Sunday, November 12, 2023

THE MUSLIMS' AND THE ISLAMIC CULT OF HATE, RAPE AND MURDER THAT IS TAKING OVER A PASSIVE WORLD - Islam is Not a Religion - These people are bin Laden, ISIS, and the cartels rolled into one. It's time to take out the trash.

What has happened?  Last October 7, hate- and rage-filled Hamas members and other residents of Gaza crossed into Israel and went on a rampage of rape, torture, burning, hacking, and killing in cold blood more than 1,400 Israelis, and kidnapping approximately 240 more. They even beheaded children and babies.

A call to legal arms against Hamas and its enablers - with ink!

  What has been will be again,
     what has been done will be
        done again;
     there is nothing new under the
     --Ecclesiastes 1:9

If the pen is mightier than the sword, the pen must vanquish hate-filled mobs screeching in front of the White House gates, protestors taking over the statue of Liberty, and mindless, increasingly violent, protest-marchers in major cities in the United States, Western Europe and even South America.

What has happened?  Last October 7, hate- and rage-filled Hamas members and other residents of Gaza crossed into Israel and went on a rampage of rape, torture, burning, hacking, and killing in cold blood more than 1,400 Israelis, and kidnapping approximately 240 more. They even beheaded children and babies.

Shocking it was and shocking it remains.

To a Jew, the world shook. Then it shook again with the global rejection of the Israeli plight along with the public jubilation over those murdered and kidnapped.  And the anti-Jewish madness so redolent of the Holocaust era has actually resurfaced, as uninformed, ignorant, young people transform themselves into supporters for the Hamas butchers. Once again, good is depicted as evil and evil depicted as good.

The aftershocks have been felt, and continue to be felt. Instead of horror at the plight of the massacred, almost all of the world has seemingly turned on Israel and the Jewish people. 

And yet, another platitude comes true: when one is in trouble, one learns who one's true friends are.

The Republican Party has been steadfast in its support for Israel.  And 28 Democrats even crossed party lines to censure a fellow Democrat, Rep. Rashida Talib of Michigan, who is a virulent anti-Semite and gross skewer of history.

University presidents, administrators, and boards of directors are culpable and colluding the same pattern of activity that enabled Nazism to take over the German population. But the latter, at least, knew they were doing something wrong, had shame, and attempted to hide their malevolence  from the world.

But not these people. Now the hate and violence is in the street and in our faces. There is no shame. 

Jews by nature are not a physically violent people. Israeli Jews are by necessity; but American Jews are not. That may rapidly change as Jews are forced to defend themselves under these circumstances.

In the meantime, Jews are implementing a war of words and a war in the courts.

At first, boycotts were implemented and successful. Those were followed by letters to various governing bodies.

Now the focus has shifted to the United States and its legal process.

Lawsuits are being filed against colleges and universities for violations of Title VI which will be followed by lawsuits regarding violations of the United States tax codes as many “private” institutions of higher learning get tax money.

One can only hope for a legal clawback.

This author is saddened to see the problems with the law on unrelated matters that New York City's Mayor Eric Adam’s is facing now. 

He was the first Democrat to come out in support of Israel, by giving an MLK-like speech in support of Israel: We are not all right.   

It was beautifully delivered with brilliant content.

His speech was followed by an unexpected kindness, a stunning kindness from another unexpected quarter among the Democrats.   

The Democrat U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania, John Fetterman, wallpapered his D.C. office with the faces of all the Israeli babies and children kidnapped by the Hamas monsters  - not to be removed until all are released. 

Fetterman followed that up by provocatively engaging pro-Hamas protestors.  In his hoodie and shorts, Fetterman strode past the protestors, waving an Israeli flag.



Memo to self: don’t ever again underestimate a politician in a hoodie.

Image: Twitter screen shot

Islam is Not a Religion

What is Islam?  To answer that question, it’s more important to know what Islam isn’t.  Islam is not a religion.  It is an authoritarian, political ideology that forcibly imposes itself on all aspects of any society unfortunate enough to be under its yoke.  Islam demands complete subjugation by its adherents.  Under Islam, there is no democracy, there is no free speech, no freedom of religion, no freedom of the press, no minority rights, and there’s no right to love whoever you desire.  Islam allows no dissent.  It is a complete and total way of life that glorifies oppression, slavery, and death.  Islam has religious, legal, political, economic, cultural, and military components.  The religious component is the veil that hides the dangers of its all-encompassing ideology.

Islam was founded in the 7th century by the Prophet Mohammed.  From its beginnings, Islam never attempted or bothered to convert “non-believers” by friendly persuasion.  Instead, Islam converted non-believers by conquest and forcible conversion, or you were slaughtered.  By the mid-8th century, Islam had conquered all the lands from the Indus River, in the east, across North Africa to the Iberian Peninsula, in the west.  During that period of conquest, if subjects didn’t convert to Islam, they were put to the sword.  To this day, most of those lands are still under the control of Islam.  There are few exceptions: Spain and Portugal, which during the 15th century, managed to free themselves from the scourges of Islam, and Israel.

Modern day Islam is just as oppressive and dangerous as was 8th century Islam.  That’s because culturally, Islam still enforces the same tenets they did 1,200 years ago.  What are some of those tenets, practices, and ways of life?  Islam enforces edicts against homosexuality to the point of executing homosexuals.  As for women, of the ten worst countries for women’s rights, seven of them are Muslim.  The Quran clearly states that women are subordinate to men, and men may beat their wives (Quran 4:34).  With Islam, there’s a fine line between oppressing women and enslaving them.  Islam practices female genital mutilation, a barbaric practice (look it up and be disgusted).  Other realities for women in Islamic countries include: women must be escorted in public, largely because it’s too dangerous for them to walk alone (rape and assaults are common); women must cover their bodies from head to foot; and very few education opportunities which result in limited employment opportunities.  

Today, in the year 2023, Islam practices slavery (here, and here), the actual commodification of other human beings, and the world stands silent.  It also engages in jihad, rape, and pedophilia—yes, it’s acceptable to rape children (bacha bāzī). Also, see this clip, from CNN no less:

Today, Islam beheads its enemies (Dec 27, 2019 in Nigeria), burns people alive in cages, amputates the hands of criminals, and engages in “honor” killings of female relatives (Texas 2008).  There’s nothing honorable about a father (or a brother) who kills his daughter (or his sister) because he doesn’t agree with her actions.  Adulterers (and even some female rape victims) can be stoned to death, and polygamy is allowed.  Earlier this year, an Iranian couple was sentenced to ten years in prison for dancing in public.  To say that Islam has nothing in common with Western culture is an understatement.  Islam vehemently opposes, and wants to destroy, Western society.  Proof of every vile, barbaric, and evil practice engaged in by Muslims was rolled up into one event—Hamas’s attack last month on Israel.

For much of America’s history, we didn’t concern ourselves with the evils of Islam.  We didn’t worry about it largely because we’re an ocean apart, and Islam’s 12th century society couldn’t much affect or threaten us.  Nevertheless, America’s first foreign war was fought in the early 19th century against the Islamic states along the Barbary Coast of North Africa.  Also, throughout most of the 20th century, our focus was on the evils in Europe—Nazism and communism.  It wasn’t until the 1970’s that most Americans became aware of the dangers of Islam.  That was when the Arabs used world oil markets to achieve their political goals.  Then, in 1979, Iranians seized the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and held 52 Americans hostage for 444 days.  Ever since then, the Middle East and Islam have played a central role in America’s foreign policy. 

A problem with American foreign policy is that no president, from Nixon all the way through to our current crumbling commander, has properly understood Islam, the best example being Bush’s post-9/11 statement: “Islam is a religion of peace.”  That was an idiotic statement, given that 3,000 Americans had just been slaughtered in the name of Islam.  The United States’ lack of understanding wouldn’t be a problem if we weren’t in the 21st century—but we are.  And a 12th century ideology of hatred and death is a huge problem given modern technologies which gives Islamists the ability to wander the globe killing, maiming, and enslaving in the name of their ideology.

You might wonder what I have against Islam, but let me ask this question: Knowing the profoundly immoral nature of tyrants and authoritarian regimes, would you be alright if Nazism or communism ruled over two billion people on the planet?  I’m guessing most people would say “NO” to both, because the evils of these ideologies have no place in a civilized society of unalienable rights.  Well, the evils of Islam are just as bad—perhaps worse—as the evils of any totalitarian form of rule ever devised by man.  Islam doesn’t want peace; it preaches struggle, constant struggle, because it is an ideology that uses religion. 

Many people might disregard the dangers of Islam, as we do have Muslims here in America, and we don’t see things like Muslim men buying children, or public beatings by administrators of Sharia “justice.” But, Muslims are a small percentage of our population at this moment. Anywhere Islam is the majority, there is oppression, conflict, and struggle.  Think of the wars and conflicts being fought on this planet; then, think of the countries that have large Muslim populations, and you’ll find those two maps overlay one another.  From Nigeria in Africa, to Yemen on the Arabian Peninsula, Gaza, Syria, Afghanistan, and to the jungles of the Philippines, Islamic societies are engaged in armed conflicts to suppress and oppress those populations.  And also don’t forget, a small number can be very dangerous: the 9/11 attack was carried out by only 19 Muslims.

In Islamic countries, conflicts, struggles, and oppression have been ongoing for centuries; no end in sight, and it’s important to remember that above all, Islam is an ideology as dangerous and evil as any ideology ever conceived, using religion as a scapegoat.

Image generated by AI.

remember the saudis invasion of america sept 11

Blue State Blues: 50 Years of Excuses for Palestinian Terror Are Enough

Queers for Palestine (Mark Kerrison / Getty)
Mark Kerrison / Getty

We don’t hear much about the Palestinian cause, between wars.

The late Palestinian intellectual Edward Said defended Yasser Arafat — who was then still a notorious terrorist, not yet a corrupt kleptocrat — by saying that his sensational violence at least kept the Palestinian cause from disappearing entirely from the world’s consciousness, and kept the Palestinian diaspora unified, even at the moral price of backing terror.

Said wrote that 50 years ago. But it is almost exactly the same argument used by the Hamas leaders who spoke to the New York Times this week, telling the western public that without their attack on Israel — with all its horrific atrocities — that the Palestinian cause would have been forgotten, left behind in the progress of the Abraham Accords and in the excitement of a “normalization” deal between Saudi Arabia and Israel.

It is worth asking whether the Palestinians could have done something else in those 50 years to advance their cause, beyond killing Israeli civilians. Or whether violence against Israelis is the Palestinian cause, and how it came to be that way.

After all, you never see pro-Palestinian activists doing much to help “Palestine” between wars — and this time, they started marching after the terror attack, not the Israeli response.

It is easier to destroy than to create.

Let’s rewind to the beginning.

Israel is the spiritual homeland of the Jewish people, and has been for many thousands of years. Jews have lived there continuously for millennia, and even during periods of exile and dispersion, they still faced Jerusalem during prayer — as Jews still do today.

The idea of creating a Jewish state emerged in the late 19th century as a response to persecution in Europe, and Jews began moving back.

A generation or so later, in the early 20th century Arabs living in the region began to feel their own national stirrings, and the Palestinian Arabs were no different — though initially, they wanted to be part of a broader Arab empire, not a separate state.

When the British took over from the Ottoman Empire after the First World War, with a Mandate from the League of Nations, they struggled to reconcile promises to both sides.

The dilemma was difficult to solve, but dividing the land seemed the least bad option. This was acceptable to the Jewish side, which simply wanted sovereignty of any kind — especially with the growing danger to Jews in Europe.

But the Arabs — who were only known as “Palestinians” much later — clung to the idea that there could be no Jewish state at all, and not even any Jewish immigration, not even refugees from the Nazis.

The man most responsible for this intransigence was named Hajj Amin al-Husseini. The British sought to appease him by appointing him Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. He abused that position to foment riots against Jews, most notoriously in the Hebron massacre of 1929. The British tried to keep the Arabs onside in the Second World War by banning Jewish immigration, but al-Husseini sided with Hitler and the Nazis anyway.

There has never really been a reckoning with this history. The Palestinian Arab leadership collaborated with Hitler and made sure, through pressure on the British, that Jews had nowhere to escape.

After the war, the Germans were “de-Nazified” through public acknowledgment of Hitler’s crimes. But that never happened in the Arab world, which still incubated Nazi antisemitism alongside radical Islamic sentiments.

In 1947, the newly-formed United Nations tried to tackle the same problem that had vexed the British, and came up with the same answer: partition into a Jewish state and an Arab state.

But the Arabs decided to destroy the Jewish state rather than build their own, and declared war. They lost, and the same pattern has repeated itself for decades. The Palestinians have aways rejected statehood in favor of violence.

Up to 2000, it was possible to believe that some Palestinian grievance justified the rejection. But when then-President Bill Clinton offered Arafat nearly all of the West Bank, and shared sovereignty over Jerusalem’s holy sites, and possible compensation for Palestinian refugees, Arafat walked away. He then launched a cynical and destructive campaign of terror that Hamas, the Islamist rival of Arafat’s nationalists, continued.

That shattered the Israeli left, which had long supported compromises with the Palestinians, believing that peace was possible. For the last 23 years, Israelis have been looking for a workable alternative to solve the problem — from building a barrier along the West Bank, to unilateral withdrawal from Gaza, to making peace with the other Arab states in the hope that the Palestinians could eventually be persuaded to set war aside.

Yet the Palestinian leadership had other ideas — boosted by Iran, which continued to fund and arm terror groups.

In 2001, at the UN World Conference Against Racism, which was held in Durban, South Africa, global anti-Israel activists seized on the idea of casting Israel as the new “apartheid” state — which, like South Africa, had to be dismantled. It was an idea without merit, but the symbolism appealed to western leftists.

I happened to be at the World Conference Against Racism, which ironically saw a shocking outbreak of anti-Jewish hatred. Anti-Israel activists literally broke up a meeting to discuss antisemitism, which had nothing to do with Israel.

The same impulse persists in the efforts of anti-Israel activists to tear down posters of Israeli hostages: there can be no acknowledgement of Jewish victimhood, which is part of Israel’s reason for being.

But ask these activists what they have actually done to help “Palestine,” and you will find no answers. They have not invested in economic development; they have not donated to Palestinian schools. A few may have donated to Palestinian relief efforts, but none has given thought to building Palestinian institutions.

The one question that unravels them, every time, is: “What kind of Palestinian state do you want?” They don’t know.

They just want to “free Palestine,” and “from the river to the sea,” which the president of Harvard admitted this week was an antisemitic slogan: it envisions the destruction of Israel and the genocide of its Jews.

Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh recently urged followers to imagine a post-Israel “Palestine.” He wants an Islamic state. The likely outcome: Gaza. a complete wreck, a constant threat to its neighbors.

The world has heard Palestinian excuses for terrorism for 50 years. The difference now is that those same excuses come from Ismail Haniyeh rather than Edward Said — both from comfortable exile.

The only portion of the Palestinian Arab population that has moved beyond this are the Israeli Arab citizens, who are deciding, in the face of Hamas terror, that they would rather be Israeli than Palestinian. Their “free Palestine” is Israel.

There is talk about what to do with a post-Hamas Gaza. The White House wants it run by the Palestinian Authority, which has never worked. My preference would be to pay Gazans to relocate to the West Bank and annex Gaza to Israel, solving the problem of Palestinian geographic contiguity.

What do the Palestinians themselves want? We don’t know. They don’t either. Again, it is easier to destroy than to create. But “no more Israel” is not an acceptable answer.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). He is the author of the new biography, Rhoda: ‘Comrade Kadalie, You Are Out of Order’. He is also the author of the recent e-book, Neither Free nor Fair: The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.

Dem Sen. Coons: Hamas Is Messing up Talks to Get People out of Gaza by Trying to Get Terrorists Out

On Thursday’s broadcast of “CNN News Central,” Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) stated that one issue complicating negotiations to get Americans out of Gaza is the fact that Hamas is trying to get injured terrorists released.

Coons said he hopes there is a “several-day pause” to get humanitarian aid into Gaza, get dual citizens out of Gaza, and free hostages.

Later, co-host Sara Sidner asked, “There are still U.S. citizens in Gaza who want out. There [are] a couple in particular that we are aware of, [one] is stuck there and saying that the State Department is just not doing enough to try to help them get out. What needs to be done to finally get out more Americans, get them to safety, as they wait there in the midst of this war?”

Coons answered, “One of the challenges is our partner in the region, Egypt. The bipartisan group of senators with whom I traveled to Israel, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia pressed President El-Sisi to allow, out of Gaza, more Palestinians, in particular, Palestinian Americans. Coming to an agreement between Hamas and Egypt and Israel about who is released has been devilishly difficult. Hamas is trying to get their wounded fighters released so that they can be cared for in hospitals outside of Gaza. So far, there have been some releases, but, obviously, opposition by the Israelis to releasing Hamas fighters. So, it’s been a difficult series of negotiations.”

Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett

Her (KAMALA HARRIS) more radical positions, such as support for the Obama administration’s Iran deal, prosecuting a journalist who exposed Planned Parenthood’s collection and sale of aborted babies’ body parts (while receiving campaign donations from them), and defending Ilhan Omar’s anti-Semitism, may indeed sit well with a great many leftists, but her actions as Attorney General of California may not. While in that position, Harris jailed hundreds on marijuana charges and authorized anti-prostitution sting operations which, according to SF Weekly, disproportionately targeted Latino men (a crucial Democrat demographic). In addition to this -- though she later admitted it was a mistake -- she prosecuted and jailed the parents of truant teens. She even refused to release the names of Catholic priests accused of sexually molesting children, abnegating law enforcement’s most basic and humane duty -- regardless of anyone’s opinion of the Catholic Church.

Muslim Democrats ‘Horrified’ by Plan to Halt Palestinian Immigration to U.S.

Celal Gunes/Anadolu/SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images
Celal Gunes/Anadolu/SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images

Muslim Democrats Andre Carson, Rashida Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar say they are “horrified” by GOP plans that would halt Palestinian legal immigration to the United States.

This week, Rep. Ryan Zinke (R-MT) and other House Republicans introduced legislation to ban the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) from providing green cards, visas, refugee status, and parole to Palestinians.

Zinke’s legislation also would revoke visas for Palestinians in the United States, thus making them eligible for deportation.

“This legislation keeps America safe,” Zinke said of the legislation. “I don’t trust the Biden Administration any more than I do the Palestinian Authority to screen who is allowed to come into the United States.”

In response, Carson, Tlaib, and Omar issued a joint statement where they called Zinke’s legislation “xenophobic, punitive, and [an] unconstitutional measure.”

“As the three Muslim Members of Congress, we are horrified by Rep. Ryan Zinke’s recently introduced bill to pause all visas, refugee status, and granting of asylum for individuals holding a passport issued by the Palestinian Authority indefinitely — and to revoke others,” they said:

Let’s be clear: using the full power of the state to target and persecute a particular ethnic group or nationality is fascism and pure bigotry. This legislation—by a former cabinet official no less—directly violates the U.S. Constitution, and would illegally destroy the lives of the hundreds of thousands of Palestinian immigrants who live in and contribute to American society. Though intended to target Muslims, this bill will also hurt Palestinian Christians, who will be targeted by these provisions. History will harshly judge this xenophobic, punitive, and unconstitutional measure. [Emphasis added]

We call on the leadership of both parties to vocally and specifically condemn these comments and legislation, to make clear that anti-Muslim and anti-Arab hate has no place in our politics, and to name it when it happens. [Emphasis added]

Despite claims that Zinke’s legislation is “unconstitutional,” the Supreme Court ruled in Trump v. Hawaii that the president has extraordinarily broad discretion under 8 U.S.C. § 1182(f) to exclude aliens when he believes doing so is in the nation’s interests.

Since Zinke introduced the legislation, House and Senate Democrats have sent a letter to President Joe Biden urging him to provide Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) to Palestinians in the United States — a policy that the far-left Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is currently lobbying for.

Giving TPS and DED to Palestinians would ensure they cannot be deported from the United States.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here.

Exclusive – World-Renowned Expert on Urban Combat: Hamas ‘Creating’ Civilian Deaths to Stir World Against IDF

GAZA CITY, GAZA - OCTOBER 18, 2011: Soldiers with al Qasm, Hamas military wing, lined the streets fully armed as thongs of people stood out to greet dozens of prisoners as they travel from Rafah to Gaza City after being released in exchange for Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit, at Rafah …
Lynsey Addario/Getty Images Reportage

Despite the “nightmare” of tunnel warfare, the mission being carried out by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) appears “very successful,” though Israel doesn’t have unlimited time, according to retired United States Army Major and urban warfare expert John Spencer, who deemed Hamas an “existential threat” whose strategy is to “create their own civilians’ deaths and get the world to react,” in order to prevent the IDF from eliminating their military capabilities — “and it is working.” 

He also accused those protesting Israel’s supposedly “disproportionate” response to Hamas of having “no understanding of war, the laws of war or how the world works,” and that the terror group would “slaughter” the protesters, if given the opportunity, “for not being radical Islamic followers.

In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News, retired U.S. Army Major John Spencer, a world-renowned expert on urban combat who serves as chair of urban warfare studies at the Modern War Institute (MWI) at West Point, delved into the various warfare tactics at hand during the current Middle East conflict.


Spencer, a founding member the International Working Group on Subterranean Warfare, deemed the IDF’s activity against a plainclothes enemy embedded amongst civilians “very precise.” 

“Of course, very costly,” he said. “But it’s not unlike any other urban battle I’ve seen.”

While Gaza is a “very highly dense place,” he noted, “cities like Baghdad, Mosul, and Raqqa are more dense,” though that “doesn’t mean it’s not any harder to operate in it.”

“From the ground perspective, as somebody who teaches this to armies around the world, I think they have been very deliberate in their approach to go through the steps that would be required to accomplish the mission they have stated, whereas a lot of militaries aren’t as clear in their objectives,” he said.

Citing a Vietnam-war saying, “you have to destroy the city to save it,” Spencer said the fact is unfortunate, “but it’s the reality of urban fighting.”

The saying conveys that there is a defender inside the city, which, in order to clear out “you basically destroy the city.” 

“And there’s nothing I’m seeing now that changes that paradigm,” he added.

Deeming the IDF’s battle against Hamas “enemycentric,” in that the mission to destroy Hamas’ military capabilities is “very clear,” the retired Army officer explained that the task cannot be done [entirely] from the air, though an air campaign can be used “to attrit rocket sites, command-and-control centers, the ability to communicate, and the ability to move — even underground.” 

“As far as I can tell,” he assessed, the mission being carried out by the IDF appears “very successful.” 

“Now they’ve moved forward methodically surrounding the city; the step that we call ‘isolate’ the city,” he explained, with reports indicating that the northern part of Gaza is now completely cut off. 

“And I’m sure that means both on the surface and underground, because isolating the surface doesn’t mean you’ve isolated the underground,” he added. 

But Israel’s current conflict with the terrorist Hamas group is actually the Jewish state’s fight against an “existential threat” that’s been “allowed through U.S. encouragement” to fester, and October 7 was a result of that. 

“Hamas has in their charter the complete destruction of Israel and the slaughter of the Jewish people, and it tried that on October 7 on as many as they could,” he added.


Despite the difficulty in fighting Hamas, Israel is not facing “mission impossible,” Spencer asserted. 

IDF finds Hamas tunnel (IDF)

Having “traveled the world, and been in tunnels all around the world,” as well as having “studied the way militaries approach, or don’t approach, underground warfare,” he concluded that the IDF are “leaders of the world in developing technologies, tactics and trained personnel for this specific mission.” 

“They have one of the biggest underground units, the Yahalom, which is a special forces engineering unit.”

They also have modern day “tunnel rats,” dog units, and a “complete major organization that does experimentation and research to develop things,” he noted.

Spencer highlighted the challenge of underground warfare, where “nothing that any military developed for the surface of the Earth for fighting works.” 

You can’t see down underground without special night vision because there’s no ambient light, which is what most of most night vision goggles use. You can’t navigate down there because there’s no satellite transmission. You can’t communicate because there’s no satellite or line of sight radio frequency down there that will work. Many places down there you can’t breathe. Many of your munitions can’t fire down there because the concussion will blow your eardrums and give you basically a concussion, without special equipment. 

In addition, he explained, such depths can’t be reached with aerial technologies. 

“Hamas dug deeper and deeper because of the fact that bunker buster bombs can go about 100 feet underground,” he said, “and the IDF has already found some Hamas tunnels 200 feet underground, below where any bunker buster can get to [or] any munition.”

The Israeli military believes, he noted, that there are likely tunnels even “300 feet” beneath the surface. 

While the IDF “has some of the greatest equipment and little robots they can send down, drones that bounce off walls, remote control cars, and dogs,” with 300 miles of such tunnels, “you’ll quickly run out of that capability.”

“And sending somebody into a tunnel is the last resort, so you always seek a way not to go into a tunnel,” he explained. 

However, he noted, the IDF has some personnel that can, including “everything from special forces throughout Sayeret Matkal, to the special soldiers that have been trained for it.” 

Another issue is the presence of captives in such tunnels.

“We’re 99 percent sure all hostages, or a majority of them, are underground. So even some of the historical methods in which militaries used to deal with tunnels — whether it’s to explode them or neutralize them by putting tear gas in them or flooding them or something similar, you won’t initially be able to do because you have to map and navigate the tunnel to see if there are hostages down there,” he said.

Hamas tunnel (Yousef Masoud/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty)

GAZA, PALESTINE – 07/19/2023: A fighter from Izz al-Din al-Qassam stands in front of a tunnel during an exhibition of weapons, missiles and heavy equipment for the military wing of Hamas in the Maghazi camp in the central Gaza Strip, during the commemoration of the 2014 war that lasted 51 days between Gaza and Israel. (Yousef Masoud/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)

Calling such a scenario a “really wicked problem” and a “nightmare to fight in,” Spencer explained why previously common methods are not feasible under current conditions:

Even the basic military, what we teach every soldier in every military in the world, is to fire and move. In a tunnel there’s no fire and move. There’s just fire down the tunnel and maybe fire back at you. You can’t flank them. You can’t move around them. You can’t surprise them. So it’s really a nightmare of a place to have to go fight or have to even enter. You can’t even breathe down there without special breathing equipment, depending on the depth that it goes and the ventilation that it has.

However, he insisted, the presence of hostages underground is not an impossible problem to solve, rather it merely means that forces must move slower and the mission will take more time. 

“Israel developed the world’s first hostage rescue teams that the rest of us have now copied. So they have hostage rescue teams and many special forces units that all have underground training,” he said. “They can put a drone into a tunnel beforehand to see if there’s a hostage down there before they do something to it.” 

He expressed his belief that for the IDF to accomplish its objectives, it would need several months, “based on other examples.” 

“Although the hostages make this situation very unique — there’s no historical precedent for that at this scale — I would say it will take months.” 

“I don’t think years, just months,” he said, “but definitely not days, and unlikely weeks.” 

However, he maintained, the real question is how much time they have, and not how much time it will take. 

“No military gets unlimited time, and Israel doesn’t have unlimited time,” he said. “So that means you’re going to have to make a lot of decisions about risk, and take risks and make hard military decisions.”


With many concerned for civilian casualties, Spencer insisted that “all the laws of war that were created — really, strengthened — after World War Two, have gotten a lot stronger.” 

“No more carpet bombing of cities like the U.S. and every other country involved in WWII were trying… whether it’s the London Blitz or Dresden or what the U.S. did to Tokyo,” he stated. “The idea that you can bomb your enemy to your goals has really happened very few times in the history of wars and worked.”

In addition, he stated, such a strategy “definitely wouldn’t accomplish the Israeli mission of destroying military infrastructure and capability.” 

“You have to use joint power: air, land, sea, and cyber,” he explained, “but you have to get in there and clear, destroy tunnels, destroy Hamas members, and destroy Hamas rockets.”

“So from a military analyst perspective I think they’re doing pretty good,” he added.

Regarding civilian casualty numbers, Spencer noted that they are “not unlike other battles” in recent history. 

“In the Battle of Mosul, there were 10,000 civilian casualties in a city of 1.4 million civilians where ISIS kept the civilians there for a long time before they could start to evacuate,” he said. “But by sheer numbers, they evacuated 80 percent of the urban areas. And while that’s still hundreds of thousands of people, militaries are never able to empty all of the cities, it just never happened.” 

“Even in WWII in the Battle of Aachen, where we cleared the city four times, there were still hundreds of civilians in the city and lots of civilian casualties,” he added.

He also pointed to when U.S. forces “surrounded Fallujah, and spent six months — that Israel doesn’t have — to empty 90 percent of the civilians there,” yet there were still many casualties. 

“So there are a lot of similarities,” he noted.

According to Spencer, when an enemy chooses to defend from urban terrain and use human shields, the results we see are “not abnormal.”

“Really, the civilian casualties are 90 percent of the casualties of modern war, not military,” he explained, “because modern war fights are happening in cities, not fights for cities, which is really ancient, fighting for cities.”

Today, in contrast, militaries fight in cities for a variety of reasons, he noted. For example, Hamas militants “can gain a large amount of power [by fighting] in urban environments.” 

“They take away the attacker’s military superiority, just to bring the fighting close and have a slugfest,” he said. “So that means more and more warfare.” 

“But out of the last 20 years, 90 percent of the casualties of war have been civilians,” he added. 

Spencer also explained that “everybody” misunderstands the notion of proportionality.

“We should not be comparing the amount of Palestinian civilian deaths to the amount of Israeli civilians killed on October 7 — 1,400 versus supposedly 10,000 (I’m highly doubtful that’s an accurate number, but it doesn’t matter),” he said. “That’s not the way war works. That’s not even close to the definition of proportionality — it has nothing to do with it.”

“Every civilian death is, of course, a loss, but people that want the end of the conflict because of the fact that it’s not ‘proportional’ to what happened on October 7, have no understanding of war, the laws of war or how the world works,” he added. 

Reflecting on his having taught strategy at West Point for years, Spencer determined that Hamas’ strategy is to “create their own civilians’ deaths and get the world to react,” in order to prevent the IDF from eliminating their military capabilities, — “and it is working.” 

“Despite the fact that I can tell every news agency in the world that what we’re seeing in Gaza is not unlike what we’ve seen in battles against ISIS in Mosul, Raqqa, Syria, and Marawi — nobody cares,” he said. “They’re still saying, ‘no, no, stop.’” 

“That’s the Hamas strategy, to get so many civilians killed that the IDF will have to stop, and Hamas gets to live to fight another day,” he added. 

Another Hamas strategy he indicated is that of buying time. 

“Most defenders in history lose, but one of the goals can be just to buy time,” he said. “So Hamas is going to use guerrilla warfare, use complex urban terrain and snipers, ambushes, IEDs, and pop out of tunnels, just to slow the IDF down, so that they can’t achieve their goal quickly.”

“The IDF needs time — and Hamas’ strategy is to take that time away from them, by putting all these pressures, getting every Palestinian, every Muslim of the world, to force international leadership to try to encourage the IDF to stop,” he added. 

In light of the above, Israel should “absolutely” be given the time and space to achieve its goals. 

To even destroy the tunnels, you’ve gotta clear the tunnel. You’ve gotta make sure there’s no military equipment, hostages, or fighters, in them. Then they have to destroy the tunnels, and that would be historic because even some of the ways militaries have destroyed tunnels aren’t an option to fully destroy 300 miles of tunnels. One of the only options is to flood them with seawater — which would necessitate time.

And while the IDF needs to be given the time, he acknowledged, it is crucial to “not allow Hamas’ strategy of buying time to succeed.” 


On protesters who have come out in large numbers against Israel’s response, Spencer suggested “they have no clue of what war looks like,” despite possibly being well-intentioned. 

“War happens in cities, and though it may appear like the IDF is indiscriminately bombing the cities of Gaza, that’s not the case and I have seen nothing that shows that,” he said. “In fact, this looks very similar to most U.S.-backed operations.”

“It’s what happens when an enemy embeds itself in a civilian population and the civilians are in an urban area,” he added. “Every strike is a targeted military target, but this is what war looks like.”

Addressing the “double standards” of those who protest Israel’s fight against Hamas while ignoring significantly controversial events such as the recent move by Pakistan to expel 1.7 million Afghan refugees, Spencer explained that the IDF, for various reasons, is “held to a standard above and beyond any other standard that we hold any other military in the world.” 

“It’s scrutinized and held to a standard that isn’t actually within the laws of war,” he said. “It fights in that limelight, at a standard that nobody else is held to.”

However, he noted, Hamas would “slaughter” those protesters “for not being radical Islamic followers.” 

“They would slaughter them — do horrific things — just like they slaughtered the people on October 7.,” he added.

Joshua Klein is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter @JoshuaKlein.

UK Strips Visa From Migrant Caught Celebrating Hamas Terrorists

LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM - OCTOBER 09: Thousands of pro-Palestine demonstrators protest outside the Israeli Embassy on October 09, 2023 in London, United Kingdom. The group is standing in solidarity with the resistance against Israeli apartheid and settler colonialism. (Photo by Leila Dougan/Gallo Images via Getty Images)
Leila Dougan/Gallo Images via Getty Images

In the first action of its kind since the murderous October 7th rampage by Hamas terrorists in Israel, the Home Office has revoked the visa of a man who expressed support for the Islamic terrorists.

According to a report from The Sun, Britain’s most circulated newspaper, a foreign national has had his right to remain in the UK revoked over celebrating Hamas, which is a banned terror organisation in the country.

The man, who remains unnamed for legal reasons, was also caught supporting Palestine Islamic Jihad, which is classified as a banned proscribed terrorist group as well.

The Hamas-supporting migrant is said to have left the UK after a case was opened against him and Home Secretary Suella Braverman subsequently scrapped his visa, thereby prohibiting him from returning.

He is reportedly the first foreigner to have had his visa revoked after the British government warned it would remove migrants who supported banned terror groups in the wake of the October 7th Hamas attacks that killed over 1,400 people in Israel.

Commenting on the decision to revoke the Hamas-sympathiser’s visa, Immigration Minister Robert Jenrick said: “There can be zero tolerance for visitors to the UK who abuse the privilege of a visa and endorse evil terrorist acts.

“To any individuals considering following suit in the coming days and weeks: be in no doubt that we will continue to revoke visas wherever required. We will not tolerate extremism on our streets.”

The disclosure came ahead of a large-scale pro-Palestine demonstration on Armistice Day on Saturday, which many in the UK have branded as deeply disrespectful for coinciding with ceremonies to honour the fallen war dead who served Britain in combat.

According to The Sun, there have been over 100 arrests at pro-Palestine protests over the past month, including for supporting proscribed terror groups such as Hamas.

report earlier this week from The Telegraph claimed that at least three of the organising groups behind Saturday’s protest had direct links to Hamas, including the Muslim Association of Britain (MAB), which was reportedly founded by former Hamas commander Muhammad Kathem Sawalha, who was granted British citizenship in the early 2000s.

Commenting on the visa revocation of the Hamas sympathiser, Strange Death of Europe author Douglas Murray praised the Home Secretary’s actions but said: “Now let’s have some more”.

Netanyahu Rebukes Macron over ‘Babies and Women’: Hamas, not Israel, Causes Civilian Casualties

Netanyahu and Macron (Chesnot / Getty)
Chesnot / Getty

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rebuked French President Emmanuel Macron early Saturday morning after Macron called on Israel to stop killing Palestinian “babies and women,” declaring that Hamas was to blame for all civilian casualties.

Macron gave an interview to the BBC, as follows (original emphasis):

Israel must stop killing babies and women in Gaza, French President Emmanuel Macron has told the BBC.

In an exclusive interview at the Élysée Palace, he said there was “no justification” for the bombing, saying a ceasefire would benefit Israel.

While recognising Israel’s right to protect itself, “we do urge them to stop this bombing” in Gaza, he said.

But he also stressed that France “clearly condemns” the “terrorist” actions of Hamas.

In response, Netanyahu issued a statement:

“The responsibility for any harm to civilians lies with Hamas – ISIS and not with Israel.

It must be remembered that Israel entered the war due to that terrorist organisation’s brutal murder of hundreds of Israelis and holding hostage more than 200 Israelis.

While Israel does everything in its power to avoid harming civilians and urges them to leave the battle areas, Hamas – ISIS is doing all it can to prevent them from moving to safe areas and uses them as human shields.

Hamas – ISIS is cruelly holding our people hostage – women, children, the elderly – and thus committing a crime against humanity.

Hamas – ISIS is using schools, mosques and hospitals as terrorist command centers.

The crimes being committed today by Hamas – ISIS in Gaza will be committed tomorrow in Paris, New York and all over the world.

The leaders of the world should be condemning Hamas – ISIS, not Israel”.

Hamas launched a massive terror attack on Israel on October 7, murdering over 1,400 people, wounding thousands more, and taking at least 240 people hostage. It also uses “human shields,” deliberately placing civilians in the line of fire, hoping to protect itself from attack — or, alternatively, to use civilian casualties to drum up international pressure to stop Israel from defending itself.

Real Admiral Daniel Hagari of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) … said that Israel had “prioritized evacuation efforts over other missions.” He said that the Israel Air Force dropped over 1.5 million flyers warning Palestinians to evacuate the northern Gaza Strip, which is where Hamas’s strongholds are located, and to move south, beyond the Wadi Gaza wetlands, for their own safety. He added that Israel had made 20,000 personal telephone calls to civilian residents of Gaza, telling them to evacuate the area.

Macron also supported a ceasefire in his BBC interview, though a ceasefire would effectively mean a victory for Hamas.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). He is the author of the new biography, Rhoda: ‘Comrade Kadalie, You Are Out of Order’. He is also the author of the recent e-book, Neither Free nor Fair: The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.

Is Congress Ready to Take on Pro-Hamas Nonprofits?

“Some organizations that have celebrated the unspeakable acts of terror ... currently enjoy tax-exempt status in the United States,"

The David Horowitz Freedom Center has made exposing pro-terror nonprofits abusing the tax system into a major focus. Now Congress is showing signs of a willingness to act.

Last month, Rep. Jason Smith, the Chair of the House Ways and Means Committee, sent a message.

Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (MO-08) released the following statement blasting organizations and U.S. universities for their statements, or failure to condemn statements issued by student organizations, of support for Hamas and the barbaric acts of terrorism committed against the Jewish people in Israel.

Chairman Smith said, “To say I am disgusted by statements of support for Hamas that we’ve seen in recent days is an understatement. Celebrating, excusing, or downplaying the horrific rape, torture, and murder of innocent people is the same thing as supporting violence, or even calling for it. Releasing such statements, or failing to condemn them, is unforgivable and runs counter to our values as a nation.

“Some organizations that have celebrated the unspeakable acts of terror that claimed the lives of 30 Americans and hundreds of Israeli men, women, and children currently enjoy tax-exempt status in the United States, and their statements call into question the academic or charitable missions they claim to pursue. University administrators, for example, have weaponized their institutions to attack speech and free inquiry as ‘violence,’ yet fail to condemn actual violence that threatens our way of life all while their institutions enjoy lucrative federal tax-exempt status.

The Wall Street Journal notes that, “Mr. Smith’s comments have more weight than most because he is chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, which has jurisdiction over tax policy. That includes policies governing nonprofit organizations, including colleges and universities as well as groups issuing statements and staging rallies throughout the U.S. Statements celebrating Hamas’s violence, Mr. Smith adds, “call into question the academic or charitable missions they claim to pursue”—in other words, their tax breaks.”

As we have repeatedly demonstrated, including in today’s article, supporting terrorists is inconsistent with tax-exempt status.

The illegal pro-terrorist activities of both JVP and IfNotNow, as well as many other groups in the anti-Israel network, reflects the refusal of the IRS to enforce the tax code against the Left.

The IRS had previously found that the tax code bans funding of anti-war groups or any organization whose “primary activity is the sponsoring of…protest demonstrations  in which demonstrators are urged to commit violations of local ordinances and breaches of public order.”

Such organizations don’t “qualify for exemption under section 501(c)(3) or (4) of the Code.”

That means the groups engaged in illegal pro-Hamas protests, should lose their tax exempt status.

In a previous article, I argued that Congress could end the pro-terror tax code loophole.

These are only a few of the examples of IRS approved 501(c)(3) nonprofit groups or those funded by them celebrating Hamas atrocities. This is in clear violation of the tax code which bars such activities.

IRS regulations specifically state that “exempt purposes may generally be equated with the public good, and violations of law are the antithesis of the public good”

Is supporting terrorists part of the public good? It’s not.

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Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

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Tlaib Fights Censure with Lies

Her false statements are in accord with the jihadi playbook.

[Make sure to read Robert Spencer’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]

Facing censure in the House of Representatives over her antisemitism and thinly veiled support for Hamas, the Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Ramallah) is fighting back using a strategy that Islamic spokesmen in the West have frequently favored over the years: she’s lying. This shouldn’t come as any surprise to anyone: in the book that those spokesmen and Tlaib consider to be holy, lying to infidels is specifically allowed for when one is cornered. And if anyone is cornered right now, it’s Rashida Tlaib.

CNN reported that “The House voted Tuesday to advance a resolution to censure Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib after a Democratic effort to block the measure failed, setting up an expected vote on final passage of the resolution Wednesday.” Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Georgia), who on Monday reintroduced into the House a resolution to censure her flamethrowing far-Left colleague, wrote on X that it was for Tlaib’s “antisemitism, spreading Pro-Hamas propaganda, and inciting an illegal occupation in the Capitol complex.” Rep. Rich McCormick (R-Georgia) also introduced a resolution to censure Tlaib.

In a statement on the censure resolutions, Tlaib insisted: “I have repeatedly denounced the horrific targeting and killing of civilians by Hamas and the Israeli government, and have mourned the Israeli and Palestinian lives lost.” It is important to note that this is not actually a denunciation of Hamas, which Tlaib has never denounced, but only of “the horrific targeting and killing of civilians” by both “Hamas and the Israeli government,” as if the two were equivalent when one deliberately targets civilians and puts them in harm’s way and the other takes extraordinary measures to avoid civilian casualties.

So even Tlaib’s criticism of Hamas’ actions on Oct. 7 is watered down by her absurd moral equivalence of Hamas with the Israeli government. Beyond that, however, where exactly were these instances of Tlaib repeatedly denouncing Hamas for murdering Israeli civilians? On Oct. 8, the day after Hamas murdered over 1,400 Israeli civilians in one of the bloodiest, most savage jihad massacres of modern times, Tlaib led off her statement with the same moral equivalence: “I grieve the Palestinian and Israeli lives lost yesterday, today, and every day.” Then she launched into a series of thinly veiled indictments of Israel: “I am determined as ever to fight for a just future where everyone can live in peace, without fear and with true freedom, equal rights, and human dignity. The path to that future must include lifting the blockade, ending the occupation, and dismantling the apartheid system that creates the suffocating, dehumanizing conditions that can lead to resistance.” About Hamas’ targeting of civilians she said absolutely nothing, and, in fact, didn’t even mention the jihad terror group at all.

That’s all. Tlaib didn’t post on X between Oct. 6 and Oct. 13. If she was busy repeatedly denouncing Hamas’ murder of Israeli civilians, it made no headlines and isn’t even on her own website.

So what is Tlaib doing claiming now that she has repeatedly denounced Hamas’ targeting of civilians? It’s simple: she is lying. And that lying is firmly within the bounds of what is acceptable behavior according to the Qur’an on which she was sworn in. The Islamic holy book says: “Let not the believers take unbelievers for their friends in preference to believers. Whoever does that has no connection with Allah unless you are guarding yourselves against them, taking security.” (3:28)

The fourteenth-century Islamic scholar Ibn Kathir, author of a magisterial and still influential commentary on the Qur’an, explains that the phrase “unless you are guarding yourselves against them” means that “believers who in some areas or times fear for their safety from the disbelievers” may “show friendship to the disbelievers outwardly, but never inwardly. For instance, Al-Bukhari recorded that Abu Ad-Darda said, ‘We smile in the face of some people although our hearts curse them.’ Al-Bukhari said that Al-Hasan said, ‘The Tuqyah [taqiyya] is allowed until the Day of Resurrection.” Abu Ad-Darda was a companion of Muhammad.

In the same vein, the twentieth-century Pakistani Islamic scholar and politician Syed Abul Ala Maududi wrote this about Qur’an 3:28: “This means that is lawful for a believer, helpless in the grip of the enemies of Islam and in imminent danger of severe wrong and persecution, to keep his faith concealed and to behave in such a way as to create the impression that he is on the same side as his enemies.”

Might Tlaib consider herself in the grip of the enemies of Islam and in imminent danger of severe wrong, and so considers it permissible for her to claim she opposes Hamas when in fact she favors it? Certainly. And her Democrat colleagues, since they have been propagandized into thinking that such a line of inquiry is “Islamophobic” on its face, and want to keep the Israel-hating hard Left happy, will fall into line behind her.

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Robert Spencer

Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 26 books including many bestsellers, such as The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)The Truth About Muhammad and The History of Jihad. His latest books are The Critical Qur’an and The Sumter Gambit. Follow him on Twitter here. Like him on Facebook here.

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Hamas Leaders to NY Times: No Interest in Helping Palestinians in Gaza, Want ‘Permanent’ War Against Israel

israel attacked
AHMAD AL-BASHA/AFP via Getty Images

Hamas leaders told the New York Times on Wednesday that they had no interest in governing Gaza and instead wanted to create a “permanent” state of war against Israel that, in their minds, would mobilize Arab support and keep the Palestinian cause alive.

The idea of governing Gaza well, or building institutions toward creating a Palestinian state, seems not to have occurred to them — nor did the Times‘ Ben Hubbard and Maria Abi-Habib, who had access to Hamas leaders, suggest that more constructive idea.

It was necessary to “change the entire equation and not just have a clash,” Khalil al-Hayya, a member of Hamas’s top leadership body, told The New York Times in Doha, Qatar. “We succeeded in putting the Palestinian issue back on the table, and now no one in the region is experiencing calm.”

“I hope that the state of war with Israel will become permanent on all the borders, and that the Arab world will stand with us,” Taher El-Nounou, a Hamas media adviser, told The Times.

“This battle was not because we wanted fuel or laborers,” he added. “It did not seek to improve the situation in Gaza. This battle is to completely overthrow the situation.”

The Times presented several Hamas complaints about Israel in euphemistic terms, as if they were accurate or legitimate. For example, it describes Jews trying to pray on the Temple Mount as “Jews openly praying at a contested site customarily reserved for Muslims,” without mentioning that it is also the holiest site in Judaism. The Times also cites “the Israeli police storming the Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem,” without noting that they only did so because Hamas and other groups stockpiled weapons there.

Prior to the war, Saudi Arabia and Israel had been moving toward a deal on peace and normalization that would have been conditioned on an improvement of conditions for Palestinians, though not necessarily on the creation of a Palestinian state.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). He is the author of the new biography, Rhoda: ‘Comrade Kadalie, You Are Out of Order’. He is also the author of the recent e-book, Neither Free nor Fair: The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.

Can someone explain to the rest of us why the leaders of Hamas, the world's evilest terrorist organization which has just murdered 1,400 innocent people, are actual billionaires living their best lives in Qatar?

A Marriage Made in Hell

Unified in a seething hatred of the West.

In the month since the horrific jihadist attacks on Israeli civilians, worldwide protests and antisemitic rallies, replete with Nazi-era slogans and tropes, began even before Israel launched its war against Hamas. In the U.S., these demonstrations include unprecedented coalitions of Muslims and “woke” leftists, a seemingly oxymoronic alliance, given that everything else Islam and leftism stand for are mutually exclusive.

Yet there is a deeper connection between Islam and the left, one that goes beyond tactical alliances––an inveterate hatred of the modern West and its defining goods like tolerance, political equality, unalienable individual rights, separation of church and state, and especially freedom as the birthright of every human being. And, most troubling, both Islam and the communist left endorse and have practiced brutal, indiscriminate violence in order to punish infidels and apostates.

Even before the rise of communism, its precursors, the radical Jacobins of the French Revolution, bespoke a “passionate intensity” redolent of Islam. Alexis de Tocqueville in his 1856 The Old Regime and the French Revolution described the revolution as  “a new kind of religion, an incomplete religion, it is true, without God, without religion, and without life after death, but one which nevertheless, like Islam, flooded the earth with its soldiers, apostles, and martyrs.”  Moreover, the French Revolution legitimized violence as the tool for regenerating mankind, as does Islam today.

Nor did it take long for Marxism also to be recognized as a political religion, a secular substitute for Christianity, which since the Enlightenment has been weakened among the Western cognitive and cultural elites. Historian Michael Burleigh has catalogued communism’s “cultural appropriations” of Christianity: ‘“consciousness’ (soul), ‘comrades’ (faithful), ‘capitalist’ (sinner), ‘devil’ (counterrevolutionary), ‘proletarian’ (chosen people), and ‘classless society’ (paradise),” to name a few.

Likewise, the memoirs of former communists collected in The God That Failed (1949) contain striking resemblances to Christian descriptions of the experience of conversion. French novelist André Gide said that his “conversion is like a faith,” one he would gladly become a martyr to. Arthur Koestler describes his conversion to Marxism as a reprise of St. Paul’s on the road to Damascus: “the new light seemed to pour from all directions across the skull; the whole universe falls into pattern . . . There is now an answer to every question, doubt and conflicts are a matter of the tortured past.”

Modern “woke” leftism performs the same functions for a generation of Americans who have repudiated religion, and have been badly educated as well. Of course, social and cultural fashions, spread by “social contagion,” account for much of their spurious moral preening and virtue-signaling, which provide badges of their superiority to “fascists,” “racists,” and “Islamophobes.” But the need for meaning and a justifying narrative is real and urgent enough to endorse publicly the Holocaust, and to celebrate the inhuman violence against Israeli children and babies.

And to ignore the incoherence and fundamental contradictions of their shouted chants and slogans, which echo the “useful idiots” of the Twenties and Thirties, those Western apologists and press-agents for the Soviet butchers. Not even Stalin’s treaty with Hitler in August 1939 could wake up thousands of Western fellow-travelers, who had lobbied against joining the war against Nazism, until Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet Union a few years later, when suddenly they they became passionate supporters and cheerleaders for fighting side-by-side with the capitalist running-dogs.

What else other than a similar rote fealty to a black-market cult can explain today’s protestors decrying Israel’s alleged “genocide” of Palestinian Arabs who, except for Gazans misruled by Hamas, comprise some of the freest and most prosperous Arabs in the region? Or their ignoring Islam’s brutality against homosexuals and transexuals, the woke left’s secular saints and martyrs?  Or Islam’s retrograde beliefs about women’s inferiority, which these Western poseurs celebrate by sporting hijabs that signify their sex’s debased status? Or indulging vicious antisemitic lies and slurs redolent of Der Stürmer, at the same time they decry an alleged epidemic of “Islamophobia.” In fact, half of U.S. hate-crimes against ethnic and religious minorities––like those committed over the last month during the protests––are against Jews, and have increased 388% over the same period in 2022?

Next, both Islam and leftism dehumanize whole categories of human beings into enemies worthy of extermination. In Islam, “infidels”––anyone not a Muslim––must be eliminated if they refuse the “call” to convert to Islam. The aim of the faithful mandated by Allah is that the whole world must be conquered and subjected to the Koran and sharia law. The faithful must continually wage jihad to fulfill this command.

And like communism, the greatest infidel enemy of Islam is the West, the civilization that ended 1400 years of Muslim success and dominance. The U.S.––the richest, freest, and most powerful country in history––is especially hated. In 1991, the Muslim Brotherhood, the most consequential organization for modern jihadism, promulgated “An Explanatory Memorandum On the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America”: “The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and by the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”

Soviet Communism had a similar global ambition regarding the capitalists and bourgeoise, regardless of any individual guilt or innocence. In November 1918, Felix Dzerzhinsky, head of the secret police, wrote, “We are not waging war against individual persons. We are exterminating the bourgeoisie as a class. During the investigation, do not look for evidence that the accused acted in deed or word against Soviet power. The first questions that you ought to put are: To what class does he belong? What is his origin? What is his education or profession? And it is these questions that ought to determine the fate of the accused.”

Finally, both beliefs legitimize ruthless violence and torture in fulfilling their mandates to bring down the West, and both endorse the amoral principle “by any means necessary,” including terrorism, a weapon of the left since the French Revolution. Karl Marx himself in 1843 threatened the Prussian government, “We are ruthless and ask no quarter from you. When our turn comes, we shall not disguise our terrorism.” Indeed, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Pol Pot, and every communist leader since have made good on that threat.

Our “woke” fellow-travelers of jihad haven’t descended to the levels of the gruesome violence of Hamas or the Soviet regime––not yet. But the acceptance and celebration of the savage violence Hamas inflicted on Israelis, and the once-forbidden public celebration of the Holocaust do not bode well for the future. Who knows what sequence of events will, as happened in Germany in the Thirties, create an environment in which such rhetoric will become reality, and the flaunting of brutal antisemitic tropes become a call to action. We may yet see today’s bougie day-trippers turn into tomorrow’s rabid storm troopers.

As for now, these demonstrations are inflicting damage by pressuring the weak and cowardly Biden administration into escalating its bullying of Israel to take a “humanitarian pause” in its campaign, an obvious  euphemism for a cease-fire that would leave the Hamas butchers time to regroup, rearm, and return to murdering Israelis––as promised by a Hamas official who has threatened endless 10/7s until Israel is no more.

That is, unless the West recovers its civilizational nerve, and once again takes its stand for freedom against its enemies.

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Bruce Thornton

Bruce S. Thornton is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, an emeritus professor of classics and humanities at California State University, Fresno, and a research fellow at the Hoover Institution. His latest book is Democracy’s Dangers and Discontents: The Tyranny of the Majority from the Greeks to Obama.

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Biden Pushes for a 3 Day ‘Pause’ Proposed by Hamas

The Biden administration is playing into the hands of Islamic terrorists

Israel has pushed deep into Gaza. It has mobilized large numbers of troops and is taking out top Hamas leaders and is on the verge of a full push into Gaza City that would finish Hamas.

And the Biden administration is pushing a demand straight from a demand by Hamas and its state sponsor, the Islamic terrorist state of Qatar.

President Joe Biden confirmed on Tuesday that he asked Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for a pause in the fighting in Gaza.

“I asked Prime Minister Netanyahu for a pause in the fighting in Gaza in a call on Monday,” Biden said, as quoted by Reuters.

Biden’s comments came hours after Barak Ravid of Axios reported that Biden urged Netanyahu in their call on Monday to agree to a three-day pause in the fighting to allow progress in releasing some of the hostages held by Hamas in Gaza.

According to a proposal that is being discussed between the US, Israel and Qatar, Hamas would release 10-15 hostages and use the three-day pause to verify the identities of all the hostages and deliver a list of names of the people it is holding, a US official told Ravid.

Remember when Hamas was claiming that it would release all the hostages in exchange for a 24-hour pause?

Hamas doesn’t need a three-day pause to verify the identities of the hostages. It’s had them for a month now.

Netanyahu has offered a pause in exchange for the release of all the hostages. Hamas won’t do that. And any list it produces is likely to be worthless. Islamic terrorists have a history of trying to claim ransom for dead bodies. It’s unknown how many of the hostages are actually alive. But if Hamas wants to verify all that, it can let the Red Cross (the actual one, not the Red Crescent which is just Hamas is a different color uniform) get access to them.

If there’s any lesson to be learned from Oct 7, it’s that Islamic terrorists lie. They attack under ceasefires, they make false promises and do anything they can to kill their victims.

The Israeli official told Axios that part of Netanyahu’s reservation is because Hamas attacked a group of Israeli soldiers, kidnapped one of them, and killed several others during a humanitarian pause during the 2014 Operation Protective Edge.

The Biden administration tried to rebrand the “humanitarian pause” as a “tactical pause”. Big mistake. This is a ground operation. Unlike air strikes, you’ve got soldiers in the middle of a battlefield. You can’t just hit the pause button. It’s one thing to have the WWI Christmas snowball fight, but we’re dealing here with monsters who cannot be trusted.

Why does Hamas keep demanding a pause and why do its supporters rally for a ceasefire?

Hamas has been hit hard, it needs to reposition, get some of its leaders out, move resources around and launch new attacks. Israel’s approach has been to keep hammering it, to move quickly, be agile and force it to react.

The Islamic terror group would like to stop reacting and take some kind of initiative.

That is what the ‘pause’ or the ‘ceasefire’ are for. It would be disastrous to agree to it.

The spectacular deal presented by Hamas and the Al-Thanis of Qatar is that it might release as many as 15 hostages in exchange for Israel allowing it to take the tactical initiative. Instead of Israel ending it and freeing the surviving hostages.

There’s nothing surprising about the actions of Hamas and Qatar here, but the Biden administration is playing into the hands of Islamic terrorists by pushing this offer.

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Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

Reader Interactions



Far-Left Islamic Group Presses Joe Biden to Open ‘Temporary’ Amnesty for Palestinians in U.S.

US President Joe Biden leaves the room at the end of a press conference following a solidarity visit to Israel, on October 18, 2023, in Tel Aviv, amid the ongoing battles between Israel and the Palestinian group Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Thousands of people, both Israeli and Palestinians have …
BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Mahmoud Khaled/Getty Images

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is pressing President Joe Biden to offer Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to Palestinians living in the United States, ensuring they cannot be deported under most circumstances.

CAIR officials, along with the Americans for Justice in Palestine Action, wrote to Biden on Tuesday evening, asking the State Department and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to give TPS — a quasi-amnesty program — to Palestinians in the U.S., as well as offering them Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) to ensure they will not be deported.

CAIR officials write:

We write to you today as representatives of Americans for Justice in Palestine Action (AJP Action) and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) with deep concern for the wellbeing and fundamental rights of Palestinians residing in the United States. We request the Biden Administration to extend Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and authorize Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) for Palestinians in the United States. [Emphasis added]

Extending TPS and authorizing DED stands as a compassionate alternative to the recent legislative proposal introduced by Rep. Ryan Zinke and other Republicans. That proposal seeks to ban Palestinians from entering the United States and possibly expel those who are already here. We firmly believe that such a legislative measure, rooted in fear and exclusion, fundamentally contradicts the principles of compassion, justice, and equality that should guide our nation’s policies. [Emphasis added]

As CAIR noted, their letter comes as Rep. Ryan Zinke (R-MT) has introduced legislation that would deport Palestinians from the U.S. amid war in Israel.

Similarly, the legislation would ban DHS from giving visas, green cards, parole, and refugee status to Palestinians while revoking the visas of those Palestinians currently in the U.S. — making them deportable.

“This legislation keeps America safe. I don’t trust the Biden Administration any more than I do the Palestinian Authority to screen who is allowed to come into the United States,” Zinke said in a statement:

This is the most anti-Hamas immigration legislation I have seen and it’s well deserved. Given the circumstances, the threats to our immigration system and the history of terrorists abusing refugee, asylum and visa processes all over the world, the requirements in this bill are necessary to keep Americans safe. This bill does exactly that. [Emphasis added]

Reps. Andy Harris (R-MD), Aaron Bean (R-FL), Ralph Norman (R-SC), Scott DesJarlais (R-TN), Clay Higgins (R-LA), Ronny Jackson (R-TX), Bill Posey (R-FL), Barry Moore (R-AL), Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), and Andy Biggs (R-AZ) are all co-sponsors of the bill.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here.

Can someone explain to the rest of us why the leaders of Hamas, the world's evilest terrorist organization which has just murdered 1,400 innocent people, are actual billionaires living their best lives in Qatar?

Hamas leaders are billionaires, rolling in the dough

Can someone explain to the rest of us why the leaders of Hamas, the world's evilest terrorist organization which has just murdered 1,400 innocent people, are actual billionaires living their best lives in Qatar?

According to the New York Post:

While their people languish in poverty and are treated as human shields, the leaders of Hamas live billionaire lifestyles.

The terror group’s three top leaders alone are worth a staggering $11 billion between them and enjoy a life of luxury in the sanctuary of the emirate of Qatar. 

The emirate has long welcomed the leaders of the terror group and installed them in its luxury hotels and villas at the same time as hosting a vast American military presence.

They need to be like Osama bin Laden in the wake of the 9/11 terror attacks, wearing rags and hiding in some stinking cave, staring at their stashes of child porn, not living large in Vegas-like Qatar.

Hamas runs an office in Qatar’s capital, Doha, and leaders Ismail Haniyeh, Moussa Abu Marzuk and Khaled Mashal live a luxurious lifestyle.

They have been seen at its diplomatic club, photographed on private jets and traveled widely. The leadership would have been there for the 2022 soccer World Cup.

Instead, Hamas is loaded with characters like this guy, Hamas leader Khalid Mishal, who's worth more than $2 billion, living in the lap of luxury, and getting glamour shots in Vanity Fair and this magazine cover satire.

Why the heck is that going on? The 1,400 torture-murders they planned and executed in Israel, and the 200 hostages they are holding now in their filthy tunnels under Gaza City pretty well puts them in the same category as Mexico's evil cartels. Burning babies and beheading 10-year-olds is what they do, not what normal people do. They are the vilest of criminals and need to be completely rubbed out.

Yet nobody in Qatar seems to be upset by this evil ensconced at the heart of their regime, nobody wants them out, they and their billions seem to be as protected as ever.

It's the kind of thing that makes Qatar a state sponsor of terror, but we don't see any action from the Biden administration to make that declaration. The U.S. and all civilized nations need to come down hard on these maggots, lay down the law for Qatar, pull U.S. troops from that state, and above all, get hold of Hamas's ill-gotten gains to pay for reparations to Israel. They aren't entitled to that money now no matter how they got hold of it.

How'd Hamas get that money, anyway? We know they don't produce anything. We know that people in Gaza, which they rule over the way Mexico's cartels rule over some parts of Mexico, are dirt poor. The only possibilities seem to be foreign aid, whether from the U.S., Iran, hostile states such as China, or various Arab princelings, or perhaps drug dealing and human smuggling, the way Mexico's cartels do it. The U.S. needs to start defunding these thugs now.

Fortunately, one baby step has been taken by a GOP representative in Congress, according to the Post:

 Now Republican Tennessee Congressman Andy Ogles is co-sponsoring a bill that would strip Qatar of its status as a key US ally, The Post has learned, unless it kicks out the Hamas leadership.

A lot more needs to be done to put these animals down. They are obviously in some kind of gang or cartel dynamic as a quasi state actor, same as the cartels, and fueled by their ill-gotten gains. The U.S. knows how to issue sanctions and seize assets of bad state actors and make them scream. We don't see too much of that going on as Joe Biden calls for a ceasefire or pause in order to allow Hamas to regroup. 

It's an outrageously weak response, given the resources of the U.S. government. There shouldn't be any billionaires right now among the Hamas elite. They need to be running and hiding. Instead, they are rolling in the dough as their minions conduct anti-Semitic attacks and organize demonstrations.

These people are bin Laden, ISIS, and the cartels rolled into one. It's time to take out the trash.

Image: Trango, own work // CC BY-SA 3.0

Biden: Pro-Israel by Day, Pro-Hamas by Night

To the knowledge of principled, modestly engaged, CNN-watching citizens, President Joe Biden stands strongly with Israel as it faces unprecedented threats to its existence.  So, it appears, cheers are in order for Joe, our strong President.

But not so fast.  Perhaps more than any leader on the planet except Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Biden’s actions were a causative factor in bringing on the recent devastating invasion of American ally Israel.  And more than anyone else, Biden presently is both weakening Israel strategically, and strengthening Hamas militarily, as Israel desperately  seeks to assure its safety. 

This criticism of Biden, at first blush, may seem overstated.  But sustained attention reveals its modesty.  In fact, the history of Biden’s actions show that they are strongly pro-Iran, and therefore pro-Hamas, terrorists sponsored and directed by Iran.

Israel is being bedeviled not only by Hamas in Gaza but also by Hezb’allah in Lebanon and the Houthis in Yemen, bombarded daily by each.  It is not controversial that each is financed and directed by Iran.  But these bombardments do not comprise all of Iran’s handiwork.  It also involves sophisticated, effective drones sent to Russia to stymie Ukraine, which certainly ties down America financially and Ukraine militarily.  Iran is as well a military presence in Syria, along with Russia, which itself is a looming threat to Israel, albeit peripheral to the present conflict. 

How can this unprepossessing, commercially backward terrorist regime afford five current military operations, the most prominent three ostentatiously directed at destroying Israel?  Joe Biden has been courting Iran since his accession to office, originally to restart the counterintuitive Iran nuclear deal, which would allow the mullahs a nuclear weapon in just a few years, along with relief from various arms embargos and access to $6 billion in frozen assets. Did this initiative of the Biden Administration have the ultimate effect of releasing Iran from debtor’s prison, while making it wealthy enough to lavishly fund multiple terrorist armies?

Even though the nuclear deal under discussion would be a fool’s errand which only would embolden Iran, Biden’s slavish desire for such a deal says enough about his professed resolve to avoid allowing a malign actor nuclear weapons. With Biden’s restriction of American fuel production causing dramatic price increases, an oil-rich Iran now does not need the modest billions that Biden’s weak team is likely offering to seal any nuclear deal. To be sure, such an agreement may be effectively anodyne, given Biden’s implicit present permission for ongoing Iranian nuclear development.   

Ironically, it is Biden’s absurd climate change policies which have given Iran the financial strength to eschew a deal.  By voluntary handicapping American oil and gas drilling, Biden essentially has doubled the price of oil from $45 to near $90, making Iran wealthy to the tune of about $120 billion extra income annually. 

Moreover, just as Iran’s military advisors were reportedly meeting with Hamas and Hezb’allah in August 2023, to plan the attack of Israel, Biden was quietly lifting oil sanctions on Iran, allowing it to ramp up production from 2.4 million barrels per day to 3.5 million per day, as we speak, a $30 billion windfall just for this portion of the Biden giveaway. 

This was at the same time that Biden’s National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan was assuring the world that (because of Biden’s policies) the Middle East region was “quieter than it has been in two decades” a claim he repeated as late as September 29, 2023, a week before the October 7, 2023 Hamas massacre.  This is the same Jake Sullivan who, after months of Putin’s massing on the Ukraine border, expressed surprise that Russia would actually invade.  Who knew?

Now that our naivete and Iran’s perfidy have been exposed, one would reasonably think that the U.S. will “snap back” sanctions on Iran, as both Obama and Biden have so sternly threatened in the past.  But one would likely be wrong. 

The true test of whether America  stands with Israel is whether it reinstitutes effective sanctions, stronger and more debilitating than previously, not only on Iranian oil and gas, but on all commercial trade, while engaging our allies to join the effort. 

Because doing so might otherwise increase pump prices within the near future, the sanctions should be coupled with generous U.S. sales of oil leases, including the grant of offshore drilling permits, which would counteract the loss of Iranian supply, and then some. 

But that won’t happen, since that would upset both Biden’s climate cronies on K Street and his progressive political supporters.

By allowing Iran to increase its production, now widely marketable without sanctions, thereby increasing Iranian wealth, the President of the United States is encouraging the present world of terror. 

But at least Biden stands behind Israel in the conflict, correct?  Well, not exactly, because a solid bloc of Biden’s support comes from the progressive, pro-Palestinian Left.

Accordingly, as we speak, Biden is urging Israel to pause its retaliation, perhaps a cease fire, and otherwise to go easy on the Palestinians. And the smart money says that by granting the “humanitarian aid” Biden has pledged to suffering Palestinians, most will go straight to Hamas, allowing it to continue its terror against Israel.  If the aid were restricted to only those Palestinians flooding into Egypt from Gaza, such policy would nicely afford humanitarian relief, while incentivizing Palestinians to flee the ugly conflict of Gaza.  But don’t bet on that happening.  Instead, by aiding Palestinians staying in Gaza City, Biden is making the war difficult for Israel, not only because Hamas will get most of the aid, but also because human shields will be encouraged to remain.

To summarize, Biden made Iran wealthier with his climate policies, in turn enabling horrifying terrorism.  This history implies that he will not risk upsetting this malign actor, even though it is now imperative that he take action. We know that will not happen, given Biden’s pro-Palestinian supporters, and his administration’s foolish initiatives to strike a nuclear deal with Hamas patron Iran.

Accordingly, it is clear that Biden will mouth support for Israel while providing aid to the country as well.  But it is just as clear that Biden will not really stand with Israel when push comes to shove.

This is Joe Biden’s policy toward what he claims to be our strong ally, Israel. Not only does this policy threaten Israel’s existence, but it also risks entangling America in a larger Middle East war.

When Joe Biden ran against Donald Trump in 2020, he promised the country a steady hand on the tiller of our ship of state. While he boasts by day of his firm guidance, by night he is intentionally driving the ship onto rocky shoals, from which our citizens and those of our ally Israel may never escape.

John D. O’Connor is a former federal prosecutor and the San Francisco attorney who represented W. Mark Felt during his revelation as Deep Throat in 2005. O’Connor is the author of the books, Postgate: How the Washington Post Betrayed Deep Throat, Covered Up Watergate and Began Today’s Partisan Advocacy Journalism and The Mysteries of Watergate: What Really Happened.

Image: White House


White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre refuses to condemn pro-Hamas poster-rippers

Which side in the Israel-Hamas war is the White House actually on?

Here's a miserable White House-media exchange about the White House stance on pro-Hamas poster-rippers, and no, the correspondent wasn't Peter Doocy.

According to the Daily Caller:

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre refused to condemn pro-Palestine activists who have been tearing down posters of Israeli hostages hanging in cities across the country.

Following Hamas’ Oct. 7 terrorist attack on Israel, pro-Palestine activists have torn down posters, once hung by Jewish Americans, with pictures and information on hostages and kidnapped Israelis. Some activists have called the posters “disgusting” and “bait.” NBC Chief White House correspondent Peter Alexander asked Jean-Pierre if the White House’s view is that such actions should be condemned or if the administration considered it a form of peaceful protest.

“Look, I — I’ve sorta, kinda seen the reporting here and there. I think it was from last week,” Jean-Pierre responded before Alexander added there were “30 million videos” that have gone around of such incidents.

“I’m just not going to go into specifics on that particular thing. What I can say is there are real, violent protests and threats that are happening right now, and senior administration officials are aware of these reports which are deeply concerning. That is something we are focused on,” Jean-Pierre said during the Tuesday press briefing.

The correspondent, NBC chief White House correspondent Peter Alexander threw softball after softball, guiding her in a friendly way to just say the poster-ripping was wrong, but Jean-Pierre deflected like that every time, her talking points quite hardened and in place.

How's this for a softball?

“To be clear, it’s deeply concerning that people would be pulling these things down?” Alexander followed up.

“As it relates to a lot of reporting out there about violent protests and threats and so I can speak to that. I can speak to how the FBI is tracking an increased volume. I can speak to the frequency of threats that we are seeing to the Jewish community, to the Arab American community, to the Muslim communities in the United States since Oct. 7.”

She would not budge, and decided that now was the time to bring up anti-Muslim violence on the day after a Jewish-American demonstrator named Paul Kessler was literally killed in Los Angeles by an enraged Palestinian, and as if violence against Muslims were as widespread or pressing as the organized propaganda campaign to rip down posters and shift American sentiment against Israel in its just war to erase Hamas terrorists from the face of the Earth.

The crazed poster-rippers who would tear down images of kidnapped Israeli children, whom Hamas is holding hostage, is a vile effort to erase these victims from memory -- and allowing Hamas to get away with it. It's a no-brainer to condemn them. It's also colossally disgusting and some people have actually been fired from their jobs for doing this. They should be able to get them back now, what with Joe Biden's White House placing its implicit stamp of approval onto that activity, and carry on with their anti-Semitic activities.

And speaking of Doocy, note also that Jean-Pierre also refused to condemn anti-Israel demonstrations about a week ago, as if siding with the terrorists, when he asked about a week ago. There is a pattern.

It's an amazing dereliction of duty from the soft, rotten heart of the White House, and a clear sign that Joe is playing both sides of the fence, what with so many anti-Semites in the ranks of his fellow Democrats. A recent poll from TIPP found that one out of five Democrats nakedly supports Hamas, no apologies whatsoever.

According to Terry Jones at Issues & Insights:

Amid the backdrop of the Oct. 7 attacks against Israel by the terrorist group Hamas, I&I/TIPP asked Americans this question: “Generally speaking, in the Israel-Hamas conflict, do you side more with Israel or Hamas?” The national online poll of 1,400 adults was taken from Nov. 1-3, with a margin-of-error of +/-2.7 percentage points.

Of those responding, 58% sided with Israel, while just 11% supported Hamas, which governs the Gaza Strip on Israel’s southern border. But there was a big unknown, given the polarizing effect the attack by Hamas (which killed 1,400 mostly civilian noncombatants, including women, children, and babies) had on public opinion: 31% “weren’t sure.”

Those are the voters the White House is looking for, the Hamas fanboys and fangirls, working like ants to erase memory of Hamas atrocities from the American consciousness, and make Israel into the bad guy for going after the bad guys in the public's mind.

It's as twisted and vile in its logic as Karine Jean-Pierre's refusal to condemn the poster-ripper propagandists for the Hamas terror regime.

It's sorry stuff, and a black mark on the White House, which, unlike Israel, is going soggy and deflated in its support for our Israeli ally like a rotten souffle.

Image: Twitter screen shot

Editor’s Note: Breitbart Texas traveled to Mexico City and the states of Tamaulipas, Coahuila, and Nuevo León to recruit citizen journalists willing to risk their lives and expose the cartels silencing their communities.  The writers would face certain death at the hands of the various cartels that operate in those areas including the Gulf Cartel and Los Zetas if a pseudonym were not used. Breitbart Texas’ Cartel Chronicles are published in both English and their original Spanish. This article was written by “C.P. Mireles” from Tamaulipas. 

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