Tuesday, June 9, 2020


She never said it was the police, by the way (she 

casually refused, in an article about police killings, to place the blame anywhere), and we know it wasn't, because the police killed about 19 unarmed black males in 2017, and black people killed about 2,627 — a difference of over a hundred times.  In fact, in 2018, black people killed about 2,600 black people, and whites in general — all of us, despite being 60% of the populace — killed only 234, more than ten times fewer.  The greatest danger to black people in America today is always other black people.  Black lives matter to Black Lives Matter only when it gives them an excuse to attack white people. JEREMY EGERER

“Black Christians should protest the Democrat party's anti-Christian agenda which has led to the moral decay of the black community; fatherless households, gangs, crime, generational poverty, incarceration, and record-high black on black homicides.” LLOYD MARCUS

Blacks are only 13% of the population.  White America gifted its first black president two terms. And yet, far too many blacks absurdly believe Democrats' and fake news media’s lie that white America did not want a black man in the White House. If America is such a hellhole of racism, how did Oprah Winfrey, a dark-complexioned stout black woman, become one of the wealthiest and most influential persons on the planet? The myth of America's racism is evil, destructive, and must end. LLOYD MARCUS


Watch: Rioters Use Forklifts to Smash into 

Best Buy in California During Daylight Hours


CBS Sacramento
2 Jun 20201,347

Vandals participating in the widespread riots in response to the killing of George Floyd commandeered at least one reach forklift to break into a Best Buy in the city of Fairfield, CA, during daylight hours yesterday, several videos show.

Chutzpah Cities: Bailouts, beggings, and food deserts, starting with Minneapolis

Exhibit A is Minneapolis, whose far-left mayor failed to protect his city from a multi-night orgy of looting and rioting and now wants a $55-million taxpayer bailout to sweep the entire mess under the rug.

There are a lot of blue cities out there with an unusual sense of entitlement.  We got the first whiff of it during the coronavirus stimulus debate, as mismanaged blue metropolises demanded pension and other unrelated bailouts from Congress from what were supposed to be emergency response funds. 
But now in the wake of riots, they're really getting bad.  They're demanding taxpayer bailouts for riot damage after failing to protect their cities, all so they could claim they were woke.  They're begging big box retailers not to pull up stakes and leave after allowing them to be trashed and looted.  They're complaining about sudden food deserts appearing as inner-city shopkeepers are thrown out of business after being robbed, burned, and destroyed and wondering why these stores don't re-open.  It all underlines an amazing failure to recognize any consequences for bad decisions taken, coupled with a howling sense of entitlement.  Call these solid blue failures "Chutzpah Cities."
Exhibit A is Minneapolis, whose far-left mayor failed to protect his city from a multi-night orgy of looting and rioting and now wants a $55-million taxpayer bailout to sweep the entire mess under the rug.
According to Big League Politics:
Minneapolis Democratic Mayor Jacob Frey is ordering city officials to begin a wide-ranging query of the damage done to the city's infrastructure from the race riots that began last week after the death of George Floyd, planning on requesting a federal bailout for the city to repair the damages done by "protestors."
Early preliminary estimates gauge the price tag of property damage from the riots at more than $55 million dollars. Frey is already working with U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar and representatives Ilhan Omar and Betty McCollum on a potential bailout package for the city.
Any apology for bad decisions?  Any promise to return to rule of law so taxpayers don't have to keep doing this to eternity?  Normally, bailouts come with tough conditions for reform to ensure future sustainability.  But Frey has no intention of reform; he just wants you to bankroll his latest social experiment.
Reform in Minneapolis comes not raising the price for rioting and looting and promising to enforce law in order, but by getting rid of the police.  Frey's lashed to the mast with a rabid far-left city council, which has enacted a veto-proof majority to de-fund the entire police force.  That'll ensure that riots and looting don't happen again, right?  Apparently, the next spray-shooter can rest easy and fire away, as the police will be gone.  It's an idea so bad that it sounds as if an enemy dreamed it up.  It can only be called a plan for permanent bailouts, because the results will be a disaster.  The plan seems to be to make Minneapolis a second Cuba, always looking for the next Uncle Sugar to sustain its communist failures.  And the productive members of society are supposed to go along with this, gladly emptying their pocketbooks.
Frey, the mayor of Minneapolis, was last seen doing some kind of chicken dance, which gives you an idea as to how busy he's been:

Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey is an embarrassment and he will go down as the worst mayor in the history of the United States of America.

And what is he wearing!

He's not the only one running a blue Chutzpah City.
How about the mayor of Chicago, who, after failing to protect her city's big box retailers from an orgy of looting, called upon these establishments not to leave her city?

This has to be satire.
She pleaded with retailers to stay after she allowed their stores to be looted? https://www.wnd.com/2020/06/mayor-pleads-walmart-retailers-not-abandon-chicago/ 

Mayor pleads with Walmart, other retailers to not abandon Chicago - WND

No promises of no looting again ever.  Just calls to stay and get looted again.  No sane business would take her up on her offer.  There are plenty of other places to go, where law and order still mean something and where making money doesn't have to be discounted by losses from looters.  The citizens of these blue cities are likely to go where they go as well.  All of the major blue cities are losing people, something that makes the big boxers even less likely to be able to turn a profit.  Fewer people, fewer buyers, all the result of blue-city policies, which include high taxes and low job creation rates.  Chicago for sure is among them.
Then there's this plaintive whine:

Looters Clear Out Groceries In Chicago’s South Side, Leaving Residents With Little Food http://ow.ly/d01730qNwFR 

Looters Clear Out Groceries In Chicago’s South Side, Leaving Residents With Little Food – True...

Brought on by this:

Shop owners reveal financial and emotional struggles of being looted

What the heck did they think would happen if they allowed rich, white Antifa trust-fund bunnies to go out and loot struggling small inner-city businesses with little cushion for recovery?  Thomas Lifson predicted that in these pages very early.  People who work 16-hour days and operate on razor-thin margins don't recover from mob assaults easily.  Did they really think these businesses could shake the losses from mass looting and destruction like water off a duck's back?  The hard reality is, trash your small, struggling businesses, and there won't be small, struggling businesses.  Good luck getting the tax revenue to pay for the bloated bureaucracies.
The whole thing underlines the ugly reality about leftists: that they lack introspection and firmly believe they have nothing to answer for.  Kevin Williamson has an excellent piece on that here. For the left, there's no sense of making things better with this bunch, there's just an adherence to the socialist template, failure after failure, letting someone else pay the bill. All we see in this wretched picture is entitlement and greed, even when they are sitting there in the mud, the victims of their own abhorrent decisions. This is chutzpah in the extreme, the classic phony plea of man who killed his parents, and then told the judge to have mercy on him for he was an orphan.
It calls to mind that they really do need to bear the consequences of their own bad decisions, hard as it may be. This may be the only way to halt the extreme leftward slide of the Democratic Party. That may well be the real meaning of President Trump's presidency, for surely he will put a stop to this, as long as he remains in office.
Imagine how bad it would be if Joe Biden were in the presidential saddle instead. These blue cities, it is reported, are already supposedly waiting or their 'Biden bailouts, refusing to cut spending, refusing to reform, waiting for Biden to come onboard to bail them out, knowing that Trump will see right through them and their toddler-like entitlement and tell them no. It underlines why Biden must never be elected president. Just say no to these spoiled brats who fail to learn from their mistakes, and like socialists, just keep making the same mistakes over and over and over.

She never said it was the police, by the way (she 

casually refused, in an article about police killings, to place the blame anywhere), and we know it wasn't, because the police killed about 19 unarmed black males in 2017, and black people killed about 2,627 — a difference of over a hundred times.  In fact, in 2018, black people killed about 2,600 black people, and whites in general — all of us, despite being 60% of the populace — killed only 234, more than ten times fewer.  The greatest danger to black people in America today is always other black people.  Black lives matter to Black Lives Matter only when it gives them an excuse to attack white people.

What Do They Really Want?

Imani Bashir, writing for the New York Times, says, "Living abroad is my way of prolonging my black son's life."  It's actually the title of the article.  She says she's been living abroad for years now, in places like Cairo and Poland and Malaysia and Wuhan (yes, that Wuhan), and that the bills are piling up and they're eating at her soul.  Still, she won't move back to America.  She sees her son's face in every black person the police kill.  She's stuck in Florida for the moment, waiting for the borders to ease up so she can go anywhere else.
Her husband, from Buffalo, New York, is traveling with her, coaching American football where he can.  She says before he turned 25, 30 of his friends had been killed.  They never talked about white picket fences when they got married.  They said if they were going to make it, if their son was going to make it, they had to go anywhere but here.  
But notice they didn't go anywhere.  They went to Poland, noted for its strict (and some say "bigoted") stances on immigration and gay rights; Cairo, a place that just blew up a few years ago, is looking to blow up again, and is known for its horrible treatment of women; and China, a communist country known for locking up Christians and Muslims and honest reporters, for not having habeas corpus, for selling the organs of political prisoners, and for grinding its workers into the dust.  It's a firm supporter of the most oppressive, volatile states in Asia, the Middle East, and Africa.  It has a domestic surveillance system seen only in our most harrowing classics of science fiction.  Nineteen eighty-four came almost to life, and Imani Bashir moved there instead of Schenectady.
I mention these things because of where she didn't go.  For instance, if she can scratch out a living on the fly, why not anywhere in black Africa?  Why not the sub-Saharan region, where, as Howard French reports in China's Second Continent, 10 of the 20 fastest growing economies exist?  Why not somewhere where the cost of living is cheaper and where, since she says racism exists everywhere, there could be little to no racism against her son? 
These questions deserve a solid answer — especially if it's anything other than "I don't want to live around black people."  It should also be asked of all the other famous black people who don't want to live around black people.  Beyond this, I think it's questionable that 30 of her husband's friends died at the hands of the police.  She never said it was the police, by the way (she casually refused, in an article about police killings, to place the blame anywhere), and we know it wasn't, because the police killed about 19 unarmed black males in 2017, and black people killed about 2,627 — a difference of over a hundred times.  In fact, in 2018, black people killed about 2,600 black people, and whites in general — all of us, despite being 60% of the populace — killed only 234, more than ten times fewer.  The greatest danger to black people in America today is always other black people.  Black lives matter to Black Lives Matter only when it gives them an excuse to attack white people.
My theory is that she doesn't go to black Africa because she doesn't feel safe around black people, and she doesn't want to be confused for them.  He doesn't, either.  It's what they call a hidden bias.  People with the sort of mindset I suspect here know that a fraction of their 13% of Americans is responsible for 50% of the crime, and they're profiling.  The fact is, they can't say it.  Once they admit it, the whole anti-racism scam is up.  It means white parents, whose children, according to the FBI, are killed twice as often by black people than the other way around, have more of an excuse to move their kids to Poland.  It means they have a reason to stop busing black kids to white schools, and going soft on crime, and beating their chests, and being hard on police.  But Bashir says she's scared of us — and because she's afraid, people are rioting.  I remind you that racism means being afraid of people for things they don't do.
The question is, what does she want?  The New York Times reports that Minneapolis, like all the other places on fire, is one of the most liberal cities in the nation.  Surpassing even Seattle, Minneapolis has black people on the City Council.  Two of these black council members are transgender.  None of them is a Republican.  Juneteenth gets a yearly parade, and the police chief, until this week, was a black man.  They're so devoted to fighting racism that you can't zone for single-family housing anymore — ostensibly to make the housing cheaper for blacks and to keep richer whites from having better neighborhoods to move to.  
This means that Minneapolis and all the other left-wing cities on fire already do everything they can to police the police — and if they go any farther, they'll have to get rid of them altogether.  The main job of the police officer, after all, is not to stop crimes in progress (since there are too few of them to see everything), but to show up after the fact and then sniff out a suspect.  This means everyone who fits a criminal's description in the area will be tracked down, picked up, tied up, and locked up — and if he refuses, probably beaten up.  If he refuses too manfully, possibly killed.  In a country of 330 million people, there are going to be a few dozen murders by cop.  But you get rid of this right to track, and you've gotten rid of the police.  You get rid of profiling, and you get rid of the concept of policing.  You get rid of the police, and you get rid of society.  And Minneapolis, where the violent crime rate was already horrible — this year, before the riots, twice the national average, and last year three — is already too dangerous.  Thanks to Black Lives Matter blowing up the police stations, it is about to get worse.
I ask you again — what does Imani Bashir want?   What they all want and can't say: to live somewhere her son can't theoretically be mistaken for or hurt by a black criminal.  It's a legitimate want.  We want it for all good black people, too.  But Black Lives Matter isn't finding ways to stop the criminals.  It's instead finding ways, mostly, to punish the innocent.  Bashir profiles and runs and barricades herself, and she's a victim of racism.  I just wish that she, and the Black Lives Matter movement, and The New York Times, would respect us when we do it, too.  They won't.
Jeremy Egerer is the author of the troublesome essays on Letters to Hannah, and he welcomes followers on Twitter and Facebook.

The American left does not recognize 

America's government

Thanks to the useful death of St. George Floyd of the Church of Black Lives Matter, the execrable Ben Crump has found the best way ever to leverage his profile and his bank account.  Crump attaches himself like a leech to high-profile black deaths and will use any means necessary to push a narrative.  His latest push is to use Floyd's family as a means to attack American sovereignty by appealing to the U.N. to police America's police.
Crump's made a career out of representing the families of black men who died during interactions with the police or who otherwise had politically useful deaths.  Considering how few unarmed blacks die at police hands (especially since Trump became president), Crump probably has to leverage cases to make a profit.  (There's profit to be had with the Floyd family, who are now the beneficiaries of a $13.8-million GoFundMe campaign.)  That lust for fame and money may explain why Crump held his tongue when the prosecution against George Zimmerman for Trayvon Martin's death used a fake witness to push the narrative that Martin was a good kid, not a wannabe thug.
With Floyd's death, Crump is going beyond America and speaking to the world.  He has written an open letter to the U.N. to demand that it step in to govern America's police departments:
The group sent a letter on June 3 to one of the international body's working groups asking for support for the end of the provision of military equipment and military-type training for police, the teaching of deescalation techniques, independent prosecutions and autopsies for "extrajudicial" police killings, and more.
"When a group of people of any nation have been systemically deprived of their universal human right to life by its government for decades, it must appeal to the international community for its support and to the United Nations for its intervention," Floyd's family attorney Ben Crump said in a press release.
A few things need to be said: first, this is an attack on American sovereignty, something that bothers Americans but not Democrats.  (I'm not even pretending anymore that Democrats consider themselves Americans.  They see themselves as world citizens fighting the evil that is America.)
Second, this is the same U.N. that has nothing to say about police abuses in China, among the Palestinians, in Venezuela, or anywhere else in the world that's not America.
Third, this is the same U.N. that allowed its "peacekeepers" (i.e., its police) to commit sexual abuse against thousands of black children in Africa and Haiti.
Fourth, this is the same U.N. that allows Palestinian terrorists to use its ambulances in the terrorists' perpetual wars against Israeli citizens.
Fifth, the U.N.'s high commissioner for human rights, Michelle Bachelet, insisted that Floyd's death was the "latest in a long line of killings of unarmed African Americans by U.S. police officers and members of the public" and urged "serious action."  The U.N. is champing at the bit to demean America.

Crump knows that the U.N. cannot affect policing in America.  This is theater, but it's disgusting theater to see a race-hustler appeal to an anti-American organization that has no trouble with totalitarian organizations around the world abusing people under their control, and that turned a blind eye for decades to its own organization's abuse of blacks.  Thinking about Crump's conduct, perhaps it's time to drag out the Logan Act...

Operation Mockingbird's Racial Destructive Lies


In a recent article, I explained that Operation Mockingbird is a program founded by the CIA in the 1950s to use journalists and front groups to spread propaganda. 
Today’s version of Operation Mockingbird uses intelligence agencies, academia, Hollywood, and the Democratic party to spread hatred for Christians, traditional values, law-abiding gun owners, straight white men, pro-lifers, police and the 63 million who voted for Trump.
I am encouraged that a growing number of young Americans realize they are being propagandized 24/7. Young people are fed up with SJWs (social justice warriors) demonizing whites, anyone who is happy, successful, thin, and enjoying life. Youths are angry for being branded an “ist” or “phobe” for everything they say or do.
These three Operation Mockingbird lies continue to wreak havoc, igniting racial hatred, division and violence.
The Tea Party is racist.
In 2008, I was about to sing my “American Tea Party Anthem” at a rally in Orlando, Florida. The audience of 6000 was 95% white. At center stage, I spontaneously proclaimed, “Hello my fellow patriots. I am NOT an African American. I am Lloyd Marcus, AMERICAN!” Surprisinglythe audience leaped to their feet, erupting in thunderous cheers and applause. After the rally, I was rushed by people, some with tears, thanking me. They believe hyphenating divides us. I love John Wayne's hyphen speech. That day in Orlando, I became “The Unhyphenated American.”
My unhyphenated American proclamation received the same joyous response at over 500 Tea Party rallies nationwide. A Holocaust survivor gave me a tearful bear hug.
At a rally in Texas, a white cowboy approached me pushing a stroller with two black babies he and his wife adopted from Africa. He and his wife asked God for babies who needed their love. The proud pop was excited about his kids becoming U.S. citizens.
At a rally in Traverse City Michigan, a white woman in a wheelchair yelled, “Oh my gosh, there's Lloyd Marcus! Can I get a picture with you?” The woman's adult daughter told a staffer that her mom was dying and meeting me was atop her mom's bucket list. Wow!
At a rally in Montana, a rancher with working man's hands invited my wife and I to visit his huge ranch. “We can shoot guns, drink whiskey on my porch and watch the beautiful big sky sunset.”
Do these Tea Party people behave like racist white supremacists? No. As a matter of fact, 40% of the Tea Party voted for Obama,. They simply opposed him driving us down the road to socialism.
Cops Murder Blacks
Democratic presidential candidates Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris said Michael Brown was “murdered” by a racist white cop. That irresponsible statement should disqualify these two power-obsessed despicable people from becoming president. Brown was not murdered. Evidence confirmed that Brown was shot while attacking the officer inside his cruiser, trying to take the officer's gun.  Operation Mockingbird continues to promote the Brown-was-murdered lie, resulting in cops being assaulted, ambushed, and assassinated.
Outrageously, Black Lives Matter declared “open season” on killing cops and white people. BLM marched down a New York street chanting, “What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!” 
Operation Mockingbird and the deep state are one in the same, gifting propaganda hate groups over $130 million to wreak havoc in our streets. Obama, outrageously honored BLM at the White House. 
The truth is that police are blacks' greatest defenders. 
Whites Routinely Murder Blacks
To sell their irresponsible evil lie that whites routinely murder blacks, fake news media reported that Trayvon Martin was gunned down by George Zimmerman, a “white Hispanic.” The truth is, Martin jumped on top of Zimmerman and began beating his head into the ground. Incredibly, NBC news went as far as to edit Zimmerman's 9/11 call to make him sound like a racist. 
Fake news media mislead the public about Martin's age, promoting a photo of him as a cute little boy. Martin was a 17-year-old thug. 
George Zimmerman was acquitted in the 2012 shooting. And yet, the Martin shooting continues to be used to sell the lie that innocent black children live in constant danger of being murdered by racist white men. Zimmerman is fighting back with a $100 million lawsuit against Martin's family and the prosecutors. 
Patriot brother JJ Flash is with the Trump Train and The True Channel. He has done an outstanding job exposing how Operation Mockingbird is behind corruption in our government. 
Americans have about had it with elitists who are behind the scenes propagandizing us while demanding control of our lives and behavior. President Trump is our new sheriff in town in Washington D.C. Thanks to him, We the People are fighting and winning back our culture and freedoms.
Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

13% of the population in the USA is black
BUT THEY COMMIT 85% of all violent interracial crimes, 80% of all shootings, 79% of all robberies, 59% of all murders, 52% of all violent juvenile crimes, 45% of all drug offenses..
49% of all murder victims are black. 42% of all cop killers are black.
99% of all major riots involving property damage, looting and civil disobedience are committed by blacks as opposed to ANY OTHER minority in America.
93% of all black murder victims are murdered by another black.
33% of all crimes in America are committed by 3% of the population; blacks between the ages of 16 and 36
8% of America’s population are black men, yet they account for 40% of America’s total prison population.
40% of blacks are on welfare
Only 59% blacks graduate high school (Detroit, only 20%)
Over 60% of black households have no fathers present
72% of black mothers are unwed!
Blacks account for 38% of abortions (only 13% of population and contraceptives are FREE)
(STATISTICS FROM Dept. of Justice, Dept. of Commerce, FBI and USA Census (ALL and sect.5 Law Enforcement))

The Truth about Interracial Violent Crime

Debunking the Left's pernicious lies.
Thu Jun 4, 2020 

John Perazzo is the author of Betrayal: The Democratic Party's Destruction of America's Cities.
Prior to the May 25th death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, a major focus of the media during the preceding two weeks had been a video showing an incident where a young black man named Ahmaud Arbery was fatally shot by two white men in Glynn County, Georgia. The killers say that they pursued Arbery, whom they suspected of having been involved in some recent local burglaries, when they spotted him running through their neighborhood – though some accounts claim that he was merely out for a jog. Eventually a fight broke out, and Arbery was shot and killed. After a video of the deadly altercation went public in early May, there were massive protests in Arbery's behalf. On May 8 – which would have been Arbery's 26th birthday – activist Al Sharpton used the Internet to lead a “virtual rally” in the young man's memory, drawing some 105,000 participants.
In an interview four days later, Sharpton, exhorting members of the black community to “sustain” their “indignation” vis-a-vis the Arbery case for as long as possible, portrayed the Georgia killing as an extension of racist American violence dating back to the epoch of slavery: “It was expected that if you saw a black, that you would suspect that he was a runaway slave, and you had the runaway slave laws that … they would use that to hunt down blacks for vigilante groups, the KKK and others, all the way up until the modern era.”

Television personality Oprah Winfrey likewise 
characterized Arbery's death as a consequence of intransigent white racism: “He went out for a jog while being Black. I wonder what was he thinking in those last seconds of his life? Unimaginable to go for a run in 2020 and end up dead because of the color of your skin.”

Notably, there is no record of either Sharpton or Winfrey uttering even a single public word in memory of 34-year-old Zackary Randalls, 37-year-old Mark Gassett, or 58-year-old David Jackson. You've never heard of these individuals, of course, because they were merely three white men who were 
murdered three years ago in Fresno, California by Kori Ali Muhammad, a black racist who candidly sought “to kill as many white males as possible” – killings for which the perpetrator was convicted just six weeks ago. Regarding the Zackary Randalls murder, Mr. Muhammad has since explained: “When I walked up to the truck, I saw a Mexican driver and a white guy. I didn’t want to target the driver because he was Mexican, so I shot the white dude.” The media, for some mysterious reason, didn't find the story compelling enough to cover.

Neither is there any record of Sharpton or Winfrey 
lamenting the deaths of 86-year-old Paul Marino and his 85-year-old wife, Lidia, both of whom were murdered in cold blood by a black gunman on May 8 – the very day of Sharpton's “virtual rally” in honor of Ahmaud Arbery – while they visited the gravesite of their late son, Anthony, in a Delaware cemetery. To borrow Oprah's pithy maxim, we might say that Mr. and Mrs. Marino were just “visiting their son's grave while being white.”

Other victims whose recent murders were ignored by media outlets and camera hogs like Sharpton and Winfrey include:
·         Joyce Whaley, Patricia Nibbe, and Nettie Spencer – three middle-aged white women who were brutally stabbed to death by a black killer at a Tennessee truck stop in early April;
·         Heather Perry, a 21-year-old white woman who was shot to death in a Denver alleyway on May 9 by Cornelius Haney, a convicted armed robber who had just been released from prison in order to protect him from contracting the coronavirus;
·         Logan Allen Stacks, a 17-year-old white boy who was gunned down by two black teens on March 27 in Lancaster County, South Carolina;
·         Dr. Beth Potter, a 52-year-old white physician who dedicated her career to helping “underserved communities,” and her husband, educational consultant Robin Carre, who were shot execution-style by a pair of black teens on March 30 in Madison, Wisconsin; and
·         Kristopher Dacus, a 33-year-old white man who on February 26 was shot multiple times and killed by four black teens in the North Little Rock, Arkansas cemetery where he worked.
Let us assume for a moment that Ahmaud Arbery – who quite obviously was a volatile and menacing character with a criminal history – was in fact the innocent victim of a horrific, wholly unjustifiable murder. Even if that were the case, why should his death garner more attention from American media outlets and civil rights activists, than, say, the deaths of the 13 aforementioned whites whose lives were mercilessly snuffed out by black killers in 6 different states? Perhaps a case could be made in favor of such a double standard if white-on-black killings were commonplace in American society – on the theory that the condemnation of such occurrences might help raise people's collective consciousness about the deadly ramifications of white racism. But in fact, white-on-black homicides in the U.S. have been exceedingly rare for many decades.

Conventional “wisdom” maintains that violent crime tends largely to be an intra-racial affair, where whites target mostly whites, and blacks target mostly blacks. This is certainly true for homicide, but much less true for other crimes of violence such as assault, rape, and robbery.

Let us look first at homicides that involved whites and blacks during 
2012 and 2013. During those years, white killers nationwide chose to target white victims approximately 93 percent of the time, and black victims 7 percent of the time. Meanwhile, black killers targeted black victims 84.7 percent of the time, and white victims 15.3 percent of the time.

But violence in America crosses racial lines much more frequently when the crimes in question are rape, robbery, and assault. In 2012 and 2013, for instance, blacks in the U.S. committed an annual average of 560,600 violent crimes (excluding homicide) against whites, while whites committed a yearly average of 99,403 violent crimes against blacks. In other words, blacks were the attackers in about 85 percent of all violent crimes involving blacks and whites, while whites were the attackers in 15 percent.[1]

Those broad figures, however, do not even begin to tell the full story about interracial crime. To get a complete picture, we must also look at crime statistics from the perspective of the offender. That is, when a given violent offender chooses a victim to target for a crime, does he tend to target a victim who is a fellow member of his own racial group, or does he tend to go after a victim from another racial group? Here are the facts:
·         When white offenders committed crimes of violence (excluding homicide) against either whites or blacks in 2012-13, they targeted white victims 95.8 percent of the time, and they went after black victims a mere 4.1 percent of the time.
·         By contrast, when black offenders committed crimes of violence against either whites or blacks in 2012-13, they targeted white victims a whopping 48.5 percent of the time, and they went after black victims 51.4 percent of the time.[2]
If we factor into the equation the relative sizes of America's white and black populations, we find that, statistically, any given black person in 2012-13 was about 27 times more likely to attack a white, than vice versa.

In more recent years, the disproportionate prevalence of black-on-white crime has only gotten worse. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, in 
2018 there were 593,598 interracial violent victimizations (excluding homicide) between blacks and whites in the United States. Blacks committed 537,204 of those interracial felonies, or 90.4 percent, while whites committed 56,394 of them, or about 9.5 percent. Moreover:
·         When white offenders committed crimes of violence against either whites or blacks in 2018, they targeted white victims 97.3 percent of the time, and they went after black victims 2.6 percent of the time.
·         By contrast, when black offenders committed crimes of violence against either whites or blacks during that same year, they targeted white victims 58 percent of the time, and they went after black victims 42 percent of the time.[3]
City Journal also reports that according to Justice Department data, blacks in 2018 were overrepresented among the perpetrators of offenses classified as “hate crimes” by a whopping 50 percent—while whites were underrepresented by 24 percent.
These numbers are staggering. If America were teeming with white racism, those guilty of interracial crime would be disproportionately white. But instead, the exact opposite is the case. Thus, the enormous amount of attention given to white-on-black attacks – which are statistically rare in the United States – is an obscene and senseless absurdity. The notion of ubiquitous white racism manifesting itself in unacceptably high levels of white violence against blacks, is one of the most destructive and monstrously evil lies of our time, creating levels of racial mistrust and animosity that are wholly unwarranted.

[1] Bureau of Justice Statistics, National Crime Victimization Survey, 2012-13, Special Tabulation, Table 10.
[2] Ibid.

[3] Bureau of Justice Statistics, Criminal Victimization, 2018, Table 14.

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