Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Trump said Biden will not be the Democrat nominee in 2024 - NO ONE THINKS OTHERWISE AND THE WALKING MORON KAMALA WILL ALSO NOT BE THE NOMINEE!



Trump said Biden will not be the Democrat nominee in 2024

Last night, in his third town hall appearance on FOX News since last June, former President Donald Trump said he believes that President Joe Biden will not be the Democrat party’s nominee for president next year.

This was one of the two major takeaways from Trump’s hour-long sitdown with host Sean Hannity (actually closer to 35 minutes when the ad breaks and Hannity’s opening and closing comments were factored in).

The other one was Trump’s sarcastic reply to the claim repeated recently by the MSM, Democrats, and former Rep. Liz Cheney (RINO-WY), to wit, that Trump would, if he is re-elected, pose a threat to democracy and rule as a dictator.

In his introduction to the program, Hannity announced that he would question President Trump about the cacophony of voices attacking him as a future dictator.

From the transcript of the broadcast provided by FOX News Media:

SEAN HANNITY FOX NEWS HOST: Here’s The Washington Post yesterday – quote – “The fear of a looming Trump dictatorship.” And this is today’s headline from “Americans are sleepwalking into a Trump dictatorship.” It’s now their favorite word.  

Over at fake news, all cable news channels, you know, they’re featuring, you know, the same brand of fearmongering. Obviously, it’s clear they don’t want to talk about Joe Biden and his failed record.  

After Trump was introduced, Hannity attempted twice to get the former president to respond:

SEAN HANNITY:  They want to call you a dictator.  

You used the words, “I am your retribution.” And now, before that, you said, if you have been wronged, and you used other words as well. But I want to be very, very clear on this. To be clear, do you in any way have any plans whatsoever, if reelected president, to abuse power, to break the law, to use the government to go after people?  

FORMER PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP:  You mean like they’re using right now.  


TRUMP:  So, in the history of our country... 


TRUMP:  ... what’s happened to us, again, has never happened before over nonsense, over nothing, made-up charges.  

I often say Al Capone, he was one of the greatest of all time, if you like criminals. He was a mob boss, the likes of which – Scarface, they call him. And he got indicted once. I got indicted four times.  

With his question left unanswered, Hannity returned to the topic a few minutes later:

HANNITY: We almost have to go to a break. I want to go back to this one issue, though, because the media has been focused on this and attacking you –  

TRUMP: Yeah. 

HANNITY: – under no circumstances. You are promising America tonight. You would never abuse power as retribution against anybody? 

TRUMP: Except for day one.  

HANNITY: Except, what? 

TRUMP: He’s [points to Hannity] going crazy. Except for day one. 

HANNITY: Meaning? 

TRUMP: I want to close the border and I want to drill, drill, drill. 

HANNITY: That’s not – that's not retribution. I got it. 

TRUMP: I’m going to be – I’m going to be, you know, he keeps – we love this guy. He says, you’re not going to be a dictator, are you? I said, no, no, no, other than day one. We’re closing the border and we’re drilling, drilling, drilling. After that, I’m not a dictator.  

HANNITY: Well, that sounds to me like you’re going back to the policies when you’re a president.  

TRUMP: Exactly. 

Notwithstanding the context and nuance of Trump’s comment, the mainstream media – and the Biden-Harris campaign – wasted no time in attacking the former president.

Aaron Moussa, Director of Rapid Response for the Biden-Harris campaign, posted on X (formerly Twitter) the campaign’s official statement shortly after the town hall ended.




December 5, 2023

The following is a statement from Biden-Harris campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez:

“Donald Trump has been telling us exactly what he will do if he’s reelected and tonight he said he will be a dictator on day one. Americans should believe him.”

In terms of the mainstream media, FOX News is the only one (on television) that correctly reported the headline: with an on-screen chyron reading, to paraphrase, that Trump said he would not be a dictator except on day one in terms of closing the border and ordering drilling for oil.

There also was Trump's assessment of Joe Biden's candidacy.

The other “money quote,” as it were, from Tuesday’s Iowa town hall was Trump’s assertion that he doesn’t think Joe Biden will be the Democrat nominee for president in 2024.

HANNITY:  Let me ask you. 

When prominent Democratic voices like Maureen Dowd and David Axelrod and Van Jones and others are so critical of Joe Biden – and, of course, he is struggling cognitively. I can’t think of, in the last couple of months, any appearance that he has had where he wasn’t either mumbling or bumbling or stumbling or having no clue where to go, where to exit.  

Now, my question is, do you think, in 11 months, he will be their candidate?  

TRUMP:  I personally don’t think he makes it, OK? I haven’t said that. I’m saving it for this big town hall. I have never really...  


TRUMP:  I personally don't think he makes it.  [emphasis added]


TRUMP:  I think he’s in bad shape physically.  

Do you remember when he said, “I’d like to take him behind the barn?” If he took me behind the barn and I went like this [makes blowing air sound], I believe he’d fall over.  


TRUMP:  I believe he’d fall over. Who knows. Who knows. Who knows. 

But it was OK. And, by the way, it was OK for him to say that. He said, I’d like to take him behind the – he could say that and everyone thought it was so cute.  

If I ever said it, they’d say, “he’s a dictator. He’s a horrible human being.” It’s a whole double standard we have, and not only in the law, but just about everything else, as you know very well. 

I personally don’t think he makes it physically. I watched him at the beach. He wasn’t able to lift a beach chair, which is meant for children to lift. He couldn’t lift it like that.  


TRUMP:  And mentally, I would say he’s possibly equally as bad, and maybe worse. But I don’t know.  

I will say this. He’s got vicious people surrounding him around that beautiful Oval Office. There are people in that Oval Office that are evil people, bad people, smart people, young, vicious. They’re communists, and they’re bad. They’re... 

Finally, on this point, Hannity followed up by asking Trump who he thought would be the nominee if it’s not Biden:

TRUMP:  Well, I saw one person on who I actually had a very good relationship with. But I’m sure that it would end very quickly. I saw him in your debate the other night. And he’s slick, but he’s got no facts. You know, he’s got no facts. I thought he did well, considering... 

HANNITY:  You’re talking about Gavin Newsom?  

TRUMP:  Yeah. Considering that he didn’t have the facts, I thought he did well.  

You know, he said... 


TRUMP:  ... “We have the lowest taxes in the country. We have the cleanest streets in the country. We have...”


And I’m saying, wait a minute. Is he talking about the same place?  


So he’d certainly be one. 

I guess they say that Kamala would be the one... 


TRUMP:  ... with the odds to beat.   


TRUMP:  Because they say, if they didn’t give it to her, the African-American vote, the black vote, would not go to them. And we just had a poll where I’m at 22 percent and 25 percent with the black vote.  If we have that... 


Adding some spice to Trump’s comments yesterday was President Biden’s curious assertion on the same day, when speaking at a fundraising event in Weston, Mass., “If Trump wasn’t running, I’m not sure I’d be running,” adding “we cannot let him win.”

Tonight at 8 p.m. ET, NewsNation will broadcast and stream online the fourth Republican candidates’ debate, featuring Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamy, Chris Christie, and Ron DeSantis. Donald Trump, who also qualified to participate (obviously), continues to decline invitations to participate in the debates.

Peter Barry Chowka is a veteran journalist who has covered national politics and other topics for over five decades. His most recent interview on BBC Radio in the UK can be listened to here. His web page with links to his work is Peter’s extensive American Thinker archive: His Twitter account is @pchowka.

Image: Twitter screen shot

The Kamala Conundrum

Why Democrats are stuck with her.

California Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom desperately wants to run for president- now rather than later.

After all, Newsom, for reasons I discuss in my new book, “As Goes California,” beat back a recall attempt. Polls show most Democrats want a candidate other than President Joe Biden, whose poll numbers remain in the tank. Over 60% of Americans consider the country on the wrong track. Biden’s cognitive decline is on full and public display, forcing staffers to limit Biden’s public appearances and restrict interaction with the media.

Why, then, doesn’t Newsom announce? He faces four obstacles: Joe Biden, Jill Biden, Kamala Harris, and Gavin Newsom.

First, Biden. He enjoys the job, having sought it unsuccessfully two previous times. He wanted to run again in 2016, but former President Barack Obama discouraged it. Biden also did not want to hinder what most assumed would be the coronation of the first female president. Biden thought the time had passed him by. But Donald Trump shocked the world, defeated Hillary Clinton, and allowed Biden to saddle up again. So, if he can fog up a mirror, he runs for reelection.

Second, Dr. Jill. She enjoys the job. Near the end of her stint as first lady, Michelle Obama told Oprah Winfrey that she wanted a “normal” life. But Dr. Jill Biden hovers approvingly over her husband like an Avenger, guiding him, running interference, and doing whatever it takes to get him through his day.

Third, Harris. Her poll numbers look bad, and she dropped out before the first presidential primary in 2020. But she ran for San Francisco district attorney, California attorney general, and for reelection, U.S. Senate and vice president, winning each time.

She checks the identity party’s boxes as a female who identifies as black. After winning the 2020 Nevada caucuses the self-described Democrat-socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders became the Democrat frontrunner. Alarmed, South Carolina’s Rep. James Clyburn endorsed Biden on the eve of the South Carolina primary when most had given him up for dead. Clyburn extracted a promise: Make your first Supreme Court nominee a black female.

Blacks are the most loyal part of the Democrat base. Black Democrat females outnumber black Democrat males and are even more loyal than black males, 20% of whom voted in 2020 for Trump. The first 2024 democrat primary is South Carolina, where 60% of the Democrat primary voters are black. Black voters love Harris, especially black females. They consider the ridicule over Harris’ so-called cackle sexist and racist. They feel Biden burdened her with the insulting task of finding the “root cause” of illegal immigration when the root cause of the entry of millions of illegal immigrants under Biden is Biden. A recent Los Angeles Times poll found Harris’s favorability rating at 39%, two points below that of Biden. But in a recent YouGov poll, Harris, among blacks, had a 70% approval rating, which is undoubtedly even higher among black females.

Newsom, when it appeared that California Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein might not complete her term, promised to appoint a black female replacement. He did. And now, with a black female Democrat poised to become the first female president of any color, Newsom knows a white man cannot swoop in and displace Harris. If he tries, without Harris agreeing to step aside, black Democrat females would explode — but not to the point where they would vote Republican. Many would just sit it out, guaranteeing a Republican victory.

Fourth, Newsom. What prescription does the hyper-lefty offer to Americans concerned about inflation, gas prices, wage growth, and inability to keep pace with inflation, crime, and porous borders? Did Newsom criticize Biden’s reckless spending and his inflation-inducing war on oil and gas? Please. Newsom wants California to go further and ban the sale of new gas-powered cars by 2035. During his two terms as mayor, homelessness exploded in his hometown, San Francisco. He supports soft-on-crime DAs and policies like cashless bail. Newsom’s California is a sanctuary state, and he expanded the number of illegal aliens eligible for taxpayer-funded health care. After Biden’s disastrous, world-destabilizing pullout from Afghanistan, Newsom said: “I’m incredibly proud of him.”

Reader Interactions

  • Joe Biden received $40,000 in “China money” from his brother disguised as loan repayment.
  • An email from a bank money laundering investigator flagged concerns about the “China money” that ultimately funded the $40,000.
  • The Justice Department is investigating Hunter Biden and Owasco PC for tax violations.


American people deserve to know what China was up to with Joe Biden, especially when Beijing had already shelled out millions of dollars to Biden family members — including millions in set-asides for “the big guy.” What else is on that infamous Hunter Biden laptop? The conflicted Biden Justice Department cannot be trusted to engage in any meaningful oversight on this issue. We need a special counsel now.   

                               TOM FITTON - JUDICIAL WATCH

Joe Biden Got Monthly Payments From Hunter’s China-Funded Account

Follow the money.

Joe Biden and his people claimed that he had nothing to do with Hunter’s business dealings. And then it turned out that Joe met with Hunter’s clients and dropped by business meetings.  And Hunter sent demands for payments to China in his father’s name.

The fallback argument was that there was no evidence of a paper trail showing that Joe Biden was getting paid.

Then came the documents showing a few payments labeled as “loan repayments”. And those were just dismissed as loan repayments. Now we have a trail of steady payments as exposed by Rep. James Comer and the House Oversight Committee.

Today, House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) released subpoenaed bank records revealing Hunter Biden’s business entity, Owasco PC, made direct monthly payments to Joe Biden. Hunter Biden is currently under an investigation by the Department of Justice for using the Owasco PC corporate account for tax evasion and other serious crimes…

Financial records obtained show Hunter Biden’s business account, Owasco PC, received payments from Chinese-state linked companies and other foreign nationals and companies.

This is a series of monthly payments which means it’s not a one-off.

An Oversight Committee aide told Breitbart News the committee is aware of at least three monthly payments for $1,380 on the following dates:

September 17, 2018
October 15, 2018
November 15, 2018

Previously, Hunter Biden had stated, “I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family Fro (sic) 30 years. It’s really hard. But don’t worry unlike Pop I won’t make you give me half your salary.”

Previously, in How Joe Biden Got Paid, I speculated that the arrangement had been set up for plausible deniability in which Joe Biden ‘invested’ in family businesses by loaning them money and then received loan repayments to avoid any direct entanglement in the stuff Hunter and James Biden, his brother, were doing.

Rather than directly investing in family enterprises, Joe Biden might have invested in the family members themselves in the form of personal loans. Those loans were used to finance new business opportunities that monetized access to Joe Biden. When payments came in, Joe Biden got his cut in the form of a “loan repayment”.

While family loans have to be disclosed to the IRS, they don’t have to appear in federal disclosures. For example, the House Ethics Committee states that, “loans made by the filer on which the filer is charging interest must be disclosed, unless the borrower is the spouse, parent, sibling, or child of the filer.” Biden had found a way to take money and avoid disclosing it.

The best way to think about Biden Inc. is that Joe may have been ‘staking’ family members who then went out and used his name and even his personal appearances to do what he could not do personally. The product, as we have already learned from previous messages, was Joe Biden, but he was also the personal bank financing the familial exploitation of his office.

Owasco had been at the center of previous Chinese financial transfers to Joe.

On August 8, 2017, Northern International Capital, a Chinese company affiliated with CEFC, sent $5 million to Hudson West III, a joint venture established by Hunter Biden and CEFC associate Gongwen Dong. That same day, Hudson West III sent $400,000 to Owasco, P.C., an entity owned and controlled by Hunter Biden. On August 14, 2017, Hunter Biden wired $150,000 to Lion Hall Group, a company owned by President Biden’s brother James and sister-in-law Sara Biden. On August 28, 2017, Sara Biden withdrew $50,000 in cash from Lion Hall Group. Later the same day, she deposited it into her and James Biden’s personal checking account. On September 3, 2017, Sara Biden cut a check to Joe Biden for $40,000 for a “loan repayment.”

Whistleblowers revealed how the DOJ had worked to sabotage any investigation of Owasco.

On December 10th, 2020, the prosecutorial team met again to discuss the next steps. One piece of information that came out of the day of action was that Hunter Biden vacated the Washington, D.C., office of Owasco. His documents all went into a storage unit in northern Virginia. The IRS prepared an affidavit in support of a search warrant for the unit, but AUSA Wolf once again objected. My special agent in charge and I scheduled a call with United States Attorney Weiss on December 14th just to talk about that specific issue. United States Attorney Weiss agreed that if the storage unit wasn’t accessed for 30 days we could execute a search warrant on it. No sooner had we gotten off the call then we heard AUSA Wolf had simply reached out to Hunter Biden’s defense counsel and told him about the storage unit, once again ruining our chance to get to evidence before being destroyed, manipulated, or concealed.

Now we know why they were so worried.

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Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

Reader Interactions

“What I am outlining is fact. I know it is fact because I lived it. I am the CEO of Sinohawk Holdings which was a partnership between the Chinese operating through CEFC/Chairman Ye and the Biden family,” Bobulinski said. “I was brought into the company to be the CEO by James Gilliar and Hunter Biden. The reference to ‘the big guy’ in the much publicized May 13, 2017 email is in fact a reference to Joe Biden. The other ‘JB’ referenced in that email is Jim Biden, Joe’s brother. Hunter Biden called his dad ‘the Big Guy’ or ‘my Chairman,’ and frequently referenced asking him for his sign-off or advice on various potential deals that we were discussing. I’ve seen Vice President Biden saying he never talked to Hunter about his business. I’ve seen firsthand that that’s not true, because it wasn’t just Hunter’s business, they said they were putting the Biden family name and its legacy on the line.”

Since Biden’s inauguration, the University of Pennsylvania has disclosed at least $14 million in donations from China or Hong Kong, the Free Beacon reported last week. The names of these donors have yet to be disclosed by the Department of Education, breaking the precedent of prior administrations which published foreign donor names in a public database.

James Comer: Joe Biden Received ‘Direct Monthly Payments’ from Hunter’s ‘Owasco PC’ Business Account  

President Joe Biden, and his son Hunter Biden arrive at Fort McNair, Sunday, June 25, 2023, in Washington. The Biden's are returning from Camp David. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)
AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

President Joe Biden received “direct monthly payments” from Hunter Biden’s “Owasco PC” business account, which received “payments from Chinese-state linked companies and other foreign nationals and companies,” House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) told Breitbart News on Monday.

Comer’s revelation amplifies concerns raised by Republicans that Joe Biden is compromised. It also provides more evidence to support an impeachment inquiry into the president.

RELATED VIDEO — Comer: We’ll Release Transcript of Hunter’s Deposition, That’s How Dems Did Investigations:

An Oversight Committee aide told Breitbart News the committee is aware of at least three monthly payments for $1,380 on the following dates:

  • September 17, 2018
  • October 15, 2018
  • November 15, 2018

Owasco PC is an entity involved in many complicated wire transfers of the Biden business, Breitbart News previously reported:

  • Joe Biden received $40,000 in “China money” from his brother disguised as loan repayment.
  • An email from a bank money laundering investigator flagged concerns about the “China money” that ultimately funded the $40,000.
  • The Justice Department is investigating Hunter Biden and Owasco PC for tax violations.

“This wasn’t a payment from Hunter Biden’s personal account but an account for his corporation that received payments from China and other shady corners of the world,” Comer said. “Joe Biden claimed there was an ‘absolute wall’ between his official government duties and his family’s influence peddling schemes. This was a lie.”

“At this moment, Hunter Biden is under an investigation by the Department of Justice for using Owasco PC for tax evasion and other serious crimes,” Comer said. “And based on whistleblower testimony, we know the Justice Department made a concerted effort to prevent investigators from asking questions about Joe Biden.”

Redacted Doc (1) by Breitbart News on Scribd

Since launching its investigation into the Biden business, the House Oversight Committee identified more than 20 shell companies and $24 million dollars the business raked in between 2015 and 2019 by peddling Joe Biden as “the brand.”

Follow Wendell Husebø on “X” @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.


Our Dickensian President

Shakespeare would have had no use for President Joe Biden. If given the opportunity to dramatize his story, the Bard of Avon undoubtedly would have passed. His historical plays and tragedies were certainly partial to political leaders, and Biden has things in common with some of his most famous leading characters -- like Macbeth, he has political ambitions and a helpful spouse, and like King Lear, he has diminished abilities and problematic offspring -- but Shakespeare’s major characters were all deep and complex, prone to wander castle or moor emoting about an inner turmoil or bitter fate. Joe Biden has no such depth of character. When he wanders he’s just lost.

Our president would have been a perfect subject for a much different writer, Charles Dickens. In the 19th century, Dickens was the people’s choice.  He gave his readers what they wanted – entertaining, simple stories which saw virtue rewarded -- usually with a financial windfall, matrimony, or both -- and evil punished. Dickens’ readers knew what they were getting, subtlety be damned. For example, in Nicholas Nickleby an abuser of children was named Wackford Squeers, and a money-grubbing lawyer was named Mr. Gride. Dickens' audience couldn’t get enough, and with serial payments, book royalties and speaking fees, they made him the world’s first literary superstar.

Critics were less enthusiastic. They viewed Dickens’ novels as little more than morality plays, with side helpings of pathos and humor. His characters, they said, were two-dimensional. His heroic figures, like Little Nell (The Old Curiosity Shop) and Oliver Twist were virtue itself, and his villains were not just deeply flawed but paragons of evil, like Uriah Heep (David Copperfield), and Madame Defarge (A Tale of Two Cities). Because Dickens' villains were among his most memorable characters, he no doubt would have cherished an opportunity to portray President Joe Biden, who would have presented the author with an array of vices from which to choose.


He wouldn’t have had to look far to find avarice, one his favorite themes. Dickens gave us Ebenezer Scrooge, who personified that vice, but he could not fail to be impressed by the covetous reach of Joe Biden and his family. As vice president, Joe traveled to the Ukraine to thwart an investigation into his and son Hunter’s influence peddling, only to use one billion dollars of taxpayer money to bribe his way out of hot water, and then brag publicly about exactly what he had done. That’s chutzpah to rival any “Bah! Humbug!”  A politician “of the people,” who never had a job outside of government and claimed he never owned “a single stock or bond,” he managed to pay $2.75 million in cash for a Delaware beach house. A clever writer might be able to connect Ordinary Joe’s extraordinary home financing to the fact that the purchase was only two weeks removed from his son's call to Russian business operatives demanding rapid payment of a $10 million “fee.” Dickens probably would have had great fun with the fact that Biden somehow wrangled $1.7 billion in public funds, calling it the Inflation Reduction Act, when its real purpose was to reward political donors and sneak in a Green New Deal, while adding massively to the public debt. Scrooge never did anything half as bad.

Delusion and Deception

Miss Havisham (Great Expectations) might have been in her own little world, but her fantasy life pales in comparison to Biden’s. An inveterate, if not accomplished, prevaricator, Biden deceives so often that few fact checkers still bother to chronicle his lies, most having concluded long ago that his endless misstatements are just “Joe being Joe.” No one knows if even he believes what he says, nor can he keep his stories straight. Biden claims to have grown up in a neighborhood that was either Jewish, Greek, or Puerto Rican, depending on his audience, and to have received the wisdom of his father on accepting gay people at a place that didn’t exist at the time. One of his favorite stories, long ago debunked, is about a chat he had with an Amtrak porter, who congratulated him on racking up 1.2 million miles on Air Force II. Unfortunately, records indicate that the porter died before Biden attained that frequent flier achievement. Recently, he told that story twice within one hour's time.

Some of Biden’s lies are harmless, just attempts to be one of the gang, like his claim to have once driven an 18-wheeler. Others are more serious, like his frequent claim to have marched for civil rights in the 1960s, and his oft-repeated lie that his first wife and one-year-old daughter died as the result of a drunken driver, when it was Mrs. Biden whose error caused the accident. The family of the other driver has repeatedly protested this untruth to no avail.


Incompetence was another favorite Dickensian theme. Wilkins Micawber, (Great Expectations) the persistent failure who nevertheless expected “something to turn up.” and the easily hoodwinked Samuel Pickwick (The Pickwick Papers) provided great entertainment, but as a colossal blunderer Joe Biden exceeds them all. His policies are uniformly catastrophic -- economy, border, crime, foreign affairs, national security -- and not only do they repeatedly fail, he and his spokespeople refuse to admit their blunders, much less correct them.

When average Americans suffer through high inflation and a lower standard of living, according to both President Biden and White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre, that’s “Bidenomics working.” Millions of illegals pouring across the border means that the “border is secure.”  As commander in chief, Biden will be forever remembered for the Afghanistan debacle, when he impulsively ordered a chaotic evacuation, leaving billions of dollars of equipment in enemy hands and Afghani allies clinging desperately to fleeing U.S. aircraft. In Dickens, incompetence is often portrayed as humorous, but in President Biden it has been deadly. Portraying our president’s ineptness in a way that the public would find entertaining would call on all the author’s powers.

The Unmentionable

One aspect of our president would have provided Dickens with no inspiration whatsoever: his sexuality. Victorian readers had an appetite for spicy stories, but they didn’t get them from Dickens. In his books, sex was implied rather than described. None of his characters ever paraded naked in front of the staff, showered with their daughter, or got handsy with females, young or old, all of which Biden has done. In Oliver Twist, the blackguard Bill Sikes did manhandle poor Nancy, but the abuse was physical, not sexual.

There is no doubt that Dickens would have left our president’s sexuality alone. The author had his standards; Biden has no such encumbrances.

Low Expectations

The difference between a flawed character and an outright villain is a matter of degree, and with so many human failings from which to choose, Dickens undoubtedly would put our president in the latter category. That would trouble the author greatly.

As a moralist, Dickens concluded his stories rightly. Heroes were rewarded, and villains, if they did not repent, (as Ebenezer Scrooge did in A Christmas Story) inevitably received just punishment.

Biden shows no signs of repentance, and right before our eyes is preparing to escape the consequences of his actions. His vices may eventually bring him down, but not all the way. With Dr. Jill guiding him as he shuffles offstage, he is headed not just to an afternoon nap, but to an escape from retribution: an irrefutable plea of non compos mentis.

No matter what revelations and investigations might lie ahead, Joe Biden is almost certain to evade the consequences of his actions. When shown the evidence of his bumbling, incoherence, and confusion, what court would ever find him competent to stand trial?

In Dickens' rogues’ gallery, Joe Biden would stand alone. He alone is going to get away with his malfeasance, because Ordinary Joe is no ordinary villain.

Griff Hogan is a retired educator living in Charleston, South Carolina

ImagE: Public Domain


Our Institutions Have Betrayed Our Trust

We are witnessing a recurring pattern of events – none of which make sense in a rational world.  

Those we trust have told us to accept as truths that are now turning out to be lies. On the list are government investigative committees, our Department of Justice/FBI, the National Institute of Health, the Food and Drug Administration, weather scientists, and even teachers, to name a few. 

But perhaps the greatest betrayal of trust comes from the news media. The journalists who bravely risked everything to investigate and report wrongdoing are no more.

Instead, the vast majority of the mainstream media support the lies in unison. And when there is even a hint of disagreement, they hysterically deny any opposing views.  

The assassination of John F. Kennedy is a moment burned into the memories of everyone over 65 who knows the answer to the question, “Where were you when Kennedy was shot?” 

The prestigious Warren Commission was set up when the “lone assassin” was killed as he was being transferred. All opposing views were universally dismissed as “conspiracy theories” for the next 60 years and records and evidence was sealed. Recently multiple new reports have emerged disputing the “single bullet theory,” which opens the horrifying possibility that there was an organized conspiracy to kill the president of the United States. 

The modern-day question is “Where were you when you first heard of COVID-19?” 

A series of strange deaths in a Washington State nursing home led to reports of a dangerous virus that kills 5-10% of its victims, leading to widespread panic and draconian lockdowns – ruining the U.S. economy. All attempts to link this to a purposeful action by communist China were dismissed as conspiracy theories.  

Now we are learning that there is a secret China-linked bio lab in Californiadeaths from COVID were exaggerated, simple treatments that were vehemently opposed turn out to have been extremely effective and inexpensive, and the mRNA “vaccines,” which were rushed into service without adequate testing turn out to do more harm than good. And the person we trusted for our health and the health of our children, NIH “infectious disease expert” Dr. Anthony Fauci, was getting massive vaccine royalties from Big Pharma and entities from China and Russia. 

The death of George Floyd in Minneapolis ended the lockdown as tens of thousands of “protesters” simultaneously ran into the streets looted billions in merchandise from local retailers and destroyed their own inner cities.

We were told by our trusted Federal Bureau of Investigation – an organization revered in American culture as the protector of law and order - that Floyd was an innocent man killed by police simply because he was black.

Here’s how it’s described on Wikipedia… “George Perry Floyd Jr. was an African-American man who was murdered by a white police officer in Minneapolis, Minnesota, during an arrest made after a store clerk suspected Floyd may have used a counterfeit twenty-dollar bill…” 

Derek Chauvin and three other officers were sent to prison. 

The news media at the time excused the ensuing riots and thefts as justified and peaceful, despite their own video footage. 

But a courageous independent Minneapolis reporter now calls the entire narrative into question - using information mostly available at the time of the incident. Floyd was not an innocent victim targeted because of his race by white cops, but a known criminal with a history of resisting arrest, drug use, and poor health. 

Perhaps the most promoted “crisis” of our times is “global warming.” 97% of scientists agree, so it must be true. But facts are stubborn things, and scientists are now coming forward revealing they have been pressured to only do studies that confirm the theory. Our trusted scientists, who supposedly rely on peer review and verifiable experiments, have promoted a theory that has led to a war on fossil fuels that has ruined the our economy. 

“Where were you when the 2020 election count was halted simultaneously in six swing states?”  

Our public officials and the entire news media have spent countless hours explaining the 2020 election was the “most secure in history” and any attempts to dispute it are not only conspiracy theories, but sedition, as evidenced by the “insurrection” of January 6, where “right-wing radicals” stormed the U.S. Capitol in an effort to “overthrow the government.” 

Hundreds of “protesters” have been rounded up and thrown in jail under the most egregious conditions and forced into plea deals and professing guilt, while those who steadfastly maintained their innocence have been sentenced to many years in prison. Calls to release the tens of thousands of hours of video footage of the event have been consistently thwarted – until now. 

Fearless investigative reporter Lara Logan has released three reportshere, and here, exposing the involvement of Ray Epps, a mysterious rabble-rouser who insists he has no ties to the FBI but has never been prosecuted for inciting a riot. 

Newly released footage show the story line of a violent insurrection is bogus. Police fired on the crowd with no warning, the protesters were peaceful and even smiling with police. 

Teaching our children how to be productive members of our society has been considered to be one of the noblest of professions. But civics, logic and basic economics have been replaced with woke political ideology and sexual deviancy. Our most revered colleges have now been exposed as vile, anti-Semitic cesspools of hatred. Our children have no understanding of the Constitution or our rights as citizens.  

And now a former president and candidate for 2024 has been saddled with scores of “trumped-up” charges designed to besmirch his character and ruin him politically and financially. Blue states are trying to force President Trump off their ballots, with no success – so far. These are tactics we thought only occurred in communist dictatorships or banana republics.  

The creepy man who was declared president has been shown to be the most corrupt president in history, and is probably influenced by UkraineChina and/or Iran. However, the Democrats and RINOs cover for him and his son is offered sweetheart legal deals. The only hope to get to the bottom of the greatest scandal in American history is for the few remaining conservatives in the House of Representatives to follow through with their impeachment investigations – quickly. Every moment they wait is another stab in the heart of our country, its safety, and its prosperity. 

Unless we are able to replace our greedy and compromised elected officials by fighting back against our corrupt electoral process (and here), we will forever be slaves, subject to the lies and intimidation of those currently in charge and forced to live with the rampant crime and ruined economy of a nation in decline with undefended borders. 

It all comes down to restoring honest and fair elections, starting with exposing state voting rolls that are currently flooded with inaccurate data rendering results invalid. Local and state Board of Election officials who sign off on election certifications are guilty of serious federal and state crimes if they fail to follow laws scrupulously. Brave citizens in over 25 states have come forward to investigate and expose the blatant disregard for basic election procedures. We must support their efforts and demand our state legislators take back control of election procedures from governors, judges and bureaucrats. 

Freedom is a terrible thing to waste.

Image: Steve Connerton, via Pexels // CC0 public domain

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