Friday, December 11, 2020


Will America Become China's Vassal?

The dire cost of Biden taking the White House.



On election day, Fox News betrayed President Trump, and this has puzzled many patriots. The confusion vanishes if one assumes that this episode could be just a small part of the process of China's colonization of America. China has already colonized some countries in the Pacific region, South America, and Africa for all practical purposes. Add to this list the de facto colonization of northern Italy and a large part of Russia in Eastern Siberia. Also, communist China greedily devours real estate and businesses in the United States.

Therefore, the 2020 presidential election should be seen as an integral part of this process.

From this perspective, Trump and Biden symbolize two diametrically opposed approaches to America's future. If Biden made it clear that he was ready to swear allegiance to the new master, Trump is fighting for America's economic and political independence. Biden is helped not only by the so-called "Democrats" and numerous anti-Trump Republicans but also by the world socialist movement.

The current leading force of palace intrigues in China is Xi Jinping's group of supporters of Soviet methods: "Xi Jinping belongs to the faction long forgotten in China, which at one time was aligned with the Soviet Union and Joseph Stalin." When this group came to power, a wave of repressions swept across China, like two drops of water similar to Stalin's repressions of the 30s and 40s. China's economic policy is generally reminiscent of the Soviet one. For example, foreign companies' penetration into Chinese markets is only possible if joint ventures with China are established, and all the know-how is transferred to the Chinese side.

Donald Trump, of course, is fighting for the presidency. Nevertheless, for Trump, the presidency is only part of a more significant challenge. Trump seeks not only to win these elections but to destroy once and for all the leftist movements in general. Obviously, it includes China and the so-called "Democrats." That is a much more important goal, and it looks like Trump would prevail. What if Trump loses? In this case, all his actions will be aimed at ensuring that by the next electoral cycle – in 2022 – no one in his or her right mind would even think to vote for (D)ecadence.

Trump must win Americans' sympathy to achieve his goal. There is no doubt that the Trump team is acting in this direction. Numerous hearings in state legislatures, sensational statements by witnesses, mathematical and computer experts, and court hearings, of course, show a horrid picture of election fraud by "Democrats."

Election Day has been transformed into Election Months; however, more and more Americans are convinced of the "Democrat" fraud every day. More and more Americans switch to alternative sources of information every day and thus deprive propaganda outlets of their material base. Every day more and more Americans are beginning to understand which Republican is an anti-Trumpist rooting for China and which one is a Conservative. Finally, more and more Americans are beginning to guess where the command center that issued an order to stop counting votes simultaneously in six battleground states at 2 a.m. on November 4, 2020, was located.

Trump understands that America, unfortunately, has been dozing for the past hundred years. While we were sleeping, our Constitution was undermined. We have lost control of the Washington swamp dwellers because they prefer to be controlled by Chinese interests rather than American citizens. We just lived our lives and watched football until the international leftist movement attempted to steal our America out from under our noses.

Trump's strategic goal is an America, which is not sleeping at the wheel.

There is now every sign that America's sleeping giant is awake. Thanks to China – the elections they most likely helped to steal could be the Chinese equivalent of the attack on Pearl Harbor. Thanks to the "Democratic" fraudsters and their leader Joe "Yuan" Biden – the 2020 elections were the last straw.

In 1776 we did not want to be vassals to the British king, and in 2020 we do not want to be vassals of the communists.

China communists and their distant ideological cousins on the Left – the American "Democrats," of course, went for broke. They have in their arsenal not only economic and political methods. A very extraordinary direction of China's expansion is that the communists began to transfer their enterprises to the United States, considering our country as one of the offshore destinations for money laundering. Based on our knowledge of communists' methods, the most probable course of action by the Politburo of the Communist Party of China would be outright buying of politicians. It seems they calculated (quite correctly) that they need to buy a limited number – no more than a few thousand – key politicians worldwide to carry out their expansion plans. This path seems to them to be quicker and economically more feasible.

The massive importation of drugs into the United States was one of the main activities of the Soviet KGB, for which numerous drug cartels were created (have you ever wondered why most drug cartels are in countries with strong left-wing traditions?) It was the Chinese comrades who did what the Soviet comrades could not achieve – flood America with fentanyl.

China's espionage has reached a level that the Soviet KGB could only dream of. Under Bush and Obama, China's cyber attacks, like Operation Titan Rain, were incredibly successful. Consider the 2013 attack, when China took over the personal files of 21 million US government employees. China uses widespread blackmail and bribes to lobby her interests in Washington.

In 2020, communist China used artificial intelligence algorithms to identify Americans who could participate in the Antifa and Black Lives Matter pogroms (of course, the Chinese communists favor only left-wing organizations). Once identified, these Americans were sent instructions (including well-crafted videos) on organizing riots via social media. As we now know, American "Democrats" enthusiastically participated in this orgy. Finally, everybody has noticed that numerous concentration camps sprung up worldwide as a precursor to CoronaGulag.

Trump has swung not only at the Chinese communists, not only at the "Democrats" as traditional rivals of the American conservatives, and not only at the Washington swamp. All the above suggests that Donald Trump is an historical figure on a much larger scale than it seems at first glance.

Trump is fighting a global communist Utopia, also known as the "Global Gulag."

The "Democrats," if they do win this battle with China's help, will find themselves in a completely new, redefined reality – the majority of the country's population will regard them as usurpers, deceitful and dishonest people. If an infirm old marionette settles in the White House, it will be a classic Pyrrhic victory, where winning a battle leads to losing the war.

Donald Trump has been compared with Winston Churchill more than once, and these comparisons, of course, have a good reason. They are based on the similarity of the circumstances these leaders had to face. Churchill, too, found himself in a situation where he and his country were single-handedly fighting both German Socialists' horde and the numerous National Socialism and International Socialism supporters among the British establishment.

If the socialists come to power despite Trump's actual landslide victory, then the political suicide of the "Democrats" will enter the final phase. Moreover, the American patriots who feel down in the dumps should remember one of the quotes commonly attributed to Churchill: "Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm."

Gary Gindler, Ph.D., is a conservative columnist at Gary Gindler Chronicles and the founder of a new science: Politiphysics. Follow him on Twitter and Quodverum.

It is now time for Americans to understand how the Chinese themselves see their American domestic allies, including politicians like Eric Swalwell and Hunter Biden’s father (already dancing to the tune of his masters): contemptible but useful pawns to be used to weaken and ultimately subdue their primary rival

China’s leaders understand all too well from their historical experience how to control America : use compradors

There is a very large, rich, and influential class of Americans who owe their wealth and standing to China, having mightily prospered through business ties to the Middle Kingdom.  Every educated person in China understands the way such ties linking a wealthy elite beholden to foreign interests can be used to bring down even the mightiest of nations.

The word “comprador” (买办, pronounced mǎi bàn), referring to the Chinese businessmen that allied themselves with Western imperialists, becoming wealthy, and, in the view of the Chinese Communist Party betraying the nation, is a curse word among Communists.

…there are two kinds of bourgeoisie -- the national bourgeoisie and the comprador-bourgeoisie…. The comprador-bourgeoisie is always a running dog of imperialism 

-       Mao Tse-tung  Some Experiences in Our Party’s History, 1956

Comprador Tong Kingsin (pubic domain photo)


Dex Bahr, elsewhere in American Thinker today, correctly ties minimal media coverage of (and the previous suppression of) the story of the Swalwell spy scandal to the busines interests of their corporate and individual masters:

What does Google/YouTube have in common with media outlets that have ignored the Swalwell Chinese spy scandal? CNN (WarnerMedia), NBC, MSNBC (Universal/Comcast), ABC/ESPN (Disney) and CBS (National Amusements) are all owned by companies that have been reported extensive business ties with Chinese Corporations which in turn are tied to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).  The owners of the New York Times, which include Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim who as of 2018 had a 15.4% stake, and perhaps as much as 17.4% if this account has it right, and at the Washington Post, where Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos bought it outright, also have business ventures with China based companies (Read this May 2020 story from the Federalist for further details).

I have been for years warning Americans that China’s Communist Party wants vengeance for the appalling depredations that Western countries inflicted on China when the first version of globalism arrived on their shores, resulting in the Opium Wars -- fought to enforce the sale of opium over Chinese resistance, with the subsequent mass addiction and social decay that plunged China into poverty, violence, chaos, and humiliating subordination over the next three-and-a-half centuries. With a mere four centuries of our own history since the Pilgrims arrived on these shores, it is difficult for Americans to understand the weight of history on the Chinese mind. Their five millennia of recorded history, and their absolute dominance of their known world for thousands of years make it both natural and inevitable that China should dominate the world, and other nations pay tribute them, acknowledging their superior status.

Because the very legitimacy of the Chinese Communist Party depends on its struggle against the running dogs of imperialism, the mainland regime cannot let go of the desire for vengeance. In Taiwan (or Free China, as it sees itself), historical reconciliation is widely accepted, and modern capitalist society, freely trading and prospering with the rest of thew world as equals, is comfortable. Once liberated from communism, Chinese people can ignore the ignoble impulse to vengeance. It is ideology, not ethnicity, that makes China an enemy.

Make no mistake: those business interests that are in bed with the Chinese Communists are regarded behind the walls of Tien-an-Men as despicable traitors to their own country, tools useful to the regime, to be discarded and crushed when the time arrives when power can be eze4cised from Beijing. It is a delusion to believe that they are going to democratize China and lift up the Chinese people to comfortable membership in the modern world economy as co-equals.

It is now time for Americans to understand how the Chinese themselves see their American domestic allies, including politicians like Eric Swalwell and Hunter Biden’s father (already dancing to the tune of his masters): contemptible but useful pawns to be used to weaken and ultimately subdue their primary rival

There’s a reason the media is suddenly reporting on Hunter Biden’s corruption

In the world of Democrat politics, there are no coincidences. With that principle in mind, it’s possible to understand why Democrat media outlets are suddenly reporting about Hunter Biden’s corruption, a story that spills over onto his father. The first is to get ahead of potential breaking news about Hunter's imminent arrest. The second theory is the one Monica Showalter advanced: The leftists used Biden to attain the White House (or so they believe) and are now ready to get rid of him. Having a criminal son may be just what the Obama/Harris camp needs to make that happen. And if theres any doubt about this theory, an article in The New York Times seems to lay it to rest. 

We conservatives remember how, in October, the media and the tech tyrants conspired to block any reports about Hunter Biden, whether those reports were the Senate Intelligence Committee’s findings about the $3.5 million Hunter received from the wife of a Russian politician, or the shocking details of political corruption, drug addiction, and sexual debauchery contained on his hard drive.

Well, to ordinary people, these stories were shocking. To the media and the tech tyrants, these stories were potential dangers to Joe Biden’s candidacy. They had to be stopped – and stopped they were. Twitter and Facebook, the two biggest social media tech tyrants, refused to allow any reports to circulate and banned people, including President Trump’s press secretary, from their platforms when they refused to bow down to this censorship.

News outlets derided the reports about the Biden family’s corrupt dealings, all of which implicated Joe Biden as the man who pimped out his addled son for huge sums of money, as non-stories. That’s not an exaggeration. It’s explicitly what NPR’s public editor said:

Likewise, CNN’s Christiane Amanpour, who’s served as a shill for every tyrannical regime on earth, insisted that, because she was a real “journalist,” it was not her job to investigate stories. Instead, it was only her job to determine whether the results of other people’s investigations met her standards. The Hunter Biden story did not:

When President Trump tried to bring the story to Americans’ attention during the first presidential debate, Biden snapped back that it was Russian disinformation, a lie that the media and tech tyrants enthusiastically disseminated:

Suddenly, though, the media is releasing information about the criminal investigations into not both Hunter Biden and Joe’s brother, James Biden. As the above tweet notes, these investigations have been ongoing for years. We also know that a sizable number of voters would have passed over Biden for Trump had they known about Biden family corruption. So, what gives? Why are Hunter and, by extension, Joe himself, suddenly fair game?

It could be that bad things are about to come down from the FBI. After all, Trump did promise that “a lot of big things” will happen soon. The sudden flurry of reports about the Bidens could just be the Democrats’ way of getting ahead of the story so that, if Hunter is shown doing the perp walk, they can say that it’s “old news.”

However, it’s equally likely that the Democrats are making plans to get Biden out of office as quickly as possible – or perhaps, sideline him before he’s even sworn in (assuming, of course, that Biden hangs onto that president-elect title). As Monica Showalter pointed out on Thursday, Biden is not making leftists happy. He’s filling his possible administration with corporate insiders, he wants a former military officer to head the defense department, and he’s continuing to show a very rapid cognitive decline. He's offering Clinton-era politics with a side of dementia and that is not what the hard left side of the party wants.

In any event, the goal, always, was to get Kamala into the White House. It didn’t and doesn’t matter that the voters don’t like her -- as demonstrated by the fact that even her home state of California didn’t like her and her early retreat from the primaries. What matters is that she, unlike both Hillary and Joe, is Barack Obama’s true third term.

Harris is as hard left as they come and willing to do whatever it takes to maintain power. While Joe Biden, despite his corruption and his shift to the hard left, still cherishes some residual notions about the Constitution, Kamala is not hindered by such old-fashioned ideas:

With Americans at large finally learning that Hunter Biden and James Biden are crooked and that Joe is the big, corrupt tree from which these rotten apples fell, there’s going to be lots of pressure on Joe to retire as quickly as is politely possible. It’s The New York Times that gives the game away. On Thursday, it published a positively wistful article entitled “Investigation of His Son Is Likely to Hang Over Biden as He Takes Office: Unless the Trump Justice Department clears Hunter Biden, the new president will confront the prospect of his own administration handling an inquiry that could expose his son to criminal prosecution.” The opening paragraph, speaks of Biden in a no-win situation that could be politically and legally perilous, and the report continues in that vein. The subtext is clear: Leave. Leave now.

Joe served his purpose by being the bland front person for a full leftist assault on the White House. Now it’s time for him to go. And while his handlers may reward him for a job well done with the pleasure of the inauguration, you can be sure that they’ll pressure him to do what he promised to do, which is to invent a respectable disease and quit ASAP.

Report: China’s Elite to ‘See the Most Benefit’ from Green Card Giveaway

tech china
Zhong Zhi/Getty Images for CNBC International

China’s elite seeking EB-5 visas are set to “see the most benefit” from Sen. Mike Lee’s (R-UT) green card giveaway for Big Tech which passed the Senate this month with no objections from Republicans or Democrats.

Last week, Lee passed the giveaway — known as H.R. 1044 or S.386 — through unanimous consent. The giveaway ensures India can monopolize the United States’ employment-based green cards and allows multinational corporations to effectively privatize the green card line.

The giveaway solidifies that employment-based visas only go to temporary foreign visa workers, mostly on H-1B visas, who have been imported to the U.S. by corporations to replace American workers, thus rewarding companies who outsource American white-collar jobs.

Slipped in the giveaway are provisions that permanently change the scandal-plagued EB-5 visa program which rewards 10,000 wealthy foreign nationals annually with green cards so long as they claim to invest at least $900,000 in U.S. development projects. The program virtually lets the world’s elite buy American citizenship.

Analysis by the industry EB-5 Daily site notes that some of the giveaway’s biggest beneficiaries will the rich Chinese investors who have jammed up the program with applications for green cards:

Currently, there’s a 7% per-country cap limit on EB-5 visas, meaning no one country can receive more than 7% of the visas, unless there are left over visas, in which case these are allocated to the longest waiting applicants regardless of country of origin. [Emphasis added]

If passed, this bill may be a game-changer for EB-5, whose per-country caps have placed investors from high-demand countries in lengthy visa backlogs. Investors from China would see the most benefit, as they have been waiting the longest for visas. Other backlogged countries, such as Vietnam and India could also benefit. [Emphasis added]

Such changes to the EB-5 visa program would come as scandals have continued. This week, a federal judge slapped sanctions on a man accused of using the EB-5 visa program to defraud more than 50 wealthy Chinese and Iranian investors of more than $25 million by promising them green cards in exchange for investments in a Palm Beach, Florida hotel development project.

U.S. Tech Workers Executive Director Kevin Lynn, a group lobbying against the giveaway, told Breitbart News it is Senate Republicans who helping China buy up more of the American economy. Lynn said:

Republicans like to pride themselves in going after China for allegedly creating COVID-19, stealing our intellectual property, and unfair trade practices. Yet, these same Senate Republicans would like to reward rich Chinese investors with EB-5 visas, and to gain a monopoly on available EB-5 visas by passing this HR1044/S386 legislation.

“At the end of the day, Republicans have no one to blame but themselves for allowing China to eat our lunch,” Lynn continued.

Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) is reportedly attempting to slip the giveaway into an end-of-the-year omnibus spending bill. The giveaway could pass the House and be sent back to the Senate for passage if Republican lawmakers do not object.

In 2018, the U.S. rewarded nearly 8,000 wealthy foreign investors and their family members with green cards. Between 2014 and 2018, the federal government gave EB-5 visas to about 43,130 wealthy foreign investors and their family members who can secure American citizenship after five years of living in the U.S.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.

Marsha Blackburn: Senate Should Investigate Cozy Relationship Between Biden Incorporated and China
SOUTH GATE, CA--February 17, 2012--U.S. Vice President Joe Biden and Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping were joined by Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, during a visit to International Studies Learning Center in South Gate, Feb. 16, 2012. Following a Chinese Dragon dance performance, Vice President's Xi and Biden visited the …
Jay L. Clendenin/Los Angeles Times (via Getty Images)

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) said the Senate should investigate the relationship between Joe Biden’s family and China, offering her remarks  on Wednesday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow.

Marlow asked about a report from Axios regarding a suspected Chinese spy’s cultivation of relationships — including those of a sexual nature — with California politicians and at least two Midwestern mayors.

“We should know that China is not our friend,” replied Blackburn. “China, North Korea, Iran, Russia, that is your new axis of evil, and China is pushing for global domination, so they’re going after politicians that they think are friendly to China. They’re looking at governors that are friendly to China policy, and they’re making their list, and they’re targeting the sphere of influence around these individuals.”

Marlow stated, “This is part of the whole problem if Joe Biden, in particular, is sworn in. Who’s going to be accountable for this? It just seems like so many people go along with it.”

Blackburn replied, “That is everyone’s concern. … If Joe Biden ends up as the president elect and then the president, how would we handle something like this? Because we know there is a cozy relationship between Biden incorporated and China, and what we have to do is, it’ll be up to the U.S. Senate to investigate some of these ties that are coming from China.


Blackburn said the runoff elections in Georgia for the state’s seats in the U.S. Senate “will determine if we’re on the path to socialism, or if we’re going to continue to fight for freedom in this country.”

Blackburn’s podcast, Freedom Ringslaunched on Monday. Her first guest was Sen. Kelly Loffler (R-GA).


Breitbart News Daily broadcasts live on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.

McCarthy: Swalwell ‘Swindled by the Chinese’ — ‘He’s Jeopardizing National Security’

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) on Thursday reacted to the Axios report claiming a Chinese spy named Fang Fang had relationships with Democrats such as Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA), a member of the House Intelligence Committee.

McCarthy emphasized on FNC’s “Fox & Friends” that Swalwell should not be on the influential Intelligence Committee because he has been “jeopardizing national security.” He questioned how Swalwell even got on the committee as a sophomore lawmaker in the minority, to begin with.

Partial transcript as follows:

The Intel Committee is different than any other committee. It is the most difficult committee to get on. It’s only selected by the leaders of both parties. He got on as a sophomore. How could he do that? They were in the minority at the time — not very many seats. He got on as a sophomore, and now, he says, that Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff knew of it. This is a national security threat. The Intel Committee does not meet in normal chambers. They meet in what is called a SCIF to protect people from listening in on what they’re talking about.

They are getting secrets that other members of Congress never are able to see, and now we have Eric Swalwell, whose been swindled by the Chinese, but what’s even more interesting here is why did he attack the American Director of Intelligence John Ratcliffe’s report, talking about the expansion of China spying throughout? Just last week, he attacked the director, John Ratcliffe, defending China. This man should not be in the Intel Committee. He’s jeopardizing national security. What is being said in those meetings inside the SCIF that we don’t want other people to hear or listen? You cannot take in your watch. You cannot take in your phone, but here, we have an individual, who Nancy Pelosi — this is the real question — when did Nancy Pelosi know of this, and why did she maintain him on the committee?

Adam Schiff, who has spent four years as chair, worried about the foreign intervention into our country, knowingly keep an individual on the committee, if he knew — as Swalwell says — that he was with a Chinese individual who was a spy, who helped him run for Congress? Then the other question is did anybody influence getting a sophomore member on to the Intel Committee?

This just raises more questions. It puts the national security of this country — and then I have another question for them. Why did the Democrats pull out of the bipartisan China task force that would look at this problem and others? And the other committee that he sits on was space and technology, science, that deals with our satellites, deals with going into space and others. Why is he so interested on that committee? These questions continue to raise about this individual.

Follow Trent Baker on Twitter @MagnifiTrent


FBI warns state, local police about China targeting people on U.S. soil

Jana Winter and Sharon Weinberger
Image of FBI seal against American and Chinese flags
Photo illustration: Yahoo News; photos: AP, Getty Images

The FBI is warning local law-enforcement agencies to beware of cooperating with a Chinese government campaign to coerce U.S. residents to return to China to face criminal charges, according to a counterintelligence bulletin obtained by Yahoo News.

The bulletin comes shortly after eight people, including a former New York Police Department officer, were indicted on charges of acting as illegal agents for Beijing.

“State and local public safety personnel should be aware that Chinese Government officials, such as diplomats and officials with China’s primary law enforcement agency, the Ministry of Public Security (MPS), may seek assistance to obtain sensitive US law enforcement or non-public personally identifiable information on individuals of interest,” says the Nov. 10 counterintelligence bulletin, which is marked for official use only and was distributed to law enforcement agencies around the country.

The warning concerns China’s long-standing policy of reaching beyond its borders to target people it accuses of financial crimes, even if they are permanently living abroad. The repatriations, often coerced by blackmail or threats, are part of Beijing’s anti-corruption campaign called Fox Hunt.

In Beijing’s view, Fox Hunt, which has led to the return of more than 3,000 of its citizens, is a legitimate tool of law enforcement. But there has been an increasing number of allegations that China has coerced, even kidnapped, its citizens living abroad, and that it targets political dissidents as well as those accused of financial crimes.

In one of the more dramatic escapades, China reportedly kidnapped billionaire Xiao Jianhua from Hong Kong, transporting him in a wheelchair out of a private apartment in the Four Seasons Hotel. China has been accused of conducting similar operations in Australia, and now the communist government appears to be expanding its reach in the U.S.

Xiao Jianhua
Xiao Jianhua, a Chinese-born Canadian billionaire, in Hong Kong in 2013. (Next Magazine via AP)

Last month, the Justice Department announced charges against eight people for acting as illegal agents of the government in Beijing in connection with their attempt to surveil and coerce U.S. residents to return to China. In one case, according to the FBI, a U.S. resident targeted by the Chinese government was given the option of returning to China or committing suicide. In another, a note was left for a victim: “If you are willing to go back to mainland and spend 10 years in prison, your wife and children will be all right. That’s the end of this matter!”

“The Chinese government’s brazen attempts to surveil, threaten, and harass our own citizens and lawful permanent residents, while on American soil, are part of China’s diverse campaign of theft and malign influence in our country and around the world,” FBI Director Christopher Wray said in a statement following the arrests. “The FBI will use all of its tools to investigate and defeat these outrageous actions by the Chinese government, which are an affront to America’s ideals of freedom, human rights, and the rule of law.”

While the U.S. does not have an extradition treaty with China, the FBI bulletin states that two years ago, the U.S. gave China protocols for seeking assistance from U.S. law enforcement agencies, which involved first contacting the FBI’s legal attaché in the U.S. Embassy in Beijing or working through the FBI’s international operations division. The bureau warns that Chinese officials cannot enter into any kind of cooperative agreement with local law enforcement without first contacting the FBI.

The FBI declined to comment on the warning to law enforcement, but the bureau has been pointed in its previous criticism of Fox Hunt, even offering to help those targeted by it. “If you believe the Chinese government is targeting you — that you’re a potential Fox Hunt victim — please reach out to your local FBI field office,” Wray said during a press conference announcing the recent indictments.

FBI Director Christopher Wray speaks at a podium in front of an American flag
FBI Director Christopher Wray during a virtual news conference at the Justice Department on Oct. 28. (Sarah Silbiger/Pool via AP)

“While our standard practice is to not comment on specific intelligence products, the FBI routinely shares information with our law enforcement partners in order to assist in protecting the communities they serve,” the FBI said in a statement to Yahoo News.

In response to a query from Yahoo News, an official at the Chinese embassy in Washington, D.C. pointed to recent remarks made by the foreign ministry’s spokesperson, Wang Wenbing, who accused the U.S. of sheltering alleged criminals. “The United States has the largest number of Chinese fugitives suspected of corruption and economic crime,” Wang said. “However, in recent years, the United States has been responding passively to China's requests for cooperation on repatriating fugitives. Certain U.S. law enforcement authorities even publicly bolstered Chinese suspects, provided asylum for them and for many times obstructed some fugitives from voluntarily going back to China to turn themselves in.”

The bulletin doesn’t detail any specific cases where Chinese officials have attempted to speak directly with American local or state law enforcement, but it does suggest that it’s a tactic the government has employed previously. It also warns about attempts to enlist private investigators.

One of those charged in the recent indictment was an American private investigator who allegedly helped locate and surveil one of the victims and his wife, according to the FBI. The private detective previously worked for the New York Police Department.


The Biden family is notorious for being the crookedest clan not only in Delaware, but in D.C. DANIEL GREENFILED, FELLOW, SHILLMAN JOURNALISM, FREEDOM CENTER


The Hunter Biden laptop unrolls two ragged threads. One is the descent of Joe Biden’s son into new depths of depravity and the other are the foreign investors who bought into Joe Biden Inc.

If they can buy an election for Biden, the theory is, they can buy it for anyone.

Oligarchies always have lots of money even when workers go hungry and lose their homes. And they get that money by seizing the centers of power and consuming the wealth of nations.

Hostile Takeover: Wall Street Assumes Command of Joe Biden Transition Team


Wall Street and the biggest U.S. banks, after spending a fortune to unseat President Trump, are getting key spots in Democrat Joe Biden’s transition team that he has devised before the presidential election is certified.

Many of the big banks with links to Biden transition team members were major donors to the former vice president.


That baleful presence of George Soros, all over the Biden 'transition' team

Big Tech and Wall Street, for sure, are getting their influence and power. But where the mask is really off, revealing at last who he's really fronting for is leftist billionaire George Soros. MONICA SHOWALTER

Joe Biden, the Manchurian President

In the political/Cold War thriller The Manchurian Candidate, a U.S. soldier being held as a prisoner-of-war is brainwashed by Chinese and Russian agents and becomes a traitorous “sleeper” agent hidden within the civilian population. The film’s popularity led to the phrase “Manchurian candidate” used to define any person or politician as a disloyal puppet of an enemy power.

In 2016, Donald Trump was falsely accused of being a Manchurian candidate and colluding with Vladimir Putin and the Russian government to steal the presidential election from Hillary Clinton, even though the only “evidence” to support the fantastic claim was the salacious, unconfirmed, and ludicrous Steele dossier. Apart from a couple of Macedonian content farms spending a measly few hundred thousand dollars on Facebook ads to promote strife and confusion over any particular candidate, there was no evidence of foreign interference from Russia or anywhere else that affected the outcome of the 2016 election of Donald Trump. However, the same cannot be said of Trump’s alleged 2020 electoral defeat by Joe Biden. China, not Russia, clearly interfered with the 2020 elections. The only question about this interference is whether the release of COVID-19 was accidental or on purpose.

Before the pandemic crippled the U.S., Trump was headed to reelection by a historic landslide. The economy was roaring, and a record number Americans were enjoying prosperity and freedom. In spite of Democrat efforts to remove Trump from office by impeachment and the economic shutdown because of the virus, the president still earned ten million more votes than 2016 and in any other election would have crushed his political opponent. The virus not only had a horrific detrimental impact on our economy, it was used as an excuse for making substantive changes to the electoral process through unprecedented millions of mail-in votes.

Even if it was an accidental release from a Wuhan lab, the Chinese are responsible for the criminally negligent deaths of U.S. citizens and the economic damage caused by the virus. If the virus was deliberately released, it was an act of war. So, are we at war with China?

In support of the theory that China released the virus on purpose as an act of war, we can see signs of aggression on multiple fronts -- health and economic being the most obvious. In February of this year, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo revealed that the Chinese government keeps a list of U.S. governors organized by whether or not the governors were susceptible to Chinese influence. Interestingly, even though Georgia governor Brian Kemp was listed as a hardliner (presumably meaning pro-American, anti-Chinese) this amazing website, apparently written in Mandarin and owned by the state of Georgia to promote Chinese investments, would seem to suggest Kemp is a lot friendlier to the Chinese than his inclusion on the list implies.

Back in September, Tucker Carlson interviewed Dr. Li-Meng Yan, a well-known Chinese virologist. She made the sensational claim that in her expert opinion the COVID-19 virus was manmade in a Wuhan laboratory, not a natural virus emerging from the “wet markets” where exotic wild animals such as bats are sold to the general public and eaten as food, as some had speculated. To the best of my knowledge her claims were never debunked, but they were also never repeated, and she hasn’t been seen in public since. What happened? She had impeccable credentials and her opinion should have carried significant weight. If the virus was a Chinese attack on the rest of the world, shouldn’t the rest of the world know about it?

Why doesn’t anyone seem to care about that claim? Is it because Joe Biden keeps assuring everyone that China isn’t a threat? The Chinese government didn’t just want America or Donald Trump to lose, they apparently wanted Joe Biden to win. Cui bono? Biden has been thoroughly corrupted through the business dealings of his son, Hunter, according to well-documented public information and confirmed by Joe’s own words, and not just corrupted by China. We know about the Ukraine and Burisma, and that Hunter also allegedly accepted $3.5 million dollars from Elena Baturina, a Russian billionaire.

We have evidence, and a corroborating witness. Everyone seems to have forgotten that Tony Bobulinski’s claims confirm the authenticity of Hunter’s laptop as indisputable evidence of Joe Biden’s corruption. Bobulinski, a patriotic American citizen, came forward to defend himself against accusations of being part of a Russian disinformation campaign and confirmed that Joe Biden accepted millions of dollars from the Communist Chinese through his son Hunter. The evidence of Joe Biden’s corruption is ubiquitous, actually, and that body of evidence grows by the day. Tucker Carlson’s most recent bombshell report revealed that a Chinese economics professor confirmed in a speech that foreign agents have corrupted our federal government at the highest levels. He also confirmed we are in a war -- as he put it, a trade war. If the translation is correct (and two translators said it was), this economics professor just bragged that the Communist Chinese government “have people at the top” (of the U.S. government.)

Well, doesn’t that just warm the cockles of your heart? There can be little doubt left that Chinese influences corrupted the 2020 elections, interfering on behalf of Joe Biden. Given their admitted bias against Donald Trump, is there any reason to assume the release of the virus and election interference wasn’t a deliberate act of war?  

I have a question I’d like to ask the half of America that supposedly hates Donald Trump so bad they voted for a corrupt, senile old man… do you really hate him so much you’d betray your own country? Are you willing to side with Communist Chinese over a man doing his best to return America to greatness and keep us there? If the electoral college certifies Joe Biden’s election, we’ll have our first Manchurian president.

Donald Trump has donated every penny of his salary to charity. Joe Biden has been a parasite living off the American economy almost all of his adult life. A lifetime of working for the government didn’t make Biden rich and he didn’t get William Ayers to ghostwrite a bestselling autobiography for him, so Hunter had to scrounge for foreign contributions to the Biden family’s concept of wealth redistribution.

And remember, the big guy got half.


Biden administration will be committed to austerity and back-to-work campaign aimed at forcing workers to pay for the corporate bailout no matter how many lives are needlessly lost to the pandemic.

The selection of Deese and Adeyemo—who both previously served in the Obama administration—exemplifies the revolving door between Wall Street and Washington, DC, which operates constantly, regardless of which party controls the White House.

It is a further signal to the financial oligarchy that a Biden administration will dispense with its rhetoric about raising taxes on the wealthy and continue funneling trillions into the stock markets. “By picking folks with deep ties to large asset managers,” Tyler Gellasch, executive director of investor trade group Healthy Markets Association, told the Journal, “the administration can help assuage financial executives’ concerns. It sends a clear signal to the industry to breathe easier: They can plan for stability without likely facing massive new regulatory or tax risks.”

OPERATION OBOMB: Barack Obama, Eric Holder and their bankster paymasters plan coup.

Barack Obama was famous not wanting to leave office when his term was done and well known for projecting a sense of entitlement to power.

Biden positions, after doing nothing, save for the end, at best, to help Biden's presidential campaign, suggesting that the hollow-victory Biden administration is just a placeholder for the return of an Obama third term.  It's a sign that Obama éminence grise is more than a little active, behind the scenes as she always is.

“Obama’s new home in Washington has been described as the “nerve center” of the anti-Trump opposition. Former attorney general Eric Holder has said that Obama is “ready to roll” and has aligned himself with the “resistance.” Former high-level Obama campaign staffers now work with a variety of groups organizing direct action against Trump’s initiatives. “Resistance School,” for example, features lectures by former campaign executive Sara El-Amine, author of the Obama Organizing.”

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