M. Tama, Q. Weizhong/Getty; H. Daley/AP

President Joe Biden’s border chief is using Mexico-based migrant advocacy groups to smuggle off-the-books economic migrants into Americans’ workplaces and housing.

Border chief Alejandro Mayorkas is allowing the progressive groups in Mexico to help job-seeking migrants file online legal requests for “immigration parole.” Many of the applications are quickly approved, so allowing the poor migrants to avoid the cartels’ border taxes, and to safely walk into the United States through the official “Ports of Entry.”

This process allows economic migrants to take U.S. jobs and housing needed by poor Americans — even though many millions of Americans are poor and have fallen out of the workforce.

The parole doorway was created by Congress to enable the legal entry of a small number of emergency cases, such as a foreign seaman suffering a heart attack. But the useful loophole has been hugely expanded by Mayorkas’ Department of Homeland Security into a “humanitarian parole” freeway into Americans’ workplaces.

Agency data suggests that up to 100,000 southern migrants have been quietly delivered into the United States by Mayorkas, a Cuba-born, pro-migration zealot.

The rising inflow is partly visible on a web page run by Mayorkas’ agency.

The page shows the dramatic rise in migrants registered at the official ports of entry by the Office of Field Operations agency. Many of these migrants appear to be part of the parole pipeline — and the monthly inflow grew fivefold from October 2021 to 26,405 in October 2022.

This increase is especially high in a few locations.  In October 2021, for example, just 1,224 migrants crossed at Laredo. In October 2022, the Laredo inflow had increased tenfold to 13,986, according to DHS.

“It’s the ultimate silent way to accomplish his objectives … they’re not recorded as apprehensions,” said George Fishman, a former immigration law staffer in the House.

The stealthy route helps Biden, Mayorkas, and their anti-border allies in two ways, said Fishman, who now works with the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS):

The lower the apprehension numbers, the better publicity-wise. [Mayorkas] can claim ‘Look, I’m getting the border under control. apprehensions are falling!” But if the [official numbers show declines] it is because people don’t even need to try to enter illegally anymore when they’re just going to be paroled in [legally]. The second thing is that … [migrants] don’t have to commit a federal crime to cross.

The government’s parole pipeline was exposed by Todd Bensman at CIS. He told Breitbart News:

I was in Tijuana and was able to learn that the shelters I was visiting were feeding people into this [parole] system …. So I realized I was in a position to finally actually see this new way that they were letting people in that I’ve never been able to prove before.

So I just followed the shelter system [by asking] “Hey, where are they letting them in?”

“This is happening In Mexicali too,” they said.

When I got to Mexicali, I asked, “Where’s the shelter where they end up and then go across?” and they said, “Oh, it’s over there.” So I went over there and introduced myself and told them I’d like to do a story about it, would they mind and they said “No problem, come in”. It wasn’t any voodoo or magic. It was just a question of me asking to see it.

Bensman posted a video of migrants using Mayorkas’ parole pipeline:

Bensman spoke to several of the migrants as they filed their parole applications:

As she waited with 25 other selected immigrants for her legal ride to America, Maria told the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) she’d left home figuring she would have to pay smugglers to cross her over the border illegally. But up-trail word from friends reached her down-trail by cell phone that the Biden administration had legally admitted them and many others from Mexicali under the new humanitarian parole program.

They told Maria, “This is real. This is really a real program. This is not a magic trick,” she told [Bensman].

Maria came to Mexicali as soon as she could. A local migrant shelter took her in, and while she was fed and housed in relative security, American volunteers, lawyers, and activists helped her collect the documents America required: just the right documented story of woe, a psychologist attesting to suffered traumas and fear of returning home, proof of citizenship and identity, a clear criminal background, need for urgent free American medical treatment, and a sponsor in the U.S. willing to financially support the applicant. The story Maria proffered is that she worked for a government official in Nicaragua whose homosexuality drew death threats from her ex-husband, also a government worker, against her and her boss.

“I had to leave because I would be killed,” she claimed.

On that claimed basis, Maria was now waiting for a Mexican immigration service bus to drive her and 30 others in her group into America, still unable to believe her unlikely good fortune.

“I am so happy, so, so happy,” Maria said.

The parole rules allow people to stay for a year but can be extended. So the award of parole to these economic migrants creates problems because asylum rules exclude economic migrants from getting green cards

But officials are trying to shift migrants out of the cartels’ dangerous and expensive networks into U.S. government-managed pipelines, said Bensman. “There’s a conversion going on, a slow shift from the illegal channel into the legal channel because that [official policy is to] create pathways for safe, orderly, and humane migration,” he said.

Mayorkas’ deputies are trying “to get as many people as they possibly can inside the country, in as many different ways as possible, and this [parole pipeline] way is especially attractive … That’s why this method is ballooning like it is, why they’re having to expand the shelters, they can’t keep up with the demand [from migrants].”

The parole program is facing legal challenges.

The parole pipeline is just one of many ways in which Biden’s deputies are accelerating their extraction of extra renters, consumers, and workers from poor countries for subsequent use in the U.S. economy.

For example, Biden’s deputies have doubled the number of illegal migrants protected by the Temporary Protected Status program, allowed more than 600,000 illegals to sneak across the border, and allowed roughly 2.3 million southern migrants to cross the border. They have also minimized the deportation of illegal migrants and overstaying workers.

The administration is also ramping up the inflow of legal immigrants, visa workers, and illegal workers who arrive on B-1/B-2 tourist visas.

This massive inflow is delivering roughly seven migrants for every 10 births.

This labor inflow shifts the national economy towards investors and employers by forcing down Americans’ wages. It is also boosting rents and housing prices, and it is reducing native-born Americans’ clout in local and national elections. Since the 1990s, the inflow has pushed many native-born Americans out of careers in a wide variety of fields.

The Mexican shelters that feed the parole pipeline are often funded and run by people working for American non-profits, Bensman said, In turn, the non-profits are backed by corporate and progressive donors.

American progressives working in the shelters do not talk, Bensman added,  “because if the general public knew about this, they would demand that it be ended immediately.”

‘That’s why this is a gravy train for the nonprofit industrial complex,” Bensman said:

I interviewed a [Mexican] shelter manager in Tijuana that is part of the pipeline on that side. I asked him, “Why do you suppose the nonprofits are fighting with each other for control over this?” … And he said, “Why? Because they’re making money. The nonprofits are all deeply enmeshed in Hollywood … These people are making money by raising funds back in Hollywood, and they’ve got a big revenue stream going on.”

For example, the business-funded group, Al Otra Lado, helps migrants cross the border via the parole pipeline.

The Hollywood-bostedelite-backed Kids of Need of Defense group also helps migrants get into the parole pipeline.

A huge network of elite-funded, government-funded, non-profits also cares for and feeds migrants. This “Catch and Release Network” also transport migrants to desired locations, and trains them for jobs needed by Americans.

The parole law has been used to let many economic migrants into the United States during 2021 and 2022. It was also used to admit tens of thousands of Afghans.

Mayorkas and his deputies then used the parole claim to admit roughly 100,000 Ukrainians from safe countries in Europe into the United States. Officials are reportedly also using the pipeline to admit Haitian migrants. wrote on August 24:

SAN DIEGO (Border Report) — About 120 asylum-seekers who are members of the LGBT community are being allowed into the U.S. on a daily basis.

Enrique Lucero, the director of the Migrant Affairs Office in Tijuana, said they are crossing the border at PedWest, one of two pedestrian crossings at the San Ysidro Port of Entry.

“The migrants must show they have a disability, health issues or have been victims of discrimination or persecution back home,” said Lucero. “This is humanitarian parole.”

Bensman wrote November 21:

Stealthily, perhaps with that in mind, DHS launched one early version of the handoff program in late 2021 in Reynosa, Mexico, where CIS discovered that Mexico was escorting hundreds of giddy immigrants every week for delivery to the Americans through a McAllen port of entry into Texas.

Nowadays, though, the program delivers immigrants, at the least, from Tijuana to San Diego, Agua Prieta to Douglas in Ariz., Juarez to El Paso, Nuevo Laredo to Laredo, Reynosa to McAllen, and Matamoros to Brownsville, the shelter managers say. It’s going on in interior Mexico too, they say.

Extraction Migration

Government officials try to grow the economy by raising exports, productivity, and the birth rate. But officials want rapid results, so they also try to expand the economy by extracting millions of migrants from poor countries to serve as extra workers, consumers, and renters.

This policy floods the labor market and so it shifts vast wealth from ordinary people to older investorscoastal billionaires, and Wall Street. It makes it difficult for ordinary Americans to advance in their careers, get married, raise families, buy homes, or gain wealth.

Extraction Migration slows innovation and shrinks Americans’ productivity. This happens because migration allows employers to boost stock prices by using stoop labor and disposable workers instead of the skilled American professionals and productivity-boosting technology that earlier allowed Americans and their communities to earn more money.

This migration policy also reduces exports because it minimizes shareholder pressure on C-suite executives to take a career risk by trying to grow exports to poor countries.

Migration undermines employees’ workplace rights, and it widens the regional economic gaps between the Democrats’ cheap-labor coastal states and the Republicans’ heartland and southern states.

An economy fueled by Extraction Migration also drains Americans’ political clout over elites and alienates young people. It radicalizes Americans’ democratic civic culture because it gives a moral excuse for wealthy elites and progressives to ignore despairing Americans at the bottom of society, such as drug addicts.

This diversify-and-rule investor strategy is enthusiastically pushed by progressives. They wish to transform the U.S. from a society governed by European-origin civic culture into an economic empire of jealous identity groups overseen by progressive hall monitors. “We’re trying to become the first multiracial, multi-ethnic superpower in the world,” Silicon Valley Rep. Rohit Khanna (D-CA) told the New York Times in March 2022. “It will be an extraordinary achievement … We will ultimately triumph,” he boasted.

But the progressives’ colonialism-like economic strategy kills many migrants. It exploits the poverty of migrants and splits foreign families as it extracts human resources from poor home countries to serve wealthy U.S. investors.

Progressives hide this Extraction Migration economic policy behind a wide variety of noble-sounding explanations and theatrical border security programs. Progressives claim the U.S. is a “Nation of Immigrants,” that economic migrants are political victims, that migration helps migrants more than Americans, and that the state must renew itself by replacing populations.

Similarly, establishment Republicans, media businesses, and major GOP donors hide the skew towards investors by ignoring the pocketbook impact and by touting border chaos, welfare spending, migrant crime, and drug smuggling.


Many polls show the public wants to welcome some immigration. But the polls also show deep and broad public opposition to labor migration and to the inflow of temporary contract workers into the jobs needed by the families of blue-collar and white-collar Americans.

This “Third Rail” opposition is growinganti-establishmentmultiracialcross-sexnon-racistclass-basedbipartisan,   rationalpersistent, and recognizes the solidarity that American citizens owe to one another.

Want some perspective on why so many blue sanctuary cities have so many homeless encampments hovering around?

Tucker Carlson: Biden should be impeached for this

(They really have absolutely no idea how many illegals are in the country as the Democrat Party, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, La Raza/ UnidoUS, Mexico and the Catholic Church thwart any effort to count them

The suggestion comes as the U.S. population

 has increased to the highest total in history,

 hitting 331,893,745 residents in 2021,

 driven mostly by legal immigration. For

 comparison, the population in 1970 stood

 at 203 million residents.


"Mexican president candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador called for mass immigration to the United States, declaring it a "human right". We will defend all the (Mexican) invaders in the American," Obrador said, adding that immigrants "must leave their towns and find a life, job, welfare, and free medical in the United States."

"Fox’s Tucker Carlson noted Thursday that Obrador

has previously proposed granting AMNESTY TO MEXICAN DRUG CARTELS. “America is now Mexico’s social safety net, and that’s a very good deal for the Mexican ruling class,” Carlson added."


"Many Americans forget is that our country is located against a socialist failed state that is promising to descend even further into chaos – not California, the other one. And the Mexicans, having reached the bottom of the hole they have dug for themselves, just chose to keep digging by electing a new leftist presidente who wants to surrender to the cartels and who thinks that Mexicans have some sort of “human right” to sneak into the U.S. and demographically reconquer it." KURT SCHLICHTER

Try the reality that illegal immigrants are routinely given free public housing by the U.S., based on the fact that they are uneducated, unskilled, and largely unemployable. Those are the criteria, and now importing poverty has never been easier. Shockingly, this comes as millions of poor Americans are out in the cold awaiting that housing that the original law was intended to help.

Thus, the tent cities, and by coincidence, the worst of these emerging shantytowns are in blue sanctuary cities loaded with illegal immigrants - Orange County, San Francisco, San Diego, Seattle, New York...Is there a connection? At a minimum, it's worth looking at.                           MONICA SHOWALTER


Bottom line, all of these new services for illegal border crossers are bonanzas, not just for the NGOs who benefit, they are benefits for human smuggling rackets, who can now advertise these wares as part of their illegal alien benefit packages and use the news of them to draw more business. Biden is helping that bunch ultimately with these free-hotel contracts even Americans in distress don't get. Cartels will use this incentive to drum up more business.


I Went To Every Single Homeless Camp In Los Angeles

Many Democrats understand that the welfare checks for foreign children will encourage more illegal immigration, he said:

They know what’s going on. But they know that they can’t say what their true goal is, which is actual open borders with open, uncontrolled migration both ways. And this is a step toward getting rid of borders.

“It’s a globalist mindset and it welcomes anything that moves toward open borders,” he concluded.

Gavin Newsom, Local Lawmakers Argue over Responsibility of Homelessness in California

A homeless man goes through his belongings outside his tent pitched on the beach in the Venice neighborhood of Los Angeles, Tuesday, June 29, 2021. The proliferation of homeless encampments on Venice Beach has sparked an outcry from residents and created a political spat among Los Angeles leaders.

California Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom and local lawmakers argue over who should be responsible for the homelessness plaguing the state, as the governor threatened to withhold funds from those who dispute liability, according to the Wall Street Journal (WSJ).

The Democrat governor and local government officials, including many from his own political party, are arguing over the responsibility for the lack of progress in battling the ongoing homelessness problem across America’s most populated state.

The report explained that Newsom recently placed a temporary hold on $1 billion of state grants that were meant for city and county homelessness programs as he rejected the proposals from the officials that outlined how they would spend the money. He said the proposal was inadequate, even though it would have reportedly reduced homelessness statewide by two percent from 2020 to 2024.

WSJ added:

People who work in state politics say Mr. Newsom’s policy moves and comments echo many Californians’ rising frustration over housing costs and homelessness, and indicate a willingness by the governor, who recently won re-election, to pick fights with local leaders to try to get results in his second term.

Mayors and county officials, meanwhile, have said they need the Newsom administration to provide reliable, recurring revenue streams and a cohesive statewide framework to address the issue. Instead, they said, most state money comes in one-time allocations with little guidance.

Many mayors were also rankled when Mr. Newsom told the Los Angeles Times he froze the homelessness funds because local leaders needed to “deliver damn results,” adding that he would be willing to play “mayor of California” if they didn’t.

The Associated Press

California Gov. Gavin Newsom, left, talks to Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti during a news conference at a joint state and federal COVID-19 vaccination site set up on the campus of California State University of Los Angeles in Los Angeles, on Feb. 16, 2021. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong, File)

However, WSJ explained that local officials had said that withholding the money they were already expecting is making the problem worse. On the matter, Los Angeles Democrat Mayor Eric Garcetti said, “Lives are on the line, and we can’t afford for this work to get mired in more politics.”

The WSJ said that according to advocates, “Problems including bureaucratic slowdowns and community resistance have made it difficult to deliver services.” At the same time, researchers also said that “even as some people are successfully sheltered, others will keep falling into homelessness until housing becomes more affordable.”

Newsom recently met with over 100 local leaders and agreed at the time to release the funds he put a hold on if each jurisdiction agreed to submit a better proposal by the end of November. According to a spokesman for the governor, 21 jurisdictions had agreed and were expected to receive the frozen funds sometime this week.

For years in California, there have been disagreements over who should be in charge of the homelessness problem, as the state reportedly has over 116,000 residents sleeping on the streets — the most in the United States — in addition to being one of the most expensive housing markets across the county.

The WSJ also noted that under Newsom, the state saw a roughly 15 percent increase in the homeless population since 2019, despite having the most significant funding increase to fight the problem. In fact, since the start of the Chinese coronavirus pandemic, the state has committed around $15 billion towards homelessness, according to reports. Additionally, some majority cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco also raised taxes to help combat the problem as well.

The state’s homelessness problem also comes as Newson again reaffirmed his promise to Politico that he will not try to challenge President Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential election, despite his efforts of building a massive digital operation before the 2022 midterms.

The Associated Press

In this Sept. 13, 2021, file photo President Joe Biden, center, smiles to the crowd as he is flanked by California Gov. Gavin Newsom and Jennifer Siebel Newsom at a rally ahead of the California gubernatorial recall election in Long Beach, CA. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong, File)

Additionally, while the Democrat governor has been facing problems in his own state, he spent time during his reelection bid, which he largely ignored, attacking Republican governors who were running for reelection and are potential 2024 presidential candidates, such as Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott. He even spent money running negative ads in Florida.

Over the last five years, Newsom has won three elections in America’s most populated state. He won his gubernatorial race in 2018 and 2022 and had to go through a recall election in 2021.

Jacob Bliss is a reporter for Breitbart News. Write to him at or follow him on Twitter @JacobMBliss.

Chuck Schumer Suggests DACA Amnesty Needed to Spike U.S. Population as Nation Hits Record 331.9M Residents

Migrants heading in a caravan to the US, walk towards Mexico City to request asylum and refugee status in Huixtla, Chiapas State, Mexico, on October 27, 2021.(Isaac Guzman/AFP via Getty Images)
Isaac Guzman/AFP via Getty Images

Senate Majority Chuck Schumer (D-NY) suggests an amnesty for millions of illegal aliens eligible and enrolled in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program is necessary to spike the United States population even as a record 331.9 million people reside in the U.S.

During a press conference this month, Schumer and other Senate Democrats urged ten Senate Republicans to back an amnesty for 3.3 million illegal aliens enrolled and eligible for Obama’s DACA program — providing them with green cards to remain permanently in the U.S. and, eventually, gain naturalized American citizenship.

As part of that plea, Schumer said an amnesty for millions of illegal aliens is necessary to drive up the U.S. population and low birth rates among Americans.

“… we have a population that is not reproducing on its own at the same level that it used to,” Schumer said. “The only way we’re going to have a great future in America is if we welcome and embrace immigrants, the DREAMers, and all of them.”

Schumer also said the Democrats’ “ultimate goal” is to provide amnesty to all 11 to 22 million illegal aliens living across the U.S.


Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, accompanied by House and Senate Democrats, speaks during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, Sept. 6, 2017. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

The suggestion comes as the U.S. population has increased to the highest total in history, hitting 331,893,745 residents in 2021, driven mostly by legal immigration. For comparison, the population in 1970 stood at 203 million residents.

At current legal immigration levels, whereby more than a million foreign nationals are given green cards annually, the nation’s foreign-born population is expected to hit 70 million by 2060. In 1970, the foreign-born population was fewer than ten million.

Likewise, Schumer’s claim that an amnesty for illegal aliens would boost low birth rates among Americans is unlikely as fertility rates among foreign-born Americans have dropped more rapidly than fertility rates among native-born Americans.

“The total fertility rate for all women (immigrant and native-born) in America in 2019 was 1.76. Excluding immigrants, it would be 1.69 — the rate for natives. The difference is .06 children, or a 4 percent increase in overall total fertility rate in the United States,” Center for Immigration Studies research shows, suggesting more immigration would have a minimal impact on the nation’s low birth rate.

Unmentioned by Democrats, as well as many Republican lawmakers, is crafting a national family agenda that would help boost American birth rates. Hungary’s government has implemented such an agenda, focusing on economic initiatives to make it less expensive for parents to raise children while working.

Since 2010, Hungary’s fertility rate has increased from 1.25 to 1.59 births per woman.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here.

Sen. Roger Marshall Seeks to Block Biden’s Reopening Welfare-Dependent Immigration to U.S.

Scott Heins/ISAAC GUZMAN/AFP via Getty Images
Scott Heins/ISAAC GUZMAN/AFP via Getty Images

Sen. Roger Marshall (R-KS) is looking to block President Joe Biden’s reopening of welfare-dependent immigration to the United States after former President Trump had written new regulations to make it more difficult for welfare-dependent foreign nationals to secure green cards.

In early 2020, the Trump administration finalized a federal regulation known as the “public charge” rule that made it less likely for foreign nationals to secure green cards to permanently reside in the U.S. if they had previously used welfare programs like food stamps, Medicaid, or taxpayer-funded housing programs.

Nearly immediately after taking office, Biden threw out the finalized public charge rule imposed by the Trump administration, blowing open the door for welfare-dependent immigration to the U.S., for which American taxpayers will ultimately foot the bill.

Now, Marshall has introduced a Congressional Review Act to ensure that Biden’s reopening of welfare-dependent immigration to the U.S. is blocked. Marshall said in a statement:

Granting citizenship to illegal aliens who would be dependent on federal benefits is a burden that American taxpayers and our national debt cannot afford. … We need to get back to policies like this if our country is going to have any hope at stopping the invasion at our southern border that started when President Biden took office.

RJ Hauman with the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) praised the measure as necessary to protect American taxpayers:

The Biden administration could care less about the ultimate stakeholder in our immigration system — the American people. That doesn’t only apply to a border that is being overrun, however. The public charge rule not only flouts Congress’ intent, it erodes the integrity of the legal immigration system and sticks it to American taxpayers. We encourage Senator Marshall’s colleagues to follow his lead and fight the Biden administration’s radical immigration policy agenda on all fronts. [Emphasis added]

When Trump first issued the Public Charge rule in 2019, polls found that the policy was overwhelmingly popular with Americans. About 6-in-10 Americans said they supported ending welfare-dependent legal immigration, including 56 percent of Hispanics and 71 percent of black Americans.

In 2017, the National Academies of Science noted that state and local taxpayers are billed about $1,600 each year per immigrant to pay for their welfare and revealed that immigrant households consume 33 percent more cash welfare than American citizen households.

A similar Center for Immigration Studies study found that about 63 percent of noncitizen households use at least one form of public welfare, while only about 35 percent of native-born American households are on welfare. This means that noncitizen households use nearly twice as much welfare as native-born American households.

Chart via the Center for Immigration Studies

Every year, the federal government rewards about 1.2 million foreign nationals with green cards to permanently resettle in the U.S. while another 1.4 million foreign nationals secure various temporary work visas to take American jobs.

This massive legal immigration inflow, opposed by the majority of Republican voters, is in addition to the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens who are added to the U.S. population annually.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here

Try the reality that illegal immigrants are routinely given free public housing by the U.S., based on the fact that they are uneducated, unskilled, and largely unemployable. 


President Joe Biden has taken  $2 billion from Americans’ healthcare  programs to help deliver migrant  youths and children to their illegal-migrant parents throughout the  United States, press reports say.


DAINES: You’re on record for pushing for allowing illegal immigrants to receive taxpayer-funded healthcare and for decriminalizing illegal entry into the United States. This coupled with President Biden’s radical plan for granting citizenship to those who are here illegally would potentially lead to hundreds of thousands, if not potentially millions, more people flooding into our country. [Emphasis added]

As you know, in 2016, California passed a law requiring covered Californians to apply for … waivers to allow illegal immigrants to purchase health insurance in the marketplace. This waiver was withdrawn after President Trump’s election. [Emphasis added]

My question is this: Will you attempt to use the waiver authority contained in the Affordable Care Act to grant healthcare benefits to illegal immigrants? [Emphasis added]

Already, taxpayers are forced tsubsidize about $18.5

billion of yearly medical costs for illegal aliens living in the

U.S., according to estimates by Chris Conover, formerly of the

Center for Health Policy and Inequalities Research at Duke




Transcripts released by WikiLeaks of Clinton speeches to Wall Street bankers, for which she received six-figure paychecks, show her praising  the recommendations of the 2010 Simpson- Bowles deficit-reduction commission, which called for sweeping cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid; the elimination of 200,000 federal jobs; a tax on employees’

Report: Biden Is Cutting Medicare Benefits Thru Inflation Reduction Act

WASHINGTON, DC - AUGUST 30: U.S. President Joe Biden meets virtually with FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell and governors and mayors from states and cities impacted by Hurricane Ida in the South Court Auditorium in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building on August 30, 2021 in Washington, DC. The Category 4 hurricane …
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Two economists reported Tuesday in a Wall Street Journal op-ed that President Joe Biden is cutting Medicare benefits through the so-called Inflation Reduction Act, which cuts payments for prescription drugs for seniors.

Casey B. Mulligan and Tomas J. Philipson wrote:

President Biden has accused Republicans of scheming to cut Medicare. In fact it is his signature legislation, the Inflation Reduction Act, that will lead to benefit cuts and premium increases for seniors. Medicare’s popular drug-coverage program is headed for a painful amputation.

The private plans participating in Medicare’s prescription-drug program, known as Part D, currently draw on three sources of revenue to finance prescriptions: out-of-pocket payments from patients, premium payments made by plan members, and subsidies from the federal government. In 2025, under the Inflation Reduction Act, both government subsidies and out-of-pocket payments by patients are scheduled to be cut sharply. The difference will have to be made up by premiums. But the statute inhibits this third revenue source, which is also subsidized, from increasing more than 6%. That’s hardly enough to cover inflation, let alone compensate for the other two revenue losses.

We estimate that beginning in 2025, plan subsidies—specifically, the reinsurance subsidies for the beneficiaries with the most drug spending—will be cut $30 billion, out of revenue that currently totals about $110 billion. With $30 billion less to finance prescription benefits, something will have to give. Plans currently have far too little profit to span the chasm that the Inflation Reduction Act opens between expenses and revenue.

Biden has claimed to want to cut the costs of prescription drugs like insulin, despite canceling — in his first week in office — an executive order by President Trump to lower the prices of insulin and epinephrine.

He and his party also claimed during the midterm elections that Republicans want to eliminate Social Security and Medicare, since Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) wants to reauthorize all federal spending at regular intervals.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). He is the author of the recent e-book, Neither Free nor Fair: The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election. His recent book, RED NOVEMBER, tells the story of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary from a conservative perspective. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.

Biden’s HHS Nominee Does Not Rule Out Taxpayer-Funded Healthcare for Illegal Aliens



President Joe Biden’s nominee to lead the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, dodged a question on whether he would push to provide American taxpayer-funded healthcare benefits to illegal aliens.

This week, during a hearing before the Senate Finance Committee, Becerra was asked by Senator Steve Daines (R-MT) about his previous support for decriminalizing illegal immigration and providing illegal aliens with taxpayer-funded healthcare benefits.

Becerra, though, dodged the question by saying he would follow the parameters of the Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare, which he said allows “very rare” cases of illegal aliens to receive benefits.

The exchange went as follows:

DAINES: You’re on record for pushing for allowing illegal immigrants to receive taxpayer-funded healthcare and for decriminalizing illegal entry into the United States. This coupled with President Biden’s radical plan for granting citizenship to those who are here illegally would potentially lead to hundreds of thousands, if not potentially millions, more people flooding into our country. [Emphasis added]

As you know, in 2016, California passed a law requiring covered Californians to apply for … waivers to allow illegal immigrants to purchase health insurance in the marketplace. This waiver was withdrawn after President Trump’s election. [Emphasis added]

My question is this: Will you attempt to use the waiver authority contained in the Affordable Care Act to grant healthcare benefits to illegal immigrants? [Emphasis added]

BECERRA: Senator, I can tell you that where the law, as it stands now as I see it, it does not allow those who are unauthorized in this country to receive taxpayer-paid benefits except in very rare circumstances and it will be my job to make sure that we are following and enforcing the law. And I can commit to you that that is what we will do. [Emphasis added]

In a letter to Biden, 11 Senate Republicans and 64 House Republicans asked the president to withdraw Becerra’s nomination to be HHS Secretary, citing his support for taxpayer-funded healthcare benefits for illegal aliens, among other issues.

“Mr. Becerra seeks to decriminalize illegal immigration, which would extend expensive government benefits like Medicaid to anyone who illegally crosses our borders,” the letter states.

A Politico report this week suggested Becerra is eyeing plans to provide illegal aliens with taxpayer-funded healthcare benefits should he lead HHS.

“He’s one of those individuals that had exceedingly deep convictions about the need to cover the undocumented individuals in all of our communities,” former Rep. Charles Gonzalez (D-TX) told Politico of Becerra.

Should Becerra become HHS Secretary, he could let illegal aliens onto Obamacare exchanges while pressuring states to pursue similar policies to those in California. Likewise, Becerra could open Obamacare exchanges to particular subgroups of illegal aliens, like those enrolled in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

As Breitbart News reported, forcing taxpayers to provide healthcare to all illegal aliens would cost citizens anywhere between $23 billion to $66 billion every single year — potentially a $660 billion bill for taxpayers every decade, without adjusting for inflation and the increasing number of illegal aliens.

Cost is only the first issue facing taxpayers. Medical experts have admitted providing healthcare to illegal aliens would ensure a never-ending flood of illegal aliens arriving at the southern border with “serious health problems” and local hospitals would have to cover the costs.

Already, taxpayers are forced to subsidize about $18.5 billion of yearly medical costs for illegal aliens living in the U.S., according to estimates by Chris Conover, formerly of the Center for Health Policy and Inequalities Research at Duke University.

When U.S. voters were polled by CNN on the issue in July 2019, nearly 6-in-10 said they were opposed to such a policy, including 63 percent of swing voters and 61 percent of self-described “moderates.”

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here


Study: Amnesty Will Cost ‘Hundreds of Billions’


President Joe Biden’s amnesty plan will spike Social Security

spending by “hundreds of billions” over the next few decades,

according to a forecast by the Center for Immigration Studies


The February 22 report, titled “Amnesty Would Cost the Social Security and Medicare Trust Funds Hundreds of Billions of Dollars,” says:

The new taxes paid by the average amnesty recipient amount to only half of the $94,500 noted above. The net effect of amnesty is therefore $140,330 [in Social Security benefits] minus $47,250 [in paid taxes], which is about $93,000 per recipient. In any large-scale amnesty, in which millions of illegal immigrants gain legal status, it is easy to see how the net cost could reach into the hundreds of billions of dollars.

The predicted $93,000 per person cost would be a financial burden for taxpayers — but would be a giveaway to business groups because the Social Security payments will be converted into purchases of consumer products, healthcare services, medical drugs, apartments, and food.

At least 11 million people — perhaps 20 million — are living illegally in the United States. The number rises as people overstay their visas, evade deportation orders, or sneak over the border — but it also falls as some migrants get deported, leave, or find ways to get green cards via the rolling “Adjustment of Status” process.

But taxpayers’ expenses are also economic gains for business groups and investors. In January 2020, a coalition of business groups sued deputies for President Donald Trump after he reduced the inflow of poor migrants into the U.S. consumer market, saying:

Because [green-card applicants] will receive fewer public benefits under the Rule, they will cut back their consumption of goods and services, depressing demand throughout the economy …

The New American Economy Research Fund calculates that, on top of the $48 billion in income that is earned by individuals who will be affected by the Rule—and that will likely be removed from the U.S. economy—the Rule will cause an indirect economic loss of more than $33.9 billion … Indeed, the Fiscal Policy Institute has estimated that the decrease in SNAP and Medicaid enrollment under the Rule could, by itself, lead to economic ripple effects of anywhere between $14.5 and $33.8 billion, with between approximately 100,000 and 230,000 jobs lost … Health centers alone would be forced to drop as many as 6,100 full-time medical staff.

CIS promised a more detailed report:

This is just a rough estimate. We are currently working on a detailed model that will provide more precise costs for both Social Security and Medicare. Again, however, any reasonable calculation will produce a large cost, simply because amnesty will convert so many outside contributors into actual beneficiaries.

For years, a wide variety of pollsters have shown deep and broad opposition to labor migration and to the inflow of temporary contract workers into jobs sought by young U.S. graduates.

The multiracialcross-sexnon-racistclass-basedintra-Democratic, and solidarity-themed opposition to labor migration coexists with generally favorable personal feelings toward legal immigrants and toward immigration in theory — despite the media magnification of many skewed polls and articles that still push the 1950’s corporate “Nation of Immigrants” claim.

The deep public opposition is built on the widespread recognition that migration moves money from employees to employers, from families to investors, from young to old, from children to their parents, from homebuyers to real estate investors, and from the central states to the coastal states.

However, Biden’s officials have been broadcasting their desire to change border policies to help extract more migrants from Central America for the U.S. economy. On February 19, for example, deputies of DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas posted a tweet offering support to migrants illegally working in the United States and to migrants who may wish to live in the United States.

We'll get 1 million-plus Biden migrants this year, warns ex-Obama/DHS official now at Harvard.
The warning includes a weak criticism of the ethnic lobbies & open-borders progressives who are undermining an Ivy League giveaway in the amnesty bill.#H1B

— Neil Munro (@NeilMunroDC) February 22, 2021


Kamala Harris: Medicare for All Includes Illegal Aliens

Harris, a guest on CNN's "State of the Union," said "I support Medicare for all. It is my preferred policy." She said she supports the bill introduced by Sen. Bernie Sanders.



"This is country belongs to Mexico" is said by the Mexican Militant. This is a common teaching that the U.S. is really AZTLAN, belonging to Mexicans, which is taught to Mexican kids in Arizona and California through a LA Raza educational program funded by American Tax Payers via President Obama, when he gave LA RAZA $800,000.00 in March of 2009!


California Democrats Lobby to Give Health Insurance to All Illegal Aliens



Democrats in California are lobbying Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) to expand the state’s health insurance program to all illegal alien residents.

Newsom introduced as part of his budget plan an expansion of the state’s health insurance program that would allow elderly illegal aliens 60 or older to become eligible for coverage. The cost to taxpayers is estimated at nearly $860 million.

Democrats, though, said Newsom’s plan does not go far enough and that the state should make all illegal alien residents eligible for coverage. California is home to at least three million illegal aliens.

The Los Angeles Times reports:

“Our ultimate goal is everyone,” state Sen. Maria Elena Durazo (D-Los Angeles) said of pushing for more coverage. “I think we are in the best position than we have ever been to make more significant process than we ever have. We are going to keep on pushing to include more uninsured.” [Emphasis added]

California’s Medi-Cal system already covers young immigrants until they turn 26. The state first offered Medi-Cal coverage to children living in the country illegally through the age of 18 in 2016. Last year, young adults were eligible for coverage after California expanded the age cut-off so that it mirrored that of the Affordable Care Act, which allows a person to remain on a parent’s health insurance plan until turning 26. At the time, Newsom called the expanded eligibility the “right thing to do.” [Emphasis added]

“Everyone has been talking for the past year or more about how certain communities were disproportionally impacted by the pandemic, such as undocumented and low-income Californians,” said Sarah Dar, the director of health and public benefits policy at the California Immigrant Policy Center. “Now, with the $75 billion, we have to fix those structural issues and ensure the safety net programs help all communities. Now is the time to do as much as we can.” [Emphasis added]

Earlier this month, State Assemblymember Miguel Santiago (D) introduced legislation to effectively drive healthcare migration to the state of California with a plan that would allow adults to add their elderly illegal alien parents as dependents to their health insurance coverage.

The California Health Benefits Review Program admitted that the plan would likely ensure that foreign nationals in Mexico and Central America with health problems would migrate to California to secure coverage.

“Although there are administrative hurdles relating to receiving care in the United States for a dependent parent residing in Mexico or Canada, the opportunity to receive care in the United States would be very attractive, especially for those with high-risk conditions,” the analysis notes.

Today, Americans are forced to subsidize about $18.5 billion of yearly medical costs for illegal aliens living in the U.S., according to estimates by Chris Conover, formerly of the Center for Health Policy and Inequalities Research at Duke University.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here.

Joe Biden Diverts Healthcare Cash to Help


Illegal Migrants



President Joe Biden has taken  $2 billion from Americans’ healthcare  programs to help deliver migrant  youths and children to their illegal-migrant parents throughout the  United States, press reports say.

“The Department of Health and Human Services [HHS] has diverted more than $2 billion meant for other health initiatives toward covering the cost of caring for unaccompanied immigrant children,” Politico reported May 15. The article continued:

The redirected funds include $850 million that Congress originally allocated to rebuild the nation’s Strategic National Stockpile, the emergency medical reserve strained by the Covid-19 response. Another $850 million is being taken from a pot intended to help expand coronavirus testing, according to three people with knowledge of the matter.

In addition to transferring money from the Strategic National Stockpile and Covid-19 testing, HHS also has pulled roughly $436 million from a range of existing health initiatives across the department.

The program costs are expected to reach almost $9 billion by October according to a leaked report in the New York Times.

The transfer of funding to the growing population of more than 50,000 foreign children and youths means fewer resources for lower-profile American kids, as their diverse American parents are damaged by the Chinese virus, cheap labor migration, job losses, housing costs, drugs, or homelessness.


The Politico report follows the leak of a government report to the May 10 New York Times.  The leaked report showed how the HHS agency expects to spend almost $9 billion by October to implement Biden’s decision to import the youths and children of U.S.-based illegal migrants.

“Current projections show [a] preliminary budget estimate of $8.6b for FY21,” said the briefing for officials in HHS. It continued:

With existing resources, a shortfall (of 366m) occurs in May and grows quickly through July with an overall project shortfall in excess of $4 billion

OMB approved an additional transfer from HHS resources to the UC [UAC] programing the amount of $850 million this week. This funding is not reflecting in this morning balance — will be added once [the] execution process is complete. There may be [an] additional $846.5 million available in future weeks. This will mitigate but not fully resolve the project budget shortfall.

The HHS spending does not including spending — or diverted resources — at other agencies, such as the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK) and Rep. Chuck Fleischmann (R-TN) are the top Republicans on the panels overseeing federal spending at HHS and the DHS. Their offices did not respond to emails from Breitbart News.

Since January, roughly 50,000 youths and children have been accepted at the border by the government-run program, which replaced President Donald Trump’s policy of flying the youths and children back to their homes in Central America.

Biden declined to use the judge-approved option of flying the arriving youths and children back to their distant homes. Strong majorities of swing voters blame Biden, not Trump, for the unpopular migration crisis.

“The $2.13 billion in diverted money exceeds the government’s annual budget for the unaccompanied children program in each of the last two fiscal years,” Politico reported.

But the overall migration is an economic stimulus for Biden’s business donors because the migrants inflate rents and stimulate federal, state, and local spending.

Most of the 50,000 “children” are actually older teenage boys, many of whom will take jobs at low wages to repay their smuggling debts and support relatives in Central American countries.

But even children are an economic stimulus for Biden’s business donors because they inflate rents and because they stimulate federal, state, and local spending, for example, on K-12 education programs.

Biden’s delivery of the incoming youths and children also helps to keep their illegal migrant parents in the United States amid pressure from their distant families to return home.  For example, a New York Times May 6 report noted 51 percent of the UACs released in the prior week were handed over to parents or step-parents. Another 38 percent were handed over to immediate relatives, some of whom may have been fronting for nearby illegal migrant parents who declined to come forward.

May 13 tweet by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) cited federal data for 1029 that said 79 percent of sponsors were “without [legal] status.”

The migration also creates a new generation of illegal migrants for business groups and progressive Democrats to champion instead of poor or disadvantaged Americans, just as Democrats now cheerlead for the “DACA” illegals.

Biden’s policy is being implemented by Alejandro Mayorkas, a Cuban-born child refugee who runs the Department of Homeland Security. Mayorkas frequently claims the United States is a “Nation of Immigrants,” not of Americans. He frequently argues the nation’s values require Americans to accept many migrants, poor or rich, old or young, as if there is no economic or civic cost to Americans from the inflow of foreign migrants.

The federal delivery of children to their illegal migrant parents, after their handoff at the border by cartel-controlled coyotes, has been an open secret in Washington, DC, for at least six years.

The secret federal cooperation with the coyotes and the cartels stopped when President Donald Trump used his emergency authority in 2020 to send the migrants home when they arrived at the border.  The cooperation has been accelerated by President Biden as his deputies seek to extract more wage-cutting workers, taxpayer-supported consumers, and high-occupancy renters from Central American into the United States.

“We’re complicit as a nation in human trafficking,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said at a March 26 press conference in Texas with 17 other GOP senators.

Want some perspective on why so many blue sanctuary cities have so many homeless encampments hovering around?

Try the reality that illegal immigrants are routinely given free public housing by the U.S., based on the fact that they are uneducated, unskilled, and largely unemployable. Those are the criteria, and now importing poverty has never been easier. Shockingly, this comes as millions of poor Americans are out in the cold awaiting that housing that the original law was intended to help.

Thus, the tent cities, and by coincidence, the worst of these emerging shantytowns are in blue sanctuary cities loaded with illegal immigrants - Orange County, San Francisco, San Diego, Seattle, New York...Is there a connection? At a minimum, it's worth looking at.                           MONICA SHOWALTER




Biden’s HHS Nominee Does Not Rule Out Taxpayer-Funded Healthcare for Illegal Aliens


President Joe Biden’s nominee to lead the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, dodged a question on whether he would push to provide American taxpayer-funded healthcare benefits to illegal aliens.

This week, during a hearing before the Senate Finance Committee, Becerra was asked by Senator Steve Daines (R-MT) about his previous support for decriminalizing illegal immigration and providing illegal aliens with taxpayer-funded healthcare benefits.

Becerra, though, dodged the question by saying he would follow the parameters of the Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare, which he said allows “very rare” cases of illegal aliens to receive benefits.

The exchange went as follows:

DAINES: You’re on record for pushing for allowing illegal immigrants to receive taxpayer-funded healthcare and for decriminalizing illegal entry into the United States. This coupled with President Biden’s radical plan for granting citizenship to those who are here illegally would potentially lead to hundreds of thousands, if not potentially millions, more people flooding into our country. [Emphasis added]

As you know, in 2016, California passed a law requiring covered Californians to apply for … waivers to allow illegal immigrants to purchase health insurance in the marketplace. This waiver was withdrawn after President Trump’s election. [Emphasis added]

My question is this: Will you attempt to use the waiver authority contained in the Affordable Care Act to grant healthcare benefits to illegal immigrants? [Emphasis added]

BECERRA: Senator, I can tell you that where the law, as it stands now as I see it, it does not allow those who are unauthorized in this country to receive taxpayer-paid benefits except in very rare circumstances and it will be my job to make sure that we are following and enforcing the law. And I can commit to you that that is what we will do. [Emphasis added]

In a letter to Biden, 11 Senate Republicans and 64 House Republicans asked the president to withdraw Becerra’s nomination to be HHS Secretary, citing his support for taxpayer-funded healthcare benefits for illegal aliens, among other issues.

“Mr. Becerra seeks to decriminalize illegal immigration, which would extend expensive government benefits like Medicaid to anyone who illegally crosses our borders,” the letter states.

A Politico report this week suggested Becerra is eyeing plans to provide illegal aliens with taxpayer-funded healthcare benefits should he lead HHS.

“He’s one of those individuals that had exceedingly deep convictions about the need to cover the undocumented individuals in all of our communities,” former Rep. Charles Gonzalez (D-TX) told Politico of Becerra.

Should Becerra become HHS Secretary, he could let illegal aliens onto Obamacare exchanges while pressuring states to pursue similar policies to those in California. Likewise, Becerra could open Obamacare exchanges to particular subgroups of illegal aliens, like those enrolled in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

As Breitbart News reported, forcing taxpayers to provide healthcare to all illegal aliens would cost citizens anywhere between $23 billion to $66 billion every single year — potentially a $660 billion bill for taxpayers every decade, without adjusting for inflation and the increasing number of illegal aliens.

Cost is only the first issue facing taxpayers. Medical experts have admitted providing healthcare to illegal aliens would ensure a never-ending flood of illegal aliens arriving at the southern border with “serious health problems” and local hospitals would have to cover the costs.

Already, taxpayers are forced to subsidize about $18.5 billion of yearly medical costs for illegal aliens living in the U.S., according to estimates by Chris Conover, formerly of the Center for Health Policy and Inequalities Research at Duke University.

When U.S. voters were polled by CNN on the issue in July 2019, nearly 6-in-10 said they were opposed to such a policy, including 63 percent of swing voters and 61 percent of self-described “moderates.”

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here



Why is Biden releasing thousands of Covid-positive migrants into the country?

By Patricia McCarthy

The answer to that question may be in his absurd speech on Thursday when he said “we may have to reinstate the lockdown restrictions” if… If what?  What if the migrants the Biden Administration is allowing to come across the southern border without being tested, even if showing symptoms, then given bus tickets to any American city they hope to reach, is a grand plan to spread this flu throughout the country again in order to reinstate all the unconstitutional restrictions to which millions of Americans willingly submitted?  Chances are that the powers that be never dreamed so many people would give up their freedom to work, shop, eat, go to movies, vacation, have their kids in school, etc. without a fuss… but they did.  

The carefully calculated, thoroughly propagandistic fearmongering the media has done over the past year in service of the left was embarrassingly effective.  Too many Americans have lost the ability to question authority and have accepted the covid “mandates” as if we are all subjects of a benevolent oligarchy.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  This past year has been about several things:

(1) defeat Trump by any means necessary, no matter how illegal;

(2) use this flu, a variation of Sars-2 to do it;

(3) convince the citizens of the world that this flu is a death sentence so they will comply with any and all restrictions on their basic freedoms;

(4) proscribe any and all existing effective treatments for this flu – HCQ, Ivermectin, for example, both inexpensive and widely available;

(5) make disobeying any of the mandated restrictions a crime; maskless people and those who choose not to be vaccinated, must be rendered outcasts and/or criminals.  That pretty much sums up where we are today. 

The left thinks it has won and it seems perhaps they have but as usual they are overstepping.  So jubilant at their bare majority in the House and Senate, they seem to think they’ve achieved power in perpetuity.  They successfully rigged the 2020 election, blatantly, and got away with it.  If they pass their HR-1, the “election reform” bill, they will have cemented vote fraud in stone.  That’s their plan.  

And how easy it will be since they have at least half the population scared to death of a manipulated seasonal flu, ready to cower in self-quarantine to survive.  The teachers’ unions have successfully won billions of dollars in “covid relief” without ever having to go back to work.  They want to make virtual school the new normal!  

And these are the people, like the ever-invidious Nancy Pelosi who are always claiming their every move is “for the children.”  Yeah. Right.  They could not care less about anyone’s children but their own.  They’ve proven that over and over and over again.  

At this moment they are importing hundreds of thousands of migrants from all over the world through the now porous southern border that Trump had gained control of, many of them with Covid.  

They desperately want to re-impose all the lockdown restrictions.  They are drunk with power over our daily lives.

But here’s the thing!  Covid is no death sentence.  It is preventable and treatable with inexpensive drugs that have been around for decades.  The vaccine is unnecessary.  They are not even vaccines in the true sense of that word.  These vaccines are actually “hacking the software of life.”  Masks are unnecessary and actually dangerous. The lockdowns were just a purposeful power grab to punish all the small businesses who the left assumed supported President Trump who had so successfully energized the economy.

They are basking in their success at stealing the election, putting millions of Trump supporters out of business.  They’ve further ramped up racial divisions even beyond Obama’s wildest dreams and thoroughly tanked the economies of California and New York.  

China, the “man behind the curtain” of all of this, is laughing its way to global domination with the obedient acquiescence of the Biden administration and his party that is clearly willing to sell out the United States for their own personal financial gain.  

Biden, or whoever is calling the administration’s shots, is sending migrants into the vast reaches of the American interior on purpose.  It’s part of their plan to create a new covid surge so they can then shut us all down again.  Will we the people stand for a replay of what was an effective coup d’etat?  

As the Democrats plot to disarm those of us who revere the Second Amendment, they may be skating on thin ice, overplaying their ill-gotten hand.  But their agenda is obvious.  The handwriting is on the wall people.  The leftists have a plan and they are sticking to it.  Now is the time for all good people to come to the aid of their country.

House Democrats Urge Joe Biden to Give Obamacare to DACA Recipients

Joe Raedle/Getty Images


30 Jan 2021121


Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX) and 93 other House Democrats are urging President Joe Biden to give Obamacare benefits to Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA) recipients.

Castro and the 93 other House Democrats signed a letter Tuesday pressing for the change as part of the response to the coronavirus pandemic, claiming it would benefit not only those in the DACA program, but also the general public, NBC News reported.

The letter was addressed to Biden and Acting Secretary of Health and Human Services Norris Cochran.

Castro said in the letter:

Access to Covid-19 testing and treatment for DACA recipients and their U.S. citizen children is absolutely critical during this pandemic, particularly for the 202,500 DACA recipients employed as essential workers on the front lines to keep our country healthy and running.

Under current rules, DACA recipients cannot enroll in Obamacare because they are not considered “lawfully present.” Castro argued that DACA recipients are treated as “lawfully present” for other federal benefits and urged the Biden administration to revoke the rule.

Whether House members plan to enact legislation to this effect or just want Biden to introduce an executive order on the subject is unclear.

Some Republicans say the effort will not pass Congress if Democrats try to introduce it as legislation.

“He’s doubling down on putting American taxpayers last by giving free health care to DACA recipients, when he should be solely focused on the most urgent health issue of our time: getting every American vaccinated,” Lauren Fine, a spokeswoman for Republican House Whip Steve Scalise told Fox News Friday.

“An expansion of ObamaCare to DACA recipients won’t pass Congress and is wasting time he should be spending on leading us out of the Coronavirus crisis and reopening our economy,” Fine added.

If Castro’s push is successful, the move would be another expansion of benefits the Biden administration would be providing to illegal aliens.

The DACA program, which was started in 2012 during the Obama administration, allowed illegal aliens who came to the country as young children to work or go to school while they legally remained in the country.

Former President Donald Trump repeatedly tried to end DACA, but the Supreme Court rebuffed his efforts.


Joe Biden Orders Aid, Benefits for Migrants



2 Feb 2021286


President Joe Biden will sign three migration-related Executive Orders on Tuesday, including one directing deputies to consider offering legal entry to illegal immigrants who used their children to cross the border during President Donald Trump’s tenure, say press reports.

The Washington Post reported statements made by officials to selected reporters Monday evening:

Government officials said they had not settled on a single legal status that would be given to returning parents, adding that families could receive different visas or legal protections depending on their cases.

The briefing was used to frame media coverage of the three orders that Biden will sign Tuesday. The New York Times outlined:

Officials said that could include providing visas or other legal means of entry to parents who have been deported back to their home countries. Or it could involve sending children who are living in the United States back to those countries to be with their parents. They said each case would be looked at separately.

“The official said each family would be evaluated on an ‘individual basis,’ taking into account the ‘preference of the family … and the well-being of children,'” according to NBC.

The giveaway is aimed at the roughly 5,500 families who were temporarily divided when the children who were brought over the border were held in shelters. At the same time, the adults were separated and prosecuted for violating the nation’s border laws.

Democrats used the “separated kids” theme to rally liberal opposition to President Donald Trump’s efforts to block southern migration, which included almost one million people in 2019. That migrant wave included many people who brought their children to help them open catch and release loopholes in border rules.

Biden’s offer of benefits for “separated families” is being played up by sympathetic reporters at many outlets and helps to minimize discussion about the broader impact of the pending Executive Orders.

The White House officials downplayed the immediate consequences of the three Executive Orders. The New York Times said:

Senior administration officials said Monday night that most of Mr. Biden’s directives on Tuesday would not make immediate changes. Rather, they are intended to give officials at the Department of Homeland Security, the Justice Department and the State Department time to evaluate how best to undo the policies.

National Public Radio reported:

The executive actions make clear that rolling back former President Donald Trump’s hardline immigration measures won’t happen overnight. In fact, more actions are almost certain to follow, officials told reporters on a preview call about the measures.

“It takes time to review everything, so we are starting with these right now, but that doesn’t mean it’s the end of it,” one of the officials said.

But the orders could have a dramatic impact over the next few years.

For example, one order directs the Department of Homeland Security to remove barriers to migration, such as Trump’s “Public Charge” test. The test bars green cards to poor migrants who would need government support to prosper in the United States.

Another order directs officials to create a new pipeline of migrants from Central America to Americans’ workplaces and communities.

Also, the offer of benefits to people who brought their children to get through loopholes creates another incentive for millions of poor people to bring their children as they head north to get jobs — or even legal status — under Biden’s looser policies.

Those policies would further encourage low-skill migration that would spike workplace competition for blue-collar Americans and boosting government aid for poor migrants. That migration would benefit investors, who gain from cheap workers, reduced need for automation, and greater government spending.

The media reports downplayed Biden’s encouragement of migration with the claimed goal of raising economic incentives for migrants to stay in their home countries.

Unlike Trump and his pro-American policies, Biden and his deputies are determined to share Americans’ resources with foreign migrants on the claims of “fairness” and “humanity.”

“President Biden’s approach is to deal with immigration comprehensively, fairly, and humanely,” CNN reported.

For years, a wide variety of pollsters have shown deep and broad opposition to labor migration — or the hiring of temporary contract workers into the jobs sought by young U.S. graduates. The multiracialcross-sexnon-racistclass-basedpriority-driven, and solidarity-themed opposition to labor migration coexists with generally favorable personal feelings toward legal immigrants and toward immigration in theory.

The deep public opposition is built on the widespread recognition that migration moves money from employees to employers, from families to investors, from young to old, from children to their parents, from homebuyers to real estate investors, and from the central states to the coastal states.

NYTimes revives old claim: Americans should get the blame for illegal migration b/c they won't OK endless migration into their national labor market.
This claim is elite BS – and is proven wrong by 1990 immig law. But Biden, GW Bush & WSJ also push it.

— Neil Munro (@NeilMunroDC) January 31, 2021


Steve Scalise: Vaccinating Illegals Before Americans ‘a Slap in the Face’


House Republican Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) said in a statement Tuesday that President Joe Biden handing out vaccines to illegal immigrants before U.S. citizens should be considered a “slap in the face” to millions of Americans waiting for the coronavirus vaccine.

Scalise, the ranking member of the Select Committee on the Coronavirus Crisis, released a statement after Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced Monday that the agency would provide “equal access to the COVID-19 vaccines” for “undocumented immigrants.”

“It is a moral and public health imperative to ensure that all individuals residing in the United States have access to the vaccine. DHS encourages all individuals, regardless of immigration status, to receive the COVID-19 vaccine once eligible under local distribution guidelines,” the DHS explained in a statement Monday.

DHS continued:

To reach underserved and rural communities, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), in collaboration with federal partners, will coordinate efforts to establish and support fixed facilities, pop-up or temporary vaccination sites, and mobile vaccination clinics. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and U.S. Customs and Border Protection will not conduct enforcement operations at or near vaccine distribution sites or clinics. Consistent with ICE’s long-standing sensitive locations policy, ICE does not and will not carry out enforcement operations at or near health care facilities, such as hospitals, doctors’ offices, accredited health clinics, and emergent or urgent care facilities, except in the most extraordinary of circumstances.

Scalise said that this move amounts to a slap in the face for Americans waiting to get the vaccine.

He said:

President Biden’s plan to vaccinate illegal immigrants ahead of Americans who are currently being denied the COVID-19 vaccine is a slap in the face to millions of hard-working families who have been waiting months for the vaccine and expect Washington leaders to be looking out for them. This pattern of President Biden putting non-citizens ahead of American citizens is even more disturbing after last week’s actions that put foreign jobs over American jobs; now he is making Americans wait to get the vaccine behind people who came here illegally. Even worse, this comes on top of the recent exposure of the Biden administration’s original plan to prioritize vaccinating terrorists at Guantanamo Bay over Americans here at home. It is time that President Biden puts Americans first when it comes to protecting the hard-working families who are counting on Washington to put them first.

“President Biden must abandon this ridiculous plan and instead focus on getting the elderly, the vulnerable, frontline workers, and other essential Americans vaccinated as quickly as possible,” Scalise added.

Sean Moran is a congressional reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SeanMoran3.


House Democrats Seek to Include Amnesty for Illegal Aliens in Coronavirus Relief Package


About 100 House Democrats are urging House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to include an amnesty for certain subgroups of illegal aliens in a relief package for Americans impacted by the Chinese coronavirus crisis.

The group of House Democrats, led by the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, want to include an amnesty for at least five million illegal aliens who consider themselves “essential workers” and who are recipients of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) programs. The letter states:

As you continue to work on assembling a COVID-19 reconciliation package and begin work on an economic recovery and jobs package, we urge you to include a pathway to citizenship for essential immigrant workers, Dreamers, and TPS holders, as well as their families, in order to ensure a robust recovery that is inclusive and equitable for all Americans regardless of their immigration status.

Read the full letter here:


Letter to Speaker Pelosi an… by John Binder

The amnesty would pack the United States labor market with millions of newly legalized illegal aliens who would be allowed to legally compete for jobs against 18 million unemployed Americans and another 6.2 million Americans who are underemployed.

Eventually, those legalized by the amnesty would be put on a path to obtaining American citizenship. The House Democrats claim the amnesty would boost U.S. wages, though a tightened labor market with reduced foreign competition against Americans has proven to spike salaries.

“A pathway to citizenship for undocumented essential workers would raise the wage floor and in turn benefit all workers, beyond direct beneficiaries,” the House Democrats write.

The proposal comes as President Joe Biden’s administration has put forth an amnesty plan that would allow nearly the entire illegal alien population — between 11 and 22 million foreign nationals — to eventually obtain American citizenship.

Thus far, 28 of the most vulnerable House Democrats have stayed silent on whether they would support such a proposal at a time of mass unemployment.

Every year more than 1.2 million legal immigrants are awarded green cards, another 1.4 million foreign nationals are given visas, and hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens are added to the U.S. population. Wall Street, the big business lobby, and Big Tech have lobbied for years for an amnesty and an increase in legal immigration levels to boost their profit margins by cutting labor costs through U.S. job outsourcing.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at

Almost half of cancer patients in the US deplete entire life assets by second year of treatment


After a colon cancer diagnosis, Deb Genetin, a 57-year-old resident of Springfield, Ohio, just outside Dayton, was denied a life-saving surgery at Mercy Health hospital because, in the words of the hospital, her “financing wasn’t in place.” Genetin has not had health insurance in 10 years and makes only $20,000 a year as an administrative assistant in a law firm.

Last month, Genetin told the Times-Reporter, “They never told me how much money they needed, how much money I had to come up with. It was just a ‘No.’” Genetin had previously applied for financial aid through Mercy Health but was rejected. Genetin then sought cheaper care at Ohio Valley Surgical Hospital, where she received the necessary surgery.

A team of surgeons operate on a patient [Source:]

While Genetin is currently cancer-free and now has health insurance, she is struggling to both meet her payments and pay off medical debt. “I had to drop my hours and my income to get [health insurance] and now I struggle to pay the house payment,” she told reporters.

Genetin is one of thousands of cancer patients in the United States who struggle to afford adequate treatment. In the last decade, researchers and physicians have begun to further explore the patient-level financial and health consequences of high-cost cancer treatment.

A 2018 study from the American Journal of Medicine (AJM), titled “ Death or Debt? National Estimates of Financial Toxicity in Persons with Newly-Diagnosed Cancer, ” evaluate d the extent of financial damage caused by a cancer diagnoses in the United States. The study ’ s large sample size of 9.5 million is a significant extension of previous studies that gathered data on a smaller or state level. The data was pulled from the Health and Retirement Study sponsored by the National Institute on Aging and Social Security Administration. Data was collected from 1998 to 2014 on people over 50 years old.

Inclusion criteria for the AJM study involved new cancer diagnoses of any type excluding minor skin cancer. Based on the year of diagnosis, a baseline financial value was gathered from two years before the diagnosis to act as a control. The trajectory of the patient’s finances was examined at two years and four years following the initial diagnosis. Changes in the patient’s net worth were calculated based on total wealth, a figure including assets and properties and subtracting debts such as mortgages and consumer debt.

The study found that 42.4 percent of the 9,527,522 new diagnoses of cancer between 2000 and 2012 had lost their entire life’s assets by year two. A further thirty-eight percent had depleted their life assets by year four. The average net worth by year two was $92,098, depleted from the average initial net worth of $644,031.

Large decreases of net worth were seen among those with both worsening and improving cancer status. The largest overall decreases were seen in patients over 75 years old with an average loss of $115,000. Comorbidities such as hypertension, current smoker, and lung disease increased the odds of total net worth depletion. Those with Medicaid as compared to private insurance were independently associated with financial losses at year two and four.

This is not a new phenomenon. In 2013, cancer physicians and researchers wrote a two-part manuscript, “Financial Toxicity: A New Name for a Growing Problem” in which they coined a new term, “Financial Toxicity,” to describe the patient-level financial impact of cancer care. The term encompasses both the objective financial burden on the individual and society as well as the subjective experience of financial strain during a period of illness and healing. The inclusion of the word “toxicity” in the term is carefully chosen, as researchers have found that the financial stress of cancer treatment is a risk factor for mortality.

In a study titled “Financial Insolvency as a Risk Factor for Early Mortality Among Patients With Cancer” published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology in 2016, authors Scott D. Ramsey, Aasthaa Bansal and Polly Newcomb linked cancer registry records with federal bankruptcy records. A previous study by the same researchers showed that individuals with cancer are two and a half times more likely to file for bankruptcy compared to those without cancer. With this knowledge, the results of the 2016 study are all the more shocking.

While results varied based on the type of cancer, those who filed for bankruptcy after a diagnosis of breast, lung, colorectal or prostate cancer had significantly higher mortality rates. Patients suffering from prostate cancer who filed for bankruptcy were twice as likely to die. The risk of mortality was 2.5 times as high among patients with colorectal cancer who filed for bankruptcy compared to those who did not. While bankruptcy is at the extreme end of financial desperation, other studies have also found an association between high out-of-pocket costs and poor clinical outcomes.

There is no one reason for the correlation between financial toxicity and poor clinical outcomes. Financial insecurity may lead patients to seek out underfunded hospitals where risks of infection or medical errors may be higher. Patients may skip doses of medications or cut pills in half to stretch their prescriptions, in some cases resulting in subtherapeutic, and thereby insufficient, blood levels of medications.

Patients forced to handle large out-of-pocket costs are also more likely to forgo or delay necessary treatments. Cancer patients often work longer hours or cancel vacations to cover medical expenses sacrificing periods of rest and putting undue stress on their bodies during a period of healing. Many lose their jobs after long hospitalizations, or cannot work due to lowered immune systems or fatigue, further dragging them into debt and financial distress. For many, extra expenses for healthy food or even safe, comfortable housing is cut in order to pay for treatment.

In the US, cancer is one of the most expensive diseases to treat, second only to heart disease.

According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), many chemotherapy agents cost more than $10,000 a month. Many treatment regimens require multiple chemotherapy drugs working in tandem, increasing the cost two- or threefold. And the cost is growing as new pharmacological breakthroughs and treatments carry impossible price tags.

Immunotherapy, for example, is a groundbreaking new treatment that activates the body’s immune system to fight cancer cells. It has been approved in the US and elsewhere as a first-line treatment for many types of cancer. While typical chemotherapy kills all cells, immunotherapy is more precise, sparing healthy cells resulting in fewer side effects and a higher quality of life during treatment. Immunotherapy also capitalizes on the immune system’s ability to continuously adapt in order to kill even the most rapidly changing cancer cells. Relapse rates are reduced with immunotherapy because the immune system has “memory,” and it can remember cancerous cells and fight them if the cancer returns.

While the development of immunotherapy is a result of decades of scientific research across the world—most of which took place in publicly funded institutions—the final, packaged, life-saving product, is only available to a select few. Without insurance, immunotherapy costs roughly $100,000 per person when taken for a year. Like chemotherapy, immunotherapy is often used in combination, which doubles or triples the cost. One immunotherapy agent, named Kymriah, used as a one-time dose to treat refractory non-Hodgkin lymphoma and B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia, costs $475,000.

Recent lawsuits against major pharmaceutical companies have shown that the cost of high-priced drugs are not simply a product of research and development—as companies claim—nor are the profits they generate used to fund future innovation. Instead, profits are funneled into stock buybacks, boosting the company’s stock profiles and increasing the wealth of the executives.

Even with private insurance, many patients are denied coverage for immunotherapy or forced to cover up to 25 percent of the cost. Furthermore, drug costs are just one aspect of cancer treatment. Hospitalization, teams of specialists, new advancements in imaging, surgery and radiotherapy collectively contribute to a systemic rise in cancer treatment cost that shoots past the rate of inflation. At the same time, average deductible costs for job-based health insurance have increased from $376 in 2006 to $1,300 in 2019. In a country where 70 percent of people live paycheck-to-paycheck, a single overnight stay in the hospital could deplete a family’s savings.

Young adults, while less likely to be diagnosed with cancer, face an even higher chance of financial ruin after diagnoses. With insufficient savings accounts, student debt, lower-income jobs and lack of eligibility for Medicare, young adult cancer survivors begin their lives buried in debt, many relying on crowdsourcing websites like GoFundMe or private charities to stay afloat.

The upsurge in research on the financial impact of cancer treatment has spurred many health care workers to advocate for screening patients for financial toxicity as well as initiating open conversations about the financial stress of treatment. However, aside from connecting patients with resources like private charities that cover a limited portion of treatment costs, conversations and awareness about financial toxicity are not a solution, as the problem finds its source in the capitalist system and the historic levels of social inequality that it has produced. Among rich and middle-income countries, the US has some of largest income-related disparities in health care. In the face of a cancer diagnosis, this translates directly to financial ruin and higher mortality among poor and working-class Americans.


Healthcare access has declined in past two decades, despite Obamacare: Study

by Cassidy Morrison

Financial access to healthcare services has declined over the past two decades, despite the implementation of Obamacare and other government insurance programs, according to a new study.

The analysis, published in JAMA Internal Medicine, traces the drop in access to the rise in premiums, deductibles, co-pays, and other costs, which have weighed against higher insurance coverage. It concludes that "over the past 20 years, the proportion of adults aged 18 to 64 years unable to see a physician owing to cost increased, mostly because of an increase among persons with insurance."

The authors, three doctors, interpret the results as evidence in favor of government-financed healthcare.

“With private insurance, we’ve seen significant worsening in the amount that patients are expected to pay, like premiums, deductibles, out-of-pocket costs, co-insurance, and co-pays,” said Dr. Laura Hawks, a researcher at Harvard Medical School and co-author of the report.

The study finds that the share of insured adults who had trouble affording the cost of seeing a physician increased from 7.1% to 11.5% between 1998 and 2017. Meanwhile, insured people with chronic health conditions struggled frequently to pay for visits to specialists. About 1 in 5 patients with a chronic medical condition, such as diabetes or heart disease, said they could not see a doctor because of high costs. In 2017, for instance, the proportion of insured people who have chronic conditions, including heart disease, yet were unable to afford a visit to the doctor was 6.9 percentage points higher than in 1998.

The decline in access has occurred even though health insurance coverage has risen, from 83.1% in 1998 to 85.2% in 2017.

Hawks said government-run health plans, such as Medicaid, give people higher-quality coverage because they lack the same cost-sharing measures as private plans, including premiums and deductibles, that restrict access to health services.

“Our interpretation Is that the increased cost-sharing that’s required for private insurance companies to exist is the reason for these rising costs,” Hawks said. “So, if we were to reform the healthcare system, we’d want it to be universal as well as comprehensive, and the only way we could accomplish this is through a single-payer insurance system.”

Presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren have each proposed Medicare for All healthcare plans, which would eliminate all premiums, deductibles, and co-pays by enrolling everyone living in the United States into a government plan.

Democrats and President Barack Obama enacted Obamacare to provide access to private health insurance for people who did not have employer-provided or government insurance plans. The law did improve access, according to the study. However, a single middle-class earner making about $48,000 or more annually makes too much money to qualify for tax subsidies for premiums, making a private plan through the Obamacare marketplace too expensive for individuals and families.

One of the study's authors, Dr. David Himmelstein, a public health policy professor at the City University of New York and a supporter of “Medicare for all," said Obamacare accomplished a lot but came up short.

“The study is an endorsement of the fact that we need more reform of the healthcare system, but it doesn’t suggest a specific reform,” Himmelstein said. “What it says about [Obamacare] is that it brought more people into the system, but it didn’t fix the system.”

Bottom line, all of these new services for illegal border crossers are bonanzas, not just for the NGOs who benefit, they are benefits for human smuggling rackets, who can now advertise these wares as part of their illegal alien benefit packages and use the news of them to draw more business. Biden is helping that bunch ultimately with these free-hotel contracts even Americans in distress don't get. Cartels will use this incentive to drum up more business.


I Went To Every Single Homeless Camp In Los Angeles

Many Democrats understand that the welfare checks for foreign children will encourage more illegal immigration, he said:

They know what’s going on. But they know that they can’t say what their true goal is, which is actual open borders with open, uncontrolled migration both ways. And this is a step toward getting rid of borders.

“It’s a globalist mindset and it welcomes anything that moves toward open borders,” he concluded.

SCOTUS to Hear Case Challenging Joe Biden’s ‘Sanctuary Country’ Orders

ICE/JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images
ICE/JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) will hear oral arguments in a case where states are seeking to block President Joe Biden’s so-called “sanctuary country” orders from being implemented.

In February 2021, Biden implemented a series of enforcement orders that protect most of the nation’s 11 to 22 million illegal aliens from arrest and deportation by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Specifically, the orders prevent ICE agents from arresting and deporting most illegal aliens in the U.S. unless they are considered a threat to public safety, a threat to national security, or arrived sometime after November 2020.

In August 2021, Judge Drew Tipton of the Southern District of Texas issued a nationwide preliminary injunction, halting the implementation of the orders, after Texas and Louisiana sued the Biden administration. That injunction was put on hold by a three-judge panel in September 2021 but the full 17-judge Fifth Circuit vacated that decision.

On Tuesday, SCOTUS will hear arguments from the Biden administration where they attest that the orders have only “incidental effects” on states in terms of needing more public resources to deal with a growing illegal alien population that is largely exempt from arrest and deportation.

“… a State may not sue the federal government based on such indirect, derivative effects,” the Biden administration is set to argue:

Federal policies routinely have incidental effects on States’ expenditures, revenues, and other activities. Yet such effects have never been viewed as judicially cognizable injuries. As the recent explosion in state suits vividly illustrates, respondents’ contrary view would allow any State to sue the federal government about virtually any policy—sharply undermining Article III’s requirements and the separation of powers principles they serve. [Emphasis added]

Meanwhile, the states will argue that the orders are unlawful for three reasons:

First, it is contrary to law because sections 1226(c) and 1231(a)(2) mandate detention, as this Court has repeatedly stated. DHS identifies no INA provision that prevents this Court from reaching that conclusion. Second, the Final Memorandum is arbitrary and capricious because it failed to consider important aspects of the problems criminal aliens create, including recidivism and States’ reliance interests. Third, the Final Memorandum is procedurally invalid because it was not adopted through notice-and-comment procedures, which are required where agency action substantively changes a regulatory regime. [Emphasis added]

As Breitbart News reported, the orders were hugely impactful in terms of cutting the number of arrests and deportations of illegal aliens in Fiscal 2021.

For example, before the orders were implemented, ICE agents were deporting about 121 illegal aliens every day. After the orders went into effect, ICE agents were left deporting just 65 illegal aliens every day.

The case is United States v. TexasNo. 22-58 in the Supreme Court of the United States.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here

Try the reality that illegal immigrants are routinely given free 

public housing by the U.S., based on the fact that they are

uneducated, unskilled, and largely unemployable. 


President Joe Biden has taken  $2 billion from Americans’

healthcare  programs to help deliver migrant  youths and

children to their illegal-migrant parents throughout

the  United States, press reports say.


Tucker Carlson: Biden should be impeached for this

(They really have absolutely no idea how many illegals are in the country as the Democrat Party, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, La Raza/ UnidoUS, Mexico and the Catholic Church thwart any effort to count them

What could possibly go wrong? Border Report reported Monday that “a shelter for Muslim migrants opened over the weekend in Tijuana, the first of its kind in all of Mexico.” This is no small-time effort: “The Latino Muslim Foundation, based in San Diego and Tijuana, raised half a million dollars to make the facility a reality.” Meanwhile, fifty people on the terror watch list have been apprehended at the Southern border so far this year, and there is no telling how many got across without being caught. Welcome to Old Joe Biden’s America.

160 Migrants from 10 Countries Apprehended near Border in Arizona over Thanksgiving Weekend

Ajo Station Border Patrol agents apprehend a group of migrants near Lukeville, AZ. (U.S. Border Patrol/Tucson Sector)
U.S. Border Patrol/Tucson Sector

Tucson Sector Border Patrol agents apprehended nearly 160 migrants from at least ten different countries along the border wall. Agents also interdicted a human smuggling attempt where the driver fled to avoid apprehension.

Over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, Ajo Station agents encountered a group of 56 migrants who crossed the border near the Port of Lukeville. Tucson Sector Chief Patrol Agent John R. Modlin tweeted photos of the apprehension and reported the group of migrants apprehended on Saturday came from five different nations.

On Friday, Ajo Station agents encountered three groups of migrants in the same area, Modlin tweeted. The groups totaled 101 migrants from ten different countries.

Elsewhere in the sector, Tucson Station agents engaged in a pursuit of a human smuggler driving a great sedan. The agents assisted police officers from Marana, Arizona.

The vehicle finally stopped and migrants jumped out and fled into the brush, Modlin stated. A search of the area with a K-9 and a CBP Air and Marine Operations helicopter aircrew led to the apprehension of twelve migrants.

In total, the agents apprehended 169 migrants from at least ten different countries.

Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior news contributor for the Breitbart Texas-Border team. He is an original member of the Breitbart Texas team. Price is a regular panelist on Fox 26 Houston’s What’s Your Point? Sunday-morning talk show. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX and Facebook.

Report: Thousands of Migrants Waiting in Mexico to Rush U.S. Border When Title 42 Ends

CIUDAD JUAREZ, MEXICO - NOVEMBER 14: A view from the camp majorly populated by Venezuelan migrants in front of the US Border Patrol operations post across the Rio Bravo River in Mexico on November 14, 2022. With more than 1,500 Venezuelan migrants camped on the banks of Rio Bravo and …
Carlos Ernesto Escalona/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

Thousands of migrants are camped out in Mexico, waiting to rush the United States-Mexico border when the Title 42 public health authority — used to quickly remove illegal aliens — ends in a few weeks at the request of President Joe Biden’s administration.

This month, a federal judge struck down Title 42 — the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) authority first imposed by former President Trump in 2020 to allow Border Patrol agents to quickly remove illegal aliens arriving at the southern border.

Rather than appealing the judge’s decision, Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas asked the court for five weeks to wind down Title 42.

As a result, reports indicate that thousands of migrants are waiting in Juarez, Mexico, as well as Tijuana, Mexico, in camps for Title 42 to end in the coming weeks so they can get their chance to rush the southern border.

Migrants camp on the banks of the Rio Grande river in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua state, Mexico, on November 15, 2022. (HERIKA MARTINEZ/AFP via Getty Images)

Morgan Smith, reporting for El Paso Inc., traveled to migrant camps in Juarez and Palomas, Mexico to find thousands waiting for Title 42 to end:

On a recent Saturday, I made my third trip to the tent camp set up by hundreds of Venezuelan migrants in Juárez, just across the Rio Grande from the Border Patrol processing center in El Paso. [Emphasis added]

On this same Nov. 19 trip, I visited the Respettrans shelter in Juárez, which was housing almost double the number of migrants it normally does. I also visited shelters in Deming, New Mexico, and Palomas, Mexico. Both are full. [Emphasis added]

Alejandro Mayorkas, secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), in Washington, DC, on Thursday, November 17, 2022. (Ting Shen/Bloomberg)

Likewise, migrants in Juarez told Border Report that they are waiting out the next few weeks before they rush the southern border. Meanwhile, inewsource reported that about 14,000 migrants are waiting in Tijuana for Title 42 to end.

“We will stay here until those four weeks pass. That is the goal, to get ahead and so our children can have a better future,” one migrant from El Salvador said.

“I am hopeful that I will get to cross, and God will be with me on my journey,” another migrant told Border Report. “I have faith.”

Already, the Biden administration has been imposing an expansive Catch and Release policy that has seen an estimated 5.5 million encounters along the border and about 1.4 million border crossers and illegal aliens released into American communities since February 2021.

Daily, Biden is welcoming at least 6,200 border crossers and illegal aliens at the border.

Without Title 42, Biden officials have previously admitted that up to half a million border crossers and illegal aliens — the equivalent of the population of Atlanta, Georgia — could arrive at the border every month.

Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) told Breitbart News in April that he expects 30,000 border crossers and illegal aliens every day at the border without Title 42. In Tijuana, Mexico, alone, Breitbart News exclusively reported months ago that up to 6,000 foreign nationals were waiting to rush the border when Title 42 is ended.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here

Two More Child Sex Offenders Arrested in One Day After Crossing Border into Texas

MISSION, TX - APRIL 11: A U.S. Border Patrol agent handcuffs an undocumented immigrant near the U.S.-Mexico border on April 11, 2013 near Mission, Texas. A group of 16 immigrants from Mexico and El Salvador said they crossed the Rio Grande River from Mexico into Texas during the morning hours …
File Photo: John Moore/Getty

Del Rio Sector Border Patrol agents arrested two more child sex offenders after they illegally re-entered the U.S. The apprehensions took place in less than 24 hours at two separate locations.

Eagle Pass Station agents conducting line operations on November 16 encountered a group of 17 migrants attempting to avoid detection and apprehension, according to a statement obtained from Del Rio Sector Border Patrol officials. During processing, the agents identified one of the migrants as 49-year-old Carlos Francisco Zelaya-Salinas, a Honduran national.

A records check uncovered a conviction from a court in Houston, Texas, for an attempt to commit indecency with a child, exposure, officials reported. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) officers deported Zelaya-Salinas to Honduras in 2011.

That same day, Eagle Pass South Station Border Patrol agents arrested a Mexican national as he attempted to avoid detection and apprehension after illegally crossing the border from Mexico. The agents identified the man as 42-year-0ld Martin Garcia-Lopez, a Mexican national.

Court records revealed a conviction by a California court for lewd or lascivious acts with a child in 2019. He also has an outstanding warrant for his arrest. ERO officers deported Garcia-Lopez in 2020, officials reported.

A few days earlier, Del Rio Sector agents apprehended two more child sex offenders in a two-hour period, Breitbart Texas reported.

The arrest of previously deported sex offenders appears to be a growing trend. One week earlier, Del Rio Sector agents arrested two more men in a single day with convictions for sexual offenses against children. One of those was convicted of raping a disabled child, Breitbart Texas reported.

Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior news contributor for the Breitbart Texas-Border team. He is an original member of the Breitbart Texas team. Price is a regular panelist on Fox 26 Houston’s What’s Your Point? Sunday-morning talk show. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX and Facebook.






Sen. Roger Marshall Seeks to Block Biden’s Reopening Welfare-Dependent Immigration to U.S.

Scott Heins/ISAAC GUZMAN/AFP via Getty Images
Scott Heins/ISAAC GUZMAN/AFP via Getty Images

Sen. Roger Marshall (R-KS) is looking to block President Joe Biden’s reopening of welfare-dependent immigration to the United States after former President Trump had written new regulations to make it more difficult for welfare-dependent foreign nationals to secure green cards.

In early 2020, the Trump administration finalized a federal regulation known as the “public charge” rule that made it less likely for foreign nationals to secure green cards to permanently reside in the U.S. if they had previously used welfare programs like food stamps, Medicaid, or taxpayer-funded housing programs.

Nearly immediately after taking office, Biden threw out the finalized public charge rule imposed by the Trump administration, blowing open the door for welfare-dependent immigration to the U.S., for which American taxpayers will ultimately foot the bill.

Now, Marshall has introduced a Congressional Review Act to ensure that Biden’s reopening of welfare-dependent immigration to the U.S. is blocked. Marshall said in a statement:

Granting citizenship to illegal aliens who would be dependent on federal benefits is a burden that American taxpayers and our national debt cannot afford. … We need to get back to policies like this if our country is going to have any hope at stopping the invasion at our southern border that started when President Biden took office.

RJ Hauman with the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) praised the measure as necessary to protect American taxpayers:

The Biden administration could care less about the ultimate stakeholder in our immigration system — the American people. That doesn’t only apply to a border that is being overrun, however. The public charge rule not only flouts Congress’ intent, it erodes the integrity of the legal immigration system and sticks it to American taxpayers. We encourage Senator Marshall’s colleagues to follow his lead and fight the Biden administration’s radical immigration policy agenda on all fronts. [Emphasis added]

When Trump first issued the Public Charge rule in 2019, polls found that the policy was overwhelmingly popular with Americans. About 6-in-10 Americans said they supported ending welfare-dependent legal immigration, including 56 percent of Hispanics and 71 percent of black Americans.

In 2017, the National Academies of Science noted that state and local taxpayers are billed about $1,600 each year per immigrant to pay for their welfare and revealed that immigrant households consume 33 percent more cash welfare than American citizen households.

A similar Center for Immigration Studies study found that about 63 percent of noncitizen households use at least one form of public welfare, while only about 35 percent of native-born American households are on welfare. This means that noncitizen households use nearly twice as much welfare as native-born American households.

Chart via the Center for Immigration Studies

Every year, the federal government rewards about 1.2 million foreign nationals with green cards to permanently resettle in the U.S. while another 1.4 million foreign nationals secure various temporary work visas to take American jobs.

This massive legal immigration inflow, opposed by the majority of Republican voters, is in addition to the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens who are added to the U.S. population annually.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here

Try the reality that illegal immigrants are routinely given free public housing by the U.S., based on the fact that they are uneducated, unskilled, and largely unemployable. 


President Joe Biden has taken  $2 billion from Americans’ healthcare  programs to help deliver migrant  youths and children to their illegal-migrant parents throughout the  United States, press reports say.


DAINES: You’re on record for pushing for allowing illegal immigrants to receive taxpayer-funded healthcare and for decriminalizing illegal entry into the United States. This coupled with President Biden’s radical plan for granting citizenship to those who are here illegally would potentially lead to hundreds of thousands, if not potentially millions, more people flooding into our country. [Emphasis added]

As you know, in 2016, California passed a law requiring covered Californians to apply for … waivers to allow illegal immigrants to purchase health insurance in the marketplace. This waiver was withdrawn after President Trump’s election. [Emphasis added]

My question is this: Will you attempt to use the waiver authority contained in the Affordable Care Act to grant healthcare benefits to illegal immigrants? [Emphasis added]

Already, taxpayers are forced tsubsidize about $18.5

billion of yearly medical costs for illegal aliens living in the

U.S., according to estimates by Chris Conover, formerly of the

Center for Health Policy and Inequalities Research at Duke


IRS Forces Gig Workers to Report over $600 Threshold of Venmo, PayPal Payments 

FILE - In this Thursday, Dec. 15, 2016, file photo, a dog walker controls multiple canines on a walk at Congress Park in Saratoga Springs, N.Y. Starting a business is often a pricey ordeal, but no- to low-cost ideas exist for aspiring entrepreneurs with unique and marketable talent. Americans shell …
AP Photo/Hans Pennink

The IRS reminded gig workers this week to report payments over a $600 threshold made through third party payment apps, such as Zelle, Cash App, Venmo, and PayPal.

As a result of President Joe Biden’s American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, gig workers will now be forced to report income over $600 to the IRS on a form called the 1099-K, the agency said Tuesday.

The new rule is intended to compel American workers to “pay your fair share,” an idea that Biden has pushed for the wealthy but not average Americans — until now.

UNITED STATES - NOVEMBER 21: President Joe Biden speaks during the National Thanksgiving Turkey Pardoning on the South Lawn of the White House on Monday, November 21, 2022. The turkeys named Chocolate and Chip, are from Circle S Ranch in Monroe, N.C. (Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images)

President Joe Biden speaks during the National Thanksgiving Turkey Pardoning on the South Lawn of the White House on Monday, November 21, 2022. (Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call)

According to the agency, the third party payment apps will send each individual a 1099-K by January 31 for the income received in the prior calendar year. The specific rules state:

  • From all payment card transactions (e.g., debit, credit, or stored-value cards), and
  • In settlement of third-party payment network transactions above the minimum reporting thresholds as follows:
    • For returns for calendar years prior to 2022:
      • Gross payments that exceed $20,000, AND
      • More than 200 such transactions
    • For returns for calendar years after 2021:
      • Gross payments for goods or services that exceed $600, AND
      • Any number of transactions

IRS Form 199-K, Payment Card and Third Party Network Transactions, an IRS information return used to report certain payment transactions to improve voluntary tax compliance. (Getty Images)

The previous rule before this year stated the threshold for filing a 1099-K form was 200 transactions with the total aggregate of $20,000.

The new rule signed into law by Biden will impact American workers. Pew Research found in 2021 that 16 percent of Americans are a part of the so-called “gig economy,” though not all respondents were paid through third-party apps.

The new tax filing rule is joined by Biden’s increased funding of the IRS to enforce the $600 threshold. In 2022, Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act, which funds 87,000 additional IRS agents.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.

Want some perspective on why so many blue sanctuary cities have so many homeless encampments hovering around?

Try the reality that illegal immigrants are routinely given free public housing by the U.S., based on the fact that they are uneducated, unskilled, and largely unemployable. Those are the criteria, and now importing poverty has never been easier. Shockingly, this comes as millions of poor Americans are out in the cold awaiting that housing that the original law was intended to help.

Thus, the tent cities, and by coincidence, the worst of these emerging shantytowns are in blue sanctuary cities loaded with illegal immigrants - Orange County, San Francisco, San Diego, Seattle, New York...Is there a connection? At a minimum, it's worth looking at.         

                                                     MONICA SHOWALTER


I Went To Every Single Homeless Camp In Los Angeles

Many Democrats understand that the welfare checks for foreign children will encourage more illegal immigration, he said:

They know what’s going on. But they know that they can’t say what their true goal is, which is actual open borders with open, uncontrolled migration both ways. And this is a step toward getting rid of borders.

“It’s a globalist mindset and it welcomes anything that moves toward open borders,” he concluded.

Paul Ryan’s Anti-Trump Agenda: New Taxes, More Migrants, Spending Cuts

Paul Ryan Has Anti-Trump 2024 Agenda. Mark Wilson_Getty Images, Drew Angerer_Getty Images
Mark Wilson_Getty Images, Drew Angerer_Getty Images

Former GOP House Speaker Paul Ryan is offering two reasons why GOP voters should walk away from President Donald Trump’s 2024 presidential primary campaign.

“We want to win,” the establishment champion told ABC News’ This Week on November 20. Trump “is going to continue to lose altitude” in primary polls because “he’s unelectable because [of] that suburban voter.”

The second reason offered by Ryan is his own alternative 2024 White House platform. That platform breaks from Trump’s mostly-populist policies and offers voters a series of healthcare cuts, more wage-cutting migrants, new carbon taxes, and lower taxes for corporate investors.

“I have presidential-sized policy ambition, but I really don’t have presidential-sized personal ambition,” said Ryan, whose unpopular agenda as Speaker of the House in 2018 helped the GOP lose the House majority.

Ryan’s not-Trump agenda is included in a new book of policy proposals from 19 authors organized by the investor-fundedinvestor-directed American Enterprise Institute.

The 16-chapter book is titled, American Renewal: A Conservative Plan to Strengthen the Social Contract and Save the Country’s Finances.”

“The purpose of this is to offer a conservative plan to help this country get over its enormous challenges in the 21st century,” Ryan told ABC News. He continued:

We have an unsustainable debt. And we’re on an unsustainable debt trajectory. But we’re going to have to make these [government] programs work better. We’re going to have to reform these programs so that you and I and the X generation on down actually have something. That’s the kind of conversation we have to elevate our debate to, I think, in our federal national politics.

His chapter in the book more-or-less ignores many of the civic issues threatening the Americans who backed Trump in 2016 and back him now in 2022 — free trade, displacement by migrants, drug epidemics, declining wages, unaffordable housing, anti-American ideology in schools, and transgender propaganda of teenagers.

But the book does have plans to provide the GOP’s donors with more migrants, more government spending, and lower taxes.

Breitbart News asked for an interview with Ryan. “Speaker Ryan is unavailable for this request,” AEI replied.

The centerpiece of Ryan’s 2024 agenda is a tax reform that would lower taxes for wage-earners by 1.8 percent. But it would lower taxes on investors’ stock-market gains by roughly 5 percent, and cut taxes on profits on savings from interest.

Average Effective Marginal Income Tax Rates by Form of Income, 2022 Source: Authors’ calculations using Tax-Calculator, version 3.1.0, March 3, 2021, PSLmodels/Tax-Calculator.

The book does not clearly offer to trade some of the donors’ goals to earn the decisive votes of ordinary Americans.

But it does offer a grand bargain between the establishment Democrats and establishment Republicans — new carbon tax-and-spend programs funded by Americans in exchange for investors getting lower taxes and a share of the carbon taxes.

“The bargain we … are offering our friends on the left, who are rightly focused on removing carbon from the atmosphere, is a better carbon policy in exchange for a pro-growth tax code,” Ryan wrote.

Ryan also wants spending curbs on Medicare and Social Security, saying:

By far the largest fiscal challenges lie in the Medicare program. [In one chapter] James C. Capretta proposes a comprehensive set of reforms that offer the best chance of delivering on Medicare’s core mission while bringing program cost growth under control. The key policy ingredient is bringing more choice and competition to Medicare so that beneficiaries can gain from the improvements in costs and quality of services that come with real competition …

… In his proposal to save Social Security from its pending insolvency, Andrew G. Biggs[‘s chapter] proposes reforms “modeled on systems in countries such as Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom, [that] could pave the way for a more affordable Social Security program without sacrificing Americans’ retirement income security.”

Ryan sketches out a high-tech revamp of poverty programs. The revamp would combine intense, Chinese-style surveillance of individuals’ spending with Ryan’s own style of green-eyeshade pressure on people to take any low-wage, far-distant jobs they can find:

A person would open their digital wallet, and the issuing agency or authority would add the appropriate conditions at that retail level for the benefit to commence. Imagine the endless possibilities for local, state, federal, philanthropic, and fintech entities to pilot and test these digital benefits to rid the system of the incredible amounts of waste, fraud, and abuse that have consistently plagued our national web of poverty programs

Unsurprisingly, Ryan ignores immigration, even though it is also a huge driver of the welfare spending that Ryan wants to cut. Immigration grows government spending because it imports millions of poor, government-dependent people, pushes working Americans out of jobs and onto welfare, drives up housing costs, to reduce workplace productivity and fertility. and to fuel resentful tribalism and chaotic diversity.

But the investors who fund and run the AEI gain from the government’s delivery of millions of extra migrant workers, consumers, and renters.

In June, AEI hosted a pro-migration talk where an economic historian cheerfully argued that immigrants’ children do better than Americans’ children.

“Children of immigrants that grow up close to the bottom of the income distribution– so, think about the 25th percentile, for example — are more likely to reach the middle class that children of similar [income] U.S-born households,” author Leah Boustan said at a June 7 presentation.

Ryan is also a long-standing advocate for migration, despite the huge damage it has inflicted on Americans during his lifetime. When President Trump was elected, Ryan worked successfully to derail Trump’s immigration reform proposals, even though it was the main issue — alongside opposition to free trade — that propelled 2016 Trump into the White House.

Ryan’s chapter ignored the decisive issue.

But one of the 16 chapters in Ryan’s book calls for even more white-collar migration and more blue-collar migration.

“We … know that strong bonds of kinship are the very first safety net our species developed. Weak and fractured families spawn big national welfare systems … [But] Current and future immigrants should play an important role in revitalizing America,” says a zig-zag chapter by demographer Nicholas Eberstadt.

Immigration should include white-collar workers and blue-collar workers, said Eberstadt:

 There is an argument for favoring highly skilled immigrants in the future, and it has merit. But the grit, drive, and family values of immigrants with little formal education should have a place in our country too. Such strivers and their children make us more dynamic, for talent and entrepreneurialism do not always come with academic credentials

Ryan’s book and agenda are useful evidence that the GOP’s business establishment will not concede any political priorities to Trump and his populist majority.

Many other Trump opponents in the establishment wing of the party are merely shouting against Trump as if they would prefer to lose the 2024 election than see Trump win it on a populist agenda.

Bill Barr, for example, was Trump’s former Attorney General. He just wrote in the New York Post that Trump will wreck the party for his own ego, yet Barr did not urge the party’s establishment to make spending, labor migration, or pro-family concessions to Trump’s voters. Instead, Barr wrote:

Trump’s willingness to destroy the party if he does not get his way is not based on principle, but on his own supreme narcissism. His egoism makes him unable to think of a political party as anything but an extension of himself — a cult of personality.

So far, the shouting has not worked — partly because Trump has a track record of successfully raising wages by cutting migration. But Trump also can use the campaign trail to expand his speeches into a detailed set of policy promises about wages and opportunities for ordinary Americans.

“Trump leads with 55% support in a hypothetical 2024 Republican Primary, followed by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis with a quarter of Republican support (25%),” according to a mid-November  Emerson College Polling survey of 1,380 US voters. The Emerson statement added:

Spencer Kimball, Executive Director of Emerson College Polling noted … “There is also an age divide in the Republican primary: younger voters under 50 break for Trump over DeSantis 67% to 14%, voters between 50 and 64 break for Trump 54% to 32%, while Republicans over 65 are more split: 39% support Trump and 32% DeSantis.”

“Paul Ryan has a very clearly defined set of beliefs that have no constituency whatsoever in the electorate,” commented Mark Krikorian, the director of the Center for Immigration Studies. He continued:

He is a voice of the past, and the perspective that he represents is the reason Republicans have been having so much difficulty. The more national populist, or national conservative perspective, is the winning recipe for Republicans. It captures a large part of the middle and center-right of the country.

The problem is that a large share of the Republican elite and Republican donors share Paul Ryan’s perspective. When [they] lose, then these guys just blame the voters — like that Principal Skinner meme; “Am I the problem? No, no, it’s the children who wrong?” … In a democracy, you have to go with the electorate you have, not the one you might wish for.

Good Points in the Ryan Book

The chapters that were not written by Ryan contain many good points — including points already made by Trump while in the White House.

But most of them are buried deep in the chapters — as if the authors did not want them cut out by Ryan or the AEI board.

For example, one author noted that a low-immigration, tight labor market is the best fix for poverty:

Consistent with conservative principles, we argued that the key lesson from the Great Recession is that strong economic growth and a hot labor market do more to improve the economic well-being of the working class and historically disadvantaged groups, including working-age people with disabilities, than does a slow recovery that relies on safety-net policies to help replace lost earnings.

The 314-page book does include a second mention of this desirable goal, perhaps because investors use immigration to prevent the recurrence of a sustained tight labor market.

Some authors include hints of opposition to the immigration favored by AEI’s directors. For example, one chapter notes:

Technological change, the globalization of the economy [trade and migration], and stagnating educational performance and work readiness have conspired to put “good jobs at good wages” out of reach for a growing number of Americans, especially those who live on the social and economic periphery.

The federal government’s weak response to the drug disaster gets a mention: “We see Americans struggle with a loss of meaning and purpose in their lives—and succumbing, for instance, to drug addiction— …  no small matter.”

The government should fund parental leave for new mothers and fathers, says author Abby McCloskey. “The lack of paid parental leave has consequences that extend from the health of the baby and the parents (mothers, in particular) to workforce attachment, welfare dependency, and social norms about caretaking,” she wrote.

One chapter recognizes that innovation and competition are often aided when inefficient or dominant companies collapse:

Then there is America’s other big innovation problem: the sclerosis, complacency, and rent-seeking in our private sector, especially in big business. America cannot succeed unless a lot of its firms fail—including some of its largest ones. Bankruptcy and reallocation of resources to more productive ends are the mother’s milk of dynamic growth in a competitive market. There should be no room for corporate welfare in a revitalized America. Bring on the “zombie apocalypse” in our corporate sector. We will not only survive it; we will thrive by it.

Americans — and immigrants — are getting less educated every year, one chapter admits:

The pace of skill acquisition among American workers has simply not kept up with technological change, and, as a result, family-sustaining jobs have gradually moved further out of reach for growing numbers of workers. With the advent of powerful new tools such as artificial intelligence and robotic process automation, the task of synchronizing education, training, and technology is becoming more difficult, not less—especially for those with lower levels of education, training, and skills.

Elites are turning their backs on Americans, Eberstadt wrote in his chapter:

Lately our civil society and our nation’s moral sentiments have been under strain. Confidence in our institutions has ebbed. Distrust of fellow Americans is on the rise. Elite circles wonder, increasingly aloud, whether our American civilization—traditions, ethos, ideals—are actually worthy of them. They might be better served wondering a bit more whether they are worthy of the remarkable system they have inherited. More often than not, it is ignorance of the US political tradition and our fellow citizens—not familiarity with them—that breeds such contempt.

Sen. Roger Marshall Seeks to Block Biden’s Reopening Welfare-Dependent Immigration to U.S.

Scott Heins/ISAAC GUZMAN/AFP via Getty Images
Scott Heins/ISAAC GUZMAN/AFP via Getty Images

Sen. Roger Marshall (R-KS) is looking to block President Joe Biden’s reopening of welfare-dependent immigration to the United States after former President Trump had written new regulations to make it more difficult for welfare-dependent foreign nationals to secure green cards.

In early 2020, the Trump administration finalized a federal regulation known as the “public charge” rule that made it less likely for foreign nationals to secure green cards to permanently reside in the U.S. if they had previously used welfare programs like food stamps, Medicaid, or taxpayer-funded housing programs.

Nearly immediately after taking office, Biden threw out the finalized public charge rule imposed by the Trump administration, blowing open the door for welfare-dependent immigration to the U.S., for which American taxpayers will ultimately foot the bill.

Now, Marshall has introduced a Congressional Review Act to ensure that Biden’s reopening of welfare-dependent immigration to the U.S. is blocked. Marshall said in a statement:

Granting citizenship to illegal aliens who would be dependent on federal benefits is a burden that American taxpayers and our national debt cannot afford. … We need to get back to policies like this if our country is going to have any hope at stopping the invasion at our southern border that started when President Biden took office.

RJ Hauman with the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) praised the measure as necessary to protect American taxpayers:

The Biden administration could care less about the ultimate stakeholder in our immigration system — the American people. That doesn’t only apply to a border that is being overrun, however. The public charge rule not only flouts Congress’ intent, it erodes the integrity of the legal immigration system and sticks it to American taxpayers. We encourage Senator Marshall’s colleagues to follow his lead and fight the Biden administration’s radical immigration policy agenda on all fronts. [Emphasis added]

When Trump first issued the Public Charge rule in 2019, polls found that the policy was overwhelmingly popular with Americans. About 6-in-10 Americans said they supported ending welfare-dependent legal immigration, including 56 percent of Hispanics and 71 percent of black Americans.

In 2017, the National Academies of Science noted that state and local taxpayers are billed about $1,600 each year per immigrant to pay for their welfare and revealed that immigrant households consume 33 percent more cash welfare than American citizen households.

A similar Center for Immigration Studies study found that about 63 percent of noncitizen households use at least one form of public welfare, while only about 35 percent of native-born American households are on welfare. This means that noncitizen households use nearly twice as much welfare as native-born American households.

Chart via the Center for Immigration Studies

Every year, the federal government rewards about 1.2 million foreign nationals with green cards to permanently resettle in the U.S. while another 1.4 million foreign nationals secure various temporary work visas to take American jobs.

This massive legal immigration inflow, opposed by the majority of Republican voters, is in addition to the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens who are added to the U.S. population annually.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here

Try the reality that illegal immigrants are routinely given free public housing by the U.S., based on the fact that they are uneducated, unskilled, and largely unemployable. 


President Joe Biden has taken  $2 billion from Americans’ healthcare  programs to help deliver migrant  youths and children to their illegal-migrant parents throughout the  United States, press reports say.


DAINES: You’re on record for pushing for allowing illegal immigrants to receive taxpayer-funded healthcare and for decriminalizing illegal entry into the United States. This coupled with President Biden’s radical plan for granting citizenship to those who are here illegally would potentially lead to hundreds of thousands, if not potentially millions, more people flooding into our country. [Emphasis added]

As you know, in 2016, California passed a law requiring covered Californians to apply for … waivers to allow illegal immigrants to purchase health insurance in the marketplace. This waiver was withdrawn after President Trump’s election. [Emphasis added]

My question is this: Will you attempt to use the waiver authority contained in the Affordable Care Act to grant healthcare benefits to illegal immigrants? [Emphasis added]

Already, taxpayers are forced tsubsidize about $18.5

billion of yearly medical costs for illegal aliens living in the

U.S., according to estimates by Chris Conover, formerly of the

Center for Health Policy and Inequalities Research at Duke




Transcripts released by WikiLeaks of Clinton speeches to Wall Street bankers, for which she received six-figure paychecks, show her praising  the recommendations of the 2010 Simpson- Bowles deficit-reduction commission, which called for sweeping cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid; the elimination of 200,000 federal jobs; a tax on employees’

Report: Biden Is Cutting Medicare Benefits Thru Inflation Reduction Act

WASHINGTON, DC - AUGUST 30: U.S. President Joe Biden meets virtually with FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell and governors and mayors from states and cities impacted by Hurricane Ida in the South Court Auditorium in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building on August 30, 2021 in Washington, DC. The Category 4 hurricane …
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Two economists reported Tuesday in a Wall Street Journal op-ed that President Joe Biden is cutting Medicare benefits through the so-called Inflation Reduction Act, which cuts payments for prescription drugs for seniors.

Casey B. Mulligan and Tomas J. Philipson wrote:

President Biden has accused Republicans of scheming to cut Medicare. In fact it is his signature legislation, the Inflation Reduction Act, that will lead to benefit cuts and premium increases for seniors. Medicare’s popular drug-coverage program is headed for a painful amputation.

The private plans participating in Medicare’s prescription-drug program, known as Part D, currently draw on three sources of revenue to finance prescriptions: out-of-pocket payments from patients, premium payments made by plan members, and subsidies from the federal government. In 2025, under the Inflation Reduction Act, both government subsidies and out-of-pocket payments by patients are scheduled to be cut sharply. The difference will have to be made up by premiums. But the statute inhibits this third revenue source, which is also subsidized, from increasing more than 6%. That’s hardly enough to cover inflation, let alone compensate for the other two revenue losses.

We estimate that beginning in 2025, plan subsidies—specifically, the reinsurance subsidies for the beneficiaries with the most drug spending—will be cut $30 billion, out of revenue that currently totals about $110 billion. With $30 billion less to finance prescription benefits, something will have to give. Plans currently have far too little profit to span the chasm that the Inflation Reduction Act opens between expenses and revenue.

Biden has claimed to want to cut the costs of prescription drugs like insulin, despite canceling — in his first week in office — an executive order by President Trump to lower the prices of insulin and epinephrine.

He and his party also claimed during the midterm elections that Republicans want to eliminate Social Security and Medicare, since Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) wants to reauthorize all federal spending at regular intervals.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). He is the author of the recent e-book, Neither Free nor Fair: The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election. His recent book, RED NOVEMBER, tells the story of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary from a conservative perspective. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.

Biden’s HHS Nominee Does Not Rule Out Taxpayer-Funded Healthcare for Illegal Aliens



President Joe Biden’s nominee to lead the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, dodged a question on whether he would push to provide American taxpayer-funded healthcare benefits to illegal aliens.

This week, during a hearing before the Senate Finance Committee, Becerra was asked by Senator Steve Daines (R-MT) about his previous support for decriminalizing illegal immigration and providing illegal aliens with taxpayer-funded healthcare benefits.

Becerra, though, dodged the question by saying he would follow the parameters of the Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare, which he said allows “very rare” cases of illegal aliens to receive benefits.

The exchange went as follows:

DAINES: You’re on record for pushing for allowing illegal immigrants to receive taxpayer-funded healthcare and for decriminalizing illegal entry into the United States. This coupled with President Biden’s radical plan for granting citizenship to those who are here illegally would potentially lead to hundreds of thousands, if not potentially millions, more people flooding into our country. [Emphasis added]

As you know, in 2016, California passed a law requiring covered Californians to apply for … waivers to allow illegal immigrants to purchase health insurance in the marketplace. This waiver was withdrawn after President Trump’s election. [Emphasis added]

My question is this: Will you attempt to use the waiver authority contained in the Affordable Care Act to grant healthcare benefits to illegal immigrants? [Emphasis added]

BECERRA: Senator, I can tell you that where the law, as it stands now as I see it, it does not allow those who are unauthorized in this country to receive taxpayer-paid benefits except in very rare circumstances and it will be my job to make sure that we are following and enforcing the law. And I can commit to you that that is what we will do. [Emphasis added]

In a letter to Biden, 11 Senate Republicans and 64 House Republicans asked the president to withdraw Becerra’s nomination to be HHS Secretary, citing his support for taxpayer-funded healthcare benefits for illegal aliens, among other issues.

“Mr. Becerra seeks to decriminalize illegal immigration, which would extend expensive government benefits like Medicaid to anyone who illegally crosses our borders,” the letter states.

A Politico report this week suggested Becerra is eyeing plans to provide illegal aliens with taxpayer-funded healthcare benefits should he lead HHS.

“He’s one of those individuals that had exceedingly deep convictions about the need to cover the undocumented individuals in all of our communities,” former Rep. Charles Gonzalez (D-TX) told Politico of Becerra.

Should Becerra become HHS Secretary, he could let illegal aliens onto Obamacare exchanges while pressuring states to pursue similar policies to those in California. Likewise, Becerra could open Obamacare exchanges to particular subgroups of illegal aliens, like those enrolled in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

As Breitbart News reported, forcing taxpayers to provide healthcare to all illegal aliens would cost citizens anywhere between $23 billion to $66 billion every single year — potentially a $660 billion bill for taxpayers every decade, without adjusting for inflation and the increasing number of illegal aliens.

Cost is only the first issue facing taxpayers. Medical experts have admitted providing healthcare to illegal aliens would ensure a never-ending flood of illegal aliens arriving at the southern border with “serious health problems” and local hospitals would have to cover the costs.

Already, taxpayers are forced to subsidize about $18.5 billion of yearly medical costs for illegal aliens living in the U.S., according to estimates by Chris Conover, formerly of the Center for Health Policy and Inequalities Research at Duke University.

When U.S. voters were polled by CNN on the issue in July 2019, nearly 6-in-10 said they were opposed to such a policy, including 63 percent of swing voters and 61 percent of self-described “moderates.”

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here


Study: Amnesty Will Cost ‘Hundreds of Billions’


President Joe Biden’s amnesty plan will spike Social Security

spending by “hundreds of billions” over the next few decades,

according to a forecast by the Center for Immigration Studies


The February 22 report, titled “Amnesty Would Cost the Social Security and Medicare Trust Funds Hundreds of Billions of Dollars,” says:

The new taxes paid by the average amnesty recipient amount to only half of the $94,500 noted above. The net effect of amnesty is therefore $140,330 [in Social Security benefits] minus $47,250 [in paid taxes], which is about $93,000 per recipient. In any large-scale amnesty, in which millions of illegal immigrants gain legal status, it is easy to see how the net cost could reach into the hundreds of billions of dollars.

The predicted $93,000 per person cost would be a financial burden for taxpayers — but would be a giveaway to business groups because the Social Security payments will be converted into purchases of consumer products, healthcare services, medical drugs, apartments, and food.

At least 11 million people — perhaps 20 million — are living illegally in the United States. The number rises as people overstay their visas, evade deportation orders, or sneak over the border — but it also falls as some migrants get deported, leave, or find ways to get green cards via the rolling “Adjustment of Status” process.

But taxpayers’ expenses are also economic gains for business groups and investors. In January 2020, a coalition of business groups sued deputies for President Donald Trump after he reduced the inflow of poor migrants into the U.S. consumer market, saying:

Because [green-card applicants] will receive fewer public benefits under the Rule, they will cut back their consumption of goods and services, depressing demand throughout the economy …

The New American Economy Research Fund calculates that, on top of the $48 billion in income that is earned by individuals who will be affected by the Rule—and that will likely be removed from the U.S. economy—the Rule will cause an indirect economic loss of more than $33.9 billion … Indeed, the Fiscal Policy Institute has estimated that the decrease in SNAP and Medicaid enrollment under the Rule could, by itself, lead to economic ripple effects of anywhere between $14.5 and $33.8 billion, with between approximately 100,000 and 230,000 jobs lost … Health centers alone would be forced to drop as many as 6,100 full-time medical staff.

CIS promised a more detailed report:

This is just a rough estimate. We are currently working on a detailed model that will provide more precise costs for both Social Security and Medicare. Again, however, any reasonable calculation will produce a large cost, simply because amnesty will convert so many outside contributors into actual beneficiaries.

For years, a wide variety of pollsters have shown deep and broad opposition to labor migration and to the inflow of temporary contract workers into jobs sought by young U.S. graduates.

The multiracialcross-sexnon-racistclass-basedintra-Democratic, and solidarity-themed opposition to labor migration coexists with generally favorable personal feelings toward legal immigrants and toward immigration in theory — despite the media magnification of many skewed polls and articles that still push the 1950’s corporate “Nation of Immigrants” claim.

The deep public opposition is built on the widespread recognition that migration moves money from employees to employers, from families to investors, from young to old, from children to their parents, from homebuyers to real estate investors, and from the central states to the coastal states.

However, Biden’s officials have been broadcasting their desire to change border policies to help extract more migrants from Central America for the U.S. economy. On February 19, for example, deputies of DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas posted a tweet offering support to migrants illegally working in the United States and to migrants who may wish to live in the United States.

We'll get 1 million-plus Biden migrants this year, warns ex-Obama/DHS official now at Harvard.
The warning includes a weak criticism of the ethnic lobbies & open-borders progressives who are undermining an Ivy League giveaway in the amnesty bill.#H1B

— Neil Munro (@NeilMunroDC) February 22, 2021


Kamala Harris: Medicare for All Includes Illegal Aliens

Harris, a guest on CNN's "State of the Union," said "I support Medicare for all. It is my preferred policy." She said she supports the bill introduced by Sen. Bernie Sanders.



"This is country belongs to Mexico" is said by the Mexican Militant. This is a common teaching that the U.S. is really AZTLAN, belonging to Mexicans, which is taught to Mexican kids in Arizona and California through a LA Raza educational program funded by American Tax Payers via President Obama, when he gave LA RAZA $800,000.00 in March of 2009!

California Democrats Lobby to Give Health Insurance to All Illegal Aliens


Democrats in California are lobbying Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) to expand the state’s health insurance program to all illegal alien residents.

Newsom introduced as part of his budget plan an expansion of the state’s health insurance program that would allow elderly illegal aliens 60 or older to become eligible for coverage. The cost to taxpayers is estimated at nearly $860 million.

Democrats, though, said Newsom’s plan does not go far enough and that the state should make all illegal alien residents eligible for coverage. California is home to at least three million illegal aliens.

The Los Angeles Times reports:

“Our ultimate goal is everyone,” state Sen. Maria Elena Durazo (D-Los Angeles) said of pushing for more coverage. “I think we are in the best position than we have ever been to make more significant process than we ever have. We are going to keep on pushing to include more uninsured.” [Emphasis added]

California’s Medi-Cal system already covers young immigrants until they turn 26. The state first offered Medi-Cal coverage to children living in the country illegally through the age of 18 in 2016. Last year, young adults were eligible for coverage after California expanded the age cut-off so that it mirrored that of the Affordable Care Act, which allows a person to remain on a parent’s health insurance plan until turning 26. At the time, Newsom called the expanded eligibility the “right thing to do.” [Emphasis added]

“Everyone has been talking for the past year or more about how certain communities were disproportionally impacted by the pandemic, such as undocumented and low-income Californians,” said Sarah Dar, the director of health and public benefits policy at the California Immigrant Policy Center. “Now, with the $75 billion, we have to fix those structural issues and ensure the safety net programs help all communities. Now is the time to do as much as we can.” [Emphasis added]

Earlier this month, State Assemblymember Miguel Santiago (D) introduced legislation to effectively drive healthcare migration to the state of California with a plan that would allow adults to add their elderly illegal alien parents as dependents to their health insurance coverage.

The California Health Benefits Review Program admitted that the plan would likely ensure that foreign nationals in Mexico and Central America with health problems would migrate to California to secure coverage.

“Although there are administrative hurdles relating to receiving care in the United States for a dependent parent residing in Mexico or Canada, the opportunity to receive care in the United States would be very attractive, especially for those with high-risk conditions,” the analysis notes.

Today, Americans are forced to subsidize about $18.5 billion of yearly medical costs for illegal aliens living in the U.S., according to estimates by Chris Conover, formerly of the Center for Health Policy and Inequalities Research at Duke University.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here.

Joe Biden Diverts Healthcare Cash to Help


Illegal Migrants



President Joe Biden has taken  $2 billion from Americans’ healthcare  programs to help deliver migrant  youths and children to their illegal-migrant parents throughout the  United States, press reports say.

“The Department of Health and Human Services [HHS] has diverted more than $2 billion meant for other health initiatives toward covering the cost of caring for unaccompanied immigrant children,” Politico reported May 15. The article continued:

The redirected funds include $850 million that Congress originally allocated to rebuild the nation’s Strategic National Stockpile, the emergency medical reserve strained by the Covid-19 response. Another $850 million is being taken from a pot intended to help expand coronavirus testing, according to three people with knowledge of the matter.

In addition to transferring money from the Strategic National Stockpile and Covid-19 testing, HHS also has pulled roughly $436 million from a range of existing health initiatives across the department.

The program costs are expected to reach almost $9 billion by October according to a leaked report in the New York Times.

The transfer of funding to the growing population of more than 50,000 foreign children and youths means fewer resources for lower-profile American kids, as their diverse American parents are damaged by the Chinese virus, cheap labor migration, job losses, housing costs, drugs, or homelessness.


The Politico report follows the leak of a government report to the May 10 New York Times.  The leaked report showed how the HHS agency expects to spend almost $9 billion by October to implement Biden’s decision to import the youths and children of U.S.-based illegal migrants.

“Current projections show [a] preliminary budget estimate of $8.6b for FY21,” said the briefing for officials in HHS. It continued:

With existing resources, a shortfall (of 366m) occurs in May and grows quickly through July with an overall project shortfall in excess of $4 billion

OMB approved an additional transfer from HHS resources to the UC [UAC] programing the amount of $850 million this week. This funding is not reflecting in this morning balance — will be added once [the] execution process is complete. There may be [an] additional $846.5 million available in future weeks. This will mitigate but not fully resolve the project budget shortfall.

The HHS spending does not including spending — or diverted resources — at other agencies, such as the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK) and Rep. Chuck Fleischmann (R-TN) are the top Republicans on the panels overseeing federal spending at HHS and the DHS. Their offices did not respond to emails from Breitbart News.

Since January, roughly 50,000 youths and children have been accepted at the border by the government-run program, which replaced President Donald Trump’s policy of flying the youths and children back to their homes in Central America.

Biden declined to use the judge-approved option of flying the arriving youths and children back to their distant homes. Strong majorities of swing voters blame Biden, not Trump, for the unpopular migration crisis.

“The $2.13 billion in diverted money exceeds the government’s annual budget for the unaccompanied children program in each of the last two fiscal years,” Politico reported.

But the overall migration is an economic stimulus for Biden’s business donors because the migrants inflate rents and stimulate federal, state, and local spending.

Most of the 50,000 “children” are actually older teenage boys, many of whom will take jobs at low wages to repay their smuggling debts and support relatives in Central American countries.

But even children are an economic stimulus for Biden’s business donors because they inflate rents and because they stimulate federal, state, and local spending, for example, on K-12 education programs.

Biden’s delivery of the incoming youths and children also helps to keep their illegal migrant parents in the United States amid pressure from their distant families to return home.  For example, a New York Times May 6 report noted 51 percent of the UACs released in the prior week were handed over to parents or step-parents. Another 38 percent were handed over to immediate relatives, some of whom may have been fronting for nearby illegal migrant parents who declined to come forward.

May 13 tweet by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) cited federal data for 1029 that said 79 percent of sponsors were “without [legal] status.”

The migration also creates a new generation of illegal migrants for business groups and progressive Democrats to champion instead of poor or disadvantaged Americans, just as Democrats now cheerlead for the “DACA” illegals.

Biden’s policy is being implemented by Alejandro Mayorkas, a Cuban-born child refugee who runs the Department of Homeland Security. Mayorkas frequently claims the United States is a “Nation of Immigrants,” not of Americans. He frequently argues the nation’s values require Americans to accept many migrants, poor or rich, old or young, as if there is no economic or civic cost to Americans from the inflow of foreign migrants.

The federal delivery of children to their illegal migrant parents, after their handoff at the border by cartel-controlled coyotes, has been an open secret in Washington, DC, for at least six years.

The secret federal cooperation with the coyotes and the cartels stopped when President Donald Trump used his emergency authority in 2020 to send the migrants home when they arrived at the border.  The cooperation has been accelerated by President Biden as his deputies seek to extract more wage-cutting workers, taxpayer-supported consumers, and high-occupancy renters from Central American into the United States.

“We’re complicit as a nation in human trafficking,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said at a March 26 press conference in Texas with 17 other GOP senators.


"Mexican president candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador called for mass immigration to the United States, declaring it a "human right". We will defend all the (Mexican) invaders in the American," Obrador said, adding that immigrants "must leave their towns and find a life, job, welfare, and free medical in the United States."

"Fox’s Tucker Carlson noted Thursday that Obrador

has previously proposed granting AMNESTY TO MEXICAN DRUG CARTELS. “America is now Mexico’s social safety net, and that’s a very good deal for the Mexican ruling class,” Carlson added."


"Many Americans forget is that our country is located against a socialist failed state that is promising to descend even further into chaos – not California, the other one. And the Mexicans, having reached the bottom of the hole they have dug for themselves, just chose to keep digging by electing a new leftist presidente who wants to surrender to the cartels and who thinks that Mexicans have some sort of “human right” to sneak into the U.S. and demographically reconquer it." KURT SCHLICHTER

Want some perspective on why so many blue sanctuary cities have so many homeless encampments hovering around?

Try the reality that illegal immigrants are routinely given free public housing by the U.S., based on the fact that they are uneducated, unskilled, and largely unemployable. Those are the criteria, and now importing poverty has never been easier. Shockingly, this comes as millions of poor Americans are out in the cold awaiting that housing that the original law was intended to help.

Thus, the tent cities, and by coincidence, the worst of these emerging shantytowns are in blue sanctuary cities loaded with illegal immigrants - Orange County, San Francisco, San Diego, Seattle, New York...Is there a connection? At a minimum, it's worth looking at.         

                                                     MONICA SHOWALTER




Biden’s HHS Nominee Does Not Rule Out Taxpayer-Funded Healthcare for Illegal Aliens


President Joe Biden’s nominee to lead the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, dodged a question on whether he would push to provide American taxpayer-funded healthcare benefits to illegal aliens.

This week, during a hearing before the Senate Finance Committee, Becerra was asked by Senator Steve Daines (R-MT) about his previous support for decriminalizing illegal immigration and providing illegal aliens with taxpayer-funded healthcare benefits.

Becerra, though, dodged the question by saying he would follow the parameters of the Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare, which he said allows “very rare” cases of illegal aliens to receive benefits.

The exchange went as follows:

DAINES: You’re on record for pushing for allowing illegal immigrants to receive taxpayer-funded healthcare and for decriminalizing illegal entry into the United States. This coupled with President Biden’s radical plan for granting citizenship to those who are here illegally would potentially lead to hundreds of thousands, if not potentially millions, more people flooding into our country. [Emphasis added]

As you know, in 2016, California passed a law requiring covered Californians to apply for … waivers to allow illegal immigrants to purchase health insurance in the marketplace. This waiver was withdrawn after President Trump’s election. [Emphasis added]

My question is this: Will you attempt to use the waiver authority contained in the Affordable Care Act to grant healthcare benefits to illegal immigrants? [Emphasis added]

BECERRA: Senator, I can tell you that where the law, as it stands now as I see it, it does not allow those who are unauthorized in this country to receive taxpayer-paid benefits except in very rare circumstances and it will be my job to make sure that we are following and enforcing the law. And I can commit to you that that is what we will do. [Emphasis added]

In a letter to Biden, 11 Senate Republicans and 64 House Republicans asked the president to withdraw Becerra’s nomination to be HHS Secretary, citing his support for taxpayer-funded healthcare benefits for illegal aliens, among other issues.

“Mr. Becerra seeks to decriminalize illegal immigration, which would extend expensive government benefits like Medicaid to anyone who illegally crosses our borders,” the letter states.

A Politico report this week suggested Becerra is eyeing plans to provide illegal aliens with taxpayer-funded healthcare benefits should he lead HHS.

“He’s one of those individuals that had exceedingly deep convictions about the need to cover the undocumented individuals in all of our communities,” former Rep. Charles Gonzalez (D-TX) told Politico of Becerra.

Should Becerra become HHS Secretary, he could let illegal aliens onto Obamacare exchanges while pressuring states to pursue similar policies to those in California. Likewise, Becerra could open Obamacare exchanges to particular subgroups of illegal aliens, like those enrolled in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

As Breitbart News reported, forcing taxpayers to provide healthcare to all illegal aliens would cost citizens anywhere between $23 billion to $66 billion every single year — potentially a $660 billion bill for taxpayers every decade, without adjusting for inflation and the increasing number of illegal aliens.

Cost is only the first issue facing taxpayers. Medical experts have admitted providing healthcare to illegal aliens would ensure a never-ending flood of illegal aliens arriving at the southern border with “serious health problems” and local hospitals would have to cover the costs.

Already, taxpayers are forced to subsidize about $18.5 billion of yearly medical costs for illegal aliens living in the U.S., according to estimates by Chris Conover, formerly of the Center for Health Policy and Inequalities Research at Duke University.

When U.S. voters were polled by CNN on the issue in July 2019, nearly 6-in-10 said they were opposed to such a policy, including 63 percent of swing voters and 61 percent of self-described “moderates.”

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here


Why is Biden releasing thousands of Covid-positive migrants into the country?

By Patricia McCarthy

The answer to that question may be in his absurd speech on Thursday when he said “we may have to reinstate the lockdown restrictions” if… If what?  What if the migrants the Biden Administration is allowing to come across the southern border without being tested, even if showing symptoms, then given bus tickets to any American city they hope to reach, is a grand plan to spread this flu throughout the country again in order to reinstate all the unconstitutional restrictions to which millions of Americans willingly submitted?  Chances are that the powers that be never dreamed so many people would give up their freedom to work, shop, eat, go to movies, vacation, have their kids in school, etc. without a fuss… but they did.  

The carefully calculated, thoroughly propagandistic fearmongering the media has done over the past year in service of the left was embarrassingly effective.  Too many Americans have lost the ability to question authority and have accepted the covid “mandates” as if we are all subjects of a benevolent oligarchy.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  This past year has been about several things:

(1) defeat Trump by any means necessary, no matter how illegal;

(2) use this flu, a variation of Sars-2 to do it;

(3) convince the citizens of the world that this flu is a death sentence so they will comply with any and all restrictions on their basic freedoms;

(4) proscribe any and all existing effective treatments for this flu – HCQ, Ivermectin, for example, both inexpensive and widely available;

(5) make disobeying any of the mandated restrictions a crime; maskless people and those who choose not to be vaccinated, must be rendered outcasts and/or criminals.  That pretty much sums up where we are today. 

The left thinks it has won and it seems perhaps they have but as usual they are overstepping.  So jubilant at their bare majority in the House and Senate, they seem to think they’ve achieved power in perpetuity.  They successfully rigged the 2020 election, blatantly, and got away with it.  If they pass their HR-1, the “election reform” bill, they will have cemented vote fraud in stone.  That’s their plan.  

And how easy it will be since they have at least half the population scared to death of a manipulated seasonal flu, ready to cower in self-quarantine to survive.  The teachers’ unions have successfully won billions of dollars in “covid relief” without ever having to go back to work.  They want to make virtual school the new normal!  

And these are the people, like the ever-invidious Nancy Pelosi who are always claiming their every move is “for the children.”  Yeah. Right.  They could not care less about anyone’s children but their own.  They’ve proven that over and over and over again.  

At this moment they are importing hundreds of thousands of migrants from all over the world through the now porous southern border that Trump had gained control of, many of them with Covid.  

They desperately want to re-impose all the lockdown restrictions.  They are drunk with power over our daily lives.

But here’s the thing!  Covid is no death sentence.  It is preventable and treatable with inexpensive drugs that have been around for decades.  The vaccine is unnecessary.  They are not even vaccines in the true sense of that word.  These vaccines are actually “hacking the software of life.”  Masks are unnecessary and actually dangerous. The lockdowns were just a purposeful power grab to punish all the small businesses who the left assumed supported President Trump who had so successfully energized the economy.

They are basking in their success at stealing the election, putting millions of Trump supporters out of business.  They’ve further ramped up racial divisions even beyond Obama’s wildest dreams and thoroughly tanked the economies of California and New York.  

China, the “man behind the curtain” of all of this, is laughing its way to global domination with the obedient acquiescence of the Biden administration and his party that is clearly willing to sell out the United States for their own personal financial gain.  

Biden, or whoever is calling the administration’s shots, is sending migrants into the vast reaches of the American interior on purpose.  It’s part of their plan to create a new covid surge so they can then shut us all down again.  Will we the people stand for a replay of what was an effective coup d’etat?  

As the Democrats plot to disarm those of us who revere the Second Amendment, they may be skating on thin ice, overplaying their ill-gotten hand.  But their agenda is obvious.  The handwriting is on the wall people.  The leftists have a plan and they are sticking to it.  Now is the time for all good people to come to the aid of their country.

House Democrats Urge Joe Biden to Give Obamacare to DACA Recipients

Joe Raedle/Getty Images


30 Jan 2021121


Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX) and 93 other House Democrats are urging President Joe Biden to give Obamacare benefits to Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA) recipients.

Castro and the 93 other House Democrats signed a letter Tuesday pressing for the change as part of the response to the coronavirus pandemic, claiming it would benefit not only those in the DACA program, but also the general public, NBC News reported.

The letter was addressed to Biden and Acting Secretary of Health and Human Services Norris Cochran.

Castro said in the letter:

Access to Covid-19 testing and treatment for DACA recipients and their U.S. citizen children is absolutely critical during this pandemic, particularly for the 202,500 DACA recipients employed as essential workers on the front lines to keep our country healthy and running.

Under current rules, DACA recipients cannot enroll in Obamacare because they are not considered “lawfully present.” Castro argued that DACA recipients are treated as “lawfully present” for other federal benefits and urged the Biden administration to revoke the rule.

Whether House members plan to enact legislation to this effect or just want Biden to introduce an executive order on the subject is unclear.

Some Republicans say the effort will not pass Congress if Democrats try to introduce it as legislation.

“He’s doubling down on putting American taxpayers last by giving free health care to DACA recipients, when he should be solely focused on the most urgent health issue of our time: getting every American vaccinated,” Lauren Fine, a spokeswoman for Republican House Whip Steve Scalise told Fox News Friday.

“An expansion of ObamaCare to DACA recipients won’t pass Congress and is wasting time he should be spending on leading us out of the Coronavirus crisis and reopening our economy,” Fine added.

If Castro’s push is successful, the move would be another expansion of benefits the Biden administration would be providing to illegal aliens.

The DACA program, which was started in 2012 during the Obama administration, allowed illegal aliens who came to the country as young children to work or go to school while they legally remained in the country.

Former President Donald Trump repeatedly tried to end DACA, but the Supreme Court rebuffed his efforts.


Joe Biden Orders Aid, Benefits for Migrants



2 Feb 2021286


President Joe Biden will sign three migration-related Executive Orders on Tuesday, including one directing deputies to consider offering legal entry to illegal immigrants who used their children to cross the border during President Donald Trump’s tenure, say press reports.

The Washington Post reported statements made by officials to selected reporters Monday evening:

Government officials said they had not settled on a single legal status that would be given to returning parents, adding that families could receive different visas or legal protections depending on their cases.

The briefing was used to frame media coverage of the three orders that Biden will sign Tuesday. The New York Times outlined:

Officials said that could include providing visas or other legal means of entry to parents who have been deported back to their home countries. Or it could involve sending children who are living in the United States back to those countries to be with their parents. They said each case would be looked at separately.

“The official said each family would be evaluated on an ‘individual basis,’ taking into account the ‘preference of the family … and the well-being of children,'” according to NBC.

The giveaway is aimed at the roughly 5,500 families who were temporarily divided when the children who were brought over the border were held in shelters. At the same time, the adults were separated and prosecuted for violating the nation’s border laws.

Democrats used the “separated kids” theme to rally liberal opposition to President Donald Trump’s efforts to block southern migration, which included almost one million people in 2019. That migrant wave included many people who brought their children to help them open catch and release loopholes in border rules.

Biden’s offer of benefits for “separated families” is being played up by sympathetic reporters at many outlets and helps to minimize discussion about the broader impact of the pending Executive Orders.

The White House officials downplayed the immediate consequences of the three Executive Orders. The New York Times said:

Senior administration officials said Monday night that most of Mr. Biden’s directives on Tuesday would not make immediate changes. Rather, they are intended to give officials at the Department of Homeland Security, the Justice Department and the State Department time to evaluate how best to undo the policies.

National Public Radio reported:

The executive actions make clear that rolling back former President Donald Trump’s hardline immigration measures won’t happen overnight. In fact, more actions are almost certain to follow, officials told reporters on a preview call about the measures.

“It takes time to review everything, so we are starting with these right now, but that doesn’t mean it’s the end of it,” one of the officials said.

But the orders could have a dramatic impact over the next few years.

For example, one order directs the Department of Homeland Security to remove barriers to migration, such as Trump’s “Public Charge” test. The test bars green cards to poor migrants who would need government support to prosper in the United States.

Another order directs officials to create a new pipeline of migrants from Central America to Americans’ workplaces and communities.

Also, the offer of benefits to people who brought their children to get through loopholes creates another incentive for millions of poor people to bring their children as they head north to get jobs — or even legal status — under Biden’s looser policies.

Those policies would further encourage low-skill migration that would spike workplace competition for blue-collar Americans and boosting government aid for poor migrants. That migration would benefit investors, who gain from cheap workers, reduced need for automation, and greater government spending.

The media reports downplayed Biden’s encouragement of migration with the claimed goal of raising economic incentives for migrants to stay in their home countries.

Unlike Trump and his pro-American policies, Biden and his deputies are determined to share Americans’ resources with foreign migrants on the claims of “fairness” and “humanity.”

“President Biden’s approach is to deal with immigration comprehensively, fairly, and humanely,” CNN reported.

For years, a wide variety of pollsters have shown deep and broad opposition to labor migration — or the hiring of temporary contract workers into the jobs sought by young U.S. graduates. The multiracialcross-sexnon-racistclass-basedpriority-driven, and solidarity-themed opposition to labor migration coexists with generally favorable personal feelings toward legal immigrants and toward immigration in theory.

The deep public opposition is built on the widespread recognition that migration moves money from employees to employers, from families to investors, from young to old, from children to their parents, from homebuyers to real estate investors, and from the central states to the coastal states.

NYTimes revives old claim: Americans should get the blame for illegal migration b/c they won't OK endless migration into their national labor market.
This claim is elite BS – and is proven wrong by 1990 immig law. But Biden, GW Bush & WSJ also push it.

— Neil Munro (@NeilMunroDC) January 31, 2021


Steve Scalise: Vaccinating Illegals Before Americans ‘a Slap in the Face’


House Republican Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) said in a statement Tuesday that President Joe Biden handing out vaccines to illegal immigrants before U.S. citizens should be considered a “slap in the face” to millions of Americans waiting for the coronavirus vaccine.

Scalise, the ranking member of the Select Committee on the Coronavirus Crisis, released a statement after Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced Monday that the agency would provide “equal access to the COVID-19 vaccines” for “undocumented immigrants.”

“It is a moral and public health imperative to ensure that all individuals residing in the United States have access to the vaccine. DHS encourages all individuals, regardless of immigration status, to receive the COVID-19 vaccine once eligible under local distribution guidelines,” the DHS explained in a statement Monday.

DHS continued:

To reach underserved and rural communities, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), in collaboration with federal partners, will coordinate efforts to establish and support fixed facilities, pop-up or temporary vaccination sites, and mobile vaccination clinics. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and U.S. Customs and Border Protection will not conduct enforcement operations at or near vaccine distribution sites or clinics. Consistent with ICE’s long-standing sensitive locations policy, ICE does not and will not carry out enforcement operations at or near health care facilities, such as hospitals, doctors’ offices, accredited health clinics, and emergent or urgent care facilities, except in the most extraordinary of circumstances.

Scalise said that this move amounts to a slap in the face for Americans waiting to get the vaccine.

He said:

President Biden’s plan to vaccinate illegal immigrants ahead of Americans who are currently being denied the COVID-19 vaccine is a slap in the face to millions of hard-working families who have been waiting months for the vaccine and expect Washington leaders to be looking out for them. This pattern of President Biden putting non-citizens ahead of American citizens is even more disturbing after last week’s actions that put foreign jobs over American jobs; now he is making Americans wait to get the vaccine behind people who came here illegally. Even worse, this comes on top of the recent exposure of the Biden administration’s original plan to prioritize vaccinating terrorists at Guantanamo Bay over Americans here at home. It is time that President Biden puts Americans first when it comes to protecting the hard-working families who are counting on Washington to put them first.

“President Biden must abandon this ridiculous plan and instead focus on getting the elderly, the vulnerable, frontline workers, and other essential Americans vaccinated as quickly as possible,” Scalise added.

Sean Moran is a congressional reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SeanMoran3.


House Democrats Seek to Include Amnesty for Illegal Aliens in Coronavirus Relief Package


About 100 House Democrats are urging House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to include an amnesty for certain subgroups of illegal aliens in a relief package for Americans impacted by the Chinese coronavirus crisis.

The group of House Democrats, led by the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, want to include an amnesty for at least five million illegal aliens who consider themselves “essential workers” and who are recipients of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) programs. The letter states:

As you continue to work on assembling a COVID-19 reconciliation package and begin work on an economic recovery and jobs package, we urge you to include a pathway to citizenship for essential immigrant workers, Dreamers, and TPS holders, as well as their families, in order to ensure a robust recovery that is inclusive and equitable for all Americans regardless of their immigration status.

Read the full letter here:


Letter to Speaker Pelosi an… by John Binder

The amnesty would pack the United States labor market with millions of newly legalized illegal aliens who would be allowed to legally compete for jobs against 18 million unemployed Americans and another 6.2 million Americans who are underemployed.

Eventually, those legalized by the amnesty would be put on a path to obtaining American citizenship. The House Democrats claim the amnesty would boost U.S. wages, though a tightened labor market with reduced foreign competition against Americans has proven to spike salaries.

“A pathway to citizenship for undocumented essential workers would raise the wage floor and in turn benefit all workers, beyond direct beneficiaries,” the House Democrats write.

The proposal comes as President Joe Biden’s administration has put forth an amnesty plan that would allow nearly the entire illegal alien population — between 11 and 22 million foreign nationals — to eventually obtain American citizenship.

Thus far, 28 of the most vulnerable House Democrats have stayed silent on whether they would support such a proposal at a time of mass unemployment.

Every year more than 1.2 million legal immigrants are awarded green cards, another 1.4 million foreign nationals are given visas, and hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens are added to the U.S. population. Wall Street, the big business lobby, and Big Tech have lobbied for years for an amnesty and an increase in legal immigration levels to boost their profit margins by cutting labor costs through U.S. job outsourcing.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at

Almost half of cancer patients in the US deplete entire life assets by second year of treatment


After a colon cancer diagnosis, Deb Genetin, a 57-year-old resident of Springfield, Ohio, just outside Dayton, was denied a life-saving surgery at Mercy Health hospital because, in the words of the hospital, her “financing wasn’t in place.” Genetin has not had health insurance in 10 years and makes only $20,000 a year as an administrative assistant in a law firm.

Last month, Genetin told the Times-Reporter, “They never told me how much money they needed, how much money I had to come up with. It was just a ‘No.’” Genetin had previously applied for financial aid through Mercy Health but was rejected. Genetin then sought cheaper care at Ohio Valley Surgical Hospital, where she received the necessary surgery.

A team of surgeons operate on a patient [Source:]

While Genetin is currently cancer-free and now has health insurance, she is struggling to both meet her payments and pay off medical debt. “I had to drop my hours and my income to get [health insurance] and now I struggle to pay the house payment,” she told reporters.

Genetin is one of thousands of cancer patients in the United States who struggle to afford adequate treatment. In the last decade, researchers and physicians have begun to further explore the patient-level financial and health consequences of high-cost cancer treatment.

A 2018 study from the American Journal of Medicine (AJM), titled “ Death or Debt? National Estimates of Financial Toxicity in Persons with Newly-Diagnosed Cancer, ” evaluate d the extent of financial damage caused by a cancer diagnoses in the United States. The study ’ s large sample size of 9.5 million is a significant extension of previous studies that gathered data on a smaller or state level. The data was pulled from the Health and Retirement Study sponsored by the National Institute on Aging and Social Security Administration. Data was collected from 1998 to 2014 on people over 50 years old.

Inclusion criteria for the AJM study involved new cancer diagnoses of any type excluding minor skin cancer. Based on the year of diagnosis, a baseline financial value was gathered from two years before the diagnosis to act as a control. The trajectory of the patient’s finances was examined at two years and four years following the initial diagnosis. Changes in the patient’s net worth were calculated based on total wealth, a figure including assets and properties and subtracting debts such as mortgages and consumer debt.

The study found that 42.4 percent of the 9,527,522 new diagnoses of cancer between 2000 and 2012 had lost their entire life’s assets by year two. A further thirty-eight percent had depleted their life assets by year four. The average net worth by year two was $92,098, depleted from the average initial net worth of $644,031.

Large decreases of net worth were seen among those with both worsening and improving cancer status. The largest overall decreases were seen in patients over 75 years old with an average loss of $115,000. Comorbidities such as hypertension, current smoker, and lung disease increased the odds of total net worth depletion. Those with Medicaid as compared to private insurance were independently associated with financial losses at year two and four.

This is not a new phenomenon. In 2013, cancer physicians and researchers wrote a two-part manuscript, “Financial Toxicity: A New Name for a Growing Problem” in which they coined a new term, “Financial Toxicity,” to describe the patient-level financial impact of cancer care. The term encompasses both the objective financial burden on the individual and society as well as the subjective experience of financial strain during a period of illness and healing. The inclusion of the word “toxicity” in the term is carefully chosen, as researchers have found that the financial stress of cancer treatment is a risk factor for mortality.

In a study titled “Financial Insolvency as a Risk Factor for Early Mortality Among Patients With Cancer” published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology in 2016, authors Scott D. Ramsey, Aasthaa Bansal and Polly Newcomb linked cancer registry records with federal bankruptcy records. A previous study by the same researchers showed that individuals with cancer are two and a half times more likely to file for bankruptcy compared to those without cancer. With this knowledge, the results of the 2016 study are all the more shocking.

While results varied based on the type of cancer, those who filed for bankruptcy after a diagnosis of breast, lung, colorectal or prostate cancer had significantly higher mortality rates. Patients suffering from prostate cancer who filed for bankruptcy were twice as likely to die. The risk of mortality was 2.5 times as high among patients with colorectal cancer who filed for bankruptcy compared to those who did not. While bankruptcy is at the extreme end of financial desperation, other studies have also found an association between high out-of-pocket costs and poor clinical outcomes.

There is no one reason for the correlation between financial toxicity and poor clinical outcomes. Financial insecurity may lead patients to seek out underfunded hospitals where risks of infection or medical errors may be higher. Patients may skip doses of medications or cut pills in half to stretch their prescriptions, in some cases resulting in subtherapeutic, and thereby insufficient, blood levels of medications.

Patients forced to handle large out-of-pocket costs are also more likely to forgo or delay necessary treatments. Cancer patients often work longer hours or cancel vacations to cover medical expenses sacrificing periods of rest and putting undue stress on their bodies during a period of healing. Many lose their jobs after long hospitalizations, or cannot work due to lowered immune systems or fatigue, further dragging them into debt and financial distress. For many, extra expenses for healthy food or even safe, comfortable housing is cut in order to pay for treatment.

In the US, cancer is one of the most expensive diseases to treat, second only to heart disease.

According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), many chemotherapy agents cost more than $10,000 a month. Many treatment regimens require multiple chemotherapy drugs working in tandem, increasing the cost two- or threefold. And the cost is growing as new pharmacological breakthroughs and treatments carry impossible price tags.

Immunotherapy, for example, is a groundbreaking new treatment that activates the body’s immune system to fight cancer cells. It has been approved in the US and elsewhere as a first-line treatment for many types of cancer. While typical chemotherapy kills all cells, immunotherapy is more precise, sparing healthy cells resulting in fewer side effects and a higher quality of life during treatment. Immunotherapy also capitalizes on the immune system’s ability to continuously adapt in order to kill even the most rapidly changing cancer cells. Relapse rates are reduced with immunotherapy because the immune system has “memory,” and it can remember cancerous cells and fight them if the cancer returns.

While the development of immunotherapy is a result of decades of scientific research across the world—most of which took place in publicly funded institutions—the final, packaged, life-saving product, is only available to a select few. Without insurance, immunotherapy costs roughly $100,000 per person when taken for a year. Like chemotherapy, immunotherapy is often used in combination, which doubles or triples the cost. One immunotherapy agent, named Kymriah, used as a one-time dose to treat refractory non-Hodgkin lymphoma and B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia, costs $475,000.

Recent lawsuits against major pharmaceutical companies have shown that the cost of high-priced drugs are not simply a product of research and development—as companies claim—nor are the profits they generate used to fund future innovation. Instead, profits are funneled into stock buybacks, boosting the company’s stock profiles and increasing the wealth of the executives.

Even with private insurance, many patients are denied coverage for immunotherapy or forced to cover up to 25 percent of the cost. Furthermore, drug costs are just one aspect of cancer treatment. Hospitalization, teams of specialists, new advancements in imaging, surgery and radiotherapy collectively contribute to a systemic rise in cancer treatment cost that shoots past the rate of inflation. At the same time, average deductible costs for job-based health insurance have increased from $376 in 2006 to $1,300 in 2019. In a country where 70 percent of people live paycheck-to-paycheck, a single overnight stay in the hospital could deplete a family’s savings.

Young adults, while less likely to be diagnosed with cancer, face an even higher chance of financial ruin after diagnoses. With insufficient savings accounts, student debt, lower-income jobs and lack of eligibility for Medicare, young adult cancer survivors begin their lives buried in debt, many relying on crowdsourcing websites like GoFundMe or private charities to stay afloat.

The upsurge in research on the financial impact of cancer treatment has spurred many health care workers to advocate for screening patients for financial toxicity as well as initiating open conversations about the financial stress of treatment. However, aside from connecting patients with resources like private charities that cover a limited portion of treatment costs, conversations and awareness about financial toxicity are not a solution, as the problem finds its source in the capitalist system and the historic levels of social inequality that it has produced. Among rich and middle-income countries, the US has some of largest income-related disparities in health care. In the face of a cancer diagnosis, this translates directly to financial ruin and higher mortality among poor and working-class Americans.



Healthcare access has declined in past two decades, despite Obamacare: Study

by Cassidy Morrison

Financial access to healthcare services has declined over the past two decades, despite the implementation of Obamacare and other government insurance programs, according to a new study.

The analysis, published in JAMA Internal Medicine, traces the drop in access to the rise in premiums, deductibles, co-pays, and other costs, which have weighed against higher insurance coverage. It concludes that "over the past 20 years, the proportion of adults aged 18 to 64 years unable to see a physician owing to cost increased, mostly because of an increase among persons with insurance."

The authors, three doctors, interpret the results as evidence in favor of government-financed healthcare.

“With private insurance, we’ve seen significant worsening in the amount that patients are expected to pay, like premiums, deductibles, out-of-pocket costs, co-insurance, and co-pays,” said Dr. Laura Hawks, a researcher at Harvard Medical School and co-author of the report.

The study finds that the share of insured adults who had trouble affording the cost of seeing a physician increased from 7.1% to 11.5% between 1998 and 2017. Meanwhile, insured people with chronic health conditions struggled frequently to pay for visits to specialists. About 1 in 5 patients with a chronic medical condition, such as diabetes or heart disease, said they could not see a doctor because of high costs. In 2017, for instance, the proportion of insured people who have chronic conditions, including heart disease, yet were unable to afford a visit to the doctor was 6.9 percentage points higher than in 1998.

The decline in access has occurred even though health insurance coverage has risen, from 83.1% in 1998 to 85.2% in 2017.

Hawks said government-run health plans, such as Medicaid, give people higher-quality coverage because they lack the same cost-sharing measures as private plans, including premiums and deductibles, that restrict access to health services.

“Our interpretation Is that the increased cost-sharing that’s required for private insurance companies to exist is the reason for these rising costs,” Hawks said. “So, if we were to reform the healthcare system, we’d want it to be universal as well as comprehensive, and the only way we could accomplish this is through a single-payer insurance system.”

Presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren have each proposed Medicare for All healthcare plans, which would eliminate all premiums, deductibles, and co-pays by enrolling everyone living in the United States into a government plan.

Democrats and President Barack Obama enacted Obamacare to provide access to private health insurance for people who did not have employer-provided or government insurance plans. The law did improve access, according to the study. However, a single middle-class earner making about $48,000 or more annually makes too much money to qualify for tax subsidies for premiums, making a private plan through the Obamacare marketplace too expensive for individuals and families.

One of the study's authors, Dr. David Himmelstein, a public health policy professor at the City University of New York and a supporter of “Medicare for all," said Obamacare accomplished a lot but came up short.

“The study is an endorsement of the fact that we need more reform of the healthcare system, but it doesn’t suggest a specific reform,” Himmelstein said. “What it says about [Obamacare] is that it brought more people into the system, but it didn’t fix the system.”

Bottom line, all of these new services for illegal border crossers are bonanzas, not just for the NGOs who benefit, they are benefits for human smuggling rackets, who can now advertise these wares as part of their illegal alien benefit packages and use the news of them to draw more business. Biden is helping that bunch ultimately with these free-hotel contracts even Americans in distress don't get. Cartels will use this incentive to drum up more business.

Biden Hollows Out Trump-Era COVID Protections at the Border

Memo: Biden admin plans to team with migrant advocates to 'streamline' border admission

President Biden delivers speech on Afghanistan on Apr. 14 / Getty ImagesJoseph Simonson • May 20, 2021 5:00 am

The Biden administration is preparing to gut COVID-19 safety restrictions on illegal immigrants and asylum seekers and essentially reverse the Trump administration’s pandemic health protections without public notice, according to documents circulating within U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

While the Trump administration took a hardline approach to turning away immigrants to avoid "a serious danger of introduction of [a communicable] disease," at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Customs and Border Protection is now quietly walking much of that guidance back. A May memo, reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon, highlighted a potential work-around of the safety measures. The memo, authored by senior staff at CBP, emphasizes the ability of "customs officers [to] determine [who] should be allowed into the United States."

Customs and Border Protection officials say the Biden administration is looking to liberally interpret that provision, which was initially meant for migrants with extenuating circumstances related to humanitarian concerns or political repression. Broadening the humanitarian exemption would constitute a de facto reversal of the Trump administration’s guidance on limiting migration into the country. The shift in policy would come as border patrol agents encountered 178,622 migrants in April, among the highest-trafficked months on record.

"They’re keeping in place Trump’s order while broadening it enough to please left-wing activists," a senior Customs and Border Protection official told the Free Beacon. "If they rescind Title 42, they can’t deport single men."

The memo says the federal officials "will be relying" on immigrant-related, nongovernmental organizations "to identify undocumented individuals potentially amenable to be exempted on humanitarian grounds." Customs and Border Protection officials say essentially outsourcing immigration processing to NGOs could flood the country with migrants, many of whom never attend their immigration court hearings. Critics say activists from border organizations like the United Nations Refugee Agency and the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society coach migrants on how to gain asylum status, rather than seek out the most vulnerable.

Trump invoked Title 42, a little known provision that enables the executive branch to curtail border crossings during a public health crisis, in a March 2020 executive order. Left-wing advocacy groups call Title 42 a violation of international human rights treaties and have demanded the Biden administration reverse his predecessor’s invocation of it. The Biden administration claims the "streamlined" process of admitting immigrants will combat COVID-19 by reducing "the amount of time undocumented individuals spend in congregate settings, thereby reducing the risk of COVID-19."

Using an expansive view of the pandemic exemptions and partnering with NGOs will ensure that more illegal immigrants and asylum seekers will enter the country, according to the senior CBP official.

"What the Biden administration is doing is giving them the ability to play both sides," the official said.

President Biden fulfilled a campaign promise by publicly instituting Title 42 exemptions for all migrant children, a decision many have blamed for the surge of unaccompanied minors at the southern border. Border agents could soon face a secondary surge—broad humanitarian exemptions would allow most families and children to claim asylum, regardless of whether they test positive for COVID-19 or other diseases. Single men, Customs and Border Protection officials say, would likely still face deportation unless they say they fear for their safety in their home country.

The release of the memo comes as border patrol agents increasingly see what the New York Times dubbed "pandemic refugees" from countries as far away as India on the southern border. April numbers released by the government showed 30 percent of families found on the border came from countries other than Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador—a 22.5 percent increase from April 2019.

The group’s survey says that 28 percent of renters in New York pay more than 50 percent of their wages on housing in the city’s migrant-crowded neighborhoods.

Will Housing Prices Collapse? Featuring Richard Wolff


Homelessness Is Ruining San Diego, California

Democrats Want $5.5 Billion Bailout of New York City’s Illegal Population


17 Nov 20201,148


The coronavirus crash has completely impoverished New York City’s huge illegal-migrant population, so it needs a bailout from billionaires, says a far left group of open border activists.

The advocacy group, Make the Road NY, wants to raise $5.5 billion from 120 New York billionaires to provide roughly $750 per week in aid for up to 1.2 million illegal migrants and their dependents. Numerous Democratic legislators back the campaign.

The New York Times gave the draft legislation a boost on November 15, with an excellent video report that showcased some of the unemployed, illegal migrants who were trying to earn some cash as street vendors:

On one corner, Cristina Sanchez stood forlornly at a produce stand. She had not sold a single thing. During the pandemic she had lost her job, and then her rented room, triggering a frantic hustle to survive: First she sold produce, then tacos, then produce again …

“This has affected my children [in Mexico] a lot,” Cristina said, as she started to cry. “I try to tell them that because there’s no steady work, whatever I make is only enough for me to survive for the day.”

The New York Times showcased one of the group’s members, “Gerardo,” a Mexican who arrived in 2006:

He decided to sell tacos de alambre — made with steak, chiles, bacon and cheese — on the street. The owner of a local deli let him use an enclosed sidewalk stand at night, free of charge. During the day it sells smoothies.

Gerardo’s sales have not been brisk. His tacos cost two for $5. He needs to sell at least 130 each day, a target he often misses by half.

Many excluded workers have become street vendors in the past few months as a new source of income.

Our member Gerardo, also featured, has fought to #FundExcludedWorkers after losing his job and having to sell his car to make ends meet.

— Make the Road NY (@MaketheRoadNY) November 16, 2020

The group also wants the state legislature to approve more licenses for street vendors — even though the extra supply of vendors would reduce income for the native-born and immigrant who operate the existing stands.

The Make the Road group said its surveys showed that:

92% of respondents reported that either they or another earner in their household has lost their job or income as a result of the crisis.

84% of respondents are now themselves unemployed, with 88% of them reporting job loss due to COVID-19.

Only 5% of respondents received unemployment benefits in the last month.

90% of household cleaners had lost their jobs. Those that were working had fewer clients than usual and had lost income.

The group’s survey says that 28 percent of renters in New York pay more than 50 percent of their wages on housing in the city’s migrant-crowded neighborhoods.

The scale of the imported poverty is huge but unclear.

Make the Road claims 1.2 million people “who haven’t received any aid,” while the New York Times says the city includes roughly half a million illegals.

The leaders in New York City choose to build their service and real-estate economies on cheap imported labor, so denying wages, jobs, and home to the many Americans who did live – or want to live — in the city.

Now the coronavirus crash is threatening the city’s economy by pushing out impoverished migrants, and their departure is pressuring employers to raise wages high enough to attract Americans to jobs in New York.

New York’s problem with impoverished illegal migrants is mirrored in Boston, Massachusetts, and in Los Angeles.

Mass immigration shifts investment, jobs & wealth from the central states to the coastal states.
NY shows how Trump partly reversed the wealth transfer by curbing migration.
Yet GOP pols keep voting for immigration that makes their states poorer. #H1B

— Neil Munro (@NeilMunroDC) September 19, 2020

10K Migrants Apprehended in Texas Border Sector over One Week

Eagle Pass North Station Border Patrol agents apprehend a large group of migrants. (U.S. Border Patrol/Del Rio Sector)
U.S. Border Patrol/Del Rio Sector

Del Rio Sector Border Patrol agents apprehended more than 10,000 migrants during the past week. Another estimated 6,000 migrants got away without being apprehended.

Del Rio Sector Chief Patrol Agent Jason D. Owens tweeted a video recap highlighting the week’s activities in this sector. In the video, Eagle Pass North Station Patrol Agent in Charge Mickey Donaldson reported that began the week with more than 2,500 migrants in custody.

This was due, in large part, to a very busy week where multiple large migrant groups crossed at will. During the last week, agents in this sector apprehended 10,343 apprehensions. In addition, another 5,903 migrants got away without being apprehended.

The Del Rio Sector continues to lead the nation in the apprehension of large migrant groups. Border Patrol defines a large group as 100 or more migrants in a single border crossing event. During the past week, these agents encountered 21 large migrant groups.

Included in the apprehensions were two sex offenders within a two-hour period of time on Monday, Breitbart Texas reported.

Del Rio Sector agents also rescued eight migrants from life-threatening situations.

In connection with Texas Department of Public Safety troopers working under Operation Lone Star and local law enforcement partners, 87 human smuggling loads were intercepted. This resulted in the seizure of seven firearms and the apprehension of 503 migrant apprehensions.

Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior news contributor for the Breitbart Texas-Border team. He is an original member of the Breitbart Texas team. Price is a regular panelist on Fox 26 Houston’s What’s Your Point? Sunday-morning talk show. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX and Facebook.

Try the reality that illegal immigrants are routinely given free public housing by the U.S., based on the fact that they are uneducated, unskilled, and largely unemployable. 


President Joe Biden has taken  $2 billion from Americans’ healthcare  programs to help deliver migrant  youths and children to their illegal-migrant parents throughout the  United States, press reports say.


Biden Hollows Out Trump-Era COVID Protections at the Border

Memo: Biden admin plans to team with migrant advocates to 'streamline' border admission

President Biden delivers speech on Afghanistan on Apr. 14 / Getty ImagesJoseph Simonson • May 20, 2021 5:00 am

The Biden administration is preparing to gut COVID-19 safety restrictions on illegal immigrants and asylum seekers and essentially reverse the Trump administration’s pandemic health protections without public notice, according to documents circulating within U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

While the Trump administration took a hardline approach to turning away immigrants to avoid "a serious danger of introduction of [a communicable] disease," at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Customs and Border Protection is now quietly walking much of that guidance back. A May memo, reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon, highlighted a potential work-around of the safety measures. The memo, authored by senior staff at CBP, emphasizes the ability of "customs officers [to] determine [who] should be allowed into the United States."

Customs and Border Protection officials say the Biden administration is looking to liberally interpret that provision, which was initially meant for migrants with extenuating circumstances related to humanitarian concerns or political repression. Broadening the humanitarian exemption would constitute a de facto reversal of the Trump administration’s guidance on limiting migration into the country. The shift in policy would come as border patrol agents encountered 178,622 migrants in April, among the highest-trafficked months on record.

"They’re keeping in place Trump’s order while broadening it enough to please left-wing activists," a senior Customs and Border Protection official told the Free Beacon. "If they rescind Title 42, they can’t deport single men."

The memo says the federal officials "will be relying" on immigrant-related, nongovernmental organizations "to identify undocumented individuals potentially amenable to be exempted on humanitarian grounds." Customs and Border Protection officials say essentially outsourcing immigration processing to NGOs could flood the country with migrants, many of whom never attend their immigration court hearings. Critics say activists from border organizations like the United Nations Refugee Agency and the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society coach migrants on how to gain asylum status, rather than seek out the most vulnerable.

Trump invoked Title 42, a little known provision that enables the executive branch to curtail border crossings during a public health crisis, in a March 2020 executive order. Left-wing advocacy groups call Title 42 a violation of international human rights treaties and have demanded the Biden administration reverse his predecessor’s invocation of it. The Biden administration claims the "streamlined" process of admitting immigrants will combat COVID-19 by reducing "the amount of time undocumented individuals spend in congregate settings, thereby reducing the risk of COVID-19."

Using an expansive view of the pandemic exemptions and partnering with NGOs will ensure that more illegal immigrants and asylum seekers will enter the country, according to the senior CBP official.

"What the Biden administration is doing is giving them the ability to play both sides," the official said.

President Biden fulfilled a campaign promise by publicly instituting Title 42 exemptions for all migrant children, a decision many have blamed for the surge of unaccompanied minors at the southern border. Border agents could soon face a secondary surge—broad humanitarian exemptions would allow most families and children to claim asylum, regardless of whether they test positive for COVID-19 or other diseases. Single men, Customs and Border Protection officials say, would likely still face deportation unless they say they fear for their safety in their home country.

The release of the memo comes as border patrol agents increasingly see what the New York Times dubbed "pandemic refugees" from countries as far away as India on the southern border. April numbers released by the government showed 30 percent of families found on the border came from countries other than Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador—a 22.5 percent 

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