Sunday, October 4, 2020

JOE BIDEN - THE END IS NEAR! - At times he resembled a once mediocre method actor auditioning for a play, unable to remember what his lines were on the script he was holding in front of him.

 Joe Biden, the corrupt, unaccomplished 47-year career politician, with a reputation of having been a proud segregationist, an unabashed plagiarist and liar, a resolute tale-teller, and a serial flip-flopper, is pretending to head up a radical social-democratic ticket for President of the United States that includes as his running mate the ambitious, disagreeable junior senator from California: Kamala Harris. 

Down Goes Biden

Has there ever been a presidential nominee who looked more overmatched by his opponent?  Contrary to what the pundits in the mainstream media would have you believe, President Donald Trump obliterated Joe Biden in the presidential debate on Tuesday night, and it really was not even close.  This was an Ali-Liston fight without a first round phantom punch.  For 90 minutes, the president landed one body blow after another, leaving the former vice-president reeling with his back against the ropes, only to be rescued by Chris Wallace, the debate “moderator,” who repeatedly made the president return to his neutral corner by silencing him.  Spare me the “Trump did not act presidential” hogwash.  Considering that Biden received a pass for referring to Trump as the “worst president” the country ever had, called him a “clown” and a “racist,” and told him to “shut up,” the national media has zero credibility lecturing Trump about presidential decorum.

Trump’s winning strategy was clear from the start.  He forced Biden to either embrace the radical left wing of his party or disavow it.  Whichever answer Biden provided would be a losing proposition for him.  Embracing the far left would provide Trump the opportunity to paint him as a socialist who supports the Bernie Sanders/Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez agenda.  Disavowing the radical left would cause Biden to lose support from the extreme wing of his party.  Biden chose the latter, further playing right into Trump’s hands.  “You agreed with Bernie’s manifesto,” Trump said.  “There is no manifesto,” Biden responded.  “You just lost the left,” an elated Trump said.  Checkmate.

Not a single person who watched the debate in its entirety can say with any degree of intellectual integrity that Biden looked like someone ready to become the next commander in chief. From start to finish, Trump appeared much more energetic, and was sharp, confident, and strong.  Biden appeared haggard, old, frail, and weak.  The president spoke extemporaneously, while Biden continuously looked down at his notes.  At times he resembled a once mediocre method actor auditioning for a play, unable to remember what his lines were on the script he was holding in front of him.  “We’re going to build an economy that in fact is going to provide for the ability to take four million buildings and make sure that they in fact are weatherized in a way that in fact that they’ll omit significantly less gas and oil because the heat will not be going out...There’s many people today driving their kids to soccer practice, and or, black and white or Hispanic, in the same car,” Biden said.

There was not a single exchange where Biden had the upper hand. Perhaps it is for that reason that Wallace felt the need to level the playing field by frequently interrupting the president virtually every time he was ready to land another uppercut to his opponent.  As Trump rightly pointed out during the debate, at times it appeared as though he were debating both Biden and Wallace.  In one bizarre exchange, Wallace repeatedly asked the president to denounce white supremacy, after he had already done so twice.  In another instance, Wallace turned into a prosecutor and cross-examined Trump about climate change.

Meanwhile, Biden refused to denounce Antifa or BLM for the rioting and looting that has wreaked havoc in Portland and Kenosha.  “I don’t hold public office now... Antifa is an idea, not an organization,” Biden said.  No viewer will come away from this debate questioning where Trump stands on the issues that matter to the voters.  One wonders if even the most ardent Biden supporters can say with a straight face where he stands on any single issue.

Biden repeatedly played both sides on virtually every policy proposal.  For instance, when he was asked whether or not he would support ending the filibuster or packing the court he said, “Whatever position I take on that will become the issue.  The issue is the American people should speak.  You should go out and vote.  Vote and let your senators know how you feel.”  As if telling the American people to vote or call their senator provides any clarity as to where Biden stands on the issue.  


When Trump accused Biden of destroying the economy with his climate plan Biden said, “The Green New Deal is not my plan,” apparently forgetting that on his website it says, “Biden believes the Green New Deal is a crucial framework.”  Later in the debate, Biden said “The Green New Deal will pay for itself as we move forward.”  When he was asked again by Wallace if he supported it he said, “No, I don’t support the Green New Deal.” In the words of the immortal John Kerry, Biden voted for the Green New Deal before he voted against it.

When Biden tried to blame Trump for his handling of the coronavirus by saying, “A lot of people died, and a lot more are going to die unless he gets a lot smarter a lot quicker,” the president shot back, “Did you use the word smart?  You said you went to Delaware State, but you forgot the name of your college.  You didn’t go to Delaware State.  You graduated either the lowest or almost the lowest in your class, don’t ever use the word smart with me... There’s nothing smart about you, Joe.  47 years you’ve done nothing.”

There were several moments throughout the debate when Biden tried to be the aggressor, but his attacks on Trump backfired, either by his own doing or through the president’s rebukes.  When Biden attacked Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett for supposedly threatening to overturn Roe V. Wade, Trump immediately struck him down.  “That’s on the ballot, in the court, that’s also at stake right now.” Biden said.  “You don’t know that it’s on the ballot.  Why is it on the ballot, there’s nothing happening there.” Trump shot back.  Biden was left gasping for air, before Wallace quickly moved on to the next topic.

In case anyone forgot that Trump has a sense of humor, he reminded us of that too.  When Biden attacked Trump for holding rallies during the coronavirus, the president reasoned that Biden was using the virus as an excuse for his lack of crowd support.  “People want to hear what I have to say.  I’ll have 25,000, or 35,000 people showing up at airports… So far we’ve had no problem whatsoever.  It’s outside, that’s a big difference according to the experts... Joe does the circles and has three people in some places... If you could get the crowds you would have done the same thing, but you can’t.”

Perhaps Trump’s most effective line of attack came when he pressed Biden for refusing to say the words “law and order.” This was a similar strategy that he used to great effect in 2016, when he attacked President Obama and Hillary Clinton for refusing to say the words “Radical Islamic Terrorist.”  “The people of this country want law and order, and you’re afraid to even say it,” Trump said.  “He doesn’t want to say it because he’ll lose his radical left supporters.”  When Trump pressed Biden to name one law enforcement group that supported him, Biden was left speechless.

These debates are rarely ever solely about who has better policies, or who seems like a nicer human being, but rather about who looks more ready to become the next leader of the Free World.  Trump was the clear winner by a unanimous decision.  As the late sportscaster Howard Cosell would say, “Down Goes Biden.”

 Joe Biden: Unfit for Office 

By Gary M. Wilmott

Never in American history has a major political party nominated two candidates for president and vice-president who are so manifestly unfit for the elective offices they seek.

Joe Biden, the corrupt, unaccomplished 47-year career politician, with a reputation of having been a proud segregationist, an unabashed plagiarist and liar, a resolute tale-teller, and a serial flip-flopper, is pretending to head up a radical social-democratic ticket for President of the United States that includes as his running mate the ambitious, disagreeable junior senator from California: Kamala Harris. 

Biden, Obama’s vice-presidential lackey for eight years (a period of unprecedented corruption and personal enrichment for both men), has always craved power and attention.  But unfortunately for Joe, his mouth, hands, and nose have consistently undermined his presidential ambitions. 

This year, courtesy of an international pandemic, unprecedented social unrest, an obsequious leftist media, and the customary DNC shenanigans, Biden miraculously emerged from the basement as the last Democrat candidate standing -- figuratively speaking, of course. 

Touted as the most acceptable contender in a general election, the ever-manipulative DNC, with assists from Majority Whip James Clyburn, foisted the 77-year old empty suit on the Democrat voters, despite an interminable career of incompetence and uncontrollable pervy conduct around women and young girls, including a credible allegation of sexual assault.

Joe Biden is the DNC’s so-called “empathy candidate,” and “restorer of America’s soul.”  Uncle Joe -- the perpetual advocate of blue-collar, lunch-bucket workers, friend of the common man, and supposed champion of every solution destined to restore calm to the country and dignity to the White House -- is the candidate that cares about you. Not like the brash, egotistical, illegitimate, and unrefined President Trump.

And yet, despite a lethargic, uninspiring campaign, and a shocking dearth of mental competence and physical vivacity on Joe’s part, Biden stands incredibly today, at the pinnacle of his political career; anointed as the Democrat Party’s nominee for president, despite two prior, failed attempts, including one in the last century.  

Joe’s good fortune, however, is based on a lie; a political mythology, as it were, deviously by the elite power brokers,  that Joe was, and still is, a moderate and is therefore, the most electable Democrat out there.  It cannot be based on the candidate’s unifying, optimistic, and patriotic vision for the future, because there is none.  There are no reasonable, practical, and substantive ideas being proffered regarding freedom, liberty, prosperity, and security for the American people.  On the contrary, the Harris-Biden candidacy is distinguished by a dark, overtly divisive, and destructive agenda, masked most days by shameless untruths and unrelenting criticism of President Trump. So much for empathy and unity.

Once the nomination was secured, Biden promptly sold his soul to the radical left wing of the Democrat Party for the purpose of appeasing the puppet masters and fulfilling his lifelong dream. Biden, the overrated, aging, and broken-down pol just wants to be president. And perhaps even more so, “Dr. Jill” wants to be First Lady.  If Joe needs to be scripted, guided, and controlled by radical left-wing power brokers and his stonyhearted wife, so be it.  Integrity, honesty, and principled positions are not essential elements of the Biden’s quest for power, perks, and prestige.  Come On, Man!

In his effort to bamboozle the American voter, Biden has effectively embraced the anti-American, Marxist policies of Obama, Sanders, and Ocasio-Cortez while still pretending to be a moderate.  The treasonous fake news media and propaganda arm of the DNC have enthusiastically aided and abetted Biden as they shamelessly promote the centrist lie. 

Sadly, this dishonest and extremely corrosive strategy, if successful, will only serve to hasten the destruction of the America as we know it.  Socialist-Marxist policies implemented by a radical Harris-Biden administration will undoubtedly diminish our freedoms, our liberty, threaten our security, and severely impact our daily pursuit of happiness and prosperity.  We would be on the fast-track to Obama’s “fundamental transformation” of America.

It’s not the radical, anti-American policies that make Joe Biden unfit for office, however.  Rather it is the indisputable fact that Joe is not all there. Joe Biden is a hollow man. He is incredibly low energy, with obviously declining faculties. Joe Biden is physically and mentally incapable of performing the duties and responsibilities of the most difficult job in the world.  Joe Biden does not have the cognitive abilities to  string coherent sentences together without the use of notes or teleprompter, let alone make critical decisions.  Physically and mentally, Biden is a shell of his former self.

The prospect of a 78-year-old man of such diminished capacities in the White House is terrifying, to say the least. Coupled with his unprincipled embrace of hard-left policies, a Biden presidency would pose an unprecedented danger to the country.  A President Biden on the national and international stage would be an embarrassment to America and would confer way too much power and influence on Barack Obama and Valerie Jarrett (Obama’s brain), and the ambitious, “harpy in waiting,” Kamala Harris.

There can be no doubt, that a President Joe Biden would merely be a figurehead. A dithering and doddering Biden will be allowed to masquerade as POTUS until such time as the puppeteers find it expedient to wheel Joe and his security blanket out the White House door, replaced by Kamala Harris.  Harris in fact, has publicly and accurately stated that the correct designation, is in fact, the “Harris-Biden ticket.” Kamala knows the plan, and apparently Joe is okay with his “second fiddle” status as he has recently confirmed the reality of a Harris-Biden ticket. The truth is that the Harris -Biden campaign is nothing more than a cynical manipulation of public opinion, with Biden being the empty vessel by which power is attained.

Likewise, Wall Street is behind Biden’s plan to hugely expand legal immigration levels, beyond already historical highs at 1.2 million green cards and 1.4 million visa workers a year.

Biden has elated Wall Street so much that for the first time in a decade, more financial executives are donating to Democrat candidates than Republicans, the latest Center for Responsive Politics analysis reveals.


CNN: ‘All the Big Banks’ on Wall Street Backing Joe Biden Against Trump

SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images

28 Sep 20203,632


Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden is raking in Wall Street cash from all the big banks at five times the rate of President Trump, a CNN report admits.

An analysis by CNN found that “all the big banks are backing Biden” against Trump, with the former vice president taking a larger margin of Wall Street donations than even failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton did in 2016.

CNN reports:

The securities and investment industry donated just $10.5 million to Trump’s presidential campaign and outside groups aligned with it, according to a new tally by OpenSecrets. It has sent nearly five times as much cash, $51.1 million, to Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. [Emphasis added]

That means Trump is losing the fundraising race among Wall Streeters by a slightly greater magnitude than in 2016. During that cycle, former New York Senator Hillary Clinton and groups aligned with her raised $88 million from the securities and investment industry, while Trump took in just $20.8 million. [Emphasis added]

But a CNN Business analysis of OpenSecrets research shows that Biden is beating Trump in fundraising from all of America’s big banks — in some cases by wide margins. [Emphasis added]

At the big banks — which saw little-to-no consequences for their role in the 2008 financial crisis — Biden is sweeping up donations from employees by huge margins. At Goldman Sachs, for example, Biden has raised more than $156,000, while Trump has taken less than $12,000.

JPMorgan Chase employees have given three times as much campaign cash to Biden as Trump. Biden has taken nearly $380,000. At Morgan Stanley, Biden has taken more than twice as much as Trump, taking nearly $258,000 from the bank’s employees compared to Trump’s $96,010.

Despite pitching himself as a defender of blue-collar Americans, Biden has not only been widely backed by Wall Street but also by wealthy residents on Park Avenue.

Biden’s campaign has raised over $1 million from donors living on Park Avenue, according to Federal Election Commission (FEC) filings, as Breitbart News reported. This is more than eight times the $127,000 raised by the Trump campaign from the same area.

This month, Biden touted Wall Street’s support for his plan to abolish America’s suburbs by seizing control of local zoning laws to construct housing developments and multi-family buildings in neighborhoods. Likewise, Wall Street is behind Biden’s plan to hugely expand legal immigration levels, beyond already historical highs at 1.2 million green cards and 1.4 million visa workers a year.

Biden has elated Wall Street so much that for the first time in a decade, more financial executives are donating to Democrat candidates than Republicans, the latest Center for Responsive Politics analysis reveals.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.


Six Most Misleading Claims from Joe Biden

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden shows a card he carries which has daily updates on US troop casualties and updated figures of Covid-19 infections and deaths in the US and in Michigan, as he speaks at the United Auto Workers (UAW) Union Headquarters in Warren, Michigan, on September 9, 2020. …
JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images/Bombardier Books

Former vice president and 2020 Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden has misled the public on multiple occasions throughout his career.

According to The Quotable Joe: Corn Pop, Dog-Faced Pony Soldiers, and Other Malarkey from America’s Most Embarrassing Candidate, there are at least six times when he outright misled the public with his false claims:

1. Biden Falsely Claimed He Marched in the Civil Rights Movement in 1987

Biden was campaigning for the Democrat nomination for president in 1987 when he claimed he marched in the civil rights movement.

“When I marched in the civil rights movement, I did not march with a 12-point program,” Biden said in New Hampshire in February 1987, according to the New York Times. “I marched with tens of thousands of others to change attitudes. And we changed attitudes.”

His advisers had to gently remind him that he did not march with civil rights activists, but Biden kept telling the story anyway.

2. Biden Falsely Claimed He Saved Millions of Lives from Ebola

At the February 2020 Democrat primary debate in South Carolina, Biden claimed his efforts “played a role” in saving “millions of lives” throughout the Ebola epidemic that took place under the Obama administration.

“What we did with Ebola—I was part of making sure that pandemic did not get to the United States, saved millions of
lives. And what we did, we set up, I helped set up that office in the presidency, in the president’s office, on diseases that are pandemic diseases,” Biden said.

“We increased the budget of the CDC. We increased the NIH budget. We should—and our president today—and he’s wiped all that out. We did it. We stopped it,” he continued.

But the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) statistics show that the 2014-2016 Ebola epidemic centered in Africa, infecting 28,600 people and killing 11,325 people on that continent alone.

Biden also repeatedly referred to Ebola as a “pandemic,” which means a disease that has spread worldwide, instead of an “epidemic,” wherein the spread of disease is more localized.

3. Biden Falsely Claimed He Created “Shovel-Ready Jobs”

Biden delivered a speech in July 2020 in New Castle, Delaware, when he reminded everyone about how he was tasked with being in charge of the 2009 “stimulus,” also known as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

The stimulus turned out to be a failure, costing the U.S. $862 million to state and local governments and Democrat special interests. But Biden talked about his record in a positive light. Biden said:

When we usually talk about jobs packages, there’s a big push on ‘shovel-ready jobs. I’m the guy, as you may remember [who] managed the Recovery Act of 800-plus billion dollars. I always focused on ‘shovel-ready jobs,’ what we could do immediately, to get the money out in communities.

In October 2010, former President Barack Obama said there was “no such thing” as shovel-ready jobs “when it comes to public works,” the New York Times reported.

4. Biden Falsely Claimed He Defeated ISIS

Biden claimed in January 2020 during a presidential primary debate in Des Moines, Iowa, that he, along with the rest of the Obama administration, defeated the Islamic State (ISIS). However, the terrorist group, which was founded in 1999, did not rise to prominence until the 2010s.

“I was part of the coalition that put together 68 counties to deal with stateless terror as well as failed states. Not us alone, 68 other countries, that’s how we were able to defeat and end the caliphate [of ] ISIS,” Biden said of his work during the Obama administration.

Despite Biden’s claim, the Obama administration was inefficient at fighting the terror group. It was only in 2017, after President Donald Trump took office, that ISIS began to lose territory and fighters.

5. Biden Falsely Claimed over 120 Million Dead from the Coronavirus

Biden claimed that the coronavirus killed 120 million people in a July 2020 speech on health care in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, just moments before his livestream went dead.

“You have, unnecessarily, now we have over 120 million dead from COVID,” Biden said, right as the live stream appeared to go under. The U.S. only had 124,000 fatalities at the time of his speech, Breitbart News reported.

6. Biden Falsely Claimed His Deceased Son Was the U.S. Attorney General

Biden delivered remarks at a CNN town hall event where he claimed his deceased son Beau Biden was the attorney general of the United States.

Only problem is, that position was held by the likes of Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch during the Obama administration. Beau Biden served as Delaware’s attorney general.

“My son—my deceased son—was the Attorney General of the United States and before that, he was a federal prosecutor in
one of the largest office’s [sic] in the country in Philadelphia,” Biden said.

For more of Biden’s misleading claims contained in The Quotable Joe, you can purchase the book here.

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