Tuesday, March 28, 2023







Peter Schweizer: Americans Have Gone to Jail for Doing Far Less Than What Hunter Biden Has Done


I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue and stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms, are hostile to people of faith and spirituality, demonize the police and protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, dragging us ever closer to nuclear war.                                               TULSI GABBARD


Police State: IRS pays a visit to Matt Taibbi on same day he testifies before Congress on government abuses

What is anyone supposed to think of this?

According to the New York Post:

An IRS agent stopped by the home of Twitter Files journalist Matt Taibbi the same day of his congressional testimony on the weaponization of the government, according to House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan, who’s demanding an explanation over the oddly timed visit.
Jordan sent a letter to IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel and the Department of Treasury on Monday in hopes of getting to the bottom of why the federal agent appeared at Taibbi’s New Jersey home on March 9 and left a note, according to an editorial in The Wall Street Journal that cited the letter.
The note reportedly instructed Taibbi to call the IRS four days later.
When he did, an agent told him his 2018 and 2021 tax returns had both been rejected due to identity theft concerns.
A home visit? No mail, no phone calls? The IRS does home visits all right, but only after cases are pretty well advanced and developed, and are quite likely is to lead to a monetary haul for the agency. Manpower is costly. This was about expended manpower for the weird and trivial task of asking Taibbi to call them in four days, something they could have sent him a letter for, or even more logically, just called him themselves. So yes, this visit looks pretty odd.
This was supposedly about identity theft concerns dating from his 2018 and 2021 tax returns, as if such "concerns" would merit a home visit, which is also odd, because they accepted Taibbi's 2018 tax return with no problem in that year, and apparently his 2021 return after some trouble filing electronically. Taibbi said it wasn't about his owing the IRS money -- he said they actually owed him money.
So what is this about? It's passing strange that his tax returns were reopened after they had already been accepted. What prompted someone to go look at his tax returns in the 'accepted' file a second time?
Most likely, the sudden surge of IRS activity had something to do with Taibbi's appearance at the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, chaired by Jordan himself, revealing government-private sector collusion at Twitter which involved censoring Americans' tweets, something Taibbi called the "Censorship Industrial Complex."
It seems to have angered someone in the government, given that Taibbi's research exposed abuses of government power. That's Taibbi's job, to check abuses of power through the power of the First Amendment as a member of the Fourth Estate, but no matter.
Ordinarily, the government should accept this, because all the government would have to do is correct their overextended course in the wake of Taibbi's reporting, and they could go on their merry way. But someone didn't like that prospect; some kind of ideology coupled with power was there and they seem to have retaliated with intimidation tactics on flimsy made-up charge against Taibbi.
This is how police states work. Oh, sure, they will say it's just a coincidence that they sent an agent to Taibbi's home, but they'll have to explain themselves better than that. They've already gotten away with Lois Lerner and her shady tactics against Tea Party groups, they must have more agents just like her in that agency, willing to act on ideological motives to silence government critics.
Who are they taking orders from? In the Lerner case, it was likely the White House. 
And why do they think they can get away with this, against an opposition-led Congress, no less?
Is this what Joe Biden's $80 billion monster funding of the IRS has brought us? Is this what it was about? If I recall correctly, John Hinderaker at Power Line speculated that newly beefed up IRS, far from targeting billionaires as Biden promoted to win the bill's congressional passage, would use the new cash infusion to target conservatives and other inconvenient people. 
Looks like they did, and Hinderaker was right on the money.
It's amazing chutzpah that threatens free speech and every government critic in America. It's now a new case for the House subcomittee on the weaponization of government to put on its docket, and fortunately, Jordan is acting with urgency, sending letters to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen (who's desperate to keep her job), and IRS commissioner Daniel Werfel, (a brand new IRS commissioner appointed on March 9 who's certainly started out his new term with a bang), to explain themselves.
Both are particularly vulnerable as pawns of the Biden administration as they both have ample reason to be eager to please their boss -- Yellen because of her blunders on banks and inflation, and Werfel because he is a newbie -- meaning, we can't be surprised if the trail might just lead to the White House.
Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License    

Tulsi Gabbard Saves the Day for America – and for the GOP

Exposing the malice behind the Democrat agenda.

October 20, 2022 by Wayne Allyn Root 8 Comments


I never thought I’d be thanking an ex-Democrat former congresswoman and presidential candidate for telling the truth, exposing the evil Democrat agenda and saving the GOP. But former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard just broke the mold.

Tulsi, we all love and appreciate you. You are our hero. You may have changed the midterms. You may have just saved America!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your courage, strength and raw honesty. You have done something that no one could even imagine before this week. You just broke with not only the entire Democrat Party, but also the D.C. swamp, the deep state and the evil cabal of Marxist Democrat donors like George Soros and Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum.

You just exposed the purposeful Democrat plan to destroy this country. Remarkably, you said it louder and with more truth than 99% of Republican officeholders and 99% of Republican candidates in this election.

Gabbard’s exit statement in leaving the Democrat Party sounded like I wrote it. It was word for word everything I’ve said on my national radio show, two national television shows and podcast for years. Word for word.

We finally have a true Democrat insider who has witnessed and exposed the evil of the Democrat Party.

Gabbard didn’t just say something short, sweet and meaningless, like “I’m not leaving the Democrat Party; the party left me.” She stuck a sword through their heart like a hero killing a monster. She destroyed the Democrat Party like no former Democrat officeholder has in history. She explained in detail their radical agenda.

Gabbard’s exit speech read like a Donald Trump or Wayne Allyn Root stump speech. She called Democrats an elitist cabal.

She admitted they have weaponized the government against conservatives.

She blames Democrats for wanting to kill free speech and send their political opponents to prison.

She reported Democrats are anti-white — in other words, she admitted Democrats are racists who hate white people.

She said Democrats are hostile to people of faith — and want to take away our God-given freedoms.

She admitted Democrats have purposely opened the borders to destroy America.

She reported Democrats hate and demonize the police and openly protect and support criminals.

She said Democrats are a cabal of warmongers intent on starting World War III and bringing us purposely to the brink of nuclear war.

She said Democrats don’t believe in government of, by and for the people, but rather a government of, by and for the powerful elite.

She warned of the woke direction these radical, extreme idealogues are taking our country.

And then she added in a media interview that Democrats are ushering in the “normalization of pedophilia.”

All true. But… WOW. My jaw is on the floor. No former high-level Democrat official has ever said these words in history.

I’ve reported and warned about every one of these threats to our country for many years. So, what’s the significance of Gabbard saying these same things?

No. 1: She is the first Democrat congresswoman and former Democrat presidential candidate to ever admit any of this. That’s credibility.

No. 2: She is giving an “insider” account of what is happening in the Democrat Party at the highest levels. She is a witness. She proves what I’ve always warned: These are not mistakes, ignorance or incompetence. This is all a purposeful, planned, coordinated, radical, extreme, communist, globalist, fascist attack on America.

No. 3: Her words should embolden moderate and RINO Republicans to tell the truth about how bad this attack on America really is — 99% of Republican candidates have never gone this far, never used words like this. They are cowards, scared of their own shadows. They’re worried about what the media would say about them. Hopefully Gabbard’s words will embolden (or shame) them to start telling the raw truth about what what’s really happening to America. Gabbard gives them cover.

No. 4: Gabbard’s brave words and action could inspire moderate, non-insane Democrats like Sens. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona to leave the Democrat Party to become either Republicans or independents.

My hope is that Tulsi Gabbard is the canary in the coal mine. She is the model. She has started a trend. She has started a tsunami away from the radical, insane, extreme, America-hating Democrat Party.

Gabbard then backed up her words by immediately endorsing two MAGA, America-First Republican candidates: Joe Kent for Congress in Washington and GOP Senate candidate Dan Bolduc in New Hampshire. I don’t know if Gabbard is officially joining the GOP, but it’s a darn good start!

Tulsi, it’s great to have you on my team. Welcome to “Wayne’s World.” You may have just changed the direction of America. You may have just saved the GOP with your raw truth. God bless you.

Manchin and Sinema, are you listening? If you’re not radical traitors, intent on destroying America, hating white people, supporting criminals and pedophiles, killing free speech and starting a nuclear war, Tulsi Gabbard says it’s time to leave the Democrat Party. America needs you.


Biden family’s business dealings are incredibly ‘scary’: Rep. Jordan



“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of

 the Clinton (LAWYERS) Foundation and the Obama

 (LAWYERS) book and television deals. Then there is

 the Biden family (LAWYERS) corruption, followed

 closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by

 the Warren (LAWYER) and Sanders families, as Peter

 Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in

 Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of

 government corruption.           BRIAN C JOONDEPH

Mark Levin: Why do Democrats hate America?



The level of 'corruption' in our government is 'unacceptable': JD Vance


Frank Figliuzzi: FBI Is Developing A ‘Crisis Of Credibility’


Eight things that killed the Democrat Party

By M.B. Mathews

The old Democrat Party is gone. In its place is a radical Libertine Party, full of itself and full of radical sexual, cultural, and economic ideas that have all but killed their chances of ever getting legitimately elected again. The following five things are what I believe has murdered the Democrat Party in its sleep:

1. CRT: Critical Race Theory in all its permutations, regardless of its origins and history, has become the banner of anti-white racism, disguising itself as "anti-racism." Under its banner, white people are told they are worthless, toxic, hateful oppressors. Worse, companies are actually hiring people who promote this toxicity and schools are teaching students to hate white people. Now out in the open, anti-white racism has created a hate-filled atmosphere of constant tension and dissension, where the only thing that matters, first and foremost, is skin color. This can only be laid at the feet of Democrats.

2. TRANS WOMEN IN WOMEN'S SPORTS: The gross unfairness of allowing men into women's sports (no, I will not call them "women") is so blatant and outrageous, that proponents are seen not merely as insane, but malevolent. The destruction of women's sports is viewed by all rational people as evil in the name of wokeness.

3. CORRUPTION IN THE FBI: The malicious and ethics-free raid on Mar-a-Lago is viewed even by many Democrats and all Republicans as vicious political intimidation, with the goal of destroying any followers of Donald Trump. This began in earnest during the "Russia collusion" case and saw its culmination in midnight raids of innocent conservatives revealing a hateful, vengeful vigilantism on the part of the radical left. In the hope that supporters of Trump and other conservative candidates would drop out of politics in fear of similar reprisals, these Gestapo tactics have not only solidified Trump's support and the support of even moderately conservative candidates, but have shown the Left to be petty children in a deranged, red-haze temper tantrum.

4. COVID MASK AND VACCINE MANDATES: Certainly a show of power rather than anything prophylactic against COVID, blue states and leftist groups have revealed that they know the masks do not prevent COVID, but instead are a symbol of big-government Stasi tactics designed to subjugate the citizenry in order to prepare them for eventual control.

5. DRAG QUEENS IN THE SCHOOLS: Young children have been indoctrinated into sexual fetishism and perverse sexual behavior at the behest of school administrators and leftist parents who seem to see nothing morally wrong with gay men dressing up as women in highly sexually-suggestive costumery and behavior. Why they are doing this has become clear: They want to break down all parental control over children and indoctrinate them into pedophilia, perversity, and compliance. For most parents, this was a bustier too far.

6. THE ECONOMY: From the start in 2021 when Joe Biden killed the Keystone pipeline and halted all drilling and new permits, the economy began tanking. Gas prices, supply line problems, paying people not to work, profligate spending, and other avoidable problems has hit the average American smack dab in the wallet. No matter how much the Biden administration denies their role in inflation and no matter how many times Joe says the economy is "strong as hell," Americans watch their buying power dwindle. They want relief and it is clear they will not get it from the Democrat Party.

7. ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION: From day one, the borders were flung open by the Democrat Party to drug traffickers, murderers, and myriad other miscreants in the hope they would be new Democrat votes. As a result, crime is rampant, blue cities under Democrat rule are suffering and homelessness is on the rise, all the while Biden spokespeople are claiming the "border is closed." Squealing like stuck pigs, places like New York City which have reluctantly become home to Texas' illegals, have seen a marked inability to safely house the very illegals they claim to have wanted to live in their "sanctuary city."

8. CRIME: Because of the Democrat rule in blue cities, crime is not being prosecuted in the name of some weird kind of reparations. What the Democrats don't get is that they hurt their own innocent population by allowing criminals a get-out-jail-free card, and by not prosecuting at all. Their racist policies hurt the very people they claim to want to help. Why are they doing this? To deliberately create chaos in the execution of anti-white racism. The one solution to the rising crime rate, the prosecution and incarceration of criminals, is the one thing blue cities under Democrat rule will not do. Mayor Lightfoot makes weird and demonic home videos of herself dancing around in what appears to be a drugged stupor. Rather than be a responsible mayor, she has totally ignored the death-by-violence rate in Chicago. This is another very clear example of Democrats doing what they do best; destroying things.


Peter Schweizer: Americans Have Gone to Jail for Doing Far Less Than What Hunter Biden Has Done


“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation and the Obama book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption.   

Authoritarian States ‘Want to Control People’ by Censoring Internet: ICANN

LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM - APRIL 23: Hundreds of supporters of Mark Meechan aka Count Dankula gather in central London to protest against his conviction. Meechan was found guilty of committing a hate crime and gross offence under the Communications Act in March 2018 after posting a video, allegedly intended as …
Wiktor Szymanowicz/Future Publishing via Getty Images

Authoritarian governments across the world are looking to censor the Internet in order to “control people”, a senior official from ICANN has said.

David Huberman, a senior official within the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), has accused authoritarian governments across the globe of looking to fracture the Internet in the hopes of controlling people.

Legally registered as an NGO, ICANN is responsible for making the international system of IP addresses function correctly, with the organisation describing itself as being “dedicated to keeping the Internet secure, stable and interoperable”.

Those within the organisation are now claiming that authoritarian governments are starting to get in the way of this goal, with Huberman telling the Cloudfest industry meeting in Germany that some states now aim to cut up the Internet in order to better control their populations.

“The potential fragmentation of the Internet is a worrying topic,” Der Spiegel reports the expert as saying, before discussing the impact that such governments could have on the Internet.

“They are authoritarian governments that want to control their people,” he said.

Although Huberman did not name any individual nation-states in particular as being involved in this effort to undermine the net, the report published by Der Spiegel goes on to name China, Iran, and Russia as being the three countries tech experts are primarily focused on.

However, many governments in the West are also now jumping on the bandwagon of splitting off and censoring the Internet, with authorities in the United Kingdom and European Union in particular now regularly taking potshots at the free transmission of information online.

Authorities in Brussels have so far been the most active in forcing Internet censorship on the people, blocking its citizens from accessing a number of Russian news outlets online in March last year.

Such material can now only be accessed by those residing within the bloc through use of a virtual private network (VPN), similar to how those living within Communist China must use such services to access many Western websites and media outlets.

Politicians in the United Kingdom appear to be just as keen on implementing widespread Internet censorship, with the country’s planned Online Safety Bill set to hand regulators widespread powers to force social media firms to censor content deemed to problematic.

As of the time of writing, such targets of censorship will range from already highly illegal content such as child pornography to perfectly legal material that simply upsets the progressive sensibilities of those ruling Britain.

The planned censorship regime has been widely panned by various tech firms as being set to end Internet privacy in the UK, with the bill set to render end-to-end encryption effectively illegal by mandating chat apps spy on their userbase using AI to make sure they are not doing anything illegal.

Multiple apps, including Signal and WhatsApp, have now threatened that they will withdraw their services entirely from the country should the bill become law, saying that the measures would completely compromise security and privacy on their platforms.

Follow Peter Caddle on Twitter: @Peter_Caddle
Follow Breitbart London on Facebook: Breitbart London




Tulsi Gabbard Saves the Day for America – and for the GOP

Exposing the malice behind the Democrat agenda.

October 20, 2022 by Wayne Allyn Root 8 Comments


I never thought I’d be thanking an ex-Democrat former congresswoman and presidential candidate for telling the truth, exposing the evil Democrat agenda and saving the GOP. But former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard just broke the mold.

Tulsi, we all love and appreciate you. You are our hero. You may have changed the midterms. You may have just saved America!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your courage, strength and raw honesty. You have done something that no one could even imagine before this week. You just broke with not only the entire Democrat Party, but also the D.C. swamp, the deep state and the evil cabal of Marxist Democrat donors like George Soros and Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum.

You just exposed the purposeful Democrat plan to destroy this country. Remarkably, you said it louder and with more truth than 99% of Republican officeholders and 99% of Republican candidates in this election.

Gabbard’s exit statement in leaving the Democrat Party sounded like I wrote it. It was word for word everything I’ve said on my national radio show, two national television shows and podcast for years. Word for word.

We finally have a true Democrat insider who has witnessed and exposed the evil of the Democrat Party.

Gabbard didn’t just say something short, sweet and meaningless, like “I’m not leaving the Democrat Party; the party left me.” She stuck a sword through their heart like a hero killing a monster. She destroyed the Democrat Party like no former Democrat officeholder has in history. She explained in detail their radical agenda.

Gabbard’s exit speech read like a Donald Trump or Wayne Allyn Root stump speech. She called Democrats an elitist cabal.

She admitted they have weaponized the government against conservatives.

She blames Democrats for wanting to kill free speech and send their political opponents to prison.

She reported Democrats are anti-white — in other words, she admitted Democrats are racists who hate white people.

She said Democrats are hostile to people of faith — and want to take away our God-given freedoms.

She admitted Democrats have purposely opened the borders to destroy America.

She reported Democrats hate and demonize the police and openly protect and support criminals.

She said Democrats are a cabal of warmongers intent on starting World War III and bringing us purposely to the brink of nuclear war.

She said Democrats don’t believe in government of, by and for the people, but rather a government of, by and for the powerful elite.

She warned of the woke direction these radical, extreme idealogues are taking our country.

And then she added in a media interview that Democrats are ushering in the “normalization of pedophilia.”

All true. But… WOW. My jaw is on the floor. No former high-level Democrat official has ever said these words in history.

I’ve reported and warned about every one of these threats to our country for many years. So, what’s the significance of Gabbard saying these same things?

No. 1: She is the first Democrat congresswoman and former Democrat presidential candidate to ever admit any of this. That’s credibility.

No. 2: She is giving an “insider” account of what is happening in the Democrat Party at the highest levels. She is a witness. She proves what I’ve always warned: These are not mistakes, ignorance or incompetence. This is all a purposeful, planned, coordinated, radical, extreme, communist, globalist, fascist attack on America.

No. 3: Her words should embolden moderate and RINO Republicans to tell the truth about how bad this attack on America really is — 99% of Republican candidates have never gone this far, never used words like this. They are cowards, scared of their own shadows. They’re worried about what the media would say about them. Hopefully Gabbard’s words will embolden (or shame) them to start telling the raw truth about what what’s really happening to America. Gabbard gives them cover.

No. 4: Gabbard’s brave words and action could inspire moderate, non-insane Democrats like Sens. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona to leave the Democrat Party to become either Republicans or independents.

My hope is that Tulsi Gabbard is the canary in the coal mine. She is the model. She has started a trend. She has started a tsunami away from the radical, insane, extreme, America-hating Democrat Party.

Gabbard then backed up her words by immediately endorsing two MAGA, America-First Republican candidates: Joe Kent for Congress in Washington and GOP Senate candidate Dan Bolduc in New Hampshire. I don’t know if Gabbard is officially joining the GOP, but it’s a darn good start!

Tulsi, it’s great to have you on my team. Welcome to “Wayne’s World.” You may have just changed the direction of America. You may have just saved the GOP with your raw truth. God bless you.

Manchin and Sinema, are you listening? If you’re not radical traitors, intent on destroying America, hating white people, supporting criminals and pedophiles, killing free speech and starting a nuclear war, Tulsi Gabbard says it’s time to leave the Democrat Party. America needs you.


Biden family’s business dealings are incredibly ‘scary’: Rep. Jordan



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