Friday, March 22, 2024





Mayorkas has repeatedly explained that he supports more migration because of his migrant parents, his sympathy for migrants, his support for “equity” between Americans and foreigners, and his willingness to put his priorities above the law. AND THAT IS WHY GAMER LAWYER JOE BIDEN PUT CUBAN GAMER LAWYER MAYORKAS SEC OF OPEN BORDERS 

From Illegal Alien Invaders to Newcomers to Democrats

When Biden entered the Oval Office following the fraudulent 2020 presidential election (81 million votes…ROFL) he and his puppeteers immediately undid everything that President Trump put in place to secure our southern border. At the time, many Americans were dumbfounded. Don’t Biden and his puppeteers know what will happen if the border is left wide open?

The answer is that destroying the United States was always the Democrat party’s plan. Having 10 million (and growing) illegal alien invaders is the easiest way to destroy America. It doesn’t matter to Biden & Company if some illegal invaders are injuring, raping, and murdering Americans. It doesn’t matter to Biden & Company if some illegal invaders are committing home and retail burglaries, flooding America with fentanyl, and destroying cities with rampant crime. It doesn’t matter to Biden & Company if some illegal alien invaders are given free health care, free food, free education, free housing, free cell phones, and free debit cards while America’s homeless veterans sleep on the streets.

What matters to Democrats is that illegal alien invaders could be future Democrat voters. The jackass party is desperate to find new voters since polls show traditional Democrat constituents leaving the Democrat plantation.

Image: A day’s worth of illegal aliens at just one sector of the border. YouTube screen grab.

Even if all these illegal invaders don’t vote blue, their presence benefits the Democrat party. On March 7, Elon Musk tweeted on X/Twitter:

Most Americans are still unaware that the census counts ALL people, including illegal immigrants, for deciding how many House seats each state gets! This results in Dem states getting roughly 20 more House seats, which is another strong incentive for them not to deport illegals.

Tom Langan, President of Morale Boosters, one of the very few outside ministry/support groups serving Border Patrol Agents on a continual basis, has heard reports from reliable sources (who have visited various detention centers and spoken with illegals) about what illegals are repeatedly told.

My sources say that illegals have told them that throughout their journey, illegals are told that when they get into America to ‘vote for Joe Biden and Democrats.’ They are told this throughout their journey: from departure point, along the way, and after they arrive for processing. The ‘newcomers’ are continually reminded that they must “vote for Joe Biden and Democrats.

Who is telling “newcomers” to vote for Democrats? Is it:

  • Drug cartels who like the ease of getting fentanyl and other drugs into the United States?
  • Leftist non-governmental organizations (aka NGOs)?
  • Democrat operatives that will do anything to keep the United States on a radical socialist trajectory?
  • A combination of all three?

Morale Boosters is one of the very few outside ministry/support groups serving Border Patrol Agents on a regular basis. President Tom Langan said, “The ministry has helped boost the morale of thousands of Agents on the southern border since 2018 and has never seen them so demoralized—to the point that Agents no longer want to be thanked for doing their jobs. Despite that, we will continue to do what we can to encourage Agents.”

Langan went on to explain that the perception among Agents is that the public is willfully ignorant or indifferent. He says that most Americans don’t know how bad it is at the border or they don’t care as long as their everyday lives aren’t personally affected. Langan went on to explain:

Border Patrol Agents now spend 8 hours per day in front of a computer screen processing (data entry) instead of doing what they were hired (and want) to do: patrol, block, pursue, arrest, and deport illegals. Agents feel like DMV workers now.

Agents are demoralized, angry, and frustrated. Many of those with less than 10 years of service have quit. Those who can retire (20 years), retire. Agents with between 10 and 20 years of service remain and feel trapped by their income and family responsibilities. It is very difficult for them to transition to comparable jobs in Law Enforcement, where the morale and public support aren’t much better.

All of these Democrat policies now hurt traditional Democrat constituents. Initially, radical socialists in non-border states could ignore the illegal alien invasion and just focus on the possibility of millions of new Democrat voters. But thanks to Texas Governor Greg Abbott, now all 48 lower states are border states. Abbott frequently buses illegal alien invaders to Democrat cities so these sanctuary municipalities can share the overwhelming burden of taking care of illegal aliens.

The disastrous results are seen in most Democrat cities. In New York City, they emptied a school to house the aliens. In Chicago, they sought to use park facilities that serves poor neighborhoods. In Denver, Colorado they are laying off employees to find the money to pay for all the illegal alien invaders. Oops, we mean “newcomers.” From Denver Channel 9 News:

The City of Denver is trying to avoid the word “layoffs” when it comes to impending budget cuts. So instead, they’re telling some hourly on-call employees they may have their hours reduced to zero.

“The reduction in hours of operation and programs will affect the number of hours worked by many on-call, some to the point where they may not receive any hours,” a statement from Denver Parks and Recreation Director Jolon Clark read in-part. “The final decisions on hours for any individual position have not been made yet.”

The department is working to cut $4.3 million to help the city pay for the migrant crisis. Mayor Mike Johnston said Monday it hasn’t been decided which jobs will have their hours cut and by how much.

“We have not made any final decisions on cuts other than the ones that we announced already,” Johnston said. “All of our departments, all of our agencies, we’re going to have to find a way to prioritize.”

While American cities are being destroyed by the Democrat party’s illegal alien invaders, Langan points out that:

  • Illegals far outnumber Agents, so Agents feel overwhelmed. Just to keep up with processing, and when an interpreter isn’t available, Agents are told to fabricate reasons why the illegal came to America. Every…Single…One of the illegals lies about why they came here and what they did in their home country.
  • Even if Agents report the illegal is a convicted criminal in their home country, if there is nothing on record in the U.S. the illegal is released and given a court date to appear. These include tattooed individuals who are clearly gang-affiliated, and who would have been stopped at the border previously.
  • All Illegals are given court dates to appear before an immigration judge, but they have no intention of appearing. Border Patrol Agents are not responsible for making illegals appear. Others in the DHS are responsible, but court dates are not enforced.
  • Drivers regularly flip-off Agents at check points. Agents are no longer feared nor respected.
  • Illegals receive free medical care, food, sleeping quarters, cell phones, clothing, money, etc. by the federal government before and after they are transported throughout the U.S.
  • NGOs (Non-Government Organizations) provide additional benefits and incentives to illegals. They also funnel money to smaller organizations who are “in it” for the money.

The United States of America has only one chance of stopping this illegal alien invasion and saving the United States of America from radical socialism. ONE CHANCE!

November 5, 2024.

Everyone can do something to keep the House and flip the Senate to America First Republicans. Everyone can do something to put Donald Trump back in the White House. Everyone can do something.

What are you planning to do?

Robin M. Itzler is a regular contributor to American Thinker. She can be reached at





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Sen. Roger Marshall: Democrats Want Open Border to ‘Build Their Census’

Migrants walk along the highway through Arriaga, Chiapas state in southern Mexico, Monday,
AP Photo/Edgar H. Clemente

Democrats want an open border to “build their census,” Sen. Roger Marshall (R-KS) said during an appearance on Breitbart News Daily, detailing the fight between Republicans and Democrats on the issue of border security.

Democrats in the Senate this week rejected the Laken Riley Act, and the White House has rejected it as well, urging Republicans to instead get on board with the highly flawed Senate immigration bill.

RELATED VIDEO — Sen. Roger Marshall Plans Resolution for “No Confidence” Vote Against Biden’s DHS Chief Alejandro Mayorkas:


When asked by host Mike Slater why Democrats are opposing these legitimate efforts to secure the border and export criminal illegal aliens out of the country, Marshall said Democrats are actually trying to “build their census.”

“It is absolutely to build their census, so they can have more people,” he explained. “So when they do the census, the amount of government resources that are resources that go to your district is based upon that census, and they’re gonna be voting illegally.”

“And you know, so they help to grow their electoral college as well. California and New York are hemorrhaging people — people that are leaving because they’re tired of the violence. So they’re trying to backfill that so they keep the number of congressional seats, which adds to their electoral college,” he said, concluding that it is absolutely “politically motivated.”


Further, Marshall said Democrats create crises and then think the government can solve them. But then, their solution actually causes more problems.

“Now the mayor of New York, Chicago are feeling the pain,” he said, explaining that they are now requesting monetary aid.

“It’s not going to solve the violence problems. To your point, the folks that came in from Venezuela, a lot of those are not good people. It’s a violent society. If you’ve ever been there, you understand just how violent that society is. These got-aways, 2 million got-aways in this country — there’s a reason they didn’t go through the regular process,” he added.

 Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.

Those low wages for illegals are subsidized by my stolen wealth and your stolen wealth (food stamps, government health insurance, housing vouchers, public school, etc.), both through taxation and debt and devaluation. Better late than never… I guess?

Princeton economist with a Nobel under his belt eats crow and does a U-turn on mass migration

Just yesterday, Breitbart News reported on Angus Deaton’s epiphany regarding the mass invasion of illegal foreigners into the American interior; he finally realized that importing millions of freeloaders to our welfare state isn’t such a good thing for the working class taxpayers, or the economy. Deaton is a Princeton economist and a Nobel recipient, so cut him some slack, he’s a little slower than the rest of us—remember, “the road to Hell is paved with Ivy League degrees” and apparently, Nobel Prizes too.

Here’s what Deaton had to say, in an editorial titled “Rethinking My Economics” and published by the International Monetary Fund:

The [economics] profession knows and understands many things. Yet today we are in some disarray. We did not collectively predict the financial crisis and, worse still, we may have contributed to it through an overenthusiastic belief in the efficacy of markets, especially financial markets whose structure and implications we understood less well than we thought.

Like many others, I have recently found myself changing my mind, a discomfiting process for someone who has been a practicing economist for more than half a century.

After making a case for how “economists” really have no clue what they’re talking about—that much was obvious when Deaton included “Karl Marx” in a list of economists, and considering that a majority of them assert debt is nothing more than a number—Deaton arrived at several new (to him) realizations. Most importantly, Deaton did a U-turn on his previous support for the mass importation of third-world foreigners into the U.S. homeland:

I had … seriously underthought my ethical judgments about trade-offs between domestic and foreign workers. We certainly have a duty to aid those in distress, but we have additional obligations to our fellow citizens that we do not have to others.

I used to subscribe to the near consensus among economists that immigration to the US was a good thing, with great benefits to the migrants and little or no cost to domestic low-skilled workers. I no longer think so [emphasis added].

Maybe the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences ought to dole out another Nobel for his newfound and remarkable command of the obvious.

Deaton “seriously underthought” the ethical implications of a government stealing money from one person at the barrel of a gun, to hand it over to someone else who didn’t earn it? No kidding. How is this possible for such an “educated” guy? Those low wages for illegals are subsidized by my stolen wealth and your stolen wealth (food stamps, government health insurance, housing vouchers, public school, etc.), both through taxation and debt and devaluation. Better late than never… I guess?

Since Deaton is apparently behind the curve, a brief (and basic) economics lesson:

Importing tens of millions of third-world people with no skills and no money into a first world nation with an enshrined welfare state, does not benefit the people of that nation, as the latter are forced to foot the bill.

That’s it, class dismissed.

Image: Holger Motzkau, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons, unaltered.

Breitbart Business Digest: Younger Workers Turning Against Biden as Unemployment Rises

(iStock/Getty Images; Alex Brandon/AP Photo; BNN)
iStock/Getty Images; Alex Brandon/AP Photo; BNN

Americans Sour on Bidenomics

President Joe Biden’s attempt to convince America that Bidenomics is a blessing is not working —especially among younger Americans.

The Conference Board’s index of consumer confidence fell in February following three months of gains. The Rasmussen Reports Economic Index declined sharply enough in March to reverse four months of gains. The University of Michigan’s consumer sentiment index slipped lower after climbing for two months.

The Economist/YouGov survey of registered voters found that 51.3 percent say the economy is getting worse, up from 47.5 at the start of the year. Around 23 percent say the economy is staying about the same, and 23 percent say it is getting better, each down a little from the polling released on January 1.

Many pundits have tried to brush off these negative impressions of the economy as merely a function of partisan politics. No doubt, political allegiance certainly plays a role. People are more likely to describe the economy as improving when their party is running the government. But independents are more likely than the average voter to say that the economy is getting worse, at 53.5 percent; so, party allegiance does not explain everything.

Bidenomics Not Getting the Job Done for Younger Americans

The most recent survey by Economist/YouGov shows a very big upswing in registered voters under 30 taking the view that the economy is getting worse. In the poll released on March 4, 37.8 percent of younger voters said the economy was getting worse, and just 23 percent said it was getting better. That’s a big swing from just a few weeks ago, when the same poll found that 39.4 percent said the economy was getting better and 26.8 percent said it was getting worse.

The movement among young voters is so stark that you want to wonder if it is real. Time will have to tell. But the downward movement in other consumer confidence measures suggests that it may be more than noise.

The Economist/YouGov poll also asks voters whether they are better off financially than a year ago. Some analysts think this is a better question than those asking about the state of the economy because it is less likely to be affected by things such as the tone of media coverage. A respondent may not know what’s going on with the national economy, but they probably understand their own situation pretty well.

This also worsened recently. The March 4 poll shows that 42.9 percent say they are worse off financially than a year ago, up from 40.4 percent at the start of the year. That’s not a huge movement, but it does show that the Biden administration’s cheerleading is not improving morale.

The poll also shows a big jump in unhappiness among younger voters. At the start of the year, 34.2 percent of under 30s said they were better off, and 17.7 percent said they were worse off. In the most recent poll, 34.3 percent said they were worse off, and 23.7 said they were better off.

What’s going on with younger Americans? The employment situation appears to have deteriorated among young workers in February. While the overall unemployment rate increased from 3.7 percent to 3.9 percent, for workers between 20 and 24 years old it increased from 5.9 percent to 7.2 percent. That’s the highest unemployment rate for this cohort since December 2022.

The jump was driven by a big increase in unemployment among young women. For women between 20 and 24, unemployment rose from 4.9 percent to 6.4 percent. For young men, it rose from seven percent to 7.9 percent. While those levels are not high by historical standards, the increase is notable in an otherwise tight labor market.

The fact that the economy took a turn for the worse among younger Americans may spell political trouble for Biden. Democrat candidates for president need to do especially well among young voters to win. Biden’s job approval rate among under 30s has plunged from 59.6 percent at the start of the year to 51.6 percent in the most recent Economist/YouGov poll.

Perhaps the most unexpected political development of this year so far is that Biden’s age problem is about youth.

Bidenomics after 37 Months: Six Charts the Media Don’t Want You to See

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Liberal media are declaring Bidenomics a success – but, after three years, hard numbers tell a much different story, regardless of whether the measure is how much Americans are paying, earning or saving.

Gas prices:

While gas prices held steady under Pres. Donald Trump (down four cents a gallon), they’ve surged 38% in the first 37 months of Pres. Joe Biden’s term. From January 2021 to February of 2024, the average price of a gallon of gas (all grades) has increased from $2.42 to $3.33, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

Biden Wants $13 Billion from Congress for Migrants and Sanctuary Cities

Asylum biden border
Shawn Thew/EPA/Bloomberg via Getty Images, AP Photo/Moises Castillo

President Joe Biden’s staffers are asking Congress for more than $13 billion in taxpayer funds to help move many more economic migrants into homes and workplaces in American communities.

Much of the money will be used to bail out the sanctuary cities that help displace Americans by welcoming migrants who serve as lower-wage workers, apartment-sharing renters, and taxpayer-aided consumers.

The 2025 funding is being requested by two pro-migration cabinet members — Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Alejandro Mayorkas, the  Cuba-born head of the Department of Homeland Security.

Their plans are outlined in the 2025 budget request to Congress, released on Monday, March 11. The funding request likely will be approved unless the GOP wins a House and Senate majority in November. If approved, the 12 months of spending could begin on October 1, 2024.

Biden’s huge inflow of migrants has already delivered one illegal or legal migrant for every American born during his tenure. That massive planned inflow has suppressed wages, inflated housing prices, and diverted investment from high-tech jobs to cheap-labor taxpayer-funded jobs.

For example, President Donald Trump’s slow-motion curbs on migration prompted U.S meatpacking companies to develop and buy technology that helps American meatpackers safely get more work done — and earn more pay. But Biden’s disposable, cheap-labor migrants are now being recruited by meatpacking companies, according to a Bloomberg News report that was tagged as an “equality” article:

Tyson [Foods Inc.] is constantly in search of workers to fill jobs in its factories — tasks like washing meat, placing the cuts into trays and doing a final inspection for bones. Dolan says the company expects about 40% of the 100,000 people in these roles will leave each year, a statistic he says is standard across the meatpacking industry. To meet this need, he said, Tyson plans to hire about 52,000 people at that wage class — which starts at $16.50 an hour, plus benefits — in 2024 alone.

Biden told MSNBC on March 9 that he wants a “more orderly flow” of southern migrants into jobs around the nation because “they’re the reason our economy is growing.”

However, at least 5 million Americans have fallen out — or been pushed — of the workforce because of crime, drugs, and other failures. Polls show that a majority of Americans want less legal and illegal migration.

Homeland Security

Mayorkas’ budget request asks for $4.7 billion for the “Southwest Border Enforcement Capacity Flexibility” (SWBCF) account, saying:

Resources in the SWBCF may be transferred to CBP, ICE, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for critical operations like transportation, medical care, soft-sided facilities, and Shelter and Service Program grants.

Mayorkas also asked for Congress to provide at least $5 billion in city bailout funds that were blocked by GOP Senators in February. This funding is intended to support the economic migrants who have already flooded through the semi-open border with Mexico.

Some of the disaster funding would go to the nationwide network of non-government organizations, cities, and towns that transport, feed, shelter, and hide migrants. The network is dubbed the “Northside Migration Cartel” by Jessica Vaughan of the Center for Immigration Studies.

The non-government organizations that are paid to help the migration include Catholic Charities.

The bailout funding is vital for Democratic politicians, many of whom are cutting spending on Americans to help fund the shelters that hide the migrants from local TV news stations.

Much additional funding may be hidden in other agency accounts. For example, agency officials can quietly divert funds from vaguely named accounts toward the cities and non-government organizations. The budget document says:

The Budget includes $22.7B for the Disaster Relief Fund (DRF) – Major Disasters, which enables FEMA to fund authorized disaster support activities. The DRF Base requirements total $811.0M and will be funded from prior years’ resources.

The agency request also asks for more funds to bring in more legal refugees, saying, “The Budget includes $145.0M and 641 FTE [Full-Time Equivalent employee] to fully support the [agency’s] USCIS International and Refugee Affairs Division, a partner in the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program.”

In contrast, the department only asks “$849 [million] for cutting-edge [drug] detection technology at ports of entry,” despite the annual death of 70,000 Americans from smuggled fentanyl drugs.

State Department

The Department of State is asking for $3.8 billion to import more workers, consumers, and renters who are selected via the “Migration and Refugee Assistance” programs.

The document says:

The Request provides the resources necessary to fully support the refugee admissions program and will fund contributions to such organizations as the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) as well as other international and non-governmental organizations that address pressing humanitarian needs overseas and resettle refugees in the United States.

Those groups provide debit cards and other aid to migrants to help them reach the United States via Central America.

The $3.8 billion fund includes $1.2 billion to bring 125,000 refugees from poor countries straight into U.S. cities and towns, such as the Congo.

The $1.2 billion will also be used to help private-sector U.S. groups — in the so-called “Welcome Corps” — to import their own migrants. These migrants are used to fill jobs that would otherwise go to better-paid Americans.

In December 2023, described the story of one Haitian among the roughly 107,000 Haitians permitted to enter the United States:

Jemimah was a kindergarten teacher in Port-au-Prince. She dreamed of working in New York schools but couldn’t meet the requirements. She wanted to have a job so she could help her three siblings and her mother in Haiti. Now she wants to save money while in the U.S. to establish a school upon returning to Haiti. Eight months after arriving in New York, she works as a part-time babysitter.

The state department’s funds will also be used to operate more “Safe Mobility Offices.” These offices are being opened in South America and elsewhere so that foreigners can get legal permission to fly into the United States without having to pay smugglers and cartels to reach California and Texas — or be included in Mayorkas’ monthly reports on illegal migration.

RELATED: New York’s “Naked Cowboy” Performs for Migrants Stranded Without Shelter in Sanctuary City

Saul Acevedo, Used with Permission

The department also plans to fund the arrival of diverse migrants from Afghanistan, various sexual minorities, and Muslim “Royhinga” migrants from near India. The document says:

priorities in FY 2025 include the continued expansion of the Welcome Corps, a new private sponsorship program that empowers everyday Americans to play a leading role in welcoming refugees; continued expansion of legal pathways through the Safe Mobility Office initiative in the Western Hemisphere; expanded opportunities under for Afghans at-risk due to their affiliation with the United States under the Administration’s longer-term, sustainable resettlement operation “Enduring Welcome”; greater access to resettlement for LGBTQI+ refugees through increased NGO direct referrals and private sponsorship; continued efforts to build domestic resettlement capacity and expand the traditional resettlement agency network; expand resettlement of Rohingya in Bangladesh and increase resettlement opportunities for Rohingya globally, and continue to build the Resettlement Diplomacy Network and U.S.-led efforts to increase resettlement capacity and resettlement infrastructure globally.

Some of the money will be used to import more Afghan migrants, according to the request:

In FY 2025, the Department plans to continue to process and support the country’s Afghan allies at several overseas locations. For example, CARE Doha (previously Camp As Sayliyah) in Qatar continues to serve as the primary overseas platform for processing applications for individuals relocated from Afghanistan. In addition, the Department is focused on SIV processing in Tirana, Albania, and is increasing capacity to process SIV and refugee applicants in Pakistan. The State Department continues to strive to bring online additional processing capacity in the East Asian and Pacific Affairs areas of responsibility.

The budget also asks for $100 million to fund “Emergency Refugee and Migration Assistance” or ERMA. Roughly $50 million was spent in 2023 to aid “the urgent humanitarian needs of vulnerable migrants in the Western Hemisphere.”

The document noted that officials already have $1.6 billion in the ERMA account:

As of the start of FY 2024, a total of $1.571 billion in ERMA also remained available separately for the purposes of meeting unexpected urgent refugee and migration needs to support Enduring Welcome and related efforts by the Department of State in Afghanistan, including additional travel and related expenses for individuals at risk.

The State Department also wants $650 million in new funds for Ukrainian migrants. But the request does not say if the money will be used to shift Ukrainians into U.S. communities.

A recent report claimed that the federal government earns profits from refugees — but it excluded many costs as well as marketplace costs to Americans.
The White House’s push for more migration is both ideological and economic.

Mayorkas has repeatedly explained that he supports more migration because of his migrant parents, his sympathy for migrants, his support for “equity” between Americans and foreigners, and his willingness to put his priorities above the law.

So he is eager to claim that U.S. business “needs” migrants — regardless of the cost to ordinary Americans, the impact on U.S. children, or Americans’ rational opposition. Since 2021, he has created a series of legally contested “legal pathways” for migrants to flow into jobs and homes through the United States.

A new report from the Congressional Budget Office reinforces the vast evidence that the federal policy of Extraction Migration shifts family wages and workplace investment toward Wall Streetreal estatecoastal states, and government.


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