Monday, November 27, 2023




JOE BIDEN is known as a serial liar, a "public servant" who has somehow managed to accrue tremendous wealthwho has somehow managed to accrue tremendous wealth, a race-baiting opportunist, Catholic-in-name-only, and a bought-and-paid-for politician in bed with criminal cartels and foreign foes.  In another era, Joe Biden would have been run out of his country much the same way Benedict Arnold was two and a half centuries ago; in an era when integrity, honor, fortitude, fidelity, and grit have been jettisoned for immorality, unscrupulousness, weakness, betrayal, and craven pliability, however, he is elevated to king sleazeball in a city drowning in sleaze. JB SHURK

Report: RNC Donations Hit 8-Year Low

Ronna McDaniel, the GOP chairwoman, speaks during the Republican National Committee winter meeting Friday, Feb. 4, 2022, in Salt Lake City. Republican Party officials voted to punish GOP Reps. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger for their roles on the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection and advanced a rule …
AP Photo/Rick Bowmer

Donations to the Republican National Committee (RNC) have hit an eight-year low, sources told the Washington Post on Monday.

The diminished donations raise concerns about whether or not RNC leadership is properly aligned with the party’s grassroots to counter an unpopular Democrat president seeking reelection.

RELATED VIDEO — RNC Chair McDaniel: We Will Support Trump as GOP Nominee if He Is a Convicted Criminal:

Ten people familiar with the matter told the Post that big donors and small donors are not giving as much money to the RNC as they have in the past.

The RNC raised the lowest amount of money since former President Trump arose as the leader of the GOP, the Post reported:

  • The Republican National Committee disclosed that it had $9.1 million in cash on hand as of Oct. 30, the lowest amount for the RNC in any Federal Election Commission report since February 2015.
  • That compares with about $20 million at the same point in the 2016 election cycle and about $61 million four years ago, when Trump was in the White House.
  • The Democratic National Committee reported having $17.7 million as of Oct. 30, almost twice as much as the Republican Party, with one year before the election.

“I think there’s more donors just fully committed to their candidate right now, saying I am all in, and once the nominee is set, I’ll be there. That’s what I hear more than anything. And they’re really solidly in the camps of their candidate, which is normal,” RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel told the Post. “There’s nothing unusual about this, because they know that once their candidate gets in that we will merge and that we’ll be working together to win the White House.”

RELATED VIDEO — Vivek Slams RNC for Picking NBC for Debate, Calls for McDaniel’s Resignation: “Party of Losers”:

NBC News

Though many grassroots donations are directed away from the RNC and toward the Trump campaign and his many legal battles, some Republicans counter McDaniel’s claims of normalcy with strong arguments:

  • Election defeats: Some Republicans doubt the RNC’s effectiveness after several recent election defeats.
  • Periodic reports of financial mismanagement: Greedy grifting by high ranking RNC aides.

The disconnect appeared on display when GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy ripped McDaniel during the November 8 GOP debate for picking NBC News as the third debate network host.

“Since Ronna McDaniel took over as chairwoman of the RNC in 2017, we have lost in 2018, 2020, 2022. No red wave ever came. We got trounced last night in 2023. And I think that we have to have accountability in our party,” he said.

Follow Wendell Husebø on “X” @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.



The public may not instinctively embrace a wealthy capitalist like Romney but there’s no reason to assume that Americans can more comfortably rely on a major political party of the lawyers, by the lawyers, and for the lawyers.

The Democrat Party Hates America

Mark Levin’s new book answers, “Why is this happening to our country?”

As the 2024 presidential candidates jostle for position and their campaigns gather (or lose) momentum, it’s instructive to review the accomplishments of the incumbent Democrat Party to ask ourselves, as Ronald Reagan once urged us to: Are Americans better off than we were four years ago?

Under the administration of figurehead President Joe Biden, Democrats have waged an economic blitzkrieg of crushing inflation and astronomical gas prices designed to crush the middle class and grow state power. They have instituted pro-crime policies that create lawless urban war zones and drive businesses out of inner cities. They have thrown open our southern border and facilitated a tsunami of unvetted, illegal migrants bussed and flown all over the nation. They have allowed rampant homelessness and a flood of fentanyl to ravage our cities. They have exacerbated racial tensions by stoking anti-white racism and backing ideological subversion like Critical Race Theory in our schools and DEI policies in every human resources department. They have alienated our allies by putting LGBTQ demands at the very center of our foreign policy goals. They have pursued a full-frontal assault on our constitutional freedoms, including weaponizing federal agencies against political enemies like concerned parents at school board meetings. And they have empowered our enemies through tepid leadership, military debacles like the exit from Afghanistan, the funding of the nuclear ambitions of the Islamic terror regime in Iran, and bending the knee to the Chinese Communist Party.

The conclusion any neutral observer would have to draw about the state of the union since Donald Trump’s exit from the White House is that, as bestselling author and talk radio superstar Mark Levin put it in the title of his newest book, The Democrat Party Hates America.

“The Great One” Levin is the author of the previous books American MarxismLiberty & Tyranny, and many others in which he, like David Horowitz, has established himself as a modern-day Thomas Paine, broadcasting a rallying cry to save our country from the predations of the radical Left. In his latest work, from Simon & Schuster’s Threshold imprint, he devotes eight profound chapters to exploring various aspects of the Left’s assault on the America we know and love: their authoritarianism, anti-black racism and anti-Semitism, anti-white racism, language and thought control, Stalin-like attacks on political opponents, and wars on our families, our citizens, and our constitution.

“People ask me all the time,” Levin writes, “‘Why is this happening to our country? Don’t these Democrat politicians and their friends care about our country?’”:

The answer is power. The power to rule over the citizenry and remake not just society but mankind into the kind of image that these would-be masterminds prefer and demand. In other words, they do not share our values, beliefs, and principles. They have a totalitarian mind-set. This means the party must come before country, as the party is the means by which the country is to be conquered from within and ultimately ruled.

“Unlike the Republican Party, the Democrat Party is more than a political party,” Levin notes in the book’s epilogue. “It is the state party. It seeks to monopolize the political system, the culture, government, and society.” Thus,

the Democrat Party single-handedly builds permanent centers of power, including in the vast federal bureaucracy, subsidized nongovernment organizations, lifetime activist judges, tenured professors and teachers, Party members in the media, etc. The Democrat party uses the culture and politics to empower itself and its agenda…

Consequently, over time, it becomes increasingly difficult to reverse the Democrat Party’s political and cultural damage.

Indeed it does, and the feckless, “flat-footed” Republican Party, by contrast, “fails in its most important mission: to defend the American people from a Democrat party that literally hates the country and is destroying it from within.”

Levin begins by explaining how the “political chameleon and intellectual lightweight” Biden is following in Barack Obama’s Marxist footsteps by “fundamentally transforming” our republic through an authoritarian, monopoly party that is eviscerating the Constitution and targeting its political opponents. The Great One then proceeds to dissect the various ways, as listed above, in which this fundamental transformation is being carried out.

As a constitutional scholar, Levin is at his best in the chapter on “War on the Constitution,” as you might expect. But he also shines in the chapter on “War on the Nuclear Family,” where he examines the Biden administration’s obsession with pushing gender theory, abortion without restrictions, and the indoctrination of our youth in schools and the culture. Ditto in the short chapter “Stalin Would Be Proud,” in which he writes, “The Democrat Party long ago abandoned comity and civility for character assassination and the iron fist, a fact that establishment Republicans have difficulty grasping.”

Those highlights aside, Levin infuses every chapter – indeed, every page – with the razor-sharp, intelligently written insights and wit his listeners and readers expect from him.

“As I spent more than a year researching and writing this book,” Levin writes,

it became obvious to me that the Democrat party is a treacherous political organization dating back to its founding; that its obsession is with self-empowerment and societal control; that it has never embraced Americanism; and that it is the entity through which, and in coordination with, American Marxism (self-described “Progressivism” and “democratic socialism”) intends to impose its top-down revolution.

America is unraveling, Levin writes, adding, “It is my deepest hope that this book, like a Thomas Paine pamphlet to the early colonists, will help alert our fellow citizens to the existential threat and rally them peacefully to the cause before darkness descends on the Republic.”

He can’t be accused of not getting the word out. Featuring over 50 pages of endnotes documenting his argument, Levin’s new book went straight to the top of the New York Times bestseller list for hardcover nonfiction upon its release in late September. It was his 8th straight book to hit the shelves at number one – no mean feat for any political writer, much less a conservative one on the leftist news outlet’s coveted listing, which notoriously discriminates against books by conservative authors.

Mark Levin concludes his essential new book with this sobering message: “The Democrat Party stands for the relentless pursuit of power and control. America was founded on the principle of individual and human liberty and the dispersion of political and governmental power… If the Democrat party succeeds, the American experiment will have failed.”

That would be a civilizational tragedy that we and the rest of the free world cannot afford. Today’s far-Left Democrat Party likes to crow that they are on the right side of history; The Democrat Party Hates America is Levin’s call for American patriots to ensure, instead, that the Democrats’ Marxist agenda is consigned to the dustbin of history once and for all.

Follow Mark Tapson at Culture Warrior

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Mark Tapson

Mark Tapson is the Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, focusing on popular culture. He is also the host of an original podcast on Frontpage, “The Right Take With Mark Tapson”. Follow him on Substack.

Reader Interactions

MOST CORRUPT IV: President Barrack Obama - Forgotten History

 Peter Schweizer, author of “Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends,”

For George Soros it was about control to gain influence, access, and special treatment.  After the election Biden formed a transition team that staffed itself with people connected to Soros.

But his money also played a part.  Soros spent over $70 million on activities that backed Biden's candidacy.  Soros bought frequent access to Obama.  That access returned under Biden.  Biden's Kampf

“Obama would declare himself president for life with Soros really running the show, as he did for the entire Obama presidency.”


George Soros Donates $125 Million to Democrats Before November Midterms 


Those are the subliterate, low-skill, non-English-speaking indigents whose own societies are unable or unwilling to usefully educate and employ them. Bring these people here and they not only need a lot of services, they are putty in the hands of leftist demogogues as Hugo Chavez demonstrated - and they are very useful as leftist voters who will support the Soros agenda.


Records: Son of Billionaire Democrat Donor George

Soros Has Visited the White House 14 Times

‘Breaking Biden’ Author: ‘Biden Crime Family’ Would Be in ‘Handcuffs’ if U.S. Had a ‘Responsible Department of Justice’

Alana Mastrangelo

Breitbart Editor-in-Chief and New York Times bestselling Breaking Biden author Alex Marlow told YouTuber Stephen Gardner the Bidens would be in “handcuffs” if the United States “had a responsible Department of Justice.”


“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation  (TWO GAMER LAWYERS - OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS) (WHAT ABOUT THE CHINA BIDEN PENN CENTER?)  and the Obama (TWO GAMER LAWYERS - OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS) book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family (FOUR GAMER LAWYERS - JOE, HUNTER, JAMES, FRANK - OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS AND LARRY FINK OF BLACKROCK)  corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren (GAMER LAWYER) and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (ADD GAMER LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS (WANTS TO BE OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS) AND HER LAWYER HUSBAND AND THE BANKSTERS’ RENT BOY, LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER, OWNED BY LARRY FINK OF BLACKROCK WHO OWNS A BIG PIECE OF THE ‘BIG GUY’ JOE, AND GEORGE SOROS’ RENT BOY (GAMER LAWYER) TONY BLINKEN, AS WELL AS CON MAN (GAMER LAWYER) ADAM SHIFF) AND HIS CORRUPTNESS (GAMER LAWYER) BOB MENENDEZ STILL EVADING PRISON.



Breaking Biden’ Author—Meet Jim Biden: Nightclub Owner, International Business Mogul, Joe’s Bagman

Seemingly his entire life, Joe Biden’s brother James “Jim” Biden has benefitted from his brother’s political status. At various moments, he has been a campaign finance maven, a nightclub owner, and a hedge fund mastermind. Jim appears to be a man who wears many hats; but in actuality, he only wears one: Joe Biden’s brother.


Who is Pulling the Puppet Strings?

By Allan J. Feifer

The Nazi rise to power was an aberration in world history. 

Or was it? 

Based on recent events, is it impossible to believe we could be re-living 1938 Germany's past?  Could we see another Kristallnacht occur in America at any moment?  Our country is visibly in freefall, with no leader willing to unequivocally call out the evil that is Hamas and its puppetmaster, Iran.  The lunatics are running our asylum, and they hold immense sway.

No, I'm not talking about the titular head of our country, President Biden, either.  He is a figurehead, no longer capable of deep thought, if ever before.  If Biden ever had any 'seichel' (wit or intelligence), it's been too long since he's shown any.  For a minute, forget about recent polling creating shockwaves running through Democrat circles.  You are left to believe the country is firmly in a box of its own making.

But let's leave Biden recharging in his Rehoboth Beach home and talk political realism.  Outsiders are hard-pressed to name anyone who influences Biden's actions.  Listen to a daily briefing with White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, which displays three recurring themes:

1. Constant reformation of the President's comments.  "What the President meant was…"

2. "I would refer you to "X" for additional comments."

3. An ever-growing hostility to reporters who "push" beyond Jean-Pierre's scripted verbiage as delivered straight from her notebook. 

This president's administration, supposedly the most transparent of all time, is perhaps the least forthcoming in a generation.  None other than CNN states: "Failed to act on a number of transparency issues.  Worse, the administration embraces its predecessors' opaque and undemocratic policies."  If the Biden administration is the keeper of light and truth, why does it exhibit such a cloistered, closed administration?  Perhaps Biden is trying to hold his party together in the face of complex and contrary crosscurrents endlessly battering him. 

Because the Biden administration is untruthful on so many issues, one is left to puzzle over what at first appears to be either schizophrenic or just patently wrong decision-making followed by equally inappropriate actions. 

The following issues are the foundational issues backed and supported by Biden, despite what recent narratives or statements to the contrary made that infer something different.

1. First, he was 100% in support of Israel.  Now, he wants to give Israel the benefit of his experience in how to fight terrorists.

2. Trillions spent electrifying everything in sight and demagoguing anyone who stands up and says, "Joe!  We don't want electric cars, stoves, or aircraft or having to eat less meat to appease your supporters whose endgame is to control our lives."

3. Watching millions of illegal aliens admitted to the heartland, unvetted, unable to take care of themselves, and some here to do us physical harm or undermine our republic.

4. Inflation is allowed to ravage middle-class people, making our savings worth far less.

5. Woke-ism and racism have our country divided over endless pseudo issues that hide the critical issues.  Instead, we see either inaction or the worst possible outcomes.

It's the lies that should worry us the most.  Bidenomics is eye candy designed to take in the gullible, the uninformed, and those who believe in a better tomorrow based on loving Big Brother.  The statistics, like labor growth, are fundamentally deceiving.  What's been consistently growing is the number of people working for the government.  The latest figures tell the truth: the government is the leading growth sector in report after report.

You have been lied to, not once, but repeatedly, with millions lapping it up.

But exactly who is lying to us?  Some obvious and perennial actors include politicians, special interest groups, big business, foreign interests, and the vast and unaccountable thousands in our mammoth bureaucracies.  It's likely not a conspiracy, but there must be more than the usual suspects.  Since Obama, we have been entirely off the rails.  We've been Slouching Towards Gomorrah for a very long time.  Sure, there's Iran, Russia, China, and others that seek to destabilize and/or take advantage of us in our distress.   But even that isn't the reason we seek.

The honest answer is the worst because it is us, just as Pogo warned when he said, "We have met the enemy, and it is us!"  We've become believers in the "Prison of Two Ideas."  As Greg Gutfeld of Fox's "The Fives" describes it, "They set up an issue as having only two positions -- you're either for or against "X" -- and then place you on the side that sounds most evil." 

Too many of us retreat into default positions instead of insisting on logic and truth.  This leads us to the most malign contrivance of all: forgetting that truth matters.  Without truth, we can be controlled in every way.  Are we just building another box of our own making?  Whoever is pulling the strings, perhaps President Obama, George Soros, or other partisans, they are wearing down our country and the requisite psychic energy necessary to fight back. 

As much as I want to see Biden as the face of the destroyers, I can't.  He's a symptom, not a cause, which makes me wonder about the next person in line if not Biden.  Will he be just as bad?  Will we just be building another box?  Who can we trust with the running of our country, and who will be faithful to our Constitution and the Founders' intent?  In America's Democrat party today, who is happy?  Certainly not the rank and file.  Many Democrats have read the tea leaves and want someone else to run.

So what about the next person in line?  Will he or she be just as bad?  Who can we trust with the running of our country, and who will be faithful to our Constitution and the Founders' intent? 

Right now, as imperfect as former President Trump may be, he's the only one that we have a prayer of electing and who will stand up to the forces that try to destroy us.  Even if he becomes a convicted felon as he will likely be if his haters get their way, I'd vote for Trump again.  If he is to be kept in jail and prohibited from governing, I'll be one of the millions demanding his return.

God Bless America.

Allan J. Feifer is a patriot, author, businessman, thinker, and strategist.  Read more about Allan, his background, and his ideas to create a better tomorrow at

His (BILLARY CLINTON) wife is equally and personally devious and corrupt; she had the fake “dossier” concocted she was certain would take Trump out of the running for president in 2016.  Hillary used her position as Secretary of State to rake in millions of  dollars to her phony Clinton Foundation, much of that money from other nations that sought to benefit from her largesse when President.  PATRICIA McCARTHY


How Democrats Get Filthy Rich

Plaintiffs in Google settlement get $95 each, lawyers pocket $35 million


Andrew Stiles

What happened: A bunch of Democratic lawyers are getting rich after settling a class action lawsuit against Google.


•  The plaintiffs in the case, Illinois residents who can prove Google violated their privacy rights between 2015 and 2022, will receive about $95 each.


• Their lawyers will receive $35 million in fees.


Why it matters: The lawyers who worked on the Google case are Democratic donors, obviously. Lawyers love Democrats because Democrats favor policies that inevitably require the involvement of lots of highly compensated lawyers.


• Lawyers and law firms donated $254 million to Democrats during the 2020 election cycle, more than four times the amount they gave Republicans. That's a quarter of a billion dollars.


By the numbers: Collectively, the named attorneys have contributed thousands of dollars to Democratic candidates and committees over the years, and $500 to Mitt Romney in 2012, according to a Washington Free Beacon analysis.


• Tina Wolfson, Adhoot & Wolfson — donated more than $13,000 to Democratic candidates since 2016.


• Theodore Maya, Adhoot & Wolfson — donated to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.


• Frank Hedin, Hedin Hall LLP — donated more than $11,000 to Democratic candidates and committees since 2020, including $2,800 to Joe Biden's presidential campaign.


• Scott Bursor, Bursor & Fischer — donated more than $12,000 to Democratic candidates since 2011.



• Katrina Carroll and Kyle Shamberg, Lynch Carpenter LLP — each gave $2,900 to Sen. John Fetterman (D., Pa.) in August 2022, after his stroke.


Bottom line: Lawyers are the worst. If you like them and think they should have more money, vote for Democrats.



Published under: Democratic Donors , Democratic Party , Democrats , Illinois , Lawsuit



Lawyers and Their Rule-Loving Views Dominate the Democratic Party


Democrats fancy themselves protectors of the downtrodden, but they mostly advance the interests of the legal profession, writes Michael Medved.


Michael Medved


Updated Jul. 13, 2017 11:53PM EDT / Published Sep. 06, 2012 4:45AM EDT 


Mark Wilson / Getty Images

The Democrats gathering in Charlotte would love to cast themselves as the party of working people, or of struggling middle-class families, or of aggrieved and downtrodden Americans in every corner of the economy. In presidential politics, however, a more accurate designation would identify the Dems as the party of lawyers: with the re-nomination of Obama and Biden, all six available spots on the last three national tickets have gone to working attorneys.


Reaching all the way back to 1980, 14 of 18 Democratic nominations for president and vice president went to members of the bar. The domination of party leadership by the legal profession would have looked even more lopsided had Al Gore managed to complete his studies at Vanderbilt Law School before capturing (at age 28) the congressional seat once held by his lawyer father. Gore’s mother also worked as a powerful attorney, serving as managing partner of a major Washington firm after her husband, Al Gore Sr., lost a reelection bid to the U.S. Senate in 1970.

Through nine consecutive presidential elections, this means that only one Democratic nominee for president or vice president—peanut farmer and Navy officer Jimmy Carter—never attended law school, nor enjoyed deep familial connections to the legal profession.

Those familial connections have also extended to spouses of the Democratic nominees. Michelle Obama, who delivered a rapturously received address to the Charlotte convention, was of course a lavishly successful corporate attorney before she moved into the White House, as was the last Democratic First Lady, Hillary Clinton. Vice presidential nominee John Edwards met his wife, the late Elizabeth Edwards, in law school at North Carolina and during the early years of their marriage she enjoyed far more conspicuous success in her practice of law than he did.

Some observers might protest that the disproportionate involvement of attorneys in electoral politics hardly counts as novel in our time or unique to the Democratic Party, since many of the nation’s founding fathers—including Adams, Jefferson, Madison, and Hamilton—worked proudly and prominently as lawyers.

But comparison of national tickets over the last 32 years highlights a striking difference between Democrats and Republicans. While the overwhelming majority of Democratic nominations (78 percent) went to attorneys, the GOP chose lawyers only three times—Bob Dole in 1996 and Dan Quayle for two vice presidential nods in ’88 and ‘92—for 18 spots on their national ticket. While Mitt Romney did earn a Harvard Law degree in 1975 (as part of an elite joint program when he simultaneously earned his MBA), and even passed the bar in Michigan, he never practiced law before beginning his business career with the Boston Consulting Group shortly after graduation.

Romney represents only the latest of nine Republican nominees since 1980 with backgrounds as CEOs. The first President Bush (with two nominations as vice president and two as president) worked successfully in the oil industry while his son, George W., also headed small oil companies before taking over the Texas Rangers baseball franchise. Dick Cheney won two nominations as vice president after his hugely lucrative service as CEO for the energy giant, Halliburton.

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Considering the GOP’s proud self-image as the Party of Business, it’s not surprising that Republicans choose leaders with personal experience in the profit-driven world of the private sector. They also nominated a popular movie star and political activist (Ronald Reagan) with considerable history working for major Hollywood corporations, a former football star (Jack Kemp) who achieved national fame in the most profitable of professional sports, and a one-time sports broadcaster and small-town mayor (Sarah Palin) whose husband earned most of their money in the fishing and energy business in Alaska.

For more than 30 years, however, the GOP almost entirely avoided selecting attorneys for places on the national ticket, reflecting the fact that the Democratic world view connects far more closely to the values and priorities of the legal industrial complex.

Modern liberals tend to address every imaginable problem with legal solutions—new legislation, aggressive regulation, persistent lawsuits, and sweeping court decisions. The search for legal remedies for all public and even private dilemmas of course means an expansion of government, which in turn means more jobs for lawyers. When major legislation before Congress now routinely runs to thousands of impenetrable pages, only lawyers benefit: who else will ever write, read, analyze, and mitigate the impact of all the insanely complex new laws?

In this context, distinctive Democratic approaches to major issues begin to make practical sense for one of the party’s major interest groups. At one time, civil-liberties attorneys fought to prevent any official interference with intimate same-sex relationships but by moving on to governmental sponsorship of such unions, liberals helped to create a burgeoning business in gay family and divorce law.

On a similar note, the Democrats in Charlotte repeatedly cited the Lilly Ledbetter Act as a monumental achievement of the Obama administration in finally guaranteeing that the women of America would at long last receive equal pay for equal work. This claim undoubtedly confused anyone who recalled The Equal Pay Act of 1963, or Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which together made it explicitly illegal to “deny women equal pay for equal work; deny women transfers, promotions, or wage increases; manipulate job evaluations to relegate women’s pay; or intentionally segregate men and women into jobs according to their gender.” The Ledbetter Act offered no new rights for women but a rather a new opportunity for lawyers, expanding the time frame and circumstances for disgruntled employees to sue their employers for gender discrimination. Even if the legislation provided no notable improvement in the workplace status of women, it proved inevitably popular among the president’s enthusiastic colleagues in the legal community.

No wonder that lawyers have proven peerlessly generous in their financial support for Obama and the Democrats. As the Washington Post’s Capital Business Blog reported on July 12, “No other industry has bundled more money for Obama than lawyers … Lawyers and law firms have so far bundled $22.4 million for the president’s reelection bid—significantly more than the $14.5 million the next most generous industry, securities and investments, bundled for Obama. Of the 532 individuals bundling contributions for Obama, at least 128—nearly one in four—are lawyers, and many work at top law firms.”

The association with attorneys may benefit the Democrats in their fund-raising priorities, but the connection could simultaneously damage their vote-getting efforts. The most recent Gallup Poll on Honesty and Ethics in Professions (December 2011) showed 37 percent of Americans who rated lawyers as “very low” or “low” in terms of their integrity—a higher negative number than bankers, business executives, journalists, real estate agents, and even “advertising practitioners,” but not quite as bad as the miserable assessment of lobbyists and, worst of all, members of Congress. But Democrats can hardly take comfort in the fact that the American people hold lobbyists and Congress in even lower esteem than lawyers, especially since most lobbyists and a disproportionate number of legislators worked first as attorneys.

Any attempt by the Obama campaign to tar Republicans for their business connections should provoke an aggressive push-back concerning the domination of Democrats by the legal industry. Americans feel obviously divided in their attitudes toward business, appalled by its excesses but generally recognizing that job growth and economic recovery can only occur when corporations prosper. When it comes to lawyers, however, their predatory practices and endless litigation not only place a crippling burden on struggling enterprises and a faltering economy but make a direct contribution to the soaring costs of medical care and health insurance.

While liberals argue about how many jobs Mitt Romney created at Bain Capital, conservatives should demand evidence that the Obamas and Biden (or other leaders of that lawyer-ridden party) created any jobs at all in their profitable practice of law. The public may not instinctively embrace a wealthy capitalist like Romney but there’s no reason to assume that Americans can more comfortably rely on a major political party of the lawyers, by the lawyers, and for the lawyers.

Marlow: Biden Spent 50 Years in D.C. Figuring Out How to Enrich His Family



6 Nov 202320


Breitbart Editor-in-Chief and New York Times bestselling Breaking Biden author Alex Marlow said Monday on The First’s “Road to the White House” that President Joe Biden has spent 50 years in Washington, D.C. enriching his family.

Anchor Mike Slater said, “The most important thing I got from this book is that Joe Biden is not a goofy buffoon walking around stepping on rakes and, ‘Gosh golly, aw shucks, now I happen to be in the White House.’ I don’t want to say mastermind, that may give him too much credit, but who is Joe Biden?”

Marlow said, “He is not this goofball who just bumbled into the presidency and is just getting puppeteered by everyone.”

He continued, “I figured that America, we are too smart to elect an bumbling idiot, that it couldn’t be the case. I started to delve into his life and I had a hypothesis that no, he is not an evil genius or some kind of mastermind, but he has a fastball. We have not given him credit–exactly how capable he is. The fact that he he is capable and fairly competent is why things are so bad. It is not that he is incompetent. He has an agenda and he has a vision involving his family getting a lot of money and him having a lot of power.”

Marlow added, “He is the one, in over fifty years in Washington, who figured out how you stay in power in this country. That is to do favors. You do favors for people domestically and you do favors overseas. Those favors don’t just mean more power for Joe, they actually mean more money for his family. I document 20 maybe 30 of them in the book. All of them end up enriching certain Bidens for nothing.”

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN


‘Breaking Biden’ Author: Biden ‘Crime Family’ Will Crumble if Forced to Testify Before Congress




1 Nov 2023287


On Tuesday’s edition of Real America’s Voice’s “Grant Stinchfield Tonight,” Breitbart Editor-in-Chief and New York Times bestselling Breaking Biden author Alex Marlow predicted that members of the Biden family will have to testify before Congress and will end up looking awful because members of the Biden family “are terrible when they actually have a microphone in front of them and are forced to give answers. And if they keep pleading the 5th, they’re going to look like the crime family that they are.”

Marlow said, [relevant remarks begin around 33:15] “People have to get hauled in, and they have to explain what they did — the Biden family members — what they did for all these companies overseas, what they did for all these Chinese companies. We need to get those answers now.”

He added, “I am optimistic that the House is going to proceed in a way where we’re going to see Bidens have to testify, and the answers they’re going to give to these questions, Grant, are going to blow your mind. They are terrible when they actually have a microphone in front of them and are forced to give answers. And if they keep pleading the 5th, they’re going to look like the crime family that they are. I cannot wait for this.”

Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchet




Maria Bartiromo on Alex Marlow’s Initial ‘Breaking Biden’ Revelations: ‘This Is So Stunning’




1 Oct 2023


During an appearance on this week’s broadcast of FNC’s “Sunday Morning Futures,” Breitbart editor-in-chief Alex Marlow, author of Breaking Biden: Exposing the Hidden Forces and Secret Money Machine Behind Joe Biden, His Family, and His Administration, discussed the controversial business deals tied to President Joe Biden and his family.

The details from the book left the host in stunned disbelief.

First, Marlow raised new red flags about the sale of Hunter Biden’s art, noting that his attorney is one of only a couple known buyers of the pieces.


He then moved the discussion to Sinopec, the Chinese company that acquired some of America’s strategic petroleum reserve that were released by President Joe Biden in 2022. The strategic reserves are of such import to the country that they only supposed to be tapped in a time of crises like war or natural disasters, yet the trading arm of China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation got their hands on some of it. The company just so happens to have a connection to Hunter Biden.

BHR Partners, which was founded by Hunter Biden and Devon Archer in 2013, is controlled by the Bank of China and Hunter continues to have a stake. “BHR had purchased a $1.7 billion stake in Sinopec in 2014,” Marlow notes in Breaking Biden.

Marlow implied to Bartiromo that a Chinese company getting our strategic oil reserves makes little or no sense, save the fact that there is a Hunter Biden connection.

“There is no reason for Chinese to get U.S. [strategic] oil aside from to benefit the commercial interest of the Biden family,” Marlow opined.

“This is so stunning, Alex,” Bartiromo replied.

Marlow laid out evidence against the president that could be grounds for impeachment.

“Alex, we have been talking about the fact that the family of Joe Biden may very well be still doing influence peddling through Hunter Biden’s art,” FNC host Maria Bartiromo said. “What else do they need? The evidence has been overwhelming to impeach this guy. Will they?”

“We have ample evidence,” Marlow replied. “And you can go back to all of these Chinese business deals, where there’s still so many stones unturned, Maria, for example, that Hunter sold Rosemont Realty to an entity that was known by Xi Jinping as the Dragon Head because of its strategic importance. Hunter got paid off for it, but he also retains a stake in this company. We have no idea how much that stake is. And the executive branch is not going to be forthcoming. That’s why we need to pursue impeachment because the executive branch is trying to obfuscate and trying not to answer questions, trying not to turn over documentation, communications and bank records.”

“They have to do all of this,” he continued. “This all has to get done right away because the deals are limitless, and they are ongoing.” Marlow went on to detail ties between the broader Biden family network and the Bank of China. “And that’s just one place,” Marlow said. “How about Ukraine? The tie between Jim Biden, the former nightclub owner who is not only tied into the effing spy chief of China, which is Hunter’s words, not mine, he also has deep ties in Ukraine.”

“All of these are constellations of corruption regarding Biden’s entire family,” Marlow added. “The world has figured out you pay the Biden family, you get stuff in return from Joe.”

Breaking Biden: Exposing the Hidden Forces and Secret Money Machine Behind Joe Biden, His Family, and His Administration is available for preorder now and will arrive in bookstores on October 3.

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor

House Committees Demand Hunter Biden’s Lawyer Sit for Questioning

Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images


16 Nov 2023


Three Republican-controlled House committees on Wednesday demanded Hunter Biden’s lawyer, Kevin Morris, appear for a transcribed interview about loans and debts he reportedly secured and settled for the president’s son.

Although Morris is unlikely to accept the non-compulsory request, the invitation is the latest step by House Republicans to investigate President Joe Biden’s involvement in the family business.

In a letter to Morris, Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY), Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan (R-OH), and Ways and Means Committee Chair Jason Smith (R-MO) raised four issues they are interested in discussing with Morris:

1. IRS whistleblower testimony: They allege Kevin Morris made tax payments on behalf of Hunter Biden.

2. Family loan: The committee said, “Hunter Biden received a $250,000 loan from a Chinese national that listed Joe Biden’s home as the beneficiary address, it is reported Kevin Morris quietly assumed this loan during Joe Biden’s presidency.”

3. Nature and purpose of loans: The Committees question the “nature and purpose of these payments and any possible ‘loans’ Kevin Morris may have provided to Hunter Biden that may have occurred while Joe Biden was either a candidate for public office or holding public office.”

4. Tax loans: Morris reportedly “lent more than $2 million to Hunter Biden, which went to supporting his family and paying back taxes that are a subject of the ongoing federal investigation,” the New York Times reported.

The committees did not inquire about Morris’s control of Hunter Biden’s ten percent stake in BHR Partners, an active Chinese-backed state fund with billions invested around the globe.

“President Biden’s apparent awareness of these family business ventures and influence in these deals raise even more concerns,” Chairman Jordan said. “We are committed to seeking testimony from witnesses who can speak to Biden family financial transactions, including Kevin Morris, who paid off a portion of Hunter Biden’s federal tax debts.”

Chairman Smith echoed Jordan’s concerns about his financial links to Hunter Biden:

Both public reporting and evidence reviewed by the Committees suggest that Kevin Morris had an “expansive role as a financier, confidant, and would-be avenger for Hunter Biden.” Yet even the President’s brother testified to not knowing who Kevin Morris was or why he would suddenly swoop in to pay off Hunter’s millions worth of owed taxes. Instead of investigating his loans as a potential campaign finance violation, the Justice Department, revealed in documents released by the Ways and Means Committee, said they had no interest in doing so, with one DOJ prosecutor saying they were not “personally interested” in following the facts. It’s time that Americans learn the truth about Kevin Morris’s monetary contributions to the Biden family business dealings.


Hunter Biden Seeks to Subpoena Donald Trump, Bill Barr, Claiming Bias in Gun Case

15Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images


15 Nov 2023


Hunter Biden’s lawyers asked the judge presiding over his criminal gun case on Wednesday to subpoena former President Donald Trump, former Attorney General Bill Barr, and two other Trump administration officials.

The request signals Hunter Biden’s legal strategy to accuse the Trump administration of political interference in his gun case, the same accusation IRS whistleblowers leveled against President Joe Biden’s Justice department in their probe of Hunter Biden for tax, gun, and potentially FARA violations.


US Attorney General William Barr (Photo by Brendan Smialowski / AFP) (Photo by BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images)

Hunter Biden’s lawyers asked U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika to issue several subpoenas to:

1. Trump

2. Barr

3. Former acting Deputy Attorney General Richard Donoghue

4. Former acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen

The filing claimed:

Mr. Biden seeks specific information from three former DOJ officials and the former President that goes to the heart of his defense that this is, possibly, a vindictive or selective prosecution arising from an unrelenting pressure campaign beginning in the last administration, in violation of Mr. Biden’s Fifth Amendment rights under the Constitution.

“In the leadup to the 2020 election, IRS case files show certain investigative decisions were made ‘as a result of guidance provided’ by, among others, ‘the Deputy Attorney General’s office,'” said the filing by attorney Abbe Lowell.

The filing also highlights Barr’s recent book, in which the former attorney general alleged that Trump asked him in October 2020 about the status of the probe into Hunter Biden.

Barr claimed he said, “Dammit, Mr. President, I am not going to talk to you about Hunter Biden. Period!”

“These confirmations of communications give more than a mere appearance that President Trump improperly and unrelentingly pressured DOJ to pursue an investigation and prosecution of Mr. Biden to advance President Trump’s partisan ambitions,” the filing said.

The request also alleges House Republicans pressured now-Special Counsel David Weiss to indict the president’s son. Hunter Biden and Weiss previously agreed to a “sweetheart” plea deal until it fell apart under judicial scrutiny.


Special Counsel David Weiss leaves a closed door meeting with lawmakers surrounding the investigation into Hunter Biden during a break at the O’Neill House Office Building on Tuesday November 7, 2023, in Washington, DC. (Matt McClain/The Washington Post via Getty)

The agreement afforded Hunter Biden the ability to plead guilty for not paying taxes on over $1.5 million in income in 2017 and 2018, receiving probation rather than jail time. In addition, Weiss devised a separate diversion agreement that gave Hunter immunity from potential future charges, including a provision to essentially wipe a felony gun violation from his record.

Lowell claimed that pressure “culminated in Special Counsel Weiss’s then changing course and bringing this Indictment on September 14 against Mr. Biden, charging three felony counts for the same gun and same facts that just a few months prior Mr. Weiss had agreed to divert under a pre-trial diversion agreement.”

Follow Wendell Husebø on “X” @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.

Hunter Biden Asks Daddy's Judicial Appointee To Investigate Snitch Ex-Business Partner

Hunter Biden walks to appear in a federal court on gun charges in Wilmington, Delaware. (Reuters)

Chuck Ross

November 3, 2023

Before the 2020 election, former Hunter Biden business associate Tony Bobulinski revealed he met with Joe and Hunter Biden to discuss potential business deals in China, undermining the president’s claims he had never discussed business with his son. Now, Hunter Biden is calling on federal prosecutors to investigate his ex-business partner.

In a letter Friday, Hunter Biden attorney Abbe Lowell called on Matthew Graves, the U.S. attorney for Washington, D.C., to investigate Bobulinski for allegedly lying to the FBI about his dealings with the Bidens, according to NBC News. Bobulinski told FBI agents in an October 2020 interview about his dealings with the Bidens, which included a May 2017 meeting with the Bidens regarding a joint venture with Chinese energy conglomerate CEFC China Energy.

The letter is part of the younger Biden’s aggressive new legal strategy against his former associates and critics. Hunter Biden has sued several political operatives who released data from his laptop, which he abandoned at a Delaware computer shop in 2019. He has also urged the Department of Justice to investigate the operatives, including former Donald Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani.

Hunter Biden’s pressure campaign presents a slew of potential conflicts of interest. For one, he is facing federal investigations into his business dealings, and for an unrelated gun crime. And Graves, a Joe Biden appointee, is under scrutiny after two IRS whistleblowers alleged he refused to cooperate with Delaware U.S. attorney David Weiss in his investigation of Hunter Biden.

In a statement to the Washington Free Beacon, Bobulinski said Hunter Biden is "trying to weaponize" the Justice Department against him.

"All of the allegations contained in Mr Lowell's 10 page letter to U.S. Attorney Graves are patently false, and I look forward to exposing these lies and laying out the facts in a public forum in short order," Bobulinski said in a statement through his attorney. "If Hunter Biden and the Biden family are so determined to ensure that the full truth is put before the American People, Hunter, Jim, Joe and I should all appear together before Congress, publicly and under oath. They can name the date, time and place and I would certainly be willing to do that for the American people."

Bobulinski’s revelations about the Bidens severely undercut the president’s claims about his son’s activities. For one, Bobulinski released information in October 2020 that corroborated many of the documents found on Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop. Bobulinski verified the authenticity of an email found on Hunter Biden’s laptop that referred to a business arrangement involving "the big guy." Bobulinski has said publicly that the email was a reference to Joe Biden, and that the president was slated to receive a 10 percent stake in their deal with China.

Perhaps more significantly, Bobulinski released text messages that showed he met with Hunter and Joe Biden in Los Angeles to discuss CEFC China Energy.

"I have heard Joe Biden say he has never discussed his dealings with Hunter. That is false. I have firsthand knowledge about this because I directly dealt with the Biden family, including Joe Biden," Bobulinski said at a press conference on Oct. 21, 2020.

Additional evidence has since emerged that showed Joe Biden had far more involvement in his son’s activities than he let on. Longtime Biden family friend Rob Walker told the FBI in December 2020 that Joe Biden stopped by a meeting with CEFC China Energy executives.

Hunter Biden and his uncle Jim Biden eventually inked a deal with CEFC China Energy in August 2017, though they cut Bobulinski and several other partners out of the joint venture. CEFC China Energy wired Hunter and his uncle Jim Biden a total of $6 million in 2017 and 2018. Hunter Biden also invoked his father as a threat against CEFC China Energy, according to his text messages. In a July 31, 2017, message, Biden berated a CEFC China Energy executive over a payment dispute.

Update 5:19 p.m.: This piece has been updated with comment from Tony Bobulinski.

Published under: CEFC China Energy Corruption Hunter Biden Joe Biden Laptop



Biden admin is ‘enormously dangerous’ to the survival of America: Newt Gingrich


The paid agent behind the Oval Office desk

By Monica Showalter

Via John Hinderaker of Power Line, Andy McCarthy at National Review has a stunning piece outlining the depths of Joe Biden's involvement as China's little agent, tying together details which will make you wanting to take a shower afterward.

He writes:

Thanks to the extensive excavation of Biden financial records by Senators Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa) and Ron Johnson (R., Wis.), followed by the dogged reporting of the New York Post once Hunter’s abandoned laptop was exposed, the outlines of the story were publicly available before Election Day 2020. The Biden/China scheme may not have been sufficiently known, but it was eminently knowable — so much so that I presented it in detail in “A Collusion Tale: China and the Bidens,” which we published on October 31, 2020 — the weekend before the election.


The story has gotten more damning with the additional evidence unearthed by the Oversight Committee under the direction of Chairman James Comer (R., Ky.). But it hasn’t changed.


CEFC, the Shanghai-based energy conglomerate with which Joe Biden and his family joined forces, was China. To describe it as a “thinly veiled” arm of Xi Jinping’s monstrous regime would exaggerate the camouflage. It was run by Ye Jianming, whom the Bidens deemed a protégé of Xi — as the president’s brother, Jim Biden, conceded to federal investigators.


How could it be otherwise? As I recounted in October 2020, CEFC’s position as a privileged “private” company was established by the regime in 2006 (when Xi was the rising star of the CCP).

The fake Chinese front company disappeared from view along with its agents, as soon as its activities got brazen enough for lawmen to start examining them -- in an instant. But the Bidens had already gotten their money, and performed their services, and it was a lot of money -- big $10,000,000 amounts. The Chinese not only used the Bidens to find out little things like what the FBI had on their agents, they also used it to muscle other countries to jump onboard with their One Belt, One Road initiative and other projects, letting them know that they already had the Bidens in their pocket so there was no protection out there for them:


This, of course, is why the Biden connection was so valuable — why CEFC was willing to pay millions of dollars for it. Doors were opened by the association with Joe Biden, one of America’s most prominent, influential politicians. If CEFC could brandish cordial relations and a business partnership with the Biden family, then other targets of China’s OBOR blandishments would be more willing to transact.

China is famous for getting the hooks in in a string of third world nations, all of which have become remarkably uncooperative with the U.S., and not even interested in making alliances with it any more. We've lost influence as joining in the China-led BRICS bloc has become the hot new thing.


Does it sound like Joe Biden has undermined our international interests with his takings from the Chinese regime, all to buy those mansions and fancy cars? Somehow, the U.S. doesn't have the influence it used to have internationally, and it's not just because of President Obama's constant apology tours. It was having Joe on their string that pretty well negated the U.S. as a global player. It also doesn't help that with Joe around, we also lose wars and sport wokester troops on hormone treatments, wearing makeup and dresses.


I'd still like to know what Hunter Biden did with that diamond the Chinese agents presented him with, likely to avoid bank monitoring laws.


Acting as an agent of a foreign regime while in public office is treason by anyone's definition. It's also an impeachable offense, as is bribery, according to the Constitution's Article II, Section 4:


The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Where's the impeachment of this one, given the clarity of the charges?


Previous House Speaker Kevin McCarthy hemmed and hawed on it, believing perhaps that because past presidential impeachments have been on trivial matters and have always failed, this one wouldn't be any different.


But it is different, with millions of dollars changing hands and U.S. influence waning significantly. If this isn't dealt with in Congress, the stage will be set for any elected leader to do the same.  Now that the facts are known, Andy McCarthy argues, that Joe cannot escape his China scandal paper trail at the very least. One hopes that he is right because the bribery and treason here couldn't be more real.


Image: Screen shot from a camera aimed at a television set, processed with Adobe CameraRaw.


In 2018 and 2020, Breitbart Senior Contributor and Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer published Secret Empires and Profiles in Corruption. Each book hit #1 on the New York Times bestseller list and exposed how Hunter Biden and Joe Biden flew aboard Air Force Two in 2013 to China before Hunter’s firm inked a $1.5 billion deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China less than two weeks after the trip. Schweizer’s work also uncovered the Biden family’s other vast and lucrative foreign deals and cronyism. Breitbart Political Editor Emma-Jo Morris’ investigative work at the New York Post on the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell” also captured international headlines when she, along with Miranda Devine, revealed that Joe Biden was intimately involved in Hunter’s businesses, appearing to even have a 10 percent stake in a company the scion formed with officials at the highest levels of the Chinese Communist Party. PAM KEY

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN


Court Doc: Hunter Lived in California When Chinese Partners Wired Money to Joe Biden’s Delaware Address

JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images


27 Sep 20230


Hunter Biden did not reside with President Joe Biden in Delaware when his Chinese business partners wired money to Joe Biden’s address in 2019, court documents show.

Joe Biden’s address received two wires from BHR Partners associates linked to the CCP in July and August totaling $260,000, House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) revealed Tuesday.

The time frame detailed in Hunter Biden’s collapsed plea deal in July with now-special counsel David Weiss says Hunter Biden’s residence was in California when the Chinese partners sent money to Joe Biden’s address. Hunter Biden “remained in California and spent much of the Summer 2019 painting and developing plans for his memoir,” the plea deal states on page 9. In Hunter Biden’s memoir, “Beautiful Things,” the president’s son also noted that he lived in California at the time his Chinese partners wired the money to Delaware.

According to Hunter Biden’s text messages and emails, he shared a bank account with Joe Biden and paid some of his father’s expenses. Hunter Biden also listed Joe Biden’s Delaware house as the billing address for his personal credit card and Apple account in 2018 and 2019. In addition, Hunter Biden’s driver’s license issued in 2018 lists Joe Biden’s residence.

“This was a documented loan (not a distribution or pay-out) that was wired from a private individual to his new bank account which listed the address on his driver’s license, his parents’ address, because it was his only permanent address at the time,” Abbe Lowell, Hunter Biden’s lawyer, told CNN. “We expect more occasions where the Republican chairs twist the truth to mislead people to promote their fantasy political agenda.”

The wired money from Beijing, China, to Joe Biden’s address contradicts the president’s false claim that Hunter Biden never made money from China. Joe Biden also falsely claimed he never spoke to his son about business. Devon Archer, Hunter Biden’s best friend in business, told the Oversight Committee that Joe Biden spoke with a BHR Partners associate, Jonathan Li, on speakerphone to sell the “Biden brand.”

BHR Partners, the fund Hunter Biden co-founded via a joint venture with Archer and Li, maintains investments worth billions of dollars around the globe. Hunter Biden conveyed his stake to his current lawyer, Kevin Morris, Breitbart News exclusively reported in April. Archer conveyed his stake in BHR Partners to his wife in 2017.

“President Biden has lied to Americans again,” House Speaker Kevin McCarthy told reporters Tuesday evening. “We now have found today that when President Biden was running for the presidency, when he told the American people that, ‘My family has never received money from China,’ was wrong.”

White House spokesman Ian Sams pushed back on McCarthy’s comment by telling CNN that money wired to Joe Biden’s address is a part of a conspiracy theory, CNN reported:

Extreme House Republicans are pushing out half-baked innuendo and conspiracy theories that yet again show no evidence of wrongdoing by President Biden, just more discredited personal attacks on him and his family, in a sad effort to distract from their chaotic inability to govern that is leading us to the brink of a dangerous government shutdown.

Despite the White House’s repeated disinformation, Tuesday’s revelation emerged from the committee’s recent subpoena of financial records related to a specific bank account that received two wires from China linked to BHR Partners associates. “Joe Biden’s abuse of public office for his family’s financial gain threatens our national security. What did the Bidens do with this money from Beijing?” Comer asked.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.


Biden Whistleblower Emails: Chinese Energy Company Gave $5 Million Non-Secured, Forgivable Loan to Biden Family




A 2017 email from a top official with a Chinese energy firm, provided by a whistleblower to U.S. Senate investigators, demonstrates the terms of an agreement included officials with the firm giving a $5 million non-secured, forgivable loan to the Biden “family.”

The email, sent to SinoHawk Holdings CEO Tony Bobulinski, shows how a top official with CEFC Energy — a now bankrupt and defunct energy company based in China — offered to wire $10 million into an account to begin operations, $5 million worth of which would be a non-secured forgivable loan to the “BD Family,” which means the Biden family.

Breitbart News senior contributor Peter Schweizer spent four and a half hours with Bobulinski before he went public, and discussed these communications in particular regarding this loan during that meeting. According to Schweizer, the Chinese energy company officials were going to put $10 million into an account, $5 million of which was designated as a non-secured forgivable loan to the Biden family. Schweizer said this would constitute significant leverage the Chinese energy company officials would have over the Biden family.

“In a way, this would give CEFC greater leverage over the Biden family than simply giving them a gift or bribe because if they were dissatisfied with what the Bidens were doing they could ask for their money back,” Schweizer told Breitbart News when asked about the arrangement upon the public release of Bobulinski’s emails.

The email also says that $5 million loan is “interest free” and asks how that $5 million would be used, and if used up, whether CEFC should lend more money to the Biden family.

This email further fleshes out details surrounding the controversial arrangement first uncovered by U.S. Senate investigators in a recent Homeland Security Committee report, and later further uncovered by a bombshell New York Post story on emails retrieved from Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Bobulinski’s new emails add to the story by including terms of the financial arrangement behind the wire transfer that CEFC officials made into a firm aligned with the Bidens that then made significant payments to Hunter Biden’s own firm, a wire transfer and financial payments that were first exposed by Senate investigators. The New York Post’s Hunter Biden laptop emails added more information to this questionable arrangement by revealing emails that showed how Biden associates intended to divvy up the cash from the Chinese investors.

These new emails from Bobulinski add more to the picture by showing that the agreement was that this payment would serve as a non-secured forgivable loan, and that the CEFC side of the arrangement understood that the then-forthcoming payment — which Senate investigators confirmed was made just two weeks after these discussions —would serve as a loan to the Biden “family,” not just to Hunter Biden.

An e-mail to Hunter Biden's partner from a top Chinese official on July 26, 2017 shows the Chinese energy company CEFC proposed a $5 million "interest-free" loan to the Biden family "based on their trust on [Biden] family[.]"

"Should CEFC keep lending more to the family?"

— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) October 22, 2020

This email is part of a broader trove of documents that Bobulinski provided to U.S. Senate investigators with the Homeland Security and Finance Committees, and also to media outlets including Breitbart News. Other media outlets are reporting on the emails as well.

According to the Senate Homeland Security Committee’s recent report, $5 million was wired directly into the account in question two weeks later — and then Hunter Biden’s firm spent the next year wiring $4.8 million from there into his own firm’s account:

Less than two weeks later, on August 8, 2017, $5 million was wired from a CEFC-affiliated investment vehicle to a Delaware LLC, which spent the next year transfering nearly $4.8 million directly to Hunter Biden's firm, according to Senate investigators.

— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) October 22, 2020

CEFC was a controversial energy company, as Breitbart News has reported. “The owner of CEFC, Ye Jianming, was among the most ambitious of Chinese tycoons before his business empire collapsed and he vanished into the Communist nation’s shadowy prison system,” Breitbart News’ John Hayward wrote earlier this week. “Ye was once portrayed as one of China’s greatest rags-to-riches stories, a humble park ranger who began making successful oil investments in his twenties and became a billionaire before he hit 40. He was marketed as an affable businessman foreigners could feel safe making deals with, well-connected but not an obvious tool of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).”

CEFC is at the center of the burgeoning Biden scandal. When Bobulinski went public on Wednesday night, he was the first source on one of the emails that the New York Post published from Hunter Biden’s laptop retrieved from a computer repair store in Delaware. One such story that the Post published was about Hunter Biden and the Biden family seeking a deal with CEFC, and in those original emails James Gilliar of J2cR emails Bobulinski about “remunerations packages” related to the CEFC deal.

“I am the recipient of the email published seven days ago by the New York Post which showed a copy to Hunter Biden and Rob Walker. That email is genuine,” Bobulinski said in his statement issued publicly.

Bobulinski had been, sources familiar with the matter told Breitbart News, cooperating with the Wall Street Journal for an investigation it is working on. But since the Journal has not published its story several days later after its staff had indicated it would, Bobulinski decided to go public on his own on Wednesday night — and made clear he is cooperating with Senate investigators.

In the original email, published by the New York Post, from Hunter Biden’s laptop, Gilliar references a breakdown of how money acquired would be distributed throughout the firm of which Bobulinski was CEO. The email says at one point that “10 held by H for the big guy.”

In his nearly 700-word statement, Bobulinski confirmed the authenticity of that email and further explained its meeting including that “the big guy” was a reference to former Vice President Joe Biden, the 2020 Democrat presidential nominee, himself.

“What I am outlining is fact. I know it is fact because I lived it. I am the CEO of Sinohawk Holdings which was a partnership between the Chinese operating through CEFC/Chairman Ye and the Biden family,” Bobulinski said. “I was brought into the company to be the CEO by James Gilliar and Hunter Biden. The reference to ‘the big guy’ in the much publicized May 13, 2017 email is in fact a reference to Joe Biden. The other ‘JB’ referenced in that email is Jim Biden, Joe’s brother. Hunter Biden called his dad ‘the Big Guy’ or ‘my Chairman,’ and frequently referenced asking him for his sign-off or advice on various potential deals that we were discussing. I’ve seen Vice President Biden saying he never talked to Hunter about his business. I’ve seen firsthand that that’s not true, because it wasn’t just Hunter’s business, they said they were putting the Biden family name and its legacy on the line.”



Bidens don't seem to 'cover their tracks' in alleged China money web: Curley


Biden admin is ‘enormously dangerous’ to the survival of America: Newt Gingrich


Biden 'Loan Repayments' and the Fourth Bank Records Memo | WSJ Opinion




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New Evidence Biden Personally Received 'Laundered China Money'



Did Hunter Biden Sleep with a Chinese Spy?




Hunter Biden faces possible subpoena after missing deadline to turn over docs



My colleague Peter Schweizer’s runaway bestseller, Red Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win, first revealed that the Biden family received some $31 million from the highest levels of Chinese intelligence at the same time Hunter was paying the vice president’s bills. Schweizer believes that there is a slam dunk case to indict Hunter Biden.





Watters: I guarantee you Satan went to law school




American people deserve to know what China was up to with Joe Biden, especially when Beijing had already shelled out millions of dollars to Biden family members — including millions in set-asides for “the big guy.” What else is on that infamous Hunter Biden laptop? The conflicted Biden Justice Department cannot be trusted to engage in any meaningful oversight on this issue. We need a special counsel now.   

                               TOM FITTON - JUDICIAL WATCH


Breitbart Political Editor Emma-Jo Morris’s investigative work at the New York Post on the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell” also captured international headlines when she, along with Miranda Devine, revealed that Joe Biden was intimately involved in Hunter’s businesses, appearing to even have a 10 percent stake in a company the scion formed with officials at the highest levels of the Chinese Communist Party.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.


Hunter has reportedly sold five paintings worth $75,000 each to an anonymous buyer. Hunter’s art dealer, Georges Bergès, has previously boasted he had strong ties to businessmen in Communist China, which has concerned many due to the Biden family’s business ventures abroad.

“We are 95% sure that that artwork went to China,” Comer said. “We don’t know where exactly that went to in China, but we’re going to try to find out when we get subpoena power.”

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.

Biden family business dealings with China is a ‘national security issue’: Schweizer


 Peter Schweizer’s new book Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win tells the story of how Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) husband Richard Blum was part owner of a Chinese firm that allegedly sold computers with spyware chips to the U.S. military. The military has never been able to calculate how much sensitive data these computers allowed China to steal.



RIDING THE DRAGON: The Bidens' Chinese Secrets (Full Documentary)



Kevin McCarthy Pledges Subpoenas for 51 Intel Agents in Wake of Hunter Biden ‘Twitter Files’




11 Dec 20220


House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy said Saturday on FNC’s “One Nation” that he will bring the 51 intel agents that signed a letter that said the Hunter Biden information was Russia collusion to testify at a congressional hearing.

Host Brian Kilmeade asked, “We saw the revelations coming out of Twitter as Elon Musk is unmasking the corruption that existed there and the denials that they testified about. So for you personally you have another move you want to make. Not only do we want to hear from the former executives of Twitter and the other entities, but you have something else you want to say.”

McCarthy said, Yeah, I do. This is egregious what we are finding. They should not have section 230 to start out with, but we also have to go further. What did Facebook and Google do as well because they became an arm of the Democratic Party and an arm of government.”

He continued, “Those 51 intel agents that signed a letter that said the Hunter Biden information was all wrong — was Russia collusion — many of them have a security clearance. We are going to bring them before committee. I’m going to have them have a hearing. Why did they sign it? Why did they lie to the American public? A Clapper, a Brennan? Why did you use the reputation that America was able to give to you more information, but use it for a political purpose and lie to the American public?”

In 2018 and 2020, Breitbart Senior Contributor and Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer published Secret Empires and Profiles in Corruption. Each book hit #1 on the New York Times bestseller list and exposed how Hunter Biden and Joe Biden flew aboard Air Force Two in 2013 to China before Hunter’s firm inked a $1.5 billion deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China less than two weeks after the trip. Schweizer’s work also uncovered the Biden family’s other vast and lucrative foreign deals and cronyism. Breitbart Political Editor Emma-Jo Morris’ investigative work at the New York Post on the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell” also captured international headlines when she, along with Miranda Devine, revealed that Joe Biden was intimately involved in Hunter’s businesses, appearing to even have a 10 percent stake in a company the scion formed with officials at the highest levels of the Chinese Communist Party. PAM KEY

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN



According to the article, Falun Gong and its associated media, including the Epoch Times, have engaged in "conspiracy narratives" targeting Democrats and the Chinese Communist Party and of "links" between Joe Biden and the CCP.  In fact, a great deal of evidence is emerging in the Comer investigation to show that those links are far from being conspiracy narratives.  (See also a 2020 New York Times article, which labels Falun Gong "a leading purveyor of right-wing disinformation.")


The Group the Chinese Communists Fear the Most

By Jeffrey Folks

I have rarely heard it mentioned in the mainstream media, but, according to reports, during the 1990s in communist China, thirty thousand members of Falun Gong were rounded up and executed.  The founder of Falun Gong, Li Hongzhi, fled China and now lives in the U.S., while in China members of the order went underground.  According to Freedom House, "Falun Gong practitioners across China have since [July 1999] been subjected to widespread surveillance, arbitrary detention, horrific torture, and extrajudicial killing — abuses which continue today."  Nonetheless, there are still some 100 million practitioners worldwide, and the movement continues to grow.

Information concerning the repression of Falun Gong is a Chinese state secret, with severe penalties for anyone attempting to obtain data.  As the Falun Data Infocenter puts it: "The CCP has also used political and financial influence around the world to either keep journalists silent, or drive false narratives about Falun Gong."  With total control inside China and compliance by foreign journalists, the Chinese Communist Party has driven a false narrative that minimizes the number of Falun Gong practitioners and hides data on the number of those abducted, tortured, killed, and killed for their organs, thus totally obscuring the record.  At the same time, Chinese and foreign media continue to suggest that the victim is the abuser: the false idea that Falun Gong is a cult with dangerous potential.

For anyone who has studied the history of or practiced Falun Gong, the enormity of this continuing abuse and misinformation is obvious.  Falun gong is a benign practice of meditation, exercise, and moral instruction with no political ties of any sort, but it is often represented, even by well-meaning Western journalists, as a "cult" or as a right-wing anti-CCP organization, as in a recent article in the Guardian, relying heavily on statements by Media Matters.  According to the article, Falun Gong and its associated media, including the Epoch Times, have engaged in "conspiracy narratives" targeting Democrats and the Chinese Communist Party and of "links" between Joe Biden and the CCP.  In fact, a great deal of evidence is emerging in the Comer investigation to show that those links are far from being conspiracy narratives.  (See also a 2020 New York Times article, which labels Falun Gong "a leading purveyor of right-wing disinformation.")

If those journalists would do their homework, beginning with studying Falun Gong websites and  the book Zhuan Falun by Li Hongzhi, instead of relying on the well funded Chinese "zero out" campaign, they would realize that Falun Gong is an uplifting instruction based on traditional, conservative Chinese practices.


The story of the Chinese government crackdown on Falun Gong is a classic example of totalitarian intolerance of competing ideas, and it involves both propaganda and physical terror.  A careful examination of the record proves that the response of the communist Chinese regime is not very different from that of ancient regimes toward their own enslaved peoples.  Despite their vast power, totalitarian leaders are fearful and at times even paranoid, as was Stalin, and the flip-side of fear is repression.

In reality, Falun Gong is a complex spiritual practice involving qijong-like exercises, positive thinking, and moral belief based on truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance.  As a practitioner myself, I know how Falun Gong can transform an individual from illness to health, confusion to knowledge, and intolerance to open-mindedness.  It is obvious to me how a totalitarian regime would view Falun Gong as a threat, as indeed it would be to any form of deceit, corruption, or intolerance.  As Falun Gong spread in China during the 1990s, at one point with 60 to 100 million followers in China alone, the practice became a threat to a government that had once encouraged it as a healthy "money-saving" vehicle and a social safety valve for a dissatisfied citizenry.  Yet within months, beginning in July 1999, perhaps 100,000 followers were arrested and 30,000 executed.  Even now, nearly 4,000 practitioners were arrested in 2021 (latest figures).

It is critical to consider the magnitude of this repression, with between two and four million Falun Gong followers "detained" in forced labor camps between 2000 and 2008 alone.  Chinese policy toward Falun Gong is similar to the more widely publicized repression of Uyghurs, 1.5 million of whom have reportedly been detained in China, with hundreds of thousands of others subjected to forced sterilization, forced abortion, and religious suppression, and with the razing or damaging of 16,000 mosques.  Like totalitarian regimes of the past, the CCP appears willing to employ the most ruthless tactics in order to secure its hold on the country.

Though Falun Gong is not a political movement, the exponential growth of Falun Gong during the 1990s might well have pressured authorities to change, and as soon as China's leaders recognized this threat, they suppressed Falun Gong with a heavy hand.  One could hardly be truthful, compassionate, and forbearing and lend one's support to a communist regime governed by a few thousand members of the political elite intent on benefiting from their rule at the expense of the general population.  Falun Gong teaches a form of gentleness and goodness that threatens the lies and violence of any totalitarian government. 

One must ask: if the Chinese communists are willing to imprison millions of ethnic and religious minorities and to murder tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, what are they capable of in the future?  How many lives are they willing to expend in a takeover of Taiwan?  And once Taiwan is taken, how many Taiwanese will they imprison and execute?  In the event of a war with Japan or with the United States, how many are they willing to see die, on both sides?  And if Chinese communism were ever to achieve world domination, what kind of future could we expect?  As Christians, probably something not unlike what the Uyghurs and Falun Gong have already experienced.

At the same time, the specter of Chinese repression should open our eyes to the remarkable value of our own system of democratic capitalism.  The CCP has diminished Falun Gong in China, but, like all religious and spiritual practices, Falun Gong has found a safe home in America, at least in principle, though the Biden administration continues to restrict religious practice, to challenge religious rights in the courts and in agency practices, and to unleash the power of agencies like the Justice Department and IRS against the open practice of religion.  Many of the same tactics adopted in communist China are accepted by progressives in our own country, including the encouragement of birth control and abortion, even late-term abortion and infanticide after birth.

For the present, there is still a difference between totalitarianism and democracy as practiced in the USA.  Now is a time when American citizens, media, government, and corporations need to see clearly that communist China is a totalitarian government and to recognize what it is capable of.  China's record toward Falun Gong, a violent repression that continues today, is one element in a string of crackdowns and arrests.  We do not need to send a balloon over China to understand the nature of their regime, but we do need to recognize the enormity of its abuses and take appropriate actions to defend ourselves.

Jeffrey Folks is the author of many books and articles on American culture, most recently Heartland of the Imagination (2011).


Image: tookapic via PixabayPixabay License.




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