Thursday, February 23, 2023

AMERICANS LIVING ON SIDEWALKS - DEMOCRAT SANCTUARY CITY NEW YORK - Adams: High New York Taxes Make Moving to FL ‘Extremely Appealing’ — ‘But It’s Difficult’ Since We Have ‘Obligations’ to Immigrants Here


Here's how a trendy NYC hotel is looking full of illegal migrants

New York Taxpayers Give $2.1 Billion to Illegal Immigrants with Large Sums Lining Pockets of Landlords

Adams: High New York Taxes Make Moving to FL ‘Extremely Appealing’ — ‘But It’s Difficult’ Since We Have ‘Obligations’ to Immigrants Here


On Wednesday’s broadcast of WABC’s “Sid & Friends in the Morning,” Mayor Eric Adams (D) responded to a question on why people keep moving from New York to Florida if Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) is as bad as Adams claims by stating that moving to Florida is “extremely appealing and attractive” when you look at New York’s taxes and that while high taxes are a “real” issue, “it’s difficult” given New York City’s population and the “obligations” that come with having people coming “from distant shores” to the city.

Host Sid Rosenberg asked, [relevant exchange begins around 5:00] “[H]ere’s where it comes off tough for you: If all those things are true, and he’s such a bad Governor and he’s so anti-American in all those respects, you’re going to have to explain, Mayor, why everybody, in big numbers, is leaving New York and going to his state. How do you explain that, if, in fact, he’s such a disaster?”

Adams responded, “Well, I think that you look at some very important areas. It’s extremely appealing and attractive when you look at our laws, our tax laws here and the tax laws in Florida. New York and California, we pay some of the highest income tax rates. That’s real, that’s a very real issue. But it’s difficult when you have a city of this number, 8.5 million people. New York City has always had the Statue of Liberty in its harbor. You and I and others, our family came from distant shores to come here, and there [are] a lot of obligations that [come] with that. But at the same time, this has been a place of prosperity and wealth.”

He continued, “He railed about crime. When people don’t realize, that, when you look at the stats, Florida actually has a higher murder rate than New York City. Last year, we had a double-digit decrease in murders, and we are down 12.5% this year. But when you look at Florida, per 100,000 residents, they have 7.3 murders per 100,000 residents in ’21, and ours was 5.5 per 100,000. So, when you rail about something about New York, crime is an issue, the numbers just don’t add up in comparison to Florida.”

Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett

As Harvard’s George Borjas has shown, unauthorized

immigration reduces the wages of American workers by more

than $100 billion a year.  The poorest American workers, and

those with the least education, are the most affected.

                                  PAULETTE VARGHESE ALTMAIER


Here's how a trendy NYC hotel is looking full of illegal migrants

New York Taxpayers Give $2.1 Billion to Illegal Immigrants with Large Sums Lining Pockets of Landlords

122Drew Angerer/Getty Images


7 Feb 2023233


New York taxpayers spent $2.1 billion on a program to support illegal immigrants, with much of the money going to landlords, a recent report from the Urban Institute reveals.

The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) explains that the report from the Urban Institute centered around the Excluded Workers Fund (EWF), which provided funds to illegal immigrants who had been excluded from unemployment insurance programs due to their illegal status. Much of the money ended up in the hands of landlords.

The EWF had two benefit levels: a one-time payment of $15,600, which CIS notes was received by 99 percent of beneficiaries, or $3,200 for the other beneficiaries. CIS also clarifies, “Those with the smaller amounts did not have to meet a different set of requirements; rather, they simply had less plausible applications.”


Much of the money ended up in the hands of landlords of illegal immigrants. One section of the Urban Institute report highlights “Areas where Excluded Workers Fund Recipients Spent the Majority of Their Funds.” It went on to note that much of the money was used to pay overdue or back rent, or to pay ongoing rent.

Meanwhile, CIS points out, “With a lump-sum benefit of $15,600 the state could buy one-way air tickets (for a few hundred dollars for most of the recipients, who were from Mexico or Central America) and have plenty left over to restore the migrants involved to legal and prosperous status in their homelands.”

“Think what a lump sum of $15,000 or so could do for an alien from, say, El Salvador, where the annual per capita income is $4,134,” the report from CIS adds.

While New York uses taxpayer dollars to fund illegal immigrants, rents have spiked for American citizens. Half of American renters spend more than 30 percent of their pre-tax income on rent. 

Breitbart News has documented the effects of mass immigration on rent prices. While rents rose by 3.6 percent per year during President Donald Trump’s low-migration term, they rose by 8.7 percent in 2021 and 9 percent in 2022 as a huge inflow of roughly 3 million southern migrants came into the country under President Biden.

Spencer Lindquist is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SpencerLndqst and reach out at

The state of California is home to more illegal aliens than any other state in the country. Approximately one in five illegal aliens lives in California, Pew reported.

Immigration Studies (CIS) finds that about 72 percent of households headed by noncitizens and immigrants use one or more forms of taxpayer-funded welfare programs in California — the number one immigrant-receiving state in the U.S.

“The Democrats had abandoned their working-class base to chase what they pretended was a racial group when what they were actually chasing was the momentum of unlimited migration”.  DANIEL GREENFIELD   

Liberal California Emigrants are Toxic

By R. Quinn Kennedy

When Arizona, a state that has historically leaned conservative, was won by Joe Biden and now-senator Mark Kelly this week, very few were taken by surprise. Extensive polling indicated Arizona was ripe for swinging liberal and in this instance, at least, the polling was correct.

The question is why? Why has a state that held two elected Republican senators as recently as 2018 and which held a dependable stable of electoral votes for GOP presidential candidates become a purple state on its way to becoming solidly blue? Have Arizona residents suddenly awaked to the idea that liberal policies and doctrines are more sensible than conservative ones? Hardly.

The answer regarding Arizona’s swing lies in its neighbor to the west, California. Since 2012, California has overwhelmingly sent more transplants to Arizona than any other state. When surveyed, escaping Californians cite high taxes, high crime rates, unaffordable housing, out-of-control homelessness, and high unemployment rates as their top reasons for fleeing.

Who is responsible for creating such an alarming living environment within the state? California liberals. A November, 2020 report produced by the Mercatus Center at George Mason University stated that California has 395,608 regulatory restrictions. The sheer volume and scope of California regulations creates such a compliance nightmare that they kill entire industries, send housing prices to unattainable heights, and restrict even commonplace liberties for which conservative leaning states are known.

Piled onto California’s endless river of regulations are its nonsensical laws and policies. Twenty major metropolitan cities or counties in California have established laws, ordinances, regulations, or other practices that shield illegal immigrants from prosecution after committing a crime. These counties brazenly safeguard illegal immigrant criminals against deportation either through noncompliance or by refusing to hand them over to federal agencies such as ICE. With over $1.5 trillion in state and local government debt, California effectively has little money to spare for conveniences such as criminal incarceration. What do sanctuary cities and counties see as the alternative to handing illegal immigrant criminals over for deportation? Release them back into the general population, of course.

Consider this: Between 2014 and 2017, the FBI reported that 49 states saw an average increase in crime annually of around 3%. After implementing “humane” alternatives to criminal prosecution, California crime increased more than 12% per year over the same time period. With irrational sanctuary policies that send a clear message of little to no consequence for offenses, is it any wonder California’s crime rate is now spiraling out of control?

Arizona is not the only beneficiary of the California exodus. The Colorado State Demography Office has published an active flow map of people moving into the state from 2010 on. Disturbingly, the state sending the most movers to Colorado since then has consistently been California. As recently as 2004, Colorado had the political trifecta of a Republican governor and a Republican-controlled House and Senate. A short ten years later, all three had turned irrevocably Democrat. The subsequent consequence? A drastic increase in state and local regulations, a dramatic increase in violent crimes, a severe shortage of home inventory and affordable housing, and a staggering increase in homelessness. Do these newfound troubles sound familiar to any other state mentioned here? The only safeguard against out-of-control tax hikes in Colorado is the TABOR Amendment passed by voters 1992, prior to the influx of California residents, that requires taxpayer approval for any new tax. Not surprisingly, emboldened liberals in Colorado are vigorously resolute in repealing this tax hike protection. As of the most recent election they are unsuccessful, yet remain undeterred.

What has coincided with Colorado’s decline? The mass inflow of Californians to the state. Californians have brought with them all the very same liberal doctrines and ideologies that forced their flight from California in the first place. Does this dissuade liberal Californians from shaping Colorado into the very image of California? Not in the least.

If there is any hope for Arizona, it is that they might learn from the resulting ruin of Colorado, however unlikely.

In the 2020 election, Texas was startlingly considered in play for liberals. Since 2015, which state has contributed the most emigrants into Texas? Not surprisingly, the state of California. The hope for liberals is that they can turn Texas into the next purple soon-to-be blue state. The coveted prize is Texas’ electoral votes. Even more insidious, if liberals are able to capture Texas as they have done in Colorado and Arizona, they will force the state to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. They will then achieve their ultimate goal of a Democrat president reigning over the United States for endless generations until the point our country experiences the same collapse as other great civilizations throughout world history.

The obvious question is this: How can Texas avoid the same fate as states such as Colorado and Arizona? Simple. By being proactive.

It is much easier for liberals to enact new legislation than to argue for the removal of existing laws. With this in mind, Texas should take advantage of their current Republican-controlled Senate, House, and governor’s office by making haste and passing laws that would limit the future incursion of liberal meddling. Texas can presently enact laws that prohibit sanctuary cities, require voter approval to remove the state’s mandated balanced budget, require that any new regulation must necessitate the removal of an existing one, and compel voter approval of each new local or state tax including non-user fees. While such laws may only serve to stem the liberal takeover of the state, they would be roadblocks making it much more difficult for ideological infiltration in areas that affect inhabitant’s liberties and quality of life.

It would be absurd to suppose Californians have malintent. Rather, they are simply following the course with which they are most familiar while being blissfully ignorant of the negative unintended consequences their political ideology brings. To suggest that any act of suppression, aggression, or intimidation towards Californians moving into red states is acceptable would simply be un-American and subject to the same type of hypocrisy liberals practice. If conservatives stoop to their level, we have lost the battle and, perhaps, the war.

However, by taking aggressive legislative action in states that have not yet succumbed to liberal infiltration, Conservatives will effectively be planting our flag in a defiant refusal to hand over our institutions and our liberty.

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