Saturday, May 22, 2021



Biden is planning to throw money at Gaza

The 1959 movie The Mouse That Roared has as its premise a poor, backward nation declaring war on America because it hoped to benefit from American beneficence once it inevitably lost that war.  They end up profiting mightily from this scam.  The residents of Gaza are doing their own version of roaring.  Joe Biden, having decided that the Gazans lost the war they started (although they claim victory), is ready to shower them with money.

At this point, it's impossible to tell if Biden is malevolently anti-Semitic or completely moronic:

President Biden promised to help Palestinians who lost their homes during 11 days of Israeli strikes on Gaza as he offered prayers Friday for a ceasefire to hold.

During a press conference to mark the visit of South Korean President Moon Jae-in, he insisted he remained committed to Israeli security.

But he struck a careful balance between both sides as he announced plans to help Palestinians in Gaza rebuild their lives so long as Hamas militants, who rained rockets on Israel, were not able to rebuild their armaments.

'I am prepared to put together, and am going to attempt to put together, a major package with other nations who share our view to rebuild the homes and — without providing Hamas the ability to rebuild their weapons systems — rebuild Gaza,' he said.

'They need help and I'm committed to get that done.'

Did you catch that bit where he said that he would get the residents — who elected Hamas — their money "without providing Hamas the ability to rebuild their weapons systems"?  This is the same American government that, as part of last year's Paycheck Protection Program to provide loans for small businesses harmed by the lockdowns, handed out $7 million to fake businesses just in New Jersey.  The Secret Service has already recovered $2 billion in fraudulently obtained COVID relief funds.  Given the $780 billion the fund handed out, it's easy to believe there will be billions more in fraud discovered over time.

The likelihood that the Biden administration will be able to keep the money out of the hands of Hamas, an organization like the Mafia but with more genocidal aspirations, is ludicrous.

Additionally, this was not the kind of war that should result in the aggressors receiving any funds.  To appreciate that, you must understand history, something it's doubtful Biden ever did and it's certain he doesn't now.

After World War I, the victorious French and British demanded reparations from Germany.  Having to pay those reparations, combined with over a decade of collapsing government and multiple mini-revolutions, paved the way for Hitler.  He was able to convince the impoverished Germans that (a) he would bring stability and wealth and (b) that it was all the Jews' fault.

After World War II, America was the last great nation standing, and it was determined not to allow Germany and Japan — both of which had been flattened — to again cultivate their deadly Bushido and Nazi ideologies.  Therefore, it remained in both countries and, while it generously doled out money, it also forced both countries to abandon their murderous ways and become peaceful, functional democracies.

That is not the case here.  Israel did not completely flatten Gaza, although it could have had it wished to do so.  Instead, as usual, it engaged in surgical strikes intended to kill some of Hamas's leadership, infrastructure, and fighters.  Now that there's a tentative ceasefire, Hamas is claiming victory.

So, right off the bat, the situation is entirely different from that in 1945, when the United States was the only victor that wasn't trying for a communist takeover.  Germany and Japan were in ruins.

This is Tokyo:

Public Domain.

This is Hiroshima:

National archives. 

This is Berlin:

From a Flickr album.

This is Dresden:

By contrast, given Israel's carefully targeted attacks, most of Gaza is still standing.  If there is squalor, it's because of the poverty Hamas imposes on its citizens by diverting all of the funds to building tunnels and maintaining a terrorist infrastructure.

So, 1945: Aggressor nations completely destroyed; America the last major power; and America moves into those countries for the next 76 years to keep them out of trouble.

And now, in 2021: Aggressor nation somewhat damaged but claiming victory; America not even part of the fight; and America is going to send in money with no demands whatsoever on the people to straighten up and fly right, while at the same time making the ludicrous promise to keep the money away from the Gaza Mafia when it can't even keep money away from American fraudsters.

In other words, Biden is rewarding aggression.  And why shouldn't he?  Democrats are rewarding bad behavior all over the place:

They are rewarding people who illegally invade America, they're rewarding criminals by defunding the police and removing consequences, they're rewarding mentally ill men who are taking over women's sports and locker rooms, they're rewarding blue states that willfully destroyed their own economies, they're specifically rewarding BLM and Antifa by dismissing all charges despite the destruction they wreaked in 2020 — so honestly, why should we be surprised that Biden now wants to reward Hamas's hate-filled fanatics?

Unlike The Mouse That Roared, this is not a silly comedy.  Thanks to Biden, America is about to become complicit in evil.

Two years of antisemitic violence in Los Angeles around the same Jewish holiday ought to be a wake-up call about the dangers of covering up antisemitism because it’s politically correct.

This is a woman who admitted in 2008 — after her husband had killed their two daughters — that her husband had threatened to kill one of her daughters for dating a non-Muslim.

AOC, Sanders, Warren, the UN, the Quarter, the EU, and the Biden administration are demanding that the Arab Muslim occupation of Jerusalem continue. They are ordering a free country to overturn the legal ruling of a court in case that goes back to the 1970s because they believe that Arab Muslim occupiers have a right to live in Jerusalem… and Jews don’t.

An Anti-Semitic Hate Wave Grows in Los Angeles

"Die Jew" and "Free Palestine."


Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

In 2019, hate crimes in LA County against black people fell 13%, hate crimes against gays fell 22%, and hate crimes against Mexicans fell 9%, while hate crimes against Jews rose 18%.

89% of anti-religious hate crimes targeted Jews, only 7% affected Muslims.

If you listened to the media, you would get the opposite impression with coverage that ignored antisemitism to focus on racism, homophobia and Islamophobia. A typical example of what they were ignoring was a Jewish Community Center getting a message “from a man with a Middle Eastern accent that said, ‘I will kill every single Jew. F____ Jews. I will kill every single Jew.’”

Instead, California Democrats moved to impose the ethnic studies curriculum which would embed the teaching of BDS and antisemitic tropes into the educational system.

Jewish protests against this government mandated antisemitism were ignored.

By 2020, the antisemitic wave had moved well beyond words.

During the Jewish holiday of Shavuot (Pentecost), a Black Lives Matter LA hate march marched toward Pan Pacific Park which includes a Holocaust museum. The rally headed by Melina Abdullah, an anti-Israel activist allied with Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam, passed near the Fairfax area and degenerated into a race riot which assaulted Jewish stores and synagogues.

At least one of the synagogues was defaced with graffiti reading, “Free Palestine!”

Aryeh Rosenfeld, an Orthodox Jewish small business owner in the area, described hearing screams of, "F___ Jews" during the riots and looting as he tried to protect his store.

"It’s no coincidence that the riots here escalated in Fairfax, the icon of the Jewish community. I saw the Watts and the Rodney King riots. They never touched a synagogue or house of prayer. The graffiti showed blatant antisemitism. It’s Kristallnacht all over again," Rabbi Shimon Raichik, a Chabad Rabbi in Los Angeles, wrote.

“The attack on our community last night was vicious and criminal. Fairfax is the center of the oldest Jewish community in Los Angeles,” Councilman Paul Koretz said. “As we watched the fires and looting, what didn’t get covered were the anti-Semitic hate crimes and incidents."

"We've been very deliberate in saying that the violence and pain and hurt that's experienced on a daily basis by black folks at the hands of a repressive system should also be visited upon, to a degree, to those who think that they can just retreat to white affluence," Melinda Abdullah, the BLM-LA co-founder, had warned.

Abdullah, a Farrakhan supporter, was also a major backer of the ethnic studies curriculum.

The Shavuot BLM Pogrom saw multiple Jewish synagogues and schools vandalized, and stores attacked and ransacked, with virtually no mention in the media or by Jewish organizations.

The ADL covered up the pogrom by falsely accusing me of engaging in “disinformation”. It smeared Front Page as "a right wing conspiratorial and Islamophobic online magazine", dismissed the the Orthodox Jews who had come face to face with BLM hate, and argued that calling the antisemitic attacks a pogrom "irresponsibly engenders fear and division".

This Shavuot it happened again.

As the Jewish State fought to protect itself against Hamas and PLO terrorists, dueling pro-Israel and pro-terrorist protests and car rallies were held in Los Angeles.

This time the perpetrators of the Shavuot violence were Muslims wearing keffiyahs and brandishing PLO terror flags in one of the pro-terrorist car rally pickup trucks. The location of the violent attacks caught on video was once again in the vicinity of Beverly Grove.

The Muslims reportedly harassed diners, shouting antisemitic slurs, and demanding to know if any of them were Jewish. They then assaulted a group of Persian Jews, whose families had fled Muslim repression in Iran, who, along with an Armenian friend, fought the Islamist thugs.

One of the victims had to be hospitalized.

Another video showed an Orthodox Jew being chased by pro-terrorist car rally pickup trucks flying PLO flags.

Similar pro-terrorist convoys had been linked to antisemitic attacks in the UK including one in which a mother carrying a 4-year-old girl were chased down the street in London.

Pro-terrorist rallies had already exploded into violence against Jews in Toronto, in New York City, and in Washington D.C. In Seattle, Antifa members burned an Israeli flag, chanted in support of the terrorist ‘intifada’ and assaulted a Jewish journalist. A Persian synagogue in Skokie, Illinois was vandalized by a man carrying a PLO terrorist flag. In Bal Harbour, Florida, a Jewish family was harassed by thugs in an SUV screaming, "Die Jew" and "Free Palestine".

Black Lives Matter Los Angeles, whose hate rally was linked to the previous Shavuot pogrom, posted material promoting the anti-Israel protest by the ‘Palestinian Youth Movement’. The PYM protest apparently included the thugs involved in the antisemitic assault over Shavuot.

BLM-LA’s Melina Abdullah posted a talk on Israel by Kwame Ture, the black nationalist racist, who had declared, “The only good Zionist is a dead Zionist, we must take a lesson from Hitler.”

While all sorts of statues have been toppled and public figures canceled, Abdullah and Black Lives Matter Los Angeles will never be touched no matter how much hate they spew.

Or their proxmity to antisemitic violence.

It may be a coincidence that the Jewish holiday of Shavuot in 2020 and 2021 has witnessed antisemitic attacks against Jews in Los Angeles. But it’s more likely that it’s not.

Too many Jewish organizations have failed to stand up to antisemitism.

The silence over the BLM Shavuot pogrom in 2020 helped lead to the violence in 2021.

When antisemitic hate and violence are met with silence, then more of the same will come. It doesn’t matter whether it’s Black Lives Matter, the Groypers or Hamas. Silence is complicity.

And the only thing worse than silence is actively standing with antisemitic movements.

That means defending those movements, covering up for them, and dismissing their hate. As alt-right vans drive around flying PLO flags and BLM backs Hamas, it’s time to recognize the essentially holistic nature of antisemitism whether it involves Israel or Jews anywhere else.

Two years of antisemitic violence in Los Angeles around the same Jewish holiday ought to be a wake-up call about the dangers of covering up antisemitism because it’s politically correct.

Texas: Muslim Who Helped His Father Evade Capture After Murdering His Sister Gets Ten Years

But no one is facing up to the reality of Islamic honor killing in the U.S.



In Fort Worth, Texas on Tuesday, a 32-year-old Muslim named Islam Said was sentenced to ten years in prison for spending the last thirteen years helping his father, Yaser Said, one of the FBI’s Most Wanted criminals, evade capture. Yaser Said was wanted for murdering his two daughters, Islam Said’s sisters, Amina and Sarah Said. What kind of man would know that his father had murdered his two sisters and then help his father avoid justice, rather than turning him in? The answer to that question is far too uncomfortable and inconvenient for law enforcement officials to face honestly.

Islam Said was arrested along with Yaser last August. Apparently he was in hiding with his father, although he doesn’t seem to have had anything to do with the killings. And according to the Dallas Morning News, Islam Said denies that the killings were honor murders or had anything to do with Islam. “It’s something else. Religion has nothing to do with it.”

Yet that raises the question of why Islam Said was with his father at all. If these weren’t honor killings, why would Islam Said go on the run with Yaser and help him hide for all these years? Why wouldn’t he have the normal human reaction of thinking that what his father had done in murdering his sisters was abhorrent, and turn his father in to authorities? Did Islam Said’s commitment to the religion of Islam override that natural human reaction and make him think that what his father had done was good and praiseworthy?

For despite media denial and obfuscation of the fact, honor killing is something that many Muslims believe to be good and in accord with their faith. According to Islamic law, “retaliation is obligatory against anyone who kills a human being purely intentionally and without right.” However, “not subject to retaliation” is “a father or mother (or their fathers or mothers) for killing their offspring, or offspring’s offspring.” (Reliance of the Traveller o1.1-2). In other words, someone who kills his child incurs no legal penalty under Islamic law. In this case the victim was the murderer’s daughter, a victim to the culture of violence and intimidation that such laws help create.

That is why Muslims commit 91 percent of honor killings worldwide. The Palestinian Authority gives pardons or suspended sentences for honor murders. Iraqi women have asked for tougher sentences for Islamic honor murderers, who get off lightly now. Syria in 2009 scrapped a law limiting the length of sentences for honor killings, but “the new law says a man can still benefit from extenuating circumstances in crimes of passion or honour ‘provided he serves a prison term of no less than two years in the case of killing.’” And in 2003 the Jordanian Parliament voted down on Islamic grounds a provision designed to stiffen penalties for honor killings. Al-Jazeera reported that “Islamists and conservatives said the laws violated religious traditions and would destroy families and values.”

Also connected to the Islamic aspect of the story, and evidence that these were honor killings, is the fact that Yaser Said was enraged that Amina and Sarah had non-Muslim boyfriends. The Dallas Morning News reported at the time of the arrests last August that “Sarah said her father had threatened her older sister when he learned that she had a boyfriend, saying he’d put a bullet through Amina’s head.”

Thirteen years ago, however, the Dallas Morning News was more courageous and honest. Back in January 2008, it reported that the girls’ mother Patricia had said (regarding Amina) that “since they are Muslim that the daughter was only allowed to date other Muslims. Yaser had found out she went on a date with a non-Muslim and became very angry and threatened her with bodily harm.”

Yet now Patricia is now playing dumb: “She had no idea where Said was, and, despite public speculation about a motive, she doesn’t know why the sisters were killed.” We can only hope that police will not take her claim at face value, and thoroughly investigate whether Patricia had any role in Yaser being able to evade capture for twelve years. For note this: Patricia “divorced Said in 2009 and had converted to Islam after her daughters’ deaths, said in 2011 that she didn’t know why Said had killed Amina and Sarah but that he thought they were overly Westernized.”

This is a woman who admitted in 2008 — after her husband had killed their two daughters — that her husband had threatened to kill one of her daughters for dating a non-Muslim. Then, after that, she converted to Islam. What kind of a mindset could Patricia Owens Said possibly have had that would have induced her to join the religion that seems to have played a role in leading her husband to murder their daughters? Could it have been because she was in touch with Yaser and was signaling her acquiescence to and approval of his act? Will investigators look into this possibility, or would that be “Islamophobic”?

Probably the latter. Irving police Chief Jeff Spivey says “This man brutally murdered — shot to death — his two daughters in his taxi cab. What led him to do that, I think at this point to us, is irrelevant.”

No, sir. It isn’t irrelevant at all. It could shed important light on the behavior of Islam Said, and on the question of whether or not Patricia Owens Said were involved in his twelve years as a fugitive. Also, knowing exactly what happened in this case could help authorities prevent such honor killings in the future. Yet Chief Spivey seemed cheerfully willing to allow political correctness and fear of the leftist mob to curtail and deform his investigation. And so it is virtually certain that this isn’t the last such case we will see in the United States.

Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 21 books including many bestsellers, such as The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)The Truth About Muhammad and The History of Jihad. His latest book is Did Muhammad Exist?: An Inquiry into Islam's Obscure Origins―Revised and Expanded Edition. Follow him on Twitter here. Like him on Facebook here.


WATCH: Pro-Palestinian Rioters Appear to Attack, Spit on Jews in New York City

Anti-Israel protest in Manhattan (Spencer Platt / Getty)
Spencer Platt / Getty

Pro-Palestinian demonstrators were filmed Thursday as they attacked Jews in Manhattan — allegedly harassing and beating pro-Israel counter-demonstrators; shooting fireworks at a crowd of onlookers; and spitting on diners eating in a local restaurant.

Some of the violence appeared to be mutual, as fights broke out between the two sides, facing off in Times Square. However, the pro-Palestinian demonstrators appeared to instigate and escalate the violence. One group (above) burned an Israeli flag.

Former New York State Assemblyman Dov Hikind, a pro-Israel Democrat who is also the founder of Americans Against Antisemitism, documented the violence, as did several citizen journalists who witnessed the violence as it unfolded.

Other sources, Right Scoop noted, filmed the alleged firebomb attack and its aftermath (violence, language warning):

Hikind later posted a video that, he said, showed pro-Palestinian demonstrators beating a Jewish man:

Videos of other attacks emerged, including one of a large group of pro-Palestinian demonstrators spitting at restaurant patrons, filmed by a correspondent for the conservative news website American Pigeon:

Some videos appeared to show fights between pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian demonstrators. According to reports on social media, police eventually dispersed the latter, who appeared to be more numerous.

The New York Post reported:

Pro-Israel and pro-Palestine protesters clashed and fireworks sent people running near Times Square Thursday as tensions in the region spilled into the streets of Manhattan, videos showed.

A small explosive was thrown from a pickup truck in the Diamond District on 47th Street, sending worried bystanders running for safety. The pickup truck was part of a convoy of vehicles waving Palestinian flags, sources said.

A 55-year-old woman sustained burn injuries to her lower back.

The Diamond District is a predominantly Jewish area of the borough, with many kosher restaurants.

The Post noted, ironically, that the violence broke out after news of a ceasefire between Israel and Palestinian Hamas terrorists emerged.

Several commentators on social media noted the lack of outrage, and the silence from the mainstream media and politicians.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). He is the author of the new e-book, The Zionist Conspiracy (and how to join it). His recent book, RED NOVEMBER, tells the story of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary from a conservative perspective. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.

U.S. Religious Freedom Commission: Saudi Textbooks Refer to Christians and Jews as 'Infidels'

By Michael W. Chapman | May 20, 2021 | 2:12pm EDT
(Getty Images)
(Getty Images)

(CNS News) -- In its section on global anti-Semitism, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom's (USCIRF) annual report discloses that Saudi Arabia's textbooks, although much improved, still discuss Jewish "treachery" and refer to Christians and Jews as "infidels."

Overall, in 2020, "far-right (including neo-Nazis), far-left, and Islamist extremists increasingly threatened Jewish communities in Europe, reads the report

(Getty Images)
(Getty Images)

"Textbooks in countries whose governments profess Islam as an official religion continued to contain antisemitic content," said the USCIRF. "Iran’s textbooks portrayed Jews as 'conspirational' and referenced 'Jewish gold hoarders and capitalists.'" 

"Saudi Arabia’s textbooks, while significantly improved from previous years, still discussed Jewish 'treachery' and referred to Christians and Jews alike as 'infidels,'" states the report. 

In Germany, an investigation found that 29 officers in the security forces had shared "images of Hitler  and violent neo-Nazi propaganda in multiple group chats," according to the USCIRF. The officers were suspended.

(Getty Images)
(Getty Images)

Also, the "chief of German domestic intelligence acknowledged that nearly all popular Islamist organizations that are active in Germany include antisemitism as a part of their ideology."

In Scandinavia, the "Nordic Resistance Movement harassed Jews in 20 cities ... during the week leading up to Yom Kippur," the report reveals. 

For Britain, the commission noted that "the British Labour Party had failed to respond sufficiently to far-left antisemitism within the party, including Holocaust denial and Rothschild conspiracy theories posted by party members on social media in previous years."

(Getty Images)
(Getty Images)

Although ritually slaughtered meats are part of many Jews' diets, "the Court of Justice of the European Union (EU) ruled in December [2020] that 'member countries may ban the practice of ritual slaughter in order to promote animal welfare,'" according to the report

"Jews faced physical attacks and threats of violence at places of worship and in public throughout the year," said the commission. "In Germany, a man with a shovel badly injured a Jewish student leaving a synagogue in Hamburg on Sukkot. Likewise, a man wielding an ax entered a synagogue compound in Ukraine, though security guards stopped him before he entered the building. Assailants attacked Jewish families in Argentina and France as well as a Brazilian man wearing a kippah."

Anti-Semitism was prevalent in Poland's presidential election, said the commission, and there "were multiple instances reported of Jews being refused service due to their faith, Jewish professionals enduring antisemitic stereotypes in their places of work, and even a police request for a list of all Jews living in a Ukrainian city." 

"Jewish cemeteries were frequent targets for acts of vandalism, including spray-painted Nazi rhetoric and imagery, smashed headstones, and stolen property," according to the report.  "A spate of such attacks occurred in Greece in the fall and winter, and cemeteries in at least eight other countries around the world suffered similar circumstances."

On the positive side, the USCIRF reported that anti-Semitic incidents in France fell 50% in 2020 when compared with 2019. Also, numerous countries "announced Holocaust and antisemitism awareness education programs, millions of dollars in security funding, and comprehensive strategies for combating antisemitism," said the commission. 

Pro-Palestinian Mob Beats Up Jewish Men in Los Angeles

Screenshot of cell phone video recording the incident
 • May 19, 2021 2:55 pm

A pro-Palestinian mob brutally beat up a group of Jewish men Wednesday at a restaurant in Los Angeles, the day after a Palestinian Youth Movement-led protest was held in the city.

According to video accounts of the incident posted on Twitter, the pro-Palestinian mob approached a group of men dining at a sushi restaurant in West Hollywood and asked if they were Jewish. When the men replied, "Yes," they attacked them. The mob hurled bottles and yelled anti-Semitic slurs. One bystander said they repeatedly struck one of the Jewish men "with a pole." Police are investigating whether the incident was a hate crime.

The anti-Semitic attack took place in the early hours of the morning after a "Day of Action" Palestinian solidarity march outside the Israeli consulate in Los Angeles. The march coincided with a "Day of Rage" in the West Bank, for which the Palestinian Authority urged residents "to attack Israelis with rocks, molotov cocktails, and car rammings."

In one of the videos of the attack, a man can also be heard yelling into a bullhorn, "Leave him! It's not worth it…. Don't look like this."

Anti-Semitic attacks are on the rise in the United States. The Anti-Defamation League reported a four-decade high for anti-Semitic incidents in 2019, with only a slight decrease from that level in 2020.

Police are also investigating an incident involving an Orthodox Jewish man, who was chased Monday night in Los Angeles by a car full of people waving Palestinian flags.

The attack comes as conflict between Israel and Hamas terrorists reached its 10th day Wednesday.

Today in History: Christian Payback for Muslim Atrocities Begins

The Battle of Nicaea, the first (telling) encounter between Crusaders and Turks.



Raymond Ibrahim is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

Today in history, May 20, 1097, witnessed the first battle between Western Crusaders and Muslim Turks: the siege of Nicaea.

Context: In the years following the decisive Battle of Manzikert (1071), which saw the Seljuk Turks defeat the Eastern Roman Empire and conquer that ancient bastion of Christianity, Anatolia (modern day Turkey), mindboggling atrocities were committed.  Whether an anonymous Georgian chronicler tells of how “holy churches served as stables for their horses,” the “priests were immolated during the Holy Communion itself,” the “virgins defiled, the youths circumcised, and the infants taken away,” or whether Anna Comnena, the princess at Constantinople, tells of how “cities were obliterated, lands were plundered, and the whole of Anatolia was stained with Christian blood”—the same scandalous tale of woe reached the West.

As a result, what came to be known as history’s First Crusade was launched.  Paraphrasing Pope Urban II’s famous call at Clermont in 1095, Crusades historian Thomas Madden writes, “The message was clear: Christ was crucified again in the persecution of his faithful and the defilement of his sanctuaries.” Both needed rescuing; both offered an opportunity to fulfill one of Christ’s two greatest commandments: “Love God with all your heart,” and “love your neighbor as yourself” (Luke 10:27).

Christians from all around Europe hearkened to the call and took the cross.  By 1097, the major lords and knights had reached Constantinople, whence they were ferried into the lion’s den, Turkic-controlled Asia Minor.  By May they reached Nicaea, site of Christendom’s first ecumenical council (325), where the Nicaean Creed, which is still professed by all major Christian denominations, was articulated.  Now the capital of the Seljuk sultanate and occupied by the “enemies of the cross,” the Crusaders quickly laid siege to Nicaea on May 14.

It was long and brutal, but the Turks held their own; from their high walls, the Muslims “shouted their war-like battle-cry in the horrible tones of their language”—the contemporary chronicler, Albert of Aachen, could not decipher the shrill cries of “Allahu Akbar!”—and “fired poisoned arrows so that even those lightly wounded met a horrible death.”  Moreover, in order to defend their walls from being “struck and shaken repeatedly by the battering ram, the Turks created a combustible mixture and poured it over the walls, which torched the battering ram.”  Smoke and fire rose as the siege went on.

Finally, on today’s date, May 20, Kilij Arslan, the Seljuk sultan and supreme head of the Turks, appeared with a massive Muslim army to deliver Nicaea, his capital.  A wild battle ensued.   Albert continues:

Duke Godfrey and Bohemond did not curb their horses but let them have their heads and flew in the midst of the enemy, piercing some with lances, unsaddling others, and all the while urging on their allies, encouraging them with manly exhortations to slaughter the enemy.  There was no small clash of spears there, no small rings of swords and helmets heard in this conflict of the war, no small destruction of Turks. 

But it was the greater force of the crusader army under the command of Raymond of Toulouse with aid from Robert of Flanders that gave the Muslim army its death stroke, routing them.

In this, the inaugural battle of the First Crusade, which occurred 924 years ago today,

The Arabs, Persians, and ferocious Turks soon fled; the savage people showed their backs to the Christians.  It was a rout...  Prodigious was the slaughter of the fleeing army….  From the third until the ninth hour the destruction, or rather Arabian slaughter, of this battle raged.

This triumphant description is not so much invention and bias on the part of Guibert of Nogent as it is a reflection of the fact that this vast Muslim army was not made of professional soldiers but largely consisted of “peasants, scum herded together from everywhere.” Later Turkish armies would be more formidable.

Having slaughtered countless Muslims, the bloodstained Westerners resumed the siege of Nicaea.  As a stark and material reminder to its inhabitants not to hope for deliverance from their coreligionists, the Crusaders “lobbed the severed heads of the slaughtered Turks from their throwing-machines and catapults into the city,” writes Robert the Monk.

There was, of course, a reason that the Crusaders behaved so ruthlessly.  Earlier, on first landing in Anatolia, they encountered a horrific sight: “Oh, how many severed heads and bones of the dead lying on the plains did we then find beyond Nicomedia near the sea!” wrote Fulcher of Chartres. “Moved to compassion by this, we shed many tears there.”  They had come upon the remains of all those European peasants—men, women, and children—that were too impatient to wait for the professional knights at Constantinople and crossed into Asia alone.  Soon after landing in the Nicaean inland in 1096, they “fell into the Turkish ambuscade and were miserably slaughtered,” recollected Princess Anna Comnena:

So great a multitude of Kelts and Normans died by the Ishmaelite sword that when they gathered the remains of the fallen, lying on every side, they heaped up, I will not say a mighty ridge or hill or peak, but a mountain of considerable height and depth and width, so huge was the mass of bones.

Those captured underwent another trial: “Some of the prisoners were challenged about their faith, and ordered to renounce Christ, but they proclaimed Christ with steady heart and voice, and were decapitated,” writes Guibert. The fate of those kept alive—as usual, the young and comely—was often worse:

The Turks divided up among themselves some of the captives, whose lives they had spared—or rather reserved for a more painful death— and submitted them to dismal servitude at the hands of cruel masters. Some were exposed in public, like targets, and were pierced by arrows; others were given away as gifts, while others were sold outright . . . [and taken to Khorasan and Antioch where] they would endure wretched slavery under the worst masters imaginable. They underwent a torture much longer than that endured by those whose heads were severed swiftly by the sword.

How the Islamic lords of Asia Minor must have laughed then! Having annihilated the indigenous Christian population of Anatolia, now European Christians were marching in for the same exact treatment.

But they were not laughing now, as the heads of their coreligionists rained down on them.  Along with all the ones the Crusaders had lobbed into Nicaea, another “one thousand of these heads were sent to Eastern Roman Emperor Alexios, a present which won his hearty favor”—unsurprisingly so, as these were the same men who had sacked and taken Nicaea from Alexios in 1092. He responded by sending more supplies, including much needed boats for the Crusaders to cut off Nicaea’s only supply route. These the Crusaders, “during the course of one night, by ropes placed on the shoulders and necks of men and horses,” dragged to Nicaea, “a distance of seven miles or more,” says William of Tyre.

Soon thereafter, on June 19, 1097, the now overly traumatized Turks—these longtime scourges of Eastern Christendom—surrendered Nicaea, on condition that they capitulate, not to the heavily armored newcomers from the West who had so terrorized them, but to Alexios, who had followed the Crusaders with his own army.

And so, the First Crusade began with a victory over the Muslims, just as it would conclude. But that is another story.

In Israeli Cities, Muslim Arab Mobs Continue to Cause Mayhem

Israeli Jews must face what they are up against.



Israeli Arabs continue to cause mayhem in Arab-Jewish towns, though in Lod itself the Border Police have helped to bring some semblance, not of calm, for there can no longer be calm after what the marauding Arab mobs did to the homes, shops, synagogues of their Jewish neighbors — but order. A report on the latest developments in this struggle by Israeli authorities to suppress the mob violence in mixed cities is here: “Riots Intensify in Lod, Acre and Other Jewish-Arab Cities, as Rivlin Condemns ‘Brutal Assault on Shared Existence in Israel,’” by Sharon Wrobel, Algemeiner, May 12, 2021:

Israel’s Defense Minister Benny Gantz asked 30 local authority heads from Arab society to help calm the tension and escalation of violence in Arab-Jewish towns which has erupted since Palestinian militants fired rockets into Israel and air strikes were launched in Gaza by Israel.

The move came after Israel declared Lod, a city of both Arab and Jewish residents, a special state of emergency, following severe rioting in recent days by Arabs. The assailants were taking the streets of Lod, Acre, Ramle and other towns of mixed communities, setting fire to synagogues, shops and cars.

Despite the efforts to restore calm on the street and an overnight curfew imposed by police, violent riots continued on Wednesday night in Acre and Lod.

The sight of the pogrom in Lod and the disturbances across the country by an incited and bloodthirsty Arab mob, injuring people, damaging property and even attacking sacred Jewish spaces is unforgivable,” said Israel President Reuven Rivlin. “Tearing down the Israeli flag by Arab rioters and replacing it with the Palestinian flag is a brutal assault on shared existence in the State of Israel.”

“The silence of the Arab leadership about these disturbances is shameful, giving support to terrorism and rioting and encouraging the rupture of the society in which we live and in which we will continue to live once all this has passed. The Israeli government must pursue the rioters with a firm hand restore security and order while fighting terrorism from Gaza without compromise,” Rivlin added.

Only a single Arab MK, Esawi Frej, asked his fellow Arab leaders to speak out:

“I call on [the Joint List’s] Ahmad Tibi, Ayman Odeh along with Arab mayors: This is the test of your leadership. Don’t hide..”

But they did hide. Neither Ahmad Tibi, nor Ayman Odeh, nor any of the other Arab MKs or mayors, spoke out; Frej was alone. There were lower-level Arabs, some city councilmen in Lod, Acre, Haifa, Ramle, and Tel Aviv-Yafo, who, with their Jewish colleagues, signed a declaration calling for calm. And so far, that’s been the only response of leaders in the Israeli Arab community.

Even after President Rivlin made his appeal, the leaders of the Israeli Arabs have remained silent. It’s been quite a shock to many Israeli Jews, but it is surely better that they realize now what they are up against, rather than continue to assume the loyalty and good will of their Arab population.

Magen David paramedics were called to Acre central station to provide medical treatment to a 30-year-old man in critical condition with a head injury, who was hurt during the riots.

The Jewish man in critical condition is one of nearly a half-dozen Jews who so far have been seriously hurt by Arab rioters in Lod and Acre. One Arab man was also killed in Lod, shot in self-defense by a Jewish man whom he had been attacking. There are no other reports of Arabs being killed despite their continuing mob violence.

Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu called the riots in Jewish-Arab integrated cities “intolerable.” Netanyahu on Wednesday [May 11] visited Acre to meet with the mayor, police and security officials, for a discussion and assessment of the situation, following the events in the city.

“We are in a fight on several fronts. Last night I went to Lod, another front of anarchy that was opened there. We also made decisions there and brought in forces and this afternoon here in Acre. We will continue the effort to stop the anarchy, restore governance to Israel’s cities with an iron fist if necessary, with all necessary force and with all necessary authority,” Netanyahu said.

Netanyahu said that he instructed border police forces from the West Bank to be transferred to assist the police in Lod, Acre and other places to help stop the wave of riots.

According to Walla, more than a dozen Arab and Jewish council members from the mixed cities of Lod, Acre, Haifa, Tel Aviv-Yafo, and Ramle have signed a declaration to help restore calm on the streets.

Commenting on the violent clashes between Jews and Arabs, Brig. Gen. (ret.) Dr. Meir Elran at the INSS said: “If the explosive situation continues or, God forbid, worsens, there will be very negative consequences for the fabric of life in Israel. Hence Israel’s national interest in achieving calm in rapid fashion, on this internal front as well, which likewise has an impact on the confrontation with the Palestinians and with Hamas.”

The marauding Arab mobs in Lod and the smaller groups of Arab attackers in Acre, Ramle, Haifa, Tel Aviiv-Yafo have forced the Israelis to carefully consider the problem of the enemy within. Once the current fighting is all over, Israel having delivered enough punishing blows so that Hamas will sue for a ceasefire, with calm restored to the Temple Mount, and Arab mobs inside Israel put down, the leaders of the IDF, the Shin Bet, the regular police, and the Border Police will have to study how to deal with this dangerous new front, of the Enemy Within. How many Arabs actually took part? How should those who were part of the mobs be handled — prison sentences, or is expulsion a possibility? Why was Lod the city most vulnerable to such mob violence? How should Israeli Arab leaders who refused even to call for calm, much less to condemn the rioters, be treated? Is there any way to repair the inter-communal damage, or will Israelis now have to permanently adjust to living among those who clearly wish them harm, and are just waiting for another opportunity to do so? In such circumstances, what can Israel now do to protect its Jewish citizens from their Arab neighbors? If the Bidenites thought that Israel could be persuaded to return to the “pre-1967 lines” (1949 armistice lines) as a basis for negotiations, that possibility has now gone up in smoke, like the shops and homes and synagogues in Lod.

AP and Al Jazeera Feign Ignorance of Hamas in Their Building

The myths that enablers of terror try to sell.



Journalists are condemning an Israeli air strike last Saturday that destroyed a building in Gaza housing the local offices of media outlets such as the Associated Press and Al Jazeera. Israeli officials claimed they have "smoking gun" evidence that the building also “contained military assets belonging to the intelligence offices of the Hamas terror organization.” The Israeli military provided advance warning of the air strike, which allowed the occupants to evacuate safely. There were no reported deaths or injuries. Nevertheless, the biased anti-Israel mainstream media expressed dismay at what Israel had done. They are exploiting the incident to put Israel in the worst possible light and influence public opinion against Israel. This is just the latest example of many in the mainstream media serving as the useful idiots for Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups.

Reporters Without Borders (RSF) Secretary-General Christophe Deloire called upon “the International Criminal Court’s prosecutor to determine whether these airstrikes constitute war crimes.” He said nothing about the dual war crimes committed by Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad in firing rockets from Gaza aimed at Israeli civilian population centers, and using civilians including journalists as human shields.  

Associated Press President and CEO Gary Pruitt said that his news agency was “shocked and horrified that the Israeli military would target and destroy the building housing AP’s bureau and other news organizations in Gaza.” Pruitt claimed that “We have had no indication Hamas was in the building or active in the building. This is something we actively check to the best of our ability. We would never knowingly put our journalists at risk.”

Pruitt’s claim that the AP had no reason to suspect it was sharing building space with Hamas lacks even a single shred of credibility. It is reminiscent of the scene from the movie Casablanca when Captain Renault, a regular patron and gambler at Rick's Café, said "I am shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here" before closing the café on the orders of his Nazi superior.

The local Associated Press bureau has turned a blind eye to Hamas’s war crimes, including Hamas’s activities in the immediate proximity of the building the AP bureau was occupying for 15 years. The AP at its highest levels has taken the Palestinians’ victimhood narrative at face value and condemned Israel as the aggressor. They have done so partly for ideological reasons and partly because they fear retaliation from Hamas if they report what they really know about the terrorists’ operations happening right under their noses.  

Matti Friedman, a former AP reporter, wrote back in 2014, following that year’s Gaza War, that “I was informed by the bureau’s senior editors that our Palestinian reporter in Gaza couldn’t possibly provide critical coverage of Hamas because doing so would put him in danger.” Friedman added that “The AP staff in Gaza City would witness a rocket launch right beside their office, endangering reporters and other civilians nearby—and the AP wouldn’t report it, not even in AP articles about Israeli claims that Hamas was launching rockets from residential areas. (This happened.) Hamas fighters would burst into the AP’s Gaza bureau and threaten the staff—and the AP wouldn’t report it. (This also happened.)”

Friedman went on to charge that members of the media on-site in Gaza were “co-opted by Hamas.” He added that they “ceased to be reliable observers and became instead an amplifier for the propaganda of one of the most intolerant and aggressive forces on earth.”

In condemning Israel for taking out a target it reasonably believed was being used in part by Hamas for military purposes against Israeli civilians, the Associated Press and its brethren in the media are playing right into Hamas’s propaganda strategy. Hamas uses Palestinian civilians as human shields and then appeals for sympathy on their behalf when Israel responds to the rocket attacks on Israel's civilian population. Hamas is using journalists reporting in Gaza as human shields too, counting on the fact that the media will blame any deaths, injuries, or property damage on Israel.

Like the Associated Press, Al Jazeera condemned Israel’s destruction of its Gaza offices by the Israeli military. Commenting on the bombing of the building Al Jazeera had occupied, Mostefa Souag, acting director general of Al Jazeera Media Network, said: “We call on the international community to condemn such barbaric actions and targeting of journalists and we demand an immediate international action to hold Israel accountable for its deliberate targeting of journalists and the media institutions.” Souag added: “The aim of this heinous crime is to silence the media and to hide the untold carnage and suffering of the people of Gaza.”

This is pure pro-Hamas propaganda. Anyone who thinks that the local Al Jazeera media outlet in Gaza was not fully aware of Hamas’s presence in its building is burying his or her head in the sand.

Al Jazeera is funded and controlled by the government of Qatar, which has maintained strong relations with Hamas since at least 2007 when the terrorist organization took control of the Gaza Strip.

Ismail Haniyeh, chief of Hamas’s political bureau, is living in exile in Qatar, where he remains very active in Hamas’s affairs and helps ensure the flow of money from Qatar to Hamas in Gaza. On May 15th, Haniyeh spoke to a huge crowd in Doha, Qatar. Haniyeh charged that “the Zionist enemy" had "carried out massacres.” He said that "The title of this battle today, the title of the war, and the title of the intifada, is Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Jerusalem."

Qatar's foreign minister met with Haniyeh that same day and assured him of Qatar's support for its "Palestinian brothers."

At the rally in Doha, Haniyeh left no doubt that Hamas rejected any two-state solution where the Jewish state of Israel would remain intact.  “The geographical barriers within historic Palestine have been removed,” he declared. “Today, Palestine is waging an Intifada from Rosh HaNikra to Umm Al-Rashrash [Eilat], and from Rafah to the farthest points to the North, East, and West of Palestine.” Referring to Safed, a city in the Northern District of Israel that is considered one of the Four Holy Cities of Judaism, Haniyeh proclaimed, “Safed is ours! Safed is ours! Safed belongs to us and to nobody else!" (as translated by MEMRI TV)

Haniyeh’s inflammatory remarks were broadcast by Qatar’s mouthpiece and Hamas’s propaganda arm, Al Jazeera Network.

Al Jazeera has been carrying Hamas’s water for years in alignment with its Qatari government masters’ support for the terrorist group. Its articles praising Hamas and vilifying Israel might just as well have been written by one of Hamas’s operatives working out of the same building in Gaza as Al Jazeera.   

Hamas has threatened the few reporters and photographers who have tried to reveal the war crimes they actually witnessed committed by Hamas. Most so-called journalists are either too afraid or too ideologically biased against Israel to report the truth. The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis has compiled examples of such biased reporting, including by the Associated Press.

Buildings containing military personnel, equipment or supplies constitute legitimate military targets under international law. Buildings used both for civilian and for military purposes also constitute legitimate targets, so long as effective advance warning is provided. This includes buildings that house media personnel and facilities, but which are also used for military purposes. 

Nobody was hurt as a result of Israel’s air strike on the building housing the Associated Press and Al Jazeera. This building also housed Hamas assets, according to Israel's best actionable intelligence that it shared in confidence with United States officials. Israel provided a warning to the building’s owner an hour in advance, allowing the occupants to evacuate safely.

It’s long past the time that the media came to terms with the fact that Hamas is manipulating the media for propaganda purposes and using the media in Gaza as human shields. Media outlets in Gaza should check out the next building they consider occupying to make sure they are not sharing space in the building with Palestinian terrorists.

Uneasy Israel-Hamas Ceasefire Begins as Battered Palestinians Claim Victory

Palestinian children wave green Hamas and their national flags as they stand on the rubble of a destroyed building while celebrating the cease-fire agreement between Israel and Hamas in Gaza City, early Friday, May 21, 2021. (AP Photo/Adel Hana)
AP Photo/Adel Hana

A ceasefire between Israel and Hamas took hold in the early hours of Friday morning after the worst violence in years, with U.S. President Joe Biden joining the United Nations in urging renewed dialogue between the two combatants.

Israel’s defensive response to the 11-day bombardment by Hamas and Islamic Jihad terror rockets killed 232 Palestinians, damaged thousands of homes and disabled critical infrastructure. Gaza attacks killed 12 people in Israel and wounded hundreds.

The fighting, which started with Palestinian riots in Jerusalem that were escalated by massive terror rocket barrages directed at Israel’s cities, saw the IDF destroy much of the Hamas infrastructure in Gaza, while also protecting its own citizens using the Iron Dome missile defense system, as Breitbart News reported.

Reuters reports mosque loud-speakers applauded the claimed Hamas win as “the victory of the resistance achieved over the Occupation (Israel).” Cars driving around East Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah at dawn flew Palestinian flags and honked horns, echoing the scenes in Gaza.

The cease-fire was brokered by neighboring Egypt after the U.S. pressed Israel to wind down the offensive. Netanyahu announced Israel had accepted the proposal late Thursday, while emphasizing that “the reality on the ground will determine the future of the campaign.”

In the countdown to the 2 a.m. (2300 GMT Thursday) end to hostilities, Palestinian rocket salvoes continued and Israel carried out at least one air strike.

Hamas, the Islamist terror group that rules Gaza, cast the fighting as a successful foray against the Jewish state even as casualties on its own side mounted.

“It is true the battle ends today but Netanyahu and the whole world should know that our hands are on the trigger and we will continue to grow the capabilities of this resistance,” said Ezzat El-Reshiq, a senior member of the Hamas political bureau, referring to Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.

El-Reshiq told Reuters in Doha the movement’s demands included protecting the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem and ending the eviction of several Palestinians from their homes in East Jerusalem.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken plans to visit the region in the coming days “to discuss recovery efforts and working together to build better futures for Israelis and Palestinians.” the State Department said.

AP contributed to this story

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Everything You Needed to Know About the Escalation in Israel

A message from the State of Israel.

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Editors Note:  Below, Frontpage is running a message directly from the Israeli Government Press Office -- aimed to counter the sea of leftist propaganda about the conflict we are now witnessing in Israel. The message contains common questions with answers provided, including what role the international community can play in ending the current crisis and preventing future ones:


Everything you needed to know about the latest escalation in Israel


Why did all of this start?

The massive rocket attacks from Gaza that began on 10 May came after weeks of Palestinian terrorism, rockets and incendiary balloons launched from the Gaza Strip, massive riots and other attacks on Jewish civilians in Jerusalem.

Although the Palestinians and their supporters have tried to justify these violent acts by linking them to a variety of Israeli actions, in fact they are the result of Palestinian plans, made in accordance to Palestinian interests, often based on internal Palestinian struggles and on Palestinian goals.

The Palestinian Authority is trying to divert attention away from its own decision to postpone elections, thereby deflecting any potential criticism. Hamas is attempting to strengthen its position, both in eyes of the Palestinian population and the Muslim world, by igniting violence and unrest, all the while trying to claim the role of Jerusalem’s defender.

This escalation was directly caused by Palestinian incitement. The Palestinian leadership has been deliberately and publicly inciting to violence over the past several weeks with the Hamas terrorist organization in particular exploiting sensitive national sentiments during the Ramadan period to stoke tensions.

How did all of this start?

This week’s flare-up follows several weeks of escalating Palestinian terrorism against Israeli civilians. The Hamas terrorist organization fired over forty rockets at Israel in April alone. Incendiary balloon devices launched from Gaza caused dozens of fires, resulting in widespread environmental and economic damage throughout southern Israel. In a shooting attack at the Tapuah Junction in early May, a Palestinian terrorist killed a 19-year-old yeshiva student and injured two others. Border police stopped an attempted stabbing attack in Hebron and prevented a serious mass attack when they diverted a minibus carrying three heavily armed terrorists to the Salem Junction border police base. Combined, these attacks left almost seventy Israeli civilians injured in just the past month – before the current escalation.

Violent rioters led by the Hamas terrorist organization and the Palestinian Authority met in planned clashes, with the goal of igniting violence and unrest in the city of Jerusalem. Deliberately manufactured flashpoints were used to stoke the flames. Every Israeli attempt to deescalate the situation was either ignored or drove the Palestinians to focus on a new issue after the removal of their contrived excuse for unrest.

How did Israel respond to the escalation?

Throughout the past several weeks, Israel has taken every measure possible to deescalate the situation. When Jerusalem was being used as the excuse for unrest, Israel stopped allowing the entrance of Jews to the Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif and changed the route of the Jerusalem Day Flag March – before cancelling it entirely due to rocket fire – while the Supreme Court delayed a court hearing on the issue of Sheikh Jarrah. Each and every one of these steps was taken in order to prevent violence and restore calm.

Hamas responded to these measures with more violence, more incitement, and more rockets.

What’s happening on the ground in Israel?

When Gaza’s terrorist organizations began their campaign of massive rocket fire on 10 May, 1500 rockets were fired in the first 24 hours, including 7 aimed at Jerusalem. Since then, over 4,000 rockets have been fired at Israel (as of 19/05/2021). Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad are firing these rockets and deliberately aiming them at key metropolitan areas throughout Israel with the purpose of killing and injuring as many Israeli civilians as possible. So far, this barrage of rocket attacks has killed several Israeli civilians and injured dozens more.

Isn't Jerusalem the center of the current escalation?

No. This is a false claim. As always, Israel is taking every step possible to prevent escalation, unrest and violence, and to ensure freedom of worship in Israel.

Are the holy sites in Jerusalem still open to visitors?

Absolutely. Israel is a pluralistic democracy and guarantees the freedoms of religion and worship for all citizens and visitors. The sole exception is the limitations placed on Jewish visitors to the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism, undertaken to prevent friction.

In fact, since the reunification of Jerusalem in 1967, Israel has safeguarded freedom of worship for all faiths in the city and nurtured rapid economic, demographic, and cultural growth. Israel will continue to uphold freedom of worship for all.

Who is Hamas?

Hamas is an Islamist terrorist organization whose ultimate goal is to annihilate the State of Israel entirely and establish a caliphate. The Hamas Charter – the organization's manifesto – is an antisemitic document that calls for the murder of Jews simply on the basis of their religion. Hamas has been internationally recognized as a terrorist organization since 1993 in the united states, with many countries following suit, including by Canada, and the EU.

Hamas seized control of the Gaza Strip in a violent military coup in 2007, which caused the deaths of hundreds of Palestinians. It had hoped to take control of the West Bank through Palestinian elections this year, which were ultimately postponed by the Palestinian Authority.

Hamas is responsible for the death and injury of tens of thousands of Israeli and Palestinian civilians. It deliberately targets civilian population centers throughout Israel with rockets and other weapons. Hamas uses its own population as human shields, firing rockets from within civilian spaces in Gaza and hiding its leaders, terrorists and military facilities there as well. This is effectively a double war crime: not only do they indiscriminately fire rockets at Israeli civilians, but they do so from areas densely populated with Palestinian civilians.

I've heard that Sheikh Jarrah was the catalyst for the current escalation of violence…

This is a false claim that simply does not stand up to scrutiny. The Sheikh Jarrah issue is essentially a real estate dispute between private parties, to which the State of Israel is not party. This legal matter was deliberated in several different courts, which determined that the current tenants do not have ownership over the property in dispute and violated their duties as tenants for decades. Nonetheless, the issue is now pending before Israel’s Supreme Court, which decided to delay the scheduled Court hearing on the issue specifically in order to prevent violence and calm tensions.

This private legal dispute involving four families is being exploited to inflame passions and attack Israel. Linking the Sheikh Jarrah issue to Hamas’ attacks and rocket launches only plays into the hands of this terrorist organization.

Can reports from Gaza be trusted?

As opposed to Israel, which is a strong democracy that respects freedom of the press, Gaza is ruled by a terrorist organization that limits press coverage. Moreover, Hamas controls the government bodies that supply basic information, such as the Ministry of Health, and does not hesitate to falsify data when it serves its purposes.

Hamas has a long history of misrepresenting and even faking facts. In previous conflicts, it provided civilian casualty figures that were later proven to include large numbers of terrorists and other combatants. It presents civilians who were used as human shields as victims of Israeli aggression. Similarly, the deaths of Palestinians killed by rockets that failed inflight (it is estimated that approximately 20-30%15 of the rockets launched at Israel land in Gaza instead) are blamed on Israel.

What role can the international community play?

The international community can play an important role in both ending the current crisis and in preventing future ones.

The first and primary task is to communicate to Hamas that terrorism will not be tolerated, let alone rewarded. As long as this internationally-recognized terrorist organization believes that it stands to gain from the violence, rockets will continue to reign down on towns and cities, forcing Israel to respond.

Hamas has a long history of creating the same scenario: it designs a situation that leaves Israel with no choice but to react, deliberately places Gaza’s civilian population and infrastructure in harm’s way, and then reaps the rewards by claiming victim status. The importance of not falling into Hamas’ trap cannot be overstated.

World leaders who support Israel in its fight against terrorism are not lacking in compassion towards Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. Rather, they are acknowledging the reality of the situation: Hamas instigated this conflict with no concern for civilian life on either side of the border and with the expectation that it can exploit Palestinian suffering to delegitimize the State of Israel. Suffering on both sides will most quickly be alleviated by focusing the blame on those responsible for starting and perpetuating the violence while denying Hamas its objectives.

Hamas, like many other terrorist organizations, seeks to undermine the legitimacy of democratic nations acting in self-defense. Its actions cannot be condoned, while attempts to create equivalence between a terrorist organization that provokes conflict and a democratic state that seeks to protect its population is not only morally offensive, it encourages future terrorist attacks.

The Anti-Israel Left Supports Ethnic Cleansing in Jerusalem

What the battle over a few homes in Jerusalem is really about.



Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

In 1948, the armies of seven Arab nations invaded Israel. They failed to wipe out the newly reborn nation,  but Jordan occupied part of Jerusalem and ethnically cleansed its Jews.

Among the former Jewish neighborhoods was a small area named Shimon HaTzadik or Simon the Righteous after a high priest who became famous for talking Alexander the Great out of putting up an idol in the Temple. The Arab Muslim colonists who had occupied the area however called it Sheikh Jarrah after an associate of the Iraqi invader Saladin.

Saladin had invaded Israel some 1500 years after Shimon HaTzadik’s death. His associate settled in Jerusalem and died there. A mosque was built over the house of the invader, Jarrah, which later gave its name to the neighborhood when the Husseini family set up shop there in the 19th century. Hitler’s Mufti, Haj Amin al-Husseini, grew up in the first house in the neighborhood.

Seven years after he got a pledge from Hitler to invade and kill all the Jews, the Islamic leader tried to finish the job with the Army of the Sacred Jihad backed by thousands of Muslim Brotherhood Jihadis. Aside from blowing up the newspaper that would later be known as the Jerusalem Post, the Jihadis performed poorly in battle and fell apart when their commander, another Husseini, was killed trying to cut off Israeli supply convoys to the siege of Jerusalem.

The Jordanians desecrated the synagogues of East Jerusalem, used Jewish tombstones to pave roads, and seized Jewish property through their Custodian of Enemy Property.

In 1956, UNRWA worked with the Jordanian occupiers to settle “Palestinian refugees” in this Jewish neighborhood. The UN agency had been entirely dedicated to caring for the Arab Muslim settlers who had failed in their invasion of Israel and was settling them in violation of international law in the homes of the Jewish residents who had fled the illegal occupation.

Once the UNRWA had “resettled” its “refugees” in homes stolen from their Jewish owners through ethnic cleansing, it deemed them to no longer be refugees. The actual refugees however were the Jewish residents who had their homes stolen by the UNRWA.

The only thing more disturbing than a UN agency collaborating in ethnic cleansing was that after Israel liberated and unified Jerusalem, the illegal Arab Muslim occupiers of the homes not only refused to leave, but their right to remain in homes stolen from their Jewish inhabitants was taken up by the UN and the international community. Not to mention a lot of lawyers.

It took the original Jewish owners five years to even win legal rights to the homes in court. But they didn't actually get the property back. In an attempt to avoid just the kind of international incident going on now, the Israeli authorities brokered a deal in which the Muslim squatters would pay rent and accept the legal rights of the Jewish owners of the trusts.

The rent on the homes was a fraction of what they would go for on the open market. But even that money was never actually paid. The next three decades were spent trying to evict the illegal Muslim settlers who wouldn't pay rent or leave.

The recent court decision on evictions, which was used by Hamas and the PLO as a pretext for the war that they had been planning on starting anyway, is the latest in a string of legal decisions over these homes going back 50 years.

These decisions came from independent courts, not the Netanyahu government, in a legal battle that began when he was a college student studying at MIT. There isn’t a single argument for why the Jewish trusts that owned the homes should have lost the right to them when Jordan invaded and seized those homes, or why the UNRWA’s decision to illegally collaborate in ethnic cleansing by settling members of an occupying nation in those homes was legal.

All their arguments come down to shouting, “apartheid” and “ethnic cleansing” when the only time there was apartheid and ethnic cleansing in Jerusalem was under Arab Muslim occupation.

Every anti-Israel radical in public office from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez to Senator Elizabeth Warren, Senator Bernie Sanders, Rep. Rashida Tlaib, Rep. Ilhan Omar, and the rest of the gang have denounced evictions from ‘Sheikh Jarrah’.

"We stand in solidarity with the Palestinian residents of Sheikh Jarrah in East Jerusalem. Israeli forces are forcing families from their homes," Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez tweeted.

"The evictions of Palestinian families must not go forward,” Bernie Sanders ranted.

“The Administration should make clear to the Israeli government that these evictions are illegal and must stop immediately,” Senator Elizabeth Warren declared. Despite being a lawyer, she declined to identify how the Israeli court ruling was "illegal".

The Biden administration also got into the act.

“We are deeply concerned about the potential eviction of Palestinian families in the Silwan neighborhood and in Sheikh Jarrah, many of whom have lived in their homes for generations," State Department spokeswoman Jalina Porter, a former cheerleader who had falsely accused America of genocide, claimed.

The only way to argue that the homes were “theirs” is by recognizing the legitimacy of occupation and ethnic cleansing, at least when it’s practiced by Muslim invading armies.

The moral principle for which AOC, Sanders, Warren, and the State Department are fighting is that when Arab Muslims drive out the Jews and seize their homes, it’s their property now.

The entire legal basis for the court case by the squatters is their claim that the property had been given to them by Jordan’s Custodian of Enemy Property office. This claim has standing in Israeli courts which chose to wrongly recognize those seizures. And so the court cases have revolved around whether the squatters could ever prove that an illegal occupying power had transferred title to them during its ethnic cleansing campaign. The squatters couldn’t even meet this low bar because they were never given title to the homes, but the vicissitudes of local real estate law aside, there’s still the invasion, the illegal occupation and the ethnic cleansing.

When AOC, Warren, Sanders, Tlaib, Omar, the UN, and the Biden administration treat the occupiers of Sheikh Jarrah as the rightful owners, they’re defending ethnic cleansing.

And it should be called what it is.

The fundamental issue at stake in Shimon HaTzadik and Sheikh Jarrah are crystal clear. Unlike some parts of Israel where territory changed hands in more complex ways, we know exactly what happened and why it happened. And those simple facts tell a story of the UNRWA’s complicity in the ethnic cleansing of Jews, not just today when it serves as a storehouse for Hamas missiles and an employment agency for Hamas propagandists, but back in the 50s.

Jews were ethnically cleansed from Jerusalem after an invasion and occupation. The United Nations, through UNRWA, violated international law by taking part in population transfer by an occupying power which had expelled the indigenous population. This is the charge that the UN and the anti-Israel politicians and media have repeatedly lobbed at Israel.

And they’re the ones guilty of it.

Their Sheikh Jarrah argument is that ethnic cleansing and occupation are moral and legal when Arab Muslim armies do it. It’s that Arab Muslim squatters who moved into Jewish homes in 1956 had gained an immutable moral right to live in them by 1967 that outweighed those of the Jewish trusts which had owned them since the 19th century.

There’s no better way to show the hypocritical double standards of an anti-Israel movement that cries about occupation, ethnic cleansing, and apartheid while practicing those very things.

AOC, Sanders, Warren, the UN, the Quarter, the EU, and the Biden administration are demanding that the Arab Muslim occupation of Jerusalem continue. They are ordering a free country to overturn the legal ruling of a court in case that goes back to the 1970s because they believe that Arab Muslim occupiers have a right to live in Jerusalem… and Jews don’t.

That’s what this was about in 1948. That’s still what it’s about in 2021.

The occupiers cry about the “occupation” and the ethnic cleansers cry about “ethnic cleansing” as they fight to bring back the state of apartheid that drove the Jews out of Jerusalem.

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