Wednesday, August 4, 2010

AN AMERICAN SEES & SPEAKS... On the Mexican Occupation

Speaking from a citizen of an over run state, bravo to Virginia.
The Obama administration is sitting on its hands not enforcing Federal law. This is a disgrace. Our towns and cities struggle with zoning laws, crime, over crowded schools, over crowded emergency rooms, and over crowded jails. ICE is now refusing to pick up illegals in our jails and many are former felons. The Obama administration gives excuses and lies. They say crime is down and we all know that is a joke. They just have a new system for counting crime lumping the same people in one crime rather than listing individual crimes they commit. The Obama administration tells us they are deporting more but if they just run back over then so what.
For someone who has watched their once beautiful city change to a haven for crime. We have lost most of our major stores. We have very few grocery stores left. I am not allowed to drive south after 6 due to the danger. I raised my kids here and hate to move but it is looking like it is time. And now I may be stuck because Obama went to the candy store and forgot to buy food leaving our economy in shambles. Watching him struggle without other people's money makes it worthwhile. Glad we are counting ants in Africa and giving monkeys cocaine. Have you ever witnessed such stupidity in your life? But we cannot protect our citizen from this onslaught. Amazing sad.

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