Friday, July 3, 2009

OBAMA and THE RACIST MEXICAN SUPREMACIST PARTY of LA RAZA working together for illegals!

Lou Dobbs Tonight
Friday, June 5, 2009

Supreme Court nominee Judge Sonia Sotomayor faces new
questions about her views on group and identity politics...
after it became clear she has a long history of making
race-and-gender based remarks. We’ll have a special report.
Sotomayor’s views on our Second Amendment rights are the
subject of our face off debate tonight.

"We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him." --- La Raza early founders, Professor Jose Angel Gutierrez

Supporters of LA RAZA include much of the Fortune 500, including Wells Fargo, and Bank of America. Politicians in bed with LA RAZA are: Waxman, Feinstein, Boxer, Pelosi, Harman, Lofgren, Eshoo, Baca, Farr, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton and BARACK OBAMA.

The National Council of La Raza (NCLR) is not only one of the wealthiest and most politically powerful militant organizations in the country, it is also notoriously racist and subversive. The group's name, "La Raza," means "The Race," by which they are referring to ethnic Mexicans, or more broadly to "hispanics" or "latinos." And it is quite clear from their decades of vitriolic rhetoric — both spoken and written — that the La Raza activists are trying to engender not only race consciousness amongst hispanic U.S. citizens and Mexican migrants, but also racial militancy and animosity toward "Gringo America."
The NCLR grew out of the La Raza Unida (The Race United) Party and the Southwest Council of La Raza in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The key leaders were Marxist-Leninist followers of Fidel Castro and Che Guevarra.
In 1970, the California Senate Fact-Finding Subcommittee on Un-American Activities said this about La Raza Unida: "Its president is Maclovio Barraza. Mr. Barraza has been identified by the Subversive Activities Control Board as a member of the Communist Party, and presides over the Council which recently received a grant of $1,300,000 from the Ford Foundation."

Maclovio Barraza was the NCLR Board of Directors' founding Chairperson, and the NCLR continues to honor this hardcore Marxist by awarding the Moclavio Barraza Award to its top activist each year.
One of the early founders of La Raza was Professor Jose Angel Gutierrez, whose violent, extremist rhetoric has caused NCLR some public relations problems. Back in 1969, Gutierrez said: "We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him." He has continued to promote the same hateful "reconquista" ideology ever since. But that didn't stop NCLR from bestowing on him their "Hero Award" in 1994.
The radical student group MEChA (Moviemento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan), with which NCLR has been closely allied for several decades, is even more explicitly and militantly, having adopted the slogan, "Por La Raza Todo, Fuera de La Raza Nada," which translated means: "For the Race, Everything; Outside the Race, Nothing."
MEChA's founding documents and literature are replete with appeals to "La Raza de Bronce" (The Bronze Race) and condemnation of the "brutal gringo." MEChA, as its name suggests, is also a leading promoter of the radical "reconquista" (reconquest) movement, a plan of to take over the states of California, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Texas — a region they refer to as "Aztlan" — which they claim was stolen from the "Aztecan" peoples. NCLR provides major financial support to MEChA and many of NCLR's leaders were MEChA leaders in their college days.
NCLR: Agents for the Government of Mexico?
Especially troubling is NCLR's leading role in the Fundacion Solidaridad Mexicano Americana (Foundation for Mexican-American Solidarity, FSMA), an organization founded and funded by the government of Mexico and directed by the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Public Education. Both of these ministries have been engaged in efforts aimed at demanding full political rights for illegal aliens in the U.S. and indoctrinating America's Hispanic population in radical, racist La Raza ideology.
Top members of La Raza, MALDEF, the National Immigration Forum and other leading immigration activist organizations also serve on the Council of the FSMA. As such, they are acting as agents for a foreign power that is actively seeking to influence our national, state, and local laws and policies, in ways that are inimical to the interests of our nation and our citizens. NCLR and these other participating groups should be investigated by Congress to determine if they are breaking any laws, especially since these organizations and/or their affiliates not only enjoy tax-exempt status, but even receive millions of dollars from federal and state government agencies.

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