Thursday, March 25, 2021


 Here's another problem: she's not on the same page as Joe Biden.  She was even more pro–open borders than Old Joe, whose policies started this mess.  Left-wing Vox has a list, published last August, of all the ways on the immigration front that Harris is different from Biden — and on all fronts, she's a lot mushier.

After Pledging to Decriminalize Illegal Border Crossings, Harris Will Lead Border Crisis Response

VP encouraged 7,000-strong migrant caravan in 2018, compared ICE to KKK

Getty Images

Vice President Kamala Harris, who less than a year ago expressed support for decriminalizing illegal border crossings, will spearhead the White House's response to the crisis at the southern border.

President Joe Biden said Wednesday that he can "think of nobody who is better qualified" to handle the situation than Harris, who he said "speaks for me." The decision comes as the White House struggles to deal with a historic surge in border apprehensions. U.S. Border Patrol agents are currently detaining more than 600 unaccompanied migrant children per day, far more than the 370 daily apprehensions seen during the 2019 migrant surge.

While top administration officials claim that Harris's first goal will be to quell the surge of illegal migrants, the Democrat has a history of dismissing illegal immigration and the federal government's role in stopping it. As a presidential candidate last summer, Harris said she backed decriminalizing illegal border crossings and would "not make it a crime" to illegally cross the border if she was elected.

Harris's lax approach to border enforcement preceded her run for president—in 2018, Harris encouraged a caravan of more than 7,000 migrants who were seeking to enter the country illegally. The then-California senator said "we are welcoming" as a nation. The comments came just days after migrants violently stormed the Guatemala-Mexico border chanting "we are going to the United States" and "nobody is going to stop us." It also came as former Department of Homeland Security secretary Kirstjen Nielsen warned that the caravan could be exploited by "transnational criminal organizations"—a dynamic that both Republicans and Democrats say is at play during the current crisis.

Harris also faced criticism as a senator for her 2018 line of questioning toward then-acting Immigration and Customs Enforcement director Ronald Vitiello. The Democrat compared the "perception" of ICE to the Ku Klux Klan, implying that the agency uses "fear and force" to carry out immigration laws. Former Biden campaign senior adviser and current Harris chief spokeswoman Symone Sanders defended the questioning, saying that she feels as though "ICE currently operates with surgical precision in terms of picking out and hunting down folks … based upon the color of their skin."

Harris campaigned against the Trump administration's immigration policies, which she said consisted of "putting babies in cages at the border in the name of security." Harris also accused the U.S. government of committing "human rights abuses." Thousands of migrant children, however, are now being held by the Biden administration in holding facilities intended for adults.

While the Biden administration has resisted categorizing the current border surge as a "crisis," Harris on Wednesday said it was a "huge problem" that is "not going to be solved overnight."

Has there ever in US history been a more pitiful Cabinet?

Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski have once again betrayed the American people and voted to confirm one of the most insidious persons ever nominated to a Cabinet position, "Rachel" Levine.  He will now be the assistant secretary of health.  Levine was as toxic as N.Y. Gov. Cuomo when it came to rendering Pennsylvania nursing homes super-spreaders of COVID, but he put his own mother in a hotel.  He knew what he was doing as surely as Cuomo did.

There is much to condemn this appointment, but most serious is Levine's promotion of medication and surgery for pre-pubescent children with gender dysphoria.  Sane people realize that this is perhaps the most despicable form of child abuse that has currently won favor among trans activists.  Surely, both Murkowski and Collins know full well that the vast majority of the American people do not support such extremist views, but they apparently wanted to appear to be sufficiently "woke."

We are all beginning to realize, too late, that being woke is a form of mass hysteria meant to undermine every essential tenet of Judeo-Christian values.  Being "woke" means adopting the new rules of the cancel culture, remaking America according to the whims of BLM and Antifa.  BLM is a Marxist, anti-American, anti–nuclear family organization that is specifically pro-transgender.  So Collins and Murkowski have revealed their inner anti-Americanism, a blatant betrayal of their constituents. 

The question of the day is, why have any Republicans voted to confirm any of Biden's Cabinet appointees?  Every one of them has been chosen not for his expertise in any sphere of influence, but for his radicalism; the farther left these people are, the better in Biden's (?) view.  Xavier Beccara probably belongs in prison.

White House Cabinet Room, where the seats are still empty when the Cabinet members are in attendance
White House webcam screen grab.

Merrick Garland, A.G., could not admit that crossing the border illegally is in fact illegal.  He actually said the Antifa terrorists who tried to burn down a federal courthouse in Portland were not terrorists because they did it at night!

Secretary of state Blinken made an utter fool of himself, and thus the U.S., at his meeting with the CCP representatives in Alaska.

And then there is the hapless Alejandro Mayorkas, the new secretary of DHS.  He is our very own Baghdad Bob.  "No crisis at the border," he keeps saying.  The man is so unqualified for the job to which he's been appointed that it would be laughable if it were not so deadly serious.

Lloyd Austin as secretary of defense!  His job is apparently to purge the military of any and all Christians and conservatives.  He has vowed to protect us from all those Trump-supporters he and the Democrats have decided are domestic terrorists.  He's already sent troops to Syria and stopped those who were set to return from Afghanistan from coming home.

Chances are we will be at war somewhere soon.  We can feel the Democrats itching for it.

And then there is little Pete Buttigieg as transportation secretary.  This guy could not run the city of South Bend, Indiana as mayor, and Biden has put him in charge of one of the most crucial agencies.  This will not end well.

There are many more equally deficient nominees.  Most have been confirmed with the help of enough effete and cowardly Republicans who fear bad press more than they fear the destruction of this nation.  They cannot imagine the contempt conservative Americans feel for them, each and every one who has voted to confirm these pathetic, wholly unqualified nominees to such high-level jobs.

The most terrifying appointment of all is Kamala Harris, put on the ticket as V.P.  Now she of the inappropriate cackle that rivals Hillary's grating laugh is to be in charge of the border crisis!  Just a week ago, when asked about it, she replied, "I haven't been briefed on that."  She is as clueless as she seems, as incompetent as she appears.

Biden created the border mess and likely did it on purpose.  The left likes nothing as much as it loves chaos.  Those poor migrants are just tools in their kit; they care nothing about the fact that they are providing the cartels with a $14M profit a day in human-trafficking.  It's almost as though the cartels own Joe Biden as completely as China does.

This administration has done more damage in two months than any previous administration did in two years or two terms.  We are no longer to be energy independent.  There are no borders, so we are no longer a sovereign nation.  Biden has put tens of thousands of people out of work — the pipeline, the wall, the 80 million acres of federal land he has declared no longer available for oil or gas exploration.  He is dispersing COVID-infected migrants into the interior of the country, most likely to create a resurgence of the virus so he can impose a nationwide lockdown again.

The more dependent citizens are on the government, the more power over us all they can grasp — which is all to the good for the global reset they envision.  As Dennis Prager often says, the bigger the government, the smaller the person.

These executive orders are a gift of billions and billions of dollars to Russia.  As Peter Navarro commented, Russia is just a gas station with nukes.  Thanks to Biden, the Russians will soon be much richer.  So will China as they twirl old Joe and his pathetic Cabinet around their fingers.

Unless more Republicans decide to fight for what is right — the constitutional principles devised by the Founders — the United States will not last.  As for Collins and Murkowski?  A pox on both their houses.  They could not even stand tall for the children likely to be destroyed by the likes of Rachel Levine and his monstrous theories. 

Migrant surge: Joe Biden counts on Kamala Harris to come to his rescue

Is there anyone more unfit for the job of "point person" or "leading diplomatic efforts" during the current migrant border surge than Vice President Kamala Harris?

It's an absolutely certain failure.  Naming Harris the "point person" on the Biden-created border surge such a bad idea that one almost wonders if Joe Biden did it on purpose.

After all, as the Sydney Morning Post notes in its headline: "'It will not be easy:' Biden hands Kamala Harris problem he couldn't fix."

The already failed Biden policy that triggered this current border surge is now a leading issue with the public that's eating into Biden's poll numbers.  According to a Hill-HarrisX survey, a "large majority" (76%) consider the illegal alien surge "a crisis."  A Gallup poll reports that 42 million would-be migrants from Latin America alone want entry.  A Politico/Morning Consult poll conducted in early February found that of Biden's seven least popular executive orders, five were immigration-related.  Another Politico/Morning Consult poll just a few days ago found public support for illegal alien amnesty and citizenship pathways plummeting. Washington Examiner columnist Paul Bedard cited a poll showing Biden's popularity has fallen below the 50% mark to 49%, based on his migration crisis. 

It's only going to go down.

The press is less friendly, too.  The New York Times ran a briefing headlined "The Democrats Immigration Problem."  The Christian Science Monitor ran a piece headlined "Biden faces no-win situation on the border."  Biden apologist Froma Harrop wrote a column called "Biden needs to talk tough on immigration — fast." 

No doubt, the illegal alien border surge a crisis for the country and, for Democrats, poison.

What better solution, then, than to fob it off onto Harris, who's already angling to take his job?  That's one possibility for sure, but that assumes that Biden is sentient.  More likely, Joe's desperate and so lost that he's doing a Hail Mary, hoping Kamala will rescue him.

She won't.

She's actually singularly unfit for this particular task.  What's her foreign policy chops?  Well, actually, none — she's always been focused on racial grievance-mongering, a topic our enemies, particularly the ChiComs, enjoy: America is racist?  Don't be lecturing us on human rights and torture until you get your house in order.  What are her other chops?  Well, shopping with the presscooking, Instagramming, media manipulationposing for Vogue in tennis shoesgiggling, being a prosecutor, and getting in front of the cameras and doing whatever it takes to get to the next job.  In the Senate, she was on the Intelligence Committee — so did she pay attention to Latin America?  Nope, she was on to the Russia hoax, the whole time, where the cameras were.  Latin America to her was a nothingburger.

When she became vice president, Politico noted that she was in for a foreign-policy "crash course," because she knew so little. Earlier on, they called her "a neophyte" and said that foreign leaders only paid attention to her because she was seen as a president-in-waiting. She didn't even know beginner's basics of diplomatic travel -- on a recent trip, she failed to salute U.S. troops going up a jet runway, probably because she didn't know. She's taken Biden's calls for foreign leaders, yes, but not the hard ones, just the friendlies, like France. Two months ago, Biden named her point person on global health and cybersecurity, neither of which involves significant diplomacy. Now he's flipped her to the border surge, where diplomacy is going matter, hoping her giggling will do the trick.

And why would she fail? Well, for starters, Kamala is trying to distance herself from all responsibility already. According to Politico:

On the call with reporters, aides made clear that Harris would not be owning the entire immigration portfolio for the administration and would be instead focused on long-term efforts in Central America.

"[Harris] is going to be focused on overseeing our diplomatic efforts, working closely with these nations to look at the issues of migration and their own enforcement on their own borders," the senior administration official said. "More broadly, though, she's going to be working to implement a long-term strategy that gets at the root causes of migration."

She's only going to be doing diplomacy and talking to foreign leaders, see, finding the root causes of illegal migration, something she won't find unless she looks to Old Joe and his dangled incentives.  Homeland Security, not she, will remain in charge of stopping the actual surge, which she's counting on to take the flak.  She's just there to talk, and maybe dole $4 billion in aid, or threaten to withhold it.  As if money in those completely corrupt foreign systems wouldn't just find its way in the hands of the consultants and elites.  Rest assured: throwing U.S. government money at the surge is not going to stop it, not with coyotes promising migrants they'll get them into the States and that Biden will not only allow them to stay, but give them free health care, education, legal services, work, welfare checks, stimulus checks, citizenship, and a panoply of freebies.  Four billion to the elites they're not going to get is not going to persuade anyone to want to stay.

Here's another problem: she's not on the same page as Joe Biden.  She was even more pro–open borders than Old Joe, whose policies started this mess.  Left-wing Vox has a list, published last August, of all the ways on the immigration front that Harris is different from Biden — and on all fronts, she's a lot mushier.  Latin American leaders are going to look at her and see her hypocrisy, asking them to police their borders, while she doesn't want them actually guarded in the U.S.  "Let Latino do it" as a policy stance, from someone who's otherwise encouraged illegal immigration even more than Old Joe, won't go over well.

If Harris wanted results, in fact, she would have to pursue the now discarded policies of Donald Trump.  Those worked; those stopped the surge.  But since Kamala has set up Homeland Security to take the fall, stopping the surge isn't on her.  She'll claim credit, and they'll take blame, and presumably, the voters will be fooled.

But it's too far gone for the Bidenites to get away with that.  The polls are now dropping.

Could Biden have done this intentionally, to take Kamala Harris down?

Well, if an argument is to be made about this, it might be that Biden himself, when he was vice president, got this job fobbed off on him by President Obama, too, who had nothing but contempt for him.  According to Politico:

Harris' new responsibility is similar to one Biden had while he was vice president. He visited the region several times as more migrants from the three countries began to make their way en masse to the U.S.-Mexico border. Those efforts were seen as largely unsuccessful, and the situation in the countries has grown even more precarious.

When asked what the president learned from that effort, Ambassador Roberta Jacobson, a special assistant to the president who previously served as the U.S. envoy to Mexico, said in a press briefing: "Both the President and all of us who worked for him on that learned a great deal. And I think that it's really important that we put that to use now. One of the things he thinks is so important is being really explicit with leadership in the countries from which migrants are coming about commitments that they need to make, because overcoming the reasons people migrate is not going to be the United States' job alone."

Unsuccessful, Politico says.  Now it's Harris's turn.

Anyone expect Harris to talk tough and muscle the corrupt president of Honduras on migrants?  Somehow, I don't think so.  She's on a short runway to failure in this, and she has the grim choice of pursuing Trump's policies while at the same time blaming him, or else hoping the border surge just dies out.  How's Harris going to blame Trump and pursue his policies to stabilize the border, all at the same time?  It's plainly ridiculous.  She's clearly in over her head.

She'll be a disaster.  She knows nothing about foreign policy, and she's not about to learn.

Kamala Harris Gave Plea Deal to Illegal Alien Months Before He Killed Drew Rosenberg


CDCR/Montinique Monroe/Getty Images


31 Oct 20201,900


In the first week of November 2010, then-San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris won her statewide race to become California’s Attorney General. Two weeks later, Angel Dad Don Rosenberg lost his son Drew, 25-years-old, at the hands of an illegal alien.

On November 16, 2010, second-year law student Drew Rosenberg was killed in San Francisco by Roberto Galo, an illegal alien from Honduras who had been granted Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to stay in the United States.

Galo hit Drew, who was riding his bike, and ran him over twice before attempting to flee the scene of the crash. Galo stopped his car on Drew’s abdomen, prompting a group of bystanders to help lift the car off of him.


Photo of Drew Rosenberg, courtesy of the Rosenberg family.

A year before Drew’s death, then-San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom (D) implemented a policy that allowed unlicensed drivers about 20 minutes to find a licensed driver to drive their car so that it would not be impounded by the city.

The policy ensured illegal aliens, driving without licenses, could be pulled over, cited, and fined without having to deal with having their car impounded. As District Attorney, Harris seemed to follow the Newsom policy, Rosenberg said.

“It was a decision by the city of San Francisco that if you’re here illegally, you don’t have to follow the law,” Rosenberg told Breitbart News. “And as district attorney, it was Kamala’s job to say, ‘You can’t do that — you can’t tell people that they can drive without a license.'”

Months before Drew was killed, in June 2010, Galo was pulled over by San Francisco police officers for driving the wrong way down a one-way street. Galo was arrested and charged with driving without a license and driving without insurance.

Harris’s office offered Galo a plea deal that would allow him to escape the more serious charges of driving without a license and driving without insurance by pleading guilty to driving the wrong way. Rosenberg said Galo had taken a driver’s test on three occasions and failed each time.

In a 2013 post, detailing his son’s case in great length, Rosenberg wrote:

The inspector told us it was a slam dunk felony vehicular homicide. There were no skid marks from Galo’s car as he never attempted to stop. He also told us that Galo had been caught driving without a license, driving the wrong way on a one way street and driving without insurance in June 2010. The case would now be in the hands of the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office. [Emphasis added]

On July 27, 2010 Galo appeared in traffic court for his June 14 charges. The DA’s office had cut him a deal: Plead guilty to driving the wrong way on a one way street and the charges for driving without a license and driving without insurance would be dropped. At this point Galo had already been driving again for 45 days. Of course he took the deal. The DA’s office refuses to tell us if he ever paid the ticket for the wrong way violation.

Rosenberg said he eventually discovered — after a year of asking the district attorney’s office — that Galo paid the $220 ticket.

Through his own findings in the case, Rosenberg learned that Galo was able to almost immediately begin driving in San Francisco again after his car was impounded for the June 2010 arrest and charges.

The very next day, Galo apparently signed the car title over to Digna Guzman, who quickly got herself and Galo insured on the car. That same day, Guzman was able to get the car from impound and Galo began driving, Rosenberg said.

In a letter to Harris dated February 21, 2011, who was now attorney general, Rosenberg pressed her office about why Galo had been offered such a plea deal and was allowed to get his car from impound so quickly against state law.

Rosenberg wrote to Harris:

I am not writing you as the Attorney General. I am writing to you because you were the District Attorney of San Francisco when Roberto Galo was first arrested in June. You were the District Attorney when this tragedy occurred. You were the District Attorney when the preliminary hearing fiasco occurred. The staff of the District Attorney’s office was under your control and responsibility. And what I have recently learned is that when Roberto Galo was caught driving without a license, without insurance and driving the wrong way down a one way street, your DA’s Office offered and Galo accepted a plea on the lesser charge of driving the wrong way down a one way street . Your DA’s Office dropped the charge of driving without a license and without insurance charges. Why would your DA’s Office do that? Could there have been an easier conviction? My son is dead because the DA’s did not (and continues to believe) that driving without a license is a big deal. [Emphasis added]

Although no one will confirm, it certainly appears that the policy of the San Francisco District Attorney’s office is not to prosecute unlicensed drivers unless they are in a fatal collision. Since you were the District Attorney, I have to believe that this was your policy and your department implemented it. [Emphasis added]

Galo was convicted of voluntary manslaughter. He spent 43 days in jail for killing Drew.

The Rosenberg case is not the first time Harris has been involved in such a matter. As Breitbart News reported, Harris failed to prosecute illegal alien MS-13 Gang member Edwin Ramos in a traffic violation months before he went on to murder 48-year-old Tony Bologna and two of his sons — 20-year-old Michael and 16-year-old Matthew.

Angel Mom Danielle Bologna publicly pleaded with Harris to seek the death penalty against Ramos. Harris refused and instead sought a life sentence.

Similarly, Harris implemented a jobs program as San Francisco District Attorney. Harris’s “Back on Track” program allowed 18 to 30-year-olds to plead guilty to drug felonies so long as they agreed to spend a year in the program, living where they chose.

The program was open to illegal aliens like then-20-year-old Alexander Izaguirre,who had pled guilty to selling cocaine. Months after Izaguirre was put in Harris’s Back on Track program, he robbed then-29-year-old Amanda Kiefer before jumping into an SUV to run her over.

Kiefer suffered ear bleeding and a fractured skull as a result of the attack.

Not until a year after Kiefer’s assault did Harris acknowledge that her Back on Track program for convicts had provided jobs to illegal aliens. Once she learned of their inclusion, Harris allowed illegal aliens to finish their time in the program.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder



”I can think of nobody who is better qualified to do this,” Biden said after making the announcement at the White House.

Joe Biden Puts Kamala Harris in Charge of Migrant Crisis: ‘I Can Think of Nobody Who Is Better Qualified’

Volume 90%

President Joe Biden announced Wednesday his plan to put Vice President Kamala Harris in charge of the migrant crisis on the southern border.

”I can think of nobody who is better qualified to do this,” Biden said after making the announcement at the White House.

Biden shifted the responsibility for the crisis to his vice president as it threatens to overshadow his achievements in fighting the coronavirus and his massive $1.9 trillion spending package. He delegated full power to her team.

“When she speaks, she speaks for me,” Biden said. “Doesn’t have to check with me. She knows what she’s doing and I hope we can move this along.”

Biden acknowledged he had given Harris a “tough job” but noted she was “smiling” as he turned the event over to her.

“Thank you, Mr. President, and for having the confidence in me,” Harris said. “There’s no question this is a challenging situation.”

Harris said she would focus on addressing the “root causes” of the migration crisis with Central American countries and support “shared prosperity in the region.”

The Biden administration has struggled with the crisis, as the number of families with children and unattended minors coming to the southern border has skyrocketed since Inauguration Day.

Harris said she would also work with members of Congress to address the problem.

“Needless to say the work will not be easy but it is important work,” Harris said.

Biden and his Department of Homeland Security officials have struggled with mixed messaging on the issue, assuring Americas that the border is closed, but repeating that children and unaccompanied minors detained at the border will be released into the United States.


"Mexican president candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador called for mass immigration to the United States, declaring it a "human right". We will defend all the (Mexican) invaders in the American," Obrador said, adding that immigrants "must leave their towns and find a life, job, welfare, and free medical in the United States."

"Fox’s Tucker Carlson noted Thursday that Obrador has 

previously proposed granting AMNESTY TO MEXICAN DRUG 

CARTELS. “America is now Mexico’s social safety net, and that’s

a very good deal for the Mexican ruling class,” Carlson added."


"Many Americans forget is that our country is located against a socialist failed state that is promising to descend even further into chaos – not California, the other one. And the Mexicans, having reached the bottom of the hole they have dug for themselves, just chose to keep digging by electing a new leftist presidente who wants to surrender to the cartels and who thinks that Mexicans have some sort of “human right” to sneak into the U.S. and demographically reconquer it." KURT SCHLICHTER

As in 2016, Democrats advance a corrupt ruling-class candidate. Like the dead man Gary Ernst, Democrats want people to vote for Joe Biden so they can swap him out for Kamala Harris, already a beneficiary of voter fraud and with the exception of Xavier Becerra possibly the worst attorney general in California history.

Kamala Harris Urges Illegal Migrants to Help Elect Joe Bidenwrence Jackson / Biden 


Sen. Kamala Harris promised Sunday to reduce detention space for migrants as she asked an illegal immigrant activist to help Joe Biden win the election.


“I’m undocumented … I can’t vote …What can we do during this election to help make sure that we get you elected?” asked Astrid Silva, who was brought into the United States as a child by her illegal migrant parents.

“You can tell people who can vote what life is like for you now, and what life can be like,” Vice President nominee Harris told the Nevada-based political organizer who runs the pro-amnesty Dream Big Nevada group, adding that:

We are committed to shutting down private detention centers and ending policies that have been about separating children from their parents at the border.

Harris’s comments may be a coded message to would-be illegal migrants and their supportive legal-immigrant relatives.

For example, if implemented, Harris’s promise to start “shutting down private detention centers” could cripple border enforcement. If the enforcement agency does not have commercial prisons to hold detainees prior to their asylum hearings, the agency would be forced to release waves of job-seeking migrants into the U.S. labor market.

Similarly, Harris’s promise to end “policies … about separating children” echoes the media-magnified demand by pro-migration activists that officials release migrant mothers and children when they cross the border. That demand would let migrant families freely travel to relatives — including their illegal migrant husbands and fathers — who are working illegally in the United States.

Last week in Nevada, I caught up with my friend @Astrid_NV, to discuss the Biden-Harris plan for immigration reform and how Dreamers can make a difference in this election.

If you're eligible to vote, show up at the ballot box for those who can't:

— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) November 1, 2020

Like Biden, Harris pushed the Cold War “Nation of Immigrants” claim, even though only about 10 percent of people in the United States are legal immigrants:

We want to have a president who understands we are a nation of immigrants. This is a country that was built and that has derived its strength from immigrants coming here over the generations.

Harris also tried to blur the legal and civic differences between illegal migrants, legal immigrants, and American citizens. For example, she told Silva:

Define who you are, and you tell the world who you are. Don’t let anybody ever put you in a box because they have a limited perspective on who can do what and who can be one.


We are all in this together. And so, chin up, shoulders back, right? We speak our truth and know that there will always be people applauding and supporting that even if you can’t see them at that one moment, know that there are so many of us who are supporting your leadership and the power of your voice. It’s really important.

Harris also claimed President Donald Trump vilified immigrants: “We’ve seen under the current president the kind of vitriol, the kind of hate, the vilification of immigrants in such a horrible way.”

But a Washington Post poll showed in April that Latinos are the strongest advocates for a near-total halt to legal immigration during the coronavirus epidemic and economic crash.

Biden’s 2020 plan promises to “reassert America’s commitment to asylum-seekers and refugees,” wipe out Trump’s asylum reforms, bar any deportations for 100 days, and end migration enforcement against illegal aliens unless they commit a felony.

Joe Biden’s asylum and open-border policies will destroy the American middle class by releasing millions of foreign migrants into the United States, Stephen Miller told reporters October 28.

— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) October 28, 2020

Biden also wants to let companies import more visa workers, let mayors import temporary workers, and allow an unlimited flow of foreign graduates through U.S. universities into white-collar jobs. Biden would “exempt from any cap [the] recent graduates of Ph.D. programs in STEM fields.”

Biden also wants to accelerate the inflow of chain migration migrants and dramatically accelerate the inflow of poor refugees to at least 125,000 per year.

“The influx of low wage workers from all across the world will drive down incomes, drive down wages, deplete the middle class, bankrupt Social Security, bankrupt Medicare, bankrupt Medicaid, bankrupt federal entitlements, overcrowd schools, and overcrowd every hospital in the middle of a pandemic,” White House aide Stephen Miller told reporters on October 28.

“It is an assault on reason, it is an assault on law enforcement, and it’s an assault on the very idea of having a country, having a Republic,” Miller added. “This is not about left or right or Center. This is about between having a country, or not even having a country.”

Mexican Ambassador: Let’s Restart Mass Migration into U.S.


The United States should reopen itself to migration, amnesties, refugee inflows, asylum seekers, and more temporary contract workers, Mexico’s ambassador to the United States said Tuesday.


The U.S. immigration system “has to be based on facts and realities,” Ambassador Martha Bárcena Coqui told a forum arranged by the National Immigration Forum (NIF). She continued: ‘The facts and realities is the need to protect the most vulnerable, the need to keep open the generosity towards refugees, the need to recognize the complementarity of labor markets and demographic profiles, the need for temporary workers in the United States.”

The United States should not view migration as a security threat, she said, adding, “If you conceptualize migration as a national security issue, if you [push for] securitization of migration, and what is even worse, if you criminalize migration, then your approach always be policing, contentious [and] reduction of migration. So what we need is really to conceptualize migration …  as an economic and social and political phenomena.”

“With all due respect to Madam Ambassador, she should mind her own country’s business, not ours,” responded Mark Krikorian, the director of the Center for Immigration Studies.

“The Mexican ambassador is going to tell us what is in the best interest of Mexico,” responded Rosemary Jenks, policy director at NumbersUSA. “But that doesn’t mean we have to do it — we have to do what’s in the best interest of the United States. of American, of Americans and legal immigrants,” she told Breitbart News, adding:

You know we have the pandemic still raging, we have economic lockdowns still going on, we have unemployment way too high. We have underemployment way too high. We have American citizens hurting. We absolutely do not need to reopen mass immigration — and certainly don’t need to give amnesty and taxpayer benefits to people who came here illegally. If Mexico thinks its plan is to just open up its own southern borders in the hopes that America will open our southern borders, that’s just going to reignite the caravans. I hope that the Biden administration is planning for that because that’s not going to go well, and 2022 is not going to go well for Democrats.

More migrants are coming, the ambassador said, even though the coronavirus crash has blocked the northward flow for the moment:

The root causes of these migrations have [not] disappeared. On the contrary, we are seeing pent up, building pressure. People cannot move now because of the restrictions on movement because of the pandemic. But the root causes are still there, [for example], the drought in Central America  … a hurricane in Nicaragua and Honduras that have totally flooded Honduras.

The United States should amnesty many illegal migrants from all over the world, she said, and also import more migrants by accepting asylum applications at U.S. embassies, so the world’s migrants will not have to travel through Mexico. “What we would like to see, of course, is that the U.S. embassies in Central America could process even more of these requests for asylum, instead of having people crossing through Mexico and asking for asylum at the border.”

The ambassador was invited to speak by the NIF, which is a business-funded activist group that promotes cheap labor migration into jobs needed by lower-skilled Americans and by legal immigrants, and also into jobs that can be automated.

Roughly three million migrants have flooded over the southern border since the rules were loosened by Congress in 2008 and by President Barack Obama’s deputies in 2011. Trump stopped the flow in 2020, but few of the migrants — or of roughly 300,000 younger “Unaccompanied Alien Children” — have been sent home because they are being protected by pro-migrant immigration lawyers, by pro-diversity progressives, and cheap labor employers in sanctuary cities.

The Mexican government must help poor migrants travel to the U.S. border, says Mexican immigrant and Univision anchor Jorge Ramos.

— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) October 8, 2019

The large U.S. population of illegal immigrants helps to push down wages for Americans, push disadvantaged workers out of the labor force, reduce corporate investment in technology and training, and spike corporate sales and profits. The large population also shifts the U.S. politics from a focus on Americans’ jobs and wages, and then towards a politics focused on business demands and the 1950’s claim by elites that the United States is a diverse “nation of immigrants,” not a cooperative nation for all Americans.

The flood of cheap labor that is being promoted by the ambassador would be a disaster for Americans, Jenks said. “They would absolutely destroy the employment opportunities for lower-skilled Americans, particularly for minorities and legal immigrants. It would reduce wages among the people who can least afford reduced wages and put downward pressure on everyone else’s wages. The people who would benefit from it, of course, would be the elites who can hire nannies, maids, and housekeepers, and who go stay at resorts and so on, while the rest of us suffer.”

The ambassador’s statement, Krikorian told Breitbart News, “suggests that the [President Donald] Trump really was getting Mexico to change its behavior [after 2018] and that once Trump is gone, the Mexican approach these issues will revert to form, and they will again usher large numbers of third-country illegal aliens into our country.”

But if Mexico is concerned about the migrants coming up from the South, it can take its own defense measures, said Krikorian.

“As far as refugees and asylees go, Mexico is a signatory to the U.N. Convention on these issues. Mexico is about half the population, maybe a little less, of the United States. It doesn’t take a nearly proportionate number of asylum seekers or refugees [as the United States. So, “Physician, heal thyself,” would be my first response.”

Also, Krikorian added, the ambassador may be overstating the view of the Mexican government. “Whatever the ambassador said, it is an open question whether Mexico will truly open the floodgates again. The country has its own interest in limiting this transit migration because Mexican citizens are getting sick of the migrations. And many of these people end up staying anyway, applying for asylum in Mexico, or just hanging around illegally, and that undermines the job prospects of Mexicans in the same way that it can undermine Americans’ job prospects.”

“The United States is a sovereign nation that should and can have complete control over its borders,” said Jenks. “Regardless of what our neighbors may think, our government owes it to the American people to have an immigration system that benefits America. Period. Full stop.”

It was a very good dialogue on the current situation and a way forward. Thanks to @mcbelz @DMiliband and you @anoorani for the invitation. #LTW2020

— Martha Bárcena (@Martha_Barcena) November 18, 2020

Overall, open-ended migration is praised by business and progressives partly because migrants help transfer massive wealth from American wage-earners to stockholders.

Migration moves money from employees to employers, from families to investors, from young to old, from children to their parents, from homebuyers to real estate investors, and from the central states to the coastal states.

Migration also allows investors and CEOs to skimp on labor-saving technology, sideline U.S. minorities, ignore disabled peopleexploit stoop labor in the fields, shortchange labor in the cities, impose tight control and pay cuts on American professionals, corral technological innovation by minimizing the employment of American graduates, undermine labor rights, and redirect progressive journalists to cheerlead for Wall Street’s priorities and claims.

A Mexican governor doubled down on his push for immigrants from his state to vote for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden only hours after his federal government scolded him for interfering in another country’s election.

— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) November 2, 2020


As in 2016, Democrats advance a corrupt ruling-class candidate. Like the dead man Gary Ernst, Democrats want people to vote for Joe Biden so they can swap him out for Kamala Harris, already a beneficiary of voter fraud and with the exception of Xavier Becerra possibly the worst attorney general in California history.

Voter Fraud Plus Bait-and-Switch Equals Tyranny

Lessons from 2016.

Lloyd Billingsley


The 2020 election battle has left millions of voters in a state of confusion. For a sense of clarity, they might recall a significant race from 2016. 

“Voters in Oceanside, Calif., have chosen a dead man over a woman, re-electing Gary Ernst as city treasurer despite the fact that Ernst died in September,” reported National Public Radio on November 10, 2016. Challenger Nadine Scott charged that Oceanside councilman Jerry Kern urged voters to choose the dead man so he could hand-pick a successor. Kern acknowledged as much a week after the death of Ernst, telling ABC news, “vote for him anyway, because that way we can get somebody that’s qualified there.” That presages a key feature of the 2020 election.

As their candidate for president of the United States, Democrats selected Joe Biden, 77, a 47-year Senate veteran and loser in 1988 and 2008 presidential bids. In 2020, Biden says he’s running for the Senate, doesn’t know his location and claims 200 million Americans have died from Covid. And so on.

Joe may be above ground, but to all but the willfully blind he is completely incapable of carrying out the duties of the presidency, the most difficult job in the world. Democrats selected Biden for the same reason Jerry Kern urged votes for dead man Gary Ernst. They wanted to get somebody else in the office.

That would be Kamala Harris, supposedly qualified as an intersectional “woman of color.” Harris is a favorite of the “composite character” president formerly known as Barry Soetoro, who called her the “best looking attorney general in the country.”  That invites a look at the way Harris became attorney general of California, and its relevance to the current campaign.

Democrat queenmaker Willie Brown also thought Harris, 30 years his junior, was good looking. In a daring act of poontronage, Brown set up Harris in lucrative sinecures and backed her runs for San Francisco district attorney and state attorney general in 2010.

Harris was so lightly regarded that the Sacramento Bee, a veritable Democrat newsletter, backed Republican Steve Cooley. On election night Cooley claimed victory, but pro-Harris SEIU drones harvested enough ballots to give Harris a “lead” of less than one percent, and the race was called in her favor. It was blatant, voter fraud of the same brand Democrats now deploy. They halt crucial vote counts that favors Trump and dredge up ballots for Biden, many delivered by the postal workers union that endorsed  Biden, who helpfully clarified the issue.

In an October 24 video, Biden bragged that he had created, “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” The Democrat front-man got help from California Gov. Gavin Newsom, a crony of Nancy Pelosi. In March, Newsom deployed emergency powers to order ballots sent to every registered voter, which includes at least one million illegals registered to vote through the DMV “motor voter” plan.

On November 2, a judge ruled Newsom’s order “an unconstitutional exercise of legislative power,” too late to stop the illegals from voting. At this writing the massive fraud continues, and evokes other memories of 2016.

“Last time, in 2016, the establishment was not ready for Donald Trump,” writes Roger Kimball at American Greatness. “This time they knew it was not only possible but probable, and they prepared accordingly.” That includes the massive voter fraud openly touted by Biden and the bait-and-switch hailed by Nancy Pelosi, who announced that the bid to deploy the 25th Amendment had nothing to do with Trump. Victor Davis Hanson was already onto it.

From day one, the Democrats would begin the process of deposing Biden in favor of Harris. Biden was simply the front man, and he knew pollsters would rig the numbers to show him with a massive lead. The establishment media confirmed they had learned nothing.

Fox News polls were among the worst and on election night, as Kimball noted, Fox refused to call Florida for Trump even after he had won the state. They called Arizona for Biden when it still in play, with lines at the polls. Two days after the election, Fox refused to call Alaska and other states for Trump, even though the president’s win was clear.

Mark Levin, Jesse Waters, Judge Jeannine and Tucker Carlson are on to the Democrats’ scam, but the most astute of all may be Tyrus. As he announced on the Greg Gutfeld show in 2016, the Democrats “got their asses kicked” but “claimed they gained more yards.” In 2020 Trump is again kicking ass but Democrats bring in fake ballots by the truckload.

As in 2016, Democrats advance a corrupt ruling-class candidate. Like the dead man Gary Ernst, Democrats want people to vote for Joe Biden so they can swap him out for Kamala Harris, already a beneficiary of voter fraud and with the exception of Xavier Becerra possibly the worst attorney general in California history.

To adapt Tyrus’ football analogy, the game does not carry on until the penalty has been marked off. As President Trump says, we’ll have to see what happens.

Judicial Watch Exposes Mexican Separatist School Is Academia Semillas del Pueblo Training the Next Generation of Mexican Revolutionaries?, DC)

Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes corruption, today announced the release of a special report, Academia Semillas del Pueblo (Seeds of the People Academy): Training the Next Generation of Mexican Revolutionaries with American Tax Dollars. Judicial Watch’s report includes excerpts of new documents obtained by Judicial Watch through the California Public Records Act that highlight the school’s radical agenda. According to the report’s introduction: “Academia Semillas del Pueblo is not much more than a training ground for the Mexican reconquista movement, which seeks to conquer the American Southwest – by force or by ballot box – and return it to Mexico.” Among the highlights of Judicial Watch’s special report: • Academia is led by Mexican revolutionary radical Marcos Aguilar, who recently told an interviewer with UCLA’s Teaching to change L.A.: “We don’t necessarily want to go to White schools¼the White way, the American way, the neo liberal, capitalist way of life will eventually lead to our own destruction.” • Academia offers an 8th grade United States history and geography class entitled, “A People’s history of Expansion and Conflict – A thematic survey of American politics, society, culture and political economy; Emphasis throughout on the nations the U.S. usurped, invaded and dominated; Connections between historical rise of capitalism and imperialism with modern political economy and global social relations.” • Academia is funded by the Mexican reconquista organization “National Council of La Raza.” Moreover, Aguilar previously served as a leader of M.E.Ch.A., a radical student-run Chicano organization, while attending UCLA. According to M.E.Ch.A.’s official statement of principles, “Aztlan (the American southwest) belongs to indigenous people, who are sovereign and not subject to a foreign culture¼We are a union of free pueblos forming a bronze Nation.” • According to Academia’s original charter application, the school targets “communities [that] are highly self-identified as Latino.” English instruction for Academia’s students does not begin until the fourth grade. “Marcos Aguilar’s school seems to be brainwashing school children with Mexican separatist, anti-American, Marxist propaganda, and getting American taxpayers to pay for it,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “How could the Los Angeles Unified School District agree to fund this sham of a school with tax dollars?” To read a copy of Judicial Watch’s new special report, visit



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