Monday, June 26, 2023



Alejandro Mayorkas, the Secretary of Homeland Security who keeps insisting the southern border is secure, intervened to help obtain a sentence commutation for the son of a major Democrat Party donor.  The son was a convicted drug dealer.

Then U.S. attorney Mayorkas approached the White House in 2000 on behalf of Carlos Vignali, a convicted drug trafficker whom prosecutors said was a leading figure in a drug ring with nearly three dozen members that stretched from California to Minnesota.

Vignali's father was a wealthy real-estate developer and a substantial donor to California Democrats.  He persuaded more than nine important Democrat politicians to approach Bill Clinton on his son's behalf.  He increased his political donations as his son's trial began, then donated ever-increasing amounts to the Democratic National Committee during their convention in Los Angeles.  The Vignali family also contributed to Xavier Becerra's political campaigns prior to his advocacy for Carlos.  Becerra is currently the secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services.

Elon Musk EXPOSED Joe Biden And Barack Obama's CORRUPTION!

TRUMP Campaign releases new ad, "Wolves"

2024: How to Out-Compute the Left

In 2024 Republicans cannot "out-fraud" the left, cannot "out-ballot-harvest" them, cannot "out-lawfare" them, cannot "out-media" them, cannot "out–contribution mule" them, cannot "out–Justice Department" them...but sure as hell can out-compute them — and that may do it.

The left owns the election apparatus — voting equipment, ballot-manufacturing, vagrant habitats, election commissions, media intimidation of judges not to look at election fraud and driving out any lawyer who raises a valid case.

Electioneering, by both sides, currently runs 1970s technology. 

Leftists make good use of obsolete relational tech; Republicans, not so much. 

In 2024, there is an opportunity to out-compute the left.  Here's what it may look like.

Ninety percent of current election fraud comes in two buckets: election commissions jacking with voter rolls like Arizona and Wisconsin and mail-in ballots collected and illegally voted like everywhere.

Neither fraud bucket is thwarted by organizational solutions — both can be stopped with real-time compute power.

Let's define the terrain. 

Twenty twenty-four will be won or lost in six swing states. 

In each swing state, 2024 will be won or lost based on fraud turnout in two or three counties.

The leader of the free world, the end of the Deep State, for many the future of America as they have known it depends on about 17 counties.  Remember — two types of fraud — voter commissions and phantom ballots.

The problem comes into focus.

Let's start with fraudulent election commissions — at the state and county levels.

Sketchy election commissions know they can modify voter rolls when mail-in ballots go out by changing ZIP codes (Arizona), adding a fake street (Florida), putting hidden characters in voter IDs (Wisconsin), creating an inventory of nice unvoted mail-in ballots gathered by the U.S. Postal Service (Illinois and Wisconsin) given to leftists — for a fee.

Current relational technology is blind because of database latency.

In one Republican state, our team found 41,000 voters changed from inactive status to active, voted, then changed back.  In Arizona, 107,000 changes, plus 22,000 new voters added in one county alone — days before the 2022 election. 

Real-time changes all the rules — it just needs to be applied before the election, not as a data autopsy afterward (Arizona). 

In 2024, in 17 counties, let's do real-time voter registration analysis beginning six months before the election. 

Download daily, weekly, or monthly copies of voter rolls.

Compare every voter roll with every other, showing every change.  Were large numbers of addresses changed?  Were thousands of new voters added 90 days before early voting from ineligible addresses (Houston)?

Ineligible?  Who determines?

Good question, dear reader. 

With relational technology, someone must knock on the door and ask if Phineas lives there.  When told, "No, never heard of him," the canvasser fills out an affidavit, goes to the judge.  Nothing happens.

With real-time super-compute, our pal Phineas's address is cross-tabbed with the county property tax records.  They show 11 people registered in his 823-square-foot house, and the county health department says "no-no" to more than four people per 500 square feet.  Seven fake voters just got busted.

The voter integrity types will tell you nothing can be done; we hear that all the time.  But you are not dealing with their SQL limitations.  Real-time gives you choices because you see this fraud before the election — before votes are cast.

Sit down with the county registrar.  Pull out your tablet showing that on her voter list, there's a phantom nest. 

You are not saying it.  The tax records — government dox — say it. 

Look her in the eye and say, "Phyllis, we both know these addresses are ineligible.  Your health department says so.  We are taking this list to the sheriff.  If people here are mailed a ballot, we will report you for a criminal violation."

Sound harsh?  It does.  It also works. 

Chat with the team in Wisconsin who almost single-handedly shut down 40% of the phantom vote in 2022 — helping a U.S. Senate squeaky win.  They showed the phantoms, identified with real-time Fractal technology, to registrars — with a smile. 

When you have better technology than the government, the government hesitates.

This one step, alone, will reduce leftist fraud by 30 to 40%.  It is unrecoverable.  Leftists need fraudulent voter roll changes to impact their numbers — if they miss these quotas, there is no way to make them up.

Shut down election commission fraud, via real-time visibility, and you just cut election fraud in 17 counties 30–40%.  In Arizona, Kari Lake would now be governor.

We're not done.

Now for the phantoms.

There are several kinds of phantoms. 

One type signs a voter registration application at the leftist church, the homeless shelter, the gas station and never votes.  She may be dead in a tent on an Austin street.  Who knows?  Leftists do not care; they have a forever voter

Another phantom is a not-too-interested person who registered, lives in a house, but does not vote because it is useless, an effort or a distraction.  She is the "I don't care" voter.  Leftists have a ballot and voter for her.

There are phantom ballot, not people, collection points. 

A large urban apartment building has a mail room, where hundreds of mail-in ballots collect because nobody cares to open them.  There is no check inside. 

As the junk mail gets tossed, ballots accumulate.  They aren't collected by Ronna's Kiwanis Club Republican county chairman — he's on the golf course.  They are collected by a vagrant, paid $25 for each mail-in ballot in that trash can.  They get voted while Ronna is ballot-harvesting in densely Republican churches.

Real-time compute makes this a game two can play.

With the Undeliverable Ballot Database, it can be determined where almost every ballot collects.  Skip Ronna; send a kid to that mail room and have him pick up those ballots, and give them to the sheriff — noting they were in the garbage!

Do you think this just might be more effective than Republican ballot-harvesting at evangelical churches who are going to vote anyway?

Leftists made huge, 40-year investments in corrupting voter commissions, getting their team on board, building phantom armies they could vote when needed. 

Unfortunately for them, their fraud is dependent on 1970s relational database — its limitations, its latency, its clumsy use by Republicans.

Real-time changes the outcomes. 

Every address in every county, certainly in 17, can be profiled in excruciating detail — square feet, year built, number of baths, bedrooms.  Voter roll changes can be seen the moment they are augmented by helpful leftist voter commissions.

Challenges happen now — before the election — publicly — not months afterward, when nobody cares.

In 2024, the goal is not to stop voter fraud.  Stopping fraud will take years.

Super-compute can reduce fraud by 40% or more — and that is more than enough to stop leftists who are stuck on relational technology.

The most significant confrontation on North American soil since Gettysburg will happen in 2024.  Super-compute can determine who has the high ground.

Jay Valentine led the team that built the eBay fraud detection engine and the TSA No-Fly List.  Jay's team built the world's largest election database with Fractal tech and developed the Undeliverable Ballot Database.  Jay can be contacted at and @AmericaOme17300.

Image via Pexels.


Jim Jordan: ‘High Crimes, Misdemeanors, Bribery, Treason’ Could Bring Biden Impeachment

During this week’s broadcast of FNC’s “Sunday Morning Futures,” Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) acknowledged impeachment was still under consideration for President Joe Biden.

According to the Ohio Republican, if there were so-called high crimes and misdemeanors, including bribery or treason, impeachment would be an option, as the Constitution dictates.

“We don’t know if he’s taken in $10 million, $30 million, $100 million from all of these foreign adversaries and foreign nationals,” host Maria Bartiromo said. “But there are some members of your committees that are talking about impeachment. Is that on the table?”

“It sure is,” Jordan replied. “And, look, we’re driven by the facts and by the Constitution. If the facts show that there’s high crimes, misdemeanors, bribery, treason, whatever, if the facts show that there is — there is the crime there that warrants impeachment, then, by our — our duty compels us. But we have to first get all the facts on the table.”

“But you’re right,” he continued. “They’re piling up, 150 suspicious activity reports, 20 different companies they are running money through, all kinds of Biden family members getting paid, now the whistle-blowers coming forward with this set of facts, credible whistle-blowers coming forward and telling us the things they have told us. It is all beginning to pile up.”

“And, again, we’re driven by the facts,” Jordan added. “We will continue to do our investigation, let Mr. Comer and the Oversight Committee complete their investigation, and then look at all that. But if the Constitution dictates we go forward, then we will have to go forward, but that — we’re not there yet. We got to continue to do the investigation.”

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor


Unlimited immigration. Obama issued an unconstitutional executive order – an action he repeated routinely to counter Congressional action – that instituted mass immigration of poor, uneducated third-world people into the U.S., not to assimilate with our culture but to keep their own and demand that U.S. taxpayers subsidize them. Deportations of illegal immigrants under the new policy were dramatically reduced, even as scores more poured across the southern border as the number of border patrol agents decreased.

Changes to society. Obama’s open-border policy and unlimited importation of third-world poor and Middle Eastern “refugees” [a gateway to anti-American terrorists] could change the face of the country, culturally and economically. (MORE BELOW)

The Unhinging of America


By Anthony J. DeBlasi

Since my return from the war in Korea (1950-53) I have witnessed America sink into a state of insanity unknown in its history:

Kids shooting classmates at school, people like zombies gazing at little screens while they walk, stand, sit, shop, talk, drive cars, watch TV telling them what to think, women blaming men for not being treated like men, men having their genitals “replaced with vaginas,” women leaving dependent children behind to join the military, mothers having their babies killed when they are ready to be born . . .

By the 1980s the moral and cultural swamp that America was sinking into made me wave red flags in newsletters I published. The acceleration toward and past the turn of the century has been breathless! Many Americans have wondered what happened to America?

Well, to begin with, anti-American activists have pushed hard to fulfill a mission launched by early 20th century Marxists to establish a new world order. It would be a God-free world under a global government run by amoral men smarter than everybody else in the world, past and present. Soon after the start of the 21st century, Barack Obama, latest edition of this breed of visionary, positioned himself to lead the team in Washington to help “transform America” – make it ready, that is, for the new world order.

There has never been a place in my mind for anyone in public office who would harm America and the people he or she is elected or appointed to serve, which is the inevitable consequence of pushing for a moral-free, God-free world. Such action, no matter how packaged, serves evil. They who use their talents to harm their fellow human beings – they’re known as traitors – are placed by Dante in the deepest circle of hell [Inferno].

Now there was someone who wanted to be president who could and would utilize Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals – a book that salutes the devil in its opening pages – to take down America, while pretending to make it better than ever!

Could Obama in truth and honesty have, as president, served “one nation under God, with liberty and justice for all”? Could he have been sincere when he took the oath to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States”? I don’t think so.

My worst fear, that Americans might lose their country if they did not stand up to and shout down the God-haters and Leftists undermining their country – what culture warriors have been fighting for decades – seemed closer than ever to becoming a reality.

Among the warriors “with balls” who saw what was happening, the firebrand Andrew Breitbart rallied converts and fighters against political traitors scheming to destroy America, a first step in establishing their New World Order. (I called it Global Oz.) By the time Breitbart crashed into media and news reporting, a bloated and flabby federal government had enabled the anti-American Obama to run for president. Breitbart was ruthless in exposing this two-faced candidate for president. Shortly after he pledged to release a video showing college-age Obama alongside notorious Weather Underground terrorists, Breitbart died in Los Angeles.

And so a treacherous candidate for president beat a “she’s-not-fit-to-be-president” (Obama.’s words) Hillary Clinton to the White House. Well, Hillary became part of the “America-transforming" team as Secretary of State and Obama, with solemn face and ready platitude, repeated the lie that he would unify America and transform it into a better place for all.

The deeds did not match the words. Regarding unity, Obama stoked the fires of racial division, using his bully pulpit to turn every news event that could be spun into “discrimination against blacks” into an official denunciation of racism. And the corporate media did their part to help bring about a hatred of cops that heedlessly endangered the lives of men and women who daily put their lives on the line to ensure the safety of a public increasingly divided.

Regarding improving the lives of all, the following overview of Obama’s “transformation of America” is based on “The 10 Ways Obama has actively sought to destroy America” by J. D. Heyes (Natural News, December 25, 2015):

ObamaCare was sold on false pretenses by people who knew it wouldn’t work as promised. Failed scheme or intentional failure? The bill was so sloppily crafted that Democrats were basically signing blank sheets of paper when they rushed it through Congress. [“We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what’s in it,” said Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.] ObamaCare’s designers precipitated a constitutional crisis with a provision to cut subsidies for states that didn’t set up health-care exchanges – a provision that would have killed the entire program stone-dead if it had been enforced as written. And whoever was uninsured that did not enroll had to pay an annual penalty fee!

Unlimited immigration. Obama issued an unconstitutional executive order – an action he repeated routinely to counter Congressional action – that instituted mass immigration of poor, uneducated third-world people into the U.S., not to assimilate with our culture but to keep their own and demand that U.S. taxpayers subsidize them. Deportations of illegal immigrants under the new policy were dramatically reduced, even as scores more poured across the southern border as the number of border patrol agents decreased.

The Constitution. Obama was a bigger enemy of our founding document than any president in history. Acting dictatorially, Obama unconstitutionally “legislated by executive order” whenever his will was in conflict with that of Congress or the constitution. [His “liberal” activist judges would back him up, if needed.]

Military madness. Obama pushed social experimentation in the military to a level that could cause lasting damage, such as permitting people to serve who have no idea what sex they are, and allowing women to serve in combat roles despite increases in injuries, mental health issues, effectiveness and morale problems.

Packing the federal courts. Obama “packed” the federal court for the D.C. Circuit with activist, like-minded judges [who place themselves above the Law of the Land they are charged to uphold].

Economic damage. Obama issued more regulations than any president before him, with tens of billions in burdensome new costs such as those incurred by the expensive EPA regulations. His packed D.C. Circuit ruled against states suing to get those rules tossed.

Changes to society. Obama’s open-border policy and unlimited importation of third-world poor and Middle Eastern “refugees” [a gateway to anti-American terrorists] could change the face of the country, culturally and economically.


To object to any of this insanity is a way to get hit with a legal penalty.

The founders of our country and its legion of heroes surely tossed and turned in their graves over the America they had struggled, sacrificed, and died for.

If there is a silver lining to the dark clouds hanging over America it is the hope that the young of every description will turn on the mindless haters of America and launch a course correction. A reset for any semblance of progress starts with a return to the Constitution and the forces that inspired it, which include age-independent Judeo-Christian wisdom.

Anthony J. DeBlasi is a veteran and lifelong defender of Western culture.

Image credit: Abductit, via Flickr // CC BY-SA 2.0

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