Sunday, January 15, 2023



"And it's curious that Joe Biden, you know, is the one that everybody jumped out of the race -- you know, Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar all, like, tearfully backed out of the presidential race, all to back Joe Biden because they have this false narrative that Joe Biden was a regular guy that rode Amtrak, living in $10 million homes, having the lifestyle -- not just Joe, but his family. 

                                                                       SUSAN JONES

Tucker: Biden is in serious trouble tonight

I’d be inclined to disagree with Don except for one thing: Biden has proven to be a very adept criminal mastermind. For decades, he has funneled millions of dollars to his children and siblings and, especially, to his debauched, deviant son, Hunter. 

                                                             ANDREA WIDBURG

In 2018 and 2020, Schweizer published Secret Empires and Profiles in Corruption. Each book hit #1 on the New York Times bestseller list and exposed how Hunter and his father flew to China aboard Air Force Two in 2013 before Hunter’s firm inked a $1.5 billion deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China, which transpired less than two weeks after the trip. Schweizer’s work also uncovered the Biden family’s other vast and lucrative foreign deals and cronyism.

For Biden Supporters, No Lie Is Too Much To Break The Faith

The Constitutional Crisis that is the Biden regime continues to exceed previous levels of cover-up, denial, and dishonesty. Through it all, media members and other Biden supporters keep getting played for fools, but they always come back for more.

Beginning last year, each version of the “Twitter Files” revealed in astonishing detail the level of collusion, fraud, cover-up, and corruption between the FBI, the “intelligence” community, the medical establishment, and corrupt corporate and social media. Most recently, after the story broke that Joe Biden had mishandled classified information, the media ran interference and attempted to spin the whole thing, in comical fashion, as “not as bad as Trump.”

They knew about the documents discovered at the PennBiden office in November, before the midterm elections. Now there are revelations of a second tranche of classified documents that were found in Biden’s Delaware garage and a third tranche found somewhere else.

Journalists should be really, really angry that they have been lied to—again—and as they were directed to run interference and damage control for Biden—again. After all, they’ve been thoroughly embarrassed because they have stepped on a rake and have been smacked forcibly in the face with the long handle of inescapable truth. And yet they’ve still got Biden’s back.

Image: Retro TV with fake news by freepik.

A Special Counsel has been appointed as of midday Thursday, January 12, 2023. Forgive me, but I will not be holding my breath for an honest investigation.

For proper context, I detest being lied to. I consider it to be the worst of all personal insults because one must have an exceedingly low opinion of those to whom they lie, as well as the belief that they are stupid enough to believe their lies.

Hence, the media’s lies on behalf of anything and everything the Democrat Party apparatus and its deep state machine have done at the behest of any and every Democrat party interest are infuriating. What is simultaneously dumbfounding is that these people can be relied upon to rush to any Democrat party official’s or politician’s defense, no matter the charge, without fail. It can be scientifically established as consistent, predictable, repeatable behavior.

Why these people have any patronage, any readers, or any viewers of their media outlets is equally dumbfounding. Nearly everything they say is part of a crafted, manipulated, rehearsed, unified, and fundamentally dishonest narrative.

Is there any integrity in media anymore? Is there any intellectual honesty among those people or, for that matter, their viewers? All those people who have consumed and repeated every lie they have been told for nearly a generation should all be really, really angry by now.

Five months ago, I wondered when Biden voters would get angry “after 19 months of predictable results for (Biden’s) failed policies, when are Biden voters going to get angry?” In a logical, sane world in which people had any measure of integrity and intellectual honesty, Biden voters would be absolutely livid at the lies they have been told, the same lies they have believed and gone forth to re-tell and defend and the way they have been made fools for the whole world to see.

Are Biden voters ever going to understand what the swamp, the “deep state,” the FBI, the “intelligence” community, and corrupt corporate media have said and done for these many years? Are those people capable of realizing how they have been played, duped, suckered, and have been told so many bald-faced lies? The corruption, collusion, the election interference, and the lies told to cover it all up go back about as far as one can reasonably recall.

This is nothing new, of course. More than a year ago, I bemoaned that it was “a pitiful sight to behold another family member, friend, or neighbor who has lost all ability to reason but instead chooses to remain wedded to the long and ever-increasing list of lies the Democrats tell them.” A terribly abusive relationship has been allowed to exist, and those people who are consuming the prescribed daily dose of lies have lost the ability to objectively discern the truth.

The implications of the lies which have most recently come to light are stunning.

As far back as December 2019, the FBI knew about and apparently had possession of Hunter Biden’s laptop, which he abandoned in a Delaware computer shop. At nearly the same time, in December 2019, President Trump was impeached in connection with a July 2019 phone call to Ukraine’s President Zelensky, in which he asked for cooperation investigating Joe and Hunter Biden’s potential corruption.

If the FBI had released any information about the laptop or acknowledged an investigation was underway, that would have torpedoed the Democrat’s impeachment hopes and, instead, would have completely validated President Trump’s request for cooperation from President Zelensky. In addition, Joe Biden’s political aspirations would have likely ended (the 2020 primaries had not yet begun) had there been an honest and timely announcement of the need for an investigation of the Biden Crime Family.

Joe Biden should never have been the Democrat Party nominee. But the DNC powers-that-be sorted out the cast of goofballs running for president and selected Biden as the nominee. When the New York Post ran the Hunter Biden laptop story, the FBI’s little laptop problem could not just go away.

Therefore, acting straight from the 2016 “Russia hacking” playbook, the FBI plowed the field of corporate and social media and sowed the seeds of “Russian disinformation” so that if or when the story broke about Hunter’s laptop and his emails citing “10% for the Big Guy,” everybody involved had their “plausible deniability,” and could spike the story citing adherence to “journalistic standards.”

Recent opinion polls indicate that honest reporting would have caused voters not to vote for Biden. Therefore, Joe Biden is an illegitimate President. Additionally, because of what has been revealed and, more so, because of what we don’t know about what the Biden Crime Family has done and is doing, Joe Biden is a dangerously compromised chief executive, and America is imperiled because of it.

Too many of our fellow citizens, neighbors, friends, and family have believed the litany of lies we have been told. If I were a Biden voter and were faced with the truth of the wholesale corruption, the lies I was told and believed, how I was suckered, duped, and played so that I would not only repeat, but defend their lies—I would be furious.

To date, no prominent Democrat, Biden voter, or member of the corporate media has announced that he or she has had enough. No prominent voter has expressed regret for casting that vote. Seemingly, America’s well-being and prosperity are low on their lists. They are unwilling to reject the Democrat party’s and the left’s double standards and hypocrisy. Instead, they’re all too happy just being close to the kind of power that can act with impunity, with no fear of accountability, and they do so for no other reason than being able to say they are on the “winning” team, America be damned.

It matters, though, that those of us on the opposing team, those of us who have remained steadfastly devoted to the Truth, have been vindicated.

Jeff M. Lewis is a Christian, a husband and father, a Veteran and professional pilot who continues to proudly serve America.

The Most Dangerous President in American History

A new book highlights the ways Biden is putting us at risk.

Prior to Joe Biden’s ascension to the White House in early 2021, it would have been difficult for many American patriots to believe that a worse president than Jimmy Carter or Barack Obama could sit in the Oval Office. Then Biden wasted no time proving those patriots wrong. From Day One he has been such an unmitigated disaster for the country that only 19% of Americans said in a poll last Sunday that they want Biden to run again in 2024. A July poll revealed that only 13% of Americans believe the country is on the right track. Apparently few believe that Biden is building back better, much less making America great again.

His incompetence (or conversely, his competence in carrying out a destructive agenda) has done more than just bring the country to the brink of a failed state after only half a term, though; it also has endangered Americans in many ways, and its legacy will continue to do so for generations. Indeed, bestselling author Nick Adams, in his new book from Post Hill Press, labels Joe Biden The Most Dangerous President in History.

Adams, 38, Australian-born but a naturalized American citizen and proud of it, is the author of several bestselling books such as Retaking America, Green Card Warrior, and Trump and Churchill: Defenders of Civilization. He is a tireless public speaker and social media influencer, as well as a frequent commentator in the news media such as at Fox News. In addition to having been appointed by President Trump as a scholar to the Smithsonian, Adams also runs a nationwide nonprofit called FLAG, the Foundation for Liberty and Greatness, whose mission is to educate Americans about the values and principles that make our country exceptional.

His new book, The Most Dangerous President in History, lays out some of the principal ways in which our Divider-in-Chief Biden is running the ship of state aground. In chapters on shutting down the economy instead of the coronavirus; on flooding our southern border with migrants and flooding cities across the U.S. with Afghan refugees; on demonizing concerned parents at school board meetings as domestic terror threats; on undermining our military; and on demonstrating weak leadership regarding China and Ukraine, Adams makes the case that Biden is creating crises that threaten our national security and put American lives at risk.

On Biden’s border policy, for example: the Left likes to paint anyone concerned about the open floodgates of our southern border as racist and anti-immigration. In fact, conservatives simply think it’s sensible to have a system in place for the vetting of people who want to come here, and to have reasonable restrictions or guidelines about the flow of people we let in. There isn’t another country in the world that doesn’t do that. But Biden’s party isn’t satisfied with anything less than an unlimited number of potential Democrat voters streaming across the border – and drug cartels, human traffickers, and terrorists along with them.

As Adams points out in his book, instead of policing our borders, the Department of Homeland Security is instead obsessed with a domestic terror threat that the Biden administration is greatly concerned about: parents expressing their outrage at school boards over the Critical Race Theory indoctrination and gender ideology sexualization of their children. The branding of these rightly-concerned citizens as violent terrorist threats is one of the most disgusting smears the Left has ever used against its political opponents.

But potentially the most serious threat Biden and his administration present is in its subversion of our military – through diversity/equity/inclusion wokeness, the mandating of COVID vaccines to weed out potential dissidents, and the leadership’s focus on climate change and “whiteness” as our greatest existential enemies. Adams addresses this in a chapter that details, among other things, the debacle of our withdrawal from Afghanistan, and Gen. Mark Milley’s treasonous warning to China during the Trump years.

The book concludes with a chapter about Biden being compromised on China and Ukraine, a national security threat that our complicit media don’t want to talk about, much less investigate. And then of course, there’s Joe’s embarrassment of a son, Hunter. The Biden family has no compunctions about selling America out to our enemies or dragging us into a nuclear war with Russia.

Adams notes that Biden is dangerous not only not only on his own, but also because of the people with whom he has surrounded himself in his administration, such as the Secretary of Transportation diversity hire Pete Buttigieg, the epically incompetent Vice President Kamala Harris, and Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, who infamously declared before Congress that she couldn’t define the word “woman” because she isn’t a biologist. There doesn’t seem to be a single appointee in the administration that is there because of actual merit and qualifications.

The Most Dangerous President in History, like Nick Adams himself, is a bracing shot of patriotic common sense. If the book has a failing, it is that it does not include more of the ways in which the grouchy old radical Biden and his administration are putting this country at serious risk (admittedly, doing so would have made the book too unwieldy to lift for anyone but bodybuilders).

But to add one more reason to the mix – one Adams couldn’t have included because it arose just after the publication of his book – consider the recent, treasonous prisoner exchange of the billionaire Russian arms dealer Viktor “Merchant of Death” Bout for women’s basketball star Brittney Griner, who was serving a nine-year sentence in Moscow for drug possession. Besides the fact that the Biden administration left retired U.S. Marine Paul Whelan, unjustly-imprisoned in Russian custody since 2018, this shocking capitulation to Russian demands demonstrated to both our allies and our enemies that America under Biden is pathetically weak, and it exposes Americans to an increased threat of being kidnapped by foreign powers again.

Only the most ideologically deluded Democrat sincerely believes that Joe Biden is anything but a catastrophic failure, both domestically and abroad, as the Leader of the Free World. Nick Adams’ new book demonstrates this abundantly well, but also points the way optimistically forward to the presidential election of 2024 – if we are as committed to taking our country back as the Left is to fundamentally transforming it.

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Mark Tapson

Mark Tapson is the Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, focusing on popular culture. He is also the host of an original podcast on Frontpage, “The Right Take With Mark Tapson.”


RIDING THE DRAGON: The Bidens' Chinese Secrets (Full Documentary)

Breitbart Political Editor Emma-Jo Morris’s investigative work at the New York Post on the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell” also captured international headlines when she, along with Miranda Devine, revealed that Joe Biden was intimately involved in Hunter’s businesses, appearing to even have a 10 percent stake in a company the scion formed with officials at the highest levels of the Chinese Communist Party.

Biden family business dealings with China is a ‘national security issue’: Schweizer


 Peter Schweizer’s new book Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win tells the story of how Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) husband Richard Blum was part owner of a Chinese firm that allegedly sold computers with spyware chips to the U.S. military. The military has never been able to calculate how much sensitive data these computers allowed China to steal.


Biden accused of 'towing the line of treason' with this

Joe Biden has made it abundantly clear that he is unprincipled, untrustworthy, and unscrupulous. His faux presidency will be remembered as one of the darkest periods of American history. We can only hope that the damage he leaves behind him will not be completely irreversible. ROBERT SPENCER

Breitbart Political Editor Emma-Jo Morris’s investigative work at the New York Post on the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell” also captured international headlines when she, along with Miranda Devine, revealed that Joe Biden was intimately involved in Hunter’s businesses, appearing to even have a 10 percent stake in a company the scion formed with officials at the highest levels of the Chinese Communist Party.

Rudy Giuliani sums up what ultimate elite capture looks like, stating: “The Biden Family is owned by the Chinese Communist Party.”  '

House Judiciary Committee Announces Probe Into Biden’s Classified Document Scandal  

Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, questions constitutional scholars during a hearing before the House Judiciary Committee on the constitutional grounds for the impeachment of President Donald Trump, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2019. (Drew Angerer/Pool via AP)
Drew Angerer/Pool via AP

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) on Friday announced a new investigation into President Joe Biden’s classified document scandal in a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland.

The House Judiciary Committee’s investigation follows Rep. James Comer’s Oversight Committee investigation into the matter, along with the Justice Department’s special counsel’s probe.

“On January 12, 2023, you appointed Robert Hur as Special Counsel to investigate these matters,” Jordan and Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) wrote. “The circumstances of this appointment raise fundamental oversight questions that the Committee routinely examines. We expect your complete cooperation with our inquiry.”

Jordan raised questions about the peculiar timing of the public disclosure of the stashed documents in January by Biden’s attorneys. The letter continued:

It is unclear when the Department first came to learn about the existence of these documents, and whether it actively concealed this information from the public on the eve of the 2022 elections. It is also unclear what interactions, if any, the Department had with President Biden or his representatives about his mishandling of classified material. The Department’s actions here appear to depart from how it acted in similar circumstances.

The letter also slammed Garland for the seemingly duplicitous form of justice of approving a raid on former President Trump’s residence while abstaining from the same measure against Biden. The congressmen wrote:

In fact, on August 8, 2022, despite the publicly available evidence of President Trump’s voluntary cooperation, you personally approved the decision to seek a warrant for excessive and unprecedented access to his private residence. On August 15, 2022, Committee Republicans wrote to you and FBI Director Christopher Wray requesting documents and information related to the FBI’s raid of President Trump’s residence.

The investigations into Biden’s mishandling of classified documents come as Biden administration officials have reportedly begun blaming the National Archives for not properly taking care to protect the classified information when Biden left the White House in 2017.

Biden’s personal attorneys have admitted the president had at least three troves of stashed documents in three separate locations, including Biden’s garage in Delaware and the Penn Biden Center in Washington, DC. It is unknown why Biden’s personal attorneys were initially looking for the classified documents.

Some of the classified documents discovered are related to Ukraine. The Biden family business has an extensive history in Ukraine. In 2017, Hunter Biden was paid $83,000 per month to be on the board of Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company. Hunter was appointed to the board of Burisma in 2014 with no previous experience in the energy sector or in Ukraine.

According to Breitbart News’s senior contributor Peter Schweizer, Hunter made massive sums of money from Ukraine for which he “offered no real work.”

In 2015, Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion from Ukraine if the Ukrainian government did not fire the prosecutor who was investigating Burisma.

Hunter’s salary was cut in half when then-Vice President Joe Biden left the White House in 2017. In that same year, Joe Biden visited Ukraine to deliver a farewell address; his sixth visit in seven years.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.

Schumer: GOP CCP Committee, FBI Probe Don’t Help People


On Friday’s broadcast of “CNN This Morning,” Senate Majority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said that “None” of the things House Republicans have done with their House majority — which include forming committees on law enforcement abuses and a bipartisan one on the Chinese Communist Party — “helped the American people.” And Americans “don’t want just Congress to investigate, investigate.”

Schumer said, “Well, look, always try to work with the Republicans in a bipartisan way. … So, I would hope that House Republicans, under Speaker McCarthy, would reach out to us, we’ll reach out to them. I intend to sit down with Republican leaders in the Senate and the House and try and get things done that can help the American people. But this past week has been very discouraging. What did they do? Let’s look at each of the things they did. None of them helped the American people. The first thing they did is protect multimillionaires and billionaires from being audited. … Then they put in a budget that would require us to cut so many things. Their ten-year budget would cut Medicare and Social Security. Wow. Then they put in some things on abortion that would allow doctors to be prosecuted, criminalization in certain instances. And the final thing they did is launch a whole lot of committees to investigate. You know what the American people want us to do? They want us to do things to make their lives better. They don’t want just Congress to investigate, investigate.”

Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett

Josh Hawley Revealed Facebook's SECRET Affairs Mark Zuckerberg be stalemated



Mark Levin: Democrats and Their Media Outlets 'Want to Destroy the Constitution'

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In reference to ongoing attacks on the Constitution by the leftist media, radical academics, and the Democrat Party, constitutional scholar and conservative talk radio host Mark Levin said, "Joe Biden has violated the Constitution repeatedly," and the Democrats and their "media outlets," such as the New York Times, "hate the Constitution."

The left-wing press and the Democrats "don’t believe in the Constitution," said Levin on his Dec. 5 broadcast.  "They don’t believe in the Bill of Rights, freedom of speech."

"“The Democrat Party hates the Constitution, the media hate the Constitution," said Levin. "They want to destroy the Constitution."

Mark Levin is the host of the nationally syndicated talk-radio program, The Mark Levin Show, and the Fox News Channel program Life, Liberty & Levin.  He also is the author of seven books, including the best sellers Unfreedom of the Press, Liberty & Tyranny, and American Marxism

His full remarks are posted below:

Levin:  “So we’ve had politicians and professors and people on TV saying we should scrap our Constitution and start all over again. Joe Biden has violated the Constitution repeatedly. He’s violated the separation of powers with his executive orders. And on more than one occasion, the courts have had to stop him.

“Joe Biden has sought to spend money that has not been approved by the House of Representatives. Joe Biden has violated our immigration laws. Joe Biden is trying to pack the courts. His party. His party wants to pack the courts. His party seeks to pack the courts by adding members to the Supreme Court.

“Its party wants to destroy the voting system in violation of multiple parts of the Constitution. And yet all weekend long. And even today. We hear about once more. Donald Trump is the problem because he wants to destroy the Constitution. Bipartisan criticism.


“Ladies and gentlemen, the Democrats want to destroy the Constitution. Their media outlets like The New York Times in their ‘1619 Project.’ They want to destroy the Constitution. They have destroyed the reputations of the framers of the Constitution. They besmirch them and character-assassinate them. They’ve taken their homes like Madison’s home, and they’ve turned it into a joke.

“They don’t believe in the Constitution. They don’t believe in the Bill of Rights, freedom of speech. They oppose freedom of the press unless it’s -- the Second Amendment is routinely under attack, due process rights, warrants based on probable cause. Now we have something called jail warrants. And I can go on and on. And I have in the past.

“The Democrat Party hates the Constitution, the media hate the Constitution, their ideological forbearers, their so-called progressive movement that began in the late 1800s. In part, their entire argument was how to dismantle the Constitution and to do it through a judiciary, an administrative state executive orders. And you see it happening, the dismantling of the Constitution.

“I am so sick and tired of what takes place in the media in this country and with the Republicans and the Democrats. You have to hear John Cornyn and others speak out: ‘But it is shocking what Donald Trump said. Shocking. Shocking.’ Trump put out a statement today and he said, ‘I never said eliminate the Constitution.’

“Now. He was president for four years. Was he not, Mr. Producer, by my calculation? What did he do to the Constitution? He upheld it. He upheld the Constitution. Unlike Biden. Unlike Biden’s Justice Department, unlike Obama. He’s no threat to the Constitution.

“Ron DeSantis isn’t a threat to the Constitution. The originalists on the Supreme Court are not threats to the Constitution. The Marxists are threats to the Constitution and their party.

“The Democrat Party is a threat to the Constitution, and that’s the truth. And that is the truth."


Does Biden even talk about this genocide?  No.  He’s letting it happen, making it happen.  He’s a tool of China and in partnership with the cartels and the sex traffickers. 


Jesse Watters: This 'insane' video captures America's fentanyl crisis

Exclusive — Rep. Mike Gallagher Outlines Goals of Select Committee on China

Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images

Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI), who has been tapped to chair the House Select Committee on China, laid out some of the key goals of the newly formed committee and deemed China the “greatest threat that faces our country right now” in an interview on Breitbart News Saturday.

The committee, approved in a  365-65 vote, will focus on “elevating the discussion on China and injecting it with a sense of urgency,” the congressman said, noting that lawmakers have done a poor job of clearly and aggressively communicating with the American people why the threat of China matters.

“Why should someone in Northeast Wisconsin care about the threat posed by the Chinese Communist Party, which I think is the greatest threat that faces our country right now? So we have to answer the why. That’s what the committee is going to be doing,” he explained.

China-related legislation often gets referred to several committees, he continued, explaining that the new committee will help “ensure that good ideas don’t fall through the committee cracks.” It will ensure that “bad ideas don’t get out of this Congress as well.”

“So those are at least two areas initially where I think we can have a big impact,” Gallagher said, adding that the committee will also focus on what he described as “niche” issues that “nobody’s paying attention to.”

“For example, banning TikTok is bound up in this broader question of cross-border data flows. The question of Chinese police stations on American soil is something we’re going to draw attention to. So — a lot of areas where I think we can have a really unique and immediate impact,” Gallagher said, noting that they also hope to draw attention to China’s global influence initiatives as well, using the U.S. defense of Taiwan as an example.

“It’s easy for some Americans to say well, you know, that it’s pretty far away, you know, why should we care? You know, who cares if China becomes, you know, the dominant power in Asia? Well, if you look at all the things that you just laid out, I would submit to you that Las Vegas rules don’t apply. What happens in Taiwan won’t stay in Taiwan,” he said, adding that what happens in China would not stay in China either. He explained that the CCP’s ambitions are the “triumph of world socialism with Chinese characteristics” which “implies the demise or the extreme diminishment of the free world capitalist system led by the United States.”

“So getting people to understand both the stakes of the competition and the CCPs global strategy for domination is going to be a key challenge and part of our mission on the select committee on China,” the Republican said.

Gallagher said the committee hopes to come out of the gate “sprinting” with hearings, which he said could include a hearing on “how we got China wrong” and “mistaken assumptions about the Chinese Communist Party and how should that inform policy going forward.”

“We want to do a hearing on victims of the regime,” as well as a hearing on TikTok, he continued.

“So there’s a series of hearings we want to do in the first quarter of this year,” he said, noting that they have logistical issues to solve first, as they do not yet have office space or members.

Gallagher also said the committee will be prepared to issue subpoenas if necessary, outlining his desire to hold a hearing on Chinese influence featuring executives at Disney, Apple, and Hollywood.

“It need not be an antagonistic discussion if they’re willing to show up and engage in a productive debate about the choices they have to make in order to get access to the Chinese market,” he said, noting that they will be prepared to issue subpoenas “but of course will request the presence of witnesses nicely first before we use that.”

Biden Center at UPenn Received $54.6M from Anonymous Chinese Donations

US President Joe Biden speaks at the dedication of the Dodd Center for Human Rights at the University of Connecticut on October 15, 2021 in Storrs, Connecticut. (Photo by Brendan Smialowski / AFP) (Photo by BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images)

At least $54 million has been donated by Chinese Communist Party-linked individuals or entities between 2014 and 2019 to the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement in Washington at the University of Pennsylvania, according to public records reported by the New York Post, where it was revealed this week that Biden had stashed a trove of classified documents.

The University of Pennsylvania announced it would create the Biden Center in 2017, the same year then-Vice President Biden left the White House. Most of the anonymous donations were given to the Biden Center after the university announced the Penn Biden Center, the Post reported.

According to the Washington Free Beacon, some of the funds were given by Shanghai real estate developer Xu Xeuqing, who reportedly has no immediate connection to the university. In 2011, Xu faced corruption allegations in China but was never charged with a crime. An expert on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) at the American Foreign Policy Council, Michael Sobolik, told the Beacon that Xu’s non-prosecution suggests he has a close relationship to the CCP.

In April, a government watchdog, NLPC’s Government Integrity Project, asked the U.S. prosecutor David Weiss to look into the anonymous donations as a part of the DOJ’s investigation into Hunter Biden’s alleged tax and gun violations.

The building that housed office space of President Joe Biden's former institute, the Penn Biden Center, is seen at the corner of Constitution and Louisiana Avenue NW, in Washington, Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2023. Potentially classified documents were found on Nov. 2, 2022, in a “locked closet” in the office, according to special counsel to the president Richard Sauber. The National Archives and Records Administration took custody of the documents the next day after being notified by the White House Counsel's office. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)

The building that housed office space of President Joe Biden’s former institute, the Penn Biden Center, is seen at the corner of Constitution and Louisiana Avenue NW, in Washington, Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2023. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)

“We’ve asked … Weiss to pursue the larger network of individuals and institutions who benefited from millions doled out by foreign interests connected to Hunter Biden’s work in China and Ukraine,” said director of the NLPC’s Government Integrity Project Tom Anderson.

NLPC stated in its 12-page complaint that Hunter’s laptop reveals a 2017 text linking CEFC China Energy with the Penn Biden Center. CEFC apparently tried to lobby American politicians without registering as a foreign lobbyist. At the same time, Hunter had been trying to work a deal with the CEFC in which Joe Biden would receive a ten percent equity stake in the deal, according to whistleblower Tony Bobulinski, who was Hunter’s business partner.

“We don’t want to have to register as foreign agents under the FCPA [sic] which … is much more expansive than people who should know choose not to know,” Hunter texted Bobulinski on May 1, 2017.

The University of Pennsylvania has denied that the Penn Biden Center received any money from anonymous Chinese donations.

The Penn Biden Center’s source of funding is relevant because CNN reported on Tuesday that Biden’s stashed classified documents at Penn Biden Center pertain to Ukraine, Iran, and the United Kingdom.

Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY), the third highest ranking Republican House member, told Breitbart News that Biden’s classified stash at Penn Biden Center raises national security questions:

The fact that former Vice President Joe Biden inappropriately maintained and kept classified materials at his unsecured think tank raises serious questions about national security, particularly when the documents were related to Ukraine when Biden family members were on a Ukrainian oligarch’s payroll. The President has declassification authority, not the then Vice President. It is troubling that these documents were turned over to the National Archives on November 2nd, right before the midterm elections, and the corrupt Biden DOJ covered it up for two months.

The Biden family business has conducted many deals in Ukraine. In 2017, Hunter Biden was paid $83,000 per month to be on the board of Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company. Hunter was appointed to the board of Burisma in 2014. He had no previous experience in the energy sector or in Ukraine.

US President Joe Biden (R) and his son Hunter Biden walk to a vehicle after disembarking Air Force One upon arrival at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland on August 16, 2022, as they return from vacation in Kiawah Island, South Carolina. (Photo by Nicholas Kamm / AFP) (Photo by NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP via Getty Images)

U.S. President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden walk to a vehicle after disembarking Air Force One upon arrival at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland on August 16, 2022, as they return from vacation in Kiawah Island, South Carolina. (Photo by NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP via Getty Images)

That same year, Hunter’s salary was cut in half when then-Vice President Joe Biden left the White House. Joe Biden visited Ukraine six times in seven years.

In 2015, Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion from Ukraine if the Ukrainian government did not fire the prosecutor who was investigating Burisma.

According to Breitbart News’s senior contributor Peter Schweizer, Hunter made massive sums of money from Ukraine for which he “offered no real work.”

In 2018 and 2020, Schweizer published Secret Empires and Profiles in Corruption. Each book hit #1 on the New York Times bestseller list and exposed how Hunter and his father flew to China aboard Air Force Two in 2013 before Hunter’s firm inked a $1.5 billion deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China, which transpired less than two weeks after the trip. Schweizer’s work also uncovered the Biden family’s other vast and lucrative foreign deals and cronyism.

Breitbart Political Editor Emma-Jo Morris’s investigative work at the New York Post regarding the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell” also captured international headlines when she, along with Miranda Devine, revealed that the president was intimately involved in Hunter’s businesses, appearing to even have a ten percent stake in a company the scion formed with officials at the highest levels of the Chinese Communist Party.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave

65 House Democrats Voted Against Creating Committee to Investigate China

WASHINGTON, DC - APRIL 07: U.S. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) (L), joined by Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), speaks at a news conference on banning stock trades for members of Congress, on Capitol Hill, April 07, 2022 in Washington, DC. Lawmakers have introduced the, Ban Conflicted Trading Act, which would prohibit members …
Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images. AP Photo/Andy Wong)

Sixty-five Democrats in the House of Representatives voted on Tuesday against creating a committee to investigate China and find ways to counter the communist country’s growing international influence.

The House overwhelmingly voted to create the Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party on a 365 to 65 margin, in one of the first votes since the Republicans took control of the chamber.

However, even though some members did not vote, all 65 lawmakers who voted against the committee’s creation were Democrats.

The new committee will be chaired by Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI), a foreign policy hawk, and is set to hold public hearings to ultimately “investigate and submit policy recommendations” on China’s economic, technological, and security progress in addition to its competition with the United States.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), during his remarks, urged members to vote to approve the creation of the committee and insisted that it would not be partisan. He said the committee would address bipartisan issues, such as the Chinese coronavirus, the economy, securing intellectual property, and bringing jobs back from China.

“You have my word and my commitment. This is not a partisan committee. This will be a bipartisan committee that is my hope, my desire, to speak with one voice on the challenges that we have,” McCarthy said. “It would look at all aspects, from economics to COVID, and when we fell into COVID, not knowing whether we could have medical supplies because China controlled so much.”

The complete list of Democrats who voted against establishing the committee are:

  • Balint
  • Barragán
  • Bonamici
  • Bowman
  • Brown
  • Bush
  • Carter (LA)
  • Casar
  • Cherfilus-McCormick
  • Chu
  • Clarke (NY)
  • Connolly
  • Crockett
  • Davis (IL)
  • DeGette
  • DeSaulnier
  • Escobar
  • Evans
  • Frankel, Lois
  • Frost
  • García (IL)
  • Garcia, Robert
  • Goldman (NY)
  • Gomez
  • Huffman
  • Ivey
  • Jackson (IL)
  • Jackson Lee
  • Jayapal
  • Johnson (GA)
  • Kamlager-Dove
  • Lee (CA)
  • Lee (PA)
  • Lieu
  • Lofgren
  • Matsui
  • Meeks
  • Meng
  • Moore (WI)
  • Mullin
  • Nadler
  • Neal
  • Ocasio-Cortez
  • Pallone
  • Pocan
  • Porter
  • Pressley
  • Quigley
  • Ramirez
  • Ross
  • Sánchez
  • Sarbanes
  • Schakowsky
  • Scott (VA)
  • Stansbury
  • Takano
  • Titus
  • Tlaib
  • Tokuda
  • Tonko
  • Underwood
  • Vargas
  • Velázquez
  • Watson Coleman
  • Williams (GA)

Jacob Bliss is a reporter for Breitbart News. Write to him at or follow him on Twitter @JacobMBliss.

Batteries Not Included: Biden Carves Out Major Exception to Investment Restrictions in China

Chinese batteries are crucial to Biden’s long-promised 'clean energy economy'

Getty Images
January 12, 2023

The Biden administration is set to exclude electric batteries from its impending executive order meant to limit U.S. investment in Chinese technology, a move that comes as it plans a "clean energy economy" that relies heavily on Chinese batteries.

The executive order, which is expected to be unveiled in the coming months, imposes new controls on the types of Chinese technology U.S. corporations and investment firms can support. While those controls were expected to extend to electric batteries, the Biden administration is now moving to exclude Chinese battery technology from the new limits, Axios reported Thursday morning.

That's likely because the administration needs Chinese batteries to usher in its green energy revolution. China dominates the electric battery supply chain, and President Joe Biden has thus far delayed and outright killed U.S. mining projects that could yield the materials required to ease China's grip on the industry. Still, Biden in 2021 released a plan to make half of all new vehicles sold in 2030 electric, a move the Democrat's administration said would "support good-paying, union jobs across American supply chains."

Biden is no stranger to the electric car industry's reliance on China. The Democrat last year showcased Ford's electric truck and Mustang—the U.S. automaker in July announced it would import lithium batteries for the vehicles from China.

The White House did not immediately return a request for comment.

Published under: Electric Cars Green Energy Joe Biden

Bill To Bar U.S. From Selling Oil Reserves to China Passes House With Bipartisan Support

Vote comes after Free Beacon report showed Biden sold one million reserve barrels to Chinese oil giant

Kevin McCarthy is elected next Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives at the U.S. Capitol in Washington
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R., Calif.) / Reuters
January 12, 2023

The House on Thursday passed a bill that bars the United States from selling its oil reserves to China, a move that comes after the Washington Free Beacon exposed the Biden administration's decision to sell nearly one million reserve barrels to a Chinese oil giant.

The bill received wide bipartisan backing, with a majority of House Democrats—113 of the 210 who voted—joining their Republican counterparts to support it. 

The vote's bipartisan nature comes as a blow to President Joe Biden. After a July Free Beacon report showed that Biden sold 950,000 Strategic Petroleum Reserve barrels to Unipec, the trading arm of the China Petrochemical Corporation, the Democrat's administration defended the move. White House spokesman Ian Sams, for example, accused Republicans who criticized the sale of "lying" and "pushing false conspiracy theories about the president." Many House Democrats, however, disagreed, and the bill will head to the Senate with wide support from both parties.

Should the bill pass the upper chamber, it's unclear if Biden would sign it given his administration's aggressive defense of foreign oil sales. The White House did not return a request for comment.

While many House Democrats rallied around the bill, some of their colleagues vocally opposed it. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D., Texas), for example, said that the bill would inhibit the president's ability to respond to domestic energy crises like the one seen in Texas last year. "This legislation literally says, if the president has the need and necessity to protect the American people, it will not be allowed." Lee's characterization of the bill, which ensures that "petroleum products will not be exported to the People's Republic of China," is false.

Rep. Morgan Luttrell (R., Texas) applauded the bill's passing in a Thursday statement:

"The Biden administration's anti-American energy agenda stamped out our energy independence and boosted our reliance on foreign oil, sending prices through the roof. We should not be selling emergency oil reserves to a geopolitical adversary, especially at a time when our country is facing an unprecedented energy crisis."


I’d be inclined to disagree with Don except for one thing: Biden has proven to be a very adept criminal mastermind. For decades, he has funneled millions of dollars to his children and siblings and, especially, to his debauched, deviant son, Hunter. ANDREA WIDBURG


There it is.  That's the issue.  To begin, you have the corrupt family Biden.  They've been scamming us and our system well for almost fifty years.  The man is supposedly worth over 250 million dollars.  How is this possible on his salary?  It's not.  So where did his wealth come from?  Not from being a brilliant businessman. DAVID PRENTICE

Watters: Biden's aides have been doing an early spring cleaning

There it is.  That's the issue.  To begin, you have the corrupt family Biden.  They've been scamming us and our system well for almost fifty years.  The man is supposedly worth over 250 million dollars.  How is this possible on his salary?  It's not.  So where did his wealth come from?  Not from being a brilliant businessman. DAVID PRENTICE

"And it's curious that Joe Biden, you know, is the one that everybody jumped out of the race -- you know, Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar all, like, tearfully backed out of the presidential race, all to back Joe Biden because they have this false narrative that Joe Biden was a regular guy that rode Amtrak, living in $10 million homes, having the lifestyle -- not just Joe, but his family. 

                                                                       SUSAN JONES

After studying the documents on the Hunter Biden laptop, former criminal prosecutor and New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani concluded that: “What Hunter Biden is, is a bagman… I’ve prosecuted many cases like this. He’s collecting Joe’s bribes that come to about $12 million from Ukraine and $3.5 million from Russia. But the big money comes from China. And the amount of money involved is in the tens of millions of dollars.” Today, there is documented proof that that the Biden family has received at least $31 million from entities controlled by the CCP, with greater Chinese payoffs yet to come.

Rudy Giuliani sums up what ultimate elite capture looks like, stating: “The Biden Family is owned by the Chinese Communist Party.”  '


Tucker Carlson: Biden trusts Beijing more than he trusts you

In 2018 and 2020, Schweizer published Secret Empires and Profiles in Corruption. Each book hit #1 on the New York Times bestseller list and exposed how Hunter and his father flew to China aboard Air Force Two in 2013 before Hunter’s firm inked a $1.5 billion deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China, which transpired less than two weeks after the trip. Schweizer’s work also uncovered the Biden family’s other vast and lucrative foreign deals and cronyism.

Focus Moves to Office Joe Biden Shared With Chinese as Search for Classified Docs Intensifies

Hunter Biden email shows Chinese businessmen had access to Biden Foundation office in 2017

Hunter Biden, an unidentified man, and then-vice president Joe Biden in China in 2013 / Getty Images
January 12, 2023

The discovery of two batches of classified documents from Joe Biden’s time as vice president could bring renewed attention to an office the president shared with his scandal-plagued son Hunter and a Chinese energy conglomerate linked to Chinese military intelligence.

Joe and Hunter Biden were "office mates" with executives from CEFC China Energy in 2017, according to emails from Hunter’s abandoned laptop. In an email to the general manager for the K Street office building, Hunter Biden said the office would be shared by his consulting firm Hudson West, CEFC China Energy, and the Biden Foundation, his family charity.

"[P]lease have keys made available for new office mates," Hunter Biden wrote in a Sept. 21, 2017 email, listing Joe Biden, his stepmother Jill Biden, his uncle Jim Biden, and Gongwen Dong, whom he identified as the "emissary" for the chairman of the now-bankrupt Chinese energy conglomerate CEFC.

While the Bidens left the office in 2018, their cohabitation with CEFC executives could raise national security concerns in light of the revelation that Joe Biden kept classified documents related to Ukraine, Iran, and the United Kingdom in another Washington, D.C., office. Biden aides have also discovered classified records in Biden’s garage at his home in Wilmington, Del. Attorney General Merrick Garland on Thursday appointed a special counsel to investigate how the documents, some of which are marked "top secret," ended up at the Biden properties.

Rep. Darrell Issa (R., Calif.), a member of the House Judiciary Committee, said the discoveries should prompt the Justice Department to conduct an exhaustive search of all of Joe and Hunter Biden’s current and former properties.

"If the DOJ and specifically the FBI haven’t conducted the widest possible search of every known location where Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and their associates may have kept classified documents—this is in no way a complete or legitimate investigation," Issa told the Washington Free Beacon.

It is unclear whether any classified materials were stored at the Bidens’ K Street office. But CEFC employees’ access to the office could be of particular concern given the energy conglomerate’s ties to Chinese military intelligence. Hunter Biden worked closely with the firm’s former chairman, Ye Jianming. According to a Senate Republican report, Ye served from 2003 to 2005 as deputy secretary general of the China Association for International Friendly Contacts, a front group for the People’s Liberation Army that "performs dual roles of intelligence collection and conducting propaganda and perception management campaigns."

Hunter Biden also forged close ties to CEFC employee JiaQi Bao, whom House Republicans suspect of working for Chinese intelligence. House Oversight Committee Republicans last year provided FBI director Christopher Wray with "evidence of Bao’s close relationship to Hunter Biden and her attempts to ingratiate herself with his father." Republicans said Bao received a degree from Tsinghua University, a recruiting hub for China’s intelligence services. Before joining CEFC, she worked for China’s National Development and Reform Commission.

Bao appears to have worked in the Bidens’ K Street office, located in the heart of Washington’s lobbying district.

In a March 25, 2018, email, Bao asked Hunter if there was "anything in the office that you would like me to pick up/organize for you." Bao also urged Hunter to take as much money as he could from his partnership with CEFC. "Figure out a way to have the money transferred to the right U.S. account before any restriction levied by Chinese regulators," she wrote.

"After infiltrating the Biden family, Bao urged Hunter to encourage Joe Biden to run for president months before he announced and then supplied the Biden family campaign advice related to China," said Rep. James Comer (R., Ky.), the chairman of the House Oversight panel.

In 2017 and 2018, CEFC paid Hunter Biden $5 million to scout out energy deals in the United States and Europe. CEFC paid Biden another $1 million to serve as a legal adviser for Patrick Ho, a CEFC executive who was indicted for trying to bribe two African officials for oil rights. Biden referred to Ho as "the fucking spy chief of China," in a May 2018 voice mail, according to Senate Republicans.

The White House did not respond to a request for comment.

Shameless media immediately make excuses for Biden’s mishandled classified documents

Scott Pelley:  When you saw the photograph of the top -secret documents laid out on the floor at Mar-a-Lago, what did you think to yourself looking at that image?

Joe Biden:  How could … anyone [Trump] could be that irresponsible?  … It's just totally irresponsible.

                               -CBS, 60 Minutes, September 2022

A stash of classified and top-secret documents, some with the “sensitive compartmented information” designation, has just been found at Joe Biden’s private office at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement at the University of Pennsylvania and, just breaking, at least one additional batch has been found at other locations.

Unfortunately, the administration that boasts “Highest Standards of Transparency” has not condescended to say where the new stash has been found, the peasants having no right to know.  Quite surprisingly (or maybe not), the reaction to this from just about everybody in what passes for our “news” media was completely different from the reaction to Trump’s classified and top-secret documents at his guarded compound in Mar-a-Lago, which was raided last August.  In Trump’s case no distinctions, no qualifications, no nuance needed to be considered.  Trump was guilty of putting our national security at risk.  He’s going to get us all killed!  

Michael Beschloss, a “presidential historian” with no history degree and a dependable virtue-signaling Democrat party groupie, suggested that Trump deserved the death penalty for retaining classified documents.  Former CIA Director Michael Hayden, who has been accused of lying to Congress, agreed, saying, “sounds about right.” CNN’s Laura Coates, atypically at a loss for words, said she simply does not know what to say about “the seriousness of [Trump’s] threats to national security.”  Carl Bernstein, who was fortunate to be standing beside Bob Woodward when the latter brought down Nixon, said that Trump “has played fast and loose with American national security."  Nicole Wallace, who used to pretend to be a Republican until MSNBC made her an offer she couldn’t refuse, described the situation as a national security crisis. Joy Reid of MSNBC was deeply upset with the “extreme risk Trump was willing to take with our national security” and so on.  Biden himself, prompted by Pelly’s invitation to trash Trump, was very clear that there could be no excuse whatsoever for a president’s taking classified documents when they left office. 

Quite surprisingly, once Biden was found in possession of classified and top-secret documents, all sorts of excuses have suddenly materialized.

  1. There were not as many classified documents found in Biden’s possession. 
  2. Biden’s lawyers voluntarily disclosed the existence of the documents after they found them rummaging through his closets at the University of Pennsylvania, in an amazing coincidence, just before the Republicans were predicted to take over the House and just after the November 2022 election had been concluded. 
  3. Biden did not know anything about the documents and is, therefore, as innocent as a new born babe (or a senile octogenarian). 
  4. Biden has been instructed by his lawyers not even to ask what is in the documents so he can maintain his blissful ignorance, for which he seems to have a peculiar knack, and what passes for our “news” media readily agreed to that request (almost as if they are “an arm of the Democrat Party”).  

Unfortunately, none of these arguments are convincing. 

In response to the first argument, the number of classified documents is not the issue. The issue is what is in the documents. One extremely sensitive classified or top-secret document could do far more damage if it falls into the hands of our enemies than a plethora of classified or top-secret documents that deal with outdated matters. 

In response to the second argument, the fact that Biden’s lawyers voluntarily disclosed the existence of the documents (at a politically convenient time) does not negate the fact that national security secrets could already have been compromised. Indeed, Biden himself, to Pelly, stated that there was no excuse for a president having such documents in his possession after he left office. 

In response to the third argument, it may be true that Biden does not seem to know much about what is going on about anything, a fact that is evident to many of us, but that does not absolve him of the fact that it is his responsibility to know what classified and top-secret documents are in his possession. 

In response the fourth (bizarre) argument, that Biden has been instructed by his lawyers not even to ask what is in the documents, Biden and what passes for our “news” media appear to have forgotten that the present imperative is not to keep the man who had promised to be the most transparent president ever in a state of blissful ignorance but to explain to the American people what damage may have been done to their national security.

Further, there are numerous reasons why the Biden classified documents story is, arguably, considerably worse than the corresponding Trump story. 

First, since Trump left office in early 2021 the classified documents were in his possession only about two years before the FBI raided his Mar-a-Lago compound with guns drawn, whereas since Biden left office in 2016, his classified documents were in that “think tank” at the University of Pennsylvania for about six years before they were “found” at a politically convenient time, giving malicious actors much more time to access them and damage the nation. 

Second, since the ultimate right to declassify documents belongs to the president, not the vice president, Trump has the right to declassify virtually any documents he pleased while he was in office whereas Biden, as a mere vice president, had no authority to declassify them.  

Third, since all presidents are protected by the Secret Service for the remainder of their lives after they leave office, and since the documents in Trump’s possession were at his Mar-a-Lago compound, Trump’s walled compound with locked gates and rooms in the presence of the Secret Service, those documents were extremely well protected. 

By contrast, since Biden’s classified and top-secret documents were kept at think tank at the University of Pennsylvania funded by $22 million from anonymous sources in China, there is plenty of reason to worry that the Biden document’s may have been accessed by China, the greatest threat to the U.S., according to FBI Director Christopher Wray.  One would have thought that anyone with a modicum of common sense would not have kept the documents in such a compromised location in the first place.  One can only wonder why this never occurred to Biden, specifically, whether the fact that his son Hunter has pocketed $31 million from Chinese elites had anything to do with his memory lapse.

            They’re [the Chinese] not bad folks, folks. … They’re not competition for us.

                                                                                    Joe Biden, Campaign event, Iowa, 2019

Although the continuing refrain from the Democrat-Media Collusion Team has been that Trump has put the national security at risk, the real threat to our national security is a “news” media that shamelessly protects Biden and Democrat incompetence and malfeasance.

Note:  Beschloss and Hayden have not yet called for Biden’s execution. 

Image: Gage Skidmore, via Wikimedia Commons // CC BY-SA 2.0

Rep. Tenney: 'We Know There's More Coming Out on Joe Biden'

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President Joe Biden speaks to reporters on the South Lawn of the White House on January 11, 2023. (Photo by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS/AFP via Getty Images)
President Joe Biden speaks to reporters on the South Lawn of the White House on January 11, 2023. (Photo by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS/AFP via Getty Images)

( - This week's announcement that classified documents were discovered on Nov. 2 in at least one of Joe Biden's offices, including a Washington office that was funded by the University of Pennsylvania, is "just the beginning of what we need to investigate," Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-N.Y.) told "Mornings With Maria" on Thursday.

"But look, we know there's more coming out on Joe Biden," Tenney said:

"The laptop revealed so much that that's just the beginning, that's just the -- as I say, the tip of the iceberg, it's the bread crumb trail to what we could see. Where are the documents we don't know about around the world -- with China, with Ukraine and Burisma, and all these others? This is just the beginning of what we need to investigate.

"And it's curious that Joe Biden, you know, is the one that everybody jumped out of the race -- you know, Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar all, like, tearfully backed out of the presidential race, all to back Joe Biden because they have this false narrative that Joe Biden was a regular guy that rode Amtrak, living in $10 million homes, having the lifestyle -- not just Joe, but his family. 

"So I think if there's a lot the Democrats had to cover up...I have to wonder if the Democrats are like, let him go now. Now we've got to find somebody else because we know this is going to be too much and an impossible mountain to climb for the Democrats coming into 2024, you know, as we look at a whole new crop of Republicans that are going to be coming forward. 

"So I think there's a lot to be seen here and the Democrats are scrambling. I think they're about ready to throw Joe Biden over, and you can see, even his press secretary can't defend him."

Tenney did defend Biden's Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, albeit with faint praise: "Well, look, I give her credit, because to be the press secretary and have to lie for the biggest liar in modern politics is quite an extraordinary obligation and job. I mean, what's she going to say? He (Biden) may not even know where they (classified documents) are."

Asked if House Republicans will investigate Chinese ties to the University of Pennsylvania, which provided Biden with an office in Washington, Tenney said yes: "I think that should be right where we start," Tenney said:

"And look at the universities across the nation who are involved with these Confucius Institutes. Some of them have backed away from them, but the Chinese influence across this country in so many ways, whether it's corporate interest and especially intervening in these universities, you know, disinformation campaigns, foreign influence, money is the big thing, and the Bidens are at the center of it. 

"And just think, why aren't we seeing all those documents that are under seal at the university of Delaware for Joe Biden? I'd love to go and get an expert on analysis to go through and just -- what's in there? I'm not sure he even knows. 

"This is information about a real scandal with a really corrupt president who is a true pathological liar, always has been, and now the Democrats have to own him. And I think the Republicans have to be strong in this. We have to fight just like the Democrats did. And we have the truth behind us, and we know there's more there. 

"It's just a matter of getting to that, and a rigorous investigation -- good people on our committees is going to make that happen -- and I think one thing that we can all agree on --as you've seen, there's a little bit of disagreement among the Republicans -- we all agree that this is a problem. 

“And I think, even among Independents and some Democrats, they think it's a problem, too, which is is why I think this is going to be an interesting year and to see how much Merrick Garland tries to scramble as we try to get the information that we need."

After studying the documents on the Hunter Biden laptop, former criminal prosecutor and New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani concluded that: “What Hunter Biden is, is a bagman… I’ve prosecuted many cases like this. He’s collecting Joe’s bribes that come to about $12 million from Ukraine and $3.5 million from Russia. But the big money comes from China. And the amount of money involved is in the tens of millions of dollars.” Today, there is documented proof that that the Biden family has received at least $31 million from entities controlled by the CCP, with greater Chinese payoffs yet to come.

Rudy Giuliani sums up what ultimate elite capture looks like, stating: “The Biden Family is owned by the Chinese Communist Party.”   

Biden Center at UPenn Received $54.6M from Anonymous Chinese Donations

US President Joe Biden speaks at the dedication of the Dodd Center for Human Rights at the University of Connecticut on October 15, 2021 in Storrs, Connecticut. (Photo by Brendan Smialowski / AFP) (Photo by BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images)

At least $54 million has been donated by Chinese Communist Party-linked individuals or entities between 2014 and 2019 to the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement in Washington at the University of Pennsylvania, according to public records reported by the New York Post, where it was revealed this week that Biden had stashed a trove of classified documents.

The University of Pennsylvania announced it would create the Biden Center in 2017, the same year then-Vice President Biden left the White House. Most of the anonymous donations were given to the Biden Center after the university announced the Penn Biden Center, the Post reported.

According to the Washington Free Beacon, some of the funds were given by Shanghai real estate developer Xu Xeuqing, who reportedly has no immediate connection to the university. In 2011, Xu faced corruption allegations in China but was never charged with a crime. An expert on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) at the American Foreign Policy Council, Michael Sobolik, told the Beacon that Xu’s non-prosecution suggests he has a close relationship to the CCP.

In April, a government watchdog, NLPC’s Government Integrity Project, asked the U.S. prosecutor David Weiss to look into the anonymous donations as a part of the DOJ’s investigation into Hunter Biden’s alleged tax and gun violations.

The building that housed office space of President Joe Biden's former institute, the Penn Biden Center, is seen at the corner of Constitution and Louisiana Avenue NW, in Washington, Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2023. Potentially classified documents were found on Nov. 2, 2022, in a “locked closet” in the office, according to special counsel to the president Richard Sauber. The National Archives and Records Administration took custody of the documents the next day after being notified by the White House Counsel's office. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)

The building that housed office space of President Joe Biden’s former institute, the Penn Biden Center, is seen at the corner of Constitution and Louisiana Avenue NW, in Washington, Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2023. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)

“We’ve asked … Weiss to pursue the larger network of individuals and institutions who benefited from millions doled out by foreign interests connected to Hunter Biden’s work in China and Ukraine,” said director of the NLPC’s Government Integrity Project Tom Anderson.

NLPC stated in its 12-page complaint that Hunter’s laptop reveals a 2017 text linking CEFC China Energy with the Penn Biden Center. CEFC apparently tried to lobby American politicians without registering as a foreign lobbyist. At the same time, Hunter had been trying to work a deal with the CEFC in which Joe Biden would receive a ten percent equity stake in the deal, according to whistleblower Tony Bobulinski, who was Hunter’s business partner.

“We don’t want to have to register as foreign agents under the FCPA [sic] which … is much more expansive than people who should know choose not to know,” Hunter texted Bobulinski on May 1, 2017.

The University of Pennsylvania has denied that the Penn Biden Center received any money from anonymous Chinese donations.

The Penn Biden Center’s source of funding is relevant because CNN reported on Tuesday that Biden’s stashed classified documents at Penn Biden Center pertain to Ukraine, Iran, and the United Kingdom.

Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY), the third highest ranking Republican House member, told Breitbart News that Biden’s classified stash at Penn Biden Center raises national security questions:

The fact that former Vice President Joe Biden inappropriately maintained and kept classified materials at his unsecured think tank raises serious questions about national security, particularly when the documents were related to Ukraine when Biden family members were on a Ukrainian oligarch’s payroll. The President has declassification authority, not the then Vice President. It is troubling that these documents were turned over to the National Archives on November 2nd, right before the midterm elections, and the corrupt Biden DOJ covered it up for two months.

The Biden family business has conducted many deals in Ukraine. In 2017, Hunter Biden was paid $83,000 per month to be on the board of Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company. Hunter was appointed to the board of Burisma in 2014. He had no previous experience in the energy sector or in Ukraine.

US President Joe Biden (R) and his son Hunter Biden walk to a vehicle after disembarking Air Force One upon arrival at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland on August 16, 2022, as they return from vacation in Kiawah Island, South Carolina. (Photo by Nicholas Kamm / AFP) (Photo by NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP via Getty Images)

U.S. President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden walk to a vehicle after disembarking Air Force One upon arrival at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland on August 16, 2022, as they return from vacation in Kiawah Island, South Carolina. (Photo by NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP via Getty Images)

That same year, Hunter’s salary was cut in half when then-Vice President Joe Biden left the White House. Joe Biden visited Ukraine six times in seven years.

In 2015, Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion from Ukraine if the Ukrainian government did not fire the prosecutor who was investigating Burisma.

According to Breitbart News’s senior contributor Peter Schweizer, Hunter made massive sums of money from Ukraine for which he “offered no real work.”

In 2018 and 2020, Schweizer published Secret Empires and Profiles in Corruption. Each book hit #1 on the New York Times bestseller list and exposed how Hunter and his father flew to China aboard Air Force Two in 2013 before Hunter’s firm inked a $1.5 billion deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China, which transpired less than two weeks after the trip. Schweizer’s work also uncovered the Biden family’s other vast and lucrative foreign deals and cronyism.

Breitbart Political Editor Emma-Jo Morris’s investigative work at the New York Post regarding the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell” also captured international headlines when she, along with Miranda Devine, revealed that the president was intimately involved in Hunter’s businesses, appearing to even have a ten percent stake in a company the scion formed with officials at the highest levels of the Chinese Communist Party.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave

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