Sunday, September 3, 2023


Or look at how the U.S. government has rewarded the Internal Revenue Service with a hundred billion extra dollars and a hundred thousand extra agents to intimidate ordinary taxpayers, even after having been caught covering up Biden family corruption, leaking the personal information of conservative Americans, and "losing" the private data of millions of other taxpayers.  


“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton  Foundation  (TWO GAMER LAWYERS ASSOCIATED WITH GEORGE SOROS) (WHAT ABOUT THE CHINA  BIDEN PENN CENTER?)  and the Obama (TWO GAMER  LAWYERS ASSOCIATED WITH GEORGE SOROS)) book and television deals. Then there is the Biden  family (FOUR GAMER LAWYERS - JOE, HUNTER, JAMES,  FRANK, ASSOCIATED WITH GEORGE SOROS)) corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power  and office by the Warren (GAMER LAWYER) and Sanders families, as  Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in  Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government  corruption (ADD GAMER LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS AND HER  LAWYER HUSBAND AND THE BANKSTERS’ RENT BOY, LAWYER  CHUCK SCHUMER). AND LYING LAWYER ADAM SHIFF AND TONY BLINKEN ASSOCIATED WITH GEORGE SOROS).   BRIAN C JOONDEPH

Cutting Through Biden’s ‘Illusions’

Shokin is talkin,’ and that could spell even more bad news for Joe Biden’s stubborn insistence, in the face of mounting evidence to the contrary, that he had nothing to do with his son’s slimy “business” activities.

Though the former Ukrainian Chief Prosecutor cannot independently confirm what the FBI’s trusted confidential source alleges --- that Viktor Shokin’s Biden-arranged departure was the result of Burisma bribes --- the stench surrounding the whole affair is becoming too oppressive for even some liberals to ignore. Expect to see more damaging details filter out very shortly.

So under the circumstances the only logical thing for Democrats to do is pile on another batch of indictments to the already lengthy list of criminal charges facing Donald Trump, as viciously partisan Fulton County Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis has just seen fit to do.

But try as they might to divert attention away from the Bidens by going more forcefully after Trump, a giant boulder of trouble is gaining speed on its downhill roll despite the best Democrat efforts to halt its progress.

So why not try to first flatten Trump before the big rock overtakes Joe?

The explanations Biden’s apologists offer for the breathtaking corruption he and his family have clearly engaged in seem a lot like desperate pitches on behalf of an unsellable movie script; changing fiction offered in an attempt to address each freshly sprouting revelation of their surprisingly brazen bribery and political protection operation. But despite laboring to appear unruffled, even contemptuous of investigators’ discoveries, each newly-filled piece of the payoff puzzle puts in sharper focus Joe’s betrayal of the multiple oaths of office he’s taken over the course of his long public career.

Now his loyalists have seized upon something former Biden partner Devon Archer regurgitated to a House committee in his recent closed-door appearance. Archer quite damagingly admitted that Joe had indeed spoken to Hunter’s associates numerous times, and further revealed that Shokin’s activities were seen as a threat to Burisma. His mentioning of the Biden “brand” did no great help to their cause either. But likely in an attempt to balance the scales and soften the effect of his testimony, he volunteered a carefully worded construct designed to camouflage the immense wrongdoing the public’s lying eyes plainly have before them: The Illusion of Access.

In this narrative, the drug-dependent Hunter conveniently serves as the sole central character. Always in need of money to fuel his various habits, and craving familial approbation despite his degenerate ways, he is the prime mover in this last ditch attempt to keep Joe out of the soup.

As the story goes, to serve his ends, Hunter placed his blissfully unknowing dad on the phone with, or made casual restaurant introductions to, the unsavory characters who were his business partners. This deceptive tactic allowed him to pretend to be plugged-in, influential, a guy who could get things done; at the same time appeasing the foreign benefactors who considered buying politicians as just another routine business expense, but impatiently demanded tangible results for the money they forked over.

The cornered Archer, walking a tightrope, subtly implied it was all a contrivance from which Hunter’s serving V.P. father was kept safely ignorant and carefully insulated. And so you have it: The Illusion of Access --- even sounds like a film title --- nevertheless to its advocates a user friendly concept even the rubes and simpletons the Democrats take us to be can easily understand.

But once again, as with other, more homegrown products of the Biden brain trust such as transitory inflation or the more current, undefinable Bidenomics, any informed observer can spot it as unadulterated baloney.  Or to employ the term our more sophisticated betters prefer: disinformation.

Future students of psychology or even amateur sleuths examining the puzzling human penchant for self-demolition will study the actions of the Bidens closely, for they are textbook examples of people who secretly desire to be exposed. Whether we’re talking about abandoned laptops containing pornographic, drug-fueled images and incriminating e-mails, or overlooked diaries bearing salacious family secrets, or perhaps the ultimate manifestation of this variant of exhibitionism: a video-taped boast before a prestigious gathering about successfully demanding a foreign official’s firing --- the wish to be ultimately found screams out.

Biden’s compulsive bragging provides the specific quid while Congress works through the complicated financial quo. When they unravel that LLC knot, it will show that the current “leader of the free world” was the receiver of bribes --- very large ones to be sure --- but still acts of corruption as abject as any small town building or health inspector’s pocketed envelope of cash.

And that’s really how one sums up “Scranton” Joe Biden: an illusory product created by artifice and the exigencies of Democrat politics; elevated to a position far beyond his abilities or strength of character. Instead of the return to integrity and, above all, decency we were promised if we chose him over the reviled Trump, he has brought degradation, even gangsterism, to nearly everything he’s touched.

It will soon be recognized as a great misfortune that at a time when China and Ukraine are at the center of world affairs, requiring people of good will everywhere to grapple with how best to parry Chinese threats of aggression against a free Taiwan while at the same time rejecting Russia’s brutal, unwanted violation of Ukraine, honest debate is skewed, indeed polluted by the corrupt takings of this First Family for Sale.

Despite all the “Russian Collusion” Democrat-driven sewage we were forced to wade through during the Trump years, the real pros with regard to interference in American political processes were the Ukrainians; the Russians were bumbling amateurs. Ukrainians didn’t bother with stupid Twitter “bots” or phony Facebook identities in clumsy, obvious attempts to sway public opinion. They went straight to the top and their method was cash on the barrelhead.  

But people familiar with European history, even those of us skeptical of President Zelensky’s international canonization, genuinely offended by Ukrainian political interference, know it to be immutably true that a stable Ukraine --- and more importantly a secure, unthreatened Poland to its west--- will be the key to future peace on the continent. That will not be possible if Putin’s aggression is allowed to stand. Poland, in Putin’s eyes, is just another runaway province of the 21st century tsar’s reassembling empire.

Let’s hope this searing ordeal the Ukrainians are suffering through will somehow work to purge them of some of the more underhanded habits they’ve acquired through decades under the Soviet thumb.  By now it may have occurred to the factions that purchased the Bidens’ assistance that the presidential ascension of the man they hired as a champion of their interests probably served as the green light for Putin to commence re-absorbing Ukraine back into the Motherland.

China too has lavished generous sums upon the Bidens, but their infiltration of his incompetent White House is probably one of their lower yielding inroads into American leadership and decision-making. Their tentacles are firmly wrapped around many key facets of the “free market” system they hold in barely disguised contempt. Areas such as banking, the academy, agriculture and medical technology are serving up to them almost everything they need in their push to replace the U.S. as the dominant world power.

The Bidens are a very minor holding in their vast American portfolio.

Can anyone blame the Bidens and their supporters for believing they can continue to put over this “illusion” of Joe’s good faith? In 2020, with the help of a corrupt DoJ, FBI, and even a member of Trump’s own cabinet, they hoodwinked millions into believing the fiction of quiet competence and transparent government that never quite appeared. While many still argue over whether Joe Biden received 81 million legitimate votes, it’s now indisputable that the electorate went to the polls severely misinformed about the nature of the eventual “winner.”

How many Americans have the moral courage to confront the fact that in their distaste for Donald Trump, they allowed themselves to be fooled, lied to, and horribly misled?

Casting aside that particular illusion may very well determine if the damage the Bidens have wrought is reversible.

Image: Gage Skidmore, via Flickr // CC BY-SA 2.0

Globalists Resurrect Roman Censor to Police Public Morals

One of the most powerful and prestigious offices in the ancient Roman Republic was the censor.  It was the censor's duty to conduct the census — an account of all the citizens and their properties, an appraisal of an individual Roman's qualifications for certain honors and ranks, and a division of the people into distinct social classes.  Having the authorities both to assess tax liability and noble rank made the two censors who shared this office inherently powerful.  For this reason, the patricians (the ruling class) originally precluded the plebeians (the commoners) from ever obtaining the office.  The ruling class was not keen on empowering a commoner to decide who is worthy of being a patrician!

Over time, this duty to conduct an official census expanded to include other substantial powers.  Having the sole authority to determine whether a Roman citizen qualified for distinguished ranks and to adjudicate whether that citizen had committed any social infractions rendering him unworthy of retaining those ranks, the censors became de facto wardens of the public morals (the regimen morum).  The jurisdiction to regulate proper Roman character and habits and to judge those Romans found wanting made censors both revered and feared.  They were known as castigatores (chastisers) for their power to create and enforce public opinion through their granting or withholding of noble rank.  They were, in other words, ancient Rome's original enforcers of "political correctness."  This authority to regulate both the public and private lives of Roman citizens gave rise to the modern meanings of "censor" and "censorship."

These immense powers to assess property, tax liability, qualification for noble rank, and general "political correctness" naturally established an additional power: the censors were responsible for administering Rome's finances and overseeing public works.  As custodians of the public morals and regulators of the public's taxes, the censors were given broad discretion to decide how to spend public money on roads, aqueducts, bridges, theaters, and temples.  They had a say over which Roman businessmen would be awarded lucrative contracts from the State and which kinds of laborers would benefit from new public works projects.  By controlling the flow of money and jobs, the censors could choose the "winners" and "losers" in the economy.

If these authoritarian powers sound remarkably familiar to Westerners today, that's because Western governments have fully embraced the role of the ancient Roman censors — dividing society into deserving and undeserving classes, promulgating and enforcing "woke" public morals, and engaging in partisan tax-and-spend policies that reward certain industries and workforces over others.  Just as with Rome's censors, our censors ostensibly work for the "public good."  Unlike many of the illustrious Roman censors from two and a half millennia ago, though, today's censors are not known for exhibiting exceptional character or honor.

It is also worth noting how our modern understanding of "censorship" derives from the magisterial duties to keep a record of rank, accumulated wealth, and tax liability.  Censors maintaining a public census naturally promote a kind of censorship.  When government officials are given the power to know what is in our bank accounts, they are given indirect power to influence what we say.  Just ask Nigel Farage or anyone else who has been "de-banked" because of his personal views.  Or look at how the U.S. government has rewarded the Internal Revenue Service with a hundred billion extra dollars and a hundred thousand extra agents to intimidate ordinary taxpayers, even after having been caught covering up Biden family corruption, leaking the personal information of conservative Americans, and "losing" the private data of millions of other taxpayers.  Those who control what we may own also control what we may think.  Or said another way, regulation of property rights invariably regulates life and liberty, too.

Western governments embrace widespread censorship today because they have gained tremendous leverage over our property.  They do not need to conduct a census or inspect our farms to determine the size of our homes or the numbers of our various livestock.  They simply conduct warrantless searches of our financial transactions, recorded debts, and digitized savings — while monitoring our movements and business activities.  They do not need to formally assess our qualification for certain honors.  They simply conduct warrantless searches of our phone calls, text messages, emails, and social media histories to determine whether we are "worthy" of receiving State-bestowed group privileges or social-credit-score-enabled ranks.  They do not need to chastise us for breaching "woke" public morals.  They simply "cancel" us from the online public square and deny us access to the digital infrastructure connecting the modern world.  Then, after seizing our savings through taxation, regulation, and currency manipulation, those same Western governments reward "green" industries with contracts to build wind and solar farms, while taxing traditional farms and hydrocarbon energy producers out of business.  

Until ordinary citizens reclaim control over their private property and wrest control of monetary currencies from overspending governments and their central bank enablers, censorship will only worsen.

Using the pretext of fighting COVID "misinformation," the European Union passed the Digital Services Act that empowers the EU Commission not only to censor websites owned and operated inside of Europe but also to quarantine "offending" speech from websites run outside of Europe.  In effect, European censors will determine what types of "disinformation," "hate speech," political dissent, and scientific arguments will be banned and what types of information from beyond Europe's borders ordinary citizens will be allowed to see.  Using the language of freedom while imposing the infrastructure of tyranny, the DSA induces fear over the "dangers" of free speech in order to punish "wrongthink."  Just to add some weight to the Iron Curtain descending around Europe once again, a German court has even sentenced one of its own judges for "ruling against the government's mask mandates."  How's that for silencing dissent?

The United Kingdom has the Online Safety Bill, so that it can regulate "truth" and punish "offenders" through the Orwellian Office of Communications.

As we saw with the Freedom Convoy protests against COVID insanity, Canada was quick to freeze truckers' bank accounts in its efforts to punish dissent.

The Biden administration has established an unconstitutional Disinformation Governance Board to act as a clearinghouse for permissible online speech.  Just as threatening to the free exchange of ideas and scientific debate, the National Institutes of Health has responded to pending litigation by only temporarily "pausing" a $154 million program intended to combat "medical misinformation" and establish "equitable health communication" — or, disrobed of its Marxist lingo, a program that would censor Americans for engaging in unapproved science.

In spite of three years of State-sanctioned lies surrounding the origin of COVID, its lethality, the efficacy of masks, the availability of over-the-counter treatments, and the safety of "vaccines," Australia has proposed a bill to combat "misinformation" and "disinformation" that would categorize all government-supplied information as unquestionably true.

What could possibly go wrong when the same people with the power to collect taxes are the ones who assert a monopoly over "truth"?  Propaganda and political persecution flourish.  Some of the worst inflation in the last century is simply relabeled as a "right-wing talking point."  Conservative attorneys are arrested for daring to fight against fraudulent elections.  The news media unabashedly regulate public morals by claiming that dissent against "woke" policies should be understood as "racist."  Distinguished psychologists such as Dr. Jordan Peterson are forced to undergo "reeducation" for their "politically incorrect" thoughts should they wish to retain their titles.  As one Norwegian learned the hard way, questioning the "science" behind COVID mandates can even land you in a psychiatric ward.  This is what the United Nations means by declaring war on "deadly disinformation."  

Two thousand years after their disappearance, Rome's powerful censors are back.  Western citizens must again consign them to history.

Image: Tom Hilton via FlickrCC BY 2.0.

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