Friday, November 17, 2023

When Buffy Met Barack Buffy Sainte-Marie and Barack Obama were both fakes, right from the start.


When Buffy Met Barack

Buffy Sainte-Marie and Barack Obama were both fakes, right from the start.

Last month, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation revealed that singer Buffy Sainte-Marie, an indigenous icon for more than half a century, is really Beverly Jean Santamaria, born in 1941 in Stoneham, Massachusetts, with no indigenous ancestry whatsoever. Also on display last month was the fakery of the composite character president David Garrow profiled in Rising Star: The making of Barack Obama.

David Horowitz called 10/7 the  worst massacre of Jews for being Jews since the Holocaust. In the words of Bari Weiss, “this was a genocidal pogrom. It was a scene out of the many places Jews had fled – a scene from the history of the Nazi holocaust.” Not so for Obama, formerly known as Barry Soetoro.

The attack was “horrific, and there’s no justification for it,” Obama said, “And what is also true is that the occupation and what’s happening to Palestinians is unbearable.” As a number of commentators have noted, this charts a moral equivalence between Israel and the terrorist mass murderers of Hamas. Despite claims to the contrary, the composite character has never been a supporter of Israel and never one to unite Americans of different backgrounds. On the other hand, he is closer to outright Jew-haters than most people know.

In 2005, a year after his historic performance at the Democratic National Convention, a smiling Obama was photographed with Farrakhan, looking pleased to be in the politician’s company. The meeting wasn’t his first association with the Nation of Islam and prominent members.

In Dreams from My Father, young Barry gathers books from authors such as James Baldwin, Ralph Ellison, Langston Hughes, Richard Wright and W.E.B. DuBois. He finds “all of them exhausted, bitter men, the devil at their heels,” and “only Malcolm X’s autobiography seemed to offer something different.”

In Los Angeles, Barry and his friend Ray meet a tall gaunt man named Malik, a follower of the Nation of Islam. As they chat, a bystander says “Malcolm tells it like it is, no doubt about it,” but readers learn nothing about Nation of Islam doctrine. In “Nationalism of Fools,” a 1985 essay in the Village Voice, the great Stanley Crouch described it in fine style:

The Nation of Islam offered a rageful revision that would soon have far more assenters than converts. Though it seemed at first only a fanatical cult committed to a bizarre version of Islam, Elijah Muhammad’s homemade Nation was far from an aberration.

Where others explained the world’s problems with complex theories ranging from economic exploitation to sexism, Muhammad simply pinned the tail on the white man. In his view, black integrationists were only asking for membership in hell, since the white man was a devil “grafted” from black people in an evil genetic experiment by a mad, pumpkin-headed scientist named Yacub. That experiment took place 6000 years ago. Now the white man was doomed, sentenced to destruction by Allah.

In the context of prevailing media images and public racial struggle, this was all new. Here were Negroes who considered themselves the chosen people. They proclaimed that the black man was the original man, the angel, and that since the first devils to roll off Yacub’s assembly line were the Jews, the idea of their being the chosen was a lot of baloney.

Neither [Martin Luther] King nor any reputable people doing serious work would have anything to do with the Nation of Islam. It was too racist and too much of an intellectual embarrassment.

Farrakhan is good with all of it,  and also on record that Hitler was a “very great man.”

Despite Farrakhan’s long record of Jew-hatred, Obama was pleased to pose with him in 2005.

In 2008, Obama rejected Farrakhan’s endorsement, but Hillary Clinton said that wasn’t good enough. That same year, Obama’s church gave Farrakhan an award, prompting Obama to  “decry racism and anti-Semitism in every form and strongly condemn the anti-Semitic statements made by Minister Farrakhan.”

The composite character had many opportunities to issue such statements in the past, including his 1995 book. He only spoke out when Farrakhan became a campaign issue, and the candidate condemned only his anti-Semitic “statements,” not the vile racist doctrines that Crouch called out so clearly. When it came to the Jews, Farrakhan was not backing off.

They stole land in Palestine,” Farrakhan said in 2010. “And this Synagogue of Satan knows that the end of their time of rule is up.” In 2017, Farrakhan said Jews “are in fact Satan,” the “enemy of God and the enemy of the righteous.” In 2018, Farrakhan claimed he was not an anti-Semite but only “anti-termite.” And so on, but clear condemnations of this bigot from the former president are hard to find. He now proclaims moral equivalence between Islamic terrorists and their Jewish victims, and he’s not done.

Obama’s narrator,” David Axelrod, has been hinting that Joe Biden should drop out of the 2024 presidential race, doubtless in favor of Michelle Obama. She was unreadable in college, as Christopher Hitchens said, but now boasts two books. In Becoming, Michelle reveals, “David Axelrod would lead the messaging and media for Barack.” For all but the willfully blind, he still performs that role.

Like Buffy Sainte-Marie, Barack Obama has been a fraud from the start. As David Samuels noted in “The Obama Factor,” the composite character helped precipitate “the disaster we are living through now.” In a fourth term through Michelle, things would surely get worse for the Americans people and their allies. As Trump says, we’ll have to see what happens.

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Lloyd Billingsley

Lloyd Billingsley is the author of Yes I Con: United Fakes of America, Barack ‘Em Up: A Literary Investigation, Hollywood Party, and numerous other works.

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