Thursday, February 9, 2023



Franklin Graham Prays ‘Biden’s Eyes Will Be Opened’ to Evil of Abortion

In this March 2, 2018 file photo, Pastor Franklin Graham speaks during a funeral service at the Billy Graham Library for the Rev. Billy Graham, who died last week at age 99 in Charlotte, N.C. Graham has denounced the impeachment investigation of President Donald Trump, but this week asked followers …
AP Photo/John Bazemore, File

Celebrated Evangelical pastor Franklin Graham criticized President Joe Biden’s aggressive promotion of abortion Wednesday, praying that God open his eyes to the truth.

Rev. Graham told his 10 million Facebook fans he had watched President Biden’s State of the Union address this week, noting that it “included a lot of areas that I personally disagree with.”

In particular, Biden “urged Congress to pass a bill enshrining Roe v. Wade into law, Graham observed, adding that “I am so thankful for the Supreme Court Justices who voted to overturn Roe v. Wade — because it was wrong.”

“My prayer is that one day President Biden’s eyes will be opened and he will see what abortion really is and realize the judgment that faces a nation that murders its children,” Graham declared.

In his State of the Union address, Biden exhorted Congress to codify Roe v. Wade while attacking those who try to restrict abortion.

“Congress must restore the right the Supreme Court took away last year and codify Roe v. Wade to protect every woman’s constitutional right to choose,” Biden stated.

“The Vice President and I are doing everything we can to protect access to reproductive health care and safeguard patient privacy,” he said. “But already, more than a dozen states are enforcing extreme abortion bans.”

“Make no mistake; if Congress passes a national abortion ban, I will veto it,” he pledged.

Finally: One Roman Catholic Bishop Has Had Enough of Biden’s ‘Fake Catholicism’

Will woke Pope Francis rush to Old Joe’s aid?

Old Joe Biden says he is a Roman Catholic; he even claims to be a devout, committed, observant believer. “The new president,” the New York Times propagandists bubbled three days after Joe started pretending to be president, “elevates a liberal Catholicism that once seemed destined to fade away.” By “liberal Catholicism,” the Times means an ostentatious, external piety emptied of all its content and cynically designed to win Catholic votes, and on Tuesday, Catholic Joe was finally called on his game. Roman Catholic Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas denounced Biden’s “fake Catholicism.” Will woke Pope Francis rush to Old Joe’s aid? This time, that’s unlikely.

Owen Jensen, the White House correspondent for the Catholic network EWTN, asked Biden about the fact that “Catholic bishops are demanding that federal tax dollars not fund abortions.” Biden responded: “No, they are not all doing that, nor, nor is, nor is the pope doing that.” The putative president did not, of course, offer any evidence for his claim that the pope was just fine with federal tax dollars funding abortions, and he would have been hard pressed to do so, as even the famously Leftist and only marginally Catholic Francis has spoken out strongly and consistently against abortion, saying that it “suppresses innocent and helpless life in its blossoming.” The pope added: “Is it right to take a human life to solve a problem? It’s like hiring a hitman. Violence and the rejection of life are born from fear.”

Strickland responded to Biden’s assertion by tweeting: “Mr Biden can’t be allowed to twist the words of Pope Francis in this way. I implore the Vatican press office to emphatically clarify that Pope Francis rightly calls abortion murder. It is time to denounce Biden’s fake Catholicism.”

Boom! There it is. “Fake Catholicism.” At last someone has said it. Biden has been trotting out his pious Catholic act for years now, and it appears increasingly manipulative and dishonest as he makes ever wilder claims. Back in May 2022, Biden criticized the Supreme Court for even considering overturning Roe v. Wadesaying: “Look, think what Roe says. Roe says what all basic mainstream religions have historically concluded — that the right — that the existence of a human life and being is a question. Is it at the moment of conception? Is it six months? Is it six weeks?”

In reality, the Catholic Church of which Old Joe claims to be a faithful member teaches that “human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception. From the first moment of his existence a human being must be recognized as having the rights of a person – among which is the inviolable right of every innocent being to life.” There is simply no equivocation in his own Church’s position on this.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church adds: “Since the first century the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion. This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable. Direct abortion, that is to say abortion willed either as an end or a means, is gravely contrary to the moral law: You shall not kill the embryo by abortion and shall not cause the newborn to perish.” While there are other religious traditions that do allow for abortion under some circumstances, it is striking that Biden would so casually misrepresent the teaching of his own religious tradition.

But of course, Joseph Strickland is the bishop of Tyler, Texas, and not the pope of Rome for a reason. Even if Pope Francis has himself made strong pro-life statements, he has been less interested in calling ostensibly Catholic pro-abortion politicians to account. Old Joe met with the pontiff in Oct. 2021, after decades of abortion advocacy, and happily announced: “We just talked about the fact that he was happy that I was a good Catholic and I should keep receiving communion.” So the denunciation of Biden’s “fake Catholicism” is unlikely to go beyond Tyler, Texas, or be echoed in the halls of the Vatican anytime soon.

Still, Strickland has performed a valuable service in calling out one of the most visible opportunists who use their alleged Christian faith as a political prop while hollowing it out of any meaning or importance whatsoever. For that, all people of faith and principle, inside and outside the Catholic Church, owe him a debt of gratitude.

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Robert Spencer

Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 26 books including many bestsellers, such as The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)The Truth About Muhammad and The History of Jihad. His latest books are The Critical Qur’an and The Sumter Gambit. Follow him on Twitter here. Like him on Facebook here.

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U.S. Catholic Bishops President Rebukes Biden's Claim About Abortion Funding

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US President Joe Biden leaves St. Edmunds Catholic Church after attending Mass in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, on July 9, 2022. (Getty Images)
US President Joe Biden leaves St. Edmunds Catholic Church after attending Mass in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, on July 9, 2022. (Getty Images)

( -- Although President Joe Biden frequently claims that he is a devout Catholic, his recent comment about bishops and Pope Francis not opposing taxpayer funding of abortion, was rebuked by the president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops who reasserted the Church's long-held opposition to abortion.

On Jan. 30, a reporter said to President Biden, “Catholic bishops are demanding that federal tax dollars not fund abortions.”  In response, Biden replied, “No they are not all doing that. Nor is the Pope doing that.”

In response to Biden's claim, Archbishop Timothy Broglio of the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA, and president of the USCCB, said in a Feb. 1 statement,

Archbishop Timothy Broglio of the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA, and president of the USCCB. (Screenshot)
Archbishop Timothy Broglio of the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA, and president of the USCCB. (Screenshot)

“As we are taught by Jesus, human life is sacred. God calls us to defend and nurture life from the moment a new human being is conceived. The Catholic Church has been clear and consistent in this teaching.

"The Catholic bishops of the United States are united in our commitment to life and will continue to work as one body in Christ to make abortion unthinkable.

"As the Holy Father, Pope Francis, has said, ‘It is not right to ‘do away with’ a human being, however small, in order to solve a problem. It is like hiring a hitman.’

"Taxpayer funding of abortion would force people of good conscience to participate in this grave evil against their will. It would contradict our right to live in accord with the tenets of our faith. Our nation is better than that.

"I pray that we will protect every child no matter his or her age, and open our hearts to respond to mothers in need with love and support rather than the violence of abortion.”

Pope Francis.  (Getty Images)
Pope Francis. (Getty Images)

The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches, "Since the first century the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion. This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable.... Life must be protected with the utmost care from the moment of conception: abortion and infanticide are abominable crimes."

Commenting on Biden's remarks, Catholic League President Bill Donohue said, "Biden is either profoundly ignorant of Catholicism, or he is lying through his teeth. Either way, for a man who loves to wear his Catholicism on his sleeve, he is a public embarrassment to Catholics the world over."

"Never has there been a White House occupant who more consistently seeks to sabotage Roman Catholicism than Joe Biden," said Donohue. 

Suggested Reading by CNSNews

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