Tuesday, December 19, 2023



Study: Nearly 3-in-5 Illegal Alien Households Are on Taxpayer-Funded Welfare

EAGLE PASS, TEXAS - DECEMBER 19: Texas National Guard soldiers observe as thousands of immigrants walk towards a U.S. Border Patrol transit center on December 19, 2023 in Eagle Pass, Texas. Most had crossed the border from Mexico the night before. A major surge of migrants illegally crossing the Rio …
John Moore/Getty Images

Close to 60 percent of households headed by illegal aliens use at least one major form of welfare, an analysis conducted by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) reveals.

The CIS analysis from Steven Camarota and Karen Zeigler shows illegal aliens and legal immigrants, in general, use “significantly more” welfare than native-born American citizens.

For example, about 59 percent of households headed by illegal aliens use welfare and about 52 percent of households headed by legal immigrants use at least one form of welfare. At the same time, fewer than 4-in-10 households headed by native-born American citizens use welfare.

“… this is primarily because the American welfare system is designed in large part to help low-income families with children, which describes a large share of immigrants,” CIS researchers note.

Center for Immigration Studies

In particular, the study found that immigrant-headed households use far more food stamps, Medicaid benefits, and the Earned Income Tax Credit than native-born American households.

“Compared to households headed by the United States-born, immigrant-headed households have especially high use of food programs (36 percent vs. 25 percent for the U.S.-born), Medicaid (37 percent vs. 25 percent for the U.S.-born), and the Earned Income Tax Credit (16 percent vs. 12 percent for the U.S.-born),” CIS researchers state.

The use of taxpayer-funded welfare among illegal aliens as well as legal immigrants is significant as the nation’s foreign-born population hits new record highs under President Joe Biden.

CIS researchers, last month, unveiled that 49.5 million foreign-born residents now live across the U.S. — the largest ever in American history and the overwhelming majority of which is driven by legal immigration levels. For comparison, the foreign-born population was just 9.7 million in 1960.

Center for Immigration Studies

Biden has increased the foreign-born population by 4.5 million since January 2021.

Without reductions to legal immigration levels, where more than a million legal immigrants are rewarded green cards annually, the foreign-born population is expected to hit 70 million by 2060.

American voters continuously tell pollsters they want cuts to overall immigration, mostly legal immigration. The latest survey from Rasmussen Reports showed 56 percent of likely voters want legal immigration levels cut to at least 750,000 admissions a year — including a plurality who said they want to see fewer than 500,000 admissions a year.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at jbinder@breitbart.com. Follow him on Twitter here


Republicans “view this as an issue that they can win on the political front … at the expense of people who are sacrificing so much to have their shot at their American dream,” said Rep. Robert Menendez (D-NJ). “We will win the future of this country that looks like us, that’s diverse like us. and it will be better for every single American.”

The state of California is home to more illegal aliens than any other state in the country. Approximately one in five illegal aliens lives in California, Pew reported.

Immigration Studies (CIS) finds that about 72 percent of households headed by noncitizens and immigrants use one or more forms of taxpayer-funded welfare programs in California — the number one immigrant-receiving state in the U.S.

“The Democrats had abandoned their working-class base to chase what they pretended was a racial group when what they were actually chasing was the momentum of unlimited migration”.  DANIEL GREENFIELD   

“The legal age of sexual consent in Mexico is 12 years old. Sex with children at this age and younger is socially acceptable in Mexico. For example: A Mexican Lopez-Mendez pleaded guilty to sexual assault on a 10-year-old girl in West Virginia. His excuse: sex with young girls was common with his people. He said, "I was unaware that it was a crime." FROSTY WOOLDRIGE

As we allow millions of Mexicans to colonize our country, we can't help but be caught up in these ten deadly cultural traits of Mexicans. With over 12 million Mexicans here today (DATED. BIDEN ALONE HAS USHERED IN MORE THAN 15 MILLION), the predictions grow to as many as 20 even 40 million Mexicans in a few decades as they come here for a better life.


America Vs Mexico:

Clashing Cultures

By Frosty Wooldridge

Anyone understand why Mexicans fail miserably at creating a successful civilization? Ever wonder why millions of them invade the United States in search of a better life? Have you noticed that once they arrive, they create the same kind of 'society' in the United States? Unconsciously, they create the same conditions they left behind. You can take the boy out of the ghetto, but you can't take the ghetto out of the boy.

For example, in Denver in December, illegal alien Navi dragged his girlfriend to death behind his car. Illegal alien Cruz shot his girlfriend dead in the back because she wouldn't reconcile with him. Illegal alien Ruizz ran over and killed Justin Goodman, but Ruizz drove away from the scene leaving Goodman to die. In Greeley, Colorado they suffered 270 hit and run accidents in one year. Over 80 percent of hit and run wrecks in Denver involve illegal aliens. Denver boasts the drug smuggling capital of the West as well as the people smuggling mecca of the country. Illegals cheat, distribute drugs, lie, forge documents, steal and kill as if it's a normal way of life. For them, it is.

Mexico's civilization stands diametrically opposed to America's culture. Both countries manifest different ways of thinking and operating.

With George Bush's push to create the "Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America" by dissolving our borders with Mexico, he places all Americans at risk.

Would you become friends with neighbors who throw their trash on city streets and parks, create ghettoes wherever they enclave their numbers, promote corruption, deal in violence, encourage drug use, manifest poverty, endorse sexism and downgrade education?

America's culture and Mexico's culture remain diametrically opposed to one another. America's fought Mexico and won. Today, Mexico invades America with sheer numbers of poor.

However, cultures rarely change and neither do their people.

As you can see from the ten points below, everything about Mexico degrades everything about America. For further information, you may visit

www.immigrationshumancost.org  and www.limitstogrowth.org  where you will find a plethora of information by a brilliant journalist Brenda Walker. Her original report may be viewed on www.Vdare.com on January 17, 2007 under the title: "Ten Reasons Why America Should Not Marry Mexico." I suggest you read more of her work.  She exemplifies incisive, sobering and shocking information.

These ten point stem directly from Brenda Walker's work. Let's examine why America must not entangle itself by merging with Mexico.

The legal age of sexual consent in Mexico is 12 years old. Sex with children at this age and younger is socially acceptable in Mexico. For example: A Mexican Lopez-Mendez pleaded guilty to sexual assault on a 10 year old girl in West Virginia. His excuse: sex with young girls was common with his people. He said, "I was unaware that it was a crime."

Mexicans remain the most sexist males next to Islamic men. Both boast the most misogynous cultures in the world. Rape and other violence toward women are not treated as serious crimes. In Mexico, a custom known as "rapto" whereby men kidnap women for sex is regarded as harmless amusement. Mexican society regards women little more than objects.

Crime and violence remain mainstays of Mexican culture. Drug cartels and the Mexican army coordinate their massive efforts to promote drug distribution not only in Mexico but into the USA. Mexico City suffers the second highest crime rate in Latin America. Kidnapping remains second only to Columbia for ransom money. Beheadings, killings and gun fire erupt at drug distribution points on the US/Mexican border.

Spontaneous hanging continues in Mexico. A mob beat up and burned to death two policemen on live television in 2004 in Mexico City. As Brenda Walker wrote, "Mexicans do not have the same belief as Americans that the law is central to the equitable functioning of a complex nation. It's the Third World."

Mexicans abhor education. In their country, illiteracy dominates. As they arrive in our country, only 9.6 percent of fourth generation Mexicans earn a high school diploma. Mexico does not promote educational values. This makes them the least educated of any Americans or immigrants. The rate of illiteracy in Mexico stands at 63 percent.

Drunk driving remains acceptable in Mexico. As it stands, 44,000 Americans die on our nation's highways annually. Half that number stems from drunken drivers. U.S. Congressman Steve King reports that 13 American suffer death from drunken driving Mexicans each day. Alcoholism runs rampant in Mexican culture. They suffer the most DUI arrests.

Mexicans set the benchmark for animal cruelty. Mexicans love dog fighting, bullfighting, cock fighting and horse tripping. Those blood sports play in every arena and backyard in Mexico. They expand into America as more Mexicans arrive. They also engage in "steer-tailing" where the rider yanks the animal's tail in an attempt to flip it to the ground. In horse tripping, they run the animals at full gallop around a ring, then, use ropes to trip them at full speed. It's a death sentence as the horses break their legs, teeth, shoulders and necks-all to the delight of the cheering Mexican fans.

As La Raza confirms, Mexicans maintain the most racist society in North America. "For the Hispanic race, everything; for anyone outside the race, nothing!" Guadalupe Loaeza, a journalist, said, "Mexican society is fundamentally racist and classist. The color of your skin is a key that either opens or shuts doors. The lighter your skin, the more doors open to you."

Corruption becomes a mechanism by which Mexico operates. Corruption remains systemic. The Washington Post wrote, "Mexico is considered one of the most corrupt countries in the hemisphere." They feature drug cartels, sex slave trade, people smuggling, car theft cartels, real estate scam cartels, murder for money and, you must bribe your mail man to get your mail.

Last, but not least, Mexicans are Marxists. They promote a one-party government. As with any kind of Marxism, brutal totalitarian rule keeps the rich in power and everyone else subservient.

As we allow millions of Mexicans to colonize our country, we can't help but be caught up in these ten deadly cultural traits of Mexicans. With over 12 million Mexicans here today, the predictions grow to as many as 20 even 40 million Mexicans in a few decades as they come here for a better life.

The fact remains, as they come to America for a better life, they make our lives a living hell.

At The Appointed Hour 2020: What Is America Doing To Itself?

By Frosty Wooldridge|January 6th, 2020

Frosty Wooldridge

Like a brand-spanking shiny new dime, 2020 offers America’s leaders a chance to correct a lot of wrongs against her citizens. Let’s review the most important items our U.S. Congress and this president need to solve.

First of all, we need to withdraw ALL our troops and bases out of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and all other places in Africa and the Middle East. They don’t want us there. Iraq passed a resolution for us to vacate their country. We’ve wasted tens of thousands of our young men’s and women’s lives in the past 19 years. We’ve killed countless thousands of people in their own countries. We’ve wasted $6 trillion that could have been spent in America for Americans.  Since 2001, we accomplished absolutely nothing to maintain our own safety or theirs.

Whether it’s the Taliban or insurgents or Al Qaeda—they are a bunch of mostly drug-addicted goat herders or sand rats in their own countries.  Just leave them alone, let them be and get the hell out of their regions.  The U.S. Military Industrial Complex created this entire war-hoax funded by the American taxpayers’ wallet.

Let all those crazy, violence-prone religious nut-bags and their violent cultures have at it in their own countries. Let them figure it out or not. Just pay them for their oil and let them kill each other or create peace as they understand it.  Not one more U.S. soldier needs to lose her or her life, or limbs in that most insane part of the world.

Second, stop all immigration into the USA for 20 years.  We need to get our house in order before we add the projected 30 million more immigrants by 2030.  We need to stop importing incompatible and violent religions that carry no respect for women’s rights, animal rights, free choice of dress, free choice of religion and freedom to choose one’s spouse.  We all know that religion and what it does to degrade anyone it touches.

We do not need any more immigrants coming from countries that add 83 million more people, net gain, annually.  We’re being inundated by their cultures, their languages, their religions and their world views.  They aren’t Americans and they don’t want to be Americans.  They’re here for the free ride. Or, to change us to be like them.  Help them in their own countries, because, in the end, if they won’t practice birth control, no amount of immigration will save them as they add three billion more of themselves in the next 30 years.  It’s absolutely insane to let them turn our country into what they created and fled in their countries.

Stop all illegal immigration by enforcing existing laws: US Code 8, Section 1324–it’s illegal to employ, transport or house anyone illegally in our country. Fine of $2,000 per illegal and up to 5 years in jail.  Arrest employers, prosecute and jail them.  Take all benefits such as schooling, medical care, food stamps and housing away from illegal aliens and their children.  Once they have no standing or means to stay in this country, they may leave on their own dime.

Along with their sobering overpopulation levels, we do not want to add the projected 140 million more people to our country in 30 years to reach 440 million people. It’s simply national suicide if we continue on this path.

Vote a bill onto the 14th Amendment to stop the 300,000 women who birth their babies illegally on our soil annually and claim birthright citizenship.  It’s a travesty against our citizens to pay for those babies, their mothers and their education K-12.  We’re tired of it.

Third, we MUST create an educational system to educate our ghettos where 7 out of 10 children arrive without fathers.   Our elite educators need to create educational systems such as separate boys and girls schools, mandatory discipline protocols, highly paid teachers and nutritional care.

As robots become more dominate in the work force, we need to create jobs for low intellectual horsepower kids that may be redundant, yet pay a living wage.  One note: all smart phones must be checked at the door before kids come into the school building.

We must move students into vocational tech schools such as electrical, plumbing, woodshop, carpentry, cooking, mechanics, transportation and the like.

Fourth, we need a complete nutritional-exercise overhaul of food offerings in our food stores, fast food joints, our schools and our lives.  Let’s face it.  Seven out of ten Americans face being fat to grossly obese.  We need to mandate all the junk food places like Wendy’s, McDonald’s, Burger King, Pizza Hut, Little Caesar’s, White Castle and others to stop selling the crap food they sell to unknowing buyers.  And, mandate healthy, nutritional choices for all customers.  It starts in the schools where healthy meals must be offered and not the sugary, caffeinated, chemicalized junk they receive in the lunch lines across this country.

We need to offer exercise classes as a regular and normal part of every citizen’s daily routine.  Swimming pools with classes, bicycle riding classes, Zumba classes, yoga classes, weightlifting, track, tennis, racquetball and just about every athletic activity possible for our young citizens in the making.

Fifth, we must move farmers away from Monsanto-Bayer-Dow Chemical’s poisoning our foods with sprays on the tops of crops or injected into the ground where they grow, or those God-forsaken GMO foods that contaminate and poison the entire natural world—along with us when we eat those Frankenstein foods.  We need to mandate organic farming, organic foods and return to natural pest control with the correct combinations of flowers and crop rotations.

Sixth, stop all foreign aid to countries that do not like us, nor does that aid reach the poor people of their countries.  Foreign aid: taking money from the poor people of a rich nation and giving it to the rich people of a poor nation.  It does NOTHING to improve those people in those countries.

Seventh, we need to move away from fossil fuels and toward any and every alternative energy: wave, river, geothermal, wind, water and anything natural.

Eighth, we need to take our $23 trillion debt and start reducing it before it reduces us to complete economic meltdown.

Yes, we face dozens of other challenges.  Write me and let me know what other ideas I can submit into the public viewing.  frostyw@juno.com

Happy New Year 2020 and God help us to make through this year in one piece.



  • Our best estimate is that 59 percent of households headed by illegal immigrants, also called the undocumented, use at least one major program. We have no evidence this is due to fraud. Among legal immigrants we estimate the rate is 52 percent.


Study: 59% of non-citizen migrants use welfare

Who says laws preventing entry by migrants likely to become public charges have any meaning?

According to a new study from the Center for Immigration Studies, citing the U.S. Census's 2022 Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP), such laws are a joke.

Migrants are America's most prodigious consumers of government welfare programs.

CIS's Steven A. Camarota and Karen Ziegler write:

Among the findings:

  • The 2022 SIPP indicates that 54 percent of households headed by immigrants — naturalized citizens, legal residents, and illegal immigrants — used one or more major welfare program. This compares to 39 percent for U.S.-born households.
  • The rate is 59 percent for non-citizen households (e.g. green card holders and illegal immigrants).
  • Compared to households headed by the U.S.-born, immigrant-headed households have especially high use of food programs (36 percent vs. 25 percent for the U.S.-born), Medicaid (37 percent vs. 25 percent for the U.S.-born), and the Earned In
  • come Tax Credit (16 percent vs. 12 percent for the U.S.-born).
  • Our best estimate is that 59 percent of households headed by illegal immigrants, also called the undocumented, use at least one major program. We have no evidence this is due to fraud. Among legal immigrants we estimate the rate is 52 percent.
  • Illegal immigrants can receive welfare on behalf of U.S.-born children, and illegal immigrant children can receive school lunch/breakfast and WIC directly. A number of states provide Medicaid to some illegal adults and children, and a few provide SNAP. Several million illegal immigrants also have work authorization (e.g. DACA, TPS, and some asylum applicants) allowing receipt of the EITC.

Which tells us a lot about why the migrant crisis is so expensive. The current figures cover the period before the most recent border surge, which is the highest in history.

What that means is that the costs are going to go significantly higher as migrants have children here to secure their status here and then draw welfare benefits on behalf of their U.S.-born children. They will then bring in equally situated family members of comparable education, skills and social capital into the country once they are permitted to stay. These costs will extend for decades.

What that adds up to is a huge welfare cost to U.S. taxpayers, and a big benefit bonanza to foreign nationals who've never paid a penny into the system they're mining for a better life, while more often than not, do not have a right to be here.

There are laws on the books against admitting migrants likely to become public charges. It's pretty obvious here that these laws are being ignored.

Who knew that Joe Biden's open borders would import the welfare classes of more than a hundred-fifty countries into the U.S. and then tell taxpayers that immigrants enrich our country and anyone looking at the data is a xenophobe?

It's one of the biggest myths out there that migrants aren't a drain on the public fisc. It's not just the cost of feeding and transporting and "processing" them at the border itself and in the sanctuary cities they travel to -- it's a lifetime of costs that go well beyond the billions that are bankrupting New York City just from the illegal entries.

Something's got to give here. The great libertarian economist Milton Friedman once noted that one can have open borders, one can have a welfare state, but one cannot have both; the one is incompatible with the other. At the rate Joe's open border is going, the welfare state is going to be the one that goes as the U.S. is bankrupted from giving a free ride to every foreign national who can cross the U.S. border without papers.

Image: Video screen shot from Jorge Ventura Media on Twitter



The Democrats obscured the difference between illegal and legal migrants, and many described the illegal migrants as members of their constituency.

“We’re here to make things better for our constituents,” said Rep. Greg Casar (D-TX).

Latino Democrats Tout Migrants as Their Constituents

Immigrants line up at a remote U.S. Border Patrol processing center after crossing the U.S.-Mexico border on December 07, 2023 in Lukeville, Arizona. A surge of immigrants illegally passing through openings cut by smugglers in the border wall has overwhelmed U.S. immigration authorities, causing them to shut down several international …
John Moore/Getty Images

Democratic Latino politicians are demanding President Joe Biden protect the interests of foreign migrants, regardless of the huge civic and pocketbook damage to unhyphenated Americans, Latino-Americans, and legal immigrants.

“We are here to protect immigration as it is,” Rep. Nanette Barragan (D-CA), told an audience of legislators, activists, and media at a December 13 rally beside the Capitol.

The rally called on President Joe Biden to deny any significant concessions to GOP negotiators in the debate over his demand for $14 billion in emergency funds to accelerate and hide his migration flood, and funds for wartime aid for Israel and Ukraine.

Barragan said:

Let me put it a little differently. We’re here to call on President Biden and Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to reject the immigration and border bills at the hands of Republicans in the ongoing negotiations around the supplemental [emergency funding bill]

The event included multiple Democratic legislators who championed illegal migrants and future migrants — and rhetorically divorced their American constituents.

Almost none of the legislators mentioned the cost of migration to their many constituents — Latino and other — who lose wages, jobs, homes, status, and investments because desperate migrants must work for less.

Since 2021, Biden’s deputies have admitted more than six million migrants, most of whom are Latino. This huge inflow is in addition to the annual inflow of legal immigrants and temporary visa workers. Overall, Biden is admitting roughly one migrant for every newborn American.

The Latino Democrats demanded an ethnic-politics seat at the negotiations as the quasi-official representatives of the migrants, most of whom are Latino.

“Not a single member of the CHC [Congressional Hispanic Caucus] was given a heads up that the administration would be proposing or considering these right-wing nonstarters,” said Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ). “That is a hard slap in the face to all the Latino and immigrant communities we represent.”

“These negotiations are taking place without a single CHC member at the table,” said Barragan. “That is completely unacceptable … We need to continue to push to have our seats.”

The Democrats obscured the difference between illegal and legal migrants, and many described the illegal migrants as members of their constituency.

“We’re here to make things better for our constituents,” said Rep. Greg Casar (D-TX). “That’s why we are telling President Biden and the Senate Democrats to hold strong … We can pass support for allies in Ukraine without throwing immigrant families under the bus.

The event was supported by Spanish-speaking migrants from Casa de Maryland, whose leader has faced severe criticism from Democrats for apparently backing Hamas’s war against Israel

“We can make sure that this [migration] system works … that after they cross the border, they come to us for jobs and housing, and some transportation to get to their relatives in other parts of the country,” said Rep. Sylvia Garcia (D-TX).

“This is a movement to consult the most affected communities — immigrant and Latino communities and other communities across the country,” said Rep. Chuy Garcia (D-IL). “We have been excluded.”

Republicans want to “gut our immigration system at the expense of immigrants,” said Rep. Maxwell Frost (D-FL). “We believe that this country has a duty to help innocent migrants … We believe that all people, regardless of their status, should be treated with dignity and respect by virtue of being a human.”

“We’re not collateral damage, we’re not expendable,” said Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-Az).

On December 14, the New York Times profiled some of the migrants being welcomed by the Latino politicians:

Nearly 400,000 children have come to the United States since 2021 without their parents, and a majority have ended up working ….

A 16-year-old fell off a roof in Arkansas and shattered his back. A 15-year-old in Florida was burned all over after he slipped from a roof and onto a vat of hot tar. A child in Illinois stepped through a skylight and fractured his spine.

Some of the Latino politicians promised their support for Americans — but ignored the pocketbook impact caused by their flood of migrant workers and renters.

Republicans “view this as an issue that they can win on the political front … at the expense of people who are sacrificing so much to have their shot at their American dream,” said Rep. Robert Menendez (D-NJ). “We will win the future of this country that looks like us, that’s diverse like us. and it will be better for every single American.”

The Latino politicians also used the event to promote migrant workers as a benefit to employers and the nation’s economy, even as they ignored the impact of migration on Americans’ wages, jobs, housing, schools, and careers.

“Our country thrives because of immigrants,” said Rep. Veronica Escobar (D-TX). “I bet every one of my colleagues can tell you stories about CEOs and business owners and leaders of industry who come to us saying, ‘We need workers, we need a workforce.'”

Biden’s economic policy of Extraction Migration has pulled at least four million extra foreign workers, renters, and consumers into the nation’s communities.

That flood is urged and welcomed by business groups because it cuts Americans’ blue-collar wages and white-collar salaries. It also boosts profits by reducing marketplace pressure to invest in productivity-boosting technologyheartland states, and overseas markets.

The inflow also reduces economic pressure on the federal government to deal with Americans’ problems — homelessness, low wages, a shrinking middle class, slowing innovation, declining blue-collar life expectancy, spreading poverty, the rising death toll from drugs, and the spreading alienation among young people.


Election 2024 – It’s the Voters, Stupid!

Former President Donald Trump is barreling toward the GOP presidential nomination according to recent polls and the ruling class establishment is petrified.

Trump said he would be a dictator, at least that’s how corporate media framed his words. In a recent interview with Sean Hannity, Trump was asked,

“Under no circumstances, you are promising America tonight, you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody?” Hannity asked Trump in the interview taped in Davenport, Iowa on Tuesday.

“Except for day one,” Trump responded. Trump said on the “day one” he referred to, he would use his presidential powers to close the southern border with Mexico and expand oil drilling.

This is apparently the “Trump the dictator” bit, meaning that Trump on the first day of his potential presidency, would reinstate his first term policies, his duty to preserve, protect and defend the U.S. Constitution.

YouTube screen grab

What Trump’s myriad opponents are having conniptions over is that he might treat his political opponents, the same way Obama and Biden treated their opposition, weaponizing the government against opponents in a manner that Stalin or Mao would approve.

For those worried about Trump trashing the Constitution, that ship has long sailed under the current regime.

Trump may be the last and only chance to resurrect the Constitution. 

The Wall Street Journal editorial board, once a bastion of conservatism, now identifies with the ruling class, neocons, big donors, and the open borders, endless wars branch of the modern Republican Party.

In a recent op-ed they wrote,

The pundits are saying that Donald Trump emerged unscathed from Wednesday night’s debate because only Chris Christie attacked him as a would-be dictator. But that misses something important about what happened on stage. Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis warned GOP voters that Mr. Trump is likely to fail in a second term and explained why—and the best evidence is the record of his first term.

The record of his first term? Does the WSJ not appreciate his first term achievements?

Here are a few.

A massive economic boom with low unemployment, wage growth not just for the laptop class but for all workers, rich and poor, black and white. Add middle class tax relief, massive deregulation, energy independence, fair trade deals, and Middle East peace with the Abraham Accords.

He remade the federal judiciary and nominated three constitutionalist justices for the Supreme Court, partially secured the border despite Congressional opposition, rebuilt the military and kept America out of foreign wars, supported religious liberty and pushed back against socialism and wokeism.

President Biden is delivering the opposite and the Wall Street Journal apparently prefers Biden’s American malaise and disfunction. As do the donor and ruling class elites. They all prefer endless wars and open borders, to heck with working class America.

The ruling class elites include the media, big tech, big finance, academia, Hollywood, woke corporations, and everyone else who has theirs, living safely in gated communities. They send their kids to private schools, not dysfunctional public schools where few graduate knowing how to read or write. They care not a whit about middle class Americans working with a power tool rather than a laptop, driving a used Chevy truck rather than a shiny new Tesla.

What do the voters say? Do they agree with the WSJ that a second Trump term would be a dictatorship and a mess of incompetence? Or do voters prefer the last three years get tossed in the Jimmy Carter trash bin of history next November?

Rasmussen Reports just released a poll showing, “Former President Donald Trump now has a double-digit lead for 2024, as support for re-electing President Joe Biden has faded in the past month.”

Specifically, “In a two-way contest between Biden and Trump, 48% of likely U.S. Voters would choose Trump and 38% would vote for Biden. Another 10% say they’d vote for some other candidate, and four percent (4%) are undecided.”

Going further Rasmussen noted, “This is a reversal of our November survey, when Biden led by four points, with 46% to Trump’s 42%. The new survey also shows stronger support for third-party candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.”

My how things have changed in the past few months. RFK Jr, as a liberal Democrat, is not a threat to Trump. He will likely take more votes from Biden than from Trump.

Are these numbers a fluke? What do other polls say about the upcoming presidential election?

The RealClearPolitics poll average for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination places Trump at 60 percent, with Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley in the low teens, the others in low single digits. Trump’s lead is “yuuuge” as he would say.

DeSantis and Haley have had months to get their message out. Fox News has given them ample airtime, genuflecting whenever they interview either of them. Chris Christie is treated as royalty by CNN and MSNBC. If the Haley or DeSantis messages resonated with voters, they would be polling higher than 12%. The Koch brothers and Mitt Romney may like the message, but Joe the Plumber does not.

In Trump’s wake are candidates, who for the most part represent the failed ghosts of elections past – Mitt Romney, John McCain, Paul Ryan, Jeb Bush, and the like. These were establishment choices to manage America’s decline, not make America great again. They would tap the brakes on America’s slide toward Marxism, rather than saying “hell no” and turning the sinking ship around.

Most voters don’t care about Trump’s personality, his big mouth, his Queens accent and attitude, or his mean tweets. They want a president willing to kick the deep state hornet nest and if necessary, make a big mess, to restore American peace, prosperity, safety, and greatness.

Another gauge of voter sentiment is the Rasmussen Reports daily presidential tracking poll, which as of December 15 shows Trump four years ago at 49% total approval, compared with Biden at 43% total approval, reflecting the comparable points in their respective presidencies.

Rasmussen Reports also found that among likely U.S. voters that only 30% think the country is headed in the right direction compared to 64% who believe America is headed down the wrong track. Who is the conductor today of the American train cruising down the wrong track? Joe Biden.

Even the Wall Street Journal begrudgingly acknowledges that the voters may know more than their editorial board. In their recent poll,

President Biden’s political standing is at its weakest point of his presidency, a new Wall Street Journal poll finds, with voters giving him his lowest job-performance marks and favoring Donald Trump for the first time in a head-to-head test of the likely 2024 presidential matchup.

Biden lags behind Trump by 4 percentage points, 47% to 43%, on a hypothetical ballot with only those two candidates.

CNN piles on to the Biden trainwreck. “CNN Polls: Trump leads Biden in Michigan and Georgia as broad majorities hold negative views of the current president.” In Georgia, Trump leads Biden 49% to 44%. In Michigan Trump’s lead is 50% to 40%.

It will be challenging for those states to “find” enough ballots to overcome such a lead after they halt vote counting at 10 p.m. on election night to assess Biden’s deficit and figure out a way to reverse that by the time ballot counting resumes the next day.

Wait, there may be election cheating? Am I an election denier or a conspiracy theorist? Let’s ask voters if they followed the voting rules.

Rasmussen Reports did just that and found, “More than 20% of voters who used mail-in ballots in 2020 admit they participated in at least one form of election fraud.” How many more did not admit it? So much for the 2020 election being the “most secure in history.”

For those pining for another Ronald Reagan, good luck. Trump is the closest thing we have had to Reagan in the past four decades. Not the Bushes or any of the other big talk, little action GOP Reagan wannabes since then. 50 years from now, America may wish for another Trump, but these types of leaders are rare as they buck an extremely entrenched and powerful administrative state and candidate “selection” process.

Both the Republican and Democrat parties have morphed into a single uni-party with little difference, except on the fringes of each party. Voters see through this and by supporting Trump are saying enough. Forget the RNC or DNC and find us a candidate who wants to focus on America rather than personal and political power and money.

As James Carville once said about the economy, for this election, “It’s the voters stupid.” How refreshing if the GOP for once would listen and respect its voters, rather than heaping scorn and ridicule on the base of their party.


Brian C. Joondeph, M.D., is a physician and writer. Follow me on Twitter @retinaldoctor, Substack Dr. Brian’s Substack, Truth Social @BrianJoondeph, and LinkedIn @Brian Joondeph.

Republicans Introduce Plan to Verify U.S. Citizenship for Mail-In Voters

King County Election workers collect ballots from a drop box in the Washington State primary, Tuesday, March 10, 2020 in Seattle. Washington is a vote by mail state. (AP Photo/John Froschauer)
AP Photo/John Froschauer

Republicans on the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, led by Sen. Katie Britt (R-AL), have introduced legislation that would give states the power to verify the American citizenship of applicants registering to vote via mail.

This week, Britt and fellow Republicans introduced the “Citizen Ballot Protection Act” which would give states the ability to more accurately verify that only American citizens are being approved for voter registrations.

Britt said the legislation is necessary as several blue states, counties, and cities pass ordinances opening voting rights to foreign nationals — at least for municipal elections.

“Voting in our country is a sacred right that must solely be limited to American citizens. To allow States to uphold this principle should be simple commonsense,” Britt said:

We are seeing certain cities across our nation begin to openly allow noncitizens to vote in local elections. This effectively disenfranchises hardworking American citizens, insults those American citizens who came to our country legally and took the time and effort to go through the citizenship process, and undermines faith in our entire electoral system — which is a cornerstone of our nation that we cannot allow to crumble. [Emphasis added]

It should not be controversial that states have the legal right to prevent noncitizens — including illegal migrants and official representatives of foreign adversaries — from voting in state and federal elections. I’m proud to work with Representative Palmer and my Senate colleagues to ensure that we pass this legislation and stand up for the right of Americans – and only Americans – to vote in American elections. [Emphasis added]

The legislation would amend the National Voting Rights Act to allow states to require proof of citizenship for those applicants registering to vote in state and federal elections by mail.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) as well as Sens. Deb Fischer (R-NE), Ted Cruz (R-TX), Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV.), Roger Wicker (R-MS.), Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS), and Bill Hagerty (R-TN) are co-sponsoring the bill.

Last week, Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY) accused New York City officials of attempting to register to vote newly arrived border crossers and illegal aliens living in city shelters.

That accusation came after New York City Democrats sought to give municipal voting rights to nearly a million foreign nationals living across the city in 2021. That effort, though, was struck down last year by the New York Supreme Court.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at jbinder@breitbart.com. Follow him on Twitter here

Border Patrol Seizes $10 Million Worth of Meth, Cocaine in San Diego

meth CBP
U.S. Customs and Border Protection

A commercial tractor-trailer driver was caught transporting more than $10 million worth of narcotics into the U.S. from the southern border, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials said Thursday.

The 28-year-old driver was intercepted Wednesday morning at Otay Mesa Cargo Facility in San Diego, California, where CBP officers pulled hundreds of “suspicious packages” from “vats of jalapeno paste” from the truck, a press release stated.

The unnamed driver, whom officials say is a valid border-crossing card holder, was screened by a CBP K-9 unit that alerted officers to examine the trailer more closely.

Upon further examination, the contents of the packages were identified as 3,161.43 pounds of methamphetamine and 522.50 pounds of cocaine.

In total, 332 packages of methamphetamine and cocaine weighing 3,684 pounds were seized from the shipment.

CBP estimates the street value of the drugs as $10,430,000.

The tractor-trailer was seized, and the driver was turned over to Homeland Security Investigations for further processing, officials said. 

“Our K-9 teams are an invaluable component of our counter-narcotics operations, providing a reliable and unequaled mobile detection capability,” said Rosa Hernandez, director of Otay Mesa Port.

“By implementing local operations under Operation Apollo and CBP’s Strategy to Combat Fentanyl and other Synthetic Drugs, we will continue to secure communities and stifle the growth of transnational criminal organizations, one seizure after another,” she added. 

In November, the San Diego CBP Field Office seized more than 14,000 pounds of narcotics while conducting security operations at California’s land ports of entry, the agency said.



New study says high housing costs, low income push Californians into homelessness




CA makes up third of homeless population in U.S., according to study




Study: More than 7-in-10 California Immigrant




More than 7-in-10 households headed by immigrants in the state of California are on taxpayer-funded welfare, a new study reveals.

The latest Census Bureau data analyzed by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) finds that about 72 percent of households headed by noncitizens and immigrants use one or more forms of taxpayer-funded welfare programs in California — the number one immigrant-receiving state in the U.S.

Meanwhile, only about 35 percent of households headed by native-born Americans use welfare in California.

All four states with the largest foreign-born populations, including California, have extremely high use of welfare by immigrant households. In Texas, for example, nearly 70 percent of households headed by immigrants use taxpayer-funded welfare. Meanwhile, only about 35 percent of native-born households in Texas are on welfare.

In New York and Florida, a majority of households headed by immigrants and noncitizens are on welfare. Overall, about 63 percent of immigrant households use welfare while only 35 percent of native-born households use welfare.

President Trump’s administration is looking to soon implement a policy that protects American taxpayers’ dollars from funding the mass importation of welfare-dependent foreign nationals by enforcing a “public charge” rule whereby legal immigrants would be less likely to secure a permanent residency in the U.S. if they have used any forms of welfare in the past, including using Obamacare, food stamps, and public housing.

The immigration controls would be a boon for American taxpayers in the form of an annual $57.4 billion tax cut — the amount taxpayers spend every year on paying for the welfare, crime, and schooling costs of the country’s mass importation of 1.5 million new, mostly low-skilled legal immigrants.

As Breitbart News reported, the majority of the more than 1.5 million foreign nationals entering the country every year use about 57 percent more food stamps than the average native-born American household. Overall, immigrant households consume 33 percent more cash welfare than American citizen households and 44 percent more in Medicaid dollars. This straining of public services by a booming 44 million foreign-born population translates to the average immigrant household costing American taxpayers $6,234 in federal welfare.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder. 


California approves ‘shocking’ policy giving weekly checks to migrants: Report



The state of California is home to more illegal aliens than any other state in the country. Approximately one in five illegal aliens lives in California, Pew reported.

Immigration Studies (CIS) finds that about 72 percent of households headed by noncitizens and immigrants use one or more forms of taxpayer-funded welfare programs in California — the number one immigrant-receiving state in the U.S.

“The Democrats had abandoned their working-class base to chase what they pretended was a racial group when what they were actually chasing was the momentum of unlimited migration”.  DANIEL GREENFIELD   

Liberal California Emigrants are Toxic

By R. Quinn Kennedy

When Arizona, a state that has historically leaned conservative, was won by Joe Biden and now-senator Mark Kelly this week, very few were taken by surprise. Extensive polling indicated Arizona was ripe for swinging liberal and in this instance, at least, the polling was correct.

The question is why? Why has a state that held two elected Republican senators as recently as 2018 and which held a dependable stable of electoral votes for GOP presidential candidates become a purple state on its way to becoming solidly blue? Have Arizona residents suddenly awaked to the idea that liberal policies and doctrines are more sensible than conservative ones? Hardly.

The answer regarding Arizona’s swing lies in its neighbor to the west, California. Since 2012, California has overwhelmingly sent more transplants to Arizona than any other state. When surveyed, escaping Californians cite high taxes, high crime rates, unaffordable housing, out-of-control homelessness, and high unemployment rates as their top reasons for fleeing.

Who is responsible for creating such an alarming living environment within the state? California liberals. A November, 2020 report produced by the Mercatus Center at George Mason University stated that California has 395,608 regulatory restrictions. The sheer volume and scope of California regulations creates such a compliance nightmare that they kill entire industries, send housing prices to unattainable heights, and restrict even commonplace liberties for which conservative leaning states are known.

Piled onto California’s endless river of regulations are its nonsensical laws and policies. Twenty major metropolitan cities or counties in California have established laws, ordinances, regulations, or other practices that shield illegal immigrants from prosecution after committing a crime. These counties brazenly safeguard illegal immigrant criminals against deportation either through noncompliance or by refusing to hand them over to federal agencies such as ICE. With over $1.5 trillion in state and local government debt, California effectively has little money to spare for conveniences such as criminal incarceration. What do sanctuary cities and counties see as the alternative to handing illegal immigrant criminals over for deportation? Release them back into the general population, of course.

Consider this: Between 2014 and 2017, the FBI reported that 49 states saw an average increase in crime annually of around 3%. After implementing “humane” alternatives to criminal prosecution, California crime increased more than 12% per year over the same time period. With irrational sanctuary policies that send a clear message of little to no consequence for offenses, is it any wonder California’s crime rate is now spiraling out of control?

Arizona is not the only beneficiary of the California exodus. The Colorado State Demography Office has published an active flow map of people moving into the state from 2010 on. Disturbingly, the state sending the most movers to Colorado since then has consistently been California. As recently as 2004, Colorado had the political trifecta of a Republican governor and a Republican-controlled House and Senate. A short ten years later, all three had turned irrevocably Democrat. The subsequent consequence? A drastic increase in state and local regulations, a dramatic increase in violent crimes, a severe shortage of home inventory and affordable housing, and a staggering increase in homelessness. Do these newfound troubles sound familiar to any other state mentioned here? The only safeguard against out-of-control tax hikes in Colorado is the TABOR Amendment passed by voters 1992, prior to the influx of California residents, that requires taxpayer approval for any new tax. Not surprisingly, emboldened liberals in Colorado are vigorously resolute in repealing this tax hike protection. As of the most recent election they are unsuccessful, yet remain undeterred.

What has coincided with Colorado’s decline? The mass inflow of Californians to the state. Californians have brought with them all the very same liberal doctrines and ideologies that forced their flight from California in the first place. Does this dissuade liberal Californians from shaping Colorado into the very image of California? Not in the least.

If there is any hope for Arizona, it is that they might learn from the resulting ruin of Colorado, however unlikely.

In the 2020 election, Texas was startlingly considered in play for liberals. Since 2015, which state has contributed the most emigrants into Texas? Not surprisingly, the state of California. The hope for liberals is that they can turn Texas into the next purple soon-to-be blue state. The coveted prize is Texas’ electoral votes. Even more insidious, if liberals are able to capture Texas as they have done in Colorado and Arizona, they will force the state to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. They will then achieve their ultimate goal of a Democrat president reigning over the United States for endless generations until the point our country experiences the same collapse as other great civilizations throughout world history.

The obvious question is this: How can Texas avoid the same fate as states such as Colorado and Arizona? Simple. By being proactive.

It is much easier for liberals to enact new legislation than to argue for the removal of existing laws. With this in mind, Texas should take advantage of their current Republican-controlled Senate, House, and governor’s office by making haste and passing laws that would limit the future incursion of liberal meddling. Texas can presently enact laws that prohibit sanctuary cities, require voter approval to remove the state’s mandated balanced budget, require that any new regulation must necessitate the removal of an existing one, and compel voter approval of each new local or state tax including non-user fees. While such laws may only serve to stem the liberal takeover of the state, they would be roadblocks making it much more difficult for ideological infiltration in areas that affect inhabitant’s liberties and quality of life.

It would be absurd to suppose Californians have malintent. Rather, they are simply following the course with which they are most familiar while being blissfully ignorant of the negative unintended consequences their political ideology brings. To suggest that any act of suppression, aggression, or intimidation towards Californians moving into red states is acceptable would simply be un-American and subject to the same type of hypocrisy liberals practice. If conservatives stoop to their level, we have lost the battle and, perhaps, the war.

However, by taking aggressive legislative action in states that have not yet succumbed to liberal infiltration, Conservatives will effectively be planting our flag in a defiant refusal to hand over our institutions and our liberty.


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