Tuesday, June 15, 2021



What About His Gaffes? Joe Biden Bumbles His Way Through G7 Summit

VP Kamala Harris also embarrasses USA in first trip abroad

Getty Images
 • June 14, 2021 2:50 pm


President Joe Biden's performance at the G7 summit in England has done little to allay concerns about his mental competence, to say the least. The 78-year-old president has bumbled his way through the summit, embarrassing the United States in the process and raising questions about his capacity to lead.

In one video clip making the rounds, Biden appeared disoriented as he wandered into an outdoor seating area. His patient wife, Dr. Jill Biden (EdD), ultimately came to his rescue and led him away.

Over the weekend, Biden embarrassed himself during a photo op with other world leaders by urging the summit's host, British prime minister Boris Johnson, to introduce President Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa. Video from the event clearly showed Johnson introducing Ramaphosa before Biden interjected.

"And the president of South Africa," Biden said after Johnson finished introducing the leaders.

"And the president of South Africa, as I said earlier on," Johnson replied.

"Oh, you did. I'm sorry," a bewildered Biden told the host, embarrassing his country on the world stage.

Biden's relationship with Johnson was already strained after the president gifted the prime minister a $6,000 bicycle, which could be construed as an insult in the United Kingdom. According to the Cambridge Dictionary, telling someone to get "on your bike" is "a rude way of telling someone to go away."

The gift was also an insult to the millions of Americans who rightly view cyclists as a menace to society.

Further questions were raised about the president's mental fitness when Biden snapped at a reporter during a media availability. Asked a simple question about his administration's decision to keep some Trump-era tariffs and sanctions in place, the president leaned over and grumbled into the mic.

"A hundred and twenty days. Give me a break. Need time," Biden growled before shuffling off the stage.

Biden's embarrassing display continued when he repeatedly mixed up the countries of Syria, in the Middle East, and Libya, in North Africa.

"We could work together with Russia, for example, in Libya," Biden said during an address to summit attendees. "We should be opening up the passes to be able to go through and provide food assistance and economic—I mean, vital assistance to a population that's in real trouble."

As the White House later confirmed, Biden was actually talking about Syria, where Russia has helped the ruthless regime of President Bashar al-Assad cling to power since the outbreak of civil war in 2011. Biden went on to confuse the two countries a couple more times during his address.

Biden was not the only prominent American official to embarrass his country abroad. Vice President Kamala Harris was criticized from all sides for bumbling her way through a recent trip to Mexico and Guatemala. Even some Democrats were perplexed by the VP's inability to answer simples questions about her plans to visit the U.S. border with Mexico.

Celebrity journalist Abby Phillip of CNN described Harris's performance as "cringeworthy" and noted that "her allies in the White House and elsewhere are watching it and just kind of wondering, ‘What is going on?'"

Harris's failure to suddenly evolve into a better politician than the one who failed to get a single vote in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary is even more alarming given the precarious status of Biden's cognitive health.

It's also very embarrassing for America.

Published under: Democratic PartyJoe BidenKamala Harris

Biden-Harris Foreign Misadventures

Harris fails -- while Biden derails America First.



The Biden-Harris duo have embarked on their first foreign journeys as president and vice president of the United States. Vice President Kamala Harris’s two-day visit to Guatemala and Mexico to work on the “root causes” of the migration invasion into the United States was a complete disaster. She managed to garner sharp criticism of her performance from both sides of the aisle. President Joe Biden flew off to Europe to sign a new “Atlantic Charter” with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, attend both this year’s Group of 7 (G7) and NATO summit meetings, and meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Geneva. Biden is demonstrating his eagerness to bury the America First priorities and be welcomed as a full-fledged member of the globalist “club.”

After Biden's arrival in the United Kingdom and meeting with Prime Minister Johnson, the two leaders signed what they branded as “The New Atlantic Charter.”  It’s supposed to be an updating of the original Atlantic Charter signed 80 year ago by President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill, which looked ahead at a world freed of “the Nazi tyranny.” The new charter steers clear of naming the leading tyrannies of today that threaten international peace and security – China and Russia. It mentioned terrorists only once, again declining to name the enemy – Islamist jihadists. The new charter declared that tackling the climate crisis, protecting biodiversity, and sustaining nature would be prioritized “in all our international action.”

FDR and Winston Churchill had valid reasons in the midst of World War II for laying out their broad vision of a future world freed of Nazi tyranny. The new Atlantic Charter is a publicity stunt meant to highlight Biden’s and Johnson’s commitment to a globalist philosophy.

During the G7 summit, Biden tried to enlist Western nations and Japan to counter China’s growing global influence. Biden wants to lavish developing nations with hundreds of billions of dollars in financing as an alternative to China’s Belt-and-Road Initiative. Spending boatloads of American taxpayers’ money is Biden’s way of solving every problem.

“Officials emerging from the session said there was a clear division of opinion about how to take on China,” the New York Times reported. Europe and Japan want to foster good relations with China for economic reasons. They are not on board with Biden’s professed confrontational approach to China, which Biden has yet to back up with strong concrete actions.

Biden made headway with his initiative for the G7 to back an agreement on a global minimum tax rate of at least 15 percent on multinational companies. But that may only end up hurting American businesses if other major countries outside of the G7, especially China and Russia, do not go along. Don’t hold your breath waiting for China to join in. “The days when global decisions were dictated by a small group of countries are long gone,” a spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in London said in a statement.

China and other countries not part of a 15 percent minimum tax agreement can reduce their tax levels below 15 percent and attract global corporations to base their headquarters there. This would hurt U.S.’s competitiveness with China in global markets and enable China to strengthen its control over critical supply chains – hardly a way to challenge China’s growing economic power.

The G7 leaders issued a joint communique at the conclusion of their summit meeting. The communique specified the leaders’ concerns with Chinese and Russian behaviors on a number of fronts. However, the communique lacked any sense of urgency or a consensus on concrete actions such as targeted sanctions to address the multiple threats to the free world posed by China and Russia. Indeed, these threats got lost in the shuffle of the communique’s lengthy checklist of unrelated issues. Climate change and biodiversity loss got far more attention. Only climate change and biodiversity loss posed an “existential threat to people, prosperity, security, and nature,” according to the communique. Pandemics like the one originating in China that has killed millions of people, cyberattacks that take down critical infrastructure, and nuclear proliferation? Not so much.

President Biden’s friends in the mainstream media are characterizing the G7 summit as a welcome departure from former President Donald Trump’s America First policies and as a return to international diplomacy. French President Emmanuel Macron was effusive in his praise of Biden. “It is great to have a U.S. president who’s part of the club and very willing to cooperate,” Macron said after meeting Biden. That’s the problem. Americans deserve a president who puts their interests first rather than subordinate America’s interests in order to be part of the globalist “club.”

President Biden will be meeting with President Putin in Geneva on Wednesday. Before he departed for Europe, Biden said that he would let Putin “know what I want him to know." Putin has already seen enough of Biden as president to know that Biden is all talk and no action. For example, Biden gave away important leverage, with nothing to show in return, when he waived sanctions on the company building Russia's Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline to Germany and on its chief executive Matthias Warnig, a Putin ally. Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo tweeted his reaction: “American pipeline and jobs? No. Russian pipeline and jobs? Yes. President Biden, if you’re can’t put America First, can you at least not put Russia first?”

Turning to Vice President Kamala Harris’ disastrous trip to Guatemala and Mexico, Harris continues to embarrass herself with incoherent attempts to explain why she still hasn’t visited the U.S-Mexico border. When NBC's Lester Holt pressed Harris on why she had not yet visited the border as vice president, Harris responded that “I haven't been to Europe...I don't understand the point that you're making.” In that one remark, accompanied as usual by Harris’s annoying laughter, Harris proved how entirely clueless she is.

Migrants continue to pour over the border into the United States in droves. In May 2021, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) encountered 180,034 persons attempting entry along the Southwest Border. This total surpassed the sky high April 2021 number.

An intelligent person who sincerely wants to understand the “root causes” for why Central Americans are risking their lives to come to the United States would want to speak with those who made the journey and are being detained on American soil. A true problem solver would want to delve into their specific reasons to see if there is a pattern and speak to CBP and other law enforcement officers to get first-hand insight into the smuggling rings who are exploiting the migrants for profit.

Harris is neither sincere nor is she an intelligent problem solver. She doesn’t want to hear over and over again why the migrants decided to risk their lives now and make the dangerous trek north. The reason was displayed on a shirt worn by one migrant: "Biden let us in." Biden opened the door to the surge of migrants by reversing many of former President Trump’s deterrence policies. A border visit by Harris at this late point of time would be nothing more than a photo op designed to cut off more embarrassing questions from the press on this subject.

When Harris told potential migrants at a press conference with the president of Guatemala not to come to the United States or they would be turned back– angering immigration activists and other left-wingers -  she came across as a phony, tone-deaf politician.

Harris crowed about new task forces set up with Guatemala to boost anti-corruption efforts and end human trafficking during her joint press conference with Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei. Harris’s public focus on corruption as a “root cause” of the migration surge turned out to be diplomatically embarrassing. Giammattei, while standing right next to Harris, pushed back on the notion that corruption was a serious problem in his country. “The social networks carry misinformation,” Giammattei said. “How many cases of corruption have I been accused [of]? Zero.”

As Daniel Greenfield pointed out in his June 11th FrontPage article, “President Giammattei is a staunch law and order conservative, and if he appeared to be undermining Kamala, it was because she had spent months undermining him.”

During her stop-over in Mexico City, Harris met with President Andrés Manuel López Obrador as well as women entrepreneurs and labor leaders. Facing reporters, Harris again tried to squirm her way around questions on when she intended to visit the border.

“Listen, I’ve been to the border before. I will go again,” Harris told reporters. “But when I’m in Guatemala dealing with root causes, I think we should have a conversation about what’s going on in Guatemala.” That begs the question as to why, instead of Guatemala, Harris did not start her itinerary in Honduras where “more migrants have come from...relative to its population than from El Salvador or Guatemala since fiscal year (FY) 2018,” according to Reliefweb. Maybe Harris wanted to start out with an easier country first to get her sea legs. It didn't work.

In any event, Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei knows why there has been an uptick of Guatemalans leaving their country once Biden became president. Giammattei told CBS shortly before Harris’s arrival that "[T]he message changed to, 'We are going to reunite families and we are going to reunite children.' The very next day the coyotes here were organizing groups of children to take them to the United States. We asked the United States government to send more of a clear message to prevent more people from leaving."

After the face-to-face meeting between Giammattei and Harris, Giammattei reiterated his criticism of Biden’s “humanitarian” messages on immigration, which the smugglers have exploited. “So the coyotes came and took the children and the teenagers to the United States and the borders were full, not only with people from Guatemala, but with a lot of people from all over,” Giammattei told Fox News. “Which is why our proposal is that messages should be clear.” Giammattei tried to put a positive spin on Harris’s attempt while in Guatemala to deliver a toughly worded message to Guatemalans to stay home. But such words have no meaning when the Biden-Harris administration’s open border actions have sent precisely the opposite message and illegal immigrants keep pouring in.

Vice President Harris’s first foreign trip was a dismal failure, no matter how hard she might try to laugh it off. Meanwhile, her boss is busy polishing his credentials as a bona fide member of the globalist “club.”

The Coma Before the Storm

Kurt  Schlichter
Posted: Jun 14, 2021 12:01 AM
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Townhall.com.
The Coma Before the Storm

Source: AP Photo/Evan Vucci


It’s beyond any reasonable dispute that the slack-jawed old pervert staggering through this punchline presidency is getting more senile by the day. All the while, his cackling understudy is biding her time everywhere but at the border, getting huffy at being questioned, and generally failing at a job historically assigned to morons as a role where they could do little damage. The only people who dig their hep jive – yeah, go on and believe the 79% approval numbers among people now paying $5 a gallon for unleaded – are the talking tubers of cable news. But even the tater thots of Brian Stelter, who is a potato, can’t dispel the growing sense of unease that watching these incompetent weirdos brings.

This epoch is the interregnum, a caretaker presidency presided over by a human asterisk who cares only about his post-lid bowl of mush and being wrapped in a shawl, set in front of the tee-vee, and allowed to watch his stories. The only thing moving less expeditiously than his bowels is his ridiculous legislative agenda, and all the prunes in the world aren’t going to help clear out that particular constipation, not with Joe Manchin and Kristen Sinema refusing to commit ritual political suicide on the altar of coastal leftist dreams.

The progs were so close, just a vote or two away, to the unrestrained power they thought they could flex and thereby secure their control forever. But * is no Franklin Roosevelt. Nor is he Teddy Roosevelt. Nor Eleanor Roosevelt, though he could be if he really, really wanted to be. He’s not even Melvin Roosevelt. Instead, Grandpa Badfinger is a rickety joke, bumping elbows with his younger fellow-incompetents at the G7, wandering about mindlessly chasing moths until his ridiculous wife, with her ridiculous “Dr.”, wrangles him back into the hapless pack. You look at this sorry set of leaders of the formerly-free world and the vibe you get is “exhaustion.” There’s no energy, no drive, no hope. Boris Johnson, formerly a man, explained to a bored UK that that “nations coming out of the pandemic need to ‘build back better’ in a ‘greener,’ ‘more gender neutral and perhaps a more feminine way.’” Hack clichés are their solution, but these relics have nothing else. They are weak and stupid and they represent a spent elite that cares about nothing except just a little more time holding fast to their uncertain sinecures.

You can feel the tension beneath the surface, the sense that something is coming, a great changing. Oh, the elite at Davos fantasizes about a “Great Reset,” but they mean it literally – they want to reset the world back to how it was set when they were young and had energy and people hadn’t yet noticed that their venality and incompetence was matched only by their insanely inflated sense of their own abilities. But why would they be any better at pulling that off than they are at anything else? When the shattering disruption comes, they are the ones who will be disrupted, they and the whole post-War establishment our betters thought would last a thousand years and that won’t make it past 80. The elite aren’t, not even close, and we all know it now and we all sense that their Jenga tower o’ power can’t keep from toppling over even as they pull more and more blocks out of it, shredding norms (just this once – it’s always “just this once”) to keep their grip.

But what comes next? Something big, but the question is “What?” The only thing for certain is that the people running things now won’t like it. It’s been said here many times that Donald Trump was not our last chance, but theirs, our final fair warning to our failed elite from back when, at some level, we still thought the ruling caste acknowledged that we normals had at least some theoretical right to participate in our own government. But such illusions, to the extent they had endured, got shattered last November. We heard for four years how the 2016 election had been hacked, stolen, whatever the hyperbole du jour was, and the minute they could proclaim His Asteriskness president questioning elections became treason. But we saw the cheating, and we saw the judicial and executive sleight-of-hand that changed the rules in ways a real Supreme Court would have objected to, and we saw the informal rigging of the election through the lies and covering-up of the professional, licensed, and registered janitors of narrative journalism.

Now it’s all about holding onto power no matter what the cost. The corrupt feds toss trespassers into solitary while letting Antifa/BLM scumbags walk. Their tech buddies desperately try to play whack-a-mole with the unapproved ideas that keep popping up. The garbage media celebrates noted onanists while it ignores the Snortunate Son’s latest entry on his CV of shame – he’s added racial epithets to his remarkable and remarkably unremarked-upon record of tapping the tills of Slavic oligarchs, tapping rando strippers, and re-imagining the classic 80s novel of coke-fueled excess as Bright Lights, Big Guy (who gets his 10%).

It can’t last. Maybe if these puffy clowns were pros they could keep their boots on our throats forever, but they don’t own boots – too cis – and their Guccis and Birkenstocks just don’t have the same heft. They are weak, and stupid, and they are not even cunning enough to ensure that the cops and military, who would be expected to provide their final protective fire when accountability comes to overrun them, are prepared to do their dirty work. They need a savage Praetorian Guard – who doubts they would turn the razor-sharp gladii of their legionnaires on the people if that’s what it took to keep power? – but instead they’ve driven the best LEOs out via defunding and persecution and they’ve turned the Army into a camo-clad Ivy League faculty lounge that, over the last couple decades, has won precisely the same number of military victories as an Ivy League faculty lounge. 

You can see the signs and hear rumblings out there. You can feel the growing anger. We are flocking to Ron DeSantis and others who pick and poke at the status quo, while rejecting the Nikki!s and Asa!s and Kristi!s who still take the Chamber of Commerce’s calls. Change is coming, not just here but throughout the West. The smart set refused to see the signs or hear the rumblings. Part of the fun will be seeing the surprise on their smug, perpetually-masked faces.

And now the elite has reached peak zombie with President * literally stumbling through his tenure as the tongue-bath media not only praises the Emperor’s new clothes (and literally praises Dr. Empress’s tacky duds) but marvels at his ability to feed himself. Look for a 99% approval rating to come down the pike even as we’re told that the biggest threat to Our Democracy is those wicked insurrectionists and their insurrectiony ideas about normal people having a say in their own governance. 

Tick tock.

It’s not clear what’s going to happen, but this mess is unsustainable and what happens next may get ugly. They aren’t just going to shrug and give up power any more than we’ll shrug and submit to the serfdom they have planned for us. So, enjoy this coma before the storm, because the storm is coming.

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