Thursday, March 25, 2021


Becerra has also zealously defended a California law requiring abortion coverage in insurance plans offered by churches — yes, churches.

The question of the day is, why have any Republicans voted to confirm any of Biden's Cabinet appointees?  Every one of them has been chosen not for his expertise in any sphere of influence, but for his radicalism; the farther left these people are, the better in Biden's (?) view.  Xavier Beccara probably belongs in prison.           PATRICIA McCARTHY

Has there ever in US history been a more pitiful Cabinet?

Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski have once again betrayed the American people and voted to confirm one of the most insidious persons ever nominated to a Cabinet position, "Rachel" Levine.  He will now be the assistant secretary of health.  Levine was as toxic as N.Y. Gov. Cuomo when it came to rendering Pennsylvania nursing homes super-spreaders of COVID, but he put his own mother in a hotel.  He knew what he was doing as surely as Cuomo did.

There is much to condemn this appointment, but most serious is Levine's promotion of medication and surgery for pre-pubescent children with gender dysphoria.  Sane people realize that this is perhaps the most despicable form of child abuse that has currently won favor among trans activists.  Surely, both Murkowski and Collins know full well that the vast majority of the American people do not support such extremist views, but they apparently wanted to appear to be sufficiently "woke."

We are all beginning to realize, too late, that being woke is a form of mass hysteria meant to undermine every essential tenet of Judeo-Christian values.  Being "woke" means adopting the new rules of the cancel culture, remaking America according to the whims of BLM and Antifa.  BLM is a Marxist, anti-American, anti–nuclear family organization that is specifically pro-transgender.  So Collins and Murkowski have revealed their inner anti-Americanism, a blatant betrayal of their constituents. 

The question of the day is, why have any Republicans voted to confirm any of Biden's Cabinet appointees?  Every one of them has been chosen not for his expertise in any sphere of influence, but for his radicalism; the farther left these people are, the better in Biden's (?) view.  Xavier Beccara probably belongs in prison.

White House Cabinet Room, where the seats are still empty when the Cabinet members are in attendance
White House webcam screen grab.

Merrick Garland, A.G., could not admit that crossing the border illegally is in fact illegal.  He actually said the Antifa terrorists who tried to burn down a federal courthouse in Portland were not terrorists because they did it at night!

Secretary of state Blinken made an utter fool of himself, and thus the U.S., at his meeting with the CCP representatives in Alaska.

And then there is the hapless Alejandro Mayorkas, the new secretary of DHS.  He is our very own Baghdad Bob.  "No crisis at the border," he keeps saying.  The man is so unqualified for the job to which he's been appointed that it would be laughable if it were not so deadly serious.

Lloyd Austin as secretary of defense!  His job is apparently to purge the military of any and all Christians and conservatives.  He has vowed to protect us from all those Trump-supporters he and the Democrats have decided are domestic terrorists.  He's already sent troops to Syria and stopped those who were set to return from Afghanistan from coming home.

Chances are we will be at war somewhere soon.  We can feel the Democrats itching for it.

And then there is little Pete Buttigieg as transportation secretary.  This guy could not run the city of South Bend, Indiana as mayor, and Biden has put him in charge of one of the most crucial agencies.  This will not end well.

There are many more equally deficient nominees.  Most have been confirmed with the help of enough effete and cowardly Republicans who fear bad press more than they fear the destruction of this nation.  They cannot imagine the contempt conservative Americans feel for them, each and every one who has voted to confirm these pathetic, wholly unqualified nominees to such high-level jobs.

The most terrifying appointment of all is Kamala Harris, put on the ticket as V.P.  Now she of the inappropriate cackle that rivals Hillary's grating laugh is to be in charge of the border crisis!  Just a week ago, when asked about it, she replied, "I haven't been briefed on that."  She is as clueless as she seems, as incompetent as she appears.

Biden created the border mess and likely did it on purpose.  The left likes nothing as much as it loves chaos.  Those poor migrants are just tools in their kit; they care nothing about the fact that they are providing the cartels with a $14M profit a day in human-trafficking.  It's almost as though the cartels own Joe Biden as completely as China does.

This administration has done more damage in two months than any previous administration did in two years or two terms.  We are no longer to be energy independent.  There are no borders, so we are no longer a sovereign nation.  Biden has put tens of thousands of people out of work — the pipeline, the wall, the 80 million acres of federal land he has declared no longer available for oil or gas exploration.  He is dispersing COVID-infected migrants into the interior of the country, most likely to create a resurgence of the virus so he can impose a nationwide lockdown again.

The more dependent citizens are on the government, the more power over us all they can grasp — which is all to the good for the global reset they envision.  As Dennis Prager often says, the bigger the government, the smaller the person.

These executive orders are a gift of billions and billions of dollars to Russia.  As Peter Navarro commented, Russia is just a gas station with nukes.  Thanks to Biden, the Russians will soon be much richer.  So will China as they twirl old Joe and his pathetic Cabinet around their fingers.

Unless more Republicans decide to fight for what is right — the constitutional principles devised by the Founders — the United States will not last.  As for Collins and Murkowski?  A pox on both their houses.  They could not even stand tall for the children likely to be destroyed by the likes of Rachel Levine and his monstrous theories. 

As in 2016, Democrats advance a corrupt ruling-class candidate. Like the dead man Gary Ernst, Democrats want people to vote for Joe Biden so they can swap him out for Kamala Harris, already a beneficiary of voter fraud and with the exception of Xavier Becerra possibly the worst attorney general in California history.

Voter Fraud Plus Bait-and-Switch Equals Tyranny

Lessons from 2016.

Lloyd Billingsley


The 2020 election battle has left millions of voters in a state of confusion. For a sense of clarity, they might recall a significant race from 2016. 

“Voters in Oceanside, Calif., have chosen a dead man over a woman, re-electing Gary Ernst as city treasurer despite the fact that Ernst died in September,” reported National Public Radio on November 10, 2016. Challenger Nadine Scott charged that Oceanside councilman Jerry Kern urged voters to choose the dead man so he could hand-pick a successor. Kern acknowledged as much a week after the death of Ernst, telling ABC news, “vote for him anyway, because that way we can get somebody that’s qualified there.” That presages a key feature of the 2020 election.

As their candidate for president of the United States, Democrats selected Joe Biden, 77, a 47-year Senate veteran and loser in 1988 and 2008 presidential bids. In 2020, Biden says he’s running for the Senate, doesn’t know his location and claims 200 million Americans have died from Covid. And so on.

Joe may be above ground, but to all but the willfully blind he is completely incapable of carrying out the duties of the presidency, the most difficult job in the world. Democrats selected Biden for the same reason Jerry Kern urged votes for dead man Gary Ernst. They wanted to get somebody else in the office.

That would be Kamala Harris, supposedly qualified as an intersectional “woman of color.” Harris is a favorite of the “composite character” president formerly known as Barry Soetoro, who called her the “best looking attorney general in the country.”  That invites a look at the way Harris became attorney general of California, and its relevance to the current campaign.

Democrat queenmaker Willie Brown also thought Harris, 30 years his junior, was good looking. In a daring act of poontronage, Brown set up Harris in lucrative sinecures and backed her runs for San Francisco district attorney and state attorney general in 2010.

Harris was so lightly regarded that the Sacramento Bee, a veritable Democrat newsletter, backed Republican Steve Cooley. On election night Cooley claimed victory, but pro-Harris SEIU drones harvested enough ballots to give Harris a “lead” of less than one percent, and the race was called in her favor. It was blatant, voter fraud of the same brand Democrats now deploy. They halt crucial vote counts that favors Trump and dredge up ballots for Biden, many delivered by the postal workers union that endorsed  Biden, who helpfully clarified the issue.

In an October 24 video, Biden bragged that he had created, “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” The Democrat front-man got help from California Gov. Gavin Newsom, a crony of Nancy Pelosi. In March, Newsom deployed emergency powers to order ballots sent to every registered voter, which includes at least one million illegals registered to vote through the DMV “motor voter” plan.

On November 2, a judge ruled Newsom’s order “an unconstitutional exercise of legislative power,” too late to stop the illegals from voting. At this writing the massive fraud continues, and evokes other memories of 2016.

“Last time, in 2016, the establishment was not ready for Donald Trump,” writes Roger Kimball at American Greatness. “This time they knew it was not only possible but probable, and they prepared accordingly.” That includes the massive voter fraud openly touted by Biden and the bait-and-switch hailed by Nancy Pelosi, who announced that the bid to deploy the 25th Amendment had nothing to do with Trump. Victor Davis Hanson was already onto it.

From day one, the Democrats would begin the process of deposing Biden in favor of Harris. Biden was simply the front man, and he knew pollsters would rig the numbers to show him with a massive lead. The establishment media confirmed they had learned nothing.

Fox News polls were among the worst and on election night, as Kimball noted, Fox refused to call Florida for Trump even after he had won the state. They called Arizona for Biden when it still in play, with lines at the polls. Two days after the election, Fox refused to call Alaska and other states for Trump, even though the president’s win was clear.

Mark Levin, Jesse Waters, Judge Jeannine and Tucker Carlson are on to the Democrats’ scam, but the most astute of all may be Tyrus. As he announced on the Greg Gutfeld show in 2016, the Democrats “got their asses kicked” but “claimed they gained more yards.” In 2020 Trump is again kicking ass but Democrats bring in fake ballots by the truckload.

As in 2016, Democrats advance a corrupt ruling-class candidate. Like the dead man Gary Ernst, Democrats want people to vote for Joe Biden so they can swap him out for Kamala Harris, already a beneficiary of voter fraud and with the exception of Xavier Becerra possibly the worst attorney general in California history.

To adapt Tyrus’ football analogy, the game does not carry on until the penalty has been marked off. As President Trump says, we’ll have to see what happens.

Biden's HHS Pick Becerra Collaborated With Dems’ Mystery IT Man Imran Awan

If Awan seeks a post at HHS, Becerra would surely hold the door open.


The Senate has voted to confirm Xavier Becerra, Joe Biden’s pick to head the federal Department of Health and Human Services. As Deion Kathawa notes at American Greatness, the California attorney general is a rather odd choice for the job.

After a video by pro-life activist David Daleiden exposed Planned Parenthood’s sale of body parts from aborted babies, Becerra charged Daleiden with 15 felonies. The California attorney general also sued the Little Sisters of the Poor, as Kathawa explains, “because their Catholic faith compelled them not to be complicit in the sale of contraceptives under Obamacare.” With other groups, attorney general Becerra proved more lenient.

In Mendota, near Fresno, the MS-13 gang imposed a reign of terror, committing at least 14 murders, with some victims hacked to death before they could testify. Federal authorities spearheaded the case against the gang, and Becerra only showed up after the feds arrested 25 MS-13 members. The attorney general made it clear he was not concerned about the gang’s “status.” In similar style, the murder of police officers Ronil Singh and Brian Ishmael, both by illegal aliens, prompted little concern for the slain officers and no campaign against criminal illegals, who enjoy sanctuary in California.

These issues did not surface in Becerra’s HHS hearing. Neither did the curious case that led to his surprising departure from Washington in 2016.

Rep. Becerra, once on Hillary Clinton’s short list as a running mate, headed the House Democratic Caucus and was in charge of its server. The Democrat’s IT man Imran Awan had access to that computer, and that was a problem. DNC boss Debbie Wasserman Schultz not only brought Awan aboard but hired his wife and other family members, though none had degrees in information technology.

The unvetted Awan could not possibly have qualified for a security clearance but he enjoyed access to the computers of 45 members of Congress, including members the House Intelligence and Foreign Affairs committees. When investigators from the Capitol Police requested the server under Becerra’s control, they got only false information. Becerra, reportedly in line for a key post on the House Ways and Means Committee, bolted for California, where Gov. Jerry Brown tapped him for attorney general. In that role, Becerra upheld sanctuary policies and filed more than 100 lawsuits against the Trump administration, at a cost of $41 million.

For his part, Imran Awan became a subject for Frank Miniter, author of Spies in Congress, and Luke Rosiak, author of Obstruction of Justice: How the Deep State Risked National Security to Protect Democrats. That book, along with the Daily Caller, became the target of lawsuit by Imran Awan. Democrats rushed to the barricades in his defense.

“Congress Pays $850,000 to Muslim Aides Targeted in Inquiry Stoked by Trump,” read the November 25, 2020 New York Times headline. According to the story, the previously unreported settlement is one of the largest to resolve discrimination or harassment claims, in this case by people who “lost their jobs and endured harassment in part because of their Muslim faith and South Asian origins.” In this narrative, Awan’s computer capers had little if anything to do with it, and the award doubtless sinks any prospect for a full investigation.

In these conditions, Democrats believe it’s safe to bring Becerra back to Washington. He’s unqualified to head HHS but for Democrats, Trump Derangement Syndrome and disregard for national security count as qualifications. The problem did not start with Becerra.

In 1976, John Brennan voted for the Stalinist Gus Hall presidential candidate of the Communist Party USA, a party funded by the Soviet Union. That disqualified Brennan for any federal intelligence job, but from 2013 to 2017, the Gus Hall voter headed the CIA. In that powerful post, and afterward, Brennan aided and abetted the covert operations against candidate and President Trump.

Brennan was the choice of the composite character president David Garrow described in Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama. His Dreams from My Father, Garrow wrote, was a novel and the character “Frank” was Frank Marshall Davis, an African American Communist who spent much of his life defending all-white Soviet dictatorships.

As Paul Kengor documented in The Communist, Davis’ FBI file runs some 600 pages and Frank was on the bureau’s security index. So no surprise that the composite character removed Frank from the audio version of Dreams, and Frank makes no appearance in anything under the Obama brand, including Promised Land.

The composite character president looked the other way at militant Islam, so Becerra’s experience with Imran Awan was a perfect fit. Becerra is back in Washington now, as Deion Kawatha observes, with help from Republican Susan Collins, whose “yea” carried the day for the California Democrat. His HHS post is doubtless a rest stop en route to a place on some Democrat’s ticket, or maybe his own. 

For his part, Imran Awan has been rather quiet since he bagged $850,000. If the Democrats’ favorite IT man sought a post at HHS, Xavier Becerra would surely hold the door open.

No To Xavier Becerra At HHS

What California’s top lawyer does have is plenty of experience marshalling the forces of the state to crush religious dissenters, pro-life pregnancy counselors, and independent journalists.

Becerra has waged a legal crusade against each of these groups as attorney general. In 2017, Becerra filed felony charges against the pro-life activists and citizen journalists who had gone undercover to expose Planned Parenthood’s gruesome practice of selling the body parts of aborted babies to biotech companies. California is a “two-party consent” state for audio recordings, but the progressive L.A. Times editorial board called Becerra’s decision to file criminal charges a “disturbing overreach.” The law had not been similarly enforced against animal-rights activists who recorded undercover videos. One writer at Mother Jones called the Planned Parenthood videos “a legitimate investigation, and no level of government should be in the business of chilling it.”

Becerra has also zealously defended a California law requiring abortion coverage in insurance plans offered by churches — yes, churches. In January, the Office of Civil Rights at the Department of Health and Human Services ruled that California’s abortion mandate violated a federal law known as the Weldon amendment, which prohibits federal funding of states and localities that force health providers and insurers to participate in or cover abortion. Becerra announced California would not comply.

 Judicial Watch Exposes Mexican Separatist School Is Academia Semillas del Pueblo Training the Next Generation of Mexican Revolutionaries?, DC)

Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes corruption, today announced the release of a special report, Academia Semillas del Pueblo (Seeds of the People Academy): Training the Next Generation of Mexican Revolutionaries with American Tax Dollars. Judicial Watch’s report includes excerpts of new documents obtained by Judicial Watch through the California Public Records Act that highlight the school’s radical agenda. According to the report’s introduction: “Academia Semillas del Pueblo is not much more than a training ground for the Mexican reconquista movement, which seeks to conquer the American Southwest – by force or by ballot box – and return it to Mexico.” Among the highlights of Judicial Watch’s special report: • Academia is led by Mexican revolutionary radical Marcos Aguilar, who recently told an interviewer with UCLA’s Teaching to change L.A.: “We don’t necessarily want to go to White schools¼the White way, the American way, the neo liberal, capitalist way of life will eventually lead to our own destruction.” • Academia offers an 8th grade United States history and geography class entitled, “A People’s history of Expansion and Conflict – A thematic survey of American politics, society, culture and political economy; Emphasis throughout on the nations the U.S. usurped, invaded and dominated; Connections between historical rise of capitalism and imperialism with modern political economy and global social relations.” • Academia is funded by the Mexican reconquista organization “National Council of La Raza.” Moreover, Aguilar previously served as a leader of M.E.Ch.A., a radical student-run Chicano organization, while attending UCLA. According to M.E.Ch.A.’s official statement of principles, “Aztlan (the American southwest) belongs to indigenous people, who are sovereign and not subject to a foreign culture¼We are a union of free pueblos forming a bronze Nation.” • According to Academia’s original charter application, the school targets “communities [that] are highly self-identified as Latino.” English instruction for Academia’s students does not begin until the fourth grade. “Marcos Aguilar’s school seems to be brainwashing school children with Mexican separatist, anti-American, Marxist propaganda, and getting American taxpayers to pay for it,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “How could the Los Angeles Unified School District agree to fund this sham of a school with tax dollars?” To read a copy of Judicial Watch’s new special report, visit



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