Tuesday, March 30, 2021



No presidency anymore

The radical left did not steal the presidency — they eliminated it.  

The Biden so-called press conference, a parody of itself, proved that.  While Biden had some moments in which he seemed lucid, he had many in which he could not conceal the fog that envelops his failing brain — not even with pre-approved non-questions from non-reporters and scripted responses.

Is this confused old guy the man who has his finger on the nuclear button?  Fortunately, he is not.   

His handlers are well aware that he lapses in and (back) out of situational awareness, as the televised appearance made clear to everyone, even his supporters.  Biden, at times, cannot distinguish between a North American Aerospace Defense (NORAD) incoming-missile warning-screen, and an Xbox video game.

Joe Biden is not actually exercising the powers of the presidency.  He is not making any of the decisions.  He is not capable of doing either.  Who, then, is?

One thing is certain: Joe Biden is president in name only.  He is the warm-up act for Kamala Harris, who will assume the title of president of the United States whenever Biden begins (figuratively or literally) to drool so openly that the absurdity becomes too much to bear, even for his handlers — at which time Kamala will eagerly and triumphantly prance into the office.  Even Harris, however, is a blundering incompetent when it comes to the skills required of a president.  Skilled actress that she is, she can play the part on screen but will rely entirely on Biden's scriptwriters to formulate and execute policy.  Figurehead Kamala will not be permitted by the real rulers to do anything more than pretend to be president.  

One wonders, then, who are the people who comprise the secret cabal, the puppeteers?  Who are the ones actually setting policy for the nation?  Who is issuing the orders?  They were brilliant enough to illegally and openly steal an election, but there is a saying that it is easier to conquer than to govern.  Are they geniuses, or consummate fools?  Have they bitten off more than they can chew?  

"They" are not the Chinese.  Although the American commissars may be selling out to them, they are not willing to give up their perquisites to formally install them.  The apparatchiks seek a truce, a deal, a compromise with foreign enemies, in which they can lock in their status as a permanent ruling class.  But, having fed the dragon, the American left rightly fear being eaten by it.

When the left stole the election, they destroyed more than the presidency.  They destroyed the electoral system itself.  It is in ruins.

However much the Senate Republicans may now scurry to patch it back together, their belated efforts are not noble, but merely self-serving.  Had they been noble, they never would have accepted electors that they knew were false.  They would never have allowed illegally appointed electors to go unchallenged.  They would not have ignored the state legislatures, who have sole authority to send electors to the senate, when those legislatures attempted to rescind the unlawful actions of those officials who had no authority to change state election laws.  

This is in the tradition of Republicans who loudly proclaim to be outraged but do so only after they are assured of having no power to repair the damage they allowed to happen.  

The bottom line is that the United States has been fundamentally transformed.  The Republic has been replaced by an oligarchy.  Its new flag, already being flown above some federal buildings, is not the symbol of unity, but the very illustration of chaos and cacophony, the symbol by which we have been divided and conquered.

To whom, then, can we turn to restore the Republic?  The answer to that is in your mirror.

Image: Kelly Kline via FlickrCC BY-SA 2.0.

Biden: A Captive to His Handlers

Profiles in presidential puppetry.



“The perception of you that got you elected as a moral, decent man is the reason a lot of immigrants are coming to this country and are trusting you with unaccompanied minors.”

That was PBS White House correspondent Yamiche Alcindor at Joe Biden’s March 25 press conference. The event was really a worship service, conducted by house hagiographers and lacking only mandatory timed applause. Still, the proceedings did prove informative in a different way.

Biden needed a cheat sheet and marked photos of approved reporters. The Delaware Democrat is utterly captive to his handlers, a condition previously showcased by America’s 32nd president.

Many Americans, and people around the world, still believe Franklin Delano Roosevelt was fully able-bodied and a tower of strength during World War II. In 1985, Hugh Gregory Gallagher challenged that perception in FDR’s Splendid Deception: The moving story of Roosevelt’s massive disability – and the intense efforts to conceal it from the public.

In 1920, FDR was the Democrat candidate for vice president under James Cox. The next year, he suffered an attack of polio, and as Gallagher notes, FDR was “anxious that press should not know how severely paralyzed he had become.” FDR associate Louis Howe “constantly misled reporters” and worked out “a scheme to transfer Roosevelt without reporters discovering just how ill he really was.”

As Gallagher recalled, “FDR had made it a rule, during his first campaign for governor, that photographers were not to take pictures of him looking crippled or helpless.” During his entire career, reporters obeyed with startling fidelity.

Not a single newsreel showed President Roosevelt being lifted, carried or pushed in his chair.

If a photographer broke the rules, the Secret Service would seize the camera and expose the film.  The Secret Service built ramps for the president, sometimes raising an entire street to the level of the building entrance with wooden trestles and scaffolding. These extensive measures allowed the FDR to appear to “walk” from his car into a building without undue effort.

During the 1944 campaign in New York City, Roosevelt rode in an open car for more than four hours, seemingly as strong and resilient as ever. The press and the public had no clue what was happening behind the scenes.

The Secret Service commandeered garage space, and as Gallagher recalled, “the president’s car was turned out of the parade into the warmth of the heated building. Secret Service agents quickly lifted the president from the car and stretched him out full length on blankets laid on the floor. They removed his clothes down to the skin. He was toweled dry and given a rubdown. He was redressed in dry clothes, brandy was poured down his throat, and he was lifted back into the car. The pit stop was quickly done and the president was soon back in the cavalcade.”

The problem wasn’t all physical. As World War II played out, FDR showed “a curious indecision” and “distinct difficulty in organizing his thoughts.” He would stare into space, slack-jawed, and took no briefings. During 16 months of decline, “only a very few persons on his immediate staff were aware of how marked it had become,” Gallagher explains, “and they were reluctant to admit, even to themselves, how serious it was.”

As his conditioned worsened, FDR outsourced more of his views to the pro-Stalin Harry Hopkins, a social worker and New Deal boss who actually lived at the White House.

FDR was on record that If I give him [Stalin] everything I possibly can and ask for nothing in return, noblesse oblige, he won’t try to annex anything and will work with me for a world of democracy and peace.” It didn’t quite turn out that way.

FDR died on April 12, 1945 at the age of 63. Joe Biden, 78, can walk unaided but less than a week before his press conference, the Delaware Democrat fell three times while boarding Air Force One. On March 25, any legitimate reporter would have asked Biden about the falls, if he was taking any medications, if he had ever been diagnosed with dementia, if he was going to make public his medical records, and so forth.

Biden’s handlers weren’t going to allow anything like that, and no questions about the African Americans who “ain’t black” if they fail to support him, or what he meant when he called a female college student “a lying, dog-faced pony soldier.” And so on. Biden’s handlers must resort to emergency measures.

“They give him a big fat shot in the ass and he comes out, and for two hours he’s better than ever before,” said President Trump before a presidential debate last year. On March 25, they doubtless gave Biden several big fat shots, and he was not better than before – not that he ever set much of a standard. For all but the willfully blind, it’s hard to see how the addled Biden can build himself back better.

Like FDR in his waning days, Joe Biden is a pathetic puppet of the Democrats’ Harry Hopkins squad. These leftist Green New Dealers want Biden to give America’s adversaries everything they want, asking little or nothing in return.

Joe Biden is running for president in 2024, when he’ll be 82. So far he’s performing well as the nation’s undertaker-in-chief.

Biden's Lie-Filled Press Conference

He called on "correspondents" too deferential to challenge him.


President Joe Biden’s March 25th press conference was his first since taking office. He lied so often during the hour or so he spoke and fielded questions that even the New York Times had to take notice.

“We’re sending back the vast majority of the families that are coming,” Biden claimed, referring to families of migrants illegally crossing or seeking to cross the U.S.-Mexico border.

“False,” declared the New York Times. “Federal officials recorded about 19,000 encounters with families at the southwestern border in February. Of those, about 7,900 families, or 42 percent, were expelled, far short of a majority.” The Times also cited an Axios report that the expulsion rate was 13 percent during the previous week.

Biden claimed that former President Donald Trump eliminated the funding for aid to the Central American countries that Biden had helped put together as the Obama administration's vice president. The purpose of the aid, Biden said, was to get at the root causes of why migrants were leaving those countries. “What did Trump do? He eliminated that funding,” Biden said. “He didn’t use it.”

“False,” declared the New York Times again. “President Donald J.Trump did not completely eliminate the aid that Mr. Biden cited,” the New York Times explained. The Times’ fact-checker pointed out that aid to Central America was set by Congress at $505.9 million in the 2021 fiscal year (which began during Trump’s term) and that the aid that Trump temporarily suspended in April 2019 was restored in October 2019.

The New York Times also said that Biden had “exaggerated” when he claimed that Trump had “shut down the number of beds available.” Calling this an exaggeration was too kind. Biden was lying once again. The Times' fact-checker noted that the monthly bed capacity grew to over 16,000 by December 2018, and that by Trump’s “last full month in office, in December 2020, monthly bed capacity was more than 13,000.” There were some reductions during the pandemic to comply with coronavirus protocols while Trump was in office – health precautions that the Biden administration is throwing to the wind as it tries to cope with the huge surge of illegal unaccompanied minors that its open border policy has invited.

The New York Times’ fact-checker barely scratched the surface of Biden’s parade of lies during his press conference. The fact-checker omitted, for example, Biden’s slanderous claim that Trump was willing to let unaccompanied minors, who ended up at the border, starve to death. Biden said that he would never do such a thing, attacking a strawman of his own creation. It is true that Trump did not let unaccompanied minors who illegally entered the United States to remain in the United States. However, Trump didn’t just abandon them to die of starvation. The Trump administration flew many of the minors back to their home countries for safety reasons and to deter more minors from risking their lives by taking the treacherous journey north to the United States. Biden should be following Trump’s example out of humane concern for the minors, rather than spewing slanderous lies to make himself look like some sort of compassionate hero that he is not.

Biden also lied when he claimed that nothing has changed this year under his watch from previous years in terms of normal seasonal increases in the number of migrants coming to the border. “There is a significant increase in the number of people coming to the border in the winter months of January, February, March,” Biden said. “That happens every year.”

False. The surge of illegal aliens crossing the border now is reaching historic proportions that the Biden administration is unable to handle. Even Biden’s Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, while denying that there is a crisis, has said that “We are on pace to encounter more individuals on the southwest border than we have in the last 20 years.” 

The statistics are staggering. Over 100,000 people were encountered in February 2021, 24,000 more than in February 2019 when the Trump administration was encountering a surge of its own. “The US Border Patrol has detained more than 11,000 unaccompanied migrant children between February 28 to March 20,” CNN reported, based on preliminary government data it had reviewed. “In all of February, Border Patrol apprehended nearly 9,300 unaccompanied children at the US southern border, up from around 5,600 in January.”

The number of unaccompanied minors who cross the U.S.-Mexico border each day and are detained by U.S. border officials has now reached an average of about 600 and is climbing. More than 16,000 minors crossing the border illegally are expected to be taken into custody overall during the month of March. The government is projecting significant increases of unaccompanied minors who could cross the border in April and May.

The unaccompanied illegal minors who make it across the border are being crammed together in ramshackle Border Patrol quarters in numbers far above their capacity. But Biden does not want the media to document this unfolding calamity. His claim of interest in transparency is another big lie. 

Biden was asked at his news conference when he would be ready to commit to allowing journalists to have access to the overcrowded facilities. Biden replied, “I will commit when my plan, very shortly, is underway to let you have access to not just them, but to other facilities as well… you’ll have full access to everything once we get this thing moving.” When asked how soon that will be, Biden said, “I don’t know.” Biden's PR staff sure knows. The media will be allowed in after everything is tidied up to look great for the cameras.

Biden’s web of deceit spun during his press conference did not stop with immigration. Take his recent conversion to opposing the current filibuster procedures, for example. About 15 years ago, then-Senator Biden spoke about the importance of the filibuster in glowing terms:

“First, the Founders certainly did not envision the Senate as a body of unadulterated majoritarianism…It was clear from the start that the Senate would be a different type of legislative body; it would be a consensus body that respects the  rights of minorities, even the extreme minority power of a single Senator because that single Senator can represent a single and whole State. The way it is played out in practice was through the right of unlimited debate.”

Now that Biden is in the White House, and the Democrats control both the House of Representatives and Senate, Biden is open to whatever changes are necessary to the filibuster rule to enact his leftwing agenda. If that means turning the Senate into "a body of unadulterated majoritarianism,” so be it. The ends justify the means.  

At his news conference, Biden said that the filibuster is “being abused in a gigantic way.” As proof, he noted that from 1917 to 1971 “there was a total of 58 motions to break a filibuster that whole time. Last year alone, there were five times that many.”

Biden neglected to mention that it was the Senate Democrats who repeatedly used the filibuster during President Trump’s presidency, including in 2020. Then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell filed closure motions multiple times to try and shut down the Democrats' filibusters. McConnell could have muscled through an end to the legislative filibuster with his Republican majority at the time. That way, the Democrat minority in the Senate would have been unable to prevent the passage of Trump’s legislative initiatives, including major immigration reforms to tighten border security and law enforcement, when the Republicans controlled both the House and the Senate. But McConnell chose not to do so.

McConnell is being consistent in wanting to preserve the current filibuster rule, both when he was in the majority and currently while he is in the minority. Now that Democrats are in the majority, President Biden, along with today’s Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, are perfectly happy to scrap the filibuster rule to achieve their radical policy objectives.

Biden says he agrees with Barack Obama’s characterization of the filibuster as a “relic” of the Jim Crow era. Trying to tag Republicans’ use of the filibuster with the Jim Crow label is the height of hypocrisy. Senate Republicans have not even used the legislative filibuster yet this session. Senate Democrats themselves, however, used the filibuster frequently when they were in the minority during the Trump era. How come there was no outcry from Biden against the so-called Jim Crow “relic” when Senate Democrats last year used the filibuster to kill South Carolina Republican Senator Tim Scott's police reform bill following the deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor?

As Senator McConnell observed, “We could have had Federal legislation on the books since last summer, putting more body cameras on police officers, requiring fuller incident  reporting to the FBI, and finally making lynching a Federal crime, among other things. Democrats stopped it. They stopped it using the filibuster. If my Democratic colleagues really believe what they are saying, did they themselves use a racist tool against Senator Scott's police reform bill just last year?” McConnell added, with a touch of irony, "Or is our colleagues’ story that the filibuster was not an offensive relic as recently as last summer, but magically became an offensive relic the instant Democrats came to have a majority?" 

A true journalist would have asked Biden at his news conference whether then-Senator Kamala Harris was indulging in a racist Jim Crow “relic” when she helped lead the Democrats’ filibuster against Senator Tim Scott’s police reform bill. A true journalist would have asked Biden whether he thought his vice president was trying to preserve a racist Jim Crow “relic” when, in 2017, then-Senator Harris signed on to a letter urging the Senate leaders to leave the legislative filibuster alone as is.

However, President Biden’s lies and hypocrisy were not challenged by the obsequious White House correspondents he called on during his press conference. What a contrast with former President Donald Trump’s White House press conferences where Trump had no problem handling tough questions from an antagonistic press corps!

Parallels between Biden’s border policy and Cuomo’s nursing home scandal

Some friends of mine have been making interesting comparisons of the parallels between the completely unnecessary crises created by President Biden (at the border) and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. I am sure there are others, as well, but these are the ones we have come up with for now.

Spreading COVID

  • Biden requires CBP to allow COVID positive illegal migrants into our country and is spreading them across the country

  • Cuomo sent COVID-positive elders into nursing homes, killing almost 15,000 vulnerable seniors there

Predictability of a self-created crisis

  • The Biden border crisis was not only predictable but he was warned about what would happen

  • Cuomo was warned by doctors who work in nursing homes about the risks to the other residents 


  • Biden is refusing to allow the media and American people to see the conditions in which illegal immigrants are held, especially children, and has delayed releasing the numbers of illegals allowed entry or not

  • Cuomo notoriously and probably illegally covered up the number of nursing home deaths

Refusing to use Trump-provided solutions

  • Biden abandoned Trump’s successful border security arrangements with Mexico, his safe third country agreements with Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras to apply for asylum in their home countries, and ended border wall construction

  • Cuomo didn’t take advantage of the Federal assistance in creating hospital facilities in the Javits Center and the USNS Comfort hospital ship

Lack of preparation

  • Biden issued executive orders on the border without being prepared in terms of personnel, procedures, or facilities to deal with their consequences

  • Cuomo left nursing homes being unprepared and unequipped in terms of personnel, procedures, and facilities to isolate those admitted with COVID or otherwise protect the other residents

Family separation

  • Biden encouraged family separations by encouraging unaccompanied minors

  • Cuomo caused permanent family separations with elders’ deaths while isolated from their family in long-term care facilities

Exposure to COVID

  • CBP and other personnel dealing with illegal migrants, who should have been given vaccination priority, have been exposed to COVID.

  • Cuomo ordering elderly COVID-infected patients into nursing homes exposed nursing home staff

Media adoration and protection

  • Biden faced softball questions, including praise for his character, at his first press conference

  • Cuomo was built up by the media as the competent and sexy anti-Trump

Unwanted touching of females

  • Biden likes to touch little girls

  • Cuomo allegedly grabs and kisses female staffers

Favors for family

  • Hunter Biden has made millions of dollars from countries that were being overseen by then-VP Biden

  • Cuomo got early access to the COVID vaccine for members of his family


  • Biden has a stupid, dishonest son (Hunter) who graduated from Yale

  • Cuomo has a stupid, dishonest brother (Chris) who graduated from Yale

Penalties for Lying on ATF Background Check Form – As Hunter Biden Allegedly Did – Include Fines, Jail Time

Hunter Biden / clip from DNC August 18, 2020

Amid reports Hunter Biden may have given false information on an ATF background check form, it is notable that the punishment for false answers on that form includes fines up to $250,000 and/or ten years of imprisonment.

ATF Form 4473 is the background check each would-be gun buyer fills out upon trying to buy a gun at retail. A Federal Firearms License (FFL) holder then calls the FBI and relays the information from the form, receiving the all-clear to sell the gun or a rejection, which means the gun cannot be sold to the would-be buyer. A third option is that the FBI can alert the FFL holder that it will extend the background check another three business days to give FBI reviewers additional time to check criminal records.

On March 25, 2021, Breitbart News pointed out that Hunter Biden, who is President Joe Biden’s son, may have lied about his history of drug use when filling out ATF Form 4473 for a gun purchase in 2018.

The form asks questions like, “Are you the actual transferee/buyer of the firearm(s) listed on this form? … Warning: You are not the actual transferee/buyer if you are acquiring the firearm(s) on behalf of another person. If you are not the actual transferee/buyer, the licensee cannot transfer the firearm(s) to you.”

A “yes” or “no” answer is required.

ATF Form 4473 also asks, “Are you a fugitive from justice?”

Again, a “yes” or “no” answer is required.

The question pertinent to Hunter Biden’s alleged 2018 gun purchase is drug related. It asks:

Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance? Warning: The use or possession of marijuana remains unlawful under Federal law regardless of whether it has been legalized or decriminalized for medicinal or recreational purposes in the state where you reside.

The would-be gun purchaser is required to answer “yes” or “no”.

ATF Form 4473 makes clear, “The information you provide will be used to determine whether you are prohibited by Federal or State law from receiving a firearm. Certain violations of the Gun Control Act, 18 U.S.C. 921 et. seq., are punishable by up to 10 years imprisonment and/or up to a $250,000 fine.”

AWR Hawkins is an award-winning Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and the writer/curator of Down Range with AWR Hawkinsa weekly newsletter focused on all things Second Amendment, also for Breitbart News. He is the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him at awrhawkins@breitbart.com. You can sign up to get Down Range at breitbart.com/downrange.

Report: Executive with Ties to Andrew Cuomo Received Special Access to Coronavirus Tests

In this provided by the State of New York, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo holds up a new Thanksgiving-themed face mask during his daily coronavirus briefing at the Wyandanch-Wheatley Heights Ambulance Corp. Headquarters in Wyandanch, N.Y. After disclosing that he will no longer be celebrating Thanksgiving with his 89-year-old mother …
Kevin P. Coughlin/State of New York via AP

A billionaire pharmaceutical company founder with links to embattled New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) received special access to coronavirus tests at the start of the pandemic, according to a Thursday report.

The New York Times reveals:

[Regeneron] requested tests from the state for its president, Dr. George Yancopoulos, and his family after a “member of his household became infected with Covid-19,” a company spokeswoman said. State officials granted the request and tested the family at home in March. By then, New York had already become the epicenter of the pandemic, with a frightened populace suddenly confronted with a widespread shutdown in the face of a virus that little was known about. On April 1, Governor Cuomo then announced that Regeneron would create 500,000 kits for testing samples and provide them free of charge to New York State.

The Times‘ report comes after the Times-Union reported that Cuomo instructed state health officials to “prioritize” testing for members of his family, including his mother, Matilda Cuomo, and brother, Christopher Cuomo, a high-profile host at CNN. Both the governor and Health Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker also asked state Department of Health officials to prioritize testing for influential individuals with connections to the Cuomo administration, according to the Albany-based newspaper. In a separate report, the Washington Post said the results of prioritized tests were immediately processed at a state laboratory.

Chris Cuomo announced back in March 2020 that he had contracted the virus, later telling the Associated Press in an interview: “I knew it was just a matter of time, to be honest, because of how often I was exposed to people.” The Post reports that a top New York Department of Health doctor visited the CNN host at his Hamptons home to obtain testing samples from him and members of his family.

A spokesperson for Cuomo attempted to dismiss the reports about prioritized testing, saying in a statement to Reuters, “We should avoid insincere efforts to rewrite the past.”

“We should avoid insincere efforts to rewrite the past. In the early days of this pandemic, when there was a heavy emphasis on contact tracing, we were absolutely going above and beyond to get people testing,” Cuomo spokesman Richard Azzopardi said.

News of prioritized testing comes as Cuomo faces dueling scandals — allegations of sexual harassment brought forth by multiple women and an alleged cover-up of data regarding nursing home deaths during the pandemic.  The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is investigating whether aides to the governor provided false data regarding the number of deaths in such facilities, according to the New York Times.

Report: Andrew Cuomo’s Family, Including CNN’s Chris Cuomo, Received ‘Prioritized’ Coronavirus Testing

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo speaks during a news conference at his offices in New York City, on March 24, 2021. (Photo by BRENDAN MCDERMID / POOL / AFP) (Photo by BRENDAN MCDERMID/POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

Sources told the Times Union and Washington Post that New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) instructed state health officials to “prioritize” coronavirus testing for members of his family, including his brother, CNN anchor Chris Cuomo.

The Times Union reported:

High-level members of the state Department of Health were directed last year by Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo and Health Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker to conduct prioritized coronavirus testing on the governor’s relatives as well as influential people with ties to the administration, according to three people with direct knowledge of the matter.

Members of Cuomo’s family including his brother, his mother and at least one of his sisters were also tested by top health department officials — some several times, the sources said.

“As part of the program, a state lab immediately processed the results of those who were tested, the people said, even as average New Yorkers were struggling to get tested in the early days of the pandemic due to a scarcity of resources,” according to the Washington Post.

“Initially, the lab was only capable of running several hundred tests a day for a state with 19 million residents,” it said.

The paper claimed the use of state resources “to benefit people close to the governor raises serious ethical questions.”

In March 2020, Chris Cuomo announced he had contracted the virus.

“I knew it was just a matter of time, to be honest, because of how often I was exposed to people,” Cuomo said, according to the Associated Press.

He said he would work from home and hosted his primetime show from his basement.

A “top New York Department of Health doctor” visited Cuomo at his home to obtain testing samples from him and his family.

The governor scolded his brother during one of his famed press conferences after the revelation and that the anchor had their 88-year-old mother at his home.

“It’s my family, it’s your family, it’s all of our families,” Andrew Cuomo said. “This virus is so insidious, and we have to keep that in mind.”

Cuomo’s administration defended his handling of testing.

“We should avoid insincere efforts to rewrite the past,” spokesman Rich Azzopardi said in a statement, according to the Post, adding some testing was done in homes and door-to-door.

“Among those we assisted were members of the general public, including legislators, reporters, state workers and their families who feared they had contracted the virus and had the capability to further spread it,” he said.

Kyle Olson is a reporter for Breitbart News. He is also host of “The Kyle Olson Show,” syndicated on Michigan radio stations on Saturdays–download full podcast episodes. Follow him on Parler.

Can the GOP stop Democrats from trashing the country?

It's a jungle out there, disorder and confusion everywhere.
No one seems to care, but I do. Hey! Who's in charge here?

Randy Newman

It's common knowledge that Al Gore invented the internet.  And that Barack Obama invented the Office of President-Elect.  Now Joe Biden, by announcing his intention to run for re-election in 2024 after only a couple of destructive months in office, has de facto created the Office of Acting President Emeritus.  Another first for Democrats.

Kamala Harris calls foreign leaders on Biden's behalf.  The White House has instructed the media that going forward, they are to refer to the Biden-Harris administration.  Jill Biden does more than finish Joe's sentences for him: Biden reportedly consults with and relies on his wife to a larger degree than any president since Woodrow Wilson, whose wife Edith effectively took over after Woodrow suffered a debilitating stroke in 1919.

There were reports in February that several Democrats wished to deprive Biden of sole authority over the nuclear codes.  Do we now have a Committee for Commander in Chief?

Behind the scenes, Susan Rice, with the Pelosi/Schumer tag team out front, wields executive power that should rightly reside with the president.  It's a bit like the 1969 film Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice, but with the cast of characters swapping presidential duties instead of spouses.

After having brazenly installed a feeble, geriatric president through a dubious (at best) election process, and almost three months after that mostly peaceful demonstration on January 6, the Democrats still surround the Capitol grounds with thousands of troops and razor wire fencing.  Are those props — befitting the palace grounds of a tinpot dictatorship — evidence of the Democrats' insecurity, of their need to reinforce the notion that they are in charge?  Just as Biden does what he's told, so are we to shut up and do as we're told.

The filibuster is racist, didn't you know.  Antifa is a myth; there's no crisis on the border.  On and on it goes.  Most everything the Democrats and their media hack enablers say is an affectation and a canard.  Most everything the Dems do is a premeditated attack on their avowed enemies — namely, anyonewho didn't vote for them.  Will the people get a fair shot at turning the tide in 2022?  Not likely, especially if or when the Dems ram H.R. 1 down our throats.

Against this pathetic backdrop, with the exception of a few congressmen and senators, it's shocking how feckless and moribund the Republicans are.  They failed to capitalize on their majorities when they held them.  They must now stop playing paddy-cake and begin pushing back hard, especially at the state level, by asserting their 10th Amendment rights through declarations of "sanctuary" status, and by nullifying unconstitutional power grabs such as federalizing and corrupting the election process.  The First, Second, Fourth, and Tenth Amendments are under relentless assault.  There's not enough time to let this all play out in the courts, nor can the Roberts Supreme Court be trusted to uphold the Constitution.  If the Republicans go on offense, and start obstructing and defying the Democrats any way they can, they'll garner more public support than they can imagine.

The American people never signed up for a cultural revolution.  It's Do or Die for the Republican Party.

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