Friday, August 21, 2020




VISUALIZE REVOLUTION!.... We know where they live!


“Underwood is a Democrat and is seeking millions of dollars in penalties. She wants Trump and his eldest children barred from running other charities.”

Steve Bannon arrested on fraud charges involving border wall fundraising scheme

21 August 2020

The former adviser to President Trump and extreme right-wing nationalist Steve Bannon was arrested on Thursday and charged with two counts of conspiracy for defrauding donors of a private fundraising scheme called “We Build the Wall.”

The indictment against Bannon and three others—Brian Kolfage, Andrew Badolato and Timothy Shea—was unsealed by Acting US Attorney for the Southern District of New York Andrew Strauss.

President Donald Trump's former chief strategist Steve Bannon leaves federal court, Thursday, Aug. 20, 2020, after pleading not guilty to charges that he ripped off donors to an online fundraising scheme to build a southern border wall. (AP Photo/Craig Ruttle)

A press release accompanying the indictment said that all four men had been arrested and quoted Strauss saying, “the defendants defrauded hundreds of thousands of donors, capitalizing on their interest in funding a border wall to raise millions of dollars, under the false pretense that all of that money would be spent on construction.”

The scheme began in December 2018 when the defendants set up an online crowdfunding site ultimately called “We Build the Wall” to raise private money in support of President Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant campaign to build a wall along the southern US border.

The campaign raised $25 million with Kolfage, a veteran of the US Air Force who lost both legs and his right hand in Iraq in 2004, as the public face of the organization. On the website and in social media posts and email messages, the organization made repeated public statements to donors that 100 percent of the money would be given to the US government for the wall project.

However, as explained in the indictment, “those representations were false” and “the defendants collectively received hundreds of thousands of dollars in donor funds from We Build the Wall, which they used in a manner inconsistent with the organizations public representations.”

Kolfage was secretly paid $350,000—$100,000 up front and $20,000 per month thereafter—for things such as, “home renovations, payment towards a boat, a luxury SUV, a golf cart, jewelry, cosmetic surgery, personal tax payments and credit card debt.”

Bannon, according to the indictment, through a nonprofit organization under his control, received “over $1,000,000 from We Build the Wall, which Bannon used, among other things, to secretly pay Kolfage and to cover hundreds of thousands of dollars in Bannon’s personal expenses.”

The indictment explains the method by which the donor money was transferred to the individuals. It says that the men “devised a scheme to route the payments from We Build the Wall to Kolfage indirectly through Non-Profit-1 and a shell company” and “by using fake invoices and sham ‘vendor’ arrangements,” they attempted to ensure that the “pay arrangement remain ‘confidential’ and kept on a ‘need to know’ basis.”

The indictment also explains that the defendants, once they learned from a financial institution that “We Build the Wall” might be under federal investigation, took steps to conceal their fraudulent scheme, including removing from their website the promise that Kolfage would not receive any salary for his work with the organization.

Bannon, Kolfage, Badolato and Shea were each charged with one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering, each of which carries a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison.

New reports published late Thursday said that Bannon appeared before a Manhattan court and pled not guilty to the charges against him before being released on $5 million bail secured with $1.75 million in assets. The Associated Press reported, “When he emerged from the courthouse, Bannon tore off his mask, smiled and waved to news cameras. As he went to a waiting vehicle, he shouted, ‘This entire fiasco is to stop people who want to build the wall’.”

Bannon—the former investment banker, entertainment industry producer and executive chairman of the fascistic Breitbart News—served as chief executive of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and chief strategist and senior counselor for President Trump for the first seven months of the administration.

As a founding member of the board of Breitbart News, Brannon was a principal force in proclaiming the site “the platform of the alt-right” and using it to promote anti-immigrant, racist, American nationalist, white supremacist, neo-Nazi and fascist views.

Bannon brought all of this to the Trump election campaign and presidency and, along with the fascist White House adviser Stephen Miller, was responsible for the adoption of extreme nationalist anti-immigration policies in months immediately following the inauguration in January 2017. Bannon and Miller, for example, were central to the creation of the Muslim travel ban (Executive Order 13769), which restricted travel to the US by people from seven countries.

Bannon left the White House less than a week after the fascist rampage in Charlottesville, Virginia, in which counter-protester Heather Heyer was killed by a self-proclaimed Hitler admirer who drove his car into a crowd. It has been reported that Trump’s statement that there were “very fine people on both sides” was suggested by Bannon.

Donald Trump’s border wall project was a central theme of his 2016 election campaign, and he included a proposal in the wall plans to allow private money to support it. The Kolfage/Bannon campaign initially said that the millions raised in their crowdfunding initiative would go to the government. Then they shifted to privately building a portion of the wall in Sunland Park, New Mexico and near McAllen International Airport in Mission, Texas.

Clearly aware of the pending indictments against “We Build the Wall,” Trump tweeted last month that he “disagreed with doing this very small (tiny) section of wall, in a tricky area, by a private group which raised money by ads.” He also claimed, “It was only done to make me look bad.”

The website for “We Build the Wall” is still up and features a photo of Kolfage with the following quote next to it: “If you are sick and tired of watching politicians in both parties obstructing President Trump's plan to build a wall on our southern border, then you have come to the right place. We The People are coming together to build segments of border wall on private property and the best part is, we’re going to do it for a fraction of what it costs the government.”


Clinton Foundation Put On Watch List Of Suspicious ‘Charities’


"But what the Clintons do is criminal because they do it wholly at the expense of the American people. And they feel thoroughly entitled to do it: gain power, use it to enrich themselves and their friends. They are amoral, immoral, and venal. Hillary has no core beliefs beyond power and money. That should be clear to every person on the planet by now."  ----  Patricia McCarthy

HILLARY & BILLARY: The Evita and Juan Peron of Wall Street

The Clinton Looting of the Poor of Haiti



“The couple parlayed lives supposedly spent in “public service”
into admission into the upper stratosphere of American wealth, with incomes in
the top 0.1 percent bracket. The source of this vast wealth was a political
machine that might well be dubbed “Clinton, Inc.” This consists essentially of
a seedy money-laundering operation to ensure big business support for the
Clintons’ political ambitions as well as their personal fortunes. The basic
components of the operation are lavishly paid speeches to Wall Street and
Fortune 500 audiences, corporate campaign contributions, and donations to the
ostensibly philanthropic Clinton Foundation.”



IT WAS BILL CLINTON WHO UNLEASHED WALL STREET’S BIGGEST CRIMINAL BANKSTERS…. And haven’t they sucked up the banksters’ gratuities since?


Only Barack Obama has serviced banksters more than Hillary and Billary!


“Clinton also failed to mention how he and Hillary cashed in after his presidential tenure to make themselves multimillionaires, in part by taking tens of millions in speaking fees from Wall Street bankers.”




Anatomy of a Clinton Scam

By Charles Ortel

“The bigger the lie, the more likely the buy-in” -- that must be the theory underlying a plan relentlessly executed by Bill and Hillary Clinton to suck money from the public in support of a supposed “charity” currently known as “Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation.”

Unlike the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation that was originally funded primarily by the Gates family, the Clinton Foundation was meant to take money from the general public, and from governments.

So, affairs of the Clinton Foundation were never supposed to be directed by the Clinton family. But public records apparently prove that strict rules governing the conduct of public charities are not applied when it comes to long-time “public servants” such as the Clintons.

Incorporated but not Organized

Incorporated on Oct. 23, 1997, just as word started to leak of Bill Clinton’s dalliance with Monica Lewinsky and while doubts crested concerning foreign funding for the Clinton legal defense effort, the main Clinton charity was originally named “The William J. Clinton Presidential Foundation” in papers filed with the Arkansas Secretary of State by three lawyers.

However, to qualify for federal tax-exemption, a charity must be formally organized not simply by lawyers but by, at least three truly independent directors, who needed to adopt articles of incorporation and bylaws in a formal organizational meeting before the entity conducted official operations. Bylaws for this entity may not have been formally adopted by initial directors (referred to as “Trustees”) until Dec. 23, 1997 as you can see for yourself by reviewing these materials available through the main Clinton Foundation website.

A reasonable question to ask is: what did “The William J. Clinton Presidential Foundation” do, if anything, prior to adopting bylaws, and how did they accomplish these actions before becoming formally ''organized ``?

“Formless aggregations of individuals” are not “organizations”

Well before Dec. 23, 1997, Clinton allies laid groundwork required to erect the Clinton Foundation in a portion of Little Rock that had long been run-down, depressing local property values.

However, the IRS explains that only “organizations” are eligible for exemption from taxes, not “formless aggregations of individuals”:

“An individual, partnership, or formless aggregation of individuals, however, cannot qualify for exemption under IRC 501(c)(3). If it is determined that no organization exists, the applicant will be advised that no ruling or determination letter can be issued [emphasis added].”

Newspaper accounts, court records and other publicly available information show that early efforts on behalf of the “Clinton Foundation” were not conducted in corporate form, but instead loosely and informally, chiefly  by Clinton political supporters.

For example, on Nov. 7, 1997, City of Little Rock public meeting notes state:

“[Little Rock] Mayor Dailey said he received word from Skip Rutherford, local coordinator for the Presidential Library at 7:00 AM, that President and Mrs. Clinton has selected the site along the Arkansas River in Little Rock as the location for the proposed William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Library [emphasis added].”

In this C-SPAN clip, Rutherford is clearly seen explaining widespread activities carried out through Nov. 7, 1997:

In 1997, and for years afterward, Bill and Hillary Clinton were not lawfully designated directors, trustees, officers, or agents of the purported legal entity that was supposed to operate the presidential library and research center only in Little Rock.

How did Bill and Hillary Clinton have lawful authority to pick the site for Bill’s presidential library?

Moreover, did The William J. Clinton Presidential Foundation even exist as a lawfully organized corporate entity in 1997?

Admissions Against Interest

Under siege late in 1997, in 1998, and then safely through the Impeachment trial by early 1999, the Clinton team must have been sure that loyal elements within the Arkansas Attorney General’s office, the Internal Revenue Service and the U.S. Attorney General’s office would never prosecute those responsible for operating the Clinton Foundation illegally so long as the Clintons remained resident inside the White House.

Though required to do so, the Clinton Foundation never filed an informational return (on Form 990, or 990EZ) for the “short period” from Oct. 23, 1997 through Dec. 31, 1997. This is important because, somehow, the Clinton Foundation acquired financial resources sufficient to pay lawyers and fund operations starting late in October. And a key unanswered question remains: “who advanced them the money?”

In a report to Michigan government authorities, filed in July 1998, Rutherford explained why the Clinton Foundation did not file an IRS Form 990 or 990EZ for 1997 because:

“The organization [was] not in existence last fiscal year--[Not Applicable] [emphasis added].”

In the second informational return the Clinton Foundation ultimately did file with the IRS for 1999, on Nov. 20, 2000, an officer of the entity admitted, under penalties of perjury:

“The Foundation began operations in 1998 [emphasis added] and is in the early stages of raising funds to meet the exempt purposes. Program development is in the very early planning stage and no significant program service expenses have been incurred.”

So, The William J. Clinton Presidential Foundation did not exist in 1997, even as elements within the IRS rushed to grant federal tax-exemption to the entity back to Oct. 23, 1997 as this “Determination Letter,” found on the Clinton Foundation website clearly states.

Times were certainly different from 1997 through 2000, but we remember when the IRS rigorously and ruthlessly enforced key charity laws and regulations under President Obama.

Are former Presidents above the law?

Stillborn in 1997, the Clinton Foundation has managed to grow into a network of entities, none of which has ever lawfully been organized or operated. This allegation is now supported by some 200 podcasts, averaging two hours in length each, most of which are accompanied by pull-down slide presentations that readily take viewers and should take investigators into details of what seems to be the largest set of unprosecuted charity frauds in history:

Bob Mueller, James Comey and Rod Rosenstein may have “missed” the early development of this scam, from 2001 through 2005 when the FBI and DOJ “investigated” the Clinton Foundation as these redacted records reveal.

And, on the 10th anniversary of devastating disasters that flattened portions of Haiti, Hillary Clinton actually crowed about US Attorney John Huber’s unconfirmed decision to wind down the latest “investigation” of potential Clinton Foundation crimes:


Hillary Clinton




This week, the Justice Department determined that the lies that were peddled about me, my family, & @ClintonFdn are without merit.

I couldn’t be more grateful to everyone that stuck with us while we continued to focus on the work. Let’s keep going. 


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The Clinton Foundation’s record of exploiting natural disasters to source funds for which they never account is as long as it is shameless.

Americans across the political spectrum must push our government authorities to hold operators of the Clinton charity scam network to account.

“Bleachbit” notwithstanding, overwhelming evidence of unprosecuted charity frauds dating to Oct. 23, 1997 hides in plain sight

Check applicable laws, then check facts for yourselves and remember these words from John Adams:

“Facts are stubborn things [emphasis added]; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”

During the 2016 election cycle, the mainstream media failed to probe the heart of the more recent Clinton Foundation scandal -- how the Clinton family may have exploited Hillary’s position as Secretary of State and her standing as presidential frontrunner through November 2016.

Building fortunes through operating charities is a monstrous affront to decent, law-abiding people of all political persuasions, so it is not a partisan thing, here, to attack the Clintons for their known public record of transgressions.

In fact, a better question might be to wonder why Democrats, including Bernie Sanders, are not much more insistent that ongoing Clinton charity scams be fully exposed, and aggressively prosecuted by state, federal and foreign governments.




Our Russia Collusion Nightmare: All Hillary's Fault?


By J.B. Shurk

The biggest political scandal in the history of the United States.  Three years of constant lies told by government agents, political operatives, and deceitful news personalities.  Thousands of hours of criminal investigative interviews; thousands of written stories and television segments; thousands of leaks and insinuations and threats.  All to take down the legitimately elected American president, Donald J. Trump.

Now that some light is finally revealing just how rotten this whole nonsense has been from the very beginning, the most maddening aspect of all is the one thing not said nearly enough: every bit of this frame-up job to hang the American president for being a Russian agent and traitor to his nation began as a way to inoculate Hillary Clinton from her largest political vulnerabilities going into the 2016 campaign.

Aside from her questionable health and a lifetime of scandal, Hillary had two sizable liabilities (of her own creation) that threatened her ability to win the general election: (1) her use of the Clinton Foundation as a vehicle for laundering bribes from foreign governments and moneyed interests and (2) her decision to conduct the business of the State Department (as well as to discuss our nation's most guarded secrets) on an unsecured private email server that had been hacked by known and unknown foreign governments and adverse entities.  Peter Schweizer's Clinton Cash did a remarkable job exposing the Clinton Foundation as a spectacular pay-to-play operation that had allowed Hillary to trade the powers of her office for personal aggrandizement (including the sale of 20% of America's uranium to Russia for, among other things, $145 million transferred to her foundation).  And even though the Obama Justice Department was doing its best to minimize the revelation of Hillary's gross breach of national security and slow-walk any repercussions, the American people were discovering that life-and-death secrets had been entrusted to a person with such disregard for our well-being that she stored them on a personal server in a downstairs bathroom.

For a normal person with a modicum of ethical concern, sense of shame, or patriotic duty, these crimes would have been more than sufficient to prompt withdrawal from an election for the country's highest office.  This type of honest self-reflection and private admission of guilt is alien to the Clintons, though, so what would have represented immovable obstacles to anyone else became just another set of political variables that had to be neutralized in her favor.  

I can just imagine the conversation Hillary had with her most trusted advisers — not the ones with the official titles like Robby Mook and Brian Fallon, whose chief value lay in their expendable nature and the ease with which Hillary could roll them up into any unexpected scandal to be disposed with the trash at a future time of her convenience.  I mean the real group of confidants, the ones who have "the ends justify the means" tattooed on their souls and have gotten away with more crimes than we'll ever know.  If you're Sid Blumenthal or John Podesta or Cheryl Mills or Marc Elias or Lanny Davis and you know where some of the bodies are buried along the spectacular trail of Clinton corruption through the years, then the prospect of a massive pay-to-play scandal or criminal indictment for mishandling top-secret intelligence or engaging wittingly or unwittingly in espionage is just another bump on the long road of progressive relativism and Clinton nihilism.  If Clinton Cash and FBI investigators come knocking, you simply accuse all your political opponents of being the real grifters and foreign agents.

That's exactly what Team Hillary did.  They leveled allegations of criminal bribery at Jeb Bush; they questioned Marco Rubio's loyalty to the United States; but Donald Trump was the prize.  A man who had spent a lifetime in the exotic world of luxury real estate around the globe while mixing it up with all kinds of powerful figures in that often shady world was the ideal mark, and he also happened to be a political novice who the Democrats universally believed would lose in a landslide of historical dimensions for political lore long to come.  When Paul Manafort joined his team just before the kickoff to the general election and brought with him a lifetime of political baggage that included skullduggery around Russia's zone of interest, it must have seemed as if Christmas had come early for the Clinton team.  (Kind of makes you wonder how coincidental this unforced error really was.) 

And so, after a lifetime in the public eye, starring in a popular television show, and rubbing elbows with celebrities and politicians of all stripes, Donald Trump woke up one day to find himself being generally slandered (and libeled) as a Russian spy by the information merchants who control America's airwaves and print media.  That had to have made him laugh, considering that the press had spent most of his foray into politics demeaning him as a greedy capitalist playboy nationalist who selfishly placed America's interests before those of our common world.  

Yes, before John Brennan devised a global espionage ring to frame President Trump as a national security risk and enable the FBI to open up counterintelligence investigations into his political associates; before Jim Comey and Andrew McCabe attested to false information with the FISA Court; before Robert Mueller put the screws to General Flynn in order to sink a lifetime defender of America for political purposes; before President Obama initiated changes to security classification that opened up scurrilous investigative records on President-Elect Trump to an exponentially greater number of bureaucrats with partisan motivations; before Susan Rice left an electronic CYA memorandum at 12:15 P.M. on Inauguration Day of 2017 noting that Sally Yates and James Clapper and John Brennan and Joe Biden and Jim Comey had all agreed in the Oval Office with President Obama to continue any investigations "by the book"; before Samantha Power unmasked hundreds of names picked up during the course of electronic surveillance that were deemed to somehow implicate the new president in wrongdoing; even before the Clinton operatives and Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele first started composing the fan fiction now known as "the Dossier" — before all of this and everything else we have been forced to endure for three long years, there was Hillary Clinton, doing what she and her people know best: accusing her political opponent of the very crimes she had committed herself.  

As awful as this orchestrated campaign against President Trump has been, it is absolutely maddening to realize that none of it would have happened had Hillary Clinton not engaged in one of the greatest pay-for-play operations in American history while placing our most guarded secrets (as well as the very lives of our soldiers and civilians) on a silver platter for those governments and adversaries who wish us the most harm in this world.  Three years of Russian hysteria happened only because of the deep corruption of Hillary Clinton.

This scheme of political projection and wicked treachery should go down as a final reminder that America survives today only because President Trump managed to prevail against the nearly insurmountable wave of our government's intelligence agencies, the justice system, media propagandists, and the combined wills of the Democrats and NeverTrump Republicans intending to swamp him.



Only six percent of the billions of dollars the "Foundation" takes in goes to charity.  The rest subsidizes the lavish lifestyles of the Clintons and their sycophants; those people who have sold their souls to rub shoulders with unadulterated power.


Clinton Foundation Put On Watch List Of Suspicious ‘Charities’


"But what the Clintons do is criminal because they do it wholly at the expense of the American people. And they feel thoroughly entitled to do it: gain power, use it to enrich themselves and their friends. They are amoral, immoral, and venal. Hillary has no core beliefs beyond power and money. That should be clear to every person on the planet by now."  ----  Patricia McCarthy



Clinton Foundation bleeding money with no Clintons in high office


By Thomas Lifson


The Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation can no longer raise enough money to cover its expenses, ever since Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign failed to propel her into an office from which she could dispense political favors. Clinton Foundation reports to the IRS for the last two tax years have demonstrated that without anyone to grant boons, fewer donors are interested in supporting it.

Andrew Stiles reports for the Free Beacon:

The Clinton Foundation reported a loss of more than $16 million in 2018, according to newly released tax records, marking the second consecutive year of losses since Hillary Clinton's humiliating defeat to President Donald J. Trump in 2016.

The foundation reported total revenue of just $30.7 million, including $24.2 million worth of grants and contributions, a record low for the alleged "charity." That figure was well short of the foundation's total expenses for the year—$47.5 million— resulting in a net loss of $16.8 million.

The previous year, the Clinton Foundation reported a net loss of $16.1 million. In total, the organization has lost a staggering $32.9 million since Hillary Clinton's lifelong quest for the presidency crumbled to dust in November 2016.

The contrast with previous years when political favors were a lure is striking:

The Clinton Foundation posted its highest revenue haul ($249 million) in 2009, the year Hillary was sworn in as President Barack Obama's secretary of state. By 2013, the foundation had reported an additional $392.2 million in revenue, and went on to raise $344.4 million between 2014 and 2016.

Between 2008 and 2016, the Clinton Foundation reported total revenue in excess of $1.1 billion, or an annual average of $130.4 million. Needless to say, Clinton's stunning failure to defeat Donald Trump in the 2016 election appears to have had a significant impact on the foundation's ability to raise money.

US Attorney for Utah, John Huber, has been tasked with investigating the Clinton Foundation. So far there has not been a single leak out of his office over its work. That could mean either that they have turned up nothing, or that the investigation and grand jury are proceeding with the secrecy that the law demands.







Is it a signal that she's back in the game because she's selling her president-ability to the world's global billionaire crowd and laying the groundwork for more funds?  There are all kinds of ways for foreign billionaires to get money to the U.S. without consequences, after all.  What's more, it's pretty much the biggest base of support she has, which is at least one reason why she lost the 2016 election.


“The couple parlayed lives supposedly spent in “public service” into admission into the upper stratosphere of American wealth, with incomes in the top 0.1 percent bracket. The source of this vast wealth was a political machine that might well be dubbed “Clinton, Inc.” This consists essentially of a seedy money-laundering operation to ensure big business support for the Clintons’ political ambitions as well as their personal fortunes.



The basic components of the operation are lavishly paid speeches to Wall Street and Fortune 500 audiences, corporate campaign contributions, and donations to the ostensibly philanthropic Clinton Foundation.”




“Facilitating strategic technology transfer in return for money is an old Clinton game.  The Chinese bought their way to access of considerable space technology when Bill Clinton was president.  Remember Charlie Trie, Loral, and the rest of the crew?”




"Ask Jeff Sessions about the charges.  Money was flowing into the Clinton Foundation from all over the world, disguised, rerouted through a Canadian charity, all to obscure its origins."






The Clintons have been a criminal enterprise since they came to power in Arkansas.  The list of scandals they have generated is long and tawdry.  Their principal goal then and now has always been to enrich themselves.  They never once had a moral compunction about lying, cheating, selling, and stealing their way to wealth. They are the Perons of America.  They eventually set up a "foundation" and the money kept rolling in.


Only six percent of the billions of dollars the "Foundation" takes in goes to charity.  The rest subsidizes the lavish lifestyles of the Clintons and their sycophants; those people who have sold their souls to rub shoulders with unadulterated power.





The left cared nothing about that bit of collusion. 


Hillary and her campaign aides have long been involved with Russia for reasons of personal gain.  Clinton herself got $145 million in donations to the Clinton Foundation for allowing Russia to take over twenty percent of all uranium production in the U.S. Her campaign chairman, John Podesta, is reaping the financial benefits of being on the board of a Russian company, Joule, which he did not disclose.  PATRICIA McCARTHY


Had Hillary been elected, the Clinton Foundation would be raking in even more millions than it did before.  She would be happily selling access, favors and our remaining freedoms out from under us. PATRICIA McCARTHY






“There is no controlling Bill Clinton. He does whatever he wants and runs up incredible expenses with foundation funds,” states a separate interview memo attached to the submission.


“Bill Clinton mixes and matches his personal business with that of the foundation. Many people within the foundation have tried to caution him about this but he does not listen, and there really is no talking to him,” the memo added.


“Our entire crony capitalist system, Democrat and Republican alike, has become a kleptocracy approaching par with third-world hell-holes.  This is the way a great country is raided by its elite.” ---- Karen McQuillan  AMERICAN


Peter Schweizer, author of “Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends,”


#1 New York Times Bestseller!

Peter Schweizer has been fighting corruption―and winning―for years. In Throw Them All Out, he exposed insider trading by members of Congress, leading to the passage of the STOCK Act. In Extortion, he uncovered how politicians use mafia-like tactics to enrich themselves. And in Clinton Cash, he revealed the Clintons’ massive money machine and sparked an FBI investigation.

Now he explains how a new corruption has taken hold, involving larger sums of money than ever before. Stuffing tens of thousands of dollars into a freezer has morphed into multibillion-dollar equity deals done in the dark corners of the world.

An American bank opening in China would be prohibited by US law from hiring a slew of family members of top Chinese politicians. However, a Chinese bank opening in America can hire anyone it wants. It can even invite the friends and families of American politicians to invest in can’t-lose deals.

President Donald Trump’s children have made front pages across the world for their dicey transactions. However, the media has barely looked into questionable deals made by those close to Barack Obama, Joe Biden, John Kerry, Mitch McConnell, and lesser-known politicians who have been in the game longer.

In many parts of the world, the children of powerful political figures go into business and profit handsomely, not necessarily because they are good at it, but because people want to curry favor with their influential parents. This is a relatively new phenomenon in the United States. But for relatives of some prominent political families, we may already be talking about hundreds of millions of dollars.

Deeply researched and packed with shocking revelations, Secret Empires identifies public servants who cannot be trusted and provides a path toward a more accountable government.

Kushner, Inc.: Greed. Ambition. Corruption. The Extraordinary Story of Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump Hardcover – March 19, 2019

·         Hardcover: 304 pages

·         Publisher: St. Martin's Press (March 19, 2019)

·         Language: English

·         ISBN-10: 1250185947

·         ISBN-13: 978-1250185945


Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump are the self-styled Prince and Princess of America. Their swift, gilded rise to extraordinary power in Donald Trump’s White House is unprecedented and dangerous. In Kushner, Inc., investigative journalist Vicky Ward digs beneath the myth the couple has created, depicting themselves as the voices of reason in an otherwise crazy presidency, and reveals that Jared and Ivanka are not just the President’s chief enablers: they, like him, appear disdainful of rules, of laws, and of ethics. They are entitled inheritors of the worst kind; their combination of ignorance, arrogance, and an insatiable lust for power has caused havoc all over the world, and may threaten the democracy of the United States.

Ward follows their trajectory from New Jersey and New York City to the White House, where the couple’s many forays into policy-making and national security have mocked long-standing U.S. policy and protocol. They have pursued an agenda that could increase their wealth while their actions have mostly gone unchecked. In Kushner, Inc., Ward holds Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump accountable: she unveils the couple’s self-serving transactional motivations and how those have propelled them into the highest levels of the US government where no one, the President included, has been able to stop them.



One cautionary example is President Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, whose ticket into Harvard, according to the 2006 book The Price of Admission: How America’s Ruling Class Buys Its Way into Elite Colleges, was his father’s $2.5 million dollar gift to the university. Jared got his Harvard degree, but he has been the butt of social-media taunts precisely because his daddy had to pay a fortune to get the school to admit him. The cost of a brag-worthy degree? Millions. The cost of the right- and left-brain stuff? Priceless.


VISUALIZE REVOLUTION!.... We know where they live!


“Underwood is a Democrat and is seeking millions of dollars in penalties. She wants Trump and his eldest children barred from running other charities.”

Coulter: All Hail President Javanka!



 10 Apr 2019111



While other reporters waste their time examining Donald Trump’s public statements, interviewing his high school classmates and poring over legal filings, investigative reporter Vicky Ward has produced the definitive book on our current president.

For example, did you know our president got breast implants in high school (Ivanka claimed she was just “curvy”), bought his way into Harvard (Jared is even dumber than you thought), and together have no books in their New York apartment? (Some dispute that there are no books, citing “a few art books” or “decorator-curated books.”) 

Ward’s recently released blockbuster, 
Kushner, Inc.: Greed. Ambition. Corruption. The Extraordinary Story of Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, tells you all this and more about our actual commander in chief: President Javanka. 

On the bright side, Jared has stopped rolling his eyes so much about his father-in-law now that Trump is president, er, “president.” Until Trump’s nomination was a virtual lock, Jared was back in New York pretending not to be related to him. 

Only after Trump had racked up a slew of primary wins did a lightbulb go on in Jared’s head: Hey! This presidential campaign could be great for business! According to a close associate, Jared viewed the campaign as a terrific “networking opportunity.” 

In short order, Jared moved himself in, and moved campaign manager Corey Lewandowski out.


Trump’s loyal campaign manager had been with him through the “Mexican rapists” speech, Macy’s dumping Trump’s ties, the “McCain isn’t a war hero” controversy, the Muslim ban, the “hand size” embarrassment, and on and on and on. But when all was said and done and Trump was still cruising to victory, Jared and Ivanka walked in and delivered an ultimatum to Trump: “It’s Corey or us.” 

Jared would later shyly cop to being “[The Man Who] Won Trump the White House,” as a Forbes magazine cover story put it. 

And who understood the beating heart of the Trump voter like Jared and Ivanka? With Javanka in charge, the campaign schedule was soon bristling with such items as “women’s empowerment week,” “education week” and “entrepreneur week.” 

In no time, Trump was 16 points down and sinking fast. Steve Bannon was brought in, whereupon he promptly threw out all the Working Women’s Intersectional Global Warming weeks and got back to Trump’s issues. 

Jared assured Bannon that the campaign had $25 million on hand. That’s when Bannon had to explain “debits” to Kushner. The campaign had $25 million — provided you didn’t count all the unpaid expenses. When those were included, it turned out the campaign was in debt. 

As the SAT board had discovered, math wasn’t Jared’s strong suit. 

Although it has been well reported that Jared’s Harvard admission was purchased for him by his father, Ward produces a shocking new detail. Of the five tracks at Jared’s high school, he wasn’t at the bottom of track one, perhaps suitable for a lesser Ivy League with solid SAT scores. He wasn’t even in track two. Jared was in track three. But now he has co-opted the Make America Great Again movement for his own personal advancement. I guess that makes him smarter than Trump. 

Apart from staging photo-ops, including her “princess moment” at the inaugural ball (her words), Ivanka’s first order of business upon winning the presidency was assigning White House office space. Her map showed a big office for her, a big office for Jared — and also a nice corner office, which was designated “Trump family office.” 

Transition officials, Ward reports, “were surprised that the first lady did not appear to have an office. So, too, was Melania Trump, who quickly put an end to Ivanka’s scheming.” 

Jared’s BFF, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), and the crown prince of Abu Dhabi, Muhammad bin Zayed (MBZ), refer to Jared as “the clown prince.” Bone-cutter MBS assured those around him that he had Jared “in my pocket.” 

MBS and MBZ derided Jared’s Middle East peace plan as infantile, while using him to achieve their objective: war with Qatar. According to an American businessman’s leaked emails, their attitude was, “Nobody would even waste a cup of coffee on him if it wasn’t for who he is married to.” 

As one former top White House official explained: “Jared never understands the details of anything. He’s just impressed by names.” 

Following meetings at the White House and also with the Kushners over their 666 Fifth Avenue property, former Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim reported back to the emir that “the people atop the new administration were heavily motivated by personal financial interest.” 

After Ivanka’s speech introducing her father at the Republican National Convention — rivaled only by Billy Carter’s introduction of his brother, Jimmy! — she tweeted from her personal account: “Shop Ivanka’s look from her #RNC speech.” 

After the Trump family was interviewed on CBS’s “60 Minutes,” Ivanka’s company emailed out a “style alert” advertising the $10,800 diamond bracelet she’d worn on the show — “available from Ivanka Trump Fine Jewelry.” 

Ivanka has managed to win a slew of trademarks in China since her father became the Figurehead President, with several approvals being fast-tracked at about the same time Trump was hosting Chinese President Xi Jinping at Mar-a-Lago. 

Instead of “Make America Great Again,” the motto of the Trump presidency is, as one of Trump’s legal spokesmen put it: “The advance team for Jared and Ivanka.” 

This is not what anyone voted for. 


One cautionary example is President Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, whose ticket into Harvard, according to the 2006 book The Price of Admission: How America’s Ruling Class Buys Its Way into Elite Colleges, was his father’s $2.5 million dollar gift to the university. Jared got his Harvard degree, but he has been the butt of social-media taunts precisely because his daddy had to pay a fortune to get the school to admit him. The cost of a brag-worthy degree? Millions. The cost of the right- and left-brain stuff? Priceless.




“This taut and terrifying book is among the most closely observed accounts of Donald J. Trump’s shambolic tenure in office to date.” - Dwight Garner, The New York Times

Read an excerpt:
‘You’re a bunch of dopes and babies’: Inside Trump’s stunning tirade against generals


Washington Post national investigative reporter Carol Leonnig and White House bureau chief Philip Rucker, both Pulitzer Prize winners, provide the definitive insider narrative of Donald Trump’s unique presidency with shocking new reporting and insight into its implications.

“I alone can fix it.” So went Donald J. Trump’s march to the presidency on July 21, 2016, when he accepted the Republican presidential nomination in Cleveland, promising to restore what he described as a fallen nation. Yet over the subsequent years, as he has undertaken the actual work of the commander in chief, it has been hard to see beyond the daily chaos of scandal, investigation, and constant bluster. It would be all too easy to mistake Trump’s first term for one of pure and uninhibited chaos, but there were patterns to his behavior and that of his associates. The universal value of the Trump administration is loyalty - not to the country, but to the president himself - and Trump’s North Star has been the perpetuation of his own power, even when it meant imperiling our shaky and mistrustful democracy.

Leonnig and Rucker, with deep and unmatched sources throughout Washington, D.C., tell of rages and frenzies but also moments of courage and perseverance. Relying on scores of exclusive new interviews with some of the most senior members of the Trump administration and other firsthand witnesses, the authors reveal the forty-fifth president up close, taking readers inside Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation as well as the president’s own haphazard but ultimately successful legal defense. Here for the first time certain officials who have felt honor-bound not to publicly criticize a sitting president or to divulge what they witnessed in a position of trust tell the truth for the benefit of history.

This peerless and gripping narrative reveals 

President Trump at his most unvarnished and 

exposes how decision making in his administration 

has been driven by a reflexive logic of self-

preservation and self-aggrandizement - but a logic 

nonetheless. This is the story of how an 

unparalleled president has scrambled to survive and

tested the strength of America’s democracy and its 

common heart as a nation.


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