Wednesday, April 12, 2023

IS JOE BIDEN A SENILE FOOL OR A LYING GAMER SOCIOPATH PARASITE LAWYER? - Rubio: U.S. Is Led by an 'Incompetent Band of Fools' Who 'Are Turning Our Country Into a Laughingstock'


Schweizer: ‘It’s Going to Be Business as Usual’ for Hunter’s Dealings

Joe Biden, the corrupt, unaccomplished 47-year career politician, with a reputation of having been a proud segregationist, an unabashed plagiarist and liar, a resolute tale-teller, and a serial flip-flopper, is pretending to head up a radical social-democratic ticket for President of the United States that includes as his running mate the ambitious, disagreeable junior senator from California: Kamala Harris. 

Rubio: U.S. Is Led by an 'Incompetent Band of Fools' Who 'Are Turning Our Country Into a Laughingstock'

SUSAN JONES | APRIL 12, 2023 | 7:42AM EDT
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President Joe Biden, alongside the Easter Bunny, speaks at the annual Easter Egg Roll on the South Lawn of the White House on April 10, 2023. (Photo by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS/AFP via Getty Images)
President Joe Biden, alongside the Easter Bunny, speaks at the annual Easter Egg Roll on the South Lawn of the White House on April 10, 2023. (Photo by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS/AFP via Getty Images)

( - In this world of shifting alliances -- where China, Russia and Iran seek dominance in their respective regions -- the United States is led by "an incompetent band of fools" who embolden our enemies and worry our allies, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said.

"The 21st Century is being defined right now," Rubio told Fox News's Sean Hannity Tuesday night.

"And unfortunately, the people in charge of American foreign policy -- and domestic policy, for that matter -- are turning our country into a laughingstock."

"Look, we have a world that realizes we have a president that can barely put together complete sentences; appears incoherent; oftentimes doesn't even know where he is, in many cases in some of these places; that allowed spy balloons to be flown over our head; that abandoned billions of dollars of American military equipment leftover into the hands of the Taliban, and spends all day talking about electric vehicles and solar panels that he knows we're going to have to buy from China.

"We have a justice system that indicts political opponents and former presidents and leading presidential candidates. A justice system that infiltrates sources and tries to spy on Catholic churches but allows criminals to destroy San Francisco and Baltimore and Detroit and Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles and Manhattan, you name it.

"We have a military that doesn't spend its time talking about new weapons systems or how to care for veterans that are committing suicides at historic rates. They spend their time talking about transgender issues and all kinds of racial disparity stuff, not defending our country.

"We have a media that's become a joke. A media that's wasted two-and-a-half years of our time on a Russia collusion situation. Then they moved on from that to cover up the Hunter Biden situation that's now a full-blown investigation.

"Our universities are a forum for crazy things to happen. You can't even speak on a university campus without people being assaulted by men wearing dresses and these violent protests shutting down speech.

"And our culture -- what are we focused on as a culture? We're focused on the fact that now some man pretending to be a woman gets paid millions of dollars to sell Nike sports bras and Bud Light.

"So the world looks at that and says, this place is a laughingstock. And they react to it. And I could go on for an hour about all the things that we are -- we are being embarrassed on the world stage. Our adversaries are taking advantage of it, and our friends are saying, hey, we may have to go out on our own here, because these guys look like they're about to commit societal suicide."

'They've gone nuts over there'

Rubio said the United States must be able and willing to deter Chinese aggression, as China makes threatening moves against Taiwan.

"And I want to be honest here, okay? I don't care if you're a left wing Democrat. I don't care if you voted for Democrats. Ask yourself this honestly. Do we truly believe that the Chinese Communist Party and Xi Jinping is intimidated by Joe Biden and this administration -- are worried about them? Do we really think that, guys? I think people need to be honest about that.

"This is not a president or an administration that commands respect, much less fear or concern on the part of our adversaries. That's why it's no mistake that the Taliban moved in the way they did and gave us 72 hours to leave before they slaughtered us in Afghanistan...It's no coincidence that Putin moved on Ukraine and it's no coincidence that China's ramping all this up right now.

"This administration looks like an incompetent band of fools. And it is embarrassing us in the eyes of the world, and it is encouraging our adversaries -- and it is causing our allies, or former allies or friends to say, guys, we can't count on these people anymore. They've gone nuts over there. They're destroying their own country. We better look out for ourselves."

Rubio pointed to Saudi Arabia recently aligning with China and Egypt apparently backing Russia. He said those supposed U.S. allies (and others) are "distributing risk" by depositing "a little bit of good will in every bucket to see how things turn out.

"And (they) are basically hedging their bets, because at least as long as Joe Biden is in the White House, they don't know what to expect. But they turn on the news and they watch it and they read our newspapers and all they read is craziness, from what happens to our culture, what's happening in our society, our universities, our justice system, the administration, our military, you name it.

"There's no part of our country any more that has not been turned into a laughingstock in the eyes of the world. The catalyst of this is the radical left that finds a home in this White House...which embarrasses us every day."

Hannity asked Rubio if he believes President Joe Biden would "lift a finger" to help Taiwan if China invades the island nation it considers to be its very own:

"No," Rubio said. "I don't think that they would. I hope I'm wrong, but I don't think that they will. I don't think that they will, because ultimately I think they'll be caught by surprise, they'll be limited in their responses by a bunch of different things, including in their own party. And in the end, it won't matter because they won't be prepared to do it."

Rubio also pointed to the "leverage" that the Biden administration has given China by allowing China to manufacture or provide many of the goods we need.

"How are you going to possibly go to war with them if they cut you off?" he asked.

Joe Biden, the Puppet

President Biden's policies are detrimental to the United States' strategic interests and outright violations of federal law and the Constitution.  Joe Biden is a puppet of the Chinese and Ukraine (here).  Hunter Biden, the princeling, was  “raking in millions from the Chinese, Russian, and Ukrainian oligarchs for no credible business purpose other than gaining access to Joe Biden [The Big Guy].”

The World Economic Forum (WEF), the Deep State, the Radical (Marxist) Left, self-interested and corrupt politicians, the ruling elite, the leftist media complex, big tech, and multinational corporations manipulate Biden.  In so doing, “These actors have robbed the public treasury of billions of dollars in broad daylight.  These actors seek and are driven by retaining and gaining more power and money.”

A conspiracy with mutual interests through deception and disinformation is destabilizing our country in a move toward a totalitarian state.  Under the guise of Democratic Socialism.  Democratic Socialism is a rebranding of the New World Order or Globalism, Marxism, Fascism, Nazism, and Communism.  As VDH calls it, “Our French Revolution."

The conspiracy sought to delegitimize, impede, sabotage, and unseat a duly elected President by using faux impeachments, abuse of power by public officials, bribery, thefts by fraud, money laundering, perjury and the obstruction of justice, violations of civil rights, the attack on and subversion of the rule of law and equal justice, the violation of the inalienable rights of the people and the defilement of the US Constitution in an ongoing criminal enterprise as defined in Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO).

Donald Trump in 2016 was a direct threat to the conspiracy.  Trump, as an outsider, was not constrained by the political establishment in DC.  The voters understood that our elected were self-dealing, lining their pockets with public funds, and acting counter to the best interests of our country.  The voters knew; “Trump was no angel, unpresidential, and sometimes crude.  The people knew what they were getting when they voted for Trump.”

Hillary Clinton had to win the 2016 election, or the dike holding back the truth would burst.  If the truth were laid bare, it would expose the Obama Administration, Hillary Clinton, the Senate and House, and many executive departments for their complicity in abuses of power and collaboration with our adversaries.  Much to their dismay, Donald Trump won the election.

US Attorney William Barr accused the “liberal ‘resistance’ of trying to ‘sabotage’ Trump.”  A soft coup with the false Russian collusion narrative and other illegal actions to cover for its collective crimes before and after the 2016 election continued through the 2020 election and is now in the campaign cycle before the 2024 election.  So is evidenced by the recent indictment of Trump for a crime that doesn't exist – "Show me the man, and I'll show you the crime.” Alan Dershowitz says this conspiracy will do anything to Get Trump.

Dr. Anthony Fauci was the last straw.  Everyone was personally affected by the COVID fraud under the cloak of a public health crisis.  The perpetrators intentionally obscured the origin of COVID-19.  The totalitarian actions of mandatory vaccination, needless lockdowns, and denial of effective treatment therapies that killed millions worldwide had more to do with concealing the profits made and reinforcing the control of the people setting the stage for election fraud in 2020.  The truth was actively suppressed and censored at the behest of government agents.  Many people now see the lying by politicians and experts of the administrative state about COVID.  

During my 35-year law enforcement career, including as a police detective, I investigated many elaborate criminal conspiracies, including public conflict of interest cases, embezzlements, financial crimes, and frauds, as well as illicit nonprofits engaging in money laundering to divert funds.  I wrote and served hundreds, if not thousands, of criminal search warrants.  Most of these cases were successfully prosecuted.

There sometimes comes a point when common sense dictates that seemingly unrelated incidents are connected and were intentional acts.  With a jaundiced eye, I watched this COVID kabuki theater unfold.  An elaborate illusion to cover for criminality is now exposed for all to see. 

In my professional opinion, there is substantial probable cause (PC) to believe that agents of our government, including President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, aided or abetted by others engaged in an ongoing criminal conspiracy with a common purpose, committed serious felonies and concealed these crimes over many years.

This PC warrants an investigation of the perpetrators.  There must be accountability to restore the people’s faith in our elected politicians and the unelected administrative state government, lest we descend into a dictatorial Banana Republic.

See the facts, information, and opinions in support of my conclusion.  This list is not exhaustive.  I will write more about solutions later.

Facts, Information, and Opinions:

  • Like the Biden family, the Clinton family are criminal enterprises (RICO).  Both interfered with presidential elections with the aid of the FBI, the CIA, and other administrative entities - lowballing the Clinton espionage investigation (bathroom server), the Benghazi raid (gun running weapons from Libya to Syria), spying on then-candidate Trump and Russiagate before the 2016 election and after, the deep-sixing of Hunter Biden’s laptop from Hell before the 2020 election, and using COVID (the Chinese bioweapon released either accidentally or intentionally - an act of war) as an excuse to interfere with the 2020 election by election fraud.
  • Biden abdicated his constitutional duty to defend the border.  The Chinese exploited this opportunity to flood the country with Fentanyl - supplying the Mexican cartels with the precursors to manufacture and distribute the Fentanyl.  The Fentanyl is killing about one hundred thousand yearly to wreak havoc and chaos in our communities.  The disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan directly benefited the Chinese.  In his pursuit of green energy, Biden also immensely rewards the Chinese and others in this scam (here), which is a massive redistribution of wealth (here).
  • The DOJ, the FBI, and the CIA have gone full Stasi.  They are attacking and intimidating the political enemies of the radical Left without regard for the rule of law.  The arrests and SWAT raids on the houses of Lt. Gen. Michael FlynnPaul ManafortRoger StoneJames O’Keefe of Project Veritas, Mark Houck, and former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence were the most egregious examples.  They were selectively prosecuting the alleged January 6th “insurrectionists” to the exclusion of the violent acts of BLM and Antifa (The insurrection that wasn’t).  They targeted, at the direction of the US Attorney General, parents attending school board meetings to complain about CRT and other progressive curricula as domestic terrorists. 
  • BLM and Antifa are domestic terrorist organizations disguised as legitimate public interest groups.  Both have crossed the threshold of peaceful assemblies, committing serious felonies to create chaos akin to the Brown Shirts of the Third Reich. 
  • NGOs funded by George Soros and others dropped millions of dollars into local district attorney races to elect far-left prosecutors (as many as 70).  Under the veil of social justice reform, these prosecutors implemented policies including no cash bail, which released violent serial offenders without regard for public safety. The released, ruthless, violent criminals commit new murders, rape, robberies, and mayhem before trial.  Again, to wreak havoc and chaos within our communities, who then, in fear for their safety, will willingly relinquish their civil rights in exchange for totalitarian controls.
  • Russiagate was a domestic disinformation operation run by the CIA and the FBI.  They were illegally running an illegal domestic spy operation on Trump under the guise of a counter-intel operation.  The FBI lied in securing FISA warrants to spy on President-elect Trump using political opposition research paid for and supplied by the Clinton campaign.  I could assure you if I lied in a warrant affidavit, my superiors would have thrown me out the door.

Ron Wright is a retired detective, having served thirty-five years with Riverside PD, CA. Ron earned a BA in political science from Cal State University, Fullerton, and a Master of Administration from the University of California, Riverside. Facebook at Ron T. Cop.

Caricature by Donkey Hotey  CC BY 2.0 license

Victor Davis Hanson: Biden is the most dangerously radical President in US history


Twittergate – The Fix Was In

Now we know: Twitter spiked the Hunter Biden story to save the 2020 election for The Big Guy. (MORE BELOW)


The Most Dangerous President in American History

A new book highlights the ways Biden is putting us at risk.

by Mark Tapson 


Prior to Joe Biden’s ascension to the White House in early 2021, it would have been difficult for many American patriots to believe that a worse president than Jimmy Carter or Barack Obama could sit in the Oval Office. Then Biden wasted no time proving those patriots wrong. From Day One he has been such an unmitigated disaster for the country that only 19% of Americans said in a poll last Sunday that they want Biden to run again in 2024. A July poll revealed that only 13% of Americans believe the country is on the right track. Apparently few believe that Biden is building back better, much less making America great again.

His incompetence (or conversely, his competence in carrying out a destructive agenda) has done more than just bring the country to the brink of a failed state after only half a term, though; it also has endangered Americans in many ways, and its legacy will continue to do so for generations. Indeed, bestselling author Nick Adams, in his new book from Post Hill Press, labels Joe Biden The Most Dangerous President in History.


Adams, 38, Australian-born but a naturalized American citizen and proud of it, is the author of several bestselling books such as Retaking America, Green Card Warrior, and Trump and Churchill: Defenders of Civilization. He is a tireless public speaker and social media influencer, as well as a frequent commentator in the news media such as at Fox News. In addition to having been appointed by President Trump as a scholar to the Smithsonian, Adams also runs a nationwide nonprofit called FLAG, the Foundation for Liberty and Greatness, whose mission is to educate Americans about the values and principles that make our country exceptional.

His new book, The Most Dangerous President in History, lays out some of the principal ways in which our Divider-in-Chief Biden is running the ship of state aground. In chapters on shutting down the economy instead of the coronavirus; on flooding our southern border with migrants and flooding cities across the U.S. with Afghan refugees; on demonizing concerned parents at school board meetings as domestic terror threats; on undermining our military; and on demonstrating weak leadership regarding China and Ukraine, Adams makes the case that Biden is creating crises that threaten our national security and put American lives at risk.

On Biden’s border policy, for example: the Left likes to paint anyone concerned about the open floodgates of our southern border as racist and anti-immigration. In fact, conservatives simply think it’s sensible to have a system in place for the vetting of people who want to come here, and to have reasonable restrictions or guidelines about the flow of people we let in. There isn’t another country in the world that doesn’t do that. But Biden’s party isn’t satisfied with anything less than an unlimited number of potential Democrat voters streaming across the border – and drug cartels, human traffickers, and terrorists along with them.

As Adams points out in his book, instead of policing our borders, the Department of Homeland Security is instead obsessed with a domestic terror threat that the Biden administration is greatly concerned about: parents expressing their outrage at school boards over the Critical Race Theory indoctrination and gender ideology sexualization of their children. The branding of these rightly-concerned citizens as violent terrorist threats is one of the most disgusting smears the Left has ever used against its political opponents.

But potentially the most serious threat Biden and his administration present is in its subversion of our military – through diversity/equity/inclusion wokeness, the mandating of COVID vaccines to weed out potential dissidents, and the leadership’s focus on climate change and “whiteness” as our greatest existential enemies. Adams addresses this in a chapter that details, among other things, the debacle of our withdrawal from Afghanistan, and Gen. Mark Milley’s treasonous warning to China during the Trump years.

The book concludes with a chapter about Biden being compromised on China and Ukraine, a national security threat that our complicit media don’t want to talk about, much less investigate. And then of course, there’s Joe’s embarrassment of a son, Hunter. The Biden family has no compunctions about selling America out to our enemies or dragging us into a nuclear war with Russia.

Adams notes that Biden is dangerous not only not only on his own, but also because of the people with whom he has surrounded himself in his administration, such as the Secretary of Transportation diversity hire Pete Buttigieg, the epically incompetent Vice President Kamala Harris, and Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, who infamously declared before Congress that she couldn’t define the word “woman” because she isn’t a biologist. There doesn’t seem to be a single appointee in the administration that is there because of actual merit and qualifications.

The Most Dangerous President in History, like Nick Adams himself, is a bracing shot of patriotic common sense. If the book has a failing, it is that it does not include more of the ways in which the grouchy old radical Biden and his administration are putting this country at serious risk (admittedly, doing so would have made the book too unwieldy to lift for anyone but bodybuilders).

But to add one more reason to the mix – one Adams couldn’t have included because it arose just after the publication of his book – consider the recent, treasonous prisoner exchange of the billionaire Russian arms dealer Viktor “Merchant of Death” Bout for women’s basketball star Brittney Griner, who was serving a nine-year sentence in Moscow for drug possession. Besides the fact that the Biden administration left retired U.S. Marine Paul Whelan, unjustly-imprisoned in Russian custody since 2018, this shocking capitulation to Russian demands demonstrated to both our allies and our enemies that America under Biden is pathetically weak, and it exposes Americans to an increased threat of being kidnapped by foreign powers again.

Only the most ideologically deluded Democrat sincerely believes that Joe Biden is anything but a catastrophic failure, both domestically and abroad, as the Leader of the Free World. Nick Adams’ new book demonstrates this abundantly well, but also points the way optimistically forward to the presidential election of 2024 – if we are as committed to taking our country back as the Left is to fundamentally transforming it.


Mark Tapson

Mark Tapson is the Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, focusing on popular culture. He is also the host of an original podcast on Frontpage, “The Right Take With Mark Tapson.

Joe Biden’s Fractured Fairy Tales

The President’s talent for political fiction.

Don Feder

Joe Biden has been called a pathological liar, Pinocchio on steroids, delusional and totally detached from reality.

That’s unfair. Instead, let’s just say the president has a flair for fiction. Think of him as a master storyteller to put Hans Christian Andersen and the Brothers Grimm to shame. Here are a few of my favorite Biden bedtime stories:

2. The Democrats Freedom to Vote Act will secure the right to vote for millions of Americans the GOP is trying to disenfranchise – Biden said Republicans working for election reform (secure ballots) are on the side of George Wallace not Martin Luther King. So, according to POTUS, to stand with the civil rights icon means supporting ballots mailed out en masse, casting ballots by putting them in drop-boxes, no requirement of signature verification, and no ID of any sort if you vote in person. DC now requires proof of vaccination and a photo ID to enter most indoor venues. That must mean that Mayor Bowser stands with George Wallace.

3. White Supremacy is a threat to democracy – Did white supremacists riot in more than 23 states in 2020, burning whole city blocks? (Actually, that was BLM and Antifa.) Are there hundreds of churches preaching white supremacy? (No, but there are hundreds of mosques preaching jihad.) Are foreign governments supporting white nationalism? (Oh, you must mean the way Iran, Yemen and half a dozen other Islamic states fund jihad here?) White supremacy is the Democrats’ “look-over-here” ploy to distract the credulous from Islamic extremism and leftists subversion.

4. What happened on January 6, 2021 was an insurrection or an attempted coup, if you prefer. – You betcha, struck at the very heart of democracy it did. Except, the only death directly attributable to the riot at the Capitol was an unarmed protestor shot by Capitol police. In fact, none of the rioters had guns. (How do you overthrow a government with supersonic jets by throwing folding chairs?) January 6, 2021 is the Democrats’ Reichstag fire. The goal is to criminalize the conservative movement and the half of the country that agrees with Donald Trump. The real threat to democracy isn’t the non-insurrection of 2021, but using the myth to crush dissent.

5. America does not have a crime problem. In 2021, 12 cities reached new highs for the number of homicides. Police officers intentionally killed in the line of duty hit a 20-year high. Many cities are plagued with smash and grab. In Los Angeles, railroad cars are looted as they stand on sidings. Homeless crazies stab women to death and throw them onto subway tracks. There are mayors who pander to the criminal element, prosecutors who put those arrested back on the streets as fast as they’re processed and a president who all but calls cops racists. A crime problem -- where would that come from?

6. America is racist – We fought a civil war with half-a-million dead to abolish slavery. Segregation would not have ended without the support of the white majority in the 1960s. You can say anything – and I do mean anything – about Caucasians and nobody blinks an eye. But use the “N-word” (even in jest) once and your life is destroyed. POTUS thinks COVID treatment should go to minorities first. We’re racist the way Outer Mongolia is anti-Semitic.

7. Only the rich will pay the administration’s proposed tax hikes – This is a familiar refrain from the party of plunder. Every time they propose a new tax hike, we’re assured that only-the-top-1%, super-rich, multi-millionaires will pay it. How is it then that in 2018 the average filer paid $15,322 in federal income taxes alone – almost $46,000 for a family of three. Democrats use the rich as bait to get the middle class to stick its head in a noose.

8. We can fight inflation with spending – This is like fighting wildfires by spraying gasoline from a crop duster. Spending drives inflation. The U.S. government is now running a deficit of 7.8% of GDP. Of course, it’s just a coincidence that in the same year Washington spent trillions to supposedly fight COVID, stimulate the economy, and repair infrastructure, inflation reached its highest level in almost 40 years.

9. The rising cost of gas has nothing to do with the administration’s energy fantasies. As soon as he took office, President Green set about making America a net energy importer once again – the Keystone XL pipeline cancelled, new oil and gas leases on public land and waters prohibited, an impossible green agenda embraced (promises to cut emissions by as much as 52% from 2005 levels by 2030). We’ve paid for this with a 58% increase in the price of gas in the past year (home heating up 34%). Biden’s policies have worked wonders for the energy sector – Russia’s.

10. There is no crisis at the Border – Think of what’s happening at the border not as a crisis but an opportunity -- for Democrats to import a new electorate. Those midnight flights to relocate thousands of illegals across the country is an urban legend. Pictures of illegal encampments just south of the border – an optical illusion. Just ask Vice President Harris. She was close to the border -- once.

Oh, and the pullout from Afghanistan? It was easily the most successful military operation since the D-Day landings.

As Sinbad the Biden spins his yarns, in thousands of ways a million times a day, life gets harder and harder for the average American. Unlike Biden’s fractured fairy tales, Rapunzel and the Little Mermaid didn’t come with trillion-dollar price tags attached.

Joe Biden is a strategy for the Democratic Party at this point, not a

hindrance or frustration. As the rag known as the Washington Post

declares, “Democracy dies in darkness.” We are living in darkness. I

regret to say that we would be better off with Kamala Harris. At least if

she was president, there would be no unspoken excuse either understood

or accepted for this un-American and totalitarian regime. But if the

Democrats are smart, they’ll keep Joe around as long as they can.


Victor Davis Hanson: Biden is the most dangerously radical President in US history


Worst. President. Ever.

Derek Hunter

Try to imagine a President doing a worse job than Joe Biden. Think about how that would even be possible. Would they have to set the White House on fire while vomiting on Boris Johnson? Maybe a President in a Nyquil-induced stupor trying to start a nuclear war with Canada? Jimmy Carter on his worst day couldn’t hold a candle Joe Biden on his best, provided Biden ends up having a best day.

Remember this one: “I’m gonna ask the public for 100 days to mask, just 100 days to mask. Not forever, 100 days. And I think we’ll see a significant reduction if we occur that, if, if, if, if that occurs with vaccinations and masking to drive down the numbers considerably, considerably”? That was Joe Biden 1 year ago Friday, part of his “plan” he swore he had to “shutdown the virus.” How’d that work out again?

Has there ever been a bigger disconnect between what a candidate for President promised and what they delivered? It’s not even that Biden tried and failed, it’s that the entire premise of his campaign was a lie. He had no plan, he had no clue. All he had was an objective and handlers determined to get him there, for their own reasons.

It’s unclear to me that Joe Biden ever wanted anything more than the trappings that go with being President of the United States – the house, the being waited on hand and foot, and most importantly to a career politician with wild insecurity and unrivaled narcissism like Joe, the guarantee of being remembered. Senators are forgotten, quickly, Presidents are remembered forever. Someone who loves themselves as much as Joe does, who desperately needs others to love him just as much, that matters.

There’s also the added bonus that former Democratic Party Presidents are showered with money after their term, often times by the industries they pretended to “fight” when they were running. And Joe Biden loves money. He made a bunch after his stint as Vice President on the prospect that he would run in 2020 (leftists hedge their bets and spread their money around). That’s, of course, in addition to the millions his family raked in through Hunter’s string of jobs and contracts for which he was wildly unqualified. Joe pretends he isn’t, but he’s all about the money.

But to get to the rewards of being a former Democrat President, those Presidents tend to want to accomplish some things; they usually believe in things. Joe Biden believes in nothing. His biggest, and really only accomplishment in the Senate was the 1994 crime bill and he had to denounce it because Democrats had gone from being against crime and supporting police to supporting criminals and wanting to defund police.

On abortion, Biden changed his tune completely as well. There isn’t a person serving his administration, either in the White House or the media, who won’t insist Joe labored between running for President or becoming Pope, such a devout Catholic is he. And in his time in the Senate he used to pretend to be personally against abortion, but refused to allow his religious beliefs to dictate his policy positions. It was and is BS, but many politicians play this game (looking at you, Nancy Pelosi).

Now, he’s no longer pretending. The party of “safe, legal, and rare” abortions is now the party of abortions for everyone, on demand, with no restrictions on when. It won’t be long, maybe 5 years, before they start advocating post-birth abortions, taxpayer funded, of course. That’s where Democrats are now, so that’s where Joe Biden is now. Biden is such a weathervane on everything, and always has been, that he’d perform abortions in the White House if that’s what the fringe of his party demanded.

With no moral code, no center, nothing matters. You just read what’s in the teleprompter and hit the sack by 7:00 while your degenerate son collects piles of cash for the family until you’re free to do it on your own. All you have to do is what you’re told, your handlers and the media will take care of the rest.

That Joe Biden hasn’t come close to fulfilling any campaign promises, or even that those promises were made, is a testament to what he was willing to do to get the job. Just imagine what he’s willing to do to keep it. Even scarier, just imagine how much worse things have the potential of getting as he works to do just that.


Derek Hunter is the host of a free daily podcast (subscribe!), host of a daily radio show on WCBM in Maryland, and author of the book, Outrage, INC., which exposes how liberals use fear and hatred to manipulate the masses. Follow him on Twitter at @DerekAHunter.


Schweizer: ‘It’s Going to Be Business as Usual’ for Hunter’s Dealings

Joe Biden, the corrupt, unaccomplished 47-year career politician, with a reputation of having been a proud segregationist, an unabashed plagiarist and liar, a resolute tale-teller, and a serial flip-flopper, is pretending to head up a radical social-democratic ticket for President of the United States that includes as his running mate the ambitious, disagreeable junior senator from California: Kamala Harris. 


“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation and the Obama book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption.                              BRIAN C JOONDEPH

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