Friday, October 27, 2023

HAMAS IN CONGRESS - Was Rashida Tlaib’s House run paid for using terrorist-tainted dollars?



The Democrats are now officially the party of Jew-hatred. This is largely due to the disastrous presidency of Barack Hussein Obama. PAMELA GELLER

Abunimah’s piece -- and Obama’s numerous anti-Semitic associations -- got little attention. Throughout his life Barack Obama has been close friends with numerous virulent anti-Semites: Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, Khalid al-Mansour, Rashid Khalidi and others.  PAMELA GELLER 

 “Of course, one of the main reasons the nation is now “divided, resentful and angry” is because race-baiting, Islamist, class warrior Barack Hussein Obama was president for eight long years." MATTHEW VADUM



Biden and Islamophobia

I was hoping against hope that Joe Biden would totally and irrevocably expose the evil of radical Islam in speaking of the dastardly Hamas attacks.

But once he asserted that “we must also, without equivocation, denounce Islamophobia” in bis October 2020 speech to the nation, it was patently clear that he had fallen into the clutches of those who would demand utter capitulation to Islamists and thus destroy free speech, and independent thinking.


CONFIRMED: Tlaib Founded a Pro-Terror Hate Group in Detroit in 2015

Black4Palestine [Black For Palestine] is a pro-terror, anti-American, anti-Israel activist group co-founded by U.S. Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib and Kristian Davis Bailey. It is based in Detroit and was established in 2015.

Was Rashida Tlaib’s House run paid for using terrorist-tainted dollars?

Rashida Tlaib has always made it clear that one of her most important issues as an American congresswoman is Arab-Palestinian nationalism—the flip side of which is Israel’s eradication. It turns out, though, that her support may go beyond her personal animus to Israel. It’s entirely possible that terrorists helped pay to put her in Congress.

Last year, the New York Times published a long, loving article about Tlaib’s devotion to the Palestinian cause. She is the daughter of Arab immigrants who identify as Palestinians. She has been open in her hatred for Israel and, with her support for the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, makes it clear that she wishes to see the nation destroyed.

Image: Rashida Tlaib (edited). YouTube screen grab.

That’s not hyperbole. In 2020, Tlaib retweeted “from the River to the Sea,” which is Hamas’s poetic way of saying that it intends to overrun Israel and erase the Jews. We saw on October 7 exactly what that looks like.

When Tlaib was elected to Congress, she didn’t waive the American flag. With her mother’s help, she literally draped herself in the flag of Hamas and the PLO:

Tlaib even wore a traditional Arab costume for her swearing-in.

In the halls of the Capitol building, Tlaib has given the flag that Arab terrorists have adopted pride of place, on equal footing with the American flag:

As an aside, her flag placement violates every protocol associated with displaying the American flag along with other flags.

In the spring, Tlaib tried to use the U.S. Capitol to host an event attacking Israel, a U.S. ally. Then-Speaker Kevin McCarthy put a stop to that. Most recently, following Hamas’s incursion into Israel, during which it tortured and murdered over 1,400 Israeli civilians—and did so with great pleasure and fanfare—Tlaib, powered by lies, led a protest in D.C., an activity that perfectly matches the leftist definition of an insurrection.

In the world of hyphenated Americans, Tlaib is super-hyphenated, with every crazed leftist value (open borders, transgenderism, anti-police mania) tied into her fanatic devotion to the “Palestinian cause” and her efforts to end Israel’s existence.

The big question now is whether, in addition to leading insurrections, Rashida Tlaib has been gathering funds from terrorist organizers to pay for her career in Congress.

Since 1997, Hamas has been a designated foreign terrorist organization. According to in-depth research by the Canary Mission, Tlaib “has extensive fundraising ties to Hamas supporters.” Thus, “Canary Mission can confirm that at least three Hamas-linked activists fundraised for Tlaib during her 2018 Congressional campaign: Salah Sarsour, Rafeeq Jaber and Abdelbaset Hamayel.”

Tlaib also “used a pro-terror FB page for 2018 election fundraising.” This shouldn’t be a surprise because Tlaib worked with terrorists before running for the House:

CONFIRMED: Tlaib Founded a Pro-Terror Hate Group in Detroit in 2015

Black4Palestine [Black For Palestine] is a pro-terror, anti-American, anti-Israel activist group co-founded by U.S. Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib and Kristian Davis Bailey. It is based in Detroit and was established in 2015.

The whole Canary Mission essay is interesting because it has chapter and verse about Tlaib’s virulent hatred for Israel. The big question now, though, is whether terrorist money was used to elect her to Congress. That suggests that she isn’t just emotionally devoted to the so-called “Palestinian cause,” over and above her loyalty to America, but that her hatred is funded by terrorist dollars.

Biden and Islamophobia

I was hoping against hope that Joe Biden would totally and irrevocably expose the evil of radical Islam in speaking of the dastardly Hamas attacks.

But once he asserted that “we must also, without equivocation, denounce Islamophobia” in bis October 2020 speech to the nation, it was patently clear that he had fallen into the clutches of those who would demand utter capitulation to Islamists and thus destroy free speech, and independent thinking.

Islamists would assert that "Islamophobia is “an allegedly irrational fear of losing life or liberty to Islamic rule merely because the laws, sacred texts, and traditional practices of Islam demand the submission of culture, politics, religion and social expression. But, in the real world, it is a product of rational observation.”

After all “[a]n ideology that has as its stated goal to put the entire world under its eternal rule, by force if necessary, and to kill those who stand in its way, criticize it or leave it, is genuinely dangerous. Having some healthy doses of fear and skepticism of such a force is perfectly rational.”

As explains that:

To obscure the fact that the same problems and reactions follow Islam into every country, no matter how tolerant, a word has been invented to suppress any assessment or criticism of Islam. 

Consider that Hinduism is different in almost every way from every other major world religion, but no one is accused of having Hinduphobia. 

In fact, Islam is the only religion that requires a pretend word to protect against critical inquiry.  The sole purpose of ‘Islamophobia’ is to conflate ideological truth with anti-Muslim bigotry.  The irony is that of all religions, the tenets of Islam are the least tolerant and most hostile toward the others.

Sadly, “[i]t appears that the inventors and purveyors of ‘Islamophobia’ have succeeded beyond their dreams in silencing criticism of Islam.  In fact, those who would criticize Islam include such Islamophobes as

ChristiansSikhs and Jews who don’t want to be forced into a political system that treats them as third-class citizens  (Islamic teaching).

Atheists who want the freedom to live openly and challenge religious orthodoxy in the public sphere (Islamic teaching).

Women who don’t want to be draped in black bags (Islamic teaching).

Heterosexual males who prefer not to see women draped in black bags (Islamic teaching).
Wives who don't want to be beaten (Islamic teaching).

Drinkers  (Islamic teaching).

Artists and art lovers (Islamic teaching).

Historians who don’t want to see priceless manuscripts and books burned just because they disagree with the Quran.

Homosexuals who don’t want to be beaten to death or thrown from a building (Islamic teaching).

Anyone else who believes that consenting adults should not be killed or tortured over sexual practices (Islamic teaching).

Dog lovers (Islamic teaching).

Animal Rights activists and anyone else who is opposed to the cruel and unethical treatment of animals (Islamic teaching).

Mothers who don’t want their daughters killed over a man’s ‘honor’ (Islamic teaching).

Intellectuals who value freedom of conscience and public dissent (Islamic teaching).

Anyone believing that the value of a person's life is not determined by their religious beliefs (Islamic teaching).

Feminists who believe that women should not be made subordinate to men by a religion which openly insists that females are the intellectual and legal inferior of males (Islamic teaching).

Anyone else who objects to a religion in which a woman’s identity is defined by her relationship to a man (Islamic teaching).

Secularists who believe in the separation of government and religion (Islamic teaching)

The left-handed (Islamic teaching).

Liberals who don’t believe that culture and moral values should be established by a state-sponsored religion (Get past The Religion Barrier).

Conservatives who believe in preserving the Western heritage responsible for the civil freedom, political liberty and economic success which has attracted the flood of immigrants from Muslim nations, where such values are conspicuously lacking (Islamic teaching).

Muslims who would like the freedom to leave Islam (Islamic teaching). 

Consequently, it truly isn’t Islamophobia when they really are trying to kill you. Why didn’t Biden just recite Hamas’ beliefs in their own words?

So when Biden equates Islamophobia with anti-Semitisim, he is aiding the very enemy which despises Jews and wants to exterminate them.  He is acting as the agent for those who loathe freedom. Antisemitism is a calculated ideology of hatred for the Jews.  Islamophobia is an artificial term created to hide the genuine fear of a brutal social system.

In 2017, Ed Brodow explained

The effort to defend against Islamic terrorism has been cut off at the knees by a thought crime known as Islamophobia: a dislike of, criticism of, or prejudice against Islam or Muslims.

Author and activist Pamela Geller, explains that Islamists ‘consider any critical examination of Islam to be blasphemous and subject to the death penalty.’ The term Islamophobia was invented in the 1990s by a front group of the Muslim Brotherhood in order to export Islamic blasphemy laws to the West.

In fact, Muslim writer Abdur-Rahman Muhammad reveals the original intent behind the concept: ‘This loathsome term is nothing more than a thought-terminating clichĂ© conceived in the bowels of Muslim think tanks for the purpose of beating down critics.’

Islamophobia is classic political correctness. You don’t have to deal with the substance of arguments against Islamic extremism. All you have to do is label critics a cluster of ‘Islamophobes.’ If this lie prevails, we become infinitely more vulnerable to terrorism and the negative impact of Islam because we are afraid to talk about them. As a manipulation, it has been highly effective.

In the US, the thrust of the Islamophobia strategy is to (a) accuse Americans of harboring a deep prejudice against Muslims, (b) convince the public that, as a result, Muslims are disproportionately targeted by perpetrators of hate crimes and acts of discrimination, and (c) suppress any and all criticism of Islam and Muslims.

In 2011 Martin Peretz explained that “[a]t the end of the 1970s, Iranian fundamentalists invented the term ‘Islamophobia’ formed in analogy to ‘xenophobia.’ The aim of this word was to declare Islam inviolate. Whoever crosses this border is deemed a racist.

...The term ‘Islamophobia’ serves a number of functions: it denies the reality of an Islamic offensive in Europe all the better to justify it; it attacks secularism by equating it with fundamentalism. Above all, however, it wants to silence all those Muslims who question the Koran, who demand equality of the sexes, who claim the right to renounce religion, and who want to practice their faith freely and without submitting to the dictates of the bearded and doctrinaire.

Islamophobia—that is, the word itself—is meant to silence you.

At Focus on Western Islamism, author Soeren Kern reveals that Islamists are deliberately exaggerating discrimination against Muslims in the West to silence critics. In essence, “[t]he main objective is to smash any criticism of Islamism [.]” Here are some examples of what is considered Islamophobic. See Report.

In Finland, the European Islamophobia Report (EIR) claims it is ‘Islamophobic’ for students to be required ‘to speak only Finnish at school.’

The country report for France was authored by a UK-based specialist on ‘spatialized Islamophobia’ who ‘focuses on the omnipresence of Islamophobia across spatial scales.’ She asserts’that it was ‘Islamophobic’ for President Emmanuel Macron — whom the EIR brands as ‘the world leader of Islamophobia’ — to initiate a crackdown on political Islam, which seeks to replace the liberal democratic order with a new political system based on Islam and the Qur’an.

In Greece, the European Islamophobia Report [EIR] contends that it was ‘Islamophobic’ for the government to publicly state that ‘slaughtering animals without anaesthetizing them is unconstitutional and should be forbidden.’

Consequently, “[l]ike the previous seven annual editions of the EIR, the 2022 edition does not provide a precise definition of ‘Islamophobia.’ Instead, it promotes a highly subjective and expansive notion of ‘Islamophobia’ — a notion that falsely views any perceived slight as proof positive of pervasive Muslim persecution and victimhood in Europe.”

The “EIR is replete with pseudo-scientific terminology such as ‘subliminal Islamophobia,’ ‘internalized Islamophobia,’ ‘contemporary Islamophobia,’ ‘institutionalized Islamophobia,’ ‘state Islamophobia,’ and ‘undirect [sic] Islamophobia.’ It warns of ‘systematic signaling of Islamophobia,’ ‘systemic Islamophobic practices,’ and “potentially Islamophobic situations.”

How can we defeat the enemy when we so easily fall prey to their word salads, lies, and deceptive manipulations?

Eileen can be contacted at

Report: New York Jews Warned to Avoid Pro-Palestinian Protest Near Famous Jewish Neighborhood

Orthodox Jewish men walks in the Brooklyn neighborhood of Crown Heights on February 27, 2019 in New York. - Residents of Crown Heights, a diverse New York neighborhood far from Manhattan's skyscrapers, are trying to understand a spate of anti-Semitic attacks that has brought back painful memories. In recent months, …
Angela Weiss/AFP/Getty Images

Jews were urged to avoid a pro-Palestinian protest scheduled for Saturday afternoon near Crown Heights, Brooklyn–a neighborhood with a significant Hasidic Jewish population and the location of Chabad-Lubavitch’s headquarters–according to a report.

“Jews should definitely avoid the area,” an unnamed “security source” said in an interview with COLlive. “There’s no intel at this time in which direction the protest will head. Locals should definitely stay away from Eastern Parkway in that area.”

“In addition, there is a Veteran’s Parade scheduled to march on Eastern Parkway on Saturday morning from Bedford Avenue until Grand Army Plaza,” the article’s source added.

The protest, which is being dubbed “Flood Brooklyn For Gaza,” is slated for 3:00 PM at the Brooklyn Museum in Crown Heights. The event, which falls on Shabbat–the Jewish day of rest–is expected to attract hundreds of Palestinian supporters. Such protests have taken place around the world in support of Gaza in the wake of Hamas’s shocking terror attack on Israel, which left 1,300 dead. Additionally, over 100 Israelis were also kidnapped to Gaza — including women, children, and the elderly.

Chabad on Campus is said to be holding an event in Crown Heights on Saturday, as well.

The New York Police Department (NYPD) is said to be bolstering police presence in the area over the weekend.

“We are aware of plans to hold a demonstration in front of the Brooklyn Museum on Shabbos at 3 p.m.,” Rabbi Yaacov Behrman of Jewish Future Alliance told COLlive.

“Many people have expressed concerns regarding both safety and the potential trauma to our children. We have been in communication with the NYPD, and they have assured us that there are no intentions to march towards 770 or in this direction,” Behrman added. “They are fully committed to taking all necessary measures to prevent any such occurrence. Additionally, there will be a significant police presence in place to safeguard the community.”

The protest in Brooklyn will be the latest demonstration against Israel. The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) held a rally in Times Square in support of the Palestinian terror group Hamas following its terror attack on the Jewish state.

In one instance, a demonstrator was seen holding up a swastika in an attempt to mock pro-Israel counter-protesters.

Last Friday, the NYPD directed all officers to report for duty in uniform because Hamas called for a global “Day of Jihad.”

Some Jewish schools chose not to open that day, citing advice received from security firms they employ.

“This isn’t about Israel — it’s about Jews. And that’s what’s so horrifying,” one parent recently told the New York Post.


Iranian Foreign Minister Arrives in New York, Praises Hamas as Legitimate ‘Resistance Group’

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian listens to a question in a joint press conference with his Syrian counterpart Faisal Mekdad in Tehran, Iran, Monday, July 31, 2023. (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi)
AP Photo/Vahid Salemi

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian arrived in New York on Thursday to attend a session of the U.N. General Assembly.

Amirabdollahian praised the terrorists of Hamas as a lawful and legitimate “resistance group” to reporters and delivered a belligerent speech to the U.N., threatening dire consequences for the United States and Israel if the Israelis continue their assault on Hamas in Gaza.

WATCH — Fearful Pro-Israel Students Allegedly Stuck in Library Surrounded by Angry Pro-Palestinian Mob:

Before leaving for New York, Amirabdollahian saluted the Hamas terrorists and proclaimed, “Resistance in the region is a reality.”

Amirabdollahian accused Israel of “retreating from the battlefield and targeting civilians,” as if Hamas had challenged the Israelis to a joust rather than launching a horrific surprise attack against innocent women and children.

“The continued killing of civilians by the Zionists narrows the space for the forces of resistance in Palestine and the region,” he complained.

Amirabdollahian told reporters outside U.N. headquarters that Hamas has the right under “international law” to perpetrate whatever atrocities it desires because it is a “liberation movement” whose territory has been “occupied” by Israel.

“Therefore, whatever concerning the action of the resistance groups and Palestinian liberation groups in confronting the occupation is completely rooted in international law and the United Nations Charter,” he said.

WATCH — Pro-Palestinian Protesters Occupy Federal Office Building on Capitol Hill:

IfNotNow via Storyful

Amirabdollahian boasted that Iran was instrumental in blocking U.S.-backed United Nations resolutions on Wednesday that would have condemned Hamas for the unspeakable murders, rapes, and kidnappings it perpetrated against 1,400 Israelis on October 7. He claimed Iran collaborated with Russia and China to block the resolutions because they did not meet Tehran’s objectives for “securing stability, security, and peace.”

“What matters to us is the immediate cessation of war crimes and genocide against the civilians in Gaza and the West Bank, the immediate and extensive dispatch of humanitarian aid, and stopping the forced displacement of Gaza residents, which can be included in the text of any resolution,” he said.

Amirabdollahian went on to deliver a menacing address to the U.N. in which he said the United States will suffer if Israel continues its operation in Gaza.

“I say frankly to the American statesmen, who are now managing the genocide in Palestine, that we do not welcome expansion of the war in the region. But if the genocide in Gaza continues, they will not be spared from this fire,” he declared.

Amirabdollahian claimed the Hamas terrorists told their patrons in Iran they are ready to release some of the 220-plus hostages they kidnapped on October 7 – but the Iranian foreign minister said they should hold out until the world community presses for Israel to release 6,000 Palestinian prisoners in exchange.

WATCH — Dem Rep. Meeks: Attacks on Troops Seem to Be Escalating Even with Biden Working to Deter Iran:

“The Islamic Republic of Iran stands ready to play its part in this very important humanitarian endeavor, along with Qatar and Turkey. Naturally, the release of the 6,000 Palestinian prisoners is another necessity and responsibility of the global community,” he said.

Amirabdollahian will reportedly meet with U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres before the U.N. General Assembly votes Friday on a resolution to demand a ceasefire in Gaza. 

Guterres himself is under fire for comments on Wednesday that suggested the Hamas sneak attack was justified by Palestinian grievances against Israel, a position he strove mightily to “clarify” after Israel called for his resignation and denounced his remarks as a “disgrace” to his office.

On Wednesday, Israel’s U.N. ambassador Gilad Erdan said he would no longer meet with Guterres. He announced that Israel will stop issuing visas to U.N. officials to “teach them a lesson.”

The Palestinian delegation to the U.N. meanwhile praised Guterres for his comments and promised to defend him against “ridiculous attacks.”

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