Friday, December 11, 2020

DID MEXICO ELECT HISPANDERING JOE BIDEN? - IF NOT THEN WHY ALL THEIR ENDLESS HISPANDERING??? - Voters had a right to wonder if the nation’s highest law enforcement official had taken a look at voting by illegal aliens, a crime punishable by one year in prison, deportation and inadmissibility. Even so, in California, voting by illegals is already inherent in the system.

Lowering the Barr

Has the DOJ become the pro bono law firm of the Deep State?


“We have put together the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics,” said Joe Biden on October 24, and duly confirmed on November 3. With Trump holding a lead in critical states, the voting suddenly stopped and harvested ballots came pouring in for Biden. Mail ballots had been handled by a postal union that endorsed Joe Biden, a clear conflict of interest. No identification required, ballots backdated, poll workers shielded from observation, and so forth. Plenty to see here, but not for Attorney General William Barr.

“To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election,” Barr said in a December 1 interview

Voters had a right to wonder if the nation’s highest law enforcement official had taken a look at voting by illegal aliens, a crime punishable by one year in prison, deportation and inadmissibility. Even so, in California, voting by illegals is already inherent in the system.

When illegals get driver’s licenses, the DMV automatically registers them to vote, and by 2018 the “motor voter” program added one million “new” voters to the rolls. In March, Gov. Gavin Newsom ordered mail ballots sent to every registered voter in California, which includes all the illegals registered by the DMV. Secretary of state Alex Padilla, who opposed a federal probe of voter fraud after the 2016 election, won’t say how many illegals voted in 2018 and 2020. If Barr made any effort to uncover the extent of this crime, nothing has come to light. On other fronts, the attorney general has been busy.

Also on December 1, Barr appointed U.S. Attorney John Durham as special counsel to investigate the origins of the Russia probe. Durham has been investigating the matter since 2019 and to date has only brought a single charge against FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith for altering a document. High-profile players such as James Comey and Peter Strzok, Andrew McCabe, Bruce Ohr and others have escaped prosecution. By kicking the probe down the road, Barr effectively kills it off. That should come as no surprise, given Barr’s history of defending deadly government operations against American civilians.

In his January, 2019, Senate confirmation hearings, Democrats asked Barr if he had ever undertaken pro bono activities to serve the “disadvantaged.” As James Bovard observed, “nobody is asking about Barr’s legal crusade for blanket immunity for federal agents who killed American citizens.”

During the Ruby Ridge siege of 1992, FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi shot unarmed Vicki Weaver in the head as she held her infant child. Snipers are trained carefully to “acquire” the target so the killing was not accidental. Horiuchi had already shot Vicki’s husband Randy in the back, and as Bovard recalls, “the suspects were never given a warning or a chance to surrender and had taken no action against FBI agents.”

This went down during Barr’s first stint as attorney general from 1991-1993. Barr spent two weeks organizing former attorney generals to defend Horiuchi, who already had government lawyers working on his behalf. Barr told reporters he was not directly involved in Ruby Ridge but the Washington Post revealed that the DOJ made 20 telephone contacts with the operation, two of them from William Barr.

The Weaver family filed a wrongful death lawsuit and the DOJ paid $3 million. When an Idaho county filed criminal charges against Horiuchi, Barr sought immunity for the FBI sniper. Appeal court judge Alex Kozinski warned of a “007 standard for the use of deadly force” against American citizens who posed no immediate threat.

The shoot-without-provocation rules were approved by the FBI’s Larry Potts. When Clinton attorney general Janet Reno nominated Potts to head the FBI, William Barr told the New York Times Potts was “deliberate and careful” and “I can’t think of enough good things to say about him.” So no surprise that Barr would find nothing amiss with the FBI bosses who conducted covert operations to smear candidate Donald Trump and attempted to take down the duly elected president of the United States.

Barr did put John Durham on their tail, but as the AG has now revealed, that was all for show.

A ballpark figure for the number of corrupt DOJ and FBI officials who will face criminal charges, much less serve prison time, is zero. Attorney General Barr has no problem with that, nor with those who killed off fair elections, a pillar of American democracy.

“You won fair and square, Joe,” Barr said in effect on December 1. “And listen up, Jim, Peter, Lisa, Bruce and all the rest. No worries, I’ve had your back from the start.” For all but the willfully blind the lessons should be evident.

The DOJ has become the pro bono law firm of the deep state, defending bad actors in the government. The FBI has become the American KGB, off limits to oversight, ignoring government criminals, and deploying military force against the people. Stay safe everybody.

WSJ: Joe Biden’s Deputies Alarmed by Growing Tide of Migrants

Honduran migrants, who were heading in a caravan to the US, speak with a police officer at a checkpoint after voluntarily agreeing to return to theirr country, in Morales, Guatemala on October 3, 2020. - Over 2.000 Hondurans requested local authorities to return to their country, according to police data …
Johan ORDONEZ / AFP) (Photo by JOHAN ORDONEZ/AFP via Getty Images

Joe Biden’s deputies now recognize that their campaign promises to welcome migrants into a claimed “Nation of Immigrants” are encouraging many migrants to take him up on that welcome, according to the Wall Street Journal.

“The Biden transition team has grown concerned about a surge of asylum seekers at the border,” the Journal reported December 9. Deputies are “trying to decide which policies to change and when, in order to fulfill Mr. Biden’s campaign promises without creating the appearance of leniency, according to people familiar with the matter.”

More migrants are now heading towards the U.S. border, and progressive judges are cutting more loopholes on the border.

On December 10, for example, Reuters reported that a small caravan of a few hundred migrants has begun in Honduras:

Mostly younger migrants with backpacks and some women carrying children left the northern city of San Pedro Sula on foot for the Guatemalan border after calls went out on social media to organize a caravan to the United States.

If the exodus grows, it could become the first major caravan to hit the road since Joe Biden defeated U.S. President Donald Trump in a presidential election last month.

In mid-November, the ACLU and other pro-migrant groups persuaded a D.C. judge to order the agency to stop sending youths and children home under the Title 42 disease protection rules adopted by the administration.

Other migrants are already at the U.S. border. They include many youths and children who hope to be delivered by coyotes to U.S border agencies and then forwarded to their parents living illegally in U.S. cities. “In October, 4,630 unaccompanied children were taken into custody by border patrol agents, up from 712 in April,” the Journal reported.

Biden and his deputies will face a backlash as they disappoint the more radical pro-migration activists, including ethnic lobbies and immigration lawyers.

For example, on December 9, Sen. Kamala Harris carefully declined to repeat Biden’s pro-migration campaign promises. Instead, she offered a series of vague promises to a meeting of ethnic and racial advocates at a virtual conference:

Joe Biden and I will work to right the wrongs of these past four years, and honor and advance America’s heritage as a Nation of Immigrants. We know that immigrants have always made our country’s stronger and that is what they are doing today … together we will build a better, more humane immigration system. In our first 100 days, we will send an immigration bill to Congress, reinstate DACA, repeal harmful and discriminatory policies like the Muslim ban, and during our administration, we will repeal indiscriminate enforcement policies that tear families apart and make us less safe.

So thank you again for all the work you have done and continue to do. That work is not easy. I know. But I know also that we can deliver the change we need, and President-Elect Biden and I are looking forward to working alongside you in the months and the years ahead.

Democrats learned in 2014 and 2016 that their open border policies are deeply unpopular — especially during a national economic crisis caused by coronavirua — and that unpopularity could give the GOP a big win in the 2018 midterm elections.

In response, Biden’s deputies will likely use regulations and their control over the agencies to minimize border drama while quietly helping many recent illegal migrants settle into U.S jobs, neighborhoods, and K-12 schools.

Some border security experts are skeptical that Biden can balance the competing pressures from Americans, migrants, and his progressive allies. “I don’t see any recipe that doesn’t have them as overwhelmed as we were in ’14 and ’18,” Ron Vitiello, a former Border Patrol chief, told the Wall Street Journal.

So here we are in an American stalemate.  Democrat governors and secretaries of state know they ignored their states' election laws in order to create so much mail-in ballot chaos that nobody knows which votes are real and which votes were cast by paid political operatives.  Establishment Republicans only too eager to get back to the pre-Trump status quo of cheap Chinese manufacturing, H-1B visa green cards for foreign workers, and endless illegal immigration labor are willing to play dumb and act as if it were completely normal for an incumbent president to break voting records and win almost all bellwether counties in the country by an average of sixteen points but still somehow come up short of overall victory.  And the Establishment Club that transcends party membership is looking at the American people with one eyebrow raised and wondering whether it'll be allowed to get away with it. 

The District of Corruption Has Overplayed Its Hand

This is just an observation (because I'm not looking forward to gulag life), but I think the only thing keeping Trump voters from burning the whole corrupt system down right now is that nobody knows whom or what to attack.  That should be a pretty sobering consideration for an establishment class that thinks it just stole the 2020 presidential election fair and square.  If there were a ship out in the harbor loaded up with all the Democrats' fraudulent ballots from the election, there's no doubt in my mind that a hundred million Americans would dress up as members of the Washington Football Club and sink that ship to the bottom of the sea.  If the politicians and journalists who call the District of Corruption home were wearing bright red coats, I suspect they'd find themselves tossed to the curb head-first by every small business–owner going belly-up right now due to political whims disguised as public health orders.  If there were a field of battle to defend or clearly demarcated enemy zones on the map, I'm guessing the powder keg ignited from mail-in ballot fraud this election cycle would have already gone boom!  

The truth is that Americans are mad, and they should be.  They have put up with four years of fake Russian collusion hoaxes and fake impeachments and fake judges using their powers to hamstring lawful executive orders from President Trump.  They have watched the CIA abuse its powers to spy on a Republican political campaign and the FBI abuse its powers to punish political allies of the president, and the only person facing any semblance of justice in the whole mess is some no-name young lawyer from deep in the bowels of the Deep State's operations against Trump who lacked the judgment to understand that his own side would use him as a scapegoat.  Police officers have been totally thrown under the bus so that lawless Democrat mayors and district attorneys could send armies of Antifa thugs into the streets this election year as a show of strength.  Old and young veterans have been watching elected officials tear up the Constitution they took oaths to defend, and if fighting broke out tomorrow, I think 90% of those former soldiers would be at the front lines the day after next.  

We have a tinderbox right now, and about the only miracle saving the Establishment Club in D.C. from the impending inferno is that the Americans most fired up to tear the whole thing down are the same Americans who have spent their lives respecting the rule of law and American institutions.  Drink that irony in!  The men and women in D.C. who see themselves as part of the "permanent government" have abused their powers to take down a sitting president, Establishment Club Republicans have looked the other way as Democrats used the cover of a pandemic to justify the dumping of unaccounted mail-in ballots across battleground states to overturn an otherwise likely Trump victory, and the only thing keeping Trump voters from destroying the whole corrupt system is their own self-restraint.  As soon as enough of them decide that a two-tiered justice system that protects leftist agitators while persecuting the MAGA crowd is unacceptable or that a rigged election system that magically lifts establishment candidates to victory is illegitimate, then the whole house of cards comes crashing down.  

Outside D.C., Americans have common sense, and their common sense tells them that the 2020 election for president was a sham.  By hook or by crook, and without changing current election laws through the state legislatures, Democrats transformed the 2020 election into a contest of which side could manufacture more fraudulent mail-in ballots.  Since only the Democrats were manufacturing ballots, they won by default, but only after working well past double overtime to overcome the historic turnout for Donald Trump's re-election.  Can you imagine how surprised those cheaters must have been when they realized in the hours after the polls closed that they'd have to double up their cheating efforts just to match the real voters who showed up for the president?  Trump voters were so aware that they'd have to prevail over a "margin of fraud" that they turned out in numbers that shocked everybody.  And instead of noting the huge surge in voters for the president, the Democrat press simply ignored it completely.  Even Joe Biden can't believe how many votes Joe Biden received in order to eke a win past the incumbent president's historic election night. 

When nearly half of America's voters believe that the fix was in to steal victory from President Trump, you don't have a conspiracy theory.  You have something approaching a general consensus.

So here we are in an American stalemate.  Democrat governors and secretaries of state know they ignored their states' election laws in order to create so much mail-in ballot chaos that nobody knows which votes are real and which votes were cast by paid political operatives.  Establishment Republicans only too eager to get back to the pre-Trump status quo of cheap Chinese manufacturing, H-1B visa green cards for foreign workers, and endless illegal immigration labor are willing to play dumb and act as if it were completely normal for an incumbent president to break voting records and win almost all bellwether counties in the country by an average of sixteen points but still somehow come up short of overall victory.  And the Establishment Club that transcends party membership is looking at the American people with one eyebrow raised and wondering whether it'll be allowed to get away with it.  

In poker parlance, the D.C. crowd is bluffing that Joe Biden won the 2020 election, and it's daring the American people to call it out.  It's a dangerous gamble.  If these people get away with it, there's really nothing holding them back from here on out.  If they can institute a system where the importance of the voter disappears and the only question is whether battleground state officials are corrupt enough to certify fraudulent election totals, then those darned rubes who value their individual rights cease to matter at all.  But if enough Americans call their bluff, well, then the D.C. corruptocrats lose everything.

If there were ever a political equivalent of 7-2 pocket cards, Joe Biden is it.  It's time to push our chips in and see what happens.

A Biden administration will wreak havoc among low-wage workers

By Andrea Widburg

The Heritage Foundation has issued a detailed study comparing President Trump's immigration policies with the policies that Joe Biden has promised to put in place.  Briefly, Biden will turn back the clock on immigration in every way imaginable, inviting more immigrants (and illegal aliens), ending security protections, and showering immigrants and illegal aliens with taxpayer money.  The people who will be hurt most will be America's low-wage workers, who have benefited in the last four years from not having to compete with people who can be paid exploitative wages.

The Democrats have always framed illegal immigration from the viewpoint of the illegal alien.  Even though Democrats manifestly despise America (too white, too capitalist, too systemically racist, too burdened with an outdated Constitution), they have insisted that impoverished and illiterate people should be allowed to benefit from America's wealth and freedom by sneaking over the border.  America is cruel, too, when it refuses to invite economic refugees from countries that slaughter Jews and Christians, execute homosexuals, and subordinate women.

Donald Trump saw things differently.  He saw America's low-wage workers — many of whom are minorities — suffering terrible economic harm as their jobs were shipped overseas, and the jobs remaining went to illegal aliens who could be paid substandard wages.  The doctors, lawyers, and social workers weeping over illegal aliens never shed a tear for those Americans, both minorities and whites, who couldn't find jobs and found solace in opioids.  Democrats had disdain for marginalized whites and conveniently ignored the plight of marginalized minorities.

During the past four years, Trump's policies have hugely benefited low-wage workers.  Most of the focus has been on the lower taxes and fewer regulations (both of which Biden promises to reverse) that have allowed businesses to flourish and hire new workers.  Likewise, Trump's trade deals have slowed the way other countries (especially China) took both America's money and jobs.  However, there's been little emphasis on how Trump has decreased both legal and illegal immigration in America.

Among other things, during his first term, Trump partnered with Mexico to stop the caravans of illegal aliens trying to storm America's border, blocked travel from countries that exported terrorism, cracked down on immigration fraud, and decreased the number of refugees allowed in the country (most of whom were economic refugees).  Trump would undoubtedly have done more if he hadn't had to battle NeverTrumps and RINOs in Congress and leftist federal judges during his first two years, only to find himself stuck with a Democrat-run House during his second two years.

Trump's efforts meant fewer immigrant claims on taxpayer dollars and less immigrant competition with low-wage workers.  That's how you end up with this moving video from Gary Lamb, explaining how Trump's policies finally allowed him to get ahead:

The Heritage Foundation report examines Trump's and Biden's immigration policies.  It concludes that a Biden administration will undo everything Trump has done on immigration and revert to the Obama-era policies.  Here are just a few of the many examples backing up that conclusion.

Biden has stated that he intends to stop all work on the wall and focus only on entry ports.  He intends to reinstate enrollment in the illegal DACA program, protecting young illegal aliens from being deported, and make all "DREAMers" (estimated at 3.6 million illegal aliens under 18) eligible for federal student aid and free community college.  He will also reinstate "DAPA," which is essentially an amnesty program for the 3.6 million illegal aliens who are parents of the DACA youths.  All of these illegal aliens compete with native-born Americans for jobs and education.

While Trump has indicated (despite his base's opposition) that he is willing to negotiate an amnesty in exchange for other immigration laws that will benefit Americans, Biden doesn't want a quid pro quo.  He intends to give citizenship to nearly 11 million illegal aliens.  That's a lot of jobs that won't go to Americans.

Since Day One, Trump has tried to protect Americans from immigrants coming from terrorist regions.  (The teacher in France whom a Chechen Muslim beheaded would be alive today if France had made the same efforts.)  Although the leftist courts tried to block Trump's actions, he has made headway.  Biden, however, would remove all limitations on travelers from terrorist exporting countries.  Presumably, a Biden administration would raise the risk that Americans are beheaded in the future.

Trump has fought back against sanctuary cities that protect illegal aliens from ICE.  Biden says he will not deport anyone who is here illegally but has not committed violent crimes.  In other words, Americans have to suffer before illegal aliens can be removed.

There are many more points of comparison between Trump's actions and Biden's plans to reverse them.  Suffice it to say that if you believe that America is safer and you are thriving economically thanks to Trump's immigration policies, you would be a fool to vote for Biden.

Image: Illegal aliens storming America's border in 2018.  YouTube screen grab.


Image: Illegal aliens storming America's border in 2018.  YouTube screen grab.

THE DEMOCRAT PARTY’S BILLIONAIRES’ GLOBALIST EMPIRE requires someone as ruthlessly dishonest as Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama to be puppet dictators.

1.     Globalism: Google VP Kent Walker insists that despite its repeated rejection by electorates around the world, “globalization” is an “incredible force for good.”


2.     Hillary Clinton’s Democratic party: An executive nearly broke down crying because of the candidate’s loss. Not a single executive expressed anything but dismay at her defeat.


3.   Immigration: Maintaining liberal immigration in the U.S is the policy that Google’s executives discussed the most.






Even though it has gone virtually unreported by corporate media, Breitbart News has extensively documented the Clintons’ longstanding support for “open borders.” Interestingly, s the Los Angeles Times observed in 2007, the Clinton’s praise for globalization and open borders frequently comes when they are speaking before a wealthy foreign audiences and donors.

Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) is reportedly attempting to slip the giveaway into an end-of-the-year omnibus spending bill. The giveaway could pass the House and be sent back to the Senate for passage if Republican lawmakers do not object.

US jobless claims spike to 853,000 while Congress stalls further aid

Historic job losses continued in the US with the latest initial unemployment claims from the Department of Labor revealing 853,000 first-time claims for the week ending Dec. 5, a week-to-week increase of 137,000 from last week’s revised total of 716,000.

In addition to state claims, 427,609 initial claims were filed for the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program, once again bringing the total claims between state and federal programs to nearly 1.3 million. Since March 21, combined state and federal claims have exceeded 1 million every week.

Overall, 70 million claims have been filed since mid-March, nearly seven times all the claims filed in 2019, a staggering figure that has no historical equivalent since the Labor Department began tracking initial unemployment claims in January 1967. The 853,000 claims this week exceeded bourgeois economists’ expectations and are the highest since the week of Sept. 18, disabusing delusional assertions of a “recovering” job market.

A significant data point in the report was the increase in continuing claims, which measures people collecting state unemployment benefits. The increase, which brought the total above 5.76 million, was the first since August.

Speaking to the Associated Press, Ann Elizabeth Konkel, an economist for the job listing website Indeed, indicated that the increase in continuing claims is a sign that hiring is slowing, portending more layoffs. “Today’s report is the first overt signal of a backward slide,” Konkel said. “It’s evident that the labor market is still in crisis.”

The economic and social crisis shows no signs of abating with over 19 million people claiming some form of unemployment benefit according to the report, a decrease of 1.12 million from the previous week. In addition to the 8.55 million claiming PUA benefits, another 4.53 million are claiming Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation benefits. Without congressional action, both CARES Act programs will expire on Dec. 26, leaving some 13 million people with nothing.

Along with the expiration of state unemployment benefits and a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention eviction moratorium at the end of the month, previously allocated funds through the CARES Act to supplement food banks and farmers have also expired. The $4.5 billion Farmers to Families Food Box program, launched in May, ran out of funds this month, leaving food banks across the country to scramble for food, or outright cancel their weekly food drives.

“The needs are beyond what we can comprehend,” Lawdia Kennedy, founder of the Queen Material Community Center in Buford, Georgia, told the Washington Post. “We had three truckloads scheduled for Saturday and they just vanished. Six states are right now being told there will be no food, right before Christmas. It’s hard to put into words what this means for the families I serve.”

“I’ve been telling people that [the food drive] is postponed and might happen next weekend, but that hope is turning a lie,” she said.

Leaders from both big businesses parties showed little interest in alleviating the suffering of millions of people. On Thursday, Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi voiced her support for the bipartisan $908 billion relief proposal, which at this point is not an actual bill, but a six-page summary that doesn’t include specific language on a proposed business liability shield or aid to state and local governments, two alleged points of contention between the parties.

It has been nearly six months since extended unemployment benefits expired, eliminating the $600 weekly federal supplement, leading to widespread hunger, evictions and mounting debt and death among the working class. But at her Thursday press conference, Pelosi thanked her colleagues for the “great progress” made on negotiations up to this point. She hailed the framework, which doesn’t include $1,200 stimulus checks and offers only $300 a week, half the previous federal supplemental jobess benefit, as something that reflects bipartisan “values and priorities” and “what we need to do right away.”

As has been the case throughout the pandemic, the fact that unemployment benefits theoretically exist doesn’t mean workers get them or can keep the money if they do. In Iowa, 84-year-old bladder, breast, skin and colon cancer survivor Audrey Birdsell has been ordered by Iowa Workforce Development to repay $3,530 she received through the PUA program earlier this year.

“I don’t think it’s quite right,” Birdsell told the Des Moines Register. Birdsell, at the behest of her family, took a leave of absence from her job at the Kwik Star convenience store when the pandemic emerged. “I really feel bad,” Birdsell continued. “I wouldn’t mind giving some back. But I wish I could have some, at least. I made an effort to stay home from work. And then they’re going to take it away when they promised they wouldn’t.”

A sample of 525 cases from late July reviewed by the newspaper found that more than 100 workers have been ordered to repay previously received funds, with an average of $6,713 to be recouped.

As has been the case throughout the entire pandemic, Wall Street brushed aside the dismal report, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average rallying above 30,000 before a brief dip at the market’s closing bell ended the trading day at 29,996.26. The stock market was buoyed by promises of unlimited “quantitative easing” via the Federal Reserve and assurances from President-elect Joe Biden that he would reopen the majority of schools within the first 100 days of his administration—a key to forcing workers back to their jobs.

The artificial inflation of the stock market has boosted the wealth of US billionaires by over $1 trillion since the pandemic began, according to a Dec. 9 report from the Institute for Policy Studies and Americans for Tax Fairness. The report notes that the “total net worth of the nation’s 651 billionaires rose from $2.95 trillion March 18… to $4.01 trillion on December 7, a leap of 36 percent…”

Topping the list is Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, whose wealth grew by 63.2 percent over that time, from $113 billion to $184 billion. Tesla CEO Elon Musk saw the largest percentage growth, a monstrous 481.7 percent, from $24.6 billion in March to $143 billion in December, for an increase of $118 billion.

The report notes that the $1 trillion hoarded by 651 people in the last nine months would be more than enough to send stimulus checks of $3,000 to all 330 million people in America, adults and children alike, providing a family of four with $12,000.

Contrasted to the euphoria of the markets and their “pandemic profiteers” is the unchecked spread of the coronavirus throughout workplaces and schools, leading to a record 3,124 deaths on Wednesday, per John Hopkins University.

In comments made during a virtual event hosted by the Council on Foreign Relations, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Robert Redfield warned that “for the next 60 to 90 days we’re going to have more deaths per day than we had at 9/11 or we had at Pearl Harbor.”

Asked why the US had a world-leading case and death total, Redfield didn’t acknowledge the abandonment of lockdowns and the implementation of a de facto “herd immunity” policy that has been enacted by Democratic and Republican politicians alike at the behest of their oligarchic benefactors. Nor did he explain that millions of workers have been blackmailed into working in virus-ridden factories and schools, leading to unchecked community spread.

He made no mention of debilitating supply chain issues, a result of the anarchy of capitalist production and the lack of scientifically coordinated global planning, which to this day has crippled US testing capacity, rendering contact tracing meaningless, and left doctors and nurses to fend for themselves in regards to personal protective equipment.

Instead, Redfield covered up for the ruling class and blamed the American people for the current wave of mass death. Redfield cited high rates of comorbidities such as obesity and diabetes as well as the “culture.”

“Different cultures have embraced public health recommendations with different degrees of rigor,” he said. Redfield didn’t elaborate if this “culture” included President-elect Biden falsely claiming that schools can be reopened safely so parents can be forced back to work, or Trump instructing the population to inject bleach and avoid masks.

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