Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Conservatives believe they are the people’s servants; Dems claim to be their masters - AND THE BILLIONAIRES ARE MASTERS OF THEM ALL!



I had … seriously underthought my ethical judgments about trade-offs between domestic and foreign workers. We certainly have a duty to aid those in distress, but we have additional obligations to our fellow citizens that we do not have to others.

I used to subscribe to the near consensus among economists that immigration to the US was a good thing, with great benefits to the migrants and little or no cost to domestic low-skilled workers. I no longer think so [emphasis added].  Angus Deaton


Middle Class Meltdown: Unveiling America's Alarming Crisis


Conservatives believe they are the people’s servants; Dems claim to be their masters

America’s Founders, both at the federal and state levels, feared the mob element of direct democracy, so they created our nation as a series of republics. This means that citizens do not vote directly on laws. Instead, they vote for representatives who will bring their constituents’ values to reasoned legislative opinions. It is “government of the people, by the people, [and] for the people.” But in an epic showdown in South Carolina’s House of Representatives, a Democrat representative made clear that the people have no idea what’s good for them and must be discounted.

The representatives involved are Adam Morgan, a Republican, and Todd Rutherford, a Democrat. It’s not important to know what specific legislation they’re debating, although it obviously has to do with some proposal to grant financial benefits to a corporation to entice it to come to South Carolina. What’s important to know is the differing views, which is whether the government is to be the people’s servant or their master—or, one could say, should government represent the people or the lobbyists?

(I’ve included the transcript at the end of this post for those who cannot or do not want to listen to the video.)

There’s so much to unpack there. First, as I said, I don’t know what deal is being discussed. I do know that South Carolina has a thriving economy because the state welcomes businesses. However, it sounds as if, in this case, the state is trying to impose on a single community a business the community does not want, and Morgan is being urged to get with the lobbyists’ program and vote against his own constituents.

Second—and this is the important thing—is the way Rutherford so perfectly articulates the philosophy of expertise that entered America with the early 20th-century progressives and Woodrow Wilson. Wilson, incidentally, was an academic.

That theory is that, even in a democracy, whether representative or direct, the “little people” have no idea what’s good for them. They can’t be trusted. Government must be in the hands of learned (and, apparently, well-funded) experts who paternalistically know what’s best for the people they represent.

We see this same line of thinking in the battle between Pete Buttigieg’s other half, Chasten, who (God help us) has an education degree. It started when Chasten got upset that Chaya Raychik, who is behind Libs of TikTok, was appointed to help craft Oklahoma’s education policies.

Raychik, Chasten said, isn’t “qualified” because she “[h]olds no degree in education” and has “[z]ero classroom experience.” How dare she weigh in on whether there should be gay porn in classrooms or lessons that teach white children that they’re irredeemably evil because of their skin color? Without that degree, her values and opinions are less than useless.

Raychik instantly exposed Chasten for what his degree in education and his expertise really mean:

There’s your “expertise” in action.

Yes, having academic knowledge or a specific area of trained expertise can be useful. However, in 2024, it’s important to remember, when you think of academic knowledge, that there’s a big difference between being educated, which is what a degree once meant, and being indoctrinated, which is what a degree now means. There are such things as common sense, rational self-interest, and the knowledge that comes from living in the world and seeing how it works.

I’ll end with an anecdote that perfectly illustrates this. Francis Galton, the father of statistics, went to a county fair in 1906. There, 800 people submitted their estimates about an ox’s weight (1,198 pounds), with the person guessing most accurately winning the ox. While the winning guess was one or two hundred pounds off, when Galton averaged the 800 guesses, he discovered that the crowd’s collective wisdom came in at 1,197 pounds.

Our representatives are charged with making the ultimate decisions for our welfare, but Morgan remembers that this decision must always be made while keeping in mind who is the servant and who is the master. Or as Thomas Jefferson wrote, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…”


MORGAN: The pressure in here in Colombia is for me to not even vote red on the board. [Pointing to the board recording “yea” and “nay” votes.] Y’all might not know this: A dark money entity that was created on Tuesday, the day after we voted for this… I went home and an attack piece went out in my home district about the fact that I voted for this.

I get that the people in Colombia..that the lobby wants me to either not vote or to vote green on this, but my constituents want me to vote red and they want their tax money spent on core government functions—on their roads, on their schools. That’s what they want their money spent on.

They don’t want us in here trying to play this government planning thing where we and our bureaus can figure out where the jobs should be, who should be employed, how much money should be allocated where in the private sector. It never works. It’s socialism. It’s never worked anywhere before. So, what are we doing trying to do it here?

RUTHERFORD: But would you consider the fact that South Carolina’s track record on bringing major projects into this state has a winning record and, therefore, again, commerce should be listened to, rather than those people back in your district that may not have ever brokered a deal, may not understand what it means of being a project, may not understand economic incentives. So, what you’re suggesting is we should listen to the people back home in your district rather than the people at commerce that have been successful at bringing these mega deals [garbled] their lives.

MORGAN: Mr. Rutherford, I don’t think that you could have espoused a philosophy that disagrees more fundamentally than [i.e., with] me. I completely disagree with you, and I think that you believe what you just said, but no, I, 100%, I’m going to listen to the people back home who I represent in this House, and you should listen to the 40,000 people in your area and not the bureaucrats at commerce and not the lobbyists, and not the multibillion-dollar international corporations. You should listen to your constituents like I am.

So, yes, I will always fall back on the common sense of the wonderful people from Taylors and Greenville East side, far more than I will ever listen to unelected bureaucrats, other representatives in here who have been here for far too long and have maybe managed a whole lot of these deals and far more than I will ever listen to any member out there in the lobby.

Image: X screen grab.


Do you smell something burning?

Italy had Emperor Nero, who, as the legend goes, fiddled while Rome burned. We have President Zero, who fiddles on vacations and long naps while the country crashes and burns.

Our military is now a bad social experiment that is weakening more each day. This emboldens Russia and China, who are working on new powerful weapons and stronger, perhaps genetically engineered, soldiers as we offer gender changes and sensitivity classes to our own soldiers.

China, in particular, has surpassed the U.S. in military weapons. It has reverse-engineered, then tweaked, our finest weapons, often via stolen or traitor-sold blueprints, such as for the stealth bomber. It already has hypersonic missiles and an AI-operated drone carrier. Meanwhile, we tackle social problems and weed out the real GI Joes in the military as being too macho, and we run out of ammo.

China has or will soon surpass our nuclear arsenal in both numbers and potency. (It’s believed Russia already has.) It is not bound by any sort of Salt Treaty of the type we continually sign with Russia, which promptly cheats or threatens to cancel while we, good fellows that we are, hold the line. And look out for Iran and North Korea.

Image by AI, with editing using Flames from freeiconspng.

A demented old man who belongs in a rest home or in prison with the rest of his family is currently overseeing the implementation of destructive policies that likely came from the former president living just down the street from the White House. Let me list a few of the smoldering embers: Food shortages, forced vaccinations, leftist teachers, open borders, oligarchs allowed to run rampant, creating artificial clouds to block the sun, artificial meat, providing funding for anti-American groups and organizations, plans to spray vaccines into the air or put in the water supplies, funding subversive judges and district attorneys throughout the land, a two-tiered justice system, propaganda through the nightly news, and sexual child abuse made acceptable or quasi-legal in some states.

Yes, that burning odor you smell is our constitution being destroyed as the country is slowly becoming a socialist third-world in status. Yes, the burning smell is our churches being demolished, our religious beliefs being destroyed, and our family structure being disassembled with the goal that our children will be faithful only to the state.

Money has been printed at an alarming rate, unseen since the Weimar Republic. Prices are rising, skyrocketing to the point a car will soon be a perk only for the elite. Electric cars are a joke, as most manufacturers are now admitting, so there will be no quick fix for non-fossil fuels. Big Brother is watching you and your bank book. Need more than $600? The IRS wants to know why.

The leftist plan is to have a socialist state rise from out of the ashes of our great republic. Even though all such socialist utopias in the past have failed, these folks are so smart that they’re sure this one will be quite successful.

Billionaires are busy building underground shelters costing in the millions. Why?

Wildfires are destroying cattle and grazing ground. Food processing plants and other vital industries are experiencing fires and explosions. Trains carrying chemicals are derailing over waterways. The regime is welcoming millions of unskilled and uneducated military men into the country. Lawfare is directed at the leading opposition candidate of the current pResident [sic] of the White House.

Jailing the opposition leader is a third-world tactic now being used by the current regime, along with trying to bankrupt him and remove him from the ballot. One of the thugs has even admitted that when Trump becomes the nominee (which just happened yesterday), Biden’s Deep State intends to censor his security briefing, hiding key points of their ongoing deception. Accusations from neurotic women are being used to sully his name.

Why is all this happening? Why are we just letting it happen? Are we the next Somalia or Haiti? We already have murder in the streets. Is cannibalism next?

When will American grit come into action? When will those with spines stand up? Or are we now one hundred percent a nation of couch potatoes and keyboard warriors? What happened to the spirit that built this country? Where are the men of steel will and resolve? The frontier cowboys and settlers? Or are we now the sheep that George Washington said will be led to the slaughter? Or, as Ulysses S. Grant said, “There are but two parties now, patriots and traitors.”

Our foes are waiting in the shadows, eager to seize our great land and resources for their own. What will the new name be? The Socialist States of China? The People’s Republic of Russia? If we continue just to watch the flames rise and tolerate the smoke, we will soon find out.

Spencer Essex is a nom de guerre.






Princeton economist with a Nobel under his belt eats crow and does a U-turn on mass migration

Just yesterday, Breitbart News reported on Angus Deaton’s epiphany regarding the mass invasion of illegal foreigners into the American interior; he finally realized that importing millions of freeloaders to our welfare state isn’t such a good thing for the working class taxpayers, or the economy. Deaton is a Princeton economist and a Nobel recipient, so cut him some slack, he’s a little slower than the rest of us—remember, “the road to Hell is paved with Ivy League degrees” and apparently, Nobel Prizes too.

Here’s what Deaton had to say, in an editorial titled “Rethinking My Economics” and published by the International Monetary Fund:

The [economics] profession knows and understands many things. Yet today we are in some disarray. We did not collectively predict the financial crisis and, worse still, we may have contributed to it through an overenthusiastic belief in the efficacy of markets, especially financial markets whose structure and implications we understood less well than we thought.

Like many others, I have recently found myself changing my mind, a discomfiting process for someone who has been a practicing economist for more than half a century.

After making a case for how “economists” really have no clue what they’re talking about—that much was obvious when Deaton included “Karl Marx” in a list of economists, and considering that a majority of them assert debt is nothing more than a number—Deaton arrived at several new (to him) realizations. Most importantly, Deaton did a U-turn on his previous support for the mass importation of third-world foreigners into the U.S. homeland:

I had … seriously underthought my ethical judgments about trade-offs between domestic and foreign workers. We certainly have a duty to aid those in distress, but we have additional obligations to our fellow citizens that we do not have to others.

I used to subscribe to the near consensus among economists that immigration to the US was a good thing, with great benefits to the migrants and little or no cost to domestic low-skilled workers. I no longer think so [emphasis added].

Maybe the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences ought to dole out another Nobel for his newfound and remarkable command of the obvious.

Deaton “seriously underthought” the ethical implications of a government stealing money from one person at the barrel of a gun, to hand it over to someone else who didn’t earn it? No kidding. How is this possible for such an “educated” guy? Those low wages for illegals are subsidized by my stolen wealth and your stolen wealth (food stamps, government health insurance, housing vouchers, public school, etc.), both through taxation and debt and devaluation. Better late than never… I guess?

Since Deaton is apparently behind the curve, a brief (and basic) economics lesson:

Importing tens of millions of third-world people with no skills and no money into a first world nation with an enshrined welfare state, does not benefit the people of that nation, as the latter are forced to foot the bill.

That’s it, class dismissed.

Image: Holger Motzkau, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons, unaltered.

Poll: Voters More Concerned About the Economy and Immigration than Abortion

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Getty; John Moore/Getty

The economy and immigration are more important to voters than abortion going into the 2024 presidential election, a Rasmussen Reports survey released on Tuesday found.

Out of 907 likely American voters, 91 percent say economic issues will be important in the 2024 presidential election, including 65 percent who say the economy is “very important.” In comparison, 71 percent say abortion will be important this year, including 44 percent who say the issue is “very important.”

Broken down by political affiliation, Democrats (66 percent) are more likely than Republicans (28 percent) and unaffiliated voters (32 percent) to say abortion will be “very important” in the upcoming election. The result is not shocking, given that nearly a quarter of Democrats are single-issue voters on abortion.

Likewise, President Joe Biden’s strongest supporters are most likely to rank abortion as an important issue, the survey found. Abortion is Biden’s day-one, number-one priority if he is reelected, his staff has said — a strategy likely designed to bludgeon Republicans and appeal to a wide swath of women and young voters accustomed to 50 years of the “right” to abortion invented under the now-defunct Roe v. Wade decision.

“Among voters who Strongly Approve of Biden’s job performance as president, 87 percent say the issue of abortion will be Very Important in this year’s election. By contrast, among those who Strongly Disapprove of Biden’s performance, only 25 percent expect abortion to be a Very Important issue in November,” according to the poll report.

At the same time, 58 percent of Democrats, 77 percent of Republicans, and 62 percent of unaffiliated voters expect economic issues to be “very important” in the upcoming presidential election. Seventy-nine percent of Republicans, 45 percent of Democrats, and 61 percent of unaffiliated voters also say immigration-related issues will be “very important.”

By sex, men (71 percent) are more likely than women to think the economy will be “very important” in November, while more women than men (49 percent to 38 percent) expect abortion to be “very important.”

“Fewer black voters (44 percent) than whites (65 percent) or other minorities (60 percent) say immigration-related issues will be Very Important in the presidential election,” the report continues. “Breaking down the electorate by income categories, voters in the highest bracket – earning more than $200,000 a year – are least likely to expect immigration to be a Very Important issue in November.”

The survey was conducted Feb. 29 and March 3-4, 2024, and has a margin of sampling error of ±3 percentage points at the 95 percent level of confidence.

Katherine Hamilton is a political reporter for Breitbart News. You can follow her on X @thekat_hamilton.

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