Sunday, October 4, 2020


As Trump Battles COVID, BLM/Antifa Disrupt Trump Rally in Beverly Hills

Beverly Hills Trump Rally
W. Reynolds, K. Teegardin

Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters descended upon a rally in support of President Donald Trump on Saturday in Beverly Hills, CA, a day after the president announced that he and First Lady Melania Trump had tested positive for COVID-19.

Left-wing protesters shouted, “Black Lives Matter.” Demonstrators also held signs reading, “NAZI TRUMPS FUCK OFF!” and “DEPORT NAZI SCUM.”

Breitbart News spoke with Whitney R., supporter of Trump who attended the rally in Beverly Hills. She said, “Everyone was dancing, having a nice time. They just started a prayer for the president. BLM and Antifa showed up. The police had to set up a barricade in the middle between them and the Trump supporters. BLM tried to start a fire in a trash can. Antifa was going up to people and taking pictures and videos of Trump supporters, getting right in their faces.”

W. Reynolds
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W. Reynolds
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Video posted to Twitter shows local police officers separating Trump supporters from Antifa and Black Lives Matter demonstrators.

The president’s supporters prominently displayed American flags and Trump 2020 signs. Some American flags included the thin blue line motif. Gadsden flags with the “Don’t Tread On Me” slogan were also visible. Other messages expressed support for God, Israel, police officers, and Trump.

Some of Trump’s supporters chanted, “U-S-A!!” as Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters approached them.

Police placed physical barriers separating the two sides.

Some of the left-wing demonstrators shouted incoherently at Trump’s supporters.

YouTube channel Alien Alphabet shared a livestream from the event via YouTube.

Is the United States in the Midst of an Insurgency?

The violence and rioting in the US result from far more than just dissatisfaction with the police.  Extreme ideological social justice movements today are more likely to carry firearms than items for a food pantry.  We currently face nothing less than the early stages of a socialist insurgency.

Insurgency is an organized rebellion to overthrow a constituted government by undermining its legitimacy through protest and disinformation, and ultimately through armed conflict. This may sound dramatic, but consider the steps already completed by BLM/ANTIFA in the Insurgency Pyramid used by the US Army Special Forces community to characterize an insurrection (Figure 1).

Initially, when the insurgents are still weak, they organize around a group that is actively dissatisfied with political and social conditions and desires ideological or other changes.  In America, who better to target than the poorest and least educated black Americans, for they already believe they have a legitimate grievance? 

Insurgents use propaganda and political efforts to exploit this atmosphere, creating more significant discontent that discredits the government.  BLM and ANTIFA have made it abundantly clear that they believe the existing government and socio-economic system are unjust and exclude them.

It’s well known that leftists intimidate people, so they refrain from presenting counter-factual arguments. Then, by spinning the narrative for high-profile events, they build credibility and feed the general sense of public dissatisfaction. 

Leftists are adept at vilifying anyone who defends the current system, even if they acknowledge its flaws and signal a willingness to improve it.  After all, who wouldn’t support racial justice?  Nonetheless, if you are not absolutely for the cause as presented, leftists will accuse you of being absolutely against it.  Hence, saying “All Lives Matter” is synonymous with “I’m a racist.”

The insurgents foment distrust for public institutions, which leads to more favorable public opinion for the insurgency. We’ve seen that BLM’s and Antifa’s preferred targets are the police and the judicial system, which are the very foundations of law and order.

At the same time that they garner popular support for the movement and vilify its opponents, the insurgents also work to infiltrate public institutions and spread their narrative into all sectors of society.  Celebrities, government officials, universities, corporations, and others have bought into the BLM narrative, either through intellectual laziness or for personal gain. This results in broad popular support through funding, quasi-intellectual backing, active protest and rioting, and even sympathetic inaction.

Hawk Newsome, the chairman of BLM’s New York chapter, claims BLM is following in the Black Panther Party’s footsteps and adds that former “Special Forces officers” train the movement to protect itself — presumably from the police.  Armed members have attempted to replace police officers in abandoned areas of Seattle and Atlanta.  Justifying and introducing armed insurgent personnel is a key step toward more militant acts. One example, from June 26, is the pre-planned ambush against two police officers in Tampa who were called to a phony shooting, only to have glass-bottle throwing rioters attack them.

Having foreign countries legitimize and support the insurgency is also critical. BLM protests erupted worldwide after George Floyd was killed, and Antifa has fraternal organizations across Europe.  It’s still unclear what America’s die-hard international enemies are doing to support BLM and Antifa. Still, if they aren’t acting yet, they are most certainly looking for their opportunities.

Insurgency Pyramid. Actions already completed or begun by BLM/ANTIFA are in color.  These actions do not have to take place in the order they are listed. Graphic by Matt Rowe.

The three co-founders of BLM — Patrisse Khan Cullors, Alicia Garza, and Opal Tometi — all have Marxist Socialism at the core of their ideologies.  According to the Capital Research Center, the three women worked for the Freedom Road Socialist Organization’s front groups. The FRSO is one of the country’s largest radical-left organizations. Tometi actively promotes Socialism and anti-western socio-economics, while Cullors has publicly stated that the leaders of BLM are “trained Marxists.”

Antifa nominally believes that the country is heading toward Fascism and touts President Trump’s election and “America First” platform as proof. The organization has existed since the 1980s, but its radical anti-globalism and anti-capitalist rhetoric was inconsequential. By taking on BLM’s “anti-racist” cause, Antifa significantly increased its opportunities to act.  Antifa has not hidden its Marxist Socialist objectives, but it has modified the traditional conflict from “workers versus the owners of capital” to “identity conflicts” based upon race, gender, sexual orientation, etc.

The vast majority of BLM members and supporters make up what Vladimir Lenin called “the useful idiots.”  That is, the people actively working for a cause without really understanding the cause’s objectives.  They are cynically being used to achieve an end they may have never intended.  The core organizers’ goal is to keep the useful idiots blind to the truth for as long as possible while indoctrinating them into the cause.

To defeat this insurgency, we must eliminate the dissatisfaction that drives the largest groups of actors.  We cannot change the political beliefs of hardcore Marxists. Still, we can help lift the millions of the poorest and least educated black (and other) Americans out of their current conditions and deteriorating culture.  First, we must counter the propaganda that their plight is the result of current systemic racism. Instead, they must be led to understand that their current problems are the result of old behaviors. They require new solutions that will reintegrate them into society to give them a genuine stake and the ability to exercise legitimate influence.  

Doing so will deprive the insurgency of millions of activists. It will also harness the sympathetic energies of the millions of people who understand that there is a problem but are misled into believing the insurgency can fix it. This means acknowledging that the pain our most impoverished communities experience, regardless of race, comes from long-standing cultural behaviors.

We must redirect cultures that have a history of welfare dependency; single motherhood, depriving children of fathers; skyrocketing numbers of high school dropouts who are unprepared to meet the needs of an increasingly technological society; higher risks of drug use and dependence; the extraordinarily higher crime rates with community members as both predators and victims; and the isolation and utter hopelessness that comes from being trapped there. 

Good families, good educations, real opportunities, and the hope that every person can achieve the American dream are not racial or police issues.  What we’re currently seeing is a halfway completed insurgency. If we are to end this unrest, we must face these truths and develop longer-term solutions immediately.  Otherwise, judging by socialist “successes” worldwide, the suffering could increase exponentially for all of us.

Matt Rowe is a US Army Special Forces veteran and an independent business management consultant. He earned his MBA from the University of Notre Dame after graduating magna cum laude from Campbell University with a BS in government.  He has written feature articles for several publications, and his first novel, White Passage: Red Sun, is loosely based upon his experience in the “drug war” in Latin America.

Down Goes Biden

Has there ever been a presidential nominee who looked more overmatched by his opponent?  Contrary to what the pundits in the mainstream media would have you believe, President Donald Trump obliterated Joe Biden in the presidential debate on Tuesday night, and it really was not even close.  This was an Ali-Liston fight without a first round phantom punch.  For 90 minutes, the president landed one body blow after another, leaving the former vice-president reeling with his back against the ropes, only to be rescued by Chris Wallace, the debate “moderator,” who repeatedly made the president return to his neutral corner by silencing him.  Spare me the “Trump did not act presidential” hogwash.  Considering that Biden received a pass for referring to Trump as the “worst president” the country ever had, called him a “clown” and a “racist,” and told him to “shut up,” the national media has zero credibility lecturing Trump about presidential decorum.

Trump’s winning strategy was clear from the start.  He forced Biden to either embrace the radical left wing of his party or disavow it.  Whichever answer Biden provided would be a losing proposition for him.  Embracing the far left would provide Trump the opportunity to paint him as a socialist who supports the Bernie Sanders/Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez agenda.  Disavowing the radical left would cause Biden to lose support from the extreme wing of his party.  Biden chose the latter, further playing right into Trump’s hands.  “You agreed with Bernie’s manifesto,” Trump said.  “There is no manifesto,” Biden responded.  “You just lost the left,” an elated Trump said.  Checkmate.

Not a single person who watched the debate in its entirety can say with any degree of intellectual integrity that Biden looked like someone ready to become the next commander in chief. From start to finish, Trump appeared much more energetic, and was sharp, confident, and strong.  Biden appeared haggard, old, frail, and weak.  The president spoke extemporaneously, while Biden continuously looked down at his notes.  At times he resembled a once mediocre method actor auditioning for a play, unable to remember what his lines were on the script he was holding in front of him.  “We’re going to build an economy that in fact is going to provide for the ability to take four million buildings and make sure that they in fact are weatherized in a way that in fact that they’ll omit significantly less gas and oil because the heat will not be going out...There’s many people today driving their kids to soccer practice, and or, black and white or Hispanic, in the same car,” Biden said.

There was not a single exchange where Biden had the upper hand. Perhaps it is for that reason that Wallace felt the need to level the playing field by frequently interrupting the president virtually every time he was ready to land another uppercut to his opponent.  As Trump rightly pointed out during the debate, at times it appeared as though he were debating both Biden and Wallace.  In one bizarre exchange, Wallace repeatedly asked the president to denounce white supremacy, after he had already done so twice.  In another instance, Wallace turned into a prosecutor and cross-examined Trump about climate change.

Meanwhile, Biden refused to denounce Antifa or BLM for the rioting and looting that has wreaked havoc in Portland and Kenosha.  “I don’t hold public office now... Antifa is an idea, not an organization,” Biden said.  No viewer will come away from this debate questioning where Trump stands on the issues that matter to the voters.  One wonders if even the most ardent Biden supporters can say with a straight face where he stands on any single issue.

Biden repeatedly played both sides on virtually every policy proposal.  For instance, when he was asked whether or not he would support ending the filibuster or packing the court he said, “Whatever position I take on that will become the issue.  The issue is the American people should speak.  You should go out and vote.  Vote and let your senators know how you feel.”  As if telling the American people to vote or call their senator provides any clarity as to where Biden stands on the issue.  


When Trump accused Biden of destroying the economy with his climate plan Biden said, “The Green New Deal is not my plan,” apparently forgetting that on his website it says, “Biden believes the Green New Deal is a crucial framework.”  Later in the debate, Biden said “The Green New Deal will pay for itself as we move forward.”  When he was asked again by Wallace if he supported it he said, “No, I don’t support the Green New Deal.” In the words of the immortal John Kerry, Biden voted for the Green New Deal before he voted against it.

When Biden tried to blame Trump for his handling of the coronavirus by saying, “A lot of people died, and a lot more are going to die unless he gets a lot smarter a lot quicker,” the president shot back, “Did you use the word smart?  You said you went to Delaware State, but you forgot the name of your college.  You didn’t go to Delaware State.  You graduated either the lowest or almost the lowest in your class, don’t ever use the word smart with me... There’s nothing smart about you, Joe.  47 years you’ve done nothing.”

There were several moments throughout the debate when Biden tried to be the aggressor, but his attacks on Trump backfired, either by his own doing or through the president’s rebukes.  When Biden attacked Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett for supposedly threatening to overturn Roe V. Wade, Trump immediately struck him down.  “That’s on the ballot, in the court, that’s also at stake right now.” Biden said.  “You don’t know that it’s on the ballot.  Why is it on the ballot, there’s nothing happening there.” Trump shot back.  Biden was left gasping for air, before Wallace quickly moved on to the next topic.

In case anyone forgot that Trump has a sense of humor, he reminded us of that too.  When Biden attacked Trump for holding rallies during the coronavirus, the president reasoned that Biden was using the virus as an excuse for his lack of crowd support.  “People want to hear what I have to say.  I’ll have 25,000, or 35,000 people showing up at airports… So far we’ve had no problem whatsoever.  It’s outside, that’s a big difference according to the experts... Joe does the circles and has three people in some places... If you could get the crowds you would have done the same thing, but you can’t.”

Perhaps Trump’s most effective line of attack came when he pressed Biden for refusing to say the words “law and order.” This was a similar strategy that he used to great effect in 2016, when he attacked President Obama and Hillary Clinton for refusing to say the words “Radical Islamic Terrorist.”  “The people of this country want law and order, and you’re afraid to even say it,” Trump said.  “He doesn’t want to say it because he’ll lose his radical left supporters.”  When Trump pressed Biden to name one law enforcement group that supported him, Biden was left speechless.

These debates are rarely ever solely about who has better policies, or who seems like a nicer human being, but rather about who looks more ready to become the next leader of the Free World.  Trump was the clear winner by a unanimous decision.  As the late sportscaster Howard Cosell would say, “Down Goes Biden.”

SUV plows into BLM protesters on their bicycles blocking Fifth Avenue in Manhattan before the driver flees

  • A speeding SUV plowed into a group of cyclists who were protesting
  • The incident was caught on camera and shows a black Infinity SUV hurtling down Fifth Avenue close to Madison Square Park 
  • It happened on Saturday night in the Flatiron District at around 7:15pm
  • Two people have been hospitalized after the car struck cyclists and then fled
  • No arrests have been made and an investigation is ongoing

A speeding SUV crashed through a group of Black Lives Matter protesters who were cycling through Manhattan on Saturday night.

The crash was caught on video thanks to another biker's helmet camera.

It showed the black vehicle speeding down Fifth Avenue near Madison Square Park in the Flatiron District at around 7:15pm. 

Suddenly, without warning, the car drives directly into the group of bikers knocking several to the ground. 

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The car was caught on camera as it rammed into Black Lives Matter protesters in Manhattan

The car was caught on camera as it rammed into Black Lives Matter protesters in Manhattan

Several cyclists were immediately flung to the ground as the car slammed through them

Several cyclists were immediately flung to the ground as the car slammed through them

The remains of a twisted bike can be seen along with other injured protesters on the ground

The remains of a twisted bike can be seen along with other injured protesters on the ground

'It's not to say that wealthy people, privileged people haven't been compassionate,' the man says as he appears to be in mid-flow of explaining the evening's protest. 

Suddenly the vehicle then plows directly into the cyclists.

'Oh s***!' exclaims the man on the footage as the driver brings the vehicle to stop for a moment before speeding off.

Fellow protesters run to the aid of the cyclists who had been injured and lying in the middle of the road. 

Emergency services were quickly on scene to aid those who were injured in the crash

Emergency services were quickly on scene to aid those who were injured in the crash

Authorities say two people were taken to hospital with minor injuries, according to the New York Daily News although it is believed as many as five ambulances were sent to the scene. 

Police are currently looking for the driver of the SUV who fled the accident, however no arrests have yet been made. 

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