Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Horowitz Video: The Moral Depravity of the Democrat Party Freedom Center founder condemns Democrat treason.



2.) For their corporate paymasters, Mexico and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce these people work for an endlss flood of illegals to keep wages depressed and vote dem for more!

3.) THEY ALL WORK HARD TO EXPAND THE LA RAZA "The Race" Mexican welfare state now border to open border.













“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation  (TWO GAMER LAWYERS) (WHAT ABOUT THE CHINA BIDEN PENN CENTER?)  and the Obama (TWO GAMER LAWYERS) book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family (FOUR GAMER LAWYERS - JOE, HUNTER, JAMES, FRANK) corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren (GAMER LAWYER) and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (ADD GAMER LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS AND HER LAWYER HUSBAND AND THE BANKSTERS’ RENT BOY, LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER AND GEORGE SOROS’ RENT BOY GAMER LAWER TONY BLINKEN AS WELL AS CON MAN ADAM SHIFF).    BRIAN C JOONDEPH

Horowitz Video: The Moral Depravity of the Democrat Party

Freedom Center founder condemns Democrat treason.

[Order your copy of David’s new best-seller, Final Battle: HERE!]

Freedom Center founder David Horowitz recently spoke at The Brown Palace in Denver, Colorado on May 2, 2023 about the moral depravity of the Democrat Party — including the Marxist takeover of our schools, the corruption of the 2020 election, and much more.

Don’t miss this inspiring speech below — but first, read David’s personal letter to all FrontPage Mag readers:

Dear FrontPage Reader,

My new book has been a runaway bestseller.

But it’s being censored.

Almost a total ban.

Even though my book sales far, far surpassed other bestsellers — The New York Times won’t include me on their bestseller list.

All the major networks — including Fox News — won’t even mention “Final Battle: The Next Election Could Be the Last.”

Frankly, I was stunned by Fox’s reaction.

That was until Tucker Carlson was fired.

You should know my book reveals the Left’s end game: creating a one-party, authoritarian socialist state in this country.

Soon after Tucker was fired, he released a video saying a “one-party state” had arrived.

As I discuss in “Final Battle” — the left believes conservative and dissenting voices must be shut down.

Consider that Tucker was the #1 cable news host in America.

And he was shut down.

Consider President Trump was “president” and the leader of the Republican Party today.

And he has been shut down by major media.

I was told President Trump was shocked when he first read “Final Battle.”

A friend told me that he said this book “explains it all.”

I was grateful for President Trump’s strong endorsement for “Final Battle.”

He even posted an urgent message to Truth Social, telling Americans everywhere “Get David Horowitz’s book ‘Final Battle’.”

Dennis Prager, one of the nation’s leading conservative thinkers who heads PragerU, said he agrees with Trump, writing:

“‘Final Battle’ may be the most devastating book-length indictment of the Democratic Party yet written.

This is nothing less than a handbook for the salvation of the United States of America.”

All the major media — even Fox News — is banning any mention of “Final Battle” as it soars to the top of the bestseller lists . . .

To order a copy today, please CLICK HERE ………………..   Thank you for all of your support!


David Horowitz

David Horowitz – “The Moral Depravity of the Democrat Party” from DHFC on Vimeo.

Transcript below:

Thank you all for coming.

About this time twenty years ago I was sitting in the dining room at this very hotel, meeting with the Republican leadership of the state legislature headed by my friend John Andrews who would have been here tonight except that it’s his birthday and he had a prior engagement with his family.

In those days Colorado was still a red state. Bill Owens whom I had already met with was governor and John was leader of the Senate. Chairing the meeting was my dear friend Steve Schuck who is here with us tonight.

Steve is the most generous and dedicated man I know. Over the past twenty and more years he has been a great friend and supporter of mine and of the Freedom Center, and of this event.

I also want to thank Shari Williams head of the Leadership Program of the Rockies, who couldn’t be here herself but encouraged her members to come.

The title of my new book – Final Battle: The Next Election Could be the Last – may seem like hyperventilation, but in fact it is a sober and disturbing portrait of where we are as a nation. Which is why Donald Trump has not only endorsed my book but has used its title Final Battle to describe his presidential campaign. It is also why for four straight months it has been the #1 best-selling book on elections and politics on Amazon.

“Woke” has become a term to describe the enemies of our country who have colonized our schools and taught our next generations to hate America, hate white people and trash our history and national pride. How to explain this travesty? It began fifty years ago when the anti-American, Marxist left set its sights on taking over our schools.

In fact the purpose of my meeting at the Brown Palace twenty years ago was to launch a national campaign for an Academic Bill of Rights that would protect students from indoctrination by these leftwing ideologues who were busy transforming our schools into indoctrination and recruitment centers for Marxist causes and the Democrat Party. The key agenda of my Academic Bill of Rights was that students should be presented in a fair and dispassionate manner with both sides of controversial questions, and should be assigned readings representing both sides as well.

Knowing that the previous decades had witnessed a large-scale purge of conservatives from university faculties, the very first principle of my Academic Bill of Rights was that no faculty member could be hired, fired, promoted or demoted for their political views. The next day the Denver Post’s lead editorial was an attack on me and my proposal warning that a conservative right-winger from California had come to Colorado for the purpose of getting liberal teachers fired. The Brazen Lie culture of the left was already firmly entrenched …. And very effective at intimidating conservatives and Republicans.

Many of you may have thought that the takeover of our educational system by anti-American Marxists happened overnight. It didn’t. It was five decades in the making. But conservatives and Republicans chose not to notice it. And when they did notice it, they were reluctant to fight.

If you want to understand the disasters that have befallen our country, you have to begin with the failure of Republicans and conservatives to aggressively wage the political war necessary to defend it.

The anti-American left attacks patriotic Americans as “white supremacists,” “racists” “domestic terrorists” and “insurrectionists.” And we respond by calling them “liberals.” There is nothing about them that is liberal. They are vindictive bigots, determined to demonize and destroy us.

Their intimidation has been working like a charm. While Senator Andrews was able to get Republicans to support the principles of my Academic Bill of Rights they were only prepared to support a “Resolution” not a law. So it lacked any teeth to enforce it. The Democrats were happy with this result, and John was able to put together a Joint Resolution supported by both parties which passed both Colorado chambers unanimously.

But the cynical Democrats, as usual, were acting in bad faith, and nothing happened as a result. The Democrats had achieved their goal of supporting the transformation of the educational system into an indoctrination and recruitment Center for the anti-American political left.

I wrote 5 books documenting the Marxist takeover of the schools They sold about 100,000 copies and I had high level contacts with Republican leaders like Newt Gingrich and Speaker John Boehner. I also created a national organization called Students for Academic Freedom. However, nothing came of our efforts but toothless resolutions like the one in Colorado.

Boehner even inserted a Resolution endorsing the Academic Bill of Rights into the Education Authorization Act, which meant that federal funds would be withdrawn from any institution that didn’t implement its principles. That’s if it was formulated as a law. But it wasn’t.

The result of these failures was the destruction of our educational system and the atrocities committed against our youth today from gender transitioning behind parental backs to teaching that America was created in 1619 as a white supremacist slave state.

The Democrat Party is no longer controlled by a liberal left but by Marxist zealots who willfully disregard the Marxist atrocities and failures of the past. Democrats no longer respect the sovereign individual, the rule of law, or the primary values of the Constitution –the equality of races, the spirit of compromise or the decentralization of power.

Instead, Democrats regard the Constitution as a white supremacist document written by rich white slaveowners, designed to oppress all other genders and races. Its mentality is that of European fascism and Soviet communism, and its immediate goal is a one-party state.

This is actually a bad news/good news story. The bad news is that the tremendous damage to our country was made possible because Republicans and patriots failed to address the threat when it could have been nipped in the bud. The good news is that we can take our country back if we’re willing to fight now.

2. The 2020 Election

I came tonight ready to talk about some of the themes of Final Battle: The Next Election Could Be The Last. The public debate about the 2020 election like all public debates has been framed by Democrats’ readiness to demonize their opponents and make brazenly false accusations about their actions and motives. According to Democrats the 2020 election was the fairest, most just election ever. Anyone who questions this preposterous conclusion, moreover, is committing an unthinkable act of treason – and constitutes an existential threat to our democracy.

In the real world, as opposed to this fiction, Democrats themselves have questioned the legitimacy of every single presidential election that Republicans have won since 1980. They have done so by going to the well of the House to call for the de-certification of Republican electors.

The reality is that Democrats have been stealing elections since the days of Tammany Hall, and their alliances with big city mafias. It is a widely accepted fact that John F. Kennedy was elected by the narrowest of margins with the help of Sam Giancana and the Chicago mob who stuffed the ballot boxes and voted the cemeteries in Cook County.

Here’s the reality of the 2020 election, which Biden officially won by .027% of the vote or 43,000 votes out of 159 million. In other words roughly 20,000 out of 159 million votes could have changed the result.

It is often overlooked that in this election President Trump became the only sitting president in the history of the country to increase his vote total in seeking a second term, which he did by increasing it 11 million votes to 74 million. Biden, who campaigned from his basement got 80 million votes if you can believe the official tally, or roughly 16 million more than Obama at his peak.

These results didn’t happen by normal campaigning. In July 2020, six months before the presidential election, the Democrats sent out a task force of 600 lawyers and 10,000 volunteers, whose mission was to change the election rules and tip the scales in Biden’s favor.

According to the U.S. Constitution, the election rules are set by the state legislatures. But in key battleground states like Georgia and Pennsylvania, as a result of Democrat lobbying the election rules were not set by the legislatures that Republicans controlled. In Georgia they were set by a backroom deal between a Trump-hating Republican Secretary of State and Hillary Clinton’s fixer law firm, Perkins Coie.

In Pennsylvania, where Republicans also controlled the state legislature, the election rules were set by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court which had a 5-2 Democrat majority. Eleven days before the election they removed the signature verification requirement. Now why would they do that, except to cheat? And in fact one ballot dump of 570,000 votes in the middle of the night in Pennsylvania assigned 99.4% of the votes to Biden and only .6% to Trump.

To protest travesties like this, the Trump team submitted 61 lawsuits with massive documentation of irregularities. None of this evidence was ever examined.

Trump felt abandoned by the Republican legislatures that allowed the Democrats to ignore the Constitution and deliver election authority to Democrat-controlled entities that would tilt the scales in their favor.

In changing the election rules, the Democrat task force did not pursue random agendas but followed a strategic plan, based on how their changes would make it easier to cheat.

Their model was provided by the Carter-Baker Commission on Election Reform. The 2000 Bush-Gore election had irregularities that eventually had to be resolved by the Supreme Court which decided the election in favor of Bush. The problems with election integrity were so severe that in 2005, Jimmy Carter and Bush’s former chief of staff formed the bi-partisan Carter-Baker Commission. The Commission issued a report listing the chief reforms necessary to ensure election integrity and make cheating more difficult.

In 2020, the strategy adopted by the Democrat task force was to reverse every recommendation of the Carter-Baker Commission and make cheating easier.

Number one of the Carter-Baker recommendations was to avoid the use of unsolicited paper ballots. It described these as “the main source of potential voter fraud.” In the 2020 presidential election, Democrat secretaries of state sent out 44 million unsolicited paper ballots dramatically increasing the opportunities for voter fraud.

The second key recommendation of the Commission was to increase the number of laws requiring voter I.D.’s to cast a ballot. The Democrats launched an endless smear campaign against voter I.D.s calling them Jim Crow 2.0 – a racist attempt to suppress minority votes. There was zero evidence to back up this claim since minorities were voting in record numbers in states with voter-I.D. laws. Other reforms recommended by the Commission were to ban third party ballot harvesting opaerations and unguarded ballot boxes. In other words to prevent voting by proxy. All of these voting methods were required by the new rules the Democrats put in place.

January 6th was the date set to certify the electors. On that day Trump gave his famous “Stop the Steal” speech, which has been maliciously described by Democrats as a criminal “incitement to insurrection.” This was absurd on its face, since Trump had offered the Capitol Police and Nancy Pelosi 10,000 national guardsmen to control the crowds. Trump’s offer was duly noted by the Inspector General who attended the meeting. Pelosi and the Democrat-controlled Capitol Police rejected the offer.

In his Stop the Steal speech, Trump described some of the more egregious ballot-fixing actions of the Democrats, blamed the looming loss of the election on “weak Republicans” who allowed these changes in the law to happen. He urged his followers to march “peacefully” and “patriotically” to the Capitol to stiffen weak Republican spines.

If you fail to do so, Trump added, you must go home and primary the weak Republicans so we can win the next election.

You could not imagine a speech less insurrectionary or more respectful of the democratic process than that.

Later that day, a relatively peaceful protest took place inside the Capitol that was immediately attacked by the Democrats as an “armed insurrection” and the most heinous crime in American history comparable to 9/11 and the burning of the White House in 1812.

More likely, this was the biggest lie in American history. No arms were found among the 800 or so people arrested. This forced the Democrats to revise their smear and call it just an insurrection. But you can’t overthrow the government without arms. That didn’t deter Democrats from ritualistically describing January 6th as an “insurrection” driven by white supremacy and Islamophobia as though that was reality instead of a hoax. The Democrats also claimed that 5 Capitol police officers were killed by the demonstrators. The correct number is zero. Four of the deaths were suicides months after the 6th and one was by a Trump supporting Capitol Police officer who died of a stroke in his bed at home on January 7. But shameless Democrat leaders like Joe Biden and Hakeem Jeffries were still repeating this lie as late as last fall.

Only one person was shot and killed on January 6th in the Capitol. Ashli Babbitt was a five-foot tall air force veteran who was unarmed and threatening no one when she was murdered by a Capitol police officer. The murder was captured on video. Nancy Pelosi hid the identity of the shooter for months while she quashed any investigation, then publicly exonerated him, and gave him a medal.

A real investigation – if it would have been allowed to happen could have led to the conclusion that Pelosi was an accomplice to murder. This is a measure of how criminal the Democrat Party has become.

3. The Biden Regime

Biden’s inauguration was January 20. He began with a brazen lie that he would unify the country and represent both those who voted for him and those who did not.

Then he issued a series of executive orders that illegally and unconstitutionally nullified our immigration laws, and welcomed a flood of unvetted illegals from 200 countries to invade our country. This was the greatest crime ever committed by our government against its own people.

Here’s a glimpse of its impact: In 2018 the Government Accounting Office issued a report on the number of illegal migrants in American prisons and jails in the five years between 2011 and 2016. Keep in mind that during Joe Biden’s first two years in office more illegals entered the country than in all twelve years of the Obama and Trump presidencies combined. So you can probably multiply the following figures by a factor of 3.

According to the Government Accounting Office, in the five years between 2011 and 2016, there were 730,000 illegals in U.S. prisons and jails. They accounted for 4.9 million arrests thanks to the revolving door that Democrats have provided criminals with and 7.5 million crimes. These crimes included 1 million drug arrests, 500,000 assaults, 134,000 sexual assaults, 24,000 kidnappings, 33,000 homicides and 1500 terrorist-related events.

Even worse in measuring the moral depths to which the Democrat Party has sunk is to consider the fate of unaccompanied minors under their rule. Recall Democrats’ outrage when Trump arrested the illegal parents of 4000 minors who were not allowed under American law to accompany their parents to prison while they were being processed for deportation.

They remained in the facilities that Obama had built, cared for by Border Patrol. Democrat outrage knew no bounds. Biden personally accused Trump of “ripping babies from the arms of their mothers” and put in cages reminiscent of Auschwitz. This slander was hammered home by Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and every other leading Democrat. “It’s criminal” Biden said in disgust. Responding to the faux outrage, Trump ended the policy within two months.

But when Biden took charge f the Oval Office, he made it a point to welcome unaccompanied minors to come to the United States, assuring them they would not be deported.

So instead of 4,000 parentless kids temporarily separated, the number exploded to 250,000 with 100,000 of those “lost” – that is, somewhere in the United States unknown to our government and in the tender care of ruthless drug cartels, sex traffickers and other criminals ready to rape and exploit them as child laborers in jobs that adults won’t do.

This unconscionable treatment of migrant children is a horrifying stain on our country, inflicted by the morally depraved leadership of the Democrat Party.

What is the goal of this radicalized party that leads to such atrocities? It is the dismantling of the American system and its replacement by a totalitarian state.

In addition to his illegal destruction of America’s borders, Biden announced at his inaugural that the main theme of his domestic policy would be “Equity” – by which he meant a government redistribution of resources, wealth and privileges by skin color. To justify this policy Biden claimed that America was and had always been a systemically racist society, and that systemic racism touched every aspect of American life.

These were monstrous lies, worthy of our most dedicated enemies, which, thanks to the radical takeover of the schools have become the dominant view of America’s record on race relations. It is an attitude designed to destroy our country and its political system by making Americans ashamed of their national heritage, and actual achievements in providing opportunity to all.

For the record, there is no systemic racism in American institutions. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 specifically outlawed systemic racism. If any institution was systemically racist there would be a tsunami of lawsuits filed by racial ambulance chasers like Benjamin Crump, extracting million-dollar penalties for violations of the Civil Rights law and the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. There is no such tsunami because there is no systemic racism.

The war on white people is really a war on America, its creation, and its future. It is a weapon selectively used to demonize Republican politicians who belong to the party of Lincoln and support Martin Luther King’s vision of a color-blind society. This was also the vision of the founders, which is why the words “white” and “black” do not appear in the Constitution.

The anti-white racism that pervades the outlook of the Democrat Party and informs its policies is no more subtle than the anti-black racism of the Ku Klux Klan. But it doesn’t emanate from the fever swamps of America’s backwater regions. It has been manufactured and promoted in the editorial rooms of the New York Times and the boardrooms of the Pulitzer Foundation, the offices of the teacher unions and the faculties of our universities and schools, which makes it far more dangerous.

Here’s two ominous results. We now have a serious problem of recruitment in our military because the Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, General Mark Milley, are anti-white racists who have made the demonization of white America a core element of military training.

Our system of justice is also imperiled by this anti-white racism. We have just appointed an anti-white racist to the U.S. Supreme Court who is such an ideologue that she can’t tell you what a woman is. She has been appointed to a position whose only job is to defend the Constitution but she is a believer in Critical Race Theory which maintains that the Constitution, a document that does not contain the word “white” is a white supremacist contract that should not be respected.

America is not now and never was a racist country. It is true that in the effort to defend slavery, southerners developed a poisonous anti-black ideology that flooded the region with racism.
But American slavery itself was not a racist institution. If it were – and America is a white supremacist country – how can you explain the existence of 500,000 black citizens who were free on the eve of the Civil War? You can’t.

Slavery existed in Africa for a thousand years before a white man ever set foot on the continent. Slavery in America was an imported institution. Virtually every black slave shipped to America was enslaved by black Africans and sold to Americans at slave auctions in Ghana and Benin. They were, in turn, freed by historic sacrifices made by mainly white Americans, 360,000 of whom made the ultimate sacrifice to set blacks free.

In all history there is not another case of one race making such sacrifices to free another.

Every nation needs to be proud of its history in order to defend itself. Americans can be proud of ours.

4. Gospel of the Fuhrer

How do I justify the subtitle of my book: The Last Election Could Be the Last? In fact, I finished it too soon to capture the Democrats’latest attempt to cancel our democracy. Mobilize corrupt Soros district attorneys like Alvin Bragg, to smother your political opponent with bogus indictments that could land him in jail or tied up in so many court proceedings that he couldn’t reach his constituents.

But the real threat can only be assessed by gauging the mentality of one’s opponents. For example, how committed are Democrats to the legal system under which we live? Here’s an incident you may be unaware of.

January 2, 2021 happened to be the one-year anniversary of the death of General Qasim Soleimani, whose assassination Trump had ordered. Soleimani was the leading terrorist in the world. He was responsible for thousands of American deaths including every wounded warrior blown up by an I.E.D. that you see on television. The Democrats condemned Trump’s decision to kill Soleimani because he was a “government official.” They said to kill this terrorist-mastermind was “provocative.”

The Iranian regime took a grimmer view. Its dictator Rouhani said that Trump would not only be removed from office – he had already lost the rigged election – but “he would be removed from life. We cannot forgive the killing of Soleimani.”

As you can imagine this threat led to a scrambling of White House security officials, led by the president’s military adviser General Milley. Details of how Milley led these security meetings were provided by two Washington Post reporters who were present.

According to the Post reporters, Milley’s “chief concern” was not the Iranian threat to the American president but remarks Trump had made in tweets that night regarding the 2020 election. Milley described Trump’s Stop the Steal speech as “the Gospel of the Fuhrer.” He told close aides that listening to President Trump was “like reading George Orwell’s 1984. “Lies are truth. Division is unity. Evil is good.” “This is a Reichstag moment” he said.

Milley went on to call Trump’s supporters “the guys we fought in World War II.” “They’re Nazis.” He proposed ringing the Capitol with barbed wire and 25,000 troops – not to keep out the Iranian terrorists, but to keep out the Maga Republicans and their alleged domestic terrorist threat. “We’re going to put a ring of steel around the Capitol,” he said, “and these Nazis aren’t going to get in.” Of course, no threat ever materialized.

Even more disturbing than these ravings by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was their endorsement by American elites. “You know what Milley was doing,” said CNN’s Anderson Cooper, “which you know was obeying the Constitution…. That’s what a patriot does.”

Actually, it would be hard to imagine a clearer form of treason.

In America’s constitutional order, the military is under civilian control, and the president is the commander-in-chief.

Yet Republicans failed to notice or mention this betrayal, and expose the extent of Democrat malice in the process.

Our country is in deep trouble. It can only be saved if actual patriots will step up and answer the call.

Reader Interactions

White House Claims Biden Family Business Represents ‘No’ National Security Threat

President Joe Biden speaks in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington, Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2022. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)
AP Photo/Susan Walsh

John Kirby, National Security Council coordinator for strategic communications, denied on Monday the Biden family’s business schemes represent a national security threat despite admitting he had not read the House Oversight Committee report on the matter.

In May, the House Oversight Committee’s probe found the Biden family business over the course of several years received at least $10 million from business schemes in Romania and China in return for what appears to be influence peddling. In total, nine Biden family members received payments from the family foreign business ventures, including two of Joe Biden’s grandchildren, the investigation revealed.

“Have you read the report yourself and do you personally think there are any national security concerns here?” a White House Daily Caller correspondent asked Kirby during Monday’s White House press briefing.

“No, and no.” he responded.

The question on Monday was the second time in one week reporters raised the topic of the Biden family business during a White House press briefing.

During last Wednesday’s White House press briefing, a reporter asked Kirby what he thought about a recent Harvard/Harris poll that found 53 percent of Americans, including a quarter of Democrats, believe Joe Biden “was involved with his son in an illegal influence peddling scheme.”

“What do you say to the majority of Americans who believe that the president is himself corrupt?” the reporter asked Kirby.

“Wow,” Kirby replied, pausing before claiming that “there’s nothing to these claims.”

The questions come as the House Oversight Committee opened a new line of investigation into an unclassified document that allegedly details an arrangement involving an exchange of money for policy decisions between now-President Joe Biden and a foreign national.

The FBI possesses the document from an interview the bureau conducted with the informant, who is reportedly a “highly credible” FBI source with a history dating back to the Obama administration era.

FBI Director Christopher Wray refused to hand over the subpoenaed record to the custody of the House Oversight Committee. On Monday, Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) announced the committee will move Thursday to hold Wray in contempt of Congress.

“FBI officials confirmed that the unclassified, FBI-generated record has not been disproven and is currently being used in an ongoing investigation,” Comer explained. “The confidential human source who provided the information about then-Vice President Joe Biden being involved in a criminal bribery scheme is a trusted, highly credible informant who is being used by the FBI for over ten years and has been paid over six figures.”

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.




Stunning TV interview (in Australia!) on the Hunter Biden laptop evidence

You are not supposed to know about the contents of the laptop computer that Hunter Biden neglected to retrieve from a repair shop in Delaware. The 2020 election was fixed by the suppression of the evidence on it, and the deep state – in the form of 51 former intelligence officers – saw to it that it was falsely dismissed as Russian disinformation and rendered null and void as a factor in determining a significant number of votes.

A former Trump White House aide named Garrett Ziegler obtained a copy of the hard drive and is speaking out and publishing its contents.  A few days ago, the nonprofit he founded, Marco Polo, published over 10,000 photos from the laptop on a site, https://bidenlaptopmedia.com/, that almost immediately became overwhelmed with traffic.   

But I found the almost 22-minute interview (embedded below) that he did with SkyNews Australia far more interesting than what I have seen in the photos (which have what the Brits call the naughty bits covered up, anyway).

No American television network available on cable/satellite systems has so far given him this kind of platform. I hope that changes as this interview gains attention in this country, but  you can forget about the alphabet networks. Fox News? I am not holding my breath. Maybe Newsmax.

Ziegler is obviously an intelligent guy and has done his homework, spending months going over the data and compiling and classifying the content.  He  makes the point that there is clear evidence of multiple crimes, none of which have been prosecuted. The reason? The laptop data “Implicates people of both parties….It’s really the uniparty that is implicated in this.” A bit later, “The intel agencies are the epicenter of the US uniparty.”

If you want a sample of his analysis before you decide to spend 22 minutes, watch the excerpt below, in response to a question about the sex crimes that the evidence on the laptop proves.

Here is the complete interview:

I note that SkyNews Australia has a channel on YouTube with 3.3 million subscribers. That may account for the fact that so far there is no version of it on Rumble, just in case Google-owned YouTube decides that it is misinformation or something. If that happens, I hope it creates publicity and that SkyNews will post it to Rumble, which already has a number of videos featuring Ziegler, including this more than three hour session.

Photo credit: YouTube screengrab





2.) For their corporate paymasters, Mexico and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce these people work for an endlss flood of illegals to keep wages depressed and vote dem for more!

3.) THEY ALL WORK HARD TO EXPAND THE LA RAZA "The Race" Mexican welfare state now border to open border.













“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation  (TWO GAMER LAWYERS) (WHAT ABOUT THE CHINA BIDEN PENN CENTER?)  and the Obama (TWO GAMER LAWYERS) book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family (FOUR GAMER LAWYERS - JOE, HUNTER, JAMES, FRANK) corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren (GAMER LAWYER) and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (ADD GAMER LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS AND HER LAWYER HUSBAND AND THE BANKSTERS’ RENT BOY, LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER AND GEORGE SOROS’ RENT BOY GAMER LAWER TONY BLINKEN AS WELL AS CON MAN ADAM SHIFF).    BRIAN C JOONDEPH








Richard Wolff | ELITES BLEED the MASSES DRY.... you mean like a pack of parasite lawyers???


How California Destroyed its Middle Class (A Cautionary Tale) | Victor Davis Hanson




Peter Schweizer: Americans Have Gone to Jail for Doing Far Less Than What Hunter Biden Has Done



Elon Musk Gets Up and Ends Kamala Harris, Joe Biden and Obama’s Career to Jail 2023





Jesse Watters Primetime 





Watters: I guarantee you Satan went to law school





Breitbart Political Editor Emma-Jo Morris’s investigative work at the New York Post on the Hunter Biden “laptop from Hell” also captured international headlines when she, along with Miranda Devine, revealed that Joe Biden was intimately involved in Hunter’s businesses, appearing even to have a 10 percent stake in a company the scion formed with officials at the highest levels of the Chinese Communist Party.


Since Biden’s inauguration, the University of Pennsylvania has disclosed at least $14 million in donations from China or Hong Kong, the Free Beacon reported last week. The names of these donors have yet to be disclosed by the Department of Education, breaking the precedent of prior administrations which published foreign donor names in a public database.

The basic story of the 2016 election is that the corrupt, criminal, unlikable Hillary and the DNC couldn't run on their record or unpopular leftist Democrat policies, so they needed to destroy Trump. They clearly couldn't dig up enough truthful dirt, so they set out to create pure fiction. They paid a foreign national, a Trump hater, over $10 million to create a dossier full of pure lies. They funneled the money through Democrat operatives at a private law firm.


Benedict Arnold, Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, and Alejandro Mayorkas — liars and traitors all

By Patricia McCarthy

We can only wonder at the question:  do the last two generations know who Benedict Arnold was?  Most likely not; they’ve not been taught legitimate American history for decades.   To the young of today, Arnold might be a hero for betraying his country. 

Polls show our young people do not respect or even like this country.  Arnold, who had been a good soldier, was angry at being passed over for promotion and so began colluding with the British.  He was an 18th century.  Mark Felt.  His name is (or was) interchangeable with the word “traitor.”


Bill Clinton was generally known as a brazen liar about the Lewinsky affair and all that it entailed; a tawdry, unseemly affair that he lied about incessantly until he couldn’t.  He paid Paula Jones a court-ordered $800k but was never prosecuted for his loathsome behavior and gross dishonesty.  

His wife is equally and personally devious and corrupt; she had the fake “dossier” concocted she was certain would take Trump out of the running for president in 2016.  Hillary used her position as Secretary of State to rake in millions of dollars to her phony Clinton Foundation, much of that money from other nations that sought to benefit from her largesse when President.  

That couple’s corruption was and is a blight on America’s history.  They made LBJ seem like an amateur.  The Clintons were criminals and they delighted in their criminality; they knew they were untouchable.  They were a greedy couple, and their illicit machinations made them fabulously rich.  


The Obamas learned their lessons well and also became fabulously rich by perfidious means.   It’s likely that Biden has based his corruption on the Clinton model.

Joe Biden has been a pathological liar for all his years in Congress, as a representative and then as a senator.  He can’t open his mouth without lies spewing forth; there are far too many to list.  From his early support of segregation to his later denial; his plagiarism, his lies about his academic record, etc., etc.  

In truth, Biden has always been a racist, a rather vicious one at that.  See his attempt to humiliate Clarence Thomas at his SCOTUS confirmation.  The man is one of the most greedy, corrupt politicians ever to steal the presidency, which he did, and to end up in the Oval Office.  

He is entirely without “knowledge” now; he is obviously in the throes of dementia.  How else to explain his shocking inappropriate jollity when he was sent to a podium to speak about the Nashville murders of six people, three of them aged nine?  

Biden has always been a liar; he became a traitor when he began using his position, his son, and brother to sell influence to China, Russia and Ukraine for millions of dollars.  Given the damage he’s done to the country in two years, it is safe to assume he is a controlled asset of China. They own him, which is why he has allowed the destruction of the dollar as the global currency.  


Every American surely knows by now that the Democrat party is pro-criminal, anti-dissent. In blue states across the nation, criminals are routinely allowed onto the streets without bail to commit more crime.  Innocent people are being attacked with impunity on a daily basis in DC, in NYChicagoSF, and LA, etc.  

If the perpetrators are caught, they are often released onto an unsuspecting public by Soros-funded DAs to repeat and escalate their criminal behavior.  Our Marxist left relies on chaos, on the calculated destruction of the family, on the thorough indoctrination of our children.   

How do they go about this decades-old plan?  They advocate for the normalization of homosexuality, transgenderism and the genital mutilation that comes with that particular form of mental illness.  The pro-trans activists encourage doctors to remove the breasts of girls as young as thirteen, even hysterectomies.  

Who are the doctors that perform these procedures?  They are purely evil, traitors to the Hippocratic Oath they may have sworn to uphold.  The lies that undergird the ideology of transgenderism are not only appalling but provable. There are only two sexes.  It is tragic that there is a Supreme Court justice that does not know what every three-year-old knows.  

The appearance of Alejandro Mayorkas before the Senate on Tuesday was the height of prevarication.  The man did not answer a single question.   He stonewalled, dissembled and flat-out lied.  He claimed not to know how many migrants have died on their journey to our southern border.  He did not know how many children have been trafficked.  

When Senator Cruz showed him pictures of the wrist bands that all migrants wear as ordered by the cartels, Mayorkas pretended not to know what they were.  The bands indicate how much money each migrant owes the cartels for getting them across the border.  There is no way Mayorkas does not know what they are, what they mean; the children especially will be slaves to the cartels.  This man is truly abhorrent, another enemy of America in a position of undeserved power.  

That the Republicans in congress have not impeached him is a testament to their culpability, their slavish cowardice. But they’ve also done nothing about the unconstitutional abuse of the J6 prisoners, so what more can we expect?  The uniparty is the uniparty.  The few who do remember and revere the Constitution are too few and their meek colleagues offer no support.  They too, like the doctors who mutilate kids confused about their gender, have forgotten their oath.  They too are liars and traitors.  

In short, we are being governed by a host of Benedict Arnolds, liars and traitors who have done far less for the nation than even Benedict Arnold did.  The Biden cabinet is an assemblage of incompetents, people chosen for their skin color or sexual orientation, not any particular skill or expertise.  Consider Defense Department boneheads, Austin and Milley.  Apparently there are drag queen performances for children on our military bases around the world!  They each claimed not to know this!  How is that possible?  

Unless all Republicans step up to the plate to save the nation, we are well and truly done; over.

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within.  An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly.  But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rutling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.   Marcus Tullius Cicero

Graphic credit: public domain


GOP Wants to Know Why UPenn Saw Surge in Foreign Donations After it Opened Biden Think Tank

Foreign funding to UPenn tripled in the two years after the school teamed up with Biden

President Joe Biden (L) and Secretary of State Antony Blinken (R)

Alana Goodman

January 25, 2023

The House Foreign Affairs Committee is pressing President Joe Biden's secretary of state Antony Blinken for details on the sudden surge in foreign donations to the University of Pennsylvania after the establishment of the Penn Biden Center, where Blinken served as managing director.

The inquiry, led by HFAC chairman Michael McCaul (R., Texas), could shed light on the Penn Biden Center’s funding and whether think tank officials had any involvement with the university’s solicitation of foreign donors. Foreign funding to the University of Pennsylvania tripled in the two years after the school teamed up with Biden to launch the Penn Biden Center in 2017, with most of that money—$61 million—coming from China, the Washington Free Beacon first reported in 2021.

The donations "raise questions about the center’s ties to—or benefits derived from—that funding, interactions you or others had with the donors, and whether People’s Republic of China (PRC) linked individuals ever entered the center and came within close proximity of classified U.S. intelligence information," McCaul wrote in a letter to Blinken on Tuesday.

The Penn Biden Center has been under scrutiny after federal investigators discovered that classified documents from Biden’s vice presidency were being stored at the think tank’s offices in Washington, D.C., as well as at Biden’s home in Wilmington, Del.

McCaul asked Blinken to disclose his "involvement in fundraising activities for the Center or the University of Pennsylvania (including donor outreach/engagement), and whether you had knowledge of donations to the university by any PRC persons/sources," as well as a list of all "PRC persons and/or their representatives you met with while employed at the Center."

"Were you involved in meetings/engagements with foreign persons who had made or went on to make donations to the University of Pennsylvania or the Penn Biden Center?" he asked.

McCaul also asked Blinken for information on the classified documents found at the Penn Biden Center and whether any of these records originated from the State Department.

"The Foreign Affairs Committee is concerned about the national security and foreign policy implications of classified documents found at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement," wrote McCaul.

The University of Pennsylvania told the Free Beacon this month that no foreign donations were earmarked for the Penn Biden Center, and the think tank was financed by general university funds. The Penn Biden Center employed many of Biden’s top foreign policy aides before they joined the administration, including Pentagon policy chief Colin Kahl, U.S. ambassador to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Michael Carpenter, and U.S. deputy ambassador to the United Nations Jeffrey Prescott.

Since Biden’s inauguration, the University of Pennsylvania has disclosed at least $14 million in donations from China or Hong Kong, the Free Beacon reported last week. The names of these donors have yet to be disclosed by the Department of Education, breaking the precedent of prior administrations which published foreign donor names in a public database.

The Penn Biden Center is also under scrutiny for hosting events for other UPenn groups, including a pro-China-engagement bootcamp for congressional staffers in June, where attendees were able to walk around the D.C. offices unmonitored, the Free Beacon reported on Tuesday.

Published under: Antony Blinken Biden Administration China MIchael McCaul UPENN




The Democrat playbook is always the same

By Jack Hellner

As the media and other Democrats say they want to unite the country, we see a rather unique way of achieving that "unity."

(GAMER LAWYER) Obama said we cling to our religion and guns.

(GAMER LAWYER) Biden and others compared Tea Party members who wanted smaller government and lower taxes to domestic terrorists.

(GAMER LAWYER) Hillary called us deplorable, xenophobes, homophobes, and whatever other phobe she could think of.

Parents who dared to have a say in their children's education were compared to domestic terrorists.

We are frequently referred to as "right-wing extremists."

Republicans who question an election where many states broke their laws, where there was ballot-harvesting, and where the media, the FBI, intelligence officials, and other Democrats buried the truth about Biden family corruption are called election deniers and election liars.

Biden said that Blacks who don't vote for him "ain't Black."  Who knew that all Blacks were supposed to think alike?

People who tell the truth that the climate has always changed cyclically and naturally are called climate change deniers and anti-science.

Liz Cheney calls us sick.

If you challenged the unscientific rhetoric and dictatorial edicts — including the vaccine — on COVID, you were said to want people to die.

Biden called us semi-fascists.  (My guess is he has no idea what that definition would be.)

And of course we are consistently called "racists" and "really stupid[.]"

Democrats sure as heck don't want to campaign on their extreme policy objectives, so they resort to name-calling.  Here is a partial list of their radically unpopular policies:

Higher taxes.  The government is already collecting record revenue from the taxpayers, so it is detrimental to raise rates.

More regulations.  Trump's policies were lifting all boats — we had energy independence, poverty hit record lows, and we had low inflation.  Democrats clearly don't care about the non-elites, or they would emulate Trump's policies instead of reversing them.

Destruction of the oil, natural gas, and coal industries.  Democrats want to force the poor and middle class to buy expensive electric cars powered by flammable pollutants, but they put no limits on private jets, yachts, or the number and size of mansions the rich own.  It is all for show and control.  They don't care about carbon footprints if you're an elite.

No right-to-work states telling voters they shouldn't have the freedom to be non-union, and point out that it's simply the prevailing wage laws that have been on the books for ninety years.  At least be transparent and tell the public that the "prevailing wage laws" were passed to prevent Blacks from competing in a White marketplace:

A relic of an era when laws were passed to prevent blacks from competing for economic opportunities, the Davis-Bacon Act has racist origins [emphasis added] and continues today to have a devastating impact on economic outsiders.

Open borders.  Brag that you don't enforce immigration laws and that your policies have made the cartels very rich with human- and drug-smuggling.

Soft-on-crime D.A.s.  Make sure the voters know that you support no-bail laws to allow career criminals to roam the streets, terrorizing cities.

Sanctuary cities and states.  Tell the voters that politicians in cities and states should be able to ignore federal immigration laws.

Forgiving student loans.  Tell the poor and middle class why it is so important to forgive loans for college graduates who make more than they do.

Abortion on demand with no limits.  Instead of telling the public they support abortion at any time and withholding care for newborns, they use the euphemism "reproductive choice."

They should be forthright about disproportionately targeting Black and Brown babies for abortion and tell the voters why that is good for minorities.

Maybe Liz Cheney should be asked if she thinks Democrats who support the withholding of health care from viable children are "sick."

Restricting gun ownership, and infringing on the right that "shall not be infringed."

Supreme Court liberals.  Tell the voters that you support courts and regulators being able to make laws, instead of confining laws to the legislative bodies like the Constitution requires.


Federal control of elections.  No photo IDs to vote, and pro-ballot-harvesting.

Men competing with women in sports and men sharing locker rooms with little girls.  Tell the voters that you support Biden's dictatorial actions to withhold school lunch money from schools that don't comply.  That you don't care if it violates girls' privacy rights.

Building up Iran.  Explain why it is a good idea to help Iran when the mullahs pledge death to America and Israel and sponsor terrorism around the world.

No school choice for poor and minority kids, no matter how much it helps them.

Obamacare.  Tell everyone that he should not have a choice as to what type of insurance to buy.

My body, my choice?  Tell women that you don't believe they have a right to refuse a vaccine, and termination is reasonable if they choose to exercise bodily autonomy.  Explain to them why that doesn't violate Democrat talking points that women can do whatever they want with "their" bodies.

Democrats support the most unaccepted policies and disparage all people with opposing thoughts.

Democrats are allowed to take kickbacks from foreign countries and abuse as many women as they want.  All that matters to the media and other Democrats is political power at any cost.

Trump worked hard to return power, money, and freedom back to the people, and the Democrats worked hard to falsely label him as a dictator and fascist.

Biden and other Democrats seek to move the power and money toward the few political elites, to make more people dependent on the government — yet they pretend they are for freedom.  They are the authoritarian party.

Image: Office of Nancy Pelosi, public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.




During Obama’s presidency, everyone joked that he selected Biden for VP because Biden’s incompetency insured that Obama would never be impeached. Yes, Obama was bad, but Biden would be worse. Now that Biden’s the president, that joke was 100% correct. Sadly, he’s multiple times worse than anyone imagined. Biden has more failures in one year than most presidents have in a lifetime – the Afghanistan debacle and surrender, huge crime spikes due to Democrat “defund the police” insanity, actively working to destroy the petroleum industry while supporting Russia’s, soaring inflation, open support and deference to China, and his weakness being directly responsible for Putin’s invasion of Ukraine -- to name just a few epic failures. As bad as Biden is as president, it’s obvious he selected Harris for the same reason that Obama selected him -- to insure he’s never removed from office. If you think things can’t possibly get worse, just look at Harris and you instantly realize – yes, they can. She would be multiple times worse than Joe.


US Presidents' NET WORTH Before And After Presidency





It happened






The judge found these releases, together with the publication of Clinton’s secret speeches to Wall Street banks, in which she pledged to be their representative, were “matters of the highest public concern.” They “allowed the American electorate to look behind the curtain of one of the two major political parties in the United States during a presidential election.”


“Clinton also failed to mention how he and Hillary cashed in after his presidential tenure to make themselves multimillionaires, in part by taking tens of millions in speaking fees from Wall Street bankers.”



US Presidents' NET WORTH Before And After Presidency





“This year’s poll marks new lows in confidence for all three branches of the federal government — the Supreme Court (25%), the presidency (23%) and Congress.”  Of sixteen institutions tested, confidence in the U.S. Congress sits at the very bottom with a scant 7%!  


Three Signs We’re in a Banana Republic

By J.B. Shurk

Satirist Sol Luckman defines “banana republic” in his irreverent glossary, The Angel’s Dictionary, as a “lawless society where the monkeys rule.”  

Looking around the United States today, it’s hard to say we don’t fit his meaning.  Nearly 80% of Americans believe we live under a two-tiered system of justice.  Likewise, in Gallup’s recent survey of Americans’ confidence in U.S. institutions, it notes, “This year’s poll marks new lows in confidence for all three branches of the federal government — the Supreme Court (25%), the presidency (23%) and Congress.”  Of sixteen institutions tested, confidence in the U.S. Congress sits at the very bottom with a scant 7%!  Even though there is now “record-low confidence across all institutions,” confidence in the Office of the Presidency suffered the largest year-over-year drop in 2022 — cratering 15%!  In other words, not only do Americans believe the country is lawless, they’re also convinced that it is being run by a barrel of monkeys!  Clearly, Americans “get” that we’re living in a “banana republic” today.  

Just consider these three telltale signs:  

(1) Manipulation of language and mandatory leftist religion:

The political Left’s most potent weapon is its penchant for undermining the meaning of words.  For decades Democrats have branded anything antithetical to their worldview as “hateful” and banned “offending” viewpoints from civic culture altogether.  When “authorities” deconstruct biological sex so preposterously that they can’t even tell the difference between boys and girls, though, they’ve lost the plot.  One school board in Wisconsin is so fearful of the language police crashing through its doors that it has replaced all references to “girls” with sterilized language concerning a “person with a vulva.”  When “teachers” are afraid to say “girl” out loud, it’s banana republic time!  

Joe Biden and his communist brigades have tanked the economy and unleashed torrential inflation upon the country.  In a less banana-y time, that would have huge political consequences.  But now his regime enforcers and media propagandists simply redefine the meaning of an economic recession in order to proclaim — Ã  la North Korea — that Americans have never been so well off!  

In our topsy-turvy, upside-down world, where the government insists on establishing its own Ministry of Truth, words don’t mean squat!  How can aborting a baby be called “reproductive healthcare” when it ends with at least one death?  How can discrimination on the basis of a person’s skin color be defended as “equitable,” when it perpetuates racial inequality?  Why do Leftists describe transgender body mutilation, illegal immigration, abortion, and even mRNA vaccination as “acts of love,” while regularly condemning Christians as “bigots” and “extremists”?  Why do Democrats fret that “democracy” is under attack (when we don’t live in one) while saying nothing of attacks on Americans’ free speech, right to self-defense, and other individual rights (all supposedly guaranteed by the Bill of Rights)?  Why is every ordinary weather event now dressed up as evidence for human-created “climate change”?  

The answer is simple: manipulative language perverts rational discussion of ideas and short-circuits reasonable debate. Propaganda distorts reality until nothing can be known as truth at all — unless it is officially sanctioned and blessed by the State.  When government destroys objective meaning, it makes itself a New Age god.

(2) Selective prosecution and political persecution:

The federal Leviathan has two standing orders today: (1) Get Trump!, and (2) protect the Establishment Uniparty and permanent bureaucratic Deep State at all costs.  When the Intelligence Community isn’t busy framing President Trump as a Russian spy, the FBI and DOJ are committed to slapping him with imaginary process crimes they’d never dare try against a Clinton, Biden, Bush, or Obama.  That’s one hell of a way to thank a president who took no salary, while using his time in office to increase middle class Americans’ wealth, security, and future prospects!  

In the summer before the 2016 presidential election, FBI Director James Comey publicly articulated Hillary Clinton’s criminal culpability for storing classified emails on a private, unsecured server kept in a spare bathroom before declaring imperiously that “no reasonable prosecutor” would bring a case against her.  Obama’s IRS got caught targeting conservatives for their political beliefs, but the president assured the nation that the obvious scandal revealed “not even a smidgeon of corruption” within his administration.  Attorney General Eric Holder, Obama’s self-anointed “wingman,” was held in contempt of Congress for refusing to hand over documents relating to the Fast and Furious gun-running conspiracy, yet his Department of Justice unsurprisingly declined to pursue criminal charges.  

In contrast, Americans have watched for six years as President Trump and his associates (including Steve Bannon, who was recently convicted for the same crime Eric Holder effortlessly eluded) have been hounded by an irredeemably corrupt DOJ and FBI, malicious state prosecutors, and a petty, Machiavellian Congress running shameless show trials devoid of due process, impartiality, or fairness.  When Democrats routinely get a slap on the wrist (see Nancy Pelosi’s drunk-driving-get-out-of-jail-free husband as just the latest proof) and MAGA Republicans get a never-ending clown show of Soviet “justice,” impeachment theater, and Star Chamber persecution all rolled up into one rotten twist, two-tiered justice is shockingly visible for all to see.

(3) Forced citizen compliance and increased government dependence:

Obedience + financial dependence = enslavement to the State.  

This is the only math our Leviathan knows.  Wealthy lawmakers don’t mind bankrupting America if it means their control over us increases.  Racial provocateurs don’t mind burning cities to the ground if Antifa and Black Lives Matter shock troops can intimidate Americans into docility.  Medical mercenaries don’t mind issuing unscientific orders arbitrarily enforcing experimental “vaccine,” mask, and travel restrictions if their perceived “authority” over Americans is permanently established.  The religious zealots who worship “climate change” as a false idol do not mind if their aberrant worldview requires Americans to relinquish free will, pray to false gods, and descend into the depths of both physical and spiritual poverty.  The more Americans feel impoverished, the more they become dependent on handouts from the State.  Welfare is hardly “fair” because it always takes more from the soul than it gives.

“Because I said so” is not a reasonable governing policy for any nation purporting to be free, but it does seem to encapsulate the Biden administration’s obsessions with illegal mandates and policing thoughts and language.  Between the government’s COVID-1984 authoritarianism, its attacks on speech it dislikes as “misinformation” deserving of censorship, and its farcical “climate change” alarmism unleashing skyrocketing food and fuel prices today, rule by government fiat has quickly become the new norm.  Totalitarianism, however, is neither new nor normal.  

The World Economic Forum notoriously declared that Westerners would “own nothing and be happy.”  Democrats’ embrace of those wicked oligarchs’ “build back better” buffoonery in the guises of tax and spend “climate change” legislation, Marxist redistribution of wealth, and a militarized IRS takes the WEF’s plan for widespread indentured servitude to heart.  

When things fall apart, as they always do when communism is recycled into a “progressive,” trendy, “we’re all in this together” new form, the D.C. despots will watch their intentional destruction of society unfold without feeling the slightest remorse.  Their bureaucratic unaccountability, after all, is fueled by rampant narcissism.  Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama will never apologize for their Russia hoax.  High Priest Fauci will never apologize for nationwide mandates that destroyed livelihoods and took lives.  That’s just not who they are.

So, remember this: when the feds give you a banana republic, make banana daiquiris.  Never miss an opportunity to point out how corrupt, vindictive, and illegitimate Washington, D.C.’s monkey class has become.  Republicans, Democrats — I say a pox on both their houses!  I think Lord Fauci and his medical mandators might even have a vaccine for that!

Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License



Jesse Watters: The Clintons' crooked connections





“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton (LAWYERS-2) Foundation and the (LAWYERS-2) Obama book and television deals. Then there is the Biden (LAWYERS-3) family corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the (LAWYER) Warren and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (YOU CAN ADD LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS AND LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER TO THE PATHEION OF DEMOCRAT BRIBES SUCKING CORRUPT LAWYER POLITICIANS!).          BRIAN C JOONDEPH


One topic that Hillary is quick to criticize President Trump on is his relationship with Saudia Arabia. It’s ironic given the Clinton Foundation’s refusal to state that they will no longer accept financial donations from The Kingdom as others have.


But the Clinton Foundation, to which donations declined dramatically after Clinton’s 2016 defeat, has taken multi-million dollar contributions from Saudi Arabia in the past and isn’t ruling out continuing to accept them.


The Clinton Foundation accepted between $10 and $25 million from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, with donations coming as late as 2014. A now-defunct group named “Friends of Saudi Arabia,” which was reportedly co-founded by a Saudi Prince and often worked as a PR front for the kingdom, also donated between $1 and $5 million.

Qatar's longstanding efforts to buy influence in the United States have, quite unsurprisingly, included substantial donations to the Clinton Foundation. In 2011, for example, the foundation accepted a $1 million gift from Qatar in honor of former president Bill Clinton's 65th birthday. Hillary was serving as secretary of state at the time, but failed to disclose the massive donation to the State Department despite her pledge to keep the agency apprised of the foundation's foreign donors.

HILLARY CLINTON: The woman who fought Barack Obama to be America's first dictator.


In the days of the Cold War, the narrative of the arch-reactionaries and anticommunists revolved around a conspiracy theory according to which the United States had been infiltrated at the highest levels by agents of the Soviet Union.

In the early 1950s, Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy led the anti-Soviet campaign, alleging that Russian spies occupied top positions in the government, in universities, in Hollywood and even in the military. According to McCarthy, “a conspiracy so immense and an infamy so black as to dwarf any previous venture in the history of man” implicated not only the Soviet Union but was also responsible for the “loss of China” in the 1949 Chinese Revolution.

The “Red Menace” was the pretext for attacking and delegitimizing all manifestations of social and political opposition, including the Civil Rights movement, as the work of “outside agitators” who received their orders from Moscow. It was Martin Dies, the Democratic congressman from Texas and initiator of the witch-hunting House Un-American Activities Committee, who declared in his 1940 book The Trojan Horse in America that Moscow had “envisioned an unusual opportunity to create racial hatred between the white and Negro citizens of the United States.”

In the late 1950s, after the heyday of McCarthy, the political thread was taken up by the John Birch Society, founded in 1958 by Massachusetts businessman Robert Welch, who notoriously declared that President Dwight D. Eisenhower was a “dedicated, conscious agent of the Communist conspiracy.”

In 1964, Welch backed the ultra-right Republican candidate Barry Goldwater, whose failed presidential campaign was heavily influenced by John Stormer’s book None Dare Call It Treason. “Will America continue to aid the communist enemy,” Stormer asked, “to disarm in the face of danger, to bow before communist dictators in every corner of the earth? The decision is yours.”

Nothing is dead in politics. The legacy of McCarthyism is now being revived by the campaign led by the Democratic Party and summed up in a hysterical screed published Wednesday in the Washington Post by Hillary Clinton, the self-professed former “Goldwater girl,” under the headline, “Mueller documented a serious crime against all Americans. Here’s how to respond.”

According to Clinton, “Our election was corrupted, our democracy assaulted, our sovereignty and security violated. This is the definitive conclusion of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s report.” The perpetrator again is Russia, which Clinton, citing the Mueller report, claims has carried out a “sweeping and systematic” attack on the United States.

The Clinton narrative, which is the official line of the Democratic Party, is a monumental lie. Responsibility for Clinton’s defeat in the 2016 elections is attributed entirely to the operations of Russian bots and “Guccifer 2.0,” the persona of the individual who supposedly hacked Democratic Party emails. Her campaign, Clinton writes, was the “target of a Russian plot,” directed by President Vladimir Putin, who “seeks to weaken our country.”

And what did this new “conspiracy so immense” actually involve? According to the Mueller report itself, organizations associated with Russia allegedly spent $100,000 on Facebook ads. This is 0.12 percent of the $81 million spent by the Democratic and Republican election campaigns themselves on Facebook ads, in a campaign dominated by the $5 billion spent by the billionaire backers of the two parties to buy the election.

As for the release of Democratic Party emails, even if one accepts the unsubstantiated claim that it was Russian operatives who turned them over to WikiLeaks, what the emails revealed were true facts about the operations of Clinton and the Democratic National Committee (DNC)—facts that the electorate had every right to know. Among the documents released were Clinton’s speeches to Goldman Sachs and other banks, for which she was paid hundreds of thousands of dollars. Other leaked emails exposed the corrupt efforts of the DNC to rig the primaries against Bernie Sanders.

Clinton lost in the 2016 elections because the Democratic Party, in line with the class interests it represents, made a calculated decision not to raise any social issues or make any appeal to the working class in its campaign against Trump. Do Clinton and company really expect the public to believe that Facebook ads put out by Russian agents were behind the collapse in voter turnout in working-class areas of Michigan, Wisconsin and other states?

The victory of the billionaire demagogue Trump was the result of widespread disillusionment with the Democratic Party after eight years of the Obama administration, which broke every campaign promise and exposed as lies the empty prattle about “hope” and “change.” Obama focused his energies on bailing out Wall Street and shoring up the wealth of the corporate and financial elite.

In her column, Clinton goes on to call for an alliance between the Democratic Party and the Republicans. The situation calls for “clear-eyed patriotism, not reflexive partisanship,” she writes. She urges Republicans to work with Democrats in an intensified campaign against Russia—with or without the Trump administration. She writes: “It’s up to members of both parties to see where that road map [provided by the Mueller report] leads—to the eventual filing of articles of impeachment, or not. Either way, the nation’s interests will be best served by putting party and political considerations aside and being deliberate, fair and fearless.”

Clinton wants a bipartisan foreign policy that is “fearless” in its aggression against not only Russia, but also China. “Unless checked, the Russians will interfere again in 2020, and possibly other adversaries, such as China or North Korea, will as well,” she warns. Unless Trump is “held accountable, the president will likely redouble his efforts to advance Putin’s agenda, including rolling back sanctions, weakening NATO and undermining the European Union.”

Changing what needs to be changed, such words could have been penned by Robert Welch himself. Confronting a fascistic president, the Democrats have managed to frame their entire opposition around a right-wing narrative. If the Democrats had their way and Trump were removed—to be replaced, don’t forget, by the ultra-right Vice President Mike Pence—it is almost certain that the immediate consequence would be war with nuclear-armed Russia.

Inextricably connected to the conflicts over foreign policy is the escalation of the attack on democratic rights within the United States. Reprising the ravings of Dies, social discontent is attributed to the nefarious efforts of Russia to “sow discord” within the United States.

Significantly, Clinton cites as a model the actions of the ruling class after the September 11, 2001 attacks, when “Congress established an independent, bipartisan commission to recommend steps that would help guard against future attacks.” She concludes, “We need a similar commission to help protect our elections.”

The September 11 attacks—a terrorist atrocity that killed nearly 3,000 people—were followed by the Patriot Act, the Homeland Security Department, the Northern Command, domestic spying, Guantanamo Bay, the institution of torture and drone assassinations as government policy, and other crimes. The campaign of the Democrats over the Russian “attack”—a lie fashioned from whole cloth—has been accompanied by far-reaching moves to censor the internet under the guise of combating “fake news.”

The Democrats’ warmongering and attack on democratic rights come together in the persecution of WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange, whose enduring contribution to the population of the world was the exposure of the crimes of American imperialism. For this, Assange is currently imprisoned in Britain, facing imminent rendition to the United States. The courageous whistleblower Chelsea Manning is in jail for refusing to testify against him.

Such is Clinton’s defense of “our democracy.”

All of this further demonstrates that in the conflict between Trump and the Democratic Party there is no progressive or democratic faction. The anti-Russia narrative has not been challenged by any section of the Democratic Party, including Bernie Sanders, who is again seeking to cover up this warmongering party with a thin veneer of social reforms that it has no intention of implementing.

The conflict between the Democrats and the Trump administration is a conflict between two reactionary factions of the ruling class. All those political organizations and groups that are seeking to direct social opposition behind the Democratic Party are playing the most criminal role. They are no less terrified than Trump and the Democrats of the development of a genuine socialist movement of the working class, which will oppose American capitalism and its wars.

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