Monday, July 6, 2020

CATHOLIC BISHOP TIMONTHY DOHERTY ASSAULTS FATHER THEODORE ROTHROCK FOR EXPOSING BLACK LIVES MATTER HOAX - Shouldn't Doherty be looking at the staggering number of black abortions instead???

fuk black lives matter! life does not matter to blacks period! just look at the black-on-black murder rates in chicago!!!

Indiana Bishop Suspends Priest for Criticizing Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter
Getty Images/Spencer Platt

The bishop of Lafayette, Indiana, has suspended a priest from public ministry for penning an essay saying that Black Lives Matter had betrayed the civil rights legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. and Frederick Douglass.
Last week, Lafayette Bishop Timothy Doherty suspended Father Theodore Rothrock, the pastor of St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic parish “in the wake of Father Rothrock’s June 28 bulletin article” noting that even if he is eventually allowed to continue in priestly ministry “he will no longer be assigned as Pastor of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel” for his next mission.
In his article, Father Rothrock acknowledged that the “brutal murder of a black man in police custody has sparked a landslide of reaction to the alleged systemic racism in America” but the anger has been coopted by violent Antifa groups that have no real interest in the black community.
“Anyone currently doing business with Amazon could not help but notice the prominent banner headline from the internet giant touting their proud support for ‘Black Lives Matter,’” he said. “But do those black lives really matter to the community organizers promoting their agenda? Is ‘Antifa’ concerned with the defeat of fascist right-wing nationalism or more interested in the establishment of left-wing global socialism?”
“On the heels of the Covid sequestration, the bottled-up tension of an isolated population has exploded into riots and demonstrations that we have not seen the like in fifty years,” he continued.
“What would the great visionary leaders of the past be contributing to the discussion at this point in time?” he asked. “Would men like Fredrick Douglas and the Reverend King, both men of deep faith, be throwing bombs or even marching in the streets?”
The priest went on to issue a stinging indictment of the bands of looters and violent demonstrators, organized and egged on by professional Antifa protesters.
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“Who are the real racists and the purveyors of hate? You shall know them by their works. The only lives that matter are their own and the only power they seek is their own,” he said.
“They are wolves in wolves clothing, masked thieves and bandits, seeking only to devour the life of the poor and profit from the fear of others,” he declared. “They are maggots and parasites at best, feeding off the isolation of addiction and broken families, and offering to replace any current frustration and anxiety with more misery and greater resentment.”
A growing number of black leaders are distancing themselves from the Black Lives Matter movement for its radicalized stands and attacks on the traditional family unit, whose breakdown has been at the heart of black poverty and crime.
As just one example, last week former NFL player Marcellus Wiley criticized the NBA’s decision to paint Black Lives Matter on court sidelines, saying it was a “bad idea.”
“I don’t know how many people really look into the mission statement of Black Lives Matter, but I did,” Wiley said during a recent broadcast of FS1’s Speak For Yourself. And when you look into it, there’s a couple of things that jump out to me.
The Black Lives Matter mission statement declares that the movement wants to “dismantle the patriarchal practice,” and “disrupt the western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement,” Wiley noted, adding that the integrity of families are “vitally important” to him.
Citing statistics, Wiley said that children from the single-parent homes are “five times more likely to commit suicide, six times more likely to be in poverty, nine times more likely to drop out of high school, ten times more likely to abuse chemical substances, 14 times more likely to commit rape, 20 times more likely to end up in prison, and 32 times more likely to run away from home.”
“So, when I see that as a mission statement for Black Lives Matter, it makes me scratch my head,” he said.

Black Lives Matter is racist against blacks

I've seen an argument on right-leaning sites pointing out that BLM is racist against white people.  While BLM is certainly guilty of that, the movement is actually racist in the old-fashioned, Ku Klux Klan way, as mentored through a century of life by Old Mr. Jim Crow himself.  It's racist, in other words, not so much to white people, but to the black people it claims to champion.
It takes as a first position a concept of the African-American male as without agency.  He is without impulse control, without self-restraint, with tendencies toward violence, rape, murder, and inability to conceive of consequences.  No old seg could have phrased it better.
That being the case, it implies that the police must be prepared to accept such behavior as the norm. Thus, when confronted by a clearly under-the-influence perpetrator like George Floyd, it is incumbent on them not to confront and restrain as part of the process, but to give him room and time to act out.  He can't help himself; they can.
In their ideal world, the police officers withdraw across the street and observe as Floyd rants and raves and carries on while zephyrs of fentanyl drive him into deep  tantrum at the unfairness of it all.  Eventually, he will tire himself out, come down, begin to recover his self-awareness.  At that point, a non-white officer should approach him, request his acquiescence on the legal issue, and escort him peacefully and uncuffed to the station.
That should make everyone happy, except those whose police calls went unanswered while the blues were handling Floyd with BLM-Rx TLC, and all the victims of all the young men who see the cops acting like both nannies and ninnies and decide, there being no downside, that crime is a good career move.
But what's truly radical isn't its implicit racism, vile as that might be.  Rather, it signifies a demand to change the perdurable model of American social assistance.  We've seen this model before — too often.  Perhaps it worked in the late 1940s, where under our severe influence, both Japan and Germany rebuilt themselves in our image, to our specifications, and became prosperous, democratic, and timid.  But both had in place systems of social discipline, mutual respect, and solid hierarchy that gave us a foundation upon which to build.
That has not been the case in 70 years, as failures in Vietnam, Afghanistan, and the Middle East have shown.  They — communists, radical Islamists, whatever — didn't want to become like us — educated, largely middle-class, democratic, high-trust — but to stay as they were.  They wanted to stay who they were.
Such a direction seems also the goal sought by BLM.  They don't want to assimilate into society; they want society to assimilate to the ghetto.  They proudly demand the right to enjoy the stereotype.  They don't want to be saved; they want to be celebrated as is, au naturel.  They want to be untethered from judgment, enforcement, and consequence.
The new norm has to include the right and the space and the time for black males to act out.  It has to include fatherless families, social incoherence, gang influence, tendencies to violence.  A tolerance must be built, seems to be their secret message, to accept all such features, to define deviance away.  Welcome to one possible future.
Image: Johnny Silvercloud via Flickr (cropped).

Six Weeks, Six Cities, 600 Murders

The single most important domestic issue of our time is not the rising number of new people testing positive for COVID-19. Deaths have hit all-time lows.
The single most important domestic issue of our time is not even the continued economic hardship of a nation that was artificially shut down and sent spiraling into a faux recession. Millions of jobs have been added over the past 60 days and the skyrocketing unemployment has turned around to nearly where it was percent wise in most of the Obama early years (11.1 vs 9.9.)
The single most important issue, affecting some of the largest swaths of populations in America, is the scandal the media ignores even as it explodes in our faces.
In only six weeks, city after city operated by entrenched Democrats have seen a massive expansion in lawlessness, violence, and murder. Stunningly, many news outlets seem gobsmacked and mystified at how or why such an explosion of lawlessness has occurred.
For the sake of brevity, let’s sample six of the nation’s largest cities, including all of the top three.
New York:
The Democratic mayor has long been understood as anti-police. His wife recently imagined the city as “Nirvana” if the NYPD were eliminated altogether.
Thus far in 2020, homicides are up 21 percent. Shootings are up by 46 percent. The Democratic mayor’s agenda included emptying the prison known as Rikers Island, bail reform letting perps walk before the paperwork is completed, and the effort to #DefundPolice that took 600 anti-crime units out of commission.
Los Angeles:
June saw disturbing trends. An increase in the month’s first week by 250 percent of homicides, and a 56 percent increase in shootings. Following the death of George Floyd in May the LAPD received a $150 million cut. 
Year-to-date shootings have eclipsed 1,508 for 2020, putting them 350 ahead of 2019. To date homicides sit at 254, placing them ahead of 2019. Important to note that the Cook County board voted in favor of defunding police. Eleven city alderman raced to the fore to demand that not a single penny of $333 million in federal dollars not go to police, and various proposals are being considered to cut current funding by more than $30 million in current spending.
Washington, D.C.
Year-to-date homicide numbers are 13 percent higher than this time a year ago. Nevertheless, the District PD is slated to be defunded by more than $15 million.
Shootings are up 67 percent. Victims of armed violence are up 29 percent. Homicides are up 25 percent. So of course it makes sense to defund the Philadelphia PD by $19 million.
As consistently one of the most dangerous cities in America with a five-year streak of more than 300 murders, last year Baltimore set a new record at 348 homicides. Yet in 2020 they outpace last year’s record and will see defunding to the effect of $22 million.
As I said there are many more that I could highlight for you.
So why did all of these cities take such violent turns? Is it because their leadership capitulated to the anger of the mobs as opposed to thinking clearly and strategically about an effective response?
Or do these Democrat-run towns literally operate with denial in good and evil?
How else can you explain that in the city of Minneapolis (where a nation watched in horror and subsequently responded to the murder of an innocent man) that within 30 days they would record 1,600 shots fired? But then respond by voting to dismantle its police operations all together?
The single most important threat to our nation at this moment are Democrats who are voting in favor of eliminating law enforcement and who are by extension responsible for the greater and greater increase in the loss of life.
They are allowing Marxists and Anarchists to create complete chaos and disorder. They also seem utterly unconcerned about any lives mattering, black or white.
They appear to be holding on to an idea that they are not impacted by the scum and villainy at play under their jurisdiction. 
They even perhaps believe that this is all worth it, if it will allow them to have electoral success in the fall.
If so, they need to brace themselves for three basic truths.
It’s time they learn the truth
It’s time they be held accountable.
And...It’s time to stop them!

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