Friday, June 9, 2023

GAMER LYING PARASITE LAWYER ELIZABETH WARREN DEMANDS CENSORSHIP OF THOSE AGAINST THE LAWLESS BIDEN REGIME - Senate Dems Warn Twitter to Bring Back Censorship or Face Gov Action The Dem war on the First Amendment continues.

 But if that’s the case, why haven’t federal prosecutors also gone after Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.)? She clearly lied her way into a Harvard Law School professorship and an erstwhile presidential candidacy by claiming, in part, quite falsely she was a Native American, supposedly Harvard’s first indigenous law professor.

                                                     VICTOR DAVIS HANSON 

Taibbi: It’s Like Media Outlets ‘Get a Memo to Not Cover Stuff’ Like Biden Influence-Peddling Charges, Twitter Files

On Friday’s broadcast of Newsmax TV’s “Rob Schmitt Tonight,” journalist Matt Taibbi stated that he believes there has been a lack of coverage of allegations of influence-peddling against President Joe Biden because “it happens to be politically inconvenient” and stated that it almost seems like members of the media “just get a memo to not cover stuff.”

Taibbi said, “I think a lot of journalists of an older generation feel the same way, which is, once upon a time, most reporters didn’t really care who was in office. If they were corrupt, if they did something wrong, we’d do the reporting. It didn’t really matter to us. The idea that you would non-report something like the Biden story because it happens to be politically inconvenient would have been inconceivable, I think, in the mainstream press, even a dozen years ago.”

He added, “It appears that sometimes they just get a memo to not cover stuff. That happened with me with the Twitter files reports. Sometimes, we’d put something out, and it seemed clearly newsworthy, but everybody would react to it the same way, they would respond to it in the same language on Twitter, and I have no idea how that happens. It’s a mystery to me.”

Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett


“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation  (TWO GAMER LAWYERS) (WHAT ABOUT THE CHINA BIDEN PENN CENTER?)  and the Obama (TWO GAMER LAWYERS) book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family (FOUR GAMER LAWYERS - JOE, HUNTER, JAMES, FRANK) corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren (GAMER LAWYER) and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (ADD GAMER LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS AND HER LAWYER HUSBAND AND THE BANKSTERS’ RENT BOY, LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER AND GEORGE SOROS’ RENT BOY GAMER LAWER TONY BLINKEN AS WELL AS CON MAN ADAM SHIFF).    BRIAN C JOONDEPH

EXCLUSIVE – Kevin McCarthy on JCPA Media Cartel Bill: ‘It’s Dead in the House’

Samuel Corum/Getty Images

Efforts to pass the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA), a bill that exempts media companies from antitrust law — enabling them to join together in a cartel to collude with Big Tech — will die in the House of Representatives, Speaker Kevin McCarthy told Breitbart News today.

The Speaker has been a staunch opponent of the media bailout bill. While in the minority, he led efforts in the House to foil last-minute efforts by Democrats and their establishment Republican allies to attach it to the annual defense spending bill.

Rep. McCarthy made the comments on Breitbart News Saturday on SiriusXM Patriot, hosted by Breitbart Washington Political Editor Matt Boyle.

“They say it would rein in Big Tech, but what would happen in reality is, it would empower the establishment media outlets that got us into this entire mess in the first place,” said Boyle, explaining the bill.

“With the Hunter Biden laptop story that they covered up, with the Russia collusion narrative that they jammed down America’s throats. They would all be able to form cartels.”

Rep. McCarthy repeated that the JCPA is “dead in the house.”

“This is why elections are very important,” said the Speaker. “The Democrats will never give up. But it is dead in the House. You’ve got a new majority in the House.”

“I will never give up. It doesn’t mean we get a victory every day. But it means I come back every single day focused on a victory for the American public. I will not give up for them, and [the Democrats] will not get this through.”

The JCPA has become one of the most-revived bills of the past decade. After failing on numerous occasions to secure the bipartisan majority needed to pass it, Democrats attempted a last-ditch effort last year to attach it to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), the annual defense spending bill.

That effort also failed, but Senate Democrats are now seeking to resurrect the legislation yet again.

The bill aims to transfer wealth from Silicon Valley to the discredited and distrusted corporate legacy media. Beyond the financial payouts, the bill allows media companies to form a “joint negotiating entity”—a cartel, immune from antitrust law—to negotiate with Big Tech companies on the “terms and conditions” for carrying their content.

Legacy media companies already receive billions of dollars in voluntary payments from the tech companies, while their competitors in the independent media are frequently demonetized and suppressed by those same companies simply for discussing controversial topics.

Allum Bokhari is the senior technology correspondent at Breitbart News. He is the author of #DELETED: Big Tech’s Battle to Erase the Trump Movement and Steal The Election.

Senate Dems Warn Twitter to Bring Back Censorship or Face Gov Action

The Dem war on the First Amendment continues.

Senator Elizabeth Warren has been resistant to the idea of banning TikTok despite clear evidence that the company is run for the benefit of the Chinese Communist Party which is allowed to spy on its users.

But she’s threatening Twitter with the FTC unless the company brings back the censorship.

Recent key departures from Twitter could land the platform in hot water with the Federal Trade Commission if it can’t comply with an earlier agreement, Democratic senators warned company leaders Friday.

After news broke last week that both Twitter’s head of trust and safety, Ella Irwin, and head of brand safety and advertising quality, A.J. Brown, had departed, four senators wrote in a letter to Twitter owner Elon Musk and new CEO Linda Yaccarino that they were concerned about Twitter’s ability to meet its legal obligations.

Brown and Irwin left over material questioning the transgender movement being allowed on Twitter.

Everyone knows why they left, but Democrats are pretending that this is about “user privacy”, not a push for political censorship.

In the letter, Sens. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., Ed Markey, D-Mass., Ron Wyden, D-Ore., and Mazie Hirono, D-Hawaii, expressed concern about Twitter’s ability to comply with its earlier commitments in light of the recent departures.

If this were about privacy, Warren and the gang would be pointing to specific violations. And if Twitter has user privacy issues, they would have existed under Irwin and Brown. This isn’t about Irwin and Brown, it’s about Twitter hosting political content that Warren and Co. disagree with, which they’re trying to deal with by threatening government action to enforce political censorship. This is a walking, talking First Amendment violation but so has the entire censorship movement unleashed by the fight against “disinformation”.

Warren could be honest for once in her life and say that she wants social media to censor political speech.

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Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

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SPLC Researcher Who Labeled 'Moms for Liberty' a Hate Group Met Biden National Security Officials

Susan Corke (Southern Poverty Law Center)
June 7, 2023

The author of a Southern Poverty Law Center report that labels parental rights organizations as extremist hate groups met earlier this year with Biden National Security Council officials, according to White House records.

Susan Corke, the director of the SPLC's Intelligence Project, this week added Moms for Liberty, Parents Defending Education, and other parent organizations to its "hate map," alongside neo-Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan. Corke visited the White House on Jan. 6, 2023, and met with National Security Council counterterrorism director John Picarelli, according to White House visitor logs reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon. Corke, a former State Department official, was accompanied by researchers from American University who work with the SPLC.

The SPLC's access to the White House is likely to draw outcry from Republicans who have long questioned the left-wing group's arbitrary "hate map" designations. The inclusion of parent groups could raise concerns that the organizations could become targets of violence. A gunman who shot a security guard at the headquarters of the Family Research Council in 2012 said he attacked the pro-family organization after seeing it listed as a hate group by the SPLC.

"The SPLC is a garbage organization now dedicated to harassing groups that advocate for parents. In the future, their pronouncements must be met with scorn," Sen. J.D. Vance (R., Ohio) said of the SPLC report.

The SPLC, which itself has faced accusations that it harbors a "systemic culture of racism," classified the pro-parent organizations as "anti-government groups." Corke asserted that the parents' groups serve as the "new battlefront vs inclusivity in schools" and "are rooted in age-old white supremacy."

While it is unclear what Corke discussed in the White House visit, the meeting was held amid growing pressure on the Biden administration to track parents upset by schools' coronavirus policies and left-wing classroom curricula. Moms for Liberty and Parents Defending Education have emerged as the leading grassroots groups in the movement against mask mandates at schools and curricula that promote critical race theory and transgender issues.

The FBI opened 25 preliminary investigations into parents, though only one advanced to a full investigation. FBI agents interviewed one member of a Moms for Liberty chapter who threatened to vote local school board members out of office over mask mandates.

The investigations were part of a task force started in 2021 by Attorney General Merrick Garland to monitor school board meetings across the country for threats of violence. Garland launched the task force after the National School Boards Association called on the Biden administration to investigate parents as potential domestic terrorists. Republicans have accused the administration of colluding with the school board group, citing a series of meetings that White House and Justice Department officials had with members of the group.

Federal agencies and the White House have relied on the SPLC as a resource against extremism, even amid concerns about the group's methods for determining hate groups. The FBI earlier this year cited SPLC research in an intelligence memo that called for surveillance of traditionalist Catholic groups in Virginia. The White House last month tapped the SPLC to serve on a coalition to track anti-Semitism. In an ironic twist, organizations such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations and the National Action Network, led by anti-Semite Al Sharpton, were also selected for the task force.

"​​The SPLC is a hateful, bigoted, and despicable organization," said Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas). "They're now attacking and labeling parents who want to have a say in their own kids' education."

The SPLC and the National Security Council did not respond to requests for comment.


and we're going to!

A Government at War with Its People

Warfare requires deception.  The federal government habitually lies to the American people.  Consider that an admission that it sees itself at war with those it claims to serve.

You might have noticed that the word "propaganda" has been somewhat retired from polite conversation.  Occasionally, some State-allied news corporation will apply the term to a public statement coming from inside Russia, but otherwise, the idea that governments promote falsehoods cloaked as official truths has quietly disappeared.  

Instead, ordinary information enjoyed and shared among regular people is now targeted for classification.  An alliance of national governments, international institutions, and propaganda engines disguised as disinterested nonprofits has sprung up to toss "unacceptable" thoughts into garbage piles for "mis-," "mal-," and "dis-" information trash bins.  As with everything else in modern society, the cult of expertise has even given us "disinformation experts" to decide what knowledge belongs where.  

The small coterie of "disinformation experts" recognized and promoted by governments then monitor what the common people are saying among themselves, cast their nets around anything "unacceptable," and stigmatize those words and thoughts as deserving of censorship.  Perhaps one day soon there will be academic degrees in "disinformation" or special licenses distinguishing State-approved professionals as qualified to tell the rest of us what is real.  As a rule of thumb, if you want to know what kinds of knowledge governments fear their citizens possessing, look to the subjects that require numerous layers of authority validation before access is granted or titles are conferred.  Now the knowledge that governments fear their citizens possessing is simply information outside their control.  

In this way, officials have flipped the script on propaganda.  Rather than the people calling out governments for their lies, governments pre-emptively defame their citizens as liars.  How do governments know when their citizens are "lying"?  Easy.  They just isolate anybody who contradicts publicly announced official truths.  Like a puff of smoke vanishing in the wind, government propaganda disappears because anyone who recognizes it as such is guilty of spreading "mis-," "mal-," or "dis-" information.  

To find out what is "true," good citizens are expected to respect the authority of government "disinformation specialists" who target what the people say but never what the government promotes.  Accordingly, government propaganda flows forcefully yet invisibly because nobody is allowed to call it what it is.  The liars have constructed a system in which only they may identify lies.

The question is how long Americans will silently consent to any government dedicated to public deception. 

The longer I have been around to witness how small lies can cause tremendous damage, the more convinced I have become that there is no more precious calling than to seek, protect, and spread truth.  Finding truth is often (if not always) difficult.  Sometimes what we think is true turns out to be false, and we are forced to adjust our understanding of the world accordingly.  Even when gold-tinted "truths" prove pyritic, the search for truth remains priceless.

One of the most effective ways of measuring a man's (or government's) character is not to decide whether he is right or wrong about some matter, but rather to determine whether he is committed to pursuing truth or eager to sacrifice it.  A virtuous man will adjust his worldview when confronted with conflicting yet convincing evidence; an unethical man will push falsehoods, no matter how irrational or unreasonable.

The truth-seeker understands that the process of pursuing truth is valuable, even when it provides an incomplete understanding of the world.  In contrast, those who push falsehoods embrace a lie that incomplete knowledge eliminates the possibility for truth.  Honest people see the pursuit of truth as its own reward; dishonest people see its manipulation as a means for scamming honest people.  When the government empowers itself to decide what is true and uses that authority to tell flagrant lies, it wages an information war against its citizens.

This war directed against Americans' minds has been raging for quite some time.  What is different today is its pace and brazenness.  Lies about Russia collusion, COVID, vaccine effectiveness, climate change, Biden family corruption, impartial justice, biological sex, American history, border security, debt sustainability, crime rates, gun safety, banking solvency, military engagements, racial disparities, religious doctrine, Western civilization, childhood development, healthy obesity, government surveillance, hydrocarbon energy, human slavery, acclaimed literature, anthropology — no topic is off limits for those who manipulate the public for a living.  

Increasingly, the question is not whether the government is lying, but rather how malicious its intentions are.  Did bureaucrats mandate mRNA injections that were neither safe nor effective because they are bad at science?  Because they needed an alarming reason to rig the 2020 election with mail-in ballots?  As a means of rewarding pharmaceutical companies and the politicians they own with windfall profits?  As an opportunity to accelerate the World Economic Forum's "Great Reset"?  As a way to condition people to think of property, free speech, and personal liberty as "selfish" and instead submit to the national security surveillance State?  

Are the climate change cultists committed to taking over farms and ending hydrocarbon fuels because they are too dumb to understand weather patterns, solar and geothermal energies, and chemistry?  Because they are committed communists who believe in global government and command-and-control economies?  Because they wish to induce instability and famine that will depopulate the planet?

Do extraterrestrial UFO stories confirm that the government has long covered up an important truth, or are they hoaxes meant to distract the public from something else?

Only the "disinformation experts" know. 

Government monopolies over "truth" are evil.  They elevate "narratives" over news.  They protect the politician's spin over facts.  They champion the bureaucracy's needs over the public's.  They preserve the State's power at the expense of the people's.  Whenever governing authorities articulate "official truths," it means the actual truth is being smothered.  Whenever governments claim the need to control information, it means that they are losing control over their citizenry.  Propaganda and censorship are tools of the weak.  They are the last resort of political systems no longer capable of successfully competing in the marketplace for ideas.

There is no kind of government immune from corruption.  All eventually tilt toward tyranny.  The best we may do to protect ourselves is to construct safeguards against this inevitability.  Separation of powers, limited federal authority, diffuse state and local jurisdiction, expansive personal liberties, and effective self-defense all serve to thwart government-sanctioned injustice.  Perhaps no more important safeguard exists than a strong cultural commitment to freedom of speech — long a centerpiece of American civic virtue precisely because it serves as an inherent check against State-imposed religion, ideology, and propaganda.  

Every one of these counterweights to government corruption recognizes that public officials cannot be trusted.  The U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights are predicated on a pessimistic reality that government power attracts cutthroats and liars who must be kept under constant scrutiny, lest their deviant natures be let loose.  No matter how principled a nation's founders, criminals will eventually run the government.  Written constitutions restraining those criminals' worst impulses represent humanity's best efforts at minimizing the damage.

Government apparatchiks are therefore the absolute last group of people in any society who should be trusted with deciding what is true.  Their vested interest in maintaining power distorts their reasoning and their fiendish natures preclude honest observation.  In a just society, at least half would be serving time in prison for insider trading, criminal negligence, misappropriation of funds, or dereliction of duty.  Instead, we let them print money, sell votes, play with nukes, and lock up their political enemies.

No government at war with its people can long endure.  Make no mistake, any government that embraces lies and deploys public deceptions is most definitely at war.

Image: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center via FlickrCC BY 2.0 (cropped).



“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation  (TWO GAMER LAWYERS) (WHAT ABOUT THE CHINA BIDEN PENN CENTER?)  and the Obama (TWO GAMER LAWYERS) book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family (FOUR GAMER LAWYERS - JOE, HUNTER, JAMES, FRANK) corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren (GAMER LAWYER) and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (ADD GAMER LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS AND HER LAWYER HUSBAND AND THE BANKSTERS’ RENT BOY, LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER AND GEORGE SOROS’ RENT BOY GAMER LAWER TONY BLINKEN AS WELL AS CON MAN ADAM SHIFF).    BRIAN C JOONDEPH

James Comer: FBI Doc Alleges ‘Business Person from Ukraine’ Sent ‘Substantial Bribe’ to VP Biden

WASHINGTON, D.C. - JANUARY 20: Vice-President Joe Biden and sons Hunter Biden (L) and Beau Biden walk in the Inaugural Parade January 20, 2009 in Washington, DC. Barack Obama was sworn in as the 44th President of the United States, becoming the first African-American to be elected President of the …
Photo by David McNew/Getty Images

The FBI’s informant file of a $5 million bribery scheme allegedly linked to President Joe Biden concerns the family’s business deals in Ukraine, House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) revealed Monday.

In May, Comer and Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) made bombshell claims after reviewing an FBI FD-1023 form that documented the informant’s allegations of an alleged bribery scheme involving an exchange of money for policy decisions between now-President Joe Biden and a foreign national. Comer disclosed the informant tip is dated June 30, 2020.

“Yes, it is Ukraine,” Comer told The Just the News. “This form 1023 involves a business person from Ukraine, who allegedly sent a bribe, a substantial bribe to then Vice President Joe Biden.”

The Biden family frequently visited Ukraine for its respective business. Then-Vice President Joe Biden served as the Obama administration’s Ukrainian “point person” on U.S. foreign policy. He visited Ukraine six times while serving as vice president.

Hunter Biden joined the board of Ukrainian energy company Burisma in April 2014, two years before Joe Biden stated he forced the firing of Ukraine prosecutor Viktor Shokin, who investigated the company. Joe Biden approved an official statement about Hunter’s Burisma board position, emails show.

Despite Hunter’s lack of experience in Ukraine or the energy sector, he earned $83,000 per month from the energy company or $1 million per year.

While his son was a member of Burisma’s board, Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion from Ukraine if the Ukrainian government did not fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma. In 2017, Hunter’s salary was cut in half when Joe Biden left the White House.

According to former Obama White House stenographer Mike McCormick, Joe Biden allegedly promoted U.S. support for Ukraine’s natural gas industry only days after Hunter Biden joined Burisma’s board.

Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss refuses to allow McCormick to testify before his tax and gun probe into Hunter Biden, McCormick told New York Post. 

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.

The Son Also Rises: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Worries Democrats

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Shannon Finney/Getty Images

Where did he come from? That question is being increasingly asked in Democrat circles as they watch Robert F. Kennedy Jr. rise in the public’s consciousness just as President Joe Biden tries to ignite his push for a 2024 return to the White House.

The Hill reports the aspiring Democratic Party presidential candidate is doing unexpectedly well in some polls and garnering increasing media attention as a result.

He’s received the backing of as much as 20 percent of Democratic-leaning voters in a handful of recent polls — an unexpected figure for anyone challenging an incumbent president, even more so for one from the same party.

The scion of the Kennedy political dynasty has also been on a press tour this week that included a Twitter Spaces discussion with Elon Musk, a digital town hall with journalist Michael Smerconish and a trip to the the U.S.-Mexico border on Monday night and early Tuesday morning, as Breitbart News reported.

Exclusive : Robert F. Kennedy Jr. meets local official at the U.S.-Mexico border

Robert F. Kennedy
0 seconds of 1 minute, 6 secondsVolume 90%

The Hill report sets out some of the Democrat fears, with detractors noting Kennedy Jr. is considered to be “a problematic fringe candidate who freely spreads conspiracy theories.”

Even so his profile as well as his media-ready image as an heir to the famous political dynasty – the 69-year-old is the son of assassinated Senator Robert F. Kennedy and nephew of President John F. Kennedy – have caused some to worry he could gain steam and potentially distract from the task of reelecting Joe Biden in 2024.

“Democrats would be foolish to mock or belittle RFK Jr. Every time we make fun of those who hold fringe positions, we lose,” said Michael Ceraso, a Democratic strategist and former campaign aide to Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg. “The Democratic Party acting smug never works.”

The report goes on to note a recent Fox News survey placed Kennedy at 16 percent support among registered voters while a CNN poll released Friday shows him with 20 percent of support among Democratic and Democratic-leaning respondents.

“Take RFK seriously, Biden,” Ceraso said. “If you don’t, we can create a stronger Republican Party that beats us in 2024. Like Bernie did in 2016, RFK has the potential to activate fringe anger if we mock them.”

Kennedy Jr. has never been shy to not only espouse his anti-establishment views and has willingly turned on enemies in his own party who seek to stymie his chances, as Breitbart News reported.

After he declared his candidacy for president as a Democrat, Kennedy slammed the Democrat National Committee (DNC) on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Sunday for having a “rigged” primary system, with no debates and moving voting in South Carolina ahead of New Hampshire on the calendar.

“The DNC, at this point, has taken the official position that there will be no debate, and I think that’s unfortunate… I think what the DNC did to New Hampshire is also unfortunate,” Kennedy Jr. said to the host, Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Joel Pollak, addressing what the DNC is doing to the primary system.


EXCLUSIVE – Sen. Tom Cotton: JCPA Media Cartel Bill Will ‘Sideline Conservative News’

Tom Williams-Pool/Getty Images

As the Senate Judiciary committee prepares once again to resurrect the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA), a bill that would create a cartel of legacy media companies empowered to collude with Silicon Valley, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) is reminding Republicans of the bill’s many flaws.

“Democrats want you to believe this bill would protect ‘journalism,'” said Sen. Cotton in an exclusive comment to Breitbart News.

“What they don’t tell you, of course, is that it would largely benefit left-wing outlets while leaving independent conservative media out in the cold.”

A man walks past The Washington Post on August 5, 2013 in Washington, DC after it was announced that founder and CEO Jeff Bezos had agreed to purchase the Post for USD 250 million. Multi-billionaire Bezos, who created Amazon, which has soared in a few years to a dominant position in online retailing, said he was buying the Post in his personal capacity and hoped to shepherd it through the evolution away from traditional newsprint. AFP PHOTO/Brendan SMIALOWSKI (Photo by Brendan SMIALOWSKI / AFP) (Photo by BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images)

(Photo by Shuran Huang for The Washington Post via Getty Images)

“Republicans shouldn’t fall for this latest attempt to sideline conservative news.”

The JCPA was added to the markup agenda for this week’s meeting of the Senate Judiciary Committee, meaning the Committee is like to vote on an updated version of the bill next week.

The bill aims to transfer wealth from Silicon Valley to the discredited and distrusted corporate legacy media. Beyond the financial payouts, the bill allows media companies to form a “joint negotiating entity”—a cartel, immune from antitrust law—to negotiate with Big Tech companies on the “terms and conditions” for carrying their content.

Legacy media companies already receive billions of dollars in voluntary payments from the tech companies, while their competitors in the independent media are frequently demonetized and suppressed by those same companies simply for discussing controversial topics.

Not only does the bill force even more handouts from Silicon Valley to the legacy media, it also enables even more censorship of their competition.

Sen. Cotton has been one of the staunchest opponents of the JCPA as Democrats and their RINO allies tried repeatedly to pass the bill throughout the 177th Congress. His opposition helped prevent a last-ditch effort by JCPA proponents to attach it to last year’s annual defense spending bill.

“[The JCPA] certainly shouldn’t have been used as the Democrats were trying to use it, as a negotiating chip for ending the COVID vaccine mandate on our troops,” said Sen. Cotton shortly after the NDAA effort failed.

In previous comments to Breitbart News, Sen. Cotton rebutted the media lobby’s argument that this is simply a bill to help small newspapers.

“It would empower anything but small companies, like companies that are reporting on genuine local news — crime, courthouse, school boards, and local sports. It would empower the Big Tech companies and these left-wing outfits that are really just designed to push ideological goals, not to promote news gathering in our communities across the state of Arkansas.”

Allum Bokhari is the senior technology correspondent at Breitbart News. He is the author of #DELETED: Big Tech’s Battle to Erase the Trump Movement and Steal The Election.

Social Credit: DHS Wanted to Assign ‘Risk Scores’ to American Internet Users

facial recognition tech

According to internal documents reviewed by Vicethe Department of Homeland Security in 2018 sought to develop a method for assigning “risk scores” to social media users, in a program to identify “disinformation” efforts named “Night Fury” by the DHS.

The DHS worked with the University of Alabama to develop the “Night Fury” system, the concept of which bears a striking resemblance to the Chinese “social credit” scores assigned to citizens to measure their compliance with the regime.

Vice began its investigation in order to learn more about Custom and Border Protection (CBP)’s efforts to learn more about arrivals at the border, but seem to have stumbled across a key part of the government’s sprawling social media censorship machine in the process.

Via Vice:

“The Contractor shall develop these attributes to create a methodology for developing a ranking, or ‘Risk Score,’ associated with the identified accounts. The Contractor shall develop tools to automate the identification process, documenting performance measures and metrics related to automating the identification process,” one of the documents reads. DHS said it stopped work on the project in 2019.

The news signals DHS’ continued focus on analyzing social media for a variety of purposes. These new documents come after Motherboard reported Customs and Border Protection (CBP) was using an AI-powered tool called Babel X to analyze travelers’ social media at the U.S. border.

According to the documents reviewed by Vice, the DHS ceased the program in 2019. But elsewhere, the government’s efforts to address “disinformation” on social media — a priority that only rose to the fore after the election of Donald Trump — proliferated.

By the 2020 election, a vast network of censors had sprung up, encompassing deep state agencies, NGOs, academics, journalists, and the silicon valley tech giants themselves. This “censorship-industrial complex” virtually erased any semblance of free speech on social media during the 2020 election and beyond.

Allum Bokhari is the senior technology correspondent at Breitbart News. He is the author of #DELETED: Big Tech’s Battle to Erase the Trump Movement and Steal The Election.

Biden Administration Blocks Disclosure of 2020 Election Censorship Docs

President Joe Biden speaks at the North America's Building Trades Union National Legislative Conference at the Washington Hilton in Washington, Tuesday, April 25, 2023. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)
AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

The Biden Administration is intervening to prevent the release of documents revealing the extent to which deep state actors and their third party allies interfered in the 2020 presidential election by pushing social media censorship.

The government seems particularly eager to stop the release of documents pertaining to the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), and the closely-linked Election Integrity Partnership (EIP), both of which are under intense scrutiny for their 2020 interference efforts.

Journalist Lee Fang has obtained emails showing lawyers from the Justice Department corresponding with Kate Starbird, who led the University of Washington’s Center for an Informed Public, one of the four organizations that made up the EIP.

In the emails, the Justice Department asks which CISA documents have been subject to public records requests, so they can determine whether to block their release.

Via Lee Fang:

“We’ve heard from the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA) within the Department of Homeland Security that the Daily Caller News Foundation has requested documents from the university, which may include documents that belong to CISA,” wrote Assistant U.S. Attorney Annalisa Cravens of the Western District of Washington in an email to Kate Starbird, a computer science professor at the University of Washington (UW).

“Could we please see a copy of any relevant CISA documents that you may plan to produce?” Cravens, the assistant U.S. attorney, wrote in her email to Starbird. “[W]e would also ask to have an extension of time before the records are produced so that we can have time to review them and assess whether we’ll have to file suit to protect them from disclosure.”

Faced with multiple lawsuits, as well as the Twitter Files, the full picture of the federal government’s obsession with censoring social media platforms after the election of Donald Trump in 2016 has emerged. All that remains is for the lawsuits to run their course

Allum Bokhari is the senior technology correspondent at Breitbart News. He is the author of #DELETED: Big Tech’s Battle to Erase the Trump Movement and Steal The Election..

Investigation: Mark Zuckerberg’s Instagram Failed to Stop Massive Pedophile Network Trading Child Pornography
Mark Zuckerberg discusses Instagram

Instagram, the globally popular social media platform owned by Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook (now known as Meta), has failed to stop the connection and promotion of a vast network of accounts involved in the creation and purchase of child pornography, according to recent investigations by researchers at Stanford University and the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Child Pornography dealers on Instagram are so brazen that they offer a “menu” of services directly on Zuckerberg’s platform.

The Wall Street Journal reports that according to recent investigations by researchers at Stanford University and the University of Massachusetts Amherst, Instagram, the widely used social media platform owned by Facebook, enabled the connection and promotion of a vast network of accounts involved in the creation and purchase of child porn.

Zuckerberg Meta Selfie

Mark Zuckerberg Meta Selfie (Facebook)

schoolkids using smartphones

schoolkids using smartphones ( dolgachov/Getty)

Researchers claim that Instagram’s algorithms, which were created to link users with similar niche interests, promote these illegal activities. It has been discovered that the platform’s recommendation systems direct users toward explicit content and link content sellers and pedophiles.

“Instagram’s algorithms excel at linking those who share niche interests. Unfortunately, this has led to the promotion of pedophilic activities and the connection of pedophiles with content sellers,” said a researcher involved in the investigation.

Researchers discovered that users could access accounts that sold child sex material by using the search feature on Instagram to locate explicit hashtags. Some accounts even provided “menus” with content options, including clips of kids hurting themselves and having sex with animals.

Facebook has acknowledged enforcement problems in response to the findings and declared the creation of an internal task force to address the issues. In the last two years, the company claimed to have taken down 27 pedophile networks, and it has plans to take down more. Thousands of hashtags that sexualize children have also been blocked, and it is working to stop its systems from suggesting that potentially pedophilic adults connect with one another.

“Child exploitation is a horrific crime,” a Facebook spokesperson said. “We’re continuously investigating ways to actively defend against this behavior.”

Despite these initiatives, the issue is still far from being solved. The researchers discovered that the problem is exacerbated by Instagram’s content-discovery features, reliance on search, and links between accounts. In order to make their content more accessible, pedophiles have taken advantage of the platform’s use of hashtags for content discovery.

“Instagram’s problem comes down to content-discovery features, the ways topics are recommended, and how much the platform relies on search and links between accounts,” said a researcher from the Stanford Internet Observatory. “You have to put guardrails in place for something that growth-intensive to still be nominally safe, and Instagram hasn’t.”

Despite the huge potential for harm to children posed by a platform that allows pedophiles to run amok, Facebook has plans to expose even more kids to the horrors of Mark Zuckerberg’s social media platforms. Breitbart News previously reported on Zuckerberg’s plans for “Instagram for Kids” to reach young chilren:

Recode reports that during a Senate hearing this week, Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri revealed that the company is still considering developing an “Instagram for Kids” app despite recent reports on the platform’s negative effect on teens’ mental health and previous promises to halt the development of such an app.


During the hearing, Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) asked Mosseri if he would commit to permanently ending the development of Instagram for Kids, to which Mosseri responded: :What I can commit to you today is that no child between the ages of 10 to 12 — should we ever manage to build Instagram for 10- to 12-year-olds — will have access to that without explicit parental consent.”

Mosseri’s answer shows that Facebook may still build an app for kids, it will simply require some form of parental consent for children to access it.

Read more at the Wall Street Journal here.

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship. Follow him on Twitter @LucasNolan

Horowitz Video: The Moral Depravity of the Democrat Party

Freedom Center founder condemns Democrat treason.

[Order your copy of David’s new best-seller, Final Battle: HERE!]

Freedom Center founder David Horowitz recently spoke at The Brown Palace in Denver, Colorado on May 2, 2023 about the moral depravity of the Democrat Party — including the Marxist takeover of our schools, the corruption of the 2020 election, and much more.

Don’t miss this inspiring speech below — but first, read David’s personal letter to all FrontPage Mag readers:

Dear FrontPage Reader,

My new book has been a runaway bestseller.

But it’s being censored.

Almost a total ban.

Even though my book sales far, far surpassed other bestsellers — The New York Times won’t include me on their bestseller list.

All the major networks — including Fox News — won’t even mention “Final Battle: The Next Election Could Be the Last.”

Frankly, I was stunned by Fox’s reaction.

That was until Tucker Carlson was fired.

You should know my book reveals the Left’s end game: creating a one-party, authoritarian socialist state in this country.

Soon after Tucker was fired, he released a video saying a “one-party state” had arrived.

As I discuss in “Final Battle” — the left believes conservative and dissenting voices must be shut down.

Consider that Tucker was the #1 cable news host in America.

And he was shut down.

Consider President Trump was “president” and the leader of the Republican Party today.

And he has been shut down by major media.

I was told President Trump was shocked when he first read “Final Battle.”

A friend told me that he said this book “explains it all.”

I was grateful for President Trump’s strong endorsement for “Final Battle.”

He even posted an urgent message to Truth Social, telling Americans everywhere “Get David Horowitz’s book ‘Final Battle’.”

Dennis Prager, one of the nation’s leading conservative thinkers who heads PragerU, said he agrees with Trump, writing:

“‘Final Battle’ may be the most devastating book-length indictment of the Democratic Party yet written.

This is nothing less than a handbook for the salvation of the United States of America.”

All the major media — even Fox News — is banning any mention of “Final Battle” as it soars to the top of the bestseller lists . . .

To order a copy today, please CLICK HERE ………………..   Thank you for all of your support!


David Horowitz

David Horowitz – “The Moral Depravity of the Democrat Party” from DHFC on Vimeo.

Transcript below:

Thank you all for coming.

About this time twenty years ago I was sitting in the dining room at this very hotel, meeting with the Republican leadership of the state legislature headed by my friend John Andrews who would have been here tonight except that it’s his birthday and he had a prior engagement with his family.

In those days Colorado was still a red state. Bill Owens whom I had already met with was governor and John was leader of the Senate. Chairing the meeting was my dear friend Steve Schuck who is here with us tonight.

Steve is the most generous and dedicated man I know. Over the past twenty and more years he has been a great friend and supporter of mine and of the Freedom Center, and of this event.

I also want to thank Shari Williams head of the Leadership Program of the Rockies, who couldn’t be here herself but encouraged her members to come.

The title of my new book – Final Battle: The Next Election Could be the Last – may seem like hyperventilation, but in fact it is a sober and disturbing portrait of where we are as a nation. Which is why Donald Trump has not only endorsed my book but has used its title Final Battle to describe his presidential campaign. It is also why for four straight months it has been the #1 best-selling book on elections and politics on Amazon.

“Woke” has become a term to describe the enemies of our country who have colonized our schools and taught our next generations to hate America, hate white people and trash our history and national pride. How to explain this travesty? It began fifty years ago when the anti-American, Marxist left set its sights on taking over our schools.

In fact the purpose of my meeting at the Brown Palace twenty years ago was to launch a national campaign for an Academic Bill of Rights that would protect students from indoctrination by these leftwing ideologues who were busy transforming our schools into indoctrination and recruitment centers for Marxist causes and the Democrat Party. The key agenda of my Academic Bill of Rights was that students should be presented in a fair and dispassionate manner with both sides of controversial questions, and should be assigned readings representing both sides as well.

Knowing that the previous decades had witnessed a large-scale purge of conservatives from university faculties, the very first principle of my Academic Bill of Rights was that no faculty member could be hired, fired, promoted or demoted for their political views. The next day the Denver Post’s lead editorial was an attack on me and my proposal warning that a conservative right-winger from California had come to Colorado for the purpose of getting liberal teachers fired. The Brazen Lie culture of the left was already firmly entrenched …. And very effective at intimidating conservatives and Republicans.

Many of you may have thought that the takeover of our educational system by anti-American Marxists happened overnight. It didn’t. It was five decades in the making. But conservatives and Republicans chose not to notice it. And when they did notice it, they were reluctant to fight.

If you want to understand the disasters that have befallen our country, you have to begin with the failure of Republicans and conservatives to aggressively wage the political war necessary to defend it.

The anti-American left attacks patriotic Americans as “white supremacists,” “racists” “domestic terrorists” and “insurrectionists.” And we respond by calling them “liberals.” There is nothing about them that is liberal. They are vindictive bigots, determined to demonize and destroy us.

Their intimidation has been working like a charm. While Senator Andrews was able to get Republicans to support the principles of my Academic Bill of Rights they were only prepared to support a “Resolution” not a law. So it lacked any teeth to enforce it. The Democrats were happy with this result, and John was able to put together a Joint Resolution supported by both parties which passed both Colorado chambers unanimously.

But the cynical Democrats, as usual, were acting in bad faith, and nothing happened as a result. The Democrats had achieved their goal of supporting the transformation of the educational system into an indoctrination and recruitment Center for the anti-American political left.

I wrote 5 books documenting the Marxist takeover of the schools They sold about 100,000 copies and I had high level contacts with Republican leaders like Newt Gingrich and Speaker John Boehner. I also created a national organization called Students for Academic Freedom. However, nothing came of our efforts but toothless resolutions like the one in Colorado.

Boehner even inserted a Resolution endorsing the Academic Bill of Rights into the Education Authorization Act, which meant that federal funds would be withdrawn from any institution that didn’t implement its principles. That’s if it was formulated as a law. But it wasn’t.

The result of these failures was the destruction of our educational system and the atrocities committed against our youth today from gender transitioning behind parental backs to teaching that America was created in 1619 as a white supremacist slave state.

The Democrat Party is no longer controlled by a liberal left but by Marxist zealots who willfully disregard the Marxist atrocities and failures of the past. Democrats no longer respect the sovereign individual, the rule of law, or the primary values of the Constitution –the equality of races, the spirit of compromise or the decentralization of power.

Instead, Democrats regard the Constitution as a white supremacist document written by rich white slaveowners, designed to oppress all other genders and races. Its mentality is that of European fascism and Soviet communism, and its immediate goal is a one-party state.

This is actually a bad news/good news story. The bad news is that the tremendous damage to our country was made possible because Republicans and patriots failed to address the threat when it could have been nipped in the bud. The good news is that we can take our country back if we’re willing to fight now.

2. The 2020 Election

I came tonight ready to talk about some of the themes of Final Battle: The Next Election Could Be The Last. The public debate about the 2020 election like all public debates has been framed by Democrats’ readiness to demonize their opponents and make brazenly false accusations about their actions and motives. According to Democrats the 2020 election was the fairest, most just election ever. Anyone who questions this preposterous conclusion, moreover, is committing an unthinkable act of treason – and constitutes an existential threat to our democracy.

In the real world, as opposed to this fiction, Democrats themselves have questioned the legitimacy of every single presidential election that Republicans have won since 1980. They have done so by going to the well of the House to call for the de-certification of Republican electors.

The reality is that Democrats have been stealing elections since the days of Tammany Hall, and their alliances with big city mafias. It is a widely accepted fact that John F. Kennedy was elected by the narrowest of margins with the help of Sam Giancana and the Chicago mob who stuffed the ballot boxes and voted the cemeteries in Cook County.

Here’s the reality of the 2020 election, which Biden officially won by .027% of the vote or 43,000 votes out of 159 million. In other words roughly 20,000 out of 159 million votes could have changed the result.

It is often overlooked that in this election President Trump became the only sitting president in the history of the country to increase his vote total in seeking a second term, which he did by increasing it 11 million votes to 74 million. Biden, who campaigned from his basement got 80 million votes if you can believe the official tally, or roughly 16 million more than Obama at his peak.

These results didn’t happen by normal campaigning. In July 2020, six months before the presidential election, the Democrats sent out a task force of 600 lawyers and 10,000 volunteers, whose mission was to change the election rules and tip the scales in Biden’s favor.

According to the U.S. Constitution, the election rules are set by the state legislatures. But in key battleground states like Georgia and Pennsylvania, as a result of Democrat lobbying the election rules were not set by the legislatures that Republicans controlled. In Georgia they were set by a backroom deal between a Trump-hating Republican Secretary of State and Hillary Clinton’s fixer law firm, Perkins Coie.

In Pennsylvania, where Republicans also controlled the state legislature, the election rules were set by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court which had a 5-2 Democrat majority. Eleven days before the election they removed the signature verification requirement. Now why would they do that, except to cheat? And in fact one ballot dump of 570,000 votes in the middle of the night in Pennsylvania assigned 99.4% of the votes to Biden and only .6% to Trump.

To protest travesties like this, the Trump team submitted 61 lawsuits with massive documentation of irregularities. None of this evidence was ever examined.

Trump felt abandoned by the Republican legislatures that allowed the Democrats to ignore the Constitution and deliver election authority to Democrat-controlled entities that would tilt the scales in their favor.

In changing the election rules, the Democrat task force did not pursue random agendas but followed a strategic plan, based on how their changes would make it easier to cheat.

Their model was provided by the Carter-Baker Commission on Election Reform. The 2000 Bush-Gore election had irregularities that eventually had to be resolved by the Supreme Court which decided the election in favor of Bush. The problems with election integrity were so severe that in 2005, Jimmy Carter and Bush’s former chief of staff formed the bi-partisan Carter-Baker Commission. The Commission issued a report listing the chief reforms necessary to ensure election integrity and make cheating more difficult.

In 2020, the strategy adopted by the Democrat task force was to reverse every recommendation of the Carter-Baker Commission and make cheating easier.

Number one of the Carter-Baker recommendations was to avoid the use of unsolicited paper ballots. It described these as “the main source of potential voter fraud.” In the 2020 presidential election, Democrat secretaries of state sent out 44 million unsolicited paper ballots dramatically increasing the opportunities for voter fraud.

The second key recommendation of the Commission was to increase the number of laws requiring voter I.D.’s to cast a ballot. The Democrats launched an endless smear campaign against voter I.D.s calling them Jim Crow 2.0 – a racist attempt to suppress minority votes. There was zero evidence to back up this claim since minorities were voting in record numbers in states with voter-I.D. laws. Other reforms recommended by the Commission were to ban third party ballot harvesting opaerations and unguarded ballot boxes. In other words to prevent voting by proxy. All of these voting methods were required by the new rules the Democrats put in place.

January 6th was the date set to certify the electors. On that day Trump gave his famous “Stop the Steal” speech, which has been maliciously described by Democrats as a criminal “incitement to insurrection.” This was absurd on its face, since Trump had offered the Capitol Police and Nancy Pelosi 10,000 national guardsmen to control the crowds. Trump’s offer was duly noted by the Inspector General who attended the meeting. Pelosi and the Democrat-controlled Capitol Police rejected the offer.

In his Stop the Steal speech, Trump described some of the more egregious ballot-fixing actions of the Democrats, blamed the looming loss of the election on “weak Republicans” who allowed these changes in the law to happen. He urged his followers to march “peacefully” and “patriotically” to the Capitol to stiffen weak Republican spines.

If you fail to do so, Trump added, you must go home and primary the weak Republicans so we can win the next election.

You could not imagine a speech less insurrectionary or more respectful of the democratic process than that.

Later that day, a relatively peaceful protest took place inside the Capitol that was immediately attacked by the Democrats as an “armed insurrection” and the most heinous crime in American history comparable to 9/11 and the burning of the White House in 1812.

More likely, this was the biggest lie in American history. No arms were found among the 800 or so people arrested. This forced the Democrats to revise their smear and call it just an insurrection. But you can’t overthrow the government without arms. That didn’t deter Democrats from ritualistically describing January 6th as an “insurrection” driven by white supremacy and Islamophobia as though that was reality instead of a hoax. The Democrats also claimed that 5 Capitol police officers were killed by the demonstrators. The correct number is zero. Four of the deaths were suicides months after the 6th and one was by a Trump supporting Capitol Police officer who died of a stroke in his bed at home on January 7. But shameless Democrat leaders like Joe Biden and Hakeem Jeffries were still repeating this lie as late as last fall.

Only one person was shot and killed on January 6th in the Capitol. Ashli Babbitt was a five-foot tall air force veteran who was unarmed and threatening no one when she was murdered by a Capitol police officer. The murder was captured on video. Nancy Pelosi hid the identity of the shooter for months while she quashed any investigation, then publicly exonerated him, and gave him a medal.

A real investigation – if it would have been allowed to happen could have led to the conclusion that Pelosi was an accomplice to murder. This is a measure of how criminal the Democrat Party has become.

3. The Biden Regime

Biden’s inauguration was January 20. He began with a brazen lie that he would unify the country and represent both those who voted for him and those who did not.

Then he issued a series of executive orders that illegally and unconstitutionally nullified our immigration laws, and welcomed a flood of unvetted illegals from 200 countries to invade our country. This was the greatest crime ever committed by our government against its own people.

Here’s a glimpse of its impact: In 2018 the Government Accounting Office issued a report on the number of illegal migrants in American prisons and jails in the five years between 2011 and 2016. Keep in mind that during Joe Biden’s first two years in office more illegals entered the country than in all twelve years of the Obama and Trump presidencies combined. So you can probably multiply the following figures by a factor of 3.

According to the Government Accounting Office, in the five years between 2011 and 2016, there were 730,000 illegals in U.S. prisons and jails. They accounted for 4.9 million arrests thanks to the revolving door that Democrats have provided criminals with and 7.5 million crimes. These crimes included 1 million drug arrests, 500,000 assaults, 134,000 sexual assaults, 24,000 kidnappings, 33,000 homicides and 1500 terrorist-related events.

Even worse in measuring the moral depths to which the Democrat Party has sunk is to consider the fate of unaccompanied minors under their rule. Recall Democrats’ outrage when Trump arrested the illegal parents of 4000 minors who were not allowed under American law to accompany their parents to prison while they were being processed for deportation.

They remained in the facilities that Obama had built, cared for by Border Patrol. Democrat outrage knew no bounds. Biden personally accused Trump of “ripping babies from the arms of their mothers” and put in cages reminiscent of Auschwitz. This slander was hammered home by Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and every other leading Democrat. “It’s criminal” Biden said in disgust. Responding to the faux outrage, Trump ended the policy within two months.

But when Biden took charge f the Oval Office, he made it a point to welcome unaccompanied minors to come to the United States, assuring them they would not be deported.

So instead of 4,000 parentless kids temporarily separated, the number exploded to 250,000 with 100,000 of those “lost” – that is, somewhere in the United States unknown to our government and in the tender care of ruthless drug cartels, sex traffickers and other criminals ready to rape and exploit them as child laborers in jobs that adults won’t do.

This unconscionable treatment of migrant children is a horrifying stain on our country, inflicted by the morally depraved leadership of the Democrat Party.

What is the goal of this radicalized party that leads to such atrocities? It is the dismantling of the American system and its replacement by a totalitarian state.

In addition to his illegal destruction of America’s borders, Biden announced at his inaugural that the main theme of his domestic policy would be “Equity” – by which he meant a government redistribution of resources, wealth and privileges by skin color. To justify this policy Biden claimed that America was and had always been a systemically racist society, and that systemic racism touched every aspect of American life.

These were monstrous lies, worthy of our most dedicated enemies, which, thanks to the radical takeover of the schools have become the dominant view of America’s record on race relations. It is an attitude designed to destroy our country and its political system by making Americans ashamed of their national heritage, and actual achievements in providing opportunity to all.

For the record, there is no systemic racism in American institutions. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 specifically outlawed systemic racism. If any institution was systemically racist there would be a tsunami of lawsuits filed by racial ambulance chasers like Benjamin Crump, extracting million-dollar penalties for violations of the Civil Rights law and the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. There is no such tsunami because there is no systemic racism.

The war on white people is really a war on America, its creation, and its future. It is a weapon selectively used to demonize Republican politicians who belong to the party of Lincoln and support Martin Luther King’s vision of a color-blind society. This was also the vision of the founders, which is why the words “white” and “black” do not appear in the Constitution.

The anti-white racism that pervades the outlook of the Democrat Party and informs its policies is no more subtle than the anti-black racism of the Ku Klux Klan. But it doesn’t emanate from the fever swamps of America’s backwater regions. It has been manufactured and promoted in the editorial rooms of the New York Times and the boardrooms of the Pulitzer Foundation, the offices of the teacher unions and the faculties of our universities and schools, which makes it far more dangerous.

Here’s two ominous results. We now have a serious problem of recruitment in our military because the Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, General Mark Milley, are anti-white racists who have made the demonization of white America a core element of military training.

Our system of justice is also imperiled by this anti-white racism. We have just appointed an anti-white racist to the U.S. Supreme Court who is such an ideologue that she can’t tell you what a woman is. She has been appointed to a position whose only job is to defend the Constitution but she is a believer in Critical Race Theory which maintains that the Constitution, a document that does not contain the word “white” is a white supremacist contract that should not be respected.

America is not now and never was a racist country. It is true that in the effort to defend slavery, southerners developed a poisonous anti-black ideology that flooded the region with racism.
But American slavery itself was not a racist institution. If it were – and America is a white supremacist country – how can you explain the existence of 500,000 black citizens who were free on the eve of the Civil War? You can’t.

Slavery existed in Africa for a thousand years before a white man ever set foot on the continent. Slavery in America was an imported institution. Virtually every black slave shipped to America was enslaved by black Africans and sold to Americans at slave auctions in Ghana and Benin. They were, in turn, freed by historic sacrifices made by mainly white Americans, 360,000 of whom made the ultimate sacrifice to set blacks free.

In all history there is not another case of one race making such sacrifices to free another.

Every nation needs to be proud of its history in order to defend itself. Americans can be proud of ours.

4. Gospel of the Fuhrer

How do I justify the subtitle of my book: The Last Election Could Be the Last? In fact, I finished it too soon to capture the Democrats’latest attempt to cancel our democracy. Mobilize corrupt Soros district attorneys like Alvin Bragg, to smother your political opponent with bogus indictments that could land him in jail or tied up in so many court proceedings that he couldn’t reach his constituents.

But the real threat can only be assessed by gauging the mentality of one’s opponents. For example, how committed are Democrats to the legal system under which we live? Here’s an incident you may be unaware of.

January 2, 2021 happened to be the one-year anniversary of the death of General Qasim Soleimani, whose assassination Trump had ordered. Soleimani was the leading terrorist in the world. He was responsible for thousands of American deaths including every wounded warrior blown up by an I.E.D. that you see on television. The Democrats condemned Trump’s decision to kill Soleimani because he was a “government official.” They said to kill this terrorist-mastermind was “provocative.”

The Iranian regime took a grimmer view. Its dictator Rouhani said that Trump would not only be removed from office – he had already lost the rigged election – but “he would be removed from life. We cannot forgive the killing of Soleimani.”

As you can imagine this threat led to a scrambling of White House security officials, led by the president’s military adviser General Milley. Details of how Milley led these security meetings were provided by two Washington Post reporters who were present.

According to the Post reporters, Milley’s “chief concern” was not the Iranian threat to the American president but remarks Trump had made in tweets that night regarding the 2020 election. Milley described Trump’s Stop the Steal speech as “the Gospel of the Fuhrer.” He told close aides that listening to President Trump was “like reading George Orwell’s 1984. “Lies are truth. Division is unity. Evil is good.” “This is a Reichstag moment” he said.

Milley went on to call Trump’s supporters “the guys we fought in World War II.” “They’re Nazis.” He proposed ringing the Capitol with barbed wire and 25,000 troops – not to keep out the Iranian terrorists, but to keep out the Maga Republicans and their alleged domestic terrorist threat. “We’re going to put a ring of steel around the Capitol,” he said, “and these Nazis aren’t going to get in.” Of course, no threat ever materialized.

Even more disturbing than these ravings by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was their endorsement by American elites. “You know what Milley was doing,” said CNN’s Anderson Cooper, “which you know was obeying the Constitution…. That’s what a patriot does.”

Actually, it would be hard to imagine a clearer form of treason.

In America’s constitutional order, the military is under civilian control, and the president is the commander-in-chief.

Yet Republicans failed to notice or mention this betrayal, and expose the extent of Democrat malice in the process.

Our country is in deep trouble. It can only be saved if actual patriots will step up and answer the call.

Hang All the Members of the Liars’ Club?

The lying sharks swim and circle with impunity.

May 18, 2023 by Victor Davis Hanson 19 Comments



Federal prosecutors last week announced the indictment of U.S. Representative George Santos (R-N.Y.) on a host of charges, including misuse of federal campaign funds and wire fraud, almost all of them resulting from his pathological lies.

Certainly, Santos deserved the attention of prosecutors for lying on federal documents and affidavits that may have helped him win a congressional seat as well as personal lucre.

But if that’s the case, why haven’t federal prosecutors also gone after Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.)? She clearly lied her way into a Harvard Law School professorship and an erstwhile presidential candidacy by claiming, in part, quite falsely she was a Native American, supposedly Harvard’s first indigenous law professor.

Her Senate colleague, Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), flatly lied (he said “misspoke”) about being a Vietnam War veteran. He never confessed to “misspeaking” about his résumé until caught. Both senators, apparently like Santos, gained political traction in their various campaigns from such lies, but the two apparently never put them in writing, or at least not as blatantly as did Santos.

New Federal Standards? 

Are federal and states prosecutors now setting a new moral and legal standard by criminalizing Santos’ lies? If true, congratulations—it is long overdue.

Now can we please extend the long arm of the law to reach far beyond a bit player like Santos?

Why not reboot with the really big liars? Their lies far more undermined the integrity of our key agencies and indeed our national security.

So let us start with John Brennan, the former CIA director. He lied on two separate occasions, in one case while under oath before the U.S. Senate. His untruths were not mere campaign finance fabrications. They involved falsely swearing that the CIA did not spy on the computers of Senate staffers (“Let me assure you the CIA was in no way spying on [the committee] or the Senate.”). He also lied that U.S. drone missions in prior years had not killed innocent bystanders (“There hasn’t been a single collateral death because of the exceptional proficiency, precision of the capabilities that we’ve been able to develop.”).

Brennan, only when caught, admitted to both lies. But he faced zero consequences and, in fact, was soon rewarded with an on-air analyst job at MSNBC.

Then we come to James Clapper, the former director of the Office of National Intelligence. Like Santos, he lied. But unlike Santos, Clapper was under oath to Congress. And further unlike Santos, Clapper was not a small fish, but a whale in charge of coordinating the nation’s intelligence bureaus.

Clapper’s lies mattered a great deal, especially when he swore to Congress that the National Security Agency did not spy on Americans. (“No, sir. Not wittingly.”) When caught, Clapper confessed that he gave “the least untruthful answer.” (“I responded in what I thought was the most truthful, or least untruthful, manner by saying ‘no.’”). He faced zero consequences for his perjury. And like Brennan, he marketed his anti-Trump phobias into a comfortable cable news gig.

Note well that both Clapper and Brennan likely lied again when they signed the infamous Hunter Biden laptop letter, with a wink and nod suggesting it was a hallmark example of “Russian disinformation.”

Then we come to the former interim FBI Director Andrew McCabe. He is also currently working as a cable news commentator. McCabe admitted to lying—according to the inspector general, “done knowingly and intentionally”—four separate times to federal investigators, three times under oath. McCabe misled the country in matters that concerned a national election, more specifically lying that he had not leaked to the media to massage media narratives about the FBI’s investigation of the Clinton Foundation.

Then there is James Comey, another former FBI head, who confirmed McCabe had lied. He simply claimed on 245 occasions to House investigators and members that he either had no memory or had no knowledge, when asked under oath to explain some of the wrongdoing of the FBI during his directorship. Remember, Comey and the FBI signed off on the authenticity of Steele document material to obtain a FISA warrant, when they knew it was unreliable and Steele was not credible. Comey also likely leaked to the media a confidential memo officially memorializing a private conversation with the president of the United States.

Should we include yet another former FBI director? Robert Mueller swore under oath to Congress that he knew little about Fusion GPS (“I’m not familiar with that”) and more or less had ignored the Steele dossier. (“It’s not my purview.”) Mueller’s claims cannot be true because revelations about both were the very catalysts that prompted his own special counsel appointment.

Will the Santos prosecutors go after Anthony Fauci, the recently retired head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases?

Fauci seemingly lied under oath to the Senate when he preposterously claimed the money he channeled through a third party to the Wuhan virology lab did not entail support for gain-of-function virology research. (“The NIH has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”) Many virologists were aghast at Fauci’s claims, since they knew gain-of-function research conducted in China—the point being to skirt U.S. laws—was precisely what the U.S.-subsidized researchers in China were doing.

The Bidens 

Prosecutors are currently looking at the various shenanigans of Hunter Biden, whose lies may even be a match for those of George Santos. Joe Biden’s son apparently lied on his firearms background check affidavit when applying for a handgun purchase—so far, with impunity.

When asked point blank on national television whether his lost laptop was his own—he had signed a receipt for it at the repair shop—Biden refused to give a yes or no answer.

Hunter Biden has apparently de facto lied for years when he purportedly did not report either his entire income or his real business expenses accurately, or that he was the father of a child he conceived with an ex-stripper in Arkansas.

If Hunter’s lies do not match the number of Santos’ prevarications, his were at least far more significant. His lie that the laptop was not his prompted current Secretary of State Antony Blinken, a former top Biden 2020 campaign aide, to call up Mike Morell, former interim CIA director. Morell’s mission was to round up as many intelligence authorities as he could to lie on the eve of a presidential election that the laptop had “all the hallmarks” of “Russian disinformation.” He found 51, including himself. Apparently, some active members of the CIA pitched in as well to lend the letter additional authenticity.

Note that Morell swears Blinken called him to solicit signers of the bogus letter, while Blinken claims he did not. So either the current secretary of state or the former interim director of the CIA is lying—or they both are. Again, among the first to sign the fraudulent intelligence letter were Brennan and Clapper. They apparently had earned a reputation as team players, given that both men had been willing to lie under oath to Congress. Misleading the nation again about the laptop to aid Joe Biden’s campaign was small potatoes.

Biden, on spec, promulgated the lie when he said in his second debate with Trump, “There are 50 former national intelligence folks who said that what he’s accusing me of is a Russian plant. Five former heads of the CIA, both parties, say what he’s saying is a bunch of garbage. Nobody believes it, except his good friend Rudy Giuliani.”

A subsequent poll suggested the Bidens’ concocted laptop lies may have influenced voters to side with Biden in the election. If true, that was a lie that should be of far more interest to current federal prosecutors than Santos’ crazy fairy tales.

The Lies of the “Big Guy”

So we come to the greatest prevaricator of all.

Joe Biden flat-out lied on numerous occasions, such as when he claimed that he never discussed the family shake-down business with Hunter Biden.

Joe Biden, in fact, turns up on the laptop as someone deeply connected to Hunter Biden’s quid pro quo companies (“10 [percent] for the Big Guy”). Tony Bobulinksi, a former business associate of Hunter’s, has sworn that Joe and his brother Jim Biden were deeply involved in their foreign leveraging efforts.

A photo shows Joe Biden with Hunter’s “business” associates. Will the current Santos prosecutors turn their attention to the Oval Office occupant’s financial records to determine whether his lavish private homes and lifestyle were viable under his reported stated income?

Biden lied to Americans dozens of times to get elected. The tragic death of his wife in a car accident was not due to the drunkenness and fault of a truck driver. That was a horrific smear designed to shift blame onto an innocent man and gain sympathy for himself.

He lied that his son, Beau, died while serving in Iraq.

Biden dropped out of the 1988 presidential race after he was caught lying about his college records and plagiarizing a speech from a British politician.

So we know that in the past, Joe Biden’s lies have left a mark on history in a fashion that Santos’ never will.

When Biden prefaces his whoppers with “No joke!” or “This is the God’s honest truth!” and especially when he swears, “My word as a Biden!” then it is a fair bet that he is lying.

When Biden entered office, he lied about the number of Americans previously vaccinated under the Trump Administration and preposterously claimed there had been no COVID vaccine available.

He lied that his loan forgiveness amnesty passed Congress by two votes. In fact, Biden simply declared amnesty by fiat and never submitted the request to Congress at all.

He repeatedly lies that billionaires pay only three percent of their income in taxes on average. He lies about minor details, from giving his Uncle Frank a purple heart to matters of national concern, such as the price of gas when he entered office. It was most certainly not $5 a gallon!

Biden constantly lies about his résumé. He was never a long-haul truck driver. Nor was he a star athlete almost headed for the Naval Academy on a sports scholarship if only Dallas Cowboys legend Roger Staubach had not beat him out. “I was appointed to the academy in 1965 by a senator who I was running against in 1972. I didn’t come to the academy because I wanted to be a football star. And you had a guy named Staubach and Bellino here. So I went to Delaware.”

His house was never almost destroyed by a fire. He was never raised “politically” as a Puerto Rican. Biden never pinned the Silver Star on a Navy Afghanistan war hero for bringing back the body of a fellow soldier from a deep ravine. He was never arrested, either in South Africa or in Atlanta, for demonstrating on behalf of civil rights.

No foreign leader can believe Biden. He never traveled 17,000 miles with Chinese President Xi Jinping. He lied about his own Amtrak travel. He lied about his record on inflation and economic growth. He lied about upping Social Security payments. (It was a larger-than-usual automatic cost-of-living increase spurred by his inflationary policies.) He lied about the nature of the Trump tax cuts.

Biden keeps lying that the southern border is “secure” even as nearly 2 million people have crossed illegally on his watch and tens of thousands more are massed to enter the country as Title 42 restrictions are lifted.

He insists that five police officers died at the hands of protestors on January 6, 2021. In truth, the one person we know for certain who died violently that day was Ashli Babbitt, an unarmed protester who was shot and killed by a Capitol Police lieutenant with a checkered record, whose identity was suppressed for months while Babbitt’s past was sullied by the press.

Biden’s defenders hint that either he is cognitively compromised and thus not responsible—as if he has told the truth the last 40 years when he was hale!—or his lies are mere “exaggerations” unlike the “lies” of Trump—as if lying about the death of one’s spouse or son or school record or resume or major legislation or his presidency is a mere “exaggeration.”

As a general rule, since 2015, if any federal bureaucrat or elected official lied in service of opposing Donald Trump, he was exempted from consequences. If not, he was properly held responsible for his lying. So the more that the fake Steele dossier, the Russian collusion hoax, and the Russian disinformation laptop lie warped the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections, the more the promulgators of those falsehoods never faced any consequences for their untruths.

So, yes, let federal prosecutors go after the lying George Santos to set a precedent that the lying of government officials has consequences.

But in the great scheme of lying things, Santos is a prevaricating minnow who was snagged to great acclaim because the lying sharks swim and circle with impunity.

This article originally appeared at


“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation  (TWO GAMER LAWYERS) (WHAT ABOUT THE CHINA BIDEN PENN CENTER?)  and the Obama (TWO GAMER LAWYERS) book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family (FOUR GAMER LAWYERS - JOE, HUNTER, JAMES, FRANK) corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren (GAMER LAWYER) and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (ADD GAMER LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS AND HER LAWYER HUSBAND AND THE BANKSTERS’ RENT BOY, LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER).    BRIAN C JOONDEPH

 Shock Poll: Dem Elizabeth Warren Surprisingly Vulnerable, Trails GOP’s Charlie Baker by Double Digits

261Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images


11 May 2023536


Former Gov. Charlie Baker (R-MA) holds a double-digit lead over Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) in a hypothetical U.S. Senate race match-up in Massachusetts, according to a poll.

The poll, conducted by the Fiscal Alliance Foundation, shows that 49 percent of the likely voter respondents would back Baker if he announced a bid, placing him 15 points ahead of Warren at 34 percent.


Moreover, the moderate Republican leads by a wide margin with independents, as Fiscal Alliance Foundation spokesman Paul D. Craney noted in a release associated with the survey: 

Senator Warren has significantly higher unfavorable numbers than her fellow Democrats statewide and that seems to be creating an opening for Baker, who always enjoyed large amounts of cross-party appeal. Looking at the cross tabs, Republicans seem to coalesce behind Baker (79%) in a way that Democrats do not around Warren (56%), and Baker leads with independent/unenrolled voters 2-1 at 57-26%.

Warren’s favorability rating is 5 points above water, with 49 percent finding her favorable  and 44 percent saying she is unfavorable, including 35 percent who find her “very unfavorable.” As Craney pointed out, her favorability rating indicates she is far less secure than some of her fellow prominent elected Democrat officials in the Bay State.

For instance, Boston Mayor Michelle Wu’s net favorability rating is plus 16 percent, as 47 percent view her positively, versus 31 percent who do so negatively. Similarly, 52 percent of likely voters say newly-minted Gov. Maura Healey (D-MA) is favorable compared to 27 percent who say she is unfavorable, giving her a net rating of plus 25 percent.

Baker and Warren both ran their last general election campaigns in 2018, and – perhaps surprisingly – Baker commanded more votes than Warren as a state-wide candidate that year and won his race by a larger margin than she won hers.  In his contest against Democrat Jay Gonzalez, Baker took 1,781,982 votes to Gonzalez’s 886,281, an impressive margin of 67 percent to 33 percent for a Republican in deep-blue Massachusetts.

The general election for U.S. Senate in 2018 saw a race between Warren and Republican Geoff Diehl, who lost last year’s gubernatorial race to Healey. Warren garnered 1,643,213 votes, or 60 percent of the electorate, to Diehl’s 979,507 votes (36 percent).

While the poll looks promising for Baker, it remains to be seen if he will launch a bid for the seat after becoming the president of the National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA) a few months ago.

The Fiscal Alliance Foundation sampled 750 likely voters May 7-8. The margin of error is plus or minus 3.6 percent, with a 95 percent confidence level.

More importantly, the racial favoritism implicit in the claim that she unfairly benefited from racial preferences is a stain on contemporary society that openly endorses racial preferences.  With her educational background (B.A. Williams College, M.A. and Ph.D at Brown), she has a far more prestigious background than Elizabeth Warren presented when receiving tenure at Harvard and being acclaimed as a breakthrough Native American faculty member. All in all, the Berkeley professor has a far better case to remain unpunished than does Senator Warren.


Echoes of Fauxcahontas Elizabeth Warren as fake Indian professor uncovered at Cal Berkeley, facing demands to resign

By Thomas Lifson

Another high-profile female at one of America’s most prestigious universities has been outed for having falsely claimed Native American heritage and thereby illicitly benefitted from affirmative action, as well as deceiving research subjects with her false claims. The controversy has been building for over half a year, after Associate Professor Elizabeth Hoover in October 2022 revealed on her personal website that she had incorrectly claimed Native American heritage.  

Via The Daily Californian student newspaper at UC Berkeley November 1, 2022:

“I have always introduced myself as the person my parents had raised me to be—someone of mixed Mohawk, Mi’kmaq, French, English, Irish, and German descent and identity,” Hoover said in the statement. “My identity within the Native community, rooted in the histories of my family, is something that shaped my entire life, even though I was not eligible for tribal enrollment due to blood quantum requirements.”

In her statement, Hoover also noted that she came to the conclusion that she cannot claim Indigenous descent after conducting genealogical research in response to recent questions about her identity, which she said she was first alerted to when a draft of a “pretendian” list circulated about a year ago.

Hoover said the news left her and her family “shocked and confused.”

“I made that public statement in order to communicate this message to a broader public,” Hoover said in an email. “I had no idea there would be the level of backlash that I and my collaborators are now facing. The statement was meant to start a conversation.”

Hoover added that she understands that the root of this general anger is the “idea that someone has wrongfully taken or benefitted from something set aside for other marginalized people.”

Hoover added that the intentional decision to wrongfully take from marginalized communities is “unconscionable.” However, she said she does not believe she has done this because she was raised with a Native American identity, rather than coming into it later in life.


Professor Hoover on the left (Twitter via the UKDM)

Strikingly, her excuse for her false claims echoes that of Senator Elizabeth Warren: family lore, uncritically accepted, to great personal benefit.  Her apology did not lead to forgiveness, however. On November 11, 2022,  a group of over 350 people with roots in academia and Native American concerns issued a highly critical “collective statement” (full text here). It begins:

Elizabeth Hoover (Pretendian) is one of many settlers in academia who claim Indigeneity based on unverified family lore and has marketed this identity for personal gain, acquiring both fellowships and faculty positions (Hilleary 2022, Isai 2022, Viren 2021). The authors of this letter are Indigenous scholars and former students of Hoover with affiliations at Brown University and UC Berkeley. As scholars embedded in the kinship networks of our communities, we find Hoover’s repeated attempts to differentiate herself from settlers with similar stories and her claims of having lived experience as an Indigenous person by dancing at powwows absolutely appalling. Her statement fails to acknowledge the prevalence of settler self-indigenization (Sturm 2011), which we find wholly unacceptable. As students at Cal, we are extremely disappointed by the University’s performative statements and inaction. We demand that Elizabeth Hoover resign and seek out a new position based on her true identity. Although we offer steps of accountability, we defer judgment to the communities she has commodified. (emphasis added)

Hoover’s entire academic career appears to be built on Native American-related research. She specifies her research on the University’s website:

My research focuses on Native American environmental health and food sovereignty movements. My first book  The River is In Us; Fighting Toxins in a Mohawk Community, (University of Minnesota Press, 2017) is an ethnographic exploration of Akwesasne Mohawks’ response to Superfund contamination and environmental health research. My second book project From ‘Garden Warriors’ to ‘Good Seeds;’ Indigenizing the Local Food Movement (University of Minnesota Press, forthcoming) explores Native American farming and gardening projects around the country: the successes and challenges faced by these organizations, the ways in which participants define and envision concepts like food sovereignty, the  importance of heritage seeds, the role of Native chefs in the food sovereignty movement, and convergences between the food sovereignty and anti-pipeline and anti-mining movements. I also co-edited, with Devon Mihesuah, Indigenous Food Sovereignty in the United States: Restoring Cultural Knowledge, Protecting Environments, and Regaining Health (University of Oklahoma Press, 2019). I have published articles about food sovereignty, environmental reproductive justice in Native American communities, the cultural impact of fish advisories on Native communities, tribal citizen science, and health social movements.


Professor Hoover's portrait from her university website page

As the story of her false claims spread into national media, generating more outrage, Professor Hoover issued a longer, even more groveling  apology on her personal website, dated May 1, 2023. It begins:

I have brought hurt, harm, and broken trust to the Native community at large, and to specific Native communities I have worked with and lived alongside, and for that, I am deeply sorry.

I am a white person who has incorrectly identified as Native my whole life, based on incomplete information. In uncritically living an identity based on family stories without seeking out a documented connection to these communities, I caused harm. I hurt Native people who have been my friends, colleagues, students, and family, both directly through fractured trust and through activating historical harms. This hurt has also interrupted student and faculty life and careers. I acknowledge that I could have prevented all of this hurt by investigating and confirming my family stories sooner. For this, I am deeply sorry.

Having my family claim Native identity does not mean Native nations claimed us. By claiming an identity as a woman of Mohawk and Mi’kmaq descent without confirming it with communities of origin, and by not confirming kinship ties back to politically and culturally affiliated Indigenous peoples, I betrayed and hurt my students, collaborators, and friends. I have negatively impacted people emotionally and culturally. For this hurt I have caused, I am deeply sorry.

For what is worth, Professor Hoover’s scholarship has not been impugned as erroneous, and has won several awards. He crime, such as it is, rests on falsely claiming victim-identity status. It may well be that some research subjects would have refused to talk to her, or have been more reticent, had she not claimed Native American status. But that reflects their own racial prejudice, as well as her deception. I have a hard time determining her stance as more blameworthy than theirs, if that is the case.  

More importantly, the racial favoritism implicit in the claim that she unfairly benefitted from racial preferences is a stain on contemporary society that openly endorses racial preferences.  With her educational background (B.A. Williams College, M.A. and Ph.D at Brown), she has a far more prestigious background than Elizabeth Warren presented when receiving tenure at Harvard and being acclaimed as a breakthrough Native American faculty member. All in all, the Berkeley professor has a far better case to remain unpunished than does Senator Warren.

As for the demands that she resign, the supposition must be that she would end up teaching at a less prestigious campus than Cal Berkeley.  She is trained in and an expert on researching Native American environmental issues, so what other career options exist that build on her years of training? Maybe government work?

A confession: I have a personal interest in the proposition that a scholar need not be of a certain ethnic background in order to become an expert on that culture. In my first career, I was a scholar of Japan without a drop of Japanese blood in me. And I reject the notion that genetics determines the legitimacy of scholarly work, as well as racial and ethnic preferences in hiring.


JUST HAPPENED! Elon Musk EXPOSED Senator Elizabeth Warren's CORRUPTION!



Warren’s Anti-Corruption Plan Does Not Prevent Hunter Biden Scenario

An anti-corruption plan put forth by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) in the 2020 Democrat presidential primary would not prevent a scenario where a sitting vice president’s child is allowed to serve on the board of a foreign corporation, as former Vice President Joe Biden’s son did.

Released last month, Warren’s plan to “End Washington Corruption” seeks to end a series of loopholes where presidents, vice presidents, lawmakers, and their family members have been able to effectively sell influence to line their pockets — a scheme that the Clintons were famously accused of with the Clinton Global Foundation, and one which Biden and his son, Hunter Biden, are now accused.

In April 2014, as Breitbart News’ Haris Alic has reported, Hunter Biden was appointed to serve on the board of Ukrainian oil company Burisma despite having no qualifications do to so. At the same time, Biden led the Obama administration’s response to Russia’s invasion of Crimea, pushing billions of dollars in U.S. taxpayer aid to the Ukrainian government. Some of that money allegedly filtered out to Burisma, the corporation of which Biden’s son was a board member.

When asked last month whether her anti-corruption plan would prevent a case where a sitting vice president’s child could serve on the board of a foreign corporation, Warren evaded the question, saying “I don’t know.”

“I’d have to go back and look at the details on the plan,” Warren said.

A review of Warren’s anti-corruption plan, though, reveals that there is no explicit language preventing another case where a sitting vice president’s child can serve on the board of a corporation, let alone a foreign corporation.

The closest Warren’s plan comes to dealing with a Hunter Biden scenario is banning lawmakers and their staff from serving on the boards of corporations, domestic and foreign.

“My plan bans members of Congress and senior congressional staff from serving on corporate boards — whether or not they’re paid to do so,” the plan states.

While Warren’s plan would mandate presidential transition team members to disclose their involvement with corporations, foreign governments, and other potential conflicts of interest, this portion of the plan does not extend to members of an administration who later involve themselves in potential conflicts of interest.

“It also strengthens ethics requirements for presidential transition teams to ensure that those who are shaping our government disclose any conflicts of interest and comply with the highest ethical standards,” the plan reads.

Though the Hunter Biden question was asked of Warren almost two weeks ago, her campaign has yet to follow up on whether they would revise their anti-corruption plan to include banning the family members of sitting vice presidents from serving on the boards of foreign corporations.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.






Warren: We Are Headed for Financial Crisis as Bad as 2008



5 Mar 2020630


Thursday on MSNBC’s “The Rachel Maddow Show,” Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) predicted that coronavirus could cause a global financial crisis as large as 2008.

Maddow asked, “You rose to national prominence around the last global financial catastrophe, predicting it, crucially helping explain it while it was happening, and then trying to save us from its impact. This crisis we’re going through now and heading into now because of coronavirus is different. Is it reasonable to be worried this might be a financial disaster of a similar scale?”

Warren said, “Yes.”

She continued, “Understand it this way. Before coronavirus was on anybody’s radar screen, this economy was already showing the cracks. Lending defaults, loan defaults were up. Small businesses were failing and not able to help pay their — not able to service their debts. There were declines in manufacturing. You kind of can see shaky signs in the economy, problem number one. And number two, the Trump administration had spent the bail-out tools. So they’d done this ginormous tax break and ballooned the debt and done rate cuts to juice the economy. And the consequences of both of those had not been investment in the real economy. It had been to do things like stock buybacks that produced things for a handful of folks at the top and executives but didn’t actually create more goods and more services in the economy.”

She added, “So, OK, so you’ve got a kind of cracky economy, and you’ve got the tools spent down and along comes the coronavirus. And now you’re going to get hit again because it’s things like supply chains. The trucks that are stopped in China and just literally the stuff is just not coming over. So manufacturers here in the United States that need 147 parts to put something together to send it out, two of those parts come from China, you’re done. You need to the ingredients to be able to manufacture a drug, and two of those come from China, and you’re just done on this. So that starts twisting the economy. Then part two, you have an economy right now that is deeply interrelated. Five big banks in America now, and they’re not only here, they’re tied all around the world. So as soon as one of these businesses that can’t do its manufacturing or can’t produce its drugs because it has a supply chain problem, can’t make a loan payment, and you start stacking those up all of a sudden—those banks they’re in trouble themselves. More defaults on the loans. Now the banks start to get in trouble.”

She concluded, “There’s a third problem, an incompetent administration. An incompetent administration is like its own natural disaster. When you’ve got a president who engages in magical thinking and says, no, he decided there were only 15 cases, and they would all be gone by April. And whatever it is he decides, my gosh, it almost doesn’t matter what he decides. The point is he’s not listening to the scientists. He’s not listening to the experts on this. And then he picks Mike Pence as the person in the White House who’s really going to be in charge of this. He picked the one person who actually has experience with a health care crisis, and that was back in Indiana, and Mike Pence was in charge as governor as made it a whole lot worse. It’s like the worst of all connections here. So if we were doing our dead-level best and going at this smart, we’d be working on the coronavirus. We’d be working on the tests as you talked about at the top, the vaccines. We would set aside a big fund of money so that we now would let anybody take sick leave who is diagnosed so people can keep themselves inside and try to slow down the spread. There are a lot of steps we could be taking on. They’re not taking them on. They’re engaged in a magical thinking. But there’s also steps we could be taking on the economic front, and it’s not just a rate cut, it’s actually we need to be talking about stimulus now. And look, yeah, they did the tax cuts and ran the debt up, and that makes it a lot tougher for us to get stimulus through now. So all these pieces are related to each other, and none of them are good.”


Elizabeth Warren: Lying, Money-Laundering Socialist

Punishing the rich for generating – and enjoying -- their wealth.

Jason D. Hill

Sen. Elizabeth Warren said on Wednesday October 13, 2021, that billionaires who have enough money to shoot themselves into space, as Jeff Bezos did this summer, will pay for the Democrats’ multitrillion-dollar reconciliation bill that is still being negotiated in Congress.

Before analyzing the pure envy and hatred of the productive benefactors of humanity that lie behind her statement, let us identify Warren for what she is: an equivocating, lying, money-laundering, Ponzi-scheming socialist who lives to expropriate the wealth of others to finance socialist programs. She’s contributed nothing in terms of productive value to society—short of being some pit-bull bureaucratic watchdog who lives for enacting legalized theft and money-laundering schemes, which is what socialism boils down to. She denies the fact that production comes before distribution, and that the wealth she so gleefully wants to appropriate was made possible by the ratified choices of individuals who endorsed Bezos’ products and made him wealthy because he added superlative value to their quality of lives. The notion that billionaires don’t pay taxes is such a case of the Big Lie, that it is not even worth refuting.   

What Warren despises is that Bezos regards his personal welfare, enjoyment, and pleasure—all value-choices that comprise his pursuit of his own happiness which is his inalienable right to do with as he pleases. He neither seeks nor needs the permission of others to live optimally.

Elizabeth Warren is jealous, envious, and filled with rage that he has so much surplus income that he can dare to spend it on what she considers to be a frivolous and wasteful activity. Guess what, Warren? The liberal state by design is supposed to remain agnostic on the question of persons’ conceptions of the good life—provided such choices do not violate the rights of others. She is outraged that he’d rather spend millions on a short trip to space than fund the decrepit and corrupt government schools that teach hatred and bigotry via Critical race Theory; that he doesn’t seem to care about funding historically Black colleges which are a total disaster (they are failing abysmally and graduating semi-literate students); that her tuition-free community college education plan won’t be financed. No one should ever be compelled to finance the education of another person’s child. We are not responsible for the procreative choices of other people. The responsibility for a child’s education lies with the parents.

If you cannot afford to educate a child then don’t have one, just as you would not purchase a house or car if you could not afford to finance them. No one has a constitutional right to have children. And no one’s child can be a necessary social good for anyone but the parents of that child. State schools today (and many private schools) are bastions of indoctrination centers teaching hatred of our great republic, encouraging and practicing cancel culture, weaponizing defiance against authority, decolonizing courses by stripping them of canonical texts, and turning schools into Marxist conduits of Social Justice, radical activism, and social eugenics breeding grounds to transform America into a communist charnel house by canceling human agency, and then history, and then our Constitution. No, Sen. Warren. Some of us are going to devote our lives to defunding all public schools and shutting down government schools. She is incensed that she won’t have her drug-pricing policies and undefined “climate crises” funded and foisted on corporations that would just stifle growth and productivity.

Warren knows that she must walk a fine line with corporations and folks like Bezos. Financing socialist programs is not as simple a matter as taxing-the-rich and using their wealth to indiscriminately finance said initiatives.

What the bark-with-no-bite senator wants to do is create a certain climate of resentment against success within the culture. She wants to reorient the sensibilities of the American people, to divest them of their personal independence and the cherished principle that they hold regarding property: that one has the legal and moral right to use and dispose of one’s property according to one’s judgment and conscience, provided it does not violate the individual rights of other persons.

Warren and the progressive left want to change the vocabulary of rights entirely. They want a notion of positive rights to be sneaked in surreptitiously for us to forget the proper understanding of rights as delineated by classical liberalism. John Locke, John Stuart Mill, Ludwig von Mises, and Ayn Rand all reminded us that rights pertain to a right to pursue action in pursuit of a good, an object, a service, and values. No one has the right to a job, a house, or an education per se; only the right to pursue the means to such tangible goods. Otherwise, one is demanding that one has a right to the efforts and actions and services of another. No one has ever been able to justify on what grounds such a right to that sort of action could be legitimized.

Warren, like all socialists, is a money appropriator. She has no intention of creating real wealth in the sense of creating a real value in the world whose application is manifestly ratified by the choices of others in trading their money for that applied value. She may be a money-earner, and she has grown rich by that means; but it was through the created wealth of a producer on whose efforts she herself is parasitic. She is mostly known in politics as someone who has been responsible for policies that have led to banking regulations. This means that she strangles and aborts initiatives, innovation, and the creative capabilities of others.

And this is what she hates about corporate leaders and those who have the temerity to enjoy their wealth by traveling into space. This woman bears the trademark of every money-laundering socialist: she has a sense of entitlement coupled with hatred for talent that can be monetized. She does not even have the dignity of a pillaging humanitarian. She’s a primal thug who is going after the rich for no other reason than because they are rich, and because their sensibilities and drives are offensive to her. She feels the rich should give back. But to whom and for what reason? From whom have they stolen or taken anything that was not theirs legally? They have raised the quality of lives and standard of living of many in ways that, if such persons had been left on their own, many of them otherwise would have been condemned to a life of destitution. Bezos has nothing to give back. He and his customers have traded value for value in a reciprocal exchange of mutual advantage.

Warren desires to bring the rich and affluent down to the level of the lowest common denominator of those whom she thinks need government help; to invoke some notion that those corporate leaders and billionaires are just like everyone else. But they are not. And they should never accept the uninvited moral agenda of lesser people.

I end with words addressed to money-laundering Sen. Warren via the great economist Ludwig von Mises, spoken to philosopher Ayn Rand when he told her she had the courage to tell the masses the truth. Von Mises said: “You are inferior, and all the improvements in your condition which you simply take for granted you owe to the efforts of men who are better than you.”

These words are applicable to the money-appropriating senator who would do best to genuflect before the billionaires and pay homage to them for the gift of her paycheck, rather than have the infernal impertinence to even aspire to lecture them—let alone steal their wealth.

Jason D. Hill is professor of philosophy at DePaul University in Chicago specializing in ethics, social and political philosophy, American foreign policy, and moral psychology. He is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center. Dr. Hill is the author of five books, including the forthcoming book, “What Do White Americans Owe Black People: Racial Justice in the Age of Post-Oppression.” Follow him on Twitter @JasonDhill6.



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