Tuesday, June 15, 2021



Do not come, do not come': Kamala Harris offers new bag of goodies to illegal aliens who've come

The president of Guatemala has politely said that Biden adminstration officials are offering "mixed messages," and well, here we go.

According to USAToday:

WASHINGTON – Vice President Kamala Harris will host a roundtable Tuesday with a group of female immigrants who have temporary protection from deportation as the administration looks to revive a bipartisan push to grant them legal status through a pair of bills that have languished in the Senate. 

The meeting marks the nine-year anniversary of the creation of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, an Obama-era policy that shielded undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children from deportation. The roundtable will come hours after the Senate Judiciary holds a hearing on a bill that would provide permanent legal status for an estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants.

Harris will meet with six women who work as care professionals. The group includes DACA recipients, or "Dreamers," women with temporary protected status and women with green cards. Sens. Richard Durbin, D-IL., and Bob Menendez, D-N.J., will also attend the meeting. 

'Do not come, do not come,' as she said on her recent vice presidential trip to Guatemala. But if you do, she's got some goodies for you.

Which is a whale of a mixed message, one that's likely to reduce her credibility even further than it already has gone. It's likely to encourage more would-be illegal border crossers to come on in.

Seriously, is offering full legalization to DACA recipients likely to discourage illegal border crossers to stop sending their kids in? They've alread gotten Joe Biden's word that unaccompanied minors won't be sent back, that's where the soaring child migrant surge, with all the crying kids dumped by smugglers in the desert, is coming from

Why would anyone heed her 'do not come, do not come' exhortation, when now she's showing them that if they do come, they'll get the golden goose?

It's of a piece with her earlier plan to incentivize illegal immigration through a slew of corporations and NGOs, focusing on job and English-language training and remittance services, all of which should make life as an illegal alien more lucrative in the states as well as easier for the relatives left back home. I wrote about that here.

Here's the other thing: As Kamala failed at basic diplomacy on her recent trip, it seems she's shifting focus, to Congress, supposedly to cut a deal with Republicans to get the DREAMers amnesty and U.S. citizenship.

She's using illegal migrants who are health care workers as her foil and shield, as if to suggest that all DACA dreamers are health care workers, instead of the low-achieving bunch with three free misdemeanors per recipient that so many of them are. We're back to valedictorians again, instead of the more accurate picture of a low-achieving category of migrants demanding first dibs on legalization because they can cry for the cameras.

It's a coming failure.

The softest of these bi-partisan senators on immigration -- Sens. Marco Rubio, Lindsey Graham, and others, have all said that a deal is dead in the water until the border surge is controlled. Politico has that story dating from March here.

Anyone see Kamala Harris at the border to halt the border surge, which would seem to be her job as border czar as well as a boon to help win Republicans in Congress over to her side? I haven't. The surge hasn't even peaked yet as I wrote about here, and some 180,000 or so rolled in from countries well beyond Central America just last month. More are expected in June.

Harris was presumably chosen by Joe to be his vice president because of all her congressional ties and capacities to cut compromises across party lines. Yet right now, her failure to go to the border, or more importantly even halt the border surge, is precisely what's keeping her from hammering out a deal with Republicans.

What we see now is the tiny light at the end of a tunnel ... of an oncoming train. She's going to be defeated on this, too, same as she was in her pathetic bid for diplomacy. But as for illegal border surgers, they're hearing her message loud and clear, to keep coming.

Her lips say 'no, no,' but her hands say 'yes,'yes.' No wonder Willie Brown found her irresistable.

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