Tuesday, June 20, 2023



He's ‘More Political’ Than His Pops

The younger Soros says he is "more political" than his 92-year-old father, the Democratic Party’s biggest donor.

Jamie Glazov Talks ‘Obama’s True Legacy’ on the ‘Pro-America Report’

Ed Martin speaks with Frontpage Editor on who is really pulling the strings of the Biden catastrophe.

[Order Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]

Ed Martin, President of the Phyllis Schlafly Eagle Forum Education & Legal Defense Fund, recently spoke with Frontpage Editor and host of The Glazov Gang, Jamie Glazov about his new book, Barack Obama’s True Legacyand how it documents the suppressed details of how the ex-president was—and still is—a major national security threat to America.

Don’t miss it!

Listen to the podcast: HERE.


And don’t miss our 7-Part Series on Obama’s True Legacy below:

[1] Glazov on The Dennis Prager Show: Obama’s True Legacy – and who planted the seeds to the indictment of Donald Trump.

[2] Jamie on Newsmax’s Chris Salcedo Show: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America:

[3] Jamie on Newsmax’s Chris Salcedo Show: Obama’s Conversion Moment – When Was it Exactly? and Why can’t the question be asked about his spiritual journey? 

[4] J.R. Nyquist: Obama – Groomed by KGB? The curious – and taboo – Tom Fife story.

[5] Obama’s Russia Collusion – The baseless accusations against President Trump begin to make sense.

[6] When Was Obama’s ‘Conversion Moment’? – The eerie and taboo questions that aren’t allowed to be asked.

[7] The Obama Movie That Can Never Be – The eerie issues that can’t be discussed about the worst ex-president’s religious journey.

We are also thrilled to announce that Jamie’s new book, Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America, has reached #1 on Amazon’s “United States Executive Government” category.

Check out Mark Tapson’s review at Frontpagemag.com: HERE.

Bruce Bawer’s review at AmericanThinker.com: HERE.

General Michael Flynn’s Foreword to the book: HERE.

There’s a reason Mike Huckabee calls it “A ferocious and chilling read.”

Stay tuned!!

Subscribe to JamieGlazov.com.


We Are Jews Against Soros

His ethnic and religious background must not prevent us from calling him what he is.

George Soros is an evil man. In fact, he is one of the most evil men currently shaping American and Western politics, and global events more generally.

To straightforwardly opine in this manner is not to traffic in antisemitism or noxious Jew-baiting. It is simply to share one’s perspective about one of the most influential political donors, “philanthropists” and social activists in the world — someone who doles out countless sums to undermine and reshape in his dystopian image entire countries, spreading across at least five separate continents.

It is frankly astounding that this even needs to be said. I am a Jewish columnist, podcaster and public speaker. As such, I routinely share my opinions as a basic feature of my job. I imagine some of those opinions are provocative — perhaps highly so — for a subset of the population, especially those of a left-of-center bent. Some (very) small percentage of my critics may hate me and hate my opinions because I am Jewish, but it is surely the case that the overwhelming majority of my critics disagree with me on the merits of my ideas and contributions to the public discourse. Unless I have a compelling reason to believe a specific critic is acting out of rank bigotry, I operate from a baseline presumption that the critic is not a Jew-hater, but simply disagrees with my position.

Again, this should be obvious. But for far too many, it is apparently not obvious — at least when it comes to criticism of George Soros.

For years, whenever conservatives, nationalists and traditionalists have criticized the absolutely sprawling influence of George Soros and his left-wing Open Society Foundations umbrella network, Soros’ praetorian guard in the elected official class and corporate press invariably shriek, “That’s antisemitism! You can’t say that!”

What utter tripe.

Soros directly spent $128.5 million during last fall’s U.S. midterm elections, making him that election cycle’s single largest individual donor. He has spent $40 million trying to elect radically left-wing “reform prosecutors” — something he has been fully transparent about, defending it under his own byline in a Wall Street Journal op-ed last summer — across the country. He has been dishearteningly successful in that endeavor, successfully electing 75 district attorneys — such as Alvin Bragg in New York City, Chesa Boudin in San Francisco (since mercifully recalled) and Kim Foxx in Chicago — who oversee a decivilizational (and oxymoronic) prosecutorial agenda of not prosecuting violent and property crimes. Simply put, Soros is more responsible than any man in the world for the descent of some of America’s most iconic cities into anarchic urban hellholes.

The globalist archetype has routinely given massive sums to anti-sovereignty groups that seek to obliterate national borders, from the U.S. to his native Hungary to Israel. Speaking of Israel, the Jewish Soros harbors a unique disdain for the world’s only Jewish state: He has been a massive bankroller of the antisemitic “Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions” global movement, his foundations have supported internationally recognized Palestinian-Arab terrorist organizations such as the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and he is the single largest donor ever to J Street and its affiliated PAC, which routinely peddle anti-Israel/pro-Palestinian agitprop and exist for the sole reason of providing “Jewish” cover for Democrats to bash Israel.

Who can earnestly contend that this is someone whose influence cannot be criticized on the grounds that it is “antisemitic” to do so?

Amichai Chikli, the Israeli government’s current minister of Diaspora affairs and minister for social equality, certainly objects. Following last month’s kerfuffle wherein Elon Musk compared Soros to X-Men archvillain Magneto (who, like Soros, survived the Holocaust as a child) and asserted that Soros “hates humanity,” the masses predictably accused Musk of making “baseless” claims and furthering “antisemitic conspiracy theories.” But Chikli defended Musk, writing in a May 18 tweet: “As Israel’s minister who’s entrusted on combating anti-Semitism, I would like to clarify that the Israeli government and the vast majority of Israeli citizens see Elon Musk as an amazing entrepreneur and a role model. Criticism of Soros — who finances the most hostile organizations to the Jewish people and the state of Israel is anything but anti-Semitism, quite the opposite!”

Chikli’s welcome sentiments brought to mind a powerful 2022 New York Post op-ed by Rabbi Dov Fischer of the exceptional Orthodox Jewish group Coalition for Jewish Values, who wrote that “it’s a mitzvah (a righteous act) — not ‘antisemitism’ — to castigate George Soros for his radical attempts to undermine public safety and the American republic.” Hear, hear. Many, many other Jews have espoused much the same, both before and since.

It is past time to formalize and operationalize this widely held sentiment. Last week, Will Scharf — a conservative activist, former federal prosecutor and current candidate for Missouri attorney general — and I cofounded a new group, “Jews Against Soros.” You can read more, and sign up for future updates, at our website: JewsAgainstSoros.com. As the website states: “We are Jews who have had enough of George Soros and his malign, leftist influence on American politics. We are Jews who are also sick and tired of the Left accusing anyone who criticizes Soros of being antisemitic. … Leftism isn’t Judaism, and being anti-leftist is not the same as being antisemitic. Period.”

That is not, of course, to say that there is no such thing as antisemitic criticism of Soros. Of course there are some devious memes, classic antisemitic iconography, and so forth. And when that antisemitism rears its ugly head — whether targeted at Soros or any other Jew — Will and I would be the first two to vociferously condemn it. But the overwhelming majority of the criticism of Soros is entirely legitimate on the substance of the dastardly causes he organizes and funds — indeed, that criticism is just and righteous. It is, as Rabbi Fischer wrote, a mitzvah.

You too can do a mitzvah by joining our cause, and by spreading the word that most Jews reject the risible claim that to criticize George Soros is to fan the flames of the world’s oldest bigotry, Jew-hatred. Patriotic, pro-America, pro-Israel, pro-sovereignty, pro-rule of law Jews the world over abhor this man. George Soros’ ethnic and religious background must not prevent us from calling him what he is: evil.

Reader Interactions

Tucker Carlson’s 'Wannabe Dictator' satire master class the left desperately had to ignore.

The walls are closing in on the fascist far left’s echo chamber; that’s the reason they couldn’t allow their outrage show over Tucker Carlson’s takedown of their dear leader.

If you’re one of the 30 million people who have viewed Ep. 4 of Tucker on Twitter entitled Wannabe Dictator (or on RumbleYouTube, or Odysee) you would have been treated to a master class in the deadpan satire that is the hallmark of Mr. Carlson as he mocked the left while having a rollicking good time doing it.  

It’s even more hilarious when you consider that they had to ignore this serious affront to their dear leader because he turned one of their formerly favorite techniques against them.  He invoked facts they are desperate to keep out of their echo chamber. Mr. Carlson predicted this in his video presentation.

No one is ever allowed to invoke the facts of history when it comes to Hitler or the Nazis unless the far left does it. As in the case of "Godwin's Law", where they get all authoritarian in shutting down historical debate unless it’s framed a certain way. According to the nation’s socialist left, it is verboten to compare them to the National Socialist German Workers' (Nazi) Party.  

Unless they’re talking about President Trump: Sure, call Trump a Nazi. Just make sure you know what you’re talking about.  Even worse, they’ve gone so far as to state a few years ago in the Washington Post: Don’t compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. It belittles Hitler.

The inventor of "Godwin's Law" about Hitler comparisons on the Internet says they're not always inappropriate.  

Supposedly, referring to the facts of history ‘diminishes the significance and horror of what the Nazis did and represented’ and ‘thereby insults all who suffered’ unless it’s the left invoking this to score cynical political points. As they say, if the Democrats didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any standards at all.

What probably ground their gears was that Mr. Carlson was using a formerly favorite technique the left employs for ‘proving’ the Republicans, pro-freedom right, and later President Trump was fascist in some form. 

This technique involves the application of a list of subjective characteristics that always magically fit the target in question - primarily because they’re subjective. These are hard and fast lists of 12, no wait, 14 specific characteristics that never change except when they do.

They all seem to have originated with a list published on a now-defunct website www.hippy.com (”No joke,” to echo Beijing Biden). Over the years the items on the lists changed around -- because we all know these are ‘immutable characteristics’ except when they aren’t. Until the first few months of President Trump’s first term; then the fascist far left suddenly changed the technique to one of the long dissertations instead of discrete subjective criteria. This was probably because it became obvious that President Trump didn’t fit the template and the far left wanted to maintain the lie.

What was even worse for the left was that the monologue referenced facts the far left wants to keep out of their echo chamber. For example, the video mentioned Hunter Biden and images we’re familiar with from his laptop, but that story hasn’t penetrated the cone of silence that is the one-sided media bubble of the left.

We rummaged through many a far-left site in researching this story. Because who doesn’t want to wade through extremist far-left propaganda? It’s always a fun activity like cutting through poison ivy vines or hitting your head against a brick wall. We wanted to see if they reacted to this video and we noticed - surprise, surprise - the far left isn’t covering the Biden bribery scandal. 

If you want a good example of this, we present the opening paragraph from the New Republic entitled: Inside the GOP’s Latest Desperate Attempt to Smear Joe Biden, How low will Republicans go?

“If you get your news on planet Earth, you agree with me that the biggest news story of last week was the federal indictment of Donald Trump.”

“If, however, you get your news on planet Wingnuttia, you have been led to believe that while the Trump matter was certainly news, the bigger deal by several orders of magnitude was the “proof” that emerged last week that Joe Biden took a $5 million bribe from Ukraine and that Representative Jamie Raskin lied about it. You’ve also been told that the timing of the Trump indictment was no mere coincidence—it was handed down precisely to distract America from the “fact” of Biden’s corruption.”

“If all this is unfamiliar to you, don’t worry. There is no such proof. Raskin, one of the most honorable public servants in America, who couldn’t lie if you tortured him, did not utter a falsehood.”

If all this is unfamiliar to you’? The piece states that as though even ongoing allegations of criminal activity of the Biden family far worse than is being alleged against President Trump aren’t even newsworthy.  

By the way, take note of what the fascist far left thinks is part of our agenda:

“Their positions—give more money to rich people, stop all abortions, take transgender children away from sympathetic parents, ban books, destroy the planet—aren’t popular, and they know this, so they have to make voters hate the Democrat.”

Does anyone recall seeing those on any party agenda for the pro-freedom right? And they have the cojones to call us liars. Destroy the planet’

What do they think, that the whole party is going to fly off in spaceships to another planet or something?

So you see, they have to be selective in their outrage, lest they reveal too much of the Biden scandals, not to mention the fact that the Biden regime is unconstitutionally surveilling the people, something the people who pretend to be ‘liberal’ used to claim they cared about.  

The irony in all this is that we’re surrounded by the national socialist media, so we can’t help but get pounded by their propagandawhile they can sit in a bubble and convince themselves they’re getting ‘both’ sides of the story. So do everyone a favor and pass along Tucker’s latest. Who knows, maybe it will make a little headway in opening up some echo chambers.

D Parker is an engineer, inventor, wordsmith, and student of history, the director of communications for a civil rights organization, and a long-time contributor to conservative websites.  Find him on Substack.

Photo credit: Twitter video screengrab

Dems Trash U.S. Constitution

It's the only thing standing in their way.

If you own a business, the leftists in Congress are coming after you. The only thing standing in their way is the U.S. Constitution.

Whether you own a mom-and-pop diner, an auto repair shop or shares in a multinational corporation, your property is at risk.

The Constitution’s takings clause was designed to protect us from government grabbing our property without paying fairly for it. But last year, when Democrats controlled both houses of Congress, they rammed through the Inflation Reduction Act, boasting that it would enable Medicare to “negotiate” lower prices for medications for seniors.

“Negotiate” is a lie. Under the new law, government can strong-arm companies to sell their most popular medications at a price Uncle Sam dictates, or be taxed out of existence in a matter of weeks. On June 6, the pharmaceutical giant Merck sued, claiming the law violates its constitutional rights.

Amen. This lawsuit is a red flag for everyone in America who owns anything or hopes to.

The actual language of the law is breathtakingly coercive, but let’s face it, most members of Congress don’t bother to read bills before voting on them.

The law says that any company that refuses to sell at the government’s price will be hit with a tax that starts at 186% of the drug’s revenues on Day 1 and is hiked daily until it reaches a ruinous 1,900% of revenues — not just from government sales but all sales. That would mean hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes per day.

The company has no escape. Contrast this coercion with price controls in socialist-leaning European countries, where drug companies can decline to sell at the government price.

Merck explains that it “will be legally compelled to sell its most valuable products for a fraction of their value, on pain of yet more draconian penalties. This is not ‘negotiation.’ It is tantamount to extortion.”

The law also gags the company from disclosing what Medicare officials say about price “negotiations” behind closed doors. Worse, the law requires the company to publicly call the price rammed down its throat “fair.”

Is this even America? Congress limits free speech and requires companies to state things they don’t believe.

Merck’s lawsuit objects, “Our Constitution does not countenance compelled speech in service of state propaganda.”

Congress needs a refresher course on the Constitution. The Fifth Amendment bars the government from taking your property without just compensation. And the First Amendment prohibits the government from forcing you to say something against your will. These are the bases of Merck’s lawsuit.

The law being challenged is exactly what you’d find in George Orwell’s “1984,” a novel depicting socialist despotism. The government dictates the price for your product but calls it a “negotiation.” If you refuse, your business is taxed to death overnight. You are gagged from disclosing what is happening and forced to declare the price “fair.”

If Merck’s lawsuit fails, who are the next victims? Auto makers could be forced to sell cars for the federal fleet for $10,000 a piece instead of a fair price. What about bed sheets for the Army, airplane parts for the Air Force or restaurant meals for government employees?

Merck’s lawsuit raises only constitutional issues, but Americans also need to know that price controls on pharmaceuticals could be dangerous to their health. In countries that cap prices, patients have reduced access to new drugs. Patients in France get only half the new treatments that U.S. patients get, according to University of Chicago economist Tomas Philipson.

Last week, the American Society of Clinical Oncology announced a treatment — osimertinib — that improves survival by 51% for lung cancer patients who have had surgery and face a recurrence. As a survivor myself, I cut out the article and put it in my desk drawer, hoping I won’t need it but glad it’s a possibility.

Many politicians think vilifying drug companies is good politics. They ignore the devastating impact of price controls on the pipeline for future cures.

This is a legitimate policy debate. But obeying the Constitution is not optional. Congress members swear an oath to it.

Merck’s lawsuit is headed to the Supreme Court.

Tell Biden and leftist lawmakers to read the 4,543 words in the Constitution and honor them.

Reader Interactions



Jack Cashill’s new book, Unmasking Obama: The Fight to Tell the True Story of a Failed Presidency, is widely available. See also www.cashill.com.

Barack Obama Pushes ‘Digital Fingerprints’ to Fight ‘Misinformation’

Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images

Barack Obama, who was instrumental in fueling the media’s “misinformation” narrative before he left office, has a new buzzword — “digital fingerprints.”

The former Democrat president wants the origin of digital information such as photos and videos to be clearly traced, to fight the spread of deepfakes.

“That technology’s here now,” said Obama in a discussion with his former advisor David Axelrod on the latter’s CNN podcast. “So, most immediately we’re going to have all the problems we had with misinformation before, [but] this next election cycle will be worse.”

President Barack Obama signs the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act alongside Connecticut Democrat Sen. Chris Dodd (center), Massachusetts Democrat Rep. Barney Frank (second right), Vice President Joe Biden (far left), and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (second left) on July 21, 2010. (SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images)

“”And the need for us, for the general public, I think to be more discriminating consumers of news and information, the need for us to over time develop technologies to create watermarks or digital fingerprints so we know what is true and what is not true.”

The idea of fighting “misinformation” by tracing the origin of digital info is not new. A coalition of tech and media companies led by Microsoft is already trying to make this technology the industry standard, as is a coalition with similar goals led by Adobe.

Before he left office, President Obama helped spark the media panic over “fake news” — later rebranded as “misinformation” — that was adopted by the media, NGOs, and tech companies as a pretext to suppress conservative content.

Hours before election day 2016, the Democrat president was giving interviews to the media about the dangers of “fake news,” and in the weeks following the election of Donald Trump, used public appearances to talk about the problem of “misinformation.”

Prior to this, the topic was not discussed widely in the media. Afterwards, it was everywhere. And by 2020, it was a key part of the media and tech industry’s efforts to interfere in the election.

Allum Bokhari is the senior technology correspondent at Breitbart News. He is the author of #DELETED: Big Tech’s Battle to Erase the Trump Movement and Steal The Election.

Your Tax Dollars at Work: Military Monitors Social Media for Mean Posts About Generals

ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA - JULY 20: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley participates in a news briefing at the Pentagon on July 20, 2022 in Arlington, Virginia. General Milley and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin spoke about their virtual meeting with the Ukraine Defense Contact Group. (Photo …
Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

The U.S. Army’s Protective Services Battalion (PSB), the Department of Defense’s equivalent of the Secret Service, now monitors social media to see if anyone has posted negative comments about the country’s highest-ranking officers.

Per a report by the Intercept, the PSB’s remit includes protecting officers from “embarrassment,” in addition to more pressing threats like kidnapping and assassination.

An Army procurement document from 2022 obtained by the Intercept reveals that the PSB now monitors social media for “negative sentiment” about the officers under its protection, as well as for “direct, indirect, and veiled” threats.

FILE – The Pentagon is seen from Air Force One as it flies over Washington, March 2, 2022. The FBI wants to question a 21-year-old member of the Massachusetts Air National Guard in connection with the disclosure of highly classified military documents on the Ukraine war, two people familiar with the investigation said Thursday, April 13, 2023.

“This is an ongoing PSIFO/PIB” — Protective Services Field Office/Protective Intelligence Branch — “requirement to provide global protective services for senior Department of Defense (DoD) officials, adequate security in order to mitigate online threats (direct, indirect, and veiled), the identification of fraudulent accounts and positive or negative sentiment relating specifically to our senior high-risk personnel.”

Per the report, the Army intends not just to monitor platforms for “negative sentiment,” but also to pinpoint the location of posters.

Via the Intercept:

The Army’s new toolkit goes far beyond social media surveillance of the type offered by private contractors like Dataminr, which helps police and military agencies detect perceived threats by scraping social media timelines and chatrooms for various keywords. Instead, Army Protective Services Battalion investigators would seemingly combine social media data with a broad variety of public and nonpublic information, all accessible through a “universal search selector.”

These sources of information include “signal-rich discussions from illicit threat-actor communities and access to around-the-clock conversations within threat-actor channels,” public research, CCTV feeds, radio stations, news outlets, personal records, hacked information, webcams, and — perhaps most invasive — cellular location data.

The document mentions the use of “geo-fenced” data as well, a controversial practice wherein an investigator draws a shape on a digital map to focus their surveillance of a specific area. While app-based smartphone tracking is a potent surveillance technique, it remains unclear how exactly this data might actually be used to unmask threatening social media posts, or what relevance other data categories like radio stations or academic research could possibly have.

According to the Intercept, the PSB wants to search not just mainstream social media platforms, but also anonymous and semi-anonymous discussion boards like 4chan and Reddit, as well as the chat platforms Discord and Telegram.

Allum Bokhari is the senior technology correspondent at Breitbart News. He is the author of #DELETED: Big Tech’s Battle to Erase the Trump Movement and Steal The Election.

What does ‘freedom of the press’ mean when the media eagerly join with the censors?

Right now, censorship is more prevalent than at any time in our lifetimes. And it’s actually embraced by the mainstream media, the Biden administration and the Democrats’ party as a whole.

The Twitter Files published by a group of independent journalists, show the intense censorship promoted by the administration and its agencies through pressure on the tech companies. The mainstream media ignores and suppresses the revelations of the Twitter Files and anything else that would embarrass the administration or offend its supporters.

Democrats profess to be concerned about censorship, but only in so far as it involves what they call “book banning” in Florida, which is really regulating what books can be included in public school libraries. That is something that has always occurred everywhere and with good reason, because some books are not appropriate for young people. But until it became likely that Governor Ron DeSantis might be a presidential contender, it had never before been called “book banning.”

The result of this censorship is that most people are unaware of important facts which, though accurate, cast the administration in a bad light. That’s a huge threat to our democracy. The reason we have freedom of the press is so that the press can protect us from overreaching by the government. The theory is that the press will speak truth to power.

In this current environment, the press is worse than useless. Currently the mainstream media serve as apparatchiks of the Democrat party and the Biden administration. The mainstream media actively promoted the major lies that were powerful intrusions into our election process, which is vital.

It’s also telling that the mainstream media has used the term “The Big Lie“ to refer to Trump’s claim that he won the 2020 election, without including any of the inflammatory fabrications they promoted that were designed to turn elections and to destroy an elected administration.

And unlike Trump’s claim that he won the 2020 election, the lies the mainstream media promoted were far more impactful because their lies had the support of most media, the Democrat party, the intelligence services, and the FBI and the tech companies. Trump’s claims were forcefully opposed by all of the actors that supported the mainstream media’s fabrications.

These lies included among other things, the Trump-Russia collusion hoax, the story that Trump Tower had a direct connection with the server in the Alpha Bank, which is closely tied to the Kremlin, and the story that the authentic emails on Hunter Biden‘s laptop were Russian disinformation.

And these practices not only present the administration in an unrealistically favorable light and the political opposition in an unrealistically unfavorable light, but they mean that all of us are walking around with two very different sets of facts in our heads, depending on the information sources we rely on. This divides our polity so that we find ourselves in a situation reminiscent of the Tower of Babel.

Graphic credit: public domain

"This is how they will destroy America from within.  The leftist billionaires who orchestrate these plans are wealthy. Those tasked with representing us in Congress will never be exposed to the cost of the invasion of millions of migrants.  They have nothing but contempt for those of us who must endure the consequences of our communities being intruded upon by gang members, drug dealers and human traffickers.  These people have no intention of becoming Americans; like the Democrats who welcome them, they have contempt for us." PATRICIA McCARTHY

Records: Son of Billionaire Democrat Donor George Soros Has Visited the White House 14 Times

Viktor Orbán Accuses Soros Scion of Scheming to ‘Incite’ Another Migrant Crisis

LJUBLJANA, LENDAVA, SLOVENIA - 2022/02/21: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban attends a press conference after signing an agreement with Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Jansa on cross-border regional cooperation in Lendava. At the meeting, Jansa and Orban also discussed ways to encourage economic and social development of the border regions populated …
Getty Images

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán warned that the Soros empire, the reigns of which will be handed over to 37-year-old scion Alexander, is planning to “incite” another migrant crisis in Europe.

In his weekly radio appearance, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said according to 24.hu that he believed that the latest migrant relocation scheme from the European Union was a result of pressure from George Soros’ son Alex, who is set to take over the $25 billion financial empire.

Orbán, who has long maligned the mal-influence of the 92-year-old Hungarian billionaire in his country and elsewhere, warned that his heir may be more ruthless in achieving the goals of the ‘Open Society’ foundations owned by the family.

The EU migration deal, which was reached earlier this month, was opposed by Hungary and Poland, with both countries objecting to accepting migrants who entered other countries. Under the parameters of the plan, EU member states would either have to accept a number of relocated asylum-seekers per year or pay €20,000 for each migrant refused.

According to Orbán, the plan would see some 8,500 migrants forced onto Hungary, however, the populist leader has so far maintained that he has no intention of abiding by the diktats from Brussels.

The Hungarian leader said that he believed the reason why the deal was struck, seemingly out of nowhere, was as a result of a lobbying effort from Alex Soros, whom he said “dictates an even tougher pace” than his father and that Hungary should prepare for the Soros family to ” incite the migrants, and increase the pressure on Hungary’s southern border.”

“One could say that the Soros empire has struck back, something that’s been forced down the throats of the majority of Europeans,” Mr Orbán said.

On Monday, George Soros announced that he would be handing over the reins of his empire to his son, 37-year-old Alexander “Alex” Sorors. For his part, Alex Soros has claimed to be “more political” than his globalist financier father.

In an interview this week with the Wall Street Journal, Soros said that he would continue to pursue hard-left policies on issues such as abortion, voting, and gender equality.

Following the announcement of the handover, Orbán was quick to respond, posting a gif on his Twitter account from The Godfather, showing Vito Corleone kissing his son Micheal, along which the Hungarian leader wrote: “Soros 2.0”.

In his Friday radio appearance, Orbán went on to accuse George Soros of acting as a “war speculator” and trying to stymie attempts from figures such as himself to peacefully negotiate an end to the war in Ukraine.

This was the reason why the Soros family, he claimed, is attacking former U.S. President Donald Trump “with all its means,” given Trump’s persistent calls for peace talks between Moscow and Kyiv.

“The pro-war camp [is] attacking with full force. That’s what you get nowadays if you’re on the side of peace. Keep on fighting, Mr. President! The world needs you, the world needs peace,” Orban said to Mr Trump on Friday following the latest arrest of the former president.

Follow Kurt Zindulka on Twitter:  or e-mail to: kzindulka@breitbart.com

‘Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse’ Teams with Soros-Backed American Immigration Council

Sony Pictures

Sony’s animated blockbuster Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse has released an ad in partnership with a George Soros-backed group whose goal is to import more cheap immigrant labor.

The American Immigration Council (AIC) is taking credit for the PSA — but instead of mentioning immigration, the Hollywood partnership is being marketed as a plea for “belonging,” with the goal of creating a “more welcoming nation.”

The Spider-Man tie-in consists of a 30-second video featuring characters from the hit sequel accompanied by a voice-over urging greater acceptance of others.

“It doesn’t take a superhero to bring forces together. We all have the power to reach out and help someone feel like they belong,” the narrator says.

Watch below:

Spider-Man is partnering with a group called Belonging Begins with Us, which is a project of AIC — the Soros-backed organization that is trying to flood the country with cheap labor by pushing for more immigration as well as amnesty for some illegal aliens.

Belonging Begins with Us works with the Ad Council to partner with prominent brands and entertainment titles in an attempt to push its soft message of “belonging” and “welcoming.”

“Belonging” has emerged as a key marketing buzzword for the AIC, which defines it as a “fundamental human need, and one that is linked to many of the most complex challenges of our time.”  The organization has even published a study titled “The Belonging Barometer,” which calls for greater acceptance of “non-citizen immigrants” and other groups.

“The Americans who report being treated as ‘less than’ tend to be younger, first-generation or non-citizen immigrants, identify as non-Hispanic white, or identify as a gender minority,” the study concludes. “The range of demographic categories who reported being treated as ‘less than others.'”

The Hollywood push comes amid falling support for immigration, as the Biden administration’s open-border policies have resulted in an unprecedented tsunami of illegal border crossings.

As Breitbart News reported, a YouGov poll found a growing plurality of citizens alongside almost two out of three Republicans say immigration makes the nation “worse off.”

Spider-Verse 2, which is a Marvel Studios production, is poised to become one of the biggest movies of the summer. The sequel has so far grossed $225 million domestically and is in the midst of its global rollout.

The Soros network may go through a shakeup in the coming years, as the infamous left-wing billionaire has handed over the reins of his activism-charity projects to his millennial son Alex.

Follow David Ng on Twitter @HeyItsDavidNg. Have a tip? Contact me at dng@breitbart.com

Jack Cashill’s new book, Unmasking Obama: The Fight to Tell the True Story of a Failed Presidency, is widely available. See also www.cashill.com.

Here's What We Know About Alex Soros, Progressive Scion Taking Over His Father's Political Empire

George and Alex Soros (Twitter).
June 12, 2023

The Democratic megadonor George Soros has ceded control of his political empire to his son, Alexander Soros.

The succession plan was revealed Sunday, in a Wall Street Journal profile of the 37-year-old Soros scion. All eyes are now on Alex Soros as he prepares to take his father's place atop the country’s most powerful progressive political operation.

Here's what we know about the younger Soros.

He's ‘More Political’ Than His Pops

The younger Soros says he is "more political" than his 92-year-old father, the Democratic Party’s biggest donor.

Alex Soros has given tens of millions of dollars to Democrats over the years. He contributed $5.25 million to the Senate Majority PAC in 2016 and 2018. He contributed $721,300 to the Biden Victory Fund in 2020 and $350,000 to Hillary Clinton’s victory fund in 2016. Soros has given millions more to the DNC and other Democratic committees.

Alex Soros has not contributed as much to other political advocacy groups as his father has over the years. George Soros, through his Democracy PAC and Democracy PAC II, has contributed tens of millions of dollars to traditional political committees, as well as to advocacy groups like Planned Parenthood, MoveOn, and American Bridge. Both Soroses have contributed this election cycle to moderate Democratic senator Jon Tester (Mont.), considered one of the most vulnerable incumbents in 2024.

The elder Soros has also funded a network of left-wing prosecutors whose soft-on-crime policies have been blamed for surging crime and low police morale. In 2018, Alex Soros contributed $100,000 to help elect Minnesota attorney general Keith Ellison, a progressive Democrat who faced allegations of domestic abuse and blamed police for damage sustained during the George Floyd riots.


His Money Opens Democratic Doors

Alex Soros’s extensive campaign giving appears to open doors for him to many senior Democratic lawmakers.

The younger Soros huddled with Vice President Kamala Harris last week and declared he was "Ridin’ with Biden" in a recent photo with President Biden. He has rubbed shoulders with former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, and former President Barack Obama, according to his social media feeds.


He Spends A Lot of Time At the Biden White House

Alex Soros also appears to have open access to the White House, having visited at least 17 times during Biden’s tenure, according to visitor logs.

Most of those meetings have been with Biden’s political and domestic policy advisers, but Soros has had five meetings with Jon Finer, the principal deputy national security adviser.

The Washington Free Beacon reported that Soros met with Finer on the same day that Brazilian president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva visited the White House. According to the Wall Street Journal, Soros met the left-wing Brazilian leader to advocate on behalf of the Open Society Foundations, his father’s philanthropy.


He Runs His Father's Left-Wing Nonprofit

Alex Soros took over in December as chairman of the board of Open Society Foundations, which pours hundreds of millions of dollars annually into progressive causes in the United States and around the world.

Open Society has backed groups that support the movement to defund the police and expand the Supreme Court, among other left-wing causes.

Alex Soros told the Journal he plans to use Open Society’s $25 billion war chest to fund the expansion of abortion and voting rights across the country.


He Lacks Dad's Business Savvy

Alex Soros does not appear to have his father’s business acumen, raising questions about the long term viability of his political empire. George Soros has amassed a fortune of around $7 billion, largely through his Soros Fund Management hedge fund.

Jonathan Soros, Alex’s older half-brother, was initially seen as the heir apparent to his father’s business and political empire, but the pair had a falling out over management style.

Alex Soros is an adviser to an apparel supply chain fund, Tau Management, funded by his father. Tau invests in apparel and textile factories in Asia in order to build "agile, sustainable manufacturing partners" to major apparel brands. The fund requires its partners to have a "strong and sincere commitment to [Equity, Sustainability, Governance]."


He Just Wants to Party

Before his ascent to the top of his father’s political empire, Alex Soros was better known for his semi-playboy lifestyle. According to the New York Post, Soros hosted celebrities at a $72 million Hamptons estate he rented in 2016, and has often been spotted hanging out with NBA players and supermodels.

Soros reportedly hired New York City club promoter Adam Spoont to recruit models to attend Soros’s house parties. Spoont’s success landed him an invitation to an Alex Soros fundraiser, where he was able to meet President Obama, according to Page Six.

His Father Has Been Accused of Domestic Abuse

George Soros on the beach / Splash News
George Soros on the beach / Splash News

The elder Soros's ex-girlfriend, Brazilian model Adriana Ferreyr, says Alex's dad once slapped and choked her while they were in bed. Ferreyr later sued George Soros for $50 million.


He pissed off Taylor Swift

Alex Soros led a consortium of investors who bought rights to Swift’s unreleased music for $330 million, drawing the ire of the pop superstar.

"It looks to me like Scooter Braun and his financial backers, 23 Capital, Alex Soros, and the Soros family and The Carlyle Group, have seen the latest balance sheets and realized that paying $330 million for my music wasn't exactly a wise choice and they need money," Swift said in 2020. "In my opinion, just another case of shameless greed in the time of Coronavirus. So tasteless, but very transparent."

Published under: Alex Soros George Soros Joe Biden Nancy Pelosi Open Society Foundations

20 million illegals get 'free' healthcare!


In truth, the Golden State is becoming a semi-feudal kingdom, with the nation’s widest gap between middle and upper incomes—72 percent, compared with the U.S. average of 57 percent—and its highest poverty rate. Roughly half of America’s homeless live in Los Angeles or San Francisco, which now has the highest property crime rate among major cities.

The costs of illegal immigration are being carefully hidden by Democrats.      MONICA SHOWALTER

Migrant enclaves already are at the top of the U.S. lists for bad places to  - 10 of the 50 worst places in America to live according to this list are in California, and all of them are famous for their illegal populations.   MONICA SHOWALTER

House GOP Report: Illegal Aliens Costing American Hospitals Billions in Unpaid Medical Bills

SAN LUIS, ARIZONA - MAY 23: An immigrant mother holds her one-year-old son, after they were released from a local hospital where her son was treated for dehydration after crossing the border from Mexico, as they wait to be processed by U.S. Border Patrol, on May 23, 2022 in San …
Mario Tama/Getty Images

Illegal aliens released into the United States interior are costing American taxpayers, and the public hospitals they help fund, billions in unpaid medical bills every year, a report from Republicans on the House Homeland Security Committee details.

The report, wherein Chairman Mark Green (R-TN) notes the failures of President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, revealed the extent to which illegal immigration wreaks havoc on the nation’s hospitals intended to provide first-class care for Americans and legal immigrants.

“Hospital and emergency room care for illegal aliens is one of the most significant expenses,” the report states, mentioning that illegal aliens typically have no form of health insurance and therefore rely especially on emergency room services for free care.

“Consequently, this has led to significant costs for hospitals because providers are often not reimbursed for these services,” the report states:

In a January 2021 filing challenging the Biden administration’s deportation moratorium, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton wrote that his state alone was required to pay anywhere between $62- 90 million per year to cover illegal aliens under its Emergency Medicaid program. [Emphasis added]

He also pointed out that between 2006-2008, uncompensated costs borne by Texas state hospitals providing care to illegal aliens ranged from $597 million to $717 million. That’s as much as $1.03 billion in May 2023 dollars. [Emphasis added]

In Florida, for Fiscal Year 2021, illegal aliens cost state hospitals about $312 million. Meanwhile, in Illinois, a statewide healthcare benefits program for illegal aliens has ballooned from a projected $2 to $4 million cost to what has now become a $1.1 billion program for taxpayers.

Locally, in Yuma, Arizona, executives with the Yuma Regional Medical Center said that in just one year, taxpayers were left with $26 million in unpaid medical bills from illegal aliens who showed up to the hospital requesting free care.

“Some migrants come to us with minor ailments but many of them come in with significant disease. We have had migrant patients on dialysis, cardiac catheterization and in need of heart surgery,” Dr. Robert Trenschel, CEO of the hospital, previously told the House Homeland Security Committee. “Many are very sick. They have long-term complications of chronic disease that have not been cared for. Some end up in the ICU for 60 days or more.”

One of the main strains on the hospital is pregnant illegal aliens arriving with little-to-no prior prenatal care, putting them at high risk for potentially serious complications which results in longer, costly stays at the hospital.

The issue has been raised by more than just House Republicans.

Most recently, Democrat presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. visited the U.S.-Mexico border to warn of the massive waves of illegal immigration that are straining the nation’s security and social safety net resources.

During his visit, Kennedy said he talked to local officials in Arizona who explained that their hospitals’ maternity wards are so packed with pregnant illegal aliens that American women are having to reschedule their delivery dates.

“Moms occupied 32 of 36 beds in Yuma hospital maternity ward so that local moms had to delay induced pregnancies for two weeks,” Kennedy wrote in a Twitter post.

Months ago, the Federation for American Immigration Reform reported that illegal immigration costs the nation’s hospital systems at least $23 billion annually — $8.2 billion of which is uncompensated medical care for illegal aliens.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at jbinder@breitbart.com. Follow him on Twitter here

Biden’s DHS Rewards Sanctuary Cities, NGOs with $290M for Resettling Illegal Aliens in U.S.

mexico border
Ting Shen/Bloomberg/GUILLERMO ARIAS/AFP via Getty Images

President Joe Biden is rewarding sanctuary cities and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) with more than $290 million in taxpayer money for  resettling border crossers and illegal aliens across the United States.

Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is taking the millions in taxpayer money from the Shelter and Services Program (SSP) — a federal initiative launched by the administration and funded by Congress.

This week, DHS officials announced that more than $290 million from SSP had been rewarded to various towns and cities, many of which are sanctuary jurisdictions, along with NGOs like Catholic Charities and United Way for helping resettle hundreds of thousands of border crossers and illegal aliens across American communities after their release into the nation’s interior.

In total, 34 cities, towns, and NGOs are getting the millions in federal funds.

Many of the cities are sanctuary jurisdictions. For example, San Diego County, California, a sanctuary jurisdiction, is set to secure more than $15 million in SSP funds, while the sanctuary city of Denver, Colorado, will receive more than $8.6 million.

The sanctuary city of New York City is securing the largest amount of SSP funds, more than $104 million, to aid border crossers and illegal aliens, while the sanctuary city of Chicago has scored more than $10.5 million and the sanctuary state of Illinois will get nearly $19.4 million.

The World Hunger Ecumenical Arizona Task Force (WHEAT), an NGO based in Arizona, is set to get $15.5 million to help border crossers and illegal aliens across the state and Catholic Charities, across California and Texas, will rake in more than $24 million in SSP funds.

Last month, Reps. Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Lance Gooden (R-TX) requested a full accounting by the Biden administration in regard to federal funds being rewarded to cities and NGOs that are aiding illegal immigration in the U.S.

“The surge of illegal immigration, fueled in part by NGOs like those on the [Emergency Food and Shelter Program] National Board is unsustainable and unfair to law-abiding citizens and immigrants alike,” Gooden said.

Illegal immigration imposes an enormous burden on American taxpayers.

Annually, the 11 to 22 million illegal aliens living in the U.S. costs taxpayers more than $143 billion. That amount, though, does not include any of the social and economic costs — such as higher housing prices, depleted wages, lost jobs, increased crime, and strained public resources at hospitals and schools — associated with illegal immigration.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at jbinder@breitbart.com. Follow him on Twitter here.

Report: Chicago Operating ‘Secretive’ Network of Taxpayer-Funded Migrant Shelters ‘Shrouded in Mystery’

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS - MAY 10: People walk by at the Inn of Chicago, a hotel near the Magnificent Mile in the city's downtown which is being used for temporary housing for newly-arriving migrants on May 10, 2023 in Chicago, Illinois. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot issued a state of emergency on …
Scott Olson/Getty Images

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson (D) is running a “secretive” network of taxpayer-funded migrant shelters that are “shrouded in mystery and quietness,” according to the Chicago Tribune and those familiar with the operation.

Since August of last year, more than 10,000 border crossers and illegal aliens have arrived in the sanctuary city of Chicago — many arriving on buses sent from Texas.

To deal with the waves of illegal immigration, rather than urging President Joe Biden’s administration to halt the influx, Johnson has said Chicago is open to migrants and vowed that the city will house, feed, and care for new arrivals.

Those promises have been realized by the city’s migrant shelter network, funded entirely by local, state, and federal taxpayers. A report from the Chicago Tribune, and those familiar with the operation, suggests that the shelter network operated by Johnson’s office is “secretive” and ensures that the public is not allowed inside shelters.

The Chicago Tribune reports:

The condition of the city’s 12 shelters cannot be assessed fully because the city has repeatedly denied a request from the Tribune and others for access to them. According to a letter in May from Chicago’s congressional delegation, the city has spent more than $75 million in the past nine months on over 10,000 new arrivals who have come to Chicago since August, and Chicago aldermen recently voted to spend an additional $51 million on migrant care through June. [Emphasis added]

Footage sent to the Tribune by migrants over WhatsApp confirms descriptions from those willing to speak about dirty bathrooms and hotel rooms crammed with as many as three to four families. Footage shows asylum-seekers at a shelter in Leone Beach Park in Rogers Park sleeping on the gymnasium floor. [Emphasis added]

Bawany described the city shelters as being “shrouded in mystery and quietness.” The lack of information extends not just to the public, but to the migrants themselves. No one seems to know what is going on, he said. [Emphasis added]

One particular shelter, with signs on doors keeping the public out, is the Inn of Chicago. Reporters at the Chicago Tribune said they were told they could not view the inside of the shelter.

Typically, before border crossers and illegal aliens are moved to the migrant shelters, they stay for days on end in police stations across the city — sleeping on the floor.

Most recently, Johnson cheered as the Chicago City Council ignored objections from local taxpayers over a plan to throw $51 million at the migrant shelter operation. Native Chicagoans, for months now, have said the city is singularly focused on aiding border crossers and illegal aliens as their communities remain underfunded and largely abandoned.

“We need to take care of our community, we need to take care of our black community,” one resident said during the city council meeting.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at jbinder@breitbart.com. Follow him on Twitter here.

The Chicago Sun-Tines pointed out 248 people were killed in Chicago January 1, 2023, through June 10, 2023.

On May 9, 2023, the NRA noted that 2,767 people had been killed in Chicago on Lightfoot’s watch.

The most violent year of Lightfoot’s tenure was 2021, which was the deadliest year Chicago has witnessed in a quarter of a century. The Hill reported that Chicago police confirmed 797 homicides during the course of 2021.

The Chicago Tribune indicates at least 170 people have been killed in Chicago so far this year.

8. CRIME: Because of the Democrat rule in blue cities, crime is not being prosecuted in the name of some weird kind of reparations. What the Democrats don't get is that they hurt their own innocent population by allowing criminals a get-out-jail-free card, and by not prosecuting at all. Their racist policies hurt the very people they claim to want to help. Why are they doing this? To deliberately create chaos in the execution of anti-white racism. The one solution to the rising crime rate, the prosecution and incarceration of criminals, is the one thing blue cities under Democrat rule will not do. Mayor Lightfoot makes weird and demonic home videos of herself dancing around in what appears to be a drugged stupor. Rather than be a responsible mayor, she has totally ignored the death-by-violence rate in Chicago. This is another very clear example of Democrats doing what they do best; destroying things.

Joe Biden Celebrates 11 Years of DACA Program: Illegal Aliens ‘Are Americans’

US President Joe Biden speaks while meeting with Tennessee state representatives in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, DC, US, on Monday, April 24, 2023. Biden is meeting with the Tennessee lawmakers who faced expulsion votes over a gun control protest, a show of support as he …
Chris Kleponis/CNP/Bloomberg/Frederic Brown/AFP/Getty Images

President Joe Biden is celebrating the 11th anniversary of former President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program that has allowed nearly 800,000 illegal aliens to evade arrest and deportation.

In a statement on Thursday, Biden commemorated the program by saying that the millions of illegal aliens enrolled and eligible for DACA “are Americans” despite their not having United States citizenship and flouting federal immigration law.

“Eleven years ago on this day, President Obama and I announced the DACA program to allow young people to live and work in the only country they’ve called home … DREAMers are Americans,” Biden said:

Many have spent the majority of their lives in the United States. They are our doctors, our teachers, and our small business owners. DREAMers strengthen our economy, enrich our workplaces, and during the COVID-19 pandemic, many served their communities on the frontlines. [Emphasis added]

As Breitbart News reported last year, standards for the DACA program were set so low by the Obama administration that from 2012 to 2018, about 53,792 illegal aliens were awarded DACA despite having prior arrest records. Meanwhile, nearly 8,000 illegal aliens awarded DACA were later arrested for crimes, the data shows.

More than 30 illegal aliens were given DACA status despite having previously been arrested for rape. Ten illegal aliens, likewise, were awarded DACA after having been arrested for murder, and 95 illegal aliens after having been arrested for kidnapping.

Biden noted that his administration is opening Affordable Care Act benefits, known as Obamacare and subsidized by American taxpayers, and Medicaid to DACA illegal aliens, even as Obama, in 2012, vowed that illegal aliens would not be eligible for Obamacare.

American taxpayers could be charged about $2.8 billion every year to provide Obamacare to every DACA illegal alien in the U.S. Biden said he hopes the move will push Congress to approve an amnesty for DACA illegal aliens.

“My administration is committed to providing DREAMers the opportunities and support they need to succeed,” Biden said. “… only Congress can provide permanent and lasting stability for these young people and their families. Congress must act to protect our DREAMers.”

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said in a statement that the agency, under his leadership, will continue advocating on behalf of DACA illegal aliens.

“The Department of Homeland Security will continue to advocate on behalf of DACA recipients every day, in the courts and through our actions, until Congress provides an enduring solution,” Mayorkas said.

In February, Sens. Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) introduced an amnesty plan to give green cards, and eventually naturalized American citizenship, to the nearly two million illegal aliens enrolled and eligible for DACA.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at jbinder@breitbart.com. Follow him on Twitter here

Sam Bankman-Fried Aimed to Outpace George Soros as Largest Democrat Donor


28 Nov 20220


Disgraced former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried tried to build a political empire to rival Democrat megadonor George Soros.

Puck News reporter Theodore Schleifer wrote that Bankman-Fried personally bought a Democrat startup, Deck, spending roughly $4 to $5 million to buy out the existing investors to the Democrat analytics firm. Bankman-Fried reportedly heard about the startup from Mind the Gap, a Democrat donor network founded by his mother, Barbara Bankman-Fried.

The purchase of Deck served as Bankman-Fried’s political scheme to be the “biggest donor in the Democratic Party,” even outshining Democrat megadonor.


Democrat megadonor George Soros on January 23, 2020 in Davos, eastern Switzerland. (FABRICE COFFRINI/AFP via Getty Images)

Bankman-Fried and Ryan Salame, co-CEO of FTX Digital Markets, served as two of the largest donors to Republicans and Democrats last cycle. Bankman-Fried fell just below Soros as the largest Democrat donor.


Ryan Salame, co-CEO of FTX Digital Markets. (Twitter)

In all, Bankman-Fried donated roughly $40 million to Democrat politicians and PACs, while Salame gave about $23 million to Republicans and PACs supporting the GOP.


Puck News wrote that the former FTX CEO sought advisers and conducted data experiments to help Democrats in the 2024 election cycle:

I have previously reported that S.B.F.’s team was actively looking for future advisors to join them in drafting “plays” for the 2024 cycle, and that one of those ideas was to fund some more progressive organizations, for instance. Some of those plans were already underway. I have learned in recent days that S.B.F. was already quietly funding some experiments across the Democratic ecosystem, such as randomized-controlled trials that might have yielded data that could help Democrats in 2024, according to two people familiar with the work, by assessing the impact of things like community newsletters, Facebook ads, and so-called “relational organizing.”

In all, the report suggested that Bankman-Fried might have spent roughly $100 million, but according to Schleifer, “That could be an undercount.”

Sean Moran is a congressional reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SeanMoran3. 

Recipe for Disaster: A Democrat President and a Democrat Senate

We have a Democrat president who will nominate anybody who will further his agenda and a Democrat-controlled Senate that places ideology and vote-buying ahead of country and will approve any cabinet member or judge that a Democrat president nominates.

We all know what a doddering old fool the current occupant of the Oval Office is, so there's no need to document his latest gaffes.  Let's examine instead four of his nominees, starting with Secretary of State Tony Blinken and his connection with George Soros.

Rule of law makes a country, so when rule of law goes...

Decades ago, a brilliant but evil person funded district attorney races to emplace left-leaning district attorneys across America.  We now see the consequences of those efforts.  These D.A.s were chosen because of their belief that criminals should not be prosecuted, but right-leaning citizens should.  They are motivated not by law, but by political concerns — power, central control.

George Soros understood that when the rule of law breaks down, the country can spiral into anarchy.  The best example to date is the D.A. in New York charging a former Marine for defending other passengers in the N.Y. subway from a deranged homeless person.

Watch an old movie called A Clockwork Orange that foretold this situation.

But it gets worse.  The rule of law, defined solely by the Constitution, breaks down when federal agencies in the DOJ refuse to follow the law.  The FBI's and CIA's direct involvement in presidential elections, to sway votes, is a greater example of the anarchy we fear.

Examples deepen when we see a former president harassed to no end or the January 6 conspirators, or patriots, depending on your view, are not given a speedy trial, but languish in American prisons for years.  I don't know if Trump or the J6 prisoners are guilty, but it is obvious they are not getting any respect for their inalienable rights as defined by the Constitution.  That is an abrogation of the rule of law.

We have to ask two questions.  What is the end goal of those who wish to damage and are damaging our beloved country by destroying the rule of law?  What can we do about it?

First, realize that there are forces dedicated to the destruction of our nation.  There always have been such elements throughout our history.  

Second, don't succumb to fear or despair.  That is what they want, because fear and despair make it easier to defeat us.  

Third, educate yourself, which you are doing if you read these articles.  

Fourth, the united willpower of free citizens is an unstoppable force.  Stop the petty bickering and hate-mongering.  Unite in a common and profound principle — namely, the sanctity of the individual, or, in other words, your inalienable right to existence and freedom. 

Image: Pashi via PixabayPixabay License.

Video: Soros’ Son Boasts About Meeting With VP Harris

But the Left wants us to believe Soros' influence is just a conspiracy theory.

In this short video from Fox Business’ Varney & Co., Matt Palumbo — author of The Man Behind the Curtain — discusses the insidious influence of the Soros family on the Biden administration.

Don’t miss it!

Reader Interactions



“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation  (TWO GAMER LAWYERS) (WHAT ABOUT THE CHINA BIDEN PENN CENTER?)  and the Obama (TWO GAMER LAWYERS) book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family (FOUR GAMER LAWYERS - JOE, HUNTER, JAMES, FRANK) corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren (GAMER LAWYER) and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (ADD GAMER LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS AND HER LAWYER HUSBAND AND THE BANKSTERS’ RENT BOY, LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER AND GEORGE SOROS’ RENT BOY GAMER LAWER TONY BLINKEN AS WELL AS CON MAN ADAM SHIFF).    BRIAN C JOONDEPH
Records: Son of Billionaire Democrat Donor George Soros Has Visited the White House 14 Times 

Alexander Soros
Open Society Foundations

Left-wing billionaire and Democrat donor George Soros’ son, Alexander Soros—who chairs the grant-making organization his father founded, Open Society Foundations—has apparently visited the White House numerous times since President Joe Biden (D) took office.

Last year, 37-year-old Alexander Soros had at least a dozen meetings with White House officials, per its visitor logs, the New York Post reported Saturday.

“His latest trips include visiting Dec. 1 with then-White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain’s advisor Nina Srivastava, who also worked on Biden’s presidential campaign, the logs show,” the outlet continued:

[T]he younger Soros was one of 330 people who attended a lavish state dinner on the White House South Lawn hosted by the president and First Lady Jill Biden honoring French President Emmanuel Macron and Macron’s wife, Brigitte.

A day later, Alexander Soros — who chairs the powerful, liberal grant-making network Open Society Foundations founded by his dad — met with both Advisor to the Counselor of President Mariana Adame and Deputy National Security Advisor Jonathan Finer, records show.

The young man’s profile on the Open Society Foundations website said he is also “the founding chair of Bend the Arc Jewish Action, and sits on the boards of Bard College, the Center for Jewish History, Central European University, the European Council on Foreign Relations, and International Crisis Group.”

An image shows the younger Soros at the State Dinner for Macron, while additional photos depict him with leaders that include former President Barack Obama (D):

The Post article said Alexander Soros also attended White House meetings in 2021, but the topics of discussion were not immediately known.

In recent years, George Soros has focused on local races for prosecutors and used funds to elect “progressives” who back “criminal justice reform” and support the Black Lives Matter movement, Breitbart News’ Joel B. Pollak wrote in January 2022.

“The rise of these Soros-backed prosecutors has coincided with a massive surge in murder and crime in many Democrat-run cities, including many where these prosecutors have implemented radical policies toward policing and incarceration,” he reported.

The Open Society Foundations website says it supports people and groups all over the world that it claims are “fighting for freedom of expression, accountable government, and societies that promote justice and equality.”

However, Mike Howell, director of the Oversight Project at the Conservative Heritage Foundation, told the Post there was concern over the younger Soros’ access to the White House.

“The Soros agenda is one of death and destruction in the name of open borders and ending Western Civilization. The Biden administration and rogue prosecutor movement may be [its] most damaging purchase in America to date,” he explained.


Recipe for Disaster: A Democrat President and a Democrat Senate

We have a Democrat president who will nominate anybody who will further his agenda and a Democrat-controlled Senate that places ideology and vote-buying ahead of country and will approve any cabinet member or judge that a Democrat president nominates.

We all know what a doddering old fool the current occupant of the Oval Office is, so there's no need to document his latest gaffes.  Let's examine instead four of his nominees, starting with Secretary of State Tony Blinken and his connection with George Soros.

Blinken's father, Donald Blinken, and his wife Vera funded the Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives at Soros' Central European University (CEU).  In one Soros Foundations Network report from 2002, Blinken was listed on the Board of Trustees of CEU after Soros and Aryeh Neier (who served as the president of the Open Society Institute from 1993 to 2012).

Like father, like son.  Blinken, in May 2021, wrote, "Former President of Albania Sali Berisha's corrupt acts undermined democracy in Albania.  I am publicly designating Berisha and his immediate family members as ineligible for entry into the United States."

Why?  Berisha had denounced Blinken's action as the work of George Soros.  When confronted by Congressman Lee Zeldin (NY-1), Blinken said, "I don't have anything to share."  He provided only platitudes but no evidence.

Let's examine Blinken's "accomplishments" without Soros.

Blinken said in remarks in April 2021, "As Secretary of State, my job is to make sure our foreign policy delivers for the American people -- by taking on the biggest challenges they face and seizing the biggest opportunities that can improve their lives.  No challenge more clearly captures the two sides of this coin than climate."

Blinken then doubled down, trying in September to justify his concern for climate change by blaming it for worsening conflicts around world.  "Look at almost every place where you see threats to international peace and security today -- and you'll find that climate change is making things less peaceful, less secure, and rendering our response even more challenging."

About Blinken's confrontation with the Chinese delegation in Alaska, former CIA analyst and National Security Council chief of staff Fred Fleitz said, "It was one of the most incompetent displays I've ever seen by an American diplomat.  I think they were just virtue signaling before the lapdog American media.  It was a serious mistake and it set back our policies and it made them look inept because they weren't ready for the counterattack by Chinese officials."

In July 2021, Blinken waived sanctions on Iran's oil trade to allow Japan and Korea to infuse billions of dollars into Iran's failing economy.  Then in February 2022, Blinken signed several sanction waivers related to Iran's civilian nuclear activities in a move, he said, was designed to "entice Iran to return to compliance with the 2015 deal that it has been violating since former president Donald Trump withdrew from the agreement in 2018 and re-imposed US sanctions."

Alejandro Mayorkas, the Secretary of Homeland Security who keeps insisting the southern border is secure, intervened to help obtain a sentence commutation for the son of a major Democrat Party donor.  The son was a convicted drug dealer.

Then U.S. attorney Mayorkas approached the White House in 2000 on behalf of Carlos Vignali, a convicted drug trafficker whom prosecutors said was a leading figure in a drug ring with nearly three dozen members that stretched from California to Minnesota.

Vignali's father was a wealthy real-estate developer and a substantial donor to California Democrats.  He persuaded more than nine important Democrat politicians to approach Bill Clinton on his son's behalf.  He increased his political donations as his son's trial began, then donated ever-increasing amounts to the Democratic National Committee during their convention in Los Angeles.  The Vignali family also contributed to Xavier Becerra's political campaigns prior to his advocacy for Carlos.  Becerra is currently the secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services.

Andrew Dunne, an assistant U.S. attorney in Minneapolis who prosecuted Vignali's case, said, "There was a lot of influence, oh yes."

Clinton, on his last day in office, freed Vignali after he had served less than six years of a more than fourteen-year sentence.

Further, an Obama-era inspector general report asserted that Mayorkas had assisted foreign investors in the EB-5 visa program who were connected to top Democrats.  "Mayorkas 'pressured staff' to expedite the review of a Las Vegas hotel and casino investment at the request of then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid," and made "...an 'unprecedented' intervention to help GTA, a company chaired by former Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe."  A third intervention for former Democratic Pennsylvania governor Ed Rendell resulted in the overturning of another EB-5 refusal.

If not for Mayorkas' intervention, all the cases would have been decided differently.

As if Ketanji Brown Jackson, who can't (or wouldn't) define what a woman is, wasn't bad enough, we now have Nancy Gbana Abudu, Biden's nominee for the 11th Circuit Court.

Biden said Abudu's nomination was part of his "...promise to ensure that the nation's courts reflect the diversity that is one of our greatest assets as a country -- both in terms of personal and professional backgrounds."  Her nomination came as the administration and congressional Democrats emphasized voting rights and alleged voter suppression in Republican-led states such as Georgia, where Abudu serves.

She is late of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).  While at the ACLU, she boasted, "95 percent of my work is in voting rights."  She has compared the ban on felons voting to slavery and proof of citizenship to voter suppression.  "When you add laws that prohibit people with a criminal conviction from voting, it's practically the same system as during slavery -- Black people who have lost their freedom and cannot vote."  I guess she thinks non-Blacks never lose their right to vote.

Last August Abudu urged the Senate to pass HR 4, the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.  She said, "As HR 4 moves to the Senate, some senators have already committed to doing everything in their power to oppose the bill -- up to and including leveraging a legislative tool popular with pro-Jim Crow senators of the past -- to prevent its passage and to further erode the fundamental right to vote."

I don't think Abudu ever read HR 4.  If she had, she would know HR 4 restores preclearance, which requires states to prove “that the proposed [voting] law would have neither the purpose nor the effect of denying or abridging the right to vote on account of race, color, or membership in a language minority group.” This concept was struck down by SCOTUS in 2013.

Blinken and Mayorkas the men will pass, but the damage they've done will be with us for a long time.   As will Abudu and her legacy.

Image: White House

George Soros-funded DAs, AGs and secretaries of state were not chosen for their intellectual firepower but for their loyalty

George Soros has for decades sought to destroy America as founded.  Jewish by birth but a Nazi by choice, it is not hyperbolic to call him a devil incarnate. He is perhaps the most purely evil human who has used his vast wealth solely for malevolent purposes.  His antipathy for the United States is pathological and he has spent his billions on countless projects to bring this nation to its knees.  

Like any and every Marxist, he advocates for chaos. The man is Faust’s Mephistopheles, Satan, and Lucifer all rolled into a one-man wicked wrecking ball who should have been stopped decades ago.  Now he has installed carefully chosen serfs for all the wrong reasons, numerous DAs, AGs, and Secretaries of State throughout the country to do his bidding – to effect Cloward and PIven!  DAs like Alvin Bragg got their orders from Soros’ headquarters with the $1.1m Soros funneled to install him in office.   Soros does not spend his money on smart people. He spends on people he can depend upon to do what he tells them to do:  Get Trump.  See Alan Dershowitz’s book.

Bragg, elected in 2021, has been a disaster for Manhattan.  He refuses to seek bail or sentences for violent criminals – armed robbery, drug dealing, violent attacks on innocent civilians and burglary.  Nine of the prosecutors  in the Manhattan office quit when he announced his pro-criminal agenda.  He was installed for one reason, one reason only, to facilitate crime and to take down Donald Trump.  I hope that, along with all the other Soros-installed DAs, he will go down in flames when his pro-criminal, anti-Americanism becomes clear.  How did he even pass the bar?  Has he even read the Constitution?  

Chesa Boudin, former DA in San Francisco, has been recalled; by San Franciscans!  Los Angeles DA George Gascon was effectively recalled but the left’s expertise at cheating has kept him in office. Under Gascon, homicide rates have soared as has shoplifting by mobs of looters who are never arrested.   

Kim Foxx, DA in Chicago, is another of Soros’s tools, the one who dropped charges against Jussie Smollett!  On her watch Chicago has endured the largest spike in murder in over thirty years.  Larry Krasner in Philadelphia, Kim Gardner in St. Louis; she has been caught lying about police officers who pulled her over, has admitted to campaign finance violations and saw her city become the murder capital of the country.  There are so many more.  Crime in each of these cities has escalated catastrophically as if by Soros magic.  Soros Dso proud.

The democrat party, no longer remotely liberal but Marxist, does not care about anything but keeping Trump out the White House so Soros’s meddling in our politics is just fine with them.  They have long embraced Soros’s money, for themselves and for however much of his illegal and unconstitutional election interference it takes to win.  They do not mind his putting morons in office as long as they do what they are told.  Indicting Trump?  Bragg is doing what he’s been told to do.

Unsurprisingly, Katie Hobbs, the illegitimate governor of Arizona, is a Soros slave. He got her elected as Arizona’s Secretary of State.  She apparently wants her state’s border with Mexico to remain open. She supports the sexual grooming of children in schools, CRT, etc.  She’s an enemy of her state.  Alvin Bragg is an enemy of his state and is so brazen he is now outed himself as an enemy of the law. He is a classic useful idiot.  He probably has no idea that he has opened Pandora’s Box and that he will likely be consumed by the illegitimacy of his folly.

Like every member of Biden’s cabinet, who were chosen for their skin color or sexual orientation, none of Soros’s DAs were chosen for the intellectual competence.  They were selected to do the radical left’s bidding, Soros’s bidding – promote crime, create chaos – destructive riots, violence, etc.  That is what Bragg’s indictment of Trump is meant to do as well.  

The left is hoping for violence they can pin on Trump supporters but if violence occurs, it will be, like J6, calculated by the left, incited by Antifa and/or FBI/CIA embeds, or paid for by Soros via many of his front organizations.  Those institutions have many years of experience at exactly that sort of exercise.  They learned their craft from the FBI, the CIA and the DOJ.  Now some Americans know how corrupt each of those agencies is and under Biden are likely remain corrupt. 

Bragg’s indictment of Trump should be the most serious wake-up call for all Americans.  While it began under Obama, America is being transformed into a police state, one where people are being imprisoned for their dissent from the regime’s narrative.  We no longer enjoy freedom of speech or religion.  Ask any mildly conservative college student.  They cannot speak freely without being cancelled, punished or expelled.  

Our elections are not at all secure or fair.  The Biden administration is bogus, achieved by massive fraud.  And now they have indicted the former and potentially future President in yet another ruse to take him down and out. Chances are he will not go quietly into that good night.  He should have all of us at his back fighting the good fight.   

There was a time when we elected people of integrity and expertise in their chosen field.  This is no longer the case.  Wokery -  CRT, DEI, ESG, LGB, transgenderism, etc.  – these nonsensical ideologies are killing us, destroying academia, indoctrinating our young people.   The globalists want to erase national boundaries, erase national sovereignty.  They want to ban any and all religious faiths and make serfs of us all.  The WEF and China are fast on our heels.  They are winning with Biden’s willing capitulation.  

The Alvin Braggs are weapons in their war against the American people who want only to preserve the freedoms the Founders designed for us.

Photo credit:  Swiss-image.ch/Photo by Sebastian Derungs CC BY-SA 2.0 license

FACT CHECK: George Soros Insists He Didn’t Contribute to DA Who Charged Trump

Getty Images
March 31, 2023

Claim: Liberal billionaire George Soros "did not contribute" to Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg’s political campaign.

Who said it: Members of the mediaSoros himself.

Why it matters: Soros’s potential links to Bragg have become a hot-button issue after the prosecutor charged former president Donald Trump over alleged hush money payments to porn star Stormy Daniels. Republicans say that Soros, who funds numerous anti-Trump causes, helped Bragg get into office. Democrats have in turn accused Republicans of pushing anti-Semitic conspiracy theories that Soros, who is Jewish, is pulling the strings of the Trump investigation.

Context: Soros is by far the largest donor to Color of Change PAC, a left-wing group that was Bragg’s biggest campaign contributor. Color of Change in May 2021 pledged to spend $1 million to support Bragg’s campaign. Days after the endorsement, Soros contributed $1 million to Color of Change PAC. That was by far the largest individual donation to Color of Change that year. The next largest contribution was $50,000, according to campaign finance records.

Soros has given $1,450,000 in all directly to Color of Change PAC and millions more through other committees he funds. Democracy PAC, which is funded almost entirely by Soros, gave $2.5 million to Color of Change PAC in 2020, records show.

A progressive group called Win Justice contributed $2,025,133 to Color of Change PAC in 2020. Soros is by far that group’s biggest backer. He gave $5 million of his own money to Win Justice in 2018 and another $5 million through Democracy PAC in 2020.

Color of Change, which has long called for Trump’s prosecution, praised the Trump indictment on Thursday.

"In this historic moment, Color Of Change applauds New York County District Attorney Alvin Bragg, who refused to let corporate influence, racist right-wing attacks, and threats of violence interfere with holding the former president accountable. This is the kind of political courage we need from every district attorney in the country," said Color of Change president Rashad Robinson, who is perhaps best known for stoking actor Jussie Smollett’s hate crime hoax.

Analysis: Soros says that he "did not contribute" to Bragg and has never met the prosecutor.

"I think some on the right would rather focus on far-fetched conspiracy theories than on the serious charges against the former president," he told Semafor.

While Soros did not write a check directly to Bragg’s campaign, his cash almost certainly flowed to the prosecutor’s election war chest through the anti-police, anti-Trump Color of Change PAC. Regardless of whatever pressure Soros did or did not place on Bragg’s investigation, both he and Color of Change are happy with the outcome, as indicated by their statements about Trump’s indictment.

How Millions From George Soros Fueled Democrats’ Court Victory in Wisconsin

George Soros / Getty Images
April 7, 2023

The left-wing billionaire George Soros and his network of activist groups spent millions of dollars to help Janet Protasiewicz win a seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court, a Washington Free Beacon analysis of campaign finance disclosure forms found.

The total amount of money stemming from groups bankrolled by the hedge-fund billionaire totals at least $2.8 million, accounting for a quarter of all outside spending for Protasiewicz in the most expensive state supreme court race in history. Soros also personally donated $1 million to the Democratic Party of Wisconsin on Feb. 22, which in turn flooded Protasiewicz’s campaign coffers with millions of dollars in the final weeks leading to the election.

Soros claims to have given away more than $12 billion dollars to various charities and political causes. Both Soros and activist groups he funds have spent more than $40 million in the last decade electing left-wing prosecutors around the country, which critics say is at least partially responsible for the nationwide crime spike.

Soros has remained laser-focused on reforming the nation’s legal system for years. His Open Society Foundations doubled their funding for Demand Justice, a left-wing activist group that seeks to remake the Supreme Court, to the tune of $4.5 million over three years beginning in 2021, according to tax filings first reported earlier this year. But Soros’s spending in Wisconsin signals that he seeks to remake state courts as well, in what appears to be his first major foray into a state supreme court race.

Sorors will likely see a solid return on his investment. Protasiewicz’s victory over conservative jurist Daniel Kelly gives liberals their first majority on the Wisconsin Supreme Court in 15 years. The consequences of the election are expected to be transformational for the swing state, with the new court expected to rule on a number of hotly-contested issues including the legality of "right to work," abortion access, the state’s legislature map, and voter ID laws.

Many of the top-spending outside groups that supported Protasiewicz count Soros-funded non-profits as their top donors. The Better Wisconsin Together Political Action Fund, which spent $6.2 million on ads supporting the judge, received $1.6 million from the State Victory Action in the first three months of 2023. State Victory Action, in turn, received $1.6 million from the Soros-funded Democracy PAC in 2022, Federal Election Commission records show. State Victory Action was founded in 2018 with $11 million in seed funding from Soros and his fellow liberal billionaire Tom Steyer, the Free Beacon reported.

Prostasiewicz enjoyed a roughly $6 million spending advantage over her opponent in the $45 million contest, the most expensive state supreme court race in history.

The Wisconsin Conservation Voters Independent Expenditure Committee, which doled out $1 million in support of Protasiewicz, was bankrolled primarily by the Soros-funded nonprofit America Votes, which funneled $800,000 to the committee in late February and March. Soros’s Open Society network contributed a combined $40.4 million to America Votes from 2017 through 2021.

America Votes frequently passes money over to its affiliated Action Fund, such as in July 2022 when the group transferred $2 million to its political arm. The America Votes Action Fund then contributed $447,500 to the Power to the Polls Action Fund in March, enabling the group to spend over $540,000 on mailings, canvassing, and ads in support of Protasiewicz.

One group Soros did not finance was the Organizing Empowerment PAC, whose murky funding became a flashpoint in the contentious race. The group spent $532,500 on voter mobilization efforts for Protasiewicz, but hasn’t disclosed any of its donors to the Wisconsin Ethics Commission. The Republican Party of Wisconsin alleged the PAC’s failure to disclose its donors to the state was part of a "shady" and illegal scheme to elect Protasiewicz in a March 14 complaint to the Wisconsin Ethics Commission.

Kelly echoed that claim in his concession speech, claiming "This was the most deeply deceitful, dishonorable, despicable campaign I have ever seen run for the courts."

Few other individuals devoted as much money to electing Protasiewicz as Soros, who is a consistent subject of Republican ire. Most recently, Soros has been in the spotlight regarding his role in electing Democratic Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg, who this month charged former president Donald Trump with 32 felonies over hush money payments to porn star Stormy Daniels. Legal observers from across the political spectrum have criticized Bragg’s case as flimsy and politically motivated.

Update: April 7, 7:12 p.m.: This piece has been updated to reflect the timeline of Open Society Foundations' $4.5 million donation to Demand Justice. 

Dissecting Obama

Jamie Glazov’s definitive guide to the reign of the Divider-in-Chief.


[Order Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]

Not so long ago, America had a great economy, the lowest unemployment ever for a range of demographic groups, energy independence, an increasingly secure southern border, a strong international profile, and no new wars. It had freedom. It had national pride. And all because it had a highly skilled president of unabashed patriotism who was devoted to the best interests of his people.

Now we’re being readied to eat bugs while our overlords dine on steaks. To live in “fifteen-minute cities” while they fly to conferences in Fiji. To tighten our belts to prevent rising sea levels while they luxuriate in sea-level mansions in Malibu and Martha’s Vineyard. In a direct challenge to parental authority, common-sense values, and sensible pedagogical priorities, government schools indoctrinate children in Critical Race Theory and transgender ideology. To shatter our sense of security and restrict our freedom of movement, Soros prosecutors turn major cities over to violent felons. Patriots rot in jail for meandering around the Capitol for a couple of hours two years ago while young people are encouraged by their teachers to celebrate Antifa and BLM thugs who’ve burned houses down. Blacks who love liberty are smeared as “white supremacists” while Muslims who love jihad are depicted as virtuous victims.

Then there’s what happened during the pandemic. Churchgoing was banned, violent street protests permitted. Small businesses were forced to close and went bankrupt; giant chain stores stayed open and reaped record profits. Americans, but not illegal immigrants, were ordered to mask and vaccinate. Gavin Newsom and Nancy Pelosi, with imperial condescension, violated their own lockdowns.

In this new world order, “our democracy” means the tyranny of the unelected (including the FBI, CIA, DHS, and DOJ), propped up by a Pravda-like corporate media. Their message? If we want to be known as supporters of equality, models of compassion, and friends of the planet, we’ll knuckle under, obey them, and parrot their progressive creed – as spelled out in that chilling Independence Hall speech in which Joe Biden, against a Bismarckian blood-red backdrop, demonized MAGA voters as enemies of freedom.

Of course this dystopia in the making didn’t begin with Biden. It’s a carry-over from the Obama years, interrupted by that Belle Époque, the Trump interregnum. “To understand the crisis of the Biden administration,” observes Daniel Greenfield, “we have to go back to its origins in the Obama administration.” This statement appears in Greenfield’s introduction to an engaging and definitive new collection of essays, Barack Obama’s True Legacywhich, under the editorship of Jamie Glazov, does precisely that: it ponders Obama and his appalling presidential tenure from a number of angles, and in doing so gives us what seems to me the most comprehensive and penetrating account yet of who Obama really is, what he did to America, and why.

Political scientist John Drew recalls the Obama whom he met in 1980 when they were both students dreaming of Communist revolution. At first glance, Obama struck Drew as a child of “wealth and privilege”: he “carried himself with the dignity and poise of a model,” he “talked like a white guy,” he came off “like a foreign prince visiting the United States.” Drew also thought Obama was gay – an impression later confirmed, sort of, by a letter in which Obama wrote: “I make love to men daily, but in the imagination.” Politically, soon enough, both Drew and Obama shifted to “a more practical view,” deciding that politics, not revolution, was “the preferred route to socialism”; Drew eventually left the left entirely, but, as we know, alas, Obama did not.

New Zealand author and filmmaker Trevor Loudon also reaches some distance into the past, tracing Obamacare to the 1930s, when Quentin Young, a young Communist doctor in Chicago, first began thinking about socialized medicine. In the 1990s he advised Hillary Clinton on health care; later still (he lived until 1992), he collaborated with Bernie Sanders and Ted Kennedy. As it happens, Young shared his medical practice for two decades  with Obama’s personal physician, David Scheiner, and was present at the meeting, hosted by former terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, at which it was announced that Obama, also present, would be running for Congress. Along the way he played a huge role in shaping Obama’s views on health-care coverage.

Glazov’s book includes several contributions on Islam and the Middle East. Highlighting Obama’s hideous 2012 statement at the UN criticizing “those who slander the prophet of Islam,” counterintelligence expert Stephen C. Coughlin recounts the Obama Administration’s purging of counterterrorism pros (largely in response to pressure from terrorist-linked CAIR) and reports that Muslims at DHS, founded to combat Islamic terrorism, shifted its focus 180º to target “Islamophobes” – that is, American patriots who dare to worry about terrorism. In other essays, former Knesset member Dov Lipman corrects “historical inaccuracies” about Israel in Obama’s memoir A Promised Land, and Greenfield and Clare M. Lopez supply cogent takes on Obama’s treachery toward Israel and championing of the Muslim Brotherhood. 

Then there’s Raymond Ibrahim on Obama’s abominable treatment of Middle East Christians: his refusal to use U.S. leverage on their behalf, his resistance to Capitol Hill pressure to address religious freedom, his prioritizing of Muslim over Christian refugees, and his denial that Muslim-on-Christian violence in Nigeria had a religious basis. (Ibrahim quotes Newt Gingrich: “This is an administration that never seems to find a good enough excuse to help Christians, but always finds an excuse to apologize for terrorists.”) And in three trenchant pieces, Robert Spencer studies Obama’s refusal to label the Fort Hood massacre as a terrorist act (thus denying certain benefits to victims and their families), his insistence that the Islamic State had nothing to do with Islam, and his attitude, at the time of the Iran deal, that “the side that needed to show a good faith commitment to peace was not Iran, but the United States.”

There are two strong items on immigration: Loudon considers Obama’s desire to bestow citizenship on millions of illegals, and Matthew Vadum ponders Obama’s view “that immigration…was a right.” And J.R. Nyquist tackles Obama and Russia, pointing out in his opening sentences that Obama’s parents met in a Russian language class. Why, he wonders, were they there? We know they hated capitalism; did they love the USSR? Certainly Obama’s Russia policy, posits Nyquist, was “exactly what one might expect from a president who was born of pro-Soviet parents and mentored by a likely KGB agent (i.e., Frank Marshall Davis).” Nyquist also serves up a couple of fascinating anecdotes that, if true, would fill in a big piece of the Obama puzzle: in 1983, a Communist speaker at UC Irvine reportedly said that his fellow Reds were “infiltrating the left wing of the Democratic Party”; in the 1990s, American physicist Tom Fife claims to have encountered Obama at a social event in Moscow where the later was described as being groomed by the Soviets to be America’s first black president.

The closing pages of Barack Obama’s True Legacy take us to the end of Obama’s presidency and beyond. Greenfield reflects on the truly tragic way in which Obama’s “naked racial rhetoric…transformed America” from an essentially post-racial country into the present “war-torn nation deeply divided by race.” In three incisive essays, Joseph Klein indicts Obama for his persecution of General Michael Flynn (who, by the way, contributes a solid foreword to this book); argues that Obama should have been impeached for what Andrew McCarthy has rightly called his singular pattern of “presidential lawlessness” (which Klein catalogs at illuminating length); and details Obama’s nefarious and unprecedented attempt, after his own presidency was over, “to sabotage the legitimacy of his duly elected successor.”

When Donald Trump took the oath of office, most of us thought the Obama era was over. We were wrong. Our 44th president was still operating behind the scenes – scheming with his old cronies to blunt Trump’s effectiveness, to pack the media with lies about him, to keep the violent far-left wing of the Democratic Party in a constant state of anti-Trump outrage, to engineer his impeachment, and much more; and since Trump’s departure from the White House, Obama has, at the very least, been one of those who’ve been pulling the strings of the current puppet-in-chief. But of course all this malicious mischief was nothing new for the man who once said that “the sweetest sound I know is the Muslim call to prayer”: as Spencer puts it in his savvy afterword, Obama was, from the beginning of his term until – well – this present moment, “actively working against the interests of the United States.” That he managed to do so much damage to this country and its people is breathtaking to behold – as is the fact that there remains a large cohort of low-information Americans who actually revere this traitor as a paragon of virtue and wisdom.

Originally published at AmericanThinker.com.

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Bruce Bawer

Bruce Bawer is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

Reader Interactions

Our 44th president was still operating behind the scenes -- scheming with his old cronies to blunt Trump’s effectiveness, to pack the media with lies about him, to keep the violent far-left wing of the Democratic Party in a constant state of anti-Trump outrage, to engineer his impeachment, and much more; and since Trump’s departure from the White House, Obama has, at the very least, been one of those who have been pulling the strings of the current puppet-in-chief.

Obama’s threat took two presidential terms to gather momentum; former President Trump temporarily stalled its course, but then Obama managed to get a shot at a third term in 2020 – vicariously through his former Vice President Joe Biden.


Image courtesy of Richard Terrell at TerrellAfterMath.



“To understand the crisis of the Biden administration,” observes Daniel Greenfield, “we have to go back to its origins in the Obama administration.” 

Victorious Democrats would also end congressional investigations into the Hillary-Deep State-DNC-Russian-Clinton Foundation collusion and corruption. All the players in these massive, sordid affairs will be deemed “too big to jail” – and too closely tied to the Democratic Party to be investigated further.  Paul Driessen

His (BILLARY CLINTON) wife is equally and personally

devious and corrupt; she had the fake “dossier” concocted she

was certain would take Trump out of the running for president

in 2016.  Hillary used her position as Secretary of State to rake

in millions of  dollars to her phony Clinton Foundation, much of

that money from other nations that sought to benefit from her

largesse when President.  PATRICIA McCARTHY

Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect

encapsulation of the Clinton



CENTER?)  and the Obama (TWO GAMER

LAWYERS) book and television deals. Then

there is the Biden family (FOUR GAMER


FRANK) corruption, followed closely behind

by similar abuses of power and office by the

Warren (GAMER LAWYER) and Sanders

families, as Peter Schweizer described in his

recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These

names just scratch the surface of government





                                BRIAN C JOONDEPH


Patriots rot in jail for meandering around the Congress for a couple of hours two years ago while young people are encouraged by their teachers to celebrate Antifa and BLM thugs who have burned houses down. Blacks who love liberty are smeared as “white supremacists” while Muslims who love jihad are depicted as virtuous victims.

Dissecting Obama

Not so long ago, America had a great economy, the lowest unemployment ever for a range of demographic groups, energy independence, an increasingly secure southern border, a strong international profile, and no new wars. It had freedom. It had national pride. And all because it had a highly skilled president of unabashed patriotism who was devoted to the best interests of his people.  

Now we’re being readied to eat bugs while our overlords dine on steaks. To live in “fifteen-minute cities” while they fly to conferences in Fiji. To tighten our belts to prevent rising sea levels while they luxuriate in sea-level mansions in Malibu and Martha’s Vineyard. In a direct challenge to parental authority, common-sense values, and sensible pedagogical priorities, government schools indoctrinate children in Critical Race Theory and transgender ideology. To shatter our sense of security and restrict our freedom of movement, Soros prosecutors turn major cities over to violent felons. Patriots rot in jail for meandering around the Congress for a couple of hours two years ago while young people are encouraged by their teachers to celebrate Antifa and BLM thugs who have burned houses down. Blacks who love liberty are smeared as “white supremacists” while Muslims who love jihad are depicted as virtuous victims.

Then there’s what happened during the pandemic. Churchgoing was banned, violent street protests permitted. Small businesses were forced to close and went bankrupt; giant chain stores stayed open and reaped record profits. Americans, but not illegal immigrants, were ordered to mask and vaccinate. Gavin Newsom and Nancy Pelosi, with imperial condescension, violated their own lockdowns.

In this new world order, “our democracy” means the tyranny of the unelected (including the FBI, CIA, DHS, and DoJ), propped up by a Pravda-like corporate media. Their message? If we want to be known as supporters of equality, models of compassion, and friends of the planet, we’ll knuckle under, obey them, and parrot their progressive creed -- as spelled out in that chilling Independence Hall speech in which Joe Biden, against a Bismarckian blood-red backdrop, demonized MAGA voters as enemies of freedom.

Of course, this dystopia in the making didn’t begin with Biden. It’s a carry-over from the Obama years, interrupted by that Belle Époque, the Trump interregnum. “To understand the crisis of the Biden administration,” observes Daniel Greenfield, “we have to go back to its origins in the Obama administration.” This statement appears in Greenfield’s introduction to an engaging and definitive new collection of essays, Barack Obama’s True Legacy. How He Transformed America, which, under the editorship of Jamie Glazov, does precisely that: it ponders Obama and his appalling presidential tenure from a number of angles, and in doing so gives us what seems to me the most comprehensive and penetrating account yet of who Obama really is, what he did to America, and why.

Political scientist John Drew recalls the Obama whom he met in 1980 when they were both students dreaming of Communist revolution. At first glance, Obama struck Drew as a child of “wealth and privilege”: he “carried himself with the dignity and poise of a model,” he “talked like a white guy,” he came off “like a foreign prince visiting the United States.” Drew also thought Obama was gay -- an impression later confirmed, sort of, by a letter in which Obama wrote: “I make love to men daily, but in the imagination.” Politically, soon enough, both Drew and Obama shifted to “a more practical view,” deciding that politics, not revolution, was “the preferred route to socialism”; Drew eventually left the Left entirely, but, as we know, alas, Obama did not.

New Zealand author and filmmaker Trevor Loudon also reaches some distance into the past, tracing Obamacare to the 1930s, when Quentin Young, a young Communist doctor in Chicago, first began thinking about socialized medicine. In the 1990s he advised Hillary Clinton on health care; later still (he lived until 1992), he collaborated with Bernie Sanders and Ted Kennedy. As it happens, Young shared his medical practice for two decades with Obama’s personal physician, David Scheiner, and was present at the meeting, hosted by former terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, at which it was announced that Obama, also present, would be running for Congress. Along the way, he played a huge role in shaping Obama’s views on health-care coverage.

Glazov’s book includes several contributions on Islam and the Middle East. Highlighting Obama’s hideous 2012 statement at the UN criticizing “those who slander the prophet of Islam,” counterintelligence expert Stephen C. Coughlin recounts the Obama Administration’s purging of counterterrorism pros (largely in response to pressure from terrorist-linked CAIR) and reports that Muslims at DHS, founded to combat Islamic terrorism, shifted its focus 180º to target “Islamophobes” -- that is, American patriots who dare to worry about terrorism. In other essays, former Knesset member Dov Lipman corrects “historical inaccuracies” about Israel in Obama’s memoir A Promised Land, and Greenfield and Clare M. Lopez supply cogent takes on Obama’s treachery toward Israel and championing of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Then there’s Raymond Ibrahim on Obama’s abominable treatment of Middle East Christians: his refusal to use U.S. leverage on their behalf, his resistance to Capitol Hill pressure to address religious freedom, his prioritizing of Muslim over Christian refugees, and his denial that Muslim-on-Christian violence in Nigeria had a religious basis. (Ibrahim quotes Newt Gingrich: “This is an administration that never seems to find a good enough excuse to help Christians, but always finds an excuse to apologize for terrorists.”) And in three trenchant pieces, Robert Spencer studies Obama’s refusal to label the Fort Hood massacre as a terrorist act (thus denying certain benefits to victims and their families), his insistence that the Islamic State had nothing to do with Islam, and his attitude, at the time of the Iran deal, that “the side that needed to show a good faith commitment to peace was not Iran, but the United States.” 

There are two strong items on immigration: Loudon considers Obama’s desire to bestow citizenship on millions of illegals, and Matthew Vadum ponders Obama’s view “that immigration…was a right.” And J.R. Nyquist tackles Obama and Russia, pointing out in his opening sentences that Obama’s parents met in a Russian-language class. Why, he wonders, were they there? We know they hated capitalism; did they love the USSR? Certainly, Obama’s Russia policy, posits Nyquist, was “exactly what one might expect from a president who was born of pro-Soviet parents and mentored by a likely KGB agent (i.e., Frank Marshall Davis).” Nyquist also serves up a couple of fascinating anecdotes that, if true, would fill in a big piece of the Obama puzzle: in 1983, a Communist speaker at UC Irvine reportedly said that his fellow Reds were “infiltrating the left wing of the Democratic Party”; in the 1990s, American physicist Tom Fife claims to have encountered Obama at a social event in Moscow where the later was described as being groomed by the Soviets to be America’s first black president.

The closing pages of Barack Obama’s True Legacy take us to the end of Obama’s presidency and beyond. Greenfield reflects on the truly tragic way in which Obama’s “naked racial rhetoric… transformed America” from an essentially post-racial country into the present “war-torn nation deeply divided by race.” In three incisive essays, Joseph Klein indicts Obama for his persecution of General Michael Flynn (who, by the way, contributes a solid foreword to this book); argues that Obama should have been impeached for what Andrew McCarthy has rightly called his singular pattern of “presidential lawlessness” (which Klein catalogs at illuminating length); and details Obama’s nefarious and unprecedented attempt, after his own presidency was over, “to sabotage the legitimacy of his duly elected successor.”

When Donald Trump took the oath of office, most of us thought the Obama era was over. We were wrong. Our 44th president was still operating behind the scenes -- scheming with his old cronies to blunt Trump’s effectiveness, to pack the media with lies about him, to keep the violent far-left wing of the Democratic Party in a constant state of anti-Trump outrage, to engineer his impeachment, and much more; and since Trump’s departure from the White House, Obama has, at the very least, been one of those who have been pulling the strings of the current puppet-in-chief. But of course, all this malicious mischief was nothing new for the man who once said that “the sweetest sound I know is the Muslim call to prayer”: as Spencer puts it in his savvy afterword, Obama was, from the beginning of his term until, well, this present moment, “actively working against the interests of the United States.” That he managed to do so much damage to this country and its people is breathtaking to behold -- as is the fact that there remains a large cohort of low-information Americans who actually revere this traitor as a paragon of virtue and wisdom.

Image: Republic Book Publishers



“Before Obama,” writes Greenfield, “71 percent of Americans had thought that relations between black and white people were generally good.” A year after the Ferguson riots in 2014, “more than half the country thought relations were bad.” It was the Obama administration that had “started the fires and then led the fire brigade, but instead of water, its hoses were filled with oil.” Upon Obama’s departure from office, Donald Trump inherited a country that wasn’t healed but primed for an even more heated racial conflagration.

Barack Obama’s True Legacy

Soros-Funded ACLU Ripped for ‘Evil’ Tweet Sympathizing with Killer, Rapist: ‘This Tweet Cannot Be Real’

This booking photo provided by the Florida Department of Corrections shows Duane Owen. Owen, one of Florida's longest-serving inmates on death row, is scheduled to be executed Thursday, June 15, 2023, for the 1984 murder of a 14-year-old babysitter while two children she was watching slept and separately raping and …
Florida Department of Corrections via AP

A biological man convicted of raping and murdering a woman and child underwent “enormous suffering” after being denied state-provided transgender surgery prior to being executed, according to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), which is facing intense backlash for a tweet sympathizing with the killer that made no mention of his past crimes.

Following the execution of Duane Owen, one of the longest-held inmates on Florida’s death row, the ACLU published a post lamenting the anguish of the man who killed and raped a mother of two as well as a 14-year-old girl.

“The state of Florida never provided medically necessary gender-affirming care to Duane Owen — causing her enormous suffering and violating her right to be free from cruel and unusual punishment for the more than 30 years she was in state custody,” wrote the far-left non-profit which is partially funded by billionaire George Soros.

In a follow-up tweet, the group condemned the “racist” death penalty as well as Owen’s right to become “who she (sic) was meant to be” while alive.

“In legal papers she drafted, Owen wrote that she ‘should be accorded the “essence of human dignity” and be allowed to become “who she was meant to be”’ before her death,” the post reads.

“No one should be killed by the state,” it continues. “The time to end the racist, unfair and cruel death penalty is now.”

The tweets were later hit with Twitter’s “Community Notes” fact-checking feature, which allows users to add relevant context, highlighting that Owen “murdered and raped both a 14 year old girl and a 38 year old mother.”

While Owen’s lawyers “argued insanity,” the message reads, “Psychiatrists for the state testified Owen faked schizophrenia and had no signs of gender dysphoria. His records indicate he exhibits sexual sadism.”

Owen was found guilty of two separate killings in 1984: a hammer attack on a 38-year-old mother of two and the fatal stabbing of a 14-year-old babysitter as two children in her care were asleep. Both were raped.

He also attacked two other women who survived.

“HE wanted to be housed in a women’s prison. Presumably because as a violent rapist he wanted to be around more potential victims in a captive space,” wrote Christina Pushaw, press secretary for presidential hopeful Ron DeSantis.

“Good thing we don’t do that in Florida,” she added.

“The @aclu is run by sociopaths,” wrote writer and podcaster Meghan Murphy.

“Y’all are evil,” wrote radio host Jason Rantz.

“The ACLU is working tirelessly to ensure that a delusional  echo chamber — in which the suffering of a male serial rapist and murderer of women denied ‘medically necessary gender affirming care’ takes priority over his victims — encompasses the world and is mandated by law,” wrote essayist Wesley Yang.

“The ACLU uses their donor money to advocate for sex changes for child rapists and murderers now,” wrote comedian Tim Young.

“Shame on them and anyone who funds them,” he added.

“The ACLU is upset because the state of Florida executed Duane Owen without ever providing ‘her’ with ‘medically-necessary’ sex change treatments,” wrote Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk. “Duane Owen raped and murdered two people, including a child.”

“A certain group of loud, obnoxious and sexually deviant activists are more upset about the execution of Duane Owen than they are about what he did to Karen Slattery. Let that sink in,” wrote conservative journalist Ian Miles Cheong.

Even some liberals slammed the tweet.

“Wtf has happened to the @ACLU?” wrote “The Heretical Liberal.”

“What does being transgender have anything to do with being held accountable for murdering someone? I don’t think murderers should have any fucking rights,” wrote liberal writer David Weissman.

“I’m as liberal as you can get but this ain’t it ACLU,” wrote one Twitter user.

Many also hailed the social media platform’s “Community Notes” system that informed readers of the relevant details omitted from the tweet.

“Perhaps the most devastating community note ever,” wrote political commentator Paul Joseph Watson.

“The absolute shamelessness of Communists. Read the community note,” wrote author and conservative commentator Dr. James Lindsay.

Last month, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed Owen’s death warrant, and last week, the state’s Supreme Court ruled in favor of his execution.

In a filing Monday, his lawyers had argued that he “lacks a rational understanding of the connection between his crime and impending execution due to his fixed psychotic delusions and dementia,” claiming the move would violate the Eighth Amendment forbidding cruel and unusual punishment.

On Tuesday, Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody filed a motion requesting the Supreme Court reject further inmate appeals so the state can move forward with his execution, which took place on Thursday.

Follow Joshua Klein on Twitter @JoshuaKlein.

U.N. Unveils ‘Automated Fact-Checking Tool’ to Counter Disinformation with Big-Tech, Soros-Funded Orgs

NEW YORK - MAY 12: The United Nations logo on the back wall of the General Assembly Hall of the United Nations is seen from the floor May 12, 2006 at the United Nations headquarters in New York. NEW YORK - MAY 12: The view from the speakers rostrum in …
Chris Hondros/Getty Images

The United Nations has unveiled an “automated” fact-checking service to counter so-called disinformation and hate speech on the internet in a project partnered with Big-Tech and Soros-funded organisations.

In response to what they brand as “online information pollution”, which they claim is a “global challenge”, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has launched its iVerify platform to counter alleged disinformation and hate speech online.

The global body’s “automated fact-checking tool”, was developed in partnership with the United Nations International Computing Centre (UNICC), Facebook and Google-funded fact checker Meedan, the Meta-owned CrowdTangle, and the Soros-funded International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN).

The U.N. Development Programme said that “misinformation, disinformation, and hate speech threaten peace and security, disproportionately affecting those who are already vulnerable.”

It described the iVerify programme as an “automated fact-checking tool that can be used to identify false information and prevent and mitigate its spread.” The system will be provided by the UN to “national actors”, who will be given assistance in identifying, monitoring, and responding to “threats to information integrity.”

“The support package includes digital tools, capacity building modules, partnership opportunities, and communication and outreach strategies amongst others,” the U.N. body said.

The automated fact-checking tool could have imminent impact on the world, with the platform being actively used in Sierra Leone ahead of the country’s general elections on June 24th.

The U.N. said that the Sierra Leone Association of Journalists (SLAJ) and the Independent Radio Network (IRN) will use the tool “to strengthen national capacity to proactively identify and respond to misinformation, disinformation and hate speech.”

Through “leveraging the capabilities of artificial intelligence”, the automated system will flag “potentially false or harmful content” to be reviewed by a team of fact checkers, who will be funded in part by the governments of Canada, Ireland, Iceland and the European Union.

The project in Sierra Leone is also partnering with BBC Media Action, which the UN said will aid in research as well as producing social media content “aimed at fostering media literacy and heightening awareness of mis- and disinformation.” The system will see dedicated tip lines established on WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Twitter.

As previously reported, the BBC’s own disinformation unit, dubbed BBC Verify, has been alleged to be itself spreading disinformation. The BBC has yet to respond to the allegations.

The iVerify system, which was initially piloted in Zambia in 2021, is also set to be deployed ahead of the October elections in Liberia, with the support of the Irish and Swedish embassies in the country, as well as the California-based Internews.

The non-profit, which was founded by David Hoffman, who has previously identified as a Marxist, is funded heavily by the United States government as well as by the Open Society Foundations of George Soros. Susan Rice, Former National Security Advisor to President Barack Obama, previously served on the board of directors for Internews, according to Open Secrets.

The UN programme has already received some pushback, with Canadian Professor Jordan Peterson describing the automated fact-checking system as an “Orwellian nightmare unfolding in real time… courtesy of the globalist centralizers”.

Follow Kurt Zindulka on Twitter:  or e-mail to: kzindulka@breitbart.com


Obama's True Legacy: How He Transformed America

“Before Obama,” writes Greenfield, “71 percent of Americans had thought that relations between black and white people were generally good.” A year after the Ferguson riots in 2014, “more than half the country thought relations were bad.” It was the Obama administration that had “started the fires and then led the fire brigade, but instead of water, its hoses were filled with oil.” Upon Obama’s departure from office, Donald Trump inherited a country that wasn’t healed but primed for an even more heated racial conflagration.

Barack Obama’s True Legacy

Obama Slams GOP ‘Minority Candidates’ as Too Eager To ‘All Get Along’

Former president Barack Obama / Getty Images
June 16, 2023

Former president Barack Obama said voters should be "rightly skeptical" of GOP "minority candidates" like Tim Scott and Nikki Haley who want everyone to "all get along."

"If a Republican who may even be sincere in saying ‘I want us all to live together’ doesn’t have a plan for how do we address crippling generational poverty ... we actually have to walk the walk and not just talk the talk," Obama said on a podcast with David Axelrod, senior political commentator at CNN and former strategist for Obama's campaigns. "If they’re not doing that, then I think people are rightly skeptical."

Obama added that "there’s a long history of African-American or other minority candidates within the Republican Party who will validate America and say, ‘Everything’s great, and we can make it.'"

Haley, former governor of South Carolina and the first Republican to jump in the 2024 race, responded to Obama's comments, saying he encouraged people to see themselves as "victims."

"Barack Obama set minorities back by singling them out as victims instead of empowering them. In America, hard work and personal responsibility matter. My parents didn’t raise me to think that I would forever be a victim. They raised me to know that I was responsible for my success," Haley told the New York Post.

Scott, a senator from South Carolina, similarly called out Obama for not using his power to help heal race relations.

"He missed a softball moving at slow speed with a big bat," Scott told radio host Mark Levin this week.

"You can’t miss this opportunity. America was hungry for bringing our country together, this coalition building where you can see Black kids and White kids and red ones and brown ones, as MLK spoke about, joining hands and singing with new meaning, ‘My country ‘tis of thee,'" Scott said.

Published under: Barack Obama Nikki Haley Tim Scott




There are two strong items on immigration: Loudon considers Obama’s desire to bestow citizenship on millions of illegals, and Matthew Vadum ponders Obama’s view “that immigration…was a right.” (MORE BELOW)

And Obama? He chooses not to live anywhere near blacks whose “lives (don’t) matter.”  It’s 2023 and black America’s dominant elites, especially in the media, have chosen to do nothing.

Black Comedians Told Uncomfortable Truths That Came to Naught

In 1996 comedian Chris Rock performed an HBO special called, “Bring the Pain” (full video here). His most memorable routine began with: “Who’s more racist? Black people or white people? Black people. Because everything white people hate about black people, black people REALLY don’t like about black people.” Rock used the hard, “R”, calling it a Civil War between black people and n****** , declaring that, “n****** got to go!”

The audience in Washington DC was mostly if not entirely black, and the laughter was loud. It was real. And it signaled agreement. 

YouTube screengrab

Highlights: “I love black people but I hate n******!” He ripped into them for their low expectations, shunning education, “loving to not know” and wanting, "credit for things they’re supposed to do like taking care of their kids…and never going to jail.” 

Criticizing the injustice of welfare: the black father with 2 jobs and the “n***** who can’t find one?” The black mother working hard for 2 kids vs the welfare mother of 9…” Playing devil’s advocate he mimics, “Why do you have to say that? It’s the media…” But Rock immediately shuts that lame argument down. “When I go to the cash station at night, I ain’t looking over my shoulder for the media. I’m looking for n******! Ted Koppel ain’t never took sh*t from me. But n****** have: Rock was “tired, tired, tired of this…” The audience agreed.

Entertainment Weekly called it, “groundbreaking” and “classic”.  Variety compared Rock to revered comedians Richard Pryor and Lenny Bruce and called it "one of the truly remarkable hours of comedy ever to air on television." Why? Because both blacks and whites saw an authentic black voice articulating uncomfortable truths through comedy about black anti-social and self-defeating behavior. And he said it needed to stop. Rock would win 2 Emmys for this special the following year.

Just 8 years later, on May 17, 2004, 3000 of the nation’s black elite were also in Washington DC, but this time in Constitution Hall to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v Board of Education of Topeka. This landmark decision effectively ended racial segregation in schools and is largely responsible for the Civil rights movement that followed. This was a night to celebrate and remember all those who opened doors.

Or was it? Because when featured speaker Bill Cosby took to the podium, he laid into the same black ghetto culture that Rock did 8 years earlier and sucked all the air out of the room. He called out the 50% dropout rate, high prison rates, the 70% of black mothers unwed at the time. Fathers running away from responsibility. He blasted black English/grammar:

“Everybody knows it’s important to speak English except these knuckleheads. You can’t land a plane with, ‘Why you ain’t…’ You can’t be a doctor with that kind of crap coming out of your mouth. There is no Bible that has that kind of language… these people are fighting hard to be ignorant.”

He tore into parents and black churches for allowing all this to go on for 50 years unabated. While echoing earlier praise for those in the movement who marched, who got punched in the face, had rocks thrown at them so that black kids could get an education, he then wondered what it was all for. “What the hell good is Brown v BOE if nobody wants it?”

Like Rock, Cosby received praise for speaking the truth and criticism for airing their dirty laundry in public. But just three weeks later he appeared at Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow/PUSH and said,

“Let me tell you something. Your dirty laundry gets out of school at two-thirty everyday. It’s cursing and calling each other nigger as they walk up and down the street. They think they’re hip. They can’t read. They can’t write. They’re laughing and giggling and they’re going nowhere.”

Cosby would continue this blunt truth-telling at college campuses and churches.

Democrat Juan Williams of Fox News was so impressed that he took note of Cosby’s  speaking tour and wrote a book about it in 2006 called, Enough: The Phony Leaders, Dead-End Movements, and Culture of Failure That Are Undermining Black America—and What We Can Do About ItWilliams’s book is a treatise on the state of Black America in 2004 that echoes Rock’s comedy routine and Cosby’s blistering speech and reads mostly like a conservative take on solutions. 

“Phony leaders” who, in Cosby’s words, don’t want to fix the problems facing poor blacks but rather get rich fundraising off their backs. Too many “race hustlers” and “poverty pimps” focused on “dead-end movements” like Reparations rather than leading and encouraging the “self-determination” ethos of Booker T. Washington.  

A school choice advocate, Williams routinely chastised the widely accepted culture of black kids bullying the few black kids who take education seriously and speak English correctly as, “acting white”.

He offered the same simple solutions known forever and repeated from Sowell to Obama: finish high school, don’t have a child until after 21, get married, learn to speak English correctly, value and prioritize education.

Williams would also echo Cosby’s harsh criticism of rap/hip hop, calling it a modern day “minstrel show”, and lambasting the so-called black leaders would do nothing about it. These demeaning images of black people spilled out over BET for the world to see. This? After all the struggles and victories gained by real civil rights warriors like, Oseola McCarty, Denmark Vesey, Nat Turner, Harriet Tubman, Booker T. Washington, Frederick Douglas, MLK and countless others? No. It must stop.

The sexual assault allegations against Cosby were always there, under the surface, but he remained un-charged as long as he was still useful to the black community. But to a newer crop of race hustlers (Ta-Nehisi Coates, Michael Eric Dyson) he wasn’t. And so began their assault on Cosby’s remarks, his character, his age and they dismissed him as just another cranky old man. He was cancelled and eventually charged and convicted of drugging women and having unwanted sex with them. He went on to serve time, but his conviction was later overturned.

In 1996 Chris Rock declared the self-destructive and anti social behavior of black ghetto culture “has got to go.”  In 2004 Bill Cosby issued a clarion call to 3000 blacks who have “misled, mismanaged and mishandled” blacks for the past 50 years.  In 2006 Juan Williams declared: “Enough!” in his book.  And in 2008 America elected an articulate black president to two terms who repeated many of these truths.

The causes of perpetual black failure and dysfunction are well documented and the solutions are crystal clear. Yet black audiences still choose the “minstrel show" that makes fun of them. Those 3000 elite black leaders still choose fundraising off that minstrel show rather than fixing it. Juan Williams chose to make millions as the leftist shill on The Five, defending Democrat policies that hurt blacks and attacking Republican policies, many of which he defended in his book.

And Obama? He chooses not to live anywhere near blacks whose “lives (don’t) matter.”  It’s 2023 and black America’s dominant elites, especially in the media, have chosen to do nothing.


Dissecting Obama

Jamie Glazov’s definitive guide to the reign of the Divider-in-Chief.


[Order Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]

Not so long ago, America had a great economy, the lowest unemployment ever for a range of demographic groups, energy independence, an increasingly secure southern border, a strong international profile, and no new wars. It had freedom. It had national pride. And all because it had a highly skilled president of unabashed patriotism who was devoted to the best interests of his people.

Now we’re being readied to eat bugs while our overlords dine on steaks. To live in “fifteen-minute cities” while they fly to conferences in Fiji. To tighten our belts to prevent rising sea levels while they luxuriate in sea-level mansions in Malibu and Martha’s Vineyard. In a direct challenge to parental authority, common-sense values, and sensible pedagogical priorities, government schools indoctrinate children in Critical Race Theory and transgender ideology. To shatter our sense of security and restrict our freedom of movement, Soros prosecutors turn major cities over to violent felons. Patriots rot in jail for meandering around the Capitol for a couple of hours two years ago while young people are encouraged by their teachers to celebrate Antifa and BLM thugs who’ve burned houses down. Blacks who love liberty are smeared as “white supremacists” while Muslims who love jihad are depicted as virtuous victims.

Then there’s what happened during the pandemic. Churchgoing was banned, violent street protests permitted. Small businesses were forced to close and went bankrupt; giant chain stores stayed open and reaped record profits. Americans, but not illegal immigrants, were ordered to mask and vaccinate. Gavin Newsom and Nancy Pelosi, with imperial condescension, violated their own lockdowns.

In this new world order, “our democracy” means the tyranny of the unelected (including the FBI, CIA, DHS, and DOJ), propped up by a Pravda-like corporate media. Their message? If we want to be known as supporters of equality, models of compassion, and friends of the planet, we’ll knuckle under, obey them, and parrot their progressive creed – as spelled out in that chilling Independence Hall speech in which Joe Biden, against a Bismarckian blood-red backdrop, demonized MAGA voters as enemies of freedom.

Of course this dystopia in the making didn’t begin with Biden. It’s a carry-over from the Obama years, interrupted by that Belle Époque, the Trump interregnum. “To understand the crisis of the Biden administration,” observes Daniel Greenfield, “we have to go back to its origins in the Obama administration.” This statement appears in Greenfield’s introduction to an engaging and definitive new collection of essays, Barack Obama’s True Legacywhich, under the editorship of Jamie Glazov, does precisely that: it ponders Obama and his appalling presidential tenure from a number of angles, and in doing so gives us what seems to me the most comprehensive and penetrating account yet of who Obama really is, what he did to America, and why.

Political scientist John Drew recalls the Obama whom he met in 1980 when they were both students dreaming of Communist revolution. At first glance, Obama struck Drew as a child of “wealth and privilege”: he “carried himself with the dignity and poise of a model,” he “talked like a white guy,” he came off “like a foreign prince visiting the United States.” Drew also thought Obama was gay – an impression later confirmed, sort of, by a letter in which Obama wrote: “I make love to men daily, but in the imagination.” Politically, soon enough, both Drew and Obama shifted to “a more practical view,” deciding that politics, not revolution, was “the preferred route to socialism”; Drew eventually left the left entirely, but, as we know, alas, Obama did not.

New Zealand author and filmmaker Trevor Loudon also reaches some distance into the past, tracing Obamacare to the 1930s, when Quentin Young, a young Communist doctor in Chicago, first began thinking about socialized medicine. In the 1990s he advised Hillary Clinton on health care; later still (he lived until 1992), he collaborated with Bernie Sanders and Ted Kennedy. As it happens, Young shared his medical practice for two decades  with Obama’s personal physician, David Scheiner, and was present at the meeting, hosted by former terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, at which it was announced that Obama, also present, would be running for Congress. Along the way he played a huge role in shaping Obama’s views on health-care coverage.

Glazov’s book includes several contributions on Islam and the Middle East. Highlighting Obama’s hideous 2012 statement at the UN criticizing “those who slander the prophet of Islam,” counterintelligence expert Stephen C. Coughlin recounts the Obama Administration’s purging of counterterrorism pros (largely in response to pressure from terrorist-linked CAIR) and reports that Muslims at DHS, founded to combat Islamic terrorism, shifted its focus 180º to target “Islamophobes” – that is, American patriots who dare to worry about terrorism. In other essays, former Knesset member Dov Lipman corrects “historical inaccuracies” about Israel in Obama’s memoir A Promised Land, and Greenfield and Clare M. Lopez supply cogent takes on Obama’s treachery toward Israel and championing of the Muslim Brotherhood. 

Then there’s Raymond Ibrahim on Obama’s abominable treatment of Middle East Christians: his refusal to use U.S. leverage on their behalf, his resistance to Capitol Hill pressure to address religious freedom, his prioritizing of Muslim over Christian refugees, and his denial that Muslim-on-Christian violence in Nigeria had a religious basis. (Ibrahim quotes Newt Gingrich: “This is an administration that never seems to find a good enough excuse to help Christians, but always finds an excuse to apologize for terrorists.”) And in three trenchant pieces, Robert Spencer studies Obama’s refusal to label the Fort Hood massacre as a terrorist act (thus denying certain benefits to victims and their families), his insistence that the Islamic State had nothing to do with Islam, and his attitude, at the time of the Iran deal, that “the side that needed to show a good faith commitment to peace was not Iran, but the United States.”

There are two strong items on immigration: Loudon considers Obama’s desire to bestow citizenship on millions of illegals, and Matthew Vadum ponders Obama’s view “that immigration…was a right.” And J.R. Nyquist tackles Obama and Russia, pointing out in his opening sentences that Obama’s parents met in a Russian language class. Why, he wonders, were they there? We know they hated capitalism; did they love the USSR? Certainly Obama’s Russia policy, posits Nyquist, was “exactly what one might expect from a president who was born of pro-Soviet parents and mentored by a likely KGB agent (i.e., Frank Marshall Davis).” Nyquist also serves up a couple of fascinating anecdotes that, if true, would fill in a big piece of the Obama puzzle: in 1983, a Communist speaker at UC Irvine reportedly said that his fellow Reds were “infiltrating the left wing of the Democratic Party”; in the 1990s, American physicist Tom Fife claims to have encountered Obama at a social event in Moscow where the later was described as being groomed by the Soviets to be America’s first black president.

The closing pages of Barack Obama’s True Legacy take us to the end of Obama’s presidency and beyond. Greenfield reflects on the truly tragic way in which Obama’s “naked racial rhetoric…transformed America” from an essentially post-racial country into the present “war-torn nation deeply divided by race.” In three incisive essays, Joseph Klein indicts Obama for his persecution of General Michael Flynn (who, by the way, contributes a solid foreword to this book); argues that Obama should have been impeached for what Andrew McCarthy has rightly called his singular pattern of “presidential lawlessness” (which Klein catalogs at illuminating length); and details Obama’s nefarious and unprecedented attempt, after his own presidency was over, “to sabotage the legitimacy of his duly elected successor.”

When Donald Trump took the oath of office, most of us thought the Obama era was over. We were wrong. Our 44th president was still operating behind the scenes – scheming with his old cronies to blunt Trump’s effectiveness, to pack the media with lies about him, to keep the violent far-left wing of the Democratic Party in a constant state of anti-Trump outrage, to engineer his impeachment, and much more; and since Trump’s departure from the White House, Obama has, at the very least, been one of those who’ve been pulling the strings of the current puppet-in-chief. But of course all this malicious mischief was nothing new for the man who once said that “the sweetest sound I know is the Muslim call to prayer”: as Spencer puts it in his savvy afterword, Obama was, from the beginning of his term until – well – this present moment, “actively working against the interests of the United States.” That he managed to do so much damage to this country and its people is breathtaking to behold – as is the fact that there remains a large cohort of low-information Americans who actually revere this traitor as a paragon of virtue and wisdom.

Originally published at AmericanThinker.com.

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Bruce Bawer

Bruce Bawer is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

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Our 44th president was still operating behind the scenes -- scheming with his old cronies to blunt Trump’s effectiveness, to pack the media with lies about him, to keep the violent far-left wing of the Democratic Party in a constant state of anti-Trump outrage, to engineer his impeachment, and much more; and since Trump’s departure from the White House, Obama has, at the very least, been one of those who have been pulling the strings of the current puppet-in-chief.

Obama’s threat took two presidential terms to gather momentum; former President Trump temporarily stalled its course, but then Obama managed to get a shot at a third term in 2020 – vicariously through his former Vice President Joe Biden.


Image courtesy of Richard Terrell at TerrellAfterMath.


Obama lets the cat out of the bag: He's got plans to make Joe Biden his stooge


By Monica Showalter


Joe Biden, who couldn't even get President

Obama's endorsement during the primaries, now

has word that Obama may well use him as his

marionette stooge for what's in fact a third Obama



Patriots rot in jail for meandering around the Congress for a couple of hours two years ago while young people are encouraged by their teachers to celebrate Antifa and BLM thugs who have burned houses down. Blacks who love liberty are smeared as “white supremacists” while Muslims who love jihad are depicted as virtuous victims.

Dissecting Obama

Not so long ago, America had a great economy, the lowest unemployment ever for a range of demographic groups, energy independence, an increasingly secure southern border, a strong international profile, and no new wars. It had freedom. It had national pride. And all because it had a highly skilled president of unabashed patriotism who was devoted to the best interests of his people.  

Now we’re being readied to eat bugs while our overlords dine on steaks. To live in “fifteen-minute cities” while they fly to conferences in Fiji. To tighten our belts to prevent rising sea levels while they luxuriate in sea-level mansions in Malibu and Martha’s Vineyard. In a direct challenge to parental authority, common-sense values, and sensible pedagogical priorities, government schools indoctrinate children in Critical Race Theory and transgender ideology. To shatter our sense of security and restrict our freedom of movement, Soros prosecutors turn major cities over to violent felons. Patriots rot in jail for meandering around the Congress for a couple of hours two years ago while young people are encouraged by their teachers to celebrate Antifa and BLM thugs who have burned houses down. Blacks who love liberty are smeared as “white supremacists” while Muslims who love jihad are depicted as virtuous victims.

Then there’s what happened during the pandemic. Churchgoing was banned, violent street protests permitted. Small businesses were forced to close and went bankrupt; giant chain stores stayed open and reaped record profits. Americans, but not illegal immigrants, were ordered to mask and vaccinate. Gavin Newsom and Nancy Pelosi, with imperial condescension, violated their own lockdowns.

In this new world order, “our democracy” means the tyranny of the unelected (including the FBI, CIA, DHS, and DoJ), propped up by a Pravda-like corporate media. Their message? If we want to be known as supporters of equality, models of compassion, and friends of the planet, we’ll knuckle under, obey them, and parrot their progressive creed -- as spelled out in that chilling Independence Hall speech in which Joe Biden, against a Bismarckian blood-red backdrop, demonized MAGA voters as enemies of freedom.

Of course, this dystopia in the making didn’t begin with Biden. It’s a carry-over from the Obama years, interrupted by that Belle Époque, the Trump interregnum. “To understand the crisis of the Biden administration,” observes Daniel Greenfield, “we have to go back to its origins in the Obama administration.” This statement appears in Greenfield’s introduction to an engaging and definitive new collection of essays, Barack Obama’s True Legacy. How He Transformed America, which, under the editorship of Jamie Glazov, does precisely that: it ponders Obama and his appalling presidential tenure from a number of angles, and in doing so gives us what seems to me the most comprehensive and penetrating account yet of who Obama really is, what he did to America, and why.

Political scientist John Drew recalls the Obama whom he met in 1980 when they were both students dreaming of Communist revolution. At first glance, Obama struck Drew as a child of “wealth and privilege”: he “carried himself with the dignity and poise of a model,” he “talked like a white guy,” he came off “like a foreign prince visiting the United States.” Drew also thought Obama was gay -- an impression later confirmed, sort of, by a letter in which Obama wrote: “I make love to men daily, but in the imagination.” Politically, soon enough, both Drew and Obama shifted to “a more practical view,” deciding that politics, not revolution, was “the preferred route to socialism”; Drew eventually left the Left entirely, but, as we know, alas, Obama did not.

New Zealand author and filmmaker Trevor Loudon also reaches some distance into the past, tracing Obamacare to the 1930s, when Quentin Young, a young Communist doctor in Chicago, first began thinking about socialized medicine. In the 1990s he advised Hillary Clinton on health care; later still (he lived until 1992), he collaborated with Bernie Sanders and Ted Kennedy. As it happens, Young shared his medical practice for two decades with Obama’s personal physician, David Scheiner, and was present at the meeting, hosted by former terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, at which it was announced that Obama, also present, would be running for Congress. Along the way, he played a huge role in shaping Obama’s views on health-care coverage.

Glazov’s book includes several contributions on Islam and the Middle East. Highlighting Obama’s hideous 2012 statement at the UN criticizing “those who slander the prophet of Islam,” counterintelligence expert Stephen C. Coughlin recounts the Obama Administration’s purging of counterterrorism pros (largely in response to pressure from terrorist-linked CAIR) and reports that Muslims at DHS, founded to combat Islamic terrorism, shifted its focus 180º to target “Islamophobes” -- that is, American patriots who dare to worry about terrorism. In other essays, former Knesset member Dov Lipman corrects “historical inaccuracies” about Israel in Obama’s memoir A Promised Land, and Greenfield and Clare M. Lopez supply cogent takes on Obama’s treachery toward Israel and championing of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Then there’s Raymond Ibrahim on Obama’s abominable treatment of Middle East Christians: his refusal to use U.S. leverage on their behalf, his resistance to Capitol Hill pressure to address religious freedom, his prioritizing of Muslim over Christian refugees, and his denial that Muslim-on-Christian violence in Nigeria had a religious basis. (Ibrahim quotes Newt Gingrich: “This is an administration that never seems to find a good enough excuse to help Christians, but always finds an excuse to apologize for terrorists.”) And in three trenchant pieces, Robert Spencer studies Obama’s refusal to label the Fort Hood massacre as a terrorist act (thus denying certain benefits to victims and their families), his insistence that the Islamic State had nothing to do with Islam, and his attitude, at the time of the Iran deal, that “the side that needed to show a good faith commitment to peace was not Iran, but the United States.” 

There are two strong items on immigration: Loudon considers Obama’s desire to bestow citizenship on millions of illegals, and Matthew Vadum ponders Obama’s view “that immigration…was a right.” And J.R. Nyquist tackles Obama and Russia, pointing out in his opening sentences that Obama’s parents met in a Russian-language class. Why, he wonders, were they there? We know they hated capitalism; did they love the USSR? Certainly, Obama’s Russia policy, posits Nyquist, was “exactly what one might expect from a president who was born of pro-Soviet parents and mentored by a likely KGB agent (i.e., Frank Marshall Davis).” Nyquist also serves up a couple of fascinating anecdotes that, if true, would fill in a big piece of the Obama puzzle: in 1983, a Communist speaker at UC Irvine reportedly said that his fellow Reds were “infiltrating the left wing of the Democratic Party”; in the 1990s, American physicist Tom Fife claims to have encountered Obama at a social event in Moscow where the later was described as being groomed by the Soviets to be America’s first black president.

The closing pages of Barack Obama’s True Legacy take us to the end of Obama’s presidency and beyond. Greenfield reflects on the truly tragic way in which Obama’s “naked racial rhetoric… transformed America” from an essentially post-racial country into the present “war-torn nation deeply divided by race.” In three incisive essays, Joseph Klein indicts Obama for his persecution of General Michael Flynn (who, by the way, contributes a solid foreword to this book); argues that Obama should have been impeached for what Andrew McCarthy has rightly called his singular pattern of “presidential lawlessness” (which Klein catalogs at illuminating length); and details Obama’s nefarious and unprecedented attempt, after his own presidency was over, “to sabotage the legitimacy of his duly elected successor.”

When Donald Trump took the oath of office, most of us thought the Obama era was over. We were wrong. Our 44th president was still operating behind the scenes -- scheming with his old cronies to blunt Trump’s effectiveness, to pack the media with lies about him, to keep the violent far-left wing of the Democratic Party in a constant state of anti-Trump outrage, to engineer his impeachment, and much more; and since Trump’s departure from the White House, Obama has, at the very least, been one of those who have been pulling the strings of the current puppet-in-chief. But of course, all this malicious mischief was nothing new for the man who once said that “the sweetest sound I know is the Muslim call to prayer”: as Spencer puts it in his savvy afterword, Obama was, from the beginning of his term until, well, this present moment, “actively working against the interests of the United States.” That he managed to do so much damage to this country and its people is breathtaking to behold -- as is the fact that there remains a large cohort of low-information Americans who actually revere this traitor as a paragon of virtue and wisdom.

Image: Republic Book Publishers



“Before Obama,” writes Greenfield, “71 percent of Americans had thought that relations between black and white people were generally good.” A year after the Ferguson riots in 2014, “more than half the country thought relations were bad.” It was the Obama administration that had “started the fires and then led the fire brigade, but instead of water, its hoses were filled with oil.” Upon Obama’s departure from office, Donald Trump inherited a country that wasn’t healed but primed for an even more heated racial conflagration.

Barack Obama’s True Legacy

And how he continues to “fundamentally transform” America.

[Order Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]

On the cusp of the 2008 presidential election, then-candidate Barack Obama galvanized an ecstatic crowd at Missouri University by claiming that he and his supporters were “five days from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” Not making America great again, but fundamentally transforming her. This unsettling vow, from the man who would later declare that American exceptionalism was no more valid than British or Greek exceptionalism, promised not restoration, but revolution. It made clear that his incoming administration intended to toss the greatest country in the world onto the trash heap of history to make way for a Progressive utopia centered on social justice and on the dismantling of American power.

Obama’s threat took two presidential terms to gather momentum; former President Trump temporarily stalled its course, but then Obama managed to get a shot at a third term in 2020 – vicariously through his former Vice President Joe Biden. Under the decrepit figurehead Biden, Obama and his muses Susan Rice and Valerie Jarrett could accelerate the fundamental change he promised. Indeed, it has been cascading to fruition so rapidly that one is reminded of a Hemingway character’s explanation about how he went bankrupt: “Gradually, then suddenly.”

The Biden administration is already securing its place in history as the most disastrous American presidency to date. In less than two-and-a-half years, the angry Divider-in-Chief Biden has presided over more domestic and foreign policy debacles than Barack Obama could ever have hoped for. As General Michael Flynn catalogs in the foreword to a brand new book titled Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America, our nation now faces

chronic unemployment and inflation, a border crisis, grave threats to our constitutional liberties, increased violence and lawlessness from the leftist groups Antifa and Black Lives Matter, a weakening dollar, the emboldening of our enemies worldwide, and even worse on the horizon… This is the world Barack Obama has made. This is his legacy.

All of this and more is addressed in Obama’s True Legacy, a collection of eighteen original essays edited by FrontPage Magazine’s longtime editor Jamie Glazov, and featuring numerous FrontPage Mag regulars such as Daniel Greenfield, Robert Spencer, Joseph Klein, Matthew Vadum, and Raymond Ibrahim, among other contributors.

“To understand the crisis of the Biden administration, we have to go back to its origins in the Obama administration,” writes Shillman Fellow Daniel Greenfield in his introduction to the book, because the latter’s “impact is not past tense. It is present tense… [W]e are still living through the Obama nightmare.” And that is what these eighteen essays analyze and illuminate. From political scientist (and former Marxist) John Drew’s fascinating account of his college days with the fellow radical in “Obama: The Young Communist I Knew,” to Knesset member Dov Lipman’s closing critique of the anti-Israel lies in Obama’s memoir A Promised LandBarack Obama’s True Legacy is the definitive one-volume guide to the catastrophic influence on U.S. and world politics of Barack Hussein Obama.

The anti-colonialist Obama waged war against America on a broad range of fronts, and they are seemingly all covered in this book. New Zealand author and filmmaker Trevor Loudon traces “The Marxist Origins and Goals of Obamacare” and “Obama’s Illegal Marxist Immigrant Amnesty Movement.” Middle East expert Raymond Ibrahim explains “How Obama Enabled the Persecution of Christians.” Jihad Watch Director Robert Spencer focuses on “Obama’s Enabling of Jihad and Stealth Jihad” in addition to his empowering of the monstrous terror group ISIS and his balance-of-power-altering nuclear deal with Iran. Journalist Joseph Klein exposes “Obamagate: The Coup Attempt Against President Trump” and makes the case for “Why Obama Should Have Been Impeached.”

There is much more in Barack Obama’s True Legacy. Award-winning journalist Matthew Vadum lays bare the damage Obama wreaked on America’s border security. Author and former military intelligence analyst Stephen Coughlin details the “Muslim Brotherhood’s Penetration of the US Under Obama.” Clare Lopez, founding member of the Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi, explicates Obama’s “Benghazi Betrayal and the Brotherhood Link.” Political analyst J.R. Nyquist shines a light into the dark corners of “Obama’s Russia collusion.”

No account of Barack Obama’s legacy would be complete without addressing, as Freedom Center Shillman Fellow Daniel Greenfield puts it, his “enabling of racial strife and domestic terror.” Though Obama surfed into the White House on a wave of hope that the nation’s first black president would bring long-awaited racial healing and unity, Greenfield calls the intentional shattering of race relations in America under his watch “Obama’s true enduring legacy.”

“Before Obama,” writes Greenfield, “71 percent of Americans had thought that relations between black and white people were generally good.” A year after the Ferguson riots in 2014, “more than half the country thought relations were bad.” It was the Obama administration that had “started the fires and then led the fire brigade, but instead of water, its hoses were filled with oil.” Upon Obama’s departure from office, Donald Trump inherited a country that wasn’t healed but primed for an even more heated racial conflagration.

“But Obama wasn’t done once he finally left the White House,” writes Joseph Klein in his essay about the Radical-in-Chief’s “Post-Presidential War on America.” Klein details how the ex-President went on to spread disinformation in an attempt to delegitimize his successor Trump, to foment generational war by nurturing “the next generation of community-organizing Obama mini-mes,” to discredit Fox News – the only mainstream cable outlet that leaned right – and to turn Netflix into his own private propaganda mill, all while hypocritically amassing a personal fortune that contradicted his socialist assertion, “At a certain point, you’ve made enough money.”

Obama’s corrosive impact wasn’t limited to our shores. On an international level, for example, Daniel Greenfield addresses, in “Obama’s Betrayal of Israel,” the breakdown in relations between the United States and our close ally in the Middle East. That alliance fractured thanks to a “total divergence of worldviews” – “moral, cultural, and strategic” – between Obama and Biden on the one hand, and Benjamin Netanyahu on the other. “Previous administrations had viewed Islamic terrorists and the Iranian regime as threats. The Obama administration, however, saw them as victims of American foreign policy… Obama believed that Israel, like America, and other allies in the region, was part of the problem.”

And our current administration, of course, shares and perpetuates that anti-Israel perspective. The result is that the entire volatile Middle East is once again a tinderbox, even as that administration exacerbates tensions in other parts of the world too, such as Ukraine, where we risk tumbling headlong into a world war that could have been averted had Donald Trump been elected in 2020.

But the chaos is all part of the plan. As Robert Spencer reminds us in his epilogue to Barack Obama’s True Legacy, Obama was photographed in 2008 clutching a copy of Fareed Zakaria’s book The Post-American World, a finger keeping his place in the pages. Spencer writes,

Zakaria’s book predicting America’s inevitable decline turned out to be a veritable blueprint for Obama’s presidency. Throughout his eight years in office, as this present book abundantly illustrates, Obama seemed determined to make Zakaria’s “post-American world” a self-fulfilling prophecy. Obama went to work from his first day in office to make Zakaria’s wishful thinking about America’s decline become a reality.

Now, in his de facto third term, the shadowy radical continues to exert his subversive influence on the Constitution, the citizens, and the country he is committed to destroying. Barack Obama’s True Legacy could not be a timelier and more important read. As Spencer concludes,

This book stands as a warning and as a primer on just how devastating Obamaism was for the United States and will be again unless vigilant, courageous, and patriotic American citizens stand, determined to employ all lawful means to defend freedom.

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Mark Tapson

Mark Tapson is the Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, focusing on popular culture. He is also the host of an original podcast on Frontpage, “The Right Take With Mark Tapson.”

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Obama torpedoed U.S. relations with Russia -- to perpetuate lies about Trump, Durham report found

In late 2016, Obama was angry.

Oh, not about the election of Donald Trump, of course, if his public statements were any indication.

He was supposedly angry, so angry, at Russia and its supposed interference in our 2016 election that he got out his pen and phone and expelled 35 Russian diplomats. 

Here is what the New York Times reported:

WASHINGTON — President Obama struck back at Russia on Thursday for its efforts to influence the 2016 election, ejecting 35 suspected Russian intelligence operatives from the United States and imposing sanctions on Russia’s two leading intelligence services.

The administration also penalized four top officers of one of those services, the powerful military intelligence unit known as the G.R.U.

Intelligence agencies have concluded that the G.R.U. ordered the attacks on the Democratic National Committee and other political organizations, with the approval of the Kremlin, and ultimately enabled the publication of the emails it harvested to benefit Donald J. Trump’s campaign.

The Hill reported that it was quite an array of sanctions at the time:

The measures include a slate of economic sanctions, diplomatic censure, and public “naming and shaming.” The president also hinted at possible covert cyber measures but did not provide details. 
The president also announced that the State Department will expel 35 Russian intelligence operatives and shutter two Russian compounds, in Maryland and New York, used by Russia for intelligence purposes. 

The Times added:

Taken together, the sweeping actions announced by the White House, the Treasury, the State Department and intelligence agencies on Thursday amount to the strongest American response yet to a state-sponsored cyberattack. They also appeared intended to box in President-elect Trump, who will now have to decide whether to lift the sanctions on Russian intelligence agencies when he takes office next month.

Obama even amended his own executive order to extend his powers to sanction, with travel bans and asset freezes on some Russian officials.

Just one problem: The Russians didn't do what the embittered Democrats claimed they were doing -- to Get Trump.

Nothing. They didn't hack the DNC and they didn't collude with Donald Trump to get him elected to the presidency. The charges, the expropriations, the sanctions -- were all for innocent people. Even the Russian state was innocent. 

That was what Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse found buried at the bottom of the Durham report.

Sundance laid it out with these details:

♦ First, John Durham clearly shows in his 306-page report with a 48-page classified appendix, that Russia did nothing to interfere in the 2016 election.  The entire Russian Interference operation was a Clinton fabrication, later enhanced by a Federal Bureau of Investigation who used the fabrication as a cover-up justification to hide their surveillance of the Trump campaign.

♦ Second, accepting the empirical, factual, and inherently true reality of the first point – consider that President Barack Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats to retain the Clinton fabrication and FBI lies.  Think about this one carefully, the Obama administration expelled Russian diplomats in order to retain a domestic political ruse! President Obama did this *after* CIA Director John Brennan briefed him about the Clinton fabrication.

There were no Russian diplomats involved; there was no Russian election interference; there was no Russian hacking of the DNC; it was all a fraud created by the intelligence community (IC), FBI and Main Justice to support Hillary Clinton’s lies and then cover their own targeting tracks.

♦ Third, Robert Mueller, Andrew Weissmann, with the full support of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, indicted 14 Russian entities under completely bogus pretenses. All of that effort was done to assist the Clinton narrative, cover for Obama and then use the special counsel to cover up the Trump targeting operation.  The totally bogus construct explains why the fabricated indictments were sealed in the DOJ National Security Division in perpetuity, thereby keeping the fraudulent construct hidden from public review forever.

So Obama's wrath was nothing but a fiction to protect the partisan Democrat narrative that they had been promoting about Trump and the Russians, which originated from the embittered political camp of losing Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton.

How would you feel about that if you were a Russian, especially now, reading that it was all a political hoax with you the one chosen to be the whipping boy? You got sanctioned, you got kicked out, you got travel bans, you incurred costs, and some "name and shame" all based on lies.

Might you start thinking of the U.S. as kind of a sleazy, dishonest player on the world scene? Would you have problems trusting them? Might you step up your activities against it? It would seem natural.

The Russians, remember, had already calculated by their own devices that Hillary Clinton would win the 2016 election and the Kremlin was planning for that, so they were as surprised as anyone that the American voters thought otherwise when the election results came in in November 2016.

That they were blamed for the result and sanctioned for hacking and colluding they didn't do, and knew they didn't do, and knew that Obama knew they didn't do, surely must have made them angry.

Russian President Vladimir Putin initially adopted a wait-and-see attitude to see if Trump would set things back to rights, but by March of 2017, three months into his term, Trump had appointed Democrat ally Fiona Hill to be his Russia advisor, and although she was smart enough to generally pooh-pooh the Russia collusion claims in her statements, apparently nothing was done to restore the Russia relations after Obama's partisan fit of pique at Russia's expense.

Net result: By May, Putin expelled 755 American diplomats and staff and expropriated two American properties in retaliation. That was to get the numbers of embassy personnel even, as the U.S had a much bigger official diplomatic presence in Russia than the Russians had in the U.S. That certainly didn't serve U.S. interests to say the least, given that the U.S. must have had a much bigger spy operation going on against Russia than Russia did against the U.S., or, at the least official one which seems most likely.

In other words, how did it serve U.S. interests to falsely accuse and sanction Russia for something it didn't do?

Stuff like that makes countries mad, and fosters considerable distrust. Was that in the U.S. interest? Did that raise our standing and reputation in the world or did it contribute to emerging problems? The Russians were remarkably patient for a while as the accusations were leveled but the lies kept coming and then things got ugly.

It's horrible stuff when we consider the bigger picture, and the picture we see today. Right now, the U.S. and Russia are in a proxy war against one another over Ukraine, with several hideous sideshows involving cowardly and let-the-Americans-do-it allies, as well as huge amounts of money spent at a time of high inflation with little accountability. Our military readiness has been affected just on the supply front. There are odd fires at U.S. food factories over here even as we read reports of strikes at strategic assets inside Russia. The Nordstream II gas pipeline somehow got blown up and somehow nobody knows who did it.

And as this unwelcome, unpopular, and costly entanglement with Russia goes on, China is on the rise, with increasingly aggressive actions amid reports out there that they could beat us in a shooting war. Another inconvenient development: Russia has allied with China.

The worst of this is that it need never have happened. Foreign policy should always be off limits to partisan disputes, but apparently not by Obama. Relations with Russia could have been good and ties friendly. Russia could have advanced economically and moved closer to the West had these sleazy Obama fictions never happened.

Russia has always been torn between leaning east or leaning west, and for most of the 21st century has leaned westward. Keeping Russia friendly to the U.S. would have been a boon for keeping China in check and Russia peaceable. Instead, the Russians were a convenient target for abuse by Democrats and were thrown to the wolves, all to promote the lie that Democrats were "victims" of Russian machinations instead of simply rejected by U.S. voters for their utterly repellent agenda.

That's been an expensive lie for us in the aftermath because any smart superpower should go out of its way to keep as many friends as it can, especially among the those with nuclear weapons. Making Russia an enemy for nothing more than partisan political purposes is not the act of someone who represents America. It's the act of a community organizer, a partisan political hack, a creep who shouldn't be anywhere near the levers of power, owing to an inability to distinguish the national interest from the partisan interest.

That's the old Obama we know however, and now he's disgraced us on the world stage as a dishonest sleazeball country, not a nation founded on fairness and democracy. His act and the acts of the Deep State were not only detrimental to democracy here, they were very detrimental to foreign policy abroad. False charges open the door to harsher spying, retaliation, and belligerent actions. It was yellow journalism and other schemings on the American side that got us into the Spanish-American war of 1898 when Spain was baselessly blamed for blowing up an American ship in the Caribbean. Any questions as to why Brittney Griner got such a harsh sentence for such a piddly crime in Russia? Or why a young Wall Street Journal reporter sits in some Russian prison on phony espionage charges? What on earth do the Russians think? And how can anyone fail to understand them at least for whatever they are doing with this blotch on our nation's record? Who started this garbage? How do the decent among us make it right?

Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License


“To understand the crisis of the Biden administration,” observes Daniel Greenfield, “we have to go back to its origins in the Obama administration.” 

Victorious Democrats would also end congressional investigations into the Hillary-Deep State-DNC-Russian-Clinton Foundation collusion and corruption. All the players in these massive, sordid affairs will be deemed “too big to jail” – and too closely tied to the Democratic Party to be investigated further.  Paul Driessen

His (BILLARY CLINTON) wife is equally and personally

devious and corrupt; she had the fake “dossier” concocted she

was certain would take Trump out of the running for president

in 2016.  Hillary used her position as Secretary of State to rake

in millions of  dollars to her phony Clinton Foundation, much of

that money from other nations that sought to benefit from her

largesse when President.  PATRICIA McCARTHY




“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation  (TWO GAMER LAWYERS) (WHAT ABOUT THE CHINA BIDEN PENN CENTER?)  and the Obama (TWO GAMER LAWYERS) book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family (FOUR GAMER LAWYERS - JOE, HUNTER, JAMES, FRANK) corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren (GAMER LAWYER) and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (ADD GAMER LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS AND HER LAWYER HUSBAND AND THE BANKSTERS’ RENT BOY, LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER).    BRIAN C JOONDEPH

James Comer Believes Barack Obama Knew of Biden Family’s Foreign Deals  

U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden (L) speaks as President Barack Obama (R) listens during a meeting to release the Cancer Moonshot Report in the Oval Office of the White House October 17, 2016 in Washington, DC. Vice President Biden released the report, which focused on speeding up the development of …
Alex Wong/Getty Images

House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) suggested Friday that former President Barack Obama knew of the Biden family’s foreign deals with adversaries of the United States.

Speaking with Lou Dobbs on the Great America Show, Comer said Obama must have known about the Biden family business.

“I believe, Lou, that it’s because he knew what Joe Biden was doing the last year of his vice presidency,” Comer said in reference to payments worth millions the family’s business collected.

Comer revealed Wednesday that over the course of several years the family business received over $10 million from schemes in Romania and China in return for what appears to be influence peddling.

“He knew his son [Hunter Biden] was no good, and he knew this was nothing but a political liability not just for our country, not just for the democrat party, but for Obama’s legacy,” Comer added. “Because a lot of this happened during the Obama administration.”

U.S. President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden attend the annual Easter Egg Roll on the South Lawn of the White House on April 10, 2023 in Washington, DC. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

Comer also believes Obama’s knowledge of the family’s business informed his opposition to Joe Biden’s 2020 candidacy.

“So, I think that’s why Obama didn’t want Joe Biden to run for president. I think they knew about this,” Comer said about the business. “And remember, a lot of these coverups would have happened during the Obama administration with Obama appointees in these deep state bureaucracies.”

Comer said an establishment media journalist should ask Obama if Comer’s hunch is true: “This would be a great question for Obama: Were you aware of what was going on with Joe Biden with respect to foreign policy and some of these ragtag countries around the world?”

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.

GOP Rep. Mace: The Amount of Evidence Against Hunter Biden ‘Is Ridiculous’

Friday on FNC’s “Hannity,” Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) blasted the FBI and the Department of Justice for how it has handled the investigation into possible wrongdoing of the Biden family while attempting to indict former President Donald Trump for misdemeanors.

The South Carolina lawmaker said her track record showed she wasn’t in the tank for Trump and asserted the amount of evidence against first son Hunter Biden was “ridiculous.”

“I will tell you, this is, as you say, Sean — everything you said was a hundred percent true, and this is just the tip of the iceberg,” she said. “And here we have a DOJ and FBI, who are who are indicting Trump on misdemeanors and then will not investigate Biden for betraying his country. And I have to tell you, absolutely, no one can accuse me of being hyper-partisan or being in the tank for Donald Trump. But good lord, the amount of evidence, in this case, is ridiculous. They weren’t hiring Hunter Biden for his brains. They weren’t hiring certainly Hunter Biden for his brawn. They were hiring him to pay for access to the White House, and we see this pattern repeat itself over and over and over again.”

“The reports that we saw at the Treasury would appear to be racketeering,” Mace added. “That comes to mind money laundering, wire fraud. Why were they able to enrich themselves with tens of millions of dollars, including as you say, a grandchild, nieces and nephews, current wives, ex-wives, a brother, a son, you name it, and the list goes on? That family tree is very, very big, and they made a lot of money off of Joe Biden.”

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor


Image courtesy of Richard Terrell at TerrellAfterMath.


“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation  (TWO GAMER LAWYERS) (WHAT ABOUT THE CHINA BIDEN PENN CENTER?)  and the Obama (TWO GAMER LAWYERS) book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family (FOUR GAMER LAWYERS - JOE, HUNTER, JAMES, FRANK) corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren (GAMER LAWYER) and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (ADD GAMER LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS AND HER LAWYER HUSBAND AND THE BANKSTERS’ RENT BOY, LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER).    BRIAN C JOONDEPH


Instead, the Biden family name has really stood for only two things: buffoonery and corruption.  For fifty years, Joe Biden has managed to hold onto some slice of power in D.C. as a senator, vice president, and Oval Office stooge not because he is renowned for his erudition or virtue but rather because his doltish behavior and venal character make him ideal for others to control.  Perhaps no other Washington relic has accomplished so little for the American people over such a prolonged government career or managed to harness those defects for lucrative advancement more successfully than China Joe


American people deserve to know what China was up to with Joe Biden, especially when Beijing had already shelled out millions of dollars to Biden family members — including millions in set-asides for “the big guy.” What else is on that infamous Hunter Biden laptop? The conflicted Biden Justice Department cannot be trusted to engage in any meaningful oversight on this issue. We need a special counsel now.   

                                     TOM FITTON - JUDICIAL WATCH

The media have no clothes

As Tucker Carlson has recently spelled out, the corporate media are corrupt.

"Disinformation" is all too often its term for "the truth."  "Fact-check" really means comparing something to its agenda and deeming it "false" if it does not completely comport with it.

If there were CCTV video of Xi Jinping handing suitcases full of cash to the Bidens in exchange for policy considerations most favorable to China, the mainstream media would call it a Russian disinformation operation — aided, abetted, and paid for by Donald Trump.

There is zero chance that anything you see in the legacy news media is true, fair, accurate, and unbiased.  Period.  The MSM is nought but the propaganda arm of the Democratic Socialist Party, comprising utterly shameless, morally bankrupt, intellectually stunted, virtue-signaling charlatans who cannot tolerate dissenting opinion.  They are worse than useless to the majority of us on Main Street, as they are still quite useful to the elites who disdain us — and to their globalist agenda — by preying on the ignorant, gullible, and naïve.

When Republicans control the government, the Fourth Estate loudly touts its sacred mission: "to speak truth to power" and hold our public servants accountable.

When Democrats are in power, the media immediately become sycophantic lapdogs, eager to help them hide any wrongdoing — and willing to obfuscate, deceive, lie, and even help "hide the bodies" if necessary.

A free press is of great use to a free society and a democratic republic.

It is too bad we don't have one.

Image: aled7 via PixabayPixabay License.

Our mostly complicit, compliant, sycophant press has no concern about facts, only Democrat power

By Jack Hellner

What happened to Donald Trump in 2016 and beyond dwarfed Watergate. Most of the media not only didn't care about the corruption of the Democrats, but they were also major participants in seeking to destroy a candidate, and later, president, they didn't like.

Special Counsel John Durham has started to hit paydirt with three arrests so far, the tip of the iceberg, and the story is essentially buried because the media doesn't care, and they don't want the public to know the truth. If the public learns the truth, they will see how dishonest, corrupt, and dangerous the media is. They will set out to destroy anyone they don't want in elective office. The truth and evidence are never necessary when they are campaigning for Democrats.

The basic story of the 2016 election is that the corrupt, criminal, unlikable Hillary and the DNC couldn't run on their record or unpopular leftist Democrat policies, so they needed to destroy Trump. They clearly couldn't dig up enough truthful dirt, so they set out to create pure fiction. They paid a foreign national, a Trump hater, over $10 million to create a dossier full of pure lies. They funneled the money through Democrat operatives at a private law firm. They committed fraud when they signed documents to the FEC saying these payments were for legal fees. No one at the Hillary campaign or DNC was punished for the fraud because no one cared. They were also supporting Hillary. The swamp is deep.

Then these lies were spread throughout the media and throughout the corrupt Obama-Biden administration to destroy Trump and his associates. The lies were obvious, yet no one cared. All they cared about was electing and protecting Hillary.

Dishonest people working at the FBI used these fictitious documents in lies to the FISA court as they set out to spy on and entrap anyone associated with Trump.


These same agents protected the career criminal Hillary from prosecution no matter how many laws she violated and how many pieces of information she destroyed to obstruct justice. The media didn't care.

For years, the Democrats, including Reps. Schiff and Nadler set out to destroy Trump with endless investigations based on fictitious documents. The media participated in targeting Trump with no evidence. They needed to destroy him because they didn't like his policies.

Schiff, Swalwell, Clapper, Brennan and others went on compliant media outlets to spread lies about Trump being a Russia agent.

The corruption and dishonesty of the media has been clear for decades. Here are some things they haven't cared about or have lied about as they campaigned for Democrats and set out to destroy their political opponents.

Didn’t care about how many women the Clintons physically and mentally abused. People who we are told respect women called them bimbos and trailer trash. The women were disposable as the media, entertainers, and other Democrats campaigned for Bill.


Didn’t care about Bill committing perjury and causing a young subordinate to commit perjury and obstruct justice. Monica was disposable.

Didn’t care how many trips Bill took with known pedophile Epstein. The young girls were disposable if the Clintons wanted power. How many women and young girls were sexually abused by powerful men because so many were campaigning for the Clintons?

Didn’t vet Obama, or care that he associated with radical leftists such as Reverend Wright and Bill Ayers. They also didn’t care about Biden’s record as they sought to destroy McCain and Palin. All that mattered was electing Obama.

Didn’t care about all the lies used to pass Obamacare, nor did they care that Pelosi wouldn’t let members of Congress, the media or the public see it before it was voted on. All the media cared about was the agenda.

Didn’t care about separation of powers when Obama illegally bypassed Congress to pay for shortfalls in Obamacare.

Didn’t care when Obama and Holder obstructed justice for years on Fast and Furious.

Didn’t care when Holder or others in the Obama committed perjury before Congress. They were above the law.

Didn’t care when the corrupt, politicized IRS illegally targeted political opponents of Obama, destroyed computers and documents and lied to Congress. The politicized, corrupt Justice Department decided that the swamp creatures at IRS were above the law. Political opponents of Obama and constitutional rights were disposable.

Didn’t care when the corrupt Justice Department, EPA, and CFPB shook down corporations and set up slush funds to give kickbacks to Obama supporters. Laws and ethics were disposable.

Didn’t care when Obama and Hillary didn’t lift a finger to help people under attack by terrorists in Benghazi. Instead, they concocted a lie about a video causing the attack because the truth might have jeopardized their power in the coming election. They even sent Susan Rice out to five networks to intentionally lie. Now this known liar is high up in the Biden administration.

Didn’t care that people continually lied through the media to get the Iran deal done. Ben Rhoades bragged about how gullible and helpful the media was in perpetuating the lies.

Didn’t care that Obama sent $1.8 billion in unmarked bills to the tyrants in Iran to bribe them.

Didn’t care that Obama dictatorially ordered the politicized, corrupt Justice Department to drop a multiyear, multi department investigation into a billion-dollar drug running operation by terrorists to appease the tyrants in Iran. They were above the law. Obama’s legacy was more important.

Don’t care how many people were killed by drugs and terrorism because Obama cared more about his legacy. The Americans who died were disposable.

Don’t care that the corrupt, politicized, Justice Department was so busy campaigning for Hillary and seeking to destroy Trump that they didn’t care how many laws Hillary and her aides broke, didn’t care how many computers and documents they destroyed, didn’t care how much they obstructed justice, and didn’t care how much they lied. They were above the law because they wanted Hillary to defeat Trump.

Don’t care that Comey, McCabe, Schiff, Brennan, Clapper and others intentionally lied about Trump and Russia for years. They still trot them out when they want to trash Trump.

Willingly participated in spreading the “Hands up Don’t Shoot” lie after Ferguson to gin up racial hate against white cops. They don’t care how many cops were injured or killed by these intentional lies. The cops were disposable.

Participated in the intentional lies as they sought to destroy white Christian boys for the crime of wearing MAGA hats. The young boys were disposable. 

Participated as they sought to destroy Judge Kavanaugh with no evidence. It is astonishing and deplorable how many people the media is willing to destroy to push the leftist agenda.

Never cared about the Biden family corruption. Even buried the truthful story about the Hunter Biden laptop to protect Biden before the election. They still don’t care about all the kickbacks to the Biden’s no matter how much evidence there is.

Instead of caring about the Biden family corruption, the media and other Democrats sought to destroy and impeach Trump for wanting to investigate the corruption -- which should be his job.

Don’t care about sanctuary cities and states and the Biden administration refusing to enforce immigration laws they swore to uphold.

Don’t care about how much Fauci, WHO and others have lied or got wrong or about the Wuhan lab and gain of function research. The children’s financial, physical, and mental health were disposable as schools were unnecessarily closed.

Don’t care about natural immunity as they are willing to fire anyone who dares disagree with the dictatorial mandates to get shots.  Those people who get fired are disposable.

Don’t care about how well Florida is doing compared to the rest of the country without mask or vaccine mandates.

Don’t care about all the states where election laws were intentionally violated in the 2020 election. Instead, they pretend that there is nothing to question. They had no concerns when the 2016 election was challenged, and Trump was called an illegitimate President for four years. Instead, they participated in the big lie. They don’t care about voter integrity as they claim requiring a photo ID to vote is racist.

They participate in continuing to call an unarmed protest on January 6 an armed insurrection to intentionally mislead the public.

They don’t care about the only person killed by a weapon on January 6. An unarmed veteran woman shot by a Capitol cop. Ashli Babbitt was disposable.

They not only don’t care that CRT is taught throughout the U.S. They lie about it as they regurgitate the terms, white supremacy, white privilege, and systemic racism to gin up racial hate and division. They do this while they pretend that they are for unifying the country.

They have never cared about evidence to support the radical climate change agenda to destroy America. They don’t care that all the dire predictions have been 100% wrong for decades. All they care about is the agenda.

And they certainly don’t care what is in all the slush funds the Democrats are seeking to pass and how they are paid for. They don’t care that Pelosi is trying to get them passed before they are read and before they are scored by the CBO.  They campaign for these bills, sight unseen, because facts don’t matter and haven’t for a long time.

I am sure others can think of many other things that the media doesn’t care about.

What should we call the press who cares more about who they elect and an agenda than the truth? What should we call people who are willing to destroy anyone who gets in the way of the left’s quest for power? Wouldn’t enemies of the people be an appropriate term? Calling these people progressive is certainly mislabeling.

Graphic credit:  Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 Alpha Stock Images


Sam Bankman-Fried Aimed to Outpace George Soros as Largest Democrat Donor


28 Nov 20220


Disgraced former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried tried to build a political empire to rival Democrat megadonor George Soros.

Puck News reporter Theodore Schleifer wrote that Bankman-Fried personally bought a Democrat startup, Deck, spending roughly $4 to $5 million to buy out the existing investors to the Democrat analytics firm. Bankman-Fried reportedly heard about the startup from Mind the Gap, a Democrat donor network founded by his mother, Barbara Bankman-Fried.

The purchase of Deck served as Bankman-Fried’s political scheme to be the “biggest donor in the Democratic Party,” even outshining Democrat megadonor.


Democrat megadonor George Soros on January 23, 2020 in Davos, eastern Switzerland. (FABRICE COFFRINI/AFP via Getty Images)

Bankman-Fried and Ryan Salame, co-CEO of FTX Digital Markets, served as two of the largest donors to Republicans and Democrats last cycle. Bankman-Fried fell just below Soros as the largest Democrat donor.


Ryan Salame, co-CEO of FTX Digital Markets. (Twitter)

In all, Bankman-Fried donated roughly $40 million to Democrat politicians and PACs, while Salame gave about $23 million to Republicans and PACs supporting the GOP.


Puck News wrote that the former FTX CEO sought advisers and conducted data experiments to help Democrats in the 2024 election cycle:

I have previously reported that S.B.F.’s team was actively looking for future advisors to join them in drafting “plays” for the 2024 cycle, and that one of those ideas was to fund some more progressive organizations, for instance. Some of those plans were already underway. I have learned in recent days that S.B.F. was already quietly funding some experiments across the Democratic ecosystem, such as randomized-controlled trials that might have yielded data that could help Democrats in 2024, according to two people familiar with the work, by assessing the impact of things like community newsletters, Facebook ads, and so-called “relational organizing.”

In all, the report suggested that Bankman-Fried might have spent roughly $100 million, but according to Schleifer, “That could be an undercount.”

Sean Moran is a congressional reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SeanMoran3.

Recipe for Disaster: A Democrat President and a Democrat Senate

We have a Democrat president who will nominate anybody who will further his agenda and a Democrat-controlled Senate that places ideology and vote-buying ahead of country and will approve any cabinet member or judge that a Democrat president nominates.

We all know what a doddering old fool the current occupant of the Oval Office is, so there's no need to document his latest gaffes.  Let's examine instead four of his nominees, starting with Secretary of State Tony Blinken and his connection with George Soros.

Rule of law makes a country, so when rule of law goes...

Decades ago, a brilliant but evil person funded district attorney races to emplace left-leaning district attorneys across America.  We now see the consequences of those efforts.  These D.A.s were chosen because of their belief that criminals should not be prosecuted, but right-leaning citizens should.  They are motivated not by law, but by political concerns — power, central control.

George Soros understood that when the rule of law breaks down, the country can spiral into anarchy.  The best example to date is the D.A. in New York charging a former Marine for defending other passengers in the N.Y. subway from a deranged homeless person.

Watch an old movie called A Clockwork Orange that foretold this situation.

But it gets worse.  The rule of law, defined solely by the Constitution, breaks down when federal agencies in the DOJ refuse to follow the law.  The FBI's and CIA's direct involvement in presidential elections, to sway votes, is a greater example of the anarchy we fear.

Examples deepen when we see a former president harassed to no end or the January 6 conspirators, or patriots, depending on your view, are not given a speedy trial, but languish in American prisons for years.  I don't know if Trump or the J6 prisoners are guilty, but it is obvious they are not getting any respect for their inalienable rights as defined by the Constitution.  That is an abrogation of the rule of law.

We have to ask two questions.  What is the end goal of those who wish to damage and are damaging our beloved country by destroying the rule of law?  What can we do about it?

First, realize that there are forces dedicated to the destruction of our nation.  There always have been such elements throughout our history.  

Second, don't succumb to fear or despair.  That is what they want, because fear and despair make it easier to defeat us.  

Third, educate yourself, which you are doing if you read these articles.  

Fourth, the united willpower of free citizens is an unstoppable force.  Stop the petty bickering and hate-mongering.  Unite in a common and profound principle — namely, the sanctity of the individual, or, in other words, your inalienable right to existence and freedom. 

Image: Pashi via PixabayPixabay License.

Video: Soros’ Son Boasts About Meeting With VP Harris

But the Left wants us to believe Soros' influence is just a conspiracy theory.

Reader Interactions



“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation  (TWO GAMER LAWYERS) (WHAT ABOUT THE CHINA BIDEN PENN CENTER?)  and the Obama (TWO GAMER LAWYERS) book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family (FOUR GAMER LAWYERS - JOE, HUNTER, JAMES, FRANK) corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren (GAMER LAWYER) and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (ADD GAMER LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS AND HER LAWYER HUSBAND AND THE BANKSTERS’ RENT BOY, LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER AND GEORGE SOROS’ RENT BOY GAMER LAWER TONY BLINKEN AS WELL AS CON MAN ADAM SHIFF).    BRIAN C JOONDEPH

Here's What We Know About Alex Soros, Progressive Scion Taking Over His Father's Political Empire

George and Alex Soros (Twitter).
June 12, 2023

The Democratic megadonor George Soros has ceded control of his political empire to his son, Alexander Soros.

The succession plan was revealed Sunday, in a Wall Street Journal profile of the 37-year-old Soros scion. All eyes are now on Alex Soros as he prepares to take his father's place atop the country’s most powerful progressive political operation.

Here's what we know about the younger Soros.

He's ‘More Political’ Than His Pops

The younger Soros says he is "more political" than his 92-year-old father, the Democratic Party’s biggest donor.

Alex Soros has given tens of millions of dollars to Democrats over the years. He contributed $5.25 million to the Senate Majority PAC in 2016 and 2018. He contributed $721,300 to the Biden Victory Fund in 2020 and $350,000 to Hillary Clinton’s victory fund in 2016. Soros has given millions more to the DNC and other Democratic committees.

Alex Soros has not contributed as much to other political advocacy groups as his father has over the years. George Soros, through his Democracy PAC and Democracy PAC II, has contributed tens of millions of dollars to traditional political committees, as well as to advocacy groups like Planned Parenthood, MoveOn, and American Bridge. Both Soroses have contributed this election cycle to moderate Democratic senator Jon Tester (Mont.), considered one of the most vulnerable incumbents in 2024.

The elder Soros has also funded a network of left-wing prosecutors whose soft-on-crime policies have been blamed for surging crime and low police morale. In 2018, Alex Soros contributed $100,000 to help elect Minnesota attorney general Keith Ellison, a progressive Democrat who faced allegations of domestic abuse and blamed police for damage sustained during the George Floyd riots.


His Money Opens Democratic Doors

Alex Soros’s extensive campaign giving appears to open doors for him to many senior Democratic lawmakers.

The younger Soros huddled with Vice President Kamala Harris last week and declared he was "Ridin’ with Biden" in a recent photo with President Biden. He has rubbed shoulders with former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, and former President Barack Obama, according to his social media feeds.


He Spends A Lot of Time At the Biden White House

Alex Soros also appears to have open access to the White House, having visited at least 17 times during Biden’s tenure, according to visitor logs.

Most of those meetings have been with Biden’s political and domestic policy advisers, but Soros has had five meetings with Jon Finer, the principal deputy national security adviser.

The Washington Free Beacon reported that Soros met with Finer on the same day that Brazilian president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva visited the White House. According to the Wall Street Journal, Soros met the left-wing Brazilian leader to advocate on behalf of the Open Society Foundations, his father’s philanthropy.


He Runs His Father's Left-Wing Nonprofit

Alex Soros took over in December as chairman of the board of Open Society Foundations, which pours hundreds of millions of dollars annually into progressive causes in the United States and around the world.

Open Society has backed groups that support the movement to defund the police and expand the Supreme Court, among other left-wing causes.

Alex Soros told the Journal he plans to use Open Society’s $25 billion war chest to fund the expansion of abortion and voting rights across the country.


He Lacks Dad's Business Savvy

Alex Soros does not appear to have his father’s business acumen, raising questions about the long term viability of his political empire. George Soros has amassed a fortune of around $7 billion, largely through his Soros Fund Management hedge fund.

Jonathan Soros, Alex’s older half-brother, was initially seen as the heir apparent to his father’s business and political empire, but the pair had a falling out over management style.

Alex Soros is an adviser to an apparel supply chain fund, Tau Management, funded by his father. Tau invests in apparel and textile factories in Asia in order to build "agile, sustainable manufacturing partners" to major apparel brands. The fund requires its partners to have a "strong and sincere commitment to [Equity, Sustainability, Governance]."


He Just Wants to Party

Before his ascent to the top of his father’s political empire, Alex Soros was better known for his semi-playboy lifestyle. According to the New York Post, Soros hosted celebrities at a $72 million Hamptons estate he rented in 2016, and has often been spotted hanging out with NBA players and supermodels.

Soros reportedly hired New York City club promoter Adam Spoont to recruit models to attend Soros’s house parties. Spoont’s success landed him an invitation to an Alex Soros fundraiser, where he was able to meet President Obama, according to Page Six.

His Father Has Been Accused of Domestic Abuse

George Soros on the beach / Splash News
George Soros on the beach / Splash News

The elder Soros's ex-girlfriend, Brazilian model Adriana Ferreyr, says Alex's dad once slapped and choked her while they were in bed. Ferreyr later sued George Soros for $50 million.


He pissed off Taylor Swift

Alex Soros led a consortium of investors who bought rights to Swift’s unreleased music for $330 million, drawing the ire of the pop superstar.

"It looks to me like Scooter Braun and his financial backers, 23 Capital, Alex Soros, and the Soros family and The Carlyle Group, have seen the latest balance sheets and realized that paying $330 million for my music wasn't exactly a wise choice and they need money," Swift said in 2020. "In my opinion, just another case of shameless greed in the time of Coronavirus. So tasteless, but very transparent."

Published under: Alex Soros George Soros Joe Biden Nancy Pelosi Open Society Foundations

As Biden’s dementia advances, he had to be

pulled offstage after stumbling through a

teleprompter speech

The frequency with which puzzling nonsense escapes Joe Biden’s lips is increasing, and so is his obvious disorientation and need of help to navigate the ordinary challenge of walking toward  where he wants to go. The worst-kept secret in the world – only fervent Biden supporters who eschew conservative media entirely remain oblivious – is that the commander in chief of the once-feared American military is seriously impacted by dementia.  

Biden and the Democrat establishment continue to insist that he will lead the 2024 Democrat ticket, and that’s enough to keep Gavin Newsom pretending that he isn’t right now campaigning for the nomination. But to the likes of Xi Jinping, who just humiliated Secretary of State Antony Blinken on his just-completed mission to Beijing, Biden’s infirmity may signal a rare opportunity to act boldly before a competent replacement takes over the Oval Office.

These are perilous times, indeed. The ruse that the media propagandists collaborate with other Democrats to push, that Biden is capable of discharging the duties of his exalted office, is collapsing under the weight of evidence such as what we saw yesterday in Palo Alto, California.

After delivering a speech written out for him in a teleprompter and mistaking what year it is:  

 I’ve committed by 2020, we will have conserved 30 percent of all the lands and waters the United States has jurisdiction over and simultaneously reduce emissions to blunt climate impacts.

Biden was unsure where to go and was literally pulled off the stage by the local Congresswoman, Representative Anna Eschoo, who is 80-years-old herself and was called “kid” by Biden (“thank-you, kid”).


Full sequence


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