Wednesday, December 20, 2023

TIRED OF BLACK RACISM? BLACK VIOLENCE? - A Scam From the Beginning Ibram X. Kendi’s Netflix documentary pushes racist “antiracism.”


The New Ebonics Movement and the Elimination of Whiteness

Mainstreaming mediocrity and demonizing excellence.

The Back to Ebonics movement has been around for a couple of decades. It gained some traction in the seventies during the era when everything Black was pronounced as beautiful. Emerging from the ugliness of segregation and Jim Crow laws which did see the systemic evisceration of the dignity of Black individuals, the Black is Beautiful slogan was understandable from the standpoint of psychological preservation. Ebonics—the Black Vernacular that is believed to capture the unique and singular way many Blacks speak—was regarded by many as a means of also protecting the dignity of Black self-expression.

Few in academia, or in mainstream society for that matter, took the Ebonics movement very seriously. Everyone knew that if any Black person wanted—at minimum—a job as a hotel receptionist, a customer service agent in a call center, or a clerk in a retail store, he or she would need to speak standard English. The latter was the lingua franca of business and commerce, and that was not about to change. If Blacks aspired to achieve economic parity with their compatriots, then they would have to become bilingual.

Lately, the Back to Ebonics movement has morphed into a devoutly nasty and pernicious new form. It has transmogrified into a hegemonic call to replace standard English as the norm. It regards requiring Black students to use standard English as anti-Black linguistic racism. Blacks required to speak standard English are believed to experience violence, persecution, dehumanization, and marginalization. The leader of this movement, a Black professor at the University of Michigan by the name of April Baker-Bell, has sponsored a document to abolish what she calls “White Mainstream English.” She believes that Black students who are forced to write their papers in mainstream English are victims of Anti-Black Racism.

The idea that standard English speaking and writing requirements are emotionally harmful, as Baker-Bell claims, goes beyond shallow identity politics. It is rooted also in the de-colonialist and Anti-Western civilization agendas that seek to eradicate from school curricula and educational models any European universal foundations that underlie pedagogy, method and content. If reason, logic and the idea of an objective reality are declared racist, then little need be said for why language, based on objective rules of grammar, should be seen as anything but the arbitrary imposition of Dead White Men whose goals are to marginalize the speech practices of non-white speakers of English. Baker-Bell is part of a phalanx of educators who think that grammar is racist—that is, the grammar that governs the use of standard English.

If Baker-Bell (pictured above) and the promoters of “Black English” were simply advocating non-stigmatization of the language, then few would have issue with them. It is generally not advisable to induce shame in people who experience their emotions and their identities in whatever form of language in which they communicate. Few ordinary speakers of Black English outside the academy, I believe, would go so far as to call what they speak another language. They regard Black English for what it truly is: broken English, a rendition of a type of American patois. Linguists who argue that chronic grammatical infelicities, such as verb/tense and subject/object confusion with interrogative pronouns such as who versus whom, are irrelevant as a metric for differentiating between standard English and broken English are dishonest. They are operating from the principle of some kind of political expediency or political correctness.

To indict white speakers of standard English as linguistic colonizers and imperialists is untenable and empirically false. To begin with, millions of non-white and non-native English speakers voluntarily learn the language with great zeal for the simple reason that it is the global language of trade, commerce and business. There does not seem to be any bottom-up resistance to learning English from immigrants all over the world. The resistance comes from a cabal of race hustlers who are totally fluent in standard English. Most of them have good facility with the language, and they pen their academic prose condemning standard English in eloquent English. They know that Black English is incomprehensible and unintelligible in written form—as are all forms of patois.

But why would educated Blacks who write and speak standard English as well as any white person campaign for Blacks to not have the same opportunity to achieve facility with the language? What’s in it for these race hustlers who are paid large sums of money to lecture to white progressives on how they should alter their pedagogical styles and expurgate standard English requirements from their syllabi? It is not care and concern for the well-being of Blacks. It is a struggle for power, a struggle to continue creating a vast underclass of uneducated Blacks who will speak in a manner that will render them incomprehensible and lower their intelligence quotient in the minds of those with whom they speak. The goal is to indoctrinate as many Blacks as possible to see oppression and linguistic terrorism and identity annihilation everywhere—just in case they are tempted to see opportunity and upward mobility through mastery of the English language. For these race hustlers, the contempt they have for uneducated Blacks is reprehensible. In their minds, the options are clear: either the white alt-left will exercise a coercive monopoly as a managerial vanguard over Black victimization and suffering, or they will play second fiddle in the cult of victimization.

Blacks are mere pawns for white progressives who have staked their identity on Black oppression and suffering. Such whites are moral sadists because to continue justifying their existence, they wish to see Black people suffer under racial oppression. When this official oppression ends, as it already has, they cease being the masters of time and human destiny. They are more like conservationists or racial preservationists than anything else, and they are more devoted to preserving Black authenticity, race consciousness, and the very notion of Blackness which they love to pit against and contrast with themselves, since it reinforces an exotic caste system between them and the Other. Their own whiteness is brought into sharper relief, the more authentically Black the victims and their needs appear. Devoid of any such neediness in their own aspirational leanings, they are relieved of any stains of Blackness, and hence, enjoy a sense of racial purity. In assuming responsibility for Blacks, they assume a greater share of humanity and moral agency in themselves than they do for others. They expropriate the agency of racial minorities so they can speak for them, to them, and, in essence, determine who among them is qualified to count as their racial spokesperson. Just so long as he or she plays by the racial script and respects the hierarchical ordering among the designated role of advocate and victim, all will be well. In so doing, they trespass on the autonomy of Blacks and other minorities and eviscerate them of their dignity. Their sense of superiority is unmistakable. People who regard other people as their moral equals either leave them alone to make their own way, or, when they are aggrieved, address the injustice quietly and move on after it is resolved.

The new Black race hustlers will have none of this. A strange atavistic tribalism rears its ugly head. Better for them to keep their own people downtrodden on their terms. Laboring under the aegis of a strange “white envy,” Black race hustlers such as April Baker-Bell become the new slave holders of their own people. They are the most condescending set of prejudicial narcissistic elitists who know that Blacks, if taught standard English—and a basic solid education in general—could learn adequately and prosper. But where would this leave these elitists? They would not be anything special anymore. What they fear is expanding Black excellence, for it shores up their own mediocrity and renders them powerless in the world. They have no leverage over whites unless they have makeshift victims they can parade before them and taunt them into feeling collective guilt. There is no greater hell for a Black race hustler than an empty and meaningless world, meaningless without guilty whites who exist to atone for some ill-defined sins they have committed against Blacks.

Baker-Bell’s Black English and anti-standard English agenda are gaining traction. As she gives seminars around the country on linguistic racism and eliminating white standard English altogether from society, educators take notes and make pledges to alter their teaching styles and requirements. In other words, her top-down approach is making inroads among educators and administrators who create policies. Teachers will be punished for penalizing Black students who turn in essays not written in standard English. Broken English (or Spanish or French) renders one incapable of clearly articulating one’s thought and feelings. Baker-Bell and her cohorts do not want an assembly of proud Black English speakers. Such a situation would see an unassimilable group of marginalized people who would, in a crucial way, be outside the pantheon of legitimate language users.

What the professor wants is to emancipate Blacks from standard adherence to traditional punctuation and basic mechanics of grammar and enunciation. In effect, she wants to relegate Blacks to primitive backwater swamps where they sound like grunting farm animals. She will be their interpreter. On the question of who will speak for whom, she’ll be the appointed delegate. Since she thinks we should all speak Ebonics, she’ll argue that any difficulty in understanding and appreciating Black English stems from a deep-seated proclivity for seeing white standard English as neutral, normative, and objectively superior.

The sins of her agenda go deeper. Since Black English is broken English, any attempt to elevate it to a level of superiority by demonizing standard English is an attempt to mainstream mediocrity and demonize excellence. It is an attempt to reduce everyone to a statistical average, and to the lowest common denominator. Since mastering a language is an amazing achievement that requires skill and discipline, the nihilistic and lazy impulse to dispense with rules ultimately stems from an agency that was never fully civilized. Language is one of the unifying conventions that bind us in a shared identity as a people. All Americans never will speak in Ebonics; Baker-Bell knows this. Her goal is tribal. It is for groups, really, to have their own languages and, like beggars making invidious comparisons among their sores, to vie for supremacy based on an amalgam of suffering, victimization, and iconic innocence. To convince others that the broken language is the most exalted and politically superior and least oppressive among all mainstream standard languages, is to demote excellence to the level of the sub-human and promote mediocrity to a model of artificial perfection. This is manufactured stupidity which, when codified, becomes rank stupidity.  Since language is primarily a tool of cognition—one cannot think, form concepts and abstractions without formal language—the attempt to have everyone speak, and therefore think, in Ebonics is a devolutionary move; to take humanity back to the primitive stage of speech and to slide cognitively back into a primordial state of human non-development.

This agenda fits squarely with the trans-human and post human movements which, for all the vagueness surrounding their definitional status, advocates a destruction of the human condition as we know it. It finds pride of place with academic movements pushing for the de-centering and annihilation of whiteness in the universities and in corporations such as Coca-Cola.

When the moral integrity of language is undermined, with full malice aforethought, then the civic virtues that bind us as a nation-state, such as trust, social cohesion, patriotic commitment to a shared understanding of the public good, pride in country, and benevolence and good will towards our fellow compatriots, get destroyed. Factionalism and tribalism assume ascendancy. Mediocrity is enshrined. Excellence and greatness are ridiculed and demonized.

It’s not that Americans will be speaking Ebonics. It is not even the case that the majority of Black Americans will need to speak it. It is only sufficient to ensure that the language in which truth and justice, and the means of proving and protecting them, are destroyed. If the language in which the inalienability of our rights is rejected as oppressive and harmful, then the rights we enjoy will be regarded as mere privileges that were created by a bigoted minority to exclude Blacks and other minorities from the pantheon of the human community. “Rights,” therefore, will be regarded as mere social constructs that will be rearticulated according to the new Ebonics patois that, by its nature and according to its vanguards, has a built-in logic of egalitarian fairness and non-oppressiveness.

Let us not kid ourselves. Professor April Baker-Bell and her ilk are not real scholars, and their fields of studies are illegitimate. Calling for the elimination of standard English cannot be a proper field of any academic discipline. What the Governor of Michigan needs to do is sign a law into effect banning the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) policies that make it possible for welfare scholars such as Baker-Bell to be employed in higher education. This is not an infringement on academic freedom, since such work is merely hate speech and propaganda masquerading as scholarship.

If we understand that the move to raze Western civilization and make white people extinct comes in many guises, and that Baker-Bell’s demand that all Americans speak Ebonics while canceling standard English is part of a systemic and comprehensive Final Solution by avowed nihilists to genocide an entire civilization—then we won’t feel as if we are fighting lice in a vacuum in this case. We will simply be destroying part of the rot before it fully turns to fertilizer.

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Jason D. Hill

Jason D. Hill is professor of Philosophy at DePaul University and a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. His latest book is "What Do White Americans Owe Black People: Racial Justice in the Age of Post-Oppression". Follow him on Substack.

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A Scam From the Beginning

Ibram X. Kendi’s Netflix documentary pushes racist “antiracism.”

In the just-released trailer for a new comedy flick coming in March called The American Society of Magical Negroes (I’m not making this up), one black man asks another, “What is the most dangerous animal on the planet?” The other character begins to reply “Sharks” when the first one interrupts to answer his own question: “White people, when they’re feeling uncomfortable.”

Now imagine replacing “white people” in that joke with literally any other demographic: black people, Asians, Muslims, Jews, etc. (actually, considering the antisemitic bloodlust rearing its ugly head among young people all across America and migrant-colonized Europe, Jews would be the other exception in this case; but the neo-Marxist Left lumps Jews in with white people anyway as “colonizers” and “oppressors”). There would be nationwide fury among the Cancel Culture mob. Executive heads would roll at the movie’s production company. The harpies on The View would blame Trump for having empowered hate and racial division.

The reason Hollywood knows it can get away with a punch line smearing whites as “the most dangerous animal on the planet” is that white people are the only racial group it is culturally acceptable today to demonize, especially among younger generations. A recent Harvard/Harris poll, for example, revealed that 79% of Americans – four out of 5 – between the ages of 18-24 believe white people are “oppressors.”

And no one alive is more responsible for popularizing that corrosive perception than celebrity “antiracist” author Ibram X. Kendi (real name Ibram Henry Rogers). At a recent screening, for example, for the new Netflix documentary Stamped from the Beginning, based on his own bestselling 2016 book, Kendi drew vigorous applause when he stated that “constructions of whiteness” have shaped the personalities of white people worldwide and prevented them “from connecting with humanity”:

When you’re not able to see yourself in other human beings, that creates all sorts of problems. But not just societal problems, but personal problems, that I think hopefully this film and this work will liberate those folks from. It’s liberating all the way around. I think it will liberate all of us because we’ve all been told a lie about ourselves and other people.

The audience applauded this condescending, racist assumption about whites because, again, we now inhabit a culture in which white people are seen collectively as oppressors, racists, and genocidal colonizers – thanks in no small measure to the influence of Kendi’s books for adults, How to Be an Antiracist and Stamped From the Beginning (he has written antiracism books for children as well, because it’s never too early to sow the seeds of a racist worldview).

Stamped From the Beginning blends news and entertainment footage, animation, melodramatic historical reenactments, and interviews with (only) black or mixed-race activists and academics to elucidate the history of anti-black racism through the lens of Critical Race Theory (CRT).

(Interestingly, all the interviewees but Kendi are female, and all the historical figures to which the film devotes extended attention – anti-lynching activist Ida B. Wells, poet Phillis Wheatley, slave autobiographer Harriet Jacobs – are female. Presumably he made this choice intentionally in order to amplify “intersectional” voices, but it’s curious that in a film on the history of racism in America, Kendi would deny black men the agency to speak for themselves.)

Though CRT is never mentioned by name, the false core assumptions of this ideological weapon are all there: that America was founded not in the seeds of liberty and justice for all but in slavery and racism; that the history of our nation is one of intentional, violent oppression of blacks by a power-hungry, white supremacist elite; and that systemically racist policies and institutions are still “baked into” American society today.

The film begins with the interviewees declaring that a false narrative about black people has been constructed by white people throughout history. The documentary then proceeds to construct a false narrative about whites – that they have literally and collectively conspired to dehumanize blacks and to punish them whenever they dare challenge white power by achieving any economic or cultural success. Activist and TikTok celebrity Lynae Vanee states that “black progress is so terrifying to white Americans that they will do anything to harness the power they thought was lost.”

Brittany Packnett Cunningham says that “somewhere along the line, folks figured out ‘Hey, if we link arms under this umbrella of whiteness, then we can protect our collective interests and make sure nobody else has access to our power.’” Somewhere along the line? Where? “Folks”? Which folks, exactly? Cunningham presents no details, no evidence, no source, no citation, that such a conspiracy among white people ever happened.

The interviewees, the most well-known of whom is lifelong Communist Angela Davis, blame a grand generalization called “white people” and “whiteness” for everything blacks in this country’s history have suffered from the Transatlantic slave trade forward (there is no mention of the black Africans who actually did the enslaving and selling of their fellow blacks). The film’s participants even personify “whiteness” as if it not only exists but has agency and feelings (Cunningham refers to whiteness being “uncomfortable” with blacks who aren’t “the right kind of Negro”) and intent, and that intent is to oppress blacks.

“White supremacy has been embedded in this country since its founding,” one activist declares. George Washington and the Founding Fathers – Stamped reduces them all to “enslavers.” Thomas Jefferson is a special target of antiracist condemnation largely for his relationship with slave Sally Hemings, which the interviewees repeatedly refer to as “rape.” Vanee declares with a chuckle that the principal author of the Declaration of Independence “was full of shit.”

Not only are America and Britain given no credit for being the first nations in world history to end slavery, it’s clear that the activists who appear in the film deeply resent any implication that whites played any more significant role in ending slavery than blacks did. They make it very clear that white abolitionists were not the real heroes of the anti-slavery movement, only problematic “allies” with mixed motives. Even that Abraham Lincoln “dude was low-key racist.” A chapter of the film is given to tearing down “The Myth of the White Savior,” arguing that whites today who are committed to, say, helping impoverished black Africans are doing so only to demonstrate “See? I was nice to the Negroes.”

Kendi has stated elsewhere that capitalism is essentially racist and that racism is essentially capitalist, so naturally his film’s perspective on economics is Marxist. Stamped claims that a “small group of wealthy white elites” – here we get images of Donald Trump, Bill Gates, and Jeff Bezos, among others – “continue to accumulate wealth and power on the backs of everybody else.” That’s not how the world actually works; it’s not how Trump, Gates, and Bezos got wealthy; and it gives the false impression that there are no blacks among billionaire power players. Kendi also smears poor whites, claiming that they believe the source of their economic “pain” is “people who don’t look like them.”

Visually, the film is packed antiquated cartoon imagery and old footage of Ku Klux Klan rallies and pre-civil rights era bigots, as if we still live in that America. It also features misleading clips of, for example, former presidents Trump and Reagan making law-and-order speeches, presented as if they are demonizing blacks; similarly, the film shows snippets of popular films like King Kong and Planet of the Apes as if every movie with a monkey is thinly-veiled racist propaganda.

Stamped decries the historical sexualization of black women but never acknowledges that the exploiter of black sexuality and the objectifier of black female bodies today is the black entertainment industry itself, which has raked in billions from the execrable gangster rap music genre. Gangster rap, which glorifies black criminals and demeans women relentlessly as “bitches” and “hoes,” has for 40 years dominated the popularity of any other form of black music, from jazz to soul to the blues. Has any single white figure in the past done as much to reduce black women to sexual animals as profane twerker Cardi B with her pornographic 2020 hit “WAP”? It was celebrated as Song of the Year by Black Entertainment Television (BET), no less, which ought to be ashamed of itself. Where is the condemnation of this self-exploitation in Stamped From the Beginning? Nowhere, because “whiteness” cannot be blamed for it.

Then we come to the segment of the film on crime. It explains away the reality of the disproportionate percentage of violent crimes committed by blacks by saying that white America has manufactured the lie that black males are dangerous predators through the intentional “invention of black criminality.” Yale historian Elizabeth Hinton says that in this construction, “crime becomes a code word for black.” Thus, presidential calls from Nixon to Clinton to Trump to enforce law and order are viewed not as assurances to the American people – including blacks – that they will not have to live in fear of criminal chaos, but as dog whistles for keeping blacks in their place.

Predictably, the film demonizes law enforcement, attacking the perceived police “massacre” of blacks as “state violence” and decrying policies “predicated on anti-blackness.” It attacks “policies, structures, and institutions that intentionally subjugate black people.” The point is hammered home that America was founded on the white supremacist subjugation of blacks and that the so-called “white elite” – whom Kendi says are willing to lie, cheat, steal, and kill to maintain power – continue to collude against black people to this day.

The film concludes with a call to dismantle society and rebuild a social justice utopia. Antiracists want whites to embrace a collective guilt; denial of that guilt is, as Kendi puts it, the very “heartbeat of racism.” Ergo, whites are racist, whether they admit they are or not; indeed, denial is itself evidence of guilt.

Slavery, as every reasonable person in America today would agree, was and is an ugly, unconscionable practice. No decent person in the Western world today would consider it or lynching or the sexual abuse of slaves to be anything but abhorrent. America has such a cultural revulsion toward anti-black bigotry that the most deplorable thing you can be accused of today is not political corruption or pedophilia or murder, but racism.

But antiracism, as its proponents define it – requiring that white people of today acknowledge their collective guilt for racist atrocities of the past, and actively assist blacks in dismantling America’s supposedly white supremacist institutions – is a racist scam. It boosts the academic credentials and public profiles of smug activists like the ones interviewed in Stamped From the Beginning, and it showers race hustlers and cherry-picking intellectual frauds like Ibram X.Kendi and his white female counterpart Robin DiAngelo with astronomical speaking fees, bestselling books, lucrative movie deals, and accolades – all in the service of promoting a false, divisive, racist, cultural Marxist ideology that exploits black rage and white guilt to deconstruct the demonstrable racial advances of the civil rights movement of the 1960s.

(This fraudulence and intellectual emptiness was recently exposed when Kendi’s highly-touted research center imploded with literally nothing to show for its $40 million treasure chest.)

Like the debunked historical revisionism of the New York Times’ 1619 ProjectStamped From the Beginning runs everything through the distorted, reductively racist lens of cultural Marxism to further an agenda to tear down everything great this country has accomplished and built – including the advances of the civil rights movement (Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream of color-blindness would mark him as a racist today). We will never get race relations back on track in this country until blacks and whites alike reject the ugly, exploitative narrative of the antiracist con artists.

Follow Mark Tapson at Culture Warrior.

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Mark Tapson

Mark Tapson is the Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, focusing on popular culture. He is also the host of an original podcast on Frontpage, “The Right Take With Mark Tapson”. Follow him on Substack.

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While testifying before Congress on December 5, Gay refused to say if advocating for the genocide of Jews violated Harvard’s policy on bullying and harassment.

Claudine Gay isn’t the First, or Worst, Example of Black Plagiarism Privilege

“Why is Harvard giving Claudine Gay ‘plagiarism privilege’?” asked the New York Post editorial board Saturday.

It must be a rhetorical question. Professor Carol Swain, who was ripped off by Gay and complains “I feel like her whole research agenda, her whole career, was based on my work,” has some idea.

“A white male would probably already be gone,” Swain, a black woman herself, told journalist Christopher Rufo recently.

Instead, Gay, who assumed Harvard’s presidency just this July, is being retained and defended by her ivy league school. Never mind that investigation has thus far “left four of her 11 peer-reviewed papers flagged for possible plagiarism, plus her thesis,” relates the Post. Never mind that Swain isn’t the only academic upset about Gay’s appropriation of their writings. Never mind that Harvard has frequently expelled students for plagiarism. The accountability Gay must endure is that she’s being allowed to “correct” her work so she can continue enjoying a position obtained via academic fraud.

It’s a bit like robbing a bank, letting smarter people invest the money for you and parley it into a fortune and then, being caught 25 years later, being allowed to return the original sum (without interest) and continue enjoying the opulence your thievery has granted you. It’s what a different ivy league president might’ve said was “an example of ‘inverse racism’ by a bunch of white liberals ‘embarrassed by... [their institution’s] makeup.’” And that man, ex-Columbia head William McGill, did say that more than two decades ago about what may be the mother of all cases of black plagiarism privilege.

In fact, if there is a defense of Gay, it’s that she has countless co-conspirators: A woke (mostly) white world that has for decades helped enable left-wing-favored blacks’ plagiarism. For example, early-20th-century black author Pauline Hopkins’s rampant plagiarisms, the Journal Oxford Academic suggested some years back, were perhaps just “inspired borrowings.” (Hmm, if she was only “borrowing, when did she “give them back”?) There’s also “American Nigerian” scribe and serial transgressor Jumi Bello — who, among other things, plagiarized an essay section about the history of plagiarism(!) — but was defended by fellow black writers who complained that their “industry is not safe for Black neurodivergent writers….” (Yeah, that’s the problem.)

Then there was Martin Luther King, Jr. He set the pattern for Gay by using in his doctoral dissertation significant portions of others’ material without attribution, which even left-wing Snopes calls “an act which constitutes plagiarism by ordinary academic standards.” (Implication: King should be held to below-ordinary academic standards.)

What’s more, below-ordinary standards will become ordinary if University of Cincinnati assistant professor Antar A. Tichavakunda has his way: He wrote last year that anti-plagiarism policies “disproportionately harm Black and Latinx students.”

But then, even with yesterday’s standards, there was a man for whom black plagiarism privilege reached a level never seen before — or since.

Most of us children of the ’70s remember the television event that was the eight-night mini-series Roots. Approximately 135 million Americans, more than half the population at the time, were mesmerized by the 1977 phenomenon — meaning, it drew the largest viewership of any TV series in history. Based on author Alex Haley’s 1976 book Roots: The Saga of an American Family, it was the compelling story of how the writer’s ancestors were enslaved and brutalized and recounted the lives of six generations of his family.

Or, so we were told.

Napoleon Bonaparte once said that “history is a series of agreed-upon myths,” and it is only in this most cynical sense that Roots could even begin to be conceptualized as history. Haley, to this day one of America’s most celebrated black writers, was not just peddling friction-causing fiction dressed up as fact. Rather, he was as black commentator Stanley Crouch bluntly put it, a literary Tawana Brawley, a “ruthless hustler” and “one of the biggest damn liars this country has ever seen.”

This is not hyperbole. Left-wing journalist Philip Nobile had the opportunity to study Haley’s private papers prior to their being sold at auction. “The result was featured in a devastating 1993 cover piece in the Village Voice,” wrote the New York Post in 2002. “It confirmed — from Haley’s own notes — earlier claims that the alleged history of the book was a near-total invention.”

The kicker is that even more damnably, it wasn’t Haley’s own invention. In fact, the fraudster had lifted approximately 81 passages from a 1967 work of fiction titled The African — written by white author Harold Courlander. So egregious was Haley’s trespass that a judge found him guilty of plagiarism, and he was forced to pay Courlander a reported $650,000 ($2 million adjusted for inflation) out-of-court settlement.

(Note: Late black author and college professor Margaret Walker Alexander alleged that Haley had plagiarized her work, too.)

The bottom line is that “Haley was a ‘literary rogue,’ an ‘impostor’ whose ‘prose was so inept that he required ghosts [ghost writers] throughout his career,’” related Jack Kerwick at The New American in 2012, quoting Nobile. “Upon reading Haley’s posthumously released private papers and interviewing one of his original editors for Roots, Nobile was able to determine that the Roots’ real author was Murray Fisher, Haley’s editor from his time at Playboy. Fisher was also, incidentally, white.”

There’s much more to Haley’s fraud, too; the articles linked above provide the rest of the story.

True White Saviors

These damning revelations, however, didn’t stop liberal whites from lining up to whitewash Haley’s misdeeds. Despite admitting in a later-years BBC interview that the writer “had perpetrated a hoax on the public,” the judge who presided over Haley’s trial, Robert J. Ward, had allowed him to quietly settle because, as he put it, “I did not want to destroy him.” The Pulitzer Prize board, which had granted Haley their award in 1977, refused to rescind it, prompting the aforementioned William McGill to make his remark about “inverse racism” and guilt-ridden, value-signaling white liberals. And in 2016, the History Channel released a remake of Roots. “Agreed-upon myths,” indeed.

Haley’s defenders agree that this agreement is good, too. They “insist that the literal truth of ‘Roots’ is less important than its larger truth,” writes the Post. What might this be? As Haley friend and Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates — who concedes Haley’s failings — put it, Roots “‘is a work of the imagination’ that was ‘an important event because it captured everyone’s imagination,” the Post continues. And it certainly did capture people’s imagination.

So did Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Mussolini.

The problem is that Roots’ was an abusive captor. It portrayed whites as stomping around West Africa’s interior with impunity, kidnapping and enslaving happy but hapless and helpless natives. Conveniently, states Stanley Crouch, this leaves “out the crucial role of the cooperative and profiting Africans.”

In fact, before modern medicines’ birth, black scholar Dr. Thomas Sowell once pointed out, whites feared even entering Africa’s interior because they had no immunity to its endemic diseases. European slavers’ goal was to buy their slaves from African traders on the coast — and leave posthaste.

While we shouldn’t even fixate on slavery (as I’ve explained), an honest portrayal of it demonstrating Europeans’ and Africans’ shared complicity could perhaps have an ameliorative, unitive effect. One-sided Haley-like fiction that places the sole onus on whites, however, divides us further and stokes hatred. So-called “revenge attacks” on whites are sometimes the result, too.

So what can be said about black plagiarism privilege? Considering Herbert Spencer’s observation that the “result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools” makes obvious that leftists want to — or are at least willing to — enable black foolishness and thus elevate black fools. So it’s ironic: Leftists took the old sitcom Amos ’n’ Andy off the air because, they said, its amusing black stereotypes stigmatized black people. Now, apparently, they think elevating gangsta’ rappers and plagiarists is a better look.

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Image: Screen shot from Harvard University video, via YouTube

Additional Allegations of Plagiarism Emerge Against Harvard President Claudine Gay

Claudine Gay, president of Harvard University, during a House Education and the Workforce Committee hearing in Washington, DC, US, on Tuesday, Dec. 5, 2023. Lawmakers on the education committee will grill the leaders of Harvard University, the University of Pennsylvania and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology about their responses to …
Haiyun Jiang/Bloomberg via Getty

Additional allegations of plagiarism have emerged against Harvard President Claudine Gay on top of those previously made.

The complaint submitted to Harvard’s research integrity officer by a professor from another university, who wished to remain anonymous, outlines at least 40 allegations of plagiarism against Claudine Gay, including some of the charges that various publications, including Breitbart News, have covered over the past few weeks. The new allegations range “from missing quotation marks around a few phrases or sentences to entire paragraphs lifted verbatim,” according to the Washington Free Beacon. Other allegations include Gay paraphrasing authors without proper attribution.

“The full list of examples spans seven of Gay’s publications—two more than previously reported—which comprise almost half of her scholarly output,” noted the outlet.

Up until now, the Harvard Corporation has stood by Gay after an independent review of her work, saying earlier this month that it found “no violation of Harvard’s standards for research misconduct.”

The Beacon noted that the probe focused on just three of her papers. The complaint asserted that investigators have not reviewed the entirety of Gay’s work.

“[I]t is impossible that your office has already reviewed the entirety of these materials, as many … have not been previously reported or submitted,” the complaint said.

A school official guilty of plagiarism can face “suspension,” “rank reduction,” and “termination of employment.” The appropriate sanction will be considered if the misconduct is determined to be “an isolated event or part of a pattern.” Harvard has already taken heat for being noticeably lax on faculty plagiarism versus that committed by students. Per the Beacon:

In 2005, for example, Harvard declined to sanction one of its star law professors, Larry Tribe, after he plagiarized just one author. The Harvard Crimson‘s editorial board lambasted the “glaring double standard” and demanded Tribe be punished.

“Students caught plagiarizing are routinely suspended for semesters or even entire academic years,” the paper wrote. “For professors who plagiarize, however, not even a modicum of punishment seems to be in play.”

The complaint noted that the complainant fears retaliation.

“Any reasonable person would see confrontation by a university-paid defamation lawyer as ‘apparent retaliation’ against the complainant,” the complaint said. “Any Harvard personnel involved in this decision should be investigated for potential violation of the policy against retaliation in these proceedings.”

As Breitbart News reported, the National Association of Scholars (NAS) has called for the removal of Claudine Gay over allegations of plagiarism. In an open letter released last week, NAS said that Claudine Gay’s botched testimony before Congress on December 5, wherein she refused to say that calling for the genocide of Jews violated Harvard’s policy on harassment, made her unworthy of her administrative position.

“The National Association of Scholars (NAS) calls on the Harvard Corporation to remove Claudine Gay from Harvard College’s presidency,” the group said, continuing:

President Gay is at the center of the controversy that followed her December 5 testimony to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, in which she found herself unable to give a clear answer to questions about what Harvard could or would do in response to calls for genocide against Jews.

“Her answers on that occasion were far from satisfactory, but they are not the only reason why she should be removed from the presidency,” it added. “Her performance on December 5 should be — to borrow a word she used repeatedly on that occasion — put into context.”

The letter then cited her “shoddy professional work” and her “record of plagiarism.” It also cited her promotion of racial policies.

While testifying before Congress on December 5, Gay refused to say if advocating for the genocide of Jews violated Harvard’s policy on bullying and harassment.

Paul Roland Bois directed the award-winning feature filmEXEMPLUM, which can be viewed for FREE on YouTube or Tubi. A high-quality, ad-free stream can also be purchased on Google Play or Vimeo on Demand. Follow him on Twitter @prolandfilms or Instagram @prolandfilms.

When Shoplifters Kill

Was it necessary for 27-year-old security guard Eric Harrison to die?

The book that has yet to be written, ‘Philadelphia Commedia,’ will not have Virgil but Walt Whitman as the reader’s guide as we travel through the city of William Penn.

Unlike Dante Alighieri’s ‘Divine Comedy,’ the Paradiso part of ‘Philadelphia Commedia’ will be put on hold until the city changes its political direction from Blue to Red, which nobody expects to happen anytime soon.

The story begins in Macy’s Department store on December 7, 2023 just as a stabbing is taking place.

We see a man named Tyron Tunnell, a distraught looking figure who has a history of retail theft and drug-related cases in the Philadelphia area.

Tunnell has entered Macy’s with the intention of shoplifting—no big surprise as Center City Macy’s, since the beginning of 2023, has experienced over 250 reports of retail theft, something that Acting Police Commissioner John M. Stanford Jr. says is, “An ongoing problem, not just for large chain stores but in terms of businesses throughout the city.”

In Philadelphia during Christmastime, going to Macy’s is a venerable tradition. Here we have a department store larger than a cathedral that features daily organ recitals, a light show with 100,000 LED lights and a massive Christmas tree you’re not likely to see anywhere else except perhaps in Rockefeller Center.

Tunnell, who has an active warrant out for his arrest in Delaware County, shoplifts a few hats and then proceeds to leave the store when he is stopped by a security guard, 27-year-old Eric Harrison, who makes him return the hats while permitting him to go free, a gesture that’s become all too familiar in big blue cities all across America:

Let the shoplifters go!

Yet Tunnell, not satisfied with his freedom, returns to the store intent on punishing the security guard because he thinks the guard showed him attitude when he made him put the hats back.

He lunges at Harrison and stabs him in the neck, then stabs another security guard who comes to Harrison’s aid. A murder under 100,000 LED lights and as Christmas music plays in the store.

Harrison is taken to the hospital where he dies; the other guard, though severely injured, manages to survive.

The crime occurred not far from where hundreds gather for the regular light shows.

Macy’s closes shop for two days; there’s also the issue of spilled blood to consider.

The killing makes the national 6:30pm news.

The Macy’s attack had the city in an uproar: DA Larry Krasner was quick to tell the press that his office will charge at higher level if someone is a prolific shoplifter offender with a pattern.

So here we have Krasner sounding like former Mayor Frank L. Rizzo. This fact indicates that even Left progressives have had enough of the lawlessness that has taken over the city.

“If it is one dollar or 50 cents, we prosecute that,” Krasner said.  “We prosecute consistent with the statute, we prosecute summary offenses, at times misdemeanor offenses, at times felony offenses. Anyone who tells you we’re not prosecuting thefts of less than 55 dollars is misinformed.”

Krasner might as well be saying, “Philadelphia is not San Francisco!”

Krasner goes the extra mile when he says that his office is requesting additional funding from City Council for a task force to focus on repeat retail thieves and those who help them.

SEPTA’s 30,000 security cameras enabled police to follow Tunnell in real-time as he fled the store and discarded the switch-blade knife he used to kill Harrison. He was apprehended at the Somerset station on the Market-Frankford line.

The sad fact is that SEPTA its own world of crime.

Consider these facts:

A November 16, 2023, 6 ABC news headline read, “Man dragged down stairs, assaulted at Center City Septa Station.” The 51-year old victim was standing on the platform at 15th Street (City Hall Station) when he was attacked.

Then the coup de grace: The murder of SEPTA bus driver, Bernard Gribbin, in October 2023 when a female passenger shot him six times in the torso and throat. The 21-year-old assailant pulled a gun on Gribbin as she left the bus, killing him for no apparent reason.

Crime in Philadelphia has moved from the streets onto subway platforms.

In May 2023, Krasner said that while the city homicide rate was down from last year, he felt it necessary to issue warnings about violence on mass transit.

He was referring to groups of teen males in ski masks walking from train car to train car looking for victims.

The El ride from 13th and Market where Macy’s is located to the Somerset station takes about 20 minutes or so.

Here are some of the things a regular passenger might see while traveling this distance:

Sleeping homeless; people smoking weed and cigarettes; food and drink smashed on seats and on the floor; unruly passengers acting out (some in ski masks, despite a recent City Council ban); people holding the doors open at station stops, an action that prevents the train from moving while the train engineer makes repeated pleas to, “Please clear the doors.”

All this is happening while SEPTA’s CEO, Leslie Richards, recently got a $75,000 raise after signing a new four year contract (she makes $425,000 a year) to continue on as SEPTA’s head.

Yet what is Richards doing about improving conditions on the EL, or to convince Philadelphians that the El is safe to ride?

Especially if El passengers have to stand for the duration of their trip because the homeless have taken up all the seats, sometimes two or three seats at a time with their strollers, carts, and oversized moonscape knapsacks?

What she can do, and did, is to promote a $40 million SEPTA rebranding project that will change logos and the colors used in signage and advertising. She can also support the 2024 plan to rename bus and trolley routes to give them more “catchy” buzz names like ‘B1’ and ‘G,’ while the Broad Street subway will be renamed ‘the B,’ and the Market Frankford El, ‘the L.’

She can also cheer the plan to change font changes on SEPTA signs (never mind the stinking homeless person lying in stale urine a few feet below that sign).

After all, the design of a sign, like a tattoo, is everything. A cool look can work miracles.

Yet woke-inspired font changes, new colors and minimalist language that call to mind rock groups like the B52’s, won’t change the fact that tourists in Philadelphia never take the Market-Frankford El or the Broad Street subway.

Only a fool would put new wallpaper on a crumbling house or rehab a kitchen if the roof was falling in, or purchase dental implants or veneers if you had a serious case of gum disease.

The truth is that deteriorating conditions on “the L” have made it unreliable and often dangerous.

Stations are filthy and continue to be places where drug addicts can be seen injecting themselves. The trains themselves are run down and grimy. Marijuana smoking in stations and on trains continues to be a problem. Station announcements about delays and cancellations occur on a daily basis. Train announcements cannot even be coordinated: they often announce incorrect station stops.

It also doesn’t help that passengers are subjected to outdated recordings that masks are required, long after this policy was dropped.

What this shows is an unwillingness to get to the heart of the problem, including fixing the chronic fare dodging one sees at transit station.

Comparable, as some might say, to the Krasner-inspired policy of allowing shoplifters like Tyrone Tunnell to go free.

Tragically, if Tunnell been arrested and processed immediately for stealing those hates, Eric Harrison might still be alive.

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Thom Nickels

Thom Nickels is a Philadelphia-based journalist and the 2005 recipient of the AIA Lewis Mumford Award for Architectural Journalism.

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At Least 20 Shot During Weekend in Mayor Brandon Johnson’s Chicago

brandon johnson
Antonio Perez/Chicago Tribune/Tribune News Service via Getty Images

At least 20 people were shot, one of them fatally, during the weekend in Mayor Brandon Johnson’s (D) Chicago.

CBS News reported the weekend’s shooting fatality occurred Sunday at 10:42 a.m. A ShotSpotter alert signaled officers, who went to “the 3800 block of West Gladys Avenue,” where they found a 28-year-old man with multiple gunshot wounds.

The 28-year-old was taken to the hospital, where he died.

ABC 7 / Chicago Sun-Times noted a second person was shot and superficially wounded in the same Sunday morning incident, but the second victim refused treatment.

A 13-year-old boy was left in critical condition after being shot in the chest about 12:40 a.m. Sunday.

The 13-year-old was riding in a vehicle “in the 8700-block of South Marquette Avenue” when the shooting occurred. The shots were fired from “a gold Kia SUV.”

RELATED — Hawkins: Chicago’s New Mayor Brandon Johnson Means “Same Song, Different Verse” on Gun Policy


A database maintained by the Sun-Times shows 567 people were killed in Chicago January 1, 2023, through December 17, 2023.

In Chicago, like all of Illinois, there is a red flag law, a 72-hour waiting period on gun purchases, a Firearm Owners Identification (FOID) card requirement for legal gun ownership, and a ban on “assault weapons” and “high capacity” magazines.

Moreover, Cook County, where Chicago is located, has an additional ban on “assault weapons.”

AWR Hawkins is an award-winning Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and the writer/curator of Down Range with AWR Hawkins, a weekly newsletter focused on all things Second Amendment, also for Breitbart News. He is the political analyst for Armed American Radio and a Turning Point USA Ambassador. He was a Visiting Fellow at the Russell Kirk Center for Cultural Renewal in 2010, a speaker at the 2023 Western Conservative Summit, and he holds a Ph.D. in Military History, with a focus on the Vietnam War (brown water navy), U.S. Navy since Inception, the Civil War, and Early Modern Europe. Follow him on Instagram: @awr_hawkins. You can sign up to get Down Range at Reach him directly at

Philadelphia fights crime by banning ski masks

Plan on being cold this winter if you live in Philadelphia.

Why? Because the Philadelphia City Council passed a ban on ski masks, and the reason for that is that it covers the face of potential criminals.

So once again, law-abiding citizens have to pay the price of criminals because leftist politicians won’t address the actual problem. It’s the same type of thinking that people follow with gun bans. Because a gun, or in this case, a ski mask, can be used by a person to commit a crime, we’ll ban it.

Of course, criminals being such fine examples of obeying laws, they will give up their guns and ski masks, and the crime problem is solved.

How’s that working out?

Just recently, a college professor in Nevada went on a rampage on campus shooting students. Gun control doesn’t work and neither will this ban. The bans don’t address the root problem and only punish people who have done no wrong.

Despite evidence to the contrary, the Philadelphia City Council voted 13-2 Thursday to pass legislation banning facial coverings in the city.

"We must send a message that masks are of no discernible public or private good when they just create fear and anxiety," Councilmember Anthony Phillips said.

If the mayor signs the bill, the new law will prohibit people from wearing ski masks in parks, schools, and on public transit. Violators can be fined $250 or $2,000 if they commit a crime while wearing a mask.

Interestingly, the bill has exceptions for religious expression and "First Amendment activities," such as protesting.

The city recently saw protesting that turned into rioting targeting downtown businesses. Many of those protesters covered their faces. So would they have been exempted from this new legislation? They were protesting after all.

The problem is that too many of the left-wing protests turn into violent riots. So the city council gave an exemption to one of the leading contributors to violence perpetrated by people wearing masks.

And the city is not the first group to believe that a key to stopping crime is to ban ski mask. The city’s transit authority, SEPTA, passed a similar ban months ago. Passengers on city buses and trains must remove masks, or they will be removed from SEPTA property.

The ban came after a 15-year-old high school student was killed on a bus in the city.

Think about that for a moment. The city bans guns on the buses, but the killer had one, despite the ban, and SEPTA somehow thinks another ban on ski masks will make a difference. Why? Because the gun ban is working so well?

Philadelphia officials said there are similar bans in Virginia, West Virginia, Florida, South Carolina, and Georgia. 

Here’s an idea. Rather than punishing law-abiding citizens, punish the criminals. Allow the police to arrest them, and make sure district attorneys prosecute them. If they are guilty, punish them appropriately. Do that consistently, and you will reduce crime.

Of course, it makes no sense to leftists to actually do something to address crime that doesn’t involve restricting the rights of law-abiding citizens. Or maybe it does make sense, and they are just too afraid of imprisoning so many of their voters that they would endanger their re-election chances.

Michael A. Letts is the CEO and Founder of In-VestUSA, a national grassroots non-profit organization helping hundreds of communities provide thousands of bulletproof vests for their police forces through educational, public relations, sponsorship, and fundraising programs. 

Image: Apharr


Former Facebook Diversity Manager Admits to Stealing Millions from Mark Zuckerberg’s Company

Facebook Crook Barbara Furlow-Smiles
Robin L Marshall/Getty

A former diversity program manager at Facebook has pleaded guilty to defrauding Mark Zuckerberg’s company of more than $4 million through a sophisticated kickback scheme.

The New York Post reports that Barbara Furlow-Smiles, who was responsible for leading Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives at Facebook, has admitted to orchestrating a complex fraud scheme that cost the social media giant more than $4 million. According to the Justice Department, Furlow-Smiles engaged in fraudulent activities between January 2016 and September 2021.

Mark Zuckerberg surrounded by guards

Mark Zuckerberg surrounded by guards ( Chip Somodevilla /Getty)

Furlow-Smiles, as the global head of employee resource groups and diversity engagement, exploited her position to live an extravagant lifestyle across various states. She manipulated company funds by creating fake business deals and receiving kickbacks. The funds were misappropriated for personal use, including payments to friends and relatives who were falsely represented as vendors providing non-existent goods and services to Facebook.

The scheme involved multiple individuals, including former interns, a university tutor, a hair stylist, babysitters, and nannies, all of whom funneled kickbacks to Furlow-Smiles. It remains unclear whether any of these associates will face charges related to the fraud.

To avoid detection, Furlow-Smiles submitted false expense reports, claiming these individuals were legitimate vendors at Facebook events. The fraudulent activities extended to paying for services and products never delivered to the company, such as specialty portraits and preschool services.

U.S. Attorney Ryan K. Buchanan said, “Motivated by greed, she used her time to orchestrate an elaborate criminal scheme in which fraudulent vendors paid her kickbacks in cash. She even involved relatives, friends, and other associates in her crimes, all to fund a lavish lifestyle through fraud rather than hard and honest work.”

In a statement, Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta said: “We are cooperating with law enforcement on the case regarding this former program manager, and we will continue to do so.”

Read more at the New York Post here.

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship.

Kanye West Wears Black KKK-Style Hood at Listening Party for Upcoming Album

MEGA/GC Images, Kanye West/YouTube

Controversial rapper Kanye West wore a pointed black hood during a party to promote his new album Vultures in Miami on Monday, according to live video of the event.

The KKK-style headpiece was the latest provocation from the music and fashion mogul, whose career imploded last year after he made repeated antisemitic comments, including praising Adolf Hitler.

West, who has legally changed his name to “Ye,” appeared at the Vultures listening party at Wynwood Marketplace — where tickets for those in attendance ran $200 for general admission, $600 for VIP, and $10,000 for a table, Variety reported.

The event, which also featured rapper Ty Dolla $ign, streamed live on YouTube, though the festivities reportedly kicked off later than scheduled.

At one point, West wore a black, KKK-style hood with a dark sleeveless top and slacks. His daughter North West can be seen behind him as he waves his arms toward cameras in the provocative getup.

Watch below:

West’s latest stunt was meant to promote Vultures, his new album that is expected to be released this week.

As Breitbart News reported, the album features lyrics in which the rapper thumbs his nose at the controversy that all but destroyed his music and fashion empire late last year.

“How I’m antisemitic? I just fucked a Jewish bitch,” West raps. Later, he boasts of sleeping with his former manager Scooter Braun’s ex-wife. “I just fucked Scooter’s bitch,” the line continues.

West was performing this song Monday when he donned the pointed hood.

West’s career imploded last year when he made a series of antisemitic remarks causing his corporate partners, including Adidas, to cut ties with him.

Others who headed for the exits included Foot LockerBalenciaga, Vogue magazine, and Hollywood mega-talent agency CAA.

At one point, West claimed he lost $2 billion in just one day following his series of antisemitic comments.

Follow David Ng on Twitter @HeyItsDavidNg. Have a tip? Contact me at

Police: Nebraska Catholic Priest Stabbed to Death in Church

Archdiocese of Omaha, Washington County Sheriff's Office

A Nebraska Catholic priest was found dead early Sunday morning after a man broke into his church and stabbed him, police said.

Washington County Sheriff’s Office deputies responded to a report of a break-in at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Fort Calhoun around 5:00 a.m. to find Rev. Stephen Gutgsell bleeding out, as well as his suspected attacker.

Gutgsell, 65, died of his wounds at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, the sheriff’s office announced.

Forty-three-year-old Kierre Williams of Sioux City, Iowa, was arrested and booked into the Washington County correctional center for homicide and use of a weapon to commit a felony.

The victim and his brother, Michael Gutgsell, are both priests in the Archdiocese of Omaha and have both previously pleaded guilty in separate theft cases, Fox News reports.

Stephen was convicted of embezzling $127,000 from another church he served at in 2007, getting five years of probation but returning to parish ministry about six months after his guilty plea, the Pillar reported.

His brother Michael pleaded guilty in June to stealing more than $154,000 from another priest to loan to a homeless man, according to the outlet.

However, authorities have not indicated that the thefts were connected to Sunday’s attack.

“The Archdiocese of Omaha continues to mourn the death of the Rev. Stephen J. Gutgsell, who died after being assaulted during a break-in at the St. John the Baptist rectory in Fort Calhoun Sunday,” the archdiocese said in a statement

“We continue to pray that the Lord of mercy and love will welcome Father Gutgsell into his Heavenly kingdom,” said Archbishop of Omaha George J. Lucas. “May Our Blessed Mother intercede for us all as we grieve his death.”


At Least 21 Shot During Weekend in Mayor Brandon Johnson’s Chicago

Brandon Johnson, mayor of Chicago, during an inauguration ceremony at the Credit Union 1 Arena in Chicago, Illinois, US, on Monday, May 15, 2023. Chicago elected Johnson in the mayoral runoff, a progressive who plans to raise taxes on major corporations to boost the city's revenue, after a contentious race …
Jamie Kelter Davis/Bloomberg via Getty Images

At least 21 people were shot, four of them fatally, during the weekend in Mayor Brandon Johnson’s (D) Chicago.

CBS News reported that the first of the weekend’s shooting fatalities was discovered at 8:50 p.m. in “the 6000 block of South Laflin Street.” An 18-year-old with a gunshot wound to the head was found in the driver’s seat of a vehicle and pronounced dead at the scene.

Around 10:00 p.m. on Friday, 42-year-old Ismael Yanez was shot in the back of the head while driving his vehicle “in the 4500 block of South Pulaski Road.” Yanez was transported to a hospital, where they pronounced him dead.

A 44-year-old man was shot and fatally wounded during an exchange of gunfire Saturday at 1:17 a.m. He was riding in a car with someone who allegedly opened fire on a 31-year-old concealed carry permit holder. The 31-year-old returned fire and one of his rounds struck the 44-year-old.

The fourth fatal shooting of the weekend was discovered at 9:16 p.m. Saturday, when a 32-year-old man with gunshot wounds to the chest was found inside a vehicle “in the 0-100 block of West Cermak Road.” ABC 7 noted that the 32-year-old was found in the driver’s seat of the vehicle.

The Chicago Sun-Times maintains a database, which shows 555 people were killed in Chicago from January 1, 2023, through December 10, 2023.

AWR Hawkins is an award-winning Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and the writer/curator of Down Range with AWR Hawkins, a weekly newsletter focused on all things Second Amendment, also for Breitbart News. He is the political analyst for Armed American Radio and a Turning Point USA Ambassador. He was a Visiting Fellow at the Russell Kirk Center for Cultural Renewal in 2010, a speaker at the 2023 Western Conservative Summit, and he holds a Ph.D. in Military History, with a focus on the Vietnam War (brown water navy), U.S. Navy since Inception, the Civil War, and Early Modern Europe. Follow him on Instagram: @awr_hawkins. You can sign up to get Down Range at Reach him directly at

High School Basketball Player, Older Brother Beat Up Coach After Getting Benched

mug shot side by side
Montgomery County Jail

A Conroe, Texas, teen and his brother have been arrested and charged with beating up a high school basketball coach after the coach benched the player for unsportsmanlike conduct.

Jevin Allen, 17, and his older brother Jarrick Allen, 22, are accused of attacking the coach on Dec. 5 in a beating that left the man with injuries to his head, neck, face, and arms, the New York Post reported.

The Montgomery County Sheriff’s office said the Willis High School coach said he benched Jevin “due to his behavior toward an opposing team player.” The benching reportedly “infuriated” the teen and his family.

Officials say that Jevin and his family confronted the coach over the benching, and things escalated until Jevin allegedly punched the coach in the face.

The older brother reportedly jumped into the fight and began punching the coach.

The brothers reportedly ran off after the attack, but police say that after reviewing surveillance video of the incident spurring them to arrest the pair. They were arrested, charged with assaulting a public servant, and were released from the Montgomery County Jail after paying $23,000 bond each.

Jevin is reportedly no longer enrolled at Willis High.

“The investigation is ongoing, but we did determine that the student’s address was no longer valid, so he has been withdrawn from the district. We are deeply saddened by this incident and will not tolerate this behavior from students,” the police said in a statement.

Follow Warner Todd Huston on Facebook at:, or Truth Social @WarnerToddHuston

Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs Accused of Gang-Raping 17-Year-Old High School Girl in Explosive New Lawsuit

ATLANTA, GEORGIA - AUGUST 26: Sean "Diddy" Combs attends Day 1 of 2023 Invest Fest at Georgia World Congress Center on August 26, 2023 in Atlanta, Georgia. (Photo by Paras Griffin/Getty Images)
Paras Griffin/Getty Images

Rap mogul Sean “Diddy” Combs is facing yet another sexual assault lawsuit, this time from a plaintiff who alleges in disturbing and lurid detail that she was gang-raped by Combs and two other men in 2003 when she was just 17 years old.

In her complaint filed Wednesday in a New York City court, the anonymous plaintiff alleges the men took turns raping her in a bathroom at Daddy’s House Recording Studio in New York when she was in high school and Combs was 34.

The filing also named Harve Pierre, former president of Bad Boy Entertainment, and a third unnamed attacker.

The explosive lawsuit represents the fourth one filed against Sean Combs in recent weeks. Combs settled the first suit just one day after it was filed.  The suit was filed by R&B singer Cassie, who alleged rape, abuse, and sex trafficking.

Another suit, whose plaintiff remains anonymous, claims Diddy and singer-songwriter Aaron Hall took turns raping her and one of her friends, either in 1990 or 1991.

On Wednesday, Combs denied the latest accusations in a strongly worded statement sent to multiple news outlets.

“Enough is enough. For the last couple of weeks, I have sat silently and watched people try to assassinate my character, destroy my reputation and my legacy. Sickening allegations have been made against me by individuals looking for a quick payday,” he said.

“Let me be absolutely clear: I did not do any of the awful things being alleged. I will fight for my name, my family and for the truth.”

The prior three complaints against Combs took advantage of  New York state’s #MeToo law known as the Adult Survivors Act, which lifted the statute of limitations on sexual misconduct accusations — with no time limit on when the alleged actions took place.

But the new complaint is using a separate city law to get to Combs, according to a Rolling Stone report.

The plaintiff is taking advantage of the Victims of Gender-Motivated Violence Act, which offers a two-year “lookback” window for civil claims that previously fell outside the statute of limitations. The measure, which expires March 2025, applies to claims of “gender-motivated violence” that took place in the city’s five boroughs.

The new suit against Combs claims the then-34-year-old rapper convinced the 17-year-old “Jane Doe” to fly his private jet from Detroit to New York, where she was subsequently taken to his recording studio. There, the suit alleges, she was “plied” with drugs and alcohol “to the point that she could not possibly have consented to having sex with anyone.”

“While at the studio, Ms. Doe was gang raped by Mr. Combs, the Third Assailant and Mr. Pierre, in that order.”

As Breitbart News reported, Combs has stepped down as as chairman of his Revolt TV network in the wake of the multiple sexual assault lawsuits.

Follow David Ng on Twitter @HeyItsDavidNg. Have a tip? Contact me at


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