Friday, June 23, 2023

GAMER LAWYER HUNTER BIDEN - THE MORALS AND ETHICS OF THE TYPICAL PARASITE LAWYER - Whistleblower: Hunter Biden Deducted Payments to Sex Club, Hookers on His Taxes


Biden's Right: His Word Means Nothing

By J.B. Shurk

Installed (p)Resident Joe Biden loves to make promises secured by the supposed worth of his family name.  "I give you my word as a Biden," he said back in March of 2020, "When I'm president, I will lead with science, listen to the experts and heed their advice, and always tell you the truth."  Again giving his solemn word before the 2020 mail-in ballot presidential selection, he promised both "to turn division into unity and bring us together," as well as to "be an ally of the light, not the darkness."  Just over a week ago, he declared, "My word as a Biden: I've never been more optimistic about America's future than I am today."  My goodness, if only Biden's family name possessed more value than that of Benedict Arnold's, we would be blessed with a man in the White House committed to truth, unity, spiritual guidance, and American success.  Yet Biden's name is synonymous with none of those things, is it?

Instead, the Biden family name has really stood for only two things: buffoonery and corruption.  For fifty years, Joe Biden has managed to hold onto some slice of power in D.C. as a senator, vice president, and Oval Office stooge not because he is renowned for his erudition or virtue but rather because his doltish behavior and venal character make him ideal for others to control.  Perhaps no other Washington relic has accomplished so little for the American people over such a prolonged government career or managed to harness those defects for lucrative advancement more successfully than China Joe

He is known as a serial liar, a "public servant" who has somehow managed to accrue tremendous wealth, a race-baiting opportunist, a Catholic-in-name-only, and a bought-and-paid-for politician in bed with criminal cartels and foreign foes.  In another era, Joe Biden would have been run out of his country much the same way Benedict Arnold was two and a half centuries ago; in an era when integrity, honor, fortitude, fidelity, and grit have been jettisoned for immorality, unscrupulousness, weakness, betrayal, and craven pliability, however, he is elevated to king sleazeball in a city drowning in sleaze.

Perhaps when America's Scumbucket-in-Chief gives his "word as a Biden," he is depending upon the solid reputations of notable relatives.  Alas, no.  His brother James has been repeatedly implicated in allegations of fraud and quid-pro-quo financial schemes leveraging Joe's political office as a means to advance the Biden family's interests and wealth.  His daughter Ashley struggles with sex and drug addictions, problems she has attributed in part to her memories of taking showers with her dad at a young age (no wonder Creepy Joe excuses pedophilia and transgender madness so effortlessly).  And then there is the "smartest guy" Joe claims to know — his son Hunter — whose illegal drug usesexual debauchery with prostitutesemployees, and relatives alike; gun crimes; occupation as an undeclared foreign agent; and serially-excused role as the family's point man for turning the powers of Joe's political office into seedy profit are all well known to the American people (even if habitually ignored by the corrupt Department of [in]Justice).  In any other family concerned about its reputation for probity and honor, Hunter Biden would have been cast off as some sort of uncontrollable "black sheep."  In the Biden herd, though, Hunter blends right in with his unseemly, scuzzy kin.  The Biden pedigree is made from rotten stuff — more like a pustule than a bloodline and filled with dreck, mediocrity, selfishness, pusillanimity, and unrepentant sin.

When you stop to consider how shockingly meaningless Joe's "word as a Biden" schtick really is, it actually becomes tempting to consider whether the old, fatuous fraud is ironically — and just this once — telling the American people the truth!  Perhaps when he says, "I give you my word as a Biden," he is really saying: "I give you my word as an incestuous pervert who cannot learn to keep my hands off little girls or keep from sniffing and grabbing women against their will; as a shameless liar who distorts everything, including the circumstances of my own wife and daughter's tragic deaths, when those lies induce public sympathy or are otherwise advantageous; as a plagiarist with no original thoughts or accomplishments of my own; as a lifelong racist who has had many friendships with segregationists and race hustlers while lying about having been active in the civil rights movement; as a corrupt politician who has ties to the mob and whose family has profited generously from my public office; and as a traitor to the United States who has repeatedly sold out my country for the benefit of foreign interests in Ukraine, China, and anywhere else I can make a buck."  

I guess when you see how long it would take to vomit forth that mouthful of insidious nastiness, using the shorthand, "I give you my word as a Biden," just means that whatever is said next is almost certainly untrue.  

Seen from that perspective, Biden's time as installed president makes a lot more sense.  When he promised to unite the country by ridding it of petty divisions, what he really meant was that he planned to exacerbate racial animosities to the best of his abilities, rub salt in old wounds to ensure intolerance festers and anguish lingers, and incite hatred among groups of Americans who would otherwise get along.  When he promised to "bring us together," he meant that he would promote propaganda reframing the J6 protest for fair elections as an "insurrection" seeking to topple the government and use that laughably fraudulent pretense as an excuse to persecute and imprison his political enemies.  When he promised to be "an ally of the light, not the darkness," he meant that he would threaten concerned parents with criminal prosecution should they resist the government's program of sexualizing childhood, encouraging bodily mutilation, brainwashing innocents with "transgender" delusions, and promoting abortion-on-demand.

When he promised to "lead with science," he meant that he would use the unscrutinized declarations of unelected government health bureaucrats with secret political agendas as a sword and shield for imposing a dictatorship of unconstitutional mandates, censorship, ephemeral freedoms, and unjust orders contrary to established law.  When he promised to "listen to the experts and heed their advice," he meant that he would further empower an already-out-of-control Deep State to police Americans' thoughts and words for alleged "misinformation" and "hate"; expand the national security surveillance State to spy on Americans' every move; and target for criminal punishment those who nonetheless insist on engaging in "wrongthink."  When he promised to "always tell you the truth," he meant that his administration would construct "politically correct" falsehoods, propagate those falsehoods through a willingly compliant and compromised State-aligned news media, vilify dissent as harmful "disinformation," and characterize contrary viewpoints as mere "conspiracy theories."

Finally, when Biden recently claimed that he has "never been more optimistic about America's future," what he meant is that he has given China permission to send spy balloons loaded with explosives across the continent; criminal cartels permission to flood America with illegal aliens; the pharmaceutical companies permission to reap windfall profits from harmful, untested, yet government-mandated products; the World Health Organization and United Nations permission to usurp U.S. sovereignty; the Federal Reserve permission to print money on our way to economic Armageddon; and the World Economic Forum permission to usher in a "great reset" of centralized control and loss of individual liberty.  Surely all that carnage is worth a relatively small finder's fee of 10%.

When Commie Joe's statements are viewed in their proper context, he is just a presidential truth-teller.  Really.  After all, he gives us his word as a Biden!




Watters: I guarantee you Satan went to law school

I’d be inclined to disagree with Don except for one thing: Biden has proven to be a very adept criminal mastermind. For decades, he has funneled millions of dollars to his children and siblings and, especially, to his debauched, deviant son, Hunter. 

                                                                 ANDREA WIDBURG

Hunter Biden Deducted Payments to Hooker and Sex Club From His Taxes, Whistleblower Says

June 22, 2023

Hunter Biden deducted tens of thousands of dollars in payments he made to a prostitute and a sex club from his taxes, IRS whistleblowers told Congress.

One whistleblower, an IRS criminal investigator whose identity remains a mystery but who worked on the Biden tax probe, told members of the House Ways and Means Committee in a June 1 interview that Biden improperly deducted those expenses from his 2018 taxes.

That's one of the years covered under Biden's plea deal with federal prosecutors, which critics are deriding as a sweetheart deal. Another whistleblower, IRS criminal supervisory special agent Gary Shapley, told lawmakers that the Justice Department's tax division and the prosecutors handling the Biden probe viewed the deductions as "a slam dunk case" of tax fraud. The whistleblowers' testimony fills in many of the gaps on how exactly Biden evaded paying hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes.

Payments like the ones described, doled out to prostitutes and sex clubs, were not just unlawful tax deductions but also may have been violations of federal sex trafficking laws, the whistleblower alleged, if the prostitutes crossed state lines. And the IRS had indeed located records showing that Biden flew prostitutes across state lines, "paying for their travel, paying for their hotels."

According to the IRS investigator, a self-described Democrat, Biden underreported his total income in 2018 by $267,000, resulting in an underpayment of $106,000 in taxes. "That includes deductions for personal wages and salaries paid, personal travel expenses paid, personal children expenses that he paid, and personal other expenses that he paid," the investigator said, according to a transcript of the interview released Thursday.

The investigator told Congress that Biden made deductions for payments to "no-show employees," including a woman Biden called his "West Coast assistant."

"But she was essentially a prostitute," said the investigator.

Biden also made $18,000 in wire payments to another woman, using coded language to conceal the purpose of the transaction. Another payment of $10,000, labeled as a "golf club member deposit," was actually for a sex club membership.

"We've talked to the person that owned that sex club, and they confirmed that he was there," the investigator said. Biden went on to deduct that $10,000 expense from his tax return.

The embattled first son, who carried on an affair with his late brother's wife following his own divorce, has admitted to his frequent use of prostitutes and is known as a regular at strip clubs. Though the sex club in question is not identified, Shapley told lawmakers that Biden’s payment was for a membership in Los Angeles. The owner of the Los Angeles club Snctm recently revealed that Biden was a client.

In an ironic twist, the investigation into Biden, who was given the FBI code name "Sportsman," was an offshoot of an FBI probe into a foreign online amateur pornography site that started in November 2018, the whistleblowers said. Shapley said the FBI agent who opened that case found Biden's name on a list of some sort, but did not provide additional detail.

Whistleblower: Hunter Biden Deducted Payments to Sex Club, Hookers on His Taxes

Hunter Biden
Breitbart News

President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, allegedly deducted tens of thousands of dollars in payments made to a prostitute and a sex club from his taxes, according to an IRS whistleblower.

An anonymous IRS criminal investigator to the House Ways and Means Committee during a June 1 interview that Biden improperly deducted these expenses on his 2018 tax forms. The whistleblower claimed Biden underreported his total income by unto $500,000, or $267,000 using “the most conservative approach.”

“So he underreported his total income by $267,000, if you are using the most conservative approach, and that is a tax loss of $106,000,” the whistleblower told congress. “So that includes deductions for personal wages and salaries paid, personal travel expenses paid, personal children expenses that he paid, and personal other expenses that he paid.”

The whistleblower told Congress that Biden’s “statements in his book completely contradicted what was being deducted on his tax return.”

Biden’s 2018 tax returns are one of the years covered under recent Biden’s plea deal with federal prosecutors, who charged him with a felony gun crime and misdemeanor tax crimes.

Hunter reportedly deducted payments to one of his “personal no-show employees,” but as the whistleblower noted, “she was essentially a prostitute.” Biden called the prostitute his “West Coast assistant.”

The whistleblower explained that Biden also deducted a $10,000 payment that went to a “sex club,” under the guise of it being a “golf club member deposit.”

“He made payments — there’s an $18,000 wire that is made to one of these individuals, and on the wires they say $8,000 in wage and $10,000 in golf — $10k golf club member deposit,” the whistleblower said, according to transcripts of his testimony.

One of the owners of the exclusive members-only sex club confirmed Biden was a client.

‘And we know that that $10,000 went to pay for a sex club. He went to a sex club, and we’ve talked to the person that owned that sex club, and they confirmed that he was there,” the whistleblower added.

“And the guy has to pay $10,000, and the girl — whoever is referring him there doesn’t have to pay anything. So that was deducted on the tax return.”

Jordan Dixon-Hamilton is a reporter for Breitbart News. Write to him at or follow him on Twitter.

I’d be inclined to disagree with Don except for one thing: Biden has proven to be a very adept criminal mastermind. For decades, he has funneled millions of dollars to his children and siblings and, especially, to his debauched, deviant son, Hunter.

                                               ANDREA WIDBURG

In 2018 and 2020, Schweizer published Secret Empires and Profiles in Corruption. Each book hit #1 on the New York Times bestseller list and exposed how Hunter and his father flew to China aboard Air Force Two in 2013 before Hunter’s firm inked a $1.5 billion deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China, which transpired less than two weeks after the trip. Schweizer’s work also uncovered the Biden family’s other vast and lucrative foreign deals and cronyism.

Corruption is nothing new in D.C., but what the laptop reveals about Hunter Biden and his father is that, like the Clintons, they have no self-control. And the only thing more dangerous than cunning crooks at the head of a nation are inept kleptocrats who would leave evidence of their financial and sexual corruption on a laptop abandoned in a Delaware repair shop. DANIEL GREENFIELD

There it is.  That's the issue.  To begin, you have the corrupt family Biden.  They've been scamming us and our system well for almost fifty years.  The man is supposedly worth over 250 million dollars.  How is this possible on his salary?  It's not.  So where did his wealth come from?  Not from being a brilliant businessman. DAVID PRENTICE

The book is a devastating chronicle of political corruption. From Ukraine to Mexico to China, Hunter Biden's private correspondence shows how he and his family leveraged his father's position to win high-paying, low-work gigs with shady foreign actors—and how Joe's official actions at times directly benefited his family's financial backers. ALANA GOODMAN

Despite his Wall Street, big business, Big Tech, and billionaire donations, Biden has attempted to portray himself as a small-town fighter from Scranton, Pennsylvania. JOHN BINDER

· Has a family that received an estimated $30 million to $40 million in bribes from countries like China and the Ukraine. DON FEDER

The email, sent to SinoHawk Holdings CEO Tony Bobulinski, shows how a top official with CEFC Energy — a now bankrupt and defunct energy company based in China — offered to wire $10 million into an account to begin operations, $5 million worth of which would be a non-secured forgivable loan to the “BD Family,” which means the Biden family. MATTHEW BOWLE

Hunter’s Sweet Plea Deal

Welcome to the Left's surreal and twisted world of equal justice.

[Editor’s note: Make sure to read Robert Spencer’s masterpiece contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]

The defenders of justice in America have finally gotten around to dealing with America’s first son, Hunter Biden, the crack-addled patron of hookers who became a highly-paid natural gas company executive and then an artist whose paintings sell for more money than Pablo Picasso’s, all because his last name is Biden and he can provide, for the right price, access to his foggy old man, who happens to bear the title of president of the United States.

Hunter is not, however, facing the music for his blatant influence-peddling, or for any of the other crimes that his notorious laptop reveals. Instead, he is getting a slap on the wrist for a few token infractions, so that Gestapo chief Merrick Garland and his henchmen can brush aside charges of a two-tier justice system: “Whaddeya mean, we go after patriots but not Leftists? Look: we prosecuted Hunter Biden!” Sure you did, Merrick. Maybe some rubes will fall for this.

The Washington Post reported Tuesday that “President Biden’s son Hunter has reached a tentative agreement with federal prosecutors to plead guilty to two minor tax crimes and admit to the facts of a gun charge under terms that would likely keep him out of jail.” This is not exactly akin to getting Al Capone on tax evasion. This is simply a charade, an empty exercise in charging Hunter with something, anything, in order to take the wind out of the sails of those who claim that the Biden regime is relentlessly persecuting its principal opponent, Donald Trump, while turning a blind eye to actual crimes committed by Leftists such as Hillary Clinton, as well as Old Joe and Hunter himself.

Hunter Biden is looking at “about two years probation” and will be required to “enter a diversion program,” if anyone is actually going to be paying attention to whether or not he does so, but he could have been and should have been facing much worse. Back in Sept. 2020, the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and Senate Committee on Finance issued a report noting that while his father was vice president, Hunter Biden was “paid millions of dollars from a corrupt Ukrainian oligarch” for his presence on the board of Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian natural gas company.

Hunter’s presence on this board caused a great many problems. The report notes that “the Obama administration knew that Hunter Biden’s position on Burisma’s board was problematic and did interfere in the efficient execution of policy with respect to Ukraine.” What’s more, “in early 2015 the former Acting Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv, Ukraine, George Kent, raised concerns to officials in Vice President Joe Biden’s office about the perception of a conflict of interest with respect to Hunter Biden’s role on Burisma’s board. Kent’s concerns went unaddressed, and in September 2016, he emphasized in an email to his colleagues, ‘Furthermore, the presence of Hunter Biden on the Burisma board was very awkward for all U.S. officials pushing an anticorruption agenda in Ukraine.’” It was more than just awkward. It was inexcusable, and it was clear evidence of corruption.

No one seems particularly concerned about Hunter’s presence on Burisma’s board now, yet it is a clear red flag. Hunter Biden had no educational background or experience in the natural gas industry. What’s more, he was a dissolute crack addict who consorted with prostitutes. If he had not been the son of the vice president of the United States, does anyone really believe that Burisma would have offered him this lucrative job? Hunter’s very presence on Burisma’s board was prima facie evidence of influence-peddling, as is his new career as an artist.

To be a struggling artist is a cultural cliché going back to Vincent Van Gogh shivering in a garret while producing world-historical masterpieces that the public wouldn’t come to appreciate until after his tragic death. Artist Hunter, however, has paid no such dues. Even though he took up painting late in life and you can find more compelling artworks on sale for a hundred bucks at the local frame store, Hunter’s paintings have commanded eye-watering prices up to $500,000, although the latest batch was positively bargain-basement stuff, going for only $85,000. Could it be that people are snatching up Hunter’s daubings in order to get a few minutes of face time with the alleged president? You bet your life. But no one cares, least of all Merrick Garland.

Donald Trump is looking at hundreds of years in prison, essentially for the crime of bucking the Leftist establishment. Hunter Biden, on the other hand, is a protected member of that establishment. And so there is one system of justice for Trump and quite another for Hunter. Blind justice? Not in America. Not anymore.

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Robert Spencer

Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 26 books including many bestsellers, such as The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)The Truth About Muhammad and The History of Jihad. His latest books are The Critical Qur’an and The Sumter Gambit. Follow him on Twitter here. Like him on Facebook here.

Hunter Biden Ghosted Baby Mama During Pregnancy, Texts Show

President’s crackhead son yanked health insurance from mistress shortly after birth of daughter

Hunter Biden
June 14, 2023

For months in 2018, a very pregnant Lunden Alexis Roberts was unable to reach Hunter Biden, the father of her soon-to-be-born daughter. He screened her calls. He ignored her messages. Six weeks after their daughter’s birth, she tried one more time.

"In hopes that you even read this- Baby was born Aug 28. Beautiful & Healthy," she wrote in a text on Oct. 16, 2018. "If you ever become curious and want to know more I can send pictures, details, or whatever you may request."

"I know that’s a long shot and you’d much rather avoid the whole situation," she added, "but just wanted you to know the door is always open for you in the baby’s life."

Biden never responded. But years later, Roberts and their four-year-old daughter—whom President Joe Biden has refused to publicly acknowledge as his grandchild—have become an issue the Biden family can no longer ignore.

The ongoing child support case in Arkansas, which has drawn Hunter Biden into the courtroom and made national headlines, could force the younger Biden to release sensitive financial information. At the same time, several federal investigations, including a congressional probe into the Biden family’s foreign business dealings, are likely to keep eyes peeled on financial disclosures that come out of the Arkansas trial.

While Roberts has declined public interviews, court filings and text messages shed light on her battle to extract child support from a member of one of the world’s most powerful families, as well as her unsuccessful efforts to make Hunter Biden a part of their daughter’s life.

The text messages show Hunter Biden dropped out of contact a few months into her pregnancy, cut off her salary and health insurance shortly after she gave birth, and declined to even see a photograph of his newborn daughter. He had initially put her on his company’s payroll, likely to provide her with health care during the pregnancy. The messages show she did not go to court to seek child support until several months after Biden cut her off from his company's health insurance.

Hunter Biden reopened the paternity case last September, saying he could no longer afford to pay Roberts the $20,000-per-month in child support he had agreed to during his father’s presidential campaign in 2020. He is also asking the court to block the child from taking the "Biden" last name.

Hunter Biden, who initially denied he was the girl’s father until a court-ordered DNA test proved him wrong, said he has "no recollection" of sleeping with Roberts after they met in 2017, noting that he was a drug addict and had many casual sex partners at the time.

But according to text messages, Roberts and Hunter Biden were in frequent contact and discussed her pregnancy for the first few months. He added her to the payroll at his company, Owasco P.C., a perk that came with health insurance. But the text messages indicate that Biden was unhappy about Roberts’s pregnancy, and he dropped out of contact when she was about three months along.

"Last we spoke you were upset because I hadn’t kept you ‘updated.’ That was in February," Roberts wrote to Biden in October 2018, shortly after their daughter’s birth. "I’ve called numerous times and sent a few messages as well."

"I understand you despise me and want nothing to do with the decision I’ve made," she added. "However, I still felt you deserved to hear about it from me … Baby was born Aug 28."

Biden had also ignored Roberts’s attempts to reach him in the summer of 2018, as her September due date approached. "Just called to check in on you.." she wrote the evening before Independence Day. Later that month, she sent him an update from the doctor.

On Aug. 8, she wrote: "Reached out a few times, it’s clear you don’t want to be reached. Need to talk to you. If you feel the need to reach out, my line is always open. Hope you are well."

Roberts gave birth to their daughter on Aug. 28, 2018. A month and a half later, she wrote Biden to tell him that he was welcome to be a part of their child’s life. "I have left my ‘DC lifestyle’ in the past as I decided to come home [to Arkansas] and jump back into who I was before DC, bettering myself for a child," she told him.

Hunter Biden didn’t respond. But a few weeks later—after depleting his company’s bank accounts and facing financial difficulties—he told his personal assistant to remove Roberts from the Owasco P.C.’s payroll to cover his other expenses. "Take Lunden off payroll," he wrote, referring, at one point, to Roberts as "what’s her name."

Hunter Biden’s personal assistant, Katie Dodge, noted that this would also cut Roberts off from the company’s health insurance. Biden told her to go ahead. "I thought you said [Roberts] decidedly dint [sic] want to work and didn’t need health insurance anyway. Remember that conversation?" wrote Biden.

"No. I do not remember that conversation," responded Dodge. "Maybe she told you that but I wasn’t involved."

Biden shot back that he hadn’t "talked to Lunden in 7 months" and told Dodge to "take whatever I pay Lunden and get my shit straightened out." In a follow-up in December, Biden asked Dodge to confirm she "took what’s her name off" of the company payroll. Dodge confirmed that Roberts had been removed.

Five months later, Roberts filed a petition for child support against Biden in Arkansas. She was living back in her hometown of Batesville and working at her family’s local business, earning what the court judge estimated was "less than minimum wage." She said her parents helped her out with "petty cash," but Biden had "provided no support for this child" since the baby was born.

Hunter Biden "has had no involvement in the child’s life since the child’s birth" and "could not identify the child out of a photo lineup," Roberts’s attorneys said in a filing.

Hunter Biden, who told the court he was unemployed, eventually agreed in March of 2020—a few weeks before his father Joe Biden became the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee—to pay Roberts $20,000-per-month in child support.

Now Hunter Biden is taking a more aggressive approach. In September, he asked the court to reduce his monthly payments, saying there had been "a substantial material change in [his] financial circumstances, including but not limited to his income." He also ramped up his legal team, hiring D.C. power-lawyer Abbe Lowell, who attended the most recent hearing in Arkansas last month.

But he is also facing orders from the court to turn over financial records—including information on his businesses, investments, and financial gifts that could be relevant to an ongoing Department of Justice investigation into his taxes and a congressional probe into potential influence-peddling by the Biden family.

Hunter Biden’s move to reopen the case has surprised some legal experts.

"I'm really astonished that Hunter Biden, given that he has a pending criminal investigation, and given that there are pending congressional investigations, would go back into this court and try to reopen this Pandora's Box," former federal prosecutor Elie Honig told CNN in March.

That risk seemed to grow this week, after Arkansas Circuit Court judge Holly Meyer ordered Biden to appear on July 10 to defend himself against potential contempt charges. Roberts’s lawyers have asked the court to hold Biden in contempt for allegedly failing to turn over complete financial records.

Judge Meyer said Biden’s "ability to pay" child support "is or may become a critical issue in the contempt proceeding," opening him up to questions about his financial condition in court.

Hunter Biden "will have an opportunity at the hearing to respond to statements and questions about his financial status" and "is subject to an express finding by the court that he has the ability to pay," the judge said.


'Let’s Clear That Issue Up Right Now': Arkansas Judge Orders Hunter Biden to Court To Answer Laptop Questions

Judge demands Hunter Biden make public appearance in custody hearing

Hunter Biden
Hunter Biden / Getty Images
April 24, 2023

An Arkansas judge ordered Hunter Biden on Monday to personally show up in court in May to address questions about his laptop, including whether financial records on it belong to him.

Circuit Court judge Holly Meyer gave the order as part of Hunter Biden’s drawn-out custody battle with Lunden Alexis Roberts over their four-year-old daughter. It would be his first public appearance in the case—the Bidens have steadfastly refused to acknowledge the child’s existence, and Hunter denied that he was the father until a court-ordered DNA test proved otherwise.

"I want both of your clients at every hearing that I conduct," Meyer told the attorneys for Biden and Roberts during a virtual hearing on Monday. "I will no longer allow us to dismiss clients from these hearings, because it is interfering with the progress of this litigation which is taking way too long to get over simple points."

Meyer issued the order after Biden's attorney was unable to answer whether Biden owned the abandoned laptop that became a subject of controversy during the 2020 election. Financial records discovered on the laptop have become an issue in the custody dispute.

Hunter Biden's presence at the Arkansas court could create a political headache for the White House and the Biden family. He has reportedly gone to great lengths to avoid getting served with legal papers from Roberts.

Hunter Biden’s lawyer, Brent Langdon, asked the judge on Monday to block an expert witness from discussing the financial records on the laptop, saying "there has never been an acknowledgment" from Biden that the laptop belongs to him.

"Well let’s clear that issue up right now," said Meyer. "Is it your client’s laptop or not?"

Langdon said it was "not my client’s laptop as far as I know. He’s never accepted that that’s his laptop."

The judge responded that Biden and Roberts needed to show up to all future court dates so questions like this could be addressed. The next hearing will take place on May 1.

At the May hearing, the judge is expected to rule on outstanding motions, including a name change request from Roberts asking to change their daughter’s last name to "Biden." Biden has demanded that the court block the name change, claiming the move would be damaging to the child due to the "scorn in the community for the Biden name."

Family law attorney Peter M. Walzer told the Washington Free Beacon that Biden’s objection to the name change was "very uncommon" and unlikely to succeed in court.

"I’ve never seen a litigation where a father didn’t want the [child] to take his name," said Walzer. "This is pretty unique."

Walzer said Biden’s motion sounded like it was motivated by personal interest rather than concern for the child’s well-being.

"He doesn’t want the child to have his name because it’s embarrassing to him, [but he] couches his legal briefing in terms of the child’s interest," said Walzer. "From his paper’s it’s ‘all about me.’"

"From his papers, it’s ‘all about me.’"

Marshall H. Moore, an Arkansas-based custody attorney with Moore, Giles and Matteson, agreed.

"Normally it is just the opposite situation where the father is asking that the child be given the father’s last name," he told the Free Beacon. "Off the top of my head, I can’t remember ever filing such a motion in 40+ years of practice."

Published under: Arkansas Court Feature Hunter Biden Laptop

Child Support Case Judge Threatens Hunter Biden With 1 Year in Jail and $20K Fine

Hunter Biden walks along the South Lawn before the pardoning ceremony for the national Thanksgiving turkeys at the White House in Washington, Monday, Nov. 21, 2022. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)
AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

An Arkansas judge on Monday issued an order threatening Hunter Biden with up to a year of prison time and a $20,000 fine if he fails to provide financial information and appear in court next month to answer questions from the counsel of his child’s mother.

Last year, Hunter Biden opened up his paternity agreement with Lunden Roberts, the mother of his child, citing “a substantial material change” in his “financial circumstances, including but not limited to his income.” Hunter Biden’s payments are $20,000 per month, a calculation based on income.

Hunter Biden’s financials could reveal information about his family’s business deals and his anonymous art sales.

For example, they could reveal how much Hunter Biden earned from his interest in BHR Partners, a Chinese state-backed investment fund founded just days after Hunter and President Joe Biden visited China in 2013. Hunter Biden held a ten percent stake in BHR Partners through an entity called Skaneateles LLC. Documents obtained by Breitbart News revealed Skaneateles LLC is controlled by Kevin Morris, Hunter’s top attorney, who also paid Hunter’s IRS debts.

If Hunter Biden does not provide financial information and show up for the court appearance, the judge said he will face “six months in jail for criminal contempt, six months in jail for civil contempt, and a $20,000 fine payable to Ms. Roberts,” the Sun reported.

In early May, Hunter Biden appeared before the Independence County circuit judge, who ordered him to answer questions about his financials and sit for an interview under oath in a child support case against his daughter’s mother. The judge also scheduled a hearing for July to determine the child support dispute.

“Mr. Biden does not want to disclose his income and assets, says that he is somewhat financially destitute, while he lives on a mountain overlooking the Pacific Ocean in Malibu, has Secret Service protection, and enjoys his time abroad,” Roberts’s legal team wrote.

Hunter Biden’s court case in Arkansas is just one of his legal challenges. He faces a Justice Department investigation into potential tax and gun violations and is the center of the House Oversight Committee’s probe into the Biden family for nine potential violations.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.

Arkansas Judge Orders Hunter Biden Back to Court, Says Burden Is on Him to Avoid Jail Time

Hunter Biden / Getty Images
June 7, 2023

Hunter Biden has been ordered to appear in an Arkansas court next month to face questions about his financial status and defend himself against contempt allegations that could carry a penalty of up to six months in jail.

The Monday order from Arkansas Circuit Court Judge Holly Meyer came weeks after Lunden Alexis Roberts, the mother of Biden’s four-year-old daughter, asked the court to hold Biden in both civil and criminal contempt for failing to turn over requested financial information. Biden has been fighting to reduce his $20,000-per-month child support payments, which he says he can no longer afford.

The July 10 hearing could further complicate Biden’s legal issues, which include a federal tax probe and a House Oversight Committee investigation into potential influence-peddling by the Biden family.

Judge Meyer said Biden must appear in July to "show cause, if any exists, why he should not be held in contempt" and to "determine if a finding of contempt and sanctions are appropriate." The judge said she will consider a range of penalties, including fines and "incarceration for criminal contempt for a period of up to six months."

She added that Biden’s "ability to pay" child support "is or may become a critical issue in the contempt proceeding," opening him up to questions about his financial condition in court.

Biden "will have an opportunity at the hearing to respond to statements and questions about his financial status" and "is subject to an express finding by the court that he has the ability to pay," said Judge Meyer.

If Biden is held in contempt, the court could toss out his motion to reduce his child support payments, and another motion he filed to block his four-year-old daughter from using the "Biden" last name.

Roberts’s lawyer, Clint Lancaster, said in a contempt motion in May that Biden was "playing hide the ball" and has not turned over complete information about his income, assets, and investments. Lancaster said the court should hold Biden in contempt to make him a "believer in the rule of law."

Biden’s legal team countered that he has complied with discovery to the best of his ability, but he "does not have access to some of the information requested for various reasons."

The July 10 hearing would be Biden’s second public appearance in the case since it was filed four years ago. His first was last month.

Judge Meyer previously rejected requests by Roberts’s legal team to hold Biden in contempt, most recently in early May. She said at the time that the motion had "not been properly pled."

However, she also warned Biden at a May 1 hearing that there would be consequences for continuing to withhold financial records, and wrote in a recent order that the court "will not accept cryptic or vague answers to discovery and may treat such answers as a failure to answer."

Published under: Arkansas Court Feature Hunter Biden

The feds already have all the evidence they need to charge Biden with bribery to change our policy in Ukraine

The DOJ has long held the evidence needed to charge Joe Biden with bribery to change our policy in Ukraine. (And also all the evidence needed to charge Hunter with several crimes, including violations of the tax code, of the laws governing the purchase of firearms, and laws prohibiting money laundering. ) Here is an overview of the evidence needed to charge with bribery to change our policy in Ukraine

Our policy was to have Ukraine force Burisma and its owner Zlochevsky to return the oil and gas properties Zlochevsky stole when he was the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources.  And Zlochevsky wanted that policy reversed.

The documents show that Zlochevsky was paying Hunter Biden approximately $83,000 a month.  Zlochevsky claimed he was paying for corporate governance advice. However privately owned companies do not need corporate governance advice, and if they did, they wouldn’t hire Hunter Biden to provide it. And they wouldn’t pay anyone $83,000 a month for such advice.

Documents show that Ukraine’s prosecutor general, Victor Shokun, issued an arrest warrant on Zlochevsky in the event, he returned to Ukraine from foreign exile and placed seizures on his and Burisma’s property.  Shortly after that, Victoria Nuland publicly claimed for the first time that Shokin was corrupt and had to go. Joe Biden has publicly bragged that he then went to Ukraine and forced the government to fire Shokin by threatening to withhold foreign aid.

The same political establishment that claimed Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation has also promoted the idea that it was NATO policy to have Shokin fired for corruption. I’ve never seen anything to support that other NATO members said anything of the sort but, the fact is, the US acted for NATO in Ukraine pretty much unilaterally.

And consider that during the time the Bidens were involved in Ukraine, there were two other prosecutors general, both of whom were corrupt and assisted Zlochevsky escaping justice, and neither Nuland nor  Biden  called them corrupt or demanded their ouster. Nor did any other NATO member. 

Caricature by Donkey Hotey CC BY 2.0 license

And consider that we provide foreign aid to many corrupt countries where political corruption is not prosecuted and no one I know has any memory of our demanding that the prosecutors in those countries be fired.

It strikes me that the payments to Hunter Biden are enough. You can bribe a public official by paying his family. Plus, Hunter’s emails show he paid up to half of his compensation to his father.

Trump should have stored his documents in a garage

The Babylon Bee ran a story about the documents and President Trump.  The headline reads, "Trump Indicted for Keeping Classified Documents at Mar-A-Lago Instead of Somewhere Secure like the Trunk of a Corvette."  Yes, he should have bought a Corvette and a big house with a garage.  Or he could have used a private server to run his presidency?  He'd be okay either way.

The indictment raises serious questions.  The decision to indict raises more questions because the DOJ has now gone "banana republic" on us.  The Wall Street Journal raises some important questions:

In the court of public opinion, the first question will be about two standards of justice. Mr. Biden had old classified files stored in his Delaware garage next to his sports car. When that news came out, he didn't sound too apologetic. "My Corvette's in a locked garage, OK? So it's not like they're sitting out on the street," Mr. Biden said. AG Garland appointed another special counsel, Robert Hur, to investigate, but Justice isn't going to indict Mr. Biden.

As for willful, how about the basement email server that Hillary Clinton used as Secretary of State? FBI director James Comey said in 2016 that she and her colleagues "were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information." According to him, 113 emails included information that was classified when it was sent or received. Eight were Top Secret. About 2,000 others were later "upclassified" to Confidential. This was the statement Mr. Comey ended by declaring Mrs. Clinton free and clear, since "no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case."

This is the inescapable political context of this week's indictment. The special counsel could have finished his investigation with a report detailing the extent of Mr. Trump's recklessness and explained what secrets it could have exposed. Instead the Justice Department has taken a perilous path.

A serious path indeed, because this is how a banana republic does it.  Yes, banana republics indict the guy from the other party leading the incumbent in the polls.  They find a man and then look for the crime.  In the meantime, they are left with bananas and not a republic.

PS: Check out my blog for posts, podcasts, and videos.

Image: Gage Skidmore via FlickrCC BY-SA 2.0.

Emails Show Burisma Executive Opened Maltese Bank Account for Hunter Biden

Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, speaks to guests during the White House Easter Egg Roll on the South Lawn of the White House, April 18, 2022, in Washington. Republicans are laying the groundwork to make Hunter Biden and his business dealings a central target of their investigative …
AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

Burisma Holdings executive Vadym Pozharskyi informed Hunter Biden in 2016 that he was opening a Maltese bank account for him, emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop show.

Pozharskyi was an associate of Mykola Zlochevsky, who allegedly paid Hunter and Joe Biden each $5 million in a pay-for-play scheme. According to Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), an FBI informant document indicates Mykola Zlochevsky allegedly kept 17 audio recordings of his conversations with them as an “insurance policy.”

Emails uncovered by the nonprofit Marco Polo suggest Burisma tried to move money to the Bidens through a Maltese bank account set up by Pozharskyi for Hunter Biden.

In May 2016, Pozharskyi requested the documentation required for the account opening, including a copy of Hunter’s passport, a bank reference letter, and a utility bill:

Source: Marco Polo

Hunter responded to Pozharskyi, “We are working on this – I was traveling with my dad and had my passport abroad last week”:

Source: Marco Polo

In the following weeks, Hunter Biden’s assistant, Joan Mayer, provided copies of Hunter’s documentation at the request of Pozharskyi. Mayer also suggested providing a letter from Hunter’s law firm to confirm his annual salary:

Hi Vadym,

We are slowly getting there.  Not sure this is helpful but attached is the color passport, utility bill and bank reference letter. They still need to be apostiled though- which we will do when we get these other requested documents.

I just wanted to confirm what is required for “a certified declaration of source wealth including profile”? We can provide a letter from Hunter’s corporation, Owasco, confirming his annual salary. Is that what the bank is looking for?

Source: Marco Polo

On May 13, 2016, just a week after Mayer followed up with Pozharskyi about the additional documents, a Burisma attorney emailed Hunter Biden sharing the address and swift code of the Maltese bank, Satabank:

Source: Marco Polo

A few days later, Mayer sent “Hunter’s tax ID number and signature” to Pozharskyi, who responded with a confirmation: “All received!”

Source: Marco Polo

Source: Marco Polo

According to Times of Malta, in 2018, Satabank closed upon money laundering violations:

The transaction involved Ukranian energy giant Burisma Group, which had US-President-elect Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, on its board of directors until April 2019.

It passed due diligence tests including one by Malta-based Satabank, which processed the transaction and has since lost its licence to operate.

The court heard how the police investigation began over the involvement of Burisma’s founder, Mykola Zlochevsky, a Ukrainian oil and natural gas businessman, politician and oligarch.

A year later, the bank’s accounts froze, and investigations started for suspicious transactions tied to illegal activities, Malta reported in 2019. In 2021, Malta reported that “[n]early €11 billion in transactions that flowed through the Malta-based Satabank were flagged as suspicious in 2020, auditors EY have said.”

In 2020, the New York Post reported that Ukrainian officials seized a $6 million cash bribe linked to Mykola Zlochevsky. “Ukrainian officials seized a $6 million cash bribe — the largest in the nation’s history — in a case linked to the founder of Burisma Holdings, the gas company that gave Hunter Biden a seat on its board of trustees,” the report read.

Hunter and Joe Biden appeared to have personally met with Pozharskyi in 2015. Pozharskyi emailed Hunter Biden and his business partner Devon Archer to thank Hunter Biden for organizing a private dinner with then-Vice President Joe Biden at Cafe Milano in D.C.

“Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent [sic] some time together. It’s realty [sic] an honor and pleasure,” the email reads.

In a previous email, Pozharskyi asked Hunter Biden for advice to benefit Burisma:

Source: Marco Polo

We urgently need your advice on how you could use your influence to convey a message / signal, etc .to stop what we consider to be politically motivated actions bearing in mind the following:

Burisma holdings is a leader among private gas producers;

Our primary client is Accelor Mital- Ukraine’s biggest metal steel plant. We cover more thet 60% of its gas needs.

Our clients and their production are largely dependant on our work and our ability to perfom our contractual obligations;

We employ hundreds of employees etc. and etc.;

Negative influence on our companies may result in multy-level negative social, econimical and political consequnces.

Please advice, looking forward for your reply,

Vadym Pozharskyi

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), a member of the House Oversight Committee, told Breitbart News last week that the FBI’s informant document depicts Zlochevsky telling the informant that the alleged payments of the bribes would take ten years to unravel.

She also said the document indicated Hunter Biden’s position on Burisma’s board, where he received about $80,000 per month. These were monthly installments of a $5 million total cut owed to Hunter Biden in the deal with his father.

Despite the allegations, House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) believes the FBI has taken little to no action on the FBI’s informant’s information. The stonewalling triggered Comer to issue two more bank subpoenas last week, along with a demand for Devon Archer to testify. Archer is a Biden family business associate and Hunter Biden’s “best friend in business.”

Archer served in 2014 with Hunter Biden on the board of Burisma, a Ukraine-based energy company. Archer was also photographed playing golf with then-Vice President Joe Biden in Southhampton, New York, in 2014. In 2016, Archer resigned from Burisma’s board after his arrest.

Related — Grassley: Foreign National in Alleged Biden Bribery Scheme Has “Insurance Policy” Recordings of Joe and Hunter

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Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.

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