Sunday, December 10, 2023



Biden’s success thus far has to do with his willingness to be a good puppet  OBAMA - SOROS RENT BOY!

I sure am glad I’m not Biden’s food-taster!

Few things are as enjoyable as watching one’s political opponents wrestle on the horns of a dilemma.  Today’s Democrats are trying to reconcile a seriously unpopular incumbent president who’s intending to seek re-election with the threat of their sworn arch-enemy regaining his grip on the reins of power.

Further complicating this dilemma is the palpable lack of talent available for the Dems to put in Biden’s place.  Perhaps their most attractive possibility is California’s Governor “Hair Gel.”  He’s been out there getting plenty of face time, but he doesn’t have much of a record of success — other than chasing away significant components of his state’s tax base.  It is just becoming noticed that California has budgeted to spend tens of billions more than it has collected.  What remains under the radar is the juicy tidbit that Newsom’s ex-wife is seriously shacked up with Donald Trump, Jr.  Should make for some interesting moments in the Trump war room once the battles begin.

Though she may be tan and rested, Hillary doesn’t budge the meter.  Speaking of former presidential spouses, there’s lingering buzz about Michelle Obama entering the fray.  The pooh-poohers claim she’s way too happy just where she is at Mahthah’s Vinyahd.  But ambition can do strange things.

The other horn of the dilemma has to do with figuring out an elegant way of getting Biden to retire.  It is frequently speculated that the recent package of indictments heaped on First Son Hunter is a not so subtle attempt at this objective — hardly elegant but possibly effective. 

Biden’s success thus far has to do with his willingness to be a good puppet This may protect him from the covert movement to push him out of the way.  Those pulling his strings would likely not have as much control over anybody else.  However, he would first need to get re-elected — and the more the Democrats try to damage Trump, the more Trump rises in the polls.

This would be a delight to watch — except that the destiny of all the USA is hanging in the balance.  The election is still more than ten months away, an eternity in politics.  This may allow enough time for some “dark horse” to emerge as a credible Trump-beater, but time is running out.

Were I a gambler, I would still bet on Biden being the nominee.  Along with that, Trump would face an increasing mountain of legal challenges — and still win in a landslide, which will include Congress as well.  What is also not mentioned much is that only ten Republican senators are going to be up for re-election.  This can only mean that the Democrats have enormous exposure in a year where they face extraordinary challenges for a multitude of reasons.

And this just in: Biden just bent some rules in order to ship some crucial munitions to Israel.  Working on the Jewish vote?  Maybe...more likely Jewish campaign contributions.  All this as Democrats, in general, are offering up Jews for genocide.  Strange bedfellows, indeed.

Wait...what’s this?  Incoming call from Vladimir Putin’s office.  Their food-taster just checked out on medical leave and they need a replacement.  “Sorry, I’m booked.”

Image: Gage Skidmore via FlickrCC BY-SA 2.0.



Long Island Official: Illegal Aliens Burglarizing New Yorkers to Pay Back Mexican Drug Cartels

@CeFaanKim via Twitter
@CeFaanKim via Twitter

An official from Long Island, New York, says “organized gangs” are making their way through the United States-Mexico border on President Joe Biden’s watch and exacerbating crime in many American communities.

The Democrats have decided it’s time for Joe to go

Let’s see, the FBI has had Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell since December 2019. It was so very damaging to Hunter, his father, and his family that the powers that be at the FBI and DOJ suppressed it.   

This was election interference writ large.  Both those formerly revered institutions had been thoroughly weaponized during the Obama Marxist/socialist administration.  They were, by then, malevolent agencies bent upon surveillance of the American people and control of the American people.  

Trump was a force for freedom and America, as founded, with all the liberties and protections our Constitution guarantees.  

So they hated Trump. With all manner of devious unconstitutional actions since Trump announced his candidacy in 2015, this bunch of thugs at the FBI and DOJ set out to destroy the man and foil his election; thus, the Russia hoax was conceived.

Consider all the people in those two organizations who shredded the Constitution in order to take him out of the running, the lies told, and the money spent.  They thought they had the election securely rigged in Hillary Clinton’s favor; so did she.  They cheated then, but not enough to defeat him, so they doubled down; they kept up the Russia hoax nonsense and turned every trick in the book to criminalize the man.  Left-wing Democrat lawyer Mark Elias was sent to numerous states to fiddle with election law and adjust it to favor Democrats.  Unleashing China’s bioweapon on the world may just have been their most evil ploy.  We know they had planned just such an enterprise earlier, Event 201

But Trump’s popularity prevailed.  They would have to cheat again but with greater success.  And they did. 

So make no mistake, they stole the election and installed the mindless, incompetent, and corrupt Joe Biden, and Obama’s third term commenced. It has been Obama’s cabal who have been running the show – Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett, the hapless Tony Blinken and Jake Sullivan, et al.

What they did not count on was how fast Biden’s cognitive health would decline.  He can no longer be allowed to speak on his own, answer questions, be interviewed without carefully written notes that he can barely read.  

Now, he is a major liability.  What to do? How do they take him out of the 2024 race? 

Of course! Throw Hunter under the bus. Charge him with at least some of the many, many crimes that degenerate has committed and gotten away with for years.  It’s a safe bet that if they thought Joe had a brain and a chance in hell of beating Trump, Hunter would not be charged with anything.  If Joe was sentient, Hunter could commit murder, and the FBI and DOJ would cover for him.  But now they need to be rid of Joe.   Unveiling Hunter’s debauchery, his many perversions, and fraudulent financial crimes that have funded the Biden family for decades will do the trick.  

Hunter will never serve a day in prison. Despite Joe’s denial when asked, if he is convicted of anything, his father will pardon him. But as the details of Hunter’s depraved behavior over the past many years, his reckless disregard for women, his profligate spending on drugs and porn, and Joe’s enabling of that behavior for his own personal financial gain are flashed on every television screen day after day after day because the media now has permission to do so, voters will be disgusted with the whole family.  It is a criminal enterprise.  Joe will drop out, citing personal grief and health (Jill just might murder both of them for spoiling her chance to fill Edith Wilson’s shoes).  

What then? Kamala Harris? Not a chance. She’s the KJP of vice presidents, truly moronic.  

Gavin Newsom?  That megalomaniac?  If the Democrat party is insulated as it seems, that is who they will run.  No one can predict how that dismal scenario will turn out.  Newsom is a very bad guy.

Meanwhile, the left is desperately trying to provoke some crazy person somewhere, anywhere, to take a shot at Trump.  The “narratives” on CNN and MSNBC that are spewing all day, every day, on this score would be hilarious if they were not so conspicuous and dangerous.  They are practically trying to hire a hitman on each program, morning ‘til night.  They’ve learned nothing by fabricating countless fake crimes they allege Trump is guilty of, even though they know he is guilty of none of them.  Each new ridiculous charge only makes him more popular.  We all see that there is a two-tiered system of justice in the U.S. now.  Fomenting an insurrection?  Patently ridiculous; they did that

Do they, the left, actually think the American people are so stupid they do not see what they are doing?  We smell their fear, but they are making it absurdly obvious every hour of the day. The fact is they are terrified that once in office, Trump will do to them what they have been doing to him for seven years.  

If only!  Not likely since there will be far too much to be done to save the nation from the horrific damage the Biden administration has done to all of us.  Let’s hope the economy, the dollar, and the banking system do not collapse before the 2024 election or that Joe’s reckless and egregious foreign policy errors do not lead to Iran, for example, setting off a nuclear WWIII because they can, thanks to Obama and Joe Biden.  But one thing is clear: by finally charging Hunter Biden with some of the many crimes he is guilty of, we know that the left has decided Joe must go.

Image: Caricature by DonkeyHotey via Flickr // CC BY 2.0 DEED

Joe Biden Meets the Gestapo

Last night, I watched a documentary about the Gestapo.  It occurred to me that it used the same tactics as the bumbling joke that currently occupies the Bully Pulpit and his minions.  I did some research to substantiate my thoughts.


The Geheime Staatspolizei, abbreviated Gestapo, was the official secret police of Nazi Germany.  It was created by Hermann Göring in 1933 by combining various political police agencies of Prussia into one organization.  On April 20, 1934, oversight passed to Heinrich Himmler, the head of the Schutzstaffel (the SS, originally Hitler’s personal body guard), who was also appointed chief of German police by Hitler in 1936.


The Gestapo’s power focused upon Hitler’s political opponents through lies, atrocities, and reprisals.  It often made up facts against political opponents in order to achieve its objectives.  Those political opponents included people deemed dangerous to Nazi policies and politics.  They could arrest and imprison anyone and always assumed that their targets were guilty.  Once arrested, people found it difficult to prove their innocence.

The Gestapo crushed opposition through actions, both legal and illegal, such as fear and intimidation.  It operated without any civil or criminal restraints.  Propaganda, which included censoring the media, kept the majority of the population in line.

Sound familiar?

The Department of Justice

I begin with Attorney General Merrick Garland’s lie about DOJ investigators being nonpartisan.  He said, “Justice Department prosecutors are nonpartisan.  They don’t allow partisan considerations to play any role in their determinations.”  To Scott Pelley’s question, “And this is not peculiar to the Trump investigations?,” Garland responded, “This is the rule for all investigations.”

The DOJ today is increasingly motivated by partisanship.  The PATRIOT Act laws were designed to fight terrorism.  But they have been transformed into tools by which the DOJ keeps constant tabs on law-abiding Americans and threatens to disrupt their lives if they dare act contrary to Joe Biden.

Republican lawmakers blasted Biden over the weaponization of the DOJ after it charged former president Donald Trump over his handling of classified documents.  Yet it has not charged Biden after a similar investigation yielded classified documents at his Delaware home.

Wrote Danielle Wallace of Fox News, “The DOJ turned a blind eye to blatant violations of 18 US Code §1507 — the provision that prohibits people from protesting at the homes of Supreme Court justices.  By not prosecuting them, the Biden administration legitimized the protests last spring.”

Barack Obama weaponized the Deep State, the massive unelected bureaucracies that represent the “big” in big government, in an effort to transform America into a socialist nation.  Joe Biden has taken it one step farther by empowering the Deep State to crush his political opponents.  Who could have dreamed 20 years ago that Gestapo tactics would rule the USA?

Biden has compared Americans who disagree with him to racists and terrorists.  According to a report ordered by Biden, domestic political extremism is “the most urgent terrorism threat the United States faces today.”  His DOJ has labeled parents as domestic terrorists if they oppose the teaching of Critical Race Theory in schools, as well as Catholics who protest at abortion facilities.

Garland delivered his most ridiculous lie when he claimed that the DOJ doesn’t prosecute many Antifa pro-life pregnancy attacks because they happen at night.  Said Garland to Senator Mike Hill (R-Utah), “there are many more prosecutions [of pro-life groups]. ... But that is generally because those actions are taken with photography at the time, during the daylight, and seeing the person who did it is quite easy.”

The Federal Bureau of Investigation

The FBI uses Gestapo tactics.  It has assumed vast investigatory powers and vast discretion to determine who is a political enemy of Biden and the Democrat party.  These are not tactics used by constitutional republics, where the rule of law and the rights of the public reign supreme.  They are the tactics of an authoritarian organization, where secret police control the populace through intimidation, fear, and official lawlessness on behalf of Biden’s sycophants.  It’s the FBI that does the dirty work of ensuring compliance, keeping tabs on potential dissidents, and punishing those who dare to challenge him.

You would think the FBI would concentrate its effort to stem the tide of rising crime and violence.  But no!  Biden’s DOJ has focused the FBI’s attention on cracking down on “domestic terrorists,” on conservative parents concerned about their children being indoctrinated in public schools, on Republicans who questioned the validity of the 2020 presidential election, and on those who didn’t accede to COVID-19 mandates.

Drawing a card directly from the Gestapo playbook, numerous FBI agents have said that bureau leadership is pressuring agents to create domestic terrorism cases by labeling individuals as “white supremacists.”  The agents say agency heads “have already determined that White supremacy is a problem” and has established a policy to prioritize racially motivated domestic extremism.

Under Biden, the FBI has become the embodiment of how power, once acquired, is easily corrupted and abused.

The Internal Revenue Service

The Tea Party, a national grassroots movement, emerged in 2009 in cities across the U.S. to fight then-president Obama’s spending agenda and government takeover of American health care.  Bureaucrats at the IRS noticed and stopped it.  In 2016, three years after the IRS admitted that it gave extra scrutiny to conservative groups, it released a list of targeted organizations.  Sixty groups on the list had the word “tea” in their name, 33 had “patriot,” eight referred to the Constitution, and 13 had “912,” the title of a conservative movement, in their names.  Another 26 group names referred to “liberty.”  The list raises questions such as how wide the IRS’s net was when it went after nonprofit groups for unusual scrutiny.

ProPublica, a progressive investigative journalism group, published in 2021 an article to “expose” how some wealthy Americans exploit the tax code to pay less in taxes.  About the article, Charles Cooke of National Review wrote, “There are only a few ways in which the information ProPublica examined could have made it onto the internet.  It could have been leaked by someone who works for — or with — the IRS. ... Or it could have been surreptitiously released by a member of Congress or a Biden administration staffer.  Whichever one of these happened, the conclusion must be the same: We cannot trust the IRS.”  (Emphasis mine.)

As Betsy McCaughey of Real Clear Politics wrote, “[the IRS’s] magnified clout will be used to muzzle and punish political critics.  That’s a serious blow to our freedom.”

Bottom Line: With every passing day, the Biden bunch borrows yet another tactic from the Gestapo: secret police, courts, and agencies; surveillance; lies; censorship; intimidation; harassment; entrapment; indoctrination; and indefinite detention.  Biden’s weaponization of the DOJ, the FBI, and the IRS, which should be completely non-partisan and non-biased, is an assault on our civilization.  The problem is, “The MSM won’t point it out!”

Image: Gage Skidmore via FlickrCC BY-SA 2.0.

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