Tuesday, June 8, 2021


Is Kamala Harris's mission to Guatemala and Mexico crashing and burning?

For some, the aircraft malfunction of Kamala Harris's jet on her first flight abroad as Joe Biden's vice president to get at all those root causes to "solve" the border surge was kind of an omen.

After all, the jet malfunction could have gone undetected, or been put there by some Democrat insider, happening just as anonymous Democrat operatives are moaning aloud to the press about their dread of Harris becoming the next Democratic presidential candidate.  One wonders if Harris recalls the aircraft accident that took down former Clinton commerce secretary Ron Brown.  It's speculation, based on the miasma of events, none of it moored by fact.

What it symbolizes, though, is far harder to deny: Kamala Harris's mission to Guatemala and Mexico is looking like a disaster.

Let's take a gander at all that's come of it so far.

First, as Harris touched down in Guatemala, the locals greeted her this way, according to The Floridian, which appears to have some original photos.

But after boarding a new plane and taking the four-and-a-half-hour flight to Guatemala, protesters were at the Guatemalan Air Force base waiting for the vice president with open arms and signs.  Big signs.

One sign simply stated, "Kamala, TRUMP WON," another told the vice president that "Guatemala is pro-life," and another wants to her to "go home."

Here's a tweet:

Some of the other signs said "Kamala mind your own business," "Kamala go home," "Kamala Stop Funding Criminals," and the like.  So much for all that "civil society" Kamala says she plans to meet on her trip — community organizers, NGOs, activists.  So the press reports say.  The protest signs are the civil society over there, and rest assured, they're not going to be on her list of people to meet.  Imagine what the press would have been like if President Trump had been greeted by protesters of this variety. 

I spent well north of an hour looking for just which civil society community organizers she does plan to meet once she gets done with Guatemala's president, and thus far, the White House has released absolutely nothing.  Nobody in the press got a leak, either.

That suggests that maybe the list isn't quite ready yet, or that the White House would rather us not know just whom she plans to meet.  A good guess from that would mean probably communists of some kind, people with ties to human-smuggling rackets, and political opponents of the current Guatemalan president, who is a conservative. 

One strong indicator that supports that is Harris's recent pre-trip meetings with two notorious Guatemalan far leftists who got themselves thrown out of power for trying to break Guatemalan law and now position themselves as "dissidents." 

According to Mary Anastasia O'Grady's valuable Wall Street Journal column today

Guatemalan politics are highly charged, polarized and corrupt. One side, with backers in Washington, applauds land invasions, electricity theft and road blocks in the name of social justice. For the antidevelopment left, in Guatemala and in the American Democratic Party, the rule of law in the developing world is a nuisance.

Ms. Harris showed her cards in Washington last month when she met with Guatemala's former Attorney General Thelma Aldana, despite Ms. Aldana's two outstanding Guatemalan arrest warrants on charges of corruption. She has said on Twitter that she is a victim of "dark forces."

Former Guatemalan high-court judge Gloria Porras was at the same meeting, though there are scores of legal complaints against her at home for allegedly refusing to obey the constitution. These include complaints from a qualified majority of the association of representatives who drafted the constitution in the mid-1980s. Ms. Porras claims she was denied a third five-year term by an antidemocratic conspiracy.

That's whom she's meeting with: two hideous leftists who've already tried to rig the rule of law in their favor and refuse to face justice for it.  Apparently, no one's allowed to stop a leftist from breaking the law, in Kamala's world, which pretty well reflects the stance here. 

OK, so she met with that pair, and now she's off to meet with some unelected "community organizers" (you can just imagine), right after she meets with Guatemala's conservative president who was legitimately elected by the actual Guatemalan people, as well as some "entrepreneurs," who, as O'Grady notes near the top of her piece, aren't actually on board and, in fact, are holding back. 

It gets worse.  She's vowing to throw U.S. taxpayer money at the leftist community organizers, millions and millions of it, the better to help them in their mission to get rid of Guatemala's duly elected president. 

According to USA Today, which has a deep dive report but no names of these community organizers Harris is set to meet: 

As part of its fight against corruption and a broader diplomatic strategy in the region, the administration has proposed $4 billion in aid to tackle the root causes of migration. But the White House has been careful to ensure the funding would not only go to governments but also to NGOs and civil society groups – entities Beltrán [a very radical left-wing NGO functionary in Washington] said Guatemala is trying to undermine.

Got that Jacobo Arbenz feel to it all over again.  Arbenz, recall, was the elected president of Guatemala who in 1954 was overthrown, supposedly with U.S. complicity, and at the request of the United Fruit Company, for being a communist, a move that upset the global left for decades as they yelled and yelled about the evils of U.S. interventionism in banana republics.  Kamala is signaling that she'd like to do an Arbenz in reverse — to get rid of a conservative by bankrolling his opposition with U.S. foreign aid in order to install a communist.  The old Sorosian color-revolution "democracy" model is probably in operation already. 

And don't think that isn't the plan.  It's already happening in Mexico.  According to USA Today:

Elsewhere, the State Department's annual human rights report warned of Mexico's gang violence and limits on press freedom, and it criticized the country's prison and detention center conditions. Lopez Obrador slammed the U.S. for the annual report and for giving aid to an NGO that criticized his government. 

 Funny how the left likes to play the games it's always accusing the right of doing.

Apparently, AMLO, who is a leftist, but one who committed the cardinal sin of having a cordial working relationship with President Trump, and who was the foreign leader who first recognized the U.S. election fraud of 2020 because he knew the tricks and experienced the same funny business himself earlier, is kind of a problem to the Bidenites, so they're out bankrolling ACORN-style groups to get rid of him and calling it foreign aid to stem migration.  Anybody think AMLO is easily fooled?

None of this sounds like much to do with root causes of illegal migration that Kamala is billing herself the queen of, does it?  It's foreign meddling, and Harris's plan is to bankroll opponents of the two presidents of migration nations that will still talk to her (two others — the presidents of Honduras and El Salvador — won't even speak to her).  Latin American nations know this stuff when they see it, and it won't go down well.

Now let's move on to the presidents Kamala Harris is meeting with to get at all those root causes.  We already know how the president of Mexico feels about her, so let's now look at the president of Guatemala, from CBS News:

In their Zoom and telephone meetings so far, Harris "doesn't hold back, which is good. She is frank," Giammattei said.

"We are not on the same side of the coin. It is obvious," he added, explaining later that "we are in agreement on the 'what'" of the immigration crisis, "which is something. We are in not agreement on the 'how.'"

Translation: The talks were contentious, as the word "frank" is a diplomatic code word for "they were yelling at each other."  The "how" that the Guatemalan president mentions is that overthrowing him with the aid of U.S. taxpayer money to NGOs with the aim of installing leftists isn't going to stop illegal migration to the states the way she claims it will.  There's no such thing as a socialist paradise, Kams.  People flee socialist countries; they don't go running to them.

That sounds like a crash and burn right there.

The Guatemalan president also brought up that Biden had started the problem, something Harris has thus far paid no attention to, given her failure to visit the border:

During a bilingual interview with CBS News conducted Friday at the nation's presidential house, [Guatemala's President Alejandro Giammattei] was asked if Guatemalans are leaving his country now that Mr. Biden is president and Donald Trump is out of office. 

He said the change in government led to a change in message: "The message changed to, 'We are going to reunite families and we are going to reunite children.'" 

When that happened, "The very next day the coyotes here were organizing groups of children to take them to the United States."

Given the uptick in migration, "We asked the United States government to send more of a clear message to prevent more people from leaving," Giammattei said.

Rest assured, that hard statement of fact will go in one ear and out the other as Kamala focuses on bankrolling community organizers with taxpayer money.

Here's another problem with those presidential meetings: Harris doesn't know a word of Spanish, despite living in a border state and conducting prosecutions on more than a lot of Mexican nationals in California courtrooms.

While she has spent the past few weeks trying to get up to speed quickly on a broad array of issues, she acknowledged last week that she hadn't had as much time as she would have liked to brush up on her Spanish before the trip.

"One of my regrets is that I'm not fluent in Spanish," she said. "I will have my conversations in English so as not to embarrass myself."

What baloney.  Nobody ever embarrasses himself trying to speak another country's language.  The effort, even if imperfect, is always appreciated.  Kamala was just offering excuses for her laziness, and don't think the State Department, intelligence agencies, Voice of America, and other government agencies don't have top-notch speed-Spanish tutorial programs for their overseas operatives to get them up to speed on language very quickly before overseas assignments.  They do.  Kamala could have availed herself of one of those, but most likely, she was too lazy and incurious.

It's odd stuff, given that she's from California, too.  The prosecutors I know of in San Diego are either in Spanish classes for just this purpose (my community college classes in San Diego were filled with these people) or else know it by heritage.  It's odd as heck that Harris doesn't know jack about Spanish, given her California background.  Too much partying in Canada and posing for selfies, it seems.

How else is this a crash and burn?  Well, look at the low expectations her media allies are creating for her.

According to Politico's syrupy lede:

GUATEMALA CITY — The Biden administration is trying to manage expectations for Kamala Harris' first international trip as vice president.

The goal for her two-day visit to Guatemala and Mexico isn't to roll out a massive plan to solve the problems driving thousands to flee the region, according to administration officials, people close to the White House and experts, but simply to show that the U.S. cares and isn't just looking for quick fixes.

So she's off to meddle in the internal affairs of these countries.  Locals are protesting her, but she's off to shovel cash to unelected NGOs and ACORN-style community organizers to topple the governments.  The businesses remain absent, and not one of her group of twelve businesses is offering to create jobs in these countries, which really would get people to stay there.  Meanwhile. she's fighting with the presidents of the migrant-exporting countries that will actually talk with her.  And back home, the media are lowering expectations, taking their cues from the Biden White House itself, which doesn't want anyone to hold their breath. 

I'd call that a crash and burn.  And it hasn't even happened yet.  Who knows how many more things can go wrong in this wretched span of just two days?

Anyone notice how haggard Kamala Harris looked in Guatemala?

Kamala Harris is under some kind of pressure.

It's hard to say what, given the working thesis (first seen in a tweet by Newt Gingrich) that Joe Biden appointed her to the position of border czar because he knew she would do nothing.

But it's pretty obvious there were signs of strain in her face as she met with the president of Guatemala on Monday and then held a dual press conference. She looked like hell.

Here are some camera shots from the NBC News report on the television set:

She actually looks pretty lost, uncertain, way out of her comfort zone. Not ready for prime time. And her hair was clumped and dirty. This wasn't one of her selfie glamour shots.

At this point, we can only speculate.

Was it an unusually rough meeting with Guatemala's conservative President Alejandro Giammattei? We know that he has publicly blamed the Biden administration for the border surge that Kamala Harris is coming to Guatemala to somehow stop. He's explicitly stated that the Biden administration has sent "mixed messages" and that when Old Joe said that unaccompanied children would not be sent back, the coyotes in Guatemala had the kids lined up for the journey right away. He has their number, and he said it on international television. Could what he said to her in private have been even rougher? Perhaps he gave her the facts of life about his country's national interest, or warned her not to bankroll NGOs who'd like to overthrow him. Quite possibly he lectured her on yanqui imperialismo and let her know that she was the oppressive supremacist imperialist. Something like that.

Her nervous giggles and cackles probably didn't impress him.

Perhaps even more likely, she was hearing from Old Joe, whose flash temper, shifts of policy, and tendency to fly off the handle is legendary. Could that have been the reason she came out with the insincere-sounding headline maker here:

“I want to be clear to folks in this region for thinking about making that dangerous trek to the US-Mexico border. Do not come. Do not come,” she said.

You know those aren't her words, they're Joe's, something he said back at the dawn of his presidency. They're also a joke, words that stopped no one from coming. More than 170,000 illegal aliens poured over our border in just April alone. Nobody pays attention to those words, they pay attention to the Biden administration's deeds -- letting in all comers, offering a free ride on health care, a free ride to one's destination of choice in the U.S. (without passports), letting them in bearing COVID and spreading it throughout the country, letting them in without even court dates, changing all the diapers. And Kamala herself undercut even that supposedly unambiguous message by tentatively adding "“I believe if you come to our border, you will be turned back,” signalling she hasn't done much homework on this, which for would-be illegal migrants, leaves open the possibility that maybe they wouldn't be sent back. Don't quote her.

As Giammattei said: Mixed messages.

Or could it be that she's so inexperienced she doesn't know how to prepare for an international flight? It's not like the flight was long -- it was four and a half hours, which is less than a cross-country U.S. flight. It was also done in the utmost of comfort on Air Force 2, with its extensive sleeping quarters and room service. Perhaps she doesn't know a lot about self-care for such a trip. Or she was busy with selfies and other stupid but typical pursuits of hers, perhaps with winning her next election, which left her tired when it was time to go to work.

Having flown on one of those jets myself, to Colombia as part of the official press entourage of then-Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in 2008, I recall how ultra-sharp and alert Rice looked ahead of all her Colombian appointments that the press followed her on, even her makeup was flawless, her clothes were awesome, she was utterly well-briefed and sharp as a tack, showing a 160 IQ command of facts, standing tall and straight and sharp-eyed and looking like a million bucks. She had just flown in from Davos the night earlier, and probably didn't much sleep, but still, she had her personal presentation down pat, confounding the reporters actually.

Harris hasn't figured that out yet, and obviously isn't ready for prime time. She came in as nominally Lady Bountiful to the Guatemalans and obviously found herself out of her depth and looking unprepared for the whole thing.

Now she's off to even readier Mexico, whose president has made no secret of his view that she and Joe Biden cheated to win the election, and blames them openly for the crisis. This should get even more harrowing for her. 

Obviously, she's not ready for prime time.


NBC News Debunks Mayorkas ‘Border Is Closed’ Claim

US Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas arrives to testify during a US Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Homeland Security hearing about the Fiscal Year 2022 Funding Request for the Department of Homeland Security, on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, May 26, 2021. (Photo by SAUL LOEB / AFP) (Photo by …
SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images

Alejandro Mayorkas, Joe’s Biden’s border chief, has repeatedly claimed that “the border is closed” — and now one of the main establishment TV networks finally took the time to refute his claim.

NBC News’s Julia Ainsley reported June 2:

When he took office, President Joe Biden loosened rules at the border, letting children without parents cross — but agents were supposed to expel all other undocumented migrants.

The policy allows the Biden administration to say, “The border is closed.”

In reality, the border is not closed. Under Biden, the determination of who stays and who goes has become a lottery with winners and losers.

The news segment was not produced as a “Fact-Check” of Mayorkas, who is not mentioned in the article, even though he is the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

But it is a veiled criticism of Mayorkas for repeatedly claiming the border is closed.

“The border is closed,” Mayorkas told an ill-informed Rep. Chuck Fleischmann (R-TN) in a May 26 hearing.

“The border is closed,” Mayorkas told a roomful of powerless White House reporters on May 31.

A DHS official backtracked slightly on Mayorkas’s claim, telling NBC that:

The Biden administration has made it clear that our borders are not open, people should not make the dangerous journey, and individuals and families are subject to border restrictions, including expulsion.

Mayorkas, who insists the United States is a “Nation of Immigrants,” uses small-scale exemptions in immigration law to welcome large-scale inflows of economic migrants.

In April, Mayorkas’s supposedly closed-border policies — or “not open” policies — helped at least 60,000 job seekers to cross the southern border, including illegal “got-aways,” youths claiming to be victimized children, adults with young children, and deported migrants who want to join their migrant children who remained to apply for asylum.

Mayorkas also approved 22,000 extra H-2B visa workers, removed Trump-era curbs on white-collar visa workers, renewed work permits for at least 100,000 Haitian migrants, began awarding work permits to many thousands of Venezuelan migrants, and continued processing the roughly one million legal migrants who are allowed into the United States each year.

Not all migrants get Mayorkas’s welcome.

Many are quickly selected for return to Mexico, as others are allowed to blend into U.S. society via an unpredictable, semi-random process. “The determination of who stays and who goes has become a lottery with winners and losers,” NBC News noted, adding:

While they sat on the curb, waiting to find out what U.S. officials would do with them, 15 single adult men who had been caught crossing the border a few days earlier were released to a nearby shelter, where they waited for flights and buses that would take them to cities across the U.S.

Mayorkas and his allies describe his half-open border as “humane.” Yet those “humane” policies are causing huge damage to many migrants because Mayorkas does not have the public or legal support to welcome the many migrants who hope to enter via Mayorkas’s small side doors.

On June 3, the Associated Press described a migrant who lost Mayorkas’s lottery after mortgaging her home to pay a coyote for transport to the border:

[Alvina Jerónimo Pérez ] put the house up as collateral to pay the smuggler $7,700. “The deal was that when we had arrived there, we were going to pay that money and they would return (the deed), but it wasn’t possible,” she said.

In March 2020, she and her daughter Yessenia, then 14, left Tizamarte. Three weeks later they were caught entering Texas. They were deported a week after that.

When Jerónimo realized they would be sent back, she cried. “I thought of everything the trip had cost me. I asked myself ‘What am I going to do?’ I’ve lost everything.”

“Jerónimo’s story is similar to that of thousands of Guatemalans who scramble to gather the money needed to migrate to the United States,” AP added.

But the distraught losers in Mayorkas’s lottery — and the dead lost in the desert — still serve Mayorkas and his pro-migration allies on Wall Street.

They help to distract the establishment media from the growing number of migrant workers and consumers who are being extracted from poor countries to force down Americans’ wages and drive up Americans’ rents.

The federal government has long allowed migrants to sneak past border guards while it also reassures the anxious public by promising tighter border security. This two-track policy strips wealth from working Americans and from heartland regions by quietly encouraging low-wage migrants to gamble their lives in a chaotic Hunger Games trek of loanscoyotescartelsrapedesertsstormsborder lawsbarriersrescuerstransportjudges, and cheap labor employers.

For many years, a wide variety of pollsters have shown deep and broad opposition to labor migration and the inflow of temporary contract workers into jobs sought by young U.S. graduates.

This opposition is multiracialcross-sexnon-racistclass-basedbipartisanrationalpersistent, and recognizes the solidarity Americans owe to each other.

The voter opposition to elite-backed economic migration coexists with support for legal immigrants and some sympathy for illegal migrants. But only a minority of Americans — mostly leftists — embrace the many skewed polls and articles pushing the 1950’s corporate “Nation of Immigrants” claim.

Migration moves money from employees to employers, from families to investors, from young to old, from children to their parents, from homebuyers to investors, from technology to stoop labor, from red states to blue states, and from the central states to the coastal states such as New York.

Kamala Harris Tells Migrants ‘Do Not Come’ to U.S. Border as DHS Keeps Releasing Border Crossers into U.S.

US Vice-President Kamala Harris speaks during a joint press conference with Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei (out of frame) at the Culture Palace in Guatemala City on June 7, 2021. - Harris arrived in Guatemala Sunday, bringing a message of "hope" to a region hammered by Covid-19 and which is the …
JOHAN ORDONEZ/AFP via Getty Images

Vice President Kamala Harris told Guatemalans on Monday that they must not come to the United States-Mexico border, even as the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) continues releasing thousands of border crossers into the U.S. interior.

“I want to be clear to folks in this region who are thinking about making that dangerous trek to the United States-Mexico border: Do not come. Do not come,” Harris said during a speech in Guatemala.

“We, as one of our priorities, will discourage illegal migration,” Harris said.

The remarks are in contrast to the Biden administration’s massive Catch and Release policy where border crossers are often apprehended and subsequently released into the U.S. interior with only a promise that they will appear at immigration hearings months, and sometimes years, later.

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has set out a plan that tasks the federal government and United Nations-linked non-governmental organizations (NGOs) with releasing border crossers into the U.S. interior and providing them with one-year work permits to take American jobs.

As of the end of March, more than 45,000 border crossers were estimated to have been released into the U.S. interior by DHS. In addition to those releases, NGOs are finding migrants in Central America and Mexico to bring to the U.S.-Mexico border for release.

These releases are being quickly facilitated by DHS’s “CBP One” mobile app that allows migrants to input their information to confirm whether or not they are eligible for release into the U.S. interior.

The process often includes border crossers being put up in migrant hotelspaid for by American taxpayers, before getting bused and flown on domestic commercial flights into major U.S. cities.

From February 19 to April 22, as Breitbart News reported last month, the Biden administration had flown about 7,200 border crossers into the U.S. interior. Border crossers are allowed to bypass photo identification requirements, boarding flights without a photo ID, and do not have to prove they are negative for the Chinese coronavirus.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at jbinder@breitbart.com. Follow him on Twitter here


Since 2001, U.S. free trade with China has eliminated at least 3.4 million American jobs. In 1985, before China entered the WTO, the U.S. trade deficit with China totaled $6 billion. In 2019, the U.S. trade deficit with China totaled more than $345 billion.

A town in Weirton, West Virginia lost 94 percent of its steel jobs due to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Voters in Weirton supported Trump by 67 percent last year compared to President Joe Biden’s 32 percent.

Survey: Protecting U.S. Jobs, Cutting Immigration Key to Winning Over Voters

A worker stacks packaged Beautyrest bed frames at the Hollywood Bed Frame Company factory in Commerce, California, seven miles (11 km) southeast from downtown Los Angeles, April 14, 2017. The company held an event to mark an upcoming expansion which will double the size of manufacturer's facility and workforce, adding …

United States voters remain overwhelmingly favorable to economic nationalist policy prescriptions, a survey reveals.

survey from the liberal Center for American Progress, founded by John Podesta, finds that voters’ top foreign policy priorities are protecting jobs for Americans, 47 percent, and reducing illegal immigration to the U.S., 42 percent.

The foreign policy issues are the highest-ranked among swing voters as well as Republicans, while Democrats, by a plurality of 44 percent, say combatting global warming is their top priority.

Meanwhile, promoting global trade and pushing democracy abroad rank as the lowest foreign policy priorities for voters. Among Republicans, the two issues rank as the least important.

(Chart via Center for American Progress)

When asked what the top priorities should be for the president and Congress over the next five years, voters ranked controlling the Chinese coronavirus, boosting jobs and wages for Americans, and cutting overall immigration to the U.S. as their top three issues.

Republicans rank cutting overall immigration to the U.S. as their top priority for a president and Congress with 6-in-10 GOP voters saying so.

(Chart via Center for American Progress)

The survey comes as the Republican Study Committee (RSC), chaired by Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN), released its Fiscal Year 2022 budget — an insight into the priorities of conservative lawmakers.

The RSC budget endorses a national legal immigration policy that prioritizes “American workers, help[s] grow our middle class, raise wages, and enhance[s] economic opportunity for all lawful residents.”

Current legal immigration levels, where about 1.2 million legal immigrants acquire green cards annually, are opposed by the vast majority of Republicans and conservatives — a grassroots rebuke of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s agenda for mass immigration.

The latest Rasmussen Reports survey shows that 54 percent of Republicans and 52 percent of conservatives want legal immigration levels cut in at least half, down to fewer than 500,000 annual admissions.

Such a policy is executed, the budget states, by reducing legal immigration levels, ending the nation’s birthright citizenship policy, barring employers from hiring illegal aliens over Americans, and preventing welfare-dependent legal immigrants from permanently resettling in the U.S., among other policies.

Though while the RSC budget matches its constituents’ priorities on immigration, it veers off in its promotion of free trade over U.S. job protections and tariffs on foreign imports.

The budget, for example, denounces the use of tariffs on foreign imports to protecting domestic American manufacturing and jobs. Instead, the budget embraces a broad “promoting free trade” agenda.

“Simply put, free trade is how we put America first,” the RSC budget reads, citing the Chamber of Commerce. As free traders sought to pass when former President Donald Trump was in office, the RSC budget endorses legislation to prevent a president from increasing tariffs on foreign imports without first securing congressional approval.

The provisions are hugely out-of-line with the majority of Republicans. The latest Gallup survey found that Republicans’ opinions of foreign trade as a net benefit to the U.S. economy have dropped to the lowest point since the firm began tracking the opinions of voters on the issue in 1991.

Today, 51 percent of Republicans view foreign trade, specifically imports, as a threat to the U.S. economy while just 44 percent see foreign trade as a benefit. By comparison, in the year 2000, 59 percent of Republicans had a positive view of foreign trade — a 15 percentage point drop over the last two decades.

Much of the change in Republicans’ opinions on free trade are credited to the Washington, D.C. beltway’s decades-long consensus on the issue which claims that trade deficits have no impact on U.S. jobs or wages.

Many Republican voters, though, have seen firsthand the devastating impact.

Every year, as federal data shows, Americans lose their jobs to offshoring and plant closures as a result of U.S. free trade policies. In 2020, at least 109,000 Americans were certified as having lost their jobs as a result of foreign trade.

In March, 81 Americans employed at the General Electric Lighting-Savant in Bucyrus, Ohio were told they would be laid off as the company offshores production to China. The closure of the plant, which has been in the area since 1942, would mean a $100,000 tax revenue loss with a total of 200 Americans laid off in the small town of fewer than 12,000 residents.

Since 2001, U.S. free trade with China has eliminated at least 3.4 million American jobs. In 1985, before China entered the WTO, the U.S. trade deficit with China totaled $6 billion. In 2019, the U.S. trade deficit with China totaled more than $345 billion.

A town in Weirton, West Virginia lost 94 percent of its steel jobs due to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Voters in Weirton supported Trump by 67 percent last year compared to President Joe Biden’s 32 percent.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at jbinder@breitbart.com. Follow him on Twitter here




Report: Democrats Have ‘High Risk’ of Losing ‘Fragile’ House and Senate Majorities in Midterms

WASHINGTON, DC - MAY 20: Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) holds her weekly press conference at the U.S. Capitol on May 20, 2021 in Washington, DC. Pelosi spoke on the January 6th Commission and the police reform bill. (Photo by Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)
Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images

House and Senate Democrats’ “wafer-thin” majorities are in trouble leading up to the 2022 midterms. According to a report, history, retirements, and redistricting will play a key factor for the Republicans in taking back the House.

The Los Angeles Times reports Democrats are “at high risk” of losing their partisan control of Congress in the midterms.

As the Times reports, the history of the president’s party “usually loses seats in Congress midterm.” The report noted the “big wipeouts”:

Under President Obama in 2010, Democrats lost control of the House in a tea-party fueled wave. In 1994, under President Clinton, Republicans took control of the House and Senate for the first time in 40 years.

In midterms over the last century, the president’s party gained House and Senate seats only twice, both in times of national distress — in 1934, during the Depression under Franklin D. Roosevelt; and in 2002, when President Bush was enjoying post-Sept. 11 popularity. Some Democrats hope for a 2002-like scenario if Biden succeeds in leading the country out of the pandemic.

Retirements also pose a big threat to the Democrat majority. The Republicans have seen this as the party’s opportunity to win back the majority. The Times reported there are currently already five Democrats in the House that have announced their retirement, like Rep. Cheri Bustos (D-IL), who announced she would be retiring. She was once the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) Chairwoman and still one of the top lieutenants of Pelosi.

Additionally, there have been an increasing amount of vulnerable Democrats who have decided to exit the House to seek a higher office due to the overwhelming threat of the Republicans regaining control of the House and winning in multiple battleground districts. Florida has already seen Rep. Charlie Crist (D-FL) and Rep. Val Demings (D-FL) show they are unwilling to stick around.

Redistricting is known for always causing disruption during the uncertainty of the post-Census redrawing of congressional district lines that are supposed to reflect on the major population shifts. The Times points out: Both parties are usually given a chance to form “better” districts to fit their needs with gerrymander. But, this time around, “Republicans’ dominance of state legislatures 10 years ago gave them a huge advantage.”

According to the Times report, “This year, the process is somewhat less vulnerable to partisan gerrymandering because more states have, like California, taken the map-making job out of the hands of elected officials.” According to the Democrats’ redistricting committee, “173 House districts will be drawn by states with an independent commission or other nonpartisan process — up from 88 a decade ago.” But, Republicans have a “trifecta,” which is “control of both legislative chambers and the governor’s mansion — in four battleground states: Florida, Texas, Georgia and North Carolina.”

Those four states are set to pick up four seats in the House due to the rise in population. “Some analysts believe redistricting alone could clear the way for Republicans to pick up the five seats they need,” the report added.

In light of this, Democrats are rushing to pass “high-impact” parts of the far-left partisan agenda, led by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), and President Joe Biden, as quickly as possible, due to the midterms acting like a modern-day “sight of the gallows,” as the Times reports.

The Democrats are reportedly showing more partisanship in their hopes to enact far-left ideas as they lose sight of working in a bipartisan manner and pass legislation without any Republican support. Under Biden’s administration, the White House has already changed its definition of bipartisanship to fit the narrative.

Racist Mayor: Eric Garcetti

Second in a series.


Editor's note: This is the second part in Frontpage Mag's new series on Racist Mayors. For Part I on Chicago's Lori Lightfoot, CLICK HERE. Stay tuned for more installments.

President Joe Biden is reportedly considering the Democratic Mayor of Los Angeles, Eric Garcetti, to serve as the next U.S. ambassador to India. Garcetti should feel right at home in India, where the huge homeless population will remind him of the homeless crisis in L.A. that has spun out of control under his watch. If Garcetti ends up with the ambassadorship, don’t be surprised if many Angelenos thank Biden for relieving them of their failed leftwing progressive mayor.

Homicides in Los Angeles rose 38 percent last year, according to Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) statistics, reaching their highest level in over a decade. Homicides have continued to rise in L.A. this year without letup. “Then, as now, the L.A. neighborhoods hardest hit by the violent crime increase were predominantly poor, Black, and Latino,” Jason McGahan reported in Los Angeles Magazine.

Despite the rising criminal violence besetting his city, which especially hurts people of color, Mayor Garcetti caved to pressure from Black Lives Matter activists. Last year, Garcetti proposed cutting the LAPD budget by approximately $150 million, which was more than half of the total budget cuts he had proposed.

“Prejudice can never be part of police work,” Garcetti said. “It takes bravery to save lives, too.” This is an insult to the vast majority of good cops who put their lives on the line every single day to serve their communities. Blue lives matter, too.

Garcetti also endorsed the candidacy of an anti-police white progressive to serve as Los Angeles District Attorney, George Gascon. With Garcetti’s support, Gascon beat the incumbent, Jackie Lacey, who was the first African American and woman to serve in that position. After Garcetti withdrew his original endorsement of Lacey and switched his allegiance to Gascon, Lacey said that “everybody’s trying to prove that, you know, that they’re not racist. Unfortunately, that’s been translated into ‘Who’s the more progressive candidate? What’s the more progressive stance?’”

Mayor Garcetti’s final choice for Los Angeles District Attorney pursued radical progressive policies that put criminals’ interests first. Gascon’s “social justice” war against law enforcement ignored the concerns of victims and their families who are disproportionately people of color. Gascon’s policies have endangered the public safety of minority communities most of all. No wonder Gascon is currently facing a recall challenge launched by crime-victim families. The racist impact of Gascon’s criminal-first policies is plain to see. But instead of admitting that he made a mistake in endorsing Gascon over Lacey and deciding to openly support the recall drive, Mayor Garcetti has remained silent.

David Horowitz, whose Freedom Center publishes Frontpage Magazine, has written a book entitled Progressive Racism in which he described how progressives have turned the original civil rights movement to combat real racism into a racist movement of its own.

Progressive racism rewards African Americans collectively by granting them race preferences and privileges solely because of the color of their skin. At the same time, progressive racism punishes white Americans collectively for their alleged inherent racism and “white privilege,” again solely because of the color of their skin.

Mayor Garcetti fits the description of a progressive racist to a tee. “If there's one thing that the demonstrations for racial justice have done,” Garcetti said, “it's to lay bare the urgent and overdue demands and structural racism and to right the wrongs of the past.'' Garcetti’s way of righting the racist wrongs of the past is to commit more racist wrongs in the present.

In January 2021, Mayor Garcetti announced that the City of Los Angeles would require all its employees to undergo “implicit bias” training as part of an effort to achieve “racial justice.” Deputy Mayor Brenda Shockley, whom Garcetti also named as Los Angeles’ first-ever Chief Equity Officer, added her two cents in defense of the new indoctrination program. "Addressing implicit bias at the level of the individual is important and necessary to a meaningful and productive conversation about race," she said.

Los Angeles decided to use “implicit bias” training materials developed by Ohio State University’s Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity. Employees will be required to complete their indoctrination by the end of 2021 and continue to endure the indoctrination on an annual basis.

The Kirwan Institute has received funding from leftwing George Soros through his Open Society Foundations. The institute’s senior legal analyst, Kyle Strickland, has openly espoused the tenets of critical race theory. “The racial disparities and inequality that we see today,” Kirwan Institute’s senior legal analyst wrote, “are linked to our country’s legacy of slavery, white supremacy and systemic racism – the compounding harms of racist and discriminatory laws, policies and norms that create and maintain power for white society at the exclusion and exploitation of Black people and other marginalized groups.”

Here is an example of what Kirwan Institute has to offer in its progressive racism curriculum, which appears in its workbook about “implicit bias in K-12 education.” Evidently, according to one of its hypothetical scenarios, a well-meaning high school teacher was potentially guilty of implicit bias when he expected a Hispanic “undocumented” student to arrive for class on time like all his other students do. This student was the only one who was constantly late, disrupting the class in the process. In the hypothetical, the teacher also criticized this particular student on at least one occasion for being too loud and dramatic during an argument the student was engaged in while in class. The student felt stereotyped and unfairly treated in comparison to her white classmates, a feeling shared by other Latino students at the school.

Presto! Racism in the form of implicit bias must be afoot in this school. Hurt feelings, not the actual facts, are the end of the story, so long as they are expressed by someone belonging to what progressives consider to be an "oppressed" racial or ethnic group. It doesn't matter if the teacher's intent was to teach personal responsibility and to expect the same standard of good behavior from all of his students. The Kirwan Institute's twisted training is based on the principle of progressive racial and ethnic preferences.

Mayor Garcetti is forcing Los Angeles city employees to be indoctrinated with progressive racist training adapted to employees’ workplace situations from this same leftwing Kirwan Institute.

Mayor Garcetti also is promoting “racial equity” within city government and is strongly encouraging local businesses to do the same. “Our city is hungry for change, and we must knit racial justice and affirmative action into the fabric of our policies, our institutions, and our society,” Garcetti said, burnishing his progressive racist credentials.

Garcetti signed Executive Directive 27 in June 2020, which requires Los Angeles City departments to develop specific racial equity action plans and to designate their own racial equity officers. The directive also aims to develop affirmative action plans covering a broad range of racial preferences throughout the Los Angeles city government, including everything from hiring to contracting. “In the absence of thoughtful affirmative action programs, longstanding racial and gender stratification has persisted and deepened,” the directive said.

In order to achieve his affirmative action ambitions, Garcetti campaigned for the repeal of the existing voter-approved Proposition 209 (1996) banning affirmative action in California's public sector. Proposition 209 prohibits the government and public institutions from discriminating against or granting preferential treatment to persons on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting. By a large margin, a majority of California voters said no to repealing this ban on affirmative action. They didn’t buy the progressive dogma that requiring the government to be color-blind and race neutral in its policies and practices is racist.

In his 2021 State of the City address, Mayor Garcetti described his latest proposed budget as “a roadmap to a city built on justice and equity.” He boasted that his “justice budget” was arguably the “most progressive of any big city anywhere.” To prove his point, Garcetti said that he wants to “push toward creating a pilot slavery reparations program for Black Angelenos” on a scale that he claimed has never been tried before.

Mayor Garcetti’s city is crumbling around him. Angelenos are voting with their feet to escape the mess that Garcetti has made worse with his leftwing policies. The mayor’s answer is to create even more disastrous programs promoting progressive racism that divide the city by race and ethnic background. Garcetti has joined the rogues’ gallery of big-city Democratic mayors who have failed their constituents.

Recall Builds Against Mike Bonin as L.A. Residents Reject Plan to House Homeless Near Beach

Mike Bonin (Michael Tullberg / Getty)
Michael Tullberg / Getty

Los Angeles residents are signing petitions for the recall of city council member Mike Bonin, as public outrage against his efforts to house the city’s homeless at the beach continues to grow.

The Los Angeles Times reported this weekend on the deteriorating conditions near Venice Beach, which has always attracted eccentric people but has become so unlivable that residents are afraid to walk there or even to look at what is happening in tent cities on their doorstep:

A little over a decade ago, things began to change. The neighborhood took on some harder edges, more people began camping along the boardwalk, and the Krauses no longer felt as safe as they once had.

“I’d say it really exploded about three years ago,” said Arthur.

Tents multiplied, and the beach became an open-air clinic for the poor, the addicted and those in physical or mental distress.

“I see people wake up, lower their pants and go to the bathroom,” Rini said. “The beach is supposed to be for everybody.”

The couple profiled in the Times article told the newspaper that they intend to sign the petition for Bonin’s recall.

Bonin has become the focus of public ire, since he has championed the idea of providing housing near the beach. Pacific Palisades Residents Association president Jessica Rogers told Breitbart News Sunday that Bonin’s proposal to build so-called “temporary” housing shelters on parking lots near the beach owned by Los Angeles County would cut off poor Angelenos from essential public recreation amenities, and was also inhumane to the homeless who would live there.

Rogers spoke to Breitbart News Sunday on an evening when those same parking lots were filled with people from all over the city — not just the relatively wealthy neighborhoods nearby.

A few weeks ago, the parking lot at Will Rogers State Beach — a potential homeless housing site — was a staging post for emergency vehicles and personnel battling the Palisades Fire. Bonin has defended his plan, which was approved for study by a city council committee last month, as an effort to reclaim other public spaces from being overrun by homeless people. But the Venice Neighborhood Council has already voted “no confidence” in Bonin over another “temporary” project in the area that has become unmanageable.

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and California Governor Gavin Newsom claim that their policy on homeless is succeeding. They are using state and federal money to pay for hotel rooms for the homeless, and even buying hotels.

But the problem has not gone away, as critics argue that the new benefits are creating more incentives for homeless people to come to California. Root causes — especially substance abuse and mental illness — are largely unaddressed.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). He is the author of the recent e-book is How Not to Be a Sh!thole Country: Lessons from South Africa. His recent book, RED NOVEMBER, tells the story of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary from a conservative perspective. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.


55 Shot During Weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s Chicago

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot​, speaks at the ​U.S. Conference of Mayors' Winter Meeting, Thursday, Jan. 23, 2020, in Washington. (AP Photo/Cliff Owen)
AP Photo/Cliff Owen

Fifty-five people were shot, five fatally, during the weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s (D) Chicago.

Breitbart News reported over 40 people were shot Friday into Sunday morning alone in the Windy City. Five of those shooting victims succumbed to their wounds.

On Monday morning ABC 7 noted the total number of shooting victims for the weekend reached 55.

One of the shooting victims was an 11-year-old girl who was shot in the back Sunday night around 9 p.m. The shooting occurred in the West Pullman neighborhood, and the gunman who shot the girl was riding in a passing vehicle when he opened fire.

The Chicago Tribune points out 1,418 people were shot in Chicago January 1, 2021, through June 3, 2021; that figure includes all shooting victims, fatal and non-fatal.

In a separate table, the Tribune focuses on homicide and observes 266 people were killed January 1, 2021, through June 2, 2021. That is 13 more than were killed during the same time-frame in 2020.

AWR Hawkins is an award-winning Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and the writer/curator of Down Range with AWR Hawkinsa weekly newsletter focused on all things Second Amendment, also for Breitbart News. He is the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him at awrhawkins@breitbart.com. You can sign up to get Down Range at breitbart.com/downrange.

Report: NYC Psychiatrist Tells Yale Audience She Fantasized About Shooting White People

NEW HAVEN, CT - SEPTEMBER 27: Students walk through the campus of Yale University on the day the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee was holding hearings for testimony from Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh September 27, 2018 in New Haven, Connecticut. Blasey Ford, a professor at …
Yana Paskova/Getty Images

A psychiatrist based in New York City reportedly told a group at the Yale School of Medicine she fantasized about “unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way.”

The New York Post reported:

Dr. Aruna Khilanani spewed the race-hating virtual remarks — in which she also said she’d walk away from the shooting “with a bounce in my step” and that white people “make my blood boil” and “are out of their minds and have been for a long time” — at the Ivy League institution’s Child Study Center on April 6.

Audio of the talk was posted on the substack online platform of former New York Times opinion writer and editor Bari Weiss on Friday, along with an interview of Khilanani conducted by writer and podcaster Katie Herzog.

Khilanani reportedly opened her talk by telling listeners, “I’m gonna say a lot of things, and it will probably provoke a lot of responses, and I want you to just maybe observe them in yourself.”

“Nothing makes me angrier than a white person who tells me not to be angry, because they have not seen real anger yet,” she said before noting how she “systematically” cut off many of her white friends about five years ago.

“I stopped watching the news,” Khilanani explained, adding, “Once I started, I couldn’t stop. It was also a public service.”

“I had fantasies of unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way, burying their body and wiping my bloody hands as I walked away relatively guiltless with a bounce in my step. Like I did the world a f–king favor,” she stated.

The psychiatrist claimed Yale said footage of her talk would be released to the public on Monday, however, it was reportedly released internally and only available to those with a school ID.

According to the Post, Khilanani used what appeared to be her TikTok profile to advocate for the video to be made public.

“How did we get to a place where a psychiatrist delivering Grand Rounds at Yale School of Medicine can give a talk called ‘The Psychopathic Problem of the White Mind?'” Weiss wrote in a social media post on Friday:

The racism expressed by Dr. Aruna Khilanani in a Grand Rounds at Yale, just released by @bariweiss @kittypurrzog, is deeply worrisome & counter-productive,” Nicholas A. Christakis, the Sterling Professor of Social and Natural Science at Yale, said in a tweet:

“Of course, as an invitee, she is free to speak on campus. But her views must be soundly rejected,” he concluded.

Over 40 Shot in Mayor Lightfoot’s Chicago Friday into Sunday Morning

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS - APRIL 02: Lori Lightfoot delivers a victory speech after defeating Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle to become the next mayor of Chicago on April 02, 2019 in Chicago, Illinois. Lightfoot will become the first black female mayor of the city and its first openly gay mayor. …
Scott Olson/Getty Images

Over 4o people were shot, five fatally, Friday into Sunday morning across Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s (D) Chicago.

The Chicago Sun-Times reports the first shooting fatality occurred just before 7:30 p.m. Friday when a 23-year-old was shot while in a backyard. The incident occurred “in the 5200 block of West Le Moyne Street.”

Approximately two hours later, 27-year-old Jermaine Sanders was shot and fatally wounded on the sidewalk “in the 5600 block of South Marshfield Avenue.”

Sanders was taken to a hospital and pronounced dead.

Twenty-four-year-old Latrell Goodwin was found unresponsive in a vehicle about 10 p.m. Friday. He had been shot multiple times and was transported to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

The fourth shooting fatality was discovered hours later, around 1:30 a.m. Saturday, when police found 39-year-old Gerald Collymore “unresponsive…in the 1300 block of North Mayfield Avenue.” Collymore had been shot multiple times.

The fifth shooting fatality occurred late Saturday afternoon, when a 26-year-old man was gunned down in the street “in the 6400 block of South Hoyne Avenue.”

As for those who were shot but not killed, WGNTV reports that 21 people shot and wounded overnight, Saturday to Sunday.

AWR Hawkins is an award-winning Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and the writer/curator of Down Range with AWR Hawkinsa weekly newsletter focused on all things Second Amendment, also for Breitbart News. He is the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him at awrhawkins@breitbart.com. You can sign up to get Down Range at breitbart.com/downrange.



Police Force Won’t Respond to Theft Calls After 84 Officers Leave Dept.

Patrol police car lights in night time, crime scene. Night patrolling the city. Abstract blurry image.
Getty Images

Asheville, North Carolina’s police department (APD) has seen 84 officers leave since January 2020 and is now making clear it will no longer respond to theft calls.

The Daily Mail reports the department will also forgo answering fraud and trespassing calls.

APD Police Chief David Zack cites the “protests against law enforcement” as one of the factors that led so many officers to step away from the job.

The Asheville Citizen Times notes that “the APD officer attrition rate, formerly one per month, jumped to 7.5 per month in the four months after local protests set off by Minneapolis police murdering Black resident George Floyd.” And even after the highest profile protests waned the APD continues to see an attrition rate of roughly six officers a month.

As a result, the APD now has “only 167 of its 238 sworn officer positions filled.”

APD response times to 911 calls have lengthened during the period of growing officer attrition. The May 2020 7.7 response time for “serious crimes” is now at approximately 10.6 minutes. So the decision to stop answering calls about less serious crimes is also part of an attempt to cut response times to serious ones.

Chief Zack to the city council’s Public Safety Committee about the decision not respond to calls about low-level crimes, saying, “This is what it looks like when you’re down this much, when you lose 50% of your detectives.”

AWR Hawkins is an award-winning Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and the writer/curator of Down Range with AWR Hawkinsa weekly newsletter focused on all things Second Amendment, also for Breitbart News. He is the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him at awrhawkins@breitbart.com. You can sign up to get Down Range at breitbart.com/downrange.

Looting, Riots Break Out in Minneapolis After Police Return Fire, Kill Wanted Felon

Police stand guard after protesters set fire to dumpsters after a vigil was held for Winston Boogie Smith Jr. early on Saturday, June 5, 2021. Authorities say Smith, wanted on a weapons violation, fired a gun from inside his vehicle before he was fatally shot by members of a federal …
AP Photo/Christian Monterrosa

Burning, rioting, and looting broke out in Minneapolis on Friday night after deputies shot and killed a wanted felon who fired on them. Deputies assigned to the U.S. Marshal’s Fugitive Task Force attempted to take the man wanted for being a felon in possession of a firearm into custody.

Police officials in Minnesota say the U.S. Marshal’s Fugitive Task Force attempted to arrest 32-year-old Winston Boogie Smith on June 3 for a warrant for being a felon in possession of a firearm, the Associated Press reported. As sheriff’s office deputies assigned to the task force approached Smith’s vehicle, he reportedly refused to comply with orders and pulled a handgun. Officials confirmed Smith fired at least one shot from inside his car.

A statement from the Marshal’s Service said Smith was in a parked vehicle and “produced a handgun resulting in task force members firing upon the subject.” Smith died at the scene from wounds from two deputies’ shots.

The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension reported that state investigators found a gun in Smith’s car along with a spent cartridge indicating Smith fired from inside his vehicle, the AP article states.

Following the shooting on Thursday, rioters marched in the streets, set fires, and began vandalizing and looting businesses, the AP reported. Police arrested nine people on charges following the night of violent activity.

Independent journalist Brendan Gutenschwager tweeted a video showing multiple fires set by rioters on Friday night.

In addition, rioters also set trees on fire, photojournalist Rebecca Brannon tweeted.

Rioters protesting the shooting of the wanted felon who allegedly fired at agents attempting to arrest him began looting a TMobile store, Brannon tweeted.

Another video re-tweeted by Brannon shows someone performing CPR on a person who was allegedly shot during the riots.

It is not clear from the tweets who shot the person or what if they survived.

Another person was seen being treated on the street for an unknown injury.

Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior news contributor for the Breitbart Texas-Border team. He is an original member of the Breitbart Texas team. Price is a regular panelist on Fox 26 Houston’s What’s Your Point? Sunday-morning talk show. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX and Facebook.

Los Angeles county, the largest county in the U.S., where murders have increased nearly 200% so far this year compared to the same months in 2020, demands special attention.'

Putting an end to 'Reimagining’ the Criminal Justice System

Many majority Democrat cities have fallen victim to progressive prosecutors. Rather than drive down crime, improve public safety, and promote common sense tough-on-crime policies, these zealots campaign on platforms of structural racism, outcome equity, and restorative justice. In these cities, such performances have in fact become a requirement for the office of district attorney (DA). Aspiring DAs must protest the disproportionate prosecution of minorities without examining the underlying causes; they must clamor for the elimination of cash bail in the name of racial fairness; and they must recommend sentence reduction or alternatives to incarceration to mitigate past injustices.”

Committed to reimagining” the criminal justice system in the service of woke” rhetoric, these DAs are neither acting in the public interest to enforce the law nor honoring their oath of office. They forget that their principal duty is to uphold the law, not crusade for changes driven by their political agenda. In the process, they are emboldening offenders, fostering disrespect for the law, unleashing dangerous criminals on society, and – worst of all – robbing victims of due justice. San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin, who wears his ideological lineage on his sleeve and currently faces a recall campaign, arrogantly claims that a DA can challenge the legitimacy of a law by declining to bring charges in certain cases.”

Progressive policies have time and again been proven to be misguided, even inimical to public safety.

study by the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund (LELDF) found that in six jurisdictions with social justice” prosecutors, reduced conviction rates and fewer guilty outcomes for serious felonies accompanied rising crime rates. It questioned the supplanting of the standard requirement of competency and experience” for DAs with ideological zeal.” In his foreword to the study, former U.S. Attorney General Edwin Meese III wrote that elected leaders, law enforcement and the media should realize that leftist ideas of social justice and true criminal justice are not compatible.”

The radicalization of DA offices and the clamor for defunding the police comes as crime rates are skyrocketing and Americans are worried. A recent Yahoo News/YouGov poll found that 49% of respondents said that violent crime was their top concern, ahead of the pandemic, the economy, political correctness, and race relations.

Homicide rates rose 30% in 2020 in 20 major cities, with an additional 28% from January to March of 2021. Not surprisingly, Minneapolis, the epicenter of the defund-the-police movement, has a shortage of officers and a homicide rate that rose 108% between 2019 and 2020.

Los Angeles county, the largest county in the U.S., where murders have increased nearly 200% so far this year compared to the same months in 2020, demands special attention. So does its progressive DA, George Gascon, who publicly endorses Black Lives Matter (BLM) and indirectly supports the defund-the-police movement.

The countys sheriff, Alex Villanueva, believes that Gascons policies have emboldened criminals and endangered citizens. Like Boudin, Gascon too faces a recall movement thats gathering huge momentum, a measure of public objection to his uberliberal policies on crime.

Gascon – who was born in Havana, Cuba, in 1954, and was brought to the U.S. by his immigrant parents in the 1960s – joined the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) after military service in 1978. From patrol officer, he moved up the ranks to assistant chief, completing a juris doctor degree in 1996.

In 2009, San Franciscos then-mayor Gavin Newsom appointed him police chief. Two years later, Newsom named Gascon DA, replacing Kamala Harris when she became attorney general for California.

As San Francisco DA, Gascon expunged misdemeanor and felony convictions for more than 9,000 drug offenders. When he left San Francisco to run as a Democrat candidate for LA district attorney, former prosecutor Nancy Tung wrote: “…its no wonder San Francisco has gone by the wayside, crooks commute into San Francisco to commit crimes, and why many were celebrating his departure.”

Gascons campaign against incumbent DA Jackie Lacey was supported by wealthy donors who support criminal justice reform. Billionaire funder of all causes radical, George Soros, donated $2.5 million. He was also backed by Senator Bernie Sanders, Senator Kamala Harris, Governor Gavin Newsom, and BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors, a self-admitted trained Marxist organizer” whose supporters mobilized for his campaign.

On winning, Gasconfirst major meeting was with BLM organizers when he pledged to reevaluate 20,000 potential cases of convictions with enhancements under Californiathree-strike law. The 1994 law doubles punishment for serious crimes on second conviction; the third conviction brings a life sentence with minimum imprisonment of 25 years. He also announced that he would end the death penalty and commute the sentences of death-row inmates to life in prison; that he would end the practice of trying juveniles committing serious or violent felonies as adults; that he would reevaluate the sentences of those who have served more than 20 years; and that he would reopen dozens of fatal officer-involved shooting cases. He proposed the elimination of cash bail, a potentially explosive situation that could release dangerous criminals into the general population with no assurance that they would appear in court, a proposal opposed by 56% of California voters. The shocked Los Angeles Police Protective League stated: Victims and law-abiding residents lost a voice today while criminals and gang members gained an ally in the prosecutors office.”  

In December 2020, after being sworn in, Gascon wrote an open letter to the members of the Los Angeles County law enforcement community, accusing the LAPD of unconstitutional policing” and practices that severely hindered the standing and safety of us all.” He announced his belief in the revolution-seeking, anarchist, terrorism-supporting BLM, an organization that doesnt just want to defund the police” but abolish the entire justice system. While describing the summer of unrest” as degrading our standing in the communities where we both work and live,” he ignored the rioting, arson, assaults, and murders of civilians and police officers unleashed by BLM, Antifa, and other left-wing groups.

Other policies Gascon pursues include the cessation of prosecution for first-time offenders who have committed nonviolent offences, reduction of prosecution of low level” crimes, and limitations on the arrest of criminal illegal aliens to avoid deportation. He has also ordered the dismissal of a dozen misdemeanors on the books, including criminal threats, being under the influence of a controlled substance, trespassing, disturbing the peace and resisting arrest – all without conditions.” He charged prosecutors with the responsibility of searching out instances of racial injustice” in order to vacate convictions rather than perform their traditional role of ensuring public safety by prosecuting criminals. He even issued a directive to assist the families of felons with funeral and mental health services at taxpayer expense.

Under Gascon’s orders, all sentences of those who have served more than 15 years must be reevaluated. He has forbidden deputy DAs from supporting victims by attending parole hearings, even for serial and child rapists, writing anything but neutral” parole letters and ordered his prosecutors to support parole in most cases.

Public horror at Gascons radical policies that put criminals’ rights above that of victims, the marked uptick in crime in Los Angeles county, and lack of justice for victims of violent crimes and their families catalyzed the Recall Gascon movement this May. The movement has found support from the county sheriff, local district attorneys and mayors, crime victims and their families, and more than a dozen city councils. For a recall election, just under 600,000 signatures (10% of the countys registered voters) must be collected by October 27. Hopefully, Gascon will go – and Los Angeles will serve as a model for other jurisdictions plagued by rogue prosecutors who want to reimagine policing” and undermine community safety.

Image: Shaun Calhoun


Lopez’s mother, Margarita Lopez, also reacted to the encounter, stating, “For me that’s not fair. That’s something for racists.”

North Carolina Student Denied High School Diploma After Wearing Mexican Flag over Graduation Gown

File Photo: Alfredo Estrella / AFP / Getty

A student at Asheboro High School in Asheboro, North Carolina, was denied his diploma on Thursday after wearing a Mexican flag over his graduation gown at the commencement ceremony.

“I just gotta represent — I did it for my family. They came over here to give me a better future,” explained Ever Lopez of why he showed up to his graduation ceremony wearing a Mexican flag, according to a report by the Courier-Tribune.

In a video posted to Twitter by Lopez’s cousin, Adolfo Hurtado, the student can be seen stepping up onto the stage when his name is called.

The principal, however, didn’t hand over the diploma, and instead spoke to Lopez quietly, as a line of students waited behind him. Moments later, Lopez walked off stage without his diploma in hand.

Watch Below:

“I myself was very upset, and I had to contain my emotions because we’re in a public area,” Hurtado said. “We had a lot of people with eyes on us.”

Asheboro City Schools said that the denial of Lopez’s diploma was not due to the Mexican flag in particular, saying in a statement that the ordeal was due to the student being out of dress code.

“The heart of the issue is the fact that the student did not follow the established dress code for the event and detracted from the importance and the solemnity of the ceremony,” the statement read. “Our dress code is in place to ensure the dignity of the event is upheld and is fair to all students. Graduation is a milestone event and it is grossly unfair for one individual to diminish this event by violating the dress code.”

Asheboro High School principal Penny Crooks emailed students ahead of the ceremony, explaining the dress code, directing male students to wear a dress shirt and dress pants, and female students to wear a dress, skirt, or dress pants, adding that flip flops and sneakers are prohibited, reports the Courier-Tribune.

The report added that while the email states clothing should meet the school district’s dress code policy, the dress code policy doesn’t mention flags being prohibited.

Principal Crooks reportedly said Lopez can receive his diploma if he apologizes for the incident.

“I ain’t apologizing for nothing,” Lopez told the Courier-Tribune. “It’s you who should be apologizing. You’re the one doing wrong.”

Lopez’s mother, Margarita Lopez, also reacted to the encounter, stating, “For me that’s not fair. That’s something for racists.”

By 3:00 p.m. on Friday, Lopez still hadn’t received his diploma. The student’s mother, however, said she received a call from the school, and that she is setting up a meeting next week to discuss the situation.

The school reportedly offered to meet Lopez’s mother on Friday, but she preferred to wait until she could have a translator before attending the meeting.

On Friday afternoon, a group of about 30 protesters gathered outside Asheboro High School, wielding signs, which read, “Free Ever’s Diploma,” and “Honk if You’re Not Racist.” Others draped Mexican flags over their shoulders.

You can follow Alana Mastrangelo on Facebook and Twitter at @ARmastrangelo, and on Instagram.

Sex offenders are invading America

The past year has seen many record-breaking increases in bad things. In Democrat-run cities across America, crime has been skyrocketing, with murders, rapes, assaults, and other violent crimes going through the roof. In places with endless lockdowns (again, Democrat-run) we’ve also seen an increase in overdoses and suicides. And now, on the Democrat-run southern border, it turns out that there’s been a 3,166% rise in the number of sex offenders caught trying to enter the U.S.

The report about the rise in sex offender apprehensions comes from the Border Patrol (hat tip: Red State):

U.S. Border Patrol agents assigned to Del Rio Sector arrested 10 convicted sexual offenders May 17 to May 24, shortly after they crossed into the United States illegally.

“The majority of these criminals were apprehended in our sector’s most remote areas, attempting to avoid detection by crossing far from populated areas, “said Del Rio Sector Chief Patrol Agent Austin L. Skero II. “Our agents’ sign cutting and tracking skills were instrumental in capturing these criminals, preventing them from infiltrating our communities.”

On May 24, Border Patrol agents arrested two Mexican nationals with prior convictions. Record checks revealed one individual had a felony conviction for lewd and lascivious molestation. The second had a felony conviction for lewd and lascivious acts with a child.

Between May 17 and 23, Border Patrol agents arrested Mexican nationals with felony convictions including forcible sexual abuse, sexual assault of a child under 14, sexual assault of a child, sexual assault, sexual conduct with a person under 13 and a registered sexual offender. Agents also arrested two Honduran nationals with felony convictions for statutory rape, and second-degree sexual assault of a child.

Since the start of Fiscal Year 2021, Oct. 1, Del Rio Sector Border Patrol agents have arrested 95 convicted sex offenders, a 3,166 percent increase over the same timeframe last fiscal year.

Admittedly 95 sex offenders out of the hundreds of thousands of aliens illegally entering America is not a big number, so that 3,166% claim is a bit of a head fake. But when you realize that the number represents only the ones who are caught and already have a record, things take on a frightening perspective. You can bet that the actual number of people with a propensity for rape and pedophilia cross a border lacking any controls is going to be substantially higher than just 95 people.

To give you a sense of the problem with illegal aliens and sex crimes, an organization called North Carolinians For Immigration Reform and Enforcement has spent years keeping track of the number of illegal immigrants arrested just for child rape, as opposed to raping adults. Here are their records just for the past sixteen months in one relatively small state:

2021 Monthly Child Rapes by Illegal Aliens

4) April 2021 21 illegal aliens arrested for 200 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC here

3) March 2021 17 illegal aliens arrested for 70 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC here

2) February 2021 33 illegal aliens arrested for 100 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC here

1) January 2021 17 illegal aliens arrested for 55 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC here

2020 Monthly Child Rapes by Illegal Aliens

12) December 2020 21 illegal aliens arrested for 379 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC here

11) November 2020 illegal aliens arrested for 23 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC here

10) October 2020 15 illegal aliens arrested for 39 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC here

9) September 2020 28 illegal aliens arrested for 100 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC here

8) August 2020 22 illegal aliens arrested for 107 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC here

7) July 2020 17 illegal aliens arrested for 63 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC here

6) June 2020 22 illegal aliens arrested for 238 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC here

5) May 2020 23 illegal aliens arrested for 70 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC here

4) April 2020 15 illegal aliens arrested for 29 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC here

3) March 2020 22 illegal aliens arrested for 145 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC here

2) February 2020 15 illegal aliens arrested for 40 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC here

1) January 2020 38 illegal aliens arrested for 140 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC here

The above, of course, is not meant to say that all illegal immigrants are rapists. However, to the extent that illegal immigrants shouldn’t be here in the first place, it does mean that every single one of those child rapes is a crime that happened only because of lax immigration enforcement.

Moreover, with the Border Patrol announcing an increase of more than 3,000% in known sex offenders whom they managed to catch, know that the number of sex crimes in America is going to go up very soon.

IMAGE: North Carolina illegal alien sex offenders for April 2021.

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