Sunday, March 21, 2021



The Great Pretender

Who’s really running the show? Just imagine the following scenario: President Joe spends an evening – actually, more like an afternoon -- watching old classic films, one of which, perhaps, is a Cold War-era action movie about a Russian invasion. When not dozing off he thoroughly enjoys the film. He has his early-bird supper and shuffles off to bed. Later that night, about 3:00 am, Joe wakes up and locks himself in the bathroom with the nuclear football.

Jill suddenly wakes up and tries to check on Joe, but the bathroom door is locked. While she calls his name and tries to get him to open the door, Joe is busy typing in the nuclear codes he has scrawled on the palm of his hand. In his confusion, he blends reality with fiction and believes the movie was real life.

By the time Jill gets a Secret Service agent to help break down the door, old Joe has already started the launch sequences to annihilate Russia, and North Korea for good measure. Once entered, these codes can’t be canceled. Russia and North Korea are alerted to the strike and launch retaliatory nuclear missiles. World War Three has started or perhaps the end of the world as we know it.

Don’t think this could happen? Some Democrats are not so sure. Why else do they want to wrestle these codes away from this senile old man? They didn’t even try this with their nemesis, President Trump, but they’re doing it for their own man. They know the reality of his condition. He’s a danger to everyone, even the world. Shame on all those who put him in this position, including wife Jill and former boss Obama.

These two of all people should have known Joe was not capable of fulfilling the duties of this office. But their greed and lust for power and, in Jill’s case, status, drove them to ignore that obvious and nuclear disaster could be the result or any number of other terrible things damaging to the world or country.

All evidence points to Obama pulling the strings behind the curtain. In a circumstance such as the one played out above, though, even Obama can’t predict what a man in mental decline might do. It’s apparent that Joe won’t be in office much longer judging by his recent gaffs and infrequent appearances, but it only takes one time for something like this to happen. Is tomorrow that day?

I believe the idea to take the codes from Joe and give them to a committee will also benefit control over his successor, Harris. Obama and his time don’t trust her with the codes, and they won’t trust any who follow her either. However, one knows a committee rarely agrees on anything so, by the time the codes would actually be entered, it probably would be too late for response or surprise.

The more likely setting would be for Obama to have the football again, even if the Democrat operatives put out smoke and mirrors about a team making the decision to launch. Because in truth, what we actually have is a behind-the-scenes dictatorship and that dictator is Barrack Hussein Obama. Joe is just a cover, using his phony affable charm and well-practiced wide smile to gain office for the sham by hook or crook and slip Obama’s real choice of Harris through the back door.

I’m reminded of a children’s fable “The Emperor’s New Clothes” by Hans Christian Andersen, written in 1837. In it, all the vain Emperor’s supporters admire his alleged new clothing while the rest of the populace (like certain female Secret Service agents poolside) see only a naked old man. In truth, his supporters see the same but they are pretending otherwise. For the moment, anyway.

Joe is what is called in the business world a hatchet man, someone who is brought in to do unpopular things, change procedures, fire people, cut salaries and, when his task is done, he is usually fired himself. Joe’s good at it because this nasty-by-nature man has no empathy for the thousands he puts out of work.

Soon Joe’s time will be up, the Executive Orders all filed, and the leftist congressional crap signed on the dotted line. He'll then be moved out to pasture. He may not even be aware it happened and might believe he’s still the man.

The only opposition to his removal will be from Jill and the rest of the Biden family that is used to the money train Joe engineered over the years. They know, as Hillary Clinton has discovered, that once the power and influence are gone, so is the money tree.

So, when Joe is removed and Harris is elevated, who will be the vice president? Schumer, Pelosi, Sanders, Michelle Obama? How about Adam Schiff or Gretchen Whitmer, maybe Newsom? Is your stomach churning yet? What if they reach across the aisle “in the spirit of unity” and get a “Republican” like Romney or Collins? How about Kasich? Does that make you feel better?

It’s quite frightening how much damage has been done in just a few months. What horrors await us in the next few years? We are flooded with people across the southern border, bringing all manner of problems with them, the least of which is COVID, all at this old man’s invitation. They even get a Tee Shirt.

We are now the second-class citizens who are not supposed to exist in our country, with no hope, only devastating change on the horizon. We remain for the most part under lockdown, unemployed, without insurance or welfare. Is this what the Obama/Biden campaign slogan of “hope and change” really meant?

However, the new people (read: population) are greeted with everything under the sun, even a free ticket to wherever they care to go, much to the chagrin of the Greyhound Bus Lines CEO. No COVID passport needed (not even a test); no ID needed to vote or seek medical treatment; food and lodging and, of course, money are provided, all on the taxpayer’s dime.

What a paradise, the USA! Who wouldn’t come to such a place? The land of the freebie? It’s similar to what happened centuries ago, when marauders would reach a distant shore and the locals thought they were gods of some sort, usually to their ultimate demise.

Another slice of the American pie gobbled up is when a business hires a replacement (usually a foreigner on an HB visa working for less money) for your job and you are instructed to train him before you are let go. And make no mistake about it, you are being let go. Our country and our population are being replaced through this leftist osmosis right before our very eyes. But don’t worry: Joe is Building Back Better.

IMAGE: Joe Biden. YouTube screengrab.

Up the Down Staircase – Biden Style

“Up the Down Staircase” is a 1960s movie featuring an English teacher in an inner-city New York high school. Like other popular movies from years gone by, many are remade into a more woke or politically correct version. This past Friday, President Joe Biden remade the movie but in solo version, a soliloquy starring only himself.

While ascending the staircase to Air Force One, Biden fell not once, not twice, but three times, going up the stairs.

YouTube screen grab

The White House blamed the three stumbles on the wind, as if brave Joe were scaling a mountain in the face of hurricane force winds. Actually, it was only a light breeze, about 14 miles per hour. Is Joe that frail that a light breeze can knock him to the ground? I wonder what Putin and Xi think of that?

Putin, who laughs at Biden’s accusations of Putin being “a killer,” rides bare chested on a horse and takes dips in an icy lake. In an age where image is everything, America’s leader looks like a feeble nursing home resident, and the Russian leader looks like Rambo. Chairman Xi doesn’t need to rip off his shirt as his consigliere ripped Biden’s foreign policy team a new one during their recent meeting in Alaska.

Biden not long ago criticized Trump for slowly walking down a slick ramp to avoid falling, a common sense move for everyone in their 70s, especially the leader of the free world with cameras and a hostile media ready to pounce on any misstep. Trump falling would have been taken as evidence of his erratic mental status and unfitness for the presidency. Unlike Biden’s falling being blamed on “the wind.”

Biden ironically said about Trump, “Look at how he steps, and look at how I step. Watch how I run up ramps and he stumbles down ramps. OK. Come on!” Talk about karma.

An honest media would ask CircleBack Psaki if President Biden stands by his previous words and if they apply to his recent fall. Instead they will ask if Joe scuffed his shoes or scratched the Rolex the media once fawned over.

It has been a tough few weeks for Joe. He referred to his vice-president as “President Harris” and recently forgot the name of his Secretary of Defense and the famous five-sided building where he works.

This is all good for memes and chuckles on social media, but it is far more serious for America and the world. The UK’s NHS has good information on falls and dementia.

Dementia has a clinical definition,

Dementia is a syndrome (a group of related symptoms) that is associated with an ongoing decline of the brain and its abilities. Some of these symptoms include memory loss and difficulties with thinking, problem solving, communication and language.

Think of the above definition and Biden’s behavior, as president and  during the presidential campaign, confusing his wife and sister and forgetting the name of the Declaration of Independence, calling it, “you know, the thing.”

Those with dementia, “are more likely to experience problems with mobility, balance and muscle weakness.” As we saw with Biden falling up the stairs.

They “can have difficulties with their memory and finding their way around” and “can have difficulties processing what they see and reacting to situations.” The above cited examples are a few of many.

If anyone had a family member so afflicted, they would have a home helper or think seriously about placing the person in an assisted living facility or memory center. The last thing would be for such a person to be put into a position of pressure, not placing him in charge of a store, school, or business, much less in control of the entire US government and military.

No wonder Speaker Pelosi and dozens of Democrats want Biden to give up sole authority to launch nuclear weapons. This is well beyond gaffes and “Ole Joe being Joe”.

Biden was a convenient way for Democrats to regain power and give Barack Obama and his minions a third term in the White House. But if Biden mouths off to Putin, Xi, or Kim and starts a war, nuclear or otherwise, Democrats are just as flammable as everyone else.

Double masking, social distancing, and a corrupt DOJ won’t be much help if a Russian or Chinese nuke explodes about a mile above Washington, DC. And the Democrats know this. Much of what they do is theater, but a man of limited and failing mental faculties, holding his finger over the big red button, is no longer a game.

Average Americans are also worried. Half of those polled question Biden’s physical and mental health. His stumble up the down staircase won’t move those numbers in Biden’s favor; instead, the opposite.

Foreign leaders, eager to topple America into second or third place, are noticing these things too. Animals attack when their prey is weak. Leaders of Iran, Russia, and China can smell blood in the water and are watching for opportunity to make their moves.

Sure, we have the military, but their priority is not defending the homeland, but rather making sure transgenders feel welcome and appreciated, that pregnant women have appropriate maternity suits to wear into battle, and that private citizens like Tucker Carlson dare not criticize the military.

We are in a dangerous place. Captain “C’mon man” Queeg is running the USS America, not sure if he is heading out to sea or into a reef. Falling three times while going up the stairs epitomizes his entire presidency.

Do those who didn’t like Trump’s tweets feel better now that an enfeebled old man is in charge? This is unchartered territory and America could be in for a rough ride, the entire country falling up the down staircase.

Brian C Joondeph, MD, is a physician and writer. He is on sabbatical from social media.


American people deserve to know what China was up to with Joe Biden, especially when Beijing had already shelled out millions of dollars to Biden family members — including millions in set-asides for “the big guy.” What else is on that infamous Hunter Biden laptop? The conflicted Biden Justice Department cannot be trusted to engage in any meaningful oversight on this issue. We need a special counsel now. TOM FITTON - JUDICIAL WATCH


With Biden in the White House, President Trump predicted, China would “own the United States.” There’s also something to Trump’s charge that the Bidens are an “organized crime family.”




RIDING THE DRAGON: The Bidens' Chinese Secrets (Full Documentary)



As Glenn Bunting of the Los Angeles Times reported in 1997, Feinstein’s husband Richard Blum “has expanded his private business interests in China – to the point that his firm is now a prominent investor inside the communist nation.” In 1995, Dianne Feinstein became a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, “giving her a prominent platform for her efforts to support China’s trade privileges.”

As Ben Weingarten noted in the Federalist in 2018, Feinstein’s husband has “profited handsomely from the greatly expanded China trade she supported.” The senator also “served as a key intermediary between China and the U.S. government, while serving on committees whose work would be of keen interest to the PRC.”

For 20 years, through three election cycles, Feinstein maintained on her staff a Chinese spy who would even attend consular functions for the California Democrat. One wonders what the FBI knew, when they knew it, and what they did about it, if anything.

Other politicians with China business connections include Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi, whose husband has conducted a series of deals in the Communist nation. Recall that Speaker Pelosi kept Eric Swalwell on the House Intelligence Committee even after his “PoonFang” liaisons with a Chinese spy  (FEINSTEIN LONG EMPLOYED A CHINESE SPY).



Tucker Carlson Delivers a Monologue So Damning That President Trump Shares It, Includes Explosive Hunter Biden News

By Bonchie

The segment ends with an assertion that Joe Biden has been compromised, and that’s exactly correct. There hasn’t been a more China-friendly politician in the last 30 years than Biden. With his probable swearing-in on the horizon, the communists are rejoicing. That should tell you just how big a mistake it was to let him anywhere near the presidency.


Schweizer: ‘It’s Going to Be Business as Usual’ for Hunter’s Dealings








On Wednesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Breitbart News senior contributor Peter Schweizer said he reads President Biden’s statements about his son Hunter’s deals as a declaration that “it’s going to be business as usual in the Biden administration as far as these deals are concerned.”

Schweizer said, “Joe Biden has said there are going to be no sketchy overseas deals during his second term. Here’s the problem: He does not believe that the early deals that Hunter was involved in, the China deal, Burisma, he’s never described those as sketchy. So, I read that as saying, it’s going to be business as usual in the Biden administration as far as these deals are concerned.”

Profile in Corruption outlines how Biden’s children and other members of his family did just that while he was in political office.

Joe Biden Helped Launch Business for Son-in-Law from the Oval Office, Repeatedly Briefed Investors Privately


Former Vice President Joe Biden went to great lengths to boost his son-in-law’s health care company while in the White House, briefing investors on the firm’s merits and even arranging access to the Oval Office. The bombshell revelations are detailed in Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite — a new book by Peter Schweizer, a senior contributor at Breitbart News and the president of the Government Accountability Institute.

In June 2011, Biden arranged a private meeting for two StartUp Health executives with then-President Barack Obama in the Oval Office. At the time of the meeting, the company had been around for only a few weeks. It had yet to finalize its business plan, let alone develop a website.

The meeting was all the more surprising since StartUp Health was not proposing any new or radical ideas for health care, at least not to the degree of warranting a meeting with the nation’s commander-in-chief.

“Their status as a health care incubator was hardly unique,” Schweizer writes in Profiles in Corruption. “In fact, there were thirty-one similar companies operating in the state of California alone, and another eleven in the state of New York.”

As Schweizer outlines, the only significant factor that set StartUp Health apart from others in its field was that its chief medical officer, Howard Krein, was engaged to Biden’s daughter, Ashley. Krein, a head and neck doctor by training, seemed to have become an integral part of Biden’s inner-circle even before he officially wed into the family in June 2012.

One day after StartUp Health’s executives met with Obama in the Oval Office, the company got a bigger boost from the administration when it was featured at a health care tech conference put on by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). How the company managed to score HHS attention, while still in the stages of infancy, remains unclear, but it is likely Biden played a role.

Regardless, the back-to-back events gave StartUp Health a launch trajectory unavailable to other companies in the health care field, let alone other industries. Biden’s influence ensured that StartUp Health set out with “the winds to our backs,” as one of the company’s co-founders succinctly put it.

The former vice president’s efforts on his son-in-law’s behalf were not just confined to the company’s launch. As Profiles in Corruption details, Biden went out of his way to ensure StartUp Health executives were given unparalleled access to the White House during the Obama presidency. The company’s leadership, which mostly consisted of Krein’s family and friends, frequently met with administration officials not only in private but also in public.

“According to 2011 White House visitors’ logs, Howard Krein attended the China State Dinner, a White House Staff barbecue, and President Obama’s Motown event,” Schweizer writes. “His brother, Steven, had half a dozen other meetings with White House officials.”

Biden’s efforts on behalf of the company expansively increased during his final year in office, both internationally and at home.

First, the vice president took Krein with him on Air Force Two to a conference on regenerative health hosted by Pope Francis at the Vatican in April 2016.

“Conference attendees included a who’s who of scientific researchers in medicine from around the world,” Schweizer notes.

Then in May, Krein was tasked with introducing his father-in-law at a major health industry data conference hosted by the Obama administration. The opportunity provided free publicity to the company as it planned to expand its portfolio.

In October 2016, Biden appeared alongside StartUp Health’s CEO at the Cleveland Clinic’s Medical Innovation Summit. During his remarks, Biden praised StartUp Health as an innovator in the health care market and claimed companies like it would be essential to winning the battle against cancer.

Apart from arranging access and touting the company in public, Biden also took steps in the waning days of the Obama administration to boost investment in StartUp Health. In January 2017, Biden made one of his final appearances as vice president at a festival hosted by the company in San Francisco, California. At the event, Biden lauded StartUp Health’s success to 250 attendees, including members and prospective donors.

Ironically, at the same time he was working to promote his son-in-law’s business, Biden was also claiming his children had chosen careers unlikely to make them rich.

“I wish my kids would become wealthy,” Biden told the International Association of Fire Fighters in July 2012 while lambasting the economic policies of then-Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney.

Profile in Corruption outlines how Biden’s children and other members of his family did just that while he was in political office.

Need a reason not to vote for Biden/Harris? Here are 50

By Gary M. Wilmott

The modern left must be stopped and thoroughly discredited before it destroys America.  Is it too late?

Consider that the modern left and the godless Marxists stand for, actively promote, and/or have accomplished the following:

1. Legalized murder in the womb, AKA abortion

2. Legalized many street drugs

3. Encourage releasing prisoners into the cities

4. Renaming streets and places in the name of cancel culture

5. Renamed sports teams

6. Tearing down monuments and memorials

7. Rioting

8. Looting

9. Arson

10. Murder

11. Mayhem

12. Revisionist history

13. Atheism

14. Marxism

15. Communism

16. Socialism

17. Activist judges

18. Spying on American citizens

19. Race-baiting

20. War on cops and disrespect for rule of law

21. Spying on a presidential candidate

22. Spying on a sitting president

23. Weaponizing intelligence agencies

24. Weaponizing the IRS

25. Sanctuary cities

26. Sanctuary states

27. Leaking of classified information

28. Co-opting the media for partisan propaganda purposes

29. Ballot-harvesting

30. Entitlement programs for illegals

31. Open borders

32. No cash bail

33. Usurping the presidency in 2008 and 2012

34. Green New Deal

35. AOC and the squad

36. Shredding the Constitution

37. Redefining marriage

38. Destruction of the family unit

39. Embrace of BLM and Antifa

40. Disrespecting the flag, the Pledge of Allegiance, and the National Anthem

41. Boys participating in girls' activities and vice versa

42. Destruction of the Boy Scouts

43. Bogus and destructive climate change policies

44. Climate Change fear-mongering based on lies and bogus scientific  claims

45. Clinton pay-for-play corruption

46. Biden pay-for-play corruption

47. Destruction of evidence

48. Russia collusion hoax

49. Phony impeachment

50. Barack Hussein Obama and Joe Biden: the most corrupt administration in American history

This list was amazingly easy to compile and nowhere near dispositive.  I can come up with many, many more items to add to this list of shame.  But this list should be persuasive enough to give anyone pause and provide a clear indication of the threat the modern left poses to the American way of life and our future as a free, secure, and prosperous society.

The unprincipled progressive politicians, the Marxist academics, the race-baiters, the anti-Trumpers, and the despicable media propagandists who constitute the modern left are selfishly pursuing a radical agenda intent on destroying America and its founding principles.  This anti-American leftist agenda must be stopped and thoroughly discredited before real and irrevocable harm is done.

Left unchecked, the modern radical left is an existential threat to our safety, our prosperity, and our freedom.  That means that the Wicked Witch of the West, Kamala Harris, and Swampy Joe, running as a "proud Democrat," must be defeated on November 3.  Anything less and America as we know it is finished.


Need a reason not to vote for Biden/Harris? Here are 50

By Gary M. Wilmott

The modern left must be stopped and thoroughly discredited before it destroys America.  Is it too late?

Consider that the modern left and the godless Marxists stand for, actively promote, and/or have accomplished the following:

1. Legalized murder in the womb, AKA abortion

2. Legalized many street drugs

3. Encourage releasing prisoners into the cities

4. Renaming streets and places in the name of cancel culture

5. Renamed sports teams

6. Tearing down monuments and memorials

7. Rioting

8. Looting

9. Arson

10. Murder

11. Mayhem

12. Revisionist history

13. Atheism

14. Marxism

15. Communism

16. Socialism

17. Activist judges

18. Spying on American citizens

19. Race-baiting

20. War on cops and disrespect for rule of law

21. Spying on a presidential candidate

22. Spying on a sitting president

23. Weaponizing intelligence agencies

24. Weaponizing the IRS

25. Sanctuary cities

26. Sanctuary states

27. Leaking of classified information

28. Co-opting the media for partisan propaganda purposes

29. Ballot-harvesting

30. Entitlement programs for illegals

31. Open borders

32. No cash bail

33. Usurping the presidency in 2008 and 2012

34. Green New Deal

35. AOC and the squad

36. Shredding the Constitution

37. Redefining marriage

38. Destruction of the family unit

39. Embrace of BLM and Antifa

40. Disrespecting the flag, the Pledge of Allegiance, and the National Anthem

41. Boys participating in girls' activities and vice versa

42. Destruction of the Boy Scouts

43. Bogus and destructive climate change policies

44. Climate Change fear-mongering based on lies and bogus scientific  claims

45. Clinton pay-for-play corruption

46. Biden pay-for-play corruption

47. Destruction of evidence

48. Russia collusion hoax

49. Phony impeachment

50. Barack Hussein Obama and Joe Biden: the most corrupt administration in American history

This list was amazingly easy to compile and nowhere near dispositive.  I can come up with many, many more items to add to this list of shame.  But this list should be persuasive enough to give anyone pause and provide a clear indication of the threat the modern left poses to the American way of life and our future as a free, secure, and prosperous society.

The unprincipled progressive politicians, the Marxist academics, the race-baiters, the anti-Trumpers, and the despicable media propagandists who constitute the modern left are selfishly pursuing a radical agenda intent on destroying America and its founding principles.  This anti-American leftist agenda must be stopped and thoroughly discredited before real and irrevocable harm is done.

Left unchecked, the modern radical left is an existential threat to our safety, our prosperity, and our freedom.  That means that the Wicked Witch of the West, Kamala Harris, and Swampy Joe, running as a "proud Democrat," must be defeated on November 3.  Anything less and America as we know it is finished.

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