Thursday, February 2, 2023

THE MUSLIM DESTRUCTION OF EUROPE - WILL THE NAFTA DEMS ABET ISLAMIC DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA? - IT'S ALREADY IN PROGRESS! - Assimilation in the Absence of a Shared Culture? The real problem with multiculturalism.

The fact that Francis believes el-Tayeb will keep his end of the bargain and do

something to stop the slaughter of Christians in Africa, tells you a lot about the

quality of our current crop of Western leaders. It also speaks volumes about their

ignorance of history.

Assimilation in the Absence of a Shared Culture?

The real problem with multiculturalism.

Was there a flaw in my argument? That’s what I wondered after submitting a piece to Front Page on the Islamization of Europe.

I argued that several large European cities were nearing a population tipping-point after which they would become majority Muslim. The implication of my article was that this was bad news for native Europeans. But I’m not sure that I explained exactly why.

Large population shifts are not uncommon in recent history, and although they are a cause for friction, they do not usually end in massacres and mass imprisonment. Over time in America, German neighborhoods turned into Irish neighborhoods, which eventually turned into Italian neighborhoods, and so on. And life went on.

One can argue that a population reversal in one or many large cities is not necessarily a disaster, and might even lead to cultural enrichment.  For example, many large cities in the U.S. are majority black.  The list includes Detroit, Birmingham, Memphis, Montgomery, Baltimore, Augusta, New Orleans, Newark, Mobile, Cleveland, Savannah and almost a dozen others.  In addition, blacks are near a majority in two dozen other major cities.  Yet, very few worry about a black takeover of America in the way that many now worry about a Muslim takeover of Europe. So, why worry that Birmingham, or Marseille, or Rotterdam may soon have Muslim majorities?

The difference, of course, is that despite whatever cultural and historical differences exist, blacks and whites in America share a common culture.  Above all, they share the same Constitutional principles and the same religion.  The success of the Civil Rights movement in America owed a great deal to the emphasis that the Reverend Martin Luther King put on these shared values.

The situation in Europe, however, is not comparable to the American situation.  The two cultures—Islamic and Western—are not merely different.  In many ways they are antithetical. Because of this religious and cultural incompatibility, many feel that an eventual clash of civilizations is inevitable.  Unless, of course, Muslims learn to assimilate to Western values.

The problem is that many of the European elites subscribe to the multicultural theory that assimilation is a bad thing. It’s bad, they contend, because it forces minorities to give up too much of their cultural identity.  Assimilation, it is argued, is simply, another form of Western cultural imperialism.

Many Muslims feel the same way.  Their religion teaches them that Muslims are the best of people and that non-Muslims are decidedly inferior.  If any assimilation is to be done, the Westerners will have to do it.  This view is reinforced by the traditional Muslim belief that Islam is meant to rule over all other religions.

Unlike American blacks who were simply seeking equal rights with other Americans, radical Muslims in Europe are seeking something else—not equality but submission. According to this view, non-Muslim Europeans will either have to submit to Islam or they will be subjugated by Islam.  Maybe not all at once, but bit by bit, and sooner or later.

That’s the pessimistic view. The optimistic view is that, given time, Muslims will assimilate into the larger culture and all will be well. Here, from Canadian scholar Hicham Tiflati, is an example of the optimistic outlook:

As for Muslims, many scholars believe that what we see today is only a passage to social cohesion and they too will, sooner or later, become part of the mainstream.

In fact, many of the fears expressed today regarding the integration of Muslims in the West are identical to the fears of a century ago about the integration of Catholics, who were seen as undemocratic and unpatriotic because of their perceived refusal to integrate and their allegiance to the Pope.  But all that changed as Catholics paved the way to acceptance and full citizenship.

So, if Father O’Malley and Imam Osama are really brothers under the skin, there’s nothing to worry about.  If the gulf that seems to separate their two faiths is merely a narrow trench, then let’s relax and celebrate diversity.

But, of course, the analogy limps. Protestants and Catholics in America had their differences, but they also shared much in common. Both shared a common allegiance to America, and both shared a common belief in the truth of Christianity.

By contrast, many Muslims in Europe feel little loyalty to their host nation and its culture. And the gulf that separates the Islamic faith from Christianity is far greater than the one that separates Protestants from Catholics.

Is there enough common ground between Muslims and Westerners to ensure that the majority of Muslims will eventually assimilate?  It’s true that both share a common humanity. But what’s the common ground on social and cultural values? What’s the common ground on the equality of men and women? On child marriage? On waging jihad? On the belief that Islam is the supreme religion? On the equality of Jews and Muslim? On the execution of apostates?  On the superiority of sharia law over civil law?

As evidenced by the full mosques and empty churches that dot the European landscape, Islam is on the rise and Christianity is in decline. Why should Muslims want to assimilate to a dying culture with a dying religion?

What seems more likely is what Michel Houellebecq describes in his novel, Submission—namely, a process of reverse assimilation whereby native Europeans convert or submit to Islam in growing numbers. That, after all, is the historical process by which Islam grew—through conquest, not assimilation.

That’s not the inevitable outcome in Europe. But only a revitalization of Christianity and Christian culture is likely to prevent it. But it will need to be a radical renewal. The kind of happy ending that Professor Tiflati envisions—the one where enemies suddenly discover that they are brothers—is a pipe dream.

Unfortunately, many Christians are placing their bets on that dream. Foremost among them is Pope Francis who, together with Grand Imam Ahmed el-Tayeb, has formed a real-life Father O’Malley-Imam Osama team. The two have been busy signing documents that claim that Islam and Christianity are essentially the same religion. The general idea is to dilute both religions to the point where they can blend together.

So far, Francis has kept his end of the bargain. He has watered-down Catholicism to the point where many Catholics now think that the essence of Christianity lies in patting transgender children on the head.

The fact that Francis believes el-Tayeb will keep his end of the bargain and do something to stop the slaughter of Christians in Africa, tells you a lot about the quality of our current crop of Western leaders. It also speaks volumes about their ignorance of history.

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William Kilpatrick

William Kilpatrick is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. His books include Christianity, Islam, and Atheism: The Struggle for the Soul of the West, What Catholics Need to Know About Islam, and The Politically Incorrect Guide to Jihad.

What Muslim Migrants Have Done in Freiburg, Germany

And what will happen when the Muslim population inexorably rises.

A picturesque and once-peaceful university town, Freiburg – like many places in Germany – has been transformed by the arrival of Muslim migrants. More than a million of them were admitted to Germany in just one year – 2015 – which is when Angela Merkel flung her country wide open to migrants, who have overwhelmingly been Muslims. Diversity! Why should anyone have reason to worry?

Since 2015, hundreds of thousands of Muslim economic migrants, claiming to be asylum seekers, have continued to flood each year into Germany. The results have not been good. More on the situation in just one city, Freiburg, can be found here: “North Africans terrorize German green university city,” by John Cody, Remix News, January 24, 2023:

One of the most liberal cities in Germany, the university city of Freiburg located in southern Germany, is facing a massive crime wave perpetrated by North African migrants as well as mass riots at the city’s main asylum reception center.

The violence at the reception center has required the police to launch major operations on five separate occasions. Freiburg’s police forces were overwhelmed during the incidents and forced to call for reinforcements from neighboring districts and the German Federal Police to control the chaos, according to German newspaper Stern.

Just on Sunday, approximately 40 foreigners, mostly North Africans and Syrians, attacked each other with knives, sticks, and other objects. Officers made three arrests, but just hours later, another mass brawl broke out involving knives, with 300 foreigners either fighting or watching the fights unfold. Later, at midnight, a third riot broke out involving 40 men who attacked each other with various objects, according to police.

There has been chaos in the city center of Freiburg, with Muslims attacking each other – Syrians against North Africans – but these “mass brawls” with knives disrupt life for everyone in the city, not just the Muslims directly implicated. People are afraid to go out at night, for fear of being caught in the midst of a brawl or a riot.

The next day, residents of the asylum home triggered fire alarms and then threatened the responding firefighters and police officers with a knife. When police went to make arrests, they faced considerable resistance.

The “asylum home,”which is where shelter is initially provided to those immigrants — mostly Muslims — claiming asylum, was turned by its inhabitants into a trap. They deliberately set off fire alarms in order to attract firemen and police so that, upon their arrival, the Muslims could attack them. This was an assault on the forces of order that represent the state, which the Muslim migrants regard with contempt, for they see it as run by and for Infidels.

A few hours later, staff said they were threatened by North African residents inside the center, requiring a large police response….

The staff at the asylum center are there, remember, only to help migrants. They provide temporary shelter, help migrants prepare their applications for asylum, and at the same time, aid them in applying for the many state benefits – housing, medical care, education, family allowances, even unemployment benefits – that they might qualify for. Yet instead of gratitude, the North African Muslims threatened the staff at the asylum center with violence; the police quickly responded and, no doubt, the “large police presence” that was deemed necessary to prevent harm to the staff has not been fully removed. Many of those police officers will no doubt remain to provide permanent protection to the threatened staff.

And this deployment of police at the asylum center occurs at a time when more police are needed in the center of Freiburg, For the influx of Muslim migrants has led to a steep rise in the city center in both crimes of property – street robberies, smash-and-grab attacks on shops, cars vandalized and set on fire, house burglaries – and in crimes of violence, including rapes, beatings, and murder.

Police describe the suspects as “young men, mainly from the North African region, who have often only been in Freiburg for a few days and whose identity is usually not certain.” When they are stopped during a theft and “confronted with the accusation of the crime, the perpetrators usually act unimpressed. Police officers are often insulted or attacked.”…

When these Maghrebins – North African Muslims – who often fail to give their right names or nationalities, and who often pretend to be younger than they are (so that they will be tried, and sentenced, as juveniles) — are caught by the police committing a crime (pickpocketing, shoplifting, smash-and-grab at shop windows, street robberies, home burglaries), they are not the least bit cowed. They insult the police, even physically attack them. And why not? These police are Infidels, and representatives of the Infidel state; Infidels are “the worst of created beings.” They seem to think they have a right to make us, the Muslims, the “best of peoples,” obey their Infidel laws. Of course we’ll fight back. And besides, we don’t consider taking property from the Infidels a crime. It is ours by right: we are merely helping ourselves to a proleptic jizyah.

Many of the thefts take place in high-end clothing retailers and at the perfume counters of department stores. Police report that the number of such crimes has “skyrocketed,” with most of the suspects men from North Africa. Media reports indicate that many of the migrant men lie about their age in order to avoid stiffer penalties, a trend that is well-documented in Germany….

These Muslim shoplifters know what they are doing. They head for the most expensive clothing stores where they can make off with very expensive sneakers, silk scarves, lingerie, Italian suits, and to department stores, where they go straight to the perfume department, to make off with very expensive, and conveniently easy-to-hide bottles of perfume. Muslims work in shoplifting gangs; while some members engage the salespeople in conversation, or start a distracting ruckus, other members go to work grabbing the most expensive items they can find. There’s a great deal of money to be made.

This isn’t the first crime wave involving migrants in Freiburg. Already in 2016, following a string of sexual assaults and thefts, nightclubs in the city joined together to bar migrant men from entering.

Such a ban on admitting migrant men to the nightclubs in Freiburg, where the people kept out would overwhelmingly be Muslims, if imposed in the United States would not withstand a constitutional challenge based on its being a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause, but Germany, fortunately, has no such clause to limit its freedom to act.

Despite the history of crime in the city, Green and other left-wing politicians have often pushed for more migrants to come to the city under the motto “We have space!”

It takes a long time for reality to set in for some people. Violent brawls among Muslims, and crimes committed by Muslim migrants are overwhelming Freiburg, yet the city’s left-wing politicians still insist on welcoming them because, their idiotic slogan proclaims, ”We have space!” They still refuse to recognize the crime wave in Freiburg and, indeed, in those cities across Germany where significant numbers of Muslim migrants now live. Everywhere it’s the same story of Muslim migrants committing crimes of property and crimes of violence, always against Infidels.

Foreigners are responsible for a massively disproportionate share of crime in Germany, according to police statistics.

On New Year’s Eve, mass riots took place in major German cities, which involved migrant men attacking ambulances, firefighters, and police. The events have led to a new public debate about mass immigration in the country and called into question Germany’s open borders immigration policy.

These mass riots included vandalism — smash-and-grab of whatever was on display in shop windows, the torching of cars, setting fires in the street. In Berlin, ambulances were fired upon, as were firemen trying to douse the fires that had been set – cars aflame, tires burning, stores set alight – by Muslims. The police struggled to chase down rioters, but were themselves attacked, with rocks, Molotov cocktails, and even gunshots. This has led to a great outcry in Germany, with many demanding that Merkel’s open-door policy on immigration be ended immediately.

This is Freiburg, this is Germany, today. The street violence, the increase in every type of crime, the attacks on the representatives of state authority – policemen, firemen, ambulance drivers – are happening at a time when Muslims make up only 7% of the country’s population. But what will happen when the Muslim population inexorably rises, as has been projected, to 20% of the total by 2050? What will German cities look like then?

Anti-Christian Bigotry in the U.S. and Europe Seems to Stem More From Secularists

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(Getty Images)
(Getty Images)

Last July, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, who had just recently written the majority opinion overturning Roe v. Wade, upset militant secularists when he spoke honestly about the fate of religious liberty. In his Rome address, he talked about a “growing hostility to religion, or at least the traditional religious beliefs that are contrary to the new moral code that is ascendant in some sectors.”

What Alito said is true in the U.S. and Europe.

A survey by Lifeway Research found that “nearly 60% agreed that ‘Christians increasingly are confronted by intolerance in America today.’” Those who regularly attend religious services were even more likely to say this is true. Young people and those who are religiously unaffiliated were the least likely to agree.

In a survey of anti-Christian bigotry on the other side of the Atlantic, the Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination Against Christians in Europe investigated five countries: France, Germany, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. It found that anti-Christian hate crimes increased by 70 percent between 2019 and 2020. “These have a higher frequency in France and Germany, although they tend to be more severe in Spain and France, due to a reactionary form of secularism.”

Why the increase in hate crimes against Christians in Europe? What they found is exactly what Alito was saying. “Secular intolerance and discrimination against Christianity seem to be based on the opposition against more traditional and conservative moral view of Christians.” It also said that “It was uncovered that there is a high rate of religious illiteracy among state authorities, public officials and journalists.”

The finding about anti-Christianity in Europe also applies to the U.S. It is not religious extremists who are responsible for most of the anti-Christian bigotry—it is militant secularists. Similarly, the high rate of religious illiteracy among government officials and reporters is a serious problem in this country as well.

In 2016, Dean Baquet, the executive editor of the New York Times, said on NPR that it is important for journalists to realize that they have to do a better job understanding the “anger and disconnectedness that people feel. And I think I use religion as an example because I was raised Catholic in New Orleans. I think that the New York-based—and Washington-based, too, probably—media powerhouses don’t quite get religion.” He added, “We don’t get the role of religion in people’s lives.”

Nothing has changed. Christian bashing is a sport in the very Western nations that spread the faith and found prosperity under Christianity. That those doing the bashing fancy themselves as the tolerant ones—the “open-minded” secularists—makes the situation all the more perverse.  

Report: 5,621 Christians Murdered for Their Faith in 2022

massacre of Christians
EMMY IBU/AFP/Getty Images

ROME — Christian persecution spiked around the globe in 2022, Open Doors reveals in its newly released World Watch List 2023.

Among the sobering statistics included in the annual report were the murders of 5,621 Christians for their faith, the profanation of 2,110 Christian churches and buildings, and the stunning number of Christians around world who face high levels of persecution and discrimination: 360 million.

The Christian persecution watchdog group Open Doors publishes an annual World Watch List ranking the fifty countries where it is most dangerous to be a Christian.

Topping this year’s list is North Korea, an officially atheist communist state that remains “a brutally hostile place for Christians to live” and where “believers are either sent to labor camps as political prisoners where the conditions are atrocious, or killed on the spot,” the reports states.

In North Korea, Christians have absolutely no freedom and it is nearly impossible for believers to gather or meet to worship. Being a Christian or even possessing a Bible is a serious crime that will be severely punished, the report notes.

The reason for such extreme Christian persecution is that “Christianity is seen as a particular threat to the dictatorial ideology and governance of the country’s barbaric regime,” it declares, and Christians “are viewed as enemies of both the leadership and society in general.”

In second place this year is the African nation of Somalia, a majority Muslim nation where Christians are shunned and often violently attacked.

In Somalia, the “violent insurgent group al-Shabaab has repeatedly expressed its desire to eradicate Christians from the country,” the report notes, and Islamic militants have “intensified their hunt for people who are Christian and in a position of leadership.”

Pakistani Christians protest after a suicide bombers attacked a Methodist church during a Sunday service in Quetta on December 17, 2017. At least eight people were killed and 30 wounded when two suicide bombers attacked a church in Pakistan during a service on December 17, just over a week before Christmas, police said. / AFP PHOTO / ARIF ALI (Photo credit should read ARIF ALI/AFP/Getty Images)

File/Pakistani Christians protest after a suicide bombers attacked a Methodist church during a Sunday service in Quetta on December 17, 2017. ( ARIF ALI/AFP/Getty Images)

Since “church life” is simply not possible, Christians must meet in secret, the report declares, and while no region of Somalia is safe for Christians, “areas in the south and southwest that under the control of al-Shabaab are the most dangerous.”

Yemen, third on the Watch List, is another country where Islamic extremism is the principal driver of Christian persecution.

It is extremely dangerous to be a Christian in Yemen, “due to the country’s strict Islamic laws and the presence of militant Islamic groups,” the report reveals.

In Yemen, it is illegal to convert from Islam to Christianity and Islamic terror groups such as al-Qaeda and the Islamic State threaten so-called “apostates” with death if they do not return to Islam, it adds.

Islamic extremism is pervasive throughout the list and nine of the top ten nations for Christian persecution are Muslim dominated. In countries such as Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sudan, Libya, and Afghanistan, Islamic extremism is the driving force behind ant-Christian violence and oppression.

In Nigeria, for example, Christians “suffer persecution from an ingrained agenda of enforced Islamization, which is particularly prevalent in the north of the country and has gradually been spreading south,” the report notes.

“Attacks by Islamic militant groups have increased consistently since 2015, but the government has failed to prevent the rise in violence, which affects all Nigerians, but particularly Christians,” it states.

Thomas D. Williams is Breitbart Rome Bureau Chief and the author of The Coming Christian Persecution.

New Jersey Army Vet Falls in Love with Jihadi

It was an explosive affair.

Life often takes us in unexpected directions, but Maria Sue Bell’s life has been more rollicking and full of surprises than most. Back in 1984 and 1985, Bell served in the Army National Guard and was on Army Active Duty until Jan. 31, 1986. In a warning sign of what was to come, the criminal complaint against Bell says that she “received an Other Than Honorable (OTH) Discharge deemed Good for Service in lieu of a Court Martial,” although the reason for this has not been disclosed and has now been overshadowed by far more serious misconduct: Bell was sentenced on Tuesday to three years in prison for concealing the money and help she provided to her lover, a jihad terrorist in Syria who even spoke to her about striking within the United States.

Love is blind, or so they say, and Bell illustrated the truth of that old adage in spades when she fell under the influence of her lover, Abdullah Flayes. Some women fall in love with doctors or accountants, but Bell was evidently looking for someone more adventurous; in any case, whether or not she was looking for it, adventure is what she got. Flayes was an Islamic jihadi belonging to Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), which is another name for the al-Nusra Front (ANF), which according to the complaint against Bell has been designated by the U.S. government as a Foreign Terrorist Organization.

According to a Pennsylvania paper, the Franklin Daily Voice, “HTS reportedly is led by Mohammad al-Jolani, the founder of al-Nusra Front, which has which has been described as the ‘most aggressive and successful’ jihadist organization looking to establish an Islamic state in Syria. The group includes many al-Qaeda militants while claiming to be independent of al-Qaeda, federal authorities say.”

There is no sign that any of that made Bell hesitate even for a second; on the contrary, she appears to have enthusiastically adopted her lover’s perspective and allegiances. The complaint states that in February 2017, while living in Hopatcong, New Jersey, Bell “used mobile applications, including but not limited to Encrypted Applications and Social Media, to communicate with and provide advice to HTS members and to facilitate money transfers to HTS.” Even worse, she “also used the Encrypted Applications to provide other information which could support acts of terrorism by HTS.” This included “guidance to HTS members on matters of operational security, communications, firearms purchases, and other information.”

In offering all this, Bell built herself up as an expert, “often citing her professional experience, including her specialized military training on guns while in active duty in the United States Army, as well her background in the Army National Guard.” She provided one member of HTS, apparently Flayes, with “advice on the purchase of a weapon and ammunition, planned to meet him in Turkey, and sent money to him,” around $3,150, “via intermediaries using Western Union (subsequent to providing him advice on the purchase of weapons and ammunition).”

For Bell, all this plotting for violence was lit up with love light. “Dearest one,” she wrote to Flayes at one point, “You brought me to Islam and introduced me to a place and people where I am peaceful and happy.” She even tried to dissuade Flayes from striking inside the United States out of consideration for her. When he wrote “If you,” that is, the U.S. government, “want to hit the Syrian airports, we will return to revenge within New York,” Bell responded: “Do you realize what will happen to me?” And: “Think dear….. All of us who help Syria will be in danger. I live very close to New York and I am connected on [REDACTED] to many revolutionaries. Now think… Would I be called to help of [sic] left to be jailed?”

She wanted very much to be of help. The Daily Voice notes that when she was arrested in November 2020, Bell “was carrying travel tickets to Turkey through Egypt for that same day.” When the feds searched her home, they found evidence that Bell had become a serious jihadi herself: “136 operable handguns and rifles, 15 canisters of ammo and a short-range rocket launcher.” She spoke of 9/11 as if it had been an attack on an enemy power: “Do you remember the big attack in New York? That was a long time ago. But that stays in memory for many people and makes them suspicious of us. It killed many people and so many Americans how [sic] hate us. It was sad but Americans have little idea of consequences.”

One never knows how romantic relationships will go these days. But in the ranking of relationships from hell, the one between Abdullah Flayes and Maria Sue Bell has got to be way up there.

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Robert Spencer

Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 26 books including many bestsellers, such as The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)The Truth About Muhammad and The History of Jihad. His latest books are The Critical Qur'an and Who Lost Afghanistan?. Follow him on Twitter here, and like him on Facebook here.

2 Years After Early Release, ‘American Taliban’ Was Meeting With ISIS Recruiter

Who could have seen this coming?

Who could have seen this coming?

John Walker Lindh – the so-called “American Taliban” – has been released from prison, a move Secretary of State Mike Pompeo declared “unconscionable”.

Lindh served 17 years of a 20-year sentence after he was captured in 2001 fighting in Afghanistan.

His early release has sparked fierce criticism, with many believing he still harbours extremist views.

Thank Obama, as usual.

Tony West, a high-powered San Francisco lawyer whose clients have ranged from corporate giants to “American Taliban” John Walker Lindh, has been nominated by President Obama as an assistant attorney general in charge of the Justice Department’s Civil Division.

But surely he was cured.

At his sentencing, Lindh admitted to volunteering as a Taliban soldier to help fellow Muslims in their jihad but said he had no intention “to fight against America.”

He said then he condemned “terrorism on every level” — but hasn’t made comments since.

Except there was that 9/11 op-ed in 2021.

American Taliban’ John Walker Lindh has penned an op-ed under the name Yahya Lindh that was published on the day the nation marked the 20th anniversary of 9/11

“During the summer and fall of 2001, I served as a Taliban infantryman in northern Afghanistan. In mid-November of that year, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan was on the verge of collapse. Kabul and several other major cities had been overrun by the Northern Alliance, a warlord cartel described by journalist Robert Fisk as “a symbol of massacre, systematic rape, and pillage” that would form the nucleus of America’s collaborationist regime for the next two decades. Our commanders told us that the Taliban had begun to evacuate their forces from urban centers to protect civilians from dangers posed by 15,000-pound Daisy Cutters, Tomahawk cruise missiles, cluster bombs, and depleted uranium munitions. I saw the toll that some of these weapons took on Afghan civilians with my own eyes.”

Lindh’s Islamic name represented his continuing embrace of the religion that had led him to become an enemy of the United States.

So the final act of this drama comes as no surprise. I’m only surprised it appeared in Rolling Stone.

Far from mellowing into middle age, Lindh “continued to advocate for global jihad and to write and translate violent extremist texts” and “told a television news producer that he would continue to spread violent extremist Islam upon his release,” according to documents from the National Counterterrorism Center obtained by Foreign Policy in 2017. Lindh also expressed support for ISIS.

New court documents suggest that the first prisoner in America’s sprawling “war on terror” may have violated that agreement by meeting with a convicted ISIS supporter in three get-togethers covertly surveilled by the FBI in 2021.

News of Lindh’s meetings surfaced in a dispute over the supervised release of Ali Amin, a convicted ISIS supporter who Lindh allegedly met with over the summer and fall of 2021. Like Lindh, the terms of Amin’s release required him to avoid contact with known extremists. But unlike Lindh, parole officials have moved to send Amin back to jail for the alleged violations…

Amin’s… most serious offense involved recruiting Virginia resident Reza Niknejad to ISIS and helping him join the group in Syria in early 2015. Amin drove Niknejad to Dulles airport for a flight to Turkey where Niknejad crossed over into Syria. Amin also introduced him to an unnamed supporter of the group overseas who helped coordinate his travel into ISIS-held territory in Syria

Getting rid of Lindh so he could go to Iraq or Syria and we could take him out would have been an improvement. Instead, the legal case will drag on some more and the pro-terrorist lobby will come to his defense.

Was the ‘American Taliban’ John Walker Lindh as Bad as We Were Led to Believe? – Daily Beast

Yes, like the rest of his brethren, he was. And, most importantly, he was and is the enemy.

Until we finally internalize that, the Jihad will go on.


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Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

Jihadist Hacks Christian to Death with Machete in Spanish Church

ALGECIRAS CADIZ, SPAIN - JANUARY 25: Detail of the Church of San Isidro, in which, has been wounded the priest who is currently admitted to the Hospital Punta Europa, on January 25, 2023 in Algeciras, Cadiz (Andalusia, Spain). The sacristan of the Church of La Palma in Algeciras has died …
Nono Rico via Getty

ROME — A Moroccan illegal immigrant attacked Christians in two Spanish churches with a machete Wednesday, killing one and wounding at least four more.

Around 7:00pm, the 26-year-old assailant entered San Isidro church in Algeciras, southern Spain, where he attempted to force the faithful present to convert to Islam and then attacked the parish priest with his machete, gravely wounding him in the neck.

During the course of the attack, the Islamist reportedly shouted “Allahu akbar” and “Death to Christians.”

One eyewitness, Jesús Torres, said he heard the shouting and went running to the church where he found Father Antonio Rodríguez, the parish priest, “lying face down on the ground with his head bleeding.”

Neighbours place candles and flowers as tokens of grief in the Plaza Alta, Algeciras, where the lifeless body of a sacristan fell after the attack in his church on January 26, 2023 in Algeciras, Spain. The attack of a 25-year-old Moroccan citizen in the church of Nuestra Señora de La Palma and in the church of San Isidro de Algeciras has left pain and consternation among its neighbors. (Nono Rico via Getty Images)

Following the first aggression, the jihadist entered a second nearby church, Nuestra Señora de la Palma, as Mass was being celebrated.

On entering, the man began destroying various sacred objects with his machete and proceeded to climb onto the altar, where he was confronted by the sacristan, Diego Valencia, who tried to stop him.

The aggressor responded by stabbing Valencia in the abdomen. When Valencia tried to flee and left the church, the attacker followed him and finished him off with a machete blow to the head.

According to Spain’s Ministry of the Interior, shortly after the assault police disarmed and apprehended the assailant and he is currently in police custody.

Investigators have identified the man as “Yassin K” and are treating the incident as terror-related. They are also trying to determine whether the man was acting alone or as part of an Islamic terror organization.

A photographer records the memorials placed in the Plaza Alta, Algeciras, where a sacristan fell after the attack in his church on January 26, 2023 in Algeciras Cadiz, Spain.  (Nono Rico via Getty Images)

Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez sent his “deepest condolences” to the family of the sacristan who died in this “terrible attack.”

For its part, the local Muslim community in Algeciras denounced the incident as a “brutal and vicious attack.”

The mayor of Algeciras, José Ignacio Landaluce, has blamed the Ministry of the Interior for failing to deport the man prior to the attack, since he was known to be in Spain illegally but was not expelled from the country because of “administrative red tape.”

Landaluce has insisted on the need to streamline the bureaucracy “to be more effective.”

Thomas D. Williams is Breitbart Rome Bureau Chief and the author of The Coming Christian Persecution.




Sweden has one of the world’s worst recorded rape rates. In 2018, the state broadcaster SVT revealed that 58% of men convicted in Sweden of rape and attempted rape over the previous five years were born abroad. Some of the most brutal rape cases have involved Muslim or African immigrants.

Meanwhile, the Swedes themselves should recognize that

their naive dream of integrating Muslim migrants is incapable

of being realized, not for want of trying on the part of the

indigenous Swedes, but because of the attitudes of the

Muslims themselves, who are in no hurry to be employed, but

are happy to pocket whatever they are offered by the welfare

state, aid which they regard as a kind of proleptic Jizyah. It

would be folly for the Swedes to blame themselves for this

state of affairs. In fact, much the same outcome can be

observed in all the European countries where large numbers

of Muslims have been allowed to settle. But Sweden’s elites

have been particularly naïve, and allowed into their country,

during the last two decades, immigrants who now make up

close to 20% of the current population (and the Sweden-born

children of migrants make up another 12%).

Afghan Migrant Convicted of Murder was ‘Asking Out 14-Year-Old Girls’ – Report

Lawangeen Abdulrahimzai
Dorset Police

An Afghan migrant that has now been convicted of multiple murders is said to have asked out a number of “14-year-old girls” while posing as a child in Britain.

Lawangeen Abdulrahimzai, who has now been convicted of the murder of Thomas Roberts on March 12 last year, is said to have lied about his age to UK authorities, allowing him to attend school in Britain as a 14-year-old despite being an adult man.

It is reportedly the third murder Abdulrahimzai has been convicted of, with a Serbian court finding the migrant guilty in absentia of killing two men with an automatic Kalashnikov rifle in 2018.

According to a report by The Times, Abdulrahimzai managed to evade the Serbian authorities in the aftermath of the double murder, fleeing to the UK where he claimed he was a 14-year-old boy who required asylum.

Although the Afghan was reportedly an 18-year-old adult male at the time he entered the country, authorities were unable to question him, with Home Office guidelines at the time instructing officials that they could only treat him as being an adult if his appearance and demeanour “strongly suggested” he was aged 25 or over.

A process was reportedly undertaken to try and ascertain Abdulrahimzai’s real age, though this process was repeatedly dragged out by the migrant, who is said to have delayed his communication with authorities over the matter.

As a result — like a number of other adult migrants within Britain’s asylum system — Abdulrahimzai was reportedly handed over to a foster family, and allowed to attend school with other 14-year-olds.

“Not only was he around kids, he was asking out 14-year-old girls,” one mother of a child who is said to have attended school with the migrant told The Times.

“It’s wrong. It is absolutely petrifying,” she continued. “This man was classed as a child in care and the school had a duty of care to accept him. Their hands were tied.”

“The fault lies with the local authorities who put my children at risk,” she went on to say. “Where is the duty of care, not just to the pupils but to the staff?”

According to the British broadsheet, the true extent of Abdulrahimzai’s age and criminal background — which also included a conviction for drug dealing in Italy — only came to light after he stabbed Thomas Roberts to death in 2022.

The incident reportedly occurred after a brief argument between the two men that was reportedly started by Abdulrahimzai, with the migrant said to have stabbed Roberts twice during the dispute, which was over an electric scooter.

During a police investigation into the killing, a dental examination was conducted on Abdulrahimzai — who was claiming to law enforcement officers that he was 16 — which discovered that he was really 21 years old.

Aftera two-week trial a jury at Salisbury crown court took twelve hours of deliberation to conclude that Abdulrahimzai was guilty of Roberts’ murder.

“You started the conflict, and throughout you were the threatening aggressor,” judge Paul Dugdale told the migrant during sentencing. “In seconds you took the life of a thoroughly decent man, with a bright future who was loved greatly by so many people.”

“Your momentary act of extreme, senseless violence has left a family with a tragic loss that they will feel for the rest of their lives,” he went on to say.

He then handed Abdulrahimzai life in jail, with a minimum sentence of 29 years.

Follow Peter Caddle on Twitter: @Peter_Caddle
Follow Breitbart London on Facebook: Breitbart London

‘Too Many Muslims’ — Ukrainian Refugees Fleeing War Scared of Living in Multicultural England


Ukrainian refugees displaced from their war-torn homeland have said that they feel scared in England as there are “too many Muslims” in multicultural cities like Birmingham.

An exposé report released this week from the British state-owned Channel 4 broadcaster on the status of the integration of Ukrainian refugees in the UK revealed that some of those forced to flee their country as a result of the war with Russia were shocked and even frightened by the ethnic makeup of the parts of England they found themselves living in, namely the paucity of native English people.

“Just over a hundred thousand Ukrainians have sought refuge in the UK – the vast majority of them women and children. But not all of them have found it easy to settle into a country where the ethnic diversity and cultural values are very different from what they’ve been used to back home,” the broadcaster reported.

Speaking to Channel 4’s communities editor Darshna Soni, a Birmingham woman who opened her house to a refugee under the Homes for Ukraine scheme, said that the refugee mother told her that she wanted to leave the area as it was dangerous because there were “too many Muslims and too many people with different skin colours”.

The Ukrainian mother also was fearful of sending her son to the local school in which the “majority of children happened to be black and Asian” and because there were “not enough white kids”.

“We hadn’t necessarily taken into consideration the cultural differences,” the Birmingham homeowner said.

“The majority of my neighbours are Muslims. A lot of them are Kashmiris or Pakistanis, Indians and they’re wonderful people and you just felt, if you just would sort of give them the time perhaps we’d come to the same conclusion,” the woman added.

The public broadcaster then interviewed Oksana, a refugee who said that she had come from the “best part of Kyiv (Kiev) to the worst area of Birmingham,” and that she was concerned over potential Islamic terrorism.

Channel 4’s Darshna Soni told the refugee that “lots of people here would feel very offended” because she was implying that Birmingham was not safe because it was racially “mixed”.

Oksana bluntly replied that her view was not from a position of ignorance, and that she had in fact “read police statistics”, had read news reports in English, and had heard “so many dangerous stories” from locals about Islamic terrorism and violence.

Over the past half-century, but particularly in the past 25 years, England as a whole and specifically urban hubs such as Birmingham, the nation’s second-largest city, have seen radical changes to the demographic makeup of the population. Much of this followed former Labour Party Prime Minister Tony Blair’s decision to open up the country to mass migration,a policy which was said by a former Blair advisor to be intended to “rub the Right’s nose in diversity”.

Despite that, the policy of basically totally open borders has been continued by successive Conservative governments, notwithstanding repeated promises — lies, as it transpired — to cut immigration.

According to the once-in-a-decade Census conducted in 2021, Birmingham joined the likes of London, Manchester, Leicester, and Luton in becoming a minority-majority city, with ethnic minorities making up 51.4 per cent of its population. The white population in the city, meanwhile, fell from 78.5 per cent in 1991 — the last census conducted before Blair — to just 48.6 per cent in 2021.

The city has also become steadily more Muslim, with the latest census finding that 29.9 per cent of Birmingham residents described themselves as Muslim, compared to 21.8 per cent in 2011. In September, the city saw an outbreak of sectarian violence on its streets between groups of Muslims and Hindus following similar clashes in the multicultural city of Leicester.

The Ukrainian refugees are not alone in feeling unsafe in Birmingham, with a poll in 2018 ranking the city as the most dangerous in the UK, with 42 per cent of residents expressing fear of walking its streets, even during the day time.

That same year, a local man told The Guardian newspaper: “Stabbings happen unfortunately all the time”, adding: “Nowadays Birmingham is dangerous, especially the city centre.”

Follow Kurt Zindulka on Twitter here @KurtZindulka


Meanwhile, the Swedes themselves should recognize that

their naive dream of integrating Muslim migrants is incapable

of being realized, not for want of trying on the part of the

indigenous Swedes, but because of the attitudes of the

Muslims themselves, who are in no hurry to be employed, but

are happy to pocket whatever they are offered by the welfare

state, aid which they regard as a kind of proleptic Jizyah. It

would be folly for the Swedes to blame themselves for this

state of affairs. In fact, much the same outcome can be

observed in all the European countries where large numbers

of Muslims have been allowed to settle. But Sweden’s elites

have been particularly naïve, and allowed into their country,

during the last two decades, immigrants who now make up

close to 20% of the current population (and the Sweden-born

children of migrants make up another 12%).

Another French Writer is Alarmed About the Future of France

The bleak possibility of civil war?

Like Eric Zemmour, like Michel Houllebecq, the French writer and essayist Laurent Obertone is alarmed about the future of France. He sees the country as a likely victim of the Great Replacement. By this is meant the replacement of the indigenous Europeans by non-European migrants. More specifically, in France the worry is that the French will be demographically overwhelmed by millions of Muslim migrants and their large families. Laurent Obertone considers the bleak possibility of a civil war in France in an article from November 2022, but of course nothing has changed in the intervening months: “‘The more time passes, the less reversible the situation will be,’ says prominent author Laurent Obertone on risk of civil war in France,” by Olivier Bault, Remix News, November 17, 2022:

Renowned French author Laurent Obertone presents a bleak future of a France in conflict in his books, but he says that such a reality is not far from fiction.

An exclusive interview with French journalist, essayist, and novelist Laurent Obertone, author of the prophetic bestseller novel “Guerilla – The day everything went up in flames” (in French: “Guérilla – Le jour où tout s’embrasa”) and of several essays on the violent and totalitarian drift of French society (“La France Orange Mécanique” – Clockwork Orange France, “La France Big Brother” – Big Brother France, etc.). Following its big success in France, the novel “Guerilla” has also been translated into German, Italian, Hungarian, and Japanese, and will soon be published in Spanish

You are the author of several bestsellers in France, including the famous “La France Orange mécanique,” published in 2013, which documents insecurity in France based on local press publications that are rarely picked up at the national level. You then published, among other titles, the novel “Guerrilla” in 2016. This novel takes place over three days in a France sinking into civil war after yet another violent incident between thugs and police in an “ethnic” suburb. These are undoubtedly your two most often quoted works and the most vilified by the French political and media mainstream, but many see the first one as a realistic assessment of the current situation and the second one as a plausible prognosis for the future. Very recently, while reacting to Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin’s comments on the share of foreigners in crime, you said: “The path we are following today is one of chaos.” So, in your opinion, nothing has changed in France since the publication of “La France orange mécanique” and “Guerilla”?

Unfortunately, things have gotten pretty bad. Violence against persons has continued to rise sharply, reaching a record of 900 assaults per day, including 120 assaults involving bladed weapons. This is according to the Interior Ministry’s figures. Although they only take into account crimes for which complaints are filed, they still show 220 daily cases of sexual violence in France on average. Homicides and attempted homicides have been rising sharply in recent years. After decades of mass immigration, France has never had so many people in jail and so many illegal aliens on its territory.

The president of the republic in your novel “Guerrilla,” who gets brutally assassinated by thugs while trying to mediate, was very reminiscent of François Hollande, but he could just as easily remind us of Emmanuel Macron. The latter’s former Minister of the Interior Gérard Collomb, who warned against the risk of civil war because of mass immigration when he resigned in 2018, has criticized the welcoming of the Ocean Viking [a ship that rescues would-be immigrants in the Mediterranean and brings them to France] and its illegal immigrants in an interview for the Le Point weekly, saying that “by welcoming the Ocean Viking, we open a breach.” In this interview, he describes President Macron as being very much in favor of welcoming so-called “migrants,” i.e., illegal immigrants. Do you really think that the reception of the Ocean Viking opens a new breach and is a step further toward chaos in France?”

The Ocean Viking is just a drop in the bucket: In 2021, there were 121,554 applications for asylum filed, as well as 279,925 residence permits and 733,070 visas issued. That is well over a dozen Ocean Vikings per day. And all this in a perfectly legal way, without counting the irregular [illegal] immigrants who are very rarely deported. The French administration has been organizing such mass immigration for quite a long time, despite the fact the French people never wanted it and despite its consequences in terms of security, social cohesion, or standard of living being dramatic and incalculable.

Isn’t it encouraging, though, that a former interior minister is now sending out the same message as you?

“His courage comes too late. He now admits that he preferred to let a dangerous situation fester rather than risk telling the truth and therefore – it is he who says it – getting Marine Le Pen elected. This is exactly what prevents any debate and any serious political reaction to insecurity and immigration: There is permanent blackmail with the threat of the “far right,” leading in the end to realistic French people remaining silent so as not to be accused of “playing into the hands” of the National Rally.[Marine Le Pen’s party] Our elites have given up on the truth and prefer to lie to their people. Since they are unable to fulfill the basic missions of the state, their legitimacy is in question.

Trials were held this year in relation to the Paris and Nice terrorist attacks of 2015 and 2016, and it looks like there are fewer such attacks in France, or at least there are no longer large attacks with such death tolls. Don’t you think that France is winning the fight against Islamic terrorism? Or do you rather think that the threat of radical Islam and its jihadist-terrorist form, which we see playing an important role in the outbreak of the civil war described in your novel “Guerrilla,” remains at the same level?

“The fears of the intelligence community have not waned. Many people are listed as “risky” and apart from listing them, we are just waiting to see what happens. There are many isolated acts, committed by allegedly “disturbed” persons. These incidents make less noise in the media, but in the long run, they make just as many victims. And this “insecurity,” which translates into multiple “gratuitous” lynchings or attacks with bladed weapons, is a form of ordinary, trivialized terrorism that makes many of our cities dangerous.

In his book “Tout ce qu’il ne faut pas dire” (Everything you must not say) published the same year as “Guerilla,” gendarmerie general Bertrand Soubelet wrote: “In the large urban areas of France, there are stocks of illicit weapons that are the remnants of the wars in Central Europe (in the Balkans). What frightens us, the gendarmes, is that those stocks of weapons, which are lying dormant at the moment, will one day get into the hands of determined and organized people.” Since 2016, have the French authorities acted to recover these stocks of weapons, or are they still in the hands of these “rebellious, misguided children who have lost their way and are in need of guidance,” and among whom “the jihad does its business,” as they are described by General Soubelet?

“The French state is only strong with the weak, with those who fear its wrath, the police, and the justice system. This is absolutely not the case with these [Muslim] gangs and in the suburbs, which are breeding grounds for criminals and jihadists. Obviously, they have no respect for firearms legislation, which is only designed to disarm honest citizens, as honest citizens are the only real threat to our rulers.

In “Guerilla,” the French army does not intervene, or at least not massively, to restore order. This is because it is feared that the troops of immigrant and/or Muslim origin will join the mobs of armed “youth” who hate France and the “Gallic” French. Is this what you think would happen in the event of a civil war in France? Has the French army’s lack of cohesion deteriorated to such a point?

“This is a major fear of the military commanders, who have to deal with a lot of sectarian tensions in the army’s ranks. But the army is above all made unable to act by the moral prohibitions that bind our elites: it is morally unthinkable to send in the troops against our neighborhoods and the criminals who thrive there, who are often of French nationality and who have been presented to us for several decades as “victims of society.” Even the police have orders to restrict their pursuits and to avoid certain neighborhoods so as not to set fire to the powder.

President Macron and his current minister of the interior now want to intensify the distribution of “migrants” throughout the country, including in rural areas. Such migrant centers also play a role in France’s three-day descent into civil war described in your novel “Guerrilla.” It is a civil war against which many leading politicians, including Presidents François Hollande and Emmanuel Macron, have warned. How do you explain the fact that the French political class complains of the consequences but cherishes their causes so much?

What can be their motives?

“There is an old economic belief: The more people there are, the more the country’s GDP will increase, so there will be more pieces of the cake to share. Some business bosses are very keen on low-cost labor. But the most profound belief is moral: Our elites, still colonial in mentality, are convinced that human beings from all over the world are interchangeable, that all you have to do is give anyone a good school, welfare benefits, and a city park to make them good French citizens, even better than our dusty natives. This is obviously a fantasy: Countries are the products of peoples, not the other way around. But, as we have said, it is the nature of Utopians not to be bothered with such realities.

After the horrendous murder of Lola, that 12-year-old girl who was raped, tortured, and murdered by an Algerian woman who had been left free to move around despite a deportation order, you said that if nothing is done now, nothing will ever be done. One month later, do you see some positive change? Is anything being done now?

“Absolutely not. There are new victims all the time. Immigration is not questioned, and neither is the justice system. We all know very well that deportation orders are not going to be enforced any better than before. The talk is mostly about new ways to accommodate migrants. The more time passes, the less reversible the situation will be. Unless there is an economic or social accident, French society will continue its drift toward fragmentation and regression.

Oh dark, dark, dark, amid the blaze of noon, irrevocably dark.

But is Laurent Obertone wrong? Who could take issue with anything this French Cassandra, a vox clamantis in deserto, has just said? And what will it take for the French state, that listing ship of fools, to right itself in time?

In 2019, a Pakistani migrant was arrested for sexually assaulting a female off-duty police officer aboard the RER express train in the city, while last year another migrant, from Tunisia, was arrested after trying to shove another person under a train while allegedly yelling “Allahu Akbar.”

After all, when was the last time you saw an American academic discuss the Muslim persecution of Christians, or Iran’s treatment of religious minorities, or the inconsistency of Iranian authorities in persecuting Christians while complaining about “Islamophobia”? That’s right: never. That’s not what they do in the Antifa indoctrination factories known as universities these days; they’re too busy recording video messages applauding Iranian propaganda. ROBERT SPENCER

Here, one cannot help but remark how utterly different Pope Benedict and his successor, Pope Francis, are in their approaches to Islam.  Whereas Benedict knew that without agreement on a first premise—namely, the (rational) nature of God—“dialogue” with Muslims would achieve nothing, Francis has become the champion of dialogue, and all apparently for show—rationalism and reality be damned.

Raymond Ibrahim, author of Defenders of the West, is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

Turkish Govt’s Anger as Qur’an Burnt in Protest Outside Embassy in Stockholm

Rasmus Paludan
Getty Images / Collage

The Turkish government has responded with outrage after anti-Islamisation campaigner Rasmus Paludan went ahead with his planned Qur’an burning protest in Stockholm on Saturday.

The burning of the Qur’an outside the Turkish embassy in Stockholm on Saturday afternoon, one of dozens of such protests performed in European countries in recent years by strict anti-Islamisation campaigner Rasmus Paludan, went ahead on Saturday in the face of warnings by the Turkish government to Sweden that the event should be banned. A large police presence looked on as the book was set alight and eventually dropped to the ground.

As well as Paludan having been physically attacked for his protests in the past, there was also a counter-protest of pro-Erdogan Turks present, Reuters reported.

The Turkish government, which under President Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan has drifted from being one of the most successfully secularised post-Islamic states in the world to having a de-facto Islamist stance, had warned the Swedish government in grave tones about the importance of banning the protest from taking place. Sweden is presently applying to join the NATO defence alliance, and Turkey as a member has the power to veto their acceptance.

News that the burning of the Qur’an had gone ahead in Sweden were met with counter-protests in Istanbul, with a group of around 200 gathering outside the Swedish embassy to shout slogans, make the now-familiar one-fingered salute, and burn the Swedish flag, so reports Reuters. The Turkish government said: “We condemn in the strongest possible terms the vile attack on our holy book … Permitting this anti-Islam act, which targets Muslims and insults our sacred values, under the guise of freedom of expression is completely unacceptable.”

The issue of the book burning is particularly focussed on the Swedish government by Turkey because Paludan, who points to the often violent response to his Qur’an burnings — and even ‘Qur’an throwings‘ — as evidence of his claim that Muslims can be intolerant and incompatible with Western values, applied to the Swedish government for permission to undertake the protest. This, in Ankara’s view, gave Stockholm a chance to block the protest which they chose not to take.

The demonstration came nearly a year after Paludan and his group Stram Kurs (Hard Line) carried out a series of other Qur’an burning protests across Sweden over Easter, which led to extensive rioting in multiple cities and attacks on police by outraged Muslims.

Rasmus Paludan burns a Koran outside of the Turkish embassy on January 21, 2023 in Stockholm, Sweden. Swedish authorities granted permission to a series of protests for and against Turkey amid the bid to join NATO, with far-right Danish-Swedish politician Rasmus Paludan – a controversial figure in Sweden – set to stage a Koran burning outside the Turkish embassy, as well as pro-Erdogan and pro-Kurdish groups protesting simultaneously. (Photo by Jonas Gratzer/Getty Images)

Rasmus Paludan burns a Koran outside of the Turkish embassy (Photo by Jonas Gratzer/Getty Images)

Several media outlets and independent journalist gather to see Rasmus Paludan stage a Koran burning (Photo by Jonas Gratzer/Getty Images)

A report released earlier this month claimed that Swedish police lacked both the manpower and the competency to deal with the riots, which saw hundreds of officers injured and many officers reporting mental health issues after being deployed to deal with the rioting.

Some officials later testified during a trial for one of the individuals who participated in the violence that they feared they were going to be killed during the riots.

Relations between Turkey and Sweden are already low, after months of considerable demands from Ankara for Stockholm to deport critics of Erdogan and alleged Terrorists to Turkey in return for the country accepting their bid to join NATO. There have been protests specifically on this issue. In early January, an effigy of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was hung outside Stockholm city hall.

While Turkish officials demanded an investigation into the incident, Swedish prosecutors stated that no crime had been committed and no investigation would take place.

ISTANBUL, TURKEY – JANUARY 21: A protest against the burning of the Qur’an in Sweden is held in front of the Swedish Consulate on January 21, 2023. A group held a protest in front of the Swedish Consulate in Istanbul, protesting against the burning of the Quran in front of the Turkish Embassy in Stockholm by Rasmus Paludan, the leader of the Danish far-right Stram Kurs party. The Swedish flag was also burned during the protest. (Photo by Hakan Akgun/ dia images via Getty Images)

A protest against the burning of the Qur’an in Sweden is held in front of the Swedish Consulate on January 21, 2023 (Photo by Hakan Akgun/ dia images via Getty Images)

A protest against the burning of the Qur’an in Sweden is held in front of the Swedish Consulate on January 21, 2023 (Photo by Hakan Akgun/ dia images via Getty Images)

The description of quite a different Sweden, the result of more than 1.2 million immigrants, mostly from Muslim countries, can be found here: “Suicidal Sweden: Woman Gang-Raped in a Park by Five Teenage Syrian Muslim Migrants,” by Amy Mek, RAIR Foundation, December 26, 2022 

Sweden has one of the world’s worst recorded rape rates. In 2018, the state broadcaster SVT revealed that 58% of men convicted in Sweden of rape and attempted rape over the previous five years were born abroad. Some of the most brutal rape cases have involved Muslim or African immigrants.

“Mexican drug cartels are the “other” terrorist threat to America. Militant Islamists have the goal of destroying the United States. Mexican drug cartels are now accomplishing that mission – from within, every day, in virtually every community across this country.” JUDICIAL WATCH

Sweden: The Suicide of a Nation?

The fruits of multiculturalism.

For most of the 20th century, Sweden was held up as the very model of a modern welfare state: prosperous and peaceful, a example of social cohesion that was the product not of “diversity,” but of the very lack of “diversity.” That homogeneous Sweden is no longer. The description of quite a different Sweden, the result of more than 1.2 million immigrants, mostly from Muslim countries, can be found here: “Suicidal Sweden: Woman Gang-Raped in a Park by Five Teenage Syrian Muslim Migrants,” by Amy Mek, RAIR Foundation, December 26, 2022 (also, a Jihad Watch report on this incident, featuring a translation from a Swedish news source, is here).

Five teenage Syrian Muslim “migrants” have been charged on suspicion of gang-raping a young woman in a park in Malmö, Sweden. The brutal assault was interrupted by two police officers who happened to be patrolling the area. The victim’s attorney said her client experienced every woman’s worst nightmare.

It was around eleven o’clock in the evening on October 22, 2022, when a police patrol passed Kungsparken park in Malmö.

Police saw a group of young people near a casino located in the park. As the patrol officers approached, the gang dispersed. Only after the woman approached the police and told them she was gang raped did they realize they had interrupted a brutal attack.

Four Syrian migrants were arrested on the evening of the assault, while the fifth was taken into custody the day after. The suspected Islamic rapists are all young migrants; an 18-year-old, two 17-year-olds, a 16-year-old, and a 15-year-old.

They all have been charged with aggravated rape of the woman, who is said to be a young woman in her 20s.

According to the indictment, the migrants pinned the woman down, raped her repeatedly, and severely abused her. During the rape, the accused men are suspected of jointly holding her down. Four of the five deny the crime, and the fifth admits the course of events but denies doing anything wrong.

Though only one of these Muslim assailants said he had done nothing wrong, the other four, who simply denied the crime, no doubt felt the same. After all, the Infidel woman, out alone at night, and dressed as Swedish women in their 20s now dress was, according to their Muslim moral code clearly “asking for it.” Why should they be punished for remaining true to their own traditions and understandings? It doesn’t seem fair.

The police have found the woman’s DNA on four of the perpetrators. Belongings from the woman have also been found on one of the boys, and there are images from surveillance cameras showing how they moved around the crime scene.

My client has experienced a woman’s worst nightmare, being raped in a park by five guys. She has felt, and still feels, very bad from this,” said her lawyer Kristina Bandrup.

Sweden’s Mass Immigration

Sweden has, in just two generations, gone from being one of the safest countries in the world to one of the most dangerous countries in Europe. Meanwhile, mass immigration has dramatically altered Sweden’s population, reports Gatestone.

While Sweden’s population remained almost exclusively Swedish for most of the 20th century, the share of migrants and their descendants has quickly soared to about a third of a total population of roughly 10 million.

Sweden has one of the world’s worst recorded rape rates. In 2018, the state broadcaster SVT revealed that 58% of men convicted in Sweden of rape and attempted rape over the previous five years were born abroad. Some of the most brutal rape cases have involved Muslim or African immigrants.

The foreign-born are responsible for 58% of those in Sweden who are convicted of rape and attempted rape, while making up only 17% of the general population. That means those foreign-born, almost all of them from Muslim countries, are more than three times as likely to be convicted of rape and attempted rape than native Swedes. Yet the Swedish authorities take care not to publicize these and related figures on general criminality, fearing that the so-called “far-right” members of the Swedish Democrats would cite them as reasons for cutting down on the number of Muslim immigrants. Stockholm’s political and media elites continue to deny a worrisome reality, because they don’t want to be blamed for having caused this mess in the first place, by their criminal laxity on immigration.

Globalists’ multicultural experiment in Sweden has resulted in Swedes no longer being safe in their own country. The journalist Ingrid Carlqvist explains that immigrants have been destroying “our country”:

They are destroying our country and making us terrified of everything. It’s the violence from these immigrants, it is the rapes, the killings, and you know, just not being safe in your own country that makes people very, very scared and desperate, and they lose hope.

Swedish children are being tortured and abused in school and in the evenings throughout the country. There are constant cases of immigrant kids, mainly Muslims beating up, raping, and torturing Swedes. Carlqvist reports that the Islamic immigrants and their children “have a very aggressive culture, and they hate us.” She goes on to explain:

They think that they have a mission from Allah to take over this country. So they really enjoy humiliating and beating up young Swedes.

Is there anything here that has been exaggerated? Don’t Swedes now feel, in Stockholm, Gothenburg, and Malmö and a half-dozen other cities, much less safe than they did 20 years go? Don’t Swedish women now fear to go out alone at night? In Malmö, once a center of Jewish life, now the the few hundred Jews who still live in the city must worry about street attacks on them by Muslims. They are especially vulnerable to attacks by Muslim gangs, who simply beat up Jews for the sheer fun of it. These immigrants, taught in the Qur’an to despise Infidels, are quite unlike those placid and industrious and grateful migrants who arrived in Sweden earlier from eastern Europe.

In the now familiar approach to these issues, the left-wing Swedish rulers and their media refuse to address the underlying cause of the phenomenon of Muslim rapists – Islam’s canonical intrinsic devaluing of women. Islam teaches that a woman is worth less than a man. And a non-Muslim woman is worth less than an Islamic one. According to the words of Muhammad and the Quran, men are in charge of women. Prophet Muhammad actually encouraged the rape of women captured in battle. He even provided instructions on how women should be raped after capture, telling his men not to worry about coitus interruptus since “Allah has written whom he is going to create.” Allah also told Muslim men to rape women captured in battle; they were told to do it in front of their husbands.

The migrant rapist’s treatment of women is learned from the Islamic faith and his Prophet’s example. There is nothing unusual or deviant in how the Swedish woman was treated in Islamic terms. Instead of the Swedish left-wing politicians and media condemning Islam’s view on women, they will insist the migrant’s crimes are isolated and protect their socialist and sanitized reconstruction of Islam, created for Western consumption. The cost of covering for Islam continues to put Westerners in great harm.”

Sweden’s welfare system is now wobbling, and may collapse as a result of the staggering sums the government must now expend on these Muslim migrants, who are masters of taking advantage of every benefit the generous Swedish welfare state offers. They live in free or greatly subsidized housing, receive free food, clothing allowances, enjoy free medical care and free education, including language lessons and lessons in “Swedish culture.” These lessons in language and Swedish culture are intended to provide Muslim migrants with the tools that will allow them to better integrate into society, but these last lessons have been singular failures. Why should a Muslim migrant who, as the Qur’an tells him, belongs to the “best of peoples,” want to integrate into a society fashioned by and for Infidels who are – again according to the Qur’an – “the most vile of created beings”? It is only when Muslim migrants stop thinking in such terms that there may be hope for some of them to integrate into Swedish society. How likely is that to happen?

Meanwhile, the Swedes themselves should recognize that their naive dream of integrating Muslim migrants is incapable of being realized, not for want of trying on the part of the indigenous Swedes, but because of the attitudes of the Muslims themselves, who are in no hurry to be employed, but are happy to pocket whatever they are offered by the welfare state, aid which they regard as a kind of proleptic Jizyah. It would be folly for the Swedes to blame themselves for this state of affairs. In fact, much the same outcome can be observed in all the European countries where large numbers of Muslims have been allowed to settle. But Sweden’s elites have been particularly naïve, and allowed into their country, during the last two decades, immigrants who now make up close to 20% of the current population (and the Sweden-born children of migrants make up another 12%).

At the very least, one hopes that a sufficient number of Swedes will come to their senses, and work to halt all further Muslim immigration into their country. If some feel there is an economic need for migrants to perform menial tasks, instead of letting in Muslims who, in any case, are not eager to work hard, and feel only contempt for and resentment of the Infidel Swedes, the Swedish government can bring in more of the millions of Ukrainian refugees now clamoring to be let in. These Ukrainians are the real refugees, fleeing possible death in a war zone, unlike the Muslims from North Africa and the Middle East who are only economic migrants, hoping to batten on the offerings provided by European welfare states. Many of those Orthodox Ukrainians differ from the largely Lutheran Swedes in sect, but share the same religious heritage (Christianity), and have the same views about the equality of men and woman, about the natural political, civil, and religious rights of all people, and about the desirability of democracy, none of which are shared by the Muslim migrants.

If Sweden can do these things, it should still be possible for the country that gave the world King Gustavus Adolphus, Linnaeus, Ingmar Bergman and Ingrid Bergman, smorgasbord, glög, and Akvavit, and Raoul Wallenberg, to step back from the brink. Swedish elites made a big mistake in opening their doors to Muslim migrants. But all is not lost. There is still time, by voting in the Swedish Democrats, to reverse course.

Pope Benedict, Islam, and God’s Reason

“Show me what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman…”

“Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.”

In certain respects, this is the sentence that Pope Benedict XVI will be most remembered for.  And while those who cite it do so to disparage and dishonor his memory—to portray him as an “Islamophobe”—that notorious assertion is of profound significance, and in more ways than one.

Pope Benedict read the above assertion on Sept. 12, 2006, during his Regensburg address on faith and reason.  He was quoting Eastern Roman (or “Byzantine”) Emperor Manuel II Palaiologos (b. 1350-1425).  An erudite and pious man, Manuel knew much about Islam, both abstractly and experientially.

In 1390, Manuel’s father, John V, submitted to becoming a vassal to, and sent his son, Manuel, as a hostage of, the Ottoman sultan, Bayezid I (1360-1403), whom the contemporary chronicler Doukas described as

a feared man, precipitate in deeds of war, a persecutor of Christians as no other around him, and in the religion of the Arabs [Islam] a most ardent disciple of Muhammad, whose unlawful commandments were observed to the utmost, never sleeping, spending his nights contriving intrigues and machinations against the rational flock of Christ. . . . His purpose was to increase the nation of the Prophet and to decrease that of the Romans. Many cities and provinces did he add to the dominion of the Muslims.

Unsurprisingly, the sultan never seemed to miss an opportunity to humiliate the heir apparent of Constantinople. Bayezid even sadistically forced Manuel to accompany the Turks and witness the final destruction of Philadelphia, the last Christian bastion in Asia Minor.  The “sight of destroyed Christian cities” produced much “intense suffering” and even “sickened” the prince, writes one historian.

One year later, in 1391, Emperor John V died, and his son, Manuel, became emperor—after escaping from the sultan’s court to Constantinople.  It was not long before Bayezid declared a fresh jihad, put Constantinople to siege (1394-1402), and once again began slaughtering Christians.

Earlier, during his time with the Turks, Manuel had regularly debated religion with Muslims. It was then that he said to a learned Muslim, “Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.”

As inflammatory as this sentence may be to modern sensibilities—and despite all the criticism Benedict received for quoting it—it is hard to gainsay it.  The jihad promulgated by the Muslim prophet has led to the slaughter of millions and brutal conquest of much of the earth’s surface, including some three-fourths of what was once the Christian world.  The Middle East and North Africa—like Constantinople, now Istanbul—were more Christian than Europe until the sword of jihad Islamized them.

Indeed, almost as if to validate the claim that Muhammad had only taught “evil and inhuman” things, when Benedict quoted this assertion, anti-Christian riots erupted around the Muslim world, churches were set aflame, and an Italian nun who had devoted her life to serving the sick and needy of Somalia was murdered there.

Be that as it may.  This is not the place to document the veracity of Manuel’s statement—I have already written two books that fulfill that purpose—but rather to get to the emperor’s point, which was theological: God is rationale—as the Logos, the very embodiment of rationalism—whereas the teachings of Muhammad were not.  This comes out clearly in Manuel’s own words on the three options Islam offers non-Muslims:

[1] they must place themselves under this law [sharia, meaning become Muslims], or [2] pay tribute and, more, be reduced to slavery [an accurate depiction of jizya and dhimmi status], or, in the absence of wither, [3] be struck without hesitation with iron.

Manuel argued that these three options are “extremely absurd,” irrational, and therefore unbecoming of the Supreme Deity. For example, if being a non-Muslim is so bad, why would God allow money, jizya, to “buy the opportunity to lead an impious life?” asked the emperor. Clearly these are very self-serving and manmade rules, designed to empower one group (in this case, Muslims) against another.  Manuel continued:

God is not pleased by blood—and not acting reasonably [σὺν λόγω, “with logic”] is contrary to God’s nature. Faith is born of the soul, not the body. Whoever would lead someone to faith needs the ability to speak well and to reason properly, without violence and threats… To convince a reasonable soul, one does not need a strong arm, or weapons of any kind, or any other means of threatening a person with death…

Benedict had quoted all of this less to defame Islam, and more to argue for the importance of reason, and its compatibility with faith—both of which are under assault today more than ever (as when a society cannot tell the difference between men and women).

As for Islam—which is inherently irrational—Benedict had closed his address with,

“Not to act reasonably, not to act with logos, is contrary to the nature of God,” said Manuel II, according to his Christian understanding of God, in response to his Persian interlocutor. It is to this great logos, to this breadth of reason, that we invite our partners in the dialogue of cultures.

Here, one cannot help but remark how utterly different Pope Benedict and his successor, Pope Francis, are in their approaches to Islam.  Whereas Benedict knew that without agreement on a first premise—namely, the (rational) nature of God—“dialogue” with Muslims would achieve nothing, Francis has become the champion of dialogue, and all apparently for show—rationalism and reality be damned.

Raymond Ibrahim, author of Defenders of the West, is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

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Raymond Ibrahim

Raymond Ibrahim, author of Defenders of the West, is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

Besides, you can’t win a clash of civilizations if you won’t admit that one exists.  Because the multicultural/woke mentality that grips Europe denies the possibility of a clash, Europeans will be woefully unprepared when it arrives.  And there is much to suggest that it already has.

The West’s Last Chance?

Has it already passed?

Those who make a business of projecting trends often neglect the acceleration factor.  The march of history may be usefully described as “slowly” followed by “suddenly.” Yet we are rarely prepared for those times when history seems to “speed up,” and decades of change are compressed into years or even months.  We assume that current trends will continue, and we are surprised when they don’t.

An excellent book on the subject is Tony Blankley’s The West’s Last Chance.  Blankley, a nationally syndicated columnist who served President Reagan as a speechwriter and senior policy adviser, began the book with an overview of sudden changes in the course of history:  the conquests of Alexander the Great, the French Revolution, the American Civil War, and the Nazi’s rapid takeover of much of Europe.

He then made the case that we are on the brink of another historical reversal of massive proportions—namely, the takeover of Europe by Islam. He suggested that the takeover would be accomplished through demographic changes rather than war and he further suggested that Europeans would mount little resistance to it.

According to Blankley, the lack of resistance would have its source in the fact that demographic changes move slowly and are thus less noticeable.  One can see that an attacking army ought to be resisted, but the threat of rising birth rates seems a much less urgent matter.

Moreover, for much of the world the pre- 9/11 decades were a time of relative calm.  For one thing, the differences between the West and the Soviet Union had been patched up. The liberal elites claimed that it was merely a case of mutual misunderstanding.   The solution to most problems, it was asserted, was to understand the “other.” The best way to do that was to practice “political correctness”—a non-judgmental approach to political and social issues. Ironically, political correctness was the prelude to the highly judgmental ideology of “woke.”

According to political correctness, all cultures and religions are equally good and we have nothing to fear from the “other” except, perhaps, a mild case of heartburn from sampling his exotic dishes.  As for Europe’s Muslim migrant problem, the multiculturalists assumed it would soon vanish.  Once Muslims realized how warm and welcoming Europeans are, they would gladly assimilate to the host culture.  But as Blankley realized in 2005 (the date of the book’s publication) things were not going as expected.  Muslims were not assimilating, they were creating “no-go zones.”  They were not adopting the liberal ways of the French and the Dutch, rather, they were importing the repressive customs of Morocco, Somalia, and Iran.

What was the problem?  In answer, Blankley quoted Abraham Lincoln’s observation that “the dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present…As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew.”

But Europeans (and Americans) did not think anew or act anew.  Faced with the entirely new situation created by the worldwide resurgence of Islam, they fell back on the inadequate dogmas of the quiet past.  They fell back, in short, on political correctness and multiculturalism.

The chattering classes in Western societies insisted that what we needed was more understanding, more immigration, more welcoming, and more criticism of our own culture and heritage.

And more censorship and suppression, as well.  Blankley worried that Europeans, blinded “by the effect of a politically correct mentality” would be unable to mount a sufficient resistance to Islamization. And he was right.  But Europe’s political, academic, and media elites did mount a powerful resistance against anyone who, like Blankley, dared to bring up the subject of Islamization.

Indeed, concepts such as “Eurabia,” “Islamization,” and the “Great Replacement” were dismissed as anti-Muslim right-wing conspiracy theories.  Moreover, prominent counter jihadists such as Italian author Oriani Fallaci, Dutch parliament member Geert Wilders, and Austrian citizen Elizabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff were put on trial for their views.  Fallaci was charged with the made-up crime of “defaming a religion.”

But if the “Islamization of Europe” was nothing but a wild theory with no basis in fact why were the elites so anxious to suppress the free speech rights of Wilders and the others?  And why was Wilder’s trial held in an underground bunker at Shipol Airport?  Why was he surrounded day and night by a security detail?  And why was he moved on an almost weekly basis from one safe house to another?

Obviously, there was a real threat, not a mere theory, and the authorities knew it.  Numerous death threats had been made against Wilders, his colleague, ex-Muslim Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and many others.

Indeed, it was difficult to keep track of all the death threats and assassination attempts directed at those who criticized Islam.  In 1989, the Ayatollah Khomeini issued a death fatwah against Salman Rushdie, the author of the Satanic Verses. As a result of the fatwa, assassination attempts (one of them successful) were made against three people connected with the book’s publication. In addition, a hotel-full of people was set on fire in Turkey. Thirty years after the fatwa, a would-be assassin stabbed Rushdie 13 times while he was giving a talk in Chautauqua, New York.

In 2006, worldwide protests over cartoons of Muhammad in a Danish newspaper led to over 200 deaths.  When Charlie Hebdo, a French satirical magazine, reprinted the cartoons in 2015, its office was attacked by two gunmen who killed twelve.

A month later, an assassination attempt was made on Lars Vilks, a Swedish artist who drew uncomplimentary pictures of Muhammad.  In the years following the exhibit of the drawings, Vilks was the target of two failed assassination plots and two violent attacks.  In February, 2015 an assassination attempt on Vilks in Copenhagen left two dead and three wounded.

Three months later in Garland, Texas, two Muslim terrorists with automatic weapons attacked an art exhibit which featured images of Muhammad.  The gunmen fired dozens of rounds at police outside the event, but were killed before they could get inside.  Among their intended targets were Geert Wilders and prominent American Islam critics, Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller.

There have been several other assassination threats revolving around images of Muhammad, but I’m sure you get the picture.  European authorities get the picture too, but they won’t admit it.  That might be provocative.  For example, police and other authorities in Rotherham, England knew about the rape and prostitution of 1400 teenage girls by Muslim “grooming” gangs over a decade-long period, but they didn’t do anything about it for fear of being thought “Islamophobic.”

The politically correct notion that one should only say nice things about people of other religions and ethnicities, had a paralyzing effect on European authorities. The desire to be non-offensive often prevented them from putting a stop to criminal and terrorist activities when they were still able to. Instead of acting, the authorities often looked the other way.  The kind of resistance that Blankley and others called for—namely, government resistance—was in short supply

Which raises a question.  Is it too late now?  Tony Blankley’s The West’s Last Chance was written nearly twenty years ago.  Has Western Europe already had its last chance?

The years 2005-2007 saw the publication of a number of important books on the Islamization of Europe:  Blankley’s book, Bat Yeor’s Eurabia, Melanie Phillips’ Londonistan, Bruce Bawer’s While Europe Slept, Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s Infidel, Mark Steyn’s America Alone, and several others.

All of these books warned that Wester Europe was approaching a demographic tipping point after which the eventual dominance of Islam would be guaranteed.  The warning, it seems, was largely ignored.  The “alarmists” had their demographic data and startling anecdotes, but the elites had their pleasant narratives about the multicultural melting pot and the wonders of diversity.  Moreover, they could point out that although the European birth rate was declining, so was the birth rate of European Muslims.  Some said it was a mathematical impossibility for the Muslim population to exceed the native European population in the foreseeable future.  So, not to worry.

But birth rate projections are a tricky business.  They don’t always account properly for population growth through immigration.  And in recent years we have seen massive numbers of Muslim migrants entering Europe—mostly from Northern Africa, but also from the Middle East and Turkey.

Another factor to consider is the one I mentioned at the outset of this piece—acceleration. As they begin to seem inevitable, demographic changes often go into a phase of acceleration.

A good example with which many older Americans are familiar is the phenomenon of “white flight.” The term refers to the migration of white people from racially mixed urban areas to racially homogenous suburban areas during the years 1950 to 1980.  Eventually, the pace of this “flight” became quite rapid.  As the migration of southern blacks to northern cities increased, so did the white migration to the suburbs.

The white flight was exacerbated by “blockbusting.”  Real estate agents in some cities used various tactics to convince white homeowners that real estate values would plummet and crime would rise in their neighborhoods if they waited too long to sell.  After convincing white owner to sell at a loss, the same agents would turn around and sell the houses to blacks at inflated prices.  At one point in the city of Chicago, more than 100 real estate agencies were changing two to three blocks a week on average.

Researchers found that after the ratio of new residents to original residents reached a certain tipping point, the flight would escalate, often resulting in almost complete segregation of neighborhoods.

White flight is not confined to the U.S.  Examples of the phenomenon can be found in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, France, and the United Kingdom. It should be noted, however, that the “flight” often has more to do with the influx of new ethnic or religious minorities rather than new racial minorities.

That said, one of the main takeaways from the “white flight” phenomenon is that after a certain tipping point, demographic changes can occur quite rapidly.  As that tipping point is approached, the soon-to-be-minority populations may suddenly opt to leave on short notice, thus creating an acceleration of the flight trend.

If we assume that the tipping point is somewhere in the vicinity of a 50/50 ratio, then many European cities are approaching that point.  In a recent FrontPage article, Bruce Bawer points out that, if one includes illegal residents, Malmö, Sweden’s third largest city, already has a Muslim majority.  Moreover, he observes that Muslim culture is rapidly replacing Swedish culture in that city.

Since such demographic trends are unlikely to reverse, one might conclude that Malmö’s last chance to remain a Western city has already passed.

The subtitle of The West’s Last Chance is “Will we win the clash of civilizations?”

That still an open question for America. But in Europe it’s a different story.  Islam has a solid foothold in Western Europe.  And the demographic changes are all in Islam’s favor.  Any acceleration in these trends will be difficult to resist.

Besides, you can’t win a clash of civilizations if you won’t admit that one exists.  Because the multicultural/woke mentality that grips Europe denies the possibility of a clash, Europeans will be woefully unprepared when it arrives.  And there is much to suggest that it already has.

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William Kilpatrick

William Kilpatrick is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. His books include Christianity, Islam, and Atheism: The Struggle for the Soul of the West, What Catholics Need to Know About Islam, and The Politically Incorrect Guide to Jihad.

North Korea, Nigeria, and Islamic Nations Top the List of Most Dangerous Countries for Christians

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Catholic nuns in Nigeria attend a prayer vigil for peace in Abuja. (Photo by Kola Sulaimon / AFP via Getty Images)
Catholic nuns in Nigeria attend a prayer vigil for peace in Abuja. (Photo by Kola Sulaimon / AFP via Getty Images)

( – Nigeria accounted for 89 percent of verified religiously-motivated killings across the world during the 12-month period ending last September, a year marked by a serious deterioration across many parts of sub-Saharan Africa, according to Open Doors.

The religious freedom advocacy group on Tuesday released the 30th edition of its closely-watched annual list of the 50 countries where it is most dangerous to be a Christian.

As deadly as the situation has been for followers of Jesus in Nigeria, six other countries ranked even worse on the 2023 World Watch List (WWL), with North Korea returning to the number one spot that it held for two decades, until briefly displaced a year ago by Taliban-ruled Afghanistan.

(The reporting period for the 2023 WWL runs from October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2022.)

Since 2005, at least half – and as many as nine – of the ten worst countries on the list have been Islamic nations. This year is no different, with eight of the top ten (and 15 of the top 20) being members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation – Somalia, Yemen, Libya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan, and Sudan.

The only non-OIC countries making the top ten are North Korea and Eritrea, in first and fourth place respectively.

“Globally, more than 360 million Christians suffer at least ‘high’ levels of persecution and discrimination for their faith,” Open Doors says. That’s one in seven Christians worldwide.

Wybo Nicolai, who pioneered the first WWL three decades ago, said at Tuesday’s release that in 1993, there were “only” 40 countries around the world where “high to extreme” levels of persecution of Christians were recorded.

“Today this number has almost doubled, to 76 countries. So that’s a very strong indication how persecution of Christians has become a much bigger issue,” he said, adding that the “intensity” of persecution has also increased significantly over that time.


Sub-Saharan Africa features prominently in this year’s report. According to Open Doors, “a wave of religiously motivated violence nurtured in Nigeria has swept across the region, targeting Christian populations at an alarming rate in countries like Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Mali, and Niger.” All of those countries are on this year’s WWL.

In Nigeria, Africa’s most populous country, Christians are targeted for violent attack by jihadists of Boko Haram and the regional ISIS affiliate ISWAP, and by radical Islamist Fulani herdsmen.

They “conduct raids on Christian communities, killing, maiming, raping and kidnapping for ransom or sexual slavery,” Open Doors says, reporting the verified religiously-motivated killings in Nigeria rose to 5,014 during the reporting period, from 4,650 a year earlier.

“Violence is only part of the equation, with ever increasing Islamization putting extreme pressure on many Christians in their everyday lives,” it says. “Nigeria’s government continues to deny this is religious persecution, so violations of Christians’ rights are carried out with impunity.”

In late 2021, the Biden administration lifted Nigeria’s designation as a “country of particular concern” – governments that perpetrate or condone “systematic, ongoing, and egregious” abuses of religious freedom, in the wording of the 1998 International Religious Freedom Act.

Despite criticism over the decision, last year it left Nigeria off the blacklist again.

Open Doors US interim CEO Lisa Pearce said Tuesday the ministry hopes to see the State Department return Nigeria to the CPC list – “the situation there is desperate.”

Beyond Nigeria, “jihadist violence is becoming commonplace” across the region, says Open Doors.

“The Islamist campaign of terror is fueled by a lethal mix of trafficking, changes to the climate and an influx of mercenary soldiers from the shadowy Kremlin-backed Wagner Group.”

‘Stand strong’

Meanwhile in Afghanistan, Christians continue to suffer under the rule of the Taliban.

On last year’s WWL Afghanistan was in first place, but Open Doors says its drop to ninth place this year “offers little cheer.”

“After the brutal takeover in 2021, many Christians were executed, as the Taliban went door-to-door to root out believers. Many Christians went deep into hiding or fled overseas,” it says.

“Over 2022, the Taliban’s focus has intensified for rooting out those with links to the old regime, more than uprooting the very small number of Christians remaining.”

Open Doors representatives at the WWL launch urged Christians to pray for their persecuted fellow believers.

“They need your support, they need your prayers,” said Nicolai. “At the same time, I’m convinced that you can also learn from them – how to stand strong under difficult circumstances, how to be a true disciple of Jesus Christ in the midst of opposition.”

Among other key findings in this year’s WWL:

A worshiper reads the Bible after a Christmas Day service at a Protestant church in Shanghai. (Photo by Jessica Yang / AFP via Getty Images)
A worshiper reads the Bible after a Christmas Day service at a Protestant church in Shanghai. (Photo by Jessica Yang / AFP via Getty Images)

--The Chinese Communist Party has clamped down further on religious groups including Christians, including the introduction of new rules on churches’ use of the Internet, and stepped-up censorship, disinformation, and extreme surveillance. China is in 17th place on the list.

--North Korea, back at the top of the WWL, accounts for “its highest levels of persecution ever,” following a new wave of violence under its “anti-reactionary thought law.” (The Bible falls under the law’s ban on “foreign published materials.”)

Open Doors says the WWL is compiled based on research, data from its fieldworkers, in-country networks, external experts, and persecution analysts. The International Institute for Religious Freedom audits each edition.

Jordan, Recipient of Billions in US Aid, Still Won’t Extradite Terrorist Linked to Murder of Americans

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President Biden with Jordan’s King Abdullah II in the Oval Office of the White House in July 2021. (Photo by Saul Loeb / AFP via Getty Images)
President Biden with Jordan’s King Abdullah II in the Oval Office of the White House in July 2021. (Photo by Saul Loeb / AFP via Getty Images)

( – Almost a decade after the Department of Justice filed charges against a Jordanian woman in connection with a 2001 bombing in Jerusalem in which U.S. citizens were killed, she remains at large because Jordan, a major recipient of U.S. aid, refuses to extradite her.

With Secretary of State Antony Blinken reportedly planning to visit Israel this month, the parents of a child killed in the bombing are asking – not for the first time – for a meeting to discuss the matter.

Arnold Roth, who for years has lobbied U.S. administrations to induce Jordan to extradite the wanted terrorist, said on Tuesday he has requested a meeting, but has yet to hear back.

Arnold and Frimet Roth’s 15-year-old daughter Malki was one of two Americans among the 15 people killed when a Hamas suicide bomber detonated his nail-laden device in a crowded restaurant in Jerusalem in August 2001. The other American citizen killed was Judith Greenbaum, 31, who was pregnant.

Seven of the 15 people killed in Sbarro pizzeria that afternoon were children, aged between two and 16 years old.

The bomber had not acted alone, but was escorted to the site by Ahlam al-Tamimi, a 20-year old Hamas member and part-time journalist, who had earlier scouted for suitable targets for killing as many Jews as possible.

Tamimi, who left the area minutes before the blast, would later recount her joyful reaction at hearing breaking news bulletins of the climbing death toll.

Later arrested, Tamimi was convicted in 2003 and sentenced by an Israeli court to 16 life terms. But in 2011 she was controversially included in a mass release of Palestinian prisoners, exchanged for an Israeli soldier who had been held by Hamas in Gaza for five years.

She was deported to Jordan, receiving what Palestinian news outlets described as a “hero’s welcome.”

Unrepentant freed terrorist Ahlam al-Tamimi waves to supporters as she arrives in Amman, Jordan, in October 2011. (Photo by Louai Beshara / AFP via Getty Images)
Unrepentant freed terrorist Ahlam al-Tamimi waves to supporters as she arrives in Amman, Jordan, in October 2011. (Photo by Louai Beshara / AFP via Getty Images)

In 2013 the Justice Department charged Tamimi, a Jordanian citizen, with “conspiring to use a weapon of mass destruction against U.S. nationals outside the U.S., resulting in death” and privately sought her extradition. Four years later the charges and an arrest warrant were unsealed.

Tamimi was placed on the FBI’s “most wanted terrorist” list, the subject of a reward of up to $5 million.

Shortly after the unsealing, Jordan’s highest court ruled that the kingdom’s 1995 extradition treaty with the U.S. was invalid, never having been ratified by Jordan’s parliament.

The U.S. government rejects that claim, declaring the treaty to be “valid and in force,” and the standoff over Tamimi’s extradition continues.

“The Tamimi case is one we take seriously given her role in the heinous attack that killed 15 people, including two Americans, in 2001,” a State Department spokesperson said this week.

“I want to make it clear that the U.S. government is committed to seeing that Ahlam Al Tamimi faces justice in the United States.”

(Image: FBI)
(Image: FBI)

$1.45 billion a year

Jordan has been a major beneficiary of U.S. military and economic aid for decades, totaling close to $24 billion through fiscal year 2019, according to the Congressional Research Service.

A memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed with Jordan last September provides for $1.45 billion in U.S. aid each year between FY 2023 and FY 2029, subject to congressional appropriations.

When the current U.S. Ambassador to Jordan, Henry Wooster, was going through his confirmation process in 2020, he assured Senate Foreign Relations Committee members in writing that he would “engage Jordanian officials at all levels” on the Tamimi issue.

Asked whether he would commit to using the leverage offered by generous U.S. support to Jordan, Wooster replied, “If confirmed, I would explore all options to bring Ahlam Aref Ahmad Al-Tamimi to justice, secure her extradition, and address the broader issues associated with the extradition treaty.”

Wooster will presently be leaving his post in Amman; President Biden on January 3 nominated Yael Lempert, principal deputy assistant secretary for the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, to be the next ambassador to Jordan.

A series of questions submitted to the U.S. Embassy last week about efforts Wooster has made in line with his confirmation process assurances to secure Tamimi’s extradition, brought no response to press time.

Among other things, the embassy was asked whether the MOU signed in the fall contained any stipulations regarding resolution of the dispute. (A Jordanian newspaper in October cited Wooster as saying there were no conditions attached to the MOU.)

The Roth family request to meet with Blinken comes six months after they unsuccessfully sought a meeting with Biden when he visited Israel last summer.

Shortly before Biden hosted Jordan’s King Abdullah in the Oval Office in July 2021, they published an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, urging the president to ask his guest “why our daughter’s murderer remains protected by his kingdom.”

There was no indication, however, that the Tamimi extradition came up at all during that visit – or in subsequent interactions between Biden and Abdullah.

The issue did not feature in their public remarks in July 2021, or in a White House readout of their meeting.

It was also not mentioned in a readout of a Biden-Abdullah meeting in Washington in May 2022, in a joint statement after a further bilateral meeting in Jeddah in July 2022, or in readouts of phone conversations in April 2021 and April 2022.

‘A mockery of American justice’

Arnold Roth said Wednesday he was not surprised not to have received a response to the request to meet with Blinken.

“No U.S. secretary of state in all the years since the U.S. indicted Tamimi has ever addressed us,” he said.

Roth contrasted that with the administration’s response to the death of American-Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh during an Israeli security operation in Jenin last May.

“When American officials at that level of seniority want to show how serious they are about justice and accountability, they reach out as they did repeatedly to Shireen Abu-Akleh’s kinspeople and extend courtesies and support,” he said. “We have never come close to seeing anything like that. Quite the opposite.”

Roth noted that Malki’s murder, as distinct from the Abu-Akheh case, was the subject of a U.S. prosecution.

“A Jordanian woman freely and brazenly takes full credit for deliberately engineering and leading the massacre at the Sbarro pizzeria in Jerusalem,” he said. Yet despite that, despite the FBI “most wanted” terrorist status and reward offer, despite the fact that “Jordan is at the very top of the league table for receiving taxpayer-funded foreign aid” from the U.S. – “despite all of this, she lives free in Jordan, not in hiding, a living icon of terror with toxic influence throughout the Arab world.”

“Against this background, the measures three U.S. administrations – Obama, Trump and Biden – have taken in lavishing support, concrete aid, a torrent of U.S. government cash and very generous compliments on the Hashemite Kingdom and its leadership simply baffle my wife and me,” Roth said. “Our child’s killer is living a life that makes a mockery of American justice.”

The aftermath of the suicide bombing at the Sbarro pizzeria in downtown Jerusalem on August 9, 2001. (Photo: State Department Rewards for Justice / Getty Images)
The aftermath of the suicide bombing at the Sbarro pizzeria in downtown Jerusalem on August 9, 2001. (Photo: State Department Rewards for Justice / Getty Images)

‘Allah be praised, it was great’

Tamimi, now in her early 40s, expressed no public remorse for her actions, but has boasted about them, telling a Jordanian newspaper days after her deportation, “I have never regretted what I have done, and if given another chance I’ll do it again.”

Tamimi would later recount to a Hamas TV station her reaction hours after the bombing. The interview was translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute.

As she made her way home on a bus ferrying other Palestinians, she said she heard reports on the radio of the bombing coming in, and was disappointed at first to hear that three people had been killed, as she had “hoped for a larger toll.”

“Two minutes later, they said on the radio that the number had increased to five. I wanted to hide my smile, but I just couldn’t,” she said. “Allah be praised, it was great. As the number of dead kept increasing, the passengers were applauding.”

Neither the U.S. Department of Justice, nor the Jordanian Embassy in Washington responded to written queries about the Tamimi case.

In 2019, a Pakistani migrant was arrested for sexually assaulting a female off-duty police officer aboard the RER express train in the city, while last year another migrant, from Tunisia, was arrested after trying to shove another person under a train while allegedly yelling “Allahu Akbar.”

Half of Parisians Say They Feel Unsafe on Public Transit

France, Île-de-France, Paris . The Metro (Underground) Station Palais-Royal Muséé du Louvre
Getty Images

A considerable minority of French, and a full half of Parisians, claim they do not feel safe while travelling on public transit, research that closely follows a mass stabbing attack at a Paris rail station shows.

Nearly half of the French public, 46 per cent, claim to feel unsafe while travelling on public transport across the country. Broken down into the sexes, 49 per cent of women feel unsafe compared to around 42 per cent of men.

The results come from a survey conducted by the firm CSA, which was released late last week, with the youngest age bracket surveyed, those aged between 18 and 24, seeing a majority claiming they feel unsafe while on public transportation, broadcaster CNews reports.

Feelings of safety on public transport are also radically different based on political belief, with left-wing party supporters claiming to largely feel safe on public transport, including 80 per cent of Green party supporters, who largely support public transit for climate reasons, and 78 per cent of leftist radicals overall.

On the right, meanwhile, a supporter of conservative and populist parties overwhelmingly feels unsafe, with 62 per cent of supporters of populist Marine Le Pen’s National Rally (RN) expressing such an opinion.

In the Ile-de-France region, which contains Paris and its various suburbs, 50 per cent of respondents said they felt unsafe on public transport.

The result comes just days after a stabbing attack at the Gare du Nord railway station, the busiest in France and all of Europe, that saw a migrant, possibly from Libya, stab six people while allegedly yelling “Allahu Akbar” during the attacks.

The suspect, later identified as 31-year-old Mohammed Amine M., initially told police he was from Algeria but fingerprint data revealed he has claimed at least five separate identities and has been the subject of a deportation order.

The Paris metro system has also been plagued with problems of thefts, acts of violence and sex attacks for years.

In 2019, a Pakistani migrant was arrested for sexually assaulting a female off-duty police officer aboard the RER express train in the city, while last year another migrant, from Tunisia, was arrested after trying to shove another person under a train while allegedly yelling “Allahu Akbar.”



Next “they paraded the [Hagia Sophia’s main] Crucifix in mocking procession through their camp, beating drums before it, crucifying the Christ again with spitting and blasphemies and curses. They placed a Turkish cap . . . upon His head, and jeeringly cried, ‘Behold the god of the Christians!’”

Fourteen Killed in Islamic State Attack on Congo Church

A mother mourns the death of two of her sons, killed in another attack earlier this month blamed on the Allied Democratic Forces in Beni. (JOHN WESSELS/AFP)

The Islamic State claimed responsibility for a Sunday bomb attack on a Pentecostal church in the eastern Kasindi province of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The DRC military confirmed 14 deaths and 63 injuries as of Monday morning.

Eyewitnesses told Agence France-Presse (AFP) the attackers detonated an improvised explosive device inside the church during a baptism ceremony:

“Several among us died on the spot, others had their feet cut in two,” the 42-year-old told AFP. “God saved me and I came out in good health with my choir members. Today was not the day I should die”.

Fellow survivor, Jean-Paul Syauswa, said the explosion happened just after a group of people had been baptized, while a blind pastor was commenting on Bible verses.

“The bomb threw me at least 100 meters (yards) away,” he said.

A man who lost his brother in the attack complained that the government was not doing enough to protect local citizens, even though a large military force is stationed in the area to prosecute a long-running battle against insurgents.

“How can such a situation happen when Kasindi is full of soldiers?” the bereaved man wondered.

A picture taken on November 13, 2018, shows Tanzanian soldiers from the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) patroling against Ugandan Allied Democratic Force (ADF) rebels in Beni. - The Beni area has for the last four years been under seige from the ADF, an Islamist armed group that has killed hundreds of people since 2014. (Photo by John WESSELS / AFP) (Photo credit should read JOHN WESSELS/AFP via Getty Images)

A picture taken on November 13, 2018, shows Tanzanian soldiers from the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) patrolling against Ugandan Allied Democratic Force (ADF) rebels in Beni. (JOHN WESSELS/AFP via Getty Images)

Another witness who was seated in a tent outside the church at the time of the attack told the Associated Press (AP) the detonation sounded like a “tire going flat.” She was injured in the leg, while her nearby sister-in-law was instantly killed.

“I am traumatized from seeing people die around me,” she said.

The AP reported injured victims from the attack were evacuated to the hospital in nearby Beni by MONUSCO, the United Nations peacekeeping mission in the Congo.

Kasindi is near the border with Uganda, in a region where the DRC is battling one of several vicious insurgent groups, the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF).

The ADF is a Ugandan jihadist rebel group that migrated to the Congo in 1995 and swore allegiance to the Islamic State (ISIS) in 2019. The group has both Congolese and Ugandan members, and seeks to overthrow both governments to create an Islamic “caliphate.”

The ADF has killed at least 370 civilians over the past year and kidnapped hundreds more. The group frequently targets Christians, including worshipers, clergy, and children. Eyewitnesses reported seeing “the bodies of children on the ground” after the Sunday attack. 

The DRC military initially blamed the ADF for the Kasindi church bombing, citing the heavy presence of ADF forces in the surrounding area, although the group has not staged an attack in Kasindi since 2014. The ADF had not released a statement on the attack as of Monday morning.

The Islamic State took direct credit for the attack through its Telegram channel on Sunday.

“Let the Congolese forces know that their continued attacks on the Mujahideen will only bring them more failure and losses,” ISIS said in its statement.

MONUSCO condemned the “cowardly and despicable attack.” DRC President Felix Tshisekedi called it a “heinous crime” and promised the perpetrators would be “prosecuted, arrested, tried and severely punished.”

Free Speech Org FIRE: 1,000+ Supporters Slam Hamline U. for Firing Prof Who Showed Image of Muhammad in Class

Women wearing niqab to veil their faces take part in a demonstration on August 1, 2018, the first day of the implementation of the Danish face veil ban, in Copenhagen, Denmark. - Denmark's controversial ban on the Islamic full-face veil in public spaces came into force as women protested the …

More than 1,000 supporters of the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) have sent letters to Hamline University protesting the school’s decision to fire an art professor who showed an image of Islam’s prophet Muhammad in class.

Over 1,000 FIRE supporters are calling out the university’s administration for deciding not to renew an instructor’s contract after he showed an image of Muhammed in class, the organization told Breitbart News.

FIRE has also criticized Hamline for hiding social media posts critical of the school. The organization added that on January 23 it will be sending a mobile billboard to the university’s campus with a message about art censorship.

(Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

Hamline University, in Saint Paul, Minnesota, has fallen under scrutiny after dismissing an art history instructor over “Islamophobia,” after a student complained about him showing a medieval depiction of Muhammad in class.

The university reacted to complaints from Muslim students, saying, “respect for the observant Muslim students in that classroom should have superseded academic freedom.”

FIRE responded to the decision, saying that the university has not only violated the instructor’s academic freedom, but has also created a “chilling effect” among faculty, who may now choose to “avoid discussion of difficult subjects” rather than risk nonrenewal if someone complains.

“Hamline has both violated the academic freedom of this instructor by nonrenewing them for their pedagogically relevant teaching and created an impermissible chilling effect among all faculty, who may choose to censor their teaching rather than face nonrenewal,” the organization said.

In a letter, FIRE also called on the university to “immediately reinstate the instructor and reaffirm its commitment to academic freedom.” The organization also requested a response no later than January 9.

After the school did not respond, the organization plans to move forward with bringing a billboard to campus.

You can follow Alana Mastrangelo on Facebook and Twitter at @ARmastrangelo, and on Instagram.

the hagia sophia has been desecrated by muslims

Hagia Sophia: Muslim Forgery vs Documented History

Raymond Ibrahim is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. Millions of Orthodox and other Christians around the world were either shocked

Raymond Ibrahim is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

Millions of Orthodox and other Christians around the world were either shocked, angered, and/or saddened to learn recently that Turkey has just approved the transformation of the Hagia Sophia museum—which was originally built, and for a millennium functioned, as an Orthodox cathedral—into a mosque.

In a long speech rationalizing this decision, which he personally spearheaded, Turkish president Erdogan said the following:

The conquest of Istanbul [Constantinople] and the conversion of the Hagia Sophia [Greek for “Holy Wisdom”] into a mosque are among the most glorious chapters of Turkish history. On May 29, 1453, [Ottoman] Sultan Muhammad II entered the city after a long siege and headed directly to the Hagia Sophia. As the Byzantines awaited their fate, fearful and curious, inside the Hagia Sophia, Muhammad entered the Hagia Sophia, giving assurances to the people regarding their lives and freedoms…  [He then] recited the first adhan [call to prayer].  Thus he registered his conquest.  Then, in a corner of the Hagia Sophia, he performed two prostrations out of gratitude.  With this move he demonstrated that he had transformed the Hagia Sophia into a mosque….  The domes and walls of this great place of worship have resonated with prayers and takbirs [shouts of “Allahu Akbar”] for 481 years since then [until becoming a museum in 1934].

Such a pious recounting is only slightly less hagiographical than the position of leading Turkish historians, such as Professor Selim Akdogan.  Recently on Al Jazeera he insisted that Sultan Muhammad had actually “purchased” the Hagia Sophia from its conquered Christian worshippers.

Are these rosy renderings accurate? Fortunately, we need not rely on Turkic propaganda; we have primary source documents describing exactly what the Turks and Sultan Muhammad did after conquering Constantinople and its Hagia Sophia in 1453.  (All quotes in the following narrative were derived from contemporary sources, mostly eyewitnesses, as documented in chapter 7 of Sword and Scimitar.)

Once inside the city on May 29, 1453, the “enraged Turkish soldiers . . . gave no quarter”:

When they had massacred and there was no longer any resistance, they were intent on pillage and roamed through the town stealing, disrobing, pillaging, killing, raping, taking captive men, women, children, old men, young men, monks, priests, people of all sorts and conditions…  There were virgins who awoke from troubled sleep to find those brigands standing over them with bloody hands and faces full of abject fury…  [The Turks] dragged them, tore them, forced them, dishonored them, raped them at the cross-roads and made them submit to the most terrible outrages… Tender children were brutally snatched from their mothers’ breasts and girls were pitilessly given up to strange and horrible unions, and a thousand other terrible things happened. . .

Because thousands of citizens had fled to and were holed up in Hagia Sophia, the ancient basilica offered an excellent harvest of slaves, once its doors were axed down.  “One Turk would look for the captive who seemed the wealthiest, a second would prefer a pretty face among the nuns. . . . Each rapacious Turk was eager to lead his captive to a safe place, and then return to secure a second and a third prize. . . . Then long chains of captives could be seen leaving the church and its shrines, being herded along like cattle or flocks of sheep.”

The slavers sometimes fought each other to the death over “any well-formed girl,” even as many of the latter “preferred to cast themselves into the wells and drown rather than fall into the hands of the Turks.”

Having taken possession of the Hagia Sophia, one of Christendom’s greatest and oldest churches—nearly a thousand years old at the time of its capture—the invaders “engaged in every kind of vileness within it, making of it a public brothel.” On “its holy altars” they enacted “perversions with our women, virgins, and children,” including “the Grand Duke’s daughter who was quite beautiful.” She was forced to “lie on the great altar of Hagia Sophia with a crucifix under her head and then raped.”

Next “they paraded the [Hagia Sophia’s main] Crucifix in mocking procession through their camp, beating drums before it, crucifying the Christ again with spitting and blasphemies and curses. They placed a Turkish cap . . . upon His head, and jeeringly cried, ‘Behold the god of the Christians!’”

Practically all other churches in the ancient city suffered the same fate. “The crosses which had been placed on the roofs or the walls of churches were torn down and trampled.” The Eucharist was hurled to the ground; holy icons were stripped of gold, “thrown to the ground and kicked.” Bibles were stripped of their gold or silver illuminations before being burned. “Icons were without exception given to the flames.” Patriarchal vestments were placed on the haunches of dogs; priestly garments were placed on horses.

“Everywhere there was misfortune, everyone was touched by pain” when Sultan Muhammad finally made his grand entry into the city. “There were lamentations and weeping in every house, screaming in the crossroads, and sorrow in all churches; the groaning of grown men and the shrieking of women accompanied looting, enslavement, separation, and rape.”

The sultan rode to Hagia Sophia, dismounted, and went in, “marveling at the sight” of the grand basilica. After having it cleansed of its crosses, statues, and icons—Muhammad himself knocked over and trampled on its main altar—he ordered a muezzin to ascend the pulpit and sound “their detestable prayers. Then this son of iniquity, this forerunner of Antichrist, mounted upon the Holy Table to utter forth his own prayers,” thereby “turning the Great Church into a heathen shrine for his god and his Mahomet.”

To cap off his triumph, Muhammad had the “wretched citizens of Constantinople” dragged before his men during evening festivities and “ordered many of them to be hacked to pieces, for the sake of entertainment.” The rest of the city’s population—as many as forty-five thousand—were hauled off in chains to be sold as slaves.

So much for Erdogan’s claim that Sultan Muhammad had given “assurances to the people regarding their lives and freedoms,” or that the Hagia Sophia was fairly “purchased.”

At any rate, this is the history that millions of Turks extol.  In the aforementioned words of Erdogan, their president: “The conquest of Istanbul and the conversion of the Hagia Sophia into a mosque are among the most glorious chapters of Turkish history.”

If conquest, mindboggling atrocities and rapes, and the desecration of churches—all committed in the name of jihad—are “the most glorious chapters of Turkish history,” one wonders what Turkey’s future plans for glory look like?

Note: The quotes in the above narrative were taken from and are sourced in the author’s book, Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the West.

* * *

Photo credit: Nserrano

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Raymond Ibrahim

Raymond Ibrahim, author of Defenders of the West, is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

After all, when was the last time you saw an American academic discuss the Muslim persecution of Christians, or Iran’s treatment of religious minorities, or the inconsistency of Iranian authorities in persecuting Christians while complaining about “Islamophobia”? That’s right: never. That’s not what they do in the Antifa indoctrination factories known as universities these days; they’re too busy recording video messages applauding Iranian propaganda. ROBERT SPENCER

Hagia Sophia: Turkish Propaganda vs. Documented History


By Raymond Ibrahim


Millions of Orthodox and other Christians around the world were either shocked, angered, and/or saddened to learn recently that Turkey has just approved of transforming the Hagia Sophia museum — which was originally built, and for a millennium functioned, as an Orthodox cathedral — into a mosque. 

In a long speech rationalizing this decision, which he personally spearheaded, Turkish president Erdogan said the following:

The conquest of Istanbul [Constantinople] and the conversion of the Hagia Sophia into a mosque are among the most glorious chapters of Turkish history. On May 29, 1453, [Ottoman] Sultan Muhammad II entered the city after a long siege and headed directly to the Hagia Sophia [Greek for "Holy Wisdom"]. As the Byzantines awaited their fate, fearful and curious, inside the Hagia Sophia, Muhammad entered the Hagia Sophia, giving assurances to the people regarding their lives and freedoms…  [He then] recited the first adhan [call to prayer].  Thus he registered his conquest.  Then, in a corner of the Hagia Sophia, he performed two prostrations out of gratitude.  With this move he demonstrated that he had transformed the Hagia Sophia into a mosque….  The domes and walls of this great place of worship have resonated with prayers and takbirs [shouts of "Allahu Akbar"] for 481 years since then.

Such a pious recounting is only slightly less hagiographical than the position of leading Turkish historians, such as Professor Selim Akdogan.  Recently on Al Jazeera he insisted that Sultan Muhammad had actually "purchased" the Hagia Sophia from its conquered Christian worshippers.

Are these rosy renderings accurate? Fortunately, we need not rely on Turkic propaganda; we have primary source documents describing exactly what the Turks and Sultan Muhammad did after conquering Constantinople and its Hagia Sophia in 1453.  (All quotes in the following narrative were derived from contemporary sources, mostly eyewitnesses, as documented in chapter 7 of Sword and Scimitar.)

Once inside the city on May 29, 1453, the "enraged Turkish soldiers . . . gave no quarter":

When they had massacred and there was no longer any resistance, they were intent on pillage and roamed through the town stealing, disrobing, pillaging, killing, raping, taking captive men, women, children, old men, young men, monks, priests, people of all sorts and conditions…  There were virgins who awoke from troubled sleep to find those brigands standing over them with bloody hands and faces full of abject fury…  [The Turks] dragged them, tore them, forced them, dishonored them, raped them at the cross-roads and made them submit to the most terrible outrages… Tender children were brutally snatched from their mothers' breasts and girls were pitilessly given up to strange and horrible unions, and a thousand other terrible things happened. . .

Because thousands of citizens had fled to and were holed up in Hagia Sophia, the ancient basilica offered an excellent harvest of slaves — once its doors were axed down.  "One Turk would look for the captive who seemed the wealthiest, a second would prefer a pretty face among the nuns. . . . Each rapacious Turk was eager to lead his captive to a safe place, and then return to secure a second and a third prize. . . . Then long chains of captives could be seen leaving the church and its shrines, being herded along like cattle or flocks of sheep."

The slavers sometimes fought each other to the death over "any well-formed girl," even as many of the latter "preferred to cast themselves into the wells and drown rather than fall into the hands of the Turks."

Having taken possession of the Hagia Sophia, one of Christendom's greatest and oldest basilicas — nearly a thousand years old at the time of its capture — the invaders "engaged in every kind of vileness within it, making of it a public brothel." On "its holy altars" they enacted "perversions with our women, virgins, and children," including "the Grand Duke's daughter who was quite beautiful." She was forced to "lie on the great altar of Hagia Sophia with a crucifix under her head and then raped."

Next "they paraded the [Hagia Sophia's main] Crucifix in mocking procession through their camp, beating drums before it, crucifying the Christ again with spitting and blasphemies and curses. They placed a Turkish cap . . . upon His head, and jeeringly cried, 'Behold the god of the Christians!'"

Many other churches in the ancient city suffered the same fate. "The crosses which had been placed on the roofs or the walls of churches were torn down and trampled." The Eucharist was hurled to the ground; holy icons were stripped of gold, "thrown to the ground and kicked." Bibles were stripped of their gold or silver illuminations before being burned. "Icons were without exception given to the flames." Patriarchal vestments were placed on the haunches of dogs; priestly garments were placed on horses.

"Everywhere there was misfortune, everyone was touched by pain" when Sultan Muhammad II finally made his grand entry into the city. "There were lamentations and weeping in every house, screaming in the crossroads, and sorrow in all churches; the groaning of grown men and the shrieking of women accompanied looting, enslavement, separation, and rape."

The sultan rode to Hagia Sophia, dismounted, and went in, "marveling at the sight" of the grand basilica. After having it cleansed of its crosses, statues, and icons — Muhammad himself knocked over and trampled on its main altar — he ordered a muezzin to ascend the pulpit and sound "their detestable prayers. Then this son of iniquity, this forerunner of Antichrist, mounted upon the Holy Table to utter forth his own prayers," thereby "turning the Great Church into a heathen shrine for his god and his Mahomet."

To cap off his triumph, Muhammad had the "wretched citizens of Constantinople" dragged before his men during evening festivities and "ordered many of them to be hacked to pieces, for the sake of entertainment." The rest of the city's population — as many as forty-five thousand — were hauled off in chains to be sold as slaves.

So much for Erdogan's claim that Sultan Muhammad had given "assurances to the people regarding their lives and freedoms," or that the Hagia Sophia was fairly "purchased."

At any rate, this is the history that millions of Turks extol.  In the aforementioned words of Erdogan, their president: "The conquest of Istanbul and the conversion of the Hagia Sophia into a mosque are among the most glorious chapters of Turkish history." 

If conquest, mindboggling atrocities, and the desecration of churches — all committed in the name of jihad — are "the most glorious chapters of Turkish history," one wonder what Turkey's future plans for glory look like?

The quotes in the above narrative were taken from and are sourced in the author's book, Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the West. Raymond Ibrahim is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, a Judith Rosen Friedman Fellow at the Middle East Forum, and a Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Gatestone Institute.


Iran Bemoans ‘Desecration of Islamic Sanctities’ Over Temple Mount and Charlie Hebdo ‘Insults’

When perpetrators play victim.

Iran’s foreign minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian is garnering support at the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) for its stand against the “desecration of Islamic sanctities” that Israel’s Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir allegedly committed with his visit to the Temple Mount. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) recently stated“A visit by a minister from Israel’s government to a site inside Israel is not a change in any status quo arrangement, and it should not be controversial for a Jew to visit the holiest site in Judaism.” But according to Iran, the move was “a violation of international law and an affront to the values and sanctities of the world Muslims,” and other members of the OIC agree. It is manifestly true that the visit was an “affront to Muslims,” but Ben-Gvir did not violate international law. Many Islamic leaders routinely spout propaganda, while their supporters take what they say at face value.

Thousands of Jews visit the site annually. The “status quo” agreement was concluded after the Six-Day War in June 1967 in order to appease Muslims after Israel reconquered the Old City of Jerusalem. Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Moshe Dayan formulated it. Under its terms, “the Muslim Waqf, a Jordanian religious trust, would retain control of the Temple Mount. Jews would be allowed to visit the site without restrictions, though they would not be allowed to pray there. Israel would also take responsibility for security, though its forces would stay off the mount.”

According the Mehr News Agency, Itamar Ben Gvir “stormed Al-Aqsa mosque.” But Ben-Gvir did not even enter the mosque. He made a short visit to the Temple Mount compound “during the time Jews are allowed to enter the site.”

Iran has also taken France’s Charlie Hebdo to task for publishing caricatures of the country’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. In Islamic law, any insult to Muhammad or to what is regarded as holy in Islam can bring death to the offender (Abu Dawud Book 38 no 4348). Khamenei is a marja, the highest authority in Twelver Shi’ite Islam. In this case, complaints have now gone to the United Nations, which organized a Security Council “emergency” assembly Thursday, and now Iran is pleading its case to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). According to Iran, the OIC’s Secretary General, Hissein Brahim Taha, agreed about “the defiling of al-Aqsa Mosque by the Zionists,” while Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Sheikh Salem Abdullah Al-Jaber Al Sabah “welcomed Iran’s proposal and initiative that the OIC take action in concert to stop the sacrilegious acts of the Israeli regime that disrupt regional peace and stability.” Pakistan “also voiced concern over the continuation of the Zionist regime’s aggressive policies and condemned its moves to desecrate al-Aqsa Mosque. He added that the silence of world countries toward injustice in Palestine must end.” Yet Pakistan has defined itself by its cruel blasphemy laws which target Christians.

The OIC has no power over any free sovereign country, except what is freely given to it by the leaders of the free countries that choose to appease the organization. The weakest elements of the West have increasingly chosen dhimmitude and subservience to Islamic bullies. The cornerstone of any free society is freedom of expression, which includes the freedom to insult any dogma, religion or religious figure. The freedom of religion also characterizes free societies, but both of these critical values are antithetical to normative Islam, and the exercise of both rights have at times led some Muslims to violence.

So far, despite condemnations of Ben-Gvir, no Western leader has stated that Jews have no right to visit the Temple Mount. They know that Jews have every right to do so, but by accusing Ben-Gvir of being “extreme,” they are unwittingly assuming the role of dhimmis and abetting the complete stripping of the right of Jews to visit the Temple Mount.

With regard to Charlie Hebdo, anyone living in a free society has every right to criticize and insult Islam. But Islam demands submission from the kaffir. Appeasement emboldens Islamic supremacists as they advance their goal of the conquest of every free society. No matter how much Israel appeased these elements in past, jihad attacks never ceased, but only escalated.

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Christine Williams

Christine Douglass-Williams is Associate Editor of Frontpage, regular writer for Jihad Watch, a nine-time award-winning journalist, past Canadian government appointee; author of "The Challenge of Modernizing Islam" and "Fired by the Canadian Government for Critizing Islam".


Turkey: Erdogan Throws Mass Concert to Mark Four Years Since Failed Coup

ADEM ALTAN/AFP via Getty Images


15 Jul 202030


Turkey’s Islamist President Recep Tayyip Erdogan marked four years since he overcame a military coup attempt with a concert at his lavish presidential complex on Wednesday and thousands of planned events nationwide.

Turkish military leaders announced the end of Erdogan’s reign in the late hours of July 15, 2016, taking over the streets of Ankara and Istanbul and announcing they had acted to restore secularist rule in the country. Erdogan responded by urging his supporters to take the streets and fight their own military — a call enough people answered to subdue the uprising. Erdogan officials confirmed over 200 deaths and thousands of injuries in the incident.

Erdogan’s government blames Islamic cleric Fethullah Gülen, who resides in self-imposed exile in Pennsylvania, for organizing the coup. Gülen has repeatedly denied any involvement and Turkish officials have failed to put together enough evidence to convince the United States of his involvement, preventing his extradition. A statement from coup organizers on the night of July 15 suggests they were not members of Gülen’s “Hizmet” movement, but secularist soldiers dissatisfied with Erdogan’s Islamist impositions on the country.

Erdogan has since branded July 15 “Democracy and National Unity Day” and organized annual events to honor the “martyrs” that ensured his rule would go on, perpetuating itself through elections opposition leaders have denounced as fraudulent. The 3,000 events Ankara has planned nationwide this year will defy social distancing guidelines aimed at preventing the continued spread of the Chinese coronavirus, fueling a pandemic that has infected nearly 215,000 people in Turkey at press time. The nation has documented 5,402 deaths.

The Islamist Turkish newspaper Yeni Safak, which vocally supporters Erdogan, applauded the government’s “special concert” featuring “a piece by world-famous Turkish pianist Fahir Atakoglu composed to honor the national struggle on the night of July 15 four years ago.” The piece performed reportedly consisted of “chapters” detailing the events of the failed coup.

Erdogan himself partook in a ceremony earlier Wednesday to lay flowers at a monument to those killed fighting to keep him in power during the failed coup attempt.

“Sometimes, a single hero changes the fate of the whole nation. On July 15, millions of heroes emerged from all corners of our country and left a mark on the nation’s future,” ErdoÄŸan said in remarks Wednesday following the flower laying ceremony. “If they had been strong enough, you can be sure that they would not have hesitated to kill notably the country’s president and prime minister and all other elected executives.”



#15Temmuz, bu topraklarda asırlar boyunca verdiÄŸimiz varlık-yokluk mücadeleleri zincirinin en son halkasıdır, #MilletinZaferi'dir.

— Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan (@RTErdogan) July 15, 2020

Erdogan’s spokesman Ibrahim Kalin issued a more combative statement Wednesday against the West, accusing Europe and America in an interview of not sufficiently opposing the coup.

“We were disappointed, and it was hard for us to understand that some countries in Europe and other places instead of taking measures against the terrorists themselves were criticizing the [Turkish] government for taking measures against FETO [Gülenist] terrorists,” Kalin alleged, complaining that foreign governments have rejected many Turkish extradition requests.  “To this day, four years after the coup, unfortunately, some key allies in NATO and Europe including the U.S. continue to fail to understand the gravity of what happened and why we had to take measures.”

“FETO terrorists in Western countries still continue to present themselves as a peaceful religious charity and educational institution … It is no excuse to say that they [FETO] aren’t breaking any laws in our country,” Kalin added. “You wouldn’t allow al-Qaeda or Daesh sympathizers or operatives or terrorists just because they give the appearance that they aren’t breaking the law in your country.”

Turkish officials reiterated this week that they are seeking over 300 extradition requests all around the world for alleged Gülenists who participated in the failed coup, including 156 people in America.

American officials have repeatedly noted that Turkey has failed to offer evidence linking these individuals, including Gülen, to the coup. In 2017, reports surfaced that Interpol had locked Turkish officials out of its system for demanding tens of thousands of frivolous “red notices,” or requests for the arrest of, alleged Gülenists. Interpol later denied the reports.

Turkish officials rapidly detained, imprisoned, fired from public jobs, and otherwise penalized over 100,000 people — many judges, teachers, and other public servants — in the aftermath of the coup for alleged support of Gülen. On Wednesday, Defense Minister Hulusi Akar claimed that Turkey had “neutralized,” a term Ankara uses to mean killed or arrested, over 17,000 alleged “terrorists.”

The organizers of the coup have never publicly allied themselves with Gülen. At the time of the incident, people claiming to represent the new government of Turkey called themselves the “Turkish Peace Council” and issued a statement asserting they would “reinstate constitutional order.”

“Turkish Armed Forces have completely taken over the administration of the country to reinstate constitutional order, human rights and freedoms, the rule of law and general security that was damaged. All international agreements are still valid,” the statement read. “We hope that all of our good relationships with all countries will continue.”

Hours later, Erdogan would appear on Facetime from an undisclosed location disputing the claim that the armed forces had won the battle and urging supporters to fight back.

Follow Frances Martel on Facebook and Twitter.



Iran Jails Christians, Then Holds Ceremony for Book on U.S. 'Islamophobia'

The mullahs know their American Leftist friends will neither notice nor care about the hypocrisy.

July 15, 2020 

Robert Spencer


“War is deceit,” according to a statement attributed to Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, and the leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran were taking notes. After stepping up the persecution of Christians and even carrying out raids and arrests against them, Iranian authorities paused long enough to unveil, with great fanfare, a “scholarly” book about “Islamophobia” in the United States. Yes, that’s the real problem – and the American establishment media will nod along in agreement.

Evangelical Focus reported Tuesday that agents of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) “arrested at least twelve Christians, in a coordinated operation that took place in three different cities. The first arrest took place on 30 June, in Tehran, when ten intelligence agents raided the home of a Christian convert where there were around 30 Christians gathered.”

The agents recorded that raid, but at a certain point they turned off their cameras and began abusing the Christians, who were finally handcuffed, blindfolded, and taken away in a van with blacked-out windows. They were taken to their homes, where the IRGC agents searched for Christian material and beat some of them, along with some of their family members, including some who had not converted to Christianity.

Evangelical Focus noted: “It is believed that, in both raids, the agents were helped by an informant, who had infiltrated the group of Christians within the past few months and gained their trust.”

All this followed a report in late June that seven other converts to Christianity had been sentenced to prison or other punishments, including exile, fines, and work restrictions, for the crime of exercising their freedom of conscience. According to, “they were each convicted of the same charge – ‘propaganda against the state’ – under Article 500 of the Islamic Penal Code, which provides for up to a year in prison for anyone found guilty of engaging in ‘any type of propaganda against the Islamic Republic of Iran or in support of opposition groups and associations.’”

Mansour Borji of the human rights advocacy group Article18 stated: “Condemning these people to prison because of their possession of Bibles and Christian symbols is a clear demonstration that Iran’s Foreign Minister and others aren’t telling the truth when they say that ‘no-one is put in prison in Iran simply because of their beliefs.’ These people have done nothing that could be construed as ‘propaganda against the state’ or ‘acting against national security’, but nevertheless they have been treated so unjustly.”

Meanwhile, the International Quran News Agency reported that “a book on political Islamophobia in the US was unveiled in a ceremony in Tehran on Monday,” that is, the day before the raids and arrest of twelve Christians.

The book in question is entitled Political Islamophobia at American Institutes: Battling the Power of Islamic Resistance, and is the masterwork of University of Tehran Professor Hakimeh Saghaye-Biriya. The Islamic Human Rights Commission not in Tehran, but in London, has published the book.

According to the International Quran News Agency, “it analyses the role of US think tanks in institutionalizing and fueling Islamophobia in the US government’s domestic and foreign policies.” During the ceremony at the International Quran News Agency in Tehran, Saghaye-Biriya “described Islamophobia as a branch of racism in the West. She said at a time when protests against racism have spread globally, there is a good opportunity to make a bridge between Islamic resistance and anti-racism movements in the world.”

During the ceremony, a video message from Wayne State University’s Saeed Khan was played; it “hailed the book for providing a good analysis of the role of political think thanks in US policy making and understanding the roots of Islamophobia in the country.”

Back in the real world, “Islamophobia” is a propaganda neologism designed to intimidate people into thinking it wrong to oppose jihad violence and Sharia oppression of women.

Meanwhile, this book, and the accompanying ceremony, reveals the insidious nature of the entire “Islamophobia” enterprise. The Iranian endorsement and propagation of this term, with the participation of Wayne State University’s Saeed Khan, recalls another Iranian initiative in academic propaganda: Carl Ernst, the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill pseudo-academic whose work on Islam is so whitewashed, so fawningly apologetic, so complete in its denial of the jihad doctrine and Sharia oppression, that he was given an award in 2008 by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the genocide-minded anti-Semite who was at that time President of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Ernst happily flew to Tehran to accept. The incident was emblematic of how much American academia has degenerated.

After all, when was the last time you saw an American academic discuss the Muslim persecution of Christians, or Iran’s treatment of religious minorities, or the inconsistency of Iranian authorities in persecuting Christians while complaining about “Islamophobia”? That’s right: never. That’s not what they do in the Antifa indoctrination factories known as universities these days; they’re too busy recording video messages applauding Iranian propaganda.

Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 21 books, including the New York Times bestsellers The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) and The Truth About Muhammad. His latest book is Rating America’s Presidents: An America-First Look at Who Is Best, Who Is Overrated, and Who Was An Absolute Disaster. Follow him on Twitter here. Like him on Facebook here.


‘Our Desire Is to Kill You or Be Killed’

The severe persecution Christians experienced in just one month under Islam.

The following are among the murders and abuses Muslims inflicted on Christians throughout the month of November, 2022:

The Muslim Slaughter of Christians

Nigeria:  According to an end of month report published on Nov. 30, Muslim terrorists slaughtered “at least” 40 Christians in Plateau and Kaduna states alone.  They also wounded at least 20 Christians, burned down a village church and many Christian homes.  One of the Christians murdered was originally abducted and held for ransom.  His brother shared the treacherous outcome:

“My brother, a father of two children, was kidnapped in early October …  The bandits contacted us and demanded that we pay a ransom of the amount of 200 million naira (US$450,418), but after a long process of negotiations, they reduced the ransom to 10 million naira (US$22,520). We were able to raise 3 million naira, but unfortunately after collecting the money from us, they still killed my brother on Nov. 17.”

After breaking their part of the deal by slaughtering their ransomed victim, the Muslim terrorists demanded another ransom merely to return the Christian corpse to his family.  The brother continues:

“The bandits said that if we pay them [an additional] 10 million naira [US$22,520], they’ll release my brother’s corpse to us.  This is a very sad and depressing situation for us as my brother was tortured to death.”

Mozambique: Throughout the month of October, 2022, at least 21 Christians were slaughtered by “Islamist extremists,” a Nov. 9 report revealed:

The Islamists … announced the killing of 20 Christians [and another in a church burning incident below] and the displacement of hundreds more in Cabo Delgado between October 3 and 20.  The attacks were carried out by an Islamic State (IS)-affiliated organisation Ahlu Sunnah Wa-Jama, known locally as Al Shabaab (not the Somali-based group of the same name). They were announced in al-Naba, the weekly magazine of IS (also known as ISIS, ISIL, Daesh).”

At least eight Christians were slaughtered in the same region in the previous month.

Muslim Attacks on Christian Churches

Mozambique:  According to a Nov 9 report, “Jihadists set fire to a church building and several houses in the Chiure district of Cabo Delgado Province on October 26, killing one person.”  Along with the church they torched, the Muslim terrorists said in a communique that they had also destroyed “other church property in Cabo Delgado,” though no details were given.

Uganda:  Muslims demolished a Christian church and beat its pastor for reportedly “leading 23 Muslims to Christ in August,” which “angered Muslims,” said  Pastor Agaba Ezera. On Nov. 8, during evening prayers,

From out of nowhere, people came shouting and chanting Islamic words as if they were going to attend Eid prayers. They started beating us and pushing the church building down, as well as pulling off the iron sheets.”

One of his tormentors charged that “You brought kafiri [infidels] here and converted our elderly woman by giving her salt and soup – you must die today.”  “I was beaten badly with blunt objects, but glory be to the Lord Jesus because I survived though they thought that they had killed me,” the pastor who sustained leg, back, arm, and head injuries said from his hospital bed. “This incident happened because of our evangelistic activities in the Muslim community of Katantala and Kapapali villages.”

Separately but similarly in Uganda, Muslims barged into a church meeting, and attacked and stabbed a Christian pastor and his wife, seriously wounding them.  Earlier in August, five Muslim men between the ages of 19 and 27 had converted to Christianity.  Soon thereafter, Pastor Jude Sitaalo, 56, began to receive threatening messages, both in person and by phone.   “Pastor, let our children come back to Islam, and if not we are going to kill you and destroy your church,” read one text.  Then, on the evening of Nov. 18, while holding a Bible study in his church with his wife and 10 other church members, he saw a mosque leader approaching the building followed by a band of Muslims:  “They got hold of me and started beating me with sticks while one of them cut me with a long knife,” said Jude. “One member of the church and my wife tried to rescue me, but they were seriously beaten up with sticks.”  The rest of the congregation fled for their lives.  The pastor sustained knife wounds on his head, hand, and back; his wife was also slashed on the forehead and back.  “We are suffering for pastoring converts from Islam,” Jude concluded his interview from his hospital bed.

Pakistan:  Without any prior notice, authorities bulldozed the church and homes of 200 Christians in Islamabad, the capital of the Islamic republic, leaving them homeless. Because they were not given any warning or time to remove their belongings before the demolition, “These Christians have lost everything—their homes and all of their worldly possessions,” said a U.K.-based human rights group, in a Nov. 26 statement:

“Many of them have lived in the colony for years, raising their families here and investing their life savings into building and maintaining their homes. It is a travesty of justice that their homes have been wiped out without any alternative provision of accommodation. The timing is particularly concerning, coming so soon after costly and devastating floods, and with winter already here and temperatures plummeting.”

In August, monsoon floods killed more than 1,700 people in Pakistan, and left hundreds of thousands of homes destroyed or damaged, prompting the government, which estimated losses to be worth $40 billion, to declare a state of emergency.  Sabra Saeed Athwal, whose home was among those bulldozed, called the demolition a “criminal act” and expressed fears that two other Christian colonies could be demolished next.  She also indicated that “hardline Muslims” had pressured the authorities:

“This injustice has happened as Christians in Pakistan and around the world prepare to celebrate Christmas in just a few weeks….  The Pakistani government must either rebuild the homes or provide suitable shelter before Christmas as many of the colony’s residents are now living under the open sky or in tents and this is simply unacceptable. It is the state’s responsibility to treat its citizens equally and protect their lives without any distinction of race, religion and colour. The lack of care in this instance simply beggars belief….  Although we are Christian, we are Pakistani citizens too.”

Indonesia: Local officials on Java Island formally added their names and voices to calls by Islamist organizations to block construction of a Christian church, leading to complaints of governmental interference with religious freedom. “This incident,” one Christian leader responded, “harms the 1945 Constitution, which guarantees equality of every citizen to adhere to a certain religion and to worship freely in accordance to their own religions.” As is the case for churches in other Muslim nations, according to the Nov. 2 report,

“[R]equirements for obtaining permission to build houses of worship in Indonesia are onerous and hamper the establishment of such buildings for Christians and other faiths…. Such processes typically have to pass through four levels of bureaucracy before reaching the municipal level. Besides the opposition that the church faces, most applications for church construction permits in Indonesia take decades to process without support from high-ranking officials.”

USA (Pennsylvania):  On Nov. 12, a 24-year-old Syrian refugee who had plotted to bomb a Pittsburgh church was sentenced to 17 years imprisonment.  Citing court documents, the report says,

“[Mustafa Mousab] Alowemer plotted to bomb a church located on the north side of Pittsburgh using an explosive device. His stated motivation to conduct such an attack was to support the cause of ISIS and to inspire other ISIS supporters in the United States to join together and commit similar acts….  Alowemer was aware that numerous people in the proximity of the church could be killed by the explosion.”

Azerbaijan: A form of “cultural erasure” progresses as many ancient and medieval churches and monasteries continue to be demolished in the Nagorno-Karabakh and Nakhchivan regions, historically Armenian regions that are now under Azerbaijani authority.  According to Caucasus Heritage Watch, 108 Medieval and early modern Armenian monasteries, churches and cemeteries between 1997 and 2011 have already experienced “complete destruction.”  More recently, however, according to a Nov. 25 report, “new satellite imagery shows ongoing destruction of Armenian heritage sites.  Images show disappearance of churches and cemeteries.”  As one example, images showed how a more than 700 years old monastery was first destroyed, and then re-erected as a mosque.

Turkey: On Nov. 15, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruled that Turkey had violated the human rights of a Greek Orthodox church, which it had prevented from registering in Istanbul.  According to the report, “The ECHR said that Turkey’s refusal to the Greek Orthodox Church to declare its property constitutes discrimination and ordered the country [Turkey] to pay 5,000 euros in costs and expenses.”  Before the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople (now Istanbul) in 1453, Greeks (or “Rum,” Romans of the “Byzantine” Empire) formed the majority of the population.  Since then, they have been dwindling in numbers.  According to the report, there were still “nearly 1.8 million [Greeks in Constantinople] in 1910 but the population was devastated following the collapse of the Ottoman Empire at the end of World War I.”

“Subsequent Turko-Greek wars, a population exchange agreed upon between Turkey and Greece in 1923, and continuous political pressure on the community have reduced their numbers to several thousand. Their foundations, churches, and their properties have also become a major political topic in Turkey as governments seized, closed or denied them registration.”

Generic Muslim Hostility for Christians

Palestinian Authority:  According to a Nov. 21 report,

“There has been a marked uptick in religiously motivated attacks by Palestinian Muslims on Christians in Bethlehem. Just over two weeks ago, a Muslim man was accused of harassing young Christian women at a Forefathers Orthodox Church in Beit Sahour near the city of Bethlehem. Soon after, the church was attacked by a large mob of Palestinian men who hurled rocks at the building while congregants cowered inside. Several of the congregants were injured in the attack. The Palestinian Authority, responsible for security in the area, did nothing.”

UK: On Nov. 24, a court heard how Tarek Namouz, 42, a Muslim barber shop owner in London and recipient of thousands of pounds in taxpayer-funded Covid grants, had on seven separate occasions sent £25,000 to ISIS fighters in Syria.  The court also heard how he had said,

“I want to burn Christianity … we have incinerators and holocausts like Hitler, a lesson from history….  I swear to Allah we will cause chaos and kill the non-believers…. Whoever is not happy, a bullet in their head, I don’t want a single person alive who would oppose Sharia.”

Iraq:  During a G20 Religion Forum in Bali, Indonesia, that was attended by more than 300 religious leaders around the world, a Christian archbishop from Iraq made several important remarks, including by warning that Christianity is “on the verge of extinction” in Iraq, where it had been for nearly two thousand years. According to Bashar Warda, the Chaldean Catholic Archbishop of Erbil, “we Christians of Iraq now find ourselves on the very edge of extinction….  Now we face the end in Iraq, the same end faced by the Iraqi Jews before us, and the same end now being faced by the Yazidis, with whom we have suffered so much pain, alongside us.”  Concerning the source of all this suffering and pain, he said that there is “a fundamental crisis of violence within Islam” that “can no longer be ignored” and which “continues to affect the entire Middle East, Africa, Asia and beyond…. And if this crisis is not acknowledged, addressed, and fixed, then there can be no future for Christians or any other form of religious pluralism in the Middle East.”

“Indeed, there is little reason to see a future for anyone in the Middle East, including within the Islamic world itself, other than in the context of continued violence, revenge, and hatred….  [Iraqi Christians are] not forgetting, but still forgiving. Can our Muslim brothers and sisters follow us in this, or will their own story of violence continue, destroying themselves eventually?….  Fundamentally, this change in direction can only come about as the conscious work of the Islamic world itself.”

Following the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, the number of Christians has been decimated, going from about 1.5 million to under 200,000 now.  Even though the Islamic State’s stronghold in the Nineveh Plains was overthrow in 2017, the rapidly dwindling Christian population continues to be harried. According to a fact sheet:

“In June 2020, Christian villages were bombed in Turkey’s largest operation in the area since 2015, forcing many Christians to flee. In May 2021, Christian villages were evacuated following Turkish bombing in the region. Christians were not protected by the local government. Many Christians are also seriously affected by intolerance and persecution. This is perpetuated mostly by militant Islamic groups and non-Christian leaders. They also face discrimination from government authorities. In central and southern Iraq, Christians often do not publicly display Christian symbols (such as crosses) as this can lead to harassment or discrimination at checkpoints, universities, workplaces and government buildings. Outspoken believers in the region have frequently become targets. Blasphemy laws can be used against Christians suspected of carrying out outreach among Muslims.”

Mozambique:  On Nov. 10, images of a handwritten announcement from the Islamic State in Mozambique (ISM) appeared on social media.  Addressing the army, ISM asserts: “We will escalate the war against you until you submit to Islam… Our desire is to kill you or be killed, for we are martyrs before Allah, so submit or run from us.”

As the message was addressed to “the Mozambican crusader army,” it also targeted Christians and Jews, whom it offered “three choices: submit to Islam, pay tax [jizya], or accept endless war,” said a Nov. 18 report:

“The three choices have appeared across Islamic State propaganda. In August, IS Central African Province released a video addressed to ‘Congolese Christian rulers’ declaring that they would wage war ‘until Allah establishes one of these three for you: Islam, jizya, or [continuous] fighting.’ Jizya refers to a tax levied on non-Muslims in many Islamic societies across history. The previous issue of the IS weekly newsletter Al Naba, published 10 November, also carried the demand that Jews and Christians convert or pay jizya…. [T]he message represents an attempt to adopt the trappings of a ‘caliphate’ in line with the stated objectives of the Islamic State leadership….”

Italy: On Sunday, Nov. 27, as locals were putting up Christmas lights in the city of Sora, a Muslim man “terrorized everyone” by suddenly hollering Islamic slogans, including the jihadist war cry, “Allahu akbar!”  According to the report, “In the historic district of Canceglie, … real ‘moments of fear’ have been experienced. Once he was gone, having literally terrorized everyone present with the equally classic exclamation associated with terrorism, a[nother] young man continued to rail against the lights that are about to grace Sora.”

Sudan: On Nov. 21, Muslim authorities arrested and jailed a church leader on the charge of “witchcraft,” after Muslims began coming to his church for healing.  Earlier, Pastor Abdalla Haron Sulieman led a prayer meeting for his ailing mother, and she recovered.  On learning of what was deemed a miracle, local Muslims began crowding the church in search of healing, which, according to the report, “angered Muslim extremists who persuaded police to arrest the pastor on charges of claiming to be a witchdoctor (Case No. 6737/2022 under the Sudan Criminal Code of 1991.)”

“Sudanese Christians took to social media, some demanding the pastor’s immediate release, and others terming the jailing more evidence of ongoing and systematic persecution of Christians in Sudan. ‘We need to continue to pray for our brother because he is jail for the sake of the gospel,’ said one Sudanese Christian on his Facebook page.”

Indonesia: After an earthquake that killed at least 321 people, damaged 62,000 homes, and displaced more than 73,000 people, several human rights groups rushed with aid.  Native Muslim groups, however, had other concerns.  According to a Nov. 29 report, “a conservative Islamist group tore off labels from tents that were donated by a church for survivors of the Cianjur earthquake.”  In a Twitter video that went viral, a group of people, who were later identified as members of the Islamic Reformist Movement—which has links to the banned extremist group Islamic Defenders Front, and even ISIS—were seen tearing off labels emblazoned with the words “The Reformed Evangelical Church of Indonesia” from the blue tents donated by the church to support survivors of the disaster.  “Let’s destroy it,” one man can be heard saying in reference to the tents.  Another man, wearing a long robe and white cap, can be seen recording while smiling.  According to police, “the men dismantled the tents donated by the church in four villages, although they were not from the areas…. “Those who removed it were not the refugees. The refugees accept what is given from any group, regardless of religion,” Cianjur police chief Doni Hermawan said. “So I warned them, I made sure they would not do that again. Every [donation is given out of] humanity.”

Pakistan:  On Nov. 27, the British Asian Christian Association, which tracks the persecution of Christians in Pakistan, published a comprehensive and well documented report.  It showed how attacks on Christians are disproportionate compared to attacks on other minorities.  For example, 30 percent of all extrajudicial killings for blasphemy were committed against Christians—though they only form 1.27 percent of the population. Other findings follow:

“Despite [being] a larger demographic than Christians in Pakistan, Hindus seem to have a lot less attacks on their communities…  There are rare cases, of course, of Hindu’s being accused of blasphemy.  This may be based on the fact that Hindu’s live in large enclaves and would seem more daunting to attack; they are more established as a community and less vulnerable… Christians are more likely to interact with the majority Muslim population and this contributes to their persecution. Hindu and Muslim communities are more likely to segregate themselves from other faiths, something which is mirrored in India… Christians have also faced a large number of terrorist attacks and the twin bomb attack in Peshawar 2012, Lahore Twin Church attack 2013, Easter day attack at Gulshan park 2015, and Quetta church bomb attack 2017 are some of the major ones in recent times.  Though Hindus were killed in a bomb attack at Orazaki market in 2018, they were not the main target….  The reason Christians are targeted by Islamist groups on more occasions, is believed to be linked to a perception that they are spies for the west and in retaliation for the war against terror. So you see Innocent Christians in Pakistan are more likely to be persecuted during times when the US, Britain and other Western nations are at war with Islamic nations…Even more galling is the estimated 700 Christians girls abducted, raped and forced into Islamic Marriage. … Even when an abducted girl is found by police she will not be returned to her family.  Instead she is sent to a Women’s refuge centre that is meant to be impartial but is corruptible.  Muslim rapists or their friends gain access to these protective centres and threaten to kill the girl and her family unless she states she willingly married the Muslim man.… Christian children are bullied in school and even killed for their faith. This prevents Christian families sending them to school which perpetuates levels of illiteracy.  …. Provincial Curriculum text books caricature and demonize Christians and other minorities.”

This article is reprinted from the Gatestone Institute.

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Raymond Ibrahim

Raymond Ibrahim, author of Defenders of the West, is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

3 NYPD Cops Attacked with Machete Near Times Square on New Year’s Eve, Suspect with Alleged Islamic Extremist Ties in Custody

Facebook/Audra D’Antilio Simpson, NYPD

A suspect with possible Islamic extremism ties is in custody after three police officers were injured in a machete attack near Times Square on New Year’s Eve.

The cops were attacked at approximately 10:11 p.m. on Saturday at W 52nd Street and 8th Avenue, outside a police screening area for the New Year’s Eve festivities in Times Square, New York City Police Department (NYPD) commissioner Keechant Sewell told reporters at a press conference Sunday.

“Unprovoked, a 19-year-old male approached an officer and attempted to strike him over the head with a machete. The male then struck two additional officers in the head with the machete,” Sewall said.

One of the officers fired their weapons at the suspect, hitting him in the shoulder, and he was arrested shortly after.

Two of the injured officers were taken to Bellevue Hospital, where they were noted to be in stable condition. One of the wounded officers, who had been on the force for eight years, suffered a laceration to the head. Another officer, who had graduated from the police academy on Friday, was also struck in the head and suffered a laceration injury.

Another officer, who received unknown injuries, was taken to Mount Sinai West hospital and is expected to recover.

The alleged suspect was later identified as Trevor Bickford, 19, of Wells, Maine, the New York Post reported, citing law enforcement sources.

While Bickford has no criminal history, police sources told the Post that the FBI in Boston had had the alleged suspect on their radar, including having him placed on a guardian list due to his radicalization. Furthermore, Bickford’s aunt reported his radicalization to authorities because he allegedly said he wanted to fight in Afghanistan.

Other law enforcement sources told the New York Daily News that Pickford is a “radicalized terrorist.”

The NYPD released an image of the weapon used in the attack, which commissioner Sewall described as a “large knife.”

Bickford was also taken to Bellevue Hospital, where he is being treated for his injuries. His charges are pending, the Post noted.

Police are asking for anyone who has information on the incident to come forward and contact them.

You can follow Ethan Letkeman on Twitter at @EthanLetkeman.

Will Islam Convert the West?

The trans craze suggests that we are highly vulnerable.

Kim Ghattas’s book, Black Wave, describes the revolutionary fervor which swept across much of the Muslim world in the wake of the Iranian Revolution of 1979. The movement was marked by the sudden reappearance of a wave of black hijabs, abayas, and burqas in countries in which the wearing of such symbols of submission had all but disappeared.

During this period, millions of Muslims converted. But they didn’t convert away from Islam. Rather, they converted from a passive and conventional form of Islam to a more militant and expansionist form.

Having re-Islamized much of the Muslim world, Islamists have in recent years set their sights on the conversion of the West.

But is a conversion of that magnitude possible? In his best-selling novel, Submission, Michel Houllebecq describes how it is possible and even probable. But although many Christians and other non-Muslims do convert to Islam each year, we haven’t yet seen the landslide-type shift to Islam predicted in Submission.

But we may be getting there. In 2013, Nazma Khan founded World Hijab Day, an annual event “to raise awareness and normalize the wearing of the hijab.” The event was intended to present the hijab as a symbol of a woman’s right to choose what she wants to wear. World Hijab Day was soon being celebrated in hundreds of colleges and universities. And thousands of young women and young men fell for the pitch that the hijab is somehow liberating.

The ease with which large numbers of college students succumbed to the notion that the hijab is a beautiful symbol of freedom is one indication that many young people are highly susceptible to propaganda campaigns.

Another indication of youthful susceptibility to dubious trends is the trans craze which is now sweeping through our society. The notion that a boy can become a girl and a girl, a boy flies in the face of both science and religion. Yet faith in the reality of this miraculous transition is spreading rapidly. In the UK, for example, the number of children and young adults who identify as transgender increased by 4,000 percent between 2009 and 2018. And according to the Daily Caller, the Montgomery County public school district in Maryland saw a 582% increase in the number of students identifying as gender non-conforming over the last two years.

Moreover, according to one report, 40 percent of liberal arts college students now claim to be LGBTQ. This includes 61 percent of Wellesley students and 70 percent of students at Smith.

Dr. Lisa Littman of Brown University suggests that the explosive rise in the number of adolescents identifying as trans is largely a factor of peer contagion—not only pressure from other students at school but also from social media peer influencers on the internet. Sadly, instead of countering the contagion, schools often compound it. Teachers introduce students to books about transgender ‘celebrities’ such as Jazz Jennings, and schools keep insisting that all identities should be celebrated.

What does the trans craze have to do with conversions to Islam? The point is that if peers, schools, and social media can accelerate one trend, they can accelerate another. If they can normalize trans, they can normalize Islam. In fact, as I have noted, universities have already become willing participants in the campaign to normalize hijabs. Would they become willing participants in a campaign to stifle criticism of Islam? Of course, they would. They already have. Over the last dozen or so years Arab Gulf-State kingdoms have donated hundreds of millions of dollars to American universities to ensure that students gain only a favorable impression of Islam.

Would the spread of Islam be good for our society? You might as well ask if the spread of transgenderism is good for society. By and large, educators don’t ask those kinds of questions. Educators at all levels are much more interested in fashion—fashions in ideas, fashions in religions, fashions in sexuality and gender, and fashions in historical revisionism (e.g., racism explains everything). Educators may say they are interested in the common good, but they tend to equate the common good with what’s happening now.

Are drag queens in vogue? Then the kids need to know right away. How else can they choose an identity unless they know all the available identities? That’s the way a significant number of educators and their influencers think.  Few of them question whether it’s good to normalize drag. The only question for them is “how can we expose kids to more drag?” And their answer, more likely than not, will be to institute a mandatory “drag pride day” during which the queens can display their wares to the kids.

Which reminds me: “International Day to Combat Islamophobia” is fast approaching. Last March, the United Nations declared March 15 to be the annual date for marking the need to combat “Islamophobia.” Why March 15? Because on that date in 2019, a white man killed 51 Muslims during prayer services at two Christchurch, New Zealand mosques.

Doubtless, the educational activists and influencers are already drawing up plans for schools to mark this tragic day. The kids, they will argue, need to know about Islamophobia and they need to know that Islamophobia is caused by white supremacy.

It won’t matter that violent attacks on mosques by non-Muslims are a rarity. And it won’t matter that deadly attacks on Christian churches by Muslims are an almost daily occurrence in Africa.

What matters is that International Day to Combat Islamophobia will give educators an opportunity to portray Muslims as victims of Islamophobia—just as they’ve successfully managed to portray the transgender “community” as victims of transphobia. It will also provide an opportunity to invite Islamic speakers to come to school and explain that Islam stands for peace, justice, and equality for all. For good measure, the kids can be told about all the athletes, musicians, rappers, and other celebrities who have converted to Islam.

I’ve noted some similarities between the movement to normalize trans and the movement to create sympathy toward Islam. But there is a difference. The trans fad may turn out to be a transitory phenomenon. Transgenderism is so obviously out of touch with objective reality and so obviously harmful to children and adolescents that it may turn out to be a short-lived fad. Moreover, the fact that a strong organized parent resistance to transgenderism has arisen may hasten its demise.

Islam, on the other hand, is not a fad. Although there may currently be a faddish interest in Islam, Islam is a 1400-year-old faith. And it has a history of conquest and of conversion that we can’t afford to ignore. Islamic empires were among the largest in history, and in the first centuries of its existence, Islam managed to convert about half of the Christian world to itself. Moreover, in contrast to the transgender movement, the resurgence of Islam in recent decades has met with very little resistance. Although jihadi militants are often hunted down by armed forces –as, for example, in the Philippines—there has been little pushback against Islamic cultural jihad. For example, with a few exceptions, parents have been reluctant to resist the whitewashing of Islam in school curriculums. After all, Islam is a religion and there is a taboo in our culture against criticizing religions (except for Christianity, which is fair game). And then, of course, there is the fear factor. In France, teachers who aren’t sufficiently respectful of Muhammad risk decapitation. Thanks to the fear factor, French teachers are now reluctant to say anything remotely critical of Islam.

There are major differences between the trans fad and the growth of the Islamic faith. That’s not to say, however, that the trans mania doesn’t have any lessons to teach. Perhaps the most important lesson is that seemingly negligible trends can suddenly escalate into fast-spreading contagions. No one would have predicted ten years ago that the time would soon come when many young people would become desperate to declare themselves trans.

But that’s the trouble with straight-line projections of current trends. Such projections don’t take account of the fact that as trends become more popular and acceptable, they accelerate at a faster rate. Many projections predict that in countries such as England, France, and Germany, Islam will become the dominant faith within 30 to 40 years while Christianity will become a minority religion. But it could happen much sooner than that. Once the trend becomes clear to Christians, their level of discouragement will increase and so will their dropout rate. By the same token, as Islam appears more and more to be the coming thing, conversion rates will begin to grow exponentially.

The fact that Muslims make up only a small percentage of the U.S. population should not blind us to the fact of Islam’s rapid growth elsewhere. Many centuries ago, Islam converted Christian North Africa. Now it seems intent on converting the rest of Africa. Meanwhile, in France and other parts of Europe, military and security professionals warn that a clash with Islam is increasingly likely. And, since the average European is well beyond fighting age, that clash is likely to result in a capitulation to Islam.

If that happens, some of the blame will lie with all those in the media and education establishments who have been naively marketing Islam to the rest of us without calculating the consequences. Much of the burden of blame, however, must fall on the shoulders of Christian leaders, both Protestant and Catholic, who—especially in Europe—complacently looked on as newly-built mosques filled up, while churches emptied, parishes closed, and scandals spread.

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William Kilpatrick

William Kilpatrick is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. His books include Christianity, Islam, and Atheism: The Struggle for the Soul of the West, What Catholics Need to Know About Islam, and The Politically Incorrect Guide to Jihad.



“The greatest criminal threat to the daily lives of American citizens are the Mexican drug cartels.” 



“Mexican drug cartels are the “other” terrorist threat to America. Militant Islamists have the goal of destroying the United States. Mexican drug cartels are now accomplishing that mission – from within, every day, in virtually every community across this country.” JUDICIAL WATCH

“Mexican authorities have arrested the former mayor of a rural community in the border state of Coahuila in connection with the kidnapping, murder and incineration of hundreds of victims through a network of ovens at the hands of the Los Zetas cartel. The arrest comes after Breitbart Texas exposed not only the horrors of the mass extermination, but also the cover-up and complicity of the Mexican government.”

New Jersey: Hamas-Linked CAIR Wants January to be ‘Muslim Heritage Month’

Fables, historical revisionism and propaganda.

The New Jersey State Senate is considering joint resolution 105, which would make January “Muslim Heritage Month” in New Jersey. News12 in the Bronx was there to cover Madina Ouedraogo of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) speaking in support of resolution 105. News12 tells us:

The goal is to increase awareness and appreciation of Muslim American communities in the state. The Council of American Islamic Relations testified on behalf of the new bill in Trenton.

Ouedraogo said:

If the state of New Jersey truly takes great pride in the religious and cultural diversity of its residents It is critical to pass Senate Joint Resolution JR105 which would recognize our large community within the state.

News12 added:

The Council hopes the new bill can bring more awareness to the rise of anti-Muslim incidents in the state.

Aware that there is always something wrong with every newscast that features CAIR, we go to the resolution to see what it says. In line 12 of joint resolution 105, we find this:

WHEREAS, Muslims have made significant contributions that shape our world, including notable achievements in philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry, medicine, architecture, music, literature, and the arts…

It is hard to know what exactly they are referring to here. But it sounds as if it might be a rehash of chauvinistic, pro-fascist 1,001 Islamic Inventions propaganda. “1,001 Islamic Inventions” made claims that Muslims invented or discovered chess, the crankshaft, bathing, the circumference of the Earth, manned flight, robots, etc. But these boasts are either fables, such as a single line in an ancient poem, or just warmed-over Greek civilization.

If the resolution is referring to this kind of esoteric knowledge, then the state of New Jersey should not celebrate it. And if CAIR’s endorsement was the first warning sign, the hint of revisionist history was the second.

Eight lines later comes another warning:

WHEREAS, The history of Muslims in the United States dates back to before the country’s founding, originating with enslaved Africans, of whom scholars estimate as many as 30 percent were Muslim, who brought Islamic beliefs and practices with them and contributed in numerous ways to the founding of the nation, including courageous and dedicated military service in every major war from the American Revolutionary War until today.

Again, there is this vague reference to “scholars.” But there are no scholars who will tell you that 30 percent of the slaves brought to America were Muslim. That is because the historical record is not complete enough to know how many people were Muslim.

Also, several of the names that propagandists regularly bring up as examples of a Muslim presence in America are not only outliers, but Fulani.

The Fulani people were busy ethnically cleansing their areas at the time of the Transatlantic Slave Trade era. They were supplying the slaves, and they were not enslaving themselves. They were taking non-Muslims into slavery.

Omar ibn Said, Yarrow Mamout, and Abdul Rahman Ibrahima Ibn Sori are used as examples of American slaves who were Muslims. But these men were all ambushed or waylaid Fulani, and were not representative of large numbers of Fulani being enslaved.

James H. Johnston wrote about one of these Fulani brought to America, and says it right in the book:

…“Muslim slaves were uncommon”

That’s from From Slave Ship to Harvard: Yarrow Mamout and the History of an African American Family, by James H. Johnston.

Another Fulani slave was Rahman Ibrahima Ibn Sori, who was the subject of a Unity Productions movie called “Prince among Slaves.” Daniel Greenfield wrote about it here: “PRINCE OF LIES How a racist Muslim mass murderer of Africans became PBS’s role model.”

Not your typical friendly neighborhood slave.

There is a type of Muslim who will try to appropriate, in the name of Allah, anything that isn’t nailed down. That includes America. CAIR is like that. CAIR is an ardent supporter of teaching the 1619 Project in public schools. The thesis of the 1619 Project is that America began with the arrival of the first slaves.

There is another interesting detail to the Joint Resolution story. One of the bill’s co-sponsors is Ed Durr. Remember Ed Durr? He once spoke bluntly about Islam on social media. But now that he has been elected to the New Jersey State Senate, he is helping CAIR to bring revisionist history into New Jersey classrooms.

My guess is that News12 will not be around for any percentage of that.

“State lawmakers consider bill to name January ‘Muslim Heritage Month,’” News 12, December 19, 2022:

New Jersey lawmakers are considering naming January “Muslim Heritage Month” in New Jersey.
Lawmakers have introduced a bill to make it so. The bill is backed by state Sen. Joe Pennacchio….
The Council of American-Islamic Relations testified on behalf of the new legislation.
“If the state of New Jersey truly takes great pride in the religious and cultural diversity of its residents, it is critical to pass Senate Joint Resolution, SJR-105, which would recognize our large community in the state,” says Madina Ouedraogo, government affairs manager for CAIR-NJ.

CAIR says it hopes the new bill can bring more awareness to the rise of anti-Muslim incidents in New Jersey. 

Slaughtered Mothers and Fathers

An Islamic hate that knows no bounds.

Incidents of Muslims slaughtering, or trying to slaughter, their own parents are on the rise.

Most recently, a 30-year-old Muslim man stabbed his own mother in the throat with a knife in France.  After characterizing the incident as an  “attempted murder,” local authorities said that the “accused has admitted to the crime,” which he “committed for personal and religious reasons.”  Further underscoring the latter reason—“religion”—the Muslim would-be matricide was heard crying “Allahu Akbar.”

Two month earlier, and also in France, a Muslim man, 25, beheaded his own father, 60, with a knife.  When police arrived on the scene, the Muslim patricide was also heard crying “Allahu Akbar” while fleeing the scene.

That the Muslim men in both of these examples from France deemed it fit to cry Islam’s ancient, jihadist war-cry—which literally means “my god is greater than your x, y, z”—indicates that, whatever their quarrel, these Muslim men at least believed that, in slaughtering their parents, they were acting on behalf of or vindicating Islam.

This was certainly the case of another, well-documented case of Muslim parricide.  In September, 2022, a Muslim man bludgeoned his mother and father to death in Nigeria.

The reason?  “My parents don’t like the prophet Muhammad because I adore him, [and] they called me a mad [crazy] person,” Munkaila Ahmadu, 37, explained in a video recorded by police.  “[So] I killed them, because they refuse[d] to accept the truth concerning the prophet Muhammad. I killed them because they abused the prophet and their punishment is death—there is no repentance for any person who abused the Prophet.”

He is certainly not alone in such logic.  After a Muslim mob stoned and burned to death a Christian college student, Deborah Emmanuel, accused of blaspheming Muhammad, a Muslim cleric justified the atrocity by saying, “When you touch the prophet we become mad [crazy] people…. Anyone who touches the prophet, no punishment — just kill!”

Showing no remorse whatsoever for murdering his father (70) and mother (60), Ahmadu instead boasted of how “I will [soon] be free because Allah is with the righteous person; that is why I am not worrying over my action….  I am now in police custody because, by human thinking, I did a wrong thing but in the sight of Allah and the Prophet what I did is the right thing” (emphasis added).

Is this true?  Unfortunately, yes.  “Executing” those who “blaspheme” against the prophet of Islam is as old as Islam itself and traces straight back to Muhammad, who was first to call for the slaughter of those who mocked or called him “mad.”

But even beyond the issue of blasphemy, another of Muhammad’s doctrines—that of al-wala’ w’al-bara’ (which can be simply translated as “love and hate”)—requires Muslims to hate anyone perceived to be in opposition to Islam.

Koran 60:4 is the cornerstone verse of this doctrine.  As Osama bin Laden once concluded, after quoting that verse:

Such, then, is the basis and foundation of the relationship between the infidel and the Muslim. Battle, animosity, and hatred — directed from the Muslim to the infidel — is the foundation of our religion (The Al Qaeda Reader, p. 43).

Similarly, after citing Koran 60:4, the Islamic State confessed to the West that “we hate you, first and foremost, because you are disbelievers.”  As for any and all political “grievances,” these are “secondary” reasons for the jihad, ISIS said:

The fact is, even if you were to stop bombing us, imprisoning us, torturing us, vilifying us, and usurping our lands, we would continue to hate you because our primary reason for hating you will not cease to exist until you embrace Islam. Even if you were to pay jizya and live under the authority of Islam in humiliation, we would continue to hate you (emphasis added).

Even so, surely this hate has nothing to do with slaughtering fellow Muslims—especially one’s own mother and father?

Actually, the doctrine of al-wala’ w’al-bara’ encompasses even these killings.  Consider Koran 58:22, another key verse that calls for hating non-Muslims:

You shall find none who believe in Allah and the Last Day on friendly terms with those who oppose Allah and his Messenger — even if they be their fathers, their sons, their brothers, or their nearest kindred.

According to Ibn Kathir’s mainstream commentary on the Koran (The Al Qaeda Reader, pp. 75-76), this verse refers to a number of Muhammad’s Companions who slaughtered their own kin during the battle of Badr: one slew his father, another his brother, a third—Abu Bakr, the first revered caliph of Islamic history—tried to slay his son, and Omar, the second righteous caliph, slaughtered several of his relatives.

As Ibn Kathir explains, Allah was immensely pleased by their unwavering zeal for his cause and rewarded them with the highest level of paradise, as captured by the latter part of Koran 58:22:

Allah has inscribed the faith in their very hearts, and strengthened them [against their kin] with a spirit from himself. He will admit them to gardens watered by running streams, where they shall dwell forever.

In short, no one—not even fathers and mothers—are safe from the jihad.

There is a final and highly relevant lesson from all this: If Muslims are called on to hate and even murder their own flesh and blood—including fathers, sons, brothers, and wives—whenever they are perceived as mocking Muhammad or merely opposing Islam, is it any surprise that so many Muslims hate the “natural” enemies of Islam—foreign “infidels,” such as those who live all throughout the West?

While officialdom vehemently denies this reality, others in the West are apparently learning that, in Donald Trump’s words, speaking after a series of Islamic terror strikes in late 2015: “I think Islam hates us.  There’s something there that — there’s a tremendous hatred there.  There’s a tremendous hatred.  We have to get to the bottom of it.”

For those paying attention, we’ve gotten to the bottom of it a long time ago.

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Raymond Ibrahim

Raymond Ibrahim, author of Defenders of the West, is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

American Military Families Sue French Company for Supporting Islamic State in Syria

The Islamic State has released propaganda photos over the encrypted Telegram messaging application purporting to show the actions of its members along the border area between Syria and Iraq.
Islamic Telegram

Family members of American troops killed during the battle against the Islamic State in Syria filed suit this weekend against Lafarge SA, a French construction company that pleaded guilty before a U.S. court in October to supporting ISIS and the al-Qaeda-linked Nusra Front. 

Lafarge was fined $778 million by a U.S. district judge in Brooklyn on October 18 after pleading guilty to providing material support to terrorism.

Lafarge and its Syrian affiliate were, in essence, accused of paying $6 million in protection money to ISIS, al-Qaeda, and other armed groups so they could operate a cement plant in the Jalabiyeh region of northern Syria during the brutal civil war that began in 2011. Another million dollars was paid to “third-party intermediaries” who facilitated the bribes. 

The plant also purchased raw materials from ISIS-controlled local suppliers, and paid exorbitant “tolls” to various terrorist gangs and militias so its employees, supplies, and products could pass through their checkpoints. By the end of the cement plant operation, Lafarge was cutting ISIS in on a percentage of gross sales in a grotesque form of “taxation.”

According to court documents, the cement plant cost about $680 million to build, and Lafarge earned a little over $70 million from its activities. U.S. prosecutors hoped the massive fine would send a signal to international corporations that funding terrorism is never justified.


An internal security patrol member escorts a woman giving a middle-finger gesture, reportedly a wife of an Islamic State group fighter, in the al-Hol camp in al-Hasakeh governorate in north-eastern Syria, on July 23, 2019. (DELIL SOULEIMAN/AFP via Getty Images)

“The defendants partnered with ISIS, one of the most brutal terrorist organizations the world has ever known, to enhance profits and increase market share – all while ISIS engaged in a notorious campaign of violence during the Syrian civil war,” said Deputy Attorney General Lisa O. Monaco when the fine was imposed in October.

U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York Breon Peace added that Lafarge sought to “leverage its relationship with ISIS for economic advantage, seeking ISIS’s assistance to hurt Lafarge’s competition in exchange for a cut of Lafarge’s sales.”

On Sunday, ABC News reported the families of three fallen U.S. service members filed suit against Lafarge for “unspecified economic and compensatory damages.”

The lawsuit referenced Lafarge’s guilty plea and the court documents from October, restating the prosecution’s case that the French company had a “business partnership with ISIS” that gave the Islamic State “seed capital it needed to transform from a fledgling militia in the early 2010s into a brutal terroristic behemoth with the capability and intent to kill Americans.”

Men, suspected of being affiliated with the Islamic State (IS) group, gather in a prison cell in the northeastern Syrian city of Hasakeh on October 26, 2019. - Kurdish sources say around 12,000 IS fighters including Syrians, Iraqis as well as foreigners from 54 countries are being held in Kurdish-run prisons in northern Syria. (Photo by FADEL SENNA / AFP) (Photo by FADEL SENNA/AFP via Getty Images)

Men, suspected of being affiliated with the Islamic State group, gather in a prison cell in the northeastern Syrian city of Hasakeh on October 26, 2019. (FADEL SENNA/AFP via Getty)

“Defendants put their economic self-interest above all else – ultimately making over $70 million in sales through their partnership with ISIS – even while ISIS was slaughtering innocent civilians, including Americans,” the lawsuit said.

ABC named the three U.S. service members and discussed the charges brought by their families:

Navy Chief Petty Officer Jason Finan of California was killed by an ISIS-planted IED in Iraq on Oct. 20, 2016. His widow and his parents said they have “experienced severe mental anguish, extreme emotional pain and suffering” since his death, according to the lawsuit.

Navy Senior Petty Officer Scott Cooper Dayton of Virginia was killed by an ISIS-planted IED in Ayn Issa, Syria, on Nov. 24, 2016. His widow and children are among the plaintiffs.

Former Marine David Berry was a 12-year combat veteran from Virginia, and was killed by an ISIS attack on the Corinthia Hotel in Libya on Jan. 27, 2015. At the time, Berry was working for a private contractor.

The family lawsuit pointed out that in addition to the offenses Lafarge pleaded guilty to in October, the company placed “tons of valuable cement and raw materials” in the hands of ISIS and the Nusra Front by “failing to safely shut down and evacuate the cement plant.”

The case is a civil suit filed under the U.S. Anti-Terrorism Act of 1990, which permits individuals to recover damages from businesses that provided financial support to foreign terrorist organizations.

“We expect more families to join the lawsuit and we look forward to bringing the case to trial before a jury of New Yorkers,” plaintiffs’ lawyer Lee Wolosky of Jenner & Block LLP said in a statement on Saturday.

Taliban: ‘A Woman Is a Man’s Property and Must Serve Him, Not Get Educated’

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Afghan women protest in Kabul on Thursday against the Taliban’s ban on university education for women. (Photo by -/AFP via Getty Images)
Afghan women protest in Kabul on Thursday against the Taliban’s ban on university education for women. (Photo by -/AFP via Getty Images)

( – “A woman is a man’s property and must serve him, not get educated,” the Taliban’s higher education minister has said, as the fundamentalist group’s decision to suspend university education for Afghan women continues to draw international condemnation, including from some Islamic governments.

“Islam does not allow women to commit prostitution under the pretext of education,” tweeted Nida Mohammad Nadeem. “A woman is a man’s property and must serve him, not get educated.”

As small groups of Afghan women took to the streets to protest the controversial move, Nadeem went on national television on Thursday to defend it, saying that “prostitution” was occurring as a result of gender mixing in some universities, despite a ban on co-ed learning.

Moreover, he said, some of the fields of study being pursued by women were not in line with “Islamic law and Afghan pride.”

Nadeem said the decision to “stop the education of women” came from the “Amirul Momineen” – a term meaning “commander of the faithful” and ascribed to Taliban leader Hibatullah Akhundzada.

“I presented all the reasons to the nation regarding the decision of Amirul Momineen, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, regarding the prohibition of girls’ education,” Nadeem tweeted after the television appearance.

“Not observing the hijab, traveling from one province to another province to study in dormitories, non-shari’a curriculum, and the existence of faculties that women do not need to study.”

“In addition, in many universities there was still mixing, which opened the way to prostitution.”

Nadeem said women had been studying fields “that were in contrast with the dignity and pride of women and Afghan culture,” singling out engineering, agriculture, and science.

The Taliban’s higher education minister, Nida Mohammad Nadeem, is pictured during a television broadcast on national TV Thursday. (Photo by Wakil Kohsar / AFP via Getty Images)
The Taliban’s higher education minister, Nida Mohammad Nadeem, is pictured during a television broadcast on national TV Thursday. (Photo by Wakil Kohsar / AFP via Getty Images)

“No one can prove the necessity of studying ‘modern science’ for women even in the Qur’an and Hadiths,” he said, referring to Islam’s sacred text and the written traditions of Mohammed, the religion’s seventh century founder.

Nadeem also warned that any Muslim opposing the Taliban’s ruling on the matter would be viewed as a rebel, “and the punishment for rebellion is clear in Islam.”

(Islamic scholars differ over whether rebellion against a Muslim ruler is subject to hudud punishments – literally “limitations imposed by Allah” – which depending on the offense and interpretation include stoning, limb amputation, flogging, and the death penalty.)

Alongside critical reaction to the Taliban decision from Western countries, some leading Islamic governments also weighed in, joining calls for it to be reversed.

The Saudi foreign ministry Turkey and Qatar also called on the Taliban to reconsider.

Even the Iranian regime, whose treatment of women has triggered months-long protests and saw it ejected from a top U.N. women’s rights agency, expressed regret over the decision.

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation’s women’s division called on the authorities in Kabul “to reverse this hasty decision, which is against Islamic law and Afghan women’s basic rights.”

Nadeem appeared to shrug off the criticism from Islamic governments, tweeting, “We want pure Islam, not like Turkey and Saudi Arabia.”

Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Thursday it was “important and powerful” that criticism was also coming from Islamic countries.

“There are going to be costs if this is not reversed, if this is not changed,” he told reporters at the State Department. “I’m not going to detail them today, but we will pursue them in coordination with allies and partners.”

Within the limits of Islam’

The Taliban seized power in August 2021, two decades after being toppled by U.S.-led forces after the 9/11 terror attacks carried out by its al-Qaeda ally.

Just weeks before Kabul fell, the organization in a statement clearly rejected what it called “non-Islamic forms of governance.”

“Everything from politics, economics, culture and education to social life must be follow our religious values,” it said then. “This is because Afghans do not desire the elimination of military aggression alone, but also the termination of western political, cultural and ideological invasion.”

When the Taliban held its first press conference after seizing power, on August 17, 2021, spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said the group would respect women’s rights “within the limits of Islam.”

“Our women are Muslims, they accept Islamic rules,” he said. “If they continue to live according to shari’a, we will be happy, they will be happy.”

After setting up an “interim” government comprising in large part U.N. Security Council-sanctioned terrorists, the Taliban banned girls from attending school beyond grade six, and tightened restriction of the movement of women and girls, prohibiting them from flying unless accompanied by a male “guardian,” and recently prohibiting them from visiting parks or gyms.

Last June, the U.N. Security Council in response to the girls’ schooling decision restored a U.N. travel ban for two Taliban education heads, one of whom was the then higher education minister, Abdul Baqi Haqqani.

Haqqani was succeeded in October by Nadeem.


See also:

State Dep't.: Taliban’s Ban on Female University Students Undermines Its Aim to Improve Ties With US (Dec. 21, 2022)

UN Bans Travel for Two Taliban Officials in Retaliation for its Campaign Against Women and Girls (Jun. 22, 2022)

Blinken: Taliban Will Have to Respect Women’s Rights If It Doesn’t Want to Be ‘Treated as a Pariah’ (Apr. 19, 2021)

Will Islam Convert the West?

The trans craze suggests that we are highly vulnerable.

Kim Ghattas’s book, Black Wave, describes the revolutionary fervor which swept across much of the Muslim world in the wake of the Iranian Revolution of 1979. The movement was marked by the sudden reappearance of a wave of black hijabs, abayas, and burqas in countries in which the wearing of such symbols of submission had all but disappeared.

During this period, millions of Muslims converted. But they didn’t convert away from Islam. Rather, they converted from a passive and conventional form of Islam to a more militant and expansionist form.

Having re-Islamized much of the Muslim world, Islamists have in recent years set their sights on the conversion of the West.

But is a conversion of that magnitude possible? In his best-selling novel, Submission, Michel Houllebecq describes how it is possible and even probable. But although many Christians and other non-Muslims do convert to Islam each year, we haven’t yet seen the landslide-type shift to Islam predicted in Submission.

But we may be getting there. In 2013, Nazma Khan founded World Hijab Day, an annual event “to raise awareness and normalize the wearing of the hijab.” The event was intended to present the hijab as a symbol of a woman’s right to choose what she wants to wear. World Hijab Day was soon being celebrated in hundreds of colleges and universities. And thousands of young women and young men fell for the pitch that the hijab is somehow liberating.

The ease with which large numbers of college students succumbed to the notion that the hijab is a beautiful symbol of freedom is one indication that many young people are highly susceptible to propaganda campaigns.

Another indication of youthful susceptibility to dubious trends is the trans craze which is now sweeping through our society. The notion that a boy can become a girl and a girl, a boy flies in the face of both science and religion. Yet faith in the reality of this miraculous transition is spreading rapidly. In the UK, for example, the number of children and young adults who identify as transgender increased by 4,000 percent between 2009 and 2018. And according to the Daily Caller, the Montgomery County public school district in Maryland saw a 582% increase in the number of students identifying as gender non-conforming over the last two years.

Moreover, according to one report, 40 percent of liberal arts college students now claim to be LGBTQ. This includes 61 percent of Wellesley students and 70 percent of students at Smith.

Dr. Lisa Littman of Brown University suggests that the explosive rise in the number of adolescents identifying as trans is largely a factor of peer contagion—not only pressure from other students at school but also from social media peer influencers on the internet. Sadly, instead of countering the contagion, schools often compound it. Teachers introduce students to books about transgender ‘celebrities’ such as Jazz Jennings, and schools keep insisting that all identities should be celebrated.

What does the trans craze have to do with conversions to Islam? The point is that if peers, schools, and social media can accelerate one trend, they can accelerate another. If they can normalize trans, they can normalize Islam. In fact, as I have noted, universities have already become willing participants in the campaign to normalize hijabs. Would they become willing participants in a campaign to stifle criticism of Islam? Of course, they would. They already have. Over the last dozen or so years Arab Gulf-State kingdoms have donated hundreds of millions of dollars to American universities to ensure that students gain only a favorable impression of Islam.

Would the spread of Islam be good for our society? You might as well ask if the spread of transgenderism is good for society. By and large, educators don’t ask those kinds of questions. Educators at all levels are much more interested in fashion—fashions in ideas, fashions in religions, fashions in sexuality and gender, and fashions in historical revisionism (e.g., racism explains everything). Educators may say they are interested in the common good, but they tend to equate the common good with what’s happening now.

Are drag queens in vogue? Then the kids need to know right away. How else can they choose an identity unless they know all the available identities? That’s the way a significant number of educators and their influencers think.  Few of them question whether it’s good to normalize drag. The only question for them is “how can we expose kids to more drag?” And their answer, more likely than not, will be to institute a mandatory “drag pride day” during which the queens can display their wares to the kids.

Which reminds me: “International Day to Combat Islamophobia” is fast approaching. Last March, the United Nations declared March 15 to be the annual date for marking the need to combat “Islamophobia.” Why March 15? Because on that date in 2019, a white man killed 51 Muslims during prayer services at two Christchurch, New Zealand mosques.

Doubtless, the educational activists and influencers are already drawing up plans for schools to mark this tragic day. The kids, they will argue, need to know about Islamophobia and they need to know that Islamophobia is caused by white supremacy.

It won’t matter that violent attacks on mosques by non-Muslims are a rarity. And it won’t matter that deadly attacks on Christian churches by Muslims are an almost daily occurrence in Africa.

What matters is that International Day to Combat Islamophobia will give educators an opportunity to portray Muslims as victims of Islamophobia—just as they’ve successfully managed to portray the transgender “community” as victims of transphobia. It will also provide an opportunity to invite Islamic speakers to come to school and explain that Islam stands for peace, justice, and equality for all. For good measure, the kids can be told about all the athletes, musicians, rappers, and other celebrities who have converted to Islam.

I’ve noted some similarities between the movement to normalize trans and the movement to create sympathy toward Islam. But there is a difference. The trans fad may turn out to be a transitory phenomenon. Transgenderism is so obviously out of touch with objective reality and so obviously harmful to children and adolescents that it may turn out to be a short-lived fad. Moreover, the fact that a strong organized parent resistance to transgenderism has arisen may hasten its demise.

Islam, on the other hand, is not a fad. Although there may currently be a faddish interest in Islam, Islam is a 1400-year-old faith. And it has a history of conquest and of conversion that we can’t afford to ignore. Islamic empires were among the largest in history, and in the first centuries of its existence, Islam managed to convert about half of the Christian world to itself. Moreover, in contrast to the transgender movement, the resurgence of Islam in recent decades has met with very little resistance. Although jihadi militants are often hunted down by armed forces –as, for example, in the Philippines—there has been little pushback against Islamic cultural jihad. For example, with a few exceptions, parents have been reluctant to resist the whitewashing of Islam in school curriculums. After all, Islam is a religion and there is a taboo in our culture against criticizing religions (except for Christianity, which is fair game). And then, of course, there is the fear factor. In France, teachers who aren’t sufficiently respectful of Muhammad risk decapitation. Thanks to the fear factor, French teachers are now reluctant to say anything remotely critical of Islam.

There are major differences between the trans fad and the growth of the Islamic faith. That’s not to say, however, that the trans mania doesn’t have any lessons to teach. Perhaps the most important lesson is that seemingly negligible trends can suddenly escalate into fast-spreading contagions. No one would have predicted ten years ago that the time would soon come when many young people would become desperate to declare themselves trans.

But that’s the trouble with straight-line projections of current trends. Such projections don’t take account of the fact that as trends become more popular and acceptable, they accelerate at a faster rate. Many projections predict that in countries such as England, France, and Germany, Islam will become the dominant faith within 30 to 40 years while Christianity will become a minority religion. But it could happen much sooner than that. Once the trend becomes clear to Christians, their level of discouragement will increase and so will their dropout rate. By the same token, as Islam appears more and more to be the coming thing, conversion rates will begin to grow exponentially.

The fact that Muslims make up only a small percentage of the U.S. population should not blind us to the fact of Islam’s rapid growth elsewhere. Many centuries ago, Islam converted Christian North Africa. Now it seems intent on converting the rest of Africa. Meanwhile, in France and other parts of Europe, military and security professionals warn that a clash with Islam is increasingly likely. And, since the average European is well beyond fighting age, that clash is likely to result in a capitulation to Islam.

If that happens, some of the blame will lie with all those in the media and education establishments who have been naively marketing Islam to the rest of us without calculating the consequences. Much of the burden of blame, however, must fall on the shoulders of Christian leaders, both Protestant and Catholic, who—especially in Europe—complacently looked on as newly-built mosques filled up, while churches emptied, parishes closed, and scandals spread.

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William Kilpatrick

William Kilpatrick is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. His books include Christianity, Islam, and Atheism: The Struggle for the Soul of the West, What Catholics Need to Know About Islam, and The Politically Incorrect Guide to Jihad.


Pope Benedict, Islam, and God’s Reason

“Show me what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman…”

“Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.”

In certain respects, this is the sentence that Pope Benedict XVI will be most remembered for.  And while those who cite it do so to disparage and dishonor his memory—to portray him as an “Islamophobe”—that notorious assertion is of profound significance, and in more ways than one.

Pope Benedict read the above assertion on Sept. 12, 2006, during his Regensburg address on faith and reason.  He was quoting Eastern Roman (or “Byzantine”) Emperor Manuel II Palaiologos (b. 1350-1425).  An erudite and pious man, Manuel knew much about Islam, both abstractly and experientially.

In 1390, Manuel’s father, John V, submitted to becoming a vassal to, and sent his son, Manuel, as a hostage of, the Ottoman sultan, Bayezid I (1360-1403), whom the contemporary chronicler Doukas described as

a feared man, precipitate in deeds of war, a persecutor of Christians as no other around him, and in the religion of the Arabs [Islam] a most ardent disciple of Muhammad, whose unlawful commandments were observed to the utmost, never sleeping, spending his nights contriving intrigues and machinations against the rational flock of Christ. . . . His purpose was to increase the nation of the Prophet and to decrease that of the Romans. Many cities and provinces did he add to the dominion of the Muslims.

Unsurprisingly, the sultan never seemed to miss an opportunity to humiliate the heir apparent of Constantinople. Bayezid even sadistically forced Manuel to accompany the Turks and witness the final destruction of Philadelphia, the last Christian bastion in Asia Minor.  The “sight of destroyed Christian cities” produced much “intense suffering” and even “sickened” the prince, writes one historian.

One year later, in 1391, Emperor John V died, and his son, Manuel, became emperor—after escaping from the sultan’s court to Constantinople.  It was not long before Bayezid declared a fresh jihad, put Constantinople to siege (1394-1402), and once again began slaughtering Christians.

Earlier, during his time with the Turks, Manuel had regularly debated religion with Muslims. It was then that he said to a learned Muslim, “Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.”

As inflammatory as this sentence may be to modern sensibilities—and despite all the criticism Benedict received for quoting it—it is hard to gainsay it.  The jihad promulgated by the Muslim prophet has led to the slaughter of millions and brutal conquest of much of the earth’s surface, including some three-fourths of what was once the Christian world.  The Middle East and North Africa—like Constantinople, now Istanbul—were more Christian than Europe until the sword of jihad Islamized them.

Indeed, almost as if to validate the claim that Muhammad had only taught “evil and inhuman” things, when Benedict quoted this assertion, anti-Christian riots erupted around the Muslim world, churches were set aflame, and an Italian nun who had devoted her life to serving the sick and needy of Somalia was murdered there.

Be that as it may.  This is not the place to document the veracity of Manuel’s statement—I have already written two books that fulfill that purpose—but rather to get to the emperor’s point, which was theological: God is rationale—as the Logos, the very embodiment of rationalism—whereas the teachings of Muhammad were not.  This comes out clearly in Manuel’s own words on the three options Islam offers non-Muslims:

[1] they must place themselves under this law [sharia, meaning become Muslims], or [2] pay tribute and, more, be reduced to slavery [an accurate depiction of jizya and dhimmi status], or, in the absence of wither, [3] be struck without hesitation with iron.

Manuel argued that these three options are “extremely absurd,” irrational, and therefore unbecoming of the Supreme Deity. For example, if being a non-Muslim is so bad, why would God allow money, jizya, to “buy the opportunity to lead an impious life?” asked the emperor. Clearly these are very self-serving and manmade rules, designed to empower one group (in this case, Muslims) against another.  Manuel continued:

God is not pleased by blood—and not acting reasonably [σὺν λόγω, “with logic”] is contrary to God’s nature. Faith is born of the soul, not the body. Whoever would lead someone to faith needs the ability to speak well and to reason properly, without violence and threats… To convince a reasonable soul, one does not need a strong arm, or weapons of any kind, or any other means of threatening a person with death…

Benedict had quoted all of this less to defame Islam, and more to argue for the importance of reason, and its compatibility with faith—both of which are under assault today more than ever (as when a society cannot tell the difference between men and women).

As for Islam—which is inherently irrational—Benedict had closed his address with,

“Not to act reasonably, not to act with logos, is contrary to the nature of God,” said Manuel II, according to his Christian understanding of God, in response to his Persian interlocutor. It is to this great logos, to this breadth of reason, that we invite our partners in the dialogue of cultures.

Here, one cannot help but remark how utterly different Pope Benedict and his successor, Pope Francis, are in their approaches to Islam.  Whereas Benedict knew that without agreement on a first premise—namely, the (rational) nature of God—“dialogue” with Muslims would achieve nothing, Francis has become the champion of dialogue, and all apparently for show—rationalism and reality be damned.

For more on Manuel II, his struggles with Islam, and subsequent fall of Constantinople, see chapter 7 of Sword and Scimitar.

This article first appeared on The Stream.

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Raymond Ibrahim

Raymond Ibrahim, author of Defenders of the West, is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

Besides, you can’t win a clash of civilizations if you won’t admit that one exists.  Because the multicultural/woke mentality that grips Europe denies the possibility of a clash, Europeans will be woefully unprepared when it arrives.  And there is much to suggest that it already has.

The West’s Last Chance?

Has it already passed?

Those who make a business of projecting trends often neglect the acceleration factor.  The march of history may be usefully described as “slowly” followed by “suddenly.” Yet we are rarely prepared for those times when history seems to “speed up,” and decades of change are compressed into years or even months.  We assume that current trends will continue, and we are surprised when they don’t.

An excellent book on the subject is Tony Blankley’s The West’s Last Chance.  Blankley, a nationally syndicated columnist who served President Reagan as a speechwriter and senior policy adviser, began the book with an overview of sudden changes in the course of history:  the conquests of Alexander the Great, the French Revolution, the American Civil War, and the Nazi’s rapid takeover of much of Europe.

He then made the case that we are on the brink of another historical reversal of massive proportions—namely, the takeover of Europe by Islam. He suggested that the takeover would be accomplished through demographic changes rather than war and he further suggested that Europeans would mount little resistance to it.

According to Blankley, the lack of resistance would have its source in the fact that demographic changes move slowly and are thus less noticeable.  One can see that an attacking army ought to be resisted, but the threat of rising birth rates seems a much less urgent matter.

Moreover, for much of the world the pre- 9/11 decades were a time of relative calm.  For one thing, the differences between the West and the Soviet Union had been patched up. The liberal elites claimed that it was merely a case of mutual misunderstanding.   The solution to most problems, it was asserted, was to understand the “other.” The best way to do that was to practice “political correctness”—a non-judgmental approach to political and social issues. Ironically, political correctness was the prelude to the highly judgmental ideology of “woke.”

According to political correctness, all cultures and religions are equally good and we have nothing to fear from the “other” except, perhaps, a mild case of heartburn from sampling his exotic dishes.  As for Europe’s Muslim migrant problem, the multiculturalists assumed it would soon vanish.  Once Muslims realized how warm and welcoming Europeans are, they would gladly assimilate to the host culture.  But as Blankley realized in 2005 (the date of the book’s publication) things were not going as expected.  Muslims were not assimilating, they were creating “no-go zones.”  They were not adopting the liberal ways of the French and the Dutch, rather, they were importing the repressive customs of Morocco, Somalia, and Iran.

What was the problem?  In answer, Blankley quoted Abraham Lincoln’s observation that “the dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present…As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew.”

But Europeans (and Americans) did not think anew or act anew.  Faced with the entirely new situation created by the worldwide resurgence of Islam, they fell back on the inadequate dogmas of the quiet past.  They fell back, in short, on political correctness and multiculturalism.

The chattering classes in Western societies insisted that what we needed was more understanding, more immigration, more welcoming, and more criticism of our own culture and heritage.

And more censorship and suppression, as well.  Blankley worried that Europeans, blinded “by the effect of a politically correct mentality” would be unable to mount a sufficient resistance to Islamization. And he was right.  But Europe’s political, academic, and media elites did mount a powerful resistance against anyone who, like Blankley, dared to bring up the subject of Islamization.

Indeed, concepts such as “Eurabia,” “Islamization,” and the “Great Replacement” were dismissed as anti-Muslim right-wing conspiracy theories.  Moreover, prominent counter jihadists such as Italian author Oriani Fallaci, Dutch parliament member Geert Wilders, and Austrian citizen Elizabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff were put on trial for their views.  Fallaci was charged with the made-up crime of “defaming a religion.”

But if the “Islamization of Europe” was nothing but a wild theory with no basis in fact why were the elites so anxious to suppress the free speech rights of Wilders and the others?  And why was Wilder’s trial held in an underground bunker at Shipol Airport?  Why was he surrounded day and night by a security detail?  And why was he moved on an almost weekly basis from one safe house to another?

Obviously, there was a real threat, not a mere theory, and the authorities knew it.  Numerous death threats had been made against Wilders, his colleague, ex-Muslim Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and many others.

Indeed, it was difficult to keep track of all the death threats and assassination attempts directed at those who criticized Islam.  In 1989, the Ayatollah Khomeini issued a death fatwah against Salman Rushdie, the author of the Satanic Verses. As a result of the fatwa, assassination attempts (one of them successful) were made against three people connected with the book’s publication. In addition, a hotel-full of people was set on fire in Turkey. Thirty years after the fatwa, a would-be assassin stabbed Rushdie 13 times while he was giving a talk in Chautauqua, New York.

In 2006, worldwide protests over cartoons of Muhammad in a Danish newspaper led to over 200 deaths.  When Charlie Hebdo, a French satirical magazine, reprinted the cartoons in 2015, its office was attacked by two gunmen who killed twelve.

A month later, an assassination attempt was made on Lars Vilks, a Swedish artist who drew uncomplimentary pictures of Muhammad.  In the years following the exhibit of the drawings, Vilks was the target of two failed assassination plots and two violent attacks.  In February, 2015 an assassination attempt on Vilks in Copenhagen left two dead and three wounded.

Three months later in Garland, Texas, two Muslim terrorists with automatic weapons attacked an art exhibit which featured images of Muhammad.  The gunmen fired dozens of rounds at police outside the event, but were killed before they could get inside.  Among their intended targets were Geert Wilders and prominent American Islam critics, Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller.

There have been several other assassination threats revolving around images of Muhammad, but I’m sure you get the picture.  European authorities get the picture too, but they won’t admit it.  That might be provocative.  For example, police and other authorities in Rotherham, England knew about the rape and prostitution of 1400 teenage girls by Muslim “grooming” gangs over a decade-long period, but they didn’t do anything about it for fear of being thought “Islamophobic.”

The politically correct notion that one should only say nice things about people of other religions and ethnicities, had a paralyzing effect on European authorities. The desire to be non-offensive often prevented them from putting a stop to criminal and terrorist activities when they were still able to. Instead of acting, the authorities often looked the other way.  The kind of resistance that Blankley and others called for—namely, government resistance—was in short supply

Which raises a question.  Is it too late now?  Tony Blankley’s The West’s Last Chance was written nearly twenty years ago.  Has Western Europe already had its last chance?

The years 2005-2007 saw the publication of a number of important books on the Islamization of Europe:  Blankley’s book, Bat Yeor’s Eurabia, Melanie Phillips’ Londonistan, Bruce Bawer’s While Europe Slept, Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s Infidel, Mark Steyn’s America Alone, and several others.

All of these books warned that Wester Europe was approaching a demographic tipping point after which the eventual dominance of Islam would be guaranteed.  The warning, it seems, was largely ignored.  The “alarmists” had their demographic data and startling anecdotes, but the elites had their pleasant narratives about the multicultural melting pot and the wonders of diversity.  Moreover, they could point out that although the European birth rate was declining, so was the birth rate of European Muslims.  Some said it was a mathematical impossibility for the Muslim population to exceed the native European population in the foreseeable future.  So, not to worry.

But birth rate projections are a tricky business.  They don’t always account properly for population growth through immigration.  And in recent years we have seen massive numbers of Muslim migrants entering Europe—mostly from Northern Africa, but also from the Middle East and Turkey.

Another factor to consider is the one I mentioned at the outset of this piece—acceleration. As they begin to seem inevitable, demographic changes often go into a phase of acceleration.

A good example with which many older Americans are familiar is the phenomenon of “white flight.” The term refers to the migration of white people from racially mixed urban areas to racially homogenous suburban areas during the years 1950 to 1980.  Eventually, the pace of this “flight” became quite rapid.  As the migration of southern blacks to northern cities increased, so did the white migration to the suburbs.

The white flight was exacerbated by “blockbusting.”  Real estate agents in some cities used various tactics to convince white homeowners that real estate values would plummet and crime would rise in their neighborhoods if they waited too long to sell.  After convincing white owner to sell at a loss, the same agents would turn around and sell the houses to blacks at inflated prices.  At one point in the city of Chicago, more than 100 real estate agencies were changing two to three blocks a week on average.

Researchers found that after the ratio of new residents to original residents reached a certain tipping point, the flight would escalate, often resulting in almost complete segregation of neighborhoods.

White flight is not confined to the U.S.  Examples of the phenomenon can be found in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, France, and the United Kingdom. It should be noted, however, that the “flight” often has more to do with the influx of new ethnic or religious minorities rather than new racial minorities.

That said, one of the main takeaways from the “white flight” phenomenon is that after a certain tipping point, demographic changes can occur quite rapidly.  As that tipping point is approached, the soon-to-be-minority populations may suddenly opt to leave on short notice, thus creating an acceleration of the flight trend.

If we assume that the tipping point is somewhere in the vicinity of a 50/50 ratio, then many European cities are approaching that point.  In a recent FrontPage article, Bruce Bawer points out that, if one includes illegal residents, Malmö, Sweden’s third largest city, already has a Muslim majority.  Moreover, he observes that Muslim culture is rapidly replacing Swedish culture in that city.

Since such demographic trends are unlikely to reverse, one might conclude that Malmö’s last chance to remain a Western city has already passed.

The subtitle of The West’s Last Chance is “Will we win the clash of civilizations?”

That still an open question for America. But in Europe it’s a different story.  Islam has a solid foothold in Western Europe.  And the demographic changes are all in Islam’s favor.  Any acceleration in these trends will be difficult to resist.

Besides, you can’t win a clash of civilizations if you won’t admit that one exists.  Because the multicultural/woke mentality that grips Europe denies the possibility of a clash, Europeans will be woefully unprepared when it arrives.  And there is much to suggest that it already has.

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William Kilpatrick

William Kilpatrick is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. His books include Christianity, Islam, and Atheism: The Struggle for the Soul of the West, What Catholics Need to Know About Islam, and The Politically Incorrect Guide to Jihad.

2 Years After Early Release, ‘American Taliban’ Was Meeting With ISIS Recruiter

Who could have seen this coming?

Who could have seen this coming?

John Walker Lindh – the so-called “American Taliban” – has been released from prison, a move Secretary of State Mike Pompeo declared “unconscionable”.

Lindh served 17 years of a 20-year sentence after he was captured in 2001 fighting in Afghanistan.

His early release has sparked fierce criticism, with many believing he still harbours extremist views.

Thank Obama, as usual.

Tony West, a high-powered San Francisco lawyer whose clients have ranged from corporate giants to “American Taliban” John Walker Lindh, has been nominated by President Obama as an assistant attorney general in charge of the Justice Department’s Civil Division.

But surely he was cured.

At his sentencing, Lindh admitted to volunteering as a Taliban soldier to help fellow Muslims in their jihad but said he had no intention “to fight against America.”

He said then he condemned “terrorism on every level” — but hasn’t made comments since.

Except there was that 9/11 op-ed in 2021.

American Taliban’ John Walker Lindh has penned an op-ed under the name Yahya Lindh that was published on the day the nation marked the 20th anniversary of 9/11

“During the summer and fall of 2001, I served as a Taliban infantryman in northern Afghanistan. In mid-November of that year, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan was on the verge of collapse. Kabul and several other major cities had been overrun by the Northern Alliance, a warlord cartel described by journalist Robert Fisk as “a symbol of massacre, systematic rape, and pillage” that would form the nucleus of America’s collaborationist regime for the next two decades. Our commanders told us that the Taliban had begun to evacuate their forces from urban centers to protect civilians from dangers posed by 15,000-pound Daisy Cutters, Tomahawk cruise missiles, cluster bombs, and depleted uranium munitions. I saw the toll that some of these weapons took on Afghan civilians with my own eyes.”

Lindh’s Islamic name represented his continuing embrace of the religion that had led him to become an enemy of the United States.

So the final act of this drama comes as no surprise. I’m only surprised it appeared in Rolling Stone.

Far from mellowing into middle age, Lindh “continued to advocate for global jihad and to write and translate violent extremist texts” and “told a television news producer that he would continue to spread violent extremist Islam upon his release,” according to documents from the National Counterterrorism Center obtained by Foreign Policy in 2017. Lindh also expressed support for ISIS.

New court documents suggest that the first prisoner in America’s sprawling “war on terror” may have violated that agreement by meeting with a convicted ISIS supporter in three get-togethers covertly surveilled by the FBI in 2021.

News of Lindh’s meetings surfaced in a dispute over the supervised release of Ali Amin, a convicted ISIS supporter who Lindh allegedly met with over the summer and fall of 2021. Like Lindh, the terms of Amin’s release required him to avoid contact with known extremists. But unlike Lindh, parole officials have moved to send Amin back to jail for the alleged violations…

Amin’s… most serious offense involved recruiting Virginia resident Reza Niknejad to ISIS and helping him join the group in Syria in early 2015. Amin drove Niknejad to Dulles airport for a flight to Turkey where Niknejad crossed over into Syria. Amin also introduced him to an unnamed supporter of the group overseas who helped coordinate his travel into ISIS-held territory in Syria

Getting rid of Lindh so he could go to Iraq or Syria and we could take him out would have been an improvement. Instead, the legal case will drag on some more and the pro-terrorist lobby will come to his defense.

Was the ‘American Taliban’ John Walker Lindh as Bad as We Were Led to Believe? – Daily Beast

Yes, like the rest of his brethren, he was. And, most importantly, he was and is the enemy.

Until we finally internalize that, the Jihad will go on.


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Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

Assimilation in the Absence of a Shared Culture?

The real problem with multiculturalism.

Was there a flaw in my argument? That’s what I wondered after submitting a piece to Front Page on the Islamization of Europe.

I argued that several large European cities were nearing a population tipping-point after which they would become majority Muslim. The implication of my article was that this was bad news for native Europeans. But I’m not sure that I explained exactly why.

Large population shifts are not uncommon in recent history, and although they are a cause for friction, they do not usually end in massacres and mass imprisonment. Over time in America, German neighborhoods turned into Irish neighborhoods, which eventually turned into Italian neighborhoods, and so on. And life went on.

One can argue that a population reversal in one or many large cities is not necessarily a disaster, and might even lead to cultural enrichment.  For example, many large cities in the U.S. are majority black.  The list includes Detroit, Birmingham, Memphis, Montgomery, Baltimore, Augusta, New Orleans, Newark, Mobile, Cleveland, Savannah and almost a dozen others.  In addition, blacks are near a majority in two dozen other major cities.  Yet, very few worry about a black takeover of America in the way that many now worry about a Muslim takeover of Europe. So, why worry that Birmingham, or Marseille, or Rotterdam may soon have Muslim majorities?

The difference, of course, is that despite whatever cultural and historical differences exist, blacks and whites in America share a common culture.  Above all, they share the same Constitutional principles and the same religion.  The success of the Civil Rights movement in America owed a great deal to the emphasis that the Reverend Martin Luther King put on these shared values.

The situation in Europe, however, is not comparable to the American situation.  The two cultures—Islamic and Western—are not merely different.  In many ways they are antithetical. Because of this religious and cultural incompatibility, many feel that an eventual clash of civilizations is inevitable.  Unless, of course, Muslims learn to assimilate to Western values.

The problem is that many of the European elites subscribe to the multicultural theory that assimilation is a bad thing. It’s bad, they contend, because it forces minorities to give up too much of their cultural identity.  Assimilation, it is argued, is simply, another form of Western cultural imperialism.

Many Muslims feel the same way.  Their religion teaches them that Muslims are the best of people and that non-Muslims are decidedly inferior.  If any assimilation is to be done, the Westerners will have to do it.  This view is reinforced by the traditional Muslim belief that Islam is meant to rule over all other religions.

Unlike American blacks who were simply seeking equal rights with other Americans, radical Muslims in Europe are seeking something else—not equality but submission. According to this view, non-Muslim Europeans will either have to submit to Islam or they will be subjugated by Islam.  Maybe not all at once, but bit by bit, and sooner or later.

That’s the pessimistic view. The optimistic view is that, given time, Muslims will assimilate into the larger culture and all will be well. Here, from Canadian scholar Hicham Tiflati, is an example of the optimistic outlook:

As for Muslims, many scholars believe that what we see today is only a passage to social cohesion and they too will, sooner or later, become part of the mainstream.

In fact, many of the fears expressed today regarding the integration of Muslims in the West are identical to the fears of a century ago about the integration of Catholics, who were seen as undemocratic and unpatriotic because of their perceived refusal to integrate and their allegiance to the Pope.  But all that changed as Catholics paved the way to acceptance and full citizenship.

So, if Father O’Malley and Imam Osama are really brothers under the skin, there’s nothing to worry about.  If the gulf that seems to separate their two faiths is merely a narrow trench, then let’s relax and celebrate diversity.

But, of course, the analogy limps. Protestants and Catholics in America had their differences, but they also shared much in common. Both shared a common allegiance to America, and both shared a common belief in the truth of Christianity.

By contrast, many Muslims in Europe feel little loyalty to their host nation and its culture. And the gulf that separates the Islamic faith from Christianity is far greater than the one that separates Protestants from Catholics.

Is there enough common ground between Muslims and Westerners to ensure that the majority of Muslims will eventually assimilate?  It’s true that both share a common humanity. But what’s the common ground on social and cultural values? What’s the common ground on the equality of men and women? On child marriage? On waging jihad? On the belief that Islam is the supreme religion? On the equality of Jews and Muslim? On the execution of apostates?  On the superiority of sharia law over civil law?

As evidenced by the full mosques and empty churches that dot the European landscape, Islam is on the rise and Christianity is in decline. Why should Muslims want to assimilate to a dying culture with a dying religion?

What seems more likely is what Michel Houellebecq describes in his novel, Submission—namely, a process of reverse assimilation whereby native Europeans convert or submit to Islam in growing numbers. That, after all, is the historical process by which Islam grew—through conquest, not assimilation.

That’s not the inevitable outcome in Europe. But only a revitalization of Christianity and Christian culture is likely to prevent it. But it will need to be a radical renewal. The kind of happy ending that Professor Tiflati envisions—the one where enemies suddenly discover that they are brothers—is a pipe dream.

Unfortunately, many Christians are placing their bets on that dream. Foremost among them is Pope Francis who, together with Grand Imam Ahmed el-Tayeb, has formed a real-life Father O’Malley-Imam Osama team. The two have been busy signing documents that claim that Islam and Christianity are essentially the same religion. The general idea is to dilute both religions to the point where they can blend together.

So far, Francis has kept his end of the bargain. He has watered-down Catholicism to the point where many Catholics now think that the essence of Christianity lies in patting transgender children on the head.

The fact that Francis believes el-Tayeb will keep his end of the bargain and do something to stop the slaughter of Christians in Africa, tells you a lot about the quality of our current crop of Western leaders. It also speaks volumes about their ignorance of history.

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William Kilpatrick

William Kilpatrick is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. His books include Christianity, Islam, and Atheism: The Struggle for the Soul of the West, What Catholics Need to Know About Islam, and The Politically Incorrect Guide to Jihad.

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